Murder Manual
24.05.2020 (мир)
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Муж и жена, которые пытаются сбежать из цирка, где их удерживают силой, девушка, которую дома поджидает маньяк, женский религиозный кружок, члены которого пытаются изгнать демона из своей подруги — все эти истории объединяет одно: они бросят вас в дрожь и будут держать в напряжении до самого конца.
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Muddled Murder Manual
Warning: Spoilers
Murder Manual is a compilation of short horror stories. Misleadingly Emila Clark is only in the prologue and the last story and is not a main character as the opening credits and the poster would have us believe. The stories are separated into steps like step 1 pick your victim, step 2 stalking the prey, step 3 judge your victim and so on until step 8 which is the final story.
There is very little dialogue in some of the stories and an attempt to make them artistic through the camera work and creepy music. As with most anthologies some of the stories are better than others as is the case with some of the acting and the dialogue. I found some of the editing very choppy and i thought that some of the shots could have been wider rather than zooming in so much on the faces of the actors. That being said some of the stories are interesting and have a few unexpected twists like when a would be killer finds out that his intenede victim is not at all helpless or human. Or a story about a hide and seek game in the woods that gets creepy very quickly. Some of the other stories however are nothing to get too excited about and seem kind of pointless and forgettable. In fact some are already difficult to recall. Overall a 4 out of 10 as it has some potential but overall it’s not really deserving of a higher score.
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Where’s Emilia Clarke???
I watched this for the sole purpose thinking that Emilia Clarke was in this, instead she was just on the beginning of the movie and only less than 10 minutes..after that it was a compilation of stories that are some okay, some bad and some really bad.
I specifically liked the one where Maria Olsen was in…the others were plain boring and not scary.
Overall, pass on this one…there are way others better than this.
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amateur production
From the outset you will see the poor quality editing and camerawork, even the sound is shoddy!
the film itself, well, its boring, mind numbingly boring. i assume the writer (haha writer!!) was attempting to intertwine the stories, that didnt work. in all it is dross, dross acting, dross production! do not waste your time or money
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What a waste…
I decided to watch this crap because of Emilia Clarke… And the question is: Where is she? Oh yeah… she appears only for about 10 minutes.
Shame on the false marketing, using her name to get our attention. Well, I suppose it worked because I tried to see the whole thing, but guys… It impossible.
As a «horror» anthology, it has no gore, no jumps, nothing!!! I survived until 40 minutes, then I decided to stop.
It sucks big time, one of the worst things I’ve seen so far.
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A Collection of Previously Released Short Films, gathered together…
«Murder Manual» is a collection of short films released in the 2010 decade, grouped together with an attempt to put them in a «theme» that doesn’t really work. The films are mostly supernatural in nature, and the attempt to make them connected just doesn’t really succeed, especially trying to connect them as «steps in a murder.»
The films are of varying quality, some good some not so good. Included is a short film called «Shackled» which Emilia Clarke did back in 2012 (early on in her GOT timeline) and they rather cynically split the film into two parts to make it look like a «wraparound» story. «Shackled» is only 12 minutes in length in total, so if you’re watching for Emilia, you’ll be disappointed. But it gave them a big name star to use to push the film.
As a fan of short horror films, I was sort of entertained. But not sure it’s for everyone.
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A very troubled «anthology»
It is quite amusing how persons behind this so-called anthology managed to take two decent short films (Sam N. Powell’s «Uzi» starring Anthony Goss and, of course, Nour Wazzi’s «Shackled» starring Emilia Clarke) and blend them with six other wretched short films (even Finnish «The Silent» with pleasing cinematography and non-existing plot). There is indeed nothing connecting them on any level without taking into account the fact that they are trying to be spooky.
In fact, this Frankenstein’s monster shouldn’t exist in the first place. The only reason it does exist is because someone bought the rights for these shorts (did they?) and slatternly stitched them into a feature film that could be sold on VOD. The whole «murder manual» is based on a poor CGI brief cards between the shorts with the instruction list about how to murder your potential victim. Did you know that in order to kill anyone you’re supposed to stalk them? Wow! Astonish and bold, am I right? And this list, truth be told, has absolutely nothing to do with actions in the short films.
An interesting fact: «Murder Manual» producers should be prepared for the lawsuit from Emilia Clarke and her representatives for trying to fraudulently capitalize on her fame by using her name and face to promote a movie in which she was largely absent. And she wouldn’t even be the first celebrity to do so: Jesse Eisenberg did the exact thing back in 2010 when he found out that the indie horror flick «Camp Hell» he shot three years ago has his face on the whole official DVD cover even though he did a cameo and the film isn’t about his character. Eisenberg asked «at least US$3 million». Clarke might even ask more. Was this all worth it? I don’t think so.
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Waste of time
You will feel like you wasted your time and money if you rent this.
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Classic Bait & Switch at it’s finest!
3/10 🌠🌠🌠
I thought something was weird seeing Emilia Clarke and a rating of 4. Even when the dragon queen does a romantic comedy that’s really not my cup of tea I still find myself mesmerized watching it all the way through. This meager attempt at bait and switch was more horrid than the actual tales. Very happy I didn’t pay to see and for their attempt at trickery I refuse to waste my time & give credence to any of them by offering a more in depth review😤
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An insult to your time!
Totally, totally, and TOTALLY horrible. No plot. Impossible to follow. Lost metaphors. Tortured imagery. Awful.Awful. Awful.
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Sooooooo bad…
The idea: Let’s string the worst, incomprehensible horror shorts together and use a known face to sell the film. Quick, easy money.
Verdict: Avoid… you will never get the 92 minutes of your life back. Emilia…. why???
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Seriously,I am not even surprised that this was bad. The only wprd is perfect for it is «Meh», and I am not even ashamed to use itwith a matching spatting hand gesture. The movie making factory already used all of the good stories once, and now they are desperately trying to make more in every category. This specific one, is so boring, and nonsence, that I wouldn’t even recommend to waste your movie night to watch such a crap like that. I only watched it because of Emilia Clarke. She is — in my opinion — a pretty good actress, but she was in the movie for..maybe 10 or maximum 20 minutes..? Anyway I don’t understand why on Earth she said yes to such a bad concoction like this movie.
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What a pile of ****
Waste of money and time. No idea what that was all about.
The director needs help.
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Waste of time
One of the worst movies i have ever seen. Emilia is there just to hook us into watching it.
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Rating only for «Shackled»
Warning: Spoilers
«Shackled» is a short almost 12 minutes from 2012 starring Emilia Clarke that I had the luck to see a while ago. It serves as a kind of opening and ending to the anthology proposed.
Third short on the anthology I’ve seen it on a horror YouTube channel (I don’t remember if was maybe Crypt TV, or maybe Alter).
The rest of the shorts in the narrative I haven’t seen but they were completely indifferent to me.
Narrative in the anthology suggest a line for a guide in a Murder Manual. That being said, none of the shorts follow the ‘style’ suggested, therefore there’s no ‘connection’ to the numbers in the guidelines and any short’s plot. So that make all not only disconnected but also very random.
Acting were good on three shorts, the mentioned «Shackled», the third one, and the crazy religious one.
As for me I give it 5/10 only for the Emilia appearance.
The good: some photography and camera works on 3 shorts (the ones mentioned), some good acting, and at good directing work.
The bad: random plots, no explanations, no way to develop rooting for any character. Some bad camera work on most shorts.
Not recommended, but everyone most see to make a critic.
Watch at your own risk.
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Leave this manual on the shelf
It’s a horrible thing when a nice looking work makes no sense at all. Sure this is an anthology, but put some clarity into it directors! This film is chock full of episodes (8 or 9 in total), but almost all of them make no sense. Including the bookend storyline — which may be the biggest let down of all the stories. And those that make some sense, have problems keeping a clarity about it. This is — after some research — a film made up mostly shorts which have previously been shown on Youtube — so their lack of consistancy and coherency is not surprising. If the story synopses sounds too good to be true — they are. Without them, you would never «get» this anthology. This is one «manual» that needs to be re-edited.
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Waste of time
20 seconnds of Emilia in the beginning and that’s all
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Not sure why I watched the whole thing
I, probably like others, started to watch this movie because of Emilia Clarke boy what a let down. I don’t think she was even in 3 minutes of the movie. The rest of it were random stories(?) that made no sense and were never tied together. The only horror part of this movie was the puke I had to clean up after watching it. Do yourself a favor and pass on this one.
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Don’t waste your time!
Don’t waste your time. I saw that movie because Clarke, but it is really a very bad movie.
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No Emilia Clarke
Warning: Spoilers
Shame on the creators for using Khaleesi to bait people into watching this..
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Possibly the worst movie of 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Really wish I’d read the reviews before wasting 90 minutes of my life, kept watching in the hope that there would be some epic twist or something to bring all the random nonsense together, but sadly, not even in the slightest. Still trying to wrap my head around the fact that something so bad even managed to get into circulation.
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Hate to add to the negative reviews
Warning: Spoilers
But i cant help it. I rarely and i mean tarely like once every ten years turn off a movue. I stick it out like no ones business. I tried to reset every when every story started. This statted terrible and artsy creepy weird… which i dont do. I equate it to perhaps how it would feel to be on too many drugs or maybe mentally ill i dunno just cant get into music and pics interpreting somethig or other …. the one i liked qas of xourse the hunter beciming rhe prwy in the house qith the girl coming home but what the heck is the whole bus ride before hand.
Well i gave it a 5 because pf their ability to lure Emelia into this…maybe a friend who got a favor i dunno.. and i respect the work put into it. I dont like to trash someones dream.Thanks for the entertainment
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Инструкция по убийству
страна |
длительность | 1 ч 31 мин |
онлайн: Мир | 21 мая 2020 |
студии производства | Hewes PicturesPanacea ProductionsThe People Zoo |
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Alexander Castillo-Nuñez
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Эмилия Кларк
Malu (segment «Shackled»)
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Роберт Дин
Джейк Делани
Risto Erjanko
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Natialie Cain Bayes
Marilinda Berni
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Слоан Александр
Александра Бенедикт
Салла Лухтала …
Вилле Асикайнен
Natialie Cain Bayes
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Инструкция по убийству
Murder Manual
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- 2020
- Жанр:
- ужасы
- триллер
- Продолжительность:
- 91 минута (1:31)
- Премьера (МИР):
- 21 мая 2020
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О ФИЛЬМЕ Инструкция по убийству
Восемь ужасающих историй, восемь глав книги ужасов расскажут о путешествии маленькой девочки из мира кошмаров в кошмар реальности. Романтическое путешествие однополой пары в Палм-Спрингс, которое станет для них убийственным. Молодая девушка, даже не подозревающая о смертельной опасности исходящей от лучшей подруги. Девушка, находящаяся в плену в загадочном и таинственном цирке, ждущая спасения от мужа. Кошмары оживают на страницах этой книги, настоящей инструкции по убийствам.
Сюжет фильма:
«Инструкция по убийству» — это восемь жутких историй, среди которых рассказывается о путешествии маленькой девочки из мира ночных кошмаров в кошмар наяву, о романтическом путешествии пары в Палм-Спрингс, заканчивающемся убийством, а также история молодой женщины, чья поездка становится опасной для жизни, и история героини, которая оказалась в плену у цирка.