Руководство по прохождению lust epidemic

Welcome to Lust Epidemic Walkthrough 100%. We’ll guide you through the game 100%. Unlock all the Scenes and Collections. Maps are included .


Watch Intro

When Intro finishes, you should be in theLibrarywith Simon and Valerie.

Do you need to use the restroom?

Click on Simon

Tease Simon / Berate Simon

Read Note on table

North(North of Library)

Read Newsletter on table

East(Restroom Area)

East(North of East Foyer)

Click on Mendel

Click on Amber

Choose Talk

Backhanded Compliment / Small Talk

{Amber’s 1st Heart}

West (Restroom Area)

Enter Gent’s Restroom(Room 04)

Click on flashing spark on West wall

Look in the hole / Better not spy

Watch Scene [1]

Exit South (Restroom Area)

No one is in the Women’s Restroom. I wonder what it looks like in there.

Enter Woman’s Restroom(Room 03)

Pick up Security Access Card (Room 02)

Pick up Coin (01) on floor

Exit South (Restroom Area)


I wonder if that new unlocked classroom has something else you need in it?

West (North of Library)

South (Library)

Click on Valerie

Choose Talk

North (North of Library)

Enter North East Door(Room 02)

Click on North East Cabinet with the flower on it

You found a Bottle of Water

Click on right hand side of the chalkboard

Read the message – Behind the South wall Cabinets

Exit South (North of Library)

See if Valerie wants your water

South (Library)

Click on Valerie

Choose Talk

Choose Bottle of Water

I wonder what is so special about the west tower?

Exit South(Library Foyer)

West(Chapel Foyer)

West (West Tower)

Sister Katherine enters and talks to you

Tell the truth / Lie


Could there be something useful in the West Tower?

Click on spark in the flowers by the staircase

You have found a Desk Key

Wasn’t there a desk in that classroom?

East (Chapel Foyer)

East (Library Foyer)

North (Library)

North (North of Library)

Enter North East Door (Room 02)

Click on flashing spark on North West desk

Choose Desk Key

You have found a Security Access Card (Room 01)

I wonder what could be in the room you just unlocked.

Exit South (North of Library)

Enter the North West Door (Room 01)

Pick up the Book called “In Your Heart!” on the South East Bookcase

{Pick up the Heart Container from South West corner}

Exit South (North of Library)

You should talk to Katherine

Go to West Tower

Click on Sister Kath

{Heart Up}

Choose Talk

Choose “In Your Heart!” Book


{Kath’s 1st Heart}

Buddie arrives and moves you East (Chapel Foyer)

You should talk to Andy

Go to Restroom Area

Click on Andy


I wonder what’s going on in the Library

Go to Library

Click on Valerie


I wonder what the security guard is doing?

Go toEntrance

Click on the flashing spark in the fountain


I bet Simon could help you

West (Library Foyer)

Click on Simon


East (Entrance)

Click on the flashing spark in the fountain again

Buddie leaves

Grab the key from the fountain

You have found a Desk Key

East(East Foyer)

East (East Tower)

{Pick up the Heart Container}

Pick up the Security Access Card (Room 08)

West (East Foyer)

Enter North East door (Room 08)

Too dark – Exits South (East Foyer)

Go to Room 01

Click the flashing spark on the desk

Use the Desk Key

You found a Cheap Digital Camera

Exit South (North of Library)

I wonder where Denny and Amber went off to

Go to East Tower


You should tell Mrs. Bancroft what you heard

Go to the Library

Click on Amanda

Choose Talk

{Amanda’s 1st Heart}

Do you have to pee?

North (North of Library)

East (Restroom Area)

Enter Gent’s Restroom (Room 04)

Click on flashing spark on West wall

Watch Scene [2]

Adam enters


Adam leaves


Exit South (Restroom Area)

Go find Buddie and then see what Mendel is up to

Go to Entrance

East (East Foyer)

North (North of East Foyer)


Did you see Amber talking to Mendel about food? Maybe Buddie knows where some food is

Go to Entrance

Click on Buddie

Get mad at Buddie / Laugh at Buddie’s misidentification

Where did Valerie go?

North (Restroom Area)


You follow Valerie West (North of Library)


Where did Mendel go?

Go to North of East Foyer

Click on the flashing spark in the North West corner

You have found a Chest Key

Go to Entrance


Was Mendel blocking something earlier? Maybe it can help you in the basement ofthe East Tower

Go to East Tower

Upstairs (East Tower 2nd Floor) (Room 24)

Pick up the Photo in the South West corner

Pick up the Kamasutra Book

You can now pick up pages

Downstairs (East Tower)

Downstairs (East Tower Basement)

Click on the box in the South West corner

Read Packing List

Click on the Chest by the stairs

Choose Chest Key

You have found a Wire Cutters

Click on the electrical panel on the North wall

Choose Wire Cutters


I wonder if Andy has anything interesting to say

Go to Restroom Area

Click on Andy

Go to Entrance

Buddie enters


The West Tower is open to explore. I wonder if Sister Katherine wants to talk any more

Go to West Tower 2nd Floor(Room 09)

Try to enter North East Door (Room 10)


Click 2 times on the wall behind the Cabinet on the South wall. You should hear a click and the screen will flash every time.

Are you hungry? There is a Kitchen in the West Tower Basement

Downstairs (West Tower)


Walk to centre of Kitchen until Kath arrives


Kath leaves

Pick up the Coin (02) in the South East corner

Click on the Fridge

Yogurt / Carrots

Ranch Dip / Strawberry Jam

Add some condiments / Nah, those will fuck up the taste

Do it! / No way!

Watch Scene

Is Amber still hungry?

Go to Library

Click on Valerie

Choose Talk

Choose Yogurt

Go to East Foyer

Click on Amber

Choose Talk

Choose Yogurt

Watch Scene [3]

{Amber’s 2nd Heart}


Is Buddie still outside?

Go to the East Tower

Upstairs (Room 24)

Click 4 times behind the 2 Cabinets on South wall. You should hear a click every time.

A page and a Heart Container appears

You found a page – Amber 11: Reverse Cowgirl

{Pick up the Heart Container}

Go to Entrance


Click on Raincoat

Yes, go outside / No, stay inside

You goOutside

Click on the flashing spark by the main entrance door

You have found a Car Keys

Pick up a Coin (03) by the East wall

{Pick up the Heart Container in the North West corner}

Click on the Transformer

Click on the Silver Car

Choose Car Keys

You have found a Serum Flask

Maybe Andy knows what that purple flask is

Enter Building (Entrance)

Go to North of East Foyer

Click on Andy


Where did Mendel go?

Go to East Foyer

Click on Amber


Go to Library


Click on Valerie

{Heart Up}

Choose Talk

If you’re going to try out that purple juice you’d better mix it with some juice to mask the awful flavour

Go to Kitchen

Click on the Fridge

The kitchen is cooler than the upstairs areas

Walk around Kitchen

Valerie enters


Watch Scene [4]

{Valerie’s 1st Heart}

You exit Upstairs (West Tower)

You need to find Andy. Where did he go?

Go to Restroom Area


Pick up Raincoat

Enter Ladies Restroom (Room 03)

Watch Scene [5]

Andy leaves

Exit South (Restroom Area)

Go to Entrance

Click on Andy


Buddie enters


Buddie leaves

Andy leaves



I wonder if Valerie is okay

Go to Kitchen

Click on Valerie

Choose Talk

Amanda enters

Mendel and Amber enter


Mendel unlocks the Bedroom Corridor

You receive a Security Access Card (Room 07)


I wonder what’s behind that opened door in the Kitchen

Enter North East door (Bedroom Corridor)

Amber talks to you


You receive a Key Fob and a kiss from Amber

Pick up a Coin (04) by the East wall

Go to West Tower

Watch Buddie and Mendel

It looks like Buddie is headed for the East Tower

Go to Entrance

Exit building

Click on Amber’s car 2nd from left

Choose Key Fob

Enter building with luggage

Go to Kitchen

Amber takes her luggage from you


Simon enters


Simon leaves

I’d check out the new unlocked bathroom if I were you. Then make your way to the storage room in the East Foyer. You might be able to find some drinks for Valerie

Go to Bedroom Corridor


{Pick up the Heart Container}

Click on Newsletter on left side of sink

Click on the flashing spark on the floor

You found a Chest Key

You found a page – Amber 02 : Tit Play(Actually says Amanda: Tit Play but if you click in the Kamasutra book, Amber: Tit Play is ??? out)

Go to the East Tower basement

Watch Buddie

Upstairs (East Tower)

West (East Foyer)

Go to Your Bedroom in the East Foyer (Room 07)

{Pick up the Heart Container}

You found a page – Amber 04: Handjob

Pick up a Coin (05) from the floor

Read Receipt found on box in South West corner

Click on Chest

Choose the Chest Key

You found a Bottle of Red Wine

Exit South (East Foyer)

Read Newsletter of floor

Go to the Kitchen

Click on Valerie

{Heart Up}

Choose Talk

Choose Red Wine


Amber looked better in them / Mrs Bancroft looks better in them


You leave upstairs

Where did Andy go?

Go to Entrance

Click on Andy


I think the girls have settled in. Maybe you can sneak downstairs

Go to Bedroom Corridor

Click on Bathroom door

Watch Scene [6]


Amber enters


You and Amber go to Amber’s Bedroom(Room 34)

Watch Scene [7]

{Amber’s 3rd Heart}

You found a page – Amber 03: Footjob



Exit South (Bedroom Corridor)

Click on the Bathroom door

You found a Security Access Card (Room 34)

Valerie enters


Exit South (Kitchen)

Watch Scene

You’ve got the pics, now go show Andy

Go to Entrance

Click on Andy

Choose SD Card


You receive a Serum Flask

You should check out the Bonus Area on your phone, there might be new items for you to buy

Click ‘Right Mouse Button’

Click ‘Phone’

Double click ‘Bonus Area!’

Click the Goth outfit under Amber

Yes / No

Exit the screen South

Amber is still awake. If you can find her, you should try playing with her

Go to Library

Click on Amber

{Heart Up}

Choose Talk

Pick up the Coin (06) from below the South West bookcase

Go to Entrance

Click on the West wall by the staircase

Yes / No

You found a page – Katherine 01: Facejob

Go to Library

Click on Amber


Click on Amber

Choose Hand and Foot Stuff

Choose Get a Footjob

Watch Scene


Exit South


Where did Buddie go? Maybe check the entry

Go to Entrance

Buddie enters

Mendel enters

Simon enters

Amber enters


Buddie, Mendel and Amber leave

Upstairs (2nd Floor)


Pick up a Coin (07) from the floor by the West wall

You found a page – Amber 05: Tit Fuck(Actually says Amanda: Tit Fuck but if you click in the Kamasutra book, Amber: Tit Fuck is ??? out)

Pick up the Flashlight off of the Right hand chair

You hear a Shot!

You go Downstairs to the Entrance

Mendel and Simon enter


Amanda enters


Amanda, Buddie, Mendel and Simon leave

Where did Mrs. Bancroft go? Reading a book or something?

Go to Library

Click on Amanda

{Heart Up}

Choose Talk

There are probably some wine glasses in the Kitchen

Go to Kitchen

Click on the Wine Glasses on the South wall

You found a Serum Spiked Wine

Bring the drink to Mrs. Bancroft

Go to Library

Click on Amanda

Choose Talk

Choose Spiked Wine


Compliment Amanda’s ass / Compliment Amanda’s tits


Amber enters

Watch Scene [8]

{Amanda’s 2nd Heart}

Pick up the Security Access Card (Girls Bedroom)


There might be something useful in Amanda’s and Valerie’s room. Just be sure you have a keycard. Amanda might have dropped it when she took off her skirt

Enter Girls Bedroom

Pick up the Coin (08) from the floor in the South West corner

You found a page – Amber 06: Finger Pussy

Click on the Clock

You found a Battery for your Flashlight


Go to the Kitchen

Choose Talk with Buddie

The flashlight would be useful in the Chapel

Follow Buddie


Enter theChapel

You found a Serum Flask

You found a page – Amber 07: Eat Pussy

Walk North to Alter

{Pick up the Heart Container}

Look in first pew on right hand side

You find Father Parker

Exit South (Chapel Foyer)

You bump into Adam

You’ve got a Serum bottle. How would you get Amber to drink it? Her mouthwash?

Go to East Foyer

Enter Room 08

You found a page – Amber 08: Blowjob

Pick up the Coin (09) from the floor

Pick up the Security Access Card (Room 06)

Exit South

North (North of East Foyer)

Enter the North East door(Room 06)

Pick up the Coin (10) from the South East corner

You have found a Calculator

{Pick up the Heart Container}

Go to Amber’s Bedroom (Room 34)

Click on Amber

{Heart Up}

Choose Talk

Go to Bathroom

Click on Mouthwash bottle on sink

Choose Serum

Exit South (Bedroom Corridor)

You meet Amber

Amber enters Bathroom

The Serum might not last long. Better wait in Amber’s room for her to get done brushing her teeth

Enter Amber’s Bedroom (Room 34)

Amber enters

Watch Scene [9]


{Amber’s 4th Heart}

Exit South (Bedroom Corridor)


I bet Valerie and Amanda are sleeping now

Enter Girls Bedroom

Click on Amanda

Click on Valerie

Hell Yeah I should look at her pussy / No I better respect her privacy Whisper something sexy in her ear / Leave her alone. Don’t want to wake her up

{Valerie’s 2nd Heart}

Click on panties on floor

Yes, can’t pass up a sexy woman’s juicy panties / No, I better leave them alone

You found a pair of Valerie’s Panties


I wonder what Sister Katherine is doing in the Chapel Foyer

Go to Chapel Foyer

Click on Kath

Choose Talk


Kath leaves

It’s very late. You must be so tired

Go to East Foyer

Enter Your Bedroom (Room 07)

Click on the couch below the pillow

Yes / No

Watch Dream Scene [10]

Exit South (East Foyer)

You talk to Mendel

Follow Mendel Upstairs (2nd Floor)


You follow Mendel and Denny East (2nd Floor East)

Watch Scene


There may be something hidden near the security room that you can use to unlock the desk in the office on the east side of the 1st floor

Upstairs to3rd Floor

Pick up Photo by West wall

Pick up Serum Flask

You found a page – Amber 10: Cow Girl

Downstairs (2nd Floor)

West (2nd Floor West)

{Pick up the Heart Container}

You found a page – Amber 09: Missionary

East (2nd Floor)

East (2nd Floor East)

Pick up a Coin (11) in North West corner

You found a page – Amanda 02: Tit Sucking

Click on flashing spark in plant in South East corner

You found a Desk Key

Go to Room 06

Click on flashing spark on desk

Choose Desk Key

You found a Security Access Card (Room 05)


Exit South (North of East Foyer)

See if there is something you can use in the classroom that you just unlocked. You may be able to mix it with the Serum

Enter North West door(Room 05)

{Pick up the Heart Container}

Pick up a Coin (12) from under bottom left desk

You found a page – Amanda 04: Jerk Off Into Mouth

Pick up the Perfume Bottle by the waste bin

Click ‘Right Mouse Button’

Choose Perfume Bottle

Choose Serum

Exit South (North of East Foyer)

I wonder if Katherine is sleeping yet

Go to Chapel Foyer

Click on Kath

It would be dangerous to try and reconnect the AC wires without turning the power off first. Go look at the electrical box outside

Go Outside and check the Electrical Box

The power in the East Basement has been shut off. It should be safe now to reconnect the wires

Go to East Tower basement

You found a page – Amanda 03: Eat Ass

Read Note – Passcode 385

Click on panel on North wall

Only one step remaining. Turn the power back on from the outside electrical box

Go back Outside to the Electrical Box

Go to theNorth East gate

You found a page – Amber 12: Doggy

Go toSouth East corner of car park

You found a page – Amber 01: Watch Masturbate

Katherine will be happy that you helped her

Enter building (Entrance)

Go to Kath’s Bedroom (Room 10)


{Kath’s 2nd Heart}

You found a page – Amanda 01: Watch Masturbate

Click on Kath

{Heart Up}

Choose Talk

Choose Serum Spray

Watch Scene [11]

There may be something hidden in Katherine’s room that can be used to unlock the upstairs storage cabinet

Enter Kath’s Bedroom (Room 10) again

Click on the flashing spark on the East wall cupboard

You found a Storage Key

Click on Kath

Choose Talk




Go to 2nd Floor West

Click on flashing spark on the cabinet on North wall

Choose Storage Key

You found a Serum Flask

Andy enters


I wonder what Andy heard in the East Basement

Go to East Tower Basement

Click on North door (Chamber Bedrooms)

Andy enters


Hit the door

Simon enters


Simon and Andy leave

Where did Andy go? Did he go outside?

Follow Andy to the Entrance


Click on Amber

{Heart Up}

Choose Talk

Go to Your Bedroom (Room 07)

Click on Amber


{Amber’s 5th Heart}

Watch Scene [12]

Amanda enters


Amanda and Amber leave

Purchase Amber’s Pearly outfit from the Bonus Area on your phone

Make another Serum Spray

Exit South (East Foyer)


Now is as good a time as any to use the Serum spray on Mrs. Bancroft

Click on Amanda

{Heart Up}

Choose Talk

Choose Serum Spray


Watch Scene [13]

{Amanda’s 3rd Heart}

Amanda leaves

Purchase Amanda’s Office Slut outfit from Bonus Area on your phone


Mendel should be outside checking the water level

Go to Entrance


Go Outside

Click on Mendelby the bridge


Enter building (Entrance)


I wonder how Sister Katherine is going to take the bad news

Go to West Tower

Upstairs (Room 09)

Click on Kath


Do you think Simon has eaten all the food from the Kitchen?

Go to Kitchen


Watch Scene

Pick up the Serum Flask that Andy dropped

Mrs Bancroft might have an idea how to get into Father Parker’s office, which is on the 3rd floor in the West Tower. I bet you can find lots of goodies in there

Click on Amanda

Choose Talk


Go to Chapel

Search Father Parker

You found a Security Access Card (Room 32)

Exit South (Chapel Foyer)

Go Upstairs in West Tower

Enter newly opened door (Room 32)

{Pick up the Heart Container}

You found a Map in South East corner

You found a page – Amanda 05: Tit Fuck

Pick up a Coin (13) from desk

Click on clue card on desk – Secret is G Left

The map in Father Parker’s office can be used with the shovel outside to find a buried clue

Go Outside and collect Shovel by bridge

You found a Shovel

Dig in exact 3 spots using Map

[1] You found a page – Amanda 07: Blow Job

[2] You found a Box

Inside, an old key and a piece of paper

You found a Mysterious Paper and a Skeleton Key

[3] You found a Coin (14)

Click on Denny


Go back inside building (Entrance)

Go to Library

Follow clue card instructions and click on bookcase

You found a page – Amanda 06: Eat Pussy

Maybe Mrs. Bancroft can decipher the schematics

Go to Kitchen

Click on Amanda

{Heart Up}

Choose Talk



You should help Mrs. Bancroft look for clues in Father Parker’s office. Maybe with a little “help” you can have some fun with her

Follow Amanda to Father Parker’s Office (Room 32)

Click on Amanda

Choose Talk

Choose Serum Spray

Watch Scene [14]

{Amanda’s 4th Heart}

Click on Safe – Enter 3 8 5

You found a page – Amanda 08: Ass Hotdogging


Where did Valerie go? The Kitchen maybe?

Go to West Tower

Valerie talks to you

I wonder what Katherine and Valerie are talking about

Upstairs (Room 09)

Click on Kath’s door

Valerie enters then leaves

Enter Kath’s Bedroom (Room 10)

Click on Kath

Choose Talk


I think Simon slept on a blanket last night near the restrooms

Go to the Restroom Area

Click on the blanket on the couch on the North East wall

You found a Dirty Old Blanket

The blanket needs washing. There is a washing machine in the Kitchen

Go to Kitchen

Click on flashing spark on South wall

Watch Scene [15]


I bet Mendel is outside talking with Denny

Go Outside

Click on Mendel


Go back inside (Entrance)

Click on Mendel

The blanket should be clean by now

Go to Kitchen

Click on Valerie

Choose Talk


You found a Clean Blanket

Click on Kath

Choose Talk

Follow Kath Outside

Click on Kath


Mendel enters

Mendel then Kath leave

Enter building (Entrance)

What is Simon doing upstairs?

Click on Kath

Choose Talk

Upstairs (2nd Floor)

East (2nd Floor East)


You talk to Simon

Where did Simon run off to?

Go to Entrance


Is Buddie leaving?

Go back Downstairs (Entrance)


The security room may have a way to turn off some of the security lasers. If you can shut them down, you may be able to find more Serum

Upstairs to 2nd Floor

Click on Mendel

East to 2nd Floor East

EnterSecurity Office

Click on Waste bin in South West corner

You found a Blank Security Access Card

Pick up the Security Access Card from the floor

You found a page – Amber 13: Standing Anal

Read note on East table – about Radiators

Click on the 2 red switches on East and West walls

Click on flashing spark on middle desk

You found a Locker Key

Exit South (2nd Floor East)

South (Room 23)

Read Newsletter on table

You found a page – Katherine 03: Cum On Tits

Pick up a Serum Flask from South East table

You found a Coin (15) by the North West plant

North (2nd Floor East)

West (2nd Floor)


West (2nd Floor West)

South (Room 16)

Read Note on floor – Read Riddle

You found a page – Katherine 04: Watch Masturbate

You found a Coin (16) in North West corner

North (2nd Floor West)

Katherine is waiting for a lesson. Maybe the Serum will help her get in the mood

Click on 1st Radiator North East corner

Go to Library Foyer

Click on West painting

Choose Wire Cutters

You found a page – Amber 15: Prone Anal

Go to Room 06

Click on 2nd Radiator North wall

Exit South

Enter North West door (Room 05)

Click on 3rd Radiator North East corner

Exit South (North of East Foyer)

Go to Girl’s Bedroom

Click on 4th Radiator South East corner

Exit South (Bedroom Corridor)

Click on 5th Radiator South wall

Go to Men’s restroom (Room 04)

You found a page – Amber 16: Doggy Anal

{Pick up the Heart Container}


Go to Entrance

Click on Amanda

Choose Talk


Amber leaves


Go to Kath’s Bedroom (Room 10)

Click on Kath

{Heart Up}

Choose Talk

Choose Serum Spray

Watch Scene [16]

{Kath’s 3rd Heart}

Purchase Kath’s Sexy Nun’s outfit in Bonus Area on your phone



You want to cure your blue balls? Maybe Amanda can help you

Go to Entrance

Click on Amanda

Choose Talk

Amber enters


Amber leaves

Amber is pissed. You better try and smooth things over with her

Go to Library

Click on Amber


To make Amber’s meal you can find ingredients in the fridge. Valerie can help you cook it

Go to Kitchen

Click on Fridge

Use butter in the sauce / Use yogurt in the sauce

Add marinara and cinnamon to the sauce / Add heavy crème and cheese

The tube looking noodles / The flat long noodles

Click on Valerie

Choose Talk

You found a Fettuccine Alfredo Dish

Give the Fettuccine Alfredo to Amber

Go to Library

Click on Amber

Choose Fettuccine Alfredo

Amanda enters


Watch Scene [17]

Simon enters


Simon and Amanda leave


{Amber’s 6th Heart}


Did you find the security card that unlocked the basement?

Go to Restroom Area

Click on Amanda

Choose Talk

Go to East Tower

Click on left flashing spark on lockers on South wall

Choose Locker Key

You found a page – Amanda 15: Reverse Cowgirl Anal

Upstairs (Room 24)

Click on Andy

Trade your map for a Kamasutra page / Keep the map

You found a page – Amber 14: Laying Anal

Go to East Tower basement

Enter North West door (Chamber Bedrooms)

Walk towards the two doors


Pick up the Security Access Card from floor (Room 25)

You found a AM/FM Radio

You found a page – Amanda 09: Missionary


Are there any clues as to what Father Parker was up to? Maybe there is a clue in his bedroom at the top of the west tower

Go to Father Parker’s Bedroom (Room 25)

Pick up a Coin (17) under the chair in South East corner

Pick up a Photo in South West corner

Read Note on the bed

Click on 6th Radiator North East corner

You found a page – Amanda 12: Crucifier

You found the 1st Security Chip

Click on flashing spark on the chest of drawers

You found a Skeleton Key

Go to West Tower 2nd Floor (Room 09)

Click on old Chest

Choose Skeleton Key

You found the 2nd Security Chip

I wonder what Valerie and Amanda are talking about

Go to Library Foyer

Click on Amanda

{Heart up}

Choose Talk

I wonder if Simon is mad after seeing you naked with his Mom. I think he’s hanging by the restrooms

Go to Restroom Area

Click on Simon


Amanda enters and enters the Women’s Restroom

Simon leaves

Enter Men’s Restroom (Room 04)

Click on old Chest

Choose Skeleton Key

You found a page – Amanda 11: Take A Seat

Click on flashing spark on West wall

Watch Scene [18]


Watch Scene [19]

{Amanda’s 5th Heart}

Exit South (Restroom Area)

Go to Entrance

Follow Valerie Upstairs (2nd Floor)

West (2nd Floor West)


You go East (2nd Floor)

Downstairs (Entrance)

Click on north arch

Watch Scene


Valerie leaves

Upstairs (2nd Floor)

West (2nd Floor West)

Pick up a Coin (18) from the floor

You found a page – Amanda 10: Side By Side


I don’t know what to do… Maybe go back to the basement?

Go to East Tower

Click on Andy


I wonder what Valerie is up to in the Kitchen

Go to West Tower

Click on Kath

Choose Talk


Go to Kitchen

Is Valerie trying to get into the closet in her room?

Follow Valerie into her bedroom

Click on Valerie

Choose Talk


You should ask Mendel if he has a card for the closet. He might be able to help

Go to 2nd Floor

Click on Mendel – Get Clue 9 4 6 0

Go to East Foyer

Click on Simon


Simon leaves


Enter your bedroom (Room 07)

Click on Computer

Choose Blank Security Access Card

Enter Code 9 4 6 0

You’ve got the key card. Go give it to Valerie

Go to Girl’s Bedroom

Click on Valerie

Choose Talk

Choose the Closet Security Card


{Pick up the Heart Container}

Pick up a Coin (19) from the floor

Click on Valerie

Choose Talk


Watch Scene [20]


Watch Scene [21]


I wonder if Mrs. Bancroft has anything interesting to say

Go to Library Foyer

Click on Amanda

Choose Talk


You need to find the ESU file. Your only hope is to try and trick Mendel

Go Upstairs (2nd Floor)

Click on Mendel


Downstairs (Entrance)

East (East Foyer)

Mendel talks to you

You head West (Entrance)

North (Restroom Area)

East (North of East Foyer)

South (East Foyer)

East (East Tower)

You go West (East Foyer)

Click on North Arch

East (East Tower)

Upstairs (Room 24)

Click on bottom frame of large painting

Choose Shovel

You found the ESU File

Give the ESU file to Mrs. Bancroft. She will be very happy you found it

Go to Library Foyer

Click on Amanda

Choose Talk

Choose ESU File


Go to Amber’s room. I have a feeling something awesome is about to happen

Go to Amber’s bedroom (Room 34)

Watch Scene [22]


You should talk to Mrs. Bancroft

Go to Kitchen

Click on Amanda

Choose Talk


Valerie enters


Valerie and Amanda leave

Go find Andy before Valerie and Amanda do

Go to North of East Foyer

Click on Andy


Valerie and Amanda enter


Valerie and Amanda leave


Andy leaves

I think Mendel is asleep. Maybe you can steal one of his access cards

Go to 2nd Floor

Pick up Security Access Card by a sleeping Mendel (Room 13)

Enter North West door(Room 13)

Read Note on desk – about a Screwdriver

Click on 7th Radiator North West corner

Go to North of East Foyer

You found a Pair Of Jump Boots

Go to Security Office

Click on Pick Axe

You found a Pick Axe

Exit South (2nd Floor East)

Go to Library Foyer

Click on flashing spark in North West corner

You found a Desk Key

Go to Kitchen

Click on flashing spark on the cabinet North wall

You found a Skeleton Key

Go to Girls Bedroom

Enter Closet

Click on pillar behind shelves

Choose Pick Axe

You found a page – Valerie 01: Tit Play

Go to Katherine’s bedroom (Room 10)


Kath enters


Watch Scene [23]


Amber leaves




Has Simon gone into the woods yet?

Go to Entrance

Simon talks to you

There is a calculator on the 1st floor and a radio in the basement. Maybe you can use them to make a metal detector

Go to East Tower basement

Enter North West door (Chamber Bedrooms)

Click on pillar on East wall

Choose Pick Axe

You found a Coin (20) on floor

Purchase Amanda’s Mistress Maid outfit from the Bonus Area! on your phone

Click ‘Right Mouse Button’

Choose Radio

Choose Calculator

Go Outside

Click on flashing spark near entrance to building

You found a Screwdriver

Click on flashing spark in North East corner

You found a Coin (21)

Enter building Entrance)

Upstairs (2nd Floor)

Enter North West door (Room 13)

Click on flashing spark on cabinet on North wall

Chose Desk Key

You found a Security Access Card (Room 19)

Go to 2nd Floor South East (Room 23)

Click on bookcase North East corner

You Found the 3rd Security Chip

Enter North East door(Room 19)

Read Note – Make a Metal Detector

You found a Coin (22) under the North East classroom table

You found a page – Valerie 03: Watch Masturbate

Click on the vent in the North wall

Choose Screwdriver

You found a Bottle of Serum

Exit South East (Room 24)

Go back to the West Tower

Click on old Chest

Choose Skeleton Key

You found a page – Valerie 04: Thigh Fuck

Go to Entrance

Click on Simon

Upstairs (2nd Floor)

Upstairs (3rd Floor)

Click on flashing spark on carpet

You found a Coin (23)

Head towards the Kitchen

You meet Valerie


Go to Kitchen

Click on Valerie

Choose Talk

Enter Bathroom

Click on Shampoo on bath


Watch Scene [24]


{Valerie’s 3rd Heart}

Click on your clothes


Anything going on outside? Maybe Buddie will be back soon

Go to West Tower 2nd Floor (Room 09)

Click on flashing spark on carpet

You found a Skeleton Key

Go to Entrance



Go to East side of building


Tillman enters


Enter Woods through gate (Woods 01)

East (Woods 02)

Pick up the Security Access Card (Room 33)

You found a page – Katherine 05: Tit Fuck

Read Note – about a Bible in the Chapel

Pick up a Coin (24) in the South bushes

Purchase Valerie’s Succubus outfit from the Bonus Area! on your phone

Go back and enter building (Entrance)



I wonder what Valerie and Tillman are up to in the kitchen

Go to Kitchen


Where did Buddie run off to? Did you check the basement?

Go to East Tower basement

Click on door


Upstairs (East Tower)

Upstairs (Room 24)

Enter North East door (Room 33)

Read Note on table on North wall

Pick up a Coin (25) from floor

You found a page – Katherine 06: Eat Pussy

Click on the flashing spark in the waste bin in the South West corner

You found a Skeleton Key

Exit South (Room 24)

Go to Entrance

Where is Andy going? Is he looking for Serum?

Upstairs (2nd Floor)

West (2nd Floor West)

Watch Scene

Don’t try and outrun Buddie. Outsmart him! If he chases you, try hiding in the Library

Go back to the Woods (Woods 01)

Click on old Chest

Choose Skeleton Key

You found the 4th Security Chip

Find the soft ground in South West corner

Choose Shovel

You found a page – Amanda 16: Spoony Anal

{Pick up the Heart Container in South East Bushes}

South (Building Grounds)

Click on ground base of tree on the West side of building

Use Shovel

You found a page – Katherine 08: Blowjob

Enter building (Entrance)

West (Library Foyer)

West (Chapel Foyer)

Buddie will see you and you go East to Library Foyer

Hide in Library between the four bookcases

It’s time to have fun with Katherine. Certainly nothing can get in your way this time

Go to Chapel

Click on bottom Right Candelabra

You found a page – Katherine 07: Ass Hotdogging

Go to Kitchen

Click on Valerie

{Heart Up}

Choose Talk

Go to Kath’s Bedroom (Room 10)

Click on Kath

Choose Talk


You exit bedroom (Room 09)


You need to find a Bible. There is probably one in the Chapel

Go to Chapel

You will exit the Chapel (Chapel Foyer)

You found a Bible


Time to talk to Katherine and convince her to fuck!

Go to Kath’s Bedroom (Room 10)

Click on Kath

Choose Talk

Choose Bible


Watch Scene [25]


{Kath’s 4th Heart}

Buddie enters

You go with Buddie into the Chapel


Buddie leaves

You need to open one of the basement chamber doors. Find security chips to open one of the two doors. You need 4 chips


Go to the Chamber Bedrooms


You might want to SAVE the game here

Choose between Elizabeth or Violet (I chose Elizabeth)

Click on Elizabeth’s door

Yes, Insert a Security Chip / No, I do not want to insert a Security Chip / Cancel

Click on door again

Insert 1 Security Chip into this door / Remove 1 Security Chip from this door / Cancel

Do this twice more

Click on door

You enterBedrooms


Watch Scene

Exit South (Chamber Bedrooms)


Go back upstairs

Go back to East Tower

You meet Andy


Maybe you should discuss the hike more with Tillman in the Kitchen

Go to the Kitchen

Click on Tillman

Mendel enters


Buddie enters


Buddie, Mendel and Tillman leave


You should invite Katherine to dinner

Go to Kath’s Bedroom (Room 10)

Click on Kath

{Heart Up}

Choose Talk


Kath leaves

I wonder if Mendel came up with a plan for tomorrow yet. Didn’t everyone go upstairs?

Go to 2nd Floor

Click on Buddie


Buddie leaves

I wonder where Buddie went? It looked like he was heading for the security room

Go to Security Office

Buddie talks to you


Andy looks like he’s up to something. Maybe you should talk to him

Go to Entrance

Click on Andy


You need some panties. If the girls can’t help you, maybe there are some in their bedrooms

Go to Amber’s Bedroom (Room 34)

You found Clean Panties

You’ve got panties, but they need to be used to have any value. Maybe Elizabeth or Violet can help dirty them up

Go toElizabeth’s bedroom

Click on Elizabeth


Watch Scene

You found a pair of Wet Panties

Exit South (Chamber Bedrooms)

Go to Entrance

Click on Andy

Choose Wet Panties

You found a Security Access Card (Room 11)

Go to 2nd Floor West

Maybe you can find a compass in the room you just opened. Buddie would love to have it if you can find it

Enter North West door (Room 11)

Pick up a Serum Flask by the West wall

You found a page – Amanda 13: Doggy Anal

Click on the flashing spark under the 2nd desk

You found a Compass

Click on 8th Radiator North West corner

Click on chalkboard

Choose Shovel

You found a page – Katherine 13: Anal And Finger

Exit South (2nd Floor West)

East (2nd Floor)

East (2nd Floor East)

South (Room 23)

South(Room 22) Laser 8

You found a Coin (26) North West wall

Read Note on desk – about page buried in woods

Click on old Chest

Choose Skeleton Key

You found the 5th Security Chip

Exit North (Room 23)


Go to Security Office

Click on Buddie

Choose Compass


Buddie leaves

Go to the pantry room from the Kitchen. There should be some wine in there. Also make sure you’ve found some Serum to make the wine a bit more interesting

Go to Kitchen

Enter Pantry

You found the 6th Security Chip

Click on the flashing spark on the 2 boxes by the West wall

You found a Locker Key

Click on the flashing spark on the shelves North wall

Moscato / Brochetto / Marsala

You found a Bottle of Marsala

Watch Scene

Amber / Mrs Bancroft


Watch Scene [26]

{Amanda’s 6th Heart}


I wonder if Buddie has all the supplies? Tillman had a map… it sure would be nice to have a woods map

Go to 2nd Floor

You found a Machete

Click on Buddie


Tillman leaves


Mendel and Buddie leave

Click on map on chair

Simon is acting funny. What is he up to?

Go to 2nd Floor East

Click on Simon


The machete left near the guy’s hiking supplies could be used to cut down the thorn bushes in the woods

Go to Kitchen

Click on Amanda

Choose Talk


Go Outside

Click on the bush on the North wall by the gate to the woods

Choose Machete

Click on the wall where the bush was

Choose Pick Axe

You found a page – Katherine 09: Side Anal

Go to Woods (Woods 01)

East (Woods 02)

North (Graveyard)

Click on each of the 4 gravestones in a row. Make a note of the ages, left to right 38, 68, 78, 88

Click on the bushes to the North

Choose Machete

Click on Note – Bypass Code 1 2 3 4

Click on the flashing spark by the note

You found a Skeleton Key

Maybe it’ll put a spark into Katherine to scare her a bit by taking her to the graveyard

Go to Entrance

Kath talks to you


Follow Kath to the Chapel Foyer

Click on Kath


Go to Graveyard

Watch Scene [27]


Andy enters

Andy finds something and then leaves

Kath leaves



The note in the woods will help you with the security room computer, but the room it unlocks contains a mystery you must find. Perhaps the pickaxe in the security room will help

Go to Security Office

Click on Computer

Enter Code 1 2 3 4

Go to East Tower Basement

North (Chamber Bedrooms)

West (Room 38)

Pick up a Photo from floor

Click on the South wall between the two pillars

Choose Pick Axe

Enter South (Room 39)

You found a page – Amanda 14: Prone Anal

You found the Holy Rod

Click on the Red Circle on the North wall

Enter the ages from the graveyard stones – enter 3 6 7 8

Pick up a Photo

You found a Wheel

Click on the Blue Circle on the North wall

You have activated the Fast-Travel [Teleport} system

Exit North (Room 38)

Go to Elizabeth’s bedroom

Click on Elizabeth


Watch Scene


Exit South (Chamber Bedrooms)

West (Room 38)


You sure did serve a lot of strong wine at dinner. I wonder if Valerie and Mrs. Bancroft have hit the sack yet

Use Teleport – West Tower

Kath talks to you


Go to Girls Bedroom

Click on Amanda

Watch Scene

Click on Valerie


Go to Kitchen

Simon talks to you


You found a Coin (27)

Simon leaves


Simon enters and chases you around the Kitchen

You both end up in the West Tower


Katherine enters


Simon leaves


Katherine leaves

Katherine is waiting for you in Amber’s room

Go to Amber’s Bedroom (Room 34)

Click on Kath

Choose Talk

You need to get Katherine’s hat back. Chase that damned squirrel! I think it’s heading outside

Follow squirrel Outside

Chase squirrel around the building

Enter building (Entrance)

The squirrel went to the top of the east tower. The door is locked there though… Maybe there is an access card very near to the locked door

Go to East Tower 3rd floor (Room 33)

Look at the South wall

Choose Pick Axe

You found a Security Access Card (Room 31)

North (Room 31)

Read Newsletter on desk South wall

Read Note by waste bin

You found a page – Katherine 10: The Anal Cross

Pick up Kath’s Hat

You found a Nun’s Hat

Go give Katherine her hat back

Go to Amber’s Bedroom (Room 34)

Click on Kath

Choose Talk

Watch Scene [28]

{Kath’s 5th Heart}

Watch Dream

Exit South (Bedroom Corridor)

Was Father Parker really just at the bedroom door? I wonder if it was real or a dream. His body is in the chapel… Right?

Go to Chapel

Check for Father Parker

Exit South (Chapel Foyer)

Buddie talks to you

Both you and Buddie enter the Chapel


Buddie leaves


Maybe the security camera in the security room captured something

Go to the Security Office

Click on Buddie

Watch Scene

Buddie leaves

You are locked in the Security Office


You are locked up again (Room 37)

If you’re going to mess with the electronics for the security door you don’t want to be standing in water. Maybe you have something made of rubber you can lay over the puddle

Click on the gauges on the North wall

South (Room 38)

Go to East Tower

You go Upstairs (Room 24)

Go through North West door (Room 19)

Go South West (Room 23)

Click on Security Lock Pad

Lock / Unlock

Lock Mendel in classroom

You should talk to Amber. I don’t know what she might think about Mendel being trapped in a classroom

Go to Kitchen

Amber talks to you

You found a Glitter Lipstick

I bet the lipstick belongs to one of the girls in the basement

Go to Elizabeth’s bedroom

Click on Elizabeth

Choose Glitter Lipstick


You found a Security Access Card (Room 18)

You found a Tape Recorder

Exit South (Chamber Bedrooms)


Maybe you can use the tape recorder to record Mendel admitting he was using Amber. The recorder needs a cassette tape though. I think there might be one in the woods

West (Room 38)

Use Teleport – Dame Woods

North (Woods 03)

Click in South East bushes

You found a Coin (28)

West (Woods 04)

{Pick up the Heart Container from South bushes}

You found a Mini Cassette

Click on the flowers shaped in a cross in the North East

Choose Shovel

You found a page – Valerie 05: Tit Fuck

Click on the flashing spark in the South West corner

You found a Skeleton Key

Go back to the East Tower

West (East Foyer)

Valerie talks to you


East (East Tower)

Upstairs (Room 24)

Click on North West door (Room 19)


Choose Tape Recorder


You should let Amber listen to the recording

Go to Kitchen

Click on Amber

Choose Talk


Amber ran off to go talk to Mendel. You better catch up to her and not let Mendel talk her into opening the door and letting him out

Follow Amber to Room 23

Watch Scene [29]

You go North (2nd Floor East)

Amber enters

South (Room 23)

Enter North West door (Room 18)

You found a Photo

Click on Note on floor

You found a Rope in South West corner

Click on the 9th Radiator North West Corner

Click on vent in the North wall

Choose Screwdriver

Read Note – about chamber keys

Click on old Chest

Choose Skeleton Key

You found a page – Valerie 06: Eat Pussy

Exit South (Room 23)

North (2nd Floor East)

West (2nd Floor)

West (2nd Floor West)

South (Room 16)

Enter the South West laser 9 (Room 20)

You found a Rope

You found the 7th Security Chip

Exit North (Room 16)


Valerie is up to something. It looks like she’s heading for the Kitchen

Go to Kitchen


Follow the girls to their bedroom

Watch Scene [30]

{Valerie’s 4th Heart}


Did you talk to Andy? I think he is looking for Father Parker

Go to West Tower

Andy finds you


To go deeper into the woods you need both a rope and a grappling hook. Andy knows where to find the grappling hook. The rope is in a classroom on the floor on the 2nd story. If you’ve got what you need, go climb the rock wall!

Go Outside

Walk to West wall

Walk North 4 paces

Choose Pick Axe

You found a Grappling Hook

Go to Woods (Woods 01)

North (Woods 03)

Click on North rock wall

Choose Grappling Hook

North (Woods 05)

You found a Coin (29) in the South East bushes

Purchase Kath’s Angel outfit in the Bonus Area! On your phone

You found a page – Valerie 07: Blow Job

Walk North of page location

Click on location where 3 crows flew from

Choose Machete


Pick up Security Access Card

You found a Water Damaged Security Pass

South (Woods 03)

South (Woods 01)

Simon meets you


North (Woods 03)

Click in South West corner in bushes

You found a page – Katherine 12: Laying Anal

South (Woods 01)


Where did Andy go? I bet he is hiding in a cramped room

Use Teleport – West Tower

Go to Kitchen Pantry

Click on Bags of Rice

You found a Security Access Card (Room 14)

Go to 2nd Floor

Click on Katherine

{Heart Up}

Choose Talk

Go to 2nd Floor East

Enter North West door (Room 14)

Pick up the Coin (30) in the South East corner

You found a Roll Of Tape

Read Note – Anal sex toy

You found a Tube of Lube under the chalkboard

Exit South (2nd Floor East)

Go to your bedroom (Room 07)


Exit South (East Foyer)

You need to tell Valerie about Denny

Go to Kitchen


What are Valerie and Amanda saying to Andy over at the building’s entrance

Go to Entrance


I wonder where Amanda ran off to?

Go to North of Library


You found an Empty Serum Flask

There is a pipe in the chamber bedroom that is misting Serum. You’ll need some tape to collect it. The tape is in the room opened with Denny’s access card

Go to Elizabeth’s bedroom

Climb on bed

Choose Roll of Tape

Wait 20 seconds

You have a Serum Bottle

Now that you have the Serum, go show it to Mrs. Bancroft

Go to North of Library

Click on Amanda

Choose Talk

Choose Serum

Watch Scene [31]

Simon enters


Simon leaves


Amanda then Katherine leaves



There is another sex toy you can show Elizabeth or Valerie. It can be found on the 3rd floor in the room with all the boxes. Look closely. Collect it and show it to the girls… But only after you found the lube

Go to 3rd Floor

3 steps West from stairs, Click on broken South wall

Choose Pick Axe

You found an Anal Beads Sex Toy

Go to Elizabeth’s bedroom

Click on Elizabeth

Watch Scene

Exit South (Chamber Bedrooms)

Go to East Tower

Click on the flashing spark on the locker on the North wall

Choose Locker Key

You found a page – Katherine 02: Ass Fingering

Go to Entrance

Simon finds you


Go to Woods (Woods 01)

Simon enters

Andy enters

You all go North (Woods 03)

North (Woods 05)


Buddie enters


You all go back to the Entrance


Buddie locks the front door


What are Valerie and Andy talking about?

East (East Foyer)


Valerie leaves


Simon enters


Simon and Andy leave

West (Entrance)

Click on Andy


You found the 1st penny


Maybe one of the girls has a penny you can use to unlock the front door

East (East Foyer)

North (North of East Foyer)

Click on the flashing spark in the bin

You found the 2nd penny

Go to the Men’s restroom (Room 04)

Click on bin

You found the 3rd penny

Go to Women’s restroom (Room 03)

Click on bin

You found the 4th penny

Go Upstairs (2nd Floor)

West (2nd Floor West)

Enter North West door (Room 11)

Click on the flashing spark in the bin

You found the 5th penny

Exit South (2nd Floor West)

Go to Kitchen

Click on Valerie

Choose Talk

You found the 6th penny

Go to Entrance

Click on Simon


Buddie enters


Buddie leaves

Amber enters then leaves

Follow Amber East

Click on Amber

Choose Talk

Amber leaves

West (Entrance)

Upstairs (2nd Floor)


All go downstairs


Buddie and Amber exit

Click on Exit door


Buddie and Amber enter

Buddie locks the front door


Buddie and Amber leave


Simon and Andy leave

Simon and Andy are waiting for you in the Dame Woods

Go Outside

Walk towards North East Gate

Enter Woods (Woods 01)


North (Woods 03)

North (Woods 05)


Click on Andy


West (Woods 05)

South (Woods 03)

South (Woods 01)

Simon enters



Enter building (Entrance)

Upstairs (2nd Floor)

You need to find all the remaining security chips to unlock both basement chamber doors

West (2nd Floor West)

Andy enters

You found the 8th Security Chip

Go to Violet’s bedroom door

Click on Violet’s door

Yes, insert a Security Chip / No, I do not want to insert a Security Chip

Click on door again

Insert 1 Security Chip into this door / Remove 1 Security Chip from this door / Cancel

Do this twice more

Violet’s door is unlocked

Enter Violet’s bedroom


Watch Scene


Exit South (Chamber Bedrooms)


I think Simon found something

Go to Entrance

Simon talks to you


You found a Serum Bottle

Go show Mrs. Bancroft the Serum bottle you found. I bet she’ll be happy you found another

Go to Kitchen

Click on Amanda


Valerie enters


Go see if you can convince Buddie to find Tillman out in the woods

Go to Entrance

Upstairs (2nd Floor)

Buddie finds you


East (2nd Floor East)

Mendel finds you


West (2nd Floor)

Downstairs (Entrance)

Click on Buddie


Go to the Kitchen to see what everyone is talking about

Go to Kitchen


Buddie and Mendel leave


Watch Scene [32]

Simon enters


Simon and Amanda leave


Amber leaves


Simon is getting in trouble for spying again. Go talk to Andy instead

Go to Entrance

Andy talks to you


Simon enters

Go Outside

Go to Woods (Woods 01)

North (Woods 03)

North (Woods 05)

East (Plateau)

Click on Simon

You found a Grappling Hook

Click on rock face

Choose Grappling Hook

Click on rope


Andy Leaves

You found a page – Valerie 08: Creamy Hotdog

Click on old Chest

Choose Skeleton Key

You found a page – Katherine 14: Legs On Shoulders

You found a Wheel

Go find Andy. He went towards the river in the woods .

Down rope

West (Woods 05)

South (Woods 03)

West (Woods 04)


Click on Andy


Andy leaves

Simon enters

Follow Simon

East (Woods 03)

North (Woods 05)

East (Plateau)

Climb rope

Click on Simon



I wonder what Katherine and Amber are talking about .

Down rope

West (Woods 05)

South (Woods 03)

South (Woods 01)

Teleport to 3rd Floor

Downstairs (2nd Floor)

Enter North West door (Room 13)

Click on Dolly

Choose Wheel

Click on Dolly

Choose Wheel

You found a Dolly

Exit South (2nd Floor)

Upstairs (3rd Floor)

Click on East box to move

East (3rd Floor East)

Click on the flashing spark on the cabinet on South wall

You found a Skeleton Key

You found a Watch

West (3rd Floor)

Click on West box to move

West (3rd Floor West)

Read Note – about roaches locations


Click on south box to move

South intoMaze

North (3rd Floor)

Go to Chapel Foyer


Amber leaves

Click on Kath

Choose Talk

Choose Watch


Katherine leaves

Simon is still high on mushrooms. What the hell is he doing?

Go to Entrance

Click on Simon


Violet enters


You End up in Violet’s Bedroom


Exit South (Chamber Bedrooms)

Enter Elizabeth’s bedroom

Click on Elizabeth


Choose any

Exit South (Chamber Bedrooms)

Go to West Tower

Upstairs (Room 09)

Click on Kath’s bedroom door

Watch Scene

You should talk to Katherine

Enter Kath’s bedroom (Room 10)

Click on Kath

Choose Talk

Go to Kitchen

Click on Valerie

Choose Talk


You found a Gallon Jug

There is an uncontaminated water source in the woods. But it’s not the river.

Go to Graveyard

Click on East Pond

Choose Gallon Jug

You found a Jug of Pond Water

Go to Kitchen

Click on Valerie

Choose Talk

Choose Jug of Pond Water

Katherine enters


Katherine leaves

Katherine looks upset. You should talk to her

Go to Kath’s Bedroom (Room 10)

Click on Kath

Choose Talk


Go to Chapel Foyer

Click on Amber

Choose Talk

You found a Key Fob

Go Outside

Click on Ambers Car

Choose Key Fob

You found a Condom

Go to Chapel Foyer

Click on Amber

Choose Talk

Go to Kath’s bedroom (Room 10)

Click on Kath

Choose Talk

Choose Condom

Follow Kath into Chapel

Watch Scene [33]


Katherine leaves


Exit South (Chapel Foyer)

Well that didn’t go as planned. You better go see if Katherine is okay

Go to Kath’s bedroom (Room 10)

Click on Kath

Choose Talk


{Kath’s 6th Heart}


You found a Mysterious Note

Read Mysterious Note – for thee one to

Go to 3rd floor

West (3rd Floor West)

Click on Red Circle on the North wall

Enter the Code 4 3 1 2

Move the 1st small box west 1 place

Then move it North

Next move the left most small box North

Then move the 3rd small box East

You now have access to the key

You found a Chamber Key B

Teleport to Basement (Room 38)

North (Room 37)

Click on gauges on North wall

Choose Chamber Key B

Something happened in the chamber bedrooms. Go and see what it was!

Go to Elizabeth’s bedroom

Click on Elizabeth


Watch Scene


Exit South (Chamber Bedrooms)


Where did Simon go? Is he laying down somewhere?

Go to Restroom Area

Click on Amanda


Go to Kitchen Larder

Click on the flashing spark on the shelves on the North wall

You found a Bottle of Wine

Teleport to Dame Woods (Woods 01)

North (Woods 03)

West (Woods 04)

Click on the tree in the center of the screen

Choose Roll of Tape

Choose Tape Recorder

You found a Vedra Pine Cone

East (Woods 03)

South (Woods 01)

Teleport to 3rd Floor

Go to Restroom Area

Click on Kath

Choose Talk


Amber enters


Simon leaves


Watch Scene [34]

Valerie enters


Katherine leaves


Valerie leaves


Amber leaves

Go to Kitchen

Click on Simon


You found a Red Box Cutter


Use the red box cutter to open some boxes. You need to find 2 climbing shoes if you want to scale the wall in the woods.

Teleport to 3rd Floor

West (3rd Floor West)

Click on red box by North wall

You found a Climbing Shoe

Click on second red box

You release 8 cockroaches (to kill them, just walk over them)

East (3rd Floor)

Kill 1 of 8 roaches

East (3rd Floor East)

Open red box

Click on the flashing spark on the floor

You found a Locker Key

Downstairs (2nd Floor)

Enter North West door (Room 13)

Kill 2 of 8 roaches

Click on old Chest

Choose Skeleton Key

You found a page – Valerie 02: Hand Job

Exit South (2nd Floor)

Go to East Tower

Click on the flashing spark on the locker on the South wall

Choose Locker Key

You found a Climbing Shoe

West (East Foyer)

Enter North East door (Room 08)

Kill 3 of 8 roaches

Go to Gent’s restroom (Room 04)

Kill 4 of 8 roaches

Go to Women’s restroom (Room 03)

Kill 5 of 8 roaches

Exit South (Restroom Area)

Go to Chapel

Kill 6 of 8 roaches

Go to Kitchen

Kill 7 of 8 roaches

Go to Bathroom

Kill 8 of 8 roaches


Scale the wall in the woods using your new climbing shoes

Teleport to Dame Woods (Woods 01)

North (Woods 03)

West (Woods 04)

North(Woods 06)

Father Parker meets you


You found a page – Katherine 15: From Behind

South (Woods 04)

East (Woods 03)

South (Woods 01)

Buddie, Mendel and Andy appear


Buddie, Mendel and Andy leave

Did Mendel and Buddie lock Andy in the security room?

Teleport to 3rd floor

Downstairs (2nd Floor)

East (2nd Floor East)


Buddie enters

You and Mendel go to East Tower


You show Mendel the Chamber Bedrooms


You and Mendel go into Violet’s Bedroom


You and Mendel leave to meet Buddie in the Chamber Bedrooms


Mendel leaves


Buddie leaves

Mendel and Amber are talking about something. Go find out what they are talking about.

Teleport to 3rd Floor

Downstairs (2nd Floor)

West (2nd Floor West)


Amber leaves


East (2nd Floor)

Click on Amber

Choose Talk


You found a Cell Phone

In order to charge Amber’s phone you’ll need a USB Cable and something to plug it in to.

Upstairs (3rd Floor)

South (To the Maze)

Maze directions

S, E, S, E, N, N

You pick up a Coin (31)

S, E, N, E, N to exit

S, W, S, W, S, W, S, W, S, E

You found a page – Katherine 13: Ballerina

Pick up the Heart Container

W, N, E, N, N, W, N to exit

S, E, S, E, S, E, S

You found a USB Cable

(This is also the 10 laser barrier)

N to exit

Go to Library Foyer

Click on Valerie

{Heart Up}

Choose Talk


Go to your bedroom (Room 07)

Click on Computer

Robert (573) 555 2743

Exit South (East Foyer)

Go to 2nd Floor

Amber talks to you


West (2nd Floor West)

Mendel and Buddie talk to you


Mendel leaves


You found a Security Access Card (Room 30)

Buddie leaves

East (2nd Floor)

Upstairs (3rd Floor)

East (3rd Floor East)

South(Room 30)

You found a Serum Flask

You found a Dynamite Stick

Click on vent

Andy talks to you


Exit North (3rd Floor East)

Valerie talks to you


Watch Scene [35]


{Valerie’s 5th Heart}



You need to find a computer attached to the network so you can get Andy the decryption key so he can open the security room.

Teleport to Dame Woods (Woods 01)

North (Woods 03)

West (Woods 04)

Click on the rocks that Tillman and Andy jumped over

West (Woods 07)

You found a Coin (32)

You found a page – Valerie 09: Bedside Anal

You found an Elevator Repair Manual in the North East corner in bushes

Right Mouse Button

Choose Repair Manual

East (Woods 04)

East (Woods 03)

South (Woods 01)

South (Outside)

Click on 2nd lamppost from the left

Choose Shovel

Choose Wire Cutters

Go to West Tower

Teleport in order – 3rd Floor, Basement, West Tower and Dame Woods

You end upBehind the Elevator

You found a page – Valerie 10: Legs On Shoulder Anal

Click on gears on North wall

Choose Machete

Teleport to West Tower

Click on Elevator doors

Enter code 7 7 7

Purchase Valerie’s Princess outfit from the Bonus Area on your phone

Go to your bedroom (Room 07)

Click on Computer

Hit delete / Do nothing

Choose Security

Network Decryption Key – 1 2 2 2

Choose Exit

Go back to Andy and the vent in Room 30

Click on vent

Enter code 1 2 2 2

Go to Security Office

On South wall between lockers and the door, there is a red plate. Click on it

Enter code 3 4 3

Go to West Tower

Click on Elevator door

Welcome to the Super Secret Special Sex Chamber

Exit South (West Tower)

Go to 2nd Floor East

Click on Andy


Simon enters



Andy and Simon are waiting for you in the woods

Teleport to Dame Woods

You meet Simon and Andy


You drop the Pick Axe for Andy and the Shovel for Simon

You need to give Andy a tarp or sheet so he can load the dirt onto it. I think you might find something useful in the kitchen.

Teleport to West Tower

Upstairs (Room 09)

Click on the painting by Kath’s bedroom door

Go to Kitchen

Pick up the Old Blanket from on top of washing machine by South West wall

You found a Blanket

Go back to Dame Woods (Woods 01)

Talk to Simon

Search for the 8 Brush pieces in the Woods

North (Woods 03)

Talk to Andy

Pick up the Radiator Part next to Andy

Pick up Brush 1

West (Woods 04)

Pick up Brush 2

North (Woods 06)

Pick up Brush 3

South (Woods 04)

West (Woods 07)

Pick up Brush 4

East (Woods 04)

East (Woods 03)

South (Woods 01)

East (Woods 02)

Pick up Brush 5

North to Graveyard

Pick up Brush 6

Go to Woods 05

Pick up Brush 7

Go to Plateau

Pick up Brush 8

Go to Woods 01

Teleport to 3rd Floor

Downstairs (2nd Floor)

Follow Valerie West (2nd Floor West)

South (Room 16)

Click on Valerie

Choose Talk


Watch Scene

Valerie leaves

The broken radiator on the 2nd floor needs fixed. Once you fix the radiator you can get the key card on the 3rd floor and open a room on the 2nd floor to find something that you can show Elizabeth and Violet

Click on Radiator on North wall

Choose Radiator Part

You turned on 10th Radiator

Go to Maze entrance on 3rd Floor

S, E, S, E, S, E, S

You found a page – Katherine 16: Reverse Cowgirl Plus

Pick up the Security Access Card (Room 17)

N to exit

North (3rd Floor)

Downstairs (2nd Floor)

West (2nd Floor West)

South (Room 16)

Enter North East Door (Room 17)

You Found a page – Valerie 11: Lean Back Cowgirl Anal

Pick up Missing Girl Pamphlet


Go to Elizabeth’s Bedroom

Click on Elizabeth


Watch Scene

Teleport to Dame Woods (Woods 01)

Find 8 piles of brush in the Dame Woods and then use the pickaxe to help Simon finish the hole faster.

North (Woods 03)

Click on Andy

Pick up the Pick Axe

South (Woods 01)

Click on Simon

Choose Pick Axe


Pick up Shovel

Now that you have the pickaxe there is a secret you can find in the room that you most recently unlocked

Teleport to 3rd Floor

Downstairs (2nd Floor)

West (2nd Floor West)

South (Room 16)

Enter Room 17

Click on West wall

Choose Pick Axe

You found a Photo of Elizabeth and Violet

Click on vent

It sounds like someone is having some fun somewhere in the building

Go to Library

Watch Scene [36]



You should show Elizabeth and Violet the photo you found

Go to Elizabeth’s Bedroom

Click on Elizabeth


Watch Scene



Do you think Andy and Simon have had any luck with Tillman?

Teleport to Dame Woods (Woods 01)

Andy and Simon have captured Tillman

Amanda enters

Valerie enters


Teleport to 3rd Floor

Go to Restroom Area

Pick up Coin (33) in South East corner

Talk to everyone

Teleport to Basement

East (Chamber Bedrooms)

Enter Elizabeth’s Bedroom


Watch Scene [37]



It’s time to let Valerie know what’s up with Parker’s dungeon

Teleport to West Tower

Go to Restroom Area


I wonder how Katherine is going to react when she sees Elizabeth

Teleport to West Tower

Go to Entrance

Click on Katherine


Is Valerie talking to Tillman?

Go to Restroom Area

Click on Men’s Restroom door

Enter Women’s Restroom (Room 03)

Click on flashing spark by East wall


Is Mendel trying to make a deal with Mrs. Bancroft?

Go to Library


Click on Amanda

Choose Talk

I hope Katherine can handle Elizabeth

Go to Katherine’s Bedroom (Room 10)


You need to help Elizabeth find her missing music box. There appears to be a new room unlocked in the basement. Perhaps there is an access card down there to open up another room that might have the missing item.

Teleport to Basement (Room 38)

North (Room 37)

North (Room 35)

Enter South West door (Room 36)

Click on note of floor

Go to Graveyard

Click on Jed’s gravestone

Go back to Dame Woods entrance

North (Woods 03)

North (Woods 05)

Click on Mendel


South (Woods 03)


Go to Graveyard

Click on flashing spark by the pond

You found a Glitter Lipstick

Give Lipstick to Buddie


Go to Room 35

Click on left red disk

Enter code 1798

South West (Room 36)

Click on flashing spark in top bookcase

Pick up the Security Access Card (Room 12)

Teleport to 3rd Floor

Downstairs (2nd Floor)

West (2nd Floor West)

Enter North East door(Room 12)

Click on note on floor

Click on desk

You found a Pin-up of Lisa Stonewell

You found a MP3 Player

Go to Kath’s Bedroom (Room 10)

Click on Elizabeth

Choose MP3 Player

Elizabeth leaves

Click on Katherine

Choose Talk

Go to Room 08

Click on East wall

Choose Pick Axe

You found a Stone Angel Wing

Go to Dame Woods (Woods 01)

East (Woods 02)

Click on the 2 stones by the right side of tree trunk

Choose Shovel

You found a Stone Angel Wing

Teleport to 3rd Floor

On North wall click on angel

Choose Angel Wing

Click on angel again

Choose Angel Wing

You found a page – Valerie 12: Side Anal


Elizabeth has been listening to her music for a while. Maybe it has helped her remember more from her past.

Go to Chapel Foyer

Click on Elizabeth


Go to Kath’s Bedroom (Room 10)


Watch Scene

Valerie enters



It’s time for dinner. Better go to the Kitchen before the food gets cold

Go to Kitchen


Katherine and Elizabeth leave


Valerie leaves



Valerie went to the basement to learn more about Parker’s dungeon. Show her what you found.

Teleport to Basement (Room 38)

Valerie talks to you


You both go North (Room 37)


You both go to Chamber Bedrooms


Valerie leaves

I wonder if Katherine will be able to sleep in that small bed with Elizabeth

Teleport to West Tower

Katherine enters


Amanda enters


All three of you go to East Tower 2nd Floor (Room 24)


All three of you get past Valerie. If any of you get caught, the scene resets

You end up in the East Tower Basement

You all go North to Elizabeth’s Bedroom


Watch Scene [39]


Amanda leaves


Where did Mendel go?

Go to Restroom Area


Valerie enters


Mendel leaves


Amanda leaves

Mrs. Bancroft hid Tillman’s gun somewhere. Find the gun before somwone else does

Go to Girl’s Bedroom

Click on left side of dresser between the beds

You found a Handgun

You found a Security Access Card (Room 15)

Go to Katherine’s Bedroom (Room 10)


You and Elizabeth go to 2nd Floor


You, Amanda and Elizabeth go to barrier 10 in the maze.


You need to find something more comfortable for Elizabeth to sleep on. There’s a note among the books on the 3rd floor that holds the secret

Read note – 1 0 0 1

North to maze entrance

Go to 2nd Floor West

Note: You might see a Multi-Vitamin Bottle appear in the South West corner. If not, then come back here after seeing Mendel and enter the 2 North rooms and exit them. I think that is what triggers the Bottle appearing otherwise. (If you are running version 83 or after, then the bottles appear randomly all over the map.

South (Room 16)

Enter North West door (Room 15)

You found a Golden Multi-Vitamin Bottle (Maybe…)

You found a Photo

Click on the 1st and 4th switches on the North Wall

Exit South (Room 16)

South East(Room 21)

Click on table in the North West corner

You found a Coin [34]

You found a Sleeping Bag

You found the Machete Sharpener

Exit North (Room 16)

Mendel enters


Mendel leaves

Go To The Maze

S, E, S, E, S, E, S to barrier 10

Click on Elizabeth

Choose Sleeping Bag


Watch Scene [40]




It’s getting late, but you can wander around the building a bit longer before sleeping.

North (The Maze Entrance)

North (3rd Floor)

Downstairs (2nd Floor)

Downstairs (Entrance)

Katherine enters


Valerie enters


Katherine leaves


You end up in your bedroom (Room 07)

Mendel knocks on the door


Exit South (East Foyer)


Mendel leaves

Use your Improved Machete to cut through the thick brush to the north in the woods.

Go to the Plateau in the woods

East (Plateau East)

You find Violet and Tillman


Buddie enters

Tillman pushes Buddie South


Father Parker appears


Tillman leaves


Father Parker disappears

Buddie enters


Buddie and Violet leave

Go find Buddie. He went back inside the building.

West (Plateau)

West through bushes

Down the rope

Go to Entrance


Elizabeth enters


Buddie, Violet and Elizabeth leave.


Find Tillman and Mendel. They are in the woods.

Go to Dame Woods (Woods 01)

North (Woods 03)

North (Woods 05)


Watch Scene

Tillman leaves


You found a Shotgun

You and Mendel go to 3rd Floor East

You meet Buddie


You give the Shotgun to Buddie

Valerie enters


Buddie and Mendel leave


Elizabeth and Violet enter


Valerie leaves


Watch Scene [41]


Simon enters


Simon leaves


Violet and Elizabeth leave

EnterRoom 28

Read note on floor

Exit South (3rd Floor East)

Look at painting to get clue – 1423

Teleport to Basement

North (Room 37)

North (Room 35)

Click on middle red disk

Enter code – 1423

South-East (Room 36)

Click on the flashing spark in the middle set of bookcases

Pick up the Pair of Wading Boots

Teleport to Dame Woods

Go to Plateau

East (Plateau East) through bushes

South (Plateau South East)

Pick up a Photo

Click on the Island in the pond

You found a Radiator Part.

Teleport to 3rd Floor

East (3rd Floor East)

Enter Room 28

Go through gap in West wall

Navigate your way round the hidden maze to the top of the 11th radiator

Click on radiator

Choose Radiator Part

You have turned on the 11th radiator

You find yourself back in the room

Exit South (3rd Floor East)

Make your way toRoom 21(2nd Floor)

{Pick up the Heart Container}

You have found a page – Valerie 13: Sit On Lap

Exit North (Room 16)


Go find Valerie. You should talk to her about what Tillman said in the woods

Go to the Chapel Foyer

Click on Valerie

{Heart Up}

Choose Talk


Valerie leaves

Follow Valerie to the Girl’s Bedroom

Click on the door


Valerie takes you into the Bedroom


Watch Scene [42]


{Valerie’s 6th Heart}

Go to the Kitchen. Buddie is talking to everybody


Buddie leaves


Simon and Amanda leave


Valerie leaves

Buddie is in the woods looking for a cell signal and for Tillman. I hope he is okay.

Upstairs (West Tower)

Teleport to Dame Woods (Woods 01)

Follow Buddie North (Woods 03)

North (Woods 05)

East (Plateau)

Up rope

Through the bushes East

East (Plateau East)

Click on Buddie


You get a Security Access Card (Room 26)

West (Plateau)

Pick up the Empty Container

The empty container you find in the woods can help you make some dynamite for Buddie, but not without something to absorb the nitro-glycerine and make it stable. What was it that you used to absorb the water and dry out the wet security badge? Was it a food item?

Teleport to West Tower

Go to the Larder in the Kitchen

Click on the flashing spark in the rice bags

You found a Container of Rice

Teleport to 3rd Floor

West (3rd Floor West)

EnterRoom 26

Click on Nitroglycerin

Choose Container of Rice

You found a Makeshift Dynamite

Click on the red switch on the North wall

Exit South (3rd Floor West)

Navigate to Bowl of Candy

Pick up Candy

Give the dynamite to Buddie

Teleport to Dame Woods (Woods 01)

You meet Katherine


Katherine goes North (Woods 03)

North (Woods 03)

Click on Katherine


Katherine goes North (Woods 05)

North (Woods 05)

East (Plateau)

Up rope

Click on Katherine


You both go through bushes East


You both go East (Plateau East)

You meet Buddie


You drop the Dynamite by Buddie


Buddie picks up the Dynamite


Buddie goes North (Plateau North East)


Katherine goes North (Plateau North East)


North (Plateau North East)


There is a secret hidden near the old church ruins

Click on the square patch in ruins

Choose Pick Axe


You and Katherine go down to thecrypt


Watch Scene [43]


Katherine leaves

Click on the plaque on the North wall


Amber is up to something in the kitchen. See if you can help her out.

Exit crypt

Teleport to West Tower

Go to Kitchen

Amber talks to you


Amanda is being cranky. Maybe someone else can tell you more about her food tastes.

Go Outside

Click on Andy


Click on Simon


Go to Kitchen

Click on Amber

Choose Talk


Teleport to Dame Woods (Woods 01)

Go to Plateau South East

Pick up Blackberries in North East corner

Teleport to West Tower

Go to Kitchen

Click on Amber

Choose Talk

Choose Candy


Click on Amber

Choose Talk

Choose Blackberries

What are Valerie and Mrs Bancroft talking about?

Go to Library Foyer

Click on Valerie


Amanda leaves


Go to Library

Click on Amanda

Choose Talk


Valerie enters


Amber appears


Amber leaves


You, Valerie and Amanda go to the Kitchen

Valerie and Amanda continue on to the Girl’s Bedroom


Simon enters


You and Amber go to the Girl’s Bedroom


Watch Scene [44]


Amanda leaves


Valerie leaves


Amber leaves

Go to the Kitchen

Go to Kitchen


Amber leaves


Simon leaves


Valerie leaves


Andy leaves … .. then returns

Watch end of version nonsense

Go Outside

Click on flashing spark in the grass by the entrance

You found Car Keys

Click on Simon’s car

Choose Simon’s Car Keys

You found a coin [35]

You found a Blacklight Bulb

You found a Photo

Click ‘Right Mouse Button’

Choose Blacklight Bulb

Choose Flashlight

Go to Crypt

You can now see the scorpions in the crypt. Wait until the coast is clear and get the page. If you

are bitten, you are ejected from the crypt.

You found a page – Valerie 14: Missionary Plus

Exit crypt


Maybe you can hunt for a cell signal. There could be some place that has a clear signal.

Go to Woods 01

South (Outside North East Corner)


You get a Voicemail

Go up higher in the building and hunt around for a cell signal. There must be a way to get through to the Police.

Go to Entrance

Go to 3rd Floor

Click on Valerie

Choose Talk


Perhaps going to the top of one of the towers will give you your best chance at getting a signal. You might have to climb out on to the roof.

Go to 2nd Floor

East (2nd Floor East)

South (Room 23)

Note the Purple Triangle between the two bookcases on the South wall

Go North East (Room 19)

Exit South East (Room 24)

Go to Room 31

Click on North East corner

Choose Pick Axe

You end up on the roof


You call your brother


You call the Police


You hear a gunshot

You go back to Room 31

Head back down and let everyone know that you called the Police.

South (Room 33)

South (Room 24)

You meet Valerie


You and Valerie go to the Kitchen


The screen goes red

** Warning: All Security Restrictions Disabled **


You, Simon and Andy leave and go to the Library Foyer


All three of you go to the Entrance


Tillman enters


All three of you run upstairs (2nd Floor)


Simon and Andy go East

You follow them East (2nd Floor East)

South (Room 23)

North East (Room 19)

South East (Room 24)

You meet Simon and Andy


All three of you go downstairs (East Tower)


Andy and Simon go downstairs (East Tower Basement)

Tillman enters

You go downstairs (East Tower Basement)

Click on door (Chamber Bedrooms)

You meet Simon, Andy and Violet


Simon and Andy go West (Room 38)


Violet goes into her bedroom

You lock her in

Tillman enters


Simon attacks Tillman


Andy enters


Something happens


Simon leaves


Andy leaves West (Room 38)

West (Room 38)

North (Room 37)

North (Room 35)


Get the key from the Chamber Library and use it in the lock next to the door entering the Serum Seperator room.

South West (Room 36)

Read note in 3rd bookcase

Pick up Chamber Key A

Exit North (Room 35)

South East (Room 37)

Click on Guages

Choose Chamber Key A

Andy enters


Andy leaves

Is the Serum Seperator malfunctioning?

North (Room 35)


You see the Flow-Rate Monitor


Go to the Kitchen and save the girls.

Go to the Kitchen


Watch Scene [45]


Andy enters


Andy leaves


You hear Andy shouting

Andy enters


Upstairs (West Tower)


Go to Entrance


Upstairs (2nd Floor)


Upstairs (3rd Floor)


Valerie Enters


Valerie leaves

Watch end of chapter sequence

Go to Room 29

Pick up a Empty Container

Go to the Larder in the Kitchen

Click on the Rice Bags

You found a Container of Rice

Go to Room 26

Click on the bottle on the floor

Choose Container of Rice

You found a Makeshift Dynamite

Go to Dame Woods

Go to the Crypt

Read the note in the crypt – N N S S W

Exit Crypt

Go West to the rocks

Click on the rocks

You break the rocks with the Dynamite


Follow the clue found in the Crypt

You end up inPlateau North

Click on all three Gravestones from left to right

Remember the Pruple Triangle you found earlier?

To get the page, stand on the triangle


Go back to Room 23

You found a page – Valerie 15: Breed and Feed

Go to the woods and see if you can find Buddie.

Teleport to Dame Woods (Woods 01)

Follow Simon (Woods 03)

West (Woods 04)

Watch Simon and Buddie


You, Simon and Buddie go to the Restroom Area


Buddie gives you a Chapel Key


Amanda and Simon leave


Amber leaves

You need to find Violet. There are pipes and cables in the basement. You need to cut the right ones. Talk to Buddie if you need help.

Go to the Closet in the Girls Bedroom

Click on the Flashing Spark in the North East corner


Teleport to Basement (Room 38)

Do NOT click on any of the three Flashing Sparks. They are all water pipes

North (Room 37)

Click on the Flashing Spark in the North East corner


Exit Soith (Room 38)

East (Chamber Bedrooms)

You meet Simon, Amanda, Amber and Violet


Mendel enters


You all leave and go to the Chapel Foyer


Mendel grabs the gun from Simon


Valerie enters


Amber grabs the gun from Mendel


You kick Mendel into the Chapel and lock the door


Amanda and Amber leave


Valerie leaves

East (Library Foyer)

Click on Amber

Choose Talk


East (Entrance)

Upstairs (2nd Floor)

Upstairs (3rd Floor)

East (3rd Floor East)

Enter North West door (Room 27)

Read note – about Skeleton Key in woods by the old church

Pick up Magnet

Click on the bottom of the Ladder

You found a Broken Metal Ladder

Pick up the Bottle of Pain Meds

Exit South (3rd Floor East)

Click on the large vent on the wall in the South East corner

Choose Pick Axe

Enter South(Vent Shaft)

Walk to the Metal Chest in the top left corner

Choose Manet (Magnet)

The Chest moves towards you

Go South toHidden Room

Click on Welder

Exit North (Vent Shaft)

North East (3rd Floor East)

Teleport to Dame Woods (Woods 01)

Make your way to Plateau North East

Pick up the Skeleton Key in the South West trees

Go back to the Vent Shaft

Click on the Metal Chest

Choose Skeleton Key

You found a page – Valerie 16: Dog and Prone

Exit North

Click ‘RMB’

Choose Kamasutra

“ Have Fun “



Go and talk to Katherine and Buddie. You can’t leave until Buddie can walk.

Go to Restroom Area


Amber is acting fishing (fishy). Spy around and see if you can figure out what she’s doing.

Go to Entrance

Watch Amber enter and then leave West

Go to West Tower

You see Amber and Amanda go upstairs

Upstairs (Room 10)

Click on Katherine’s bedroom door (Room 09)


Watch Scene [46]


Valerie enters


Valerie leaves


You found a Leather Strap-on

Amber and Amanda leave


Give Buddie some leather so he can make a leg brace .

Go to Restroom Area

Click on Buddie

Choose Leather Strap-on


Click on Buddie again

Choose Pain Medicine


Katherine, Elizabeth and Violet leave


Buddie leaves

Maybe you should talk to Valerie about the phone call on the roof. You can’t keep it a secret from her anymore.

South (Entrance)


Valerie leaves

Go to Girls Bedroom


Watch Scene [47]


You hear a scream!

You both leave and go to the West Tower

Watch Amber gives the shotgun to Buddie


Buddie leaves


Everybody leaves to the Kitchen except you

East (Chapel Foyer)


Buddie Enters

Watch End of Chapter Sequence

Buddie leaves


Go to the woods and help Buddie fifind Violet.

After talking to Buddie, go to the Ruined Church

After watching the scene, go save Violet in the church ruins

Talk to Violet (Sex scene)

Go inside the building (Teleport is not working)

– Everyone is spread throughout the building. Find them all, but don’t get electrocuted!

Switch the speed to Hyper, so you will be easier to bypass lightning

Location of all:

Andy – ground floor, east wing

Katherine – ground floor, west wing

Simon – ground floor, chapel

Mrs. Bancroft (Amanda) – west wing, Mr. Parker’s bedroom

Valerie (Mom) – third floor, east wing

Amber will come out herself

Take a Photo if you haven’t done it before (v86082)

– There’s something on the 3rd floor you can use to cross the gap in the woods. You’ll need to use the welder to fifix it though. Everything you need starts on the 3rd flfloor.

Go to the third floor, to the east wing

Fix the ladder with a welding machine

Go to Dame Woods

After the scene go on a ladder


Talk to Buddie. But don’t forget to save your game first.

After the dialogues enjoy the sex scene


Go into the building

Go to the Elevator

Watch the scene. Save


Lust Epidemic Maps

Related Post:

Lust Epidemic KamaSutra Pages Location Guide


In Lust Epidemic you play as Brad, a student of East State University as he finds himself stranded at rival college Saint Dame University during a hurricane that has unexpectedly struck your town. While exploring the ancient and creepy campus grounds you’ll uncover many mysteries and secrets… as well as some sexy fun time with some amazing MILFS!​

Lust Epidemic Walkthrough
  • When Intro finishes, you should be in the Library with Simon and Valerie.
  • Do you need to use the restroom?
  • Click on Simon
  • Tease Simon / Berate Simon Read
  • Note on table
  • North (North of Library) Read Newsletter on table
  • East (Restroom Area)
  • East (North of East Foyer) 
  • Click on Mendel
  • Click on Amber
  • Choose Talk
  • Backhanded Compliment / Small Talk
  • {Amber’s 1st Heart} 
  • West (Restroom Area)
  • Enter Gent’s Restroom (Room 04) 
  • Click on flashing spark on West wall 
  • Look in the hole / Better not spy 
  • Watch Scene [1]
  • Exit South (Restroom Area)
  • No one is in the Women’s Restroom. I wonder what it looks like in there.
  • Enter Woman’s Restroom (Room 03) 
  • Pick up Security Access Card (Room 02)
  • Pick up Coin (01) on floor
  • Exit South (Restroom Area)


  • I wonder if that new unlocked classroom has something else you need in it?
  • West (North of Library) South (Library)
  • Click on Valerie Choose Talk
  • North (North of Library)
  • Enter North East Door (Room 02)
  • Click on North East Cabinet with the flower on it
  • You found a Bottle of Water
  • Click on right hand side of the chalkboard
  • Read the message – Behind the South wall Cabinets
  • Exit South (North of Library) See if Valerie wants your water South (Library)
  • Click on Valerie
  • Choose Talk
  • Choose Bottle of Water
  • I wonder what is so special about the west tower?
  • Exit South (Library Foyer)
  • West (Chapel Foyer) 
  • West (West Tower)
  • Sister Katherine enters and talks to you 
  • Tell the truth / Lie
  • Watch
  • Could there be something useful in the West Tower? Click on spark in the flowers by the staircase
  • You have found a Desk Key
  • Wasn’t there a desk in that classroom?
  • East (Chapel Foyer)
  • East (Library Foyer)
  • North (Library)
  • North (North of Library)
  • Enter North
  • East Door (Room 02)
  • Click on flashing spark on North West desk
  • Choose Desk Key
  • You have found a Security Access Card (Room 01)
  • I wonder what could be in the room you just unlocked.
  • Exit South (North of Library)
  • Enter the North West Door (Room 01)
  • Pick up the Book called “In Your Heart!” on the South East Bookcase
  • {Pick up the Heart Container from South West corner} 
  • Exit South (North of Library)
  • You should talk to Katherine
  • Go to West Tower
  • Click on Sister Kath
  • {Heart Up} 
  • Choose Talk
  • Choose “In Your Heart!” Book 
  • Watch
  • {Kath’s 1st Heart}
  • Buddie arrives and moves you
  • East (Chapel Foyer)
  • You should talk to Andy Go to Restroom Area
  • Click on Andy
  • Watch
  • I wonder what’s going on in the Library
  • Go to Library
  • Click on Valerie Watch
  • I wonder what the security guard is doing?
  • Go to Entrance
  • Click on the flashing spark in the fountain
  • Watch
  • I bet Simon could help you West (Library Foyer)
  • Click on Simon
  • Watch
  • East (Entrance)
  • Click on the flashing spark in the fountain again
  • Buddie leaves
  • Grab the key from the fountain 
  • You have found a Desk Key East (East Foyer)
  • East (East Tower)
  • {Pick up the Heart Container}
  • Pick up the Security Access Card (Room 08)
  • West (East Foyer)
  • Enter North East door (Room 08)
  • Too dark – Exits South (East Foyer)
  • Go to Room 01
  • Click the flashing spark on the desk
  • Use the Desk Key
  • You found a Cheap Digital Camera 
  • Exit South (North of Library)
  • I wonder where Denny and Amber went off to
  • Go to East Tower
  • Watch
  • You should tell Mrs. Bancroft what you heard
  • Go to the Library Click on Amanda
  • Choose Talk
  • {Amanda’s 1st Heart}
  • Do you have to pee? 
  • North (North of Library)
  • East (Restroom Area)
  • Enter Gent’s Restroom (Room 04)
  • Click on flashing spark on West wall
  • Watch Scene [2]
  • Adam enters
  • Watch
  • Adam leaves 


  • Exit South (Restroom Area)
  • Go find Buddie and then see what Mendel is up to
  • Go to Entrance East (East Foyer)
  • North (North of East Foyer) Watch
  • Did you see Amber talking to Mendel about food? Maybe Buddie knows where some food is
  • Go to Entrance Click on Buddie
  • Get mad at Buddie / Laugh at Buddie’s misidentification
  • Where did Valerie go? North (Restroom Area) Watch
  • You follow Valerie West (North of Library) Watch
  • Where did Mendel go?
  • Go to North of East Foyer
  • Click on the flashing spark in the North West corner You have found a Chest Key
  • Go to Entrance Watch
  • Was Mendel blocking something earlier? Maybe it can help you in the basement of the East Tower
  • Go to East Tower
  • Upstairs (East Tower 2nd Floor) (Room 24) Pick up the Photo in the South West corner Pick up the Kamasutra Book
  • You can now pick up pages Downstairs (East Tower) Downstairs (East Tower Basement)
  • Click on the box in the South West corner Read Packing List
  • Click on the Chest by the stairs Choose Chest Key
  • You have found a Wire Cutters
  • Click on the electrical panel on the North wall Choose Wire Cutters


  • I wonder if Andy has anything interesting to say
  • Go to Restroom Area Click on Andy
  • Go to Entrance Buddie enters Watch
  • The West Tower is open to explore. I wonder if Sister Katherine wants to talk any more
  • Go to West Tower 2nd Floor (Room 09) Try to enter North East Door (Room 10) Watch
  • Click 2 times on the wall behind the Cabinet on the South wall. You should hear a click and the screen will flash every time.
  • Are you hungry? There is a Kitchen in the West Tower Basement
  • Downstairs (West Tower) Downstairs (Kitchen)
  • Walk to centre of Kitchen until Kath arrives Watch
  • Kath leaves
  • Pick up the Coin (02) in the South East corner Click on the Fridge
  • Yogurt / Carrots
  • Ranch Dip / Strawberry Jam
  • Add some condiments / Nah, those will …. up the taste Do it! / No way!
  • Watch Scene
  • Is Amber still hungry?
  • Go to Library Click on Valerie Choose Talk Choose Yogurt Go to East Foyer Click on Amber Choose Talk Choose Yogurt Watch Scene [3]
  • {Amber’s 2nd Heart} 


  • Is Buddie still outside? Go to the East Tower Upstairs (Room 24)
  • Click 4 times behind the 2 Cabinets on South wall. You should hear a click every time.
  • A page and a Heart Container appears
  • You found a page – Amber 11: Reverse Cowgirl
  • {Pick up the Heart Container} Go to Entrance
  • Watch
  • Click on Raincoat
  • Yes, go outside / No, stay inside You go Outside
  • Click on the flashing spark by the main entrance door You have found a Car Keys
  • Pick up a Coin (03) by the East wall
  • {Pick up the Heart Container in the North West corner} Click on the Transformer
  • Click on the Silver Car Choose Car Keys
  • You have found a Serum Flask
  • Maybe Andy knows what that purple flask is
  • Enter Building (Entrance) Go to North of East Foyer Click on Andy
  • Watch
  • Where did Mendel go? Go to East Foyer Click on Amber Watch
  • Go to Library Watch
  • Click on Valerie
  • {Heart Up} Choose Talk
  • If you’re going to try out that purple juice you’d better mix it with some juice to mask the awful flavour
  • Go to Kitchen Click on the Fridge
  • The kitchen is cooler than the upstairs areas
  • Walk around Kitchen Valerie enters Watch
  • Watch Scene [4]
  • {Valerie’s 1st Heart}
  • You exit Upstairs (West Tower)
  • You need to find Andy. Where did he go?
  • Go to Restroom Area 


  • Pick up Raincoat
  • Enter Ladies Restroom (Room 03) Watch Scene [5]
  • Andy leaves
  • Exit South (Restroom Area) Go to Entrance
  • Click on Andy Watch
  • Buddie enters Watch Buddie leaves Andy leaves Watch


  • I wonder if Valerie is okay
  • Go to Kitchen Click on Valerie Choose Talk Amanda enters
  • Mendel and Amber enter Watch
  • Mendel unlocks the Bedroom Corridor
  • You receive a Security Access Card (Room 07) Watch
  • I wonder what’s behind that opened door in the Kitchen
  • Enter North East door (Bedroom Corridor) Amber talks to you
  • Watch
  • You receive a Key Fob and a kiss from Amber Pick up a Coin (04) by the East wall
  • Go to West Tower
  • Watch Buddie and Mendel
  • It looks like Buddie is headed for the East Tower
  • Go to Entrance Exit building
  • Click on Amber’s car 2nd from left Choose Key Fob
  • Enter building with luggage Go to Kitchen
  • Amber takes her luggage from you Watch
  • Simon enters Watch Simon leaves
  • I’d check out the new unlocked bathroom if I were you. Then make your way to the storage room in the East Foyer. You might be able to find some drinks for Valerie
  • Go to Bedroom Corridor Enter Bathroom
  • {Pick up the Heart Container}
  • Click on Newsletter on left side of sink Click on the flashing spark on the floor You found a Chest Key
  • You found a page – Amber 02 : … Play (Actually says Amanda: … Play but if you click in the Kamasutra book, Amber: … Play is ??? out)
  • Go to the East Tower basement Watch Buddie
  • Upstairs (East Tower) West (East Foyer)
  • Go to Your Bedroom in the East Foyer (Room 07)
  • {Pick up the Heart Container}
  • You found a page – Amber 04: Handj*b Pick up a Coin (05) from the floor
  • Read Receipt found on box in South West corner Click on Chest
  • Choose the Chest Key
  • You found a Bottle of Red Wine Exit South (East Foyer)
  • Read Newsletter of floor Go to the Kitchen
  • Click on Valerie
  • {Heart Up} Choose Talk Choose Red Wine Watch
  • Amber looked better in them / Mrs Bancroft looks better in them Watch
  • You leave upstairs Where did Andy go? Go to Entrance Click on Andy Watch
  • I think the girls have settled in. Maybe you can sneak downstairs
  • Go to Bedroom Corridor Click on Bathroom door Watch Scene [6] Watch
  • Amber enters Watch
  • You and Amber go to Amber’s Bedroom (Room 34) Watch Scene [7]
  • {Amber’s 3rd Heart}
  • You found a page – Amber 03: Footjob 


  • Exit South (Bedroom Corridor) Click on the Bathroom door
  • You found a Security Access Card (Room 34) Valerie enters
  • Watch
  • Exit South (Kitchen) Watch Scene
  • You’ve got the pics, now go show Andy
  • Go to Entrance Click on Andy Choose SD Card Watch
  • You receive a Serum Flask
  • You should check out the Bonus Area on your phone, there might be new items for you to buy
  • Click ‘Right Mouse Button’ Click ‘Phone’
  • Double click ‘Bonus Area!’
  • Click the Goth outfit under Amber Yes / No
  • Exit the screen South
  • Amber is still awake. If you can find her, you should try playing with her
  • Go to Library Click on Amber
  • {Heart Up} Choose Talk
  • Pick up the Coin (06) from below the South West bookcase Go to Entrance
  • Click on the West wall by the staircase
  • Yes / No
  • You found a page – Katherine 01: Facejob Go to Library
  • Click on Amber Play
  • Click on Amber
  • Choose Hand and Foot Stuff Choose Get a Footjob Watch Scene
  • Cancel Exit South 


  • Where did Buddie go? Maybe check the entry
  • Go to Entrance Buddie enters Mendel enters Simon enters Amber enters Watch
  • Buddie, Mendel and Amber leave Upstairs (2nd Floor)
  • Watch
  • Pick up a Coin (07) from the floor by the West wall
  • You found a page – Amber 05: … …. (Actually says Amanda: … …. but if you click in the Kamasutra book, Amber: … …. is ??? out)
  • Pick up the Flashlight off of the Right hand chair You hear a Shot!
  • You go Downstairs to the Entrance Mendel and Simon enter
  • Watch Amanda enters Watch
  • Amanda, Buddie, Mendel and Simon leave
  • Where did Mrs. Bancroft go? Reading a book or something?
  • Go to Library Click on Amanda
  • {Heart Up} Choose Talk
  • There are probably some wine glasses in the Kitchen
  • Go to Kitchen
  • Click on the Wine Glasses on the South wall You found a Serum Spiked Wine
  • Bring the drink to Mrs. Bancroft
  • Go to Library Click on Amanda Choose Talk
  • Choose Spiked Wine Watch
  • Compliment Amanda’s *** / Compliment Amanda’s …. Watch
  • Amber enters Watch Scene [8]
  • {Amanda’s 2nd Heart}
  • Pick up the Security Access Card (Girls Bedroom) 


  • There might be something useful in Amanda’s and Valerie’s room. Just be sure you have a keycard. Amanda might have dropped it when she took off her skirt
  • Enter Girls Bedroom
  • Pick up the Coin (08) from the floor in the South West corner You found a page – Amber 06: Finger …..
  • Click on the Clock
  • You found a Battery for your Flashlight 


  • Go to the Kitchen Choose Talk with Buddie
  • The flashlight would be useful in the Chapel
  • Follow Buddie Watch
  • Enter the Chapel
  • You found a Serum Flask
  • You found a page – Amber 07: Eat ….. Walk North to Alter
  • {Pick up the Heart Container}
  • Look in first pew on right hand side You find Father Parker
  • Exit South (Chapel Foyer) You bump into Adam
  • You’ve got a Serum bottle. How would you get Amber to drink it? Her mouthwash?
  • Go to East Foyer Enter Room 08
  • You found a page – Amber 08: blo*job Pick up the Coin (09) from the floor
  • Pick up the Security Access Card (Room 06) Exit South
  • North (North of East Foyer)
  • Enter the North East door (Room 06)
  • Pick up the Coin (10) from the South East corner You have found a Calculator
  • {Pick up the Heart Container}
  • Go to Amber’s Bedroom (Room 34) Click on Amber
  • {Heart Up} Choose Talk
  • Go to Bathroom
  • Click on Mouthwash bottle on sink Choose Serum
  • Exit South (Bedroom Corridor) You meet Amber
  • Amber enters Bathroom
  • The Serum might not last long. Better wait in Amber’s room for her to get done brushing her teeth
  • Enter Amber’s Bedroom (Room 34) Amber enters
  • Watch Scene [9] Watch
  • {Amber’s 4th Heart}
  • Exit South (Bedroom Corridor) 


  • I bet Valerie and Amanda are sleeping now
  • Enter Girls Bedroom Click on Amanda Click on Valerie
  • Hell Yeah I should look at her ….. / No I better respect her privacy
  • Whisper something sexy in her ear / Leave her alone. Don’t want to wake her up
  • {Valerie’s 2nd Heart} Click on panties on floor
  • Yes, can’t pass up a sexy woman’s juicy panties / No, I better leave them alone You found a pair of Valerie’s Panties


  • I wonder what Sister Katherine is doing in the Chapel Foyer
  • Go to Chapel Foyer Click on Kath Choose Talk Watch
  • Kath leaves
  • It’s very late. You must be so tired
  • Go to East Foyer
  • Enter Your Bedroom (Room 07) Click on the couch below the pillow Yes / No
  • Watch Dream Scene [10] Exit South (East Foyer) You talk to Mendel
  • Follow Mendel Upstairs (2nd Floor) Watch
  • You follow Mendel and Denny East (2nd Floor East)
  • Watch Scene 


  • There may be something hidden near the security room that you can use to unlock the desk in the office on the east side of the 1st floor
  • Upstairs to 3rd Floor
  • Pick up Photo by West wall Pick up Serum Flask
  • You found a page – Amber 10: Cow Girl Downstairs (2nd Floor)
  • West (2nd Floor West)
  • {Pick up the Heart Container}
  • You found a page – Amber 09: Missionary East (2nd Floor)
  • East (2nd Floor East)
  • Pick up a Coin (11) in North West corner You found a page – Amanda 02: … Sucking
  • Click on flashing spark in plant in South East corner You found a Desk Key
  • Go to Room 06
  • Click on flashing spark on desk Choose Desk Key
  • You found a Security Access Card (Room 05)


  • Exit South (North of East Foyer)
  • See if there is something you can use in the classroom that you just unlocked. You may be able to mix it with the Serum
  • Enter North West door (Room 05)
  • {Pick up the Heart Container}
  • Pick up a Coin (12) from under bottom left desk
  • You found a page – Amanda 04: Jerk Off Into Mouth Pick up the Perfume Bottle by the waste bin
  • Click ‘Right Mouse Button’ Choose Perfume Bottle Choose Serum
  • Exit South (North of East Foyer) I wonder if Katherine is sleeping yet Go to Chapel Foyer
  • Click on Kath
  • It would be dangerous to try and reconnect the AC wires without turning the power off first. Go look at the electrical box outside
  • Go Outside and check the Electrical Box
  • The power in the East Basement has been shut off. It should be safe now to reconnect the wires
  • Go to East Tower basement
  • You found a page – Amanda 03: Eat … Read Note – Passcode 385
  • Click on panel on North wall
  • Only one step remaining. Turn the power back on from the outside electrical box
  • Go back Outside to the Electrical Box Go to the North East gate
  • You found a page – Amber 12: Doggy Go to South East corner of car park
  • You found a page – Amber 01: Watch M…..bate
  • Katherine will be happy that you helped her
  • Enter building (Entrance)
  • Go to Kath’s Bedroom (Room 10) Watch
  • {Kath’s 2nd Heart}
  • You found a page – Amanda 01: Watch M…..bate
  • Click on Kath
  • {Heart Up} Choose Talk
  • Choose Serum Spray Watch Scene [11]
  • There may be something hidden in Katherine’s room that can be used to unlock the upstairs storage cabinet
  • Enter Kath’s Bedroom (Room 10) again
  • Click on the flashing spark on the East wall cupboard You found a Storage Key
  • Click on Kath Choose Talk Watch


  • Go to 2nd Floor West
  • Click on flashing spark on the cabinet on North wall Choose Storage Key
  • You found a Serum Flask Andy enters
  • Watch
  • I wonder what Andy heard in the East Basement
  • Go to East Tower Basement
  • Click on North door (Chamber Bedrooms) Andy enters
  • Watch
  • Hit the door Simon enters Watch
  • Simon and Andy leave
  • Where did Andy go? Did he go outside?
  • Follow Andy to the Entrance West
  • Click on Amber
  • {Heart Up} Choose Talk
  • Go to Your Bedroom (Room 07) Click on Amber
  • Watch
  • {Amber’s 5th Heart} Watch Scene [12] Amanda enters Watch
  • Amanda and Amber leave
  • Purchase Amber’s Pearly outfit from the Bonus Area on your phone Make another Serum Spray
  • Exit South (East Foyer) 


  • Now is as good a time as any to use the Serum spray on Mrs. Bancroft
  • Click on Amanda
  • {Heart Up} Choose Talk
  • Choose Serum Spray Watch
  • Watch Scene [13]
  • {Amanda’s 3rd Heart} Amanda leaves
  • Purchase Amanda’s Office …. outfit from Bonus Area on your phone 


  • Mendel should be outside checking the water level
  • Go to Entrance Watch
  • Go Outside
  • Click on Mendel by the bridge Watch
  • Enter building (Entrance) Watch
  • I wonder how Sister Katherine is going to take the bad news
  • Go to West Tower Upstairs (Room 09) Click on Kath Watch
  • Do you think Simon has eaten all the food from the Kitchen?
  • Go to Kitchen Watch Watch Scene
  • Pick up the Serum Flask that Andy dropped
  • Mrs Bancroft might have an idea how to get into Father Parker’s office, which is on the 3rd floor in the West Tower. I bet you can find lots of goodies in there
  • Click on Amanda Choose Talk Watch
  • Go to Chapel
  • Search Father Parker
  • You found a Security Access Card (Room 32) Exit South (Chapel Foyer)
  • Go Upstairs in West Tower
  • Enter newly opened door (Room 32)
  • {Pick up the Heart Container}
  • You found a Map in South East corner You found a page – Amanda 05: … …. Pick up a Coin (13) from desk
  • Click on clue card on desk – Secret is G Left
  • The map in Father Parker’s office can be used with the shovel outside to find a buried clue
  • Go Outside and collect Shovel by bridge You found a Shovel
  • Dig in exact 3 spots using Map
  1. You found a page – Amanda 07: …. Job
  2. You found a BoxInside, an old key and a piece of paperYou found a Mysterious Paper and a Skeleton Key
  3. You found a Coin (14) Click on Denny
  • Watch
  • Go back inside building (Entrance) Go to Library
  • Follow clue card instructions and click on bookcase
  • You found a page – Amanda 06: Eat ….. Maybe Mrs. Bancroft can decipher the schematics Go to Kitchen
  • Click on Amanda
  • {Heart Up} Choose Talk Watch 


  • You should help Mrs. Bancroft look for clues in Father Parker’s office. Maybe with a little “help” you can have some fun with her
  • Follow Amanda to Father Parker’s Office (Room 32) Click on Amanda
  • Choose Talk
  • Choose Serum Spray Watch Scene [14]
  • {Amanda’s 4th Heart}
  • Click on Safe – Enter 3 8 5
  • You found a page – Amanda 08: … Hotdogging


  • Where did Valerie go? The Kitchen maybe?
  • Go to West Tower Valerie talks to you
  • I wonder what Katherine and Valerie are talking about
  • Upstairs (Room 09) Click on Kath’s door
  • Valerie enters then leaves
  • Enter Kath’s Bedroom (Room 10) Click on Kath
  • Choose Talk Watch
  • I think Simon slept on a blanket last night near the restrooms
  • Go to the Restroom Area
  • Click on the blanket on the couch on the North East wall You found a Dirty Old Blanket
  • The blanket needs washing. There is a washing machine in the Kitchen
  • Go to Kitchen
  • Click on flashing spark on South wall
  • Watch Scene [15]


  • I bet Mendel is outside talking with Denny
  • Go Outside Click on Mendel Watch
  • Go back inside (Entrance) Click on Mendel
  • The blanket should be clean by now
  • Go to Kitchen Click on Valerie Choose Talk Watch
  • You found a Clean Blanket Click on Kath
  • Choose Talk
  • Follow Kath Outside Click on Kath Watch
  • Mendel enters
  • Mendel then Kath leave Enter building (Entrance)
  • What is Simon doing upstairs?
  • Click on Kath Choose Talk Upstairs (2nd Floor) East (2nd Floor East) Watch
  • You talk to Simon
  • Where did Simon run off to?
  • Go to Entrance Watch
  • Is Buddie leaving?
  • Go back Downstairs (Entrance) Watch
  • The security room may have a way to turn off some of the security lasers. If you can shut them down, you may be able to find more Serum
  • Upstairs to 2nd Floor Click on Mendel
  • East to 2nd Floor East Enter Security Office
  • Click on Waste bin in South West corner You found a Blank Security Access Card
  • Pick up the Security Access Card from the floor 
  • You found a page – Amber 13: Standing *** Read note on East table – about Radiators
  • Click on the 2 red switches on East and West walls Click on flashing spark on middle desk
  • You found a Locker Key Exit South (2nd Floor East) South (Room 23)
  • Read Newsletter on table
  • You found a page – Katherine 03: … On …. Pick up a Serum Flask from South East table You found a Coin (15) by the North West plant North (2nd Floor East)
  • West (2nd Floor)


  • West (2nd Floor West) South (Room 16)
  • Read Note on floor – Read Riddle
  • You found a page – Katherine 04: Watch M…..bate You found a Coin (16) in North West corner
  • North (2nd Floor West)
  • Katherine is waiting for a lesson. Maybe the Serum will help her get in the mood
  • Click on 1st Radiator North East corner
  • Go to Library Foyer
  • Click on West painting
  • Choose Wire Cutters
  • You found a page – Amber 15: Prone ****
  • Go to Room 06
  • Click on 2nd Radiator North wall
  • Exit South
  • Enter North West door (Room 05)
  • Click on 3rd Radiator North East corner
  • Exit South (North of East Foyer)
  • Go to Girl’s Bedroom
  • Click on 4th Radiator South East corner
  • Exit South (Bedroom Corridor)
  • Click on 5th Radiator South wall
  • Go to Men’s restroom (Room 04)
  • You found a page – Amber 16: Doggy ****
  • {Pick up the Heart Container} 


  • Go to Entrance Click on Amanda Choose Talk Watch
  • Amber leaves Watch
  • Go to Kath’s Bedroom (Room 10) Click on Kath
  • {Heart Up} Choose Talk
  • Choose Serum Spray Watch Scene [16]
  • {Kath’s 3rd Heart}
  • Purchase Kath’s Sexy Nun’s outfit in Bonus Area on your phone (31%)
  • You want to cure your blue balls? Maybe Amanda can help you
  • Go to Entrance Click on Amanda Choose Talk Amber enters Watch
  • Amber leaves
  • Amber is pissed. You better try and smooth things over with her
  • Go to Library Click on Amber Watch
  • To make Amber’s meal you can find ingredients in the fridge. Valerie can help you cook it
  • Go to Kitchen Click on Fridge
  • Use butter in the sauce / Use yogurt in the sauce
  • Add marinara and cinnamon to the sauce / Add heavy crème and cheese The tube looking noodles / The flat long noodles
  • Click on Valerie Choose Talk
  • You found a Fettuccine Alfredo Dish Give the Fettuccine Alfredo to Amber Go to Library
  • Click on Amber
  • Choose Fettuccine Alfredo Amanda enters
  • Watch
  • Watch Scene [17] Simon enters Watch
  • Simon and Amanda leave Watch
  • {Amber’s 6th Heart}


  • Did you find the security card that unlocked the basement?
  • Go to Restroom Area Click on Amanda Choose Talk
  • Go to East Tower
  • Click on left flashing spark on lockers on South wall Choose Locker Key
  • You found a page – Amanda 15: Reverse Cowgirl **** Upstairs (Room 24)
  • Click on Andy
  • Trade your map for a Kamasutra page / Keep the map 
  • You found a page – Amber 14: Laying ****
  • Go to East Tower basement
  • Enter North West door (Chamber Bedrooms)
  • Walk towards the two doors
  • Watch
  • Pick up the Security Access Card from floor (Room 25) You found a AM/FM Radio
  • You found a page – Amanda 09: Missionary 


  • Are there any clues as to what Father Parker was up to? Maybe there is a clue in his bedroom at the top of the west tower
  • Go to Father Parker’s Bedroom (Room 25)
  • Pick up a Coin (17) under the chair in South East corner Pick up a Photo in South West corner
  • Read Note on the bed
  • Click on 6th Radiator North East corner You found a page – Amanda 12: Crucifier You found the 1st Security Chip
  • Click on flashing spark on the chest of drawers You found a Skeleton Key
  • Go to West Tower 2nd Floor (Room 09) Click on old Chest
  • Choose Skeleton Key
  • You found the 2nd Security Chip
  • I wonder what Valerie and Amanda are talking about
  • Go to Library Foyer Click on Amanda
  • {Heart up} Choose Talk
  • I wonder if Simon is mad after seeing you naked with his Mom. I think he’s hanging by the restrooms
  • Go to Restroom Area Click on Simon Watch
  • Amanda enters and enters the Women’s Restroom Simon leaves
  • Enter Men’s Restroom (Room 04) Click on old Chest
  • Choose Skeleton Key
  • You found a page – Amanda 11: Take A Seat Click on flashing spark on West wall
  • Watch Scene [18] Watch
  • Watch Scene [19]
  • {Amanda’s 5th Heart}
  • Exit South (Restroom Area) Go to Entrance
  • Follow Valerie Upstairs (2nd Floor) West (2nd Floor West)
  • You go East (2nd Floor) Downstairs (Entrance) Click on north arch Watch Scene
  • Watch Valerie leaves
  • Upstairs (2nd Floor) West (2nd Floor West)
  • Pick up a Coin (18) from the floor
  • You found a page – Amanda 10: Side By Side


  • I don’t know what to do… Maybe go back to the basement?
  • Go to East Tower Click on Andy Watch
  • I wonder what Valerie is up to in the Kitchen
  • Go to West Tower Click on Kath Choose Talk Watch
  • Go to Kitchen
  • Is Valerie trying to get into the closet in her room?
  • Follow Valerie into her bedroom Click on Valerie
  • Choose Talk Watch
  • You should ask Mendel if he has a card for the closet. He might be able to help
  • Go to 2nd Floor
  • Click on Mendel – Get Clue 9 4 6 0
  • Go to East Foyer Click on Simon Watch
  • Simon leaves Watch
  • Enter your bedroom (Room 07) Click on Computer
  • Choose Blank Security Access Card Enter Code 9 4 6 0
  • You’ve got the key card. Go give it to Valerie
  • Go to Girl’s Bedroom Click on Valerie Choose Talk
  • Choose the Closet Security Card Enter Closet
  • {Pick up the Heart Container} Pick up a Coin (19) from the floor Click on Valerie
  • Choose Talk Watch
  • Watch Scene [20]
  • Watch Scene [21]


  • I wonder if Mrs. Bancroft has anything interesting to say
  • Go to Library Foyer Click on Amanda Choose Talk
  • Watch
  • You need to find the ESU file. Your only hope is to try and trick Mendel
  • Go Upstairs (2nd Floor) Click on Mendel Watch
  • Downstairs (Entrance) East (East Foyer) Mendel talks to you
  • You head West (Entrance) North (Restroom Area) East (North of East Foyer) South (East Foyer)
  • East (East Tower)
  • You go West (East Foyer) Click on North Arch
  • East (East Tower) Upstairs (Room 24)
  • Click on bottom frame of large painting Choose Shovel
  • You found the ESU File
  • Give the ESU file to Mrs. Bancroft. She will be very happy you found it
  • Go to Library Foyer Click on Amanda Choose Talk
  • Choose ESU File Watch
  • Go to Amber’s room. I have a feeling something awesome is about to happen
  • Go to Amber’s bedroom (Room 34) Watch Scene [22]


  • You should talk to Mrs. Bancroft
  • Go to Kitchen Click on Amanda Choose Talk Watch
  • Valerie enters Watch
  • Valerie and Amanda leave
  • Go find Andy before Valerie and Amanda do
  • Go to North of East Foyer Click on Andy
  • Watch
  • Valerie and Amanda enter Watch
  • Valerie and Amanda leave Watch
  • Andy leaves
  • I think Mendel is asleep. Maybe you can steal one of his access cards
  • Go to 2nd Floor
  • Pick up Security Access Card by a sleeping Mendel (Room 13) Enter North West door (Room 13)
  • Read Note on desk – about a Screwdriver Click on 7th Radiator North West corner Go to North of East Foyer
  • You found a Pair Of Jump Boots Go to Security Office
  • Click on Pick Axe You found a Pick Axe
  • Exit South (2nd Floor East) Go to Library Foyer
  • Click on flashing spark in North West corner You found a Desk Key
  • Go to Kitchen
  • Click on flashing spark on the cabinet North wall You found a Skeleton Key
  • Go to Girls Bedroom Enter Closet
  • Click on pillar behind shelves Choose Pick Axe
  • You found a page – Valerie 01: … Play Go to Katherine’s bedroom (Room 10) Watch
  • Kath enters Watch
  • Watch Scene [23] Watch
  • Amber leaves Watch


  • Has Simon gone into the woods yet?
  • Go to Entrance Simon talks to you
  • There is a calculator on the 1st floor and a radio in the basement. Maybe you can use them to make a metal detector
  • Go to East Tower basement
  • Enter North West door (Chamber Bedrooms) Click on pillar on East wall
  • Choose Pick Axe
  • You found a Coin (20) on floor
  • Purchase Amanda’s Mistress Maid outfit from the Bonus Area! on your phone Click ‘Right Mouse Button’
  • Choose Radio Choose Calculator Go Outside
  • Click on flashing spark near entrance to building You found a Screwdriver
  • Click on flashing spark in North East corner You found a Coin (21)
  • Enter building Entrance) Upstairs (2nd Floor)
  • Enter North West door (Room 13)
  • Click on flashing spark on cabinet on North wall Chose Desk Key
  • You found a Security Access Card (Room 19) Go to 2nd Floor South East (Room 23)
  • Click on bookcase North East corner You Found the 3rd Security Chip Enter North East door (Room 19) Read Note – Make a Metal Detector
  • You found a Coin (22) under the North East classroom table You found a page – Valerie 03: Watch M…..bate
  • Click on the vent in the North wall Choose Screwdriver
  • You found a Bottle of Serum Exit South East (Room 24) Go back to the West Tower Click on old Chest
  • Choose Skeleton Key
  • You found a page – Valerie 04: Thigh …. Go to Entrance
  • Click on Simon Upstairs (2nd Floor) Upstairs (3rd Floor)
  • Click on flashing spark on carpet You found a Coin (23)
  • Head towards the Kitchen You meet Valerie
  • Watch
  • Go to Kitchen Click on Valerie Choose Talk Enter Bathroom
  • Click on Shampoo on bath Watch
  • Watch Scene [24] Watch
  • {Valerie’s 3rd Heart} Click on your clothes 


  • Anything going on outside? Maybe Buddie will be back soon
  • Go to West Tower 2nd Floor (Room 09) Click on flashing spark on carpet
  • You found a Skeleton Key Go to Entrance
  • Watch Outside
  • Go to East side of building Watch
  • Tillman enters Watch
  • Enter Woods through gate (Woods 01) East (Woods 02)
  • Pick up the Security Access Card (Room 33) You found a page – Katherine 05: … …. Read Note – about a Bible in the Chapel
  • Pick up a Coin (24) in the South bushes
  • Purchase Valerie’s Succubus outfit from the Bonus Area! on your phone 
  • Go back and enter building (Entrance)
  • Watch 


  • I wonder what Valerie and Tillman are up to in the kitchen
  • Go to Kitchen Watch
  • Where did Buddie run off to? Did you check the basement?
  • Go to East Tower basement
  • Click on door
  • Watch
  • Upstairs (East Tower) Upstairs (Room 24)
  • Enter North East door (Room 33) Read Note on table on North wall 
  • Pick up a Coin (25) from floor
  • You found a page – Katherine 06: Eat …..
  • Click on the flashing spark in the waste bin in the South West corner
  • You found a Skeleton Key
  • Exit South (Room 24)
  • Go to Entrance
  • Where is Andy going? Is he looking for Serum?
  • Upstairs (2nd Floor) West (2nd Floor West)
  • Watch Scene
  • Don’t try and outrun Buddie. Outsmart him! If he chases you, try hiding in the Library
  • Go back to the Woods (Woods 01)
  • Click on old Chest
  • Choose Skeleton Key
  • You found the 4th Security Chip
  • Find the soft ground in South West corner
  • Choose Shovel
  • You found a page – Amanda 16: Spoony ****
  • {Pick up the Heart Container in South East Bushes} South (Building Grounds)
  • Click on ground base of tree on the West side of building
  • Use Shovel
  • You found a page – Katherine 08: B…job Enter building (Entrance)
  • West (Library Foyer) West (Chapel Foyer)
  • Buddie will see you and you go East to Library Foyer
  • Hide in Library between the four bookcases
  • It’s time to have fun with Katherine. Certainly nothing can get in your way this time
  • Go to Chapel
  • Click on bottom Right Candelabra
  • You found a page – Katherine 07: … Hotdogging Go to Kitchen
  • Click on Valerie
  • {Heart Up} Choose Talk
  • Go to Kath’s Bedroom (Room 10) Click on Kath
  • Choose Talk Watch
  • You exit bedroom (Room 09) 


  • You need to find a Bible. There is probably one in the Chapel
  • Go to Chapel
  • You will exit the Chapel (Chapel Foyer) You found a Bible
  • Watch
  • Time to talk to Katherine and convince her to ….!
  • Go to Kath’s Bedroom (Room 10) Click on Kath
  • Choose Talk Choose Bible Watch
  • Watch Scene [25] Watch
  • {Kath’s 4th Heart} Buddie enters
  • You go with Buddie into the Chapel Watch
  • Buddie leaves
  • You need to open one of the basement chamber doors. Find security chips to open one of the two doors. You need 4 chips


  • Go to the Chamber Bedrooms
  • Watch
  • You might want to SAVE the game here
  • Choose between Elizabeth or Violet (I chose Elizabeth) Click on Elizabeth’s door
  • Yes, Insert a Security Chip / No, I do not want to insert a Security Chip / Cancel Click on door again
  • Insert 1 Security Chip into this door / Remove 1 Security Chip from this door / Cancel Do this twice more
  • Click on door
  • You enter Bedrooms Watch
  • Watch Scene
  • Exit South (Chamber Bedrooms) 


  • Go back upstairs
  • Go back to East Tower You meet Andy
  • Watch
  • Maybe you should discuss the hike more with Tillman in the Kitchen
  • Go to the Kitchen Click on Tillman Mendel enters Watch
  • Buddie enters Watch
  • Buddie, Mendel and Tillman leave Watch
  • You should invite Katherine to dinner Go to Kath’s Bedroom (Room 10) Click on Kath
  • {Heart Up} Choose Talk Watch Kath leaves
  • I wonder if Mendel came up with a plan for tomorrow yet. Didn’t everyone go upstairs?
  • Go to 2nd Floor Click on Buddie Watch
  • Buddie leaves
  • I wonder where Buddie went? It looked like he was heading for the security room
  • Go to Security Office Buddie talks to you Watch
  • Andy looks like he’s up to something. Maybe you should talk to him
  • Go to Entrance Click on Andy Watch
  • You need some panties. If the girls can’t help you, maybe there are some in their bedrooms
  • Go to Amber’s Bedroom (Room 34)
  • You found Clean Panties
  • You’ve got panties, but they need to be used to have any value. Maybe Elizabeth or Violet can help dirty them up
  • Go to Elizabeth’s bedroom Click on Elizabeth
  • Watch Watch Scene
  • You found a pair of Wet Panties Exit South (Chamber Bedrooms) Go to Entrance
  • Click on Andy Choose Wet Panties
  • You found a Security Access Card (Room 11) Go to 2nd Floor West
  • Maybe you can find a compass in the room you just opened. Buddie would love to have it if you can find it
  • Enter North West door (Room 11)
  • Pick up a Serum Flask by the West wall 
  • You found a page – Amanda 13: Doggy ****
  • Click on the flashing spark under the 2nd desk
  • You found a Compass
  • Click on 8th Radiator North West corner Click on chalkboard
  • Choose Shovel
  • You found a page – Katherine 13: ****And Finger 
  • Exit South (2nd Floor West)
  • East (2nd Floor) East (2nd Floor East) South (Room 23)
  • South (Room 22) Laser 8
  • You found a Coin (26) North West wall
  • Read Note on desk – about page buried in woods
  • Click on old Chest Choose Skeleton Key
  • You found the 5th Security Chip Exit North (Room 23)


  • Go to Security Office Click on Buddie Choose Compass Watch
  • Buddie leaves
  • Go to the pantry room from the Kitchen. There should be some wine in there. Also make sure you’ve found some Serum to make the wine a bit more interesting
  • Go to Kitchen Enter Pantry
  • You found the 6th Security Chip
  • Click on the flashing spark on the 2 boxes by the West wall You found a Locker Key
  • Click on the flashing spark on the shelves North wall Moscato / Brochetto / Marsala
  • You found a Bottle of Marsala Watch Scene
  • Amber / Mrs Bancroft Watch
  • Watch Scene [26]
  • {Amanda’s 6th Heart} 


  • I wonder if Buddie has all the supplies? Tillman had a map… it sure would be nice to have a woods map
  • Go to 2nd Floor
  • You found a Machete Click on Buddie Watch
  • Tillman leaves Watch
  • Mendel and Buddie leave Click on map on chair
  • Simon is acting funny. What is he up to?
  • Go to 2nd Floor East Click on Simon Watch
  • The machete left near the guy’s hiking supplies could be used to cut down the thorn bushes in the woods
  • Go to Kitchen Click on Amanda Choose Talk Watch
  • Go Outside
  • Click on the bush on the North wall by the gate to the woods Choose Machete
  • Click on the wall where the bush was Choose Pick Axe
  • You found a page – Katherine 09: Side ****
  • Go to Woods (Woods 01)
  • East (Woods 02)
  • North (Graveyard)
  • Click on each of the 4 gravestones in a row. Make a note of the ages, left to right 38, 68, 78, 88
  • Click on the bushes to the North Choose Machete
  • Click on Note – Bypass Code 1 2 3 4 Click on the flashing spark by the note You found a Skeleton Key
  • Maybe it’ll put a spark into Katherine to scare her a bit by taking her to the graveyard
  • Go to Entrance Kath talks to you Watch
  • Follow Kath to the Chapel Foyer Click on Kath
  • Watch
  • Go to Graveyard
  • Watch Scene [27] Watch
  • Andy enters
  • Andy finds something and then leaves Kath leaves


  • The note in the woods will help you with the security room computer, but the room it unlocks contains a mystery you must find. Perhaps the pickaxe in the security room will help
  • Go to Security Office Click on Computer Enter Code 1 2 3 4
  • Go to East Tower Basement North (Chamber Bedrooms) West (Room 38)
  • Pick up a Photo from floor
  • Click on the South wall between the two pillars Choose Pick Axe
  • Enter South (Room 39)
  • You found a page – Amanda 14: Prone ****
  • You found the Holy Rod
  • Click on the Red Circle on the North wall
  • Enter the ages from the graveyard stones – enter 3 6 7 8
  • Pick up a Photo You found a Wheel
  • Click on the Blue Circle on the North wall
  • You have activated the Fast-Travel [Teleport} system Exit North (Room 38)
  • Go to Elizabeth’s bedroom Click on Elizabeth
  • Watch Watch Scene Watch
  • Exit South (Chamber Bedrooms) West (Room 38)


  • You sure did serve a lot of strong wine at dinner. I wonder if Valerie and Mrs. Bancroft have hit the sack yet
  • Use Teleport – West Tower Kath talks to you
  • Watch
  • Go to Girls Bedroom Click on Amanda Watch Scene
  • Click on Valerie 


  • Go to Kitchen Simon talks to you Watch
  • You found a Coin (27) Simon leaves
  • Watch
  • Simon enters and chases you around the Kitchen You both end up in the West Tower
  • Watch Katherine enters Watch
  • Simon leaves Watch Katherine leaves
  • Katherine is waiting for you in Amber’s room
  • Go to Amber’s Bedroom (Room 34) Click on Kath
  • Choose Talk
  • You need to get Katherine’s hat back. Chase that damned squirrel! I think it’s heading outside
  • Follow squirrel Outside
  • Chase squirrel around the building Enter building (Entrance)
  • The squirrel went to the top of the east tower. The door is locked there though… Maybe there is an access card very near to the locked door
  • Go to East Tower 3rd floor (Room 33) Look at the South wall
  • Choose Pick Axe
  • You found a Security Access Card (Room 31) North (Room 31)
  • Read Newsletter on desk South wall Read Note by waste bin
  • You found a page – Katherine 10: The **** Cross 
  • Pick up Kath’s Hat
  • You found a Nun’s Hat
  • Go give Katherine her hat back
  • Go to Amber’s Bedroom (Room 34) Click on Kath
  • Choose Talk Watch Scene [28]
  • {Kath’s 5th Heart} Watch Dream
  • Exit South (Bedroom Corridor)
  • Was Father Parker really just at the bedroom door? I wonder if it was real or a dream. His body is in the chapel… Right?
  • Go to Chapel
  • Check for Father Parker Exit South (Chapel Foyer) Buddie talks to you
  • Both you and Buddie enter the Chapel Watch
  • Buddie leaves


  • Maybe the security camera in the security room captured something
  • Go to the Security Office Click on Buddie
  • Watch Scene
  • Buddie leaves
  • You are locked in the Security Office Watch
  • You are locked up again (Room 37)
  • If you’re going to mess with the electronics for the security door you don’t want to be standing in water. Maybe you have something made of rubber you can lay over the puddle
  • Click on the gauges on the North wall South (Room 38)
  • Go to East Tower
  • You go Upstairs (Room 24)
  • Go through North West door (Room 19) Go South West (Room 23)
  • Click on Security Lock Pad Lock / Unlock
  • Lock Mendel in classroom
  • You should talk to Amber. I don’t know what she might think about Mendel being trapped in a classroom
  • Go to Kitchen
  • Amber talks to you
  • You found a Glitter Lipstick
  • I bet the lipstick belongs to one of the girls in the basement
  • Go to Elizabeth’s bedroom Click on Elizabeth
  • Choose Glitter Lipstick Watch
  • You found a Security Access Card (Room 18) You found a Tape Recorder
  • Exit South (Chamber Bedrooms) 


  • Maybe you can use the tape recorder to record Mendel admitting he was using Amber. The recorder needs a cassette tape though. I think there might be one in the woods
  • West (Room 38)
  • Use Teleport – Dame Woods North (Woods 03)
  • Click in South East bushes You found a Coin (28) West (Woods 04)
  • {Pick up the Heart Container from South bushes} You found a Mini Cassette
  • Click on the flowers shaped in a cross in the North East Choose Shovel
  • You found a page – Valerie 05: … ….
  • Click on the flashing spark in the South West corner You found a Skeleton Key
  • Go back to the East Tower West (East Foyer)
  • Valerie talks to you Watch
  • East (East Tower) Upstairs (Room 24)
  • Click on North West door (Room 19) Watch
  • Choose Tape Recorder Watch
  • You should let Amber listen to the recording
  • Go to Kitchen Click on Amber Choose Talk Watch
  • Amber ran off to go talk to Mendel. You better catch up to her and not let Mendel talk her into opening the door and letting him out
  • Follow Amber to Room 23 Watch Scene [29]
  • You go North (2nd Floor East) Amber enters
  • South (Room 23)
  • Enter North West door (Room 18) You found a Photo
  • Click on Note on floor
  • You found a Rope in South West corner
  • Click on the 9th Radiator North West Corner Click on vent in the North wall
  • Choose Screwdriver
  • Read Note – about chamber keys
  • Click on old Chest
  • Choose Skeleton Key
  • You found a page – Valerie 06: Eat …..
  • Exit South (Room 23)
  • North (2nd Floor East)
  • West (2nd Floor)
  • West (2nd Floor West)
  • South (Room 16)
  • Enter the South West laser 9 (Room 20)
  • You found a Rope
  • You found the 7th Security Chip 
  • Exit North (Room 16)


  • Valerie is up to something. It looks like she’s heading for the Kitchen
  • Go to Kitchen Watch
  • Follow the girls to their bedroom Watch Scene [30]
  • {Valerie’s 4th Heart} 


  • Did you talk to Andy? I think he is looking for Father Parker
  • Go to West Tower Andy finds you Watch
  • To go deeper into the woods you need both a rope and a grappling hook. Andy knows where to find the grappling hook. The rope is in a classroom on the floor on the 2nd story. If you’ve got what you need, go climb the rock wall!
  • Go Outside
  • Walk to West wall Walk North 4 paces Choose Pick Axe
  • You found a Grappling Hook Go to Woods (Woods 01) North (Woods 03)
  • Click on North rock wall Choose Grappling Hook North (Woods 05)
  • You found a Coin (29) in the South East bushes
  • Purchase Kath’s Angel outfit in the Bonus Area! On your phone You found a page – Valerie 07: Blow Job
  • Walk North of page location
  • Click on location where 3 crows flew from Choose Machete
  • Watch
  • Pick up Security Access Card
  • You found a Water Damaged Security Pass
  • South (Woods 03)
  • South (Woods 01) Simon meets you Watch
  • North (Woods 03)
  • Click in South West corner in bushes
  • You found a page – Katherine 12: Laying ****
  • South (Woods 01)


  • Where did Andy go? I bet he is hiding in a cramped room
  • Use Teleport – West Tower Go to Kitchen Pantry
  • Click on Bags of Rice
  • You found a Security Access Card (Room 14) Go to 2nd Floor
  • Click on Katherine
  • {Heart Up} Choose Talk
  • Go to 2nd Floor East
  • Enter North West door (Room 14)
  • Pick up the Coin (30) in the South East corner You found a Roll Of Tape
  • Read Note – **** toy
  • You found a Tube of Lube under the chalkboard Exit South (2nd Floor East)
  • Go to your bedroom (Room 07) Watch
  • Exit South (East Foyer)
  • You need to tell Valerie about Denny
  • Go to Kitchen Watch
  • What are Valerie and Amanda saying to Andy over at the building’s entrance
  • Go to Entrance Watch
  • I wonder where Amanda ran off to?
  • Go to North of Library Watch
  • You found an Empty Serum Flask
  • There is a pipe in the chamber bedroom that is misting Serum. You’ll need some tape to collect it. The tape is in the room opened with Denny’s access card
  • Go to Elizabeth’s bedroom Climb on bed
  • Choose Roll of Tape Wait 20 seconds
  • You have a Serum Bottle
  • Now that you have the Serum, go show it to Mrs. Bancroft
  • Go to North of Library Click on Amanda Choose Talk
  • Choose Serum Watch Scene [31]
  • Simon enters Watch Simon leaves Watch
  • Amanda then Katherine leaves 


  • There is another s*x toy you can show Elizabeth or Valerie. It can be found on the 3rd floor in the room with all the boxes. Look closely. Collect it and show it to the girls… But only after you found the lube Go to 3rd Floor
  • 3 steps West from stairs, Click on broken South wall Choose Pick Axe
  • You found an **** Beads s*x Toy Go to Elizabeth’s bedroom
  • Click on Elizabeth Watch Scene
  • Exit South (Chamber Bedrooms) Go to East Tower
  • Click on the flashing spark on the locker on the North wall Choose Locker Key
  • You found a page – Katherine 02: … Fingering Go to Entrance
  • Simon finds you Watch
  • Go to Woods (Woods 01) Simon enters
  • Andy enters
  • You all go North (Woods 03) North (Woods 05)
  • Watch Buddie enters Watch
  • You all go back to the Entrance Watch
  • Buddie locks the front door 


  • What are Valerie and Andy talking about?
  • East (East Foyer) Watch
  • Valerie leaves Watch
  • Simon enters Watch
  • Simon and Andy leave West (Entrance) Click on Andy
  • Watch
  • You found the 1st penny Watch
  • Maybe one of the girls has a penny you can use to unlock the front door
  • East (East Foyer)
  • North (North of East Foyer)
  • Click on the flashing spark in the bin You found the 2nd penny
  • Go to the Men’s restroom (Room 04) Click on bin
  • You found the 3rd penny
  • Go to Women’s restroom (Room 03) Click on bin
  • You found the 4th penny Go Upstairs (2nd Floor) West (2nd Floor West)
  • Enter North West door (Room 11) Click on the flashing spark in the bin You found the 5th penny
  • Exit South (2nd Floor West) Go to Kitchen
  • Click on Valerie Choose Talk
  • You found the 6th penny Go to Entrance
  • Click on Simon Watch
  • Buddie enters Watch Buddie leaves
  • Amber enters then leaves Follow Amber East
  • Click on Amber Choose Talk Amber leaves West (Entrance)
  • Upstairs (2nd Floor) Watch
  • All go downstairs Watch
  • Buddie and Amber exit Click on Exit door Watch
  • Buddie and Amber enter Buddie locks the front door Watch
  • Buddie and Amber leave Watch
  • Simon and Andy leave
  • Simon and Andy are waiting for you in the Dame Woods
  • Go Outside
  • Walk towards North East Gate Enter Woods (Woods 01) Watch
  • North (Woods 03)
  • North (Woods 05) East (Plateau) Click on Andy Watch
  • West (Woods 05)
  • South (Woods 03)
  • South (Woods 01) Simon enters Watch
  • South
  • Enter building (Entrance) Upstairs (2nd Floor)
  • You need to find all the remaining security chips to unlock both basement chamber doors
  • West (2nd Floor West) Andy enters
  • You found the 8th Security Chip Go to Violet’s bedroom door Click on Violet’s door
  • Yes, insert a Security Chip / No, I do not want to insert a Security Chip Click on door again
  • Insert 1 Security Chip into this door / Remove 1 Security Chip from this door / Cancel Do this twice more
  • Violet’s door is unlocked Enter Violet’s bedroom Watch
  • Watch Scene Watch
  • Exit South (Chamber Bedrooms)


  • I think Simon found something
  • Go to Entrance Simon talks to you Watch
  • You found a Serum Bottle
  • Go show Mrs. Bancroft the Serum bottle you found. I bet she’ll be happy you found another
  • Go to Kitchen Click on Amanda Watch
  • Valerie enters Watch
  • Go see if you can convince Buddie to find Tillman out in the woods
  • Go to Entrance Upstairs (2nd Floor) Buddie finds you Watch
  • East (2nd Floor East) Mendel finds you Watch
  • West (2nd Floor) Downstairs (Entrance)
  • Click on Buddie Watch
  • Go to the Kitchen to see what everyone is talking about
  • Go to Kitchen Watch
  • Buddie and Mendel leave Watch
  • Watch Scene [32] Simon enters Watch
  • Simon and Amanda leave Watch
  • Amber leaves 


  • Simon is getting in trouble for spying again. Go talk to Andy instead
  • Go to Entrance Andy talks to you Watch
  • Simon enters Go Outside
  • Go to Woods (Woods 01) North (Woods 03)
  • North (Woods 05) East (Plateau) Click on Simon
  • You found a Grappling Hook Click on rock face
  • Choose Grappling Hook Click on rope
  • Watch
  • Andy Leaves
  • You found a page – Valerie 08: Creamy Hotdog Click on old Chest
  • Choose Skeleton Key
  • You found a page – Katherine 14: Legs On Shoulders You found a Wheel
  • Go find Andy. He went towards the river in the woods.
  • Down rope
  • West (Woods 05)
  • South (Woods 03) West (Woods 04) Watch
  • Click on Andy Watch
  • Andy leaves Simon enters Follow Simon East (Woods 03)
  • North (Woods 05) East (Plateau)
  • Climb rope Click on Simon Watch


  • I wonder what Katherine and Amber are talking about.
  • Down rope
  • West (Woods 05)
  • South (Woods 03)
  • South (Woods 01) Teleport to 3rd Floor Downstairs (2nd Floor)
  • Enter North West door (Room 13) Click on Dolly
  • Choose Wheel Click on Dolly Choose Wheel You found a Dolly
  • Exit South (2nd Floor) Upstairs (3rd Floor)
  • Click on East box to move East (3rd Floor East)
  • Click on the flashing spark on the cabinet on South wall You found a Skeleton Key
  • You found a Watch West (3rd Floor)
  • Click on West box to move West (3rd Floor West)
  • Read Note – about roaches locations
  • East
  • Click on south box to move South into Maze
  • North (3rd Floor) Go to Chapel Foyer Watch
  • Amber leaves Click on Kath Choose Talk Choose Watch Watch Katherine leaves
  • Simon is still high on mushrooms. What the hell is he doing?
  • Go to Entrance Click on Simon Watch
  • Violet enters Watch
  • You End up in Violet’s Bedroom Watch
  • Exit South (Chamber Bedrooms) Enter Elizabeth’s bedroom
  • Click on Elizabeth Watch
  • Choose any
  • Exit South (Chamber Bedrooms) Go to West Tower
  • Upstairs (Room 09)
  • Click on Kath’s bedroom door Watch Scene
  • You should talk to Katherine Enter Kath’s bedroom (Room 10) Click on Kath
  • Choose Talk Go to Kitchen
  • Click on Valerie Choose Talk Watch
  • You found a Gallon Jug
  • There is an uncontaminated water source in the woods. But it’s not the river.
  • Go to Graveyard Click on East Pond Choose Gallon Jug
  • You found a Jug of Pond Water Go to Kitchen
  • Click on Valerie Choose Talk
  • Choose Jug of Pond Water Katherine enters
  • Watch Katherine leaves
  • Katherine looks upset. You should talk to her
  • Go to Kath’s Bedroom (Room 10) Click on Kath
  • Choose Talk Watch
  • Go to Chapel Foyer Click on Amber Choose Talk
  • You found a Key Fob Go Outside
  • Click on Ambers Car Choose Key Fob
  • You found a Condom Go to Chapel Foyer Click on Amber Choose Talk
  • Go to Kath’s bedroom (Room 10) Click on Kath
  • Choose Talk Choose Condom
  • Follow Kath into Chapel
  • Watch Scene [33] Watch
  • Katherine leaves 


  • Exit South (Chapel Foyer)
  • Well that didn’t go as planned. You better go see if Katherine is okay
  • Go to Kath’s bedroom (Room 10) Click on Kath
  • Choose Talk Watch
  • {Kath’s 6th Heart} Watch
  • You found a Mysterious Note
  • Read Mysterious Note – for thee one to
  • Go to 3rd floor
  • West (3rd Floor West)
  • Click on Red Circle on the North wall Enter the Code 4 3 1 2
  • Move the 1st small box west 1 place Then move it North
  • Next move the left most small box North Then move the 3rd small box East
  • You now have access to the key You found a Chamber Key B Teleport to Basement (Room 38) North (Room 37)
  • Click on gauges on North wall Choose Chamber Key B
  • Something happened in the chamber bedrooms. Go and see what it was!
  • Go to Elizabeth’s bedroom Click on Elizabeth
  • Watch Watch Scene Watch
  • Exit South (Chamber Bedrooms) 


  • Where did Simon go? Is he laying down somewhere?
  • Go to Restroom Area Click on Amanda Watch
  • Go to Kitchen Larder
  • Click on the flashing spark on the shelves on the North wall You found a Bottle of Wine
  • Teleport to Dame Woods (Woods 01) North (Woods 03)
  • West (Woods 04)
  • Click on the tree in the center of the screen Choose Roll of Tape
  • Choose Tape Recorder
  • You found a Vedra Pine Cone
  • East (Woods 03)
  • South (Woods 01) Teleport to 3rd Floor Go to Restroom Area Click on Kath
  • Choose Talk Watch Amber enters Watch
  • Simon leaves Watch
  • Watch Scene [34] Valerie enters Watch
  • Katherine leaves Watch
  • Valerie leaves Watch Amber leaves Go to Kitchen
  • Click on Simon Watch
  • You found a Red Box Cutter 


  • Use the red box cutter to open some boxes. You need to find 2 climbing shoes if you want to scale the wall in the woods.
  • Teleport to 3rd Floor West (3rd Floor West)
  • Click on red box by North wall You found a Climbing Shoe Click on second red box
  • You release 8 cockroaches (to kill them, just walk over them) East (3rd Floor)
  • Kill 1 of 8 roaches East (3rd Floor East) Open red box
  • Click on the flashing spark on the floor You found a Locker Key
  • Downstairs (2nd Floor)
  • Enter North West door (Room 13) Kill 2 of 8 roaches
  • Click on old Chest Choose Skeleton Key
  • You found a page – Valerie 02: Hand Job Exit South (2nd Floor)
  • Go to East Tower
  • Click on the flashing spark on the locker on the South wall Choose Locker Key
  • You found a Climbing Shoe West (East Foyer)
  • Enter North East door (Room 08) Kill 3 of 8 roaches
  • Go to Gent’s restroom (Room 04) Kill 4 of 8 roaches
  • Go to Women’s restroom (Room 03) Kill 5 of 8 roaches
  • Exit South (Restroom Area) Go to Chapel
  • Kill 6 of 8 roaches Go to Kitchen
  • Kill 7 of 8 roaches Go to Bathroom Kill 8 of 8 roaches


  • Scale the wall in the woods using your new climbing shoes
  • Teleport to Dame Woods (Woods 01) North (Woods 03)
  • West (Woods 04) North (Woods 06)
  • Father Parker meets you Watch
  • You found a page – Katherine 15: From Behind South (Woods 04)
  • East (Woods 03)
  • South (Woods 01)
  • Buddie, Mendel and Andy appear Watch
  • Buddie, Mendel and Andy leave
  • Did Mendel and Buddie lock Andy in the security room?
  • Teleport to 3rd floor Downstairs (2nd Floor) East (2nd Floor East) Watch
  • Buddie enters
  • You and Mendel go to East Tower Watch
  • You show Mendel the Chamber Bedrooms Watch
  • You and Mendel go into Violet’s Bedroom Watch
  • You and Mendel leave to meet Buddie in the Chamber Bedrooms Watch
  • Mendel leaves Watch Buddie leaves
  • Mendel and Amber are talking about something. Go find out what they are talking about.
  • Teleport to 3rd Floor Downstairs (2nd Floor) West (2nd Floor West) Watch
  • Amber leaves Watch
  • East (2nd Floor) Click on Amber Choose Talk Watch
  • You found a Cell Phone
  • In order to charge Amber’s phone you’ll need a USB Cable and something to plug it in to.
  • Upstairs (3rd Floor)
  • South (To the Maze)
  • Maze directions S, E, S, E, N, N
  • You pick up a Coin (31)
  • S, E, N, E, N to exit
  • S, W, S, W, S, W, S, W, S, E
  • You found a page – Katherine 13: Ballerina 
  • Pick up the Heart Container
  • W, N, E, N, N, W, N to exit
  • S, E, S, E, S, E, S
  • You found a USB Cable
  • (This is also the 10 laser barrier)
  • N to exit
  • Go to Library Foyer Click on Valerie
  • {Heart Up} Choose Talk Watch
  • Go to your bedroom (Room 07) Click on Computer
  • Robert (573) 555 2743
  • Exit South (East Foyer) Go to 2nd Floor
  • Amber talks to you Watch
  • West (2nd Floor West) Mendel and Buddie talk to you Watch
  • Mendel leaves Watch
  • You found a Security Access Card (Room 30) Buddie leaves
  • East (2nd Floor) Upstairs (3rd Floor) East (3rd Floor East) South (Room 30)
  • You found a Serum Flask You found a Dynamite Stick Click on vent
  • Andy talks to you Watch
  • Exit North (3rd Floor East) Valerie talks to you
  • Watch
  • Watch Scene [35] Watch
  • {Valerie’s 5th Heart} 


  • You need to find a computer attached to the network so you can get Andy the decryption key so he can open the security room.
  • Teleport to Dame Woods (Woods 01) North (Woods 03)
  • West (Woods 04)
  • Click on the rocks that Tillman and Andy jumped over West (Woods 07)
  • You found a Coin (32)
  • You found a page – Valerie 09: Bedside ****
  • You found an Elevator Repair Manual in the North East corner in bushes Right Mouse Button
  • Choose Repair Manual East (Woods 04)
  • East (Woods 03)
  • South (Woods 01) South (Outside)
  • Click on 2nd lamppost from the left Choose Shovel
  • Choose Wire Cutters
  • Go to West Tower
  • Teleport in order – 3rd Floor, Basement, West Tower and Dame Woods 
  • You end up Behind the Elevator
  • You found a page – Valerie 10: Legs On Shoulder ****
  • Click on gears on North wall
  • Choose Machete Teleport to West Tower Click on Elevator doors
  • Enter code 7 7 7
  • Purchase Valerie’s Princess outfit from the Bonus Area on your phone 
  • Go to your bedroom (Room 07)
  • Click on Computer
  • Hit delete / Do nothing
  • Choose Security
  • Network Decryption Key – 1 2 2 2
  • Choose Exit
  • Go back to Andy and the vent in Room 30 Click on vent
  • Enter code 1 2 2 2 Go to Security Office
  • On South wall between lockers and the door, there is a red plate.
  • Click on it Enter code 3 4 3
  • Go to West Tower Click on Elevator door
  • Welcome to the Super Secret Special s*x Chamber
  • Exit South (West Tower)
  • Go to 2nd Floor East
  • Click on Andy Watch
  • Simon enters Watch


  • Andy and Simon are waiting for you in the woods
  • Teleport to Dame Woods You meet Simon and Andy Watch
  • You drop the Pick Axe for Andy and the Shovel for Simon
  • You need to give Andy a tarp or sheet so he can load the dirt onto it. I think you might find something useful in the kitchen.
  • Teleport to West Tower Upstairs (Room 09)
  • Click on the painting by Kath’s bedroom door Go to Kitchen
  • Pick up the Old Blanket from on top of washing machine by South West wall You found a Blanket
  • Go back to Dame Woods (Woods 01) Talk to Simon
  • Search for the 8 Brush pieces in the Woods North (Woods 03)
  • Talk to Andy
  • Pick up the Radiator Part next to Andy
  • Pick up Brush 1
  • West (Woods 04)
  • Pick up Brush 2
  • North (Woods 06)
  • Pick up Brush 3
  • South (Woods 04)
  • West (Woods 07)
  • Pick up Brush 4
  • East (Woods 04)
  • East (Woods 03)
  • South (Woods 01)
  • East (Woods 02)
  • Pick up Brush 5

  • North to Graveyard
  • Pick up Brush 6
  • Go to Woods 05
  • Pick up Brush 7
  • Go to Plateau
  • Pick up Brush 8
  • Go to Woods 01
  • Teleport to 3rd Floor Downstairs (2nd Floor)
  • Follow Valerie West (2nd Floor West) South (Room 16)
  • Click on Valerie Choose Talk Watch
  • Watch Scene Valerie leaves
  • The broken radiator on the 2nd floor needs fixed. Once you fix the radiator you can get the key card on the 3rd floor and open a room on the 2nd floor to find something that you can show Elizabeth and Violet
  • Click on Radiator on North wall Choose Radiator Part
  • You turned on 10th Radiator
  • Go to Maze entrance on 3rd Floor S, E, S, E, S, E, S
  • You found a page – Katherine 16: Reverse Cowgirl Plus Pick up the Security Access Card (Room 17)
  • N to exit
  • North (3rd Floor) Downstairs (2nd Floor) West (2nd Floor West) South (Room 16)
  • Enter North East Door (Room 17)
  • You Found a page – Valerie 11: Lean Back Cowgirl ****
  • Pick up Missing Girl Pamphlet


  • Go to Elizabeth’s Bedroom Click on Elizabeth
  • Watch Watch Scene
  • Teleport to Dame Woods (Woods 01)
  • Find 8 piles of brush in the Dame Woods and then use the pickaxe to help Simon finish the hole faster.
  • North (Woods 03) Click on Andy
  • Pick up the Pick Axe South (Woods 01) Click on Simon Choose Pick Axe Watch
  • Pick up Shovel
  • Now that you have the pickaxe there is a secret you can find in the room that you most recently unlocked
  • Teleport to 3rd Floor Downstairs (2nd Floor) West (2nd Floor West) South (Room 16)
  • Enter Room 17 Click on West wall Choose Pick Axe
  • You found a Photo of Elizabeth and Violet Click on vent
  • It sounds like someone is having some fun somewhere in the building
  • Go to Library Watch Scene [36]
  • Watch


  • You should show Elizabeth and Violet the photo you found
  • Go to Elizabeth’s Bedroom Click on Elizabeth
  • Watch Watch Scene Watch


  • Do you think Andy and Simon have had any luck with Tillman?
  • Teleport to Dame Woods (Woods 01) Andy and Simon have captured Tillman Amanda enters
  • Valerie enters Watch
  • Teleport to 3rd Floor Go to Restroom Area
  • Pick up Coin (33) in South East corner Talk to everyone
  • Teleport to Basement East (Chamber Bedrooms)
  • Enter Elizabeth’s Bedroom Watch
  • Watch Scene [37]
  • Watch


  • It’s time to let Valerie know what’s up with Parker’s dungeon
  • Teleport to West Tower Go to Restroom Area Watch
  • I wonder how Katherine is going to react when she sees Elizabeth
  • Teleport to West Tower Go to Entrance
  • Click on Katherine Watch
  • Is Valerie talking to Tillman?
  • Go to Restroom Area
  • Click on Men’s Restroom door
  • Enter Women’s Restroom (Room 03) Click on flashing spark by East wall Watch
  • Is Mendel trying to make a deal with Mrs. Bancroft?
  • Go to Library Watch
  • Click on Amanda Choose Talk
  • I hope Katherine can handle Elizabeth Go to Katherine’s Bedroom (Room 10) Watch
  • You need to help Elizabeth find her missing music box. There appears to be a new room unlocked in the basement. Perhaps there is an access card down there to open up another room that might have the missing item.
  • Teleport to Basement (Room 38) North (Room 37)
  • North (Room 35)
  • Enter South West door (Room 36)
  • Click on note of floor
  • Go to Graveyard
  • Click on Jed’s gravestone
  • Go back to Dame Woods entrance North (Woods 03)
  • North (Woods 05) Click on Mendel Watch
  • South (Woods 03) Watch
  • Go to Graveyard
  • Click on flashing spark by the pond
  • You found a Glitter Lipstick
  • Give Lipstick to Buddie Watch
  • Go to Room 35
  • Click on left red disk Enter code 1798
  • South West (Room 36)
  • Click on flashing spark in top bookcase
  • Pick up the Security Access Card (Room 12)
  • Teleport to 3rd Floor
  • Downstairs (2nd Floor) West (2nd Floor West)
  • Enter North East door (Room 12)
  • Click on note on floor
  • Click on desk
  • You found a Pin-up of Lisa Stonewell
  • You found a MP3 Player
  • Go to Kath’s Bedroom (Room 10)
  • Click on Elizabeth
  • Choose MP3 Player Elizabeth leaves
  • Click on Katherine Choose Talk
  • Go to Room 08 Click on East wall
  • Choose Pick Axe
  • You found a Stone Angel Wing 
  • Go to Dame Woods (Woods 01) East (Woods 02)
  • Click on the 2 stones by the right side of tree trunk Choose Shovel
  • You found a Stone Angel Wing 
  • Teleport to 3rd Floor
  • On North wall click on angel
  • Choose Angel Wing
  • Click on angel again
  • Choose Angel Wing
  • You found a page – Valerie 12: Side ****


  • Elizabeth has been listening to her music for a while. Maybe it has helped her remember more from her past.
  • Go to Chapel Foyer
  • Click on Elizabeth Watch
  • Go to Kath’s Bedroom (Room 10)
  • Watch
  • Watch Scene Valerie enters
  • Watch


  • It’s time for dinner. Better go to the Kitchen before the food gets cold
  • Go to Kitchen Watch
  • Katherine and Elizabeth leave Watch
  • Valerie leaves
  • Watch


  • Valerie went to the basement to learn more about Parker’s dungeon. Show her what you found.
  • Teleport to Basement (Room 38) Valerie talks to you
  • Watch
  • You both go North (Room 37) Watch
  • You both go to Chamber Bedrooms Watch
  • Valerie leaves
  • I wonder if Katherine will be able to sleep in that small bed with Elizabeth
  • Teleport to West Tower Katherine enters
  • Watch Amanda enters Watch
  • All three of you go to East Tower 2nd Floor (Room 24) Watch
  • All three of you get past Valerie. If any of you get caught, the scene resets You end up in the East Tower Basement
  • You all go North to Elizabeth’s Bedroom Watch
  • Watch Scene [39] Watch
  • Amanda leaves


  • Where did Mendel go? Go to Restroom Area Watch
  • Valerie enters Watch Mendel leaves Watch
  • Amanda leaves
  • Mrs. Bancroft hid Tillman’s gun somewhere. Find the gun before somwone else does
  • Go to Girl’s Bedroom
  • Click on left side of dresser between the beds You found a Handgun
  • You found a Security Access Card (Room 15) Go to Katherine’s Bedroom (Room 10) Watch
  • You and Elizabeth go to 2nd Floor Watch
  • You, Amanda and Elizabeth go to barrier 10 in the maze. Watch
  • You need to find something more comfortable for Elizabeth to sleep on. There’s a note among the books on the 3rd floor that holds the secret
  • Read note – 1 0 0 1 North to maze entrance Go to 2nd Floor West
  • Note: You might see a Multi-Vitamin Bottle appear in the South West corner. If not, then come back here after seeing Mendel and enter the 2 North rooms and exit them. I think that is what triggers the Bottle appearing otherwise. (If you are running version 83 or after, then the bottles appear randomly all over the map.
  • South (Room 16)
  • Enter North West door (Room 15)
  • You found a Golden Multi-Vitamin Bottle (Maybe…) You found a Photo
  • Click on the 1st and 4th switches on the North Wall Exit South (Room 16)
  • South East (Room 21)
  • Click on table in the North West corner You found a Coin [34]
  • You found a Sleeping Bag
  • You found the Machete Sharpener Exit North (Room 16)
  • Mendel enters Watch Mendel leaves
  • Go To The Maze
  • S, E, S, E, S, E, S to barrier 10 Click on Elizabeth
  • Choose Sleeping Bag Watch
  • Watch Scene [40]
  • Watch 


  • It’s getting late, but you can wander around the building a bit longer before sleeping.
  • North (The Maze Entrance) North (3rd Floor) Downstairs (2nd Floor) Downstairs (Entrance) Katherine enters
  • Watch Valerie enters Watch
  • Katherine leaves Watch
  • You end up in your bedroom (Room 07) Mendel knocks on the door
  • Watch
  • Exit South (East Foyer) Watch
  • Mendel leaves
  • Use your Improved Machete to cut through the thick brush to the north in the woods.
  • Go to the Plateau in the woods East (Plateau East)
  • You find Violet and Tillman Watch
  • Buddie enters
  • Tillman pushes Buddie South Watch
  • Father Parker appears Watch
  • Tillman leaves Watch
  • Father Parker disappears Buddie enters
  • Watch
  • Buddie and Violet leave
  • Go find Buddie. He went back inside the building.
  • West (Plateau)
  • West through bushes
  • Down the rope
  • Go to Entrance Watch Elizabeth enters
  • Watch
  • Buddie, Violet and Elizabeth leave.
  • Watch
  • Find Tillman and Mendel. They are in the woods.
  • Go to Dame Woods (Woods 01)
  • North (Woods 03)
  • North (Woods 05)
  • Watch
  • Watch Scene Tillman leaves
  • Watch
  • You found a Shotgun
  • You and Mendel go to 3rd Floor East
  • You meet Buddie
  • Watch
  • You give the Shotgun to Buddie Valerie enters
  • Watch
  • Buddie and Mendel leave
  • Watch
  • Elizabeth and Violet enter
  • Watch
  • Valerie leaves
  • Watch
  • Watch Scene [41]
  • Watch
  • Simon enters Watch Simon leaves Watch
  • Violet and Elizabeth leave
  • Enter Room 28
  • Read note on floor
  • Exit South (3rd Floor East)
  • Look at painting to get clue – 1423
  • Teleport to Basement North (Room 37)
  • North (Room 35)
  • Click on middle red disk
  • Enter code – 1423
  • South-East (Room 36)
  • Click on the flashing spark in the middle set of bookcases
  • Pick up the Pair of Wading Boots
  • Teleport to Dame Woods
  • Go to Plateau
  • East (Plateau East) through bushes
  • South (Plateau South East)
  • Pick up a Photo
  • Click on the Island in the pond
  • You found a Radiator Part.
  • Teleport to 3rd Floor East (3rd Floor East) Enter Room 28
  • Go through gap in West wall
  • Navigate your way round the hidden maze to the top of the 11th radiator
  • Click on radiator
  • Choose Radiator Part
  • You have turned on the 11th radiator
  • You find yourself back in the room
  • Exit South (3rd Floor East)
  • Make your way to Room 21 (2nd Floor)
  • {Pick up the Heart Container}
  • You have found a page – Valerie 13: Sit On Lap 
  • Exit North (Room 16)


  • Go find Valerie. You should talk to her about what Tillman said in the woods
  • Go to the Chapel Foyer
  • Click on Valerie
  • {Heart Up} 
  • Choose Talk
  • Watch Valerie leaves
  • Follow Valerie to the Girl’s Bedroom
  • Click on the door
  • Watch
  • Valerie takes you into the Bedroom
  • Watch
  • Watch Scene [42] Watch
  • {Valerie’s 6th Heart}
  • Go to the Kitchen. Buddie is talking to everybody
  • Watch Buddie leaves
  • Watch
  • Simon and Amanda leave
  • Watch
  • Valerie leaves
  • Buddie is in the woods looking for a cell signal and for Tillman. I hope he is okay.
  • Upstairs (West Tower)
  • Teleport to Dame Woods (Woods 01)
  • Follow Buddie North (Woods 03)
  • North (Woods 05)
  • East (Plateau) Up rope
  • Through the bushes East East (Plateau East)
  • Click on Buddie Watch
  • You get a Security Access Card (Room 26)
  • West (Plateau)
  • Pick up the Empty Container
  • The empty container you find in the woods can help you make some dynamite for Buddie, but not without something to absorb the nitro-glycerine and make it stable. What was it that you used to absorb the water and dry out the wet security badge? Was it a food item?
  • Teleport to West Tower
  • Go to the Larder in the Kitchen
  • Click on the flashing spark in the rice bags
  • You found a Container of Rice
  • Teleport to 3rd Floor West (3rd Floor West)
  • Enter Room 26
  • Click on Nitroglycerin
  • Choose Container of Rice
  • You found a Makeshift Dynamite
  • Click on the red switch on the North wall
  • Exit South (3rd Floor West)
  • Navigate to Bowl of Candy Pick up Candy
  • Give the dynamite to Buddie
  • Teleport to Dame Woods (Woods 01) You meet Katherine
  • Watch
  • Katherine goes North (Woods 03)
  • North (Woods 03)
  • Click on Katherine
  • Watch
  • Katherine goes North (Woods 05)
  • North (Woods 05)
  • East (Plateau) Up rope
  • Click on Katherine
  • Watch
  • You both go through bushes East
  • Watch
  • You both go East (Plateau East)
  • You meet Buddie
  • Watch
  • You drop the Dynamite by Buddie
  • Watch
  • Buddie picks up the Dynamite 
  • Watch
  • Buddie goes North (Plateau North East)
  • Watch
  • Katherine goes North (Plateau North East)
  • Watch
  • North (Plateau North East)
  • Watch
  • There is a secret hidden near the old church ruins
  • Click on the square patch in ruins
  • Choose Pick Axe
  • Watch
  • You and Katherine go down to the crypt 
  • Watch
  • Watch Scene [43]
  • Watch
  • Katherine leaves
  • Click on the plaque on the North wall (84%)
  • Amber is up to something in the kitchen. See if you can help her out.
  • Exit crypt
  • Teleport to West Tower Go to Kitchen
  • Amber talks to you Watch
  • Amanda is being cranky. Maybe someone else can tell you more about her food tastes.
  • Go Outside Click on Andy Watch
  • Click on Simon Watch
  • Go to Kitchen Click on Amber Choose Talk Watch
  • Teleport to Dame Woods (Woods 01) Go to Plateau South East
  • Pick up Blackberries in North East corner Teleport to West Tower
  • Go to Kitchen Click on Amber Choose Talk Choose Candy Watch
  • Click on Amber Choose Talk
  • Choose Blackberries
  • What are Valerie and Mrs Bancroft talking about?
  • Go to Library Foyer Click on Valerie Watch
  • Amanda leaves Watch
  • Go to Library Click on Amanda Choose Talk Watch
  • Valerie enters Watch
  • Amber appears Watch
  • Amber leaves Watch
  • You, Valerie and Amanda go to the Kitchen
  • Valerie and Amanda continue on to the Girl’s Bedroom Watch
  • Simon enters Watch
  • You and Amber go to the Girl’s Bedroom Watch
  • Watch Scene [44] Watch
  • Amanda leaves
  • Watch Valerie leaves Watch Amber leaves
  • Go to the Kitchen Go to Kitchen Watch
  • Amber leaves Watch
  • Simon leaves Watch Valerie leaves Watch
  • Andy leaves ….. then returns Watch end of version nonsense Go Outside
  • Click on flashing spark in the grass by the entrance You found Car Keys
  • Click on Simon’s car Choose Simon’s Car Keys You found a coin [35]
  • You found a Blacklight Bulb You found a Photo
  • Click ‘Right Mouse Button’ Choose Blacklight Bulb Choose Flashlight
  • Go to Crypt
  • You can now see the scorpions in the crypt. Wait until the coast is clear and get the page. If you are bitten, you are ejected from the crypt.
  • You found a page – Valerie 14: Missionary Plus 
  • Exit crypt


  • Maybe you can hunt for a cell signal. There could be some place that has a clear signal.
  • Go to Woods 01
  • South (Outside North East Corner) Watch
  • You get a Voicemail
  • Go up higher in the building and hunt around for a cell signal. There must be a way to get through to the Police.
  • Go to Entrance Go to 3rd Floor Click on Valerie Choose Talk Watch
  • Perhaps going to the top of one of the towers will give you your best chance at getting a signal. You might have to climb out on to the roof.
  • Go to 2nd Floor
  • East (2nd Floor East) South (Room 23)
  • Note the Purple Triangle between the two bookcases on the South wall Go North East (Room 19)
  • Exit South East (Room 24) Go to Room 31
  • Click on North East corner Choose Pick Axe
  • You end up on the roof Watch
  • You call your brother Watch
  • You call the Police Watch
  • You hear a gunshot
  • You go back to Room 31
  • Head back down and let everyone know that you called the Police.
  • South (Room 33)
  • South (Room 24) You meet Valerie Watch
  • You and Valerie go to the Kitchen Watch
  • The screen goes red
  • ** Warning: All Security Restrictions Disabled ** Watch
  • You, Simon and Andy leave and go to the Library Foyer Watch
  • All three of you go to the Entrance Watch
  • Tillman enters Watch
  • All three of you run upstairs (2nd Floor) Watch
  • Simon and Andy go East
  • You follow them East (2nd Floor East) South (Room 23)
  • North East (Room 19) South East (Room 24) You meet Simon and Andy Watch
  • All three of you go downstairs (East Tower) Watch
  • Andy and Simon go downstairs (East Tower Basement) Tillman enters
  • You go downstairs (East Tower Basement) Click on door (Chamber Bedrooms)
  • You meet Simon, Andy and Violet Watch
  • Simon and Andy go West (Room 38) Watch
  • Violet goes into her bedroom You lock her in
  • Tillman enters
  • Watch
  • Simon attacks Tillman Watch
  • Andy enters Watch
  • Something happens Watch
  • Simon leaves Watch
  • Andy leaves West (Room 38) West (Room 38)
  • North (Room 37)
  • North (Room 35) Watch
  • Get the key from the Chamber Library and use it in the lock next to the door entering the Serum Seperator room.
  • South West (Room 36) Read note in 3rd bookcase Pick up Chamber Key A Exit North (Room 35) South East (Room 37) Click on Guages
  • Choose Chamber Key A Andy enters
  • Watch Andy leaves
  • Is the Serum Seperator malfunctioning?
  • North (Room 35) Watch
  • You see the Flow-Rate Monitor Watch
  • Go to the Kitchen and save the girls.
  • Go to the Kitchen Watch
  • Watch Scene [45] Watch
  • Andy enters Watch Andy leaves Watch
  • You hear Andy shouting Andy enters
  • Watch
  • Upstairs (West Tower) Watch
  • Go to Entrance Watch
  • Upstairs (2nd Floor) Watch
  • Upstairs (3rd Floor)
  • Watch
  • Valerie Enters Watch
  • Valerie leaves
  • Watch end of chapter sequence Go to Room 29
  • Pick up a Empty Container
  • Go to the Larder in the Kitchen Click on the Rice Bags
  • You found a Container of Rice Go to Room 26
  • Click on the bottle on the floor Choose Container of Rice
  • You found a Makeshift Dynamite Go to Dame Woods
  • Go to the Crypt
  • Read the note in the crypt – N N S S W
  • Exit Crypt
  • Go West to the rocks Click on the rocks
  • You break the rocks with the Dynamite West
  • Follow the clue found in the Crypt You end up in Plateau North
  • Click on all three Gravestones from left to right Remember the Pruple Triangle you found earlier? To get the page, stand on the triangle
  • Watch
  • Go back to Room 23

You found a page – Valerie 15: Breed and Feed

Lust Epidemic Walkthrough
  • Go to the woods and see if you can find Buddie. 
  • Teleport to Dame Woods (Woods 01)
  • Follow Simon (Woods 03)
  • West (Woods 04)
  • Watch Simon and Buddie
  • Watch
  • You, Simon and Buddie go to the Restroom Area
  • Watch
  • Buddie gives you a Chapel Key 
  • Watch
  • Amanda and Simon leave
  • Watch
  • Amber leaves
  • You need to find Violet. There are pipes and cables in the basement. You need to cut the right ones. Talk to Buddie if you need help.
  • Go to the Closet in the Girls Bedroom
  • Click on the Flashing Spark in the North East corner
  • Yes/No
  • Teleport to Basement (Room 38)
  • Do NOT click on any of the three Flashing Sparks. They are all water pipes
  • North (Room 37)
  • Click on the Flashing Spark in the North East corner
  • Yes/No
  • Exit South (Room 38)
  • East (Chamber Bedrooms)
  • You meet Simon, Amanda, Amber and Violet
  • Watch
  • Mendel enters Watch
  • You all leave and go to the Chapel Foyer
  • Watch
  • Mendel grabs the gun from Simon
  • Watch
  • Valerie enters
  • Watch
  • Amber grabs the gun from Mendel
  • Watch
  • You kick Mendel into the Chapel and lock the door
  • Watch
  • Amanda and Amber leave
  • Watch
  • Valerie leaves
  • East (Library Foyer) Click on Amber
  • Choose Talk
  • Watch
  • East (Entrance) Upstairs (2nd Floor) Upstairs (3rd Floor) East (3rd Floor East)
  • Enter North West door (Room 27)
  • Read note – about Skeleton Key in woods by the old church
  • Pick up Magnet
  • Click on the bottom of the Ladder You found a Broken Metal Ladder Pick up the Bottle of Pain Meds Exit South (3rd Floor East)
  • Click on the large vent on the wall in the South East corner Choose Pick Axe
  • Enter South (Vent Shaft)
  • Walk to the Metal Chest in the top left corner Choose Manet (Magnet)
  • The Chest moves towards you Go South to Hidden Room Click on Welder
  • Exit North (Vent Shaft) North East (3rd Floor East)
  • Teleport to Dame Woods (Woods 01) Make your way to Plateau North East
  • Pick up the Skeleton Key in the South West trees
Lust Epidemic Walkthrough
  • Go back to the Vent Shaft
  • Click on the Metal Chest Choose Skeleton Key
  • You found a page – Valerie 16: Dog and Prone Exit North
  • Click ‘RMB’ Choose Kamasutra
  • Your Book should now be completed
Lust Epidemic Walkthrough
  • “Have Fun“


  • Go and talk to Katherine and Buddie. You can’t leave until Buddie can walk.
  • Go to Restroom Area Watch
  • Amber is acting fishing (fishy). Spy around and see if you can figure out what she’s doing.
  • Go to Entrance
  • Watch Amber enter and then leave West Go to West Tower
  • You see Amber and Amanda go upstairs Upstairs (Room 10)
  • Click on Katherine’s bedroom door (Room 09)
  • Watch
  • Watch Scene [46]
  • Watch
  • Valerie enters Watch Valerie leaves
  • Watch
  • You found a Leather Strap-on Amber and Amanda leave 


  • Give Buddie some leather so he can make a leg brace.
  • Go to Restroom Area Click on Buddie
  • Choose Leather Strap-on Watch
  • Click on Buddie again Choose Pain Medicine Watch
  • Katherine, Elizabeth and Violet leave Watch
  • Buddie leaves
Lust Epidemic Walkthrough
  • Maybe you should talk to Valerie about the phone call on the roof. You can’t keep it a secret from her anymore.
  • South (Entrance)
  • Watch
  • Valerie leaves
  • Go to Girls Bedroom
  • Watch
  • Watch Scene [47]
  • Watch
  • You hear a scream!
  • You both leave and go to the West Tower Watch Amber gives the shotgun to Buddie
  • Watch
  • Buddie leaves
  • Watch
  • Everybody leaves to the Kitchen except you East (Chapel Foyer)
  • Watch
  • Buddie Enters
  • Watch End of Chapter Sequence 
  • Buddie leaves

– End of Version 92092

More Adult Games Walkthroughs

  • Summertime Saga
  • Milfy City
  • Hillside
  • Long Live The Princess

— Для версии 1.1;
— Игра пройдена на 100%.
Скачать файлы к игре

  • Загрузок: 729

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Lust Epidemic: Сохранение (Пройдена на 100%) [1.1]


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Nelya 15 мар 2023 в 17:29
Указала автора.
Виктория 28 фев 2023 в 22:23
как связаться с ангельским инвестором по телефону.
ALX_Dichenko 28 фев 2023 в 17:21

Lust Epidemic 100% full Game Walkthrough — Game link in description apk and pc both

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nojqva 26 фев 2023 в 01:24
Баг наверное словил. Перезагрузи игру.
=)JustDoIt(= 26 фев 2023 в 01:01

У меня почему то проблема именно с этим ящиком, кастую Инсендио — дверь буквально на долю секунды открывается и закрывается обратно.

nojqva 25 фев 2023 в 18:14
без капса пожалуйста! =).
Руслан Абубякяров 25 фев 2023 в 18:13

Спасибо а то себе чуть прохождени не ипортил я импользовал ключь печенье для полигона 11 а не для двери где предположительно сидел Петров .

Источник: wol.su

Студент Восточного государственного университета по имени Брэд оказывается в конкурирующем колледже университета Сент-Дам во время урагана, который неожиданно изменил курс и обрушился на город. Исслед.

Оценка редакции:
Дата выхода:
28 декабря 2019

Обзор игры Lust Epidemic

Студент Восточного государственного университета по имени Брэд оказывается в конкурирующем колледже университета Сент-Дам во время урагана, который неожиданно изменил курс и обрушился на город.

Исследуя древний и жуткий кампус, вы откроете множество тайн и секретов. а также немного сексуального удовольствия!

В игре Lust Epidemic вы будете перемещаться по кампусу и находить предметы и подсказки, которые раскроют тайну, пока вы будете решать проблемы и строить отношения с женщиной, с которой вы окажетесь в ловушке.

Системные требования для игры Lust Epidemic


ОС: Microsoft® Windows® 7/8/8.1/10 (32bit/64bit)
Процессор: Intel Core2 Duo or better
Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ

Lust Epidemic Full walkthrough v1.0 Part 1 [PC/Android Links]

Видеокарта: DirectX 9/OpenGL 4.1 capable GPU
DirectX: Версии 9.0
Место на диске: 5 GB
Дополнительно: 1280×720 Display or better


ОС: Microsoft® Windows® 7/8/8.1/10 (32bit/64bit)
Процессор: Intel Core2 Duo or better
Оперативная память: 3 GB ОЗУ
Видеокарта: OpenGL ES 2.0 hardware driver support required for WebGL acceleration. (AMD Catalyst 10.9, nVidia 358.50
DirectX: Версии 9.0
Место на диске: 5 GB
Дополнительно: 1280×720 Display or better

Источник: www.goha.ru

Время прохождения Lust Epidemic


Основные задачи — необходимый минимум, чтобы дойти до финальных титров.

Прохождение с выполнением заданий, которые не являются обязательными.

Выполнение абсолютно всех заданий, квестов, получение всех наград, которые может предложить игра.

А сколько времени у вас заняло прохождение игры Lust Epidemic?

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Here, I’m going to provide you Lust Epidemic Game Walkthrough & Guide PDF Download for free download and reading. Download Free Ebooks PDFs Of Many Games.

About Lust Epidemic

Lust Epidemic Walkthrough Guide PDF Download

Lust Epidemic is an 18+ game for the audience who loves to play games with mature content.

This game is about “In this game, you play as Brad, a student of East State University as he finds himself stranded at rival college Saint Dame University during a hurricane that has unexpectedly struck your town. While exploring the ancient and creepy campus grounds you’ll uncover many mysteries and secrets… as well as some s*** fun time with some amazing M/I*L*F*S!​”

By the Gameplay PDF Guide of Lust Epidemic, you can experience all the Ending Scenes, Mature scenes, and unlock all the Puzzles, Quests of this game.

Creator: NLT Media
Language: English
Size: 10 MB
Link: Download


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Link: Lust Epidemic Guide

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