Руководство по ремонту cummins qsc 8 3

Pirate Books

  1. Двигатели Cummins ISL, ISLe, ISC, ISCe, QSC8: 3, QSL9 Ремонт. ТО. Коды неиправностей

    Издательство: ДИЕЗ
    Жанр: Устройство и системы автомобиля

    Качество: Хорошее
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    Двигатели CUMMINS ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe и QSL9, руководство по ремонту, техническое обслуживание, коды неисправностей. В настоящем издании описаны автомобильные, промышленные и судовые двигатели Cummins ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe и QSL9. Представлены руководства по техническому обслуживанию, ремонту и симптоматическому поиску неисправностей, описания кодов неисправностей и соответствующих этим кодам проверок, каталог деталей двигателя ISLe. Приведена схема электрооборудования двигателей ISC и ISL. Книга будет полезна всем владельцам техники, оснащенной двигателями CUMMINS (КамАЗ 6520, Foton Auman, различные автобусы китайского производства), специалистам, работающим в области авторемонта, а также всем интересующимся двигателями подобного класса.


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Двигатели Cummins ISL ISLe ISC, ISCe, QSC8: 3, QSL9. Руководство по ремонту, техническое обслуживание, коды неисправностей

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Жанр : Разное
Издательство : ДИЕЗ
Год издания : 2012


Руководство по ремонту, эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию дизельных двигателей Cummins ISC, Cummins ISCe, Cummins QSC8.3, Cummins ISL, Cummins ISLe, Cummins QSL9. В книге представлено руководство по техническому обслуживанию Камминс ISC, Камминс ISCe, Камминс QSC8.3, Камминс ISL, Камминс ISLe, Камминс QSL9, информация по ремонту и симптоматическому поиску повреждений и неисправностей в этих двигателях, описания кодов неисправностей двигателей и соответствующих данным кодам проверок. Для углубленного ознакомления в книге приведен также каталог деталей основных узлов и комплектующих двигателя Cummins ISLe и рассмотрена схема электрооборудования двигателей Cummins ISC и Cummins ISL. В руководстве по ремонту двигателей Cummins ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe и QSL9 содержит возможные неисправности и методы их устранения, представлены сопрягаемые размеры основных компонентов и деталей, пределы их допустимого износа, рекомендуемые в эксплуатации смазочные материалы и рабочие жидкости. Руководство по ремонту двигателей Cummins ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe и QSL9 будет полезно всем владельцам грузовых автомобилей и автобусов, на которых установлены рассматриваемые модели моторов Камминс, также пособие адресовано специалистам СТО, ремонтных мастерских и сотрудникам автосервисов.


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Главная » Разное » Двигатели Cummins ISL ISLe ISC, ISCe, QSC8: 3, QSL9. Руководство по ремонту, техническое обслуживание, коды неисправностей


Двигатели Cummins ISL ISLe ISC, ISCe, QSC8: 3, QSL9. Руководство по ремонту, техническое обслуживание, коды неисправностей

Двигатели Cummins ISL ISLe ISC, ISCe, QSC8: 3, QSL9. Руководство по ремонту, техническое обслуживание, коды неисправностей

Жанр: Разное
Издательство: ДИЕЗ
Год: 2012 Количество страниц: 448
 DjVu (22.40 МБ)

Дата загрузки: 24 июля 2013

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Руководство по ремонту, эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию дизельных двигателей Cummins ISC, Cummins ISCe, Cummins QSC8.3, Cummins ISL, Cummins ISLe, Cummins QSL9. В книге представлено руководство по техническому обслуживанию Камминс ISC, Камминс ISCe, Камминс QSC8.3, Камминс ISL, Камминс ISLe, Камминс QSL9, информация по ремонту и симптоматическому поиску повреждений и неисправностей в этих двигателях, описания кодов неисправностей двигателей и соответствующих данным кодам проверок. Для углубленного ознакомления в книге приведен также каталог деталей основных узлов и комплектующих двигателя Cummins ISLe и рассмотрена схема электрооборудования двигателей Cummins ISC и Cummins ISL. В руководстве по ремонту двигателей Cummins ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe и QSL9 содержит возможные неисправности и методы их устранения, представлены сопрягаемые размеры основных компонентов и деталей, пределы их допустимого износа, рекомендуемые в эксплуатации смазочные материалы и рабочие жидкости. Руководство по ремонту двигателей Cummins ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe и QSL9 будет полезно всем владельцам грузовых автомобилей и автобусов, на которых установлены рассматриваемые модели моторов Камминс, также пособие адресовано специалистам СТО, ремонтных мастерских и сотрудникам автосервисов.


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Cummins QSC8.3 and QSL9 Service Manual
Size: 136mb
Language: English
Type: exe

(4021481-titlepage) Titlepage
(own-frwd) Foreword
(refno) Important Reference Numbers

Section i — Introduction
(99-204-004) Symbols
(99-204-005) Illustrations
(99-204-006-owner-marelec) General Safety Instructions
(99-204-009) Acronyms and Abbreviations

Section E — Engine Identification
(45-100-001-om-mar) Engine Identification

Section 1 — Operating Instructions
(99-101-999-owner-marelec) Operating Instructions — Overview
(45-101-014-om-mar) Normal Starting Procedure
(00-101-004-om-mar) Cold Weather Starting
(00-101-018) Starting Procedure After Extended Shutdown or Oil Change
(99-101-015-owner-marelec) Operating the Engine
(99-101-008-owner-marelec) Engine Operating Range
(99-101-009-owner-marelec) Engine Shutdown
(100-101-007-om-mar) Electronic Controlled Fuel System
(99-101-002) Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
(99-101-029-owner-marelec) Control Head Operation

Section 2 — Maintenance Guidelines
(99-102-999) Maintenance Guidelines — Overview
(45-102-002-owner-marelec) Maintenance Schedule
(99-102-001) Maintenance Record Form

Section L — Service Literature
(45-205-001-owner-mar) Additional Service Literature
(99-205-002) Service Literature Ordering Location
(99-205-004) Cummins Customized Parts Catalog

Section V — Maintenance Specifications
(45-018-015-om-mar) General Engine
(45-018-017-om-mar) Lubricating Oil System
(45-018-018-om-mar) Cooling System
(45-018-024-om-mar) Cummins/Fleetguard® Filter Specifications
(100-018-002) Fuel Recommendations and Specifications
(100-018-003) Lubricating Oil Recommendations and Specifications
(00-018-004) Coolant Recommendations and Specifications

Section W — Warranty
(4081872) CMD Quantum Recreational Marine Propulsion (QSB5.9/QSC8.3/QSL9/QSM11)
(4081921) CMD Quantum Commercial Marine Propulsion (QSB5.9/QSC8.3/QSL9/QSM11)



(4021518-titlepage) Titlepage
(om-frwd) Foreword
(refno) Important Reference Numbers

Section i — Introduction
(99-204-001) To the Owner and Operator
(99-204-002-om-ind) About the Manual
(99-204-003-om-ind) How to Use the Manual
(99-204-004) Symbols
(99-204-005) Illustrations
(99-204-006-om-ind) General Safety Instructions
(99-204-007-om-ind) General Repair Instructions
(99-204-008) General Cleaning Instructions
(99-204-009) Acronyms and Abbreviations

Section E — Engine Identification
(45-100-001-om) Engine Identification
(45-100-002-om-ind) Engine Diagrams

Section 1 — Operating Instructions
(99-101-999-om-ind) Operating Instructions — Overview
(00-101-014) Normal Starting Procedure
(00-101-004) Cold Weather Starting
(00-101-018) Starting Procedure After Extended Shutdown or Oil Change
(99-101-015-om-ind) Operating the Engine
(99-101-008-om-ind) Engine Operating Range
(99-101-009-om-ind) Engine Shutdown
(45-101-007-om-ind) Electronic Controlled Fuel System
(99-101-002) Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)

Section 2 — Maintenance Guidelines
(99-102-999) Maintenance Guidelines — Overview
(45-102-004) Tool Requirements
(45-102-002-om-ind) Maintenance Schedule
(99-102-001) Maintenance Record Form

Section 3 — Maintenance Procedures at Daily Interval
(99-103-999) Daily Maintenance Procedures — Overview
(99-010-058) Air Intake Piping
(99-008-040) Fan, Cooling
(99-003-018) Crankcase Breather Tube
(99-012-021) Air Tanks and Reservoirs
(99-008-066) Coolant Level
(99-006-043) Fuel-Water Separator
(99-007-043-om-ind) Lubricating Oil Level

Section 4 — Maintenance Procedures at 250 Hours or 3 Months
(99-999-999) Maintenance Procedures — Overview
(99-010-059) Air Cleaner Restriction
(99-010-027) Charge-Air Cooler
(99-010-028) Charge-Air Piping
(45-005-016-om) Fuel Pump
(45-012-014-om) Air Compressor

Section 5 — Maintenance Procedures at 500 Hours or 6 Months
(99-999-999) Maintenance Procedures — Overview
(45-006-015) Fuel Filter (Spin-On Type)
(45-007-002) Lubricating Oil and Filters
(99-008-046) Supplemental Coolant Additive (SCA) and Antifreeze Concentration
(45-008-006) Coolant Filter
(99-013-007) Batteries
(99-013-009) Battery Cables and Connections
(45-008-047) Radiator Pressure Cap

Section 6 — Maintenance Procedures at 1000 Hours or 1 Year
(99-999-999) Maintenance Procedures — Overview
(99-103-002) Drive Belts
(45-008-036-om) Fan Hub, Belt Driven
(45-008-002) Drive Belt, Cooling Fan
(45-010-033-om) Turbocharger

Section 7 — Maintenance Procedures at 2000 Hours or 2 Years
(99-999-999) Maintenance Procedures — Overview
(45-008-018-om) Cooling System
(45-001-051) Vibration Damper, Rubber
(99-001-052) Vibration Damper, Viscous
(99-000-009) Engine Steam Cleaning
(99-008-045) Radiator Hoses
(99-012-015) Air Compressor Discharge Lines
(45-000-008) Engine Mounting Bolts

Section 8 — Maintenance Procedures at 5000 Hours or 4 Years
(99-999-999) Maintenance Procedures — Overview
(45-003-004-om) Overhead Set
(45-020-024) Engine Brake

Section A — Adjustment, Repair, and Replacement
(45-007-009) Lubricating Oil Dipstick
(45-008-002) Drive Belt, Cooling Fan
(45-008-080-om) Belt Tensioner, Automatic (Water Pump)
(45-013-005) Drive Belt, Alternator
(45-013-001) Alternator
(45-010-027) Charge-Air Cooler
(45-013-020) Starting Motor

Section D — System Diagrams
(00-200-999) System Diagrams — Overview
(45-200-001-om) Flow Diagram, Fuel System
(45-200-002-om-ind) Flow Diagram, Lubricating Oil System
(45-200-003-om) Flow Diagram, Cooling System
(45-200-004-om) Flow Diagram, Air Intake System
(45-200-005-om) Flow Diagram, Exhaust System
(45-200-006) Flow Diagram, Compressed Air System

Section L — Service Literature
(45-205-001-om-ind) Additional Service Literature
(99-205-002) Service Literature Ordering Location
(99-205-004) Cummins Customized Parts Catalog

Section S — Service Assistance
(99-202-002) Routine Service and Parts
(99-202-003) Emergency and Technical Service
(99-202-004) Problem Solving
(99-202-005) Division and Regional Offices
(99-202-006) Distributors and Branches
(99-202-007) Regional Offices — International
(99-202-008) Distributors — International

Section ES — Engine Storage
(99-000-005-om-ind) Engine Storage — Long Term

Section TS — Troubleshooting Symptoms
(99-t00-001-om) Troubleshooting Procedures and Techniques
(99-t00-002) Troubleshooting Symptom Charts
(4021518-t004-om) Air Compressor Air Pressure Rises Slowly
(4021518-t005-om) Air Compressor Cycles Frequently
(4021518-t006-om) Air Compressor Noise is Excessive
(4021518-t007-om) Air Compressor Pumping Excess Lubricating Oil into the Air System
(4021518-t008-om) Air Compressor Will Not Maintain Adequate Air Pressure (Not Pumping Continuously)
(4021518-t010-om) Air Compressor Will Not Stop Pumping
(4021518-t013-om) Alternator Not Charging or Insufficient Charging
(4021518-t014-om) Alternator Overcharging
(4021518-t020-om) Coolant Loss — External
(4021518-t022-om) Coolant Temperature Above Normal — Gradual Overheat
(4021518-t023-om) Coolant Temperature is Above Normal — Sudden Overheat
(4021518-t024-om) Coolant Temperature is Below Normal
(4021518-t029-om) Cranking Fuel Pressure is Low
(4021518-t033-om) Engine Acceleration or Response Poor
(4021518-t043-om) Engine Difficult to Start or Will Not Start (Exhaust Smoke)
(4021518-t044-om) Engine Difficult to Start or Will Not Start (No Exhaust Smoke)
(4021518-t047-om) Engine Noise Excessive
(4021518-t048-om) Engine Noise Excessive — Combustion Knocks
(4021518-t057-om) Engine Power Output Low
(4021518-t061-om) Engine Runs Rough at Idle
(4021518-t062-om) Engine Runs Rough or Misfires
(4021518-t064-om) Engine Shuts Off Unexpectedly or Dies During Deceleration
(4021518-t066-om) Engine Speed Surges at Low or High Idle
(4021518-t067-om) Engine Speed Surges Under Load or in Operating Range
(4021518-t068-om) Engine Speed Surges in PTO or Cruise Control
(4021518-t072-om) Engine Starts But Will Not Keep Running
(4021518-t075-om) Engine Vibration Excessive
(4021518-t077-om) Engine Will Not Crank or Cranks Slowly (Air Starter)
(4021518-t078-om) Engine Will Not Crank or Cranks Slowly (Electric Starter)
(4021518-t080-om) Engine Will Not Reach Rated Speed (RPM)
(4021518-t083-om) Fault Code Warning Lamps Stay On (No Apparent Reason)
(4021518-t084-om) Fault Code Warning Lamps Do Not Illuminate
(4021518-t087-om) Fuel Consumption Excessive
(4021518-t091-om) Fuel in Coolant
(4021518-t092-om) Fuel in the Lubricating Oil
(4021518-t096-om) Intake Manifold Air Temperature Above Specification
(4021518-t097-om) Intake Manifold Pressure (Boost) is Below Normal
(4021518-t102-om) Lubricating Oil Consumption Excessive
(4021518-t103-om) Lubricating Oil Contaminated
(4021518-t104-om) Lubricating Oil Pressure High
(4021518-t105-om) Lubricating Oil Pressure Low
(4021518-t106-om) Lubricating Oil Sludge in the Crankcase Excessive
(4021518-t116-om) Smoke, Black — Excessive
(4021518-t118-om) Smoke, White — Excessive
(4021518-t122-om) Turbocharger Leaks Engine Oil or Fuel

Section V — Maintenance Specifications
(45-018-015-om) General Engine
(45-018-016) Fuel System
(45-018-017-om) Lubricating Oil System
(45-018-018-om) Cooling System
(45-018-019-om) Air Intake System
(45-018-020) Exhaust System
(45-018-021) Electrical System
(45-018-024-om) Cummins/Fleetguard® Filter Specifications
(100-018-002) Fuel Recommendations and Specifications
(100-018-003) Lubricating Oil Recommendations and Specifications
(00-018-004) Coolant Recommendations and Specifications
(99-018-005) Drive Belt Tension
(45-018-006) Engine Component Torque Values
(100-018-008) Sealants
(99-018-009) Capscrew Markings and Torque Values

Section W — Warranty
(3381321) Off-Highway Engines United States and Canada
(3381322) Off-Highway Engines International
(ind-frt) California Emission Control System Warranty, Off-Highway
(ind-qsb-qsc-qs9-b-c-a) Coverage
(ind-bck) California Emission Control System Warranty, Off-Highway
(4081921) QSB5.9/QSC8.3/QSL9/QSM11 Commercial Applications Marine Propulsion Worldwide

(4021518-history) History
(4021518-backcover) back

(4021571-titlepage) Titlepage
(om-frwd) Foreword
(refno) Important Reference Numbers

Section i — Introduction
(99-204-001) To the Owner and Operator
(99-204-002-om-marelec) About the Manual
(99-204-003-om-marelec) How to Use the Manual
(99-204-004) Symbols
(99-204-005) Illustrations
(99-204-006-om-marelec) General Safety Instructions
(99-204-007-om-marelec) General Repair Instructions
(99-204-008) General Cleaning Instructions
(99-204-009) Acronyms and Abbreviations

Section E — Engine and System Identification
(45-100-001-om-mar) Engine Identification
(45-100-002-om-mar) Engine Diagrams

Section 1 — Operating Instructions
(99-101-999-om-marelec) Operating Instructions — Overview
(100-101-014-om-mar) Normal Starting Procedure
(00-101-004-om-mar) Cold Weather Starting
(00-101-018) Starting Procedure After Extended Shutdown or Oil Change
(99-101-015-om-marelec) Operating the Engine
(99-101-008-om-marelec) Engine Operating Range
(99-101-009-om-marelec) Engine Shutdown
(99-101-029-om-marelec) Control Head Operation
(100-101-007-om-mar) Electronic Controlled Fuel System
(99-101-002) Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)

Section 2 — Maintenance Guidelines
(99-102-999) Maintenance Guidelines — Overview
(45-102-004-om-mar) Tool Requirements
(45-102-002-om-marelec) Maintenance Schedule
(99-102-001) Maintenance Record Form

Section 3 — Maintenance Procedures at Daily Interval
(99-103-999) Daily Maintenance Procedures — Overview
(99-008-066) Coolant Level
(100-006-043-om-mar) Fuel-Water Separator
(99-007-043-om-marelec) Lubricating Oil Level
(100-016-013) Marine Gear Oil
(99-008-067) Sea Water Strainer

Section 4 — Maintenance Procedures at 125 Hours or 3 Months
(99-999-999) Maintenance Procedures — Overview
(99-013-009) Battery Cables and Connections
(100-019-043) Engine Wiring Harness
(45-010-013-om-mar) Air Cleaner Assembly (Engine-Mounted)
(99-008-104) Sea Water Hoses
(00-008-059) Zinc Anode

Section 5 — Maintenance Procedures at 250 Hours or 6 Months
(99-999-999) Maintenance Procedures — Overview
(45-007-002-om-mar) Lubricating Oil and Filters
(45-008-057-om-mar) Sea Water Pump
(100-006-043-om-rep) Fuel-Water Separator
(45-006-015-om-mar) Fuel Filter (Spin-On Type)
(99-008-046) Supplemental Coolant Additive (SCA) and Antifreeze Concentration
(45-008-006-om-mar) Coolant Filter
(45-008-047) Radiator Pressure Cap

Section 6 — Maintenance Procedures at 500 Hours or 1 Year
(99-999-999) Maintenance Procedures — Overview
(45-008-057-om-rep) Sea Water Pump
(45-008-080-om-mar) Belt Tensioner, Automatic (Water Pump)
(99-013-007) Batteries
(45-013-005-om-mar) Drive Belt, Alternator
(45-010-005-om-mar) Aftercooler Assembly (Sea Water)
(45-008-041-om-mar) Marine Gear Oil Cooler
(45-008-053-om-mar) Heat Exchanger
(45-008-129-om-mar) Marine Gear Oil and Fuel Cooler Assembly
(45-010-013-om-rep) Air Cleaner Assembly (Engine-Mounted)
(100-000-008) Engine Mounting Bolts
(00-016-026-om-mar) Marine Vibration Isolator

Section 7 — Maintenance Procedures at 2000 Hours or 2 Years
(99-999-999) Maintenance Procedures — Overview
(45-008-018-om-mar) Cooling System
(45-001-052-om-mar) Vibration Damper, Viscous

Section 8 — Maintenance Procedures at 5000 Hours or 4 Years
(99-999-999) Maintenance Procedures — Overview
(45-003-004-om-mar) Overhead Set

Section A — Adjustment, Repair, and Replacement
(45-003-020-om-mar) Closed-Crankcase Ventilation System Filter
(45-008-001-om-mar) Belt Guard
(45-008-056-om-mar) Sea Water Pipe
(45-008-080-om-rep) Belt Tensioner, Automatic (Water Pump)
(45-010-013-om-rep) Air Cleaner Assembly (Engine-Mounted)
(45-013-001-om-mar) Alternator
(45-013-020-om-mar) Starting Motor
(00-016-025) Propeller Shaft
(00-016-026-om-mar) Marine Vibration Isolator

Section D — System Diagrams
(100-200-999) System Diagrams — Overview
(45-200-001-om-mar) Flow Diagram, Fuel System
(45-200-002-om-mar) Flow Diagram, Lubricating Oil System
(45-200-003-om-mar) Flow Diagram, Cooling System
(45-200-004-om-mar) Flow Diagram, Air Intake System
(45-200-005-om-mar) Flow Diagram, Exhaust System

Section L — Service Literature
(45-205-001-om-mar) Additional Service Literature
(99-205-002) Service Literature Ordering Location
(99-205-004) Cummins Customized Parts Catalog

Section S — Service Assistance
(99-202-002) Routine Service and Parts
(99-202-003) Emergency and Technical Service
(99-202-004) Problem Solving
(99-202-005) Division and Regional Offices
(99-202-006) Distributors and Branches
(99-202-007) Regional Offices — International
(99-202-008) Distributors — International

Section SS — Seasonal Storage (Marine Only)
(99-000-014) Seasonal Storage

Section TS — Troubleshooting Symptoms
(99-t00-001-om) Troubleshooting Procedures and Techniques
(99-t00-002) Troubleshooting Symptoms Charts
(4021571-t013-om) Alternator Not Charging or Insufficient Charging
(4021571-t014-om) Alternator Overcharging
(4021571-t018-om) Coolant Contamination
(4021571-t020-om) Coolant Loss — External
(4021571-t021-om) Coolant Loss — Internal
(4021571-t022-om) Coolant Temperature Above Normal — Gradual Overheat
(4021571-t023-om) Coolant Temperature Above Normal — Sudden Overheat
(4021571-t024-om) Coolant Temperature Below Normal
(4021571-t025-om) Coolant in the Lubricating Oil
(4021571-t026-156-om) Coolant Temperature Above Normal — Seawater Cooling System
(4021571-t033-om) Engine Acceleration or Response Poor
(4021571-t043-om) Engine Difficult to Start or Will Not Start (Exhaust Smoke)
(4021571-t044-om) Engine Difficult to Start or Will Not Start (No Exhaust Smoke)
(4021571-t047-om) Engine Noise Excessive
(4021571-t048-om) Engine Noise Excessive — Combustion Knocks
(4021571-t057-om) Engine Power Output Low
(4021571-t061-om) Engine Runs Rough at Idle
(4021571-t062-om) Engine Runs Rough or Misfires
(4021571-t064-om) Engine Shuts Off Unexpectedly or Dies During Deceleration
(4021571-t066-om) Engine Speed Surges at Low or High Idle
(4021571-t067-om) Engine Speed Surges Under Load or in Operating Range
(4021571-t072-om) Engine Starts But Will Not Keep Running
(4021571-t075-om) Engine Vibration Excessive
(4021571-t078-om) Engine Will Not Crank or Cranks Slowly (Electric Starter)
(4021571-t080-om) Engine Will Not Reach Rated Speed (RPM)
(4021571-t081-om) Engine Will Not Shut Off
(4021571-t081-006-om) Exhaust Smoke Excessive Under Load
(4021571-t087-om) Fuel Consumption Excessive
(4021571-t091-om) Fuel in Coolant
(4021571-t092-om) Fuel in the Lubricating Oil
(4021571-t093-om) Fuel or Lubricating Oil Leaking From Exhaust Manifold
(4021571-t096-om) Intake Manifold Air Temperature Above Specification
(4021571-t097-om) Intake Manifold Pressure (Boost) is Below Normal
(4021571-t102-om) Lubricating Oil Consumption Excessive
(4021571-t103-om) Lubricating Oil Contaminated
(4021571-t103-75-om) Lubricating Oil Loss
(4021571-t104-om) Lubricating Oil Pressure High
(4021571-t105-om) Lubricating Oil Pressure Low
(4021571-t106-om) Lubricating Oil Sludge in the Crankcase Excessive
(4021571-t116-om) Smoke, Black — Excessive
(4021571-t118-om) Smoke, White — Excessive
(4021571-t122-om) Turbocharger Leaks Engine Oil or Fuel

Section V — Maintenance Specifications
(45-018-015-om-mar) General Engine
(45-018-016-om-mar) Fuel System
(45-018-017-om-mar) Lubricating Oil System
(45-018-018-om-mar) Cooling System
(45-018-019-om-mar) Air Intake System
(45-018-020-om-mar) Exhaust System
(45-018-021-om-mar) Electrical System
(45-018-024-om-mar) Cummins/Fleetguard® Filter Specifications
(100-018-002) Fuel Recommendations and Specifications
(100-018-003) Lubricating Oil Recommendations and Specifications
(00-018-004) Coolant Recommendations and Specifications
(99-018-005) Drive Belt Tension
(45-018-006-om-mar) Engine Component Torque Values
(100-018-008) Sealants
(99-018-009) Capscrew Markings and Torque Values
(99-018-010) Fraction, Decimal, Millimeter Conversions
(99-018-011) Newton-Meter to Foot-Pound Conversions
(99-018-012) Pipe Plug Torque Values
(99-018-013) Tap-Drill Chart — U.S. Customary and Metric
(99-018-014) Weights and Measures — Conversion Factors

Section W — Warranty
(4081872) CMD Quantum Recreational Marine Propulsion (QSB5.9/QSC8.3/QSL9/QSM11)
(4081921) CMD Quantum Commercial Marine Propulsion (QSB5.9/QSC8.3/QSL9/QSM11)

(4021571-history) History
(4021571-backcover) Backcover

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