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October 13, 2016
Nice PDF manual, after reading it got so confident and bough my new Isuzu chip for my 4×4 Truck.
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on July 15, 2014
Table of Contents
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-Engine Mechanical Features-
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Summary of Contents for Isuzu 4JJ1-TC
Page 1
FOR SERVICE TRAINING 4JJ1-TC ENGINE -Engine Mechanical Features- -Engine Control System & Diagnosis- Applicable Model Model Year Vehicle Model Main Market 2005 TFR/TFS Thailand 2005 UCR/UCS Thailand & Philippine ISUZU MOTORS LIMITED… -
Page 2
DAFTAR ISI Page PENDAHULUAN & FITUR MEKANIKAL —————————————————————————— MESIN —————————————————————————— DATA UTAMA MESIN & SPESIFIKASI ENGINE CONTROL MODULE (ECM) —————————————————————————— KOMPONEN ELEKTRIKAL —————————————————————————— MASS AIR FLOW (MAF) SENSOR & INTAKE —————————————————————————— AIR TEMPERATURE (IAT) SENSOR ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE (ECT) —————————————————————————— SENSOR FUEL TEMPERATURE (FT) SENSOR ——————————————————————————… -
Page 3
—————————————————————————— MESIN BERPUTAR TETAPI TIDAK HIDUP —————————————————————————— ECM DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE (DTC) LIST —————————————————————————— 111 HASIL DIAGNOSA GEJALA CHECK SHEET ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEM —————————————————————————— WIRING DIAGRAM ELEKTRIKAL —————————————————————————— 134 —————————————————————————— DISTRIBUSI POWER (1 of 2) —————————————————————————— DISTRIBUSI POWER (2 of 2) —————————————————————————— 136 STARTING &… -
Page 4
INTRODUCTION & ENGINE MECHANICAL FEATURES Truck pick-up TFR/ TFS dan UCR/UCS tahun 2007 memakai mesisn 4JK1-TC pengganti mesin 4JA1-T dan mesin 4JJ1-TC pengganti mesin 4JH1- T. Kedua mesin telah dikembangkan sebagai mesin generasi terbaru dengan tambahan fitur utama yaitu penggunaan common… -
Page 5
4JJ1-TC Engine-2 1. Fuel Rail 2. Leak Off Pipe 3. Fuel Injector 4. Return Pipe 5. Fuel Feed Pipe 6. Fuel Tank 7. Fuel Pump & Sender Assembly 8. Fuel Filler Cap 9. Check Valve 10. Fuel Filter with Water Separator 11. -
Page 6
4JJ1-TC Engine-3 Valve System Valve Layout Double Overhead Camshaft Drive Type Gear & Chain Drive Intake Valve Open At BTDC (°CA) 13.0 Intake Valve Close At ABDC (°CA) 41.0 Exhaust Valve Open At BBDC (°CA) 52.0 Exhaust Valve Close At ATDC (°CA) Intake Valve Clearance At Cold (mm) 0.15 (Between roller and camshaft) -
Page 7
1. Isuzu Parts Number 2. Delphi Parts Number 3. Transmission Type 4. 1 & last digit of Isuzu Parts Number 5. Broadcast Code 6. Assembled Factory Code 7. Engineering Revision Level 8. Product Date 9. -
Page 8
4JJ1-TC Engine-5 ECM Connector Pin Assignment Pin No. Fungsi Pin Pin No. Fungsi Pin Pin No. Fungsi Pin Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) No. 3 Cylinder Fuel Injector Power J1-1 Blank J1-26 J1-51 Sensor Low Reference Supply Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) No. -
Page 9
4JJ1-TC Engine-6 Pin No. Fungsi Pin Pin No. Fungsi Pin Pin No. Fungsi Pin Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) J2-1 Not Used J2-26 J2-51 Not Used Sensor 2 Shield Ground Diagnostic Request Switch to Data Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) J2-2 J2-27 J2-52 Battery Voltage Feed (Backup) Link Connector (DLC) No. -
Page 10
4JJ1-TC Engine-7 DTC yang berhubungan Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Sub System Status Fuel Nama DTC di Kondisi untuk Status Menjalankan Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Injection Scan Tool Menentukan DTC Intake Control Gejala) Quantity Throttle Lainnya Control Limitation Control P0601 ECM Program Total data ROM Kerusakan ECM. -
Page 11
4JJ1-TC Engine-8 ECM memonitor tegangan battery pada ECM main relay tegangan beban supply pada terminal J2-73 dan ignition voltage pada terminal ignition voltage J2-72 untuk me- mastikan apakah tegangan ada pada range yang sasuai Saat charging system mendeteksi ada malafungsi maka charge indicator akan menyala. -
Page 12
4JJ1-TC Engine-9 DTC yang berhubungan Fail-Safe (Back Up) Sub System Status Fuel Nama DTC di Kondisi untuk Kondisi untuk Status Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Injection Scan Tool Menjalankan DTC Menentukan DTC Intake Control Gejala) Quantity Throttle Lainnya Control Limitation Control P0562… -
Page 13
4JJ1-TC Engine-10 DTC yang berhubungan Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Sub System Status Fuel Nama DTC di Kondisi untuk Status menjalankan Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Injection Scan Tool Menentukan DTC Intake kontrol Gejala) Quantity Throttle lainnya Control Limitation Control P1620 5 Volt… -
Page 14
4JJ1-TC Engine-11 DTC yang berhubungan Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Sub System Status Fuel Nama DTC di Kondisi untuk Status menjalankan Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Injection Scan Tool menentukan DTC Intake Control Gejala) Quantity Throttle lainnya Control Limitation Control P1622 5 Volt… -
Page 15
4JJ1-TC Engine-12 DTC yang berhubungan Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Sub System Status Fuel Nama DTC di Kondisi untuk Status Menjalankan Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Injection Scan Tool Menentukan DTC Intake Control Gejala) Quantity Throttle Lainnya Control Limitation Control P1624 5 Volt… -
Page 16
4JJ1-TC Engine-13 ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS MASS AIR FLOW (MAF) SENSOR & INTAKE AIR TEMPERATURE (IAT) SENSOR Mass air flow (MAF) sensor adalah alat pengukur aliran udara yang mengukur jumlah udara yang masuk ke mesin. MAF diikatkan antara air cleaner dan turbocharger. MAF sensor menggunakan hot wire element untuk menentukan jumlah udara yang mengalir masuk ke mesin. -
Page 17
4JJ1-TC Engine-14 Intake air t emperature (IAT) sensor diikatkan diantara Ohms IAT Sensor Characteristic -Reference- air cleaner dan turbocharger. IAT berada didalam MAF Volts sensor. IAT sensor adalah sebuah variable resistor. IAT sensor mengukur t emperatur udara yang masuk ke 14000 dalam mesin. -
Page 18
4JJ1-TC Engine-15 MAF & IAT Sensor Connector Face DTC yang berhubungan Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Sub System Status Fuel Nama DTC di Kondisi untuk Status Menjalankan Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Injection Scan Tool Menentukan DTC Intake Control Gejala) Quantity Throttle… -
Page 19
4JJ1-TC Engine-16 ENGINE COOLTANT TEMPERATURE (ECT) SENSOR Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor dipasangkan di coolant stream pada thermostat housing. ECT adalah sebuah variable resistor. ECT sensor mengukur tempe- ratur dari cairan pendingin mesin. Engine control modul (ECM) mensupply tegangan 5volts ke ECT sensor signal circuit dan sebuah ground untuk ECT sensor low referen ce circuit. -
Page 20
4JJ1-TC Engine-17 ECT Sensor Connector Face Related DTC Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Sub System Status Fuel Nama DTC di Kondisi untuk Menjalankan Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Injection Status Control Scan Tool Menentukan DTC Intake Gejala) Quantity Lainnya Throttle Control Limitation… -
Page 21
4JJ1-TC Engine-18 FUEL TEMPERATURE (FT) SENSOR Sensor FT dipasang ke fuel supply pump. Sensor FT adalah sebuah variable resistor. FT sensor mengukur temperature dari bah an bakar yang masuk fuel supply pump. Engine control module (ECM) mensuplai 5volts ke FT signal circuit dan ground untuk FT sensor low re- ference circuit. -
Page 22
4JJ1-TC Engine-19 FT Sensor Connector Face Related DTC Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Sub System Status Fuel Nama DTC di Kondisi untuk Menjalankan Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Injection Status Control Scan Tool Menentukan DTC Intake Gejala) Quantity Lainnya Throttle Control Limitation… -
Page 23
4JJ1-TC Engine-20 CRANKSHAFT POSITION (CKP) SENSOR & CAMSHAFT POSITION (CMP) SENSOR Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor ditempatkan disebelah kiri cylinder block dibelakang motor starter. Sensor wheel wheel dipasangkan pada crankshaft. Terdapat 56 notches dengan jarak/notch 6° dan jarak 24° bagian yg dipotong. -
Page 24
4JJ1-TC Engine-21 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor dipasangkan pada chain sprocket cover di bagian paling depan. CMP sensor mendeteksi total 5 (lima) proyeksi, 4(empat) proyeksi di- atur sama tiap jarak 90° dan satu referensi proyeksi pada permukaan camshaft drive sprocket flange, memberikan mengirimkan signals ke engine control module (ECM). -
Page 25
4JJ1-TC Engine-22 No.1TDC No.3TDC 30°CA 90°CA No.1TDC 90°CA 90°CA 30°CA 6°CA Hubungan CKP sensor dan CMP sensor ditunjukan pada gambar diatas. ECM mendeteksi 112 pulse dari CKP sen sor (56 x 2) dan 5 pulse dari CMP sensor per 2 rotasi crankshaft (720°CA). -
Page 26
4JJ1-TC Engine-23 Dalam hal timing chain salah pemasangannya, bentuk gelombang referensi tiap sensor ditunjukan gambar di 19deg.CA samping ini. Di kasus ini timing chain terpasang hanya satu gigi lompat mundur dari arah drive sprocket. CMP sensor signals mundur kira-kira 19°CA dari posisi yang benar (A). -
Page 27
4JJ1-TC Engine-24 Related DTC Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Sub System Status Fuel Nama DTC di Kondisi untuk Status Menjalankan Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Injection Scan Tool Menentukan DTC Intake Control Gejala) Quantity Throttle Lainnya Control Limitation Control P0219 Engine Engine speed lebih Engine overrun. -
Page 28
4JJ1-TC Engine-25 Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Sub System Status Fuel Nama DTC di Kondisi untuk Status Menjalankan Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Injection Scan Tool Menentukan DTC Intake Control Gejala) Quantity Throttle Lainnya Control Limitation Control P0340 Camshaft Battery voltage Tidak ada pulse… -
Page 29
4JJ1-TC Engine-26 VEHICLE SPEED (VS) SENSOR Vehicle speed (VS) sensor adalah magnet yang diputar oleh output shaft transmisi. VS sensor menggunakan hall effect element. Berhubungan dengan magnetic field yang dihasilkan dengan memutarkan magnet dan output nya square wave pulse signal. Tegangan 12volts disu- play dari fuse (10A) “Meter”. -
Page 30
4JJ1-TC Engine-27 VS Sensor Connector Face (M/T & A/T 4WD) VS Sensor Connector Face (A/T 2WD) DTC yang berhubungan Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Sub System Status Fuel Nama DTC di Kondisi untuk Status Menjalankan Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Injection Scan Tool… -
Page 31
4JJ1-TC Engine-28 BAROMETRIC PRESSURE (BARO) SENSOR Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor lokasinya ada di intake manifold. Tetapi, tidak dipasangkan didalam manifold. Hanya ditempatkan di manifold dengan bracket. BARO sensor adalah transducer memiliki tegangan ber- variasi berdasarkan perubahan tekanan barometric. BARO sensor menyediakan signal ke Engine control module (ECM) pada BARO sensor signal circuit, dimana sesuai dengan relatif perubahan tekanan. -
Page 32
4JJ1-TC Engine-29 BARO Sensor Connector Face Related DTC Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Sub System Status Fuel Nama DTC di Kondisi untuk Menjalankan Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Injection Status Control Scan Tool Menentukan DTC Intake Gejala) Quantity Lainnya Throttle Control Limitation… -
Page 33
4JJ1-TC Engine-30 ACCELERATOR PEDAL POSITION (APP) SENSOR Accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor dipasangkan pada accelerator pedal assembly. Sensor terdiri dari tiga individu sensor dalam satu rumah. Engine Control module (ECM) menggunakan APP sensors untuk me- nentukan jumlah akselerasi atau deselerasi sesuai dengan keinginan pengendara saat mengendarai kendaraan melalui fuel injector control. -
Page 34
4JJ1-TC Engine-31 Jika kendaraan menggunakan automatic transmission, perhitungan accelerator pedal position akan dikirimkan 10.0ms ke transmission control module (TCM). 100Hz-duty signal diberikan dari terminal J2-56 ECM. 1.0ms 10% Off Duty Ratio: Accelerator pedal position 0% 50% Off Duty Ratio: Accelerator pedal position 50% 90% Off Duty Ratio: Accelerator pedal position 100% 5.0ms… -
Page 35
4JJ1-TC Engine-32 Related DTC Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Sub System Status Fuel Nama DTC di Kondisi untuk Status Menjalankan Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Injection Scan Tool Menentukan DTC Intake Control Gejala) Quantity Throttle Lainnya Control Limitation Control P1120 Accelerator Battery voltage… -
Page 36
4JJ1-TC Engine-33 Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Sub System Status Fuel Nama DTC di Kondisi untuk Status Menjalankan Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Injection Scan Tool Menentukan DTC Intake Control Gejala) Quantity Throttle Lainnya Control Limitation Control P1123 Accelerator Battery APP sensor 2 dan… -
Page 37
4JJ1-TC Engine-34 Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Sub System Status Fuel Nama DTC di Kondisi untuk Status Menjalankan Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Injection Scan Tool Menentukan DTC Intake Control Gejala) Quantity Throttle Lainnya Control Limitation Control P1201 Accelerator Battery voltage Kondisi High… -
Page 38
4JJ1-TC Engine-35 SWIRL CONTROL SOLENOID VALVE Swirl control solenoid valve berada di sebelah kiri dari cylinder block dan diikatkan dengan fuel rail bracket. Dengan command signal dari terminal J1-67 ECM sele- noid valve ini memberikan tekanan vacuum ke diapragm actuator untuk mengerjakan swirl control butterfly yang terpasang pada setiap lubang intake. -
Page 39
4JJ1-TC Engine-36 Solenoid Valve Connector Face Related DTC Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Sub System Status Fuel Nama DTC di Kondisi untuk Status Menjalankan Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Injection Scan Tool Menentukan DTC Intake Control Gejala) Quantity Throttle Lainnya Control Limitation… -
Page 40
4JJ1-TC Engine-37 FUEL SYSTEM FEATURE OF THE COMMON RAIL SYSTEM 1. Fuel Tank 2. Fuel Filter 3. Fuel Supply Pump 4. One-way Valve 5. Fuel Rail 6. Pressure Limiter Valve 7. Flow Damper 8. Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor 9. Injector 10. -
Page 41
4JJ1-TC Engine-38 FUEL SUPPLY PUMP FSP merupakan jantung dari tipe penginjeksian bahan bakar elektronik sistem common rail, injection pump tidak dipakai lagi dan supply pump type plunger dibuat untuk men-supply bahan bakar bertekan tinggi ke fuel rail. Supply pump dipasangkan pada posisi yang sama seperti injection pump konvensional, dan digerakkan 1:1 terhadap mesin. -
Page 42
4JJ1-TC Engine-39 1. Fuel Tank 2. Fuel Filter 3. Suction 4. Fuel Inlet 5. Feed Pump 6. Regulating Valve 7. Suction Control Valve (SCV) 8. Return Spring 9. Plunger 10. Suction Valve 11. Delivery Valve 12. Fuel Overflow 13. Return 14. -
Page 43
4JJ1-TC Engine-40 Operation of the Fuel Feed Pump 1. From Fuel Tank 2. Intake Port 3. To Pump Chamber 4. Discharge Port 5. Inner Rotor 6. Outer Rotor 7. Fuel Quantity Decrease 8. Fuel Quantity Increase 9. Fuel Quantity Decrease (Fuel Discharge) 10. -
Page 44
4JJ1-TC Engine-41 Operation of the Fuel Supply Pump 1. Suction Control Valve (SCV) 2. Suction Valve 3. Delivery Valve 4. Eccentric Cam 5. Ring Cam 6. Plunger A Top Dead Center (TDC) at Compression Stroke 7. Plunger B Bottom Dead Center (BDC) at Intake Stroke 8. -
Page 45
4JJ1-TC Engine-42 Operation of Suction Control Valve (SCV) Solenoid valve type linear telah diadopsi. ECM me- Engontrol 250Hz duty ratio (lamanya waktu arus yang bekerja di SCV), yang bertugas mengontrol jumlah bahan bakar yang dikirim ke plunger tekanan tinggi. pressure plunger. Beban berputar supply pump berku- rang hanya saat jumlah bahan bakar yang diterima rail pressure sudah sesuai target. -
Page 46
4JJ1-TC Engine-43 1. Feed Pump 2. Suction Control Valve (SCV) 3. Cylinder 4. Large Valve Opening (Maximum Intake Quantity) 5. Small Valve Opening (Minimum Intake Quantity)… -
Page 47
4JJ1-TC Engine-44 Suction Control Valve (SCV) Connector Face Related DTC Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Sub System Status Fuel Nama DTC di Kondisi untuk Menjalankan Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Injection Status Control Scan Tool Menentukan DTC Intake Gejala) Quantity Lainnya Throttle… -
Page 48
4JJ1-TC Engine-45 FUEL RAIL (COMMON RAIL) Dengan dipergunakannya tipe sistem elektronik peng- injeksian bahan bakar, fuel rail dihubungkan ke saluran tekanan tinggi bahan bakar antara supply pump dan in- jectors. Sensor tekanan dan pressure limiter (pembatas tekanan dipasangkan pada fuel rail. Pressure sensor mendeteksi tekanan bahan bakar didalam fuel rail dan mengirimkan signalnya ke ECM. -
Page 49
4JJ1-TC Engine-46 Operation of the Flow Damper Flow dampers dipasang pada saluran keluar fuel rail untuk meredam gelombang pulsa dari tekanan bahan bakar di dalam fuel rail atau untuk men-stop supplay bahan bakar kar saat terjadi kebocoran didalam flow damper. Bahan bakar dikirimkan ke injector melalui orifice piston. -
Page 50
4JJ1-TC Engine-47 FUEL RAIL PRESSURE (FRP) SENSOR Fuel rail pressure (FRP) sensor dipasangkan di fuel rail dan ia mendeteksi tekanan bahan bakar didalam fuel rail, meng-konversikan tekanan menjadi voltage signal dan dikirim ke engine control module (ECM). ECM mensupai tegangan 5-volts ke FRP sensor pada 5volts reference circuit. -
Page 51
4JJ1-TC Engine-48 Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Sensor Connector Face Related DTC Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Nama DTC Sub System Status Kondisi untuk Pembatas pada Scan Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Menjalankan an Fuel Status control Intake Menentukan DTC Tool gejala) Injection… -
Page 52
4JJ1-TC Engine-49 FUEL INJECTOR Tipe Injektor Electronic control dikontrol oleh engine control module (ECM). Sama dengan injection nozzle konvensional, ditambah dengan command piston, solenoid valve, dan lain-lain. Barcode dua dimensi menunjukkan karakteristik variasi injector yang ditandai laser pada body fuel injector, dan ID code menunjukkan urutan angka dari (24 figur urutan abjad) tanda laser pada connector housing. -
Page 53
4JJ1-TC Engine-50 ID code setiap fuel injector dapat juga ditemukan pada label yang diberikan dari pabrik yang ditempatkan pada cylinder head cover. Catatan! Apabila memprogram ID code, hanya merecord dari label ini jika fuel injector TIDAK diganti dulu. 1. ID Code Fuel injector silinder no 1 2. -
Page 54
4JJ1-TC Engine-51 Operation of Fuel Injector 1. Return Port 2. Solenoid 3. Two Way Valve (TWV) 4. Outlet Orifice 5. Control Chamber 6. Inlet Orifice 7. Command Piston 8. Nozzle 9. High Pressure Fuel 10. Driving Current 11. Pressure in Control Chamber 12. -
Page 55
4JJ1-TC Engine-52 Fuel Injector Connector Face Related DTC Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Nama DTC Sub System Status Pembatas Kondisi untuk pada Scan Kemungkinan penyebab an Fuel Status Control (Kode Menjalankan Intake Menentukan DTC Tool Injection Lainnya gejala) Throttle Control… -
Page 56
4JJ1-TC Engine-53 Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Nama Sub System Status Pembatas Kondisi untuk DTC pada Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Menjalankan an Fuel Status Control Menentukan DTC Intake Scan Tool Gejala) Injection Lainnya Throttle Control Quantity Control P0204 Cylinder No.4 Tegangan… -
Page 57
4JJ1-TC Engine-54 Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Nama Sub System Status Pembatas Kondisi untuk DTC pada Kemungkinan pemyebab (Kode Menjalankan an Fuel Status Control Menentukan DTC Intake Scan Tool Gejala) Injection Lainnya Throttle Control Quantity Control P1261 Injector Tegangan Sirkuit injector… -
Page 58
4JJ1-TC Engine-55 Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Nama Sub System Status Pembatas Kondisi untuk DTC pada Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Menjalankan an Fuel Status Control Menentukan DTC Intake Scan Tool Gejala) Injection Lainnya Throttle Control Quantity Control P1262 Injector Tegangan Sirkuit injector… -
Page 59
4JJ1-TC Engine-56 Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Nama Sub System Status Pembatsa Kondisi untuk DTC pada Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Menjalankan n Fuel Status Control Menentukan DTC Intake Scan Tool Gejala) Injection Lainnya Throttle Control Quantity Control P1263 Injector Circuit Tegangan… -
Page 60
4JJ1-TC Engine-57 FITUR ALIRAN BAHAN BAKAR 1. Fuel Rail 2. Leak Off Pipe 3. Fuel Injector 4. Return Pipe 5. Fuel Feed Pipe 6. Fuel Tank 7. Fuel Pump & Sender Assembly 8. Fuel Filler Cap 9. Check Valve 10. Fuel Filter with Water Separator 11. -
Page 61
4JJ1-TC Engine-58 FUEL PUMP DI TANGKI & SENDER UNIT Tangki bahan bakar dilengkapi dengan fuel pump dan sender assembly (fuel level sensor). Konstruksi dan fungsi fuel pump adalah sangat mirip dengan fuel pump gasoline engine konvensional. 1. Discharge Port 2. Return Port 3. -
Page 62
4JJ1-TC Engine-59 Fuel Pump Relay Terminal Face Fuel Pump Connector Face DTC yang terkait Fail-Safe (Back Up) Sub System Kondisi untuk Nama Pembatasan Kondisi untuk Status DTC pada Kemingkinan Penyebab (Kode Menjalankan Status control Fuel Menentukan DTC Intake Scan Tool… -
Page 63
4JJ1-TC Engine-60 BYPASS ONE-WAY VALVE Saluran bahan bakar dilengkapi dengan bypass one- way valve yang unik, yang dipasang dekat transmission case. Valve ini bekerja dengan pertimbangan berikut. a. Tujuan dari fungsi bypass valve : Fuel pump dalam tangki mengeluarkan jumlah yang tetap dengan mengabaikan beban atau putaran mesin. -
Page 64
4JJ1-TC Engine-61 FUEL INJECTION QUANTITY CONTROL Control ini menentukan quantity penginjeksian bahan bakar dengan menambahkan temperature pendingin, temperature udara yang masuk, dan berat udara yang mengalir koreksi dasar quantity penginjeksian yang dikalkulasi oleh engine control module (ECM), berdasarkan kondisi kerja… -
Page 65
4JJ1-TC Engine-62 Idle Vibration Control Control dibuat agar supaya untuk meredam getaran mesin yang disebabkan oleh torsi yang bervariasi A ngle S peed antara jumlah silinder dengan variasi quantity injeksi bahan bakar pada setiap silinder atau kemampuan injektor. ECM membetulkan quantity injeksi di antara… -
Page 66
4JJ1-TC Engine-63 Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Nama Sub System Status Pembatas Kondisi untuk DTC pada Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Menjalankan an Fuel Status Control Menentukan DTC Intake Scan Tool Gejala) Injection Lainnya Throttle Control Quantity Control P0088 Fuel Rail Teangan… -
Page 67
4JJ1-TC Engine-64 Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Nama Sub System Status Pembatas Kondisi untuk DTC pada Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Menjalankan an Fuel Status Control Menentukan DTC Intake Scan Tool Gejala) Injection Lainnya Throttle Control Quantity Control P0089 Fuel Pressure Tegangan… -
Page 68
4JJ1-TC Engine-65 Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Nama Sub System Status Pembatas Kondisi untuk DTC pada Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Menjalankan an Fuel Status Control Menentukan DTC Intake Scan Tool Gejala) Injection Lainnya Throttle Control Quantity Control P1093 Fuel Rail Teangan… -
Page 69
4JJ1-TC Engine-66 Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Nama Sub System Status Pembatas Kondisi untuk DTC pada Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Menjalankan an Fuel Status Control Menentukan DTC Intake Scan Tool Gejala) Injection Lainnya Throttle Control Quantity Control P1094 Fuel Rail Tegangan… -
Page 70
4JJ1-TC Engine-67 Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Nama Sub System Status Pembatas Kondisi untuk DTC pada Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Menjalankan an Fuel Status Control Menentukan DTC Intake Scan Tool Gejala) Injection Lainnya Throttle Control Quantity Control P1094 Fuel Rail Teganagn… -
Page 71
4JJ1-TC Engine-68 Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Nama Sub System Status Pembatas Kondisi untuk DTC pada Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Menjalankan an Fuel Status Control Menentukan DTC Intake Scan Tool Gejala) Injection Lainnya Throttle Control Quantity Control P1095 Fuel Pressure Teganagn… -
Page 72
4JJ1-TC Engine-69 EGR (EXHAUST GAS RE-CIRCULATION) SYSTEM 1. EGR Cooler 2. Engine Coolant Outlet 3. Engine Coolant Inlet 4. EGR Valve 5. Engine Control Module (ECM) 6. Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor 7. Intake Throttle Valve Sistem Exhaust Re-circulation (EGR) dikombinasikan dengan EGR cooler untuk mengurangi temperature dari temperature pembakaran. -
Page 73
4JJ1-TC Engine-70 EGR VALVE EGR valve dipasang pada intake manifold. Ini untuk mengontrol jumlah EGR gas yang mengalir. Posisi sensor dipasang pada EGR valve body bersamaan dengan EGR valve control motor. EGR valve position sensor merubah tegangan output sesuai dengan posisi EGR valve. -
Page 74
4JJ1-TC Engine-71 Karakteristik dari EGR valve position sensor ditampilkan EGR Valve Characteristic -Reference- dalam grapik dan tabel. Kalkulasi posisi EGR dapat dilihat pada Tech 2 dengan satuan “%”. Tegangan output juga dapat dilihat pada Tech 2. Posisi yang dibutuhkan dan posisi actual dibandingkan dan ECM menyetel gerakan motor EGR valve dengan duty cycle signal. -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-72 INTAKE THROTTLE (IT) VALVE Intake throttle (IT) valve dipasang pada intake manifold. Pengontrolan jumlah EGR gas yang mengalir dengan menurunkan aliran udara yang masuk. Sebuah position sensor dipasang pada intake throttle valve body bersama-sama dengan intake throttle valve control motor. -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-73 Karakteristik dari intake throttle valve position sensor Intake Throttle Valve Characteristic -Reference- ditampilkan dalam grapik dan tabel. Perhitungan posisi intake throttle dapat dilihat pada the Tech 2 dengan satuan “%”. Tegangan output juga dapat didiliaht pada Tech 2. Posisi yang dibutuhkan dan posisi actual dibandingkan dan ECM menyetel gerakan motor intake throttle valve dengan duty cycle signal. -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-74 EGR Valve Connector Face Intake Throttle Valve Connector Face Related DTC Fail-Safe (Back Up) Nama DTC Kondisi untuk Sub System Status Pembatas Kondisi untuk Status pada Scan Menjalankan Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode an Fuel menentukan DTC Intake control yang… -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-75 Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Sub System Status Fuel Nama DTC di Kondisi untuk Status Menjalankan Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Injection Scan Tool Menentukan DTC Intake Control Gejala) Quantity Throttle Lainnya Control Limitation Control P0487 Exhaust Gas Tegangan Temperatur pada… -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-76 Fail-Safe (Back Up) Kondisi untuk Sub System Status Fuel Nama DTC di Kondisi untuk Status Menjalankan Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Injection Scan Tool Menentukan DTC Intake Control Gejala) Quantity Throttle Lainnya Control Limitation Control P1485 Intake Throttle Tegangan IT valve control… -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-77 PREHEATING SYSTEM Preheating system terdiri dari engine control module (ECM), glow relay dan glow plug. ECM menghubungkan glow relay tergantung pada temperature pendingin mesin sebagai energize glow plug. Setelah phase glow, glow plug aktif lagi untuk periode tertentu dengan mesin berputar. -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-78 Glow Relay Terminal Face Glow Plug Harness Connector Related DTC Fail-Safe (Back Up) Nama DTC Kondisi untuk Sub System Status Fuel Kondisi untuk Name di Scan Menjalankan Kemungkinan Penyebab (Kode Injection Other Control Menentukan DTC Intake Tool Gejala) -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-79 DIAGNOSTIK MALFUNCTION INDICATOR LAMP (MIL) Malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) terletak pada instrument panel cluster. MIL akan menampilkan simbol mesin saat diperintah ON: MIL mengindikasikan kerusakan yang berhubungan dengan emisi telah terjadi dan dibutuhkan perbaikan kendaraan. Berikut ini daftar dari mode operasi MIL: MIL menyala kira-kira 4.3 detik saat kunci kontak ON,… -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-80 DATA LINK CONNECTOR (DLC) Data link connector (DLC) terletak pada knee bolster reinforcement panel pengemudi. Komunikasi antara Tech 2 dan ECM menggunakan Keyword 2000 serial data communication. Tidak Digunakan Class 2 Communication Line (ABS Module, SRS Module) Tidak Digunakan… -
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3. Pilih tipe kendaraan yang sesuai. F2: Freeze Frame / Failure Records 4. Pilih “F0: Powertrain” kemudian tekan Enter. F1: Data Display 5. Pilih “3.0L 4JJ1-TC” F2: Snapshot Tabel pada sisi kiri memperlihatkan, fungsi yang mana F3: Miscellaneous Test yang digunakan versi kelengkapan tersedia. -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-82 Symptom Code Nomor ini berarti identifikasi kerusakan. Setiap DTC terdapat individual symptom, seprti DTC P0100 memiliki dua symptom code (1) dan (2). DTC chart (prosedur pemeriksaan) dipisahkan tergantung pada symptom code ini. 1. DTC 2. Symptom Code F1: Data Display Fungsi dari mode “Data Display”… -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-83 Rail Pressure Control Fungsi dari tes ini untuk memeriksa apakah fuel rail pressure berubah antara 30 — 60MPa (4350 — 7250psi) saat diperintahkan. Injector Balancing Fungsi dari tes ini untuk memeriksa apakah fuel injector bekerja saat diperintahkan ON/OFF. -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-84 Intake Throttle Control Fungsi dari tes ini untuk memeriksa apakah posisi aktual dari intake throttle valve bergerak dalam 20 — saat diperintahkan. Gerakan valve yang terganggu oleh benda asing, deposit berlebihan atau valve rusak dapat dipertimbangkan jika Intake Throttle Position Difference besar. -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-85 DATA TECH 2 & DEFINISI Daftar Data Tech 2 meliputi semua parameter yang berhubungan dengan mesin yang terdapat pada Tech Gunakan Tech Data List hanya setelah ditentukannya berikut ini: Diagnostic Check — Engine Controls selesai. Tidak ada diagnostic trouble code (DTC). -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-86 Parameter Unit Saat Mesin Saat Mesin Definisi Tech 2 Idle 2000RPM Swirl Control On / Off Parameter ini menampilkan kondisi yang diperintahkan dari swirl control Solenoid solenoid circuit. Tech 2 akan menampilkan On atau Off. On mengindikasikan swirl control solenoid circuit di-massa-kan oleh ECM J1-67 terminal, sehingga tegangan mengalir ke solenoid valve. -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-87 Parameter Unit Saat Mesin Saat Mesin Definisi Tech 2 Idle 2000RPM °C / °F Fuel 20-60°C / 20-60°C / Parameter ini menampilkan temperatur dari bahan bakar seperti dikalkulasikan Temperature 68-140°F 68-140°F oleh ECM menggunakan signal input dari fuel temperature (FT) sensor. Tech 2 akan menampilkan temperatur rendah saat signal voltage tinggi dan temperatur tinggi saat signal voltage rendah. -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-88 Parameter Unit Saat Mesin Saat Mesin Definisi Tech 2 Idle 2000RPM Intake Throttle -3 — 3 -3 — 3 Parameter ini menampilkan perbedaan antara actual dan desired value (actual Position intake throttle – desired intake throttle). Ini dapat digunakan untuk menentukan Difference kekakuratan sensor atau intake throttle valve problem. -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-89 Parameter Unit Saat Mesin Saat Mesin Definisi Tech 2 Idle 2000RPM Desired Injection 6 — 12 9 — 13 Parameter ini menampilkan total injection quantity (main injection quantity + pre Quantity injection quantity) yang diinginkan oleh berdasarkan kondisi pengendaraan terkini. -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-90 Parameter Unit Saat Mesin Saat Mesin Definisi Tech 2 Idle 2000RPM Engine Mode Halt Mode / Fuel Mode Fuel Mode Parameter ini menampilkan kondisi dari mesin. “Wait Mode” mengindikasikan Wait Mode / ignition switch pada posisi ON. “Crank Mode” mengindikasikan mesin selama Crank Mode / start. -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-91 BREAKER BOX Engine control module (ECM) dan konektor lainnya memiliki water proof connector dan special terminal. Water proof terminal tidak memungkinkan penggunaan back probe. Sebagai tambahan, engine control module (ECM) special terminal tidak membiarkan regular digital voltage meter probe untuk masuk, karena bentuk terminal adalah very fin pin type. -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-92 PEMERIKSAAN SISTEM DIAGNOSTIK Mulai diagnosa sistem dengan Pemeriksaan Sistem Pemeriksaan Sistem Diagnostik – Kontrol Mesin Diagnostik – Kontrol Mesin. Pemeriksaan Sistem Penting: Diagnostik – Kontrol Mesin akan menyediakan • JANGAN melakukan diagnostik ini jika tidak informasi berikut: terdapat masalah pengendaraan, kecuali prosedur •… -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-93 Step Tindakan Nilai Tidak Pasang Tech 2. ⎯ Lihat ke Tech 2 Apakah Tech 2 ON? Lihat ke Step 2 Tidak Menyala 1. ON-kan kunci kontak, dengan mesin OFF. 2. Coba untuk mendapatkan komunikasi dengan control module di bawah ini. -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-94 Step Tindakan Nilai Tidak Apakah Tech 2 menampilkan ECM DTC? • P0090 (Symptom Code 6, 7 &• P0193 (Symptom Code 1 & 2) ⎯ • P0201-P0204 (Symptom Code 6) • P1261 (Symptom Code 1, 3, 5 & 7) •…
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4JJ1-TC Engine-95 MESIN START TETAPI TIDAK HIDUP Bantuan Diagnostik Deskripsi Jika kondisi intermittent dicurigai, lihat ke Kondisi Tabel diagnostik Mesin Start tetapi Tidak Hidup adalah Intermittent pada bagian ini. sebuah pendekatan teratur untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi yang menyebabkan mesin tidak bisa hidup. -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-96 Step Tindakan Nilai Tidak Lihat parameter Synchronization Mode dengan Tech 2 saat start mesin selama 5 detik. ⎯ Apakah parameter Synchronization Mode mengindikasikan “2” selama start? Lihat ke Step 7 Lihat ke Step 12 1. Lepas engine cover. -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-97 Step Tindakan Nilai Tidak 1. Kemungkinan penyebab lain untuk kondisi tidak hidup: • Fuel supply pump mechanical timing • Intake tersumbat, exhaust atau ⎯ catalytic converter tersumbat • Kompresi mesin buruk 2. Perbaiki seperlunya. Apakah masalah ditemukan dan diperbaiki? -
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4JJ1-TC Engine-98 Step Tindakan Nilai Tidak Penting: Penggantian ECM harus di-program. Ganti ECM. Lihat ke Engine Control Module (ECM) Replacement /Restore Fuel Injector ID ⎯ Code Date & Immobilizer Programming (Jika dilengkapi) pada bagian ini. ⎯ Apakah penggantian selesai? Lihat ke Step 17 1. -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-99 DAFTAR DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE (DTC) Fail-Safe (Back-up) Terminal Konektor Terminal Konektor Status Sub Sistem Flash Sensor/ Actuator/ Jumlah (Symptom Status MIL Nama DTC pada Tech 2 Kondisi untuk menampilkan DTC Kondisi untuk pengesetan DTC Kemungkinan Penyebab ECM Yang… -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-100 Fail-Safe (Back-up) Terminal Konektor Terminal Konektor Status Sub Sistem Flash Sensor/ Actuator/ Jumlah (Symptom Status MIL Nama DTC pada Tech 2 Kondisi untuk menampilkan DTC Kondisi untuk pengesetan DTC Kemungkinan Penyebab ECM Yang Code Switch Yang Intake Fuel… -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-101 Fail-Safe (Back-up) Terminal Konektor Terminal Konektor Status Sub Sistem Flash Sensor/ Actuator/ Jumlah (Symptom Status MIL Nama DTC pada Tech 2 Kondisi untuk menampilkan DTC Kondisi untuk pengesetan DTC Kemungkinan Penyebab ECM Yang Code Switch Yang Intake Fuel… -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-102 Fail-Safe (Back-up) Terminal Konektor Terminal Konektor Status Sub Sistem Flash Sensor/ Actuator/ Jumlah (Symptom Status MIL Nama DTC pada Tech 2 Kondisi untuk menampilkan DTC Kondisi untuk pengesetan DTC Kemungkinan Penyebab ECM Yang Code Switch Yang Intake Fuel… -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-103 Fail-Safe (Back-up) Terminal Konektor Terminal Konektor Status Sub Sistem Flash Sensor/ Actuator/ Jumlah (Symptom Status MIL Nama DTC pada Tech 2 Kondisi untuk menampilkan DTC Kondisi untuk pengesetan DTC Kemungkinan Penyebab ECM Yang Code Switch Yang Intake Fuel… -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-104 Fail-Safe (Back-up) Terminal Konektor Terminal Konektor Status Sub Sistem Flash Sensor/ Actuator/ Jumlah (Symptom Status MIL Nama DTC pada Tech 2 Kondisi untuk menampilkan DTC Kondisi untuk pengesetan DTC Kemungkinan Penyebab ECM Yang Code Switch Yang Intake Fuel… -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-105 Fail-Safe (Back-up) Terminal Konektor Terminal Konektor Status Sub Sistem Flash Sensor/ Actuator/ Jumlah (Symptom Status MIL Nama DTC pada Tech 2 Kondisi untuk menampilkan DTC Kondisi untuk pengesetan DTC Kemungkinan Penyebab ECM Yang Code Switch Yang Intake Fuel… -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-106 Fail-Safe (Back-up) Terminal Konektor Terminal Konektor Status Sub Sistem Flash Sensor/ Actuator/ Jumlah (Symptom Status MIL Nama DTC pada Tech 2 Kondisi untuk menampilkan DTC Kondisi untuk pengesetan DTC Kemungkinan Penyebab ECM Yang Code Switch Yang Intake Fuel… -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-107 Fail-Safe (Back-up) Terminal Konektor Terminal Konektor Sub System Status Flash Sensor/ Actuator/ Jumlah (Symptom Status MIL Nama DTC pada Tech 2 Kondisi untuk menampilkan DTC Kondisi untuk pengesetan DTC Kemungkinan Penyebab ECM Yang Code Switch Yang Intake Fuel… -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-108 Fail-Safe (Back-up) Terminal Konektor Terminal Konektor Status Sub Sistem Flash Sensor/ Actuator/ Jumlah (Symptom Status MIL Nama DTC pada Tech 2 Kondisi untuk menampilkan DTC Kondisi untuk pengesetan DTC Kemungkinan Penyebab ECM Yang Code Switch Yang Intake Fuel… -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-109 Fail-Safe (Back-up) Terminal Konektor Terminal Konektor Status Sub Sistem Flash Sensor/ Actuator/ Jumlah (Symptom Status MIL Nama DTC pada Tech 2 Kondisi untuk menampilkan DTC Kondisi untuk pengesetan DTC Kemungkinan Penyebab ECM Yang Code Switch Yang Intake Fuel… -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-110 Fail-Safe (Back-up) Terminal Konektor Terminal Konektor Status Sub Sistem Flash Sensor/ Actuator/ Jumlah (Symptom Status MIL Nama DTC pada Tech 2 Kondisi untuk menampilkan DTC Kondisi untuk pengesetan DTC Kemungkinan Penyebab ECM Yang Code Switch Yang Intake Fuel… -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-111 DIAGNOSA GEJALA Kondisi Intermittent Sebelum Menggunakan Bagian Ini Sebelum menggunakan bagian ini, kamu harus Kondisi Intermittent melakukan Pemeriksaan Sistem Diagnosa – Kontrol Kondisi intermittent dapat atau tidak dapat menyalakan Mesin dan menentukan kriteria berikut: malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) atau menyimpan 1. -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-112 • Pemasangan peralatan elektrikal yang tidak benar; seperti lampu, 2-way audio, motor listrik, telpon selular, dll. • Sirkuit MIL kadang short ke ground. • Massa ECM buruk Hilangnya Memori DTC Periksa dari hilangnya memori DTC dengan melepas engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor dan idling mesin sampai MIL menjadi ON. -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-113 Pemeriksaan Tindakan Pemeriksaan Fuel System Periksa fuel system dari kondisi berikut. Lihat ke bagian Fuel System. • Periksa dari adanya udara dalam fuel system. • Periksa dari adanya kontaminasi air dalam bahan bakar. • Periksa dari kebocoran ekternal bahan bakar atau oli mesin kebanyakan. -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-114 Pemeriksaan Tindakan Pemeriksaan Engine Mechanical Periksa mekanikal mesin dari kondisi berikut. Lihat pada bagian Engine Mechanical. • Periksa kompresi silinder yang buruk. Kompresi yang benar adalah lebih dari 1960 kPa (284 psi) dan variasi setiap silinder kurang dari 294 kPa (43 psi). -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-115 Pemeriksaan Tindakan Pemeriksaan Fuel System Periksa fuel system dari kondisi berikut. Lihat ke bagian Fuel System. • Pastikan kerja dari in-tank fuel pump sebelum melakukan prosedur berikut. Jika in-tank fuel pump tidak bekerja, lihat ke DTC P1099 (Symptom Code 5 & 6). -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-116 Pemeriksaan Tindakan Pemeriksaan Engine Periksa mekanikal mesin dari kondisi berikut. Lihat pada bagian Engine Mechanical Mechanical. • Periksa kompresi silinder yang buruk. Kompresi yang benar adalah lebih dari 1960 kPa (284 psi) dan variasi dari setiap silinder kurang dari 294 kPa (43 psi). -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-117 Pemeriksaan Tindakan Pemeriksaan Sensor Periksa sensor-sensor untuk pengontrolan mesin dari kondisi berikut: • Gunakan Tech 2 untuk membandingkan Coolant Temperature dengan Intake Air Temperature (IAT) dan Fuel Temperature (FT) saat kondisi mesin dingin. Jika perbedaan antara pembacaan temperatur lebih dari 5°C (9°F) saat mesin dingin, periksa dari high resistance pada low reference circuit dan signal circuit atau sensor miring. -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-118 Cut Out, Misses Definisi Sentakan yang konstan mengikuti putaran mesin, umumnya lebih nyata sebagai kenaikan beban mesin. Exhaust menimbulkan suara yang teratur saat idle, putaran rendah, atau akselerasi keras sehingga kekurangan bahan bakar dan dapat menyebabkan mesin mati. -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-119 Pemeriksaan Tindakan Air Intake System Checks Periksa air intake system dari kondisi berikut. • Periksa air cleaner dan air intake duct dari hambatan, lubang, atau kebocor- • Periksa dari hambatan pada turbocharger inlet duct. • Periksa intake throttle valve dari kemacetan pada posisi tertutup. -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-120 Pemeriksaan Tindakan Pemeriksaan Sensor Periksa sensor-sensor untuk pengontrolan mesin dari kondisi berikut: • Periksa Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor. Gunakan Tech 2 untuk melihat parameter dengan mesin OFF. Parameter Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor harus kurang dari 1 volt setelah satu ignition cycle. Jika tidak, periksa dari high resistance pada 5 volt reference circuit, low reference circuit, signal circuit or sensor miring. -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-121 Pemeriksaan Tindakan Pemeriksaan Air Intake System Periksa air intake system dari kondisi berikut. • Periksa air cleaner dan air intake duct dari hambatan, lubang, atau bocor. • Periksa dari hambatan pada turbocharger inlet duct. • Periksa intake throttle valve dari kemacetan pada posisi apapun. -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-122 Pemeriksaan Tindakan Pemeriksaan Sensor Periksa sensor-sensor untuk pengontrolan mesin dari kondisi berikut: • Gunakan Tech 2 untuk membandingkan Coolant Temperature dengan Intake Air Temperature (IAT) dan Fuel Temperature (FT) saat kondisi mesin dingin. Jika perbedaan antara pembacaan temperatur lebih dari 5°C (9°F) saat mesin dingin, periksa dari high resistance pada low reference circuit dan signal circuit atau sensor miring. -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-123 Pemeriksaan Tindakan Pemeriksaan Air Intake System Periksa air intake system dari kondisi berikut. • Periksa air cleaner dan air intake duct dari hambatan, lubang, atau bocor. • Periksa dari hambatan atau kebocoran pada intercooler. • Periksa dari hambatan pada turbocharger inlet duct. -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-124 Hesitation, Sag, Stumble Definisi Kendaraan memiliki respon yang kurang saat pedl gas ditekan. Kondisi ini dapat terjadi pada semua kecepat- an kendaraan. Kondisi ini akan semakin parah saat bergerak dari posisi berhenti. Jika cukup parah, kondisi ini dapat menyebabkan mesin mati. -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-125 Pemeriksaan Tindakan Pemeriksaan Fuel System Periksa fuel system dari kondisi berikut. Lihat ke bagian Fuel System. • Pastikan kerja dari in-tank fuel pump sebelum melakukan prosedur berikut. Jika in-tank fuel pump tidak bekerja, lihat ke DTC P1099 (Symptom Code 5 &… -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-126 Pemeriksaan Tindakan Pemeriksaan Engine Mechanical Periksa mekanikal mesin dari kondisi berikut. Lihat pada bagian Engine Mechanical. • Periksa kompresi silinder yang buruk. Kompresi yang benar adalah lebih dari 1960 kPa (284 psi) dan variasi setiap silinder kurang dari 294 kPa (43 psi). -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-127 Pemeriksaan Tindakan Pemeriksaan Fuel System • Jika asap berlebihan, periksa fuel injector dari macet terbuka. Lepas setiap glow plug dari cylinder head dan periksa ujung dari glow plug dari basah karena bahan bakar. Gunakan cylinder compression gauge. Kompresi standar lebih dari 1960 kPa (84 psi) dan variasi dari setiap silinder kurang dari 294 kPa (43 psi). -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-128 Bahan Bakar Boros Definisi Konsumsi bahan bakar, diukur dengan tes jalan sebenarnya dan beberapa tangki bahan bakar, lebih rendah dari seharusnya. Juga, konsumsinya lebih rendah dibanding pada kendaraan pada suatu waktu, seperti terlihat dalam tes jalan sebenarnya. Pemeriksaan… -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-129 Pemeriksaan Tindakan Pemeriksaan Cooling System Periksa sistem pendinginan dari kondisi berikut. Lihat pada bagian Sistem Pendinginan. • Periksa kuantitas air pendingin mesin. • Periksa thermostat mesin dari selalu terbuka atau range panas yang salah. • Periksa engine cooling fan apakah selalu ON. -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-130 Pemeriksaan Tindakan Pemeriksaan Sensor Periksa sensor-sensor untuk pengontrolan mesin dari kondisi berikut: • Gunakan Tech 2 untuk membandingkan Coolant Temperature dengan Intake Air Temperature (IAT) dan Fuel Temperature (FT) saat kondisi mesin dingin. Jika perbedaan antara pembacaan temperatur lebih dari 5°C (9°F) saat mesin dingin, periksa dari high resistance pada low reference circuit dan signal circuit atau sensor miring. -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-131 Pemeriksaan Tindakan Engine Mechanical Check Periksa mekanikal mesin dari kondisi berikut. Lihat pada bagian Engine Mechanical. • Periksa kompresi silinder yang buruk. Kompresi yang benar adalah lebih dari 1960 kPa (284 psi) dan variasi setiap silinder kurang dari 294 kPa (43 psi). -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-132 Pemeriksaan Tindakan Pemeriksaan Fuel System • Periksa fuel injector dari macet terbuka. Lepas setiap glow plug dari cylinder head dan periksa ujung dari glow plug dari basah karena bahan bakar. Gunakan cylinder compression gauge. Kompresi standar lebih dari 1960 kPa (84 psi) dan variasi dari setiap silinder kurang dari 294 kPa (43 psi). -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-133 LEMBAR PEMERIKSAAN ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEM Nama Pemeriksa Nama Customer Model & Tahun Model Nama Pengemudi Chassis No. Tanggal Kendaraan Masuk Engine No. License No. Pembacaan Odometer Km/mil Mesin Tidak □ □ □ □ Mesin tidak bisa start Tidak ada pembakaran… -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-135 DISTRIBUSI TEGANGAN (2 dari 2)… -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-137 TEGANGAN ECM… -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-138 MASSA ECM… -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-141 LOKASI RELAY, FUSE & SLOW BLOW FUSE (RUANG MESIN) X1. Front Fog Light X2. Tail Light X3. Horn X4. Dimmer X5. Glow X6. Head Light X8. Starter X9. Condenser Fan X10. Starter Cut X-11. Heater X-12. ECM Main X-13. -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-142 LOKASI FUSE (CABIN) C-1. Starter (10A) C-2. Rear Wiper (10A) C-3. Elec. IG (10A) C-4. Turn (10A) C-5. Front Wiper (20A) C-6. Engine (10A) C-7. Back Up (15A) C-8. SRS (10A) C-9. TCM (10A) C-10. Meter (10A) C-11. Audio (10A) C-12. -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-143 LOKASI MASSA… -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-144 INSTRUKSI PERBAIKAN PENGGANTIAN ENGINE CONTROL MODULE (ECM)/ PEMROGRAMAN FUEL INJECTOR ID CODE & IMMOBILIZER Jika ECM harus diganti, isi program berikut HARUS di program ke dalam ECM baru. Fuel Injector ID Code Data (24, 0-9 atau A-F karakter untuk setiap fuel injector) -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-145 Mencatat dari setiap injector housing; 1. Lepas setiap fuel injector harness connector. 2. Catat semua nomor (24 angka) dari setiap fuel injector connector housing. 1. Fuel Injector ID Code 2. Fuel Injector Prosedur Pelepasan 1. Lepas kabel negatip battery. -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-146 Tidak ada masalah pada charging system. Semua masalah charging system harus diperbaiki sebelum memprogram ECM. Tegangan battery lebih besar dari 12volt tetapi kurang dari 16 volt. Battery harus di-charge sebe- memprogram ECM jika tegangan battery rendah. Battery charger TIDAK terhubung dengan battery kendaraan. -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-147 3. Pilih F0: Request Info. Jika sudah tersimpan di Tech 2, data akan muncul. Tech 2 meminta pengguna untuk menyimpan data ini “Keep Data” atau meminta informasi kendaraan baru dari control unit “Continue”. Jika tidak ada data dalam Tech 2, ia akan segera memulai identifikasi kendaraan. -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-148 5. Saat kekurangan data ditanya dalam “Validate Vehicle Data”, masukkan informasi yang benar. • Model • Model Year • Engine Type • Model Designator • Destination Code 6. Destination code dapat dibaca dari service ID plate pada engine compartment. destination code terlihat pada sisi kanan dari Body Type. -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-149 3. Pilih F1: Program ECU. OFF-kan semua peralatan kelistrikan, seperti headlight, room light atau peralatan aksesoris. Dan ON-kan kunci kontak. Kemudian, tekan tombol “Okay”. 4. Saat calibration file di-download, “Programming in Process” akan ditampilkan dan status dapat dilihat sebagai grafik. -
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Mesin 4JJ1-TC-150 9. Pilih F3: Download ID kemudian tekan Enter. 10. Setelah download selesai, OFF-kan kunci kontak selama 30 detik. 11. ON-kan kunci kontak. 12. Pilih F0: Injector ID Code kemudian tekan Enter. Pada saat ini, semua fuel injector ID code data yang di-download dapat verifikasi. -
Page 154
Mesin 4JJ1-TC-151 PENGGANTIAN FUEL INJECTOR/ PEMROGRAMAN FUEL INJECTOR ID CODE Prosedur Pelepasan 1. Lepas cylinder head cover. Lihat ke bagian engine mechanical. 2. Lepas baut engine oil gauge guide tube. 3. Kendorkan baut injection nozzle clamp dan lepas injection nozzle. -
Page 155
Mesin 4JJ1-TC-152 9. Kencangkan mur sleeve injection pipe (2) sesuai torsinya. Torsi pengencangan: 30 N⋅m (3.1 kg⋅m / 22 lb ft) 10. Kencangkan baut clamp sesuai torsinya. Torsi pengencangan: 26 N⋅m (2.7 kg⋅m / 20 lb ft) 11. Kencangkan engine oil level gauge guide tube. -
Page 156
Mesin 4JJ1-TC-153 PENGGANTIAN FUEL SUPPLY PUMP Prosedur Pelepasan Kuras air pendingin mesin sebagian. Lihat ke bagian engine cooling. Lepas radiator upper hose. Lepas fan guide. Lepas cooling fan. Lepas A/C compressor drive belt. Lepas A/C compressor adjust pulley. Lepas battery. -
Page 157
Mesin 4JJ1-TC-154 21. Lepas timing chain cover upper (1) dan lower (2) 22. Tepatkan silinder No. 1 pada titik mati atas (TMA). Ketiga tanda goresan harus lurus. 23. Sementara lepaskan sprocket nut (1).… -
Page 158
Mesin 4JJ1-TC-155 24. Lepas timing chain tensioner (1) (2) (3). 25. Lepas timing chain tension lever pivot (1). 26. Lepas nut (3) and sprocket (2). 27. Timing chain pindahkan ke atas. 28. Beri tanda antara idle gear A dan supply pump gear. -
Page 159
Mesin 4JJ1-TC-156 29. Gunakan gear puller untuk melepas fuel supply pump gear. 30. Lepas fuel supply pump (1) dan supply pump bracket (2). 31. Lepas fuel supply pump (2) dan O-ring (1). Jangan menarik fuel supply pump high pressure pipe (3). Jangan menggunakan pipe sebagai pegangan saat membawa pump. -
Page 160
Mesin 4JJ1-TC-157 4. Pastikan bahwa fuel supply pump camshaft key berputar ke kanan dan horisontal. 5. Pasang fuel supply pump gear dan sprocket dikuti dengan timing gear chain dan nut. Kencangkan nut dengan tangan. 1. Timing Chain 2. Timing Mark 3. -
Page 161
Mesin 4JJ1-TC-158 7. Tahan cam (3) ke bawah. Masukkan plunger (2). Cantelkan pin pada hook untuk menahan plunger pada tempatnya. 1. Pin 2. Plunger 3. Cam 4. Body 5. Hook 8. Pasang timing chain tensioner (1). Kencangkan baut sesuai torsinya. -
Page 162
Mesin 4JJ1-TC-159 11. Putar crank pulley dua putaran (720°CA). Ketiga tanda goresan harus bertemu. 12. Pasang cylinder head cover. Lihat ke bagian engine mechanical. 13. Berikan gasket cair (ThreeBond TB-1207C atau sejenis) pada timing chain cover upper. Pasang cover 5 menit setelah pemberian gasket. -
Page 163
Mesin 4JJ1-TC-160 19. Kencangkan fuel rail bracket dan fuel rail sesuai dengan torsinya. Torsi pengencangan: 25 N⋅m (2.5 kg⋅m / 18 lb ft) (Sisi Atas) Torsi pengencangan: 20 N⋅m (2.0 kg⋅m / 14 lb ft) (Sisi Bawah) 20. Kencangkan vacuum pipe (3) sesuai dengan torsi. -
Page 164
4JJ1-TC Engine-161 SERVICE SPECIAL TOOL (SST) Nama SST Nomor Part SST Gambar SST Penggunaan SST Valve Clearance Adjust Nut Wrench 5-8840-2822-0 Compression Gage 5-8840-2675-0 & & Gage Adapter 5-8840-2815-0 Engine Hanger 5-8840-2823-0… -
Page 165
4JJ1-TC Engine-162 Gambar SST Penggunaan SST Nama SST Nomor Part SST Camshaft Gear Tool 5-8840-2591-0 Valve Spring Replacer 5-8840-2818-0 & & Pivot Assembly 5-8840-2819-0 Valve Stem Seal Installer 5-8840-2817-0 Injection Pipe Oil Seal Installer 5-8840-2820-0 Valve Guide Remover and Installer… -
Page 166
4JJ1-TC Engine-163 Gambar SST Penggunaan SST Nama SST Gambar SST Piston ring compressor 5-8840-9018-0 Pilot Bearing Remover 5-8840-2000-0 & & Sliding Hammer 5-8840-0019-0 Pilot Bearing Installer 5-8522-0024-0 Crankshaft Stopper 5-8840-0214-0 Oil Seal Installer 5-8840-2821-0… -
Page 167
4JJ1-TC Engine-164 Gambar SST Penggunaan SST Nama SST Nomor Part SST Oil Seal Installer 5-8840-2360-0 Oil Filter Wrench 5-8840-0203-0 Cap Tester 5-8840-0277-0 & & Adapter 5-8840-2603-0 Fuel Pump Retainer Ring Remover 5-8840-2602-0 Connector Test Adapter 5-8840-0385-0 Digital Multimeter 5-8840-0285-0… -
Page 168
4JJ1-TC Engine-165 Gambar SST Penggunaan SST Nama SST Nomor Part SST Tech 2 Kit Breaker Box Adapter Harness…
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Isuzu Motors Limited
E-Solutions &
Service Marketing Dept.
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ISUZU DIESEL ENGINE (4JJ1) ……………………. 6A-3
Service Precautions …………………………………. 6A-3
Trouble Shooting……………………………………… 6A-8
Main Data and Specifications…………………….. 6A-13
Special Tools…………………………………………… 6A-14
Engine Assembly………………………………………… 6A-15
Removal …………………………………………………. 6A-15
Installation ………………………………………………. 6A-17
Special Tools…………………………………………… 6A-19Engine Mount …………………………………………….. 6A-20
Components……………………………………………. 6A-20
Removal …………………………………………………. 6A-21
Installation ………………………………………………. 6A-21
Torque Specifications……………………………….. 6A-22
Special Tools…………………………………………… 6A-22
Cylinder Head Cover …………………………………… 6A-23
Components……………………………………………. 6A-23
Removal …………………………………………………. 6A-24
Installation ………………………………………………. 6A-25
Intake Manifold…………………………………………… 6A-26
Components……………………………………………. 6A-26
Removal …………………………………………………. 6A-27
Installation ………………………………………………. 6A-28
Torque Specifications……………………………….. 6A-30
Turbocharger and Exhaust Manifold ……………… 6A-31
Components……………………………………………. 6A-31
Removal …………………………………………………. 6A-32
Inspection……………………………………………….. 6A-34
Installation ………………………………………………. 6A-35
Torque Specifications……………………………….. 6A-38
Timing Gear Train ………………………………………. 6A-39
Components……………………………………………. 6A-39
Removal …………………………………………………. 6A-40
Disassembly……………………………………………. 6A-42
Reassembly…………………………………………….. 6A-42
Inspection……………………………………………….. 6A-43
Installation ………………………………………………. 6A-44
Torque Specifications……………………………….. 6A-47
Camshaft Assembly ……………………………………. 6A-48
Components……………………………………………. 6A-48
Removal …………………………………………………. 6A-49
Disassembly……………………………………………. 6A-50
Reassembly ……………………………………………. 6A-52
Installation ………………………………………………. 6A-53
Torque Specifications……………………………….. 6A-55
Special Tools…………………………………………… 6A-55
Valve Stem Seal and Valve Spring ……………….. 6A-56
Components……………………………………………. 6A-56
Removal …………………………………………………. 6A-57
Inspection……………………………………………….. 6A-58Installation ………………………………………………. 6A-59
Special Tools…………………………………………… 6A-60
Cylinder Head…………………………………………….. 6A-61
Components……………………………………………. 6A-61
Removal …………………………………………………. 6A-61
Disassembly……………………………………………. 6A-69
Inspection……………………………………………….. 6A-71
Reassembly ……………………………………………. 6A-76
Installation ………………………………………………. 6A-77
Torque Specifications……………………………….. 6A-88
Special Tools…………………………………………… 6A-88
Piston and Connecting Rod………………………….. 6A-89
Components……………………………………………. 6A-89
Removal …………………………………………………. 6A-89
Disassembly……………………………………………. 6A-90
Reassembly ……………………………………………. 6A-94
Installation ………………………………………………. 6A-95
Torque Specifications……………………………….. 6A-97
Special Tools…………………………………………… 6A-97
Flywheel ……………………………………………………. 6A-98
Components……………………………………………. 6A-98
Removal …………………………………………………. 6A-98
Installation ………………………………………………. 6A-100
Torque Specifications………………………………..6A-102
Special Tools……………………………………………6A-102
Gear Case Assembly …………………………………..6A-103
Removal ………………………………………………….6A-104
Installation ………………………………………………. 6A-105
Torque Specifications………………………………..6A-107
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Crankshaft Front Oil Seal……………………………..6A-108
Removal ………………………………………………….6A-108
Installation ……………………………………………….6A-109
Torque Specifications………………………………..6A-110
Special Tools……………………………………………6A-110
Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal ……………………………..6A-111
Removal ………………………………………………….6A-112
Installation ……………………………………………….6A-112
Special Tools……………………………………………6A-113
Removal ………………………………………………….6A-115
Installation ……………………………………………….6A-120
Torque Specifications………………………………..6A-123
Cylinder Block …………………………………………….6A-124
Removal ………………………………………………….6A-124
Installation ……………………………………………….6A-126
Lubrication System………………………………………6A-128
Service Precautions ………………………………….6A-128
Functional Check ……………………………………..6A-129
Oil Filter Cartridge ……………………………………….6A-131
Removal ………………………………………………….6A-131
Installation ……………………………………………….6A-131
Special Tools……………………………………………6A-132
Oil Filter Assembly and Oil Cooler …………………6A-133
Removal ………………………………………………….6A-133
Installation ……………………………………………….6A-135
Crank Case and Oil Pan……………………………….6A-137
Removal ………………………………………………….6A-138
Installation ……………………………………………….6A-140
Torque Specifications………………………………..6A-142
Oil Pump ……………………………………………………6A-143
Removal ………………………………………………….6A-143
Reassembly …………………………………………….6A-145
Installation ………………………………………………. 6A-146
Oil Pressure SW …………………………………………6A-149
Removal ………………………………………………….6A-150
Installation ………………………………………………. 6A-150
Circuit check…………………………………………….6A-150
Air Cleaner Element …………………………………….6A-151
Removal ………………………………………………….6A-151
Cleaning ………………………………………………….6A-151
Installation ………………………………………………. 6A-151
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Service Precautions
Matters that require attention in terms of
To prevent damage to the engine and ensure reliabilityof its performance, pay attention to the following in
maintaining the engine:
• When lifting up or supporting the engine, do not
apply a jack on the oil pan.
When taking down the engine on the ground, do
not make the bearing surface of the oil pan touch
the ground directly. Use a wooden frame, for
example, to support the engine with the engine
foot and the flywheel housing.
Because there is only a small clearance between
the oil pan and the oil pump strainer, it can
damage the oil pan and the oil strainer.
• When the air duct or air cleaner is removed, cover
the air intake opening to prevent foreign matter
from getting into the cylinder. If it gets
contaminated, it can considerably damage the
cylinder and others while the engine is operating.
• When maintaining the engine, never fail to remove
the battery earth cable. If not, it may damage the
wire harness or electrical parts. If you need
electricity on for the purpose of inspection, for
instance, watch out for short circuits and others.
• Apply engine oil to the sliding contact surfaces of
the engine before reassembling it. This ensures
adequate lubrication when the engine is first
• When valve train parts, pistons, piston rings,
connecting rods, connecting rod bearings or
crankshaft journal bearings are removed, put them
in order and keep them.
• When installing them, put them back in the same
location they were removed from.
• Gaskets, oil seals, O-rings, etc. must be replaced
with new ones when the engine is reassembled.
• As for parts where a liquid gasket is used, remove
an old liquid gasket completely and clean it up
thoroughly so that no oil, water or dust is clinging
to them. Then, apply the designated liquid gasket
to each place anew before assembly.
• Surfaces covered with liquid gasket must be
assembled within 5 minutes of gasket application.
If more than 5 minutes has elapsed, remove the
existing liquid gasket and apply a new liquid
• When assembling or installing parts, fasten them
with the prescribed tightening torque so that they
are installed properly.
Matters that require attention in specifically dealing
with this engine.
Holes or clearances in the fuel system, which serve as
a passage of fuel, including the inside of the injector,
are made with extreme precision. For this reason, they
are highly sensitive to foreign matter and, if it gets in, it
can lead to an accident on the road, for instance; thus,
make sure that foreign matter is prevented from getting
When servicing the fuel system, every precaution must
be taken to prevent the entry of foreign material into the
• Before beginning the service procedure, wash the
fuel line and the surrounding area.
• Perform the service procedures with clean hands.
Do not wear work gloves.
• Immediately after removing the fuel hose and/or
fuel pipe, carefully tape vinyl bags over theexposed ends of the hose or pipe.
If parts are to be replaced (fuel hose, fuel pipe,
etc.) do not open the new part packaging until
Work procedure
• The fuel opening must be quickly sealed when
removing the fuel pipe, injection pipe, fuel injector,
fuel supply pump, and fuel rail.
The eyebolts and gasket must be stored in a cleanparts box with a lid to prevent adhesion of foreign
• Fuel leakage could cause fires. Therefore, after
finishing the work, wipe off the fuel that has leaked
out and make sure there is no fuel leakage after
starting the engine.
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How to read the model
1. Engine Model (Stamped)
2. Engine Number (Stamped)
3. Front
Explanation of functions and operations
Electronic engine controlWith the control unit, the range from injection to air
intake/exhaust, including fuel injection quantity, injection
timing, intake air restriction, EGR, and idling rpm, is
The piston is aluminum-alloy and a thermal flow piston
with a strut cast, while the combustion chamber is a
round reentrant type.
Cylinder head
The cylinder head is aluminum-alloy and there are 4valves per cylinder. The angular tightening method of
the cylinder head bolt further increases reliability and
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EGR system
Based upon data, including water temperature, engine
speeds or engine loads, it is controlled via Engine
Control Module (ECM) to purify exhaust by recycling
part of it.
Its main components include an EGR valve, an EGR
cooler and various sensors.
Connecting rod cap bolt
The angular tightening method of the connecting rod
cap bolt further increases reliability and durability.
Fuel rail-type electronic control injection system
The fuel rail-type electronic control injection system is
composed of a fuel supply pump that sets the target
pressure of high-pressure fuel and supply it, a fuel rail
that measures such high-pressure fuel and a fuel
injector that turns it into a fine spray and injects it. Each
is controlled via ECM based upon various signals, whileinjection timing or fuel injection quantity is controlled
under every possible driving condition.
Fuel injector
The fuel injector is a 6-hole nozzle that adjusts fuel
injection quantity or injection timing by opening or
closing an electromagnetic valve on the head of the fuel
ECM corrects the dispersion of fuel injection quantity
between fuel injector according to ID code data in
memory. At the replacement of fuel injector, ID code
data should be stored in ECM.
Fuel filter with sedimenter
It is a fuel filter with sedimenter that gets rid of water by
making use of the difference in specific gravity between
light oil and water, which comes with an indicator that
notifies you that it is filled with water.
Preheating system
The preheating system consists of the ECM, the glow
relay, glow plugs and the glow indicator lamp. The
preheating system is operated when the engine coolant
temperature is low, and makes the engine easy to start.
Lubrication system
It is an oil filter with full-flow bypass, which uses a
water-cool oil cooler and oil jet to cool the piston.
Functional inspection
Inspection/adjustment of valve clearance
1. Inspection of valve clearance
• Remove the fuel injector harness assembly.
• Remove the leak off hose.
• Remove the cylinder head cover.
• Rotate the crankshaft to make the No.1
cylinder meet the compression top dead center
1. TDC
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• Insert a 0.15 mm (0.006 in) thickness gauge
between the roller of the rocker arm and the
camshaft to tighten up the adjusting screw of
the rocker arm. When the movement of the
thickness gauge becomes tight, fasten the
adjusting screw nut of the rocker arm.
Valve clearance mm (in)
Intake valve 0.15 (0.006)
Exhaust valve 0.15 (0.006)
Adjust while cold.
2. Adjustment of valve clearance
• Loosen each adjusting screw of the rocker arm
1. Screwdriver
2. Ring Spanner
3. Valve Clearance Adjust Nut Wrench
Special tool
Valve clearance adjust nut wrench: 5-8840-2822-0
• Insert a 0.15 mm (0.006 in) thickness gauge
between the roller of the rocker arm and the
camshaft to tighten up the adjusting screw of
the rocker arm. When the movement of the
thickness gauge becomes tight, fasten the
adjusting screw nut of the rocker arm.
1. Cam; Exhaust
2. Cam; Intake
3. Roller; Intake
4. Roller; Exhaust
Tightening torque:
Rocker arm adjustment screw nut
18 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (1.8 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 13 lb ft)
Adjustment table
Cylinder No. 1 2 3 4
arrangementIN EX IN EX IN EX IN EX
No. 1 cylinder
No. 4 cylinder
× × × ×
• If the No.1 cylinder is the compression TDC, adjusta valve clearance with mark given on the table
and if the No. 4 cylinder is the compression TDC,
adjust that with × mark.
• Install the cylinder head cover.
Refer to «Cylinder Head Cover.»
• Install the leak off hose.
• Install the fuel injector harness assembly.
Compression pressure inspection
• Warm up the engine.
• Disconnect the negative battery cable.
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• Remove the all glow plugs.
When the harness connector is removed, ECM judges
that it broke down and DTC is recorded. Upon
completion of measurement, never fail to clear the
memory of the ECM.(For how to clear the memory of the ECM, refer to
• Connect the negative battery cable.
• Turn on the starter to emit foreign matter within the
• Install an adapter and a gauge of a compression
gauge of the special tool.
Compression gauge: 5-8840-2675-0
Gauge adapter: 5-8840-2815-0
• Turn on the starter to inspect compression
Compression pressure MPa(psi)/200rpm
Standard 2.84 − 3.24 (412 − 469)
Limit 1.96 (284)
Differences among
the cylinders 294 kPa (43)
• Measure each cylinder one by one.
To keep engine speed at 200 rpm or more, use fully
charged batteries.
• Remove a compression gauge of the special tool.
• Disconnect the negative battery cable.
• Install the glow plugs.
• Connect the negative battery cable.
A list of defective phenomena
• Engine does not turn over.
• Engine turns over but does not start.
• Excessive black exhaust smoke.
• Excessive white exhaust smoke.
• Engine knocking.
• Abnormal engine rotation.
• Abnormal battery charging.
• Turbocharger trouble shooting.
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Trouble Shooting
Engine does not turn over
Condition Possible Cause Correction
Dead or weak battery Charge battery
Replace battery
Incomplete circuit Connector wiring and/or connectorsRepair
Starter motor brushes stuck, worn,
or broken
Replace brushes
Starter motor does not rotate
Starter motor internal damage Repair motor
Ring gear abrasion Replace ring gearStarter motor not meshed with
flywheelMagnetic switch (starter motor) not
properly adjusted
Adjust magnetic switch
Dead or weak battery Charge battery
Replace battery
Insufficient contact pressurebetween starter motor brushes and
Adjust pressure
Armature (starter motor) stuck Repair armature
Starter motor pinion meshed with
ring gear but does not rotate
Engine internal damage (Seizure) Repair engine
Engine turns over but does not start
Condition Possible Cause Correction
Air in fuel system Bleed air from fuel system
Air entering fuel pipe Replace pipe and bleed air from
fuel system
Empty fuel tank Replenish fuel
Clogged strainer (fuel suction) Clean or replace strainer
Clogged fuel pipe Clean or replace pipe
Feed pump malfunction Replace pump
Use of wrong fuel for prevailing
Drain existing fuel and replace with
appropriate fuel
Fuel is not delivered to fuel supply
Clogged fuel filter Replace filter
Loose injection pipe connections Tighten connections
Loose or broken electricalconnectors
Tighten and/or replace connectors
Bad rotational sensor Replace sensor
Fuel is delivered to fuel supply
Engine control system malfunction System diagnosis
Air in fuel system Bleed air from fuel system
Feed pump malfunction Repair pump
Loose or broken electrical
Tighten and/or replace connectors
Clogged fuel filter Replace filter
Insufficient or unstable fuel delivery
Engine control system malfunction System diagnosis
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Abnormal engine rotation
Condition Possible Cause Correction
Defective control unit Replace unitEngine speed cannot be increased
Engine control system malfunction System diagnosis
Defective control unit Replace unit
Engine control system malfunction System diagnosis
Clogged fuel filter element Replace element
Defective fuel injector(s) Replace fuel injector assembly
Water in fuel Drain existing fuel and replace with
new fuel
Engine speed unstable
Air in fuel system Bleed air from fuel system
Damaged turbocharger fan Replace turbocharger
Rough turbocharger shaft rotation Replace turbocharger
Turbocharger malfunction
Broken actuator Replace turbocharger
Abnormal battery charging
Condition Possible Cause Correction
Open or shorted wiring and/or
Repair or replace wiring and/or
Defective generator Repair or replace generator
No charging
Defective battery Replace battery
Open or shorted wiring and/or
Repair or replace wiring and/or
Defective generator Repair or replace generator
Loose generator drive belt Adjust belt tension or replace belt
Insufficient charging
Defective battery Replace battery
Shorted wiring Repair or replace wiring
Defective generator Repair or replace generator
Excessive charging
Defective battery Replace battery
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Turbocharger Troubleshooting
Condition Possible Cause Correction
Air leakage from intake pipe rubber
Repair rubber hose
Air leakage from intake cover Repair intake cover
Clogged intercooler cooling section Clean cooling section
Clogged air cleaner element Clean or replace element
Intake throttle valve stuck Repair or replace throttle valve
Turbine and housing contact
Replace turbine and/or housing
Excessive carbon deposit near
turbine exhaust port that interferes
with turbine
Clean or repair exhaust port and/or
Rough turbine shaft rotation Repair or replace turbine shaft
Engine has less than normal power
Damaged turbine blade Repair or replace turbine blade
Oil leakage from turbocharger oilseal
Repair or replace oil seal
Clogged turbocharger oil return
Repair pipe
Clogged center housing oil
Repair or replace center housing
Blue exhaust smoke
Engine oil deterioration Change engine oil
Gas leakage from intake or
exhaust system
Repair intake or exhaust system
Turbine and housing contact
Repair or replace turbine and/or
housingDamaged turbine blade Replace turbine blade
Noisy turbocharger operation
Turbine shaft bearing abrasion or
Repair or replace bearing
Engine oil deterioration Change engine oil
Clogged turbocharger oil feed pipe Repair pipe
Excessive rotating part wear
Low engine oil pressure Repair
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Main Data and Specifications
Item Engine model 4JJ1
Type Diesel/4-cycle/water cooling-type in-line DOHC
Combustion chamber type Direct injection type
Cylinder liner type
Liner less
Number of cylinders -cylinder
bore × strokes
mm (in) 4-95.4(3.76) × 104.9(4.13)
Displacement cc ( 2999 (183)
Compression ratio 17.5
Compression pressure MPa (psi)/rpm 3 (435)/200
Idling speed rpm 700 ± 25
Valve clearance Intake 0.15 (0.006) (cold)
mm (in) Exhaust 0.15 (0.006) (cold)
Ignition type Compressed ignition
Injection order 1 — 3 — 4 — 2
Lubricating system
Lubricating type Pressure delivery type
Oil pump type Gear type
Volume of lubricating oil L (qts) 8.0 (8.5)
Oil filter type Full flow filter (cartridge type)
Oil cooling type Built-in-type, water cooling
Cooling system
Cooling type Water cooling type
Radiator type Corrugated fin (pressure type)
Water pump type Centrifugal, belt drive type
Thermostat type Wax-type units
Thermostat valve-opening temperature °C (°F) 85 (185)
Volume of coolant L (qts) M/T8.7 (9.2) A/T 8.6 (9.1) (incl. radiator)
Fuel system
Injection pump type Fuel supply pump fuel rail type
Fuel injector type Electronic control injector
Fuel pump type Into the fuel tank type
Charging system
Generator type AC type
Power output V-A 12 — 110
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Engine Assembly
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2. Remove the engine hood.
3. Drain the coolant.
4. Remove the starter motor.
5. Remove the transmission assembly.
Refer to removal procedure for “TRANSMISSION”
in this manual.
6. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
7. Remove the ECM.
8. Remove the air cleaner.
• Disconnect the MAF sensor harness connector.
• Remove the intake pipe with the lid of air
cleaner box.
• Remove the air cleaner box.
1. ECM Harness Connector
2. ECM
3. Air Cleaner Box
9. Remove the clip (1) and clip (2)
1. Clip
2. Clip
10. Remove the intake hose (intercooler — intake
11. Remove the intake hose (turbocharger —
Remove the harness connector.
1. Intake Hose (intercooler — intake throttle)
2. Intake Hose (turbocharger — intercooler)
12. Remove the radiator upper hose.
13. Remove the engine harness clip (1).
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14. Remove the breather hose and lower hose of the
15. Remove the fan guide.
16. Remove the drive belt.
17. Remove the fan assembly.
18. Remove the radiator.
19. Remove the A/C compressor.
1. A/C Compressor Bracket
2. A/C Compressor
• Disconnect the connector.
• Disconnect the A/C generator harness.
• Disconnect the terminal B cable and harness
connector from the generator.
20. Remove the power steering pump.
• Remove the bracket of power steering oil hose
21. Remove the harness of engine, battery and earth
1. Earth
22. Remove the connector of the shift on the fly (4×4).
23. Remove the vacuum hose of brake master-vac.
24. Remove the front exhaust pipe.
25. Disconnect the fuel hose on the feed and return
26. Install the engine hanger (special tool 5-8840-
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1. Engine Hanger (Front Side)
1. Engine Hanger (Rear Side)
27. Hang wire on the engine hanger and hoist to lift
up the engine slightly.28. Remove the engine mount.
• Remove the fastening bolts for the engine mount
on the engine side.
29. Remove the engine assembly.
• Hoist the engine slightly to provide space to
remove the catalytic converter.
Be absolutely sure that each harness is reconnected to
its original position.
1. Install the engine assembly.
• Hang wire on the engine hanger and hoist to lift up
the engine.
• Operate a hoist slowly to move the engine to the
place where it is to be installed.
• Make the transmission side lower and operate a
hoist slowly, pulling it backward to the engine.
2. Install the engine mount.
Tightening torque: 48 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (4.9kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 35 lb ft)
3. Remove the engine hanger.
4. Install the catalytic converter.
Tightening torque: 27 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.8kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 20 lb ft)
5. Install the front exhaust pipe.
Tightening torque: 67 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (6.8kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 49 lb ft)
6. Install the fuel hose on the feed and return sides.
7. Install the vacuum hose of brake master-vac.
8. Install the connector of the shift on the fly (4×4).
9. Install the harness of engine, battery and earth (1).
10.Install the power steering pump.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
• Install the bracket of power steering oil hose.
11.Install the A/C compressor.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
• Install the connector.
12.Install the A/C generator harness.
• Install the terminal B cable and the harness
connector to the generator.
13.Install the radiator.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
14.Install the fan assembly.
Tightening torque: 8 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (0.8kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 69 lb in)
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15.Install the drive belt.
Refer to removal procedure for “DRIVE BELT” in
this manual.
16.Install the fan guide.
17.Install the breather hose and lower hose of the
18.Install the engine harness clip (1).
19.Install the radiator upper hose.
20.Install the intake hose (turbocharger -intercooler).
• Install the harness connector.
21.Install the intake hose (intercooler — intake throttle).
22.Install the air cleaner.
• Install the intake pipe with the lid of air cleaner
• Install the air cleaner box.
• Connect the MAF sensor harness connector.
23. Install the clip (1) and clip (2)
24.Install the ECM.
25.Connect the ECM harness connector.
26.Install the transmission assembly.
Refer to installation procedure for
27.Install the starter motor.
Tightening torque: 94 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (9.6kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 69 lb ft)
28.Replenish the coolant.
29.Install the engine hood.
Tightening torque: 10 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (1.0kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 87 lb in)
30.Connect the negative battery cable.
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Special Tools
Engine hanger
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Engine Mount
1. Nut2. Bolt (L = 80 mm / 3.15 in)
3. Bolt (L = 30 mm / 1.18 in)
4. Bolt (L = 25 mm / 0.98 in)
5. Bolt (L = 30 mm / 1.18 in)
6. Engine Foot RH
7. Engine Mount RH
8. Bolt (L = 25 mm / 0.98 in)
9. Bolt (L = 45 mm / 1.77 in)10. Bolt (L = 30 mm / 1.18 in)
11. Bolt (L = 40 mm / 1.57 in)
12. Bolt (L = 20 mm / 0.79 in)
13. Bolt (L = 100 mm / 3.94 in)
14. Engine Foot LH
15. Engine Mount LH
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1. Remove the engine hood.
2. Remove the engine cover.
3. Set the hoist and the engine hanger of the special
tool (special tool 5-8840-2823-0).
4. Remove the engine mount.
• Before removing the engine mount, hang the
engine with a hoist.
• Remove the bolts of the engine mount.
• Hoist the engine assembly slightly to remove the
engine mount.
1. Install the engine mount and tighten up with the
specified torque.
Tightening torque: 52 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (5.3 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 38 lb ft)
2. Remove the engine hanger.
3. Install the engine cover.
4. Install the engine hood.
• Check if nothing is wrong with the engine
mount by starting the engine.
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Cylinder Head Cover
1. Oil Filler Cap2. Oil Filler Cap Gasket
3. Cylinder Head Cover
4. Bolt
5. Nozzle Seal Cover6. Head Cover Gasket
7. Nut
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9. Remove the cam end gaskets (1).
• Remove the liquid gasket that has adhered to
cylinder head completely.
1. Install the nozzle seal cover.
• Insert from the lower side of cylinder head
• Apply soapy water or engine oil to the surface
of cylinder head cover side.
• Insert the nozzle seal cover as far as it will go.
2. Install the cam end gaskets.
• Apply the liquid gasket (ThreeBond TB-1207B
or equivalent) and mount.
1. Cam End Gasket
2. Apply The Liquid Gasket
3. 2.0 — 3.0 mm (0.079 — 0.118 in)
• Apply attaching cam end gasket.
Apply the liquid gasket (ThreeBond TB-1207B
or equivalent).
1. 3.0 — 5.0 mm (0.118 — 0.197 in)
2. 3.0 — 5.0 mm (0.118 — 0.197 in)
3. Install the cylinder head cover.
Tightening torque: 10 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (1.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 87 lb in)
• Tighten the nut and bolts in order shown in the
4. Install the blow-by hose.
5. Install the leak-off hose and the fuel injector
6. Install the harness bracket to the cylinder head
7. Install the intake air duct.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
8. Install the engine cover.
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Intake Manifold
1. Intake Duct2. Throttle Assembly
3. Intake Manifold Gasket
4. Intake Manifold5. EGR Valve Assembly Gasket
6. EGR Valve Assembly
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1. Remove the engine cover.
2. Disconnect the connectors.
• Fuel Injector
• Throttle Assembly
• EGR Valve
• Glow Plug
• Barometric Sensor
• A/C Compressor Connector
3. Remove the A/C belt.
4. Remove the A/C compressor.
5. Remove the A/C compressor bracket.
6. Remove the intake air duct (Standard output).
1. A/C Compressor Bracket
2. Intake Air Duct
3. A/C Compressor
7. Remove the injector leak-off hoses (1).
8. Remove the engine oil level gauge guide tube.
9. Remove the EGR valve.
10. Remove the injection pipes.
• Remove sequentially from No.1 cylinder.
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11. Disconnect the vacuum hose of swirl control valve
12. Remove the throttle assembly and gasket.
1. Throttle Assembly
2. Intake Manifold
13. Remove the intake manifold.
14. Remove the intake manifold gasket.
1. Install the intake manifold gasket.
2. Install the intake manifold.
• Tighten the nuts and bolts in the order
described in the drawing.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
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3. Install the throttle assembly and gasket.
• Tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 10 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (1.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 87 lb in)
4. Install the vacuum hose of swirl control valve.
5. Install the injection pipe (fuel rail — fuel injector).
• It installs sequentially from No. 4 cylinder.
Tightening torque: 29 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (3.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 22 lb ft)
6. Install the EGR valve.
• Tighten the nuts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 27 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.8 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 20 lb ft)
7. Install the engine oil level guide tube.
Tighten the nuts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
8. Connect the connector of other parts.
• Fuel Injector
• Throttle Assembly• EGR Valve
• Glow Plug
• Barometric Sensor
• A/C Compressor Connector
9. Install the leak-off hoses.
1. Injector Leek-off Hose
10. Install the intake air duct.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
11.Install the A/C compressor bracket.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
12.Install the A/C compressor and A/C compressor
Tightening torque: 44 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (4.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 33 lb ft)
13. Install the A/C belt.
Check the A/C belt tension.
• Depress (2) or (4) the A/C belt mid-portion with
98 N (10 kg / 22 lb) force.
• Measure frequency of the specified section (1)
or (3) using a frequency meter.
A/C Belt tension position (1)
Deflection mm(in) Frequency (Hz)
New 9-12 (0.35-0.47) 159-189
Reuse 12-14 (0.47-0.55) 137-155
A/C Belt tension position (3)
Deflection mm(in) Frequency (Hz)
New 5-7 (0.2-0.28) 256-310
Reuse 7-9 (0.28-0.35) 220-252
1. Position
2. Deflection
3. Position
4. Deflection
5. Compressor
6. Compressor belt
7. Crank pulley
14. Install the engine cover.
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Torque Specifications
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Turbocharger and Exhaust Manifold
1. Turbocharger Assembly2. Exhaust Manifold
3. Heat Protector
4. Catalyst Converter
5. Oil Feed Pipe
6. Oil Return Pipe7. Intake Hose for Intercooler and Intake Throttle
8. Intake Duct for Turbocharger and Air Cleaner
9. Intake Hose for Turbocharger and Intercooler
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1. Loosen the radiator drain plug to drain coolant.
2. Remove the engine cover.
3. Remove the intake hose from the intercooler and
intake throttle.
4. Remove the intake hose from the turbocharger
and the intercooler.
5. Remove the air intake duct from the turbocharger
and the air cleaner.
6. Remove the EGR cooler.
Refer to “EGR Cooler” in EXHAUST SYSTEM
7. Remove the oil feed pipe.
8. Remove the oil return pipe.
• Loosen clamps (1) of A/T oil cooler pipe.
9. Remove the water feed and return pipe.
1. Oil Feed Pipe
2. EGR Cooler
3. Water Feed Pipe
4. Water Return Pipe
5. Oil Return Pipe
10. Remove the front exhaust pipe.
1. Gasket
2. Front Exhaust Pipe (4×2 High Ride Suspention,
3. Gasket4. Front Exhaust Pipe (4×2 Except High Ride
11. Disconnect the front propeller shaft flange (1)
(Front Diff Side, 4×4 only).
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12. Remove the catalyst converter.
13. Remove the turbocharger from the exhaust
1. Exhaust Manifold
2. Gasket
3. Turbocharger
14. Remove the exhaust manifold.
• Remove the 8 nuts from the exhaust manifold.
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• Inspection of the exhaust manifold. Inspect the
plane surface of the plane on which the
manifold and the cylinder head are to be
Manifold installation plane surface mm (in)
Standard 0.3 (0.01) or lower
Limit 0.5 (0.02)
If the plane surface exceeds the limit, replace it.
• Check a crack in the exhaust manifold visually.
Carefully inspect the turbocharger for abrasion and/or
excessive wear. Make any necessary adjustments,
repairs, and/or part replacements.
Wheel shaft axial play
Use a dial gauge to measure the wheel axle shaft play
when a force of 12 N (1.2 kg / 2.6 lb) is alternately
applied to both sides of the compressor wheel.
Axial play mm (in)
Standard 0.03 − 0.06 (0.0012 − 0.0024)
Limit 0.09 (0.0035)
Wheel shaft and bearing clearance
Use a dial gauge to measure the clearance between the
wheel shaft and the bearing.
Clearance mm (in)
Standard 0.056 − 0.127 (0.0022 − 0.0050)
Limit 0.14 (0.0055)
1. Oil Outlet
2. Oil Intake
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2. Install the gasket and turbocharger to the exhaust
manifold. Tighten the nuts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 27 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.8 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 20 lb ft)
1. Exhaust Manifold
2. Gasket
3. Turbocharger
3. Install the catalyst converter.
Tighten the nuts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 27 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.8 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 20 lb ft)
4. Connect the front propeller shaft flange (Front Diff Side, 4×4 only).
5. Install the front exhaust pipe.
Tighten the nuts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque
Exhaust Manifold Side: 67 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (6.8 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 49 lb ft)
Exhaust Pipe Side: 43 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (4.4 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 32lb ft)
6. Install the water feed pipe to the turbocharger (1).
• Tighten the joint bolts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 54 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (5.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 40 lb ft)
• Install the pipe bracket and tighten the bolts to
the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 10 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (1.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 87 lb in)
• Install the rubber hoses between the water
return pipes and the thermostat housing.
7. Install the water return pipe. Tighten the joint bolt
to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 54 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (5.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 40 lb ft)
8. Install the turbocharger oil feed pipe to the top of
the turbocharger. Tighten the joint bolts to the
specified torque.
Tightening torque (Turbo charger side):
22.5 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.3 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 17 lb ft)
Tightening torque (Oil cooler side):
22.5 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.3 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 17 lb ft)
• Install the pipe bracket and tighten the bolts to
the specified torque.
Tightening torque: (Clip)
10 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (1.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 87 lb in)
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1. Oil Feed Pipe
2. Clip
3. For Dia 8.00 mm (0.31 in)
4. For Dia 10.00 mm (0.39 in)
5. Oil Return Pipe
9. Tighten the oil return pipe bolts and nuts to the
specified torque.
Tightening torque (Turbocharger side):
10 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (1.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 87 lb in)
Tightening torque (Crank case side):25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
10.Install the EGR cooler.
• Refer to “EGR Cooler” in EXHAUST SYSTEM
11. Install the heat protector.
• Refer to “EGR Cooler” in EXHAUST SYSTEM
12. Install the intake hose between the intercooler and
the intake throttle .
13. Install the intake hose between the turbocharger
and the intercooler .14. Install the intake duct between the turbocharger
and the air cleaner .
Tightening torque: 4 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (0.4 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 35 lb in)
15.Replenish the coolant.
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Torque Specifications
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Timing Gear Train
1. Oil Pump Gear2. Crankshaft Gear
3. Idle Gear D
4. Exhaust Camshaft Gear
5. Intake Camshaft Gear
6. Idle Gear D Sprocket
7. Timing Chain
8. Injection Pump Sprocket9. Injection Pump Gear
10. Idle Gear A
11. Vacuum Pump Gear
12. Power Steering Oil Pump Gear
13. Idle Gear C
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1. Partially drain the engine coolant.
2. Remove the radiator upper hose.
3. Remove the fan guide.
1. Fan Guide2. Clips
3. Lower Fan Guide
4. Fan Shroud
4. Remove the cooling fan and fan pulley.
5. Remove the A/C compressor drive belt and fan
6. Remove the crank pulley.
Do not reuse the crank pulley bolt.
7. Remove the power steering pump with hose.
1. Power Steering Pump
2. Nut
• Disconnect the bracket (1) of power steering oil
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8. Remove the vacuum pump.
• Remove the vacuum pipe bracket and vacuum
• Remove the oil pipe (feed side and return side)
of vacuum pump.
9. Remove the front cover.
10. Install the M6 bolt to the idle gear A.
11. Remove the idle gear A and idle gear A flange, idle
gear A shaft.
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• Align the sub gear pin with the hole in the right
side of the idle gear A spring. Press the sub-
gear into place.
1. Snap Ring
2. Sub-gear
3. Spring
4. Idle Gear A
• Use a pair of snap ring pliers to snuggly install
the snap ring.
Inspection1. Measurement of idle gear backlash
• Apply a dial gauge on the teeth of the idle gear
to be measured and move the gear to right and
left lightly to read how much the dial gauge
shook (never fail to fix the gear).
• If the measurement exceeds the limit, replace
the idle gear.
Backlash of the idle gear mm (in)
Standard 0.10 − 0.17 (0.004 − 0.007)
Limit 0.30 (0.01)
• Measure backlash of the idle gear before
removing the idle gear A.
2. Measurement of end clearance of the idle gear.
• Insert a thickness gauge between the idle gear
and the thrust collar to measure a clearance.
• If the measurement exceeds the limit, replace
either the idle gear or the thrust collar.
End clearance of the idle gear mm (in)
Standard 0.060 − 0.135 (0.002 − 0.005)
Limit 0.20 (0.008)
• Measure an end clearance of the idle gear
before removing the idle gear B.
3. External diameter of the idle gear shaft.
• Use a micrometer to measure an external
diameter of each idle gear shaft.
• If the measurement exceeds the limit, replace
the shaft.
External diameter of the idle gear A shaft mm (in)
Standard 44.950 − 44.975 (1.7697 − 1.7707)
Limit 44.80 (1.764)
External diameter of the idle gear C shaft mm (in)
Standard 24.959 − 24.980 (0.9826 − 0.9835)
Limit 24.80 (0.976)
4. Clearance between the idle gear and the idle gear
• Measure an inside diameter of the idle gear
bush to calculate a clearance between the idle
gear and the idle gear shaft.
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• If the measurement exceeds the limit, replace
either the idle gear or the shaft.
Clearance between the idle gear A and the shaft
mm (in)
Standard 0.025 − 0.075 (0.0010 − 0.0030)
Limit 0.200 (0.0079)
Clearance between the idle gear C and the shaft
mm (in)
Standard 0.020 − 0.062 (0.0008 − 0.0024)
Limit 0.200 (0.0079)
1. Install the crankshaft gear.
2. Install the idle gear C.
• Apply engine oil over the part where the gear of
the idle gear shaft is to be put together.
• Apply engine oil to the bolt screw thread and
seat, and temporarily tighten together with the
flange (tighten fully in later process).
3. Install the idle gear A.
4. Tighten sub gear setting bolt.
• Use the M6 bolts and lever to turn sub gear to
right direction until it aligns with the M6 bolt
hole between idle gear A and sub gear.
• Tighten the M6 bolt to a suitable torque to
prevent the sub gear from moving.
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• Align the oil hole of the cylinder body (2) with
the oil hole of the idle gear A shaft (3).
• Install the flange so that the front mark (1) face
toward the front.
• Install the idle gear A and idle gear A flange,
idle gear A shaft at the position shown in the
• Apply engine oil over the part where the gear of
the idle gear shaft is to be put together.
• Apply engine oil to the bolt screw thread and
seat, and temporarily tighten together with the
flange (tighten fully in later process).
• Attach, aligning with the gear crank: idle A and
timing mark.
5. Tighten the bolts of idle gear A and idle gear C to
the specified torque.
Tightening torque:
idle gear A 32 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (3.3 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 24 lb ft)
idle gear C 59 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (6.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 43 lb ft)
1. Idle Gear A Bolt
2. Idle Gear C Bolt
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6. Remove the M6 bolt from the idle gear A.
7. Install the gear case cover.
• Apply the liquid gasket (ThreeBond TB-1207B
or equivalent).
1. Apply the liquid gasket
• Install the gasket in slot of the gear case cover.
• Tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 8 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (0.8 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 69 lb in)
8. Install the vacuum pump.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
• Install the oil pipe (feed side and return side) of
vacuum pump.
• Install the vacuum pipe bracket and vacuum
9. Install the power steering pump.
• Tighten the nuts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
• Connect the bracket (1) of power steering oil
10. Install the crank pulley.
• Please use new crank pulley bolt.
• Tighten the bolt to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 294 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (30.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 217 lb ft)
11. Install the A/C compressor drive belt and fan belt.
Refer to drive belt tension check procedure for
Heating and air conditioning and Engine cooling in
this manual.
12. Install the cooling fan.
13. Install the fan guide.
14. Install the radiator upper hose.
15. Replenish the engine coolant.
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Torque Specifications
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1. Rotate the crankshaft to make the No. 1 cylinder
meet the compression TDC.
1. TDC
2. Remove the engine cover.
3. Remove the cylinder head cover.
Refer to «Cylinder Head Cover».
4. Install the M5 lock bolt of fixing sub gear.
5. Remove the baffle plate (1).
6. Remove the camshaft bearing cap and camshaft.
• Check the engraved making on the camshaft
bearing caps.
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Disassembly1. Remove the sub gear assembly.
• Clamp the camshaft in a vise. Insert soft metal
protectors (aluminum) between the vise
surfaces and the camshaft.
• Use 5-8840-2591-0 to turn sub gear to right
direction to remove the M5 bolt.
• Use a pair of snap ring pliers to remove the
scissor gear assembly.
Take care not to damage the camshaft cams and
2. Remove the camshaft gear.
• Use a press (1) and socket (2) to remove the
camshaft gear (3).
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3. Remove the dowel pin.
4. Inspect the camshaft visually.
• Check if the journal and cam parts of the
camshaft are worn or damaged, if so, replace
5. Inspect an end clearance of the camshaft.
• Use a thickness gauge to measure an end
clearance of the camshaft gear and the
camshaft bracket.
• If the measurement exceeds the limit, replace
the camshaft gear or the camshaft.
End clearance of the camshaft mm (in)Standard 0.050 − 0.170 (0.003 − 0.007)
Limit 0.25 (0.010)
Measure an end clearance of the camshaft before
6. Check if the cam lobe is worn.
• Use a micrometer to measure the height of the
cam lobe.
• If the height of the cam lobe is at the limit or
less, replace the camshaft.
Height of the cam lobe mm (in)
Inlet Exhaust
Standard 40.6 (1.60) 40.6 (1.60)
Limit 39.6 (1.56) 39.6 (1.56)
7. Check if the camshaft journal is worn.
• Use a micrometer to measure wear which is
not even with a diameter of the camshaft
• If the measured uneven wear exceeds the limit,
replace the camshaft.
External diameter of the camshaft journal part
mm (in)
Standard 29.909 − 29.930
(1.1775 − 1.1783)
Limit 29.809 (1.1736)
Partial wear of the camshaft journal part mm (in)
Limit 0.05 (0.0020)
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8. Check if the camshaft is runout.
• Place the camshaft on a V block to measure a
runout with a dial gauge.
• Rotate the camshaft slowly to measure how
much the dial indicator shook. If it exceeds the
limit, replace the camshaft.
Runout of the camshaft mm (in)
Limit 0.05 (0.0020)
9. Measure a camshaft journal oil clearance.
a. Measure an inside diameter of the camshaft
bearing with a dial gauge.
b. Read the difference between the inside
diameter of the camshaft bearing and the
diameter of the camshaft journal.
If the measured oil clearance exceeds the limit,
replace the camshaft bearing.
Clearance of the journal part mm (in)
Standard0.070 − 0.112
(0.0028 − 0.0044)
Limit 0.15 (0.0059)
1. Install the dowel pin.
2. Install the camshaft gear.
• Align the knock pin with the slot in the camshaft
gear. Use a press to install the camshaft gear
to the camshaft.
1. Camshaft
2. Dowel Pin
3. Camshaft Gear
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3. Install the sub gear assembly.
• Clamp the camshaft in a vise. Insert soft metal
protectors (aluminum) between the vise
surfaces and the camshaft. Press against the
pin on the left side of the camshaft gear spring
(3) to make a gap on the right side of the
spring. Push the spring into place.
• Align the sub gear pin (2) with the hole in the
right side of the camshaft gear damper spring
(3). Press the sub-gear into place.
1. Snap Ring
2. Sub-gear
3. Damper Spring
4. Camshaft Gear
• Use a pair of snap ring pliers to snuggly install
the snap ring.
4. Tighten sub gear setting bolt.
• Use 5-8840-2591-0 to turn sub gear to right
direction until it aligns with the M5 bolt hole
between camshaft driven gear and sub gear.
• Tighten the M5 bolt to a suitable torque to
prevent the sub-gear from moving.
1. Check the crankshaft to make the No. 1 cylinder
meet the compression TDC.
1. TDC
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2. Install the camshaft assembly.
• Align timing mark on intake camshaft and
exhaust camshaft to idle gear D.
1. Exhaust Camshaft Gear
2. Intake Camshaft Gear
3. Idle Gear D
3. Camshaft bearing caps, tighten ten bolts on one
side bank to the specified torque.
• Apply engine oil to camshaft journal and
bearing surface of camshaft bearing caps.
4. Check that the alignment marks (camshaft bearing
cap and camshaft) are aligned.
1. Align mark on intake camshaft and exhaust
camshaft to mark of bearing cap
• Apply engine oil over the screw part and tighten
up the bearing cap with the prescribed torque.
Tightening torque: 18 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (1.8kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 13 lb ft)
5. Remove the M5 lock bolt of fixing sub gear.
6. Adjustment of valve clearance.
• Refer to installation procedure for inspection /
adjustment of valve clearance in this manual.
7. Install the baffle plate. Tighten the bolts to the
specified torque.
Tightening torque: 10 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (1.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 87 lb in)
8. Install the cylinder head cover.
Refer to «Cylinder Head Cover».
9. Install the engine cover.
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Valve Stem Seal and Valve Spring
1. Exhaust Rocker Arm Shaft Assembly2. Bolt (Long)
3. Bolt (Short)
4. Intake Rocker Arm Shaft Assembly
5. Fuel Injector Assembly
6. Bolt
7. Fuel Injector Clamp
8. Pin9. Spring Lower Seat
10. Valve Stem Oil Seal
11. Valve Spring
12. Spring Upper Seat
13. Split Collar
14. Valve Stem End Cap
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1. Remove the cylinder head.
Refer to “Cylinder Head”.
2. Remove the valve stem end cap.
3. Remove the split collar.
• Use a replacer to compress the valve spring to
remove the split collar.
Special tool
Valve spring replacer: 5-8840-2818-0 (1)
Pivot assembly: 5-8840-2819-0 (2)
4. Remove the spring upper seat.
• Remove the special tool to remove the upper
5. Remove the valve spring.
• Put the removed valve springs in order by
cylinder number.
6. Remove the valve stem oil seal.
• Use pliers to remove the oil seal.
Do not use the removed oil seal again.
7. Remove the spring lower seat.
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Inspect the valve spring
Check the valve spring visually and if there is clear
damage or wear, replace it.1. Free length
• Measure free length of the spring and if it is
shorter than the prescribed limit, replace the
Free length of the valve spring mm (in)
Inlet / Exhaust
Standard 49.04 (1.93)
Limit 48.15 (1.90)
2. Valve spring squareness.
• Use a surface plate and a square to measure
the valve spring squareness.
If the measured value exceeds the specified
limit, the valve spring must be replaced.
Valve spring squareness mm (in)
Limit 2.1 (0.083)
3. Tension
• Use a spring tester to compress the spring to
the installation height. Measure tension of the
compressed spring. If the measurement is
lower than the limit, replace the spring.
Tension of the valve spring N (kg / lb)
Inlet / Exhaust
Installation length mm (in) 37.80 (1.488)
Standard 213 (21.7 / 47.8)
Limit 188 (19.2 / 42.3)
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1. Install the spring lower seat.
2. Install the valve stem oil seal.
• Apply engine oil over the peripheral part of the
valve guide and install the oil seal by using a
valve stem seal installer.
After installing the valve stem oil seal, check if it is
inserted nice and deep and the oil seal is not tilted or
the garter spring has not come off.
Special tool
Valve stem seal installer: 5-8840-2882-0
3. Install the valve spring.
4. Install the spring upper seat.
5. Install the split collar.
• Use a replacer to compress the valve spring
and install the split collar.
Special tool
Valve spring replacer: 5-8840-2818-0 (1)
Pivot assembly: 5-8840-2819-0 (2)
Move it up and down to check if it moves smoothly.
6. Install the valve stem end cap.
7. Install the cylinder head.
Refer to “Cylinder Head”.
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Special Tools
Valve spring replacer
Pivot assembly
Valve stem seal installer
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Cylinder Head
1. Fuel Injector Clamp2. Fuel Injector Assembly
3. Glow Plug
4. Intake and Exhaust Valves
5. Cylinder Head6. Timing Chain Tension Lever
7. Timing Chain Guide
8. Timing Chain Tensioner
To avoid electric shock;
Set the switch to the ‘OFF’ position and disconnect the
negative battery cable before checking or repairing the
fuel injector, wiring or/and connectors.
1. Remove the engine head cover.
2. Drain the engine coolant.
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3. Remove the radiator upper hose.
4. Remove the fan guide.
1. Upper Fan Guide
2. Clips
3. Lower Fan guide
4. Fan Shroud
5. Remove the cooling Fan.
6. Rotate the crankshaft to make the No.1 cylinder
meet the compression top dead center (TDC).
1. TDC
7. Remove the A/C compressor drive belt.
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8. Remove the A/C compressor adjust pulley.
1. Bolt
2. Nut
9. Remove the battery.
10. Disconnect the A/C compressor connector and
A/C compressor with hose.
11. Remove the A/C compressor bracket.
1. A/C Compressor Bracket
2. Intake Duct
3. A/C Compressor
12. Remove the intake hose and duct.
1. Intake Hose for Intercooler and Intake Throttle
2. Intake Duct for Turbocharger and Air Cleaner
3. Intake Hose for Turbocharger and Intercooler
13. Disconnect the fuel injector connectors (2).
14. Remove the fuel leak off hoses (1).
Do not reuse the fuel leak off hose clips.
15. Disconnect each connectors.
• Glow Plug
• EGR Valve
• Throttle Assembly
• Barometric Sensor
• Water temperature sensor
• Camshaft Position sensor
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16. Remove the harness bracket.
17. Remove the cylinder head cover.
Refer to “Cylinder Head Cover”.
18. Remove the EGR cooler heat protector.
19. Remove the EGR cooler water pipe.
20. Remove the EGR cooler.
21. Loosen the nuts of catalyst converter and
1. Catalyst Converter
2. Turbocharger
22. Remove the exhaust front pipe.
1. Exhaust Front Pipe (4×2 High Ride Suspension,
2. Exhaust Front Pipe (4×2 Except High Ride
23. Disconnect the Front drive shaft (1). (4×4)
24. Remove the catalyst converter.
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25. Remove the A/T oil cooler pipe brackets (A/T).
1. A/T Oil Cooler Pipe Bracket
26. Remove the turbocharger water return pipe and
27. Remove the turbocharger water feed pipe (1) and
28. Remove the turbocharger engine oil feed pipe.
29. Remove the engine oil level gauge guide tube.
30. Remove the fuel return pipe and hose (1).
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31. Remove the fuel injection pipe clip.
32. Remove the fuel injection pipe.
33. Remove the vacuum hose (1).
34. Remove the timing chain cover lower.
35. Remove the timing chain cover upper.
1. Timing Chain Cover Upper2. Timing Chain Cover Lower
36.Remove the water by pass pipe (1).
37. Remove the glow plugs (1).
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38.Remove the cylinder head cover.
Refer to “Cylinder Head Cover”.
39. Install the lock bolt for camshaft scissor gear.
40. Remove the fuel injector assembly.
41. Remove the baffle plate.
42. Remove the camshaft bearing caps.
43.Remove the camshaft.
44. Remove the rocker arm shaft assembly.
Keep the removed rocker arm shaft assembly properly
so that they may be put back to the original place.
1. Exhaust Rocker Arm Shaft Assembly
2. Bolt (Long)
3. Bolt (Short)
4. Intake Rocker Arm Shaft Assembly
5. Front
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Pay full attention so as not to drop the parts in the gear
case of the front part of the cylinder head or a hole into
which oil pours back in the front.
Remember the original position.
45. Remove the timing chain tensioner.
1. Timing Chain Tensioner
2. Gasket
3. Nut
46. Remove the idle gear D.
• Timing chain is dropped behind.
47. Remove the timing chain tension lever pivot.
48. Remove the timing chain from supply pump
49. Remove the chain guide bolts from cylinder head.
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50. Remove the cylinder head gear case nuts (1) and
bolts (2).
51. Remove the cylinder head bolt (1).
Do not reuse the cylinder head bolt.
52. Remove the cylinder head assembly.
• Loosen the cylinder head bolts in the order
described in the drawing.
• Remove the cylinder head gasket.
Replace the head gasket with a new one once it is
1. Remove the throttle assembly.
• Refer to procedure for Intake Manifold in this
2. Remove the intake manifold assembly.
• Refer to procedure for Intake Manifold in this
3. Remove the turbocharger.
• Refer to “Turbocharger and Exhaust Manifold”.
4. Remove the exhaust manifold assembly.
• Refer to procedure for Turbocharger and
Exhaust Manifold in this manual.
5. Remove the water outlet pipe.
6. Remove the valve stem end cap.
Refer to procedure for valve stem and valve in thismanual.
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7. Remove the split collar.
• Use a replacer to compress the valve spring to
remove the split collar.
Special tool
Valve spring replacer: 5-8840-2818-0 (1)
Pivot assembly: 5-8840-2819-0 (2)
8. Remove the spring upper seat.
• Remove the special tool to remove the upper
9. Remove the valve spring.
• Put the removed valve springs in order by
cylinder number.
10. Remove the intake and exhaust valve.
• Sort the removed valves according to cylinders
by using tags others.
11. Remove the valve stem oil seal.
• Refer to procedure for valve stem and valve in
this manual.
12. Remove the spring lower seat.
13. Remove the valve guide.
• Use the valve guide replacer to press out the
valve guides from the bottom side of the
cylinder head.
Special tool
Valve guide remover and installer:
14. Remove the cam end gaskets (1).
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15. Remove the oil seals.
Make the necessary adjustments, repairs, and part
replacements if excessive wear or damage is
discovered during inspection.
Cylinder Head Lower Face Warpage
1. Use a straight edge and a thickness gauge to
measure the four sides and the two diagonals of
the cylinder head lower face.
2. The cylinder head lower surface warpage is more
than the limit, it should be replaced.
Cylinder Head Lower Face Warpage mm (in)
Standard 0.05 (0.002) or less
Limit 0.20 (0.0079)
The cylinder head lower face cannot be regrind.
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Cylinder Head Height (H) (Reference) mm (in)
Standard 143.4 (5.646)
Manifold Fitting Face Warpage
Use a straight edge and a feeler gauge to measure the
manifold cylinder head fitting face warpage.
Regrind the manifold cylinder head fitting surfaces if the
measured values are greater than the specified limit but
less than the maximum grinding allowance.
If the measured values exceed the maximum grinding
allowance, the cylinder head must be replaced.
Manifold Fitting Face Warpage mm (in)
Standard 0.05 (0.002) or less
Limit 0.20 (0.008)
Maximum Grinding Allowance 0.40 (0.016)
Exhaust Manifold Warpage
Use a straight edge and a feeler gauge to measure the
manifold cylinder head fitting face warpage.
If the measured values exceed the specified limit, the
manifold must be replaced.
Exhasut Manifold Warpage mm (in)
Standard 0.05 (0.002) or less
Limit 0.20 (0.008)
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Valve Stem Cap
Make the necessary part replacements.
If excessive wear or damage is discovered during
Valve Stem Outside Diameter
Measure the valve stem diameter at three points.
If the measured value is less than the specified limit, the
valve and the valve guide must be replaced as a set.
Valve Stem Outside Diameter mm (in)
Intake Valve Exhaust Valve
Standard6.955 – 6.970
(0.2738 – 0.2744)
6.947 – 6.962
(0.2735 – 0.2741)
Valve Stem and Valve Guide Clearance
1. Measure the valve stem outside diameter.
Refer to the item “Valve Stem Outside Diameter”.
2. Use a caliper calibrator or a telescoping gauge to
measure the valve guide inside diameter.
If the measured values exceed the specified limit,
the valve and the valve guide must be replaced as
a set.
Valve Stem Clearance mm (in)
Intake Valve Exhaust Valve
Standard0.030 – 0.060
(0.0012 – 0.0024)
0.038 – 0.068
(0.0015 – 0.0027)
Valve ThicknessMeasure the valve thickness.
If the measured value is less than the specified limit, the
valve and the valve guide must be replaced as a set.
Intake and Exhasut Valve Thickness mm (in)
Standard 1.32 (0.052)
Limit 1.1 (0.043)
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Valve Depression
1. Install the valve (1) to the cylinder head (2).
2. Use a depth gauge or a straight edge with steel
rule to measure the valve depression from the
cylinder head lower surface.
If the measured value exceeds the specified limit,the valve seat insert must be replaced.
Valve Depression mm (in)
Standard 1.8 (0.07)
Limit 2.5 (0.098)
Valve Contact Width
1. Check the valve contact faces for roughness and
unevenness. Make smooth the valve contact
2. Measure the valve contact width.
If the measured value exceeds the specified limit,
the valve seat insert must be replaced.
Valve Contact Width mm (in)
Intake Exhaust
Standard 1.4 (0.055) 1.4 (0.055)
Limit 2.2 (0.087) 2.5 (0.098)
Repair of the seat surface• Remove carbon from the surface of the valve
insert seat.
• Use a seat cutter to minimize the scratch and
other roughness, thereby returning the contact
width to the standard value.
1. 90°
2. 50°
Remove only scratches and roughness, and do not cut
the surface too much.
Use the free adjustment valve cutter pilot.
Do not let the valve cutter pilot waver inside the valve
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• Attach compound in the valve insert seat.
• Insert the valve into the valve guide.
• Attach compound on the valve seat surface, rotate
the valve and hit it lightly to grind it, and confirm
that it has even contact all round.
Remove compound completely after grinding.
Remove the valve seat insert
• Arc-weld the entire inner diameter of the valve seat
• Cool the valve seat insert for two to three minutes.
Contraction due to cooling makes it easier to
remove the valve seat insert.• Remove the valve seat insert, using a screw
driver . Be sure not to harm the cylinder head.
1. Arc-Weld
2. Valve Seat Insert
3. Screw Driver
Install the valve seat insert
• Carefully place a washer (the outer diameter is
smaller than the valve seat insert) on the valve
seat insert.
• Use the press to apply pressure gradually on the
washer, thereby pushing the valve seat insert.
Do not apply too much pressure with the press. Attach
compound on the valve seat surface, rotate the valveand hit it lightly to grind it, and confirm that it has even
contact all round.
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1. Attach Compound
2. Valve Seat
3. Press
1. Install the oil seal.
• Install on the surface of the injection pipe insert.
• Hammer it in so that the seal does not incline.
Be sure not to harm the lip.
Special tool
Injection pipe oil seal installer: 5-8840-2820-0
1. Cylinder Head
2. Oil Seal Installer
2. Install the valve guide.
• Hammer in the valve guide from the upper
surface of the cylinder head, using the valve
guide installer.
Special tool
Valve guide remover and installer:
When replacing the valve guide, it must be replacedtogether with the valve.
• Height from the upper surface of the cylinder
head to the edge surface of the valve guide
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1. 12.6 ± 0.1 mm (0.50 ± 0.0039 in)
2. Cylinder Head
3. Install the valve spring lower seat.
4. Install the valve stem oil seal.
• Refer to procedure for valve stem and valve in
this manual.
5. Install the intake and exhaust valve.
• Apply engine oil on the valve stem part and
install the valve.
6. Install the valve spring, the valve spring upper seat
and the split collar.• Refer to procedure for valve stem and valve in
this manual.
7. Install the rocker arm and shaft assembly.
• Refer to procedure for valve stem and valve in
this manual.
8. Install the exhaust manifold assembly.
• Refer to procedure for Turbocharger and
Exhaust Manifold in this manual.
9. Install the turbocharger.
• Refer to procedure for Turbocharger and
Exhaust Manifold in this manual.
10. Install the intake manifold assembly.
• Refer to procedure for Intake Manifold in this
11. Install the throttle assembly.
• Refer to procedure for Intake Manifold in this
1. Select the cylinder head gasket.
Cylinder Head Gasket Selection
Cylinder head gasket is determined by the piston head
projection from the cylinder body upper surface, in order to improve engine performance.
Three types of gasket are provided with difference of
thickness. Select the appropriate one out of three
grades of
gasket, according to the following procedure.
Before measurement, clear off carbon from the piston
head and cylinder body surface and also clean the
place where the gasket was installed.
1. Use a dial indicator to measure the piston
projection amount.
2. Refer to the illustration for the piston head
projection measuring positions. All measuring
positions should be as close as possible to the
cylinder block.
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8. Apply liquid gasket (ThreeBond 1207B or
equivalent) at the two locations.
1. 2 — 3 mm (0.079 — 0.118 in)
2. 3 — 4 mm (0.118 — 0.157 in)
9. Install the cylinder head within 5 minutes
application of the liquid gasket.
10. Install the cylinder head.
• Wipe the cylinder head lower face.
• Install the cylinder head, adjusting the dowel of
the cylinder block.11. Install the cylinder head bolt.
• Please use new cylinder head bolt.
• Use a torque wrench and angle gauge to
tighten the head bolts in the order described in
the drawing.
Tightening torque:
1st step = 70 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (7.1 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 51 lb ft)
2nd step = 70 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (7.1 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 51 lb ft)
3rd step = 60°-75° (degrees)
4th step = 60°-75° (degrees)
Note: Do not reuse cylinder head bolt.
Special tool
Angle gauge: 5-8840-0266-0
12. Install the cylinder head gear case bolt and nut.
• Tighten up with the prescribed torque according
to the order given on the figure.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
13. Install the water by pass pipe.
Apply soapy water to the O-ring.
Tighten the bolt to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
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14. Install the vacuum hose (1).
15. Install the rocker arm shaft assembly.
• Apply the engine oil.
• Attach the rocker arm shaft assembly in
sequence from No.1 to No.4.
Tightening torque: 21 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.1 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 15 lb ft)
1. Exhaust Rocker Arm Shaft Assembly
2. Bolt (Long)
3. Bolt (Short)
4. Intake Rocker Arm Shaft Assembly
5. Front
16. Install the chain guide bolt from cylinder head.
Tighten the bolt to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
17. Install the tension lever.
18. Rotate the crankshaft to make the No.1 cylinder
meet the compression top dead center (TDC).
1. TDC
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19. Install the timing chain with idle gear D.
• Apply the engine oil bolt thread and seat.
Tightening torque : 59 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (6.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 43 lb ft)
• Align the timing marks at two locations as
1. Timing Chain
2. Timing Mark
3. Blue Link
4. Yellow Link
20. Install the timing chain tension lever pivot.
Tighten the bolt to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 27 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.8 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 20 lb ft)
21. Attach the hook of the timing chain tensioner.
• Hold the latch (3) depressed. Insert the plunger
(2). Attach the hook (5) to the pin (1) to hold the
plunger in place.
22. Install the timing chain tensioner (1) and the
gasket (2).
Tighten the nuts (3) to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 10 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (1.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 87 lb in)
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26. Align mark on camshaft to mark on camshaft
bearing cap.
• Align mark (1) on intake camshaft and exhaust
camshaft to mark of bearing cap.
27. Remove the lock bolt from the camshaft gear.
28. Turn the crank pulley two rotation (720°CA).
• Align mark on camshaft to mark on camshaft
bearing cap.
1. Exhaust Camshaft Gear
2. Intake Camshaft Gear
3. Idle Gear D
29. Apply liquid gasket (ThreeBond TB-1207C or
equivalent) to timing chain cover upper (1).
• Attach cover within 5minutes after the
application of gasket.
1. Liquid gasket
2. 2 – 2.5 mm (0.079 – 0.098 in)
3. 2 – 2.5 mm (0.079 – 00.98 in)
30. Install the timing chain cover upper (1).
Tighten the bolt to the specified torque.
• Apply loctite #262 or equivalent to the bolt and
stud threads of cylinder side head side (2).
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
31. Apply liquid gasket (ThreeBond TB-1207C or
equivalent) to the timing chain cover lower (1).
• Attach the cover within 5 minutes of applying
the liquid gasket.
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1. Liquid gasket
2. 2 – 2.5 mm (0.079 – 0.098 in)
3. 2 – 2.5 mm (0.079 – 00.98 in)
32. Install the timing chain cover lower.
Tighten the bolts and nuts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 10 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (1.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 87 lb in)
33. Inspection / adjustment of valve clearance.
• Refer to procedure for Service Precautions in
this manual.
34. Install the fuel injector.• Refer to procedure for Fuel System in this
35. Install the baffle cover.
• Refer to procedure for Camshaft Assembly in
this manual.
36. Install the cam end gasket.
• Apply the liquid gasket (ThreeBond TB-1207B
or equivalent).
1. Cam End Gasket
2. 2.0 — 3.0 mm (0.078 — 0.118 in)
37. Install the cylinder head cover.
Refer to procedure for Cylinder Head Cover in this
38. Install the glow plug.
Tighten the glow plug to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 18 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (1.8 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 13 lb ft)
39. Install the glow plug connector.
Tighten the nut to the specified torque.Tightening torque: 2 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (0.2 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 17 lb in)
1. Glow Plug Connector
2. Nut
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49. Install the turbocharger engine oil return pipe (1).
Tighten the bolt and nut to the specified torque.
Tightening torque:
nut: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.6 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 19 lb ft)
bolt: 10 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (1.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 87 lb in)
50. Install the turbocharger engine oil feed pipe and
Tighten the bolt to the specified torque.
Tightening torque:
pipe: 22.5 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.3 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 17 lb ft)
Tightening torque:clip: 10 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (1.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 87 lb in)
1. Oil Feed Pipe
2. Clip
3. For Dia 8.00 mm (0.31 in)
4. For Dia 10.00 mm (0.39 in)
51. Install the turbocharger water feed pipe.
1. Turbocharger Water Feed Pipe
52. Install the turbocharger water return pipe.
1. Turbocharger Water Return Pipe
53 Install the A/T oil cooler pipe bracket.
Refer to procedure for automatic transmission in
this manual.
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54. Install the catalyst converter.
Refer to procedure for Turbocharger and Exhaust
Manifold in this manual.
55. Connect the front drive shaft. (4×4)
Refer to procedure for front propeller shaft in this
56. Install the exhaust front pipe.
• Refer to procedure for “Exhaust System” in this
57. Install the EGR cooler.
• Refer to procedure for “Exhaust System” in this
58. Install the EGR cooler water pipe.
• Refer to procedure for “Exhaust System” in this
59. Install the EGR cooler heat protector.
• Refer to procedure for “Exhaust System” in this
60. Install the cooling fan.
• Refer to procedure for “Engine Cooling” in this
61.Install the A/C drive belt.
• Refer to procedure for “Intake Manifold” in this
62. Install the radiator fan shroud. Upper and lower.
63. Install the radiator upper hose.
• Refer to procedure for engine cooling in this
64. Install the harness bracket.
65. Install the fuel leak off hoses (1), and the fuel
injector connectors (2).
Do not reuse the leak off pipe ASM. (1) and clips (2).
1. Leak off pipe ASM.
2. Clip
66. Install the intake hose.
1. Intake Hose for Intercooler and Intake Throttle
2. Intake Duct for Turbocharger and Air Cleaner
3. Intake Hose for Turbocharger and Intercooler
67. Install the engine head cover.
68. Replenish the coolant.
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Piston and Connecting Rod
1. Snap Ring2. Piston Pin
3. Piston Ring
4. Piston5. Connecting Rod
6. Bearing
1. Demount the engine assembly.
Refer to “Engine Assembly”.
2. Remove the cylinder head cover.
Refer to “Cylinder Head Cover”.
3. Remove the camshaft assembly.
Refer to “Camshaft Assembly”.
4. Remove the cylinder head.
Refer to “Cylinder Head”.
5. Remove the gear case assembly.
Refer to “Gear Case Assembly”.
6. Remove the oil pan.
Refer to “Oil Pan” .
7. Remove the connecting rod cap.
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Sort the removed bearings according to cylinders by
using tags.
8. Remove the piston and connecting rod.
• Remove carbon on the upper side of the
cylinder block with a scraper.
• Pull out the piston and connecting rod towards
the cylinder head.
Be sure not to damage the oil jet and cylinder block
when pushing out the connecting rod.
9. Remove the connecting rod bearing.
Sort the bearings in the order of cylinders when reusing
them so that they are not confused with the bearings of
other cylinders.
1. Remove the piston ring.
• Use ring pliers to remove the piston ring.
Sort the piston rings in the same order as the cylinders
when reusing them so that they are not confused with
the pistons and piston rings of other cylinders.
2. Remove the snap ring.
3. Remove the piston pin.
Sort the disassembled piston pins, pistons and
connecting rods together in the same order as the
4. Remove the connecting rods from the piston.
5. Clean the piston.
• Carefully clean carbon that is adhered to the
head of the piston and the groove of the piston
Do not use a wire brush to clean the piston because it
scratches the piston.
Visually inspect the piston for cracks, burns and other
excessive wear, and replace it if there is any
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1. Grade
2. Front Mark Cut
8. Inspect the piston ring.
• Insert the piston ring horizontally (in the position
it would assume if it were installed to the
piston) into the cylinder block.
• Push the piston ring into the cylinder bore until
it reaches the measuring point 1 or 2 where the
cylinder block bore is the smallest.
Do not allow the piston ring to slant to one side
or the other. It must be perfectly horizontal.
Measuring Point 1 10 mm (0.4 in)
Measuring Point 2 120 mm (4.7 in).
• Use a thickness gauge to measure the piston
ring gap.
If the measured value exceeds the specified
limit, the piston ring must be replaced.
Piston ring gap mm (in)
1st compression ring 0.27 — 0.51
(0.0106 – 0.0201)
2nd compression ring 0.42 – 0.66
(0.0165 – 0.0260)
Oil ring 0.27 – 0.56
(0.0106 – 0.0220)
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Measure the clearance between the piston ring
groove and the piston.
• Remove carbon in the piston ring groove.
• Put the piston ring in the piston ring groove, use
a thickness gauge to measure the gap between
• If the clearance between the piston ring groove
and the piston exceeds the limit, replace the
piston and the piston ring.
Piston ring and piston ring groove clearance mm (in)
Standard Limit
1st compression ring — ∗ — ∗
2nd compression ring 0.05 — 0.09
(0.0020 — 0.0035)
Oil ring 0.03 — 0.07
(0.0012- 0.0028)
∗ Measurement is impossible
9. Inspect the piston pin.
• Visually inspect the piston pin for cracks,
scratches and other damage, and replace it if
necessary.• Use a micrometer to measure the outer
diameter of the piston pin. If the measured
value exceeds the limit, replace the piston pin.
Piston pin outer diameter mm (in)
Standard 33.995 – 34.000 (1.33838 – 1.33858)
• Inspect to make sure that there is a resistance
to the extent which the piston can push the
piston pin lightly in normal temperatures.
• If it feels a large looseness or instability in
normal temperatures, replace the piston or
piston pin.
Measure the bush of the small edge of theconnecting rod. If the clearance of the bush inner
diameter and the pin diameter exceeds the limit,
replace the bush or connecting rod assembly, and
the pin.
Piston pin and connecting rod small end bushing
clearance mm (in)
Standard 0.008 — 0.020 (0.0003 — 0.0008)
Limit 0.05 (0.0020)
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10. Measure the clearance between the piston and
the piston pin.
• Apply engine oil on the piston pin. Use your
finger to push it in the piston hole and rotate it.
If the pin smoothly rotates without instability,
the clearance is normal. If there is instability,
measure the clearance. If the clearance
exceeds the limit, replace the piston and the
piston pin.
Piston pin and piston pin hole clearance mm (in)
Standard 0.008 — 0.019 (0.0003 — 0.0007)
11. Measure the connecting rod alignment.
• Use a connecting rod aligner to measure the
torsion and parallel level of the big end hole
and the small end hole. If the measured value
exceeds the limit, replace it.
Connecting rod alignment
(par length of 100 mm (3.94 in)) mm (in)
Standard Limit
Distortion 0.08 (0.003) or less 0.20 (0.008)
Parallelism 0.05 (0.002) or less 1.50 (0.060)
12. Measure the bearing oil clearance.
• Install the bearing to the connecting rod big
• Tighten the connectingrod cap to the two step
of angular tightening method.
• Use an inside dial indicator to measure the
connecting rod bearing inside diameter. After
engine oil shall be applied tobolt mating
surfaces and thread portions.
Connecting rod bearing cap bolt torque:
N⋅m (kg⋅m / lb ft)
1st step 29.4 (3.0 / 22)
2nd step 45 deg
If the clearance between the measured bearing
inside diameter and the crankpin exceeds the
specified limit, the bearing and/or the crankshaft
must be replaced.
Crankpin and bearing clearance mm (in)
Standard 0.029 — 0.083 (0.0011 — 0.0033)
1. Install the piston.2. Install the connecting rod.
• Install it so that the front mark of the head of
the piston, and the connecting rod forging mark
(projecting) on the connecting rod, both face in
the same direction.
• Install the snap ring of one side.
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1. Front Mark
2. Forging Mark (Projecting)
3. Apply enough engine oil on the piston pin, push it
in the piston and the connecting rod small edge.
4. Use snap ring pliers to install the snap ring.
Make sure that the snap ring is installed in the ring
groove properly. Make sure that the connecting rod
moves smoothly.
5. Use ring pliers to install the piston ring.
• Install the piston rings in the order shown in the
• Install 2nd and 1st compression rings in this
order so that the laser marks face upward.
• Insert the expander coil into the oil ring groove
so that there is no gap on either side of the
expander coil before installing the oil ring.
1. Compression Ring 1st
2. Compression Ring 2nd
3. Oil Ring
4. Expander
1. Install the connecting rod bearing.
• Install the bearing on the connecting rod, andapply engine oil on the bearing.
2. Install the piston and connecting rod assembly.
• Apply enough engine oil on the piston ring, ring
groove and piston side surface.
• With the piston front mark cut facing forward,
use the piston ring compressor to insert the
piston in the cylinder block.
• Be sure not to make the connecting rod touch
the oil jet when pushing in the piston.
• Be sure not to harm the inside of the cylinder
block when pushing in the piston.
Special tool
Piston ring compressor: 5-8840-9018-0
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3. Install the connecting rod cap.
• Install the bearing on the connecting rod cap
and apply engine oil.
• Install the cap, matching the numbers (1, 2, 3,
and 4) of the caps and connecting rods.
• Install the connecting rod cap, and tighten bolt
at the specified torque in the order as shown inthe diagram.
Apply engine oil to the threaded portion of the
tightening bolts and seat surface and tighten
them at the specified torques.
Tightening torque:1st step = 29.4 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (3.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 22 lb ft)
2nd step = 45°- 60° (degrees)
Special tool
Angle gauge: 5-8840-0266-0
Make sure that the crankshaft smoothly rotates.
4. Install the oil pan.
Refer to “Oil Pan”.
5. Install the gear case assembly.
Refer to “Gear Case Assembly”.
6. Install the cylinder head.
Refer to “Cylinder Head”.
7. Install the camshaft assembly.
Refer to “Camshaft Assembly”.
8. Install the cylinder head cover.
Refer to “Cylinder Head Cover”.
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1. Flywheel Assembly and Pilot Bearing2. Driven Plate
3. Pressure Plate Assembly
4. Release Bearing5. Shift Fork
6. Transmission Assembly
1. Remove the transmission assembly.
Refer to «transmission assembly removal and
2. Remove the clutch pressure plate.
• Remove the pressure plate installation bolts in
the order shown in the drawing.
• Remove the pressure plate from the flywheel.
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3. Remove the driven plate.
• Remove the driven plate from the flywheel
along with the clutch aligner.
• Install the crankshaft stopper in the starter
installation part of the rear plate.
Make sure that the stopper is applied with the ring gear
and installed properly.
Special tool
Crankshaft stopper: 5-8840-0214-0
4. Remove the pilot bearing.
• Remove the pilot bearing from the flywheel.
Special tool
Pilot Bearing Remover: 5-8840-2000-0
Sliding Hammer: 5-8840-0019-0
5. Remove the flywheel.
• Gradually loosen the flywheel installation bolts
in the order shown in the drawing so that the
flywheel does not rotate.
• After loosening the bolts, remove the stopper
and remove the flywheel.
• In the case of A/T car, after loosening the
flywheel installation bolts, remove the washer,
flexible plate, flywheel and sleeve in this order.
6. Remove the ring gear.
• Put a bar on the ring gear and hit it with a
hammer to remove it.
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1. Visual inspection
• Inspect the flywheel friction surface for cracks
and damages, and replace it if it has
• Inspect the tooth part of the ring gear, replace
the ring gear if it has damage or serious wear.
2. Measurement of the friction surface
• Measure the depth of the friction surface of the
flywheel (1).
• Adjust it if the measured value is within the
standard value and the limit.
• If the measured value exceeds the limit,
replace the flywheel.
Depth of the friction surface of the flywheel mm (in)
Standard 18 (0.7087)
Limit 19 (0.7480)
Depth = From the pressure installation surface
to the friction surface.
3. Flywheel installation bolts.
• There is no damage in appearance.
• Exchange for a new part if damage is
1. Install the ring gear.
• Heat the ring gear evenly with a gas burner to
invite thermal expansion. Do not allow the
temperature of the gas burner to exceed 200°C
• Install the ring gear when it is sufficiently
heated. The ring gear must be installed with the
chamfer facing the clutch.
• Install the ring gear so that the side with a
pattern faces forward.
• Shrink fit the ring gear to the flywheel.
Make sure that flywheel and ring gear adhesion
is complete.
2. Install the pilot bearing.
• Place the crankshaft pilot bearing right angle
across the crankshaft bearing installation hole.
• Tap around the edges of the crankshaft pilot
bearing outer races with a brass hammer to
drive the bearing into the crankshaft bearing
installation hole.Special tool
Pilot Bearing Installer: 5-8522-0024-0
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3. Install the flywheel.
• Install the flywheel of the crankshaft, tighten
them in the order shown in the illustration.
• Apply molybdenum disulfide on the screw part
and setting face of the bolt.
• Install the crankshaft stopper on the starter
installation part of the rear plate.
Tightening torque:
1st step = 59 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (6.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 43 lb ft)
2nd step = 60° — 90° (degrees)
Special tool
Crankshaft stopper: 5-8840-0214-0
4. Install the driven plate.
• Use a clutch aligner to install the driven plate
on the flywheel.
1. Clutch Aligner
5. Install the clutch pressure plate.
• Install the pressure plate on the flywheel so that
the installation hole of the pressure plate
matches with the dowel pins of the flywheel.
• Tighten the pressure plate in the order shown
in the illustration.
Tightening torque: 18 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (1.8 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 13 lb ft)
6. Install the transmission assembly.
Refer to removal procedure for “TRANSMISSION”.
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Torque Specifications
Special Tools
Crankshaft stopper
Pilot Bearing Installer
Pilot Bearing Remover
Sliding Hammer
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Gear Case Assembly
1. Adjust Plate2. Generator
3. Gear Case Bracket
4. Gasket5. Gear Case Assembly
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1. Remove the engine assembly.
Refer to removal procedure for “Engine Assembly”
in this manual.
2. Remove the cylinder head.
Refer to removal procedure for “Cylinder Head” in
this manual.
3. Remove the adjustment bracket of generator.
4. Remove the vacuum pump and pipe.
Refer to removal procedure for “Brake” in this
5. Remove the power steering pump.
Refer to removal procedure for “Power Steering” in
this manual.
6. Remove the water pump.
Refer to removal procedure for “Water Pump” in
this manual.
7. Remove the fuel supply pump.
Refer to removal procedure for “Fuel Supply
Pump” in this manual.
8. Remove the crankshaft pulley.
Refer to removal procedure for “Crankshaft Front
Oil Seal” in this manual.
9. Remove the gear case cover.
Refer to removal procedure for “Gear Case Cover”
in this manual.
10. Remove the idle gear A and idle gear A shaft, idle
gear C and idle gear C shaft.
Refer to removal procedure for “Timing Gear
Train” in this manual.
11. Remove the oil pump.
Refer to removal procedure for “Oil Pump” in this
12. Remove the gear case bracket.
1. Gear Case Bracket
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13. Remove the timing gear case (1) and gasket (2).
Do not remove the bolts (8) when maintaining.
1. Gear Case Assembly
2. Bolt L = 25 mm (0.98 in)
3. Bolt L = 60 mm (2.36 in)4. Bolt L = 45 mm (1.77 in)
5. Bolt L = 35 mm (1.38 in)
6. Bolt L = 16 mm (0.63 in)
7. Bolt L = 20 mm (0.79 in)
8. Bolt
1. Install the packing of the timing gear case.
• Apply liquid gasket (ThreeBond 1207B or
equivalent) on the joint (1) of the cylinder block
and the crank case.
2. Install the timing gear case.
• Install the timing gear case to match with the
dowel pins, install bolts in the order shown in
the illustration.
Do not remove the bolts (8) when maintaining.
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1. Gear Case Assembly
2. Bolt L = 25 mm (0.98 in)
3. Bolt L = 60 mm (2.36 in)
4. Bolt L = 45 mm (1.77 in)
5. Bolt L = 35 mm (1.38 in)
6. Bolt L = 16 mm (0.63 in)
7. Bolt L = 20 mm (0.79 in)
8. Bolt
• Tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
• Tighten them in the order shown in the
3. Install the gear case bracket.
Temporarily tighten with the bolts and nuts (Gear
case side).
Temporarily tighten with the bolt (Cylinder body
Fully tighten the nuts and bolts (Gear case side).
Fully tighten the bolt (Cylinder body side).
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb⋅⋅⋅⋅ft)
Legend1. Gear Case Bracket
4. Install the oil pump.
Refer to installation procedure for “Oil Pump” in
this manual.
5. Install the idle gear C shaft and idle gear C, idle
gear A shaft and idle gear A.
Refer to installation procedure for “Timing Gear
Train” in this manual.
6. Install the gear case cover.
Refer to removal procedure for “Gear Case Cover”
in this manual.
7. Install the crankshaft pulley.
Refer to removal procedure for “Crankshaft Front
Oil Seal” in this manual.
8. Install the fuel supply pump.
Refer to installation procedure for “Fuel Supply
Pump” in this manual.
9. Install the water pump.
Refer to installation procedure for “Water Pump” in
this manual.
10.Install the power steering pump.
Refer to removal procedure for “Power Steering” in
this manual.
11. Install the vacuum pump and pipe.
Refer to removal procedure for “Brake” in this
12. Install the adjustment bracket of generator.
Tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
13. Install the cylinder head.
Refer to installation procedure for “Cylinder Head”
in this manual.
14. Install the engine assembly.
Refer to installation procedure for “Engine
Assembly” in this manual.
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Torque Specifications
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Crankshaft Front Oil Seal
1. Bolt
2. Washer
3. Crankshaft Damper Pulley
4. Crankshaft Front Oil Seal
1. Remove the fan assembly.
• Remove the fan assembly unscrewing four
mounting nuts.
2. Remove the fan belt.
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3. Remove the crankshaft pulley.
Do not reuse the bolt and the washer.
4. Remove the crankshaft front oil seal.
• Remove only the oil seal with a screwdriver or
the like, avoiding damage to the oil seal contact
surface on the front cover and the shaft.
1. Install the crankshaft front oil seal.
• Use the special tool to install the front oil seal.
Front Oil SealInstaller: 5-8840-2821-0 (1)
• Apply engine oil to the lip of the oil seal.
• With the seal pressed in check the dimension
of the oil seal section.
Standard Dimension = 1.5 mm (0.06 in)
1. 1.5 mm (0.06 in)
2. Install the crankshaft damper pulley.
• Install the crankshaft pulley aligning with the
key on the crankshaft.
• Hold the flywheel ring gear stationary to prevent
the crankshaft from turning when tightening the
damper pulley bolt.
Tightening torque: 294 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (30 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 217 lb ft)
• Take care not to damage the crankshaft
damper pulley boss.
3. Install the fan belt.
• Refer to “Engine Cooling”
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Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal
1. Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal2. Flywheel
3. Driven Plate
4. Clutch Pressure Plate5. Transmission Assembly
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1. Remove the flywheel.
Refer to «Flywheel».
• With the oil seal pushed in deep, install the
special tool as shown in the illustration and
remove the oil seal.
Oil Seal Remover: 5-8840-2360-0
1. Install the crankshaft rear oil seal.
• Use an oil seal install to install the crankshaft
rear oil seal.
Oil Seal Installer: 5-8840-2359-0
2. Install the flywheel.
Refer to «Flywheel».
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Special Tools
5-8840-2359-0Oil seal installer
Oil seal remover
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1. Upper Bearing2. Thrust Bearing
3. Gear
4. Crankshaft5. Lower Bearing
6. Bearing Cap
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1. Demount the engine assembly.
Refer to «Engine Assembly».
2. Remove the cylinder head cover.
Refer to «Cylinder Head Cover».
3. Remove the camshaft.
Refer to «Camshaft Assembly».
4. Remove the cylinder head.
Refer to «Cylinder Head».
5. Remove the fuel supply pump and fuel rail.
Refer to «Fuel Supply Pump» and «Fuel Rail» in the
fuel system section.
6. Remove the front cover.
Refer to «Front Cover».
7. Remove the crankshaft rear oil seal.
Refer to «Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal».
8. Remove the water pump.
Refer to «Water Pump» in Cooling System Section.
9. Remove the timing gear train.
Refer to «Timing Gear Train».
10.Remove the oil pump.
Refer to «Oil Pump».
11. Remove the gear case assembly.
Refer to “Gear Case Assembly”.
12. Disconnect the crankshaft position (CKP) sensor
13. Remove the CKP sensor.
14. Remove the crankshaft gear.
15. Remove the crank case.
Refer to «Crank Case and Oil Pan».
16.Remove pistons and connecting rods.
Refer to «Piston and Connecting Rod».
17. Remove the bearing cap.
• Loosen the crankshaft bearing cap bolts in
numerical order a little at a time.
18.Remove the lower crankshaft bearings.
19.Remove the crankshaft assembly.
20.Remove the thrust bearing.
21.Remove the upper crankshaft bearings.
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1. Remove the crank angle sensor rotor (1).
• Confirm that the pin (2) is not removed.
1. Install the crank angle sensor rotor.
• Attach by making a rotor tooth’s running out
side into a front side.
• Align the hole (2) and the pin (3) to install.
• Apply Loctite #262 or the equivalent to the bolt
threads (if a new bolt is used, Loctite
application is not required).
Tightening torque: 12 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (1.2 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 104 lb in)
1. Crank Angle Sensor Rotor2. Hole
3. Pin
1. Thrust clearance
• Measure the crankshaft end play at the center
journal of the crankshaft.
• Do this before removing the crankshaft bearing
caps. If the measured value exceeds the
specified limit, the crankshaft thrust bearing
must be replaced.
Axial play of the crankshaft mm (in)
Standard 0.040 – 0.201 (0.0016 – 0.0079)
Measure the thrust clearance before dismounting.
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2. Main bearing clearance
• Remove the crank case.
Set out disassembled main bearings in the
order of the numbers.
• Remove the crankshaft. Remove the main
• Clean the crankshaft journal and upper and
lower bearings.
• Check the bearings for damage or excessive
If you find damage or excessive wear, replace
the bearings in pairs.
• Place the upper bearings and the crankshaft on
the cylinder block. Install the crankshaft so that
it is horizontal.
Turn the crankshaft about 30 degrees to allow the
bearings to settle in.
• Place plastigage on the crankshaft journal as
Place the lower bearings at original positions onthe bearing cap.
• Install the bearing cap and tighten bolts to the
specified tightening torque.
• Tighten the bearing cap in the sequence shown
using a torque wrench and an angle gauge.
Tightening torque: 166 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (16.9 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 122 lb ft)
Do not turn the crankshaft after you have tightened thebearing cap.
• Loosen the bolts and gently remove the bearing
• Measure the widest part of the Plastigage
flattened by tightening the bearing cap to
determine the clearance.
Journal oil clearance mm (in)
Standard 0.030 — 0.054 (0.0012 — 0.0021)
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• If the journal oil clearance exceeds the limit,
replace the main bearings altogether or the
• Remove the Plastigage from the bearings and
the crankshaft.
Inspection of the crankshaft
• Check the crankshaft journal and crank pin
surfaces for wear and damage. Check the oil
seal contact surface for excessive wear and
• Check the oil port for clogging.
3. Crankshaft run-out
Carefully set the crankshaft on the V block. Slowly
turn the crankshaft to measure the run-out. If the
crankshaft run-out exceeds the limit, replace the
Crankshaft run-out mm (in)
Standard 0.05 or less (0.0020 or less)
4. Measure the journal and the crankpin diameters
and uneven wear.
• Measure outer diameters of the journal and the
pin and calculate differences between the
maximum and the minimum values. Take
measurements at four positions for both the
journal and the pin.
Crankshaft outside diameter mm (in)
Journal69.917 – 69.932
(2.7526 – 2.7532)
Pin52.915 – 52.930
(2.0833 – 2.0839)
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Tufftriding (soft nitriding treatment) is applied to
enhance strength of the crankshaft. Therefore, you
should not polish the surface of the crankshaft.
Crankshaft bearing selection
• Crankshaft bearing selection is based on themeasured diameters of the crankshaft journals
and the bearing inserts.
• Match the crankshaft bearing housing grade
marks and the crankshaft journal grade marks
in the table below to determine the correct
crankshaft bearing size.
• Crankshaft bearing housing grade marks 1, 2
or 3 are stamped on the rear right hand side of
the cylinder block.
1. No.1
2. No.2
3. No.3
4. No.4
5. No.5
• The crankshaft journal grade marks (1 or -, 2 or—, 3 or —) are stamped on each crankshaft
journal web.
The crankshaft journal and bearing clearance
must be the same for each position after
installation of the crankshaft and the crankshaft
The crankshaft journal mark No. 4 is stamped on
crankshaft No. 4 journal web front side or rear side.
1. No.1
2. No.2
3. No.3
4. No.4
5. No.5
Be careful about difference in the shape of the bearings
when installing them.
1. Lot No.
2. Size Code
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Bearing Selection Table
mm (in)
CrankshaftBearing Housing
Crankshaft Journal
Size Codeand Color
1 or- 69.927-69.932(2.7530-2.7532)
2 or- —
3 or- — —
1 or-
2 or- —
3 or- — —
1 or-
2 or- —
3 or- — —
1. Install the crankshaft upper bearing.
• The crankshaft upper bearings have an oil hole
and an oil groove. The lower bearings do not.
Carefully wipe any foreign material from theupper bearing.
• Locate the position mark applied at
disassembly if the removed upper bearings are
to be reused.
Do not apply engine oil to the bearing back faces and
the cylinder block bearing fitting surfaces.
2. Install the crankshaft assembly.
Apply an ample coat of engine oil to the crankshaft
journals and the crankshaft bearing surfaces
before installing the crankshaft.
3. Install the thrust bearing.
• Apply an ample coat of engine oil to the thrust
bearings before installation. Install the thrustbearings to the crankshaft No.3 journal front
and rear.
• The thrust bearing oil grooves must be facing
the sliding faces.
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4. Install the lower crankshaft bearing.
• Before the crankshaft bearing installation,
select the appropriate bearings in accordance
with the description in CRANK BEARING
5. Install the bearing cap.
• Install the bearing caps with the bearing cap
head arrow mark facing the front of the engine.
The bearing cap numbers must be facing up.
• Tighten the crankshaft bearing cap bolts to the
specified torque a little at time in the sequence
shown in the illustration.
Crankshaft Bearing Cap Torque N⋅m (kg⋅m / lb ft)
166 (16.9 / 122)
Check to see the crankshaft turns smoothly by
rotating it manually.
Confirm that the crankshaft turns smoothly.
6. Install pistons and connecting rods.
Refer to «Piston and Connecting Rod».
7. Install the crank case.
Refer to «Crank Case and Oil Pan».
8. Install the crankshaft gear.
9. Install the gear case assembly.
Refer to «Gear Case Assembly».
10.Install the oil pump.
Refer to «Oil Pump».
11.Install the timing gear train.
Refer to «Timing Gear Train».
12.Install the water pump.
Refer to «Water Pump» in Cooling System Section.
13.Install the front cover.
Refer to «Timing Gear Train».
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Torque Specifications
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Cylinder Block
1. Cylinder Block
1. Demount the engine assembly.
Refer to «Engine Assembly».
2. Remove the cylinder head cover.
Refer to «Cylinder Head Cover».
3. Remove the camshaft assembly.
Refer to «Camshaft Assembly».
4. Remove the cylinder head.
Refer to «Cylinder Head».
5. Remove the fuel supply pump and fuel rail
Refer to «Fuel Supply Pump» and «Fuel Rail
Assembly» in FUEL SYSTEM Section.
6. Remove the oil filter assembly and oil cooler.
Refer to “Oil Filter Assembly and Oil Cooler”.
7. Remove the crankshaft front oil seal.
Refer to «Crankshaft Front Oil Seal».
8. Remove the crankshaft rear oil seal.
Refer to «Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal».
9. Remove the oil pan.
Refer to «Oil Pan».
10. Remove the water pump.
Refer to «Water Pump» in Cooling System Section.
11. Remove the front cover.
Refer to «Front Cover».
12. Remove the timing gear train.
Refer to «Timing Gear Train».
13. Remove the oil pump.
Refer to «Oil Pump».
14. Remove pistons and connecting rods.
Refer to «Piston and Connecting Rod».
15. Remove the crankshaft.
Refer to «Crankshaft».
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16. Remove the piston cooling pipe.
1. Carefully remove water stains or other foreign
matters on the surface of the cylinder block.
• Be careful not to damage the cylinder block.
2. Carefully remove the liquid gasket on the
crankcase mounting surface.
3. Clean up the cylinder block.
4. Visually inspect the cylinder block.
• Conduct color check and hydraulic (or
pneumatic) test and if you find a crack or other
damage, replace the cylinder block.
5. Cylinder block wear measurement.
• Use a cylinder indicator to measure the cylinder
bore at measuring point (1) in the thrust (2-2)
and axial (3-3) directions of the crankshaft.
• Measuring Point (1): 20 mm (0.79 in)
If the measured value exceeds the specified
limit, the cylinder block must be replaced.
Cylinder block bore diameter mm (in)
Standard 95.421 − 95.450 (3.7567 − 3.7579)
Limit 95.48 (3.7590)
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6. Cylinder block upper face warpage.
• Use a straight edge (1) and a thickness gauge
(2) to measure the four sides and the two
diagonals of the cylinder block upper face.
• If the measured values exceeds the limit, the
cylinder block must be replaced.
Cylinder block upper face warpage mm (in)
Standard 0.05 or less (0.002 or less)
Limit 0.20 (0.008)
Cylinder block height (H) (Reference) mm (in)
Standard 259.945 – 260.055 (10.2340 – 10.2384)
1. Install the piston cooling pipe.
• Align the dowel pin of the piston cooling pipe
with the pin hole on the cylinder block and
tighten with the relief valve.
Tightening torque:Relief valve 30 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (3.1 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 22 lb ft)
bolts M8 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
bolts M6 8 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (0.8 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 69 lb in)
Be careful not to deform or damage the piston cooling
pipe nozzle.
2. Install the crankshaft.
Refer to «Crankshaft».
3. Install pistons and connecting rods.
Refer to «Piston and Connecting Rod».
4. Install the oil pump.
Refer to «Oil Pump».
5. Install the timing gear train.
Refer to «Timing Gear Train».
6. Install the front cover.
Refer to «Front Cover».
7. Install the water pump.
Refer to «Water Pump» in Cooling System Section.
8. Install the oil pan.
Refer to «Oil Pan».
9. Install the crankshaft rear oil seal.
Refer to «Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal».
10. Install the crankshaft front oil seal.
Refer to «Crankshaft Front Oil Seal».
11. Install the oil filter assembly and oil cooler.
Refer to «Oil Filter Assembly and Oil Cooler».
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Lubrication System
Service Precautions
• During each disassembly, remove the old gasket
adhering to each part and mating part completely
using a scraper at the location, where the fluid
gasket is to be used, clean the traces of oil,
moisture, and dirt completely using waste cotton
and apply the specified new fluid gasket at each
• Avoid excessive or insufficient coating volume.
Note that seizure may occur in case of excessive
coating due to clogging of the oil gallery and oil jet,
and oil and water leakage may occur if the coating
is insufficient.
• Always, the start and end of the application should
be overlapped.
Explanations on functions and operation
The lubrication system uses the filter element combined
with a full flow bypass, water-cooled oil cooler, and oil
jet for piston cooling.
Lubricating system diagram
1. Oil Pump Relief Valve Operating Pressure: 490 – 686 kPa (5.0 – 7.0 kg/cm2 / 71 – 100 psi)
2. Oil Cooler Relief Valve Opening Pressure: 176 – 216 kPa (1.8 – 2.2 kg/cm2 / 26 – 31 psi)
3. Oil Filter Relief Valve Opening Pressure: 80 – 120 kPa (0.8 – 1.2 kg/cm2 / 11 – 17 psi)
4. Oil Pressure Switch Operating Pressure: 29.4 – 49.0 kPa (0.3 – 0.5 kg/cm2 / 4.3 – 7.1 psi)
5. Regulating Valve: 176 – 216 kPa (1.8 – 2.2 kg/cm2 / 26 – 31 psi)
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Functional Check
Oil pressure check
1. Check whether the engine oil is contaminated with
dirt, light oil, or water. If contaminated with dirt,
light oil, or water (after examining the cause andtaking the appropriate measures for light oil or
water contamination), replace the oil.
2. Check the engine oil level. The oil level should be
between the two holes of the level gauge. If the oil
level is insufficient, replenish it.
3. Remove the oil pressure switch on the nipple.
4. Install the oil pressure gauge on the nipple.
1. Oil Pressure Switch
5. Warm the engine.
6. Measure the oil pressure, to check whether it is
more than 400 kPa (4 kg/cm2 / 58 psi) at 3600
7. Stop the engine.
8. Remove the oil pressure gauge.
9. Install the oil pressure switch.10. Start the engine and check for oil leakage.
Engine oil
• Ensure the car is on level ground. Before starting
the engine or when 30 minutes or more have
elapsed after stopping the engine, check the
engine oil volume using the level gauge. The
volume is appropriate if the engine oil is betweenthe upper and lower limits of the level gauge.
Replenish the engine oil, if level is below the lower
limit. Also, check for contamination of the engine
1. Lower Limit
2. Upper Limit
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Replenished engine oil L (lmp·gal)
Condition 4 x 2 4 x 4 Notes
With oil filter
replacement7 (1.54) 7.5 (1.65)
Drained from DRAIN BOLT,
after that fill up to upper level
Without oil filter
replacement6.4 (1.41) 6.9 (1.52)
Drained from DRAIN BOLT,
after that fill up to upper level
Engine dry 8 (1.76) 8 (1.76) Fill up to upper level
Because it is the value of the aim, confirmation is with a
premise in a level gauge.
Engine oil leakage
• In the lift up condition, confirm that there are no
leaks from the cylinder head cover and oil pan.
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Oil Filter Cartridge
1. Oil Filter Cartridge
1. Place a tray under the oil filter cartridge.
2. Remove the oil filter cartridge using the oil filter
Special tool
Oil filter wrench: 5-8840-0203-0 (1)
1. Install the oil filter cartridge.
• Apply grease or engine oil to the seal in the
cartridge and install it using the oil filter wrench.
• Tighten the cartridge using the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 20 N·m (2.0 kg·m / 14 lb ft)
After it comes in contact with the oil seal,
tighten it through an additional turn of 1 and
Special tool
Oil filter wrench: 5-8840-0203-0
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Special Tools
Oil filter wrench
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6. Remove the water intake pipe.
1. Water Intake Pipe
2. Bracket
3. Bracket
4. Bolt
7. Remove the oil cooler.
1. Install the oil filter and cooler.
• Install the O-ring on the oil filter and cooler,
apply grease.
• Apply the liquid gasket and mount within 5
minutes. Apply liquid gasket (ThreeBond TB-
1207C or equivalent) to the flange surface
groove (cylinder block). Bead diameter must
be between 2 and 3 mm (0.079 and 0.118 in).
Refer to the illustration for the offset position
(no more than 1 mm (0.039 in)).
1. Liquid Gasket
2. O-ring
• Align the oil filter and cooler holes with the
cylinder block studs. Install the oil cooler to the
cylinder clock.
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1. Bolt 45 mm (1.77 in)
2. Bolt 110 mm (4.33 in)
3. Bolt 70 mm (2.76 in)
4. Nut
• Tighten the bolts to the specified torque in the
order shown in the illustration.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
2. Install the water intake pipe.
a. Temporarily tighten the bolt (6).
b. Install the O-ring (2) to the water intake pipe
c. Apply soapy water to the O-ring (2) and install
the water intake pipe (7).
• Take care not to twist the O-ring.
d. Temporarily tighten the bolts.
Temporary tightening order: 1→3→4→5
e. Tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
Fully tightening order: 3→4→1→5→6
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
3. Install the water bypass pipe (1).
• After applying soapy water to O-ring, set it on
bypass pipe and insert into the cylinder head.
Tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
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Installing with the surface of the oil cooler (1) and water
bypass pipe (3) at an angle will cause coolant leaks.
1. Oilcooler
2. Gasket
3. Water bypas pipe
4. Install the bracket of generator.
Tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 51 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (5.2 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 38 lb ft)
5. Install the adjustment bracket of generator.
Tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
6. Install the generator.
Refer to Installation procedure for generator in this
7. Install the exhaust manifold.
Refer to Installation procedure for turbocharger
and exhaust manifold in this manual.
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7. Remove the cylinder head.
Refer to “Cylinder Head”.
8. Remove the timing gear case.
Refer to “Timing Gear Case”.
9. Remove the retainer.
1. Retainer
2. Bolt
10. Remove the crank case.
1. O-ring
2. Crank Case
Take care not to damage the O-ring.
1. Remove the oil strainer.
1. Gasket
2. Oil Strainer
3. Bolt
4. Crank Case
Install the oil strainer.
• Install the gasket on the strainer.• Tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 22 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.2 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 16 lb ft)
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1. Install the crank case.
• Apply the liquid gasket (ThreeBond TB-1207C
or equivalent) and mount within 5 minutes.
Adjust the amount of liquid gasket when applying it near the O-ring to prevent from protrusion.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
1. 2.0 — 3.0 mm (0.079 — 0.118 in)
2. 4.0 — 5.0 mm (0.157 — 0.197 in)
2. Install the oil pan.
• Apply the liquid gasket (ThreeBond TB-1207B
or equivalent)and mount within 5 minutes.
Tightening torque: 22 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.2 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 16 lb ft)
1. 2.0 mm (0.079 in)
2. 3.0 mm (0.118 in)
3. Install the retainer.
• Apply the liquid gasket (ThreeBond TB-1207C
or equivalent) and mount within 5 minutes.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
1. 1 — 1.5 mm (0.039 — 0.059 in)
2. 1 — 1.5 mm (0.039 — 0.059 in)
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1. Retainer
2. Bolt
4. Install the timing gear case.
Refer to “Gear Case Assembly”.
5. Install the cylinder head.
Refer to “Cylinder Head”.
6. Install the rear plate.
• Tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 82 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (8.4 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 61 lb ft)
7. Install the flywheel.
Refer to “Flywheel”.
8. Connect the earth terminal of crank case side.
Do not allow the caulked portion of the terminal to
interfere with nearby parts.
9. Install the oil level gage guide tube.
• Apply the engine oil to the O-ring.
• Tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
10. Install the engine assembly.
Refer to “Engine Assembly”.
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Torque Specifications
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Oil Pump
1. Bolt 2. Oil Pump Assembly
1. Drain the engine coolant.
2. Remove the radiator upper hose.
3. Remove the upper fan shroud.
4. Remove the fan and fan clutch.
• Loosen the fan clutch nuts.
• Remove the fan together with the fan clutch.
Take care not to damage the radiator core.
5. Remove the fan drive belt and pulley.
• Loosen the tension adjust bolt on the generator
and A/C.
• Remove the fan drive belt with the fan pulley.
6. Remove the lower fan shroud.
7. Disconnect the power steering pump.
• Disconnect the bracket of the power steering oil
hose clip (1).LTW56ASH000101
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8. Remove the vacuum pump.
• Remove the vacuum pipe bracket and vacuum
• Remove the oil pipe (feed side and return side)
of vacuum pump.
9. Remove the crank pulley.
10. Remove the front cover.
11. Remove the oil pump (1).
1. Remove the spring pin.
2. Remove the spring seat.
3. Remove the spring.
4. Remove the valve.
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1. Install the valve.
2. Install the spring.
3. Install the spring seat.
4. Install the spring pin.
1. Spring Pin
2. Spring Seat
3. Spring
4. Valve
Think to match direction of ditch of gear when
assembling it.
1. Measure the clearance between the driven
gear/drive gear shaft and the bush.
• Measure the outside diameter of the driven
gear shaft using a micrometer.
Outside diameter of the driven gear shaft/drive
gear shaft mm (in)
Standard 15.989 — 16.000 (0.62949 — 0.62992)
Limit 15.900 (0.62598)
• Measure the inside diameter of the bushes of
the cylinder block using the dial gauge.
• If the clearance between the driven gear
shaft/drive gear shaft and bush exceeds the
limit, replace the oil pump assembly.
Clearance between the driven gear shaft/drive gear
shaft and bush mm (in)
Standard 0.04 — 0.07 (0.0016 — 0.0028)
Limit 0.20 (0.0079)
2. Measure the clearance between the gear side
surface and the gear side surface of the oil pump
• Measure the width size the driven gear/drive
Width size the driven gear/drive gear mm (in)
Standard 14.5 (0.5709)
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• Measure the Depth size of the gear case
housing surface and the oil pump housing gear
case side.
Depth size the gear case housing surface and the oil
pump housing gear case side
mm (in)
Standard 14.500 — 14.527 (0.5709 — 0.5719)
Clearance between the gear side surface and the
gear side surface of the oil pump housing mm (in)
Standard 0.063 — 0.027 (0.0025 — 0.0011)
Limit 0.20 (0.0079)
1. Install the oil pump.
• Apply engine oil to the oil pump attachment
• Tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
• Installed pump gear should be smooth to
2. Install the gear case cover.
• Apply the liquid gasket (Threebond TB-1207B
or equivalent) mount within 5 minutes.
1. Apply the liquid gasket in area
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• Install the packing in the slot of the gear case
• Tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 8 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (0.8 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 69 lb in)
3. Install the crank pulley.
• Tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 294 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (30.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 217 lb ft)
4. Install the vacuum pump.
• Tighten the nuts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
Install the oil pipe (feed side and return side) of vacuum pump.
• Install the vacuum pipe bracket and vacuum
5. Install the power steering pump.
• Tighten the nuts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
• Install the bracket of power steering oil hose
clip (1).
6. Install the lower fan shroud.
7. Install the fan drive belt and pulley.
• Install the fan drive belt with the fan pulley.
8. Install the fan and fan clutch.
• Tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 8 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (0.8 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 69 lb in)
9. Adjust the drive belt of generator and A/C
• Apply tension to the fan drive belt by moving
the generator.
• Depress (2) the Generator drive belt mid-
portion with 98 N⋅m (10 kg/22 lb) force.• Depress (4) or (6) the A/C belt mid-portion with
98 N⋅m (10 kg/22 lb) force.
• Measure frequency of the specified parts (1)
and (3), or (5) using a frequency meter.
Generator drive belt tension position (1)
Deflection mm(in) Frequency (Hz)
New 4-6 (0.16-0.24) 210-234
Reuse 6-8 (0.24-0.31) 179-193
A/C Belt tension position (3)
Deflection mm(in) Frequency (Hz)
New 9-12 (0.35-0.47) 159-189
Reuse 12-14 (0.47-0.55) 137-155
A/C Belt tension position (5)
Deflection mm(in) Frequency (Hz)
New 5-7 (0.2-0.28) 256-310
Reuse 7-9 (0.28-0.35) 220-252
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1. Position
2. Deflection
3. Position
4. Deflection
5. Position
6. Deflection
7. Compressor
8. Compressor belt
9. Crank pulley
10. Generator belt
11. Generator
10. Install the upper fan shroud.
11. Install the radiator upper hose.
12. Replenish the engine coolant.
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Oil Pressure SW
1. Cylinder Block
2. Gasket
3. Nipple; Oil Pressure Warning SW
4. Oil Pressure SW
5. Nipple; Oil Gallery
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1. Remove the oil pressure SW.
2. Remove the nipple; oil gallery.
3. Remove the nipple; oil pressure warning SW and
Check the continuity between the switch terminal and
the body grounding in a no-load condition.
If there is no connectivity, replace with normal parts.
Installation1. Install the nipple; oil gallery, oil pressure warning
SW and gasket.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb⋅⋅⋅⋅ft)
2. Install the Nipple.
Tightening torque: 15 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (1.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 11 lb⋅⋅⋅⋅ft)
3. Install the oil pressure SW.
Tightening torque: 15 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (1.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 11 lb⋅⋅⋅⋅ft)
Circuit check
1. Turn the ignition switch ON.
2. Disconnect the oil pressure switch connector, and
inspect that the oil pressure warning light turns off
at the time of the disconnection.
If it does not turn off, inspect the circuit between
the meter and the oil pressure switch. Repair any
open circuit.
3. Disconnect the oil pressure switch connector, and
inspect that the oil pressure warning light lights
when the harness side connector is connected to
the ground.
If it does not light, inspect the circuit between the
meter and the oil pressure switch. Repair any open
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Air Cleaner Element
1. Remove the air cleaner cover fixing clip.
2. Remove the air cleaner element assembly.
Dry type element
• Rotate the element with your hand while applying
compressed air to the inside of the element. This
will blow the dust free.
Compressed air pressure kPa (kg/cm2 /psi)
392 − 490 (4 − 5/57 − 71)
1. Install the air cleaner element assembly.
2. Install the air cleaner cover.
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Main Data and Specifications……………………….. 6B-2
General Description…………………………………….. 6B-3
Coolant Flow …………………………………………… 6B-3
Water Pump……………………………………………. 6B-4
Thermostat……………………………………………… 6B-4
Radiator………………………………………………….. 6B-5
Antifreeze Solution …………………………………… 6B-5
Diagnosis…………………………………………………… 6B-6
Draining and Refilling Cooling System …………… 6B-7Water Pump ………………………………………………. 6B-8
Removal …………………………………………………. 6B-8
Inspection and Repair ………………………………. 6B-9
Installation………………………………………………. 6B-9
Thermostat ………………………………………………… 6B-11
Removal …………………………………………………. 6B-11
Inspection and Repair ………………………………. 6B-11
Operating Test of Thermostat ……………………. 6B-11
Installation ………………………………………………. 6B-12
Radiator…………………………………………………….. 6B-13
Radiator and Associated Parts…………………… 6B-13
Removal …………………………………………………. 6B-14
Inspection and Repair ………………………………. 6B-15
Radiator Cap…………………………………………… 6B-15
Radiator Core………………………………………….. 6B-15
Flushing the Radiator ……………………………….. 6B-15
Cooling System Leakage Check………………… 6B-15
Installation ………………………………………………. 6B-16Engine Coolant Change ……………………………. 6B-16
Fan Clutch with Cooling Fan ………………………… 6B-17
Inspection and Repair ………………………………. 6B-17
Special Tools…………………………………………… 6B-18
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Main Data and Specifications
Cooling system
Water pump type
Pump to crankshaft speed ratio (To 1)
Delivery volume lit (US/UK gal)/min
Pump speed at 5600 rpm
Water temperature at 30°C (86°F)
Pump bearing type
Thermostat type
Valve initial opening temperature °C (°F)
Valve full opening temperature °C (°F)
Valve lift at fully open position mm (in)
Engine coolant forced circulation
Centrifugal impeller type
240 (63.1/53.3)
Double row shaft
Wax pellet with jiggle valve
85 (185)
100 (212)
10 (0.39)
Radiator Tube type corrugated
Heat radiation capacity kW (kcal/h) 93 (80.2)
Heat radiation area m2 (ft
2) 11.63 (125.2)
Radiator front area m2 (ft
2) 0.28 (3)
Radiator dry weight kg (lb) 5.3 (11.7) 5.4 (11.9)
Radiator cap valve opening pressure kPa (kg/cm2/psi) 93.3 — 122.7 (0.95 — 1.25/13.5 — 17.8)
Engine coolant capacity lit (U.S pint) 4.0 (8.5) 4.0 (8.5)
Engine coolant total capacity lit (U.S pint) 8.7 (18.4) 8.6 (18.2)
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General Description
Coolant Flow
The engine cooling system consists of the radiator, the
water pump, the cooling fan, and the thermostat.
To quickly increase cold engine coolant temperature for
smooth engine operation, the coolant is circulated by
the water pump and thermostat through the bypass pipe
and back to the cylinder body.
The coolant does not circulate through the radiator.
When the coolant temperature reaches the specified
value, the thermostat will begin to open and a gradually
increasing amount of coolant will circulate through the
The thermostat will be fully open when the coolant
temperature reaches the specified value. All of the
coolant is now circulating through the radiator for effective engine cooling.
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Water Pump
A centrifugal type water pump forcefully circulates the
coolant through the cooling system.
The water pump is not a disassembled type.
A wax pellet type thermostat is used.
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The radiator is a tube type with corrugated fins. In order
to raise the boiling point of the coolant, the radiator is
fitted with a cap in which the valve is operated at 93.3 —
122.7 kPa (0.95 — 1.25 kg / cm2
/ 13.5 — 17.8 psi)
pressure. (No oil cooler provided for M/T)
Antifreeze Solution
Antifreeze solution + Water = Total cooling system
Total Cooling System Capacity Lit(US / UK gal) (US pint)
M/T 8.7 (2.3/1.9) (18.4)
A/T 8.6 (2.3/1.9) (18.2)
To maintain the corrosion resistance of the aluminum
radiator, water and antifreeze must be combined in a
1:1 solution (50% antifreeze and 50% water).
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Draining and Refilling Cooling System
Before draining the cooling system, inspect the system
and perform any necessary service to ensure that it is
clean, does not leak and is in proper working order.
The engine coolant (EC) level should be between the
“MIN» and “MAX» lines of the reserve tank when theengine is cold. If low, check for leakage and add EC up
to the “MAX» line.
There should not be any excessive deposit of rust or
scales around the radiator cap or radiator filler hole, and
the EC should also be free from oil.
Replace the EC if excessively dirty.
1. Remove the radiator skid plate.
2. Completely drain the cooling system by opening
the drain plug at the bottom of the radiator.
3. Remove the radiator cap.
WARNING:To avoid the danger of being burned, do notremove the cap while the engine and radiator arestill hot. Scalding fluid and steam can be blown outunder pressure.
4. Disconnect all hoses from the EC reserve tank.
Scrub and clean the inside of the reserve tank with
soap and water. Flush it well with clean water,
then drain it. Install the reserve tank and hoses.
5. Refill the cooling system with the EC using a
solution that is at least 50 percent antifreeze.
Procedure for filling with coolant (in case of full change).
• Make sure that the engine is cool.
• Open radiator cap and pour coolant up to filler
• Pour coolant into reservoir tank up to “MAX» line.
• Tighten radiator cap and start the engine. After
idling for 2 to 3 minutes, stop the engine and
reopen the radiator cap. If the water level is lower,
WARNING:When the coolant is heated to a high temperature,be sure not to loosen or remove the radiator cap.
Otherwise you might get scalded by hot vapor orboiling water. To open the radiator cap, put a pieceof thick cloth on the cap and loosen the cap slowlyto reduce the pressure when the coolant hasbecome cooler.
• After tightening the radiator cap, warm up the
engine at about 2000 rpm. Set heater adjustment
to the highest temperature position, and let the
coolant circulate also into heater water system.
• Check to see the thermostat has opened through
the needle position of the water thermometer,
conduct a 5–minute idling again and stop theengine.
• When the engine has been cooled, check filler
neck for water level and replenish if required.
Should extreme shortage of coolant be found,
check the cooling system and reservoir tank hose
for leakage.
• Pour coolant into the reservoir tank up to “MAX»
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Water Pump
Read this Section carefully before performing any
removal and installation procedure. This Section gives
you important points as well as the order of operation.
Be sure that you understand everything in this Section
before you begin.
1. Remove the engine cover.
2. Radiator Upper Hose
a. Partially drain the engine coolant.
b. Remove the radiator upper hose.
3. Water Outlet Pipe
a. Disconnect the turbocharger-cooling pipe from
the outlet pipe.
b. Loosen the fixing bolt and remove the water
outlet bolt.
4. Upper Fan Shroud
5. Fan and Fan Clutch
a. Loosen the fan clutch nuts.
b. Remove the fan together with the fan clutch.
Take care not to damage the radiator core.
6. Fan Drive Belt and Pulley
a. Loosen the tension adjust bolt on the
b. Remove the fan drive belt with the fan pulley.
7. Water Pump
a. Remove the water pump bolts and nuts.
b. Remove the water pump.
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Inspection and Repair
The water pump is not disassembled type.
Make necessary parts replacement if extreme wear or
damage is found during inspection. Should any of the
following problems occur, the entire water pump
assembly must be replaced.
• Cracks in the water pump body.
• Coolant leakage from the sealed unit.
• Excessive radial play or abnormal noise in the fan
center when rotated by hand.
• Excessive thrust play in the fan center (Standard
play: less than 0.2 mm (0.0079 in)).
• Cracks or corrosion in the impeller.
1. Water Pump
a. Install the water pump with a new gasket.
b. Tighten bolts and nuts to specified torque.
Water Pump Nut/Bolt Torque:
25 N·m (2.5 kg·m /18 lb ft)
2. Fan Drive Belt and Pulley and Fan and Fan Clutch.
a. Install the fan drive belt and fan pulley and fan
and fan clutch.
b. Tighten the nuts to specified torque.
Fan Clutch Nut Torque: 8 N·m (0.8 kg·m /69 lb in)
c. Apply tension to the fan drive belt by moving
the generator.
d. Apply a force of 98 N (10 kg/22 lb) to the drive
belt mid-portion to check the drive belt
Fan Drive Belt Deflection
mm (in) Frequency (Hz)
New belt 4 — 6 (0.16 – 0.24) 210- 234
Reuse belt 6 — 8 (0.24 – 0.31) 179 — 193
3. Upper Fan Shroud
4. Water Outlet Pipe.
a. Install the water outlet pipe to the thermostat
b. Tighten the outlet pipe bolt to specified torque.
Outlet Pipe Bolt Torque:
25 N·m (2.5 kg·m /18 lb ft)
c. Connect the turbocharger-cooling pipe to outlet
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5. Radiator Upper Hose.
a. Connect the radiator upper hose to the water
outlet pipe.
b. The knob of clamp shall be directed to
c. Replenish the engine coolant.
6. Install the engine cover.
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Read this Section carefully before performing any
removal and installation procedure. This Section gives
you important points as well as the order of operation.
Be sure that you understand everything in this Section
before you begin.
1. Remove the engine cover.
2. Radiator Upper Hose
a. Partially drain the engine coolant.
b. Remove the radiator upper hose.
c. Remove the engine harness clip.
3. Water Outlet Pipe
a. Disconnect the turbocharger-cooling pipe from
outlet pipe.
b. Loosen the fixing bolt and remove the water
outlet bolt.
4. Thermostat
Remove the thermostat from the thermostat
Take care not to damage the thermostat.
1. Front
2. Thermostat
3. Jiggle Valve
Inspection and Repair
Make the necessary adjustments, repairs, and part
replacements if excessive wear or damage is
discovered during inspection.
Operating Test of Thermostat
1. Completely submerge the thermostat in water.
2. Heat the water.Stir the water constantly to avoid
direct heat being applied to the thermostat.
3. Check the thermostat initial opening temperature.
Thermostat Initial Opening Temperature °C (°F)
85 (185)
4. Check the thermostat full opening temperature.
Thermostat Full Opening Temperature °C (°F)
100 (212)
Valve Lift At Fully Open Position mm (in)
10 (0.39)
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Radiator and Associated Parts
1. Reserve Tank Hose
2. Reserve Tank
3. Radiator Hose
4. Fan Guide; Lower
5. Fan Guide
6. Radiator Assembly
7. Drain Plug
8. Radiator Cap
9. Bracket
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1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Loosen a drain plug to drain EC.
3. Disconnect oil cooler hose on automatic
transmission (A/T).
4. Remove the engine cover.5. Disconnect radiator inlet hose and outlet hose
from the engine.
6. Remove upper fan guide (1), clips (2) on both
sides and the bottom lock, then remove lower fan
guide (3) with fan shroud (4).
1. Upper Fan Guide
2. Clips
3. Lower Fan Guide
4. Fan Shroud
7. Disconnect the reserve tank hose (1) fromradiator.
8. Remove bracket (9).
1. Reserve Tank Hose
2. Reserve Tank
3. Radiator Hose
4. Fan Shroud
5. Fan Guide
6. Radiator Assembly
7. Drain Plug
8. Radiator Cap
9. Bracket
9. Lift up and remove the radiator assembly with
hose, taking care not to damage the radiator core
with a fan blade.
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Inspection and Repair
Make the necessary adjustments, repairs, and part
replacements if excessive wear or damage is
discovered during inspection.
Radiator Cap
Measure the valve opening pressure of the pressurizing
valve with a radiator filler cap tester.
Replace the cap if the valve opening pressure is outside
the standard range.
Valve opening pressure:
93.3 — 122.7 kPa (0.95 — 1.25 kg / cm2 / 13.5 —
17.8 psi)
Cap tester: 5–8840–0277–0
Adapter: 5–8840–2603–0
Check the condition of the vacuum valve in the center
of the valve seat side of the cap. If considerable rust or dirt is found, or if the valve seat cannot be moved by
hand, clean or replace the cap.
Valve opening vacuum:
1.96 — 4.91 kPa (0.02 — 0.05 kg / cm2 / 0.28 — 0.71
Radiator Core
1. A bent fin may result in reduced ventilation and
overheating may occur. All bent fins must be
straightened. Pay close attention to the base of the
fin when it is being straightened.
2. Remove all dust, bugs and other foreign material.
Flushing the Radiator
Thoroughly wash the inside of the radiator and the
engine coolant passages with cold water and mild
detergent. Remove all signs of scale and rust.
Cooling System Leakage Check
Use a radiator cap tester to force air into the radiator
through the filler neck at the specified pressure of 196
kPa (2.0 kg / cm2 / 28.5 psi) with a cap tester:
• Leakage from the radiator.
• Leakage from the coolant pump.
• Leakage from the water hoses.
• Check the rubber hoses for swelling.
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1. Install radiator assembly (6) with hose, taking care
not to damage the radiator core with a fan blade.
2. Support the radiator upper tank with the bracket
(9) and secure the radiator.
3. Connect reserve tank hose (1).4. Install lower fan guide (4).
5. Connect radiator inlet hose and outlet hose (3) to
the engine.
6. Install the engine cover.
7. Connect oil cooler hose to automatic transmission.
8. Connect battery ground cable.
1. Reserve Tank Hose
2. Reserve Tank
3. Radiator Hose
4. Fan Shroud
5. Fan Guide
6. Radiator Assembly
7. Drain Plug
8. Radiator Cap
9. Bracket
9. Pour engine coolant up to filler neck of radiator,
and up to MAX mark of reserve tank.
Important operation (in case of 100% engine
coolant change) procedure for filling with engine
Engine coolant change
Refer to change procedure for Draining and Refilling
Cooling System in this section.
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Special Tools
Cap tester
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Fuel System ………………………………………………. 6C-2
Service Precautions …………………………………. 6C-2
Trouble Shooting……………………………………… 6C-8
Fuel System Check ………………………………….. 6C-10
Fuel Filter Assembly……………………………………. 6C-12
Components……………………………………………. 6C-12
Removal …………………………………………………. 6C-12
Installation ………………………………………………. 6C-12
Fuel Filter Element ……………………………………… 6C-13Removal …………………………………………………. 6C-13
Installation ………………………………………………. 6C-13
Fuel Injector……………………………………………….. 6C-14
Components……………………………………………. 6C-14
Removal …………………………………………………. 6C-15
Installation ………………………………………………. 6C-15
Torque Specifications……………………………….. 6C-18
Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor …………………………… 6C-19
Removal …………………………………………………. 6C-19
Installation ………………………………………………. 6C-19
Fuel Pressure Limiter ………………………………….. 6C-20Removal …………………………………………………. 6C-20
Installation ………………………………………………. 6C-20
Fuel Rail Assembly……………………………………… 6C-21
Components……………………………………………. 6C-21
Removal …………………………………………………. 6C-22
Disassembly……………………………………………. 6C-24
Reassembly…………………………………………….. 6C-24
Installation ………………………………………………. 6C-24
Torque Specifications……………………………….. 6C-26
Fuel Supply Pump ………………………………………. 6C-27
Components……………………………………………. 6C-27Removal …………………………………………………. 6C-28
Installation ………………………………………………. 6C-33
Torque Specifications……………………………….. 6C-38
Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Regulator/Suction
Control Valve (SCV) ………………………………… 6C-39
Components……………………………………………. 6C-39
Removal …………………………………………………. 6C-40
Installation ………………………………………………. 6C-41
Fuel Sedimenter Switch ………………………………. 6C-43
Inspection……………………………………………….. 6C-43
Fuel Tank and Fuel Cooler…………………………… 6C-44
Fuel Tank and Associated Parts ………………… 6C-44
Removal …………………………………………………. 6C-45
Installation ………………………………………………. 6C-45
Fuel Gauge Unit …………………………………………. 6C-46
Fuel Gauge Unit and Associated Parts……….. 6C-46
Removal …………………………………………………. 6C-47
Installation ………………………………………………. 6C-47
Special Tool ……………………………………………. 6C-47Fuel Tube/Quick-Connector Fittings ……………… 6C-48
Precautions …………………………………………….. 6C-48
Cautions During Work………………………………. 6C-48
Removal …………………………………………………. 6C-48
Reuse of Quick-Connector………………………… 6C-49
Assembling Advice…………………………………… 6C-49
Filler Neck …………………………………………………. 6C-50
Removal …………………………………………………. 6C-50
Installation ………………………………………………. 6C-50
Fuel Filler Cap……………………………………………. 6C-51
General Description …………………………………. 6C-51Inspection……………………………………………….. 6C-51
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Fuel System
Service Precautions
Parts of the fuel system such as the internal part of the
fuel injector, and holes and clearances that form
passages for fuel are finished to a very high degree of accuracy. They are therefore highly sensitive to foreign
matter and the entry of foreign matter could cause
damage to the fuel passage. Therefore, effective
measures should be taken to prevent the entry of
foreign matter.
If a water removal agent is used in the fuel then it will
absorb moisture in the light oil and may cause rust.
Therefore, do not use a water removal agent in the fuel
When servicing the fuel system, every precaution must
be taken to prevent the entry of foreign material into the
system.• Before beginning the service procedure, wash the
fuel line and the surrounding area.
• Perform the service procedures with clean hands.
Do not wear work gloves.
• Immediately after removing the fuel hose and/or
fuel pipe, carefully tape vinyl bags over the
exposed ends of the hose or pipe.
• If parts are to be replaced (fuel hose, fuel pipe,
etc.) do not open the new part packaging until
Discard gaskets and O-rings and replace them with newones.
Work procedure
• The fuel opening must be quickly sealed when
removing the fuel pipe, injection pipe, fuel injector,
fuel supply pump, and fuel rail.
• The eyebolts and gasket must be stored in a clean
parts box with a lid to prevent adhesion of foreign
• Fuel leakage could cause fires. Therefore, after
finishing the work, wipe off the fuel that has leaked
out and make sure there is no fuel leakage after
starting the engine.
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Explanations on functions and operation
Fuel system diagram
1. Fuel Rail
2. Fuel Pressure Limiter
3. Leak Off Pipe
4. Fuel Injector
Fuel Return Pipe
6. Fuel Cooler
Fuel Tank
8. Fuel Pump and Sender Assembly
9. Fuel Filler Cap
10. Check Valve
11. Fuel Feed Pipe
12. One Way Valve
13. Fuel Filter With Sedimenter
14. Switch; Clogging Monitoring
15. Fuel Supply Pump
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Fuel rail assembly
1. Fuel Pressure Limiter 2. Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor
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Fuel supply pump
1. Fuel Temperature Sensor
2. Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Regulator / Suction
Control Valve (SCV)
3. High Pressure Pipe
4. Camshaft Key
5. Camshaft Nut
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Fuel injector
1. Terminal
2. Fuel Injector ID Code
3. Two Dimensional Barcode
Parts Number
5. Port for Mounting the Injection Pipe
6. O-ring
Fuel filter
1. Element
2. Air Bleeding Plug
3. Switch; Clogging Monitoring
4. Sensor; Water
5. Drain Plug
Functional check
Air bleeding
1. Ignition switch is turned to the ON position for 15
2. Ignition switch is turned to the OFF position.
3. The above operation is repeated 5 times.
Note: If the air bleeding work is insufficient then it could
lead to faults in the engine. Therefore, the procedures
after starting the engine should always be implemented.
Water drain
A warning lamp will light up if water above the specified
volume collects in the sedimenter. In such cases, drain
out the water by performing the following operations:
1. Draining with fuel filter drain plug.a. Set a container at the tip of the plastic hose.
b. Loosen the air bleeding plug and the drain plug.
c. Discharge the water.
d. Tighten the drain plug after discharging the
e. Tighten the air bleeding plug to the specified
Tightening torque: 3 N⋅m(0.3 kg⋅m/26 lb in)
f. Ignition switch is turned ON for 15 seconds
check for fuel leakage.
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g. Check that the warning lamp in the meter is off.
2. Draining with drain plug in engine room.
a. With the engine off, open the engine hood and
loosen the drain plug (1) located on the left
hand side of the engine room. (3-4 turns)
b. Turn the starter switch to the “ON” position for
10 seconds, and then turn the starter switch to
the “OFF” position for 10 seconds. Then, once
again turn the starter switch to the “ON”
position for 10 seconds.
c. Tighten the drain plug firmly.
d. After starting the engine, check that there is no
fuel leakage from the drain plug. Also check
that the water separator indicator has turned
• If the water separator requires frequent draining,
have the fuel tank drained at your ISUZU Dealer.
• Be sure to stop the engine when draining the fuel
• Confirm that there are no combustible materials
under the drain hose, and use a receptacle to
catch the drained water.
Fuel Pump Functional Check
1. Turn the starter switch to “ON” position.
2. Touch the under portion of the fuel tank (1) by the
hand as shown in the following figure within 12
3. Make sure a vibration by the Fuel Pump is
Fuel Pump stops within 12 seconds of turning the
starter switch to the “ON” position.
When the check is repeated, return the starter
switch to the “LOCK” position for 10 – 15 seconds
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Trouble Shooting
Problems with starting
Condition Possible Cause Correction
Problems with starting Fuel tank is empty Fill the tank.
Air has entered the fuel system. Bleed the air.Fuel line or fuel cooler is clogged or
damaged. Connection to the fuel line
is loose.
Repair or replace the fuel line and
fuel cooler. Re-tighten the
Fuel filter element is clogged. Replace the cartridge.
Fault in the feed pump Replace the fuel supply pump.
Regulating valve is open. Replace
Sticking of the fuel injector Replace the fuel injector.
Defective engine control system Diagnose the engine control system.
Hunting during idling
Condition Possible Cause Correction
Hunting during idling Air has entered the fuel system. Bleed air from the fuel system.
Leakage or clogging of the fuel
Repair or replace the fuel system.
Drops of water have entered the fuel
Replace the fuel.
Fuel filter element is clogged. Replace the fuel filter element
Sticking of the fuel injector Replace the fuel injector.
Defective engine control system Diagnose the engine control system.
Insufficient horsepower
Condition Possible Cause Correction
Insufficient horsepower Air has entered the fuel system. Bleed air from the fuel system.
Leakage or clogging of the fuel
Repair or replace the fuel system.
Water mixes in the fuel system Replace the fuel.
Fuel filter element is clogged. Replace the element or the
cartridge.Sticking of the fuel injector Replace the fuel injector.
Defective engine control system Diagnose the engine control system.
Maximum engine speed is too low
Condition Possible Cause Correction
Maximum engine speed is too low Fuel line, fuel cooler is clogged or
Repair or replace the fuel line, fuel
Defective engine control system Diagnose the engine control system.
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Engine does not stop
Condition Possible Cause Correction
Engine does not stop Defective engine control system Diagnose the engine control system.
Exhaust gas is blue or black
Condition Possible Cause Correction
Exhaust gas is blue or black. Reduction in injection-valve opening
pressure or defective atomizing
Replace the fuel injector.
Engine control system malfunction System diagnosis.
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Step Action Value(s) Yes No
6 Check the fuel tank.
If a problem is found, clean, repair, or replace
as necessary.
• Foreign material (Clogged suction port)
• Bent or cracked suction pipe
• Fuel tank distortion
• Fuel tank improper installation
• Fuel pump and sender malfunction
• Clogged fuel cap hole
• Water
Is the action complete?
Go to Step 7
7 Bleed the air from the fuel pipe again. Refer to
Fuel System Air Bleeding in this section.
Is the action complete?
Verify repair
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Fuel Filter Assembly
1. Fuel Sedimenter Connector
2. Bolt
3. Harness Connector
4. Fuel Hose
5. Water Drain Hose
6. Fuel Filter Assembly
1. Remove the water drain hose.
2. Remove the fuel sedimenter connector.
3. Disconnect the harness connector.
4. Remove the feed hose and the return hose from
the fuel filter and plug it so that the fuel does not
flow out.
5. Remove the bolts for mounting the fuel filter.
6. Remove the fuel filter assembly.
1. Install the fuel filter assembly.
2. Install the bolts for mounting the fuel filter.
3. Install the feed hose and the return hose.
4. Connect the harness connector.
5. Install the fuel sedimenter connector.
6. Install the water drain hose.
7. Bleed out the air.
• Refer to «Fuel System».
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Fuel Filter Element
1. Detach the drain hose on the lower part of the fuel
filter or the drain plug, loosen the air bleed plug,
and drain the fuel from the fuel filter.
2. Detach the water-in-fuel switch harness and water
drain hose.
3. Turn the element case counterclockwise to detach,
and remove the filter element.
4. Replace the O-ring and confirm the snap-fit
position, and fit a new filter element inside the
element case.
It is strongly advisable to use the ISUZU genuine fuel
filter for replacement.
1. Gasket
2. Element
3. O-ring
4. Sedimenter Sensor
1. Apply a light coat of new diesel oil to the O-ring
and gasket.
2. Turn the element case clockwise until it is
completely seated against the upper cover. Then
check that the drain hose is in its correct position,
and then use a filter wrench and tighten to the
specified torque.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
3. Use a clip to fix the drain hose at the base of the
fuel filter, and fit the water-in-fuel switch harness.
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Fuel Injector
1. Cylinder Head Cover2. Fuel Injector Clamp
3. Fuel Injector Clamp Bolt
4. Fuel Injector5. Fuel Injection Pipe
6. Fuel Injection Pipe Clip
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The fuel system consists of many tiny holes and spaces
that allow the movement of fuel from one place to
another. These holes and spaces are milled to
extremely high precision. This is especially true of the
fuel injector.
The fuel injector is very sensitive to foreign material.
Foreign material will result in fuel system breakdown.
Exercise great care not to allow the entry of foreignmaterial into the fuel system or fuel injector during the
removal and installation procedure.
Note: To avoid electric shock;
Set the switch to the ‘OFF’ position and disconnect the
negative battery cable before checking or repairing the
fuel injector, wiring or/and connectors.
1. Remove the cylinder head cover.
Refer to the removal procedure for the cylinder
head cover in this manual.Remove the attachment bolt of the engine oil level
gauge guide tube.
2. Remove the fuel injection pipe and clip.
3. Loosen the fuel injector clamp fixing bolts and
remove the fuel injector.
If the fuel injector is difficult to remove, use the
remover. Use a screwdriver to force the fuel
injector clamp off the fuel injector.
Note: Cover the areas exposed during parts removal to
prevent the entry of foreign material into the fuel
system.4. Mark each fuel injector with the number of the
cylinder from which it was removed. Store the fuel
injector in a safe place. Position the fuel injector so
that the nozzle is protected.
Note: Do not tamper with the electromagnetic portion of
the fuel injector. Reduced electromagnetic function will
result in injector failure.
Note: After replacement of the fuel injector, perform the
following procedure.
• All fuel injectors are replaced:
Remove the fuel injector ID code label on thecylinder head cover.
• Any fuel injector(s) is replaced:
Black out the replaced cylinder of the fuel injector
ID code on the fuel injector ID code label with a
marking pen or equivalent.
1. Install the new gasket and O-ring to each fuel
Note: Do not reuse the leak off pipe (2) and clips (3).
1. Fuel Injector
2. Leak Off Pipe
3. Clip
4. O-ring
5. Gasket
2. Install the fuel injector clamps. Refer to the
1. Fuel Injector
2. Bolt
3. Fuel Injector Clamp
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3. Apply Engine oil to the threads and seating
surfaces of the clamp bolts.
4. Install the fuel injector clamps to the cylinder head.
5. Temporarily tighten the clamp bolts.
6. Apply a thin coat of engine oil to the outer surface
of the fuel injector side sleeve nuts.
7. Temporarily tighten the injector pipe clips (4).
8. Temporarily tighten the sleeve nuts (3).
• Apply engine oil to the threaded portion of
sleeve nuts (3) and the O-ring (2) of the
• Temporarily tighten manually until the nut does
not turn further.
9. Temporarily tighten the sleeve nuts (5).
• Temporarily tighten manually until the nut does
not turn further.
10. Tighten the injector clamp bolts at the specified
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
11. Tighten the sleeve nuts (5) at the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 29.5 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (3.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 22 lb ft)
12. Tighten the sleeve nuts (3) at the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 29.5 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (3.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 22 lb ft)
13.Tighten the injector pipe clips (4) at the specified
Tightening torque: 7.8 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (0.8 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 69 lb in)
1. Injector
2. O-ring
3. Sleeve nuts
4. Clip
5. Sleeve nuts
14. Tighten the engine oil level gauge guide tube.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅
m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅
m / 18 lb ft)15. Install the cylinder head cover.
Refer to the install procedure for the cylinder head
cover in this manual.
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Record the Fuel Injector ID Code Data fromeach injector housing
1. Remove each fuel injector harness connector.
2. Record all numbers of each cylinder on the
harness connector housing. The correct order for
the fuel injector ID codes of the following
illustration is as follows:
5F 05 00 FB 00 F7 08 F5 19 FF 04 49
1. Fuel Injector ID Code
2. Fuel Injector
Programming Fuel Injector ID Codes
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
3. Select Diagnostics > appropriate vehicle
identification > 4JJ1 > Programming > Injector ID
4. In order to get programming approval, the on-
screen displays a message to user. Get
programming approval from the TIS 2000 using
the following procedure:
a. Connect a scan tool to the terminal that
installed TIS 2000 with the latest software and
the hardware key is plugged into port.
b. Turn ON the scan tool and keep at title screen.
c. Launch the TIS application.
d. Select the Security Access at the main screen.
e. Highlight the «Tech2» on the Diagnostic Tool
Selection screen and click «Next».
f. Click «Close» on the Security Access Enabled
g. Turn OFF the scan tool.
h. Disconnect the scan tool from the terminal.
5. Reinstall a scan tool to the vehicle.
6. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
7. Select Diagnostics > appropriate vehicle
identification > 4JJ1 > Programming > Injector ID
8. Enter 24 figures of replaced fuel injector ID code.
9. After complete the programming, turn OFF the
ignition for 30 seconds.
10.Start the engine and let idle.
11.Inspect for a proper engine running condition and
for no DTC’s. Refer to the Diagnostic System
Check — Engine Controls if needed.
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Torque Specifications
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Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor
1. Disconnect the fuel pressure sensor harness
connector (1).
2. Remove the fuel pressure sensor (2).
Note: Cover the areas exposed during parts removal to
prevent the entry of foreign material into the fuel
1. Fuel Rail
2. Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor
3. Fuel Pressure Limiter
1. Install the fuel pressure sensor.
Tightening torque: 98 N·m (10.0 kg·m / 72 lb ft)2. Connect the fuel pressure sensor connector.
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Fuel Pressure Limiter
1. Remove the leak off pipe and hose (1).
Note: Cover the areas exposed during parts removal toprevent the entry of foreign material into the fuel
2. Remove the fuel pressure limiter.
Note: Cover the areas exposed during part removal to
prevent the entry of foreign material into the fuel
1. Fuel Rail
2. Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor
3. Fuel Pressure Limiter
1. Install the fuel pressure limiter.
Tightening torque: 172 N·m (17.5 kg·m / 127 lb ft)
2. Install the fuel leak off pipe and hose using the
mounting eyebolt using the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 10 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (1.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 87 lb in)
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Fuel Rail Assembly
1. Injection Pipe (No.1 to No.4)2. Fuel Feed Pipe Assembly
3. Injection Pipe Clips
4. Fuel Rail5. Fuel Rail Bracket
6. Fuel Leak Off Pipe and Hose
Parts of the fuel system such as the internal part of the
fuel injector, holes and clearances that form passages
for fuel are finished to a very high degree of accuracy.
They are therefore highly sensitive to foreign matter and
the entry of foreign matter could cause damage to the
fuel passage. Therefore, effective measures should be
taken to prevent the entry of foreign matter.
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1. Remove the starter motor.
• Refer to the removal procedure for engine
electrical in this manual.
2. Remove the fuel feed pipe (1) for supply pump.
Note: Cover the areas exposed during parts removal to
prevent the entry of foreign material into the fuel
3. Remove the fuel hose (1).
Note: Cover the areas exposed during parts removal to
prevent the entry of foreign material into the fuel
4. Remove the leak off pipe and hose (1).
Note: Cover the areas exposed during parts removal to
prevent the entry of foreign material into the fuel
5. Disconnect the fuel rail pressure sensor harness
connector (1).
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6. Disconnect the injection pipe sleeve nut (1).
Note: Cover the areas exposed during parts removal to
prevent the entry of foreign material into the fuel
7. Disconnect the vacuum pipe and swirl control
solenoid valve from the fuel rail bracket.
8. Remove the fuel rail and fuel rail bracket.
• Do not grasp the pressure sensor, during the
fuel rail removal procedure.
• Take care not to damage the connector unit of
the pressure sensor.
Legend1. Fuel Rail
2. Fuel Rail Bracket
3. Vacuum Pipe
4. Swirl Control Solenoid Valve
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1. Remove the fuel pressure limiter.
2. Remove the pressure sensor.
1. Fuel Rail
2. Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor
3. Fuel Pressure Limiter
1. Install the fuel pressure limiter.
Tightening torque: 172 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (17.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 127 lb ft)
2. Install the fuel pressure sensor.
Tightening torque: 98 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (10.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 72 lb ft)
1. Tighten the fuel rail bracket and fuel rail using the
specified torque.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
2. Tighten the vacuum pipe to the fuel rail bracket
using the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 10 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (1.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 87 lb in)
3. Tighten the swirl control solenoid valve to the fuel
rail bracket using the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
• Do not grasp the pressure sensor, during the
fuel rail removal procedure.
• Take care not to damage the connector unit of
the pressure sensor.
1. Fuel Rail
2. Fuel Rail Bracket
3. Vacuum Pipe
4. Swirl Control Solenoid Valve
4. Tighten the fuel pipe using the mounting sleeve
nut and the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 29.5 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (3.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 22 lb ft)
5. Connect the fuel rail pressure sensor harness
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6. Tighten the fuel leak off pipe and hose (1) using
the mounting eyebolt using the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 20.1 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 14 lb ft)
7. Install the fuel hose (1).
8. Install the fuel feed pipe (1) for supply pump and
tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 44.1 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (4.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 33 lb ft)
9. Install the starter motor.
• Refer to removal procedure for engine
electrical in this manual.
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Torque Specifications
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Fuel Supply Pump
1. Fuel Feed Pipe Assembly
2. Injection Pipe Sleeve Nuts
3. Fuel Supply Pump
4. Timing Chain Cover Lower
5. Nut
6. Sprocket
7. Fuel Supply Pump Gear
The fuel system consists of many tiny holes and spaces
that allow the movement of fuel from one place to
another. These holes and spaces are milled to
extremely high precision. This is especially true of the
fuel injector.
The fuel injector is very sensitive to foreign material.
Foreign material will result in fuel system breakdown.
Exercise great care not to allow the entry of foreign
material into the fuel system or fuel injector during the
removal and installation procedure.
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1. Partially drain the engine coolant.
Refer to drain procedure for engine cooling in this
2. Remove the radiator upper hose.
3. Remove the fan guide.
1. Upper Fan Guide
2. Clips
3. Lower Fan Guide
4. Fan Shroud
4. Remove the cooling Fan.
5. Remove the A/C compressor drive belt.
6. Remove the A/C compressor adjust pulley.
1. Bolt
2. Nut
7. Remove the battery.
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14. Align the timing marks at 3 locations as shown.
1. TDC
1. Align mark on intake camshaft and exhaust
camshaft to mark of bearing cap
15. Loosen the nut (1).
16. Remove the timing chain tensioner.
1. Timing Chain Tensioner.
2. Gasket
3. Nuts
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17. Remove the timing chain tension lever pivot.
18. Remove the nut and sprocket.
1. Tension Lever Pivot
2. Sprocket
3. Nut
19. Timing chain in moved upwards.
20. Paint the alignment mark.
Between idle gear A and supply pump gear.
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1. Install the O-ring to the fuel supply pump.
2. Install the fuel supply pump (1).
Apply soapy water to the O-ring before attaching.
Note: Take care not to twist the O-ring.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
3. Confirm that the supply pump camshaft key is
turned to the right and is horizontal.
4. Install the fuel supply pump gear to the pump
a. Align the fuel pump gear timing mark (1) with
the idle gear A paint marks (2).
b. Ensure that the pump gear is bitten with main
gear (3) of the idle gear A. Depress the pump
gear when it is bitten with scissors gear (4) of
the idle gear A.
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5. Install the timing chain to the each sprocket and
install the fuel supply pump sprocket to the pump
a. Align the camshaft sprocket timing mark (1)
with the dark plate timing chain link (2).
b. Align the fuel supply pump sprocket timing
mark (3) with the yellow plate timing chain link
c. Install the fuel supply pump sprocket to the fuel
pump shaft by aligning the dowel pin that is
attached to the gear.
d. Hand-tighten the fuel supply pump shaft nut.
6. Install the timing chain tension lever pivot. Hand-
tighten the pivot bolt.
• Confirm the tension lever moves smoothly.
7. Attach the hook of the timing chain tensioner.
• Hold the latch (3) depressed. Insert the plunger
(2). Attach the hook (5) to the pin (1) to hold the
plunger in place.
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8. Install the timing chain tensioner.
Tighten the nut to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 10 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (1.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 87 lb in)
1. Timing Chain Tensioner
2. Gasket
3. Nuts
9. Unlock the tensioner hook.
• Press the place of the arrow in the figure.
• The hook is opened. The plunger pushes the
tension lever.
10. Tighten the fuel supply pump shaft nut.
Tighten the nut (1) to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 130 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (13.3 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 96 lb ft)
11. Tighten the timing chain tension lever pivot bolt to
the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 27 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.8 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 20 lb ft)
12. Turn the crank pulley two rotations (720°CA).
13. Check mark (1) on intake camshaft and exhaust
camshaft to mark of camshaft bearing cap.
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14. Install the cylinder head cover.
Refer to «Cylinder Head Cover» in ENGINE
15. Apply liquid gasket (ThreeBond TB-1207C or
equivalent) to timing chain cover upper (1).
• Attach cover within 5minutes after the
application of gasket.
1. Liquid Gasket
2. 2.0 – 2.5 mm (0.079 – 0.098 in)
3. 2.0 – 2.5 mm (0.079 – 0.098 in)
16. Install the timing chain cover upper (1).Tighten the bolt to the specified torque.
• Apply Loctite No262 or equivalent to the bolt
and stud threads of cylinder head side (2).
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
17. Apply liquid gasket (ThreeBond TB-1207C or
equivalent) to the timing chain cover lower (1).
• Attach the cover within 5 minutes of applying
the liquid gasket.
1. Liquid Gasket
2. 2.0 – 2.5 mm (0.079 – 0.098 in)
3. 2.0 – 2.5 mm (0.079 – 0.098 in)
18. Install the timing chain cover lower.
Tighten the nuts and bolts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 10 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (1.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 87 lb in)
19. Connect the connectors.
• Supply pump.
• Camshaft position sensor.
20. Install the fuel rail assembly.
• Refer to the Install procedure for «Fuel rail
assembly» in this manual.
21. Install the A/C compressor bracket.
Tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
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22. Install the A/C compressor.
1. A/C Compressor Bracket
2. Intake Duct
3. A/C Compressor
Tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 44 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (4.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 33 lb ft)
23. Install the battery.
24. Install the A/C compressor adjust pulley.
1. Bolt
2. Nut
Tighten the nut and bolt to the specified torque.
Bolt Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb
Nut Tightening torque: 25 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.5 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 18 lb ft)
25. Install the A/C compressor drive belt.
Refer to the drive belt tension check procedure forHeating and air conditioning in this manual.
26. Install the cooling fan.
27. Install the fan guide.
28. Install the radiator upper hose.
29. Replenish the engine coolant.
Fuel Supply Pump Relearn Procedure
The ECM goes through a fuel supply pump learn
procedure to fine tune the current supplied to the fuel
rail pressure (FRP) regulator. This learning process in
only performed when the engine is idling.
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
3. Command the Fuel Supply Pump Learn Resetting
with the scan tool.
4. Observe the Fuel Supply Pump Status parameter
with the scan tool. Confirm the scan tool indicates
Not Learned.
5. Start the engine and let idle until engine coolant
temperature (ECT) reads 149°F (65°C) or higher
while observing Fuel Supply Pump Status
parameter with the scan tool. The scan tool
changes status Not Learned > Learned.
6. If the ECM has correctly learned the fuel supply
pump current adjustment, the Fuel Supply Pump
Status parameter on the scan tool will indicate
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Torque Specifications
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Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Regulator/Suction Control Valve (SCV)
1. Fuel Supply Pump
2. O-ring
3. Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP)
Regulator/SuctionControl Valve (SCV)
4. Bolt
The fuel system consists of many tiny holes and spaces
that allow the movement of fuel from one place to
another. These holes and spaces are milled to
extremely high precision. This is especially true of the
fuel injector.
The fuel injector is very sensitive to foreign material.
Foreign material will result in fuel system breakdown.
Exercise great care not to allow the entry of foreign
material into the fuel system or fuel injector during the
removal and installation procedure.
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1. Remove engine harness that clip around the
supply pump.
2. Disconnect the connector of fuel rail pressure
(FRP) regulator/suction control valve (SCV).
Note: Be careful not to do damage to connector by
excessive force.
1. Fuel Temperature (FT) Sensor
2. Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Regulator/Suction
Control Valve (SCV)
3. Remove the fuel hose (1).
Note: Cover the areas exposed during parts removal to
prevent the entry of foreign material into the fuel
4. Remove the leak off pipe and hose (1).
Note: Cover the areas exposed during parts removal to
prevent the entry of foreign material into the fuel
5. Remove the fuel rail pressure (FRP)
regulator/suction control valve (SCV).
6. Remove the O-ring(1).
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1. Install the O-ring(1).
2. Install the fuel rail pressure (FRP) regulator/suction
control valve (SCV) to the supply pump, and
temporarily tighten two bolts.
• Be careful so as not to pinch the O-ring during
• Temporarily tighten by hand until the FRP
regulator adheres the supply pump.
3. Tighten the to fuel rail pressure (FRP)regulator/suction control valve (SCV) the specified
Tightening torque: 9 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (0.9 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 78 lb in)
4. Tighten the fuel leak off pipe and hose (1) using
the mounting eyebolt using the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 20.1 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 14 lb ft)
5. Install the fuel hose (1).
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6. Connect the connector of fuel rail pressure (FRP)
regulator/suction control valve (SCV).
1. Fuel Temperature (FT) Sensor
2. Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Regulator/Suction
Control Valve (SCV)
7. Remove engine harness that clip around the
supply pump.
Relearn Procedure
The ECM goes through a fuel supply pump learn
procedure to fine tune the current supplied to the fuelrail pressure (FRP) regulator. This learning process in
only performed when the engine is idling.
1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
3. Command the Fuel Supply Pump Learn Resetting
with the scan tool.
4. Observe the Fuel Supply Pump Status parameter
with the scan tool. Confirm the scan tool indicates
Not Learned.
5. Start the engine and let idle until engine coolant
temperature (ECT) reads 149°F (65°C) or higher
while observing Fuel Supply Pump Status
parameter with the scan tool. The scan tool
changes status Not Learned > Learned.
6. If the ECM has correctly learned the fuel supply
pump current adjustment, the Fuel Supply Pump
Status parameter on the scan tool will indicate
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Fuel Sedimenter Switch
1. Check that there is continuity between the switch
connector terminals when the float in the fuel
sedimenter is above the water drain line.
2. Turn on the ignition switch, remove the fuel
sedimenter connector, and connect the terminals
of the connectors on the harness side. Confirm
that the sedimenter warning lamp lights up.
If abnormalities are detected during the check, replace
the switch parts and carry out repairs in case of
defective connection between circuits or short circuits.
1. Sensor
2. Connector on The Vehicle Side
3. Harness
4. Drain Valve
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Fuel Tank and Fuel Cooler
Fuel Tank and Associated Parts
1. Bolt; Fuel Tank2. Fuel Tank Band
3. Fuel Tank
4. Fuel Filler Hose and Pipe
5. Fuel Tube/Quick Connector
6. Bracket; Fuel Cooler7. Bolts; Fuel Cooler Bracket
8. Fuel Return Hose
9. Fuel Cooler
10. Bolts; Fuel Cooler
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Note: When repairs to the fuel system have been
completed, start the engine and check the fuel system
for loose connections or leakage. For the fuel system
diagnosis, see Section «Drivability and Emission».
1. Disconnect the battery ground cable.2. Slowly loosen the fuel filler cap.
Note: Be careful that fuel does not spout out because of
change of pressure in the fuel tank.
Note: Cover opening of the filler neck to prevent any
dust entering.
3. Jack up the vehicle.
4. Disconnect the quick connector of the fuel tube at
the fuel cooler way.
5. Remove fuel return hose from the pipe.
6. Remove fixing bolt of the bracket fuel cooler and
remove bracket fuel cooler.
Note: Cover the opening of the pipe to prevent any dust
and fuel leakage.
Note: For remove fuel cooler, Remove bolts of the fuel
cooler and remove fuel cooler.
7. Support underneath of the fuel tank with a lifter.
8. Remove the inner liner of the wheel house at rear
left side.
9. Remove fixing bolt of the filler neck from the body.
10. Disconnect the quick connector of the fuel tube
from the fuel pipe and the evapo tube from evapo joint connector.
Note: Cover the quick connector to prevent any dust
entering and prevent fuel leakage.
Note: Refer to «Fuel Tube/Quick Connector Fittings» in
this section when performing any repairs.
11. Remove fixing bolt of the fuel tank band and
remove the tank band.
12. Disconnect the pump and sender connector on the
fuel pump and remove the harness from the weld
clip on the fuel tank.
13. Lower the fuel tank.
Note: When lowering the fuel tank from the vehicle, do
not scratch the hoses and tubes by contact with other
1. Raise the fuel tank.
Note: When raising the fuel tank to the vehicle, do not
scratch the hoses and tubes by contact with other parts.
2. Connect the pump and sender connector to the
fuel pump and install the harness to the weld clip
on the tank.
Note: The connector must be securely connected
against the stopper.
3. Install the tank band and fasten bolt.
Torque: 68 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (6.9 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 50 lb ft)
Note: The anchor of the tank band must be securely
installed to the guide hole on the frame.
4. Connect the quick connector of the fuel tube to the
fuel pipe and the evapo tube from evapo joint
Note: Pull off the left checker on the fuel pipe.
Note: Refer to «Fuel Tube/Quick Connector Fittings» in
this section when performing any repairs.
5. Install the filler neck to the body with bolt.
Note: For install the fuel cooler to the bracket with bolt.
Torque: 6.5 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (0.7 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 61 lb in)
6. Install the bracket to Frame with bolt.
Torque: 48 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (4.9 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 35 lb ft)
7. Install the fuel return hose at the fuel cooler way.8. Install the quick connector at the fuel cooler way.
9. Install the inner liner of the wheel house at rear left
10. Remove lifter from the fuel tank.
11. Lower the vehicle.
12. Tighten the filler cap until at least three clicks.
13. Connect the battery ground cable.
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Fuel Gauge Unit
Fuel Gauge Unit and Associated Parts
1. Fuel Tube/Quick Connector2. Fuel Feed Port
3. Retainer Ring (Fuel Gauge Unit Lock)
4. Connector; Fuel Gauge Unit
5. Fuel Return Port6. Fuel Gauge Unit and Sender Assembly
7. Seal; Fuel Gauge Unit
8. Fuel Tank Assembly
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Note: When repairs to the fuel system have been
completed, start the engine and check the fuel system
for loose connections or leakage. For the fuel system
diagnosis, see Section «Drivability and Emission».
1. Remove the fuel tank assembly. Refer to «FuelTank Removal» in this section.
2. Disconnect the quick connector of the fuel tube
from the fuel gauge unit.
3. Remove the retainer ring from the fuel tank with
the removal tool 5-8840-2602-0.
4. Slowly remove the fuel gauge unit from the fuel
tank as no bend float arm.
Note: Cover opening for the fuel gauge unit on the fuel
tank to prevent any dust entering.
5. Discard the fuel gauge unit seal because it cannot
be reused.
1. Clean the seal surface of the fuel tank and the fuel
gauge unit.
Note: If there is dust on the seal surface, it can cause a
fuel leak.
2. Install the new fuel gauge unit seal to the opening
of the fuel tank along the groove.
3. Slowly install the fuel gauge unit into the fuel tank
so there is no bend in the float arm.
4. Set the flange of the fuel gauge unit on the fuel
gauge unit seal as mating convexity of the fuel
gauge unit and reentrant of the fuel tank.
5. Slowly lock the retainer ring to the fuel tank with
the remover tool 5-8840-2602-0.
6. Connect the quick connector of the fuel tube to the
gauge unit.
Note: Pull off the left checker of the fuel pipe.
Note: Refer to «Fuel Tube/Quick Connector Fittings» in
this section when performing any repairs.
7. Check for leak.
Method of leak check.
1. Plug the end of the quick connector and
breather hose (Pull off the breather hose from
fuel tank) and tighten fuel filler cap until at least
one click is heard.
2. Apply soapy water around the fuel gauge unit
seal area.3 Pressure air into the fuel tank from the end of
the breather pipe at 34.3 kPa (0.35 kg / cm2 / 5
psi) over 15 seconds.
4 Verify that no bubbles from around the fuel
gauge unit seal area.
8. Install the fuel tank assembly.
Note: Refer to «Install the fuel tank» in this section.
Remover: fuel pump
retainer ring
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Fuel Tube / Quick — Connector Fittings
• Do not light a match or create a flame.
• Keep flames away from your work area to prevent
flammable materials from catching fire.
• Disconnect the battery ground cable to prevent
electrical shorts.
• Pre−treat the piping system or associated parts
from thermal damage or from spattering when
welding or similar heat−generating work.
Cautions During Work
Do not expose the assembly to battery electrolyte or do
not wipe the assembly with a cloth used to wipe off spilt
battery electrolyte.Piping that has been splattered with battery electrolyte
or battery electrolyte soaked cloth that was wiped on the
piping cannot be used.
1. Open the fuel cap to relieve the fuel pressure in
the tank. Use compressed air to remove any dirt
on the fuel quick connect fittings prior to
disconnecting the fittings. When disconnecting the
fuel pipe, cover the area with a cloth to preventfuel from splashing as the fuel pipe may still have
some pressure in it.
2. For removal of the quick connector, hold the quick
connector in one hand, and pull out the connector
with the other hand while pressing the square
release button of the connector, as illustrated.
1. O-ring
2. Port
3. Connector
4. Plastic Tube
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Note: Do not use tools of any kind. Only use bare hands
when disconnecting the connector. Use a lubricant (light
oil) and/or push and pull the connector until the pipe is
Cover the connectors that were removed with a plastic
bag, to prevent dust or rain water from entering.
Reuse of Quick-Connector
• Replace the port and connector if a scratch, dent
or crack is found.
• Remove any dirt build up on the port when
installing the connector. Replace the connector, if
there is any rust, dents or scratches.
• After cleaning the port, insert it straight into the
connector until it clicks. After it clicks, try pulling it
out at 49 N (5 kg / 11 lb) to make sure that it is not
drawn and is securely locked.
Assembling AdviceBy applying engine oil or light oil to the pipe, port makes
pipe assembly easier. The pipe assembly should take
place immediately after applying oil (to prevent dust
from sticking to the pipe surface — which may decrease
sealing ability).
Test/Inspection After Assembling
1. Reconnect the battery negative cable.
2. Start the engine and observe the engine idle
speed. The presence of dirt in the fuel system may
affect the fuel injection system.
3. Check for fuel leakage from the connector.
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Filler Neck
1. Remove the fuel tank.
Note: Refer to «Fuel Tank» in this section.2. Put a marking on the following points as the filler
neck assembly is restored.
• Each joint area of the hose (to restore axial
direction and insertion length of the hose)
• Each fasten area of the clamp (to restore axial
direction and position of the clamp)
• Each bolt in the clamp (to restore fasten length
of bolt in the clamp)
• The band clip (to restore position and fasten
length of the band clip)
Note: Cover end of each hose and pipe to prevent anydust entering.
1. Align each marking and restore the following point.
• Each joint area of the hose (Restore axial
direction and insertion length of the hose)
• Each fasten area of the clamp (Restore axial
direction and position of the clamp)
Tightening torque: 2.5 N·m (0.25 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 21.7 lb in)
Filler neck side except flat deck model.
• Each bolt in the clamp (Restore fasten length of
bolt in the clamp)
Tightening torque: 2.5 N·m (0.25 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 21.7 lb in)
Filler neck side except flat deck model.
• The band clip (Restore position and fasten
length of the band clip)
2. Install the fuel tank.
Note: Refer to «Fuel Tank» in this section.
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Fuel Filler Cap
General Description
A vacuum valve and pressure valve are built into the
fuel filler cap which adjusts the fuel pressure in the fuel
tank to prevent fuel tank damage.
1. Seal Ring
The fuel filler cap must be inspected for seal condition.The fuel filler cap must be replaced if found defective.
Note: A replacement fuel filler cap must be the same as
the original. The fuel filler cap valve was designed
primarily for this application and must be replaced with
the same type or decreased engine performance may
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Charging System………………………………………… 6D-2
Servicing Cautions …………………………………… 6D-2
Important Generator Components and
Function…………………………………………………. 6D-2
Troubleshooting ………………………………………. 6D-5
Diagnosis………………………………………………… 6D-7
Specifications ………………………………………….. 6D-8
Unit Servicing …………………………………………….. 6D-9
Disassembly……………………………………………. 6D-10Inspection and Repair ………………………………. 6D-11
Rotor Assembly ……………………………………. 6D-11
Stator Coil……………………………………………. 6D-12
Brushes ………………………………………………. 6D-12
Rectifier ………………………………………………. 6D-13
Regulator Assembly………………………………. 6D-13
Measuring Procedure ……………………………. 6D-13
Reassembly…………………………………………….. 6D-14
Final Assembly………………………………………… 6D-14
Starter Motor ……………………………………………… 6D-15
Starting Circuit Diagram ……………………………. 6D-15
Removal and Installation…………………………… 6D-15
Important Operations – Removal…………….. 6D-15
Important Operations – Installation………….. 6D-15
Disassembly……………………………………………. 6D-16
Disassembly Steps ……………………………….. 6D-16
Important Operations…………………………….. 6D-17
Inspection and Repair ………………………………. 6D-20
Armature ……………………………………………… 6D-20
Yoke……………………………………………………. 6D-21
Brush and Brush Holder ………………………… 6D-22
Overrunning Clutch……………………………….. 6D-22
Bearing ……………………………………………….. 6D-23
Reassembly…………………………………………….. 6D-24
Reassembly Steps………………………………… 6D-24
Important Operations…………………………….. 6D-25
Inspection After Assembly……………………… 6D-26
Magnetic Switch ………………………………………. 6D-27
Torque Specifications……………………………….. 6D-28
Pre-Heating System ……………………………………. 6D-29
Inspection and Repair ………………………………. 6D-29
Visual Check………………………………………… 6D-29
Glow Relay ………………………………………….. 6D-29
Glow Plug ……………………………………………. 6D-29
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Charging System
Servicing Cautions
• Battery polarity is important. If the battery cables
are reversed, the generator diodes will be
• Do not remove the battery cables or the charging
circuit wiring when the engine is running.
• Confirm that the terminal wires are connected to
the proper terminals by checking the terminal
numbers (the number on the terminal wire and the
terminal must be the same).
• Disconnect the battery negative cable (-) before
inspecting the generator.
• Do not open or close the battery relay switch when
the engine is running.
• Disconnect the battery negative cable (-) when
using external equipment (Quick-Charge) to
charge the battery.
• When steam cleaning or washing the engine, do
not allow steam or water to come in direct contact
with the battery and other electrical system
• Be sure to read the item on belt tension
adjustment before beginning the procedure.
Important Generator Componentsand Function
• The generator uses a built-in solid-state IC voltage
regulator. The regulator and other important
components together with their connections are
shown in the illustration.
• The voltage regulator is installed to the rear cover
assembly of the generator together with the brush
holder and the rectifier. The generator requires no
additional voltage regulation.
• 8 diodes are connected to the stator coil to convert
AC to DC. The DC voltage is delivered to the
generator output terminal.
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AC Generator
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Charging System
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• No charging
• Inadequate charging
• Excessive charging• Unstable charging current
• Abnormal generator noise
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No charging
Possible problem Countermeasure
Dead battery Replace
Open or shorted wiring
Open or shorted ammeter
Loose wiring connections
One or more generator coils open or shorted
Bad diode
Bad regulator
Loose regulator connections Repair
Inadequate charging
Possible problem Countermeasure
Dead battery Replace
Open or shorted wiring
Loose wiring connectionsRepair
Loose generator drive belt Adjust belt tensionStator coil intermittent short
Bad diodeReplace
Loose battery connections Repair
Bad regulator Replace
Loose regulator connections Repair
Excessive charging
Possible problem Countermeasure
Bad regulator Replace
Unstable charging currentPossible problem Countermeasure
Open wiring connection or broken wire Repair
Loose generator drive belt Adjust belt tension
Open or shorted stator coil Replace
Loose terminal connections Repair
Bad regulator Replace
Loose regulator terminal connections Repair
Abnormal operating noise
Possible problem Countermeasure
Loose generator drive belt Adjust belt tension
Bad bearing Replace
Loose rotor core or stator core Repair
Bad diode Replace
Open or shorted stator coil Replace
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On-vehicle Inspection
The charging system warning light tells the vehicle
operator of possible problems with the system.
When the ignition switch is moved to the ON position,
the light turns on. The light turns off immediately after
the engine is started. If the light turns on during engine
operation, there is a problem with the charging system.
Perform the checks described below.
1. Check the belt (broken or loose).
2. Check the harness connectors (loose or
3. With the engine off, turn the ignition switch to the
ON position. If the warning lamp does not light,
remove the harness connector from the generator.
Ground the connector IG terminal. The lamp
should light. If it does not, the bulb is burned out.
Replace the bulb.
4. Start the engine. If the warning lamp remains on,
the generator must be repaired or replaced.
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Battery power Volts 12
Generator output Amperes 110
Rotational direction (Viewed from pulley) Clockwise
Rated speed 5,000
Maximum speed rpm 18,000
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Unit Servicing
1. Pulley Nut
2. Pulley
3. Front Cover Assembly4. Rotor Assembly
5. Stator
6. Through Bolts
7. Nuts
8. Terminal Insulation Plate
9. Rear Cover Assembly10. Rectifier
11. Brush Holder
12. Regulator Assembly
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1. Remove the through bolts.
2. Insert a flat-blade screwdriver between the front
cover and the stator. Pry the parts apart.
3. Separate the front cover/rotor assembly from the
rear cover/stator assembly.
4. Place the front cover and rotor in a vise.
5. Remove the pulley nut and the pulley.
6. Remove the rotor from the front cover.
7. Remove the screw from the front cover.
8. Remove the bearing retainer and the bearing.
9. Remove the B-terminal nut.
10. Remove the rectifier and the brush holder.
11.Remove the rear cover from the stator.
12.Remove the bolts securing the stator terminal to
the rectifier.
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13.Remove the stator.
14.Remove the bolts securing the regulator, the
rectifier, and the brush holder. Separate the parts.
Inspection and Repair
Repair or replace any parts found to be excessively
worn or damaged during the inspection procedure.
Rotor Assembly
1. Check for dirty or rough slip ring surfaces. Remove
dirt from the surfaces with a clean rag. Use No.
500 or No. 600 sandpaper to smooth the surfaces.
2. Measure the slip ring diameters. Replace the slip
ring if the diameter is less than the specified limit.
Slip ring diameter mm (in)
Standard 27 (1.063)
Limit 26 (1.024)
3. Measure the electrical resistance between the slip
rings. If the resistance is greater than the specified
limit (open circuit), repair is required.
Slip ring resistance Ω
Less than 3.75
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4. Check for conductivity between the slip rings and
the rotor core. If there is continuity, the rotor
assembly must be replaced.
Stator Coil
1. Measure the stator coil resistance. If the
resistance is less than the specified value, the
stator coil must be replaced.
Stator coil resistance
0.07Ω at 20°C (68°F)
2. Measure the resistance between the stator coil
and the stator core. If the resistance is less than
the specified value, the stator coil must be
Stator coil/core resistance MΩ
Measure the brush height. If the height is less than the
specified limit, the brushes must be replaced.
Brush height mm (in)
Standard 18 (0.709)
Limit 5.5 (0.217)
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Measure each of the diode resistances in both
directions (anode/cathode and cathode/anode). If any of
the diodes have the same resistance in both directions,
the rectifier must be replaced.
Regulator Assembly
There are 3 checkpoints (12V batteries, 10 ohms 3W
resistor, 0-50V/0.5V steps, and 300 ohms 12W variable
resistor). Refer to the schematic below.
Measuring Procedure
1. Measure the voltage (BAT) at the V1 checkpoint. A
10-13 volt reading indicates that the BAT battery is
2. Measure the voltage at checkpoints V1 and V2 as
you gradually increase the resistance of the
variable resistor from 0. The voltage at V1 should
change with the voltage at V2. If it does not, the
regulator is damaged and must be replaced.
3. Measure the voltage at checkpoint V3 with the
variable resistor setting fixed. If the measuredvoltage is 14.4 ± 0.3, the regulator is good. If the
measured voltage is outside this range, the
regulator is damaged and must be replaced.
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Starter Motor
Starting Circuit Diagram
Removal and Installation
Read this Section carefully before performing any
removal and installation procedure. This Section gives
you important points as well as the order of operation.
Be sure that you understand everything in this Section
before you begin.
Important Operations — RemovalStarter Motor
1. Disconnect the battery cable and the ground cable
at the battery terminals.
2. Remove the A/T oil level gage.
3. Remove the Engine oil level gage.
4. Disconnect the magnetic switch cable at the
terminal bolts.
5. Disconnect the battery cable at the starter motor
and the ground cable at the cylinder body.
6. Remove the starter motor from the engine.
Important Operations – Installation
Follow the removal procedure in the reverse order to
perform the installation procedure. Pay careful attention
to the important points during the installation procedure.
Starter Motor
1. Install the starter motor to the rear plate.
2. Tighten the starter motor bolts to the specified
Starter Motor Bolt Torque N⋅m (kg⋅m/lb ft)
85 (8.7 / 63)
3. Install the Engine oil level gage.
4. Install the A/T oil level gage.
5. Reconnect the battery cable at the starter motorand the ground cable at the cylinder body.
6. Reconnect the battery cable and the ground cable
at the battery terminals.
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Disassembly Steps
1. Lead Wire
2. Bolts
3. Magnetic Switch Assembly
4. Torsion Spring
5. Plunger
6. Dust Cover
7. Magnetic Switch
8. Screw
9. Through Bolts
10. Rear Cover
11. Motor Assembly
12. Brush Holder
13. Yoke
14. Armature
15. Bolt
16. Bearing Retainer
17. Pinion Assembly
18. Pinion Stopper Clip
19. Pinion Stopper
20. Return Spring
21. Pinion Shaft
22. Clutch
23. Dust Cover
24. Shift Lever
25. Gearcase
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Important Operations
1. Lead Wire
Disconnect the lead wire at the magnetic switch.
2. Magnetic Switch Assembly
Remove the magnetic switch bolts, then remove
the switch from the shift lever.
Remove the torsion spring from the magnetic
3. Through Bolts
4. Screw
5. Rear Cover
Remove the through bolts, then remove the rear
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6. Motor Assembly
Remove the four brushes from the brush holders.
Remove the yoke along with the armature and the
brush holder from the gear case.
Remove the brushes and commutator carefully so
as not to allow them in contact with the adjacent
7. Brush Holder
8. Yoke
9. Armature
Remove the brush holder and pull out the
armature assembly free from the yoke.
10. Bearing Retainer
11. Pinion Assembly
12. Dust Cover
13. Shift Lever
14. Gearcase
1) Remove the bearing retainer.
2) Remove the pinion from the gear case.
3) Use a screwdriver to remove the stopper clip.
Then disassemble the pinion assembly.
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Inspection and Repair
Make the necessary adjustments, repairs, and part
replacement if excessive wear or damage is discovered
during inspection.
1. Measure the commutator run-out.
Replace the commutator if the measured run-out
exceeds the specified limit.
Commutator Run-Out mm (in)
Standard Limit
0.05 (0.002) 0.25 (0.010)
2. Check the commutator mica segments for
excessive wear.
3. Measure the mica segment depth.
Mica Segment Depth mm (in)
Standard Limit
0.5 — 0.8 (0.020 — 0.030) 0.2 (0.008)
If the mica segment depth is less than the
standard but more than the limit, the commutator
may be reground.
If the mica segment depth is less than the limit, the
commutator must be replaced.
1. Insulator
2. 0.5 — 0.8 mm (0.020 — 0.030 in)
3. Commutator Segments
4. Correct
5. Incorrect
4. Measure the commutator outside diameter.
Commutator Outside Diameter mm (in)
Standard Limit
36.5 (1.44) 35.5 (1.40)
If the measured outside diameter is less than the
specified limit, the commutator must be replaced.
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5. Use a circuit tester to check the armature for
1) Hold one probe of the circuit tester against the
commutator segment.
2) Hold the other circuit tester probe against the
armature core.
If the circuit tester indicates continuity, the
armature is grounded.
The armature must be replaced.
6. Use the circuit tester to check the armature for
1) Hold the circuit tester probes against two
commutator segments.
2) Repair Step 1 at different segments of the
armature core.
There should be continuity between all segments
of the commutator.
If there is not, the armature must be replaced.
1. Use a circuit tester to check the field winding
1) Hold one circuit tester probe against the field
winding end or brush.
2) Hold the other circuit tester probe against thebare surface of the yoke body.
There should be no continuity. If there is
continuity, the field coil is grounded. The yoke
must be replaced.
2. Use the circuit tester to check the field winding
1) Hold one circuit tester probe against the “M”
terminal lead wire.
2) Hold the other circuit tester probe against the
field winding brush.
There should be continuity.If there is no continuity,
the yoke must be replaced.
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Brush and Brush Holder1. Use a vernier caliper to measure the brush length
(four brushes).
Replace the brushes as a set if one or more of the
brush lengths is less than the specified limit.
Brush Length mm (in)
Standard Limit
15 (0.59) 12 (0.47)
2. Use a circuit tester to check the brush holder
Touch one probe to the holder plate and the other
probe to the positive brush holder.
There should be no continuity.
3. Inspect the brushes for excessive wear.
If the negative brushes have excessive wear, the
entire brush holder assembly must be replaced.
If the positive brushes have excessive wear, the
entire yoke must be replaced.
Overrunning Clutch
1. Inspect the overrunning clutch gear teeth for
excessive wear and damage.
Replace the overrunning clutch if necessary.
2. Rotate the pinion clockwise.
It should turn smoothly.
3. Try to rotate the pinion in the opposite direction.
The pinion should lock.
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Inspect the bearings for excessive wear and damage.
Replace the bearings if necessary.
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Reassembly Steps
1. Magnetic Switch Assembly
2. Magnetic Switch
3. Dust Cover
4. Plunger
5. Torsion Spring
6. Shift Lever
7. Gearcase
8. Dust Cover
9. Bolts
10. Pinion Assembly
11. Clutch
12. Pinion Shaft
13. Return Spring
14. Pinion Stopper
15. Pinion Stopper Clip
16. Bearing Retainer
17. Bolt
18. Motor Assembly
19. Armature
20. Yoke
21. Brush Holder
22. Rear Cover
23. Screw
24. Through Bolts
25. Lead Wire
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Important Operations
1. Magnetic Switch Assembly
1) Attach the torsion spring to the hole in the
magnetic switch as illustrated.
2) Insert the shift lever into the plunger hole of themagnetic switch.
2. Gear Case
3. Dust Cover
1) Install the magnetic switch assembly in the
gear case.
2) Install the dust cover.
Dust Cover Bolt Torque N⋅m (kg⋅m/lb in)
8 (0.8 / 69)
4. Pinion Assembly
Apply a coat of grease to the reduction gear and
install the pinion assembly to the armature shaft.
5. Brush Holders
1) Install the brushes into the brush holder with
raising the spring end of the brush spring.
Take care not to damage the commutator face.
2) Install the brush holder with aligning the
peripheries of the yoke and the brush holder.
6. Through Bolt
Install the through bolts in the rear cover and
tighten them to the specified torque.
Through Bolt Torque N⋅m (kg⋅m/lb in)
8.1 (0.83 / 69.7)
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7. Lead Wire
Connect the lead wire in the magnetic switch and
tighten the terminal nut to the specified torque.
Lead Wire Terminal Nut Torque N⋅m (kg⋅m/lb in)
8.6 (0.88 / 74.9)
Inspection After Assembly
Use a vernier caliper to measure the pinion shaft thrust
The pinion shaft thrust play is equal to the pinion shaft
end and pinion stopper clearance.
Pinion Shaft Thrust Play (a) mm (in)0.1 – 2.0 (0.004 – 0.079)
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Magnetic Switch
The following tests must be performed with the starter
motor fully assembled.
The yoke lead wire must be disconnected from the “M”
To prevent coil burning, complete each test as quicklyas possible (within three to five seconds).
Temporarily connect the solenoid switch between the
clutch and the housing and run the following test.
Complete each test within three to five seconds.
1. Pull-in Test
Connect the battery negative terminal with the
solenoid switch body and the M terminal. When
current is applied to the S terminal from the batter y
positive terminal, the pinion should flutter.
2. Hold-in Maintenance Test
Disconnect the lead at the M terminal. The pinion
should continue to flutter.
3. Return Test
Disconnect the battery positive lead at the S
The pinion should return to its home position.
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Torque Specifications
N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m/lb in)
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Pre-Heating System
Inspection and Repair
Make the necessary adjustments, repairs, and part
replacement if excessive wear of damage is discovered
during inspection.
Visual Check
Check the main fuses and glow indicator for damage.
Replace the part(s) if required.
Glow Relay
The glow relay is located in the relay box the engine
Use an ohmmeter to measure the resistance between
terminals No.2 and No.3.
If the measured value is outside the specified range, theglow relay must be replaced.
Glow Relay Resistance Ohms
94 — 114
Glow Plug
Use a circuit tester to test the glow plugs for continuity.
Glow Plug Resistance (Reference) Ohms
Approximately 0.9
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TABLE OF CONTENTSSpecifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-3
Temperature vs Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-3
Altitude vs Barometric Pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-3
Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-4
Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List . . . . . . . . . 6E-4
Schematic and Routing Diagrams. . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-8
Fuel System Routing Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-8
Vacuum Hose Routing Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-8
Engine Controls Schematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-9
Component Locator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-26
Engine Controls Component Views . . . . . . . . . 6E-26
Engine Control Module (ECM) Connector
End Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-30
Diagnostic Information and Procedures . . . . . . . 6E-42
Engine Control System Check Sheet. . . . . . . . 6E-42
Diagnostic Starting Point — Engine Controls . . .6E-43
Diagnostic System Check — Engine Controls . . 6E-44
Scan Tool Data List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-46
Scan Tool Data Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-49
Scan Tool Output Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-54Scan Tool Does Not Power Up. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-55
Scan Tool Does Not Communicate with
CAN Device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-56
Lost Communication with The Engine
Control Module (ECM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-59
Engine Cranks but Does Not Run . . . . . . . . . . 6E-62
DTC P0016 (Flash Code 16) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-68
DTC P0045 (Flash Code 33) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-70
DTC P0087 (Flash Code 225) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-73
DTC P0088 (Flash Code 118) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-78
DTC P0089 (Flash Code 151) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-83
DTC P0091 or P0092 (Flash Code 247) . . . . . 6E-86DTC P0093 (Flash Code 227) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-89
DTC P0101 (Flash Code 92) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-94
DTC P0102 or P0103 (Flash Code 91) . . . . . . 6E-97
DTC P0107 or P0108 (Flash Code 32) . . . . . 6E-101
DTC P0112 or P0113 (Flash Code 22) . . . . . 6E-105
DTC P0116 (Flash Code 23) . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-109
DTC P0117 or P0118 (Flash Code 23) . . . . . 6E-111
DTC P0122 or P0123 (Flash Code 43) . . . . . 6E-115
DTC P0182 or P0183 (Flash Code 211) . . . . 6E-119
DTC P0192 or P0193 (Flash Code 245) . . . . 6E-123
DTC P0201, P0202, P0203 or P0204
(Flash Code 271, 272, 273 or 274) . . . . . . . .6E-128
DTC P0217 (Flash Code 542) . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-134
DTC P0219 (Flash Code 543) . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-136
DTC P0231 or P0232 (Flash Code 69) 6E 138
DTC P0335 (Flash Code 15) . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-147
DTC P0336 (Flash Code 15) . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-150
DTC P0340 (Flash Code 14) . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-152
DTC P0380 (Flash Code 66) . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-155
DTC P0401 (Flash Code 93) . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-158
DTC P0404 (Flash Code 45) . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-160
DTC P0405 or P0406 (Flash Code 44) . . . . .6E-162
DTC P0500 (Flash Code 25) . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-166
DTC P0501 (Flash Code 25) . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-170
DTC P0512 (Flash Code 417) . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-172
DTC P0562 or P0563 (Flash Code 35) . . . . .6E-174
DTC P0565 (Flash Code 515) . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-177
DTC P0566 (Flash Code 516) . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-179
DTC P0567 (Flash Code 517) . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-181
DTC P0568 (Flash Code 518) . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-183
DTC P0571 (Flash Code 26) . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-185
DTC P0601 (Flash Code 53) . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-188
DTC P0602 (Flash Code 154) . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-189
DTC P0604 or P0606
(Flash Code 153 or 51) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-191
DTC P0633 (Flash Code 176) . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-192DTC P0638 (Flash Code 61) . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-193
DTC P0641 (Flash Code 55) . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-195
DTC P0650 (Flash Code 77) . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-197
DTC P0651 (Flash Code 56) . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-200
DTC P0661 or P0662 (Flash Code 58) . . . . .6E-203
DTC P0697 (Flash Code 57) . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-207
DTC P0700 (Flash Code 185) . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-210
DTC P1093 (Flash Code 227) . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-211
DTC P1094 (Flash Code 226) . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-216
DTC P1261 (Flash Code 34) . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-222
DTC P1262 (Flash Code 34) . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-224
DTC P1404 (Flash Code 45) . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-226DTC P161B (Flash Code 179) . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-228
DTC P1621 (Flash Code 54, 254) . . . . . . . . .6E-230
DTC P1664 (Flash Code 76) . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-232
DTC P2122 or P2123 (Flash Code 121) . . . .6E-235
DTC P2127 or P2128 (Flash Code 122) . . . .6E-239
DTC P2132 or P2133 (Flash Code 123) . . . .6E-243
DTC P2138, P2139 or P2140
(Flash Code 124, 125 or 126) . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-248
DTC P2146 (Flash Code 158) . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-254
DTC P2149 (Flash Code 159) . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-256
DTC P2227 (Flash Code 71) . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-258
DTC P2228 or P2229 (Flash Code 71) . . . . .6E-261
DTC U0001 or U0101
(Flash Code 84 or 85) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-265
DTC U0167 (Flash Code 177) 6E 266
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In-Tank Fuel Pump System Check. . . . . . . . .6E-276
Cruise Control System Check . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-279
Turbocharger Control System Check. . . . . . .6E-285
Symptoms — Engine Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-288
Symptoms — Engine Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-288
Intermittent Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-290
Hard Start. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-293
Rough, Unstable, or Incorrect Idle and
Stalling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-295
High Idle Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-297
Cuts Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-298
Surges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-299
Lack of Power, Sluggishness or
Sponginess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-301
Hesitation, Sag or Stumble. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-303
Abnormal Combustion Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-305
Poor Fuel Economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-306
Excessive Smoke (Black Smoke) . . . . . . . . .6E-308
Excessive Smoke (White Smoke) . . . . . . . . . 6E-310Repair Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-312
Engine Control Module (ECM)
Replacement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-312
Service Programming System (SPS)
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-314
Service Programming System (SPS)
(Remote Procedure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-315
Service Programming System (SPS)
(Pass-Thru Procedure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-316
Description and Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-318
Engine Control Module (ECM) Description . . 6E-318
Engine Control Component Description. . . . .6E-321Fuel System Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6E-324
Fuel System Component Description. . . . . . .6E-325
Fuel Injection System Description . . . . . . . . .6E-329
Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)
System Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-330
Turbocharger Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-331
Special Tools and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-333
Special Tools and Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . .6E-333
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Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) TypeDefinitions
Emission Related DTC
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A
• The ECM illuminates the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) when the diagnostic runs and fails.
• The ECM records the operating conditions at the
time the diagnostic fails. The ECM stores this
information in the Freeze Frame/ Failure Records.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type B
• The ECM illuminates the MIL on the second
consecutive driving cycle when the diagnostic runs
and fails.
• The ECM records the operating conditions at the
time the diagnostic fails. The first time the
diagnostic fails, the ECM stores this information inthe Failure Records. If the diagnostic reports a
failure on the second consecutive driving cycle, the
ECM records the operating conditions at the time
of failure and stores this information in the Freeze
Frame and updates the Failure Records.
Conditions for Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A or
Type B
• The ECM turns OFF the MIL after 3 consecutive
driving cycles when the diagnostic runs and does
not fail. (Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM turns OFF the MIL after 1 driving cyclewhen the diagnostic runs and does not fail. (Except
Euro 4 Specification)
• A current DTC clears when the diagnostic runs and
passes after 1 driving cycle.
• A history DTC clears after 40 consecutive warm-up
cycles, if no failures are reported.
• Use a scan tool to clear the MIL and the DTC.
Non-Emissions Related DTCs
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type C
• The ECM illuminates the Service Vehicle Soon
(SVS) lamp when the diagnostic runs and fails.
• The ECM records the operating conditions at the
time the diagnostic fails. The ECM stores this
information in the Failure Records.
Conditions for Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type
• The ECM turns OFF the SVS lamp after 1 driving
cycle when the diagnostic runs and does not fail.
• A current DTC clears when the diagnostic runs and
passes after 1 driving cycle.
• A history DTC clears after 40 consecutive warm-upcycles, if no failures are reported.
• Use a scan tool to clear the SVS lamp and the
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type D
• The ECM will not illuminate the MIL or SVS lamp.
• The ECM records the operating conditions at the
time the diagnostic fails. The ECM stores this
information in the Failure Records.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC — Type D
• A current DTC clears when the diagnostic runs andpasses after 1 driving cycle.
• A history DTC clears after 40 consecutive warm-up
cycles, if no failures are reported.
• Use a scan tool to clear the DTC.
Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List
DTC Type
DTC Descriptor Euro 4
Except Euro 4
(High Output)
Except Euro 4
P0016 16 C A A Crankshaft Position — Camshaft Position Correlation
P0045 33 A A — Turbocharger Boost Control Solenoid Circuit
P0087 225 A A A Fuel Rail/ System Pressure Too-Low
P0088 118 A A A Fuel Rail/ System Pressure Too-High (First Stage)
P0088 118 C A A Fuel Rail/ System Pressure Too-High (Second Stage)
P0089 151 A B (*A) B (*A) Fuel Pressure Regulator Performance
P0091 247 A A A Fuel Pressure Regulator Control Circuit Low
P0092 247 A A A Fuel Pressure Regulator Control Circuit High
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P0093 227 A A A Fuel System Leak Detected
P0101 92 A — — Mass Air Flow Sensor Circuit Range/ Performance
P0102 91 A A A Mass Air Flow Sensor Circuit Low Input
P0103 91 A A A Mass Air Flow Sensor Circuit High Input
P0107 32 A A — Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input
P0108 32 A A — Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input
P0112 22 A A A Intake Air Temperature Sensor Circuit Low
P0113 22 A A A Intake Air Temperature Sensor Circuit High
P0116 23 A — —
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/
P0117 23 A A A Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit Low
P0118 23 A A A Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit High
P0122 43 B A A Throttle Position Sensor Circuit Low
P0123 43 B A A Throttle Position Sensor Circuit High
P0182 211 A A A Fuel Temperature Sensor Circuit Low
P0183 211 A A A Fuel Temperature Sensor Circuit High
P0192 245 A A A Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit Low
P0193 245 A A A Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit High
P0201 271 A A A Injector Circuit Open — Cylinder 1
P0202 272 A A A Injector Circuit Open — Cylinder 2
P0203 273 A A A Injector Circuit Open — Cylinder 3
P0204 274 A A A Injector Circuit Open — Cylinder 4
P0217 542 D D D Engine Coolant Over Temperature Condition
P0219 543 C A A Engine Overspeed Condition
P0231 69 C A A Fuel Pump Secondary Circuit Low
P0232 69 C A A Fuel Pump Secondary Circuit High
P0234 42 A A — Turbocharger Overboost Condition
P0299 65 A A — Turbocharger Underboost
P0335 15 A A A Crankshaft Position Sensor Circuit
P0336 15 A A A Crankshaft Position Sensor Circuit Range/ Performance
P0340 14 C A A Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit
P0380 66 C A A Glow Plug Circuit
P0401 93 A — — EGR Flow Insufficient Detected
P0404 45 A A A EGR Control Circuit Range/ Performance
P0405 44 B A A EGR Sensor Circuit Low
P0406 44 B A A EGR Sensor Circuit High
P0500 25 A A A Vehicle Speed Sensor
DTC Type
DTC Descriptor Euro 4
Except Euro 4
(High Output)
Except Euro 4
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P0562 35 C A A System Voltage Low
P0563 35 C A A System Voltage High
P0565 515 D D — Cruise Control On Signal
P0566 516 D D — Cruise Control Off Signal
P0567 517 D D — Cruise Control Resume Signal
P0568 518 D D — Cruise Control Set Signal
P0571 26 D D — Brake Switch Circuit
P0601 53 C A A Internal Control Module Memory Check Sum Error
P0602 154 C A A Control Module Programming Error
P0604 153 C A A Internal Control Module RAM Error
P0606 51 C A A ECM Processor
P0633 176 C A A Immobilizer Not Programmed
P0638 61 A A A Throttle Actuator Control Range/ Performance
P0641 55 C A A Sensor Reference Voltage 1 Circuit
P0650 77 A A A Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Control Circuit
P0651 56 A A A Sensor Reference Voltage 2 Circuit
P0661 58 C A A Intake Manifold Turning Valve Control Circuit Low
P0662 58 C A A Intake Manifold Turning Valve Control Circuit HighP0697 57 A A A Sensor Reference Voltage 3 Circuit
P0700 185 A A — Transmission Control System (MIL Request)
P1093 227 A B (*A) B (*A) Fuel Rail Pressure Too Low
P1094 226 A — (*A) — (*A)Fuel Rail Pressure Too Low (FRP Regulator
Commanded High)
P1094 226 C — (*A) — (*A) Fuel Rail Pressure Too Low (Fuel Pressure Drop)
P1261 34 A A A Injector Positive Voltage Control Circuit Group 1
P1261 34 A A AInjector Positive Voltage Control Circuit (Supply Voltage
P1261 34 C A AInjector Positive Voltage Control Circuit (Supply Voltage
P1262 34 A A A Injector Positive Voltage Control Circuit Group 2
P1404 45 A A A EGR Position Fault (Closed Position Error)
P1404 45 A — — EGR Position Fault (Learned Position Error)
P161B 179 C A A Immobilizer Wrong Response
P1621 54 C A AControl Module Long Term Memory Performance
(Learned Data)
P1621 254 C A AControl Module Long Term Memory Performance (VIN or
Immobilizer Data)
P1664 76 D — — Service Vehicle Soon Lamp Control Circuit (Low Voltage)
P1664 76 C — — Service Vehicle Soon Lamp Control Circuit (High Voltage)
DTC Type
DTC Descriptor Euro 4
Except Euro 4
(High Output)
Except Euro 4
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P2122 121 C A A Pedal Position Sensor 1 Circuit Low Input
P2123 121 C A A Pedal Position Sensor 1 Circuit High Input
P2127 122 C A A Pedal Position Sensor 2 Circuit Low Input
P2128 122 C A A Pedal Position Sensor 2 Circuit High Input
P2132 123 C A A Pedal Position Sensor 3 Circuit Low Input
P2133 123 A A A Pedal Position Sensor 3 Circuit High Input
P2138 124 C A A Pedal Position Sensor 1 — 2 Voltage Correlation
P2139 125 C A A Pedal Position Sensor 1 — 3 Voltage Correlation
P2140 126 C A A Pedal Position Sensor 2 — 3 Voltage Correlation
P2146 158 A A A Fuel Injector Group 1 Supply Voltage Circuit
P2149 159 A A A Fuel Injector Group 2 Supply Voltage Circuit
P2227 71 A A — Barometric Pressure Sensor Circuit Range/ Performance
P2228 71 A A A Barometric Pressure Sensor Circuit Low
P2229 71 A A A Barometric Pressure sensor Circuit High
U0001 84 A A A High Speed CAN Communication Bus
U0101 85 A A — Lost Communication with TCM
U0167 177 C A ALost Communication With Vehicle Immobilizer Control
DTC Type
DTC Descriptor Euro 4
Except Euro 4
(High Output)
Except Euro 4
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Schematic and Routing Diagrams
Fuel System Routing Diagram
1. Fuel rail
2. Fuel pressure limiter
3. Leak off pipe
4. Fuel injector
5. Fuel return pipe
6. Fuel cooler
7. Fuel tank
8. Fuel pump and sender assembly
9. Fuel filler cap
10. Vent valve
11. Fuel feed pipe
12. One-way valve
13. Fuel filter with sedimenter
14. Fuel pressure switch
15. Fuel supply pump
Vacuum Hose Routing Diagram
1. Swirl control solenoid valve
2. Actuator control vacuum hose3. Swirl control actuator
4. Brake booster
7. Actuator control vacuum hose
8. Air cleaner 9. Turbocharger nozzle control actuator
10. Solenoid valve ventilation hose
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Engine Controls Schematics
Power Distribution (1)
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Power Distribution (2)
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Starting System
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Charging System
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ECM Power and Ground
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DLC and CAN (Standard output)
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Gauges, Warning lamps and Filter Switch
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CKP and CMP Sensors
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APP Sensors
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FRP Regulator, FRP, ECT and FT Sensors
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Boost Pressure, BARO Sensors and Solenoids
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MAF & IAT Sensors, Intake Throttle and EGR Valves
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Fuel Injectors
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A/C Control System and Glow Control System
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Transmission Range Switch and Neutral Switch
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Brake Switch and Cruise Control
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Component Locator
Engine Controls Component Views
1. Accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor
1. Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor (Standard output)
1. Crankshaft (CKP) sensor
Legend1. Camshaft position (CMP) sensor
2. Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor
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1. Boost pressure sensor
2. Turbocharger nozzle control solenoid
3. Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor (High output)
1. Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve
2. Intake throttle valve
1. Engine control module (ECM)
2. Mass air flow (MAF) sensor / intake air temperature
(IAT) sensor
1. Fuel rail pressure (FRP) sensor
2. Pressure limiter valve
3. Fuel rail
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1. Fuel temperature (FT) sensor
2. Fuel rail pressure (FRP) regulator
1. Fuel injector No.1 cylinder
2. Fuel injector No.2 cylinder
3. Fuel injector No.3 cylinder
4. Fuel injector No.4 cylinder
1. Swirl control solenoid valve
2. Swirl control actuator
1. Vehicle speed sensor (VSS) 2WD with A/T
2. Vehicle speed sensor (VSS) except 2WD with A/T
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1. Fuel pump resistor
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Engine Control Module (ECM) Connector End Views
Engine Control Module (ECM)
Connector No. C-164
Connector Color Black
Test Adapter No. J-35616-64A
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 BLK ECM power ground
2 RED/BLU Battery voltage
3 BLK ECM power ground
4 BLK ECM power ground
5 RED/BLU Battery voltage
6 BRN/YEL MIL control
7 ORN/WHT Fuel consumption signal output
8 BLK/RED Engine speed signal output to
9 — Not used
10 BLK/BLU Glow plug relay control11 ORN/BLU Glow lamp control
12 GRY/RED A/C compressor relay control
13 ORN/BLK Fuel pump relay control
14 ORN/BLU Starter cut relay control
15 — Not used
16 GRN/YEL Cruise set lamp control
17 BLU/BLK SVS lamp control (Euro 4
18 — Not used
19 BLK/YEL VSS signal
20 BLK APP sensor 1 shield ground
22 WHT/BLU MAF sensor low reference
23 — Not used
24 WHT/GRN Ignition voltage
25 WHT/GRN Cruise main switch signal
26 BRN/YEL Clutch pedal switch signal
27 RED Brake switch 2 signal
28 BRN/YEL Cruise resume switch signal
29 BLK Ground
30 — Not used
31 GRN/WHT Cruise main lamp control
32 BRN/RED Fuel filter lamp control
33 LT GRN Cruise set switch signal
34 GRN/BLK Thermo relay signal
35 — Not used
36 PNK/WHT Accelerator pedal position signal
37 — Not used
38 LT BLU Keyword 2000 serial data (Except
Euro 4 specification)
39 BLK APP sensor 2 & MAF sensor
shield ground
40 BLU/RED ECM main relay control41 BLK APP sensor 1 low reference
42 WHT APP sensor 1 5 volts reference
43 BLK ECM signal ground
44 — Not used
45 ORN Brake switch 1 signal
46 RED/WHT Starter switch signal
47 GRY/GRN Cruise cancel switch signal
48 — Not used
49 — Not used
50 RED/GRN P or N range switch (A/T)
Neutral switch (M/T)
51 LT GRN/
Engine warm up switch signal
52 BLK/GRN Diagnostic request switch
53 — Not used
54 — Not used
55 — Not used
56 — Not used
57 — Not used
58 BLU CAN high signal (Euro 4
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59 BLK APP sensor 3 shield ground
60 ORN/BLU APP sensor 2 & IAT sensor low
61 ORN APP sensor 2 5 volts reference
62 BLK ECM signal ground
63 RED APP sensor 1 signal
64 BLU/GRN APP sensor 2 signal
65 — Not used
66 — Not used
67 — Not used
68 — Not used
69 ORN/BLU MAF sensor signal
70 BLU/WHT APP sensor 3 signal
71 PNK/GRN BARO sensor signal
72 BLU/RED IAT sensor signal
73 — Not used
74 — Not used
75 — Not used
76 — Not used
77 — Not used
78 YEL CAN low signal (Euro 4
79 BLU/RED APP sensor 3 low reference
80 BLU APP sensor 3 5 volts reference
81 BLK ECM case ground
Connector No. E-94
Connector Color Black
Test Adapter No. J-35616-64A
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
82 WHT FRP sensor signal
83 PNK FT sensor signal
84 GRN/RED ECT sensor signal
85 ORN Intake throttle position sensorsignal
86 GRY EGR position sensor signal
87 RED BARO sensor, CMP sensor, FRP
sensor & EGR position sensor 5
volts reference
88 YEL Swirl control solenoid valve
89 BLU/RED FRP regulator low side
90 WHT FRP sensor signal
91 VIO Boost pressure sensor signal92 — Not used
93 — Not used
94 — Not used
95 GRN CKP sensor, intake throttle
position sensor & boost pressure
sensor 5 volts reference
96 YEL/BLK Turbocharger nozzle control
solenoid valve control
97 BLU/RED FRP regulator low control
98 WHT CMP sensor signal
99 — Not used
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101 BLK CMP sensor, FRP sensor BARO
sensor & EGR position sensor low
102 — Not used
103 YEL EGR control low side
104 RED Intake throttle control low side
105 BLK/YEL FRP regulator control high side
106 PNK Fuel filter switch signal
107 YEL CKP sensor signal
108 BLK CKP sensor, intake throttle
position & boost pressure sensor
shield ground
109 BLU CKP sensor, intake throttle
position sensor, FT sensor, ECT
sensor & boost pressure sensor
low reference
110 — Not used
111 BRN EGR drive voltage
112 WHT Intake throttle drive voltage
113 BLK/YEL FRP regulator control high side
114 — Not used
115 — Not used
116 WHT Common 2 (Cylinder #2 & #3) fuel
injector charge voltage
117 GRN Cylinder #4 fuel injector control
118 YEL Cylinder #2 fuel injector control
119 BLU/YEL Cylinder #1 fuel injector control
120 BRN Cylinder #3 fuel injector control
121 BLU Common 1 (Cylinder #1 & #4) fuel
injector charge voltage
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Engine Control Connector End Views
Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor Barometric Pressure (BARO) Sensor
Boost Pressure Sensor
Connector No. C-40
Connector Color Black
Test Adapter No. J-35616-64A
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 BLU APP sensor 3 5V reference
2 — Not used
3 ORN/ BLU APP sensor 2 low reference
4 BLK APP sensor 1 low reference
5 RED APP sensor 1 signal
6 BLU/ WHT APP sensor 3 signal
7 BLU/ RED APP sensor 3 low reference
8 ORN APP sensor 2 5V reference
9 BLU/ GRN APP sensor 2 signal
10 WHT APP sensor 1 5V reference
Connector No. E-40
Connector Color Gray
Test Adapter No. J-35616-64A
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 ORN Sensor low reference
2 PNK/ GRN Sensor signal
3 BLU/ GRN Sensor 5V reference
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Brake Switch
Clutch Switch
Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor
Connector No. E-107
Connector Color Black
Test Adapter No. J-35616-64A
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 YEL Sensor signal
2 BLU Sensor low reference
3 GRN Sensor 5V reference
Connector No. C-44
Connector Color White
Test Adapter No.J-35616-40 (Pin1-2)
J-35616-2A (Pin3-4)
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 GRNSwitch 1 (stop lamp switch)
battery voltage feed
2 RED Switch 1 (stop lamp switch) signal
3 ORN Switch 2 signal
4 WHT/ GRNBrake switch 2 ignition voltage
Connector No. C-77
Connector Color White
Test Adapter No. J-35616-42
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 WHT/ GRN Ignition voltage feed
2 YEL Switch signal
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Crankshaft Position (CKP) Sensor
Cruise Main Switch
Data Link Connector (DLC)
Connector No. E-39
Connector Color Black
Test Adapter No. J-35616-64A
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 WHT Sensor signal
2 BLK Sensor low reference
3 RED Sensor 5V reference
Connector No. E-52
Connector Color Black
Test Adapter No. J-35616-64A
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 YEL Sensor signal
2 BLU Sensor low reference
3 GRN Sensor 5V reference
Connector No. B-67
Connector Color White
Test Adapter No. J-35616-33
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 RED/ GRN Illumination lamp ground
2 GRN/ RED Illumination lamp voltage feed
3 WHT/ GRN Cruise main switch signal
4 WHT/ GRNCruise main switch ignition
5 — Not used
6 GRN/ WHTCruise main switch ignition lamp
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EGR Valve
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor
Connector No. B-58
Connector Color Black
Test Adapter No. J-35616-2A
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 BKL/ GRN Diagnostic request switch (ECM)
2 — Not used
3 — Not used
4 BLK Ground
5 BLK Ground
6 BLU CAN high
Keyword serial data (TCM
[standard output], EHCU [ABS
module] and SRS control unit)
8 — Not used
9 — Not used
10 — Not used
11 YEL/ BLK Diagnostic request switch (TCM)
12 ORN/ WHTDiagnostic request switch (EHCU
[ABS module])
13 REDDiagnostic request switch (SRS
control unit)
14 YEL CAN low
15 — Not used
16 RED/ YEL Battery voltage
Connector No. E-71
Connector Color Gray
Test Adapter No. J-35616-64A
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 WHT/ BLU Position sensor 5V reference
2 RED Position sensor low reference
3 GRY Position sensor signal
4 BRN Solenoid drive voltage
5 — Not used
6 YEL Solenoid control low side (PWM)
Connector No. E-41
Connector Color Gray
Test Adapter No. J-35616-64A
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function1 GRN/ RED Sensor signal
2 WHT Sensor low reference
3 YEL/ BLK Gauge signal
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Fuel Injector No.1 Cylinder
Fuel Injector No.2 Cylinder
Fuel Injector No.3 Cylinder
Connector No. E-13
Connector Color Gray
Test Adapter No. J-35616-64A
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 BLU/ YEL Solenoid control
2 BLU Charge voltage
Connector No. E-14
Connector Color Gray
Test Adapter No. J-35616-64A
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 YEL Solenoid control
2 RED Charge voltage
Connector No. E-15
Connector Color Gray
Test Adapter No. J-35616-64A
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 BRN Solenoid control
2 WHT Charge voltage
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Fuel Injector No.4 Cylinder
Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Regulator
Fuel Pump & Sender Assembly
Connector No. E-16
Connector Color Gray
Test Adapter No. J-35616-64A
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 GRN Solenoid control
2 PNK Charge voltage
Connector No. E-50
Connector Color Gray
Test Adapter No. J-35616-64A
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 BLK/ YEL Control high side (PWM)
2 BLU/ RED Low side
Connector No. F-2
Connector Color White
Test Adapter No. J-35616-4A
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 ORN/ BLU Fuel pump motor voltage feed
2 BLK Fuel gauge ground
3 YEL/RED Fuel gauge signal
4 BLK Fuel pump motor ground
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Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Sensor
Fuel Temperature (FT) Sensor
Glow Plug
Mass Air Flow (MAF)/ Intake Air Temperature (IAT)
Connector No. E-48
Connector Color Black
Test Adapter No. J-35616-64A
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 BLK Sensor low reference
2 WHT Sensor signal
3 RED Sensor 5V reference
Connector No. E-27
Connector Color Gray
Test Adapter No. J-35616-64A
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 YEL/ RED Sensor low reference
2 PNK Sensor signal
Connector No. E-49
Connector Color Silver
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 BLK/ RED Power supply
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Intake Throttle Valve
Swirl Control Solenoid Valve
Turbocharger Nozzle Control Solenoid Valve
Connector No. C-116
Connector Color Black
Test Adapter No. J-35616-64A
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 RED/ BLU MAF sensor ignition voltage feed
2 WHT/ BLU MAF sensor low reference
3 ORN/ BLU MAF sensor signal
4 BLU/ RED IAT sensor signal
5 BLU/ GRN IAT sensor low reference
Connector No. E-38
Connector Color Black
Test Adapter No. J-35616-64A
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 RED Solenoid control low side (PWM)2 WHT Solenoid drive voltage
3 BLU Position sensor low reference
4 — Not used
5 ORN Position sensor signal
6 GRY Position sensor 5V reference
Connector No. E-67
Connector Color Brown
Test Adapter No. J-35616-64A
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 YEL Solenoid valve control
2 RED/ BLU Ignition voltage feed
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Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS)
Connector No. E-106
Connector Color Brown
Test Adapter No. J-35616-64A
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 YEL/ BLK Solenoid valve control (PWM)
2 RED/ BLU Ignition voltage feed
Connector No. E-44
Connector Color Gray
Test Adapter No. J-35616-64A
Pin No. Wire Color Pin Function
1 YEL Ignition voltage feed
2 GRN/ WHT Sensor low reference
3 BLK/ YEL Sensor signal
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Diagnostic Information and Procedures
Engine Control System Check Sheet
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Diagnostic Starting Point — Engine Controls
Begin the system diagnosis with Diagnostic System
Check — Engine Controls. The Diagnostic System
Check — Engine Controls will provide the following
• The identification of the control modules whichcommand the system.
• The ability of the control modules to communicate
through the serial data circuit.
• The identification of any stored diagnostic trouble
codes (DTCs) and the their statuses.
The use of the Diagnostic System Check — Engine
Controls will identify the correct procedure for
diagnosing the system and where the procedure is
Important: Engine Control System Check Sheet must
be used to verify the complaint vehicle, you need toknow the correct (normal) operating behavior of the
system and verify that the customer complaint is a valid
failure of the system.
Reading Flash Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC)
The provision for communicating with the ECM is the
Data Link Connector (DLC). The DTC(s) stored in the
ECM memory can be read either through a hand-held
diagnostic scanner such as Tech 2 plugged into theDLC or by counting the number of flashes of the
malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) or the service vehicle
soon (SVS) lamp when the diagnostic test terminal of
the DLC is grounded. The DLC terminal «1» (diagnostic
request) is pulled «Low» (grounded) by jumped to DLC
terminal «4», which is a ground wire. Once terminals «1»
and «4» have been connected, turn the ignition switch
ON, with the engine OFF. The MIL (except Euro 4
specification) or the SVS lamp (Euro 4 specification)
will indicate a DTC three times is a DTC is present and
history. If more than one DTC has been stored in the
ECM’s memory, the DTCs will be output set order witheach DTC being displayed three times. The flash DTC
display will continue as long as the DLC is shorted.
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Diagnostic System Check — Engine Controls
The Diagnostic System Check — Engine Controls is an
organized approach to identifying a condition that is
created by a malfunction in the electronic engine
control system. The Diagnostic System Check must bethe starting point for any driveability concern. The
Diagnostic System Check directs the service technician
to the next logical step in order to diagnose the
concern. Understanding and correctly using the
diagnostic table reduces diagnostic time, and prevents
the replacement of good parts.
Test Description
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the
diagnostic table.
2. Lack of communication may be because of a partial
or a total malfunction of the serial data circuit.7. The presence of DTCs which begin with U, indicate
that some other module is not communicating.
10. If there are other modules with DTCs set, refer to
the DTC list. The DTC list directs you to the appropriate
diagnostic procedure. If the control module stores
multiple DTCs, diagnose the DTCs in the following
• Component level DTCs, such as sensor DTCs,
solenoid DTCs, actuator DTCs, and relay DTCs.
Diagnose the multiple DTCs within this category in
numerical order. Begin with the lowest numbered
DTC, unless the diagnostic table directs youotherwise.
Diagnostic System Check Engine Controls
• DO NOT perform this diagnostic if there is not a
driveability concern, unless another procedure
directs you to this diagnostic.
• Before you proceed with diagnosis, search for
applicable service bulletins.
• Unless a diagnostic procedure instructs you, DO
NOT clear the DTCs.
• If there is a condition with the starting system, refer
to the starting system section in the engine
• Ensure the battery has a full charge.
• Ensure the battery cables (+) (-) are clean and
• Ensure the ECM grounds are clean, tight, and inthe correct location.
• Ensure the ECM harness connectors are clean
and correctly connected. DO NOT attempt to
crank the engine with ECM harness connectors
• Ensure the ECM terminals are clean and correctly
• Ensure the fuel injector ID code data is correctly
programmed in to the ECM.
• Ensure the immobilizer security information is
correctly programmed into the ECM andimmobilizer control unit (ICU).
• If there are fuel system DTC’s (P0087, P0088,
P0089, P0093, P1093 or P1094), diagnose sensor
DTCs, solenoid DTCs, actuator DTCs and relay
DTCs first.
Diagnostic System Check — Engine Controls
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
1Install a scan tool.
Does the scan tool turn ON?—
Go to Step 2
Go to Scan Tool
Does Not Power Up
1. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
2. Attempt to establish communication with the
listed control modules.
• Immobilizer control unit (ICU) (If so
• Transmission control module (TCM)
(AISIN A/T only)
Does the scan tool communicate with all the listed
control modules?
Go to Step 3
Go to Scan Tool
Does Not
Communicate with
CAN Device
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Notice: If an immobilizer system is active the ECM
will disable the fuel injection causing the engine to
stall immediately after starting and energize the
starter cut relay to disable cranking.
Attempt to crank the engine.
Does the engine crank?
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
Attempt to start the engine.
Does the engine start and idle?—
Go to Step 6
Go to Engine
Cranks but Does
Not Run
Does the scan tool display ECM DTCs, P0633,
P161B or U0167?
Go to Applicable
Problem is relating
to starting system.
Refer to the
diagnostic chart in
starting system
Select the DTC display function for the following
control modules:• ECM
• ICU (If so equipped)
• TCM (AISIN A/T only)
Does the scan tool display any DTCs?
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 11
Does the scan tool display DTCs which begin with
U or other control module communication fault
— Go to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 8
8Does the scan tool display ECM DTCs P0601,
P0602, P0604, P0606 or P1621?—
Go to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 9
9Does the scan tool display ECM DTCs P0562 or
Go to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 10
10Is there any other code in any controller that has
not been diagnosed?—
Go to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 11
Is the customer’s concern with the automatic
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Controls Go to Step 12
Is the customer’s concern with the immobilizer
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Controls Go to Step 13
1. Review the following symptoms.
2. Refer to the applicable symptom diagnostic
• Hard Start
• Rough, Unstable, or Incorrect Idle and
• High Idle Speed
• Cuts Out
• Surges
• Lack of Power, Sluggishness, or
• Hesitation, Sag, Stumble
• Abnormal Combustion Noise
• Poor Fuel Economy
• Excessive Smoke (Black Smoke)
E i S k (Whit S k )
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
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Scan Tool Data List
The Engine Scan Tool Data List contains all engine
related parameters that are available on the scan tool.
A given parameter may appear in any one of the data
lists, and in some cases may appear more than once,
or in more than one data list in order to group certainrelated parameters together. Use the Engine Scan Tool
Data List only after the following is determined:
• The Engine Controls — Diagnostic System Check is
• On-board diagnostics are functioning properly.
Scan tool values from a properly running engine may
be used for comparison with the engine you are
diagnosing. The Engine Scan Tool Data List represents
values that would be seen on a normal running engine.Only the parameters listed below are referenced in this
service manual for use in diagnosis.
Scan Tool Parameter Units Displayed Typical Data Value at Engine Idle Typical Data Value at 2000RPM
Operating Conditions: Engine idling or 2000RPM/ Engine coolant temperature is between 75 to 85°C (167 to 185°F)/
Accelerator pedal is constant/ Neutral or Park/ Accessories OFF/ Vehicle located at sea level
Engine Speed RPM Nearly 700 RPM Nearly 2000 RPM
Desired Engine Idle Speed RPM 700 RPM 700 RPM
Calculated Engine Load % — —
Coolant Temperature °C/ °F 75 to 85 °C/ 167 to 185°F 75 to 85 °C/ 167 to 185°F
Engine Coolant Temperature
Volts 0.4 to 0.6 volts 0.4 to 0.6 volts
Intake Air Temperature °C/ °F 20 to 40 °C/ 68 to 104 °F 20 to 40 °C/ 68 to 104 °F
Intake Air Temperature Sensor Volts 1.4 to 2.3 volts 1.4 to 2.3 volts
Fuel Temperature °C/ °F 20 to 60 °C/ 68 to 140 °F 20 to 60 °C/ 68 to 140 °F
Fuel Temperature Sensor Volts 0.8 to 2.3 volts 0.8 to 2.3 volts
MAF (Mass Air Flow) g/sec 300 to 600 g/sec 200 to 600 g/sec
MAF Sensor (Mass Air Flow) Volts 1.2 to 1.6 volts 2.0 to 2.7 volts
Barometric Pressure kPa/psi Nearly 100 kPa/ 14.5 psi at sea
Nearly 100 kPa/ 14.5 psi at sea
Barometric Pressure Sensor Volts Nearly 2.3 volts at sea level Nearly 2.3 volts at sea level
Turbocharger Solenoid
% 50 to 60 % 50 to 60 %
Desired Boost Pressure kPa/ psi Nearly 100 kPa/ 14.5 psi at sea
Less than 120 kPa/ 17.4 psi
Boost Pressure kPa/ psi Nearly 100 kPa/ 14.5 psi at sea
Less than 120 kPa/ 17.4 psi
Boost Pressure Sensor Volts Nearly 1.0 volt Less than 1.3 volts
Desired Fuel Rail Pressure MPa/ psi 30 MPa/ 4,350 psi More than 70 MPa/ 10,200 psi
(4JJ1 Euro 4 specification)
More than 50 MPa/ 7,250 psi
(4JJ1 except Euro 4
More than 60 MPa/ 8,700 psi
Fuel Rail Pressure MPa/ psi 27 to 33 MPa/ 3,900 to 4,800 psi More than 70 MPa/ 10,200 psi
(4JJ1 Euro 4 specification)
More than 50 MPa/ 7,250 psi
(4JJ1 except Euro 4
specification)More than 60 MPa/ 8,700 psi
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Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Volts 1.4 to 1.5 volts More than 2.1 volts (4JJ1 Euro 4
More than 1.8 volts (4JJ1 except
Euro 4 specification)
More than 1.9 volts (4JK1)
FRP Regulator Command (Fuel
Rail Pressure)
% 35 to 50 % 35 to 45 %
FRP Regulator Feedback (Fuel
Rail Pressure)
mA 1,600 to 2,000 mA 1,500 to 1,800 mA
Accelerator Pedal Position % 0% 10 to 25 %
APP Sensor 1 (Accelerator Pedal
Volts 0.2 to 1.0 volts 1.0 to 1.7 volts
APP Sensor 2 (Accelerator Pedal
Volts 3.8 to 4.6 volts 3.3 to 3.9 volts
APP Sensor 3 (Accelerator Pedal
Volts 3.8 to 4.6 volts 3.7 to 4.0 volts
EGR Solenoid Command % Less than 30 % Less than 30 %
Desired EGR Position % Less than 70 % Less than 80 %
EGR Position % Less than 70 % Less than 80 %
EGR Position Sensor Volts Less than 2.9 volts Less than 3.1 volts
Intake Throttle Solenoid
% Less than 30 % Less than 40 %
Desired Intake Throttle Position % Less than 30 % Less than 80 %
Intake Throttle Position % Less than 30 % Less than 80 %
Intake Throttle Position Sensor Volts Less than 1.6 volts Less than 3.3 volts
Desired Injection Quantity mm3 7 to 12 mm3 7 to 12 mm3
Main Injection Quantity mm3 3 to 8 mm3 5 to 10 mm3
Main Injection Timing °CA 2 to 12 °CA 0 to 10 °CA
Main Injection On Time ms 600 to 800 ms 400 to 550 ms
Pre Injection Quantity mm3 1 to 4 mm3 2 to 4 mm3
Pre Injection Interval °CA 3 to 20 °CA 10 to 30 °CA
Fuel Compensation Cyl. 1 mm3 -5.0 to 5.0 mm3 (varies) 0.0 mm3
Fuel Compensation Cyl. 2 mm3 -5.0 to 5.0 mm3 (varies) 0.0 mm3
Fuel Compensation Cyl. 3 mm3 -5.0 to 5.0 mm3 (varies) 0.0 mm3
Fuel Compensation Cyl. 4 mm3 -5.0 to 5.0 mm3 (varies) 0.0 mm3
Fuel Supply Pump Status Not Learned/
Not Learned or Learned Not Learned or Learned
Rail Pressure Feedback Mode Wait Mode/
Feedback Mode/
Shutoff Mode
Feedback Mode Feedback Mode
Engine Running Status Off/ Ignition On/
Cranking/ Running
Running Running
Cam/ Crank Sensor Signal
Synchronization Status
Asynchronous/ No
Crank Signal/Synchronous
Synchronous Synchronous
Engine Runtime Time (hour: Varies Varies
Scan Tool Parameter Units Displayed Typical Data Value at Engine Idle Typical Data Value at 2000RPM
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Vehicle Speed km/h / MPH 0 km/h / 0 MPH 0 km/h / 0 MPH
Transmission Gear Out of gear/ 1st/
2nd/ 3rd/ 4th/ 5th
Out of gear Out of gear
Starter Switch On/Off On On
Ignition Switch On/Off On On
Battery Voltage Volts 11.0 to 15.0 volts 11.0 to 15.0 volts
Fuel Pump Relay Command On/ Off On On
Swirl Control Solenoid Command On/ Off On On
Fuel Filter Switch On/ Off On On
A/C Request Signal On/ Off Off Off
A/C Relay Command On/ Off Off Off
Park/ Neutral Switch Neutral/ In Gear Neutral Neutral
Glow Relay Command On/ Off Off Off
Glow Plug Lamp Command On/ Off Off Off
Brake Switch 1 Applied/ Released Released Released
Brake Switch 2 Applied/ Released Released Released
Clutch Pedal Switch Applied/ Released Released Released
Cruise Main Lamp Command On/ Off Off Off
Cruise Main Switch On/ Off Off Off
Cruise Cancel Switch On/ Off On On
Cruise Resume Switch On/ Off Off Off
Cruise Set Switch On/ Off Off Off
MIL Command (Malfunction
Indicator Lamp)
On/ Off Off Off
SVS Lamp Command (Service
Vehicle Soon)
On/ Off Off Off
Limp Home Mode None/ 1/ 2/ 3/ 4 None None
Distance While MIL is Activated km/ Mile 0 km/ 0 Mile 0 km/ 0 Mile
Engine Runtime With MIL Active minutes 0 0
Total Engine Overspeed Event Counter Varies Varies
Total Engine CoolantOvertemperature Event
Counter Varies Varies
Total Fuel Temperature
Overtemperature Event
Counter Varies Varies
Total Intake Air Temperature
Overtemperature Event
Counter Varies Varies
Immobilizer Function
Yes/ No Yes Yes
Wrong Immobilizer Signal Yes/ No No No
Immobilizer Signal Yes/ No Yes Yes
Security Wait Time Inactive/ Time(hour: minute:
Inactive Inactive
Scan Tool Parameter Units Displayed Typical Data Value at Engine Idle Typical Data Value at 2000RPM
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Scan Tool Data Definitions
This information will assist in emission or driveability
problems. The displays can be viewed while the vehicle
is being driven. Always perform the Diagnostic System
Check — Engine Controls first. The Diagnostic System
Check will confirm proper system operation.
Engine Speed
This parameter displays the rotational speed of the
crankshaft as calculated by the ECM based on inputs
from the crankshaft position (CKP) sensor or camshaft
position (CMP) sensor.
Desired Idle Speed
This parameter displays the idle speed requested by
the ECM. The ECM will change desired idle speed
based on engine coolant temperature and other inputs.
Calculate Engine Load
This parameter displays the engine load in percentbased on inputs to the ECM from various engine
sensors. The scan tool will display a lower percentage
when the engine is at idle with little or no load. The
scan tool will display a higher percentage when the
engine is running at high engine speed under a heavy
Coolant Temperature
This parameter displays the temperature of the engine
coolant as calculated by the ECM using the signal from
the engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor. The
scan tool will display a low temperature when the ECT
sensor signal voltage is high, and a high temperaturewhen the ECT sensor signal voltage is low.
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
This parameter displays the voltage signal sent to the
ECM from the engine coolant temperature (ECT)
sensor. ECT sensor is a range of value indicating a low
voltage when the temperature is high, and a high
voltage when the temperature is low.
Intake Air Temperature
This parameter displays the temperature of the intake
air as calculated by the ECM using the signal from the
intake air temperature (IAT) sensor. The scan tool willdisplay a low temperature when the IAT sensor signal
voltage is high, and a high temperature when the IAT
sensor signal voltage is low.
Intake Air Temperature Sensor
This parameter displays the voltage signal sent to the
ECM from the intake air temperature (IAT) sensor. IAT
sensor is a range of value indicating a low voltage
when the temperature is high, and a high voltage when
the temperature is low.
Fuel Temperature
This parameter displays the temperature of the fuel as
calculated by the ECM using the signal from the fueltemperature (FT) sensor. The scan tool will display a
low temperature when the FT sensor signal voltage is
Fuel Temperature Sensor
This parameter displays the voltage signal sent to the
ECM from the fuel temperature (FT) sensor. FT sensor
is a range of value indicating a low voltage when the
temperature is high, and a high voltage when the
temperature is low.
MAF (Mass Air Flow)
This parameter displays the air flow into the engine as
calculated by the ECM based on the mass air flow
(MAF) sensor input. The scan tool will display a high
value at higher engine speeds, and a low value at lower
engine speed.
MAF Sensor (Mass Air Flow)
This parameter displays the voltage signal sent to the
ECM from the mass air flow (MAF) sensor. MAF sensor
is a range of value indicating a low voltage at lower
engine speed, and a high voltage at a higher engine
Barometric Pressure
This parameter displays the barometric pressure
(BARO) as calculated by the ECM using the signal from
the BARO sensor. The scan tool will display a low
barometric pressure in high altitude area.
Barometric Pressure Sensor
This parameter displays the voltage signal sent to the
ECM from the barometric pressure (BARO) sensor.
BARO sensor is a range of value indicating a low
voltage in high altitude area, and a middle voltage in
sea level.
Turbocharger Solenoid Command
This parameter displays the turbocharger nozzle
control solenoid valve control duty ratio based on inputs
to the ECM from various engine sensors. The scan
tool will display a lower percentage when the nozzle is
controlled to open (vacuum pressure supply to the
actuator is reduced). The scan tool will display a higher
percentage when the nozzle is controlled to close
(vacuum pressure supply to the actuator is increased).
Desired Boost Pressure
This parameter displays boost pressure desired by the
ECM based on current driving conditions. This can becompared to the actual boost pressure to determine
sensor accuracy or turbocharger control problems.
Boost Pressure
This parameter displays the boost pressure in the
intake duct as calculated by the ECM using the signal
from the boost pressure sensor. The scan tool will
display a low boost pressure when the low engine load,
and a high boost pressure when the high engine load.
Note that the true boost pressure is determined by
subtracting barometric pressure from the actual
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 303/599
Boost Pressure Sensor
This parameter displays the voltage signal sent to the
ECM from the boost pressure sensor. Boost pressure
sensor is a range of value indicating a low voltage
when the boost pressure is low (idle or lower engine
load) and a high voltage when the boost pressure is
high (higher engine load).
Desired Fuel Rail Pressure
This parameter displays fuel rail pressure desired by
the ECM based on current driving conditions. This can
be compared to the actual fuel rail pressure to
determine sensor accuracy or fuel pressure control
Fuel Rail Pressure
This parameter displays the fuel rail pressure as
calculated by the ECM using the signal from the fuel
rail pressure (FRP) sensor. The scan tool will display a
low pressure when the low engine load, and a highpressure when the high engine load.
Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor
This parameter displays the voltage signal sent to the
ECM from the fuel rail pressure (FRP) sensor. FRP
sensor is a range of value indicating a low voltage
when the fuel rail pressure is low, and a high voltage
when the fuel rail pressure is high.
FRP Commanded Fuel Flow (Fuel Rail Pressure)
This parameter displays the commanded fuel flow
quantity of the fuel rail pressure (FRP) regulator to the
fuel rail.
FRP Regulator Feedback (Fuel Rail Pressure)
This parameter displays the fuel rail pressure (FRP)
regulator control feedback current as measured by the
ECM. The scan tool will display a low current when the
FRP regulator is controlled to open (fuel supply
quantity to the fuel rail is increased). The scan tool will
display a high current when the FRP regulator is
controlled to close (fuel supply quantity to the fuel rail is
Accelerator Pedal Position
This parameter displays the angle of the accelerator
pedal as calculated by the ECM using the signals fromthe accelerator pedal position (APP) sensors. The scan
tool will display linearly from 0 to 100% according to the
pedal operation.
APP Sensor 1 (Accelerator Pedal Position)
This parameter displays the voltage signal sent to the
ECM from the accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor
1 of the APP sensor assembly. APP sensor 1 is a
range of value indicating a low voltage when the
accelerator pedal is not depressed, and a high voltage
when the accelerator pedal is fully depressed.
APP Sensor 2 (Accelerator Pedal Position)
This parameter displays the voltage signal sent to the
ECM from the accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor
2 of the APP sensor assembly. APP sensor 2 is a
range of value indicating a high voltage when the
accelerator pedal is not depressed, and a low voltage
when the accelerator pedal is fully depressed.
APP Sensor 3 (Accelerator Pedal Position)
This parameter displays the voltage signal sent to the
ECM from the accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor
3 of the APP sensor assembly. APP sensor 3 is a
range of value indicating a high voltage when the
accelerator pedal is not depressed, and a middle
voltage when the accelerator pedal is fully depressed.
EGR Solenoid Command
This parameter displays the EGR solenoid valve
control duty ratio based on inputs to the ECM from
various engine sensors. The scan tool will display alower percentage when the EGR solenoid valve is
controlled to close (EGR gas supply to the intake is
reduced). The scan tool will display a higher
percentage when the EGR solenoid valve is controlled
to open (EGR gas supply to the intake is increased).
Desired EGR Position
This parameter displays EGR position desired by the
ECM based on current driving conditions. This can be
compared to the actual EGR position to determine
sensor accuracy or EGR control problems.
EGR Position
This parameter displays the EGR valve position
calculated by the ECM using the signal from EGR
position sensor. The scan tool will display a low
percentage when the EGR valve is closed, and a high
percentage when the ERG valve is opened.
EGR Position Sensor
This parameter displays the voltage signal sent to the
ECM from the EGR position sensor. EGR position
sensor is a range of value indicating a low voltage
when the EGR valve is closed, and a high voltage when
the EGR valve is opened.
Intake Throttle Solenoid CommandThis parameter displays the intake throttle solenoid
valve control duty ratio based on inputs to the ECM
from various engine sensors. The scan tool will display
a lower percentage when the intake throttle solenoid
valve is controlled to open. The scan tool will display a
higher percentage when the intake throttle solenoid
valve is controlled to close.
Desired Intake Throttle Position
This parameter displays intake throttle position desired
by the ECM based on current driving conditions. This
can be compared to the actual intake throttle position to
determine sensor accuracy or intake throttle controlproblems.
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Intake Throttle Position
This parameter displays the intake throttle valve
position calculated by the ECM using the signal from
intake throttle position sensor. The scan tool will display
a low percentage when the intake throttle valve is
closed, and a high percentage when the intake throttle
valve is opened. Note that the intake throttle position
indicates over 100% if the solenoid is commanded
Intake Throttle Position Sensor
This parameter displays the voltage signal sent to the
ECM from the intake throttle position sensor. Intake
throttle position sensor is a range of value indicating a
low voltage when the intake throttle valve is closed to a
high voltage when the intake throttle valve is opened.
Desired Injection Quantity
This parameter displays a total injection quantity (main
injection quantity + pre injection quantity) desired bythe ECM based on current driving conditions.
Main Injection Quantity
This parameter displays a main injection quantity
desired by the ECM based on current driving
Main Injection Timing
This parameter displays a main injection timing desired
by the ECM based on current driving conditions.
Main Injection On Time
This parameter displays the time the ECM turns ON the
fuel injectors. The scan tool will display a higher valuewith a longer pulse width, or a lower value with a
shorter pulse width.
Pre Injection Quantity
This parameter displays a pilot injection quantity
desired by the ECM based on current driving
Pre Injection Interval
This parameter displays a injection interval between
end of pilot injection and start of main injection desired
by the ECM based on current driving condition.
Fuel Compensation Cyl. 1 to 4This parameter displays the adjustment of fuel volume
for each cylinder at low engine speed area as
calculated by the ECM. The scan tool will display a
negative value if the fuel volume is lowered. The scan
tool will display a positive value if the fuel volume is
increased. If there is a cylinder that is excessively high
or low value, it may indicate faulty fuel injector, weak or
slightly seized cylinder or an incorrectly programmed
fuel injector ID code.
Fuel Supply Pump Status
This parameter displays the learning state of the fuel
supply pump. Not Learned indicates initialized statethat is replaced to a new ECM or adjustment value is
reset. After engine is warm upped, leaning will start at
Rail Pressure Feedback Mode
This parameter displays the state of the fuel rail
pressure feedback to the ECM. Wait Mode indicates
the ignition switch is turned ON position. Feedback
Mode indicates the engine is during crank or run.
Shutoff Mode indicates the ignition switch is turned
OFF position.
Engine Mode
This parameter displays the state of engine. Ignition On
indicates the ignition switch is turned ON position.
Cranking indicates the engine is during crank. Running
indicates the engine is run. Off indicates the ignition
switch is tuned OFF position.
Cam/ Crank Sensor Signal/ Synchronization Status
This parameter displays the synchronization state of
the crankshaft position (CKP) sensor signal and
camshaft position (CMP) sensor signal. Asynchronous
indicates the CMP sensor signal is not detected or onlyCKP sensor signal is detected. No Crank Signal
indicates CMP sensor signal is detected but CKP
sensor signal is not detected. Synchronous indicates
both sensor signals are detected correctly.
Engine Runtime
This parameter displays the time elapsed since the
engine start. The scan tool will display the time in
hours, minutes and seconds. The engine run time will
reset to zero as soon as the ignition switch is OFF.
Vehicle Speed
This parameter indicates the vehicle speed calculated
by the ECM using the signal from the vehicle speed
sensor (VSS). The scan tool will display a low value at
lower vehicle speeds, and a high value at higher
vehicle speeds.
Transmission Gear
This parameter displays the estimated transmission
gear position as calculated by the ECM based on
inputs from the vehicle speed and the engine speed.
Starter Switch
This parameter displays the input status of the starter
switch to the ECM. When the ignition switch is turned at
START position, the scan tool displays On.
Ignition Switch
This parameter displays the input status of the ignition
switch to the ECM. When the ignition switch is turned
ON position, the scan tool displays On.
Battery Voltage
This parameter displays the battery voltage measured
at the ECM main relay switched voltage feed circuit of
the ECM. Voltage is applied to the ECM when the ECM
main relay is energized.
Fuel Pump Relay Command
This parameter displays the commanded state of thefuel pump relay control circuit. On indicates the fuel
pump relay control circuit is being grounded by the
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Swirl Control Solenoid Command
This parameter displays the commanded state of the
swirl control solenoid control circuit. On indicates the
swirl control solenoid control circuit is being grounded
by the ECM, allowing vacuum pressure to the swirl
control actuator .
Fuel Filter Switch
This parameter displays the input state of the fuel
pressure switch to the ECM. When the large vacuum
pressure is generated in the fuel suction line such as
clogged fuel filter, the scan tool displays Off.
A/C Request Signal
This parameter displays the input state of the air
conditioning (A/C) request to the ECM from the
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)
controls. When the HVAC system is requesting to
ground the A/C compressor clutch, the scan tool
displays On.
A/C Relay Command
This parameter displays the commanded state of the A/
C compressor relay control circuit. On indicates the A/C
compressor relay control circuit is being grounded by
the ECM, allowing voltage to the A/C compressor.
Park/ Neutral Switch
This parameter displays the input state of the neutral
switch to the ECM. When the transmission gear is Park
or Neutral, the scan tool displays Neutral.
Glow Relay Command
This parameter displays the commanded state of theglow relay control circuit. On indicates the glow relay
control circuit is being grounded by the ECM, allowing
voltage to the glow plugs.
Glow Plug Lamp Command
This parameter displays the commanded state of the
glow indicator lamp control circuit. The glow indicator
lamp should be On when the scan tool indicates
command On. The glow indicator lamp should be Off
when the scan tool indicates command Off.
Brake Switch 1
This parameter displays the input state of the brake
pedal switch 1 to the ECM. When the brake pedal is
depressed, scan tool displays Applied.
Brake Switch 2
This parameter displays the input state of the brake
pedal switch 2 to the ECM. When the brake pedal is
depressed, scan tool displays Applied.
Clutch Pedal Switch
This parameter displays the input state of the clutch
pedal switch to the ECM. When the clutch pedal is
depressed, scan tool displays Applied.
Cruise Main Lamp Command
This parameter displays the commanded state of the
cruise main lamp control circuit. The cruise main lamp
should be On when the scan tool indicates command
On. The cruise main lamp should be Off when the scan
tool indicates command Off.
Cruise Main Switch
This parameter displays the input state of the cruise
main switch to the ECM. When the Cruise Main switch
is pushed, the scan tool displays On.
Cruise Cancel Switch
This parameter displays the input state of the cruise
cancel switch to the ECM. When the Cruise Cancel
switch is applied, the scan tool displays Off.
Cruise Resume Switch
This parameter displays the input state of the cruise
resume/accel. switch to the ECM. When the Cruise
Resume/Accel. switch is applied, the scan tool displays
Cruise Set Switch
This parameter displays the input state of the cruise
set/coast switch to the ECM. When the Cruise Set/
Coast switch is pushed, the scan tool displays On.
MIL Command (Malfunction Indicator Lamp)
This parameter displays the commanded state of the
malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) control circuit. The
MIL should be On when the scan tool indicates
command On. The MIL should be Off when the scan
tool indicates command Off.
SVS Lamp Command (Service Vehicle Soon)
This parameter displays the commanded state of the
service vehicle soon (SVS) lamp control circuit. The
SVS lamp should be On when the scan tool indicates
command On. The SVS lamp should be Off when the
scan tool indicates command Off.
Limp Home Mode
This parameter indicates the state of the limp-home
mode. None indicates limp-home mode is not applied.
1, 2, 3 and 4 indicates fuel injection quantity reduction
is applied. 2 or higher number inhibits pilot injection. If 4
is indicated, engine running will be stopped when the
vehicle speed is less than 5 km/h (3 MPH) for 5
Distance While MIL is Activated
This parameter displays the mileage since the
malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) is turned ON.
Engine Runtime With MIL Active
This parameter displays the engine run time elapsed
since the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) is turned
ON. The scan tool will display the time in minutes.
Total Engine Overspeed EventThis parameter indicates counter of engine overspeed
event. Counter will be zero if any DTC is cleared.
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Total Engine Coolant Overtemperature Event
This parameter indicates counter of engine overheat
event. The counter is active if engine coolant is over
110°C (230°F). Counter will be zero if any DTC is
Total Fuel Temperature Overtemperature EventThis parameter indicates counter of fuel temperature
excessively high condition. The counter is active if fuel
temperature is over 95°C (203°F). Counter will be zero
if any DTC is cleared.
Total Intake Air Temperature Overtemperature
This parameter indicates counter of intake air
temperature excessively high condition. The counter is
active if intake air temperature is over 55°C (131°F).
Counter will be zero if any DTC is cleared.
Immobilizer Function Programmed
This parameter displays the state of the immobilizer
function programming in the ECM. The scan tool will
display Yes or No. Yes indicates the immobilizer
security information is correctly programmed in the
ECM. No indicates the ECM is not programmed or
ECM is reset.
Wrong Immobilizer Signal
This parameter displays the input state of the received
response signal to the ECM. When the ECM received
wrong response signal from the immobilizer control unit
(ICU), the scan tool displays Yes.
Immobilizer SignalThis parameter displays the input state of the response
signal to the ECM. When the ECM received any
response signal from the immobilizer control unit (ICU),
the scan tool displays Yes.
Security Wait Time
This parameter displays the security wait time length in
the ECM. Inactive indicates not in security wait time.
Time indicates under security wait time. This wait time
stage will prevent any further attempts to enter the
security code until the wait time has elapsed. The wait
time will increase each time an incorrect security code
is entered. Note that this parameter is not countdowned. It keeps displaying the same time until that
wait time has elapsed. The ignition switch must be kept
at ON position during the wait time period.
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Scan Tool Output Controls
Scan Tool Output Control Descriptions
Fuel Supply Pump LearnResetting
The purpose of this test to reset the fuel supply pump adjustment value.
Important: The fuel supply pump relearn procedure must be done when the fuel supplypump or engine is replaced, or an ECM from another vehicle is installed. Refer to Fuel
Supply Pump Replacement.
Fuel Pressure Control
The purpose of this test is for checking whether the fuel rail pressure is changing when
commanded within 30 to 80MPa (4,350 to 11,600psi) when commanded. Faulty fuel supply
pump, fuel rail pressure (FRP) regulator, pressure limiter valve or other fuel lines could be
considered if the differential fuel rail pressure is large.
Pilot Injection Control
The purpose of this test is for checking whether the pilot fuel injection is operated when it is
commanded to ON/ OFF. Faulty injector(s) could be considered if engine noise does not
change when commanded OFF.
Injection Timing ControlThe purpose of this test is for checking whether the main injection timing is changing when
commanded Retard/ Advance within -5 to 5°CA.
Injector Force Drive
The purpose of this test is for checking whether the fuel injector is correctly operating when
commanded ON. Faulty injector(s) could be considered if it does not create a clicking noise
(solenoid operating noise), contains an interrupted noise or has abnormal noise when
commanded ON.
Cylinder Balance Test
The purpose of this test is for checking whether the fuel injector is operating when
commanded ON/ OFF. Faulty injector(s) could be considered if engine does not change
speed when commanded OFF.
Intake Throttle Solenoid Control
The purpose of this test is for checking whether the intake throttle valve is correctly moved
with command. Restricted valve movement by foreign materials, excessive deposits or a
faulty valve could be considered if the position difference is large.
EGR Solenoid Control
The purpose of this test is for checking whether the EGR valve is correctly moved with
command. Restricted valve movement by foreign materials, excessive deposits or a faultyvalve could be considered if the position difference is large.
Swirl Control Solenoid Control
The purpose of this test is for checking whether the swirl control solenoid is operating when
commanded ON. Faulty circuit(s) or a faulty solenoid could be considered if not energizing
when commanded ON.
Turbocharger Solenoid Control
The purpose of this test is for checking whether the turbocharger nozzle control actuator is
correctly moved with command. Restricted actuator movement by foreign materials,
excessive deposits, misrouted vacuum hoses, a faulty solenoid or a faulty actuator could be
considered if the actuator is not moved correctly.
Glow Relay Control
The purpose of this test is for checking whether the glow relay is operating when
commanded ON. Faulty circuit(s) or a faulty glow relay could be considered if not energizing
when commanded ON.
Glow Plug Lamp Control
The purpose of this test is for checking whether the glow indicator lamp is operating when
commanded ON. Faulty circuit(s) or an open circuit could be considered when not operating
when commanded ON.
Malfunction Indicator Lamp
(MIL) Control
The purpose of this test is for checking whether the MIL is operating when commanded ON.
Faulty circuit(s) or an open circuit could be considered when not operating when
commanded ON.
Service Vehicle Soon (SVS)
Lamp Control
The purpose of this test is for checking whether the SVS lamp is operating when
commanded ON. Faulty circuit(s) or an open circuit could be considered when not operating
when commanded ON.
Cruise Main Lamp Control
The purpose of this test is for checking whether the cruise main lamp is operating when
commanded ON. Faulty circuit(s) or an open circuit could be considered when not operating
when commanded ON.
Cruise Set Lamp Control
The purpose of this test is for checking whether the cruise set lamp is operating when
commanded ON. Faulty circuit(s) or an open circuit could be considered when not operating
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Scan Tool Does Not Power Up
Circuit Description
The data link connector (DLC) is a standardized 16-
cavity connector. Connector design and location is
dictated by an industry wide standard, and is required
to provide the following:
• Scan tool power battery positive voltage at
terminal 16.
• Scan tool power ground at terminal 4.
• Common signal ground at terminal 5.
The scan tool will power up with the ignition OFF.
Some modules however, will not communicate unless
the ignition is ON.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing Scan Tool Does Not Power Up
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Important: Make sure the scan tool works properly
on another vehicle before using this chart.
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Inspect the Meter (+B) (10A) fuse in the cabinfuse block.
Is the Meter (+B) (10A) fuse open?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 3
Replace the Meter (+B) (10A) fuse. If the fuse
continues to open, repair the short to ground on
one of the circuits that is fed by the Meter (+B)
(10A) fuse or replace the shorted attached
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 7 —
1. Check each circuit at the data link connector
(DLC) (B-58) for a backed out, spread or
missing terminal.
2. Repair the terminal as necessary.
Did you find and complete the repair?
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 4
Connect a test lamp between the +B circuit (pin 16
of B-58) at the DLC and a known good ground.
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 5
Repair the open in the battery voltage circuit to the
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 7 —
1. Test each ground circuit at the DLC (pins 4
and 5 of B-58) for an open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s), clean or tighten ground
as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7
Go to Intermittent
1. Connect the scan tool to the DLC.
2. Attempt to turn ON the scan tool.
Does the scan tool ON?
System OK Go to Step 1
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Scan Tool Does Not Communicate with CAN Device
Circuit Description
The ECM, transmission control module (TCM) (AISIN
A/T only) and immobilizer control unit (ICU) all
communicate with the scan tool over the controller area
network (CAN) link. The ECM, TCM, ICU and the datarecording module (DRM) communicate with each other
over the same CAN link. If no immobilizer system is
installed, the instrument panel (IP) cluster has a CAN
terminating resistor instead of the ICU.
Diagnostic Aids
The following conditions will cause a loss of CAN serial
data communication between the TCM and ICU or
between the scan tool and any control module:
• A CAN serial data circuit open
• A CAN serial data circuit shorted to ground
• A CAN serial data circuit shorted to voltage
• An internal condition within a module or connector on the CAN serial data circuit, that causes a short
to voltage or ground to the CAN serial data circuit
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing Scan Tool Does Not Communicate with CAN Device
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
Important: Make sure the CANdi module is not
malfunctioning. When functioning properly, the
CANdi module LED will be flashing. In the event of
a problem, the LED will be continually illuminated
or not illuminated.
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
3. Attempt to establish communication with thelisted control modules.
• Immobilizer Control Unit (ICU) (If so
• Transmission control module (TCM)
(AISIN A/T only)
Does the scan tool communicate with any of the
listed control modules?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 7
Does the scan tool communicate with the ECM?
Go to Step 4
Go to Lost
Communication with
The Engine Control
Module (ECM)
Notice: If no AISIN automatic transmission is
installed, skip to Step 5.
Does the scan tool communicate with the TCM?
Go to Step 5
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Notice: If no immobilizer system is installed, skip to
Step 6.
Does the scan tool communicate with the ICU?
Go to Step 6
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Test the CAN Low and High serial data circuit for an
intermittently short to ground or intermittently short
to voltage. Then, test the CAN Low and High serial
data circuit for an intermittently open (based onwhich control module did not communicate) at the
connection in the circuit.
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1. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and for corrosion at the data link
connector (DLC) (pins 6 and 14 of B-58).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 19 Go to Step 8
Notice: If no data recording module (DRM) is
installed, skip to Step 9.
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the DRM (C-139) harness
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Attempt to communicate with the ECM, TCM
and ICU.
Does the scan tool communicate with the ECM,
TCM and ICU?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 9
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Reconnect the DRM harness connector if
3. Disconnect the ECM (C-164) harness
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
5. Attempt to communicate with the TCM and
Does the scan tool communicate with the TCM and
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 10
Notice: If no AISIN automatic transmission is
installed, skip to Step 11.
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Reconnect the ECM (C-164) harness
3. Disconnect the TCM (C-94 and C-95) harness
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
5. Attempt to communicate with the ECM and
Does the scan tool communicate with the ECM and
Go to Step 16 Go to Step 11
Notice: If no immobilizer system is installed, skip toStep 12.
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Reconnect the ECM (C-164) harness
connectors if disconnected.
3. Reconnect the TCM (C-94 and C-95) harness
connectors if disconnected.
4. Disconnect the ICU (B-109) harness
5. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
6. Attempt to communicate with the ECM and
Does the scan tool communicate with the ECM and
Go to Step 17 Go to Step 12
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 311/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Reconnect the ECM (C-164) harness
connectors if disconnected.
3. Reconnect the TCM (C-94 and C-95) harness
connectors if disconnected.
4. Disconnect the instrument panel (IP) cluster
(B-23 and B-24) harness connector.
5. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
6. Attempt to communicate with the ECM and
Does the scan tool communicate with the ECM and
Go to Step 18 Go to Step 13
Repair the open circuit, short to ground or short to
voltage on the CAN Low or High serial data circuit
between the DLC and ECM, TCM, ICU, DRM or IP
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 19 —
14Replace the DRM. Refer to DRM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?—
Go to Step 19 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 19 —
Important: Replacement TCM must be
Replace the TCM. Refer to TCM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 19 —
Important: Replacement ICU must be
Replace the ICU. Refer to ICU Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 19 —
Replace the IP cluster. Refer to IP Cluster
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 19 —
Attempt to establish communication with the ECM,
TCM and ICU.
Does the scan tool communicate with the ECM,
TCM and ICU?
System OK Go to Step 2
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
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Lost Communication with The Engine Control Module (ECM)
Circuit Description
The ECM, transmission control module (TCM) (AISIN
A/T only) and immobilizer control unit (ICU) all
communicate with the scan tool over the controller area
network (CAN) link. The ECM, TCM, ICU and the datarecording module (DRM) communicate with each other
over the same CAN link. If no immobilizer system is
installed, the instrument panel (IP) cluster has a CAN
terminating resistor instead of the ICU.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing Lost Communication with The Engine Control Module (ECM)
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
2 Attempt to establish communication with the ECM.Does the scan tool communicate with the ECM?
— Go to IntermittentConditions Go to Step 3
Check the ECM C-164 and E-94 connectors for
poor connections.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 16 Go to Step 4
1. Check the ECM (40A) slow blow fuse and
Engine (10A) fuse. Replace and retest if open.
If any fuse continues to open, repair the short
to ground on each circuit fed by that fuse.
2. Turn OFF the ignition.
3. Disconnect the ECM (C-164) harness
connector.4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
5. Connect a test lamp to ground and check for
voltage at the ignition voltage supply circuit at
the ECM (pin 24 of C-164).
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 13
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the scan tool from the data link
connector (DLC) if connected.
3. Measure the resistance across the CAN Low
and High circuits by probing the DLC (pins 6
and 14 of B-58).
Is the resistance within the specified value (parallel
resistance of the 120 Ω resistor in the ECM and the
120 Ω resistor in the ICU or IP cluster should be
50 to 70 Ω
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 6
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 58 and 78 of C-
4. Test for high resistance on each circuit.
5. Repair the connection(s) or circuit(s) asnecessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 16 Go to Step 15
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 313/599
1. Check ECM ground for corrosion and
2. Clean or tighten grounds as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 16 Go to Step 8
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Reconnect the ECM harness connector if
3. Replace the ECM main relay with the heater
relay or replace with a known good relay.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
5. Attempt to establish communication with the
Does the scan tool communicate with the ECM?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 9
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Remove the ECM main relay.3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Using a test lamp, check for both voltage
supply circuits to the ECM main relay (pins 4
and 5 of X-12).
5. Repair the open circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 16 Go to Step 10
1. Reinstall the ECM main relay.
2. Turn the ignition ON and OFF while listening
of feeling for the ECM main relay click. Wait 7
seconds between transitions.
Does the ECM main relay click when the ignition
switch is turned ON or OFF?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 11
Repair the ECM main relay ground circuit between
the ECM main relay (pin 2 of X-12) and engine
room ground terminal (C-36) for the following
• An open circuit
• High resistance or a poor connection at the
ECM main relay or ground terminal
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 16 —
1. Test the battery voltage circuit between the
ECM (pins 2 and 5 of C-164) and the ECM
main relay (pin 1 of X-12) for the followingconditions:
• An open circuit
• High resistance or a poor connection at
ECM or ECM main relay
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 16 Go to Step 15
Repair the open in the ignition voltage circuit to the
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 16 —
14 Replace the ECM main relay.
Did you complete the replacement?—
Go to Step 16 —
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 314/599
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 16 —
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Reconnect all previously disconnected fuse,
relay or harness connector(s).
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Attempt to establish communication with the
Does the scan tool communicate with the ECM?
System OK Go to Step 3
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 315/599
Engine Cranks but Does Not Run
The Engine Cranks but Does Not Run diagnostic table
is an organized approach to identifying a condition that
causes an engine to not start. The diagnostic table
directs the service technician to the appropriate systemdiagnosis. The diagnostic table assumes the following
conditions are met:
• The battery is completely charged and terminals
are cleaned and tight.
• The engine cranking speed is normal.
• There is adequate fuel in the fuel tank.
• There is no fuel leak in the fuel line.
• There is no air in the fuel line.
• Filters (air, fuel) are clean.
• Fuse and slow blow fuse are normal.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
Test Description
The number below refers to the step number on the
Circuit/ System Testing.
5. If the fuel rail pressure (FRP) regulator low side
circuits between the ECM and the FRP regulator are
shorted to ground, FRP Regulator Feedback will be
approximately 400mA lower as compared with normal.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing Engine Cranks but Does Not Run (1of 2)
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Crank the engine for the specified amount of
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool display any DTCs that failed this
15 seconds
Go to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 3
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Wait 1 minute for the fuel pressure to bleed
down from the fuel rail.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF. DO
NOT start the engine.
4. Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure parameter
with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate the specified value?
0 MPa (0 psi)
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 6
Notice: If the vehicle has run out of fuel, air maybe trapped in the fuel system.
1. Make sure the fuel tank have adequate fuel
and the fuel quality is good (take a sample).
2. Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure parameter on
the scan tool while cranking over the engine
for 5 seconds.
Does the scan tool indicate more than the specified
value during crank?
20 MPa (2,900
Go to Step 9 Go to Step 5
Observe the FRP Regulator Feedback parameter
on the scan tool while cranking over the engine for
5 seconds.
Does the scan tool indicate more than the specified
value during crank?
1500 mA
Go to 2 of 2 Step 1 Go to Step 8
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 316/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the FRP sensor harness
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harnessconnector of the FRP sensor (pins 1, 2 and 3
of E-48).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 82, 87, 90 and
101 of E-94).
6. Test for high resistance on each circuit.
7. Repair the connection(s) or circuit(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 7
Replace the FRP sensor. Refer to FRP Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 11 —
Repair the short to ground between the ECM (pins
89 and 97 of E-94) and the FRP regulator (pin 2 of
Did you compete the repair?
Go to Step 11 —
1. Check for normal readings at key up for the
following sensor inputs: Use the Scan Tool
Data List or a known good vehicle to
determine nominal values.
• Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
• Barometric Pressure (BARO) Sensor
• Boost Pressure Sensor
• Intake Throttle Position Sensor
2. Repair the circuit(s) or replace the sensor as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
1. Other possible causes for the no-start
• Engine mechanical timing
• Heavily restricted intake or exhaustplugged solid.
• Poor engine compression.
• Water or gasoline contamination in fuel.
2. Repair as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Attempt to start the engine.
Does the engine start and continue to run?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 2
12Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 317/599
Circuit/ System Testing Engine Cranks but Does Not Run (2 of 2)
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
1. Remove the engine cover.
2. Perform the Injector Force Drive with a scan
tool.3. Command each injector ON and verify clicking
noise (solenoid operating noise).
Is there an injector that does not create a clicking
noise (solenoid operating noise), contains an
interrupted noise or abnormal noise when
commanded ON?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 2
1. Inspect the high pressure side between the
fuel supply pump and the fuel injectors for fuel
leakage. The following components may
contain an external leak.
• Fuel supply pump
• Fuel rail
• Pressure limiter valve
• Fuel rail pressure (FRP) sensor
• Fuel pipe between the fuel supply pump
and fuel rail
• Fuel pipe between the fuel rail and fuel
• Each fuel pipe sleeve nuts
Notice: Fuel may leak under the cylinder head
cover from the inlet high pressure line. In such
case, the engine oil level will rise. Inspect for fuel
leakage into the engine oil.
2. Repair any fuel system leaks as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 3
1. Check the fuel system line connections
between the fuel tank and the fuel supply
pump for tightness and all fuel hoses for cuts,
cracks and for the use of proper clamps.
2. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 4
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 318/599
Notice: Make sure the in-tank fuel pump operation
before performing the following procedures. Refer
to In-tank Fuel Pump System Check in this section.
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the fuel hose from the fuel supplypump suction side. In order to measure the
discharged fuel amount, put the hose into a
bottle or a container with a scale. (The inlet of
a bottle or a container must be larger than the
diameter of hose.)
3. Turn ON the ignition for 20 seconds, with the
engine OFF.
4. Turn OFF the ignition for 10 seconds.
5. Perform 3 and 4 three times. The accumulated
fuel of three ignition cycles must be more than
300 cc. (Normal amount is more than 100 cc
per one ignition cycle.)
Notice: If there is a leak or a restriction on the
suction side, the fuel from the hose will not flow out
sufficiently that is most likely caused by fuel
leakage, clogged fuel filter, kinked or crushed fuel
hose or pipe. Also inside the fuel tank for any
foreign materials may be getting drawn into the fuel
line pickup.
6. Repair fuel system leaking or restrictions as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 5
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Remove the Fuel Pump (10A) fuse from theengine room fuse block in order to disable in-
tank fuel pump.
3. Disconnect each fuel injector harness
connector from all fuel injectors in order to
disable injection.
4. Remove the rubber fuel hose from the leak-off
pipe. Then, remove the leak-off pipe assembly
from the engine that is jointed to the fuel
supply pump and the pressure limiter valve.
Use a pan to catch the fuel from the removed
fuel line.
5. Crank over the engine while observing the fuel
leak from the pressure limiter valve.
Important: Safety glasses must be worm. Fuel
may splash if the pressure limiter valve is faulty.
Is there fuel leak from the pressure limiter valve?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 6
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 319/599
1. Remove the rubber hoses from the leak-off
pipes that are connected to each fuel injector.
2. Crank over the engine while observing the fuel
leak from the leak-off pipe of each fuel injector
(very small leak is normal).
Important: Safety glasses must be worm. Fuel
may splash if the fuel injector is faulty.
Important: Replacement fuel injector must be
3. Replace the fuel injector(s) that return fuel is
excessive. Refer to Fuel Injector
Replacement/ Fuel Injector ID Code Data
4. Retest after replacement of the fuel injector(s).
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 7
1. Remove each glow plug from the cylinder head.
2. Inspect for fuel leakage into the combustion
Is there a cylinder that fuel leakage into the
combustion chamber?
Go to Step 9 Go to Step 10
Important: Replacement fuel injector must be
Replace the appropriate fuel injector that does not
create a clicking noise (solenoid operating noise),
contains an interrupted noise or abnormal noise at
Step 1. Refer to Fuel Injector Replacement/ Fuel
Injector ID Code Data Programming.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 12 —
Important: Replacement fuel injector must be
Replace the appropriate fuel injector that was
leaking fuel found at Step 7 and inspect the engine
mechanical for any damage or poor engine
compression. Refer to Fuel Injector Replacement/
Fuel Injector ID Code Data Programming and
engine mechanical section.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 12 —
Important: The fuel supply pump must be timed tothe engine and adjustment value must be learned
to the ECM.
Notice: Always replace the fuel filter cartridge
when a fuel supply pump is replaced.
Replace the fuel supply pump and fuel filter
cartridge. Refer to Fuel Supply Pump Replacement
and Fuel Filter Cartridge Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 12 —
Replace the pressure limiter valve. Refer to Fuel
Rail Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 12 —
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 320/599
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Attempt to start the engine.
Does the engine start and continue to run?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 1
13Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 321/599
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 322/599
1. Inspect the crankshaft position (CKP) sensor
and the camshaft position (CMP) sensor for
the following conditions:
• Physical damage of sensor
• Loose or improper installation of sensor
• Excessive air gap
• Foreign material passing between sensor
and sensor rotor or chain sprocket
• Physical damage of sensor rotor or chain
• Loose or improper installation of sensor
rotor or chain sprocket
2. Inspect the engine mechanical timing for the
following conditions:
• Incorrectly installed timing gear or chain
• Faulty timing chain tensioner
• Excessive play in the timing chain
• Timing chain that jumped teeth
3. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 4 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s) if disconnected.
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine. If the engine does not start,
crank over the engine for 10 seconds.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 5
5Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 323/599
DTC P0045 (Flash Code 33)
Circuit Description
The position of the turbocharger nozzle is controlled by
the ECM. The ECM utilizes a turbocharger nozzle
control solenoid valve and a boost pressure sensor to
control the turbocharger nozzles. When the engine isnot under load, the turbocharger nozzles are in an open
position, or no boost condition. When the engine is
under load, the ECM commands the control solenoid
valve to close the turbocharger nozzles, thus
increasing the boost. The ECM will vary the boost
dependant upon the load requirements of the engine.
The ECM uses a pulse width modulation (PWM) on the
control circuit to open and control the solenoid valve. If
the ECM detects an open circuit or short circuit on the
solenoid valve circuit, this DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
Either of following condition is met:
• The ECM detects a low voltage condition on the
turbocharger nozzle control solenoid circuit when
the solenoid is commanded OFF.
• The ECM detects a high voltage condition on the
turbocharger nozzle control solenoid circuit when
the solenoid is commanded ON.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
Test description
The number below refers to the step number on the
Circuit/ System Testing.
4. If the solenoid control circuit between the ECM and
the solenoid is normal, the test lamp changes from
Bright to Dim when commanded from Increase to
Schematic Reference: Vacuum Hose Routing
Diagram and Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0045
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the turbocharger nozzle control
solenoid valve harness connector.
3. Connect a test lamp between the ignition
voltage feed circuit (pin 2 of E-106) and a
known good ground.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 324/599
1. Connect a test lamp between the control
circuit (pin 1 of E-106) and battery voltage.
2. Perform the Turbocharger Solenoid Control
with a scan tool.
3. Command the solenoid valve Increase andDecrease while observing the test lamp.
Does the test lamp change brightness when
commanded Increase and Decrease?
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 6
Repair the open circuit or high resistance between
the Engine (10A) fuse and the solenoid valve (pin 2
of E-106). Check the Engine (10A) fuse first.
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 11 —
1. Test the control circuit between the ECM (pin
96 of E-94) and the solenoid valve (pin 1 of E-
106) for the following conditions:
• An open circuit
• A short to ground
• A short to battery or ignition voltage
• High resistance
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 8
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
solenoid valve (pins 1 and 2 of E-106).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 9
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
ECM (pin 96 of E-94).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
Replace the turbocharger nozzle control solenoid
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 11 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 11 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected fuse or
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that youobserved from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 325/599
12Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 326/599
DTC P0087 (Flash Code 225)
The common rail fuel system is comprised of two fuel
pressure sections: a suction side between the fuel tank
and the fuel supply pump and a high-pressure side
between the fuel supply pump and the fuel injectors.Fuel is drawn from the fuel tank via a feed pump and
then pumped into the fuel rail by two plungers, all of
which are internal to the fuel supply pump. This high
pressure is regulated by the ECM using the fuel rail
pressure (FRP) regulator dependant upon values from
the FRP sensor attached to the fuel rail. In case of fuel
rail overpressure, a pressure limiter valve threaded into
the fuel rail will open to release overpressure and
return fuel back to the fuel tank. If the ECM detects that
the fuel rail pressure went excessively high, then
sharply decreased, this DTC will set indicating high fuel
pressure, which activated the pressure limiter valve.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTCs P0192 and P0193 are not set.
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine is running.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the pressure limiter valve is
activated with overpressure (more than 190 MPa
[27,600 psi]) in the fuel rail.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• An intermittently sticking FRP regulator may have
allowed the fuel pressure to become high enough
to open the pressure limiter valve.
• A skewed FRP sensor value can set this DTC. The
FRP Sensor on the scan tool should read 0.9 to
1.0 volt with the key ON and engine OFF after the
engine has stopped running for a minimum of 1minute.
• If the fuel tank is empty or near empty, air might be
allowed to go into the fuel system. With air in the
fuel system, smooth flow of fuel into the supply
pump is interrupted and this DTC may set. Perform
bleeding of fuel system after refilling.
Schematic Reference: Fuel System Routing Diagram
and Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0087
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0088, P0089, P0091, P0092, P0192,
P0193, P0201 — P0204, P2146 or P2149 set?
Go to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 3
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 327/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Place the transmission in Neutral and set the
parking brake.
3. Start the engine.
4. Accelerate the engine between idle and
W.O.T. (accelerator pedal full travel) many
times while observing the DTC Information
with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 4
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Wait 1 minute for the fuel pressure to bleed
down from the fuel rail.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF. DO
NOT start the engine.
4. Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Sensor
parameter with the scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate within the specified
0.9 to 1.0 volt
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 10
1. Start the engine.
2. Perform the Cylinder Balance Test with a scan
3. Command each injector OFF and verify an
engine speed change for each injector.
Is there an injector that does not change engine
speed when commanded OFF?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 6
1. Check the fuel system line connections
between the fuel tank and the fuel supplypump for tightness and all fuel hoses for cuts,
cracks and for the use of proper clamps.
Notice: Air in the fuel system will cause fuel rail
pressure fluctuations especially at high engine
speed and load, which may set this DTC.
2. Start the engine and check for high side fuel
system leaks at the fuel supply pump and fuel
Notice: Fuel may leak under the cylinder head
cover from the inlet high pressure line. In such
case, the engine oil level will rise. Inspect for fuel
leakage into the engine oil.
3. Repair any fuel system leaks as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 7
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 328/599
Notice: Make sure the in-tank fuel pump operation
before performing the following procedures. Refer
to In-tank Fuel Pump System Check in this section.
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the fuel hose from the fuel supplypump suction side. In order to measure the
discharged fuel amount, put the hose into a
bottle or a container with a scale. (The inlet of
a bottle or a container must be larger than the
diameter of hose.)
3. Turn ON the ignition for 20 seconds, with the
engine OFF.
4. Turn OFF the ignition for 10 seconds.
5. Perform 3 and 4 three times. The accumulated
fuel of three ignition cycles must be more than
300 cc. (Normal amount is more than 100 cc
per one ignition cycle.)
Notice: If there is a leak or a restriction on the
suction side, the fuel from the hose will not flow out
sufficiently that is most likely caused by fuel
leakage, clogged fuel filter, kinked or crushed fuel
hose or pipe. Also inside the fuel tank for any
foreign materials may be getting drawn into the fuel
line pickup.
6. Repair fuel system leaking or restrictions as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 8
1. Remove the fuel hose that connects to the fuel
supply pump suction side and substitute aclear hose.
Notice: The hose must be cleaned before
connecting to the fuel line. Otherwise, foreign
material internal to the hose may damage the fuel
supply pump.
2. Bleed the fuel system. Repeat as necessary
until the engine starts.
3. Let the engine run at idle for at least 1 minute.
4. Observe the clear hose while holding the
engine speed higher than 3000 RPM for a
minimum of 1 minute.
Notice: If many air bubbles appear in the fuel,
check the fuel line connections between the fuel
supply pump and the fuel tank for tightness and all
fuel hoses for cuts, cranks and for the uses of
proper clamps.
5. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 9
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 329/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the FRP regulator harness
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harnessconnector of the FRP regulator (pins 1 and 2
of E-50).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 89, 97, 105 and
113 of E-94).
6. Test for high resistance on each circuit.
7. Repair the connection(s) or circuit(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 13
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the FRP sensor harness
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the FRP sensor (pins 1, 2 and 3
of E-48).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 82, 87, 90 and
101 of E-94).
6. Test for high resistance on each circuit.
7. Repair the connection(s) or circuit(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 11
Replace the FRP sensor. Refer to FRP sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 14 —
Important: Replacement fuel injector must be
Replace the appropriate fuel injector that does not
change engine speed when commanded OFF.Refer to Fuel Injector Replacement/ Fuel Injector
ID Code Data Programming.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 14 —
Important: The fuel supply pump must be timed to
the engine and adjustment value must be learned
to the ECM.
Notice: Always replace the fuel filter cartridge
when a fuel supply pump is replaced.
Replace the fuel supply pump and fuel filter
cartridge. Refer to Fuel Supply Pump Replacement
and Fuel Filter Cartridge Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 14 —
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 330/599
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 15
15Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 331/599
DTC P0088 (Flash Code 118)
The common rail fuel system is comprised of two fuel
pressure sections: a suction side between the fuel tank
and the fuel supply pump and a high-pressure side
between the fuel supply pump and the fuel injectors.Fuel is drawn from the fuel tank via a feed pump and
then pumped into the fuel rail by two plungers, all of
which are internal to the fuel supply pump. This high
pressure is regulated by the ECM using the fuel rail
pressure (FRP) regulator dependant upon values from
the FRP sensor attached to the fuel rail.
If the ECM detects that the fuel pressure went
excessively high for a certain length of time, this DTC
will set (First Stage). If the ECM detects that during the
same ignition cycle the fuel pressure rose even higher
than the amount to set DTC P0088 for a certain length
of time, the engine is stopped (Second Stage). If theengine is stopped, the fuel pressure was too high and
the pressure limiter valve did not active or did not active
quick enough.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTCs P0192 and P0193 are not set.
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine is running.
Condition for Setting the DTC
First Stage
• The ECM detects that the fuel rail pressure is more
than 197 MPa (28,600 psi) for longer than 5
Second Stage
• The ECM detects that the fuel rail pressure is more
than 200 MPa (29,000 psi) for longer than 5
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
First Stage
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Second Stage
• The ECM illuminates the SVS lamp when the
diagnostic runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type
Definitions for Action Taken When the DTC Sets —
Type C. (Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnosticruns and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
(Except Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
• The ECM stops engine running when the vehicle
speed is lower than 5 km/h (3 MPH) for 5 seconds.
The engine will run after the key is cycled when the
ignition has been tuned OFF for longer than 10
Condition for Clearing the DTC
First Stage
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Second Stage
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type C. (Euro 4
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Except Euro 4
Diagnostic Aids
• An intermittently sticking Fuel Rail Pressure
regulator may have allowed the fuel pressure to
become high enough to set this DTC.
• Normal Fuel Rail Pressure readings on the scan
tool with the engine running in neutral at idle is
around 27 to 33 MPa (3,900 to 48,00 psi) after
warm up.
• A skewed FRP sensor value can set this DTC. The
FRP Sensor on the scan tool should read 0.9 to1.0 volt with the key ON and engine OFF after the
engine has stopped running for a minimum of 1
Schematic Reference: Fuel System Routing Diagram
and Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0088
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 332/599
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0089, P0091, P0092, P0192, P0193,
P0201 — P0204, P0219, P2146 or P2149 set?
Go to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 3
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Place the transmission in Neutral and set the
parking brake.
3. Start the engine.
4. Accelerate the engine between idle and
W.O.T. (accelerator pedal full travel) many
times while observing the Fuel Rail Pressure
parameter with a scan tool.
Does the Fuel Rail Pressure parameter ever
exceed the specified value?
190 MPa
(27,600 psi)
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 11
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Wait 1 minute for the fuel pressure to bleed
down from the fuel rail.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF. DO
NOT start the engine.
4. Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Sensor
parameter with the scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate within the specified
0.9 to 1.0 volt
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 10
1. Start the engine.
2. Perform the Cylinder Balance Test with a scan
3. Command each injector OFF and verify an
engine speed change for each injector.
Is there an injector that does not change engine
speed when commanded OFF?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 6
1. Check the fuel system line connections
between the fuel tank and the fuel supply
pump for tightness and all fuel hoses for cuts,
cracks and for the use of proper clamps.
Notice: Air in the fuel system will cause fuel rail
pressure fluctuations especially at high enginespeed and load, which may set this DTC.
2. Start the engine and check for high side fuel
system leaks at the fuel supply pump and fuel
Notice: Fuel may leak under the cylinder head
cover from the inlet high pressure line. In such
case, the engine oil level will rise. Inspect for fuel
leakage into the engine oil.
3. Repair any fuel system leaks as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 7
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 333/599
Notice: Make sure the in-tank fuel pump operation
before performing the following procedures. Refer
to In-tank Fuel Pump System Check in this section.
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the fuel hose from the fuel supplypump suction side. In order to measure the
discharged fuel amount, put the hose into a
bottle or a container with a scale. (The inlet of
a bottle or a container must be larger than the
diameter of hose.)
3. Turn ON the ignition for 20 seconds, with the
engine OFF.
4. Turn OFF the ignition for 10 seconds.
5. Perform 3 and 4 three times. The accumulated
fuel of three ignition cycles must be more than
300 cc. (Normal amount is more than 100 cc
per one ignition cycle.)
Notice: If there is a leak or a restriction on the
suction side, the fuel from the hose will not flow out
sufficiently that is most likely caused by fuel
leakage, clogged fuel filter, kinked or crushed fuel
hose or pipe. Also inside the fuel tank for any
foreign materials may be getting drawn into the fuel
line pickup.
6. Repair fuel system leaking or restrictions as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 8
1. Remove the fuel hose that connects to the fuel
supply pump suction side and substitute aclear hose.
Notice: The hose must be cleaned before
connecting to the fuel line. Otherwise, foreign
material internal to the hose may damage the fuel
supply pump.
2. Bleed the fuel system. Repeat as necessary
until the engine starts.
3. Let the engine run at idle for at least 1 minute.
4. Observe the clear hose while holding the
engine speed higher than 3000 RPM for a
minimum of 1 minute.
Notice: If many air bubbles appear in the fuel,
check the fuel line connections between the fuel
supply pump and the fuel tank for tightness and all
fuel hoses for cuts, cranks and for the uses of
proper clamps.
5. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 9
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 334/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the FRP regulator harness
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harnessconnector of the FRP regulator (pins 1 and 2
of E-50).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 89, 97, 105 and
113 of E-94).
6. Test for high resistance on each circuit.
7. Repair the connection(s) or circuit(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 14
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the FRP sensor harness
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the FRP sensor (pins 1, 2 and 3
of E-48).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 82, 87, 90 and
101 of E-94).
6. Test for high resistance on each circuit.
7. Repair the connection(s) or circuit(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 12
Notice: An intermittent problem by foreign material
in the fuel is suspected.
Replace the fuel filter cartridge. Refer to Fuel Filter
Cartridge Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 15 —
Replace the FRP sensor. Refer to FRP sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 15 —
Important: Replacement fuel injector must be
Replace the appropriate fuel injector that does not
change engine speed when commanded OFF.
Refer to Fuel Injector Replacement/ Fuel Injector
ID Code Data Programming.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 15 —
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 335/599
Important: The fuel supply pump must be timed to
the engine and adjustment value must be learned
to the ECM.
Notice: Always replace the fuel filter cartridge
when a fuel supply pump is replaced.Replace the fuel supply pump and fuel filter
cartridge. Refer to Fuel Supply Pump Replacement
and Fuel Filter Cartridge Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 15 —
Notice: There is a possibility that the pressure
limiter valve did not active.
Replace the pressure limiter valve. Refer to Fuel
Rail Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 16 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 17
17Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 336/599
DTC P0089 (Flash Code 151)
The common rail fuel system is comprised of two fuel
pressure sections: a suction side between the fuel tank
and the fuel supply pump and a high-pressure side
between the fuel supply pump and the fuel injectors.Fuel is drawn from the fuel tank via a feed pump and
then pumped into the fuel rail by two plungers, all of
which are internal to the fuel supply pump. This high
pressure is regulated by the ECM using the fuel rail
pressure (FRP) regulator dependant upon values from
the FRP sensor attached to the fuel rail. If the ECM
detects that fuel pressure is a certain pressure higher
than the desired pressure, this DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTCs P0091, P0092, P0192, P0193, P0651,
P0201 — P0204, P2146 and P2149 are not set.
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine is running.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the actual fuel rail pressure
is more than 20 to 40 MPa (2,900 to 5,800 psi)
over the desired pressure for longer than 20
Action Taken When the DTC Sets• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A. (Euro
4 and South Africa Specification)
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type B.
(Except Euro 4 and South Africa Specification)
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity. (South
Africa Specification)
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection. (South Africa
• The ECM inhibits cruise control. (South Africa
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Euro 4 and South
Africa Specification)
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type B. (Except Euro 4
and South Africa Specification)
Diagnostic Aids• An intermittently sticking FRP regulator may have
allowed the fuel pressure to become high enough
to set this DTC.
• Normal Fuel Rail Pressure readings on the scan
tool with the engine running in neutral at idle is
around 27 to 33 MPa (3,900 to 4,800 psi) after
warm up.
• A skewed FRP sensor value can set this DTC. The
FRP Sensor on the scan tool should read 0.9 to
1.0 volt with the key ON and engine OFF after the
engine has stopped running for a minimum of 1
Schematic Reference: Fuel System Routing Diagram
and Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0089
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0091, P0092, P0192, P0193, P0201 —
P0204, P0219, P2146 or P2149 set?
Go to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 3
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 337/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Wait 1 minute for the fuel pressure to bleed
down from the fuel rail.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF. DO
NOT start the engine.
4. Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Sensor
parameter with the scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate within the specified
0.9 to 1.0 volt
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the FRP regulator harness
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the FRP regulator (pins 1 and 2
of E-50).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 89, 97, 105 and
113 of E-94).
6. Test for high resistance on each circuit.
7. Repair the connection(s) or circuit(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 10 Go to Step 6
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the FRP sensor harness
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the FRP sensor (pins 1, 2 and 3
of E-48).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 82, 87, 90 and
101 of E-94).
6. Test for high resistance on each circuit.
7. Repair the connection(s) or circuit(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 10 Go to Step 8
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Place the transmission in Neutral and set the
parking brake.
3. Start the engine.
4. Accelerate the engine between idle and
W.O.T (accelerator pedal full travel) many
times while observing the Fuel Rail Pressure
and Desired Fuel Rail Pressure Parameter
with a scan tool.
Does the Fuel Pressure parameter follow within the
specified value quick enough (compare with a
similar unit if available)?
±5 MPa
(±725 psi)
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 9
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 338/599
Notice: An intermittent problem by foreign material
in the fuel is suspected.
Replace the fuel filter cartridge. Refer to Fuel Filter
Cartridge Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 10 —
Replace the FRP sensor. Refer to FRP Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 10 —
Important: The fuel supply pump must be timed to
the engine and adjustment value must be learned
to the ECM.
Notice: Always replace the fuel filter cartridge
when a fuel supply pump is replaced.
Replace the fuel supply pump and fuel filter
cartridge. Refer to Fuel Supply Pump Replacement
and Fuel Filter Cartridge Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 10 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 11
11Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 339/599
DTC P0091 or P0092 (Flash Code 247)
Circuit Description
The fuel rail pressure (FRP) regulator is installed to the
fuel supply pump and controls the suction fuel quantity
into the fuel rail. The FRP regulator is fully opened in
the normal state and larger drive current results insmaller opening. The ECM calculates desired fuel rail
pressure and fuel flow rate and it compares the
calculated desired fuel rail pressure to the actual value
to determine the FRP regulator position. When the
actual fuel rail pressure is higher than the desired
value, the FRP regulator is closed to decease the flow
rate. If the ECM detects an excessively low or high FRP
regulator feedback current, DTC P0091 or P0092 will
Condition for Running the DTC
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the FRP regulator feedback
current is less than 100mA, or more than 1000mA
below the desired current. (DTC P0091)
• The ECM detects that the FRP regulator feedback
current is more than 2450mA, or more than
1000mA over the desired current. (DTC P0092)
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
Test Description
The number below refers to the step number on the
Circuit/ System Testing.
8. If the FRP regulator high side circuit is shorted to
voltage, engine stalls and will not start.
9. If the FRP regulator low side circuit is shorted to
ground, this DTC may not set. This will cause engine
stall or no engine start.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0091 or P0092
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Regulator
Feedback parameter with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate more than the specified
300 mA
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
4Does the scan tool indicate more than the specified
value at Step 4?1300 mA
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 8
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 340/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
2. Disconnect the FRP regulator harness
3. Connect a test lamp between the high side
circuit (pin 1 of E-50) and a known goodground.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF. DO
NOT start the engine.
Does the test lamp illuminate then go out?
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 9
1. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
2. Connect a test lamp between the low side
circuit (pin 2 of E-50) and battery voltage.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF. DO
NOT start the engine.
Does the test lamp illuminate then go out?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
1. Test the high side circuits between the ECM
(pins 105 and 113 of E-94) and the FRP
regulator (pin 1 of E-50) for a short to battery
or ignition voltage.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 14
1. Test the low side circuits between the ECM
(pins 89 and 97 of E-94) and the FRP
regulator (pin 2 of E-50) for a short to ground.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 14
1. Test the high side circuits between the ECM
(pins 105 and 113 of E-94) and the FRP
regulator (pin 1 of E-50) for the following
• An open circuit
• A short to ground
• A short to the low side circuit
• High resistance
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 12
Important: The ECM may be damaged if the FRPregulator low side circuit is shorted to a voltage
1. Test the low side circuits between the ECM
(pins 89 and 97 of E-94) and the FRP
regulator (pin 2 of E-50) for the following
• An open circuit
• A short to battery or ignition voltage
• High resistance
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 12
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 341/599
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
FRP regulator (pins 1 and 2 of E-50).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 13
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
ECM (pins 89, 97, 105 and 113 of E-94).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 14
Replace the FRP regulator. Refer to Fuel Pump
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 15 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 15 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate thevehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 16
16Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 342/599
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 343/599
1. Inspect the high pressure side between the
fuel supply pump and the fuel injectors for fuel
leakage. The following components may
contain an external leak.
• Fuel supply pump• Fuel rail
• Pressure limiter valve
• Fuel rail pressure (FRP) sensor
• Fuel pipe between the fuel supply pump
and fuel rail
• Fuel pipe between the fuel rail and fuel
• Each fuel pipe sleeve nuts
Notice: Fuel may leak under the cylinder head
cover from the inlet high pressure line. In such
case, the engine oil level will rise. Inspect for fuel
leakage into the engine oil.
Notice: Remove and inspect the inlet high
pressure joint to the fuel injectors for fuel leaking
from the sleeve nut(s). Replace the fuel injector
and injection pipe when foreign material was in
2. Repair any fuel system leaks as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 16 Go to Step 3
1. Remove each glow plug from the cylinder
2. Inspect for fuel leakage into the combustion
Is there a cylinder that fuel leakage into the
combustion chamber?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 4
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0087, P0091, P0092, P0192, P0193,
P0201 — P0204, P2146 or P2149 set?
Go to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 5
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Wait 1 minute for the fuel pressure to bleeddown from the fuel rail.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF. DO
NOT start the engine.
4. Observe the FRP Sensor parameter with the
scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate within the specified
0.9 to 1.0 volt
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 11
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 344/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Place the transmission in Neutral and set the
parking brake.
3. Start the engine.
4. Perform the Cylinder Balance Test with a scan
5. Command each injector OFF and verify an
engine speed change for each injector.
Is there an injector that does not change engine
speed when commanded OFF?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 7
1. Check the fuel system line connections
between the fuel tank and the fuel supply
pump for tightness and all fuel hoses for cuts,
cracks and for the use of proper clamps.
Notice: Air in the fuel system will cause fuel rail
pressure fluctuations especially at high enginespeed and load, which may set this DTC.
2. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 16 Go to Step 8
Notice: Make sure the in-tank fuel pump operation
before performing the following procedures. Refer
to In-tank Fuel Pump System Check in this section.
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the fuel hose from the fuel supply
pump suction side. In order to measure the
discharged fuel amount, put the hose into a
bottle or a container with a scale. (The inlet of
a bottle or a container must be larger than the
diameter of hose.)
3. Turn ON the ignition for 20 seconds, with the
engine OFF.
4. Turn OFF the ignition for 10 seconds.
5. Perform 3 and 4 three times. The accumulated
fuel of three ignition cycles must be more than
300 cc. (Normal amount is more than 100 cc
per one ignition cycle.)
Notice: If there is a leak or a restriction on the
suction side, the fuel from the hose will not flow out
sufficiently that is most likely caused by fuel
leakage, clogged fuel filter, kinked or crushed fuelhose or pipe. Also inside the fuel tank for any
foreign materials may be getting drawn into the fuel
line pickup.
6. Repair fuel system leaking or restrictions as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 16 Go to Step 9
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 345/599
1. Remove the fuel hose that connects to the fuel
supply pump suction side and substitute a
clear hose.
Notice: The hose must be cleaned before
connecting to the fuel line. Otherwise, foreignmaterial internal to the hose may damage the fuel
supply pump.
2. Bleed the fuel system. Repeat as necessary
until the engine starts.
3. Let the engine run at idle for at least 1 minute.
4. Observe the clear hose while holding the
engine speed higher than 3000 RPM for a
minimum of 1 minute.
Notice: If many air bubbles appear in the fuel,
check the fuel line connections between the fuel
supply pump and the fuel tank for tightness and all
fuel hoses for cuts, cranks and for the uses of proper clamps.
5. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 16 Go to Step 10
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the FRP regulator harness
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the FRP regulator (pins 1 and 2
of E-50).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 89, 97, 105 and
113 of E-94).
6. Test for high resistance on each circuit.
7. Repair the connection(s) or circuit(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 16 Go to Step 15
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the FRP sensor harness
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the FRP sensor (pins 1, 2 and 3
of E-48).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 82, 87, 90 and
101 of E-94).
6. Test for high resistance on each circuit.
7. Repair the connection(s) or circuit(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 16 Go to Step 12
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 346/599
Replace the FRP sensor. Refer to FRP Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 16 —
Important: Replacement fuel injector must beprogrammed.
Replace the appropriate fuel injector that was
leaking fuel found at Step 3 and inspect the engine
mechanical for any damage or poor engine
compression. Refer to Fuel Injector Replacement/
Fuel Injector ID Code Data Programming and
engine mechanical section.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 16 —
Important: Replacement fuel injector must be
Replace the appropriate fuel injector that does not
change engine speed when commanded OFF.
Refer to Fuel Injector Replacement/ Fuel Injector ID Code Data Programming.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 16 —
Important: The fuel supply pump must be timed to
the engine and adjustment value must be learned
to the ECM.
Notice: Always replace the fuel filter cartridge
when a fuel supply pump is replaced.
Replace the fuel supply pump and fuel filter
cartridge. Refer to Fuel Supply Pump Replacement
and Fuel Filter Cartridge Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 16—
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 17
17Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
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8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 348/599
1. Inspect the following conditions:
• Restricted air cleaner element, restricted
or collapsed air tubing between the air
cleaner and the intake manifold
• Any air induction leak
• Any contamination or objects that block
the MAF sensor inlet
• Skewed or slow MAF sensor
• Any water intrusion in the induction
• Any type of restriction in the exhaust
• A sticking intake throttle valve
• A sticking EGR valve
• A sticking turbocharger nozzle control
actuator or solenoid valve
2. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 3
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the MAF sensor harness
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the MAF sensor (pins 1, 2 and 3
of C-116).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 22, 39 and 69 of
6. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 4
1. Test each sensor circuit between the ECM
(pins 22 and 69 of C-164) and the MAF sensor
(pins 2 and 3 of C-116) for high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 5
Replace the MAF sensor. Refer to MAF Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 6 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 7
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 349/599
7Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 350/599
DTC P0102 or P0103 (Flash Code 91)
Circuit Description
The mass air flow (MAF) sensor is an air flow meter
that measures the amount of air that enters the engine.
It is fitted between the air cleaner and turbocharger. A
small quantity of air that enters the engine indicatesdeceleration or idle speed. A large quantity of air that
enters the engine indicates acceleration or a high load
condition. The sensor has the following circuits.
• Ignition voltage circuit
• Low reference circuit
• MAF sensor signal circuit
The ECM monitors the MAF sensor signal voltage. This
output voltage will display on the scan tool as a voltage
parameter and as a grams per second (g/s) parameter.
If the ECM detects an excessively low or high signal
voltage, DTC P0102 or P0103 will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• The battery voltage is between 10 to 16.0 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine is running.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the MAF sensor signal
voltage is less than 0.1 volts. (DTC P0102)
• The ECM detects that the MAF sensor signal
voltage is more than 4.9 volts for 3 seconds. (DTC
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM uses a MAF substitution of default value.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection.
• The ECM inhibits EGR control.• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• The MAF Sensor parameter on scan tool will onlyupdate with engine running or one time after the
key is cycled when the ignition has been turned
OFF for longer than 10 seconds.
Test description
The number below refers to the step number on the
Circuit/ System Testing.
DTC P0102
4. This step tests for proper operation of the circuit in
the signal circuit. If the fuse in the jumper opens when
you perform this test, the signal circuit is shorted to
ground or low reference circuits.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0102
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Observe the Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor
parameter with a scan tool.
Is the MAF Sensor parameter less than the
specified value?
0.1 volts
Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
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1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the MAF sensor harness
3. Connect a test lamp between the ignition
voltage feed circuit (pin 1 of C-116) and aknown good ground.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
1. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
2. Connect a 3-amp fused jumper wire between
the ignition voltage feed circuit and the signal
circuit (pins 1 and 3 of C-116).
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the MAF Sensor parameter more than the
specified value?
4.9 volts
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 6
Repair the open circuit or high resistance between
the ECM Main Relay (pin 1 of X-12) and the MAF
sensor (pin 1 of C-116) for and open circuit or high
resistance. Check the Engine (10A) fuse first.
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 11 —
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
69 of C-164) and the MAF sensor (pin 3 of C-
116) for the following conditions:
• An open circuit
• A short to ground
• A short to the low reference circuit
• High resistance
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 8
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
MAF sensor (pins 1 and 3 of C-116).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 9
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor connection at the harness connector of the
ECM (pin 69 of C-164).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
Replace the MAF sensor. Refer to MAF Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 11 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 11 —
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
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8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 353/599
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
MAF sensor (pin 2 of C-116).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 9
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
ECM (pin 22 of C-164).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
Replace the MAF sensor. Refer to MAF Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 11 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 11 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate thevehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 12
12Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 354/599
DTC P0107 or P0108 (Flash Code 32)
Circuit Description
The boost pressure sensor is located in the air
induction tubing. The boost pressure sensor is a
transducer that varies voltage according to changes in
the air pressure inside the air tubing. The sensor hasthe following circuits.
• 5 volts reference circuit
• Low reference circuit
• Boost pressure sensor signal circuit
The boost pressure sensor provides a signal to the
ECM on the signal circuit, which is relative to the
pressure changes in the air tubing. The ECM should
detect a low signal voltage at a low boost pressure,
such as low engine load. The ECM should detect high
signal voltage at a high boost pressure, such as high
engine load. If the ECM detects an excessively low or high signal voltage, DTC P0107 or P0108 will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTCs P0697 are not set.
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the boost pressure sensor
signal voltage is less than 0.1 volts. (DTC P0107)
• The ECM detects that the boost pressure sensor
signal voltage is more than 4.75 volts. (DTC
Action Taken When the DTC Sets• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM uses a boost pressure substitution of
default value.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits EGR control.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0107
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0697 also set?
Go to DTC P0697 Go to Step 3
Observe the Boost Pressure Sensor parameter
with a scan tool.
Is the Boost Pressure Sensor parameter less than
the specified value?
0.1 volts
Go to Step 4
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the boost pressure sensor
harness connector.
3. Connect a DMM between the 5 volts reference
circuit (pin 3 of E-107) and a known good
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 6
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 355/599
Connect a 3-amp fused jumper wire between the 5
volts reference circuit and the signal circuit (pins 3
and 1 of E-107).
Is the Boost Pressure Sensor parameter more than
the specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
1. Test the 5 volts reference circuit between the
ECM (pin 95 of E-94) and the boost pressure
sensor (pin 3 of E-107) for an open circuit or
high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 9
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
91 of E-94) and the boost pressure sensor
(pin 1 of E-107) for the following conditions:
• An open circuit
• A short to ground
• A short to the low reference circuit
• High resistance
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 9
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
boost pressure sensor (pins 1 and 3 of E-107).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 10
1. Turn OFF the ignition.2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
ECM (pins 91 and 95 of E-94).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 11
Replace the boost pressure sensor. Refer to Boost
Pressure Sensor Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 12 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 12 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ FailureRecords.
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 13
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 356/599
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0108
13Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Observe the Boost Pressure Sensor
parameter with a scan tool.
Is the Boost Pressure Sensor parameter more than
the specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
3Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0697 also set?—
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the boost pressure sensor
harness connector.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the Boost Pressure Sensor parameter less than
the specified value?
0.1 volts
Go to DTC P0697 Go to Step 7
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the boost pressure sensor
harness connector.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the Boost Pressure Sensor parameter less than
the specified value?
0.1 volts
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
Connect a test lamp between the low reference
circuit (pin 2 of E-107) and battery voltage.
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Go to Step 9 Go to Step 8
Important: The boost pressure sensor may be
damaged if the sensor signal circuit is shorted to avoltage source.
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
91 of E-94) and the boost pressure sensor
(pin 1 of E-107) for the following conditions:
• A short to battery or ignition voltage
• A short to any 5 volts reference
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 12
1. Test the low reference circuit between the
ECM (pin 109 of E-94) and the boost pressure
sensor (pin 2 of E-107) for an open circuit or high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 357/599
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
boost pressure sensor (pin 2 of E-107).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 11
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
ECM (pin 109 of E-94).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 12
Replace the boost pressure sensor. Refer to Boost
Pressure Sensor Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 13 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 13 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate thevehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 14
14Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 358/599
DTC P0112 or P0113 (Flash Code 22)
Circuit Description
The intake air temperature (IAT) sensor is fitted
between the air cleaner and turbocharger. It is internal
to the mass air flow (MAF) sensor. The IAT sensor is a
variable resistor and it measures the temperature of theair entering the engine. The sensor has a signal circuit
and a low reference circuit. The ECM supplies 5 volts to
the signal circuit and a ground for the low reference
circuit. When the IAT sensor is cold, the sensor
resistance is high. When the air temperature increases,
the sensor resistance decreases. With high sensor
resistance, the ECM detects a high voltage on the
signal circuit. With lower sensor resistance, the ECM
detects a lower voltage on the signal circuit. If the ECM
detects an excessively low or high signal voltage, DTC
P0112 or P0113 will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine run time is longer than 3 minutes.
(DTC P0113)
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the IAT sensor signal
voltage is less than 0.1 volts for 3 seconds. (DTC
• The ECM detects that the IAT sensor signal
voltage is more than 4.75 volts for 3 seconds.
(DTC P0113)
Action Taken When the DTC Sets• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM uses an IAT substitution of default value.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits EGR control.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• Use the Temperature vs. Resistance table to test
the IAT sensor at various temperature levels to
evaluate the possibility of a skewed sensor. A
skewed sensor could result in poor driveability
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0112
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.4. Observe the Intake Air Temperature (IAT)
Sensor parameter with a scan tool.
Is the IAT Sensor parameter less than the specified
0.1 volts
Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the mass air flow/ intake air
temperature (MAF/ IAT) sensor harness
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the IAT Sensor parameter more than the
specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 4
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 359/599
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0113
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
72 of C-164) and the IAT sensor (pin 4 of C-
116) for the following conditions:
• A short to ground
• A short to the low reference circuit
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 6
Replace the MAF sensor. Refer to MAF Sensor
Replacement. (IAT sensor is internal to MAF
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 8 —
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect connections at the harness connector
of the ECM (pins 60 and 72 of C-164) for corrosion.
4. Repair or clean the connection(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 8 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 9
9Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Observe the Intake Air Temperature (IAT)Sensor parameter with a scan tool.
4.7 volts
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 360/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the mass air flow/ intake air
temperature (MAF/ IAT) sensor harness
3. Connect a DMM between the signal circuit(pin 4 of C-116) and a known good ground.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value?
5.3 volts
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
Important: The IAT sensor may be damaged if the
sensor signal circuit is shorted to a voltage source.
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
72 of C-164) and the IAT sensor (pin 4 of C-
116) for a short to battery or ignition voltage.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 13
Connect a 3-amp fused jumper wire between the
signal circuit and the low reference circuit (pins 4
and 5 of C-116).
Is the IAT Sensor parameter less than the specified
0.1 volts
Go to Step 9 Go to Step 6
Connect a 3-amp fused jumper wire between the
signal circuit (pin 4 of C-116) and a known good
Is the IAT Sensor parameter less than the specified
0.1 volts
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
72 of C-164) and the IAT sensor (pin 4 of C-
116) for an open circuit or high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 11
1. Test the low reference circuit between the
ECM (pin 60 of C-164) and the IAT sensor (pin
5 of C-116) for an open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 11
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
72 of C-164) and the IAT sensor (pin 4 of C-
116) for a short to any 5 volts reference circuit.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 10
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
IAT sensor (pins 4 and 5 of C-116).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 12
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 361/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
ECM (pins 60 and 72 of C-164).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 13
Replace the MAF sensor. Refer to MAF Sensor
Replacement. (IAT sensor is internal to MAF
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 14 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 14 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 15
15Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 362/599
DTC P0116 (Flash Code 23)
Circuit Description
The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor is
installed to the thermostat housing. The ECT sensor is
a variable resistor and it measures the temperature of
the engine coolant. If the ECM detects that thedifference of engine coolant temperature is smaller
than the calculated range during the predetermined
conditions, this DTC will set. This DTC will only run
once per ignition cycle within the enabling condition.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTCs P0117, P0118, P0201 — P0204, P0500,
P0501, P1261, P1262, P2146 and P2149 are not
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine coolant temperature is between -10 to110°C (14 to 230°F).
• The vehicle run time is longer than 18 minutes.
• The engine run time is longer than 5 minutes with
engine speed is more than 1200 RPM.
• The accumulation fuel injection quantity since
engine start is more than a threshold.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the difference of maximum
and minimum engine coolant temperature is less
than 5°C (9°F).
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits EGR control.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• After starting the engine the ECT should rise
steadily to about 80 to 85°C (176 to 185°F) then
stabilize when the thermostat opens.
• Use the Temperature vs. Resistance table to test
the ECT sensor at various temperature levels to
evaluate the possibility of a skewed sensor. A
skewed sensor could result in poor driveability
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0116
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Test the engine cooling system for the
following condition. Refer to diagnosis of the
engine cooling system section for testing.
• Engine coolant level
• Engine coolant leakage
2. Repair or replace as necessary
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 3
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the engine coolant temperature
(ECT) sensor harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor connectors
and corrosion at the harness connector of the
ECT sensor (pins 1 and 2 of E-41).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 84 and 109 of E-94).
6 Repair the connection(s) as necessary
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 363/599
1. Test each sensor circuit between the ECM
(pins 84 and 109 of E-94) and the ECT sensor
(pins 1 and 2 of E-41) for high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 5
Replace the ECT sensor. Refer to ECT Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 6 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Cool down the engine as necessary (allow
engine coolant temperature to cool down at
least 50°C [122°F]).
5. Start the engine and wait until engine is warm
upped while comparing the Coolant
Temperature parameter on the scan tool to the
water temperature gauge on the instrument
panel (IP) cluster.
Does the Coolant Temperature rise from 50 to 80°C
(122 to 176°F) in proportion to the coolant
temperature gauge indicates from lowest scale to
slightly below middle?
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 2
7Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 364/599
DTC P0117 or P0118 (Flash Code 23)
Circuit Description
The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor is
installed to the thermostat housing. The ECT sensor is
a variable resistor and it measures the temperature of
the engine coolant. The sensor has a signal circuit anda low reference circuit. The ECM supplies 5 volts to the
signal circuit and a ground for the low reference circuit.
When the ECT sensor is cold, the sensor resistance is
high. When the engine coolant temperature increases,
the sensor resistance decreases. With high sensor
resistance, the ECM detects a high voltage on the
signal circuit. With lower sensor resistance, the ECM
detects a lower voltage on the signal circuit. If the ECM
detects an excessively low or high signal voltage, DTC
P0117 or P0118 will set.
Condition for Running the DTC• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine run time is longer than 3 minutes.
(DTC P0118)
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the ECT sensor signal
voltage is less than 0.1 volts for 3 seconds. (DTC
• The ECM detects that the ECT sensor signal
voltage is more than 4.75 volts for 3 seconds.(DTC P0118)
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM uses an ECT substitution of default
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits EGR control.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• Use the Temperature vs. Resistance table to test
the ECT sensor at various temperature levels to
evaluate the possibility of a skewed sensor. A
skewed sensor could result in poor driveability
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0117
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Observe the Engine Coolant Temperature(ECT) Sensor parameter with a scan tool.
Is the ECT Sensor parameter less than the
specified value?
0.1 volts
Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECT sensor harness
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the ECT Sensor parameter more than the
specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 4
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 365/599
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0118
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
84 of E-94) and the ECT sensor (pin 1 of E-
41) for the following conditions:
• A short to ground
• A short to the low reference circuit
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 6
Replace the ECT sensor. Refer to ECT Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 8 —
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect connections at the harness connector
of the ECM (pins 84 and 109 of E-94) for
corrosion.4. Repair or clean the connection(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 8 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 9
9Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Observe the Engine Coolant Temperature
(ECT) Sensor parameter with a scan tool.
Is the ECT Sensor parameter more than the
4.7 volts
Go to Diagnostic
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 366/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECT sensor harness
3. Connect a DMM between the signal circuit
(pin 1 of E-41) and a known good ground.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value?
5.3 volts
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
Important: The ECT sensor may be damaged if
the sensor signal circuit is shorted to a voltage
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
84 of E-94) and the ECT sensor (pin 1 of E-
41) for a short to battery or ignition voltage.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 13
Connect a 3-amp fused jumper wire between the
signal circuit and the low reference circuit (pins 1
and 2 of E-41).
Is the Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
parameter less than the specified value?
0.1 volts
Go to Step 9 Go to Step 6
Connect a 3-amp fused jumper wire between the
signal circuit (pin 1 of E-41) and a known good
Is the Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
parameter less than the specified value?
0.1 volts
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
84 of E-94) and the ECT sensor (pin 1 of E-
41) for an open circuit or high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 11
1. Test the low reference circuit between the
ECM (pin 109 of E-94) and the ECT sensor
(pin 2 of E-41) for an open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 11
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
84 of E-94) and the ECT sensor (pin 1 of E-
41) for a short to any 5 volts reference circuit.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 10
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
ECT sensor (pins 1 and 2 of E-41).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 12
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 367/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
ECM (pins 84 and 109 of E-94).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 13
Replace the ECT sensor. Refer to ECT Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 14 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 14 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnectedharness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 15
15 Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 368/599
DTC P0122 or P0123 (Flash Code 43)
Circuit Description
The intake throttle position sensor is installed on the
intake throttle valve body together with the control
solenoid. The intake throttle position sensor changes
output voltage according to intake throttle valveposition. The sensor has the following circuits.
• 5 volts reference circuit
• Low reference circuit
• Intake throttle position sensor signal circuit
The intake throttle position sensor provides a signal to
the ECM on the signal circuit, which is relative to the
position changes of the intake throttle valve. If the ECM
detects an excessively low or high signal voltage, DTC
P0122 or P0123 will set.
Condition for Running the DTC• DTC P0697 is not set.
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the intake throttle position
sensor signal voltage is less than 0.1 volts. (DTC
• The ECM detects that the intake throttle position
sensor signal voltage is less than 4.75 volts. (DTC
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL on the second
consecutive driving cycle when the diagnostic runs
and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Action
Taken When the DTC Sets — Type B. (Euro 4Specification)
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
(Except Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM inhibits EGR control.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type B (Euro 4Specification)
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Except Euro 4
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0122
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0697 also set?
Go to DTC P0697 Go to Step 3
Observe the Intake Throttle Position Sensor
parameter with a scan tool.
Is the Intake Throttle Position Sensor parameter
less than the specified value?
0.1 volts
Go to Step 4
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the intake throttle valve harness
3. Connect a DMM between the 5 volts reference
circuit (pin 6 of E-38) and a known good
ground.4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4.7 volts
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 369/599
Connect a 3-amp fused jumper wire between the 5
volts reference circuit and the signal circuit (pins 5
and 6 of E-38).
Is the Intake Throttle Position Sensor parameter
more than the specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
1. Test the 5 volts reference circuit between the
ECM (pin 95 of E-94) and the intake throttle
valve (pin 6 of E-38) for an open circuit for
high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 9
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
85 of E-94) and the intake throttle valve (pin 5
of E-38) for the following conditions:
• An open circuit
• A short to ground
• A short to the low reference circuit
• High resistance
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 9
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
intake throttle valve (pins 5 and 6 of E-38).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 10
1. Turn OFF the ignition.2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
ECM (pins 85 and 95 of E-94).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 11
Replace the intake throttle valve. Refer to Intake
Throttle Valve Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 12 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 12 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ FailureRecords.
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 13
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 370/599
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0123
13Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Observe the Intake Throttle Position Sensor
parameter with a scan tool.
Is the Intake Throttle Position Sensor parameter
more than the specified valve?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
3Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0697 also set?—
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the intake throttle valve harness
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the Intake Throttle Position Sensor parameter
less than the specified value?
0.1 volts
Go to DTC P0697 Go to Step 7
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the intake throttle valve harness
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the Intake Throttle Position Sensor parameter
less than the specified value?
0.1 volts
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
Connect a test lamp between the low reference
circuit (pin 3 of E-38) and battery voltage.
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Go to Step 9 Go to Step 8
Important: The intake throttle position sensor may
be damaged if the sensor signal circuit is shorted toa voltage source.
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
85 of E-94) and the intake throttle valve (pin 5
of E-38) for the following conditions:
• A short to battery or ignition voltage
• A short to any 5 volts reference
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 12
1. Test the low reference circuit between the
ECM (pin 109 of E-94) and the intake throttle
valve (pin 3 of E-38) for an open circuit or highresistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 371/599
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
intake throttle valve (pin 3 of E-38).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 11
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
ECM (pin 109 of E-94).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 12
Replace the intake throttle valve. Refer to Intake
Throttle Valve Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 13 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 13 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate thevehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 14
14Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 372/599
DTC P0182 or P0183 (Flash Code 211)
Circuit Description
The fuel temperature (FT) sensor is installed to the fuel
supply pump. The FT sensor is a variable resistor and it
measures the temperature of the fuel entering the fuel
supply pump. The sensor has a signal circuit and a lowreference circuit. The ECM supplies 5 volts to the
signal circuit and a ground for the low reference circuit.
When the FT sensor is cold, the sensor resistance is
high. When the fuel temperature increases, the sensor
resistance decreases. With high sensor resistance, the
ECM detects a high voltage on the signal circuit. With
lower sensor resistance, the ECM detects a lower
voltage on the signal circuit. If the ECM detects an
excessively low or high signal voltage, DTC P0182 or
P0183 will set.
Condition for Running the DTC• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine run time is longer than 3 minutes.
(DTC P0183)
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the FT sensor signal voltage
is less than 0.1 volts for 3 seconds. (DTC P0182)
• The ECM detects that the FT sensor signal voltage
is more than 4.75 volts for 3 seconds. (DTC
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM uses a FT substitution of default value.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• Before starting a cold engine, FT sensor and
engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor
temperature should be relatively close to each
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• Use the Temperature vs. Resistance table to test
the FT sensor at various temperature levels to
evaluate the possibility of a skewed sensor. A
skewed sensor could result in poor driveability
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0182
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Observe the Fuel Temperature (FT) Sensor
parameter with a scan tool.
Is the FT Sensor parameter less than the specified
0.1 volts
Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the FT sensor harness connector.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the FT Sensor parameter more than the
specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 4
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 373/599
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0183
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
83 of E-94) and the FT sensor (pin 2 of E-27)
for the following conditions:
• A short to ground
• A short to the low reference circuit
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 6
Replace the FT sensor. Refer to FT Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 8 —
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect connections at the harness connector
of the ECM (pins 83 and 109 of E-94) for
corrosion.4. Repair or clean the connection(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 8 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 9
9Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Observe the Fuel Temperature (FT) Sensor
parameter with a scan tool.
Is the FT Sensor parameter more than the
4.7 volts
Go to Diagnostic
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 374/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the FT sensor harness connector.
3. Connect a DMM between the signal circuit
(pin 2 of E-27) and a known good ground.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value?
5.3 volts
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
Important: The FT sensor may be damaged if the
sensor signal circuit is shorted to a voltage source.
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
83 of E-94) and the FT sensor (pin 2 of E-27)
for a short to battery or ignition voltage.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 13
Connect a 3-amp fused jumper wire between the
signal circuit and the low reference circuit (pins 1and 2 of E-27).
Is the FT Sensor parameter less than the specified
0.1 volts
Go to Step 9 Go to Step 6
Connect a 3-amp fused jumper wire between the
signal circuit (pin 2 of E-27) and a known good
Is the FT Sensor parameter less than the specified
0.1 volts
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
83 of E-94) and the FT sensor (pin 2 of E-27)
for an open circuit or high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 11
1. Test the low reference circuit between the
ECM (pin 109 of E-94) and the FT sensor (pin
1 of E-27) for an open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 11
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
83 of E-94) and the FT sensor (pin 2 of E-27)
for a short to any 5 volts reference circuit.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 10
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
FT sensor (pins 1 and 2 of E-27).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 12
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of theECM (pins 83 and 109 of E-94).
4 Repair the connection(s) as necessary
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 375/599
Replace the FT sensor. Refer to FT Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 14 —
Important: Replacement ECM must beprogrammed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 14 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 15
15Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 376/599
DTC P0192 or P0193 (Flash Code 245)
Circuit Description
The fuel rail pressure (FRP) sensor is installed to the
fuel rail and it detects the fuel pressure in the fuel rail,
converts the pressure into a voltage signal, and sends
the signal to the ECM. The sensor has the followingcircuits.
• 5 volts reference circuit
• Low reference circuit
• FRP sensor signal circuit
The ECM monitors the FRP sensor signal voltage.
Higher fuel rail pressure provides higher signal voltage
while lower pressure provides lower signal voltage. The
ECM calculates actual fuel rail pressure (fuel pressure)
from the voltage signal and uses the result in fuel
injection control and other control tasks. If the ECM
detects an excessively low or high signal voltage, DTCP0192 or P0193 will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTCs P0651 is not set.
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the FRP sensor signal
voltage is less than 0.4 volts. (DTC P0192)
• The ECM detects that the FRP sensor signal
voltage is more than 4.75 volts. (DTC P0193)
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnosticruns and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM uses a FRP substitution of default value.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• Electromagnetic interference may affect
intermittent condition.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0192
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0651 also set?
Go to DTC P0651 Go to Step 3
Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Sensor
parameter with a scan tool.
Is the FRP Sensor parameter less than the
specified value?
0.4 volts
Go to Step 4
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the FRP sensor harness
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the FRP Sensor parameter more than the
specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 6
5Connect a DMM between the 5 volts referencecircuit (pin 3 of E-48) and a known good ground.
Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 377/599
1. Test the signal circuits between the ECM (pins
82 and 90 of E-94) and the FRP sensor (pin 2
of E-48) for the following conditions:
• A short to ground
• A short to the low reference circuit
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 11
1. Test the 5 volts reference circuit between the
ECM (pin 87 of E-94) and the FRP sensor (pin
3 of E-48) for an open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 9
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
FRP sensor (pin 3 of E-48).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 10
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
ECM (pin 87 of E-94).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 11
Replace the FRP sensor. Refer to FRP Sensor Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 12 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 12 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 13
13Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 378/599
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0193
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0651 also set?
Go to DTC P0651 Go to Step 3
Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Sensor
parameter with a scan tool.
Is the FRP Sensor parameter more than the
specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 4
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the FRP sensor harness
3. Connect a DMM between the signal circuit
(pin 2 of E-48) and a known good ground.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value?
5.3 volts
Go to Step 10 Go to Step 5
1. Connect a test lamp between the signal circuit
(pin 2 of E-48) and a known good ground.
2. Connect a DMM between the probe of the test
lamp and a known good ground.
Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 9 Go to Step 6
Connect a 3-amp fused jumper wire between the
signal circuit and the low reference circuit (pins 1
and 2 of E-48).
Is the FRP Sensor parameter less than the
specified value?
0.1 volts
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 7
1. Test the low reference circuit between the
ECM (pin 101 of E-94) and the FRP sensor
(pin 1 of E-48) for an open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 8
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pins
82 and 90 of E-94) and the FRP sensor (pin 2
of E-48) for an open circuit or high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 12
1. Test the signal circuits between the ECM (pins
82 and 90 of E-94) and the FRP sensor (pin 2
of E-48) for a short to any 5 volts reference
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 14
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 379/599
Important: The FRP sensor may be damaged if
the sensor signal circuit is shorted to a voltage
1. Test the signal circuits between the ECM (pins
82 and 90 of E-90) and the FRP sensor (pin 2of E-48) for a short to battery or ignition
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 14
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
FRP sensor (pins 1 and 2 of E-48).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 13
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
ECM (pins 82, 90 and 109 of E-94).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 14
Replace the FRP sensor. Refer to FRP Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 15 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 15 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 16
16Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 380/599
DTC P0201, P0202, P0203 or P0204 (Flash Code 271, 272, 273 or 274)
Circuit Description
The ECM calculates the optimum fuel injection ON time
using data sent from various engine sensors. The
common 1 and 2 fuel injector charge voltage circuits
are high-voltage supply, which drives fuel injectors for each cylinder in conjunction with the ECM grounding
the fuel injector solenoid control circuit. The common 1
covers fuel injectors in cylinders #1 and #4, and the
common 2 covers fuel injectors in cylinders #2 and #3.
If the fuel injector charge voltage circuit or solenoid
control circuit is open circuit, this DTC will set. DTC
P0201 — P0204 will set depending upon which cylinder
injector circuit failed.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTCs P2146 is not set. (DTC P0201 or P0204)
• DTCs P2149 is not set. (DTC P0203 or P0204)
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine is running.
• The engine speed is more than 70RPM.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects an open circuit on the fuel
injector solenoid circuits.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• Each DTC agrees with engine cylinder order.- P0201: Cylinder #1
— P0202: Cylinder #2
— P0203: Cylinder #3
— P0204: Cylinder #4
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0201
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the cylinder #1 fuel injector
harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector (pins 1
and 2 of E-13).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 4
Measure the resistance of cylinder #1 fuel injector
Is the resistance less the specified value?
2.0 Ω
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 9
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 381/599
1. Disconnect the cylinder #4 fuel injector
harness connector.
2. Measure the resistance of the charge voltage
circuit between the cylinder #1 and #4 fuel
injector (pin 2 of E-13 and pin 2 of E-16).
Is the resistance less than the specified value?
1.0 Ω
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
1. Test the control circuit between the ECM (pin
119 of E-94) and the cylinder #1 fuel injector
(pin 1 of E-13) for an open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 8
1. Test the charge voltage circuit between the
ECM (pin 121 of E-94) and the cylinder #1 fuel
injector (pin 2 of E-13) for an open circuit or
high resistance.2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 8
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
ECM (pins 119 and 121 of E-94).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
Important: Replacement fuel injector must beprogrammed.
Replace the cylinder #1 fuel injector. Refer to Fuel
Injector Replacement/ Fuel Injector ID Code Data
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 11 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 11 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 12
12Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 382/599
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0202
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the cylinder #2 fuel injector
harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector (pins 1
and 2 of E-14).4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 4
Measure the resistance of cylinder #2 fuel injector
Is the resistance less the specified value?
2.0 Ω
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 9
1. Disconnect the cylinder #3 fuel injector
harness connector.
2. Measure the resistance of the charge voltage
circuit between the cylinder #2 and #3 fuel
injector (pin 2 of E-14 and pin 2 of E-15).
Is the resistance less than the specified value?
1.0 Ω
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
1. Test the control circuit between the ECM (pin
118 of E-94) and the cylinder #2 fuel injector
(pin 1 of E-14) for an open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 8
1. Test the charge voltage circuit between the
ECM (pin 116 of E-94) and the cylinder #2 fuel
injector (pin 2 of E-14) for an open circuit or
high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 8
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
ECM (pins 118 and 116 of E-94).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
Important: Replacement fuel injector must be
programmed.Replace the cylinder #2 fuel injector. Refer to Fuel
Injector Replacement/ Fuel Injector ID Code Data
P i
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 383/599
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0203
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 11 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 12
12Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the cylinder #3 fuel injector
harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector (pins 1
and 2 of E-15).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 4
Measure the resistance of cylinder #3 fuel injector
Is the resistance less the specified value?
2.0 Ω
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 9
1. Disconnect the cylinder #2 fuel injector
harness connector.
2. Measure the resistance of the charge voltage
circuit between the cylinder #2 and #3 fuel
injector (pin 2 of E-14 and pin 2 of E-15).
Is the resistance less than the specified value?
1.0 Ω
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 384/599
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0204
1. Test the control circuit between the ECM (pin
120 of E-94) and the cylinder #3 fuel injector
(pin 1 of E-15) for an open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 8
1. Test the charge voltage circuit between the
ECM (pin 116 of E-94) and the cylinder #3 fuel
injector (pin 2 of E-15) for an open circuit or
high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 8
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
ECM (pins 116 and 120 of E-94).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
Important: Replacement fuel injector must be
Replace the cylinder #3 fuel injector. Refer to Fuel
Injector Replacement/ Fuel Injector ID Code Data
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 11 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 11 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ FailureRecords.
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 12
12Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
1Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check -Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to DiagnosticSystem Check —
Engine Controls
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 385/599
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the cylinder #4 fuel injector
harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector (pins 1
and 2 of E-16).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 4
Measure the resistance of cylinder #4 fuel injector
Is the resistance less the specified value?
2.0 Ω
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 9
1. Disconnect the cylinder #1 fuel injector
harness connector.
2. Measure the resistance of the charge voltage
circuit between the cylinder #1 and #4 fuel
injector (pin 2 of E-13 and pin 2 of E-16).
Is the resistance less than the specified value?
1.0 Ω
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
1. Test the control circuit between the ECM (pin
117 of E-94) and the cylinder #4 fuel injector
(pin 1 of E-16) for an open circuit or high
resistance.2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 8
1. Test the charge voltage circuit between the
ECM (pin 121 of E-94) and the cylinder #4 fuel
injector (pin 2 of E-16) for an open circuit or
high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 8
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
ECM (pins 117 and 121 of E-94).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
Important: Replacement fuel injector must be
Replace the cylinder #4 fuel injector. Refer to Fuel
Injector Replacement/ Fuel Injector ID Code Data
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 11 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM Refer to ECM Replacement —
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 386/599
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 12
12Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 387/599
DTC P0217 (Flash Code 542)
Circuit Description
The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor is
installed to the thermostat housing. The ECT sensor is
a variable resistor and it measures the temperature of
the engine coolant. If the ECM detects an excessivehigh coolant temperature, this DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTCs P0116, P0117 and P0118 are not set.
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine is running.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the engine coolant
temperature is more than 110°C (230°F) for 5seconds.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM will not illuminate the MIL or SVS lamp.
Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Action Taken
When the DTC Sets — Type D.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the DTC — Type D.
Diagnostic Aids
• After starting the engine, the ECT should rise
steadily to about 80 to 85°C (176 to 185°F) then
stabilize when the thermostat opens.
• Use the Temperature vs. Resistance table to test
the ECT sensor at various temperature levels to
evaluate the possibility of a skewed sensor. A
skewed sensor could result in poor driveability
• The Total Engine Coolant Overtemperature Events
parameter on scan tool indicates number of
overheat events.Notice:
• This DTC is caused by an engine overheat
condition (e.g. low engine coolant level). Since this
DTC does not illuminate any lamps, clear the DTC
and ensure there are no signs of engine damage.
Excessive engine overheat may damage internal
engine components.
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0217
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
1Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check -Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to DiagnosticSystem Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0117 also set?
Go to DTC P0117 Go to Step 3
1. Test the engine cooling system for the
following condition. Refer to diagnosis of the
engine cooling system section for testing.
• Engine coolant level
• Engine coolant leakage
• Cooling fan belt slippage
• Cooling fan clutch working
• Thermostat working
• Water pump working
• Radiator clogging
2. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 4
Start the engine and wait until engine is fully warm
upped while observing the Coolant Temperature
parameter with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate more than the specified
110°C (230°F)
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 388/599
Ask the driver if overheat is caused by low engine
coolant level, etc.
If engine overheat has experienced, the engine
must be inspected and repaired as necessary.
Did you complete the action?
Go to Step 7 —
1. Test the engine coolant temperature (ECT)
sensor at various temperature levels to
evaluate the possibility of a skewed sensor.
2. Replace the ECT sensor as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7
Go to Diagnostic
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine and wait until engine is fully
warm upped while observing the Coolant
Temperature parameter with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate more than the specified
110°C (230°F)
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 8
8Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 389/599
DTC P0219 (Flash Code 543)
Circuit Description
The crankshaft position (CKP) sensor is located on the
left-hand of the cylinder block rear and it is behind the
starter motor. The ECM calculates the engine speed
and exact position of the crankshaft based on thesignal pulse from the CKP sensor. If the ECM detects
an engine overrun condition, this DTC will set.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the engine speed is more
than 5000 RPM (4JK1 standard output) or 4800
RPM (4JK1 high output and 4JJ1).
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the SVS lamp when the
diagnostic runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type
Definitions for Action Taken When the DTC Sets —
Type C. (Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
(Except Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
• The ECM stops engine running when the vehicle
speed is lower than 5 km/h (3 MPH) for 5 seconds.
The engine will run after the key is cycled when the
ignition has been tuned OFF for longer than 10
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type C. (Euro 4
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Except Euro 4
Diagnostic Aids
• Make sure the CKP sensor is tight and the teeth
are not damaged.
• Electromagnetic interference in the CKP sensor
circuits may set this DTC.
• The Total Engine Overspeed Events parameter on
scan tool indicates number of overrun events.
• This DTC is caused by an engine overspeed
condition, which was most likely caused by driver
error (i.e. downshifting a manual transmission on a
steep grade). Excessive engine overspeed may
damage internal engine components.
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0219
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
Important: If DTC P0335 or P0336 is set, diagnose
that DTC first.
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Start the engine.
3. Observe the Engine Speed parameter with a
scan tool.
4. Accelerate the engine as necessary.
Does the Engine Speed parameter ever exceed the
specified value?
5000 RPM
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 3
Ask the driver if overrun is caused by gear slip-out,
shift error, down-slope driving, etc. If engine
overrun has experienced, the engine must be
inspected and repaired as necessary.
Did you complete the action?
Go to Step 6 —
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 390/599
1. Inspect the CKP sensor and sensor rotor for
the following conditions:
• Physical damage of sensor
• Loose or improper installation of sensor
• Excessive air gap
• Foreign material passing between sensor
and sensor rotor
• Physical damage of sensor rotor
• Loose or improper installation of sensor
2. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 5
Replace the CKP sensor. Refer to CKP Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 6 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Accelerate the engine between idle and
W.O.T. (accelerator pedal full travel) many
times while observing the Engine Speed
parameter with a scan tool.
Does the Engine Speed parameter ever exceed the
specified value?
5000 RPM
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 7
7Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 391/599
DTC P0231 or P0232 (Flash Code 69)
Circuit Description
The ECM controls the fuel pump relay which supplies
power to the fuel pump in the fuel tank. The ECM
commands the fuel pump relay ON for a certain length
of time at ignition switch is ON with the engine OFF.During the engine running it is continuously
commanded ON. If the ECM detects an improper
voltage level on the relay control circuit, DTC P0231 or
P0232 will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects a low voltage condition on thefuel pump relay control circuit for longer than 3
second when the relay is commanded OFF. (DTC
• The ECM detects a high voltage condition on the
fuel pump relay control circuit for longer than 3
second when the relay is commanded ON. (DTC
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the SVS lamp when the
diagnostic runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type
Definitions for Action Taken When the DTC Sets -Type C. (Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
(Except Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type C. (Euro 4
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Except Euro 4
Diagnostic Aids• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• The fuel pump relay is commanded ON for 12
seconds at ignition switch is ON with the engine
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0231
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition for 20 seconds while
observing the DTC Information with a scantool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Replace the fuel pump relay with the head
light relay or replace with a known good relay.
3. Turn ON the ignition for 20 seconds while
observing the DTC Information with a scan
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 7
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 392/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Remove the fuel pump relay.
3. Probe the ignition voltage feed circuit of the
relay coil side (pin 3 of X-13) with a test lamp
that is connected a known good ground.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 6
1. Test the control circuit between the ECM (pin
13 of C-164) and the relay (pin 5 of X-13) for
the following conditions:
• An open circuit
• A short to ground
• High resistance
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 8
Repair the open circuit or high resistance between
the ECM main relay (pin 1 of X-12) and the fuel
pump relay (pin 3 of X-13).
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 11 —
1. Remove the fuel pump relay.
2. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection on each relay terminal.
3. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 9
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
ECM (pin 13 of C-164).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
9Replace the fuel pump relay.
Did you complete the replacement?—
Go to Step 11 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 11 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected fuse,
relay or harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Turn ON the ignition for 20 seconds while
observing the DTC Information with a scan
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 12
Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 393/599
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0232
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Replace the fuel pump relay with the head
light relay or replace with a known good relay.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail?
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
1. Test the control circuit between the ECM (pin
13 of C-164) and the relay (pin 5 of X-13) for a
short to battery or ignition voltage.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 6
5Replace the fuel pump relay.
Did you complete the replacement?—
Go to Step 7 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 7 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected relay
or harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 8
8Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 394/599
DTC P0234 (Flash Code 42)
Circuit Description
The boost pressure sensor is located in the air
induction tubing. The sensor is a transducer that varies
voltage according to changes in the air pressure inside
the air tubing. The ECM monitors the boost pressuresensor signal for abnormal values. If the ECM detects
that the sensor signal is excessively high, this DTC will
set. This indicates excessive high boost pressure.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTCs P0045, P0107 and P0108 are not set.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine is running.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the actual boost pressure ismore than 20 kPa (3 psi) over the desired boost
pressure under certain conditions for longer than
10 seconds.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Diagnostic Aids
• An open circuit or high resistance in the boost
pressure low reference circuit may set this DTC.
• Misrouted vacuum hoses may set this DTC.
• Check the turbocharger nozzle control actuator for
a sticking. Refer to Turbocharger in the Engine
Mechanical section.
• Use a scan tool to verify the integrity of the boost
pressure sensor signal. Compare the Boost
Pressure to the Desired Boost Pressure under all
load conditions for an excessively high value.
• The fuel with which gasoline was mixed may set
this DTC.
Test Description
The numbers below refer to the step number on the
Circuit/ System Testing.
3. A skewed boost pressure sensor value (shifted to a
higher pressure) can set this DTC. The Boost Pressure
on the scan tool should read near Barometric Pressure
(BARO) with the key ON and engine OFF.
4. A skewed BARO sensor value (shifted to a lower
pressure) may indicate a wrong boost pressure. The
BARO on the scan tool should read near surrounding
barometric pressure.
Schematic Reference: Vacuum Hose Routing
Diagram and Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0234
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System — Check
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0045, P0107, P0108, P0638, P2227,
P2228 or P2229 also set?
Go to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 3
1. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
2. Observe the Boost Pressure and Barometric
Pressure (BARO) with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate that the difference
between the Boost Pressure and BARO is more
than the specified value?
10 kPa (1.5
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 395/599
Compare the BARO value to the range specified in
the altitude vs. barometric pressure table. Refer to
Altitude vs Barometric Pressure.
Is the BARO parameter within the range specified?
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
1. Inspect the following for possible causes of
high boost pressure.
• Misrouted turbocharger nozzle control
actuator vacuum hoses
• Turbocharger nozzle control actuator or
solenoid valve for a stuck condition.
Refer to Turbocharger Control System
Check in this section.
• Intake throttle valve sticking. Perform the
Intake Throttle Solenoid Control with a
scan tool
• Oil in the air induction tubing causing an
incorrect boost pressure sensor signal.When there is adhesion of oil inside of
the tubing, intercooler or turbocharger it
needs to be wiped off.
2. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you find and correction the condition?
Go to Step 10
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the boost pressure sensor
harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
boost pressure sensor (pin 2 of E-107).4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for a poor
connection and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pin 109 of E-94).
6. Test for high resistance of the low reference
7. Repair the connection(s) or circuit(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 10 Go to Step 8
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the BARO sensor harness
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
BARO sensor (pins 2 and 3 of E-40).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pin 71 of C-164 and pin
87 of E-94).
6. Test for high resistance on each circuit.
7. Repair the connection(s) or circuit(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 10 Go to Step 9
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 396/599
Replace the boost pressure sensor. Refer to Boost
Pressure Sensor Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 10 —
9Replace the BARO sensor. Refer to BARO Sensor Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 10 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Drive the vehicle that the Calculated Engine
Load parameter reaches at least 50% for
longer than 10 seconds (such as acceleration
on ramp) while comparing the Boost Pressure
to the Desired Boost Pressure.
Does the Boost Pressure parameter follow within
the specified value?
±20 kPa (±3
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 2
11Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 397/599
DTC P0299 (Flash Code 65)
Circuit Description
The boost pressure sensor is located in the air
induction tubing. The sensor is a transducer that varies
voltage according to changes in the air pressure inside
the air tubing. The ECM monitors the boost pressuresensor signal for abnormal values. If the ECM detects
that the sensor signal is excessively low, this DTC will
set. This indicates excessive low boost pressure.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTCs P0045, P0087, P0088, P0089, P0091,
P0092, P0093, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0107,
P0108, P0116, P0117, P0118, P0122, P0123,
P0192, P0193, P0401, P0404, P0405, P0406,
P0638, P0651, P0697, P1093, P1404, P2227,
P2228 and P2229 are not set.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine is running.
• The fuel injection quantity is higher than a
predetermined value.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the actual boost pressure is
more than 40 kPa (6 psi) below the desired boost
pressure under certain conditions for longer than
10 seconds.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• Induction air leakage can cause a low boost
pressure condition. A whistling noise may be heard
if a component is allowing air to enter the induction
• Check for cracked air tubing that may only open
during certain engine movement conditions.
• Misrouted vacuum hoses may set this DTC.
• Check the turbocharger nozzle control actuator for
a sticking. Refer to Turbocharger in the Engine
Mechanical section.
• Use a scan tool to verify the integrity of the boost
pressure sensor signal. Compare the Boost
Pressure to the Desired Boost Pressure under all
load conditions for an excessively low value.
• Loss of vacuum pressure or vacuum pumpproblem sets this DTC.
Test Description
The numbers below refer to the step number on the
diagnostic table.
4. A skewed boost pressure sensor value (shifted to a
lower pressure) can set this DTC. The Boost Pressure
on the scan tool should read near Barometric Pressure
(BARO) with the key ON and engine OFF.
5. A skewed BARO sensor value (shifted to a higher
pressure) may indicate a wrong boost pressure. The
BARO on the scan tool should read near surroundingbarometric pressure.
Schematic Reference: Vacuum Hose Routing
Diagram and Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0299
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0045, P0107, P0108, P2227, P2228 or
P2229 also set?
Go to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 3
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 398/599
1. Inspect the following for possible causes of
low boost pressure.
• Air leakage around the boost pressure
sensor or objects that block the sensor
hole.• Air leaking around any of the air induction
tubing between the turbocharger and
intake manifold. Check for damaged
components and for loose clamps.
• Misrouted, disconnected or kinked
turbocharger nozzle control actuator
vacuum hose.
• Turbine shaft binding causing lower
turbocharger shaft spinning speeds.
Refer to the Turbocharger in Engine
Mechanical section for diagnosis.
• Turbocharger nozzle control actuator or
solenoid valve for a stuck condition.
Refer to Turbocharger Control System
Check in this section.
• Intake throttle valve sticking. Perform the
Intake Throttle Solenoid Control with a
scan tool.
• Restricted air cleaner element, restricted
or collapsed air tubing between the air
cleaner and the boost pressure sensor.
• Oil in the air induction tubing causing an
incorrect boost pressure sensor signal.
When there is adhesion of oil inside of
the tubing, intercooler or turbocharger itneeds to be wiped off.
2. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 10 Go to Step 4
1. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
2. Observe the Boost Pressure and Barometric
Pressure (BARO) with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate that the difference
between the Boost Pressure and BARO is more
than the specified value?
10 kPa (1.5
Go to Step 5
Go to Diagnostic
Compare the BARO value to the range specified in
the altitude vs. barometric pressure table. Refer to Altitude vs Barometric Pressure.
Is the BARO parameter within the range specified?
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 399/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the boost pressure sensor
harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of theboost pressure sensor (pins 1 and 3 of E-107).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 91 and 95 of E-
6. Test for high resistance on each circuit.
7. Repair the connection(s) or circuit(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 10 Go to Step 8
1. Turn OFF the ignition.2. Disconnect the BARO sensor harness
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
BARO sensor (pin 1 of E-120).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for a poor
connection and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pin 101 of E-94).
6. Test for high resistance of the low reference
7. Repair the connection(s) or circuit(s) asnecessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 10 Go to Step 9
Replace the boost pressure sensor. Refer to Boost
Pressure Sensor Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 10 —
Replace the BARO sensor. Refer to BARO Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 10 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Drive the vehicle that the engine speed is
more than 2000 RPM and the Calculated
Engine Load parameter reaches at least 50%
for longer than 10 seconds (such as
acceleration on ramp) while comparing the
Boost Pressure to the Desired Boost
Does the Boost Pressure parameter follow within
the specified value?
±20 kPa (±3
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 2
11Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 400/599
DTC P0335 (Flash Code 15)
Circuit Description
The crankshaft position (CKP) sensor is located on the
left-hand of the cylinder block rear and it is behind the
starter motor. The sensor rotor is fixed on the
crankshaft. There are 56 notches spaced 6° apart anda 30° section that is open span. This open span portion
allows for the detection of top dead center (TDC). The
CKP sensor is a magnetic resistance element (MRE)
type sensor, which generates a square wave signal
pulse. The sensor has the following circuits.
• 5 volts reference circuit
• Low reference circuit
• CKP sensor signal circuit
The ECM monitors both CKP sensor and camshaft
position (CMP) sensor signal pulses to ensure they
correlate with each other. If the ECM receives a certainamount of CMP sensor signal pulses without a CKP
sensor signal pulse, this DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTCs P0336, P0340, P0016 are not set.
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The CMP sensor signal pulse is detected.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the CKP sensor signal
pulses are not generated during engine rotations.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• Electromagnetic interference in the CKP sensor
circuits may set this DTC.
• An intermittent CKP sensor signal pulse may set
this DTC.
• Ensure the sensor is tight and the sensor rotor
teeth are not damaged.
• If the CKP sensor signal pulse is lost while
running, the engine will stop.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0335
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine (Note a slight start delay maybe noticed).
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0340 or P0697 also set?
Go to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 3
Observe the Cam/ Crank Sensor Signal
Synchronization Status parameter with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate Synchronous?
— Go to Diagnostic
Aids Go to Step 4
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the crankshaft position (CKP)
sensor harness connector.
3. Connect a DMM between the 5 volts reference
circuit (pin 3 of E-52) and a known goodground.
4 Turn ON the ignition with the engine OFF
4.7 volts
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 401/599
Connect a DMM between the signal circuit (pin 1 of
E-52) and a known good ground.
Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value?
5.3 volts
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 6
6 Is the DMM voltage more than the specified valueat Step 5? 4.7 volts Go to Step 7 Go to Step 11
1. Connect a test lamp between the signal circuit
(pin 1 of E-52) and a known good ground.
2. Connect a DMM between the probe of the test
lamp and a known good ground.
Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 8
Connect a DMM between the 5 volts reference
circuit and low reference circuit (pins 2 and 3 of E-
Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 10
1. Test the 5 volts reference circuit between theECM (pin 95 of E-94) and the CKP sensor (pin
3 of E-52) for an open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 19 Go to Step 15
1. Test the low reference circuit between the
ECM (pin 109 of E-94) and the CKP sensor
(pin 2 of E-52) for an open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 19 Go to Step 15
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
107 of E-94) and the CKP sensor (pin 1 of E-
52) for the following conditions:
• An open circuit
• A short to ground
• A short to the low reference circuit
• High resistance
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 19 Go to Step 15
Important: The CKP sensor may be damaged if
the sensor signal circuit is shorted to a voltagesource.
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
107 of E-94) and the CKP sensor (pin 1 of E-
52) for a short to battery or ignition voltage.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 19 Go to Step 18
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
107 of E-94) and the CKP sensor (pin 1 of E-
52) for a short to any 5 volts reference.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 19 Go to Step 18
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 402/599
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
CKP sensor (pins 1, 2 and 3 of E-52).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 19 Go to Step 16
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
ECM (pins 95, 108, 107 and 109 of E-94).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 19 Go to Step 18
1. Inspect the CKP sensor and sensor rotor for
the following conditions:
• Physical damage of sensor • Loose or improper installation of sensor
• Excessive air gap
• Foreign material passing between sensor
and sensor rotor
• Physical damage of sensor rotor
• Loose or improper installation of sensor
2. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 19 Go to Step 17
Replace the CKP sensor. Refer to CKP Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 19 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 19 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 20
20Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 403/599
DTC P0336 (Flash Code 15)
Circuit Description
The crankshaft position (CKP) sensor is located on the
left-hand of the cylinder block rear and it is behind the
starter motor. The sensor rotor is fixed on the
crankshaft. There are 56 notches spaced 6° apart anda 30° section that is open span. This open span portion
allows for the detection of top dead center (TDC). The
ECM monitors both CKP sensor and camshaft position
(CMP) sensor signal pulses to ensure they correlate
with each other. If the ECM receives extra or missing
CKP sensor signal pulse, this DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTC P0016, P0355 and P0340 are not set.
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.• The CKP sensor signal pulse is detected.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects extra or missing CKP sensor
signal pulses during engine rotations.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• Electromagnetic interference in the CKP sensor
circuits may set this DTC.
• An intermittent CKP sensor signal pulse may set
this DTC.
• Ensure the sensor is tight and the sensor rotor
teeth are not damaged.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0336
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine (Note a slight start delay may
be noticed).
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0335, P0340 or P0697 also set?
Go to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 3
1. Inspect all of the circuits going to the
crankshaft position (CKP) sensor for the
following conditions:
• Routed too closely to fuel injection wiring
or components
• Routed too closely to after-market add-
on electrical equipment
• Routed too closely to solenoids and
2. If you find incorrect routing, correct the
harness routing.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 4
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 404/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 95, 107, 108 and109 of E-94).
4. Disconnect the CKP sensor harness
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the CKP sensor (pins 1, 2 and 3
of E-52).
6. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 5
1. Inspect the CKP sensor and sensor rotor for
the following conditions:
• Physical damage of sensor
• Loose or improper installation of sensor
• Excessive air gap
• Foreign material passing between sensor
and sensor rotor
• Physical damage of sensor rotor
• Loose or improper installation of sensor
2. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 6
Replace the CKP sensor. Refer to CKP Sensor Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 7 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ FailureRecords.
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 8
8Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 405/599
DTC P0340 (Flash Code 14)
Circuit Description
The camshaft position (CMP) sensor is installed on the
timing chain sprocket cover at the front of the camshaft
idle gear. The CMP sensor detects total of five
projections per one engine cycle (four projectionsarranged equally every 90° and one reference
projection on the timing chain sprocket surface). The
CMP sensor is a magnetic resistance element (MRE)
type sensor, which generates a square wave signal
pulse. The sensor has the following circuits.
• 5 volts reference circuit
• Low reference circuit
• CMP sensor signal circuit
The ECM monitors both crankshaft position (CKP)
sensor and CMP sensor signal pulses to ensure they
correlate with each other. If the ECM receives a certainamount of CKP sensor signal pulses without a CMP
sensor signal pulse, this DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTCs P0016, P0335 and P0336 are not set.
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The CKP sensor signal pulse is detected.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the CMP sensor signal
pulses are not generated during engine rotations.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the SVS lamp when the
diagnostic runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type
Definitions for Action Taken When the DTC Sets —
Type C. (Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
(Except Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type C. (Euro 4
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Except Euro 4
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer toIntermittent Conditions in this section.
• Electromagnetic interference in the CMP sensor
circuits may set this DTC.
• An intermittent CMP sensor signal pulse may set
this DTC.
• Ensure the sensor is tight and the timing chain
sprocket is not damaged.
• If the CMP sensor signal pulse is lost while
running, the engine will operate normally. If the
CMP sensor signal pulse is not present on start-up, the engine will not start.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0340
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
1 Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check -Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to DiagnosticSystem Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine. If the engine does not start,
crank over the engine for 10 seconds.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0651 also set?
Go to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 3
Start the engine. If the engine does not start, crank
over the engine for 10 seconds while observing the
Cam/ Crank Sensor Signal Synchronization Status
parameter with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate Synchronous?
—Go to Diagnostic
Aids Go to Step 4
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 406/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the camshaft position (CMP)
sensor harness connector.
3. Connect a DMM between the 5 volts reference
circuit (pin 3 of E-39) and a known goodground.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 9
Connect a DMM between the signal circuit (pin 1 of
E-39) and a known good ground.
Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value?
5.3 volts
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 6
6Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value
at Step 5?4.7 volts
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 11
1. Connect a test lamp between the signal circuit
(pin 1 of E-39) and a known good ground.
2. Connect a DMM between the probe of the test
lamp and a known good ground.
Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 8
Connect a DMM between the 5 volts reference
circuit and low reference circuit (pins 2 and 3 of E-
Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 10
1. Test the 5 volts reference circuit between the
ECM (pin 87 of E-94) and the CMP sensor
(pin 3 of E-39) for an open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 19 Go to Step 15
1. Test the low reference circuit between the
ECM (pin 101 of E-94) and the CMP sensor
(pin 2 of E-39) for an open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 19 Go to Step 15
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
98 of E-94) and the CKP sensor (pin 1 of E-
39) for the following conditions:• An open circuit
• A short to ground
• A short to the low reference circuit
• High resistance
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 19 Go to Step 15
Important: The CMP sensor may be damaged if
the sensor signal circuit is shorted to a voltage
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
98 of E-94) and the CMP sensor (pin 1 of E-39) for a short to battery or ignition voltage.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 407/599
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
98 of E-94) and the CMP sensor (pin 1 of E-
39) for a short to any 5 volts reference.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 19 Go to Step 18
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
CMP sensor (pins 1, 2 and 3 of E-39).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 19 Go to Step 16
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
ECM (pins 87, 98, 100 and 101 of E-94).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 19 Go to Step 18
1. Inspect the CMP sensor and chain sprocket
for the following conditions:
• Physical damage of sensor
• Loose or improper installation of sensor
• Excessive air gap
• Foreign material passing between sensor
and chain sprocket
• Physical damage of chain sprocket
• Loose or improper installation of chainsprocket
2. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 19 Go to Step 17
Replace the CMP sensor. Refer to CMP Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 19 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 19 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 20
20Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 408/599
DTC P0380 (Flash Code 66)
Circuit Description
The ECM controls the glow relay which supplies power
to the glow plugs based on engine coolant
temperature. In the after glow phase, the glow indicator
light is not illuminated but glow plugs remain active for a certain period. If the ECM detects an open circuit or
short circuit on the relay control circuit, this DTC will
Condition for Running the DTC
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
Either of following condition is met:• The ECM detects a low voltage condition on the
glow relay control circuit for longer than 3 second
when the relay is commanded OFF.
• The ECM detects a high voltage condition on the
glow relay control circuit for longer than 3 second
when the relay is commanded ON.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the SVS lamp when the
diagnostic runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type
Definitions for Action Taken When the DTC Sets —
Type C. (Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
(Except Euro 4 Specification)
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type C. (Euro 4
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Except Euro 4
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
Test Description
The numbers below refers to the step number on the
Circuit/ System Testing.
2. Listen for an audible click when the glow relay
operates. Command both the ON and OFF states.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0380
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Perform the Glow Relay Control with a scan
3. Command the relay ON and OFF.
Does the glow relay click with each command?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 4
1. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
2. Disconnect the engine coolant temperature
(ECT) sensor harness connector in order to
gain glow ON time long enough.
3. Turn ON the ignition for 30 seconds while
observing the DTC Information with a scan
Does the DTC P0380 fail this ignition?
Go to Step 11
Go to Diagnostic
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 409/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Replace the glow relay with the starter relay or
replace with a known good relay.
3. Perform the Glow Relay Control with a scan
4. Command the relay ON and OFF.
Does the glow relay click with each command?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 5
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Remove the glow relay.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Probe the ignition voltage feed circuit of the
relay coil side (pin 2 of X-5) with a test lamp
that is connected to a known good ground.
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
1. Test the control circuit between the ECM (pin10 of C-164) and the relay (pin 3 of X-5) for
the following conditions:
• An open circuit
• A short to ground
• A short to battery or ignition voltage
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 9
Repair the open circuit or high resistance between
the Engine (10A) fuse and the glow relay coil side
(pin 2 of X-5). Check the Engine (10A) fuse first.
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 12 —
1. Remove the glow relay.
2. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection on each relay terminal.
3. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 10
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
ECM (pin 10 of C-164).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 11
10Replace the glow relay.
Did you complete the replacement?—
Go to Step 12 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 12 —
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 410/599
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 411/599
DTC P0401 (Flash Code 93)
Circuit Description
The ECM controls the EGR valve opening based on the
engine running condition and by controlling the EGR
solenoid. The EGR valve position is detected by the
position sensor, and relayed to the ECM. When theproper enabling conditions are met, the ECM will open
the EGR valve while monitoring the mass air flow
(MAF) signal. An expected MAF difference should be
detected between the closed and open positions. If the
ECM detects the MAF difference less than expected,
this DTC will set. This DTC will only run once per
ignition cycle within the enabling conditions.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTCs P0101, P0102, P0103, P0112, P0113,
P0116, P0117, P0118, P0122, P0123, P0404,
P0405, P0406, P0500, P0501, P0651, P0697,P2227, P2228 and P2229 are not set.
• The battery voltage is between 10 to 16 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the MAF amount is not
within the calculated range during the EGR flow
test. This indicates insufficient amount of EGR
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• A sticking or intermittently sticking the EGR valve
may set this DTC.
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0401
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine and warm up as necessary
(allow engine coolant temperature to reach at
least 60°C [140°F]).
4. Perform the EGR Solenoid Control with a scan
5. Command the Desired EGR Position Increase
or Decrease while observing the Mass Air
Flow (MAF) Sensor parameter with a scan
Does the MAF Sensor parameter decrease by at
least 0.5 volts when the Desired EGR Position is
commanded from 0 to 90%?
Go to Diagnostic
Aids Go to Step 3
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 412/599
1. Inspect the following conditions:
• An EGR valve gasket that is missing or
• A sticking EGR valve
• EGR gas leakage from any of the EGR
passages between the exhaust manifold
and intake manifold
• Restricted or collapsed EGR passage
between the exhaust manifold and the
EGR valve
• Any type of restriction in the exhaust
• Restricted air cleaner element, restricted
or collapsed air tubing between the air
cleaner and the intake manifold
• Any air induction leak
• Any water intrusion in the inductionsystem
• Any contamination or objects that block
the MAF sensor inlet
• Skewed or slow MAF sensor
• A ventilation duct that is connected to the
exhaust tail pipe. Retest without the duct
if connected.
2. Repair or replace as necessary
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 4
Replace the EGR valve. Refer to EGR Valve
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 5 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine and warm up as necessary
(allow engine coolant temperature to reach at
least 60°C [140°F]).
5. Perform the EGR Solenoid Control with a scan
6. Command the Desired EGR Position Increaseor Decrease while observing the MAF Sensor
parameter with a scan tool.
Does the MAF parameter decrease by at least 0.5
volts when the Desired EGR Position is
commanded from 0 to 90%?
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 3
6Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 413/599
DTC P0404 (Flash Code 45)
Circuit Description
The ECM controls the EGR valve opening based on the
engine running condition and by controlling the EGR
solenoid. The EGR valve position is detected by the
position sensor, and relayed to the ECM. If the ECMdetects a variance between the actual EGR valve
position and desired EGR valve position for a
calibrated amount of time while the EGR valve is
commanded ON, this DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTCs P0112, P0113, P0116, P0117, P0118,
P0405, P0406, P0651, P2227, P2228 and P2229
are not set.
• The battery voltage is between 10 to 16 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.• The engine coolant temperature is between 20 to
110 °C (68 to 230 °F).
• The intake air temperature is between 0 to 110 °C
(32 to 230°F).
• The barometric pressure is between 60 to 120 kPa
(8.7 to 17.4 psi).
• The EGR control is commanded ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the actual EGR position is
more than 10% below the desired position for 4
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection.
• The ECM inhibits EGR control.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• A sticking or intermittently sticking EGR valve may
set this DTC.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0404
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0405 or P0406 also set?
Go to ApplicableDTC Go to Step 3
1. Perform the EGR Solenoid Control with a scan
tool several times.
2. Command the Desired EGR Position Increase
and Decrease while observing the EGR
Does the EGR Position parameter follow within the
specified value quick enough (compare with a
similar unit if available)?
± 5%
Go to Diagnostic
Aids Go to Step 4
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 414/599
1. Remove the EGR valve assembly from the
2. Inspect the EGR valve for the following
• Restricted EGR valve by foreignmaterials
• Excessive deposits at valve
• Bent valve shaft
3. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 5
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the EGR valve harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the EGR valve (pins 1, 2, 3, 4
and 6 of E-71).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 86, 87, 101, 103
and 111 of E-94).
6. Test for high resistance on each circuit.
7. Repair the connection(s) or circuit(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 6
Replace the EGR valve. Refer to EGR Valve
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 7 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 8
8Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 415/599
DTC P0405 or P0406 (Flash Code 44)
Circuit Description
The exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) position sensor is
installed on the EGR valve body together with the
control solenoid. The EGR position sensor changes
output voltage according to EGR valve position. Thesensor has the following circuits.
• 5 volts reference circuit
• Low reference circuit
• EGR position sensor signal circuit
The EGR position sensor provides a signal to the ECM
on the signal circuit, which is relative to the position
changes of the EGR valve. If the ECM detects an
excessively low or high signal voltage, DTC P0405 or
P0406 will set.
Condition for Running the DTC• DTCs P0651 is not set.
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the EGR position sensor
signal voltage is less than 0.2 volts for 3 seconds.
(DTC P0405)
• The ECM detects that the EGR position sensor
signal voltage is more than 4.6 volts for 3 seconds.
(DTC P0406)
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL on the second
consecutive driving cycle when the diagnostic runs
and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Action
Taken When the DTC Sets — Type B. (Euro 4Specification)
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
(Except Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM inhibits EGR control.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type B. (Euro 4Specification)
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Except Euro 4
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0405
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0651 also set?
Go to DTC P0651 Go to Step 3
Observe the EGR Position Sensor parameter with
a scan tool.
Is EGR Position Sensor parameter less than the
specified value?
0.2 volts
Go to Step 4
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the EGR valve harness connector.
3. Connect a DMM between the 5 volts reference
circuit (pin 1 of E-71) and a known good
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 6
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 416/599
Connect a 3-amp fused jumper wire between the 5
volts reference circuit and the signal circuit (pins 1
and 3 of E-71).
Is the EGR Position Sensor parameter more than
the specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
1. Test the 5 volts reference circuit between the
ECM (pin 87 of E-94) and the EGR valve (pin
1 of E-71) for an open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 9
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
86 of E-94) and the EGR valve (pin 3 for E-71)
for the following conditions:
• An open circuit
• A short to ground
• A short to the low reference circuit
• High resistance
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 9
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
EGR valve (pins 1 and 3 of E-71).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 10
1. Turn OFF the ignition.2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
ECM (pins 86 and 87 of E-94).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 11
Replace the EGR valve. Refer to EGR Valve
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 12 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 12 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ FailureRecords.
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 13
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 417/599
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0406
13Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Observe the EGR Position Sensor parameter
with a scan tool.
Is the EGR Position Sensor parameter more than
the specified valve?
4.6 volts
Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
3Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0651 also set?—
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the EGR valve harness connector.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the EGR Position Sensor parameter less than
the specified value?
0.1 volts
Go to DTC P0651 Go to Step 7
1. Turn OFF the ignition.2. Disconnect the EGR valve harness connector.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the EGR Position Sensor parameter less than
the specified value?
0.1 volts
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
Connect a test lamp between the low reference
circuit (pin 2 of E-71) and battery voltage.
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Go to Step 9 Go to Step 8
Important: The EGR position sensor may be
damaged if the sensor signal circuit is shorted to a
voltage source.
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
86 of E-94) and the EGR valve (pin 3 of E-71)
for the following conditions:
• A short to battery or ignition voltage
• A short to any 5 volts reference
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 12
1. Test the low reference circuit between the
ECM (pin 101 of E-94) and the EGR valve (pin
2 of E-71) for an open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 10
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 418/599
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
EGR valve (pin 2 of E-71).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 11
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
ECM (pin 101 of E-94).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 12
Replace the EGR valve. Refer to EGR Valve
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 13 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 13 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate thevehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 14
14Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 419/599
DTC P0500 (Flash Code 25)
Circuit Description
The vehicle speed sensor (VSS) is used by the ECM
and speedometer, which generates a speed signal from
the transmission output shaft rotational speed or
transfer output shaft rotational speed. The sensor hasthe following circuits.
• Ignition voltage circuit
• Low reference circuit
• VSS signal circuit
The VSS uses a hall effect element. It interacts with the
magnetic field created by the rotating magnet and
outputs square wave pulse signal. The ECM calculates
the vehicle speed by the VSS. If the 2WD fitted with
Jatco automatic transmission, VSS signals are sent
from the TCM. If the ECM detects VSS signals are not
generated, this DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• The ignition voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine speed is more than 1000 RPM.
• The commanded fuel injection quantity is OFF
(accelerator pedal is not depressed).
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the VSS signals are not
generated for 5 seconds.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer toIntermittent Conditions in this section.
• Electromagnetic interference in the VSS circuits
may set this DTC.
• If this DTC set, the Vehicle Speed parameter on
the scan tool will display 3 km/h (2 MPH).
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0500 (2WD fitted with Jatco A/T)
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0219 also set?
Go to DTC P0219 Go to Step 3
Monitor the transmission DTC Information with a
scan tool.
Is DTC P0722 set?
Go to P0722 in
Section Go to Step 4
Drive the vehicle while observing the Vehicle
Speed parameter with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate correct vehicle speed?
— Go to Diagnostic
Aids Go to Step 5
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 420/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the TCM harness connector.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Intermittently jump the signal circuit (pin 10 of
C-94) with a test lamp that is connected to a
known good ground while observing the
Vehicle Speed parameter with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate any vehicle speed
when the circuit is intermittently pulled to ground?
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 6
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (19 of
C-164) and the TCM (10 of C-94) for the
following conditions:
• An open circuit
• A short to ground
• A short to battery or ignition voltage
• High resistance
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 8
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
TCM (pin 10 of C-94).
3. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 9
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor connection at the harness connector of the
ECM (pin 19 of C-164).
3. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
Important: Replacement TCM must be
Replace the TCM. Refer to TCM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 11 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 11 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Drive the vehicle while observing the Vehicle
Speed parameter with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate correct vehicle speed?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 3
12Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 421/599
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0500 (except 2WD fitted with Jatco A/T)
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0219 also set?
Go to DTC P0219 Go to Step 3
Drive the vehicle while observing the Vehicle
Speed parameter with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate correct vehicle speed?
— Go to Diagnostic
Aids Go to Step 4
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the vehicle speed sensor (VSS)harness connector.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Connect a test lamp between the ignition
voltage feed circuit (pin 1 of E-44) and a
known good ground.
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 7
Intermittently jump the signal circuit (pin 3 of E-44)
with a test lamp that is connected to a known good
ground while observing the Vehicle Speed
parameter with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate any vehicle speed
when the circuit is intermittently pulled to ground?
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 9
Connect a test lamp between the voltage feed
circuit and the low reference circuit (pins 1 and 2 of
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Go to Step 10 Go to Step 8
Repair the open circuit or high resistance between
the Meter (10A) fuse and the VSS (pin 1 of E-44).
Check the Meter (10A) fuse first.
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 15 —
Repair the open circuit or high resistance on the
low reference circuit between the VSS (pin 2 of E-
44) and ground terminal (E-10). Clean or tighten
ground as necessary.
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 15 —
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
19 of C-164) and the VSS (pin 3 of E-44), then
between the instrument panel (IP) cluster (pin
8 of B-23) and the VSS (pin 3 of E-44) for the
following conditions:
• An open circuit
• A short to ground
• A short to the low reference circuit
• A short to battery or ignition voltage
• High resistance
2 Repair the circuit(s) as necessary
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 422/599
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
VSS (pin 1, 2 and 3 of E-44).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 12
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
ECM (pin 19 of C-164).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 14
1. Inspect the VSS, drive gear, driven gear or
output shaft for the following conditions:
• Physical damage of sensor, drive gear or driven gear
• Loose or improper installation of sensor,
drive gear or driven gear
• Transmission output shaft teeth damage
• Excessive transmission output shaft play
• Transfer output shaft teeth damage
• Excessive transfer output shaft play
2. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 13
Replace the VSS. Refer to VSS Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement? — Go to Step 15 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 15 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected fuse or
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Drive the vehicle while observing the Vehicle
Speed parameter with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate correct vehicle speed?
Go to Step 16 Go to Step 4
16Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 423/599
DTC P0501 (Flash Code 25)
Circuit Description
The vehicle speed sensor (VSS) is used by the ECM
and speedometer, which generates a speed signal from
the transmission output shaft rotational speed or
transfer output shaft rotational speed. The sensor hasthe following circuits.
• Ignition voltage feed circuit
• Low reference circuit
• VSS signal circuit
The VSS uses a hall effect element. It interacts with the
magnetic field created by the rotating magnet and
outputs square wave pulse signal. The ECM calculates
the vehicle speed by the VSS. If the 2WD fitted with
Jatco automatic transmission, VSS signals are sent
from the TCM. If the ECM detects VSS signals are
sharply changed, this DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• The ignition voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the VSS signal are changed
larger than a predetermined vehicle speed within a
very short calibrated time.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• Electromagnetic interference in the VSS circuits
may set this DTC.
• If this DTC set, the Vehicle Speed parameter on
the scan tool will display 3 km/h (2 MPH).
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0501
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Inspect all of the circuits going to the vehicle
speed sensor (VSS) for the following
• Routed too closely to fuel injection wiring
or components
• Routed too closely to after-market add-
on electrical equipment
• Routed too closely to solenoids, relays,and motors
2. If you find incorrect routing, correct the
harness routing.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 3
1. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the Meter (10A)
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 4
1. Inspect for an intermittent, a poor connection
and corrosion at the ground terminal (E-10).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary. —
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 424/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the VSS harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the VSS (pins 1, 2 and 3 of E-44).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for a poor
connection and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pin 19 of C-164).
6. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 6
1. Inspect the VSS, drive gear, driven gear or
output shaft for the following conditions:
• Physical damage of sensor, drive gear or
driven gear • Loose or improper installation of sensor,
drive gear or driven gear
• Transmission output shaft teeth damage
• Excessive transmission output shaft play
• Transfer output shaft teeth damage
• Excessive transfer output shaft play
2. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
7Replace the VSS. Refer to VSS Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 8 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Drive the vehicle while observing the Vehicle
Speed with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool parameter indicate correct
vehicle speed?
Go to Step 9 Go to Step 2
9Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 425/599
DTC P0512 (Flash Code 417)
Circuit Description
The starter switch signal is inputted to the ECM during
the ignition switch START position. If the ECM detects
the starter switch signal continuously ON during the
engine running, this DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine is running.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the starter switch signal is
stuck at the ON position (high voltage) for longer
than 20 seconds.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets• The ECM illuminates the SVS lamp when the
diagnostic runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type
Definitions for Action Taken When the DTC Sets —
Type C.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type C.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• This DTC will set if the ignition switch continues
being START position for longer than 20 seconds.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0512
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Turn OFF the ignition.2. Remove the starter cut relay in order to inhibit
starter motor engagement at ignition switch
3. Install a scan tool.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
5. Observe the Starter Switch parameter with a
scan tool.
Does the Starter Switch parameter indicate OFF?
Go to Diagnostic
Aids Go to Step 3
Remove the Starter (10A) fuse in the cabin fuse
Does the Starter Switch parameter indicate OFF?
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
1. Test the signal circuit between the starter
switch (pin 1 of B-63) and each terminal of the
ignition switch (pins 1, 2, 3 and 4 of B-62 and
pin 3 of B-63) for short circuit each other at the
ignition switch ON.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
46 of C-164) and the Starter (10A) fuse or
starter relay (pin 3 of X-8) for a short to battery
or ignition voltage.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 6
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 426/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect the connection on the starter switch
signal circuit at the harness connector of the
ECM (pin 46 of C-164) for corrosion.
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you complete the action?
Go to Step 8 —
7Repair or replace the ignition switch.
Did you complete the repair or replacement?—
Go to Step 8 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected relay
or harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 9
9Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 427/599
DTC P0562 or P0563 (Flash Code 35)
Circuit Description
The ECM monitors the ignition voltage on the ignition
feed terminal to make sure that the voltage stays within
the proper range. If the ECM detects an excessively
low or high ignition voltage, DTC P0562 or P0563 willset.
Condition for Running the DTC
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the ignition voltage feed
circuit is less than 8 volts for 5 seconds. (DTC
• The ECM detects that the ignition voltage feed
circuit is more than 16 volts for 5 seconds. (DTCP0563)
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the SVS lamp when the
diagnostic runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type
Definitions for Action Taken When the DTC Sets —
Type C. (Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
(Except Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity. (DTCP0563)
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection. (DTC P0563)
• The ECM inhibits cruise control. (DTC P0563)
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type C. (Euro 4
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Except Euro 4
Diagnostic Aids
• A charging system problem may set this DTC.
• The weakened battery may set DTC P0562.
• Jump starting the vehicle or a battery charger may
have set this DTC P0563.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0562
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine and let idle.
4. Load the electrical system by turning ON the
headlights, A/C, etc. while observing the
Ignition Voltage parameter with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate more than the specified
10.0 volts
Go to Diagnostic
Aids Go to Step 3
Test the charging system. Refer to Diagnosis of
The Charging System in the Charging System
Did you find a charging system problem?
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
Repair the charging system. Refer to Diagnosis of
The Charging System in the Charging System
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 6 —
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 428/599
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0563
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for a poor
connection and for corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pin 24 of C-164).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 6
Go to Diagnostic
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine and let idle.
5. Load the electrical system by turning ON the
headlights, A/C, etc. while observing the
Ignition Voltage parameter with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate more than the specified
10.0 volts
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 3
7Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check -Engine Controls
2Was the vehicle recently jump started or a battery
charger placed on the battery?—
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 3
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Start the engine and let idle.
3. Observe the Ignition Voltage parameter with
the scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate less than the specified
16.0 volts
Go to Diagnostic
Aids Go to Step 4
Test the charging system. Refer to Diagnosis of
The Charging System in the Charging SystemSection.
Did you find a charging system problem?
Go to Step 5
Go to Diagnostic
Repair the charging system. Refer to Diagnosis of
The Charging System in the Charging System
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 6 —
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 429/599
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with the scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine and let idle.
5. Observe the ignition Voltage parameter with a
scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate less than the specified
16.0 volts
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 4
7Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 430/599
DTC P0565 (Flash Code 515)
Circuit Description
The cruise control keeps the vehicle speed at a driver’s
set speed. When the cruise main switch is turned ON,
signal is provided to the ECM and the cruise main
indicator lamp on the switch or the instrument panelcluster will light up. If the ECM detects the cruise main
switch signal repeats ON/ OFF or continuously ON, this
DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine is running.
Condition for Setting the DTC
Either of following condition is met:
• The ECM detects that the cruise main switchsignal is repeated ON/ OFF continuously within a
very short calibrated time.
• The ECM detects that the cruise main switch
signal is stuck at the ON position (high voltage) for
longer than 15 seconds.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM will not illuminate the MIL or SVS lamp.
Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Action Taken
When the DTC Sets — Type D.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the DTC — Type D.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• This DTC will set if the cruise main switch
continues being pushed for longer than 15
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0565
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
3. Observe the Cruise Main Switch parameter
with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate ON when the switch is
pushed and OFF when the switch is released?
Go to Diagnostic
Aids Go to Step 3
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the cruise main switch harness
connector. (Remove the switch from the IP
bezel as necessary)
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Does the Cruise Main Switch indicate OFF?
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 4
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
25 of C-164) and the cruise main switch (pin 3
of B-67) for a short to battery or ignition
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 6
5Repair or replace the cruise main switch.
Did you complete the repair or replacement?—
Go to Step 7 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM Refer to ECM Replacement —
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 431/599
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Observe the Cruise Main Switch parameter
with a scan tool.
Dose the scan tool indicate ON when the switch is
pushed and OFF when the switch is released?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 3
8Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 432/599
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 433/599
Observe the Cruise Cancel Switch parameter with
a scan tool while momentarily jumping 3-amp fused
jumper wire across the combination switch harness
connector (male side) between pins 10 and 11 of B-
Does the scan tool indicate ON when the circuit is
jumpered and OFF when the circuit is not
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 6
Repair the open circuit or high resistance between
the Engine (10A) fuse and the combination switch
(pin 11 of B-59). Check Engine (10A) fuse first.
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 11 —
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
47 of C-164) and the combination switch (pin
11 of B-59) for and open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did your find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 8
1. Inspect fro an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
combination switch (pin 11 of B-59).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 9
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of theECM (pin 47 of C-164).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
9Repair or replace the combination switch.
Did you complete the repair or replacement?—
Go to Step 11 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 11 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnectedharness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Observe the Cruise Cancel Switch parameter
with a scan tool.
Dose the scan tool indicate OFF when the switch is
applied and ON when the switch is released?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 3
12Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 434/599
DTC P0567 (Flash Code 517)
Circuit Description
The cruise control keeps the vehicle speed at a driver’s
set speed. When the cruise main switch is turned ON,
signal is provided to the ECM and the cruise main
indicator lamp on the switch or the instrument panelcluster will light up. When the cruise resume/ accel.
switch is applied, the switch signal is provided to the
ECM and the vehicle speed is reset to the previous set
speed or vehicle speed is increased. If the ECM
detects the cruise resume/ accel. switch signal repeats
ON/ OFF or continuously ON, this DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine is running.
Condition for Setting the DTC
Either of following condition is met:
• The ECM detects that the cruise resume/ accel.
switch signal is repeated ON/ OFF continuously
within a very short calibrated time.
• The ECM detects that the cruise resume/ accel.
switch signal is stuck at the ON position (high
voltage) for longer than 120 seconds.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM will not illuminate the MIL or SVS lamp.
Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Action Taken
When the DTC Sets — Type D.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the DTC — Type D.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• This DTC will set if the cruise resume/ accel.
switch continues being applied for longer than 120
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0567
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
3. Observe the Cruise Resume Switch
parameter with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate ON when the switch is
applied and OFF when the switch is released?
Go to Diagnostic
Aids Go to Step 3
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the combination switch harnessconnector (B-59). (Remove the IP cluster
lower cover as necessary)
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Does the Cruise Resume Switch parameter
indicate OFF?
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 4
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
28 of C-164) and the combination switch (pin
9 of B-59) for a short to battery or ignition
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 6
5Repair or replace the combination switch.
Did l t th i l t?—
G t St 7
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 435/599
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 436/599
DTC P0568 (Flash Code 518)
Circuit Description
The cruise control keeps the vehicle speed at a driver’s
set speed. When the cruise main switch is turned ON,
signal is provided to the ECM and the cruise main
indicator lamp on the switch or the instrument panelcluster will light up. When the cruise set/ coast switch is
turned ON, the switch signal is provided to the ECM
and the vehicle speed is set or vehicle speed is
decreased. If the ECM detects the cruise set/ coast
switch signal repeats ON/ OFF or continuously ON, this
DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine is running.
Condition for Setting the DTC
Either of following condition is met:
• The ECM detects that the cruise set/ coast switch
signal is repeated ON/ OFF continuously within a
very short calibrated time.
• The ECM detects that the cruise set/ coast switch
signal is stuck at the ON position (high voltage) for
longer than 120 seconds.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM will not illuminate the MIL or SVS lamp.
Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Action Taken
When the DTC Sets — Type D.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the DTC — Type D.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• This DTC will set if the cruise set/ coast switch
continues being pushed for longer than 120
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0568
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
3. Observe the Cruise Set Switch parameter with
a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate ON when the switch is
pushed and OFF when the switch is released?
Go to Diagnostic
Aids Go to Step 3
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the combination switch harnessconnector (B-59). (Remove the switch from
the IP bezel as necessary)
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Does the Cruise Set Switch parameter indicate
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 4
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
33 of C-164) and the combination switch (pin
12 of B-59) for a short to battery or ignition
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 6
5Repair or replace the combination switch.
Did l t th i l t?—
G t St 7
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 437/599
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 7 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Observe the Cruise Set Switch parameter with
a scan tool.
Dose the scan tool indicate ON when the switch is
pushed and OFF when the switch is released?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 3
8Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 438/599
DTC P0571 (Flash Code 26)
Circuit Description
The brake switch is installed on the brake pedal
bracket. The brake switch 1 is a normally open type
switch and the brake switch 2 is a normally closed type
switch. When the brake pedal is pressed, the brakeswitch 1 signal is provided to the ECM and the
stoplights are turned ON. Then, the brake switch 2
signal to the ECM is stopped (low voltage). If the ECM
detects the brake switch signals out of correlation, this
DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects a brake switch 1 (normally open
type switch) signal and brake switch 2 (normally
closed type switch) signal correlation error for
longer than 10 seconds over 33 times since
ignition switch is ON.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM will not illuminate the MIL or SVS lamp.
Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Action Taken
When the DTC Sets — Type D.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the DTC — Type D.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• Misadjusted brake switch will cause this DTC to
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0571
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
3. Observe the Brake Switch 1 parameter with a
scan tool while fully depressing and releasing
the brake pedal.
Does the scan tool indicate Applied when the brake
pedal is applied and Released when the brake
pedal is released?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 3
1. Check to ensure the brake switch is adjusted
correctly. The plunger should be all the way in
when the pedal is released, yet should not
impede with the brake pedal full upward travel.
2. Adjust the brake switch as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 18 Go to Step 4
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the brake switch harness
3. Connect a test lamp between the battery
voltage feed circuit of the brake switch 1
harness (pin 1 of C-44) and a known good
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 6
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 439/599
1. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
2. Observe the Brake Switch 1 parameter with a
scan tool while momentarily jumping 3-amp
fused jumper wire across the brake switch
harness connector between pins 1 and 2 of the C-44.
Does the scan tool indicate Applied when the circuit
is jumpered and Released when the circuit is not
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 7
Repair the open circuit or high resistance between
the Stop Light (15A) fuse and the brake switch (pin
1 of C-44). Check the Stop Light (15A) fuse first.
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 18 —
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
45 of C-164) and the brake switch (pin 2 of C-
44) for the following conditions:
• An open circuit
• A short to battery or ignition voltage
• High resistance
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 18 Go to Step 15
Observe the Brake Switch 2 parameter with a scan
tool while fully depressing and releasing the brake
Does the scan tool indicate Applied when the brake
pedal is applied and Released when the brake
pedal is released?
Go to Diagnostic
Aids Go to Step 9
1. Check to ensure the brake switch is adjusted
correctly. The plunger should be all the way in
when the pedal is released, yet should not
impede with the brake pedal full upward travel.
2. Adjust the brake switch as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 18 Go to Step 10
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the brake switch harness
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Connect a test lamp between the ignitionvoltage feed circuit of the brake switch 2
harness (pin 4 of C-44) and a known good
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 12
Observe the Brake Switch 2 parameter with a scan
tool while momentarily jumping 3-amp fused
jumper wire across the brake switch harness
connector between pins 3 and 4 of the C-44.
Does the scan tool indicate Released when the
circuit is jumpered and Applied when the circuit is
not jumpered?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 13
Repair the open circuit or high resistance between
the Engine (10A) fuse and the brake switch (pin 4
of C 44) Check the Engine (10A) fuse first —
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 440/599
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
27 of C-164) and the brake switch (pin 3 of C-
44) for the following conditions:
• An open circuit
• A short to battery or ignition voltage
• High resistance
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 18 Go to Step 15
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
brake switch (pins 1, 2, 3 and 4 of C-44).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 18 Go to Step 16
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
ECM (pins 27 and 45 of C-164).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 18 Go to Step 17
Replace brake switch. Refer to Brake Switch
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 18 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 18 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected fuse or
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
5. Observe the Brake Switch 1 and Brake Switch
2 parameter with a scan tool while fully
depressing and releasing the brake pedal.
Does the scan tool indicate Applied when the brake
pedal is applied and Released when the brake
pedal is released on each parameter?
Go to Step 19 Go to Step 2
19Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 441/599
DTC P0601 (Flash Code 53)
Circuit Description
This diagnostic applies to internal microprocessor
integrity conditions within the ECM.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the calculated checksum
does not agree with the ECM internal registered
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the SVS lamp when the
diagnostic runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type
Definitions for Action Taken When the DTC Sets —
Type C. (Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
(Except Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
• The ECM stops engine running when the vehiclespeed is lower than 5 km/h (3 MPH) for 5 seconds.
The engine will run after the key is cycled when the
ignition has been tuned OFF for longer than 10
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type C. (Euro 4
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Except Euro 4
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0601
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 4
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 4 —
1. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 5
5Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 442/599
DTC P0602 (Flash Code 154)
Circuit Description
The electrically erasable & programmable read only
memory (EEPROM) memorizes fuel injector ID code
information. If the ECM detects fuel injector ID codes
are not programmed into the ECM or an error in theprogrammed fuel injector ID codes, this DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
Either of following condition is met:
• The ECM detects that the fuel injector ID code is
not programmed.
• The ECM detects an error in the programmed fuel
injector ID code.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the SVS lamp when the
diagnostic runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type
Definitions for Action Taken When the DTC Sets —
Type C. (Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
(Except Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type C. (Euro 4
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Except Euro 4
• Clear the DTC with a scan tool after programmingthe fuel injector ID code.
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0602
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check -Engine Controls
1. Ensure that all tool connections are secure.
2. Ensure that programming equipment is
operating correctly.
3. Install a scan tool.
4. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
5. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
6. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 5
1. Verify the correct fuel injector ID codes are
entered into the ECM with a scan tool. Refer to ECM Replacement. If the fuel injector ID
codes are correctly entered, clear the DTC
with a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 5 —
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 443/599
1. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 6
6Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 444/599
DTC P0604 or P0606 (Flash Code 153 or 51)
Circuit Description
This diagnostic applies to internal microprocessor
integrity conditions within the ECM.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects a malfunction in its internal
random access memory (RAM). (DTC P0604)
• The ECM detects a malfunction in its internal main
central processing unit (CPU) or sub integrated
circuit (IC). (DTC P0606)
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the SVS lamp when the
diagnostic runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type
Definitions for Action Taken When the DTC Sets —
Type C. (Euro 4 Specification)• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
(Except Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity. (DTC
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection. (DTC P0604)
• The ECM inhibits cruise control. (DTC P0604)
• The ECM stops engine running when the vehicle
speed is lower than 5 km/h (3 MPH) for 5 seconds.
The engine will run after the key is cycled when the
ignition has been tuned OFF for longer than 10
seconds. (DTC P0604)
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type C. (Euro 4
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Except Euro 4Specification)
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0604 or P0606
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 4
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 4 —
1. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 5
5Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 445/599
DTC P0633 (Flash Code 176)
Circuit Description
The electronically erasable & programmable read only
memory (EEPROM) memorizes immobilizer security
information for communication with the immobilizer
control unit (ICU) and enabling the engine to start. If theECM detects immobilizer security information are not
programmed into the ECM, this DTC will set.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the immobilizer security
information is not programmed.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the SVS lamp when the
diagnostic runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type
Definitions for Action Taken When the DTC Sets —
Type C. (Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
(Except Euro 4 Specification)
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type C. (Euro 4
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Except Euro 4
Diagnostic Aids
• Non-programmed ECM sets this DTC.
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0633
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
Program immobilizer security information into the
ECM. Refer to Resetting and Programming
Guidelines in immobilizer section.
Did you complete the programming?
Go to Step 4 —
1. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 5
5Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 446/599
DTC P0638 (Flash Code 61)
Circuit Description
The ECM controls the intake throttle valve opening
based on the engine running condition and by
controlling the intake throttle solenoid. The intake
throttle valve position is detected by the positionsensor, and relayed to the ECM. If the ECM detects a
variance between the actual intake throttle position and
desired intake throttle position while the intake throttle
solenoid is commanded ON, this DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTCs P0122, P0123 and P0697 are not set.
• The battery voltage is between 9 to 16 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The intake throttle solenoid commanded ON.
• The desired intake throttle position is stable.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the difference between the
actual and the desired intake throttle position is
more than 10% for 5 seconds.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection.
• The ECM inhibits EGR control.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• A sticking or intermittently sticking intake throttle
valve may set this DTC.
• A sticking intake throttle valve at full closed
position will cause engine starting problem.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0638
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0122 or P0123 also set?
Go to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 3
1. Perform the Intake Throttle Solenoid Control
with a scan tool several times.2. Command the Desired Intake Throttle Position
Increase and Decrease while observing the
Intake Throttle Position.
Does the Intake Throttle Position parameter follow
within the specified value quick enough (compare
with a similar unit if available)?
± 5%
Go to Diagnostic
Aids Go to Step 4
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 447/599
1. Remove the intake duct that is connected to
the intake throttle valve.
2. Inspect the intake throttle valve for the
following conditions:
• Restricted intake throttle valve by foreignmaterials
• Excessive deposits at throttle bore
• Bent butterfly valve
Notice: Replace the intake throttle valve if there is
any sticking.
3. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 5
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the intake throttle valve harness
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the intake throttle valve (pins 1,
2, 3, 5 and 6 of E-38).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 85, 95, 104, 109
and 112 of E-94).
6. Test for high resistance on each circuit.
7. Repair the connection(s) or circuit(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 6
Replace the intake throttle valve. Refer to Intake
Throttle Valve Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 7 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate thevehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 8
8Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 448/599
DTC P0641 (Flash Code 55)
Circuit Description
The ECM provides 5 volts reference voltage through
the reference circuit 1 to the accelerator pedal position
(APP) sensor 1. The ECM monitors the voltage on the
5 volts reference circuit 1. If the ECM detects thevoltage is excessively low or high, DTC P0641 will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• The battery voltage is more than 6 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the 5 volts reference circuit
1 voltage is less than 4.7 volts.
• The ECM detects that the 5 volts reference circuit
1 voltage is more than 5.3 volts.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the SVS lamp when the
diagnostic runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type
Definitions for Action Taken When the DTC Sets —
Type C. (Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
(Except Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type C. (Euro 4
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Except Euro 4
Diagnostic Aids• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0641
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check -Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the accelerator pedal position
(APP) sensor harness connector.
3. Connect a DMM between the 5 volts reference
circuit (pin 10 of C-40) and a known goodground.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with engine OFF.
Is the DMM voltage less than the specified value?
5.3 volts
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 7
4Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value
at Step 3?4.7 volts
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 5
1. Test the 5 volts reference circuit between the
ECM (pin 42 of C-164) and the APP sensor
(pin 10 of C-40) for the following conditions:
• A short to ground
• A short to the low reference circuit
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 9 Go to Step 8
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 449/599
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 450/599
DTC P0650 (Flash Code 77)
Circuit Description
The malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) is located on the
instrument panel (IP) cluster. The MIL informs the
driver that an emission system fault has occurred and
that the engine control system requires service.The ECM monitors the MIL control circuit for conditions
that are incorrect for the commanded state of the MIL.
For example, a failure condition exists if the ECM
detects low voltage when the MIL is commanded OFF,
or high voltage when the MIL is commanded ON. If the
ECM detects an improper voltage level on the control
circuit, this DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• The ignition voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
Either of following condition is met:
• The ECM detects a low voltage condition on the
MIL control circuit when the lamp is commanded
• The ECM detects a high voltage condition on the
MIL control circuit when the lamp is commanded
Action Taken When the DTC Sets• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0650
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? — Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check -Engine Controls
1. Verify whether the instrument panel (IP)
cluster is operational.
2. Install a scan tool.
3. Perform the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
Control with a scan tool.
4. Command the lamp ON and OFF.
Does the MIL turn ON and OFF with each
Go to Diagnostic
Aids Go to Step 3
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Inspect the Meter (10A) fuse in the cabin fuseblock.
Is the Meter (10A) fuse open?
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
Replace the Meter (10A) fuse. If the fuse continues
to open, repair the short to ground on one of the
circuits that is fed by the Meter (10A) fuse or
replace the shorted attached component.
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 17 —
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM C-164 harness
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the MIL OFF?
Go to Sep 6 Go to Step 12
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8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 452/599
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 17 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected fuse or
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Perform the MIL Control with a scan tool.
5. Command the lamp ON and OFF.
Does the MIL turn ON and OFF with each
Go to Step 18 Go to Step 3
18Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 453/599
DTC P0651 (Flash Code 56)
Circuit Description
The ECM provides 5 volts reference voltage through
the reference circuit 2 to the following sensors:
• Accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor 2
• Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor
• Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor
The ECM also provides 5 volts reference voltage
through the reference circuit 5 to the following sensors:
• Fuel rail pressure (FRP) sensor
• Camshaft position (CMP) sensor
• EGR position sensor
The 5 volts reference circuits 2 and 5 are independent
of each other outside of the ECM, but are bussed
together inside the ECM. Therefore, a short circuit
condition on one sensor 5 volts reference circuit may
affect the entire 5 volts reference circuit 2 and 5. TheECM monitors the voltage on the 5 volts reference
circuit 2 and 5. If the ECM detects the voltage is
excessively low or high, this DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• The battery voltage is more than 6 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the 5 volts reference circuit
2 voltage is less than 4.7 volts.
• The ECM detects that the 5 volts reference circuit
2 voltage is more than 5.3 volts.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnosticruns and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection.
• The ECM inhibits EGR control.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• If this DTC is present, the engine cranks but does
not start.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0651
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the EGR valve harness connector.
3. Connect a DMM between the 5 volts reference
circuit (pin 1 of E-71) and a known good
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the DMM voltage less than the specified value?
5.3 volts
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 10
4Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value
at Step 3?4.7 volts
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 5
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 454/599
1. Leave the DMM connected to the EGR valve
harness connector.
2. Turn OFF the ignition.
3. Disconnect the fuel rail pressure (FRP) sensor
harness connector.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Does the DMM voltage change to more than the
specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 6
1. Leave the DMM connected to the EGR valve
harness connector.
2. Turn OFF the ignition.
3. Disconnect the camshaft position (CMP)
sensor harness connector.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Does the DMM voltage change to more than the
specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 7
1. Leave the DMM connected to the EGR valve
harness connector.
2. Turn OFF the ignition.
3. Disconnect the barometric pressure (BARO)
sensor harness connector.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Does the DMM voltage change to more than the
specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 8
1. Leave the DMM connected to the EGR valve
harness connector.
2. Turn OFF the ignition.
3. Disconnect the accelerator pedal position
(APP) sensor harness connector.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Does the DMM voltage change to more than the
specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 9
1. Test the 5 volts reference circuit 2 between the
ECM (pin 61 of C-164) and the following
components for a short to ground or short to
the low reference circuit:
• APP sensor 2 (pin 8 of C-40)
• BARO sensor (pin 3 of E-40)
2. Test the 5 volts reference circuit 5 between the
ECM (pin 87 of E-94) and the following
components for a short to ground or short to
the low reference circuit:
• FRP sensor (pin 3 of E-48)
• CMP sensor (pin 3 of E-39)
• EGR position sensor (pin 1 of E-71)
3. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 17 Go to Step 16
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 455/599
1. Test the 5 volts reference circuit 2 between the
ECM (pin 61 of C-164) and the following
components for a short to battery or ignition
• APP sensor 2 (pin 8 of C-40)• BARO sensor (pin 3 of E-40)
2. Test the 5 volts reference circuit 5 between the
ECM (pin 87 of E-94) and the following
components for a short to battery or ignition
• FRP sensor (pin 3 of E-48)
• CMP sensor (pin 3 of E-39)
• EGR position sensor (pin 1 of E-71)
3. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 17 Go to Step 16
Replace the EGR valve. Refer to EGR ValveReplacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 17 —
Replace the FRP sensor. Refer to FRP Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 17 —
Replace the CMP sensor. Refer to CMP Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 17 —
Replace the BARO sensor. Refer to BARO Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 17 —
Replace the APP sensor. Refer to APP Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 17 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 17 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 18
18Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 456/599
DTC P0661 or P0662 (Flash Code 58)
Circuit Description
The ECM controls the swirl levels, which energize the
swirl control solenoid valve based on the engine
running condition. The ECM commands the swirl
control solenoid valve to apply vacuum pressure to thediaphragm actuator to operate swirl control butterflies
that is provided each intake port. If the ECM detects an
open circuit or short circuit on the solenoid valve circuit,
DTC P0661 or P0662 will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects a low voltage condition on theswirl control solenoid valve circuit when the
solenoid is commanded OFF. (DTC P0661)
• The ECM detects a high voltage condition on the
swirl control solenoid valve circuit when the
solenoid is commanded ON. (DTC P0662)
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the SVS lamp when the
diagnostic runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type
Definitions for Action Taken When the DTC Sets —
Type C. (Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
(Except Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity. (DTCP0661)
• The ECM inhibits cruise control. (DTC P0661)
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type C. (Euro 4
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Except Euro 4
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
Schematic Reference: Vacuum Hose Routing
Diagram and Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0661
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the swirl control solenoid valve
harness connector.
3. Connect a test lamp between the ignition
voltage feed circuit (pin 2 of E-67) and a
known good ground.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 6
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 457/599
1. Connect a test lamp between the control
circuit (pin 1 of E-67) and battery voltage.
2. Perform the Swirl Control Solenoid Test with a
scan tool.
3. Command the solenoid valve ON and OFF.
Does the test lamp turn ON and OFF with each
command (if test is aborted, go to Step 5)?
Go to Step 9 Go to Step 5
5Does the test lamp remain illuminated with each
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
Repair the open circuit or high resistance between
the Engine (10A) fuse and the solenoid valve (pin 2
of E-67). Check the Engine (10A) fuse first.
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 13 —
1. Test the control circuit between the ECM (pin
88 of E-94) and the solenoid valve (pin 1 of E-
67) for an open circuit or high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 10
1. Test the control circuit between the ECM (pin
88 of E-94) and the solenoid valve (pin 1 of E-
67) for a short to ground.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 12
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
solenoid valve (pins 1 and 2 of E-67).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 11
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at harness connector of the ECM
(pin 88 of E-94).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 12
Replace the swirl control solenoid valve.
Did you complete the replacement?—
Go to Step 13 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 13 —
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 458/599
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0662
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected fuse or
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 14
14Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the swirl control solenoid valve
harness connector.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0661 set, but not P0662?
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 4
1. Test the control circuit between the ECM (pin
88 of E-94) and the solenoid valve (pin 1 of E-
67) for a short to battery or ignition voltage.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 6
5Replace the swirl control solenoid valve.
Did you complete the replacement?—
Go to Step 7 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 7 —
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 459/599
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 8
8Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 460/599
DTC P0697 (Flash Code 57)
Circuit Description
The ECM provides 5 volts reference voltage through
the reference circuit 3 to the following sensors:
• Accelerator pedal position sensor 3
The ECM also provides 5 volts reference voltage
through the reference circuit 4 to the following sensors:
• Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor
• Boost pressure sensor
• Intake throttle position sensor
• Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor
• Fuel temperature (FT) sensor
The 5 volts reference circuits 3 and 4 are independent
of each other outside of the ECM, but are bussed
together inside the ECM. Therefore, a short circuit
condition on one sensor 5 volts reference circuit may
affect the entire 5 volts reference circuit 3 and 4. TheECM monitors the voltage on the 5 volts reference
circuit 3 and 4. If the ECM detects the voltage is
excessively low or high, this DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• The battery voltage is more than 6 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the 5 volts reference circuit
3 voltage is less than 4.7 volts.
• The ECM detects that the 5 volts reference circuit
3 voltage is more than 5.3 volts.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection.
• The ECM inhibits EGR control.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0697
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the accelerator pedal position
(APP) sensor 3 harness connector.
3. Connect a DMM between the 5 volts reference
circuit (pin 1 of C-40) and a known good
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the DMM voltage less than the specified value?
5.3 volts
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 9
4Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value
at Step 3?4.7 volts
Go to Step 10 Go to Step 5
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 461/599
Notice: If no boost pressure sensor is installed,
skip to Step 9.
1. Leave the DMM connected to the APP sensor
harness connector.
2. Turn OFF the ignition.
3. Disconnect the boost pressure sensor
harness connector.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Does the DMM voltage change to more than the
specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 6
1. Leave the DMM connected to the APP sensor
harness connector.
2. Turn OFF the ignition.
3. Disconnect the intake throttle valve harness
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Does the DMM voltage change to more than the
specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 7
1. Leave the DMM connected to the APP sensor
harness connector.
2. Turn OFF the ignition.
3. Disconnect the crankshaft position (CKP)
sensor harness connector.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Does the DMM voltage change to more than the
specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 8
1. Test the 5 volts reference circuit 3 between the
ECM (pin 80 of C-164) and the APP sensor 3
(pin 1 of C-40) for a short to ground or short to
the low reference circuit.
2. Test the 5 volts reference circuit 4 between the
ECM (pin 95 of E-94) and the following
components for a short to ground or short to
the low reference circuit:
• CKP sensor (pin 3 of E-52)
• Boost pressure sensor (pin 3 of E-107)
• Intake throttle position sensor (pin 6 of
3. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 14
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 462/599
1. Test the 5 volts reference circuit 3 between the
ECM (pin 80 of C-164) and the APP sensor 3
(pin 1 of C-40) for a short to battery or ignition
2. Test the 5 volts reference circuit 4 between theECM (pin 95 of E-94) and the following
components for a short to battery or ignition
• CKP sensor (pin 3 of E-52)
• Boost pressure sensor (pin 3 of E-107)
• Intake throttle position sensor (pin 6 of
3. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 14
Replace the APP sensor. Refer to APP Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?—
Go to Step 15 —
Replace the boost pressure sensor. Refer to Boost
Pressure Sensor Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 15 —
Replace the intake throttle valve. Refer to Intake
throttle Valve Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 15 —
Replace the CKP sensor. Refer to CKP Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 15 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 15 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate thevehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 16
16Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 463/599
DTC P0700 (Flash Code 185)
Circuit Description
The transmission control module (TCM) requests to
illuminate the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) via a
controller area network (CAN) communication bus to
the ECM when the TCM sets a MIL request DTC(s). If the ECM detects the MIL illumination request signal,
this DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTCs U0001 and U0101 are not set.
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the MIL illumination is
requested by the TCM.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates MIL when the diagnostic runs
and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Action
Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• Under normal conditions if the TCM sets a DTC
that requests the MIL to be illuminated, P0700 will
Test Description
The number below refers to the step number on the
Circuit/ System Testing.
2. If the TCM has DTCs set that are requesting MIL
illumination, diagnose that DTC first.
3. If the TCM has DTCs set, clear the DTCs in the TCM
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P0700
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the transmission DTC Information with
a scan tool.
Are there any transmission DTCs set?
— Go to Applicable
DTC in Automatic
Section Go to Step 3
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 4
4Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 464/599
DTC P1093 (Flash Code 227)
The common rail fuel system is comprised of two fuel
pressure sections: a suction side between the fuel tank
and the fuel supply pump and a high-pressure side
between the fuel supply pump and the fuel injectors.Fuel is drawn from the fuel tank via a feed pump and
then pumped into the fuel rail by two plungers, all of
which are internal to the fuel supply pump. This high
pressure is regulated by the ECM using the fuel rail
pressure (FRP) regulator dependant upon values from
the FRP sensor attached to the fuel rail. If the ECM
detects that the fuel rail pressure is certain pressure
lower than the desired pressure, this DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTC P0087, P0091, P0092, P0192, P0193,
P0651, P0201 — P0204, P2146 and P2149 are notset.
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine is running.
• The FRP regulator commanded fuel flow is more
than a threshold.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the actual fuel rail pressure
is more than 10 to 20 MPa (1,450 to 2,900 psi)
below the desired pressure for longer than 5seconds. (Euro 4 and South Africa Specification)
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A. (Euro
4 and South Africa Specification)
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type B.
(Except Euro 4 and South Africa Specification)
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity. (South
Africa Specification)
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection. (South Africa
• The ECM inhibits cruise control. (South Africa
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Euro 4 and South
Africa Specification)
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type B. (Except Euro 4
and South Africa Specification)
Diagnostic Aids
• An intermittently sticking FRP regulator may have
allowed the fuel pressure to become low enough toset this DTC.
• Normal Fuel Rail Pressure readings on the scan
tool with the engine running in neutral at idle is
around 27 to 33 MPa (3,900 to 4,800 psi) after
warm up.
• A skewed FRP sensor value can set this DTC. The
FRP Sensor on the scan tool should read 0.9 to
1.0 volt with the key ON and engine OFF after the
engine has stopped running for a minimum of 1
• This DTC most likely indicates a loss of fuel
pressure by a restricted suction side fuel line.
Inspect the suction side fuel restriction between
the fuel supply pump and the fuel tank.
• If the fuel tank is empty or near empty, air might be
allowed to go into the fuel system. With air in the
fuel system, smooth flow of fuel into the supply
pump is interrupted and this DTC may set. Perform
bleeding of fuel system after refilling.
Schematic Reference: Fuel System Routing Diagram
and Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P1093
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
I DTC P0087 P0091 P0092 P0192 P0193
G t A li bl
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 465/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Wait 1 minute for the fuel pressure to bleed
down from the fuel rail.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF. DO
NOT start the engine.
4. Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Sensor
parameter with the scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate within the specified
0.9 to 1.0 volt
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 10
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Place the transmission in Neutral and set the
parking brake.
3. Start the engine.
4. Accelerate the engine between idle and
W.O.T. (accelerator pedal full travel) many
times.5. Let idle for at least 3 minutes while observing
the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P1094 set?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 5
1. Start the engine.
2. Perform the Cylinder Balance Test with a scan
3. Command each injector OFF and verify an
engine speed change for each injector.
Is there an injector that does not change engine
speed when commanded OFF?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 6
1. Check the fuel system line connections
between the fuel tank and the fuel supply
pump for tightness and all fuel hoses for cuts,
cracks and for the use of proper clamps.
Notice: Air in the fuel system will cause fuel rail
pressure fluctuations especially at high engine
speed and load, which may set this DTC.
2. Start the engine and check for high side fuel
system leaks at the fuel supply pump and fuel
Notice: Fuel may leak under the cylinder head
cover from the inlet high pressure line. In such
case, the engine oil level will rise. Inspect for fuelleakage into the engine oil.
3. Repair any fuel system leaks as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 7
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 466/599
Notice: Make sure the in-tank fuel pump operation
before performing the following procedures. Refer
to In-tank Fuel Pump System Check in this section.
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the fuel hose from the fuel supplypump suction side. In order to measure the
discharged fuel amount, put the hose into a
bottle or a container with a scale. (The inlet of
a bottle or a container must be larger than the
diameter of hose.)
3. Turn ON the ignition for 20 seconds, with the
engine OFF.
4. Turn OFF the ignition for 10 seconds.
5. Perform 3 and 4 three times. The accumulated
fuel of three ignition cycles must be more than
300 cc. (Normal amount is more than 100 cc
per one ignition cycle.)
Notice: If there is a leak or a restriction on the
suction side, the fuel from the hose will not flow out
sufficiently that is most likely caused by fuel
leakage, clogged fuel filter, kinked or crushed fuel
hose or pipe. Also inside the fuel tank for any
foreign materials may be getting drawn into the fuel
line pickup.
6. Repair fuel system leaking or restrictions as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 8
1. Remove the fuel hose that connects to the fuel
supply pump suction side and substitute aclear hose.
Notice: The hose must be cleaned before
connecting to the fuel line. Otherwise, foreign
material internal to the hose may damage the fuel
supply pump.
2. Bleed the fuel system. Repeat as necessary
until the engine starts.
3. Let the engine run at idle for at least 1 minute.
4. Observe the clear hose while holding the
engine speed higher than 3000 RPM for a
minimum of 1 minute.
Notice: If many air bubbles appear in the fuel,
check the fuel line connections between the fuel
supply pump and the fuel tank for tightness and all
fuel hoses for cuts, cranks and for the uses of
proper clamps.
5. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 9
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 467/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the FRP regulator harness
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harnessconnector of the FRP regulator (pins 1 and 2
of E-50).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 89, 97, 105 and
113 of E-94).
6. Test for high resistance on each circuit.
7. Repair the connection(s) or circuit(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 13
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the FRP sensor harness
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the FRP sensor (pins 1, 2 and 3
of E-48).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion on at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 82, 87, 90 and
101 of E-94).
6. Test for high resistance on each circuit.
7. Repair the connection(s) or circuit(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 11
Replace the FRP sensor. Refer to FRP sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 15 —
Important: Replacement fuel injector must be
Replace the appropriate fuel injector that does not
change engine speed when commanded OFF.Refer to Fuel Injector Replacement/ Fuel Injector
ID Code Data Programming.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 15 —
Important: The fuel supply pump must be timed to
the engine and adjustment value must be learned
to the ECM.
Notice: Always replace the fuel filter cartridge
when a fuel supply pump is replaced.
Replace the fuel supply pump and fuel filter
cartridge. Refer to Fuel Supply Pump Replacement
and Fuel Filter Cartridge Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 15 —
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 468/599
Notice: There is a possibility that the pressure
limiter valve stuck open or opening pressure has
Replace the pressure limiter valve. Refer to Fuel
Rail Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 15 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 16
16Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 469/599
DTC P1094 (Flash Code 226)
The common rail fuel system is comprised of two fuel
pressure sections: a suction side between the fuel tank
and the fuel supply pump and a high-pressure side
between the fuel supply pump and the fuel injectors.Fuel is drawn from the fuel tank via a feed pump and
then pumped into the fuel rail by two plungers, all of
which are internal to the fuel supply pump. This high
pressure is regulated by the ECM using the fuel rail
pressure (FRP) regulator dependant upon values from
the FRP sensor attached to the fuel rail.
If the ECM detects that the difference between the
actual and the desired fuel pressure is small at low
engine speed but the FRP regulator commanded fuel
flow is certain amount high, this DTC will set. (FRP
Regulator Commanded High DTC)
If the ECM detects that the fuel rail pressure is sharplydecreased when fuel cut, this DTC will also set. (Fuel
Pressure Drop DTC)
Condition for Running the DTC
FRP Regulator Commanded High DTC
• DTCs P0087, P0091, P0092, P0117, P0118,
P0182, P0183, P0192, P0193, P0500, P0501,
P0651, P0201 — P0204, P2146 and P2149 are not
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The accelerator pedal is not depressed.
• The engine coolant temperature is more than 50°C
• The vehicle speed is less than 3km/h (2MPH).
Fuel Pressure Drop DTC
• DTCs P0087, P0091, P0092, P0182, P0183,
P0192, P0193, P0651, P0201 — P0204 and P2146
— P2151 are not set.
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The accelerator pedal is not depressed.• The engine speed is more than 1500RPM.
• The vehicle speed is more than 3km/h (2MPH).
Condition for Setting the DTC
FRP Regulator Commanded High DTC
• The ECM detects that the FRP regulator
commanded fuel flow is more than a
predetermined range for longer than 10 seconds
when the engine speed is near idle speed.
Fuel Pressure Drop DTC
• The ECM detects that the fuel rail pressure isdropped more than a threshold when the
commanded fuel is cut.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
FRP Regulator Commanded High DTC
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Fuel Pressure Drop DTC
• The ECM illuminates the SVS lamp when the
diagnostic runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type
Definitions for Action Taken When the DTC Sets —
Type C. (Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A. (South Africa Specification)
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
• The ECM stops engine running when the vehicle
speed is lower than 5 km/h (3 MPH) for 5 seconds.
The engine will run after the key is cycled when the
ignition has been tuned OFF for longer than 10
seconds. (Euro 4 Specification)
Condition for Clearing the DTCFRP Regulator Commanded High DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Fuel Pressure Drop DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type C. (Euro 4
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (South Africa
Diagnostic Aids
• An intermittently sticking FRP regulator may have
allowed the fuel pressure to become low enough to
set this DTC.
• Normal Fuel Rail Pressure readings on the scan
tool with the engine running in neutral at idle is
around 27 to 33 MPa (3,900 to 4,800 psi) after
warm up.
• A skewed FRP sensor value can set this DTC. The
FRP Sensor on the scan tool should read 0.9 to
1.0 volt with the key ON and engine OFF after the
engine has stopped running for a minimum of 1minute.
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 470/599
• This DTC most likely indicates a loss of fuel
pressure by a fuel leak from the high pressure
side. Inspect the high pressure side fuel leakage
between the fuel supply pump and fuel injector
• If the fuel tank is empty or near empty, air might be
allowed to go into the fuel system. With air in the
fuel system, smooth flow of fuel into the supply
pump is interrupted and this DTC may set. Perform
bleeding of fuel system after refilling.
Schematic Reference: Fuel System Routing Diagram
and Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P1094
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Inspect the high pressure side between the
fuel supply pump and the fuel injectors for fuel
leakage. The following components may
contain an external leak.
• Fuel supply pump
• Fuel rail
• Pressure limiter valve
• Fuel rail pressure (FRP) sensor
• Fuel pipe between the fuel supply pump
and fuel rail
• Fuel pipe between the fuel rail and fuel
• Each fuel pipe sleeve nutsNotice: Fuel may leak under the cylinder head
cover from the inlet high pressure line. In such
case, the engine oil level will rise. Inspect for fuel
leakage into the engine oil.
Notice: Remove and inspect the inlet high
pressure joint to the fuel injectors for fuel leaking
from the sleeve nut(s). Replace the fuel injector
and injection pipe when foreign material was in
2. Repair any fuel system leaks as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 19 Go to Step 3
1. Remove each glow plug from the cylinder
2. Inspect for fuel leakage into the combustion
Is there a cylinder that fuel leakage into the
combustion chamber?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 4
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0087, P0091, P0092, P0192, P0193,P0201 — P0204, P2146 or P2149 set?
Go to ApplicableDTC Go to Step 5
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 471/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Wait 1 minute for the fuel pressure to bleed
down from the fuel rail.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF. DO
NOT start the engine.
4. Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Sensor
parameter with the scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate within the specified
0.9 to 1.0 volt
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 13
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Place the transmission in Neutral and set the
parking brake.
3. Start the engine and let idle for at least 3
minutes while observing the DTC Information
with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
1. Accelerate the engine between idle and
W.O.T. (accelerator pedal full travel) many
2. Let idle for at least 3 minutes while observing
the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 18 Go to Step 8
1. Start the engine.
2. Perform the Cylinder Balance Test with a scan
3. Command each injector OFF and verify an
engine speed change for each injector.
Is there an injector that does not change engine
speed when commanded OFF?
Go to Step 16 Go to Step 9
1. Check the fuel system line connections
between the fuel tank and the fuel supply
pump for tightness and all fuel hoses for cuts,
cracks and for the use of proper clamps.
Notice: Air in the fuel system will cause fuel rail
pressure fluctuations especially at high engine
speed and load, which may set this DTC.
2. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 19 Go to Step 10
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 472/599
Notice: Make sure the in-tank fuel pump operation
before performing the following procedures. Refer
to In-tank Fuel Pump System Check in this section.
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the fuel hose from the fuel supplypump suction side. In order to measure the
discharged fuel amount, put the hose into a
bottle or a container with a scale. (The inlet of
a bottle or a container must be larger than the
diameter of hose.)
3. Turn ON the ignition for 20 seconds, with the
engine OFF.
4. Turn OFF the ignition for 10 seconds.
5. Perform 3 and 4 three times. The accumulated
fuel of three ignition cycles must be more than
300 cc. (Normal amount is more than 100 cc
per one ignition cycle.)
Notice: If there is a leak or a restriction on the
suction side, the fuel from the hose will not flow out
sufficiently that is most likely caused by fuel
leakage, clogged fuel filter, kinked or crushed fuel
hose or pipe. Also inside the fuel tank for any
foreign materials may be getting drawn into the fuel
line pickup.
6. Repair fuel system leaking or restrictions as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 19 Go to Step 11
1. Remove the fuel hose that connects to the fuel
supply pump suction side and substitute aclear hose.
Notice: The hose must be cleaned before
connecting to the fuel line. Otherwise, foreign
material internal to the hose may damage the fuel
supply pump.
2. Bleed the fuel system. Repeat as necessary
until the engine starts.
3. Let the engine run at idle for at least 1 minute.
4. Observe the clear hose while holding the
engine speed higher than 3000 RPM for a
minimum of 1 minute.
Notice: If many air bubbles appear in the fuel,
check the fuel line connections between the fuel
supply pump and the fuel tank for tightness and all
fuel hoses for cuts, cranks and for the uses of
proper clamps.
5. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 19 Go to Step 12
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 473/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the FRP regulator harness
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harnessconnector of the FRP regulator (pins 1 and 2
of E-50).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 89, 97, 105 and
113 of E-94).
6. Test for high resistance on each FRP regulator
7. Repair the connection(s) or circuit(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 19 Go to Step 17
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the FRP sensor harness
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the FRP sensor (pins 1, 2 and 3
of E-48).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 82, 87, 90 and
101 of E-94).
6. Test for high resistance on each circuit.
7. Repair the connection(s) or circuit(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 19 Go to Step 14
Replace the FRP sensor. Refer to FRP sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 19 —
Important: Replacement fuel injector must be
Replace the appropriate fuel injector that wasleaking fuel found at Step 3 and inspect the engine
mechanical for any damage or poor engine
compression. Refer to Fuel Injector Replacement/
Fuel Injector ID Code Data Programming and
engine mechanical section.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 19 —
Important: Replacement fuel injector must be
Replace the appropriate fuel injector that does not
change engine speed when commanded OFF.
Refer to Fuel Injector Replacement/ Fuel Injector
ID Code Data Programming.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 19 —
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 474/599
Important: The fuel supply pump must be timed to
the engine and adjustment value must be learned
to the ECM.
Notice: Always replace the fuel filter cartridge
when a fuel supply pump is replaced.Replace the fuel supply pump and fuel filter
cartridge. Refer to Fuel Supply Pump Replacement
and Fuel Filter Cartridge Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 19 —
Notice: There is a possibility that the pressure
limiter valve stuck open or opening pressure has
Replace the pressure limiter valve. Refer to Fuel
Rail Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 19 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 20
Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed? — Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 475/599
DTC P1261 (Flash Code 34)
Circuit Description
The charge up circuit in the ECM steps up the voltage
for fuel injectors and is divided into two banks, common
1 and common 2. The common 1 covers fuel injectors
in cylinders #1 and #4, and the common 2 covers fuelinjectors in cylinders #2 and #3.
If the common 1 fuel injector charge up circuit in the
ECM is an insufficient charge or an overcharge, this
DTC will set. (Charge Up Voltage DTC)
If the supply voltage to the common 1 and common 2
fuel injector charge up circuits is an excessively low or
high voltage, this DTC will also set. (Supply Voltage
Low or High DTC)
Condition for Running the DTC
Charge Up Voltage DTC
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine is not running.
Supply Voltage Low or High DTC
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
Charge Up Voltage DTC
• The ECM detects that the common 1 fuel injector
charge up circuit is an insufficient charge or an
Supply Voltage Low or High DTC
• The ECM detects that the supply voltage to the
common 1 and common 2 fuel injector charge up
circuits is an excessively low or high voltage.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
Charge Up Voltage DTC & Supply Voltage Low DTC
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Supply Voltage High DTC
• The ECM illuminates the SVS lamp when the
diagnostic runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type
Definitions for Action Taken When the DTC Sets —
Type C. (Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
(Except Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
Charge Up Voltage DTC & Supply Voltage Low DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A
Supply Voltage High DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type C. (Euro 4
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Except Euro 4Specification)
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P1261
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 8
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 476/599
1. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor tightening
and corrosion at the engine ground terminal
2. Repair the tightening or clean the corrosion as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 4
1. Test ground circuit between the ECM (pin 1, 3,
4, 43, 62, 81 of C-164) and the engine ground
terminal (E-10) for an intermittently open
circuit or high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 5
1. Test the battery voltage feed circuit between
the ECM (pin 21, 40 of C-164) and the ECM
main relay (pin 4 of X-12) for an intermittently
open circuit or high resistance.2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 6
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pin 1, 3, 4, 43, 63, 81
of C-164 and pin 21, 40 of C-164).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 8 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected relay
or harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that youobserved from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 9
9Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 477/599
DTC P1262 (Flash Code 34)
Circuit Description
The charge up circuit in the ECM steps up the voltage
for fuel injectors and is divided into two banks, common
1 and common 2. The common 1 covers fuel injectors
in cylinders #1 and #4, and the common 2 covers fuelinjectors in cylinders #2 and #3. If the common 2 fuel
injector charge up circuit in the ECM is an insufficient
charge or an overcharge, this DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine is not running.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the common 2 fuel injector charge up circuit is an insufficient charge or an
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P1262
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 8
1. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor tightening
and corrosion at the engine ground terminal
2. Repair the tightening or clean the corrosion as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 4
1. Test ground circuit between the ECM (pin 1, 3,
4, 43, 62, 81 of C-164) and the engine groundterminal (E-10) for an intermittently open
circuit or high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 5
1. Test the battery voltage feed circuit between
the ECM (pin 21, 40 of C-164) and the ECM
main relay (pin 4 of X-12) for an intermittently
open circuit or high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 6
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 478/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pin 1, 3, 4, 21, 40, 43,63, 81 of C-164).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 8 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected relay
or harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 9
9Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 479/599
DTC P1404 (Flash Code 45)
Circuit Description
The ECM controls the EGR valve opening based on the
engine running condition and by controlling the EGR
solenoid. The EGR valve position is detected by the
position sensor, and relayed to the ECM.If the ECM detects that the actual EGR position is
higher than certain amount, this DTC will set. (Closed
Position Error DTC)
If the ECM detects a variance between the learned
closed position and actual closed position, this DTC will
also set. (Learned Position Error DTC)
Condition for Running the DTC
Closed Position Error DTC
• DTCs P0112, P0113, P0116, P0117, P0118,
P0404 P0405, P0406, P0651, P2227, P2228 and
P2229 are not set.
• The battery voltage is between 10 to 16 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine coolant temperature is between 20 to
110 °C (68 to 230 °F).
• The intake air temperature is between 0 to 110 °C
(32 to 230 °F).
• The barometric pressure is between 60 to 120 kPa
(8.7 to 17.4 psi)
Learned Position Error DTC
• DTCs P0404, P0405 and P0406 are not set.
Condition for Setting the DTC
Closed Position Error DTC
• The ECM detects that the actual EGR position is
more than 20% for 5 seconds when the EGR
control is commanded OFF.
Learned Position Error DTC
• The ECM detects that the EGR learned minimumposition is more than 10% or less than -10% when
the ignition switch is OFF.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits pilot injection.
• The ECM inhibits EGR control. (Closed Position
Error DTC)• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• A sticking or intermittently sticking EGR valve may
set this DTC.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P1404
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0405 or P0406 also set?
Go to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 3
1. Remove the EGR valve assembly from the
2. Inspect the EGR valve for the following
• Restricted EGR valve by foreign
• Excessive deposits at valve• Bent valve shaft
3 Repair or replace as necessary
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 480/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the EGR valve harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the EGR valve (pins 1, 2, 3, 4and 6 of E-71).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 86, 87, 101, 103
and 111 of E-94).
6. Test for high resistance on each circuit.
7. Repair the connection(s) or circuit(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 5
5Replace the EGR valve. Refer to EGR ValveReplacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 6 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
Notice: Ignition switch must be cycled before clear
the DTC.
2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Turn ON the ignition and clear the DTCs with
a scan tool.
5. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
6. Start the engine.
7. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 7
7Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 481/599
DTC P161B (Flash Code 179)
Circuit Description
The ECM communicates with the immobilizer control
unit (ICU) to execute immobilizer function. The ECM
transmits a specific request signal to the ICU and the
ICU sends back a response signal to the ECM. Bothcommunication signals are carried out via a controller
area network (CAN) communication bus. If the ECM
receives a wrong response signal from the ICU, this
DTC will set.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM receives a wrong immobilizer response
signal from the ICU.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the SVS lamp when the
diagnostic runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type
Definitions for Action Taken When the DTC Sets —
Type C. (Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
(Except Euro 4 Specification)
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type C. (Euro 4
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Except Euro 4
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• Electromagnetic interference may affect
intermittent condition.
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P161B
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0633, U0001 or U0167 also set?
Go to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 3
Monitor the immobilizer DTC Information with a
scan tool.
Does the immobilizer DTCs fail this ignition which
begin with B or U?
— Go to Applicable
DTC in Immobilizer
Section Go to Step 4
Program immobilizer security information into the
ECM. Refer to Resetting and Programming
Guidelines in immobilizer section.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 5
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 6 —
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 482/599
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 7
7Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 483/599
DTC P1621 (Flash Code 54, 254)
Circuit Description
The electrically erasable & programmable read only
memory (EEPROM) memorizes learning data, VIN data
and immobilizer security information. If the ECM
detects an error in either of their data, this DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
Either of following condition is met:
• The ECM detects a faulty learning data in its
internal EEPROM. (Flash Code 54)
• The ECM detects a faulty VIN data or immobilizer
security information in its internal EEPROM. (Flash
Code 254)
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the SVS lamp when the
diagnostic runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type
Definitions for Action Taken When the DTC Sets —
Type C. (Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
(Except Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity. (Flash Code
• The ECM inhibits cruise control. (Flash Code 54)
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type C. (Euro 4Specification)
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Except Euro 4
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P1621
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Ensure that all tool connections are secure.2. Ensure that programming equipment is
operating correctly.
3. Install a scan tool.
4. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
5. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
6. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 5
1. Verify the correct VIN and immobilizer code
are entered into the ECM with a scan tool.
Refer to ECM Replacement.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 5 —
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 484/599
1. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 6
6Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 485/599
DTC P1664 (Flash Code 76)
Circuit Description
The service vehicle soon (SVS) lamp is located on the
instrument panel (IP) cluster. The SVS lamp informs
the driver that a non-emission related fault has
occurred and vehicle service required.The ECM monitors the SVS lamp control circuit for
conditions that are incorrect for the commanded state
of the SVS lamp. For example, a failure condition exists
if the ECM detects low voltage when the SVS lamp is
commanded OFF, or high voltage when the SVS lamp
is commanded ON. If the ECM detects an improper
voltage level on the control circuit, this DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• The ignition voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
Low Voltage DTC
• The ECM detects a low voltage condition on the
SVS lamp control circuit when the lamp is
commanded OFF.
High Voltage DTC
• The ECM detects a high voltage condition on the
SVS lamp control circuit when the lamp is
commanded ON.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
Low Voltage DTC
• The ECM will not illuminate the MIL or SVS lamp.
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Action TakenWhen the DTC Sets — Type D.
High Voltage DTC
• The ECM illuminates the SVS lamp when the
diagnostic runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type
Definitions for Action Taken When the DTC Sets —
Type C.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
Low Voltage DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the DTC — Type D.
High Voltage DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type C.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P1664
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Verify whether the instrument panel (IP)
cluster is operational.
2. Install a scan tool.
3. Perform the Service Vehicle Soon (SVS)
Lamp Control with a scan tool.
4. Command the lamp ON and OFF.
Does the SVS lamp turn ON and OFF with each
Go to Diagnostic
Aids Go to Step 3
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Inspect the Meter (10A) fuse in the cabin fuse
Is the Meter (10A) fuse open?
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
Replace the Meter (10A) fuse. If the fuse continues
to open, repair the short to ground on one of the
circuits that is fed by the Meter (10A) fuse or
replace the shorted attached component.
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 17 —
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 486/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM C-164 harness
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the SVS lamp OFF?
Go to Sep 6 Go to Step 12
1. Remove the Meter (10A) fuse that supplies
voltage to the SVS lamp.
2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
3. Measure the voltage from the SVS lamp
control circuit in the ECM harness connector
(pin 17 of C-164) to a known good ground.
Is the voltage less than the specified value?
1 volt
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 13
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Reinstall the Meter (10A) fuse.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.4. Connect a 3-amp fused jumper wire between
the ECM harness connector (pin 17 of C-164)
and a known good ground.
Is the SVS lamp illuminated?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 8
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Remove the IP cluster.
3. Connect a test lamp between the ignition
voltage feed circuit of the IP cluster harness
connector (pin 8 of B-24) and a known good
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Go to Step 9 Go to Step 14
1. Test the control circuit between the ECM (pin
17 of C-164) and the IP cluster (pin 26 of B-
23) for an open circuit or high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 17 Go to Step 10
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
IP cluster (pin 8 of B-24 and pin 26 of B-23).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 17 Go to Step 15
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
ECM (pin 17 of C-164).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 17 Go to Step 16
Repair the short to ground between the ECM (pin
17 of C-164) and the IP cluster (pin 26 of B-23).
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 17 —
Repair the short to battery or ignition voltage
between the ECM (pin 17 of C-164) and the IPcluster (pin 26 of B-23).
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 17 —
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 487/599
Repair the open circuit or high resistance on the
ignition voltage feed circuit between the Meter
(10A) fuse and the IP cluster (pin 8 of B-24).
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 17 —
15Repair or replace the IP cluster.
Did you complete the repair or replacement?—
Go to Step 17 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 17 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected fuse or
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Perform the SVS Lamp Control with a scantool.
5. Command the lamp ON and OFF.
Does the SVS lamp turn ON and OFF with each
Go to Step 18 Go to Step 3
18Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 488/599
DTC P2122 or P2123 (Flash Code 121)
Circuit Description
The accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor is
mounted on the accelerator pedal control assembly.
The sensor is made up of three individual sensors
within one housing. The ECM uses the APP sensors todetermine the amount of acceleration or deceleration
that is desired. The APP sensor 1 has the following
• 5 volts reference circuit
• Low reference circuit
• APP sensor 1 signal circuit
The APP sensor 1 provides a signal to the ECM on the
signal circuit, which is relative to the position changes
of the accelerator pedal angle. If the ECM detects an
excessively low or high signal voltage, DTC P2122 or
P2123 will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTCs P0641 is not set.
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the APP sensor 1 signal
voltage is less than 0.15 volts. (DTC P2122)
• The ECM detects that the APP sensor 1 signal
voltage is more than 4.85 volts. (DTC P2123)
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the SVS lamp when the
diagnostic runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type
Definitions for Action Taken When the DTC Sets —
Type C. (Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
(Except Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type C. (Euro 4
Specification)• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Except Euro 4
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• APP sensor 1 may have an intermittent open
somewhere in the pedal range.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P2122
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0641 also set?
Go to DTC P0641 Go to Step 3
Fully depress and release the accelerator pedal
while observing the Accelerator Pedal Position
(APP) Sensor 1 parameter with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate less than the specified
value during depressing or releasing the pedal?
0.2 volts
Go to Step 4
Go to Diagnostic
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 489/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the APP sensor harness
3. Connect a DMM between the 5 volts reference
circuit (pin 10 of C-40) and a known goodground.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 6
Connect a 3-amp fused jumper wire between the 5
volts reference circuit and the signal circuit (pins 5
and 10 of C-40).
Is the APP Sensor 1 parameter more than the
specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
1. Test the 5 volts reference circuit between the
ECM (pin 42 of C-164) and the APP sensor
(pin 10 of C-40) for an open circuit or highresistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 9
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
63 of C-164) and the APP sensor (pin 5 of C-
40) for the following conditions:
• An open circuit
• A short to ground
• A short to the low reference circuit
• High resistance
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 9
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
APP sensor (pins 5 and 10 of C-40).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 10
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of theECM (pins 42 and 63 of C-164).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 11
Replace the APP sensor. Refer to APP Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 12 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 12 —
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 490/599
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P2123
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Fully depress and release the accelerator
pedal while observing the APP Sensor 1
parameter with the scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate less than the specified
value during depressing or releasing the pedal?
0.2 volts
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 13
13Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Fully depress and release the accelerator
pedal while observing the Accelerator Pedal
Position (APP) Sensor 1 parameter with a
scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate more than the specified
value during depressing or releasing the pedal?
4.8 volts
Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
3Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0641 also set?—
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the APP sensor harness
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the APP Sensor 1 parameter less than the
specified value?
0.1 volts
Go to DTC P0641 Go to Step 7
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the APP sensor harness
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the APP Sensor 1 parameter less than the
specified value?
0.1 volts
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
Connect a test lamp between the low reference
circuit (pin 4 of C-40) and battery voltage.
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Go to Step 9 Go to Step 8
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 491/599
Important: The APP sensor 1 may be damaged if
the sensor signal circuit is shorted to a voltage
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
63 of C-164) and the APP sensor (pin 5 of C-40) for the following conditions:
• A short to battery or ignition voltage
• A short to any 5 volts reference
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 12
1. Test the low reference circuit between the
ECM (pin 41 of C-164) and the APP sensor
(pin 4 of C-40) for an open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 10
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
APP sensor (pin 4 of C-40).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 11
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
ECM (pin 41 of C-164).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 12
Replace the APP sensor. Refer to APP Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 13 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 13 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Fully depress and release the accelerator
pedal while observing the APP Sensor 1
parameter with the scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate more than the specified
value during depressing or releasing the pedal?
4.8 volts
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 14
14Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 492/599
DTC P2127 or P2128 (Flash Code 122)
Circuit Description
The accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor is
mounted on the accelerator pedal control assembly.
The sensor is made up of three individual sensors
within one housing. The ECM uses the APP sensors todetermine the amount of acceleration or deceleration
that is desired. The APP sensor 2 has the following
• 5 volts reference circuit
• Low reference circuit
• APP sensor 2 signal circuit
The APP sensor 2 provides a signal to the ECM on the
signal circuit, which is relative to the position changes
of the accelerator pedal angle. If the ECM detects an
excessively low or high signal voltage, DTC P2127 or
P2128 will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTCs P0651 is not set.
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the APP sensor 2 signal
voltage is less than 0.15 volts. (DTC P2127)
• The ECM detects that the APP sensor 2 signal
voltage is more than 4.85 volts. (DTC P2128)
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the SVS lamp when the
diagnostic runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type
Definitions for Action Taken When the DTC Sets —
Type C. (Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
(Except Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type C. (Euro 4
Specification)• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Except Euro 4
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• APP sensor 2 may have an intermittent open
somewhere in the pedal range.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P2127
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0651 also set?
Go to DTC P0651 Go to Step 3
Fully depress and release the accelerator pedal
while observing the Accelerator Pedal Position
(APP) Sensor 2 parameter with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate less than the specified
value during depressing or releasing the pedal?
0.2 volts
Go to Step 4
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the APP sensor harness
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the APP Sensor 2 parameter more than the
4.7 volts
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 493/599
Connect a DMM between the 5 volts reference
circuit (pin 8 of C-40) and a known good ground.
Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin64 of C-164) and the APP sensor (pin 9 of C-
40) for the following conditions:
• A short to ground
• A short to the low reference circuit
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 11
1. Test the 5 volts reference circuit between the
ECM (pin 61 of C-164) and the APP sensor
(pin 8 of C-40) for an open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 9
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
APP sensor (pin 8 of C-40).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 10
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
ECM (pin 61 of C-164).4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 11
Replace the APP sensor. Refer to APP Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 12 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 12 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnectedharness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Fully depress and release the accelerator
pedal while observing the APP Sensor 2
parameter with the scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate less than the specified
value during depressing or releasing the pedal?
0.2 volts
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 13
13Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 494/599
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P2128
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0651 also set?
Go to DTC P0651 Go to Step 3
Fully depress and release the accelerator pedal
while observing the Accelerator Pedal Position
(APP) Sensor 2 parameter with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate more than the specified
value during depressing or releasing the pedal?
4.8 volts
Go to Step 4
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the APP sensor harness
3. Connect a DMM between the signal circuit
(pin 9 of C-40) and a known good ground.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value?
5.3 volts
Go to Step 10 Go to Step 5
1. Connect a test lamp between the signal circuit
of the sensor 2 harness (pin 9 of C-40) and a
known good ground.
2. Connect a DMM between the probe of the test
lamp and a known good ground.
Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 9 Go to Step 6
Connect a 3-amp fused jumper wire between the
signal circuit and the low reference circuit of the
sensor 2 harness (pins 3 and 9 of C-40).
Is the APP Sensor 2 parameter less than the
specified value?
0.2 volts
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 7
1. Test the low reference circuit between the
ECM (pin 60 of C-164) and the APP sensor
(pin 3 of C-40) for an open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 8
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
64 of C-164) and the APP sensor (pin 9 of C-
40) for an open circuit or high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 12
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
64 of C-164) and the APP sensor (pin 9 of C-
40) for short to any 5 volts reference circuit.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 14
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 495/599
Important: The APP sensor 2 may be damaged if
the sensor signal circuit is shorted to a voltage
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
64 of C-164) and the APP sensor (pin 9 of C-40) for a short to battery or ignition voltage.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 14
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
APP sensor (pins 3 and 9 of C-40).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 13
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
ECM (pins 60 and 64 of C-164).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 14
Replace the APP sensor. Refer to APP Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 15 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 15 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Fully depress and release the accelerator
pedal while observing the APP Sensor 2
parameter with the scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate more than the specified
value during depressing or releasing the pedal?
4.8 volts
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 16
16Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 496/599
DTC P2132 or P2133 (Flash Code 123)
Circuit Description
The accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor is
mounted on the accelerator pedal control assembly.
The sensor is made up of three individual sensors
within one housing. The ECM uses the APP sensors todetermine the amount of acceleration or deceleration
that is desired. The APP sensor 3 has the following
• 5 volts reference circuit
• Low reference circuit
• APP sensor 3 signal circuit
The APP sensor 3 provides a signal to the ECM on the
signal circuit, which is relative to the position changes
of the accelerator pedal angle. If the ECM detects an
excessively low or high signal voltage, DTC P2132 or
P2133 will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTCs P0697 is not set.
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the APP sensor 3 signal
voltage is less than 1.2 volts. (DTC P2132)
• The ECM detects that the APP sensor 3 signal
voltage is more than 4.85 volts. (DTC P2133)
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
DTC P2132
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
DTC P2133
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
DTC P2132
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type C. (Euro 4
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Except Euro 4Specification)
DTC P2133
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• APP sensor 3 may have an intermittent open
somewhere in the pedal range.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P2132
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check -Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0697 also set?
Go to DTC P0697 Go to Step 3
Fully depress and release the accelerator pedal
while observing the Accelerator Pedal Position
(APP) Sensor 3 parameter with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate less than the specified
value during depressing or releasing the pedal?
1.2 volts
Go to Step 4
Go to Diagnostic
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 497/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the APP sensor harness
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the APP Sensor 3 parameter more than the
specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 6
Connect a DMM between the 5 volts reference
circuit (pin 1 of C-40) and a known good ground.
Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
70 of C-164) and the APP sensor (pin 6 of C-
40) for the following conditions:
• A short to ground
• A short to the low reference circuit
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 11
1. Test the 5 volts reference circuit between the
ECM (pin 80 of C-164) and the APP sensor
(pin 1 of C-40) for an open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 9
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
APP sensor (pin 1 of C-40).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 10
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
ECM (pin 80 of C-164).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 11
Replace the APP sensor. Refer to APP Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?—
Go to Step 12 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 12 —
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 498/599
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P2133
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Fully depress and release the accelerator
pedal while observing the APP Sensor 3
parameter with the scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate less than the specified
value during depressing or releasing the pedal?
1.2 volts
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 13
13Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0697 also set?
Go to DTC P0697 Go to Step 3
Fully depress and release the accelerator pedal
while observing the Accelerator Pedal Position
(APP) Sensor 3 parameter with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate more than the specified
value during depressing or releasing the pedal?
4.8 volts
Go to Step 4
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the APP sensor harness
3. Connect a DMM between the signal circuit
(pin 6 of C-40) and a known good ground.
4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value?
5.3 volts
Go to Step 10 Go to Step 5
1. Connect a test lamp between the signal circuit
(pin 6 of C-40) and a known good ground.
2. Connect a DMM between the probe of the test
lamp and a known good ground.
Is the DMM voltage more than the specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 9 Go to Step 6
Connect a 3-amp fused jumper wire between the
signal circuit and the low reference circuit of the
sensor 3 harness (pins 6 and 7 of C-40).
Is the APP Sensor 3 parameter less than the
specified value?
0.2 volts
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 7
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 499/599
1. Test the low reference circuit between the
ECM (pin 79 of C-164) and the APP sensor
(pin 7 of C-40) for an open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 8
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
70 of C-164) and the APP sensor (pin 6 of C-
40) for an open circuit or high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 12
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
70 of C-164) and the APP sensor (pin 6 of C-
40) for short to any 5 volts reference circuit.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 14
Important: The APP sensor 3 may be damaged if
the sensor signal circuit is shorted to a voltage
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
70 of C-164) and the APP sensor (pin 6 of C-
40) for a short to battery or ignition voltage.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 14
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
APP sensor (pins 6 and 7 of C-40).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 13
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
ECM (pins 70 and 79 of C-164).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 14
Replace the APP sensor. Refer to APP Sensor Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 15 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 15 —
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 500/599
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Fully depress and release the accelerator
pedal while observing the APP Sensor 3
parameter with the scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate more than the specified
value during depressing or releasing the pedal?
4.8 volts
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 16
16Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 501/599
DTC P2138, P2139 or P2140 (Flash Code 124, 125 or 126)
Circuit Description
The accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor is
mounted on the accelerator pedal control assembly.
The sensor is made up of three individual sensors
within one housing. The APP sensor 1, APP sensor 2and APP sensor 3 are potentiometer type sensors,
each with the following circuits.
• 5 volts reference circuit
• Low reference circuit
• Signal circuit
The APP sensor provides a signal to the ECM on the
signal circuits, which is relative to the position changes
of the accelerator pedal angle. The APP sensor 1
signal voltage is low at rest and increases as the pedal
is depressed. The APP sensor 2 and APP sensor 3
signal voltage is high at rest and decreases as thepedal is depressed. If the ECM detects that each APP
sensor signal voltage is out of the correlation, DTC
P2138, P2139 or P2140 will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The APP sensor 1 signal voltage is between 0.15
to 4.85 volt. (DTC P2138 or P2139)
• The APP sensor 2 signal voltage is between 0.15
to 4.85 volt. (DTC P2138 or P2140)
• The APP sensor 3 signal voltage is between 1.20
to 4.85 volt. (DTC P2139 or P2140)
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the APP sensor 1 and 2 are
more than 40% out of range of each other. (DTC
• The ECM detects that the APP sensor 1 and 3 are
more than 62% out of range of each other. (DTC
• The ECM detects that the APP sensor 2 and 3 are
more than 62% out of range of each other. (DTCP2140)
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the SVS lamp when the
diagnostic runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type
Definitions for Action Taken When the DTC Sets —
Type C. (Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
(Except Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type C. (Euro 4
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Except Euro 4
Diagnostic Aids• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P2138
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0641, P0651, P0697, P2132 or P2133
also set?
Go to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 3
Fully depress and release the accelerator pedal
while observing the DTC Information with a scan
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 4Go to Diagnostic
4 Is DTC P2140 also set? — Go to Step 6 Go to Step 5
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 502/599
1. Test each accelerator pedal position (APP)
sensor 2 circuits between the ECM (pins 60,
61 and 64 of C-164) and the APP sensor (pins
3, 8 and 9 of C-40) for high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 7
1. Test each APP sensor 1 circuits between the
ECM (pins 41, 42 and 63 of C-164) and the
APP sensor (pins 4, 5 and 10 of C-40) for high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 8
1. Test each APP sensor 3 circuits between the
ECM (pins 70, 79 and 80 of C-164) and the
APP sensor (pins 1, 6 and 7 of C-40) for high
resistance.2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 9
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the APP sensor harness
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the APP sensor (pins 1, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of C-40).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 41, 42, 60, 61, 63,
64, 70, 79 and 80 of C-164).
6. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 10
1. Test the APP sensor 1 and sensor 3 signal
circuit between the ECM (pins 63 and 70 of C-
164) and the APP sensor (pins 5 and 6 of C-
40) for a short circuit each other.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 11
Replace the APP sensor. Refer to APP Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 12 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Fully depress and release the accelerator
pedal while observing the DTC Information
with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 15
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 503/599
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P2139
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 14 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Fully depress and release the accelerator
pedal while observing the DTC Information
with a scan tool.
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 15
15Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0641, P0651, P0697, P2127 or P2128
also set?
Go to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 3
Fully depress and release the accelerator pedal
while observing the DTC Information with a scan
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 4
Go to Diagnostic
4 Is DTC P2138 also set? — Go to DTC P2138 Go to Step 5
5 Is DTC P2140 also set? — Go to DTC P2140 Go to Step 6
1. Test each accelerator pedal position (APP)sensor 2 circuits between the ECM (pins 60,
61 and 64 of C-164) and the APP sensor (pins
3, 8 and 9 of C-40) for high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 7
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 504/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the APP sensor harness
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harnessconnector of the APP sensor (pins 3, 8 and 9
of C-40).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 60, 61 and 64 of
6. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 8
1. Test the APP sensor 1 and sensor 2 signal
circuit between the ECM (pins 63 and 64 of C-
164) and the APP sensor (pins 5 and 9 of C-
40) for a short circuit each other.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 9
Replace the APP sensor. Refer to APP Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 10 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Fully depress and release the accelerator
pedal while observing the DTC Information
with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 13
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 12 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Fully depress and release the accelerator
pedal while observing the DTC Information
with a scan tool.
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 13
13Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 505/599
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P2140
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0641, P0651, P0697, P2122 or P2123
also set?
Go to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 3
Fully depress and release the accelerator pedal
while observing the DTC Information with a scan
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 4
Go to Diagnostic
4 Is DTC P2138 also set? — Go to DTC P2138 Go to Step 5
5 Is DTC P2139 also set? — Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
1. Test each accelerator pedal position (APP)
sensor 3 circuits between the ECM (pins 70,
79 and 80 of C-164) and the APP sensor (pins
1, 6 and 7 of C-40) for high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 7
1. Test each APP sensor 1 circuits between the
ECM (pins 41, 42 and 63 of C-164) and the
APP sensor (pins 4, 5 and 10 of C-40) for high
resistance.2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 8
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the APP sensor harness
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the APP sensor (pins 1, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of C-40).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 41, 42, 60, 61, 63,
64, 70, 79 and 80 of C-164).
6. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 9
1. Test the APP sensor 1 and sensor 2 signal
circuit between the ECM (pins 63 and 64 of C-
164) and the APP sensor (pins 5 and 9 of C-
40) for a short circuit each other.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 10
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 506/599
1. Test the APP sensor 1 and sensor 3 signal
circuit between the ECM (pins 63 and 70 of C-
164) and the APP sensor (pins 5 and 6 of C-
40) for a short circuit each other.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 11
Replace the APP sensor. Refer to APP Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 12 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Fully depress and release the accelerator pedal while observing the DTC Information
with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 15
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 14 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.4. Start the engine.
5. Fully depress and release the accelerator
pedal while observing the DTC Information
with a scan tool.
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 15
15Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 507/599
DTC P2146 (Flash Code 158)
Circuit Description
The ECM calculates the optimum fuel injection ON time
using data sent from various engine sensors. The
common 1 fuel injector charge voltage circuit is a high-
voltage supply which drives fuel injectors for cylinder #1and #4 in conjunction with the ECM grounding the fuel
injector solenoid control circuit. If the common 1 fuel
injector charge voltage circuit is shorted to cylinder #1
or #4 fuel injector solenoid control circuit, shorted to
ground or shorted voltage circuit DTC P2146 will set. If
the cylinder #1 and #4 fuel injector solenoid control
circuit is shorted each other, shorted to ground or
shorted voltage circuit DTC P2146 will also set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTCs P0201 and P0204 are not set. (DTC P2146)
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine is running.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the common 1 fuel injector
charge voltage circuit is shored to cylinder #1 or #4
fuel injector solenoid control circuit, or cylinder #1
and #4 fuel injector solenoid control circuit isshorted each other. (DTC P2146)
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P2146
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Accelerate the engine and keep the
accelerator pedal at any position.
5. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 508/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the cylinder #1 and #4 fuel injector
harness connector.
3. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
4. Measure continuity through the fuel injector
harness connector(s).
• Each #1 fuel injector circuit (pins 1 and 2
of E-13)
• Each #4 fuel injector circuit (pins 1and 2
of E-16)
• #1 and #4 solenoid control circuits (pin 1
of E-13 and pin 1 of E-16)
• #1 solenoid control circuit (pins 1 of E-13)
and #4 charge voltage circuit (pin 2 of E-
• #1 charge voltage circuit (pins 2 of E-13)
and #4 solenoid control circuit (pin 1 of E-16)
5. Repair the short circuit if continuity exists for
any measurement.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 4
Measure the resistance of cylinder #1 and #4 fuel
injector solenoid.
Is the resistance more than the specified value?
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 5
Important: Replacement fuel injector must be
Replace the appropriate fuel injector that was less
solenoid resistance found at Step 4. Refer to FuelInjector Replacement/ Fuel Injector ID Code Data
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 7 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 7 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 8
8Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 509/599
DTC P2149 (Flash Code 159)
Circuit Description
The ECM calculates the optimum fuel injection ON time
using data sent from various engine sensors. The
common 2 fuel injector charge voltage circuit is a high-
voltage supply which drives fuel injectors for cylinder #2and #3 in conjunction with the ECM grounding the fuel
injector solenoid control circuit. If the common 2 fuel
injector charge voltage circuit is shorted to cylinder #2
or #3 fuel injector solenoid control circuit, shorted to
ground or shorted voltage circuit DTC P2149 will set. If
the cylinder #2 and #3 fuel injector solenoid control
circuit is shorted each other, shorted to ground or
shorted voltage circuit DTC P2149 will also set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTCs P0202 and P0203 are not set. (DTC P2149)
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine is running.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the common 2 fuel injector
charge voltage circuit is shored to cylinder #2 or #3
fuel injector solenoid control circuit, or cylinder #2
and #3 fuel injector solenoid control circuit isshorted each other. (DTC P2149).
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P2149
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Accelerate the engine and keep the
accelerator pedal at any position.
5. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Does the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 510/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the cylinder #2 and #3 fuel injector
harness connector.
3. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
4. Measure continuity through the fuel injector
harness connector(s).
• Each #2 fuel injector circuit (pins 1 and 2
of E-14)
• Each #3 fuel injector circuit (pins 1and 2
of E-15)
• #2 and #3 solenoid control circuits (pin 1
of E-14 and pin 1 of E-15)
• #2 solenoid control circuit (pin 1 of E-14)
and #3 charge voltage circuit (pin 2 of E-
• #2 charge voltage circuit (pin 2 of E-14)
and #3 solenoid control circuit (pin 1 of E-15)
5. Repair the short circuit if continuity exists for
any measurement.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 4
Measure the resistance of cylinder #2 and #3 fuel
injector solenoid.
Is the resistance less than the specified value?
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 5
Important: Replacement fuel injector must be
Replace the appropriate fuel injector that was less
solenoid resistance found at Step 4. Refer to FuelInjector Replacement/ Fuel Injector ID Code Data
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 7 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 7 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 8
8Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 511/599
DTC P2227 (Flash Code 71)
Circuit Description
The barometric pressure (BARO) sensor is located on
the intake manifold. The BARO sensor is a transducer
that varies voltage according to changes the barometric
pressure. Within the ECM, the diagnostic compares theBARO sensor input to the boost pressure sensor input.
If the ECM detects that the inputs are not within a
specified amount of each other, this DTC will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTCs P0101, P0102, P0103, P0107, P0108,
P0116, P0117, P0118, P0122, P0123, P0500,
P0501, P0638, P0651, P0697, P2228 and P2229
are not set.
AND following conditions are met for longer than 3
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The engine coolant temperature is more than 5°C
• The engine speed is less than 800 RPM.
• The fuel injection quantity is less than a
predetermined value.
• The accelerator pedal is not depressed.
• The vehicle is not running.
• The engine run time is longer than 5 seconds.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the differential pressure
between the barometric pressure and the boost
pressure is more than 10 kPa (1.5 psi) for 10
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits EGR control.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P2227
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0107, P0108, P2228 or P2229 also set?
Go to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 3
1. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.2. Compare the Boost Pressure parameter to the
Barometric Pressure (BARO) parameter with
a scan tool.
Are both parameter within the range specified of
each other?
10 kPa (1.5
Go to Diagnostic
Aids Go to Step 4
Determine the outside barometric pressure from
your location specified in the altitude vs barometric
pressure table. Refer to Altitude vs Barometric
Is the BARO parameter on the scan tool close to
the outside barometric pressure?
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 7
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 512/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the boost pressure sensor
harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harnessconnector of the boost pressure sensor (pins
1, 2 and 3 of E-107).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 91, 95, 108 and
109 of E-94).
6. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 6
1. Test each sensor circuit between the ECM
(pins 91, 95 and 109 of E-94) and the boost
pressure sensor (pins 1, 2 and 3 of E-107) for
high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 9
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the BARO sensor harness
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the BARO sensor (pins 1, 2 and
3 of E-40).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pin 71 of C-164, pins
87 and 101 of E-94).
6. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 8
1. Test each sensor circuit between the ECM (pin
71 of C-164, pins 87 and 101 of E-94) and the
BARO sensor (pins 1, 2 and 3 of E-40) for
high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
Replace the boost pressure sensor. Refer to Boost
Pressure Sensor Replacement in this section.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 11 —
Replace the BARO sensor. Refer to BARO Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 11 —
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 513/599
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 12
12Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 514/599
DTC P2228 or P2229 (Flash Code 71)
Circuit Description
The barometric pressure (BARO) sensor is located on
the intake manifold. The BARO sensor is a transducer
that varies voltage according to changes the barometric
pressure. The sensor has the following circuits.
• 5 volts reference circuit.
• Low reference circuit.
• BARO sensor signal circuit.
The BARO sensor provides a signal to the ECM on the
signal circuit, which is relative to the pressure changes
of the barometric pressure. The ECM should detect a
low signal voltage at a low barometric pressure, such
as high altitude place. The ECM should detect high
signal voltage at a high barometric pressure. The ECM
uses this voltage signal to calibrate the fuel injection
quantity and injection timing for altitude compensation.If the ECM detects an excessively low or high signal
voltage, DTC P2228 or P2229 will set.
Condition for Running the DTC
• DTCs P0651 is not set.
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the BARO sensor signal
voltage is less than 0.1 volts for 3 seconds. (DTC
• The ECM detects that the BARO sensor signal
voltage is less than 4.3 volts for 3 seconds. (DTC
Action Taken When the DTC Sets• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM uses a BARO substitution of default
• The ECM limits fuel injection quantity.
• The ECM inhibits EGR control.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P2228
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0651 also set?
Go to DTC P0651 Go to Step 3
Observe the Barometric Pressure (BARO) Sensor
parameter with a scan tool.
Is the BARO Sensor parameter less than the
specified value?
0.1 volts
Go to Step 4
Go to Diagnostic
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the BARO sensor harness
3. Connect a DMM between the 5 volts reference
circuit (pin 3 of E-40) and a known good
ground.4. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
I h DMM l h h ifi d l ?
4.7 volts
G S G S 6
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 515/599
Connect a 3-amp fused jumper wire between the 5
volts reference circuit and the signal circuit (pins 2
and 3 of E-40).
Is the BARO Sensor parameter more than the
specified value?
4.7 volts
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
1. Test the 5 volts reference circuit between the
ECM (pin 87 of E-94) and the BARO sensor
(pin 3 of E-40) for an open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 9
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
71 of C-164) and the BARO sensor (pin 2 of
E-40) for the following conditions:
• An open circuit
• A short to ground
• A short to the low reference circuit
• High resistance
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 9
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
BARO sensor (pins 2 and 3 of E-40).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 10
1. Turn OFF the ignition.2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
ECM (pin 71 of C-164 and pin 87 of E-94).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 11
Replace the BARO sensor. Refer to BARO Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 12 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 12 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ FailureRecords.
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 13
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 516/599
Circuit/ System Testing DTC P2229
13Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Start the engine.
4. Observe the Barometric Pressure (BARO)
Sensor parameter with a scan tool.
Is the BARO Sensor parameter more than the
specified value?
4.3 volts
Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
3Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0651 also set?—
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the BARO sensor harness
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the BARO Sensor parameter less than the
specified value?
0.1 volts
Go to DTC P0651 Go to Step 7
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the BARO sensor harness
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the BARO Sensor parameter less than the
specified value?
0.1 volts
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
Connect a test lamp between the low reference
circuit (pin 1 of E-40) and battery voltage.
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Go to Step 9 Go to Step 8
Important: The BARO sensor may be damaged if
the sensor signal circuit is shorted to a voltagesource.
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
71 of C-164) and the BARO sensor (pin 2 of
E-40) for the following conditions:
• A short to battery or ignition voltage
• A short to any 5 volts reference
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 12
1. Test the low reference circuit between the
ECM (pin 101 of E-94) and the BARO sensor
(pin 1 of E-40) for an open circuit or highresistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 517/599
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
BARO sensor (pin 1 of E-40).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 11
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
ECM (pin 101 of E-94).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 12
Replace the BARO sensor. Refer to BARO Sensor
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 13 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 13 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate thevehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 14
14Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 518/599
DTC U0001 or U0101 (Flash Code 84 or 85)
Circuit Description
The ECM, the transmission control module (TCM), the
immobilizer control unit (ICU), the data recording
module (DRM), instrument panel (IP) cluster and scan
tool communicate control and diagnostic informationvia a controller area network (CAN) communication
bus. The ECM monitors CAN operational status by
expecting a constant flow of messages from the TCM,
ICU, DRM and IP cluster. If the ECM fails to send or
receive an expected message from the TCM, ICU,
DRM and IP cluster, DTC U0001 or U0101 will set
depending on what communication is lost.
Condition for Running the DTC
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM detects that the CAN Bus OFF status.
(DTC U0001)
• The ECM detects that the CAN Bus messages
from the TCM are not being received. (DTC
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
• The ECM inhibits cruise control.
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A.
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• If the TCM has DTCs set, clear the DTCs in the
TCM first.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing DTC U0001 or U0101
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
1Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check -Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to DiagnosticSystem Check —
Engine Controls
Refer to Scan Tool Does Not Communicate with
The CAN Device in this section.
Did you complete the action?
Go to Step 3 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
4. Start the engine.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you
observed from the Freeze Frame/ Failure
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 4
4Observe the DTC information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 519/599
DTC U0167 (Flash Code 177)
Circuit Description
The ECM communicates with the immobilizer control
unit (ICU) to execute immobilizer function. The ECM
sends request signal to the ICU. The ECM receives
response signal from the ICU. Both communicationsignals are carried out via a controller area network
(CAN) communication bus. If the ECM does not detect
a response signal from the ICU, this DTC will set.
Condition for Setting the DTC
• The ECM does not receive an immobilizer
response signal from the ICU.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
• The ECM illuminates the SVS lamp when the
diagnostic runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type
Definitions for Action Taken When the DTC Sets —
Type C. (Euro 4 Specification)
• The ECM illuminates the MIL when the diagnostic
runs and fails. Refer to DTC Type Definitions for
Action Taken When the DTC Sets — Type A.
(Except Euro 4 Specification)
Condition for Clearing the DTC
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the SVS Lamp/ DTC — Type C. (Euro 4
• Refer to DTC Type Definitions for Condition for
Clearing the MIL/ DTC — Type A. (Except Euro 4
Diagnostic Aids
• If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to
Intermittent Conditions in this section.
• Electromagnetic interference may affect
intermittent condition.
• Any communication fault with the ICU may set this
Circuit/ System Testing DTC U0167
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC U0001 also set?
Go to DTC U0001 Go to Step 3
Attempt to communicate with the immobilizer
control unit (ICU) via the Immobilizer Data table.
Does the scan tool communicate with the ICU?
Go to Step 4
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Monitor the immobilizer DTC Information with a
scan tool.
Does the immobilizer DTCs fail this ignition whichbegin with B or U?
— Go to Applicable
DTC in ImmobilizerSection Go to Step 5
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 6 —
1. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 7
7 Observe the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are there any DTCs that you have not diagnosed?—
Go to DTC List System OK
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 520/599
EGR Control System Check
The EGR system recirculates a part of exhaust gas
back into the intake manifold, which results in reducing
NOx emissions. The EGR control system uses an
electronic control system to ensure both driveabilityand low emission. A control current from the ECM
operates a solenoid to control the lift amount of EGR
valve. Also, an EGR position sensor is provided at the
rear of the solenoid to feed actual valve lift amount
back to the ECM for more precision control.
The EGR control starts when the conditions for engine
speed, engine coolant temperature, intake air
temperature and barometric pressure are satisfied.
Then, the valve opening is calculated according to the
engine speed, and target fuel injection quantity. Based
on this valve opening, the drive duty of the solenoid is
determined and the valve is driven accordingly. Theintake throttle valve is provided to adequate intake
manifold depression to ensure EGR gas flow.
EGR Control Operation
• The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is between
5°C (41°F) and 100°C (212°F).
• The intake air temperature (IAT) is more than 5°C
• The barometric pressure (BARO) is more than
90kPa (13psi).
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing EGR Control System Check
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are any DTCs set in which the “Action Taken When
the DTC Sets” under that particular code states,
“The ECM inhibits EGR control”?
Refer to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 3
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 521/599
1. Inspect the following conditions:
• An EGR valve gasket that is missing or
• A sticking EGR valve
• EGR gas leakage any of the EGR
passage between the exhaust manifold
and intake manifold
• Restricted or collapsed EGR passage
between the exhaust manifold and the
EGR valve
• Any type of restriction in the exhaust
• Restricted air cleaner element, restricted
or collapsed air tubing between the air
cleaner and the intake manifold
• Any air induction leak
• Any water intrusion in the inductionsystem
• Any contamination or objects that block
the MAF sensor inlet
• Skewed or slow MAF sensor
• Skewed engine coolant temperature
(ECT) sensor. Refer to Temperature vs
Resistance table to test the ECT sensor
at various temperature levels to evaluate
the possibility of a skewed sensor.
• Skewed barometric pressure (BARO)
sensor. Determine the outside barometric
pressure from you location specified inthe altitude vs barometric pressure table.
Refer to Altitude vs Barometric Pressure.
• A sticking intake throttle valve
2. Repair the condition as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 4
1. Place the transmission in Neutral and set the
parking brake.
2. Start the engine and warm up (arrow engine
coolant temperature to reach at least 60°C
3. Accelerate the engine between idle and
W.O.T (accelerator pedal full travel) many
times while observing the Desired EGR
Position and EGR Position parameter with a
scan tool.
Does the EGR Position parameter follow within the
specified value?
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 8
1. Perform the EGR Solenoid Control with a scan
tool several times.
2. Command the Desired EGR Position Increase
and Decrease while observing the EGR
Does the EGR Position parameter follow within thespecified value quick enough?
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 8
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 522/599
Notice: If the intake throttle solenoid is
commanded OFF, Intake Throttle Position
parameter indicates over 100%.
Observe the Desired Intake Throttle Position and
Intake Throttle Position parameter with a scan tool.
Does the Intake Throttle Position parameter follow
within the specified value?
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 10
1. Perform the Intake Throttle Solenoid Control
with a scan tool several times.
2. Command the Desired Intake Throttle Position
Increase and Decrease while observing the
Intake Throttle Position.
Does the Intake Throttle Position parameter follow
within the specified value quick enough?
System OK Go to Step 10
1. Remove the EGR valve assembly from the
2. Inspect the EGR valve for the following
• Restricted EGR valve by foreign
• Excessive deposits at valve
• Bent valve shaft
3. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 9
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the EGR valve harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the EGR valve (pins 1, 2, 3, 4
and 6 of E-71).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 86, 87, 101, 103
and 111 of E-94).
6. Test for high resistance on each circuit.
7. Repair the connection(s) or circuit(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 12
1. Remove the intake duct that is connected to
the intake throttle valve.
2. Inspect the intake throttle valve for the
following conditions:
• Restricted intake throttle valve by foreign
• Excessive deposits at throttle bore
• Bent butterfly valve
Notice: Replace the intake throttle valve is there is
any sticking
3. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 11
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 523/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the intake throttle valve harness
3. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harnessconnector of the intake throttle valve (pins 1,
2, 3, 5 and 6 of E-38).
4. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
5. Inspect for an intermittent, for poor
connections and corrosion at the harness
connector of the ECM (pins 85, 95, 104, 109
and 112 of E-94).
6. Test for high resistance on each circuit.
7. Repair the connection(s) or circuit(s) as
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 13
Replace the EGR valve. Refer to EGR valve
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 14 —
Replace the intake throttle valve. Refer to Intake
Throttle Valve Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 14 —
Reconnect all previously disconnected components
or harness connector(s).
Did you complete the action?
Go to Step 2 —
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 524/599
Glow Control System Check
The glow control system consists of the ECM, the glow
relay, the glow indicator lamp and glow plugs. The glow
control system is operated when the engine coolant
temperature is low, which allows easier engine starting.The ECM commands the glow relay ON for a certain
length of time at ignition switch is ON with engine OFF.
In after glow phase, the glow plugs remain energized
for a certain period with engine run.
Glow Control Operation
• The glow indicator lamp illuminates between 0.5
seconds to 7 seconds depending upon the engine
coolant temperature.
• The pre glow control system operates when the
engine coolant temperature is less than 30°C
• The after glow control system operates when the
engine coolant temperature is less than 60°C(140°F).
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing Glow Control System Check (1 of 2)
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0117, P0118 or P0380 set?
Refer to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 3
Notice: If no glow indicator lamp is equipped, skip
to Step 3.
1. Verify whether the instrument panel (IP)
cluster is operational.
2. Perform the Glow Plug Lamp Control with a
scan tool.
3. Command the lamp ON and OFF.
Does the glow indicator lamp turn ON and OFF
with each command?
Go to Step 4 Go to 2 of 2 Step 1
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Make sure the metal bus bar that connects
switched battery voltage supply terminal (E-
49) and all glow plugs is secured tightly.3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF
4. Connect a test lamp between the metal bus
bar (glow plug power supply E-49 terminal)
and a known good ground.
5. Perform the Glow Relay Control with a scan
6. Command the relay ON while observing the
test lamp.
Does the test lamp turn ON only when commanded
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 6
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 525/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Remove the metal bus bar from the glow
3. Measure resistance of each glow plug
between the glow plug terminals and a knowngood ground. Make sure to record all
measurements and take them quickly as to
not allow engine temperature changes
between measurements.
Are the resistances within the specified value each
System OK Go to Step 16
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Replace the glow relay with the starter relay or
replace with a known good relay.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Connect a test lamp between the metal bus
bar (glow plug power supply E-49 connector)
and a known good ground.
5. Perform the Glow Relay Control with a scan
6. Command the relay ON while observing the
test lamp.
Does the test lamp turn ON only when commanded
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 7
Inspect the Glow (60A) slow blow fuse in the
engine room fuse block.
Is the Glow (60A) slow blow fuse open?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 9
Replace the Glow (60A) slow blow fuse. If the slow
blow fuse continues to open, repair the short to
ground on a circuit fed by the slow blow fuse or
check for a shorted attached component.
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 17 —
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Remove the glow relay.
3. Probe the battery voltage feed circuit of the
relay (pin 4 of X-5) with a test lamp that is
connected to a known good ground.
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Go to Step 10 Go to Step 11
1. Probe the voltage supply circuit of glow plugs
(pin 1 of X-5) with a test lamp that is
connected to a known good ground.
2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 12
Repair the open circuit or high resistance between
the Glow (60A) slow blow fuse and the glow relay
(pin 4 of X-5).
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 17 —
Repair the open circuit or high resistance between
the glow relay (pin 1 of X-5) and the glow plugs (E-49 terminal).
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 17
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 526/599
Circuit/ System Testing Glow Control System Check (2 of 2)
Important: The glow plugs may be burnt out if the
battery voltage supply circuit is shorted to a voltage
Repair the short to battery or ignition voltage
between the glow relay (pin 1 of X-5) and the glowplugs (E-49 terminal).
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 17 —
1. Remove the glow relay.
2. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connection on each glow relay terminal.
3. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 17 Go to Step 15
15Replace the glow relay.
Did you complete the replacement?—
Go to Step 17 —
16Replace the appropriate glow plug.
Did you complete the replacement?—
Go to Step 17 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
components, relay, fuse or harness
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Connect a test lamp between the metal bus
bar (glow plug power supply E-49 connector)
and a known good ground.
5. Perform the Glow Relay Control with a scan
tool.6. Command the relay ON while observing the
test lamp.
Does the test lamp turn ON only when commanded
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 2
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Inspect the Meter (10A) fuse in cabin fuseblock.
Is the Meter (10A) fuse open?
Go to Step 2 Go to Step 3
Replace the Meter (10A) fuse. If the fuse continues
to open, repair the short to ground on one of the
circuits that is fed by the Meter (10A) fuse or
replace the shorted attached component.
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 14 —
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM C-164 harness
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the glow indicator lamp OFF?
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 10
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 527/599
1. Remove the Meter (10A) fuse that supplies
voltage to the glow indicator lamp.
2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
3. Measure the voltage from the glow indicator
lamp control circuit in the ECM harnessconnector (pin 11 of C-164) to a known good
Is the voltage less than the specified value?
1 volt
Go to Step 5 Go to Step 11
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Reinstall the Meter (10A) fuse.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Connect a 3-amp fused jumper wire between
the ECM harness connector (pin 11 of C-164)
and a known good ground.
Is the glow indicator lamp illuminated?
Go to Step 9 Go to Step 6
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Remove the IP cluster.
3. Connect a test lamp between the ignition
voltage feed circuit of the IP cluster harness
connector (pin 8 of B-24) and a known good
Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Go to Step 7 Go to Step 12
1. Test the control circuit between the ECM (pin
11 of C-164) and the IP cluster (pin 35 of B-
23) for an open circuit or high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 8
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
IP cluster (pin 35 of B-23 and pin 8 of B-24).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 13
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the
ECM (pin 11 of C-164).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 14
Repair the short to ground between the ECM (pin
11 of C-164) and the IP cluster (pin 35 or of B-23).
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 15 —
Repair the short to battery or ignition voltage
between the ECM (pin 11 of C-164) and the IP
cluster (pin 35 of B-23).
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 15 —
Repair the open circuit or high resistance on
ignition the voltage feed circuit the Meter (10A) fuse
and the IP cluster (pin 8 of B-24).
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 15 —
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 528/599
13Repair or replace the IP cluster.
Did you complete the repair or replacement?—
Go to Step 15 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 15 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected fuse or
harness connector(s).
2. Perform the Glow Plug Lamp Control with a
scan tool.
3. Command the lamp ON and OFF.
Does the glow indicator lamp turn ON and OFF
with each command?
Go to 1 of 2 Step 4 Go to Step 1
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 529/599
In-Tank Fuel Pump System Check
The ECM controls the fuel pump relay, which supplies
power to the fuel pump in the fuel tank. The ECM
commands the fuel pump relay ON for a certain length
of time at ignition switch is ON with the engine OFF.During the engine is running it is continuity commanded
In-tank Fuel Pump Control Operation
• The battery voltage is more than 9 volts.
• The ignition switch is ON.
• The fuel pump is commanded ON for 12 seconds
at ignition switch is ON with the engine OFF.
• The fuel pump is continuously ON while engine is
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing In-Tank Fuel Pump System Check
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition for 20 seconds, then start
the engine.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0231 or P0232 set?
Refer to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 3
1. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
2. Remove the fuel filler cap.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the fuel pump operating sound heard from thefuel filler?
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 7
4Does the fuel pump operating sound stop after
approximately 12 seconds passed?—
Go to Step 21 Go to Step 5
1. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
2. Replace the fuel pump relay with the head
light relay or replace with a known good relay.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Does the fuel pump operating sound stop after
approximately 12 seconds passed?
Go to Step 20 Go to Step 6
Repair the short to battery or ignition voltage
between the fuel pump relay (pin 2 of X-13) and thefuel pump (pin 1 of F-2).
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 25 —
1. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
2. Replace the fuel pump relay with the head
light relay or replace with a known good relay.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Is the fuel pump operating sound heard from the
fuel filler?
Go to Step 17 Go to Step 8
Inspect the Fuel Pump (10A) fuse in the engine
room fuse block.
Is the Fuel Pump (10A) fuse open?—
Go to Step 9 Go to Step 10
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 530/599
Replace the Fuel Pump (10A) fuse. If the fuse
continues to open, repair the short to ground on a
circuit fed by the fuse or check for a shorted
attached component.
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 25 —
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Remove the fuel pump relay.
3. Probe the battery voltage feed circuit of the
relay (pin 1 of X-13) with a test lamp that is
connected to a known good ground.
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 11
Repair the open circuit or high resistance between
the Fuel Pump (10A) fuse and the fuel pump relay
(pin 1 of X-13).
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 25 —
1. Reconnect the fuel pump relay.
2. Disconnect the fuel pump resistor harness
3. Measure the resistance across the fuel pump
Is the resistance within the specified value?
2.2 to 2.7 Ω
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 23
1. Connect a test lamp between the fuel pump
side voltage feed circuit on the resistor
harness (pin 1 of C-157) and a known good
2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Does the test lamp illuminate for approximately 12
seconds then go out?
Go to Step 14 Go to Step 15
Connect a test lamp between the ground circuit on
the resistor harness (pin 2 of C-157) and battery
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Go to Step 18 Go to Step 16
1. Test the fuel pump circuit between the fuel
pump (pins 1 and 4 of F-2) and the fuel pump
relay (pin 2 of X-13) or the fuel pump resistor
(pin 1 of C-157) for an open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 25 Go to Step 19
Repair the open circuit or high resistance between
the fuel pump resistor (pin 2 of C-157) and the body
ground terminal (C-36). Clean or tighten ground as
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 25 —
1. Remove the fuel pump relay.
2. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connection on each relay terminal.
3. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 25 Go to Step 20
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 531/599
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 532/599
Cruise Control System Check
The cruise control system consists of the ECM, the
cruise main switch, set/ coast switch, resume/ accel.
switch and cancel switch. The cruise control keeps the
vehicle speed at a driver’s set speed. When the cruisemain switch is turned ON, signal is provided to the
ECM and the cruise main indicator lamp on the switch
will light up. When the cruise set/ coast switch is turned
ON, the switch signal is provided to the ECM and the
vehicle speed is set. The vehicle speed is increased or
decreased if the set/ coast switch or the resume/ accel.
switch is turned ON. When the cruise cancel switch is
applied, the switch signal is provided to the ECM and
the cruise control system is inactive.
Condition for Running the Cruise Control
• The vehicle speed is between approximately 40km/h (24 MPH) to 175 km/h (105 MPH).
• The engine speed is less than 4500 PRM.
• The cruise main switch is ON.
1. Function of «SET»
If the set/ coast switch is pressed and released while
condition for running the cruise control are satisfied, the
ECM memorize and maintain the vehicle speed at that
2. Function of «COAST»
If the set/ coast switch is pressed while the cruise
control system is operating, the vehicle speed isdecreased. Then, when the set/ coast switch is
released, the vehicle will maintain the vehicle speed at
that time.
3. Function of «RESUME»
If the resume/ accel. switch is applied while the cruise
control system is operating and the ECM memorizes
the vehicle speed, the vehicle speed is returned to the
vehicle speed memorized by the ECM.
4. Function of «ACCEL»
If the resume/ accel. switch is applied while the cruise
control system is operating, the vehicle speed is
increased. Then, when the resume/ accel. switch isreleased, the vehicle will maintain the vehicle speed at
that time.
5. Function of «TAP UP»
If the resume/ accel. switch is tapped (momentarily
applied) while the cruise control system is operating,
the vehicle speed is increased 1 km/h (0.6 MPH) at a
6. Function of «TAP DOWN»
If the set/ coast switch is tapped while the cruise control
system is operating, the vehicle speed is decreased 1
km/h (0.6 MPH).
7. Function of Temporary AccelerationIf the accelerator pedal is pressed while the cruise
control system is operating, the vehicle speed is
8. Function of Temporary Cancellation
The cruise control is canceled temporarily if any of the
following condition is met:
• The cruise cancel switch is applied.
• The brake pedal is depressed.
• The clutch pedal is depressed (M/T).
• The selector lever position is not D, 3, 2 or L (A/T).
• The cruise set/ coast switch and resume/ accel.switch are ON at the same time.
• The actual vehicle speed becomes less than
approximately 35 km/h (22 MPH).
• The actual vehicle speed is more than 40 km/h (24
MPH) over the set speed, or more than 10 km/h (6
MPH) over the set speed for longer than 3
• The actual vehicle speed is more than 70 km/h (42
MPH) below the set speed, or more than 10 km/h
(6 MPH) below the set speed for 3 minutes.
By applying the resume/ accel. switch, the vehicle
speed is returned to the vehicle speed memorized bythe ECM (resume function) if within the condition for
running the cruise control are satisfied.
9. Function of Complete Cancellation
The cruise control is canceled completely if any of the
following condition is met:
• The cruise main switch is OFF.
• The ignition switch is OFF.
• The vehicle is once stopped.
• The DTCs relating to the cruise control system
inhibits are set.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing Cruise Control System Check (1 of 2)
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
1 Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check -Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to DiagnosticSystem Check —
Engine Controls
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 533/599
1. Drive the vehicle at 50 km/h (30 MPH) on a
flat level road.
2. Press and release the cruise main switch.
3. Press and release the cruise set/ coast switch.
4. Verify the 50 km/h (30 MPH) vehicle speed is
5. Tap the cruise set/ coast.
Did the vehicle maintain the set speed of 50 km/h
(30 MPH), and then decrease by 1 km/h (0.6 MPH)
each time the switch was tapped?
Go to Step 3 Go to Step 7
Tap (momentarily apply) the cruise resume/ accel.
switch 10 times.
Does the vehicle speed increase by 1 km/h (0.6
MPH) each time the switch was tapped
(momentarily applied)?
Go to Step 4 Go to Step 10
4 Are the cruise main and cruise set lamps
illuminated while in cruise control?—
Go to Step 5 Go to 2 of 2 Step 1
5 Apply the cruise cancel switch.
Does the cruise control cancel?—
Go to Step 6 Go to Step 11
1. Reenter the cruise control.
2. Depress and release the brake pedal.
Does the cruise control cancel?
System OK
Refer to DTC P0571
for brake switch
1. Park the vehicle.
2. Install a scan tool.
3. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Are any DTCs set in which the“ Action Taken When
the DTC Sets”under that particular code states,
“The ECM inhibits cruise control”?
Refer to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 8
Observe the Cruise Main Switch parameter with a
scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate ON when the switch is
pushed and OFF when the switch is released?
Go to Step 9 Go to Step 12
Observe the Cruise Set/ Coast Switch parameter
with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate ON when the switch is
pushed and OFF when the switch is released?
Retest the cruise
control. Refer to
Condition for
Running the Cruise
Control Go to Step 17
Observe the Cruise Resume/ Accel. Switch
parameter with a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate ON when the switch is
applied and OFF when the switch is released?
—Go to Intermittent
Conditions Go to Step 19
Observe the Cruise Cancel Switch parameter with
a scan tool.
Does the scan tool indicate OFF when the switch is
applied and ON when the switch is released?
—Go to Intermittent
Conditions Go to Step 23
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 534/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the cruise main switch harness
connector. (Remove the switch from the IP
bezel as necessary)
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Connect a test lamp between the ignition
voltage feed circuit of the cruise main switch
harness (pin 4 of B-67) and a known good
Does the test lamp illuminate?
Go to Step 13 Go to Step 14
Observe the Cruise Main Switch parameter with a
scan tool while momentarily jumping 3-amp fused
jumper wire across the cruise main switch harness
connector between pins 3 and 4 of the B-67.
Does the scan tool indicate ON when the circuit is
jumpered and OFF when the circuit is not jumpered?
Go to Step 16 Go to Step 15
Repair the open circuit or high resistance between
the Engine (10A) fuse and the cruise main switch
(pin 4 of B-67).
Did you complete the repair?
Go to Step 28 —
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
25 of C-164) and the cruise main switch (pin 3
of B-67) for an open circuit or high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 28 Go to Step 22
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor connections at the harness connector of the
cruise main switch (pins 3 and 4 of B-67).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 28 Go to Step 25
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the combination switch harness
connector (B-59). (Remove the IP cluster
lower cover as necessary)
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Observe the Cruise Set Switch parameter with
a scan tool while momentarily jumping 3-ampfused jumper wire across the combination
switch harness connector (male side) between
pins 11 and 12 of B-59.
Does the scan tool indicate ON when the circuit is
jumpered and OFF when the circuit is not
Go to Step 21 Go to Step 18
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
33 of C-164) and the combination switch (pin
12 of B-59) for an open circuit or high
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 28 Go to Step 22
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 535/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the combination switch harness
connector (B-59). (Remove the IP cluster
lower cover as necessary)
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Observe the Cruise Resume Switch
parameter with a scan tool while momentarily
jumping 3-amp fused jumper wire across the
combination switch harness connector (male
side) between pins 9 and 11 of B-59.
Does the scan tool indicate ON when the circuit is
jumpered and OFF when the circuit is not
Go to Step 21 Go to Step 20
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
28 of C-164) and the combination switch (pin
9 of B-59) for an open circuit or high
resistance.2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 28 Go to Step 22
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections at the harness connector of the
combination switch (pins 9 or 12 of B-59).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 28 Go to Step 26
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor connections at the harness connector of the
ECM (pins 25, 28 or 33 of C-164).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 28 Go to Step 27
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the combination switch harness
connector (B-59).
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Does the Cruise Cancel Switch indicate OFF?
Go to Step 26 Go to Step 24
1. Test the signal circuit between the ECM (pin
47 of C-164) and the combination switch (pin10 of B-59) for a short to battery or ignition
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 28 Go to Step 27
25Repair or replace the cruise main switch.
Did you complete the repair or replacement?—
Go to Step 28 —
26Repair or replace the combination switch.
Did you complete the repair or replacement?—
Go to Step 28 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement. —
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 536/599
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 537/599
1. Remove the Meter (10A) fuse that supplies
voltage to the IP cluster.
2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
3. Measure the voltage from the cruise set lamp
control circuit in the ECM harness connector (pin 16 of C-164) to a good ground.
Is the voltage less than the specified value?
1 volt
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 10
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Reinstall the Meter (10A) fuse.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Connect a 3-amp fused jumper wire between
the cruise set lamp control circuit of the ECM
harness connector (pin 16 of C-164) and a
known good ground.
Is the cruise main lamp illuminated?
Go to Step 12 Go to Step 9
1. Test the control circuit between the ECM (pin
16 of C-164) and the IP cluster (pin 23 of B-
23) for an open circuit or high resistance.
2. Repair the circuit(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 11
Repair the short to battery or ignition voltage on the
control circuit between the ECM (pin 16 of C-164)
and the IP cluster (pin 23 of B-23).
Did you complete the action?
Go to Step 15 —
1. Inspect for an intermittent and for a poor
connection at the harness connector of the IPcluster (pins 23 of B-23).
2. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 13
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the ECM harness connector.
3. Inspect for an intermittent and for poor
connections on the cruise main or set lamp
control circuit at the harness connector of the
ECM (pin 16 or 31 of C-164).
4. Repair the connection(s) as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 15 Go to Step 14
13Repair or replace the IP cluster.
Did you complete the repair or replacement?—
Go to Step 15 —
Important: Replacement ECM must be
programmed and learned.
Replace the ECM. Refer to ECM Replacement.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 15 —
Reconnect all previously disconnected
components, fuse or harness connector(s).
Is the action complete?
Go to 1 of 2 Step 2 —
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 538/599
Turbocharger Control System Check
The position of the turbocharger nozzle is controlled by
the ECM. The ECM utilizes a turbocharger nozzle
control solenoid valve and a boost pressure sensor to
control the turbocharger nozzles. When the engine isnot under load, the turbocharger nozzles are in an open
position, or no boost condition. When the engine is
under load, the ECM commands the control solenoid
valve to close the turbocharger nozzles, thus
increasing the boost. The ECM will vary the boost
dependant upon the load requirements of the engine.
The ECM uses a pulse width modulation (PWM) on the
control circuit to open and control the solenoid valve.
• This Circuit/ System Testing is only applicable to
high output engine.
Schematic Reference: Engine Controls Schematics
Connector End View Reference: Engine Controls
Connector End Views or ECM Connector End Views
Circuit/ System Testing Turbocharger Control System Check
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check —
Engine Controls? —
Go to Step 2
Go to Diagnostic
System Check —
Engine Controls
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
3. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
4. Monitor the DTC Information with a scan tool.
Is DTC P0045, P0107, P0108, P0112, P0113,
P0116, P0117, P0118, P0234, P0299, P0638,
P0697, P2227, P2228 or P2229 also set?
Go to Applicable
DTC Go to Step 3
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 539/599
1. Inspect the following conditions:
• Air leakage around the boost pressure
sensor objects that block the sensor hole.
• Air leaking around any of the air induction
tubing between the turbocharger andintake manifold. Check for damaged
components and for loose clamps.
• Misrouted, disconnected or kinked
turbocharger nozzle control actuator
vacuum hoses. Refer to Vacuum Hose
Routing Diagram in this section for
correct routing.
• Turbine shaft binding causing lower
turbocharger spinning speeds. Refer to
the Turbocharger in engine mechanical
section for diagnosis.
• Turbocharger nozzle control actuator for
a stuck condition or slow movement.
Refer to Turbocharger in engine
mechanical section for testing.
• Intake throttle valve sticking. Perform the
Intake Throttle Solenoid Control with a
scan tool.
• Restricted air cleaner element, restricted
or collapsed air tubing between the air
cleaner and the boost pressure sensor.
• Oil in the air induction tubing causing an
incorrect boost pressure sensor signal.
When there is adhesion of oil inside of
tubing, intercooler or turbocharger itneeds to be wiped off.
2. Repair the condition as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 4
1. Place the transmission in Neutral and set the
parking brake.
2. Accelerate the engine between idle and
W.O.T. (accelerator pedal full travel) many
times while observing the Desired Boost
Pressure and Boost Pressure parameter with
a scan tool.
3. Drive the vehicle that the engine speed is
more than 2000 RPM and the CalculatedEngine Load parameter reaches at least 50%
for longer than 10 seconds (such as
acceleration on ramp) while comparing the
Boost Pressure to the Desired Boost
Does the Boost Pressure parameter follow within
the specified value?
±20 kPa (±3
System OK Go to Step 5
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 540/599
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the vacuum hose from the
turbocharger nozzle control actuator
3. Connect a hand-held vacuum pump (5-8840-0279-0/ J-23738-A) to the disconnected
vacuum hose.
4. Start the engine and let idle.
5. Perform the Turbocharger Solenoid Control
with a scan tool.
6. Command the solenoid valve Increase and
Decrease while observing the vacuum pump.
Does the hand-held vacuum pump reading more
than 50 cmHg (20 inHg) when commanded
maximum Increase and ZERO range when
commanded minimum Decrease?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 6
1. Inspect the following conditions:
• Misrouted, disconnected, kinked or
plugged turbocharger nozzle actuator
control vacuum hose.
• Misrouted, disconnected, kinked or
plugged solenoid valve ventilation hose.
• Misrouted, disconnected, kinked or
plugged vacuum source hose or pipe.
2. Repair or replace as necessary.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 8 Go to Step 7
Replace the turbocharger nozzle control solenoid
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 8 —
1. Reconnect all previously disconnected
components or harness connector(s).
2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool if set.
3. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds.
Did you complete the action?
Go to Step 2 —
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 541/599
Symptoms — Engine Controls
Symptoms — Engine Controls
Important Preliminary Inspections Before Starting
Perform Diagnostic System Check — Engine Controls
before using the symptom tables, and verify that all of
the following are true:
• The ECM and malfunction indicator lamp (MIL)/
service vehicle soon (SVS) lamp are operating
• The scan tool data is within the normal operating
range. Refer to Scan Tool Data List in this section.
• Verify the customer concern and locate the correct
symptom in the table of contents. Inspect the items
indicated under that symptom.
Visual and Physical InspectionSeveral of the symptom procedures ask for careful
visual and physical inspection. This step is extremely
important. The visual and physical inspection can lead
to correcting a problem without further inspections, and
can save valuable time. Ensure that:
• The ECM grounds are clean, tight, and in their
proper location.
• The vacuum hoses are not split or kinked, and
properly connected. Inspect thoroughly for any
type of leak or restriction.
• The air intake ducts are not collapsed or damaged.
• The exhaust pipes are not collapsed or damaged.
• The engine harness wiring and terminals are
properly connected and are not pinched or cut.
Important: Inspect for improper installation of electrical
components if an intermittent condition exists. Inspect
for aftermarket add-on electrical equipment devices,
lights, and cellular phones. Verify that no aftermarket
equipment is connected to the controller area network
(CAN) or other serial data circuit.
Important: The problem may or may not turn ON theMIL/ SVS lamp or store a DTC. Faulty electrical
connections or wiring cause most intermittent
problems. Perform a careful visual and physical
inspection of the suspect connectors for the following
• Improperly mated connector halves
• Terminals that are not seated
• Terminals that are damaged or improperly formed
Reform or replace connector terminals in the problem
circuit in order to ensure proper contact tension.
Remove the terminal from the connector body in order
to inspect for poor terminal wire connection.
Road test the vehicle with the DMM connected to the
suspected circuit. An abnormal reading that occurs
when the malfunction occurs is a good indication that
there is a malfunction in the circuit being monitored.
Use the scan tool in order to help detect intermittent
conditions. Useful features of the Tech 2 scan tool
include the following:
• Trigger the Snapshot feature in order to capture
and store engine parameters when the malfunction
occurs. Review this stored information in order to
see the specific running conditions that caused the
• Freeze Frame/ Failure Record can also aid in
locating an intermittent condition. Review and
capture the information in the Freeze Frame/
Failure Record associated with the intermittent
DTC being diagnosed. Drive the vehicle within the
conditions that were present when the DTC
originally set.
• Use the Plot Function on the scan tool in order to
plot selected data parameters. Review this stored
information to aid in locating an intermittent
problem. Refer to the scan tool Users Guide for
more information.
Use the data recording module (DRM) in order to help
detect intermittent conditions. The DRM has ability to
store engine log data when an event of DTC. Maximum
three log data can be stored in the DRM memory. If
more than maximum number of storage is set, oldest
log data is overwritten. However, if same DTC is set
within eight hours that DTC is not stored in the DRM
The manual trigger function is to store the log data by
an arbitrary operation of the driver when an event of
wrong vehicle performance that is instead of an event
of DTC. If the driver presses and releases the manual
trigger switch once, that time becomes a trigger andone log data before and behind the trigger is stored in
the DRM memory. When there is a space in the DRM
memory, log data is stored in that space. However,
when more than maximum number of storage is set,
oldest log data is overwritten.
Refer to the DRM Users Guide for more information.
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 542/599
Important: If the intermittent condition exists as a start
and then stall, test for DTCs relating to the vehicle theft
deterrent system. Test for improper installation of
electrical options such as lights, cellular phones, etc..
Any of the following may cause an intermittent MIL/
SVS lamp with no stored DTC:
• The ECM grounds are loose or dirty. Refer to
Engine Controls Schematics.
• The MIL/ SVS lamp circuit intermittently shorted to
• Electrical system interference caused by a
malfunctioning relay, ECM driven solenoid, or
switch. The electrical component can cause a
sharp electrical surge. Normally, the problem will
occur when the malfunctioning component is
• There are any open diodes.
Important: The following symptom tables contain
groups of possible causes for each symptom. The
order of these procedures is not important. If the scan
tool readings do not indicate the problems, then
proceed in a logical order, easiest to check or most
likely to cause first. In order to determine if a specific
vehicle is using a particular system or component, refer
to Engine Controls Schematics for an application.
Use the following tables when diagnosing a symptom
• Intermittent Conditions
• Hard Start• Rough, Unstable, or Incorrect Idle and Stalling
• High Idle Speed
• Cuts Out
• Surges
• Lack of Power, Sluggishness or Sponginess
• Hesitation, Sag or Stumble
• Abnormal Combustion Noise
• Poor Fuel Economy
• Excessive Smoke (Black Smoke)
• Excessive Smoke (White Smoke)
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 543/599
Intermittent Conditions
Checks Action
The problem is not currently present but is indicated in DTC History.OR
There is a customer complaint, but the symptom cannot currently be duplicated, if the problem is not DTC related.
Preliminary Checks • Refer to Symptoms — Engine Controls before starting.
Harness/ Connector Many intermittent open or shorted circuits are affected by harness/ connector
movement that is caused by vibration, engine torque, bumps/ rough pavement, etc.
Test for this type of condition by performing the applicable procedure from the following
• Move related connectors and wiring while monitoring the appropriate scan tool data.
• Move related connectors and wiring with the component commanded ON, and OFF,
with the scan tool. Observe the component operation.
• With the engine running, move related connectors and wiring while monitoring
engine operation.If harness or connector movement affects the data displayed, component/ system
operation, or engine operation, inspect and repair the harness/ connections as
Electrical Connections or Wiring Poor electrical connections, terminal tension or wiring problems cause most
intermittent. To perform the following inspections:
• Poor mating of the connector halves, or terminals improperly seated in the
connector body.
• Improperly formed or damaged terminals. Test for poor terminal tension.
• Poor terminal to wire connections including terminals crimped over insulation. This
requires removing the terminal from the connector body.
• Corrosion/ water intrusion. Pierced or damaged insulation can allow moisture to
enter the wiring. The conductor can corrode inside the insulation, with little visibleevidence. Look for swollen and stiff sections of wire in the suspect circuits.
• Wires that are broken inside the insulation.
• Harness for pinched, cut or rubbed through wiring.
• Ensure that the wiring does not come in contact with hot exhaust components.
Control Module Power and Grounds
Component Power and Grounds
Poor power or ground connections can cause widely varying symptoms.
• Test all control module power supply circuits. Many vehicles have multiple circuits
supplying power to the control module. Other components in the system may have
separate power supply circuits that may also need to be tested. Inspect connections
at the module/ component connectors, fuses, and any intermediate connections
between the power source and the module/ component. A test lamp or a DMM may
indicate that voltage is present, but neither tests the ability of the circuit to carry
sufficient current. Ensure that the circuit can carry the current necessary to operatethe component.
• Test all control module ground and system ground circuits. The control module may
have multiple ground circuits. Other components in the system may have separate
grounds that may also need to be tested. Inspect grounds for clean and tight
connections at the grounding point. Inspect the connections at the component and
in splice packs, where applicable. Ensure that the circuit can carry the current
necessary to operate the component.
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 544/599
Temperature Sensitivity • An intermittent condition may occur when a component/ connection reaches normal
operating temperature. The condition may occur only when the component/
connection is cold, or only when the component/ connection is hot.
• Freeze Frame, Failure Records or Snapshot Data may help with this type of
intermittent conditions, where applicable.
• If the intermittent is related to heat, review the data for a relationship with the
— High ambient temperatures.
— Underhood/ engine generated heat.
— Circuit generated heat due to a poor connection, or high electrical load.
— Higher than normal load conditions, towing, etc..
• If the intermittent is related to cold, review the data for the following:
— Low ambient temperatures-In extremely low temperatures, ice may form in a
connection or component. Test for water intrusion.
— The condition only occurs on a cold start.
— The condition goes away when the vehicle warms up.• Information from the customer may help to determine if the trouble follows a pattern
that is temperature related.
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
and Electrical Noise
Some electrical components/ circuits are sensitive to EMI or other types of electrical
noise. Inspect the following conditions:
• A misrouted harness that is too close to high voltage/ high current devices such as
injection components, motors, generator etc. These components may induce
electrical noise on a circuit that could interfere with normal circuit operation.
• Electrical system interference caused by a malfunctioning relay, or the ECM driven
solenoid or switch. These conditions can cause a sharp electrical surge. Normally,
the problem will occur when the malfunctioning component is operating.
• Improper installation of non-factory or aftermarket add on accessories such as
lights, 2-way radios, amplifiers, electric motors, remote starters, alarm systems, cellphones, etc. These accessories may lead to an emission related failure while in
use, but do not fail when the accessories are not in use.
• Test for any open diodes. Some relays may contain a clamping diode.
• Test the generator for a bad rectifier bridge that may be allowing AC noise into the
electrical system.
Incorrect ECM Programming • There are only a few situations where reprogramming a ECM is appropriate:
— An ECM from another vehicle is installed.
— Revised software/ calibration files have been released for this vehicle.
Important: DO NOT reprogram the ECM with the SAME software/ calibration files that
are already present in the ECM. This is not an effective repair for any type of driveability
problem.• Verify that the ECM contains the correct software/ calibration. If incorrect
programming is found, reprogram the ECM with the most current software/
Duplicating Failure Conditions • If none of the previous tests are successful, attempt to duplicate and/ or capture the
failure conditions.
• Freeze Frame/ Failure Records data, where applicable, contains the conditions that
were present when the DTC set.
— Review and record Freeze Frame/ Failure Records data.
— Operate the vehicle under the same conditions that were noted in Freeze
Frame/ Failure Records data, as closely as possible. The vehicle must also be
operating within the Conditions for Running the DTC. Refer to Conditions for
Running the DTC in the supporting text of the DTC being diagnosed.• An alternate method is to drive the vehicle with the DMM connected to a suspected
circuit. An abnormal reading on the DMM when the problem occurs, may help you
Checks Action
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 545/599
Scan Tool Snapshot The scan tool can be set up to take a Snapshot of the parameters available via serial
data. The Snapshot function records live data over a period of time. The recorded data
can be played back and analyzed. The scan tool can also graph parameters singly or in
combinations of parameters for comparison. The Snapshot can be triggered manually
at the time the symptom is noticed, or set up in advance to trigger when a DTC sets. An abnormal value captured in the recorded data may point to a system or component
that needs to be investigated further.
Refer to the scan tool Users Guide for more information.
DRM Memory Use data stored in the DRM memory or use manual trigger function. The DRM has
ability to store engine log data when an event of DTC. The manual trigger function is to
store the log data by an arbitrary operation of the driver when an event of wrong vehicle
performance that is instead of an event of DTC. If the driver presses and releases the
manual trigger switch once, that time becomes a trigger and one log data before and
behind the trigger is stored in the DRM memory.
Refer to the DRM Users Guide for more information.
Checks Action
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 546/599
Hard Start
Checks Action
The engine cranks OK, but does not start for a long time. The engine does eventually run, or may start but immediately dies.Preliminary Checks • Diagnostic System Check — Engine Controls.
• Ensure the driver is using the correct starting procedure.
• Inspect the ECM grounds for being clean, tight, and in their proper locations.
• Inspect that the harness connectors are correctly connected.
• Inspect the fuel type and quality.
• Inspect the programmed fuel injector ID code for each cylinder.
• Inspect the Scan Tool Data List in this section.
• Inspect the Service Bulletin.
Sensor Checks Inspect the engine control sensors for the following conditions. Refer to the Scan Tool
Data List in this section.
• Compare the Coolant Temperature with the Intake Air Temperature (IAT) and Fuel
Temperature (FT) parameters on a cold engine condition. If the difference among
temperature reading is more than 5°C (9°F) on a cold engine, check for high
resistance in each circuit or for a skewed sensor.
Notice: The mass air flow (MAF) sensor is heated and as a result the IAT may indicate
a higher than normal intake air temperature if the ignition switch is being ON.
• Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Sensor parameter with the engine OFF. The
FRP Sensor should read 0.9 to 1.0 volt with the key ON and engine OFF after the
engine has stopped running for a minimum of 1 minute. If not, check for high
resistance in each circuit or for a skewed sensor.
• Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor is tight and the sensor rotor is not damaged.
• Camshaft position (CMP) sensor is tight and the timing chain sprocket is not
Fuel System Checks Inspect the fuel system for the following conditions. Refer to Fuel System Check chart
and appropriate procedure in the Fuel System section.
• Air in the fuel system.
• Water contamination in the fuel.
• Fuel waxing or icing.
• Fuel filter indicator lamp is continuously or frequently turned ON with engine run.
• External fuel leaks or high engine oil level.
• In-tank fuel pump operation. Refer to In-tank Fuel Pump System Check in this
• Fuel leak off from the fuel pressure limiter valve and fuel injectors.
• Fuel lines between the fuel tank and fuel supply pump for being crushed, kinked,
tightness, cracks and plugged.
• A plugged fuel tank vent valve and hose.
• Inside the fuel tank for any foreign material that may be getting drawn into the fuel
line pickup causing a blocked condition.
• Fuel supply pump operation.
Notice: The fuel supply pump must be timed to the engine and adjustment value must
be learned to the ECM.
• Perform the Cylinder Balance Test with a scan tool.
• Perform the Injector Force Drive with a scan tool.
• Observe the FRP Regulator Feedback current on the scan tool.
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Air Intake System Checks Inspect the air intake system for the following conditions.
• Air cleaner, air intake ducts and charge air cooler for a restriction, holes, or leaks.
• A restriction in the turbocharger inlet duct.
• Intake throttle valve for a stuck condition.• A restriction or leak in the intake manifold.
Exhaust System Checks Inspect the exhaust system for a possible restriction. Refer to the Exhaust System
Engine Mechanical Checks Inspect the engine mechanical for the following conditions. Refer to the Engine
Mechanical section.
• Poor cylinder compression.
• Improper mechanical timing (timing gear and timing chain).
• Improper valve gap.
• Broken or weak valve springs.
• Worn camshaft lobes.
Electrical System Checks Inspect the engine electrical for the following conditions. Refer to the Engine Electricalsection.
• Glow plug control system operation. Refer to Glow Control System Check in this
• Slow cranking speed.
• Weakened batteries.
Checks Action
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 548/599
Rough, Unstable, or Incorrect Idle and Stalling
Checks Action
Engine runs unevenly at idle. If severe, the engine or vehicle may shake. Engine idle speed may vary in RPM. Either conditionmay be severe enough to stall the engine.
Preliminary Checks • Diagnostic System Check — Engine Controls.
• Remove the air cleaner and check for dirt, or for air ducts being plugged or
restricted. Replace as necessary.
• Inspect the ECM grounds for being clean, tight, and in their proper locations.
• Inspect that the harness connectors are correctly connected.
• Inspect the fuel type and quality.
• Inspect the programmed fuel injector ID code for each cylinder.
• Inspect the Scan Tool Data List in this section.
• Inspect the Service Bulletin.
Sensor Checks Inspect the engine control sensors for the following conditions. Refer to the Scan ToolData List in this section.
• Compare the Coolant Temperature with the Intake Air Temperature (IAT) and Fuel
Temperature (FT) parameters on a cold engine condition. If the difference among
temperature reading is more than 5°C (9°F) on a cold engine, check for high
resistance in each circuit or for a skewed sensor.
Notice: The mass air flow (MAF) sensor is heated and as a result the IAT may indicate
a higher than normal intake air temperature if the ignition switch is being ON.
• Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Sensor parameter with the engine OFF. The
FRP Sensor should read 0.9 to 1.0 volt with the key ON and engine OFF after the
engine has stopped running for a minimum of 1 minute. If not, check for high
resistance in each circuit or for a skewed sensor.
• Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure parameter at idle in Neutral. The Fuel Rail Pressureshould always be within 27 to 33 MPa (3,900 to 4,800 psi) after warm up.
• Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor is tight and the sensor rotor is not damaged.
• Camshaft position (CMP) sensor is tight and the timing chain sprocket is not
Fuel System Checks Inspect the fuel system for the following conditions. Refer to Fuel System Check Chart
and appropriate procedure in the Fuel System section.
• Air in the fuel system.
• Water contamination in the fuel.
• Fuel waxing or icing.
• Fuel filter indicator lamp is continuously or frequently turned ON with engine run.
• External fuel leaks or high engine oil level.• In-tank fuel pump operation. Refer to In-tank Fuel Pump System Check in this
• Fuel leak off from the fuel pressure limiter valve and fuel injectors.
• Fuel lines between the fuel tank and fuel supply pump for being crushed, kinked,
tightness, cracks and plugged.
• A plugged fuel tank vent valve and hose.
• Inside the fuel tank for any foreign material that may be getting drawn into the fuel
line pickup causing a blocked condition.
• Fuel supply pump operation.
Notice: The fuel supply pump must be timed to the engine and adjustment value must
be learned to the ECM.
• Perform the Cylinder Balance Test with a scan tool.
• Perform the Injector Force Drive with a scan tool.
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Air Intake System Checks Inspect the air intake system for the following conditions.
• Air cleaner, air intake ducts and charge air cooler for a restriction, holes, or leaks.
• A restriction in the turbocharger inlet duct.
• Intake throttle valve for a stuck condition.• A restriction or leak in the intake manifold.
Exhaust System Checks Inspect the exhaust system for a possible restriction. Refer to the Exhaust System
Engine Mechanical Checks Inspect the engine mechanical for the following conditions. Refer to the Engine
Mechanical section.
• Poor cylinder compression.
• Improper mechanical timing (timing gear and timing chain).
• Improper valve gap.
• Broken or weak valve springs.
• Worn camshaft lobes.
• Incorrect basic engine parts such as camshaft, cylinder head, pistons, etc..
Additional Checks • Electromagnetic interference (EMI) on the reference circuit can cause an engine
miss condition. The scan tool can usually detect EMI by monitoring the engine
speed. A sudden increase in speed with little change in actual engine speed change
indicates that EMI is present. If a problem exists, check routing of high voltage
components, such as fuel injector solenoid valve wiring, near the sensor circuits.
• Faulty engine mounts.
• Faulty crank pulley.
• Faulty generator & A/C compressor.
• Generator output voltage.
• EGR system operating correctly. Refer to EGR Control System Check in this
• A/C operation.
Checks Action
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 550/599
High Idle Speed
Checks Action
Engine idle speed is higher than normal in regardless of engine coolant temperature.Preliminary Checks • Diagnostic System Check — Engine Controls.
• Inspect that the harness connectors are correctly connected.
• Use the scan tool to compare the engine speed and tachometer on the instrument
panel (IP) cluster.
• Inspect the battery voltage. If the battery voltage is less than 11 volts, the ECM set
the idle speed 50RPM higher than normal.
• Inspect the A/C operation.
• Inspect the fuel type and quality.
• Inspect the engine oil level.
• Inspect the Scan Tool Data List in this section.
• Inspect the Service Bulletin.
Sensor Checks Inspect the engine control sensors for the following conditions. Refer to the Scan Tool
Data List in this section.
• Compare the Coolant Temperature with the Intake Air Temperature (IAT) and Fuel
Temperature (FT) parameters on a cold engine condition. If the difference among
temperature reading is more than 5°C (9°F) on a cold engine, check for high
resistance in each circuit or for a skewed sensor.
Notice: The mass air flow (MAF) sensor is heated and as a result the IAT may indicate
a higher than normal intake air temperature if the ignition switch is being ON.
• Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Sensor parameter with the engine OFF. The
FRP Sensor should read 0.9 to 1.0 volt with the key ON and engine OFF after the
engine has stopped running for a minimum of 1 minute. If not, check for high
resistance in each circuit or for a skewed sensor.• Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure parameter at idle in Neutral. The Fuel Rail Pressure
should always be within 27 to 33 MPa (3,900 to 4,800 psi) after warm up.
• Observe the Accelerator Pedal Position (APP). APP parameter should change
linearly from 0 to 100% according to the accelerator pedal operation.
Fuel System Checks Inspect the fuel system for the following conditions. Refer to the Fuel System section.
• Fuel injectors. Remove the injectors and visually inspect. (Injector tip(s) may be
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 551/599
Cuts Out
Checks Action
A constant jerking that follows the engine speed, usually more pronounced as the engine load increase. The exhaust has asteady spitting sound at idle, low speed, or hard acceleration for the fuel starvation that can cause the engine to cut-out.
Preliminary Check • Diagnostic System Check — Engine Controls.
• Inspect that the harness connectors are correctly connected.
• Inspect the ECM grounds for being clean, tight, and in their proper locations.
• Inspect the Scan Tool Data List in this section.
• Inspect the Service Bulletin.
Sensor Checks Inspect the engine control sensors for the following conditions. Refer to the Scan Tool
Data List in this section.
• Observe the Mass Air Flow (MAF) parameter for a skewed or slow MAF sensor.
• Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Sensor parameter with the engine OFF. The
FRP Sensor should read 0.9 to 1.0 volt with the key ON and engine OFF after theengine has stopped running for a minimum of 1 minute. If not, check for high
resistance in each circuit or for a skewed sensor.
• Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure and Desired Fuel Rail Pressure parameter between
idle and W.O.T. (accelerator pedal full travel) in Neutral. Fuel Rail Pressure
parameter should follow within ± 5 MPa (± 725 psi) quick enough.
• Observe the Accelerator Pedal Position (APP). APP parameter should change
linearly from 0 to 100% according to the accelerator pedal operation.
• Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor is tight and the sensor rotor is not damaged.
Fuel System Checks Inspect the fuel system for the following conditions. Refer to Fuel System Check Chart
and appropriate procedure in the Fuel System section.
• Air in the fuel system.
• Water contamination in the fuel.
• Fuel waxing or icing.
• Fuel filter indicator lamp is continuously or frequently turned ON with engine run.
• In-tank fuel pump operation. Refer to In-tank Fuel Pump System Check in this
• Fuel leak off from the fuel pressure limiter valve and fuel injectors.
• Fuel lines between the fuel tank and fuel supply pump for being crushed, kinked,
tightness, cracks and plugged.
• Inside the fuel tank for any foreign material that may be getting drawn into the fuel
line pickup causing a blocked condition.
• Perform the Cylinder Balance Test with a scan tool.
• Perform the Injector Force Drive with a scan tool.• Observe the Fuel Compensation for each cylinder at idle on the scan tool.
Air Intake System Checks Inspect the air intake system for the following conditions.
• Air cleaner, air intake ducts and charge air cooler for a restriction, holes, or leaks.
• A restriction in the turbocharger inlet duct.
• Intake throttle valve for a stuck condition.
• A restriction or leak in the intake manifold.
• A restriction or damaged at MAF sensor.
Exhaust System Checks Inspect the exhaust system for a possible restriction. Refer to the Exhaust System
Additional Checks • Electromagnetic interference (EMI) on the reference circuit can cause an engine
miss condition. The scan tool can usually detect EMI by monitoring the engine
speed. A sudden increase in speed with little change in actual engine speed change
indicates that EMI is present If a problem exists check routing of high voltage
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 552/599
Checks Action
The engine has a power variation under a steady throttle or cruise. The vehicle seems to speed up and slow down with nochange in the accelerator pedal.
Preliminary Checks • Diagnostic System Check — Engine Controls.
• Ensure the driver understands the A/C compressor operation.
• Use the scan tool in order to make sure the Vehicle Speed parameter reading
matches the vehicle speedometer.
• Inspect the ECM grounds for being clean, tight, and in their proper locations.
• Inspect that the harness connectors are correctly connected.
• Inspect the fuel type and quality.
• Inspect the programmed fuel injector ID code for each cylinder.
• Inspect the Scan Tool Data List in this section.
• Inspect the Service Bulletin.
Sensor Checks Inspect the engine control sensors for the following conditions. Refer to the Scan Tool
Data List in this section.
• Observe the Mass Air Flow (MAF) parameter for a skewed or slow MAF sensor.
• Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Sensor parameter with the engine OFF. The
FRP Sensor should read 0.9 to 1.0 volt with the key ON and engine OFF after the
engine has stopped running for a minimum of 1 minute. If not, check for high
resistance in each circuit or for a skewed sensor.
• Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure and Desired Fuel Rail Pressure parameter between
idle and W.O.T. (accelerator pedal full travel) in Neutral. Fuel Rail Pressure
parameter should follow within ± 5 MPa (± 725 psi) quick enough.
• Observe the Accelerator Pedal Position (APP). APP parameter should change
linearly from 0 to 100% according to the accelerator pedal operation.
Fuel System Checks Inspect the fuel system for the fol lowing conditions. Refer to Fuel System Check chart
and appropriate procedure in the Fuel System section.
• Air in the fuel system.
• Water contamination in the fuel.
• Fuel waxing or icing.
• Fuel filter indicator lamp is continuously or frequently turned ON with engine run.
• In-tank fuel pump operation. Refer to In-tank Fuel Pump System Check in this
• Fuel leak off from the fuel pressure limiter valve and fuel injectors.
• Fuel lines between the fuel tank and fuel supply pump for being crushed, kinked,
tightness, cracks and plugged.• A plugged fuel tank vent valve and hose.
• Inside the fuel tank for any foreign material that may be getting drawn into the fuel
line pickup causing a blocked condition.
• Fuel supply pump operation.
Notice: The fuel supply pump must be timed to the engine and adjustment value must
be learned to the ECM.
• Perform the Cylinder Balance Test with a scan tool.
• Perform the Injector Force Drive with a scan tool.
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Air Intake System Checks Inspect the air intake system for the following conditions.
• Air cleaner, air intake ducts and charge air cooler for a restriction, holes, or leaks.
• A restriction in the turbocharger inlet duct.
• Intake throttle valve for a stuck condition.• A restriction or leak in the intake manifold.
• A restriction or damaged at MAF sensor.
• Perform the Swirl Control Solenoid Test with a scan tool. Inspect the diaphragm
valve operation when it commanded ON/ OFF.
• Turbocharger wastegate valve operation. Refer to wastegate valve inspection in the
Engine Mechanical section. (Standard output)
• Turbocharger nozzle control actuator operation. Refer to Turbocharger Control
System Check in this section. (High output)
Exhaust System Checks Inspect the exhaust system for a possible restriction. Refer to the Exhaust System
Additional Checks • Inspect the EGR system operating correctly. Refer to EGR Control System Check in
this section.
• Inspect the A/C operation.
• Inspect the torque converter clutch (TCC) operation. (A/T only)
• Inspect deformed tire(s) that may cause surges at fixed vehicle speed range.
Checks Action
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 554/599
Lack of Power, Sluggishness or Sponginess
Checks Action
The engine delivers less than expected power. There is little or no increase in speed when partially applying the acceleratorpedal.
Preliminary Checks • Diagnostic System Check — Engine Controls.
• Compare the vehicle with a similar unit. Ensure the vehicle has an actual problem.
• Remove the air cleaner and check for dirt, or for air ducts being plugged or
restricted. Replace as necessary.
• Have the tire sizes changed?
• Are excessively heavy loads being carried?
• Inspect for clutch slip.
• Inspect brake drag.
• Inspect for a proper transmission shift pattern and down shift operation.
• Inspect the fuel quality (cetane index).• Inspect the engine oil level and quality.
• Use the scan tool in order to make sure the Vehicle Speed parameter reading
matches the vehicle speedometer.
• Inspect the ECM grounds for being clean, tight, and in their proper locations.
• Inspect the programmed fuel injector ID code for each cylinder.
• Inspect the Scan Tool Data List in this section.
• Inspect the Service Bulletin.
Sensor Checks Inspect the engine control sensors for the following conditions. Refer to the Scan Tool
Data List in this section.
• Compare the Coolant Temperature with the Intake Air Temperature (IAT) and Fuel
Temperature (FT) parameters on a cold engine condition. If the difference amongtemperature reading is more than 5°C (9°F) on a cold engine, check for high
resistance in each circuit or for a skewed sensor.
Notice: The mass air flow (MAF) sensor is heated and as a result the IAT may indicate
a higher than normal intake air temperature if the ignition switch is being ON.
• Observe the MAF parameter for a skewed or slow MAF sensor.
• Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Sensor parameter with the engine OFF. The
FRP Sensor should read 0.9 to 1.0 volt with the key ON and engine OFF after the
engine has stopped running for a minimum of 1 minute. If not, check for high
resistance in each circuit or for a skewed sensor.
• Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure and Desired Fuel Rail Pressure parameter between
idle and W.O.T. (accelerator pedal full travel) in Neutral. Fuel Rail Pressure
parameter should follow within ± 5 MPa (± 725 psi) quick enough.
• Observe the Accelerator Pedal Position (APP). APP parameter should change
linearly from 0 to 100% according to the accelerator pedal operation.
• Observe the Barometric Pressure (BARO) parameter. The BARO parameter should
indicate near surrounding barometric pressure. Refer to Altitude vs. Barometric
Pressure. (Standard output)
• Observe the Boost Pressure and BARO with ignition ON and engine OFF. Both
parameters should be within the 7.0 kPa (1.0 psi) each other. (High output)
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Fuel System Checks Inspect the fuel system for the following conditions. Refer to Fuel System Check chart
and appropriate procedure in the Fuel System section.
• Air in the fuel system.
• Water contamination in the fuel.
• Fuel waxing or icing.
• Fuel filter indicator lamp is continuously or frequently turned ON with engine run.
• External fuel leaks or high engine oil level.
• In-tank fuel pump operation. Refer to In-tank Fuel Pump System Check in this
• Fuel leak off from the fuel pressure limiter valve and fuel injectors.
• Fuel lines between the fuel tank and fuel supply pump for being crushed, kinked,
tightness, cracks and plugged.
• A plugged fuel tank vent valve and hose.
• Inside the fuel tank for any foreign material that may be getting drawn into the fuel
line pickup causing a blocked condition.
• Fuel supply pump operation.
Notice: The fuel supply pump must be timed to the engine and adjustment value must
be learned to the ECM.
• Perform the Cylinder Balance Test with a scan tool.
• Perform the Injector Force Drive with a scan tool.
• Observe the Fuel Compensation for each cylinder at idle on the scan tool.
Air Intake System Checks Inspect the air intake system for the following conditions.
• Air cleaner, air intake ducts and charge air cooler for a restriction, holes, or leaks.
• A restriction in the turbocharger inlet duct.
• Intake throttle valve for a stuck condition.
• A restriction or leak in the intake manifold.• A restriction or damaged at MAF sensor.
• Perform the Swirl Control Solenoid Test with a scan tool. Inspect the diaphragm
valve operation when it commanded ON/ OFF.
• A worn or damaged turbocharger turbine wheel, shaft or compressor wheel. Refer to
turbocharger inspection in the Engine Mechanical section.
• Turbocharger wastegate valve operation. Refer to wastegate valve inspection in the
Engine Mechanical section. (Standard output)
• Turbocharger nozzle control actuator operation. Refer to Turbocharger Control
System Check in this section. (High output)
Exhaust System Checks Inspect the exhaust system for a possible restriction. Refer to the Exhaust System
Engine Mechanical Checks Inspect the engine mechanical for the following conditions. Refer to the Engine
Mechanical section.
• Poor cylinder compression.
• Improper valve gap.
• Broken or weak valve springs.
• Worn camshaft lobes.
Additional Checks • Inspect the EGR system operating correctly. Refer to EGR Control System Check in
this section.
• Observe the Park/ Neutral Switch parameter with a scan tool.
• Inspect for an engine overheat condition. Refer to Engine Cooling section.
• Inspect the A/C operation.
• Inspect the torque converter clutch (TCC) operation. (A/T only).
Checks Action
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 556/599
Hesitation, Sag or Stumble
Checks Action
The vehicle has a momentary lack of response when pushing down on the accelerator. The condition can occur at any vehiclespeed. The condition is usually most severe when trying to make the vehicle move from a stop. If severe enough, the condition
may cause the engine to stall.
Preliminary Checks • Diagnostic System Check — Engine Controls.
• Compare the vehicle with a similar unit. Ensure the vehicle has an actual problem.
• Remove the air cleaner and check for dirt, or for air ducts being plugged or
restricted. Replace as necessary.
• Inspect for a proper transmission shift pattern and down shift operation.
• Inspect the fuel quality (cetane index).
• Inspect the engine oil level and quality.
• Inspect the ECM grounds for being clean, tight, and in their proper locations.
• Inspect the programmed fuel injector ID code for each cylinder.
• Inspect the Scan Tool Data List in this section.
• Inspect the Service Bulletin.
Sensor Checks Inspect the engine control sensors for the following conditions. Refer to the Scan Tool
Data List in this section.
• Compare the Coolant Temperature with the Intake Air Temperature (IAT) and Fuel
Temperature (FT) parameters on a cold engine condition. If the difference among
temperature reading is more than 5°C (9°F) on a cold engine, check for high
resistance in each circuit or for a skewed sensor.
Notice: The mass air flow (MAF) sensor is heated and as a result the IAT may indicate
a higher than normal intake air temperature if the ignition switch is being ON.
• Observe the MAF parameter for a skewed or slow MAF sensor.
• Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Sensor parameter with the engine OFF. The
FRP Sensor should read 0.9 to 1.0 volt with the key ON and engine OFF after the
engine has stopped running for a minimum of 1 minute. If not, check for high
resistance in each circuit or for a skewed sensor.
• Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure and Desired Fuel Rail Pressure parameter between
idle and W.O.T. (accelerator pedal full travel) in Neutral. Fuel Rail Pressure
parameter should follow within ± 5 MPa ( ± 725 psi) quick enough.
• Observe the Accelerator Pedal Position (APP). APP parameter should change
linearly from 0 to 100% according to the accelerator pedal operation.
• Observe the Barometric Pressure (BARO) parameter. The BARO parameter should
indicate near surrounding barometric pressure. Refer to Altitude vs. Barometric
Pressure. (Standard output)
• Observe the Boost Pressure and BARO with ignition ON and engine OFF. Bothparameters should be within the 7.0 kPa (1.0 psi) each other. (High output)
• Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor is tight and the sensor rotor is not damaged.
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Fuel System Checks Inspect the fuel system for the following condit ions. Refer to Fuel System Check Chart
and appropriate procedure in the Fuel System section.
• Air in the fuel system.
• Water contamination in the fuel.
• Fuel waxing or icing.
• Fuel filter indicator lamp is continuously or frequently turned ON with engine run.
• External fuel leaks or high engine oil level.
• In-tank fuel pump operation. Refer to In-tank Fuel Pump System Check in this
• Fuel leak off from the fuel pressure limiter valve and fuel injectors.
• Fuel lines between the fuel tank and fuel supply pump for being crushed, kinked,
tightness, cracks and plugged.
• A plugged fuel tank vent valve and hose.
• Inside the fuel tank for any foreign material that may be getting drawn into the fuel
line pickup causing a blocked condition.
• Fuel supply pump operation.
Notice: The fuel supply pump must be timed to the engine and adjustment value must
be learned to the ECM.
• Perform the Cylinder Balance Test with a scan tool.
• Perform the Injector Force Drive with a scan tool.
• Observe the Fuel Compensation for each cylinder at idle on the scan tool.
Air Intake System Checks Inspect the air intake system for the following conditions.
• Air cleaner, air intake ducts and charge air cooler for a restriction, holes, or leaks.
• A restriction in the turbocharger inlet duct.
• Intake throttle valve for a stuck condition.
• A restriction or leak in the intake manifold.• A restriction or damaged at MAF sensor.
• Perform the Swirl Control Solenoid Test with a scan tool. Inspect the diaphragm
valve operation when it commanded ON/ OFF.
• A worn or damaged turbocharger turbine wheel, shaft or compressor wheel. Refer
to turbocharger inspection in the Engine Mechanical section.
• Turbocharger wastegate valve operation. Refer to wastegate valve inspection in the
Engine Mechanical section. (Standard output)
• Turbocharger nozzle control actuator operation. Refer to Turbocharger Control
System Check in this section. (High output)
Exhaust System Checks Inspect the exhaust system for a possible restriction. Refer to the Exhaust System
Engine Mechanical Checks Inspect the engine mechanical for the following conditions. Refer to the Engine
Mechanical section.
• Poor cylinder compression.
• Improper valve gap.
• Broken or weak valve springs.
• Worn camshaft lobes.
Additional Checks • Inspect the EGR system operating correctly. Refer to EGR Control System Check in
this section.
• Inspect for an engine overheat condition. Refer to Engine Cooling section.
• Inspect the A/C operation.
• Inspect the torque converter clutch (TCC) operation. (A/T only)
Checks Action
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 558/599
Abnormal Combustion Noise
Checks Action
A mild to severe ping, usually worse under acceleration. The engine makes sharp metallic knocks that change with the throttleopening.
Preliminary Checks • Diagnostic System Check — Engine Controls.
• Ensure the vehicle has an actual problem.
• Inspect for smoke associated with the combustion noise.
• Inspect the fuel quality (cetane index).
• Inspect the programmed fuel injector ID code for each cylinder.
• Inspect the Scan Tool Data List in this section.
• Inspect the Service Bulletin.
Sensor Checks Inspect the engine control sensors for the following conditions. Refer to the Scan Tool
Data List in this section.
• Compare the Coolant Temperature with the Intake Air Temperature (IAT) and FuelTemperature (FT) parameters on a cold engine condition. If the difference among
temperature reading is more than 5°C (9°F) on a cold engine, check for high
resistance in each circuit or for a skewed sensor.
Notice: The mass air flow (MAF) sensor is heated and as a result the IAT may indicate
a higher than normal intake air temperature if the ignition switch is being ON.
• Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Sensor parameter with the engine OFF. The
FRP Sensor should read 0.9 to 1.0 volt with the key ON and engine OFF after the
engine has stopped running for a minimum of 1 minute. If not, check for high
resistance in each circuit or for a skewed sensor.
• Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure and Desired Fuel Rail Pressure parameter between
idle and W.O.T. (accelerator pedal full travel) in Neutral. Fuel Rail Pressure
parameter should follow within± 5 MPa (
± 725 psi) quick enough.
• Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor is tight and the sensor rotor is not damaged.
Fuel System Checks • If excessive smoke is present, check for a stuck open fuel injector. Inspect for fuel
leakage into the combustion chamber.
• Inspect the fuel injectors. Remove the injectors and visually inspect.
• Perform the Cylinder Balance Test with a scan tool.
• Perform the Injector Force Drive with a scan tool.
• Observe the Fuel Compensation for each cylinder at idle on the scan tool.
Engine Mechanical Checks Inspect the engine mechanical for the following conditions. Refer to the Engine
Mechanical section.
• Poor cylinder compression.
• Incorrect basic engine parts such as camshaft, cylinder head, pistons, etc..
• Inspect for any excessive oil entering combustion chamber.
Additional Checks • Inspect other possible causes that can make similar noise such as loose component
parts, bracket, mount and weak clutch damper spring.
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Poor Fuel Economy
Checks Action
Fuel economy, as measured by actual road tests and several tanks of fuel, is noticeably lower than expected. Also, theeconomy is noticeably lower than it was on this vehicle at one time, as previously shown by actual road tests.
Preliminary Checks • Remove the air cleaner and check for dirt, or for air ducts being plugged or
restricted. Replace as necessary.
• Inspect the driving habits of the owner.
• Is the A/C ON full time, defroster mode ON?
• Are the tires at the correct pressure?
• Are the tire sizes changed?
• Are excessively heavy loads being carried?
• Is the acceleration too much, too often?
• Inspect for clutch slip.
• Inspect brake drag.• Inspect dive belt tension.
• Inspect for a proper transmission shift pattern and down shift operation.
• Inspect the fuel quality (cetane index).
• Inspect the engine oil level and quality.
• Suggest to the owner to fill the fuel tank and recheck the fuel economy.
• Inspect the odometer is correctly operated.
• Inspect the Scan Tool Data List in this section.
• Inspect the Service Bulletin.
Sensor Checks Inspect the engine control sensors for the following conditions. Refer to the Scan Tool
Data List in this section.
• Compare the Coolant Temperature with the Intake Air Temperature (IAT) and FuelTemperature (FT) parameters on a cold engine condition. If the difference among
temperature reading is more than 5°C (9°F) on a cold engine, check for high
resistance in each circuit or for a skewed sensor.
Notice: The mass air flow (MAF) sensor is heated and as a result the IAT may indicate
a higher than normal intake air temperature if the ignition switch is being ON.
Fuel System Checks Inspect the fuel system for the following conditions. Refer to the Fuel System section.
• Fuel type and quality.
• Check fuel leak.
Cooling System Checks Inspect the cooling system for the following conditions. Refer to the Cooling System
• Engine coolant level.• Engine thermostat for always being open or for the wrong heat range.
• Engine cooling fan for always being ON.
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Excessive Smoke (Black Smoke)
Checks Action
Black smoke under load, idle or start up hot or cold.Preliminary Check • Ensure the vehicle has an actual problem.
• Inspect the ECM grounds for being clean, tight, and in their proper locations.
• Remove the air cleaner and check for dirt, or for air ducts being plugged or
restricted. Replace as necessary.
• Inspect the fuel quality (cetane index).
• Inspect the engine oil level and quality.
• Inspect the programmed fuel injector ID code for each cylinder.
• Inspect the Scan Tool Data List in this section.
• Inspect the Service Bulletin.
Sensor Checks Inspect the engine control sensors for the following conditions. Refer to the Scan Tool
Data List in this section.
• Compare the Coolant Temperature with the Intake Air Temperature (IAT) and Fuel
Temperature (FT) parameters on a cold engine condition. If the difference among
temperature reading is more than 5°C (9°F) on a cold engine, check for high
resistance in each circuit or for a skewed sensor.
Notice: The mass air flow (MAF) sensor is heated and as a result the IAT may indicate
a higher than normal intake air temperature if the ignition switch is being ON.
• Observe the MAF parameter for a skewed or slow MAF sensor.
• Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Sensor parameter with the engine OFF. The
FRP Sensor should read 0.9 to 1.0 volt with the key ON and engine OFF after the
engine has stopped running for a minimum of 1 minute. If not, check for high
resistance in each circuit or for a skewed sensor.
• Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure and Desired Fuel Rail Pressure parameter betweenidle and W.O.T. (accelerator pedal full travel) in Neutral. Fuel Rail Pressure
parameter should follow within ±5 MPa (±725 psi) quick enough.
• Observe the Barometric Pressure (BARO) parameter. The BARO parameter should
indicate near surrounding barometric pressure. Refer to Altitude vs. Barometric
Pressure. (Standard output)
• Observe the Boost Pressure and BARO with ignition ON and engine OFF. Both
parameters should be within the 7.0 kPa (1.0 psi) each other. (High output)
Fuel System Checks Inspect the fuel system for the following conditions. Refer to the Fuel System section.
• Fuel injectors. Remove the injectors and visually inspect.
• Perform the Cylinder Balance Test with a scan tool.
• Perform the Pilot Injection Control with a scan tool.
• Observe the Fuel Compensation for each cylinder at idle on the scan tool.
Air Intake System Checks Inspect the air intake system for the following conditions.
• Air cleaner, air intake ducts and charge air cooler for a restriction, holes, or leaks.
• A restriction in the turbocharger inlet duct.
• Intake throttle valve for a stuck condition.
• A restriction or leak in the intake manifold.
• A restriction or damaged at MAF sensor.
• A worn or damaged turbocharger turbine wheel, shaft or compressor wheel. Refer
to turbocharger inspection in the Engine Mechanical section.
Exhaust System Checks Inspect the exhaust system for a possible restriction. Refer to the Exhaust System
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Engine Mechanical Checks Inspect the engine mechanical for the following conditions. Refer to the Engine
Mechanical section.
• Inspect for poor cylinder compression.
• Improper mechanical timing (timing gear and timing chain).
• Improper valve gap.
• Broken or weak valve springs.
• Worn camshaft lobes.
• Any excessive oil entering combustion chamber.
Additional Checks • EGR system operating correctly. Refer to EGR Control System Check in this
• Excessive blow-by gasses.
Checks Action
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Excessive Smoke (White Smoke)
Checks Action
White smoke under load, idle or start up hot or cold.Preliminary Check • Ensure the vehicle has an actual problem.
• Inspect the ECM grounds for being clean, tight, and in their proper locations.
• Inspect the fuel quality (cetane index).
• Inspect the programmed fuel injector ID code for each cylinder.
• Inspect the Scan Tool Data List in this section.
• Inspect the Service Bulletin.
Sensor Checks Inspect the engine control sensors for the following conditions. Refer to the Scan Tool
Data List in this section.
• Compare the Coolant Temperature with the Intake Air Temperature (IAT) and Fuel
Temperature (FT) parameters on a cold engine condition. If the difference among
temperature reading is more than 5 °C (9 °F) on a cold engine, check for highresistance in each circuit or for a skewed sensor.
Notice: The mass air flow (MAF) sensor is heated and as a result the IAT may indicate
a higher than normal intake air temperature if the ignition switch is being ON.
• Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Sensor parameter with the engine OFF. The
FRP Sensor should read 0.9 to 1.0 volt with the key ON and engine OFF after the
engine has stopped running for a minimum of 1 minute. If not, check for high
resistance in each circuit or for a skewed sensor.
• Observe the Fuel Rail Pressure and Desired Fuel Rail Pressure parameter between
idle and W.O.T. (accelerator pedal full travel) in Neutral. Fuel Rail Pressure
parameter should follow within ± 5 MPa ( ± 725 psi) quick enough.
• Observe the Accelerator Pedal Position (APP). APP parameter should change
linearly from 0 to 100% according to the accelerator pedal operation.• Observe the Boost Pressure and Barometric Pressure (BARO) with ignition ON and
engine OFF. Both parameters should be within the 7.0 kPa (1.0 psi) each other.
• Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor is tight and the sensor rotor is not damaged.
Fuel System Checks • If excessive smoke is present, check for a stuck open fuel injector. Inspect for fuel
leakage into the combustion chamber.
• Fuel injectors. Remove the injectors and visually inspect.
• Perform the Cylinder Balance Test with a scan tool.
• Perform the Pilot Injection Control with a scan tool.
• Observe the Fuel Compensation for each cylinder at idle on the scan tool.
Air Intake System Checks Inspect the air intake system for the following conditions.
• Air cleaner, air intake ducts and charge air cooler for a restriction, holes, or leaks.
• A restriction in the turbocharger inlet duct.
• Intake throttle valve for a stuck condition.
• A restriction or leak in the intake manifold.
• A restriction or damaged at MAF sensor.
• Perform the Swirl Control Solenoid Test with a scan tool. Inspect the diaphragm
valve operation when it commanded ON/ OFF.
• A worn or damaged turbocharger turbine wheel, shaft or compressor wheel. Oil leak
from turbocharger. Refer to turbocharger inspection in the Engine Mechanical
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Engine Mechanical Checks Inspect the engine mechanical for the following conditions. Refer to the Engine
Mechanical section.
• Poor cylinder compression.
• Improper mechanical timing (timing gear and timing chain).
• Improper valve gap.
• Broken or weak valve springs.
• Worn camshaft lobes.
• Thermostat working (open stuck).
• Any excessive oil entering combustion chamber.
Electrical System Checks • Glow plug control (preheating) system operation. Refer to Glow Control System
Check in this section.
Checks Action
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Repair Instructions
Engine Control Module (ECM)Replacement
The following A — G steps provide an overview
procedure to replace and reprogram an ECM. Each A —
G steps is explained further in this section.
A. Recoding Fuel Injector ID Code
Each fuel injector is designated with 24 hexadecimal
characters (0 — 9 or A — F) that MUST be programmed
into the ECM for correct engine fueling for each specificcylinder. These characters can be retrieved in one of
following places:
Retrieving the Fuel Injector ID Code Data from the
The current fuel injector ID code data can be retrieved
with a scan tool. If the old ECM cannot be
communicated with a scan tool, go to the next
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
3. Select Diagnostics > appropriate vehicleidentification > 4JK1 or 4JJ1 > Programming >
Injector ID Code.
4. Record 24 digits of each fuel injector ID code.
5. After complete the recording, turn OFF the scan
6. Turn OFF the ignition.
Retrieving the Fuel Injector ID Code Data with a
Non-communicating ECM
If a scan tool does not communicate, the fuel injector ID
codes must be recorded from the factory affixed labelon the cylinder head cover or each fuel injector harness
connector housing.
Recording from the label on cylinder head cover
Notice: Only perform this procedure if the fuel injectors
are not being replaced in the past.
1. Record all numbers of each cylinder on the label.
1. Cylinder #1 fuel injector ID code
2. Cylinder #2 fuel injector ID code
3. Cylinder #3 fuel injector ID code
4. Cylinder #4 fuel injector ID code
5. Injector ID code label
Recording from each fuel injector
1. Disconnect each fuel injector harness connector.
A. Record the fuel injector ID codes manually from the old
B. Reset the immobilizer security information in the old
ECM. (If so equipped)
C. Replace the old ECM with the new ECM.
D. Program the immobilizer security information into the
new ECM. (If so equipped)
E. Program the latest software and calibrations into the
new ECM using the Service Programming System(SPS).
F. Program the recorded fuel injector ID codes and the
vehicle identification number (VIN) into the ECM using
a scan tool programming function.
G. Perform the fuel supply pump relearn procedure by
allowing the engine to idle in Park or Neutral until
normal operating temperature is achieved.
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2. Record all numbers of each cylinder on the
harness connector housing. The correct order for
the fuel injector ID codes of the following
illustration is as follows:
5F 05 00 FB 00 F7 08 F5 19 FF 04 49
1. Fuel injector ID code
2. Fuel injector
B. Resetting Immobilizer Security Information (If so
Reset immobilizer security information in the old ECM.
Refer to Resetting and Programming Guidelines in
immobilizer section. If the old ECM cannot be
communicated with a scan tool, go to the next produce.
C. Removal and Installation
Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2. Loosen bolts (7) and remove the ECM cover (6). (If
so equipped)
3. Disconnect the ECM harness connectors.
4. Loosen nuts (1) and remove the ECM with bracket
(2) from the base bracket (3).
5. Loosen bolts (4) and remove the ECM (5).
Installation Procedure
1. Install the ECM (5) to the bracket (2) and tightenbolts (4).
2. Install the ECM with bracket (2) to the base
bracket (3) and tighten nuts (1).
3. Connect the ECM harness connectors.
4. Install the ECM cover (6) and tighten bolts (7).
5. Connect the negative battery cable.
D. Programming Immobilizer Security Information
(If so equipped)
Programming immobilizer security information into the
ECM. Refer to Resetting and Programming Guidelinesin immobilizer section.
E. Programming Software and Calibrations
Program latest software/ calibrations if released. Refer
to Service Programming System (SPS) Description and
SPS (Remote Procedure) or SPS (Pass-Thru
Procedure) in this section.
F. Programming Fuel Injector ID Codes and VIN
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
3. Select Diagnostics > appropriate vehicle
identification > 4JK1 or 4JJ1 > Programming >
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4. In order to get programming approval, the on-
screen displays a message to user. Get
programming approval from the TIS 2000 using
the following procedure:
a. Connect a scan tool to the terminal that
installed TIS 2000 with the latest software andthe hardware key is plugged into port.
b. Turn ON the scan tool and keep at title screen.
c. Launch the TIS application.
d. Select the Security Access at the main screen.
e. Highlight the “Tech 2” on the Diagnostic Tool
Selection screen and click “Next”.
f. Click “Close” on the Security Access Enabled
g. Turn OFF the scan tool.
h. Disconnect the scan tool from the terminal.
5. Install a scan tool to the vehicle.
6. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
7. Select Diagnostics > appropriate vehicle
identification > 4JK1 or 4JJ1 > Programming >
Program ECU.
8. Verify the VIN on the screen if programmed at
previously described SPS. If not programmed or
incorrect VIN, input correct VIN.
9. Input 24 digits of each fuel injector ID code.
10. After complete the programming, turn OFF the
ignition for 30 seconds.
11. Start the engine and let idle.
12. Inspect for a proper engine running condition and
for no DTC’s. Refer to the Diagnostic System
Check — Engine Controls if needed.
G. Supply Pump Relearn
1. Install a scan tool.
2. Start the engine and let idle until engine coolant
temperature reads 65°C (149°F) or higher while
observing the Fuel Supply Pump Status parameter
with a scan tool. The scan tool parameter changes
status Not Learned > Learned.3. If the ECM has correctly learned the fuel supply
pump current adjustment, the Fuel Supply Pump
Status parameter on the scan tool will indicate
Service Programming System (SPS)Description
The service programming system (SPS) allows a
technician to program a control module through the
data link connector (DLC). The information transfer
circuit that is used at the DLC is the same serial datacircuit used by the scan tool for retrieving DTCs,
displaying data, clearing DTCs etc. This procedure
offers the ability to install software/ calibrations
matched to a particular vehicle.
Most control modules have two types of memory. The
software/ calibrations reside in the flash memory. The
two types of memory are listed below:
• Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only
Memory (EEPROM)
This type of memory allows selected portions of
memory to be programmed while other portions
remain unchanged.Certain learned values reside in the EEPROM,
such as:
— The vehicle identification number (VIN)
— The software/ calibrations identification
— The control module security information
• Flash Read Only Memory-Flash Memory
Flash memory has increased memory storage
capacity. During programming, all information
within this type of memory is erased, and then
replaced with entirely new information.
Service Programming Methods
The two methods of programming an ECM are listed
• Remote Programming
• Pass Thru Programming
For information on programming an ECM using one of
the methods listed above, refer to Service
Programming System (SPS) (Remote Procedure) or
Service Programming System (SPS) (Pass-Thru
Before Programming a Control Module
Important: DO NOT program an existing ECM with the
identical software/ calibration package. This procedure is not
a short cut to correct the driveability condition. This is an
ineffective repair. An ECM should only be programmed when
the following occurs:
• When a service procedure instructs you to replace
the ECM.
• An updated software/ calibrations is released.
Ensure that the following conditions are met before
programming an ECM:
• The scan tool PCMCIA card is programmed withthe latest software.
Th TIS 2000 i i t ll d ith th l t t ft
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• The hardware key is plugged into the computer
• Vehicle system voltage:
— There are no charging system concerns. All
charging system concerns must be repaired
before programming the ECM.- The battery voltage is greater than 12 volts but
less than 16 volts. The battery must be fully
charged before programming the ECM.
— A battery charger is NOT connected to the
vehicles battery. Incorrect system voltage or
voltage fluctuations from a battery charger may
cause programming failure or ECM damage.
— Turn OFF or disable any system that may put a
load on the vehicles battery. Turn OFF or
disable systems such as:
◊ Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
(HVAC) systems
◊ Headlights
◊ Room lights
◊ Accessory equipment
• The ignition switch is in the proper position. The
scan tool prompts you to turn ON the ignition, with
the engine OFF. DO NOT change the position of
the ignition switch during the programming
procedure unless instructed to do so.
• All tool connections are secure:
— The RS-232 cable
— The connection at the DLC
— The voltage supply circuits
• DO NOT disturb the tool harnesses while
programming. If an interruption occurs during the
programming procedure, programming failure or
ECM damage may occur.
• If you are performing the Pass-Thru programming
procedure using a notebook computer without the
power cord, ensure that the internal battery is fully
Service Programming System (SPS)(Remote Procedure)
Notice: Some module will not accept SPS remote
procedure using 10MB PCMCIA card. In such case,
use 32MB PCMCIA card or SPS pass-thru procedure.
The Remote SPS method is a three-step process that
involves the following procedures:
1. Connecting the scan tool to the vehicle and
obtaining the information from the ECM.
2. Connecting the scan tool to the terminal and
downloading a new calibration file from theterminal into the scan tool memory.
3. Reconnecting the scan tool to the vehicle and
Performing the Remote Procedure
1. Connect a scan tool to the vehicle and obtain the
ECM information using the following procedure:
Notice: Ensure the ECM is installed in the vehicle and
the battery is fully charged before programming.
a. Install a scan tool.
b. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
c. Select Service Programming System (SPS) >
Request Info.
d. If there is already stored in the scan tool, the
existing data is displayed on the screen. The
scan tool asks user to keep existing data «Keep
Data» or «Continue» to request new vehicle
information from the ECM. If there is no data in
the scan tool, it will immediately start vehicle
e. Select the vehicle description by following theon-screen instructions based on stamped VIN
or affixed VIN plate on the vehicle.
f. During obtaining information, the scan tool is
receiving information from all modules at the
same time. But only ECM information is
displayed on the screen.
g. Turn OFF all accessories and press «Okay».
h. Verify that the correct VIN is displayed on the
scan tool. If the VIN is incorrect or no VIN,
record the correct VIN.
2. Turn OFF the ignition.3. Turn OFF the scan tool and disconnect from the
4. Transfer the data from the terminal to the scan tool
using the following procedure:
Notice: The TIS supports service programming with
the Tech 2 scan tool only.
a. Connect the scan tool to the terminal.
b. Launch the TIS application.
c. Select the Service Programming System at the
main screen.
d. Highlight the following information on the SelectDiagnostic Tool and Programming Process
screen, then click «Next».
• Select Diagnostic Tool — Tech 2
• Select Programming Process — Identify
whether an existing ECM is being
reprogrammed or an ECM is being replaced
with a new one
• Select ECU Location — Vehicle
e. Verify the connections on the Preparing for
Communication screen, then click «Next».
f. Verify the VIN on the Validate VehicleIdentification Number (VIN) screen, then click
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Notice: If the ECM is replaced to new one, VIN does
not displayed. Input correct VIN reading from stamped
VIN or affixed VIN plate on the vehicle. If the ECM from
another vehicle is installed, input correct VIN by same
g. Highlight Engine on the Select System Typescreen, then click «Next», if on-screen
instruction displayed.
h. Complete the following information based on
the service ID plate on the Validate Vehicle
Data screen until «Next» is highlighted, then
click «Next».
• Model
• Model year
• Engine type
• Model designator
• Destination code• Transmission type
i. Verify your selection on the Summary screen.
Notice: Refer to Service Bulletin and Description
column before service programming is performed if the
bulletins are listed along with the calibration files.
Notice: Select Cancel if you receive a message stating
that the calibration selected is already the current
calibration in the ECM and reprogramming with the
same download is not allowed.
j. Click «Reprog».
k. The Transfer Data screen will appear until the
progress bar reaches 100%.
5. Close the application and return to the TIS
application selection screen after the download is
6. Turn OFF the scan tool and disconnect from the
7. Transfer the data from the scan tool to the ECM
using the following procedure:
a. Install a scan tool.
b. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
c. Select Service Programming System (SPS) >
Program ECU.
d. Turn OFF all accessories and press «Continue».
e. Programming in Process will appear until the
progress bar reaches 100%.
Notice: Some warning lamp may turn ON or blink while
programming the ECM since communication between
the ECM and other modules are interrupted. Clear DTC
in any module after programming.
f. Press «Continue» and exit the program after the
scan tool displays «Programming Was
8. Turn OFF the ignition.
Service Programming System (SPS) (Pass-Thru Procedure)
Pass-Thru programming allows the scan tool to remain
connected to the terminal and to the vehicle throughout
the programming process. The vehicle must be in close
proximity to the terminal while using Pass-Thru.
1. Launch the TIS application.
2. Select the Service Programming System at the
main screen.
3. Highlight the following information on the Select
Diagnostic Tool and Programming Process screen,
then click «Next»:
• Select Diagnostic Tool-Select Pass — Thru
• Select Programming Process — Identify whether
as existing ECM is being reprogrammed or an
ECM is being replaced with a new one.
• Select ECU Location — Vehicle
4. Complete all vehicle data on the Preparing for
Communication/ Determine Vehicle screen until
«Next» is highlighted, then click «Next».
5. Follow the instruction on the Preparing for
Communication screen, then click «Next».
Notice: In order to reduce the potential for signal loss,
the RS-232 cable should not be more than 25 feet long.
6. Verify the VIN on the Validate Vehicle Identification
Number (VIN) screen, then click «Next».
Notice: If the ECM is replaced to new one, VIN does
not displayed. Input correct VIN reading from stamped
VIN or affixed VIN plate on the vehicle. If the ECM from
another vehicle is installed, input correct VIN by same
7. Highlight Engine on the Select System Type
screen, then click «Next», if on-screen instruction
8. Complete the following information based on the
service ID plate on the Validate Vehicle Data
screen until «Next» is highlighted, then click «Next».
• Model
• Model year
• Engine type
• Model designator
• Destination code
• Transmission type
9. Verify your selection on the Summary screen.
Notice: Refer to Service Bulletin and Description
column before service programming is performed if the
bulletins are listed along with the calibration files.
Notice: Select Cancel if you receive a message stating
that the calibration selected is already the currentcalibration in the ECM and reprogramming with the
same download is not allowed.
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11. The Transfer Data screen will appear until the
progress bar reaches 100%.
Notice: Some warning lamp may turn ON or blink while
programming the ECM since communication between
the ECM and other modules are interrupted. Clear DTC
in any module after programming.12. Close the application and return to the TIS
application selection screen after the download is
13. Turn OFF the ignition.
14. Turn OFF the scan tool and disconnect from the
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Description and Operation
Engine Control Module (ECM) Description
Engine Control Module (ECM) Service Precautions
Important: The symbol ! warns you of an electric shock
hazard. To avoid shock and possible serious injury, DO NOT
touch the terminals. When disconnecting the harness
connectors, always turn OFF the ignition switch or disconnect
the battery cable.
The engine control module (ECM) is designed to
withstand normal current draws associated with vehicle
operation. Avoid overloading any circuit. When testing
for opens and shorts, do not ground or apply voltage to
any of the ECM circuits unless instructed to do so. In
some cases, these circuits should only be tested using
a DMM. The ECM should remain connected to the
ECM harness.
The ECM is located inside of engine compartment via
mounting bracket and is behind air cleaner case The
• The fuel system control
• The exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system
• The preheating (glow) system control• The A/C compressor control
• The immobilizer control
• On-board diagnostics for engine control
The ECM constantly observes the information from
various sensors. The ECM controls the systems that
affect vehicle performance. The ECM performs the
diagnostic function of the system. The ECM can
recognize operational problems, alert the driver
through the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL), and store
diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs). DTCs identify the
system faults to aid the technician in making repairs.
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ECM Input & Output
ECM Voltage Description
The ECM supplies a buffered voltage to various
switches and sensors. The ECM can do this because
resistance in the ECM is so high in value that a test
lamp may not illuminate when connected to the circuit.
An ordinary shop voltmeter may not give an accurate
reading because the voltmeter input impedance is too
low. Use a 10-megaohm input impedance DMM, to
ensure accurate voltage readings. The input and/ or
output devices in the ECM include analog-to-digital
converters, signal buffers, counters, and special
drivers. The ECM controls most components with
electronic switches which complete a ground circuit
when turned ON.
Aftermarket Electrical and Vacuum Equipment
Aftermarket or add-on electrical and vacuum
equipment is defined as any equipment which connects
to the vehicle’s electrical or vacuum systems that is
installed on a vehicle after the vehicle leaves the
factory. No allowances have been made in the vehicle
design for this type of equipment. No add-on vacuum
equipment should be added to this vehicle. Add-on
electrical equipment must only be connected to the
vehicle’s electrical system at the battery power and
ground. Add-on electrical equipment, even when
installed to these guidelines, may still cause the power
train system to malfunction. This may also include
equipment not connected to the vehicle electrical
system such as portable telephones and audios.
Therefore, the first step in diagnosing any power train
fault is to eliminate all aftermarket electrical equipment
from the vehicle. After this is done, if the fault still
exists, the fault may be diagnosed in the normal
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Electrostatic Discharge Damage
Electronic components used in the ECM are often
designed to carry very low voltage. Electronic
components are susceptible to damage caused by
electrostatic discharge. By comparison, as much as
4,000 volts may be needed for a person to feel eventhe zap of a static discharge. There are several ways
for a person to become statically charged. The most
common methods of charging are by friction and
• An example of charging by friction is a person
sliding across a vehicle seat.
Important: To prevent possible electrostatic discharge
damage, follow these guidelines:
• Do not touch the ECM connector pins or soldered
components on the ECM circuit board.
• Do not open the replacement part package until
the part is ready to be installed.
• Before removing the part from the package,
ground the package to a known good ground on
the vehicle.
• If the part has been handled while sliding across
the seat, while sitting down from a standing
position, or while walking a distance, touch a
known good ground before installing the part.
• Charge by induction occurs when a person with
well insulated shoes stands near a highly charged
object and momentarily touches ground. Charges
of the same polarity are drained off leaving theperson highly charged with opposite polarity.
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Operation
The MIL is located in the instrument panel cluster. The
MIL will display the following symbols when
commanded ON:
The MIL indicates that an emission related fault (Type
A or B) has occurred (Euro 4 specification) or engine
performance related fault has occurred (except Euro 4
specification) and vehicle service is required. The
following is a list of the modes of operation for the MIL:
• The MIL illuminates when the ignition switch isturned ON, with the engine OFF. This is a bulb test
to ensure the MIL is able to illuminate.
• The MIL turns OFF after the engine is started if a
diagnostic fault is not present.
• The MIL remains illuminated after the engine is
started if the ECM detects a fault. A DTC is stored
any time the ECM illuminates the MIL due to an
emission related fault (Euro 4 specification), and
engine performance related fault has occurred
(except Euro 4 specification).
Service Vehicle Soon (SVS) Lamp Operation (Euro4 Specification)
The service vehicle soon (SVS) lamp is located in the
instrument panel cluster. The SVS lamp will display the
following symbol when commanded ON:
The SVS lamp indicates that a non-emission relatedfault (Type C) has occurred and vehicle service
required. The following is a list of the modes of
operation for the SVS lamp:
• The SVS lamp illuminates when the ignition switch
is turned ON, with the engine OFF. This is a bulb
test to ensure the SVS lamp is able to illuminate.
• The SVS lamp turns OFF after the engine is
started if a diagnostic fault is not present.
• The SVS lamp remains illuminated after the engine
is started if the ECM detects a fault. A DTC is
stored any time the ECM illuminates the SVS lamp
due to a non-emission related fault.
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Engine Control Component Description
Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor
1. Accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor
2. Accelerator pedal bracket
3. Nut
The APP sensor is mounted on the accelerator pedal
control assembly. The sensor is made up of three
individual sensors within one housing. The ECM uses
the APP sensors to determine the amount of acceleration or deceleration that is desired. The APP
sensors are potentiometer type sensors. Each APP
sensor provides a different signal to the ECM on the
each signal circuit, which relative to the position
changes of the accelerator pedal angle. The APP
sensor 1 signal voltage is low at rest and increases as
the pedal is depressed. The APP sensor 2 and APP
sensor 3 signal voltage is high at rest and decreases as
the pedal is depressed.
Barometric Pressure (BARO) Sensor
The BARO sensor is located on the intake manifold.
The BARO sensor is a transducer that varies voltage
according to changes the barometric pressure. The
BARO sensor provides a signal to the ECM on the
signal circuit, which is relative to the pressure changes
of the barometric pressure. The ECM should detect a
low signal voltage at a low barometric pressure, such
as high altitude place. The ECM should detect high
signal voltage at a high barometric pressure. The ECM
uses this voltage signal to calibrate the fuel injection
quantity and injection timing for altitude compensation.
Boost Pressure Sensor
1. Boost pressure sensor
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The boost pressure sensor is located in the air
induction tubing. The boost pressure sensor is a
transducer that varies voltage according to changes in
the air pressure inside the air tubing. The boost
pressure sensor provides a signal to the ECM on the
signal circuit, which is relative to the pressure changes
in the air tubing. The ECM should detect a low signal
voltage at a low boost pressure, such as low engine
load. The ECM should detect high signal voltage at a
high boost pressure, such as high engine load.
Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor
1. Timing chain sprocket
2. Camshaft position (CMP) sensor
3. Rotating direction
The CMP sensor is installed on the timing chain
sprocket cover at the front of the camshaft idle gear.
The CMP sensor detects total of five projections per
one engine cycle (four projections arranged equally
every 90° and one reference projection on the timing
chain sprocket surface). The CMP sensor is a magnetic
resistance element (MRE) type sensor, whichgenerates a square wave signal pulse.
Crankshaft Position (CKP) Sensor
1. Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor
1. Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor 2. Sensor rotor
3. Rotating direction
The CKP sensor is located on the left-hand of the
cylinder block rear and it is behind the starter motor.
The sensor rotor is fixed on the crankshaft. There are
56 notches spaced 6° apart and a 30° section that is
open span. This open span portion allows for the
detection of top dead center (TDC). The CKP sensor is
a magnetic resistance element (MRE) type sensor,
which generates a square wave signal pulse.
Detecting the open span portion from the CKP sensor and one reference projection from the camshaft
position (CMP) sensor, the ECM determines cylinder
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Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor
1. Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor
The ECT sensor is installed to the thermostat housing.
The ECT sensor is a variable resistor and it measures
the temperature of the engine coolant. When the ECT
sensor is cold, the sensor resistance is high. When the
engine coolant temperature increases, the sensor
resistance decreases. With high sensor resistance, the
ECM detects a high voltage on the signal circuit. With
lower sensor resistance, the ECM detects a lower voltage on the signal circuit.
Fuel Temperature (FT) Sensor
1. Fuel temperature (FT) sensor 2. Fuel rail pressure (FRP) regulator
The FT sensor is installed to the fuel supply pump. The
FT sensor is a variable resistor and it measures the
temperature of the fuel entering the fuel supply pump.
When the FT sensor is cold, the sensor resistance is
high. When the fuel temperature increases, the sensor
resistance decreases. With high sensor resistance, the
ECM detects a high voltage on the signal circuit. With
lower sensor resistance, the ECM detects a lower
voltage on the signal circuit.
Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor
The IAT sensor is fitted between the air cleaner and
turbocharger. It is internal to the mass air flow (MAF)
sensor. The IAT sensor is a variable resistor and it
measures the temperature of the air entering the
engine. When the IAT sensor is cold, the sensor
resistance is high. When the air temperature increases,
the sensor resistance decreases. With high sensor
resistance, the ECM detects a high voltage on the
signal circuit. With lower sensor resistance, the ECM
detects a lower voltage on the signal circuit.
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Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor The MAF sensor is an air flow meter that measures the
amount of air that enters the engine. It is fitted between
the air cleaner and turbocharger. A small quantity of air
that enters the engine indicates deceleration or idle
speed. A large quantity of air that enters the engine
indicates acceleration or a high load condition. The
MAF sensor assembly consists of a MAF sensor
element and an intake air temperature (IAT) sensor that
are both exposed to the air flow to be measured. The
MAF sensor element measures the partial air mass
through a measurement duct on the sensor housing.
Fuel System Description
The common rail system uses a type of accumulator
chamber called the fuel rail to store pressurized fuel,
and injectors that contain electronically controlled
solenoid valves to spray the pressurized fuel in the
combustion chambers. The injection system (injection
pressure injection rate and injection timing) is
influence of engine speed and load. This ensures a
stable injection pressure at all time, particularly in the
low engine speed range, so that black smoke specific
to diesel engines generated during vehicle starting or
acceleration can be reduced dramatically. As a result,
exhaust gas emissions are clear and reduced and
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1. High Pressure Control
• Enables high pressure injection from low engine
speed range.
• Optimizes control to minimize particulate matter
and NOx emissions.
2. Injection Timing Control• Enables finely tuned optimized control in
accordance with running conditions.
3. Injection Rate Control
• Pilot injection control that performs a small amount
of injection before main injection.
The fuel rail system consists primarily of a fuel supply
pump, fuel rail, injectors, and ECM.
Fuel System Component Description
1. Fuel injector ID code
2. Leak off pipe
3. Two dimensional barcode
4. Port for mounting the injection pipe
5. O-ring
Electronic control type injectors controlled by the ECM
are used. Compared with conventional injectionnozzles, a command piston, solenoid valve, etc. are
showing these in numeric form (24 alphanumeric
figures). This system uses fuel injector flow rate
information (ID codes) to optimize injection quantity
control. When an injector is newly installed in a vehicle,
it is necessary to input the ID codes in the ECM.
QR (Quick Response) codes or fuel injector flow rate
(ID codes) have been adopted to enhance the injection
quantity precision of the injectors. The adoption of
codes enables injection quantity dispersion control
throughout all pressure ranges, contributing to
improvement in combustion efficiency and reduction in
exhaust gas emissions.
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1) Non-injection state
The two way valve (TWV) closes the outlet orifice bymeans of a spring force, when no current is supplied
from the ECM to the solenoid. At this time, the fuel
pressure applied to the nozzle leading end is equal to
the fuel pressure applied to the control chamber
through the inlet orifice. As for the force competition in
this state, the pressure on the command piston upper
surface + nozzle spring force defeat the pressure on
the nozzle leading end, and consequently the nozzle is
pushed downward to close the injection holes.
2) Injection start
The TWV is pulled up to open the outlet orifice, andthus the fuel leaks toward the return port, when the
current is supplied from the ECM to the solenoid. As a
result, the nozzle is pushed up together with the
command piston by the fuel pressure applied to the
nozzle leading end, and then the nozzle injection holes
open to inject the fuel.
3) Injection end
The TWV lowers to close the outlet orifice, when the
ECM shuts off a current supply to the solenoid. As a
result, the fuel cannot leak from the control chamber,
and thus the fuel pressure in the control chamber risesabruptly and then the nozzle is pushed down by the
command piston to close the nozzle injection holes,
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Fuel Supply Pump
The fuel supply pump is the heart of the common railtype electronic fuel injection system. The fuel supply
pump is installed at the same location as the
conventional injection type pump, which spins at a 1 to
1 ratio of fuel supply pump to crankshaft speed. A fuel
rail pressure (FRP) regulator and fuel temperature
sensor are part of the fuel supply pump assembly.
Fuel is drawn from the fuel tank via the fuel supply
pump by the use of an internal feed pump (trochoid
type). This feed pump pumps fuel into a 2-plunger
chamber also internal to the fuel supply pump. Fuel into
this chamber is regulated by the FRP regulator solely
controlled by current supplied from the ECM. Nocurrent to the solenoid results in maximum fuel flow
whereas full current to the solenoid produces no fuel
flow. As the engine spins, these two plungers produce
high pressure in the fuel rail. Since the ECM controls
the flow of fuel into this 2-plunger chamber, it therefore
controls the quantity and pressure of the fuel supply to
the fuel rail. This optimizes performance, improves
economy and reduces NOx emissions.
Fuel Rail (Common Rail)
1. Pressure limiter valve
2. Fuel rail pressure (FRP) sensor
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Along with the employment of a common rail type
electronic control fuel injection system, the fuel rail is
provided to store high pressure fuel between supply
pump and injectors. A pressure sensor and a pressure
limiter are installed on the fuel rail. The pressure sensor
detects the fuel pressure inside the fuel rail and sends
its signal to the ECM. Based on this signal, the ECM
controls the fuel pressure inside the fuel rail via the fuel
rail pressure (FRP) regulator of the supply pump. The
pressure limiter opens the valve mechanically to relieve
the pressure when the fuel pressure inside the fuel rail
is excessive.
Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor
The FRP sensor is installed to the fuel rail and it
detects the fuel pressure in the fuel rail, converts the
pressure into a voltage signal, and sends the signal to
the ECM. The ECM monitors the FRP sensor signal
voltage. Higher fuel rail pressure provides higher signal
voltage while lower pressure provides lower signal
voltage. The ECM calculates actual fuel rail pressure
(fuel pressure) from the voltage signal and uses the
result in fuel injection control and other control tasks.
Pressure Limiter Valve
1. Valve
2. Valve body
3. Valve guide
4. Spring
5. Housing
6. Fuel rail
7. Fuel return pipe
The pressure limiter relieves pressure by opening the
valve if abnormally high pressure is generated. The
valve opens when pressure in rail reachesapproximately 220 MPa (32,000 psi), and closes when
pressure falls to approximately 50 MPa (7 250 psi)
Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Regulator
The ECM controls the duty ratio of the linear type fuel
rail pressure (FRP) regulator (the length of t ime that the
current is applied to the FRP regulator), in order to
control the quantity of fuel that is supplied to the high-
pressure plungers. Since only the quantity of fuel that is
required for achieving the target rail pressure is drawn
in, the drive load of the supply pump is decreased.
When current flows to the FRP regulator, variable
electromotive force is created in accordance with the
duty ratio, moving the armature to the left side. The
armature moves the cylinder to the left side, changing
the opening of the fuel passage and thus regulating the
fuel quantity. With the FRP regulator OFF, the return
spring contracts, completely opening the fuel passage
and supplying fuel to the plungers (Full quantity intake
and full quantity discharge). When the FRP regulator is
ON, the force of the return spring moves the cylinder to
the right, closing the fuel passage (normally opened).
By turning the FRP regulator ON/OFF, fuel is supplied
in an amount corresponding to the actuation duty ratio,
and fuel is discharged by the plungers.
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Fuel Injection System Description
Fuel Injection Quantity Control
This control determines the fuel injection quantity by
adding coolant temperature, fuel temperature, intake
air temperature, barometric pressure, mass air flow and
some switch inputs information corrections to the basicinjection quantity is calculated by the ECM based on
the engine operating conditions (engine speed,
accelerator pedal pressing amount and boost pressure
sensor). More fuel rate indicates if the engine load is
increased as the accelerator pedal is stepped on at
constant engine speed.
Combined with high pressure injection of atomized fuel,
this control improves exhaust gas and ensures proper
fuel consumption. Compared with conventional
mechanical governors, an electronic control system
provides higher degree of freedom of fuel injection
quantity control, thereby presenting high accelerator response (acceleration feeling and pressing feeling).
Starting Injection Quantity Control
At the engine starting (after the key switch is turned to
the START position to start the engine, up to return of
key switch to the ON position), optimum fuel injection
quantity is controlled based on the information on the
engine speed and coolant temperature. At low
temperature, the fuel injection quantity increases.
When the engine started completely, this boosted
quantity mode at the starting is cancelled and normal
running mode is restored.
Idle Speed Control
A control is made so as to achieve stable idling speed
at all time regardless of engine secular changes or
engine condition variations. The ECM sets target idling
speed and controls the fuel injection quantity according
to the engine conditions (actual engine speed, coolant
temperature and engine load) to follow actual engine
speed to the target idling speed so as to ensure stable
idling speed.
Idle Vibration Control A control is made so as to reduce the engine vibration
caused by torque variations between cylinders due to
variations in fuel injection quantity of each cylinder or
injector performance. The ECM corrects the injection
quantity between cylinders based on the revolution
signals from the crankshaft position (CKP) sensor.
Normal range of correction quantity between cylinders
is within ±5 mm3.
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Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) System Description
1. EGR cooler
2. Engine coolant outlet
3. Engine coolant inlet
4. EGR valve
5. ECM
6. MAF sensor
7. Intake throttle valve
The EGR system recirculates a part of exhaust gas
back into the intake manifold, which results in reducing
nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions. The EGR control
system uses an electronic control system to ensure
both driveability and low emission. A control current
from the ECM operates a solenoid to control the lift
amount of EGR valve. Also, an EGR position sensor isprovided at the rear of the motor to feed actual valve lift
amount back to the ECM for more precision control of
the EGR amount.
The EGR control starts when the conditions for engine
speed, engine coolant temperature, intake air
temperature and barometric pressure are satisfied.
Then, the valve opening is calculated according to the
engine speed, and target fuel injection quantity. Based
on this valve opening, the drive duty of the solenoid is
determined and the valve is driven accordingly. The
intake throttle valve is provided to adequate intake
manifold depression to ensure EGR gas flow.
EGR Valve
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The EGR valve is mounted on the intake manifold. The
ECM controls the EGR valve opening based on the
engine running condition. The ECM controls the EGR
valve by controlling the solenoid. The solenoid is
controlled based on pulse width modulation (PWM)
signal sent from the ECM. A duty ratio change 0% to
appropriate percentage is EGR valve lift control. To
open the valve, duty ratio is increased. To close the
valve, duty ratio becomes small.
The EGR valve position is detected by the position
sensor, and relayed to the ECM. The position sensor
provides a signal to the ECM on the signal circuit,
which is relative to the position changes of the EGR
valve. The ECM should detect a low signal voltage at a
small lift amount or closed position. The ECM should
detect high signal voltage at a large lift amount.
Intake Throttle Valve
The intake throttle valve is located on the intake
manifold inlet. The ECM controls the intake throttle
valve opening based on the engine running condition.
The ECM controls the intake throttle valve by
controlling the solenoid. The solenoid is controlled
based on pulse width modulation (PWM) signal sentfrom the ECM. A duty ratio change 0% to appropriate
percentage is intake throttle valve opening angle
control. To open the valve, duty ratio is increased. To
close the valve, duty ratio becomes small.
The intake throttle valve position is detected by the
position sensor, and relayed to the ECM. The position
sensor provides a signal to the ECM on the signal
circuit, which is relative to the position changes of the
intake throttle valve. The ECM should detect a low
signal voltage at a small opening amount or closed
position. The ECM should detect high signal voltage at
a large opening amount.
Turbocharger Description
Legend1. Exhaust gas
2. Waste gate valve
3. Turbine wheel
4. Compressor wheel
5. Air cleaner
6. Charge air cooler (Intercooler)
The turbocharger is used to increase the amount of air
that enters the engine cylinders. This allows a
proportional increase of fuel to be injected into the
cylinders, resulting in increased power output, more
complete combustion of fuel, and increased cooling of
the cylinder heads, pistons, valves, and exhaust gas.This cooling effect helps extend engine life.
Heat energy and pressures in the engine exhaust gas
are utilized to drive the turbine. Exhaust gas is directed
to the turbine housing. The turbine housing acts as a
nozzle to direct the shaft wheel assembly. Since the
compressor wheel is attached directly to the shaft, the
compressor wheel rotates at the same speed as the
turbine wheel. Clean air from the air cleaner is drawn
into the compressor housing and wheel. The air is
compressed and delivered through a crossover pipe to
the engine air intake manifold, then into the cylinders.
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The amount of air pressure rise and air volume
delivered to the engine from the compressor outlet is
regulated by a waste gate valve in the exhaust housing.
The position of the waste gate valve is controlled by the
amount of pressure built up on the intake side of the
turbocharger. The diaphragm on the inside of the waste
gate is pressure sensitive, and controls the position of
the valve inside the turbocharger. The position of the
valve will increase or decrease the amount of boost to
the turbocharger. (Standard output engine)
1. Turbocharger nozzle control actuator
2. Nozzle
The amount of air pressure rise and air volumedelivered to the engine from compressor outlet is
regulated by a turbocharger nozzle control actuator
indirectly. The position of the turbocharger nozzle is
controlled by the ECM. The ECM utilizes a
turbocharger nozzle control solenoid valve and a boost
pressure sensor to control the turbocharger nozzles.
When the engine is not under load, the turbocharger
nozzles are in an open position (A), or no boost
condition (vacuum pressure supply to the actuator is
reduced). When the engine is under load, the ECM
commands the control solenoid valve to close the
turbocharger nozzles (B), thus increasing the boost(vacuum pressure supply to the actuator is increased).
The ECM will vary the boost dependant upon the load
and control the solenoid valve. (High output engine)
The charge air cooler also helps the performance of the
diesel. Intake air is drawn through the air cleaner and
into the turbocharger compressor housing. Pressurized
air from the turbocharger then flows forward through
the charge air cooler located in the front of the radiator.
From the charge air cooler, the air flows back into the
intake manifold.
The charge air cooler is a heat exchanger that uses air
flow to dissipate hear from the intake air. As the
turbocharger increases air pressure, the air
temperature increases. Lowering the intake air
temperature increases the engine efficiency and power
by packing more air molecules into the same space.
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Special Tools and Equipment
Special Tools and Equipment
Illustration Tool Number/ Description
5-8840-2835-0 (J-35616-C)
Connector Test Adapter Kit
(With Test Lamp)
5-8840-0285-0 (J-39200)Digital Multimeter
Tech2 Kit
CAN-di Module
Breaker Box
Adapter Harness
5-8840-0279-0 (J-23738-A)
Vacuum Pump
Illustration Tool Number/ Description
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Exhaust Silencer and Exhaust Pipe ………………. 6F-2
Main Data and Specifications…………………….. 6F-2
Components……………………………………………. 6F-3
Removal …………………………………………………. 6F-4
Installation………………………………………………. 6F-4
Inspection and Repair ………………………………. 6F-5
Torque Specifications……………………………….. 6F-6
EGR Cooler ……………………………………………….. 6F-7
Components……………………………………………. 6F-7Removal …………………………………………………. 6F-8
Installation………………………………………………. 6F-8
Torque Specifications……………………………….. 6F-9
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Exhaust Silencer and Exhaust Pipe
Main Data and Specifications
Front pipe
Pipe outside diameter×
thickness mm (in) 50.8×
1.5 (2.00×
0.059)and 60.5 × 1.5 (2.38 × 0.059)
Middle pipe
Pipe outside diameter × thickness mm (in) 60.5 × 1.5 (2.38 × 0.059)
Silencer & tail pipe
Type Circular section-shell construction of double skin
and end plates, internal construction of baffles
and perforated tubes.
Tail pipe outside diameter × thickness mm (in) 60.5 × 1.5 (2.38 × 0.059)
Length mm (in) Approximately 1335 (52.6)
MountingNumber of suspension points 4
Type Rubber
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1. Exhaust Pipe Gasket
2. Front Pipe
3. Front Pipe Gasket
4. Front Hanger Rubber
5. Middle Pipe Nut
6. Middle Pipe
7. Exhaust Pipe Gasket
8. Silencer Hanger Rubber
9. Rear Hanger Rubber
10. Exhaust Silencer
11. Silencer Front Nut
12. Front Pipe Nut
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1. Rear hanger rubber
2. Silencer front nut
3. Exhaust silencer
4. Silencer hanger rubber
5. Front hanger rubber
6. Middle pipe nut (4×2 High Ride Suspension,4×4)
7. Middle pipe (4×2 High Ride Suspension,4×4)
8. Front pipe nut
9. Exhaust pipe gasket
Follow the removal procedure in the reverse order to
perform the installation procedure. Pay careful attention
to the important points during the installation procedure.
1. Front Pipe NutConnect the exhaust pipe to the catalytic
Torque: 67 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (6.8 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 49 lb ft)
2. Middle pipe Nut (4×2 High Ride Suspension,4×4)
Connect the middle pipe to the front pipe.
Torque: 43 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (4.4 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 32 lb ft)
3. Silencer Front Nut
Connect the silencer to the front or middle pipe.
Torque: 43 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (4.4 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 32 lb ft)
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Inspection and Repair
Make the necessary adjustments, repairs, and part
replacements if excessive wear or damage is
discovered during inspection.
Front Exhaust Pipe
Exhaust Silencer
Check the pipes for corrosion, cracking, damage or
misalignment and repair as required.
Check the rubber rings for deterioration or damage and
repair as required.
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Torque Specifications
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EGR Cooler
1. EGR Cooler
2. Gasket
3. Gasket
4. Bolt
5. Washer
6. Heat Protector
7. Water Hose Intake
8. Water Hose Return
9. Bolt
10. Nut
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1. Drain the coolant.
2. Remove the heat protector.
3. Disconnect the water hoses from the EGR cooler
water pipes.
4. Remove the EGR cooler.
1. Gasket
2. EGR Cooler
3. Nuts and Bolts
• Temporary tightening order
1 – 2 – 4 – 5 — 3
• Fully tightening order
4 – 5 – 1 – 2 — 3
Tighten the nuts and bolts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque:
27 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (2.8 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 20 lb ft)
4. Water hose
5. Heat protector
• Tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque:
10 N⋅⋅⋅⋅m (1.0 kg⋅⋅⋅⋅m / 87 lb in)
6. Replenish the engine coolant.
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Torque Specifications
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Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor ……… 6H-2
Removal …………………………………………………. 6H-2
Installation………………………………………………. 6H-2
How to adjust for APP Sensor……………………. 6H-2
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Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor
1. Turn OFF the ignition.
2. Disconnect the APP sensor harness connector.
3. Loosen the accelerator pedal assembly nuts (3).
4. Remove the accelerator pedal assembly.
5. Remove the APP sensor (1) from accelerator
pedal bracket (2).
1. Install the APP sensor (1) in accelerator pedal
bracket (2).
2. Install the accelerator pedal assembly.
3. Tighten the accelerator pedal assembly nuts (3).
4. Connect the APP sensor harness connector.
How to adjust for APP Sensor
1. Install the Tech2.
2. Turn ON the ignition.
3. Observe the APP sensor parameter.
Check the unique functionality of each sensor as
shown in the table below.
Position as
Observed on
the Tech2
Voltage as
Observed on
the Tech2
1Pedal at
reset0 0.1-1.2
1Pedal at full
100 3.8-4.8
2Pedal at
reset0 3.8-4.8
2Pedal at
full travel100 0.2-1.2
3Pedal at
reset0 3.8-4.8
3Pedal at full
travel100 1.2-2.2
4. If the problem was found, adjust as necessary.
8/9/2019 Isuzu D-max 2011 4jj1 Engine Service Manual 599/599
ISUZU CLUB — Интернет-магазин автозапчастей
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Руководство на английском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию двигателя Isuzu 6BG1.
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