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Сборник руководств на английском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию квадроциклов CFMoto моделей CF500/CF500-A/CF500-5B/CF500-5C/CF625-B/CF625-C.

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Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту квадроциклов CFMoto моделей CF500 и CF500-A.

  • Издательство: Chunfeng Holding Group
  • Год издания: 2006
  • Страниц: 254
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 12,8 Mb

Руководство на русском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию квадроциклов CFMoto модели CF500-A.

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  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 206
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 2,8 Mb

Руководство на русском языке по ремонту квадроциклов CFMoto модели CF500-A.

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  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 266
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  • Размер: 15,8 Mb

Руководство на русском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию квадроциклов CFMoto моделей CF500-2 и CF500-2A 2008 года выпуска.

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  • Страниц: 144
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  • Размер: 6,9 Mb

Руководство на русском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотовездехода CFMoto модели CF500-3 с полным приводом.

  • Издательство:
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 163
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  • Размер: 2,1 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту квадроциклов CFMoto моделей CF500-5B и CF500-5C.

  • Издательство: Zhejiang CFMOTO Power Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 2009
  • Страниц: 272
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 23,2 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотовездеходов CFMoto Terracross моделей CF500-6/CF625-3/CF625-6 с полным приводом.

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  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 135
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  • Размер: 16,9 Mb

Руководство на русском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию квадроциклов CFMoto модели CF625-X6 EFI.

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  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 157
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 43,8 Mb

Руководство на русском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию квадроциклов CFMoto модели CF800-2X8 EFI.

  • Издательство:
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 162
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 3,4 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту квадроциклов CFMoto модели CF800-2 Terralander 800 с полным приводом.

  • Издательство: Zhejiang CFMOTO Power Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 2011
  • Страниц: 316
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 16,5 Mb

Руководство на французском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию квадроциклов CFMoto моделей Goes 520 и Goes 520 Max с полным приводом.

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  • Страниц: 30
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  • Размер: 2,7 Mb

Руководство на русском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию квадроциклов CFMoto моделей HX500-S и HX500-L 2009 года выпуска.

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  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 146
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  • Размер: 3,8 Mb

Руководство на чешском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию квадроциклов CFMoto модели JourneyMan Gladiator RX.

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  • Страниц: 31
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  • Размер: 1,1 Mb

Руководство на чешском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию квадроциклов CFMoto модели JourneyMan Gladiator X-8.

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  • Страниц: 24
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  • Размер: 802 Kb

Руководство на чешском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотовездеходов CFMoto модели JourneyMan Gladiator Z6.

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  • Страниц: 24
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  • Размер: 823 Kb

Руководство на русском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотовездеходов CFMoto модели SSV 625-Z6 EFI с полным приводом.

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  • Страниц: 131
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  • Размер: 5,7 Mb

Руководство на русском языке по ремонту карбюратора Mikuni модели BSR36-89.

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  • Размер: 393 Kb

Электросхемы на русском и английсом языках квадроциклов CFMoto моделей CF500/CF500-A/CF500-X5/CF625-X6/CF800-2-X8.

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  • Размер: 5,1 Mb

CF MOTO CF500-5 Service Manual

  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. CF MOTO Manuals
  4. Offroad Vehicle
  5. CF500-5
  6. Service manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Related Manuals for CF MOTO CF500-5

Summary of Contents for CF MOTO CF500-5

  • Page 1
  • Page 2
    WWW.CFMOTO.COM All rights reserved Zhejiang CFMOTO Power Co., Ltd. April. 2009…
  • Page 3
    All Terrain Vehicle Model CF500-5 and CF500-5A Chapter 1 general service information, tools, vehicle structure and technical data. Chapter 2:key points for inspection and adjusting,service guide.
  • Page 4
    Converion table Item Example Conversion Pressure 200 kPa(2.00kgf/cm )1kgf/cm =98.0665kPa 1kpa=1000Pa 33kPa (250mmHg) 1mmHg=133.322Pa=0.133322kPs Torque 18N.m(1.8kgf-m) 1kgf.m=9.80665N.m Volume 419ml 1ml=1cm =1cc 1l=1000cm Force 12N(1.2kgf) 1kgf=9.80665N…
  • Page 5
    1 Maintenance Information Cautions……………………………1-1 Tightening Torque………………1-13 VIN Number & Engine Number……1-3 Lubricant, Sealing Agent…………1-18 Main Data Table……………………1-4 Cable Routing……………………1-22 1 1 1 1 1 Overhaul Data Table………………1-6 Cautions Safety Cautions 1. Hazardous components in exhaust. Do not run the engine in a enclosed or poorly venti- lated place for long time.
  • Page 6
    CFMOTO 14.Turn the inner and outer rings of ball bearing to make sure the bearing will turn smoothly. Replace if the axial or radial play is too big. If the surface is uneven, clean with oil and replace if the cleaning does not help.When pressing the bearing into the machine or to the shaft 5.
  • Page 7
    1 Maintenance Information VIN Number and Engine Number CF500-5/CF500-5A 1 1 1 1 1 VIN Number: LCELDTZ~ Engine Number:CF188~…
  • Page 8
    493Cm Fuel type Unle aded gasoli ne RQ- 90or above Dry weight CF500-5: 344 kg CF500-5A: 358 kg CF500-5:2 ( Inc lude dr iver ) Number of Passengers Ma x. Load 210 kg 25×8-12 40J F ront Ti re T ir e 185/80-12 40J 25×10-12 47J…
  • Page 9
    1 Maintenance Information It e m P a ra m e t e r A ir Filter t ype Spon ge elem ent f ilter 1 1 1 1 1 Type Vacu um Diap hragm typ e F u e l MIK UNI B SR 36-89 D e v ice Ca rb uretor…
  • Page 10
    CFMOTO Maintenance Data Table Lubrication System Item Standard Service Limit - Engine Oil Volume when 1900mL Capacity replacing - Volume when 2200mL replacing filter Recommended Oil(See Original) ·Specially for 4-stroke motorcycle SAE-15W-40 Substitutes must be used in the following range. API type: SE or SF grade SAE type: Choose from the left chart…
  • Page 11
    1 Maintenance Information Cooling System Standard/ S erv ice 1 1 1 1 1 Item Rem ark Parameter Lim it Full Capac ity 2000ml Res erv oir tank Coolant 30 0ml c apaci ty Capaci ty Stan dard Dens ity O pening pr ess ur e of r adiator cap Ini tial 72±2℃…
  • Page 12
    CFMOTO Front Wheel Op e ra t io n I t e m Sta n d a rd L im it P la y o f w h e e l Ve rt i ca l 1 .0 m m 2 .
  • Page 13
    1 Maintenance Information Battery, Charging Device, Pickup Coil Item Stan dard 1 1 1 1 1 P e rm a n e n t m a g n e t M odel A C Typ e Output 3-phase A C Charging Coi l Resis tance(…
  • Page 14
    CFMOTO Valve System + Cylinder Head (mm) Item Standard Operation Limit Intake 30.6 Valve Diameter Exhaust 27.0 Intake 0.05-0.10 Valve Clearance( Idle Speed) Exhaust 0.17-0.22 Intake 0.010-0.037 Fit Clearance between Valve Guide and Valve Stem Exhaust 0.030-0.057 Internal dia. of Valve Guide Intake &…
  • Page 15
    1 Maintenance Information C ylin de r + Pis to n + P is ton Rin g+ C ran k sh a ft ( m m ) Op er a tio n Ite m Stan d a rd R e ma r k 1 1 1 1 1 Li mi t C yli n de r Pre ssu r e…
  • Page 16
    CFMOTO Clutch + Transmission (mm) Item Standard Limit R emark Clutch Friction plate inner dia. 140.00-140.15 140.50 Clutch Joint Rotation 1800-2400r/min Clutch lock-up R otation 3300-3900r/min Drive Belt W idth 35.2 33.5 Driven Disc Spring Free Length Shifter and fit flute gap 0.10-0.40 0.50 Left Shifter Sliding Thickness…
  • Page 17
    1 Maintenance Information Tightening Torque Item Torque N·m(kgf·m) Item Torque N·m(kgf·m) 1 1 1 1 1 5mm Bolt, nut 5(0.5) 5mm Screw 4(0.4) 6mm Bolt, nut 10(1.0) 6mm Screw 9(0.9) 8mm Bolt, nut 22(2.2) 6mmSH Bolt with flange, 10(1.0) 10mm Bolt, nut 34(3.5) 6mm Bolt with flange, nut 12(1.2)
  • Page 18
    CFMOTO Engine Tightening Torque Table Torque Item Q’ty Screw dia.(mm) Remark (N.m) Sensor, Reverse Gear M10×1.25 Spark Plug M12×1.25 Water Temperature Sensor Rc1/8 Apply screw thread sealant Valve Clearance Adjusting Nut Drive Disc Nut M20×1.5 Driven Disc Nut M20×1.5 Circle Nut, Driving Disc M30×1 Nut, Front Output Shaft M14×1.5…
  • Page 19
    1 Maintenance Information 1 1 1 1 1 Torque Item Quantity Diameter(mm) Remark (N.m) Bolt, Crankcase Bolt, Driven Sector Gear Mounting Bolt, Oil Filter M20×1.5 Oil Filter 3 / 4 ?( 1 6 / i n 18~20 Bolt, Starting Motor Bolt, Cylinder Head Bolt, Cylinder Head(2 sides) Upper and Lower Bolt, Cylinder…
  • Page 20
    CFMOTO Engine Tools Measuring Tools Name Type Function Remark Vernier Calipers 0-150mm measure length and thickness measure the outer diameters of swing Micrometers 0-25mm arm, valve rod and camshaft Dial gauge 25-50mm Measure max. lift range of camshaft Dial gauge 75-100mm Measure piston skirt Inner dia.
  • Page 21
    1 Maintenance Information Special Purpose Tools 1 1 1 1 1 Name Type Function Remark Disassemble/ install spark Spark Plug Wrench 172MM-022400-922-004 plug CF188-051000-922-001 Disassemble/install CVT CVT Wrench CF188-052000-922-001 drive/driven disc nut Oil Filter Wrench CF188-011300-922-001 Disassemble/ install oil filter Piston Pin Remover CF188-040004-922-002 Disassemble piston pin…
  • Page 22
    CFMOTO Lubricant goose, Sealing Oil Coated Sec tion Attention G r ease T urni ng Beari ngs T hr ottle Cable Connec ting Por tion T hr ottle Pedal M ovable P arts B rak e Pedal Mo vable P arts Multi -pur pose S wing A rm M ovable Par ts greas e…
  • Page 23
    1 Maintenance Information Wirings, Pipes, Cable Routing Wirings, Pipes, Cable Routing Wirings, Pipes, Cable Routing Wirings, Pipes, Cable Routing Wirings, Pipes, Cable Routing 1 1 1 1 1 1-19…
  • Page 24
    CFMOTO 1-20…
  • Page 25
    1 Maintenance Information 1 1 1 1 1 1-21…
  • Page 26
    CFMOTO 1-22…
  • Page 27
    CFMOTO Valve System + Cylinder Head (mm) Item Standard Operation Limit Intake 30.6 Valve Diameter Exhaust 27.0 Intake 0.05-0.10 Valve Clearance( Idle Speed) Exhaust 0.17-0.22 Intake 0.010-0.037 Fit Clearance between Valve Guide and Valve Stem Exhaust 0.030-0.057 Internal dia. of Valve Guide Intake &…
  • Page 28
    CFMOTO Engine Tightening Torque Table Torque Item Q’ty Screw dia.(mm) Remark (N.m) Sensor, Reverse Gear M10×1.25 Spark Plug M12×1.25 Water Temperature Sensor Rc1/8 Apply screw thread sealant Valve Clearance Adjusting Nut Drive Disc Nut M20×1.5 Driven Disc Nut M20×1.5 Circle Nut, Driving Disc M30×1 Nut, Front Output Shaft M14×1.5…
  • Page 29
    2 Vehicle Body and Muffler ……………………………………2-1 …………………………2-10 Overhaul Info Footrest Board (LH, RH) ……………………………………2-1 Troubleshooting Rear Fender, Engine Skid Plate (Front, Center, Rear), ………………………………2-2 ……………………2-11 Front Rack, Bolt Cap Double Seat, Protection Plate ……………………2-3 …2-13 Seat, Seat Support & Rear Rack Front Inner Fender (R&H), Front Protector (RH, LH) 2 2 2 2 2 …………………2-4…
  • Page 30
    CFMOTO Front Rack, Bolt Cap Remove: Upwardly remove Bolt cap hard; two assembly bolts of front rack shall be seen. Remove fixing Bolt 1 (one for each on theleft and right) Romove fixing Bolt 2 Remove front rack Installation: Reverse the removal procedure for installation Tightening Torque: Fixing Bolt 1, Bolt 2 35 N.m -45N.m…
  • Page 31
    2 Vehicle Body and Muffler Seat Remove: Pull upward seat buckle Lift and push seat backward 2 2 2 2 2 Installation: Press upward seat buckle Press seat forward and down Note: Shake seat left,right, front and back to make sure that the seat is firmly installed.
  • Page 32
    CFMOTO Front Top Cover Remove Front Rack(2-2) 6 nuts, Front Top Cover Assemble Reverse the removal process and direction. Dashboard Cover Remove —2 pieces Bolt 1 —2 pieces bolt 2 —Dashboard Cover Installation Reverse the removal process and direction.
  • Page 33
    2 Vehicle Body and Muffler Front Side Support(Left) Remove Bolt 1 Front Side Support 2 2 2 2 2 Assemble Reverse the removal process and direction. Front Side Support(Right) Same as Left Side Support…
  • Page 34
    CFMOTO Rear Top Cover Remove Rear Rack(2-3) Seperate clasps of rear top cover from rear fender; Remove Rear Top Cover Installation Reverse the remove procedure and direction for installation . Gear Shift Unit Fender Remove —Bolt 1 —Bolt 1 —Bolt 2 Remove Gear Shift Unit Fender Installation Reverse the remove procedure and…
  • Page 35
    2 Vehicle Body and Muffler Left Side Cover Remove —Seat(2-3) —Left Side Cover fixing bolt 2 2 2 2 2 —Left Side Cover Installation Reverse the remove procedure and direction for installation . Rear Protector Remove —Rear Rack(2-3) —Rear Top Cover(2-6) —Rear Link Plate(2-7) —Rear Left Side Support(2-8) —Rear Right Side Support(2-8)
  • Page 36
    CFMOTO Rear Side Panel Remove —Seat(2-3) —Right Side Cover Fixing Bolt Remove connecting Bolt 1 between Right Side Panel and Front Fender at bottom of Front Fender Remove Right Side Panel Installation Reverse the remove procedure and direction for installation . Rear Right Side Support Remove —Bolt 2…
  • Page 37
    2 Vehicle Body and Muffler Top Cover, Fuel Tank Remove —Seat(2-3) —Front Rack(2-2) 2 2 2 2 2 —Front Top Cover(2-4) —Left Side Panel(2-7) —Right Side Panel(2-8) —Bolt 1, 2 —Bolt 3, 4 —Fuel Tank Cap Remove Fuel Tank Top Cover Installation Reverse the remove procedure and direction for installation .
  • Page 38
    CFMOTO Footrest,Left Side Remove Left Side Panel(2-7) Remove three Bolt 1 and 3 nuts connecting with Front Fender Remove three Bolt 2 and 3 nuts connecting with Rear Fender Remove Bolt 1 Remove Left Footrest Installation Reverse the remove procedure for Installation. Footrest,Right Side Removal and Installation same with Left side.
  • Page 39
    2 Vehicle Body and Muffler Rear Fender Remove —Seat(2-3) —Rear Rack(2-3) 2 2 2 2 2 —Rear Top Cover92-60 —Left,Right Side Panel(2-7)(2-8) —Lef,RightSide Support(2-8) —Rear Protector(2-7) Remove Battery Bracket and Fixing Plate(8-4) Remove Battery(8-4) Remove Bolt 1 Remove Nut 1 Remove Electonic Parts from Rear Fender Loosen Cable Connector from Rear Fender Upwardingly Remove Rear Fender…
  • Page 40
    CFMOTO Disasembly NOTE:Side skid Plate(Front,Middle, Rear) and Double Seat Protection are located at bottom of vehicle. The mainteanace person should work under bottom of vehicle when disassemble the above parts. For safty , make sure the vehicle is firmly parked. Engine Skid Plate(Front) Remove Bolt 1, 2, 3,and 4;…
  • Page 41
    2 Vehicle Body and Muffler Right Front Inner Fender Removal Remove Bolt 1 ,and remove Right Front Inner Fender 2 2 2 2 2 Installation Reverse the remove procedure for Installation NOTE: Hook Water Pump with Clip of Right Inner Side Fender during Installation. Left Front Inner Fender Removal Remove Bolt 1 ,and remove Left Front Inner…
  • Page 42
    CFMOTO Front Left Inner Fender Removal Remove Bolt 1 and 2; Remove Front Left Inner Fender Installation Reverse the remove procedure for Installation Front Right Inner Fender Removal and Installation same as Left Side. Bumper, Bumper Protector Remove Remove two Bolts of Engine Front Skid Plate fixing into the Bumper.
  • Page 43
    2 Vehicle Body and Muffler Bumper Protector Remove —Loosen Front Turning Light Connector. —Remove Bumper and Bumper Protector. 2 2 2 2 2 Remove tapping screw 1 from Bumper; Remove Bumper Protector. Installation Reverse the remove procedure for Installation Bumper Protector Cap Remove from Bumper Pull the two Caps…
  • Page 44
    CFMOTO Front Vent Grill Remove —Loosen Connector of Front Head Light —Remove Front Fender(2-9) —Remove Bumper(2-14) —Remove Bolt 1, 2 and 3; —Remove Vent Grill Note: For removal of front vent grille only, Just remove 2 fixing bolts of bumper and 2 center fixing bolts, then pull bumper down Installation: Reverse the removal procedure for instal-…
  • Page 45
    2 Vehicle Body and Muffler 2 2 2 2 2 Remove Fuel Pipe 1 and Circlip Remove Fuel Tank Installation: Reverse the removal procedure for instal- lation Note: Be careful not to damage main cable, pipes and hoses. Main cable, cables, pipes and hoses should be routed properly according to the routing drawing.
  • Page 46
    CFMOTO Muffler Caution: Perform disassembly only after the muffler is cooled down. Remove: —Seat (2-3) —Right side panel (2-8) —Nut1, Nut 2 for exhaust pipe elbow Remove Bolt Remove Bolt 2, Bolt 3 Remove muffler Installation: Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
  • Page 47
    2 Vehicle Body and Muffler Visible Parts 2 2 2 2 2 2-19…
  • Page 48: Table Of Contents

    3.Checks & Adjustment O v e rh a u l I n f o …… …… …… ……… 3 — 1 Cooling System..…………… ……………3-13 Ma in t en an c e I nt e rva l…… …………. . 3- 2 Lighting System……………………………3-16 Inspection &…

  • Page 49: Maintenance Interval

    CFMOTO Maintenance Interval T he table below lists the recommended interv als for all the required periodic maintenance work nec es sary to k eep the engine at its best performanc e and economy. Maintenanc e intervals are ex pressed in terms of k ilometer, miles and hours, whichever occurs firs t. Note: Maintenance interval sh ould be sh ortened on eng ines that are used in severe conditions.

  • Page 50: Inspection & Maintenance

    3.Checks & Adjustment ○: Interval Inspection & Maintenance Item Intervals Standard Daily Part Item Annual Year ○ Operation agility Handlebar ○ Damage Steering Steering ○ System Installation condition of steering system 3 3 3 3 3 system ○ Sway of ball stud Free play Front: lever end 0mm ○…

  • Page 51
    CFMOTO Item Intervals Daily Standard Part Item Annual Year Final Looseness of joint parts shaft Drive train Sway of Spline (Drive shaft) Spark plug gap: Ignition Spark plug 0.8-0.9mm Device Ignition timing Electrical System Battery Terminal Joint Looseness and damage of Wiring joints Fuel leakage…
  • Page 52
    3.Checks & Adjustment 3 3 3 3 3 It em I nterv als Daily 1/ 2 Standard Part I tem A n n u a l Year Lighting devi ce and ○ ○ Function turning indic tors ○ Alarm and lock devic e Function Instrum ents Function…
  • Page 53
    CFMOTO Steering Stem Park the vehicle on level place, hold steering handlebar, and shake in the direction as illustrated on the right and see if there is any sway. In case of any sway, check if it is the problem of the steering stem or other parts and then do the mainte- nance accordingly.
  • Page 54
    3.Checks & Adjustment Master Cylinder <Fluid level> Check the brake fluid level When the brake fluid level is near to the lower limit line, check master cylinder, brake hoses and joints 3 3 3 3 3 for leakage. Remove the two mounting screws on fluid reservoir cap.
  • Page 55: Wheels

    CFMOTO Wheels Lift front wheel on level place, and make sure there is no loading on the wheels. Shake the front wheel left and right to check whether the joint of front wheel is tightened and check whether it sways. Not tighten enough: ¡úTighten it Sway: Replace the rocker arm Front Toe-in size…

  • Page 56
    3.Checks & Adjustment Tire Pressure Check the pressure of the tires with a pressure gauge. Note 3 3 3 3 3 Check the tire pressure after tires are cooled. Driving under improper tire pressure will reduce the comfort of operation and riding, and may cause deflected wear of the tires.
  • Page 57: Suspension System

    CFMOTO Wheel Nut and Wheel Axle Check front and rear wheel axle nuts for looseness Loosened axle nuts: Tighten Tightening Torque: Front wheel axle nut: 110-130N.m(11.2kgf.m-13.3kgf.m) Rear wheel axle nut: 110-130N.m(11.2kgf.m-13.3kgf.m) Sway of Wheel Bearing Lift the front wheel Make sure there is no loading on the vehicle Shake the wheel in axial direction for any sway In case of any sway, disassemble the front wheel and check the bearing…

  • Page 58
    3.Checks & Adjustment Adjusting the Absorber Use special tools to adjust the length of absorber according to loading requirement Turn clockwise to adjust from high to low 3 3 3 3 3 Gear Shifting Shift the gear to check for flexibility and gear engagement Adjust the gearshift rod if necessary Release the locknut to adjust the length of…
  • Page 59
    CFMOTO Checking the Throttle Lever Check the free play of throttle lever Free play: 3-5mm Out of range: Adjust Loosen locknut of throttle cable turn the regulator and adjust free play of throttle lever After adjusting, tighten locknuts and install throttle cable sleeve Replace with a new throttle cable if the specified free play could not be acquired by adjusting the regulator…
  • Page 60: Cooling System

    3.Checks & Adjustment Cooling System Note Check coolant level from reservoir tank. Do not check from radiator. If the radiator cap is opened while the engine is hot 3 3 3 3 3 (over 100¡æ), the pressure of the cooling system will drop down and the coolant will get boiled rapidly.

  • Page 61
    CFMOTO When the coolant level is below the LOWER limit, remove reservoir tank cap and add coolant till upper limit. (Add coolant or diluted original liquid). Recommended coolant: CFMOTO coolant Standard density: 50% ( Freezing temperature of coolant varies according to the different mixture ratio.
  • Page 62
    3.Checks & Adjustment Inspection of Cooling System Check initially at 50 hours or 500km, replace coolant every 2 years. Check radiator, reservoir tank and water hoses. Leakage or Damage: Replace Check coolant level by observing the upper and the 3 3 3 3 3 lower limit on the reservoir tank.
  • Page 63: Lighting System

    CFMOTO Check Water Temperature Gauge When engine is not working, the water temperature should be in the “0” position. Start the engine to check if the indicator works. If the indicator is not working, do the maintenance in time. Lighting System Adjusting headlight light beam Turn the headlight beam adjusting screw with a cross screwdriver and adjust the high/low beam to meet the…

  • Page 64: Valve Clearance

    3.Checks & Adjustment VALVE CLEARANCE Inspect initially at 20-hour break-in and every 100 hours or every 1000km thereafter. Inspect the clearance af- ter removing cylinder head. 3 3 3 3 3 Excessive valve clearance results in valve noise and insufficient valve clearance results in valve damage and reduced power.

  • Page 65
    CFMOTO Take out the feeler gauge, measure the clearance. If the clearance is incorrect, repeat the above steps until the proper clearance is obtained. Locknut: 10 N.m Caution: Securely tighten the locknut after completing adjust- ment Install: 2 valve adjusting cover; Inspection cap;…
  • Page 66: A Ir Filt

    3.Checks & Adjustment In case of carbon deposit, clean with a proper tool. SPARK PLUG GAP Measure the spark plug gap with a feeler gauge. Out of specification: ¡ú Adjust Spark plug gap: 0.8-0.9mm Caution: 3 3 3 3 3 Check the thread size and reach when replacing the spark plug.

  • Page 67
    CFMOTO A-Non-flammable cleaning solvent B-Engine oil SAE#30 or SAE15W/40. Never use with gasoline or low flash point solvents to clean the filter element Inspect the filter element for tears. torn element must be replaced. Note: The surest way to accelerate engine wear is to operate the engine without the element or with torn element.
  • Page 68
    3.Checks & Adjustment Inspection: Inspect drive belt for wear and damage. If any cracks or damages are found, replace drive belt with a new one. 3 3 3 3 3 Inspect drive belt for width, if width is out of service limit, replace drive belt with a new one. Service Limit: 33.5mm Tool: Vernier Caliper Installation…
  • Page 69: Inspection Of Lubrication System

    CFMOTO Inspection of Lubrication System Replace engine oil and oil filter initially at 20 hours or 250km and every 100 hours or 1000km thereafter. Inspect the engine oil at every 10 hours. Check Engine Oil Level -Keep the engine in a plan position. -Remove the fixture A, fixture B, then remove the left side cover 1.

  • Page 70
    3.Checks & Adjustment -Install oil dip rod, start the engine and allow it to run for several minutes at idling speed. -Turn off the engine and wait for about 3 minutes, and then check the oil level on the dipstick. Caution: 3 3 3 3 3 The engine oil should be changed when the engine is…
  • Page 71: Inspection Of Cylinder Pressure

    CFMOTO Inspection of cylinder pressure Check cylinder pressure is necessary. Cylinder Pressure: 1000kpa A lower cylinder pressure may be caused by: -Excessive wear of cylinder; -Wear of piston or piston ring; -Piston ring jam in groove; -Poor closure of valve seat; -Damaged cylinder gasket or other defects Note : When cylinder pressure too low, check the…

  • Page 72
    3.Checks & Adjustment Inspection of Oil Pressure Oil Pressure: 130~170kpa at 3000r/min Lower or higher oil pressure may be caused by: I Oil pressure is too low -Clogged oil filter; -Leakage from oil passage; 3 3 3 3 3 -Damaged O-ring; -Oil pump failure;…
  • Page 73: Inspection Of Clutch Engagement And Lock-Up

    CFMOTO Inspection of Clutch Engagement and Lock-up CF188 engine is equipped with a centrifugal type au- tomatic clutch. Before checking the initial engagement and clutch lock-up two inspection checks must be performed to thoroughly check the operation of the drive train. I Initial Engagement Inspection -Connect tachometer to ignition coil -Start engine…

  • Page 74
    4 Cooling and Lubrication system Overhaul Info….4-1 Radiator and water hose check and clean…4-9 Trouble Shooting….4-2 Cooling fan check……4-10 Performance Overhaul….4-3 Water temperature transducer check..4-11 Reservoir Tank….4-5 Water pump ……4-12 Adding Coolant….4-6 Water pump check ……4-14 Cooling system chart….4-7 Water pump assembly and installation..4-15 Engine Coolant….4-8 Lubrication system chart ….4-19…
  • Page 75: Trouble Shooting

    Trouble shooting Water temperature rises too fast Improper radiator cap Air in the cooling system pipe Malfunction of water pump Malfunction of thermostat£¨thermostat is not open£© Clogged of radiator pipe of cooling pipe Damaged or clogged radiator fins Coolant is not enough Faulty or malfunction of fan motor No rise or slow rise of water temperature Malfunction of thermostat(thermostat isn’t closed)

  • Page 76: Performance Overhaul

    4 Cooling and Lubrication system Performance Overhaul Inspection of coolant density Caution: Be sure to open the radiator cap after coolant is cooled. Remove: Front top cover(2-4) Radiator cap(counter clockwise) 4 4 4 4 4 Check with a densimeter if the density of coolant fits the temperature of using place;…

  • Page 77
    Pressure testing of cooling system Apply the specified pressure(radiator cap opening pressure) for 6 seconds and make sure that there is drop in pressure Caution Do not apply pressure over the specified pressure [108kPa(1.1 kgf/cm )],or the cooling system may be damaged.
  • Page 78: Reservoir Tank

    4 Cooling and Lubrication system Remove drain bolt Remove drain bolt, seal gasket from water pump, drain coolant. After drainage, assemble new seal gasket and drain bolt and tighten. 4 4 4 4 4 Reservoir Tank Remove: -Seat(2-3) -Left Side Cover(2-6) -Two bolts of reservoir tank -Water hoses of reservoir tank Remove reservoir tank…

  • Page 79: Adding Coolant

    Adding Coolant Add coolant through filling port Start the engine and discharge air from cooling system. Check from filling port that air is fully discharge from cooling system and install the radiator cap Remove reservoir tanl cap and add doolant till the up- per limit Caution: Chen coolant level when the vehicle is on an even…

  • Page 80: Cooling System Chart

    4 Cooling and Lubrication system Cooling System Chart 4 4 4 4 4…

  • Page 81: Engine Coolant

    Engine Coolant The cooling used in cooling system is mixture of 50% distilled water and 50% ethylene glycol antifreeze. This 50:50 mixture provides the optimized corrosion resistaance and fine heat protection.The coolant will protect the cooling system from freezing at tempera- ture above -30degrees(C),the mixing ratio of coolant should be increased to 55% or 60% according to the figure on the right.

  • Page 82
    4 Cooling and Lubrication system Inspection and Cleaning of Radiator and Water Hoses Radiator Cap Remove radiator cap1 Install radiator cap to cap tester2 Slowly increase pressure to 108kPa and check if the cap hold the pressure for at least 10 seconds 4 4 4 4 4 If the cap can not meet the pressure requirement, repalce it…
  • Page 83
    Inspection of Fan Motor Remove fan motor from radiator Turn the vanes and check if they can turn smoothly Check fan motor.Make sure that the battery applies 12 volts to the motor and the motor will run at full speed while the ammeter will indicate the ampere not more than 5A.
  • Page 84
    4 Cooling and Lubrication system Inspection of Water Temperature Sensor Plcae a rag under water temperature sensor1 and remove it from cyclinder head Check the resistance of water temperature sensor as illustrated on theright. Connect the temperature sensor2 to the circuit tester,place it in a vessel with engine oil.Place the vessel above a stove.
  • Page 85: Water Pump

    Check thermostat pellet for cracks Test the thermostat according to the following steps: Pass a string between thermostat flange as illus- trated on the right Immerse the thermostat in a beaker with water.Make sure that the thermostat is in the suspended position without contact to the vessel.Heat the water by plac- ing the beaker above a stove and observe the tem- perature rise on a thermometer…

  • Page 86
    4 Cooling and Lubrication system Remove clamps and water hoses Release bolts and remove water pump Remove O-ring Note:Do not reuse the O-ring 4 4 4 4 4 Remove the overflow tube Release water pump cover screws,water pump cover and gasket Remove ring and impeller Remove seal ring1 and rubber seal2 4-13…
  • Page 87
    Remove mechanical seal with special tool Note:The mechanical seal does not need to be moved, if there is no abnormal condition. Note:Do not reuse a removed mechanicalseal Put a rag on the water pump body Reomve oil seal Note:The oil seal does not need to be removed,if there is no abnormal condition Note:Do not reuse a removed oil seal Remove bearing with special tool…
  • Page 88
    4 Cooling and Lubrication system Oil Seal Check oil seal for damaged. Pay attention to the oil seal lip. In case of damage or leakage, replace the oil seal 4 4 4 4 4 Water Pump Body Checl the mating mace of water pump body with bearing and mechanical seal.If damage,replace it Water Pump Impeller Check the impeller and shaft for damage.
  • Page 89
    Install mechanical seal with a suitable socket wrench. Note:Apply sealant to side”A”± of mechanical seal Install bearing with special tool Tool:Bearing Installer Note:The stamped mark on the bearing faces outside. Install seal ring to impeller Clean off the oil and grease from mechanical seal and install into the impeller Note:”A”side of mechanical seal faces impeller Apply grease to impeller shaft…
  • Page 90
    4 Cooling and Lubrication system Install ring to water pump shaft Install new gasket to water pump body 4 4 4 4 4 Install water pump cover and tighten the bolts and bleed bolt Water Pump Cover Bolts Tightening Torque:6N. Check impeller for smooth turning Install the new O-ring Note:…
  • Page 91
    Install water pump and tighten the bolts to the speci- fied torque Water pump bolts tightening torque: 10N.m Note:Set the water pump shaft slot end ¡°B¡± to oil pump shaft flat side”A” Connect water hoses Add coolant Install left side cover 4-18…
  • Page 92
    4 Cooling and Lubrication system 4 4 4 4 4 4-19…
  • Page 93
    Add grease to the engine parts(piston,cylinder body, camshaft and so on) which run at high speed Engine lubrication should be special oil. Engine oil is not only used as lubrication, but also used to wash, rustproof,seal and cool. 4-20…
  • Page 94
    Removal and Installation of Engine,Drive Traina and Gearshift Unit Removal and Installation of Front and Rear Alex Overhaul Info……..5-1 ……..5-5 Removal and Installation of Gearshift Unit….5-7 Engine Removal and Installation..5-2 Overhaul Info Operation Cautions Securely support the ATV with bracket when removing or installing engine.Take care not to dam- 5 5 5 5 5 age frame,engine body,bolts and cables¡£…
  • Page 95
    CFMOTO Engine Removal Remove: —Plastic(¡—Chapter 2) —Air Filter(¡-Engine service chapter) —Carburetor (-Engine service chapter) —Clamp —Water Inlet Hose Remove screw Remove gearshift rod Remove clamp Remove water outlet hose Remove Sleeve. Remove connectors of magneto, enriching device lead, pickup, water temperature transducer, gear sensor as illustrated on the right.
  • Page 96
    Removal and Installation of Engine,Drive Traina and Gearshift Unit Remove spark plug cap from cylinder 5 5 5 5 5 Remove protection sleeve of starter relay. Remove Nut. Disconnect positive wire of starter relay. Remove nut. Remove negative wire of starter relay.
  • Page 97
    CFMOTO Removal Bolt(4 units) of Engine.
  • Page 98
    Removal and Installation of Engine,Drive Traina and Gearshift Unit Engine Installation Put engine onto the frame,install the two lower mount- ing bolts and nuts Tightening torque: 50~60N.m Engine lower hanger bolt: Install: —Water outlet and inlet hoses to engine with proper clamps.
  • Page 99
    CFMOTO Remove nut and bolt of front axle from frame. Remove nut and bolt of rear axle from frame.
  • Page 100
    Removal and Installation of Engine,Drive Traina and Gearshift Unit Remove the 18 bolts for drive shafts and front and rear axles(Refer to 5,bolt 3) Remove Front and rear axles,drive shafts,rear brake disc Installation Reverse the removal procedure for Installation Tightening torque: Bolt,front axle:40-50N.m Bolt,rear axle:40-50N.m Bolt,front and rear drive shafts:40-50N.m…
  • Page 101
    6 Engine Removal,Inspection & Installation 6 Engine Removal, Inspection & Installation △ Engine Removal/Installation Orders and the Relative Page Numbers Item Description Disassembly Inspection / Assembly Remarks Maintenance 3-15 6-69 Engine Water Hose/Pipe 6-69 Periphery Left Side Cover 6-49 6-68 Recoil Starter 3-18 6-68…
  • Page 102
    I I I I I Engine Removal Preparation before engine removal Prepare a proper tray used for load of components Prepare necessary removal and assembly tools Drain up engine oil(3-22) Drain up coolant(3-15) Engine Periphery Water Hose/Pipe Remove water hose clamp1 and2 Remove water hose3 Remove screw4 and water hose5 Left Side Cover…
  • Page 103
    6 Engine Removal,Inspection & Installation Cylinder Head Cover Remove valve adjusting cover Remove12 bolts of cylinder head cover Remove cylinder head cover Timing Chain Tensioner Remove screw plug1, insert a flat screw- driver into slot of timing chain tensioner ad- 6 6 6 6 6 juster , turn it clockwise to lock tensioner spring;…
  • Page 104
    Remove C-ring1 Remove timing sprocket from camshaft, remove camshaft Note: Take care not to drop spacer, bolt, bolt lock and C-ring into crankcase. Remove tensioner plate Cylinder Head Remove cylinder head bolt Remove cylinder head bolts diagonally Remove cylinder head Note: Take care not to drop dowel pin into crankcase Cylinder Remove dowel pin and cylinder head gas-…
  • Page 105
    6 Engine Removal,Inspection & Installation Remove cylinder bolt Remove cylinder Note:Take care not to drop dowel pin into crankcase Remove dowel pin and cylinder gasket Note:When perfoming above removal process be sure to hook up timing chain to prevent it from falling into crankase Piston Remove piston pin circlip with long nosed pliers1 Note:Put a clean rag under piston so as not to drop piston pin…
  • Page 106
    Oil Filter Remove oil filter with special tools Tool:oil filter Remover Sector Gear Remove bolt 1of gearshift rocker arm Remove gasket 2and gearshift rocker arm Remove bolt of sector gear housing cover Remove wire clip and sector gear housing cover Remove dowel pin and gasket Remove drive sector gear 4 Remove bolt 5 of driven sector gear…
  • Page 107
    6 Engine Removal,Inspection & Installation Water Pump Screw out bolt of water pump Remove water pump Sheave Drum Remove the sheave drum by using a suit- able bar; Remove washer and sheave drum Left Crankcase Cover Remove bolts; Remove left crankcase cover 6 6 6 6 6 Remove dowel pin and gasket Magneto Rotor…
  • Page 108
    Starting Motor Gear Remove driven gear 1 and needle bearing Remove spacer 2 Remove dual gear and shaft 3 Remove idle gear and shaft 4 Oil Pump Sprocket and Chain Remove drive sprocket nut 5 Remove C-ring 6 Remove oil pump drive and driven sprockets and chain…
  • Page 109
    6 Engine Removal,Inspection & Installation Engine Right Side CVT Cover Remove bolt of CVT cover Remove CVT cover Remove gasket and dowel pin CVT(Continuously Variable Transmission) Remove primary sheave nut with special tool Remove primary sliding sheave Remove secondary sheave nut with special tools 6 6 6 6 6 Remove secondary sheave Remove drive belt…
  • Page 110
    CVT Case Remove bolt 1 of CVT case Remove nut 2 of CVT case Remove outer clutch face and CVT case Remove dowel pin, front and rear gasket Clutch Remove clutch shoe fixing nut with special tool Remove clutch shoe. Note: The clutch shoe nut has left-hand threads.
  • Page 111
    6 Engine Removal,Inspection & Installation Engine Center Gear position bolt Remove gear position bolt 1 Remove spring and steel ball Right Crankcase Remove left crankcase bolts Remove right crankcase bolts Separate right crankcase with special tool Caution he Crankcase separator plate 6 6 6 6 6 should be parallel with the end face of crankcase…
  • Page 112
    Remove Oil seal1,Bearing limit nut (levorotation)2 Remove Front Output Shaft4 Shift Cam, Fork/Shaft Remove Shift Cam 5,Fork /Shaft; Drive Bevel Gear Remove driven bevel gear from left crank- case Drive Shaft, Driven Shaft Remove drive shaft7and driven shaft8 Balancer Shaft Remove balancer shaft;…
  • Page 113
    6 Engine Removal,Inspection & Installation Crankshaft Separate crankshaft from left crankcase with spe- cial tool Tool: Crankshaft Separator Oil bump, Relief Valve Remove oil bump and relief valve 6 6 6 6 6 6-13…
  • Page 114
    Engine Components Inspection Cylinder Head Cover Disassembly Caution: Each removed part should be identified to location, and the pars should be laid out in groups designated as”Exhaust”, “Intake”, so that each will restored to the original location during assembly. Remove rocker arm shaft bolts A Remove rocker arm shaft by using M6 bolts Cylinder Head Cover Distortion Clean off sealant from the fitting surface of cylinder…
  • Page 115
    6 Engine Removal,Inspection & Installation Rocker Arm When checking the rocker arm, check the inner diameter of the valve rocker arm and wear of the camshaft contact surface. 12.000¡«12.018mm Rocker Arm I.D. : Tool: Dial Calipers Assembly Note: Intake rocker arm shaft A has oil holes. Apply engine oil to rocker arms and shafts;…
  • Page 116
    Remove thermostat Compress the valve spring and remove valve cotter with tweezers. Tools: Valve Spring Compressor Tweezers Remove valve spring upper seat and valve spring Remove valve from the other side. Remove valve stem seal ring and valve lower seat. 6-16…
  • Page 117
    6 Engine Removal,Inspection & Installation Cylinder Head Distortion Clean off carbon deposit from combustion chamber; Check the gasket surface of the cylinder head for distortion with a straightedge and thickness gauge. Take clearance readings from several places. If any clearance reading is out of the service limit, replace with a new cylinder head.
  • Page 118
    Valve Stem O.D Measure valve stem O.D with a micrometer Service Limit IN: 4.975-4.990mm EX: 4.955-4.970mm Tool: Micrometer (0-25mm) Valve Stem Run-out Support valve stem with V block as illustrated on right. Check the run-out with a dial gauge. Service Limit: 0.05mm Tool: Magnetism Stand Dial Gauge (1/100) V block…
  • Page 119
    6 Engine Removal,Inspection & Installation Valve Spring Valve Spring keeps valve and valve seat tight. Weakened spring results in reduced engine power output and chattering noise from valve mechanism. Measure the spring free length. Spring free length out of range: ¡úReplace Service Limit: 38.8mm Tool: Vernier Caliper.
  • Page 120
    Install valve spring with small-pitch end b facing cyl- inder head. Big-pitch end a is marked. Put on the valve spring retainer. Use the valve spring compressor to press down the spring. Fit the two cotter halves to the stem end and release compressor to allow the cotter to wedge in between seat and stem.
  • Page 121
    6 Engine Removal,Inspection & Installation Install thermostat Install thermostat cover Install water temperature sensor, apply thread locker to the thread part, tighten it to the specified torque. Water temperature sensor Tightening torque: 10 N.¤m 6 6 6 6 6 Install intake pipe, apply lubricant to 0-ring. Camshaft Check camshaft for wear and run-out of cams and…
  • Page 122
    Automatic Decompression Move the automatic decompression weight with hand and check if it is operating smoothly. If it is not working smoothly, replace with a new camshaft/ automatic decompression assembly. Cam Wear Worn cams can often cause mistimed valve operation resulting in reduced power output. The limit of cam wear is specified for both IN and EX cams in terms of cam height ¡°a¡±.
  • Page 123
    6 Engine Removal,Inspection & Installation Camshaft Journal O.D. Measure camshaft journal O.D. with a micrometer. If the O.D. is out of range, replace camshaft with a new one. Camshaft journal O.D. service limit: Sprocket end: 22.959 mm—21.980mm Other end: 17.466mm—17.484mm Tool: micrometer (0-25mm) Camshaft Run-out Measure the run-out with a micrometer.
  • Page 124
    Chain Tensioner Inspection Check tensioner for any damage or poor function. Damage, poor function:—Replace inspect way of working stability Insert screw driver into the slotted end of adjusting screw, turn it clockwise to loosen the tension and release the screwdriver. Check the push rod movement.
  • Page 125
    6 Engine Removal,Inspection & Installation Piston Piston Diameter Use a micrometer to measure the diameter at the point 10mm above the piston end, as illustrated on the right. If the measurement is less that the limit, replace the piston Standard: 87.460-87.480mm Limit: 87.380mm Tool: Micrometer (75-100mm) Calculate the piston to cylinder clearance according…
  • Page 126
    Piston Ring Free End Gap and End Gap Before installing piston rings, use vernier caliper to measure the free end gap of each ring, and then fit ring into the cylinder. Use thickness gauge to measure each ring end gap, if any ring has an excess end gap, replace the piston ring.
  • Page 127
    6 Engine Removal,Inspection & Installation Connecting Rod/Crankshaft Connecting rod small end I.D. Use a dial gauge to measure the I.D. of connecting rod small end. If the measurement exceeds the limit, replace the connecting rod. Connecting rod small end I.D. : 23.040mm Tool: Dial Gauge (18-35mm) Connecting Rod Deflection Check the movement of the small end of the rod…
  • Page 128
    Clutch Check clutch for chipping, scrape, uneven wear or heat discoloration. At the same time check depth of the grooves of clutch shoes. If any of the clutch shoes has no groove, replace the clutch. Note: clutch should be replaced as a set Clutch Wheel Check the inner clutch wheel for scratches, scuffs…
  • Page 129
    6 Engine Removal,Inspection & Installation Primary and Secondary Sheave 6 6 6 6 6 6-29…
  • Page 130
    Primary Sliding Sheave Disassembly Remove spacer Remove Cam and Roller Roller Check each roller and sliding face for wear and damage. Wear and damage:—Replace Note: rollers should be replaced as a set. Oil Seal Check oil seal lip for wear and damage. Wear and damage: —Replace Remove the oil seal 6-30…
  • Page 131
    6 Engine Removal,Inspection & Installation Primary Sliding Sheave and Fixed Sheave Check the drive face for any abnormal conditions such as damage or stepped wearing. Damage or wearing: —Replace Install oil seal with special tool. Tool: Bearing install set Assembly Reverse the removal procedure of primary sliding 6 6 6 6 6 and fixed sheave for installation.
  • Page 132
    Install spacer Secondary Sheave Disassembly Use special tool and holder to hold the secondary sheave. Remove secondary sheave nut with special tool. Caution: Do not remove the ring nut before attaching the clutch spring compressor. Tool: Nut Wrench Sheave Holder Attach special tool to the secondary sliding sheave and compress it by turning in the tool handle.
  • Page 133
    6 Engine Removal,Inspection & Installation Remove spring Remove spring seat Remove guide pin and spacer. Remove secondary sliding sheave 6 6 6 6 6 O-ring and Oil Seal Check the O-ring and oil seal for wear and damage. Wear and Damage: —Replace Remove Oil Seal 6-33…
  • Page 134
    Install oil seal with special tool. Tool: Bearing install set Secondary Sheave Spring Use vernier caliper to check the spring free length. If the length is shorter than the service limit, replace with a new one. Service Limit: 145.4mm Secondary Sliding and Fixed Sheave Check drive face for any abnormal condition such as stepped wear or damage.
  • Page 135
    6 Engine Removal,Inspection & Installation Install guide pin and spacer Note: To avoid damage to the oil seal lip during assembly, slide the lip with a 0.1mm steel sheet as guide. Install spring seat. Align hole A with hole B. Install spring and spring plate.
  • Page 136
    CFMOTO Tighten the ring nut with special tool to the specified torque. Ring Nut Tightening Torque:100N.m Tool: Ring nut wrench Sheave holder Drive belt Check belt for any greasy substance. Check contact surface of belt for any cracks and damage; Check belt width with venire caliper Damage, width out of range: Replace…
  • Page 137
  • Page 138
    CFMOTO Inspection Inspect drive bevel gear and sprocket for stains, scratch or damage, replace if necessary. Inspect reverse gear chain for damage, wear,replace if necessary. Disassemble counter shaft as illustration. Inspect bearing surfaces for stains, damage or wear and also for bearing gaskets. Re- place if necessary.
  • Page 139
    6 Engine Removal, Inspection & Installation Check the shift fork clearance with a thickness gauge in the groove of its gear.Replace if clearance exceeds the limit. Shiftfork to Groove clearance standard: 0.10-0.30mm Service limit:0.50mm Measure shift fork groove width with vernier caliper £º…
  • Page 140
    CFMOTO Put the guide bar on a flat place and roll it. In case of any bend, replace with a new one. Caution:DO NOT attempt to correct a bent guide bar. Check shift fork spring for breakage, damage. Broken or damaged: Replace Check shift cam groove for scratches, damage.
  • Page 141
    6 Engine Removal, Inspection & Installation When assembling the guide bar, take care not to assemble the two shift forks and springs in the opposite direction.. 1. Guide bar 2. Retainer 12 3. Left shift fork 4. Shift fork spring(small) 5.
  • Page 142
    CFMOTO Oil strainer inspection Check oil strainer1 and O-ring 2 for damage. Replace if necessary; Clean the surface of oil strainer with engine oil; Relieft valve Check the valve body1,valve2,srping3 and 0-ring4 for damage or wear; Drive bevel gear Use a clean rag to protect the drive bevel gear shaft, clamp it to the pliers;…
  • Page 143
    6 Engine Removal, Inspection & Installation Front Output Shaft Check bearing 7 for smooth turning and ab- normal wear. Check oil seal 5 for damage. Wear or damage: Replace Apply lubrication oil to bearing 7 and oil seal 5 lip before assembly. Apply thread locker to bearing limit nut 6 (left thread) and tighten to the specified torque.
  • Page 144
    CFMOTO Bevel gear Note: Proper bevel gear engagement de- pends on that the gear backlash and tooth contact are within the proper range. Bevel gear backlash nstall drive and driven gears to the crankcase. Wrap a (-) screwdriver 3with a rag 2 and insert it into the speed sensor hole 1 of left crankcase to fix the drive bevel gear.
  • Page 145
    6 Engine Removal, Inspection & Installation Tooth contact inspection After adjusting the backlash, check the tooth contact according to the following procedures Remove drive and driven bevel gear shafts from crankcase; Clean and degrease every tooth of drive and driven bevel gear; Coat the driven bevel gear with machinist’s layout dye or paste;…
  • Page 146
    CFMOTO Balance shaft Remove the parts as illustrated on the right. Check each part for abnormal wear or damage. wear or damage: Replace 1Balance shaft gear 2woodruf key 3Balance shaft 4Balance shaft sprocket 5Washer 6Bolt Magneto Rotor Remove starter clutch nut. 6-46…
  • Page 147
    6 Engine Removal, Inspection & Installation Check starter clutch roller and holder for abnormal wear or damage,replace if necessary. Replace the starter clutch in the right direction. Note: When install the starter clutch to the magneto rotor, make sure side A is in the right direction.
  • Page 148
    CFMOTO Electric Starter Gear Check the gear surface for scrap or damage, repalce if necessar£» Left crank case cover: Check magneto stator coil 2, pickup coil 3 for damag,replace circuit if necessary; Check bear 4 for smooth turning. If it is stuck, replace with a new one;…
  • Page 149
    6 Engine Removal, Inspection & Installation Recoil starter Disassembly is unnecessary if recoil starter wokrs well. ¢â 1 Cap, handle 2 Handle 3 Friction plate 4 Spring clamp 5 Pawl 6 Spring 7 Sheave drum 6 6 6 6 6 8 Rope 9 Coil spring 10 Nut…
  • Page 150
    CFMOTO Assembly Reverse the removal procedure for installa- tion and pay attention to the following: Install sheave drum1£¬rope2£¬coil spring3£¬Damper4 Wind the rope clockwise around the sheave drum three times and hook the rope at “a”of sheave drum. Warning!The coil spring may quickly unwind and cause injury when the sheave drum is opened.
  • Page 151
    6 Engine Removal, Inspection & Installation CVT cover Remove screw 5, oil seal limitator 4 .Re- move oil seal 3 with sepecial tool; Check bearing 2 for free turning. In case of any abnormal, remove with special tool and replace with a new bearing; Apply lubrication oil to outer ring of bearing and install bearing with special tool.
  • Page 152
    CFMOTO Crankcase Crankcase Crankcase Crankcase Crankcase 1-Right crankcase 2-Bearing 3-Oil seal 4-Bearing 5-Bearing 6-Bearing 7-Oilseal8-Washer,Reverse gear sensor 9-Reverse gear sensor 10-O-ring 11-Gear sensor 12-Left crankcase 13-Screw 14-Oil pipe 15-Link bolt 16-Washer 17-Bearing 18-Bearing Bearing 20-Bearing 21-Bearing 22-Oil dip rod 23- O-ring 24-Speed sensor 25-Bolt 26-Washer 27-Oil drainage bolt…
  • Page 153
    6 Engine Removal, Inspection & Installation Install new o-ring and apply grease£» Install gear seasor; Install reverse gear sensor 9 and tighten to the specified torque Tightening torque:20N.m Install speed sensor 24 Install oil pipe and tighten the link bolt to the specified torque: Tightening torque:18N.m Install washer 26 and oil drainage bolt 27…
  • Page 154
    CFMOTO Connected rod Install connecting rod to left crankcase with special tool Note: Do not hammer the conrod into crankcase with plastic mallet Use special tool to avoid affect of conrod precision Tool:control installer Balance shaft Install balance shaft Caution: Balancer shaft driven gear should be aligned to the mark as illustrated.
  • Page 155
    6 Engine Removal, Inspection & Installation Shift cam, shift fork Install shift cam1and shift fork2 Install low range driven gear to counter shaft3 Check each part for smooth turning; Spray adequate engine oil to each part; Drive bevel gear Install drive bevel gear and tighten to the specified torque Drive bevel gear tightening 6 6 6 6 6…
  • Page 156
    CFMOTO Apply sealant1to the mating face of right crankcase; Note:Apply sealant evenly in a uninterrupted thin line Install 2 dowel pins2; Assemble crankcase and tap slightlywith a rubber for prpter fitting; Install bolt and tighten to the specified torque: M6:10N.m M8:25N.m Note: Crankcase bolts should be tightened diagonally in several steps.
  • Page 157
    6 Engine Removal, Inspection & Installation Intall new O-ring6in spacer8 Install spacer8onto the clutch housing shaft, then install into CVT case7 Note: align oil nick on spacer with oil hole on the shaft CVT Case Install dowel pin4¡¢gasket2gasket5£¬intall CVT case assembly to the right crankcase Install bolt12 and nut3 Note: Tighten bolt/nut diagonally…
  • Page 158
    CFMOTO Install secondary sheave Install primary sliding sheave Tighten primary sheave nut with special tool to the specified torque Primary sheave nut tightening torque: 115N.m Tool:Rotor Holder Tighten secondary sheave nut with special tool to the specified torque Secondary sheave tightening torque:115N.m Tool:Rotor holder Note:Turn the primary fixed sheave until the…
  • Page 159
    6 Engine Removal, Inspection & Installation Install CVT case cover bolts and tighten di- agonally in several steps. Engine left Oil pump sprocket and chain Install oil pump drive sprocket; Install oil pump driven sprocket; Install oil pump drive chain; Tighten oil pump sprocket bolt;…
  • Page 160
    CFMOTO Install starting driven gear; Magneto Rotor Install woodruf key into crankshaft groove Intall magneto rotor 1 Note:Degrease the tapered part of rotor and crankshaft. Use nonflammable solvent to clean off the oily or greasy matter and fully dry the surfaces. Left crankcase cover Install dowel pin 2 and gasket 3 Note:Use a new gasket…
  • Page 161
    6 Engine Removal, Inspection & Installation Water pump Install water pump Install water pump fixing bolts Note: Before tightening the bolts, be sure to insert oil pump shaft into groove of water pump shaft Sector gear Install the parts as illustrated on the right 1-Sector gear cover and gasket 2-Dowel pin 3-Driven sector gear…
  • Page 162
    CFMOTO Oil filter Install oil filter bolt and tighten to the speci- fied torque. Tightening torque:63N.m Apply engine oil to O-ring stall oil filter, turn it by hand until the filter gasket contacts the mating surface. Tighten the bolts. Tool:Oil filter wrench Starting motor Apply engine oil to new O-ring Install starting motor…
  • Page 163
    6 Engine Removal, Inspection & Installation 1st and 2nd rings have letter R marked on the side. Be sure to bring the marked side to the top when fitting them to the piston Position the gaps of the three rings as illus- trated on the right.
  • Page 164
    CFMOTO Cylinder Apply engine oil to piston skirt and cylinder wall Hold each piston ring with proper position, insert piston into the cylinde Tighten the cylinder base bolts temporarily Note: When installing the cylinder and cylin- der head, pull the cam chain upward, or the chain will be caught between sprocket and crankcase.
  • Page 165
    6 Engine Removal, Inspection & Installation Install chain tensioner Camshaft Align mark A on magneto rotor with mark B on crankcase Note:while rotating crankshaft, pull the cam chain upward, or the chain will be caught be- 6 6 6 6 6 tween sprocket and crankcase.
  • Page 166
    CFMOTO Install crankshaft C-ring1 Install lock washer so that it covers the lo- cating pin Apply thread locker to the bolts before installing, and tighten them to the specified torque Sprocket bolt tightening torque:15N.m Bend up the lock washer to lock the bolts;…
  • Page 167
    6 Engine Removal, Inspection & Installation Gasket sealant applying place Chain tensioner 6 6 6 6 6 Insert (—) screwdriver into slotted end of chain tension adjuster, turn it clockwise to lock the tensioner spring Install the chain tensioner and the new washer 1 Install the bolt 2, tighten it to the specified torque…
  • Page 168
    CFMOTO Install the new gasket 3 Install chain tensioner screw, tighten it to the specified torque Chain tensioner screw tightening torque:8N.m Valve adjuster cover Refer to 2-3 for valve clearance Use new rubber gasket and apply grease Install Valve Inspection Cap Install valve inspection cap bolt Spark plug Install spark plug with special tool and…
  • Page 169
    6 Engine Removal, Inspection & Installation Left plastic cover Install left plastic cover 6 Water pipe and hose Install water hose 5 Install bolt 4 Install water hose 3 Install clamp 1,2 6 6 6 6 6 6-69…
  • Page 170
    CFMOTO Drive bevel gear adjustment washer choosing: Washer thickness:A=a+d-b-c a-Drive bevel gear cover marking data£¬minus from 7.5,eg marking is +02, then a =7.52 b=17.0 c=55.0 d-Thickness marking data on left crankcase E.g: If drivel bevel gear cover marking data is +02, then a=7.52 c=55.0…
  • Page 171
    6 Engine Removal, Inspection & Installation f-Driven bevel gear front face assembly marking data, minus from 60 g-Driven bevel gear back face assembly marking data£¬minus from 80.5 h-Left crankcase assembly marking data; i-Right crankcase assembly marking data£» 6 6 6 6 6 e.g: Driven bevel gear marking data is -6, then e=75.94…
  • Page 172
    7 Carburetor Chapter 7 Carburetor Carburetor Removal…………..7-2 Inspection……………….7-3 Measurement and Adjustment ……….7-4 Carburetor Assembly…………..7-5 Carburetor Installation…………..7-6 Carburetor Parameters…………7-6 7 7 7 7 7…
  • Page 173
    CFMOTO 1 Carburetor Removal Disassemble the carburetor in the following serial number: Serial No. Description Qty. Serial No. Description Qty. Idle adjust shaft Drain Screw Vacuum chamber Float Chamber cover Spring Float Jet needle holder Needle Valve Set Spring Main Jet (MJ) Jet needle set(JN) Needle Jet (NJ) Vacuum Diaphragm…
  • Page 174
    7 Carburetor 2 Inspection Check carburetor body for cracks or damage. Cracks or damage:Replace Check carburetor float chamber, fuel passage for dirt or clog. Clean these parts. Check float1, float tang 2 for damage. Damage: Replace 7 7 7 7 7 Check valve seat1, needle valve2, O-ring3 for damage, abnormal wear or dirt.
  • Page 175
    CFMOTO Check the diaphragm for tears. Tears: Replace Check the spring2 ,cover3 for damage and tears; Damage or tears: Replace Check the jet needle , mail jet2, needle jet3, pilot adjust screw , pilot jet , starter jet starter plunger for wear and bends.
  • Page 176
    7 Carburetor If float height is not within the specification, check the valve seat and needle valve; If either of valve seat or needle valve is worn, replace both; ¡ø If both are fine, adjust float height by bending the float tang ¢Ùon the float; Measure float height again till it’s within the specification Fuel Level…
  • Page 177
    CFMOTO Carburetor Installation -vacuum breather hose 2 -starter cable 3-carburetor joint (engine intake manifold)) 4-throttle valve cover 5-throttle cable -Carburetor joint (air filter) 7-carburetor 8-drain hose 9-fuel inlet hose Note: Align the installation mark of carburetor and carburetor joint 6 Carburetor Parameters Parameters Type MIKUNI BSR36-89…
  • Page 178
    8 FRONT WHEEL,BRAKE SUSPENSION,STEERING SYSTEM Overhaul ………………………………8-1 Br ake system…………………………8-4 Fault diagnosis ……..8-2 Front suspension system…………….8-7 Front wheel……………………………8-3 Steering system………………………8-12 Overhaul Operation notice Attention The frame must be hold up firmly when overhauling front wheel, suspention system. Light,meter,switch overhaul or inspection refers to section10. Donot overpower on the tyre, be careful not to destroy the tyre.
  • Page 179
    CFMOTO Special tools Bearing disassemble tooling bar Bearing disassemble tooling nod 10mm Press in tooling leverA Press in tooling coat28*30 Guide tool,10mm Lock nut spanner Bearing disassemble tools Rotor puller Disassemble tooling bar Disassemble heavy punch Assemble tooling bar Fault diagnosis wheel rotation dumb Handlebar heavy wheel shaft bad…
  • Page 180
    8 FRONT WHEEL,BRAKE SUSPENSION,STEERING SYSTEM Front wheel Disassemble Set up front wheel with tool, ensure without any force on the front wheel. remove steer cap remove the four nuts installed in the front wheel hub, remove front wheel. Inspection Inspect if the rim destroy, deform, speck, replace the rim if needed.
  • Page 181
    CFMOTO Brake system Front brake caliper Disassemble remove front wheel(8-3) remove the 2pcs nuts installed on the arm remove brake caliper Inspection Check if the brake caliper crack, if the tightening area oil leakage, replace if needed. Installing Brake caliper holding bolt torque:40-50N.m…
  • Page 182
    8 FRONT WHEEL,BRAKE SUSPENSION,STEERING SYSTEM Brake disc Disassemble remove front wheel(8-3) remove brake caliper(8-4) take away brake disc together with front wheel hub. remove brake discs 4pcs nut installed in front wheel hub. remove the brake disc. Inspection: brake disc thickness: replace when less than 2.5mm. Installing Install the brake disc well Brake disc holding bolt torque:25-30N.m…
  • Page 183
    CFMOTO Disassemble remove foot rest(2-9) remove front inner fender RH(2-12) remove bolt1, bolt2 seperate pedal brake master cylinder from the body Assembling Assembling carry on according to the opposite se- quence of disassemble. Attention To avoid air inlet the brake pump, thus you must to keep the assemble position, at the same time, fix it in the vehicle body.
  • Page 184
    8 FRONT WHEEL,BRAKE SUSPENSION,STEERING SYSTEM Assembling Assembling carry on according to the oppsite se- quence of disassembling. Attention:Oil tube trend refers to section 1 cable, wire line traces, brake oil line must be smooth. Brake force checking is needed after finish the brake system installation, if it cannot join control, check the cross plug.
  • Page 185
    CFMOTO Dismantling Front shock absorber Dismantling Attention:You donot need to remove any other parts if you only replace the front suspension. Remove front left absorber¡¯ s bolt 1,nut 1 installed in arm. Remove front right shock absorber. Inspection Inspect if the absorber oil leakage, oil seal age, destroy, replace if needed.
  • Page 186
    8 FRONT WHEEL,BRAKE SUSPENSION,STEERING SYSTEM Assembling Assembling carry on according to the opposite se- quence of disassembling. Front left absorber’s disassembling, assembling, in- spection as same as front right absorber. Arm assemble Attention :There are 8 suspension arms in the vehicle, they dismantle,discompose,inspection and assemble in the same way.So here only in- troduce the way to dismantle,discompose,inspec-…
  • Page 187
    CFMOTO Inspection Ball pin Inspect if it can rotate flexible between top ball pin 9 and front right upper arm 6,bottom ball pin 17 and front right lower 12. Besides, the gap between top ball pin and bottom,if it cannot move freely or the gap too big, ball pin replacement is needed.
  • Page 188
    8 FRONT WHEEL,BRAKE SUSPENSION,STEERING SYSTEM Constant velocity drive shaft Attention:For this vehicle, inspection,dis- a s s e m b l i n g a n d a s s e m b l i n g t h e front&rear axle LH&RH constant veloc- ity drive shaft are in the same way.
  • Page 189
    CFMOTO Steering system Handlebar Dashboard cover disassembing remove dashboard cover bolt1 remove dashboard cover Assembling Assembling carry on the opposite sequence of disassembling. RH handlebar switch Disassembling remove front top cover(2-4) remove RH handlebar switch connector remove the two bolts installed in handlebar tube. remove handlebar switch, RH.
  • Page 190
    8 FRONT WHEEL,BRAKE SUSPENSION,STEERING SYSTEM Handlebar switch, LH disassembling remove 2 screws remove LH handlebar switch connector remove handlebar switch, LH Install Install the LH handlebar switch(8-15) Rear view mirror 8 8 8 8 8 Disassembling loosen the nut in counter-clockwise direction, then turn the rear mirror in counter-clockwise and you can take off the rear view mirror.
  • Page 191
    CFMOTO Handlebar pipe Disassembling remove the dashboard cover(8-12) remove RH&LH handlebar switch(8-12) Seperate the right and left brake pump from the hanlebar pipe. remove the four installation bolt, take down the handlebar. Assembling Assembling carry on according to the opposite sequence of disassembling.
  • Page 192
    8 FRONT WHEEL,BRAKE SUSPENSION,STEERING SYSTEM Install LH handlebar switch Pair the LH handlebar switch stopped onto the handlebar location hole. use bolt 1 tightening from the bottom. Insert the LH handlebar switch connector into the main cable. 8 8 8 8 8 Install RH handlebar switch Pair the RH handlebar switch stopped onto the handlebar location hole.
  • Page 193
    CFMOTO Install RH&LH grip remove dirty inner LH grip and dry it. coat the con- nection with joint cement between handlebar and LH grip, put in the RH&LH grips. Attention The installed RH&LH grips must be placed for hours for dry the joint cement. Install brake pump upward the brake pump base”UP”…
  • Page 194
    8 FRONT WHEEL,BRAKE SUSPENSION,STEERING SYSTEM Steering system Steering system Steering system Steering system Steering system 8 8 8 8 8 8-17…
  • Page 195
    CFMOTO Steering stem Disassembling remove dashboard front cover(8-12) remove front wheel(8-2) take down handlebar switch connec- Use straight screwdriver and hammer hammer out the lock pad. remove bolt1,bolt2 remove steering stem seat, plate and bush. Remove cotter pin Remove steering tie-rod installation nut, washer Press and separate the steering tie- rod from the steering stem.
  • Page 196
    8 FRONT WHEEL,BRAKE SUSPENSION,STEERING SYSTEM Steering bearing, oil seal Dismantling remove front wheel(8-2) remove steering stem(8-18) remove front ADWS arm assy(8-9) Use special tool separate the steering stem and the oil seal from the body. Special tool: bearing remover component rotor puller remover axle remover heavy bob…
  • Page 197
    9 Rear Wheel, Rear Brake, Suspension Overhaul Info….9-1 Rear Brake System…..9-4 Troubleshooting….9-2 Rear Suspension System..9-5 Rear Wheel….9-3 Overhaul Information Operating Notice Note Securely support the vehicle when overhauling the rim and suspension system. Use genuine parts of bolts and nuts for rear rim and suspension. Do not overexert on the wheels to avoid possible damage to the wheels.
  • Page 198
    CFMOTO Troubleshooting Rear Wheel Wobbles Rim Warpage Faulty Tire Tire Pressure Too Low Improper Wheel Balance Improper Tightening of Wheel Axle Nut Loosened Wheel Nut Rear Shock Absorber is Too Soft Weak Spring Oil Leakage from Rear Shock Absorber Rear Shock Absorber is Too Hard Bent Rear Shock Absorber Tire Pressure is Too High Poor Brake Efficiency…
  • Page 199
    9 Rear Wheel, Rear Brake, Suspension Rear Wheel Removal Refer to Front Wheel Removal(8-3) Inspection Damage, warpage, serious scrapes:Replace Slowly turn the wheel, measure the rim vitration with a dial gauge. Service Limit: Axial:2.0mm Radial:2.0mm Installation Refer to Front Wheel Installation(8-3) Wheel Hub Remove: 9 9 9 9 9…
  • Page 200
    CFMOTO Rear Brake Rear Brake Caliper Remove: -Rear Left Wheel(9-3) -2 Bolts from Arm -Brake Caliper Inspection Brake Caliper: Cracks, Oil Leakage:Replace Installation Reverse the removal procedure for installation. Note: Refer to Chapter 1 for brake hose routing. Rear Brake Disc Remove: -Rear Left Wheel(9-3) -Rear Drive Shaft…
  • Page 201
    9 Rear Wheel, Rear Brake, Suspension Rear Suspension System Rear Right Suspension Note:DO NOT remove both left and right suspension at the same time to avoid fall down of the vehicle. 9 9 9 9 9 Disassembly Stabilizer Bar Remove: Bolt1(6), Bolt2(7), Bolt3(10), Bolt4(11), Bracket(8)and (5), Rubber Support(4)and(9), Nut2(2), Nut10(12),Left Ball Pin(1), Right Ball Pin(14)
  • Page 202
    CFMOTO Rear Right Absorber Removal Note:Securely support the vehicle when remov- ing rear left and right absorbers. Suspend wheels from ground. Maintenance of rear absorbers only does not re- quire removal of rear suspension. Remove the following parts from rear right shock absorber: -Bolt10(25) -Nut7(27)
  • Page 203
    10 Front/Rear Axle Overhaul Information Standards Lubricating Period Interval Capacity Items Model Initial SAE15W/40 SF Front Axle I:0.33L/R:0.28L 5000 I:0.30L/R:0.25L Rear Axle SAE80W/90 GL-4 I= initial, R=replace Tightening Torque Table Item Specification Torque(N.m) Remarks Front axel bolt Screw,front axle motor Screw,front axle wrist With glue Nut,front axle…
  • Page 204
    CFMOTO Inspection & Overhaul Inspection and overhaul is needed if any of problems below happens to front and rear axle. Descriptions Causes A.Bearing broken; 1.Unstable moving during accelerating, B.Gear clearance over/under size; decerating or constant speed. C.Gear severely worn; D.Gear blocked; 2.Abnormal sound in front rear axle;…
  • Page 205
    10 Front/Rear Axle Disassembly of front gear case Ref. No Desc ription  QTY  Ref. No.  Description  QTY  6  17    1  M8 28   Bolt Needle bearing 1512 2  18  1  Front gear case Drive pinion gear  3  1  19  1 …
  • Page 206
    CFMOTO Inspection after front axle disassembly Check if there is damage or crack on the front diffrential gear casecover and bearing assembling hole is ok.Replace casecover if necessary; Check if front axle bearing clearance ok or turning stable,and roll way,steel ball,needle and plate are ok.
  • Page 207
    10 Front/Rear Axle Front axle assembly and adjustment Front axle casecover asselbly Item”31” tightening torque80Nm Item”24”tightening torque62Nm Note:Use engine oil for oil seal, bearing and 23 24 drive clutch assembly; “24”Use screw thread fastening glue; Frong axle case assembly Note:Use engine oil for oil seal or bearing assembly.
  • Page 208
    CFMOTO Front axle assembly and adjustment Illustration: Tightening Torque Item”1” 25Nm Item”25” 13Nm Item”30” 13Nm Bolt 25Nm Bolt 25Nm Use fastening glue for item”30” assembly. a Use proper washer 8 and 10 thick ness to adjust gear side clearance between drive pinion gear and dif- ferential gear, Drive bevel gear clearance measurement;…
  • Page 209
    10 Front/Rear Axle c Use special equipment or vehicle control circuit into two stroke position before gear motor assembly; d Make sure b and c is assembled using il- lustrated positionging bolt before gear motor and front axle. 10-7…
  • Page 210
    CFMOTO Disassembly of rear axle Ref.No Description Ref.No Description Bolt M10 1.25 25 O-ring 64.5 3 Bolt M8 25 Bearing 6305 Bearing retainer Rear gear case cover(R) Drive bevel gear O-Ring 151 3 Bearing 16017/C2 Inner race NA5903 Adjust washer(2) Outer race NA5903 Ring gear, rear axle Adjust gasket…
  • Page 211
    10 Front/Rear Axle Needle bearing removal D i s a s s e m b l e n e e d l e b e a r i n g 55BTM6720 as illustration if necessary Disassemble needle bearing NA5903 as illustration after heating upto 150°C Rear axle inspection after disassembly Check if there is crack or damage in rear gear case, see mounting hole is ok .
  • Page 212
    CFMOTO Rear axle assembly and adjustment Illustration Tightening torque Item”1” 40Nm Item”2” 25Nm Item”12” 70Nm Item”15” 25Nm Item”20” 70Nm Item”31” 16Nm Bolt 25Nm Bolt 25Nm Use glue for Item”29” assembly Assembly clearance and adjustment of drive bevel gear assembly rear axle. a.
  • Page 213
    10 Front/Rear Axle f Adjust item 29 as illustrated, and make sure its end and back clearance of drive gear is 0. 3~0.6. Tighten item 31. 10-11…
  • Page 214
    11 Battery,Charging System Charging System Layout…..11-1 Inspection of Charging System….11-5 Overhaul Info……..11-2 Rectifier/Regulator……11-6 Troubeshooting……..11-3 Inspection of AC Magneto…… 11-8 Battery……….11-4 Layout of Electric parts……9 Charging System Layout 11 11 11 11 11 11-1…
  • Page 215
    CFMOTO Overhaul information Note Usually no hydrogen will be generated during charging except when overcharged. Keep away from fires when charging. uElectrolyte is highly corrosive, splash to clothes, skin or eyes will cause burn or loss of sight. Wash with plenty of water if splashed. In case of splash into eyes, wash with plenty of water and consult the doctor.
  • Page 216: Troubeshooting

    11 Battery,Charging System Overhaul standard Item Standard magneto Permanent magnet alternator Model Output 3-phase AC Resistance of charging coil (20? ) 0.2~ 0.3Ω Rectifier Type 3-phase loop rectification, controllable parallel connection, regulated voltage Battery Capacity 12V18Ah Current Leakage Less than1mA Voltage between terminals Fully-charged 12.8V…

  • Page 217: Battery

    CFMOTO Battery Note: Keep the ignition switch at OFF before operation. Remove: —Seat (-2-3) —Bolt1&Bolt2 —Battery fixing plate —Battery cover Loosen negative pole screw and disconnect negative lead. Remove positive pole cap and screw. Disconnect positive lead. Installation: Reverse the removal procedure for installation. Note: Apply clean lubricant grease to the pole after installation.

  • Page 218: Inspection Of Charging System

    11 Battery,Charging System Connect charger’s positive wire to battery’s positive pole. Connect charger’s negative wire to battery’s negative pole. Charging current/time: Standard: 0.9A/5~10hours Fast charge: 4.0A/60mins Note: Keep the electrolyte temperature under 45¡æ Reduce current to adjust the temperature if it is too high.

  • Page 219: Rectifier/Regulator

    CFMOTO Remove fuse box from inside of rear fender. t amperemeter between battery negative pole and negative lead Measure current leakage with ignition switch at the “OFF” position. Note: If the measured current is higher than the maximum limit, the multimeter will be burnt. Therefore, measure the current by shifting from the high to the low range.

  • Page 220
    11 Battery,Charging System Check the connector terminals for loosening, bending, rust or come-off. Check the following items of the main cable terminals of the two rectifier connectors: Item Result Battery wire (red) There should be voltage between red terminal (+) and frame body earth wire Earth wire (green) Green terminal must be…
  • Page 221: Inspection Of Ac Magneto

    CFMOTO Inspection of AC magneto Remove Engine cover¡(2-8) Disconnect AC magneto(yellow¡/yellow¡/yellow)and pickup coil(black/white/green) Resistance of magneto winding Measure the resistance between the yellow terminals of the AC magneto 3P connector. Change the stator winding if it is not according to the standard of resistance whether it is insulated for stator winding and the cen- ter of stator.

  • Page 222: Layout Of Electric Parts

    11 Battery,Charging System Layout of Electric parts ¡Þ 11 11 11 11 11 11-9…

  • Page 223
    12 Ignition System Overhaul Info……..12-1 Ignition Coil……..12-7 Troubleshooting……12-3 Starting Motor……..12-8 Inspection of Ignition System..12-4 Starter Relay, Auxliary Relay…12-10 Pickup Coil……..12-6 Ignition System Diagram….12-11 Overhaul Information Operating Note Note Exhaust gas contains toxicant, DO NOT keep the engine run for a long time in a closed or poorly ventilated place.
  • Page 224
    CFMOTO Overhaul Standard I t e m S t a n d a rd I g n i t i o n C D I , B a t t e r y D C D i g i t a l I g n i t i on S p a r k P l u g T y p e…
  • Page 225: Troubleshooting

    12 Ignition System Troubleshooting Engine cannot be started. Check fuel and aire channels for any faults; if the fuel and air channels are normal, check the ignition system. Inspect ignition system for the following items: 1,Spark inspection: Check in the following steps: Remove spark plug, remove spark plug cap, set high tension flexible cable end to earth, check spark arc.

  • Page 226: Inspection Of Ignition System

    CFMOTO Inspection of Ignition System Note: If the spark plug generates no spark, check first if there is come-off, loosening or poor contact with the wiring, then measure the peak voltage. Different multimeter has different input resis- tance and shows different readings. Measure with digital multimeter with input impedance over Connect peak voltage oscillograph with digital multimeter.

  • Page 227
    12 Ignition System Ignition Primary Coil Voltage Test Wiring Con- necting Diagram Notes: Ignition Coil Resistance Test Wiring Connecting Diagram. Do not touch test probe head and spark plug when testing to avoid electric shock. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 12-5…
  • Page 228: Pickup Coil

    CFMOTO Pickup Coil Note: Measure after all the wires are correctly connected. Inspect with compression pressure in the cylinder, spark plug and spark plug cap are prop- erly installed. If the spark plug is removed and then do the measurement, the peak voltage will rise.

  • Page 229: Ignition Coil

    12 Ignition System Pickup Coil Removal Remove: -AC magneto connector -Water pump inlet hose and outlet hose, and drain coolant. (Chapter 4) -Crankcase breather hose(Engine Service£) -Muffler(Chapter 2) -Engine right side cover. Note: Stator is installed on the right side cover and is at- tached by the magnet of rotor.

  • Page 230: Starting Motor

    CFMOTO Starting Motor 12-8…

  • Page 231: Ignition System Diagram

    12 Ignition System Brush Check if brush has abnormal damage, crack or tough in brush carrier block. Replace brush assy. if any damage. Commutator Check if commutator has discoloration, abnor- mal damage or overwear. Replace a new commutator if any abnormal damage.

  • Page 232
    CFMOTO Starter Relay Apply 12V to the terminals and check for continuity between positive and negative terminals using multimeter. If starter relay clicks and continuity is found, the starter relay is OK. If there is no continuity without 12V voltage, the starter relay is OK.
  • Page 233
    12 Ignition System Ignition System Diagram 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 12-11…
  • Page 234
    13 Lights,Insturment,Switches Overhaul Info….10-1 Horn……10-8 Troubleshooting….10-2 Dashboard……0-9 Bulb replacement….10-3 Fuel Sensor…….10-10 Headlight….10-5 WaterTemperature sensor….10-12 Ignition Switch….10-6 Handlebar Switch…10-7 Brake Light Switch..10-8 Overhaul Information Operation instructions Warning Headlight bulb will be very hot when it is turned on. Do not touch it after it is just turned off. Operation should be done when the bulb is cooled down.
  • Page 235: Troubleshooting

    CFMOTO TROUBLESHOOTING Head Light Cannot Turn On Broken fuse Open circuit with main cable Burnt Bulb Faulty Switch 13-2…

  • Page 236
    13 Lights,Insturment,Switches Replacing Bulb Headlight Bulb Cautions Headlight bulb will be very hot when it is turned on. Do not touch it after it is just turned off. Operation should be done when the bulb is cooled down. Remove headlight (13-5) Disconnect headlight.
  • Page 237
    CFMOTO Brake Light/Tail Light Bulb Remove 2 tapping screws Remove tail light cover. Turn brake light/tail light bulb counter clockwise and remove it. Replace brake light/tail light bulb Bulb Specification:12V-21/5W Reverse the removal procedure for installation Front Turning Indicator Bulbs Remove headlight(13-5) Remove cover of front turning light Replace front turning light bulbs…
  • Page 238: Headlight

    13 Lights,Insturment,Switches Note Main cable,wiring and tube should be routed properly( chapter 1) Dashboard Light Bulb Remove dashboard(13-9) Remove dashboard indicator socket¡£ Dashboard indicator(LCD) Note: If dashboard has something wrong, it’s recommended to replace whole dashboard. Reverse the removal procedure for installation Headlight Remove nuts as picture shown Disconnect headlight connector…

  • Page 239: Ignition Switch

    CFMOTO Ignition Switch Inspection Remove front & rear top cover (2-4) Disconnect 4P connector of ignition switch 13-6…

  • Page 240: Handlebar Switch

    13 Lights,Insturment,Switches Check according to the following table if the connector terminals are in continuity. continuity Disassemble: Remove front cover(2-4) Disconnect 4P connector of ignition switch Loosen bolt and remove ignition switch Reverse the removal procedure for installation Handlebar switch Remove front cover (2-4) Disconnect left and right handlebar…

  • Page 241: Horn

    CFMOTO Turn switch Horn switch Acceleration switch 2WD/4WD switch If something wrong, please replace handlebar switch(6-12) Parking switch Brake light switch Disconnect brake light switch connector and check terminators for continuity. Hold the brake lever..Continuity Release the brake lever. No continuity No continuity: Replace brake light switch Horn Inspection:…

  • Page 242: Dashboard

    13 Lights,Insturment,Switches Disassemble Disconnect horn connector Remove bolt Remove horn Reverse the removal procedure for installation Dashboard Run the vehicle at low speed and check if the speed indicator moves Faulty speedometer: Replace Removal and Installation Remove front top cover(2-4) Remove front cover of dashboard(2-4) Disconnect dashboard wire connector Remove fixing nut and remove dashboard in…

  • Page 243: Fuel Sensor

    CFMOTO Fuel Sensor Remove: Fuel tank top cover with key(2-9); 4 fixing bolts Fuel sensor Disconnect 2P connector Inspection Remove fuel sensor (refer to above steps) Connect 2P connector Turn ignition switch to ON Shake fuel sensor float with hand, locate the float position and check if it conforms to the fuel gauge reading.

  • Page 244
    13 Lights,Insturment,Switches Installation Put fuel sensor into installation hole of fuel tank. Fuel sensor should be fitted properly. No fuel leakage is allowed. Connect 2P connector Inspection of Fuel Gauge Switch on power supply and check if fuel level gauge functions normally. If fuel gauge works normally, Reverse the removal procedure for installation of plastic parts and seat.
  • Page 245: Watertemperature Sensor

    CFMOTO Water Temperature Sensor Warning: Be careful not to get scalded and do not place flammables nearby. Warning: Coolant must reach the switch thread, and the depth from vessel bottom to sensor top should be over 40mm. Keep liquid temperature for three minutes before measuring, and do not raise temperature sharply.

  • Page 246
    14 Troubleshooting Operation Notice……………………………………………………………………..12-1 Starting Failure/Hard Starting……………………………….…………………….12-1 Unstable Engine Running or Engine Stops…………………………..…………12-2 Poor Engine Performance in High-speed Range or Slow Speed Rising…12-3 Unstable Idle Speed………………………………………………………………….12-4 Poor Engine Performance in Middle or High Range…………..………………12-5 Engine Troubleshooting………………………………………………………………12-6 Operating Notice This chapter is a general explanation of major troubleshooting of the whole engine. Refer to the relevant chapters for troubleshooting not listed in this chapter.
  • Page 247
    CFMOTO 14-2…
  • Page 248
    14 Troubleshooting 14 14 14-3…
  • Page 249
    CFMOTO 14-4…
  • Page 250
    14 Troubleshooting 14 14 14-5…
  • Page 251
    CFMOTO Engine Troubleshooting 1. Engine Complaint Symptom and Possible Causes Remedy Compression is Too Low 1. Worn cylinder Replace 2. Worn piston ring Replace 3. Leakage with cylinder gasket Replace 4. Wear valve guide or improper valve Repair or Replace seating 5.
  • Page 252
    14 Troubleshooting Complaint Symptom and Possible Causes Remedy 1. Week valve spring Replace 2. Worn camshaft Replace 3. Fouled spark plug Clean or replace 4. Insufficient spark plug gap Adjust or replace Poor engine 5. Improper valve timing Replace running in 6.
  • Page 253
    CFMOTO Complaint Symptom and Possible Causes Remedy Valve Chatter 1. Excessive valve clearance Adjust 2. Worn or broken valve spring Replace 3. Worn rocker arm or camshaft Replace Noise from Piston 1. Worn piston Replace 2. Worn cylinder Replace 3. Carbon deposit in combustion chamber Clean 4.
  • Page 254
    14 Troubleshooting 2. Carburetor Complaint Symptom and Possible Causes Remedy 1. Clogged starter jet Clean 2. Clogged starter jet passage Clean 3. Air leakage from joint between starter body Clean, adjust or replace gasket Starting Difficulty and carburetor 4. Faulty starting plunger Adjust 1.

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Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту квадроциклов CFMoto моделей CF500 и CF500-A.

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Руководство на русском языке по ремонту квадроциклов CFMoto модели CF500-A.

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Руководство на русском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию квадроциклов CFMoto моделей CF500-2 и CF500-2A 2008 года выпуска.

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Руководство на русском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотовездехода CFMoto модели CF500-3 с полным приводом.

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Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту квадроциклов CFMoto моделей CF500-5B и CF500-5C.

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Электросхемы на русском и английсом языках квадроциклов CFMoto моделей CF500/CF500-A/CF500-X5/CF625-X6/CF800-2-X8.

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CF MOTO CF500-A Owner's Manual

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Summary of Contents for CF MOTO CF500-A

  • Page 1
  • Page 9
    Failure to follow the warnings contained in this manual can result in serious injury or death. An ATV is not a toy and can be hazardous to operate. This vehicle handles differently from other vehicles, such as motorcycles and cars. A collision or rollover can occur quickly, even during routine maneuvers like turning, or driving on hills or over obstacles, if you fail to take proper precautions.
  • Page 10
    You should review this information on a regular basis. If you purchased a used ATV from a party other than a dealer, you can request this free safety training from any authorized dealer. Familiarize yourself with all laws and regulations concerning the operation of this vehicle in your area. We strongly advise you to strictly follow the recommended maintenance program outlined in your owner s manual.
  • Page 11
    The safety alert caution indicates a potential hazard that may result in minor personal injury or damage to the vehicle. A caution indicates a situation that may result in damage to the vehicle. A note will alert you to important information or instructions.
  • Page 12
    Read this manual and all labels carefully, and follow the operating procedures described. Never operate an ATV without proper instruction. Take a training course. Beginners should receive training from a certified instructor. Contact an authorized ATV dealer to find out about the training courses nearest you.
  • Page 13
    Always keep both hands on the handlebars and both feet on the foot-rests of the ATV during operation. Always travel slowly and use extra caution when operating on unfamiliar terrain. Be alert to changing terrain conditions. Never operate on excessively rough, slippery, or loose terrain. Always follow proper turning procedures as described in this manual.
  • Page 14
    any hill until you ve mastered (on level ground) the turning technique outlined in this manual. Avoid crossing the side of a steep hill when possible. Always use proper procedures if you stall or roll backwards while climbing a hill . To avoid stalling , maintain a steady speed when climbing a hill.
  • Page 15
    in reverse, move slowly and avoid turning at sharp angles. Always use the size and type of tires specified for your ATV, and always maintain proper tire pressure. Never modify an ATV through improper installation or use of accessories. Never exceed the stated load capacity for your ATV. Cargo must be properly distributed and securely attached.
  • Page 16
    We are concerned with the safety of our customers and for the general public. Therefore , we strongly recommend that consumers do not install on an ATV any equipment that may increase the speed or power of the vehicle, or make any other modifications to the vehicle for these purposes. Any modifications to the original equipment of the vehicle create a substantial safety hazard and increase the risk of body injury.
  • Page 39
    Warning decals have been placed on the ATV for your protection. Read and follow the instructions on each decal carefully. If a decal becomes illegible or comes off, contact your dealer to purchase a replacement.
  • Page 43
    Always wear clothing suited to the type of riding. ATV riding requires special protective clothing for comfort and to reduce the chance of injury. Your helmet is the most important piece of protective gear for safe riding. An approved helmet can prevent a severe head injury. Do not depend on sunglasses for proper eye protection.
  • Page 44
    Off-road style gloves with knuckle pads are the best for comfort and protection. The best footwear is a pair of strong over-the-calf boots with heels, like moto-cross boots. Always wear long sleeves and long pants to protect arms and legs. Riding pants with kneepads and a jersey with shoulder pads provide the best protection.
  • Page 45
    Top speed is normally limited when operating in 4WD-LOCK. If conditions require more engine power when riding forward, push and hold this switch to override the 4WD-LOCK speed limiting function. (See page 49-52 for a detailed explanation about the front gear lock switch and its function.) Releasing the switch restores the speed limiting function.
  • Page 46
    When the switch is at this position, the front pilot light, the rear pilot light and instrument light are on. When the switch is at this position, headlight, the front pilot light, the rear pilot light and instrument light are off. Press the switch to , the left turning indicator and left turning light are on.
  • Page 47
    The front brake lever is located on the right handlebar. Pull it toward the handlebar to apply the front brake. The brake pedal is located on the right side of the machine and the brake lever is located on the left handlebar. Push down on the pedal or pull the lever toward the handlebar to apply the rear brake.
  • Page 48
    Operating the ATV with a spongy brake lever can result in loss of braking, which could cause an accident. Never operate the ATV with a spongy-feeling brake lever. Always test brake lever travel and master cylinder fluid level before riding. When squeezed, the lever should feel firm.
  • Page 49
    An over-full master cylinder may cause brake drag or brake lock-up, which could result in serious injury or death. Maintain brake fluid at the recommended level. Do not overfill. When checking the fluid level, the ATV must be on level ground with the handlebars straight. If the fluid level is low, add DOT3 brake fluid only.
  • Page 50
    When parking, stop the engine and shift the gear selector Lever into the park position. Operating the ATV while the parking brake is engaged could result in an accident and serious injury or death. Always check to be sure the parking brake is disengaged before operating.
  • Page 51
    The choke assists in starting a cold engine. Refer to the engine starting procedure on page 60 for correct choke and throttle settings during starting. The fuel tank filler cap is located directly below the handlebar. Remove the fuel tank filler cap by turning it counterclockwise. Install the fuel tank filler cap by turning it clockwise.
  • Page 52
    Gasoline is highly flammable and explosive under certain conditions. Always exercise extreme caution whenever handling gasoline. Always refuel with the engine stopped, and outdoors or in a well ventilated area. Never fill a gas plastic container while it’s in the racks. Static electricity between the rack and container could cause a spark.
  • Page 53
    The transmission gear selector is located on the left side of the vehicle. L: Low Gear H: High Gear N: Neutral R: Reverse P: Park To shift into Reverse or Park, you must first apply the rear brake lever or pedal to activate the lock-out mechanism. When shifting out of Reverse or Park, it’s necessary to apply the rear brake lever or pedal.
  • Page 54
    To extend belt life, use low forward gear in heavy pulling situations and when operating at less than seven miles per hour for extended periods of time. If towing the vehicle is necessary, shift the transmission into neutral for better mobility and to prevent damage to the belt.
  • Page 55
    Extending the starter rope too far will cause damage to the recoil assembly. Do not extend the starter rope so far that it stops. If the starter rope handle is not seated properly, water may enter the recoil housing and damage components. Make sure the handle is fully seated on the recoil housing, especially when driving in wet areas.
  • Page 56
    To change from 2WD to 4WD, stop the ATV, and then set the switch to . When the ATV is in 4WD, the 4WD indicator will come on in the dashboard display. To change from 4WD to 2WD, stop the ATV, be sure the lever is set to position , and then set the switch to 2WD .
  • Page 57
    When the switch is set to LOCK , the front gear lock indicator light will flash until the front gear is locked. When the indicator light is flashing, turning the handlebar left and right will help the front gear lock to engage.
  • Page 58
    Check the operation of the throttle lever before you start the engine. If it does not work smoothly, check for the cause. Correct the problem before riding the ATV. Consult your dealer if you can t find or solve the problem yourself.
  • Page 59
    Functions of the respective switch positions are as follows: The engine can be started only at this position and the headlights and taillight come on when the light switch is on. The key can not be removed in this position. OFF: All electrical circuits are switched off.
  • Page 60
    : This indicator comes on when the 2WD / 4WD switch is set to the 4WD position. : The front lock indicator DIFF.LOCK in the four-wheel-drive indicator comes on when the LOCK 4WD switch is set to the LOCK-4WD position. Due to the synchronizing mechanism in the front gear case, the four- wheel drive indicator may not come on until the ATV starts moving.
  • Page 61
    This indicator light comes on when the gear selector is in the R reverse position. This indicator light comes on when the gear selector is in the P (park) position. This indicator light comes on when press the turning switch to This indicator light comes on when press the override switch.
  • Page 62
    when the temperature indicator is in the white area of side C, it means that the temperature is normal. The red area of side H indicates that the temperature is high. In that case please stop the engine until the coolant temperature goes down. In case the temperature frequently goes high, check coolant capacity or consult the local dealer.
  • Page 63
    The break-in period for your new ATV is defined as twenty first ten hours of operation, or the time it takes to use the first four full tanks of gasoline. No single action on your part is as important as following the procedures for a proper break-in.
  • Page 64
    6. Pull only light loads. 7. During the break-in period, change both the oil and the filter at 25 hours or one month. If a proper inspection is not done before each use, severe injury or death could result. Always inspect the vehicle before each use to ensure it s in proper operating condition.
  • Page 66
    Engine exhaust contains poisonous carbon monoxide and can cause loss of consciousness resulting in severe injury or death. Never run an engine in an enclosed area. Operating the vehicle immediately after starting could cause engine damage. Allow the engine to warm up for several minutes before operating the vehicle.
  • Page 67
    Position : Cold engine start ambient temperature Above (80 F) and warm engine start position. 5. Completely close the throttle lever and start the engine by pushing the start switch. If the engine fails to start, release the start switch, then push the start switch again.
  • Page 68
    See the Break-In Period section prior to operating the engine for the first time. To start a warm engine, refer to the Starting a cold engine section. The starter (choke) should not be used. The throttle should be opened slightly. Before shifting, you must stop the machine and return the throttle lever to the closed position.
  • Page 69
    3. Open the throttle lever gradually. Shifting: Neutral to Reverse and Reverse to Park The gear selector cannot be shifted into reverse (R) or park(P) without applying the rear brake. 1. Bring the machine to a complete stop and return the throttle lever to the closed position.
  • Page 70
    Overloading the vehicle or carrying or towing cargo improperly can alter vehicle handling and may cause loss of control or brake instability. Always follow these precautions when hauling cargo: Never exceed the stated load capacity for this vehicle. Reduce speed and allow a greater distance for braking. When operating over rough or hilly terrain, reduce speed and cargo to maintain stable driving conditions.
  • Page 71
    Carrying a load on only the front rack or the rear rack may cause an imbalanced condition and increases the possibility of vehicle overturn. Balance loads proportionally between the front rack and the rear rack, but do not exceed the stated load capacity. Use extreme caution when applying brakes with a loaded vehicle.
  • Page 72
    Your ATV has been designed to carry or tow a certain amount of load. Always read and understand the load distribution warnings listed on the warning labels, and never exceed the specified weights. Cargo weight should be mounted as low as possible. When operating over rough or hilly terrain, reduce speed and cargo to maintain stable driving conditions.
  • Page 73
    1. Sit upright with both feet on the footrests and both hands on the handlebars. 2. Start the engine and allow it to warm up, apply the brakes, then shift the transmission into gear. 3. Check your surroundings and determine your path of travel. 4.
  • Page 74
    To make a turn, steer in the direction of the turn, leaning your upper body to the inside of the turn while supporting your weight on the outer footrest. This technique alters the balance of traction between the wheels, allowing the turn to be made smoothly. The same leaning technique should be used for turning in reverse.
  • Page 75
    Whenever riding on slippery surfaces such as wet trails or loose gravel, or during freezing weather, follow these precautions: 1. Slow down when entering slippery areas. 2. Maintain a high level of alertness, reading the trail and avoiding quick, sharp turns which can cause skids. 3.
  • Page 76
    Whenever traveling uphill, follow these precautions: 1. Always travel straight uphill. 2. Avoid steep hills (25 maximum). 3. Keep both feet on the footrests. 4. Shift your weight forward. 5. Proceed at a steady rate of speed and throttle opening. 6.
  • Page 77
    Braking and handling are greatly affected when operating in hilly terrain. Improper procedure could cause loss of control or overturn and result in serious injury or death. Avoid climbing steep hills (25 maximum). Use extreme caution when operating on hills, and follow proper operating procedures outlined in the owner s manual.
  • Page 78
    2. Lean into the hill, transferring your upper body weight toward the hill while keeping your feet on the footrests. 3. Steer slightly into the hill to maintain vehicle directions. If the vehicle begins to tip, quickly turn the front wheel downhill, if possible, or dismount on the uphill side immediately! Whenever descending a hill, follow these precautions: 1.
  • Page 79
    Improper hill climbing procedures could cause loss of control or overturn and result in serious injury or death. Avoid climbing steep hills (25 maximum). Use extreme caution when operating on hills, and follow proper operating procedures outlined in the owner s manual. If the vehicle stalls while climbing a hill, never back it down the hill! One maneuver that can be used when it s necessary to turn around while climbing a hill is the K-turn:…
  • Page 80
    7. Restart the engine, while holding the brake lever, shift the gear selector lever to low gear position. 8. Release the brake and proceed slowly, controlling speed with the brake, until the vehicle is on more level ground. Your ATV can operate through water with a maximum recommended depth equal to the bottom of the footrests . Follow these procedures when operating through water: 1.
  • Page 81
    Avoid operating the vehicle through deep or fast-flowing water. If you cannot avoid water that exceeds the recommended maximum depth , go slowly , balance your weight carefully , avoid sudden movements, and maintain a slow and steady forward motion. Do not make sudden turns or stops, and do not make sudden throttle changes.
  • Page 82
    Be alert! Look ahead and learn to read the terrain. Be constantly alert for hazards such as logs, rocks and low hanging branches. Severe injury or death can result if your vehicle comes in contact with a hidden obstacle. Not all obstacles are immediately visible.
  • Page 83
    Follow these precautions when operating in reverse: 1. Always avoid backing downhill. 2. Back slowly. 3. When in reverse, apply the brakes lightly for stopping. 4. Avoid turning at sharp angles in reverse. 5. Never open the throttle suddenly while backing. Failure to use caution when operating in reverse can result in serious injury or death.
  • Page 84
    Avoid parking on an incline if possible. If it s unavoidable, follow these precautions: 1. Turn the engine off. 2. Place the gear selector to parking position. 3. Always block the rear wheels on the downhill side as illustrated.
  • Page 85
    To achieve maximum traction while riding in 2WD or 4WD, the two rear wheels are mounted solidly on one axle and turn together at the same speed. Furthermore, when riding in 4WD-LOCK DIFF. LOCK ), the front wheels also turn together at the same speed. Therefore, unless the wheel on the inside of the turn is allowed to slip or lose some traction, the ATV will resist turning.
  • Page 86
    This procedure should be practiced at slow speed many times in a large area with no obstacles. If an incorrect technique is used, your ATV may continue to go straight. If the ATV doesn t turn, come to a stop and then practice the procedure again.
  • Page 87
    Auxiliary power outlets provide 12V power for operating accessories such as hand held spot lights. See your dealer. Careful periodic maintenance will help keep your vehicle in the safest, most reliable condition. Inspection, adjustment and lubrication of important components are explained in the periodic maintenance chart.
  • Page 88
    Frequent immersion in mud, water or sand Racing or race-style high RPM use Prolonged low speed, heavy load operation Extended idle Short trip cold weather operation Pay special attention to the oil level. A rise in oil level during cold weather can indicate contaminants collecting in the oil sump or crankcase.
  • Page 89
    Perform all services at whichever maintenance interval is reached first. Steering Pre-Ride Make adjustments as needed. See Pre-Ride Checklist on page 58. Front suspension Pre-Ride Rear suspension Pre-Ride Tires Pre-Ride Brake fluid level Pre-Ride Brake lever/pedal travel Pre-Ride Brake systems Pre-Ride Wheels/fasteners Pre-Ride…
  • Page 90
    Check level daily, change coolant Coolant Daily every 2 years Check operation; apply dielectric Headlamp/tail lamp Daily grease if replacing Air filter, main element Weekly Inspect; replace as needed Drain water as needed, check often Recoil housing Weekly if operating in wet conditions Brake pad wear Monthly 60 (100)
  • Page 91
    Shift Linkage 310 (500) Inspect, lubricate, adjust Steering 310 (500) Lubricate Front suspension 310 (500) Lubricate Rear suspension Lubricate 310 (500) Drain bowl periodically and prior Carburetor float bowl 310 (500) to storage Throttle Cable/ ETC Inspect; adjust; lubricate;replace if 310 (500) necessary Switch…
  • Page 92
    Oil filter change 100H 620 (1000) Replace with oil change Oil tank vent hose 100H 12 M 620 (1000) Inspect routing, condition Valve clearance 100H 12 M 620 (1000) Inspect; adjust Check for leaks at tank cap, lines, fuel valve, filter, carburetor; replace Fuel system 100H 12 M…
  • Page 93
    Clutches 100H 12 M 620 (1000) Inspect; clean; replace worn parts (drive and driven) Wheel bearings 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect; replace as needed Brake fluid 200 H 24 M Change every two years 1240 (2000) Spark arrestor 300 H 36 M 1860 (3000)
  • Page 94
    Check and lubricate all components at the intervals outlined in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 83. Items not listed in the chart should be lubricated at the General Lubrication interval. More often under severe use, such as wet or dusty conditions All Season Grease Use U-Joint Lube every 500 miles, before long periods of storage, or after pressure washing or submerging Engine…
  • Page 95
    Always check and change the engine oil at the intervals outlined in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 83. Always change the oil filter whenever changing oil. 1. Pull outward on the areas shown . 2. Position the ATV on a level surface. 3.
  • Page 96
    7. If the engine oil is at or below the lower limit mark, add sufficient oil of the recommended type to raise it to the correct level. 8. Insert the dipstick into the oil filler hole, and then tighten the oil filler cap. 9.
  • Page 97
    7. Apply a light coat of engine oil to the O-ring of the new oil filter cartridge. Make sure the O-ring is seated properly. 8. Install the new oil filter cartridge with an oil filter wrench, and then tighten it to the specified torque with a torque wrench. Oil filter cartridge tightening torque: 17 N m (1.7 m kgf, 12 ft lbf)
  • Page 98
    The rear gear case must be checked for oil leakage before each ride. If any leakage is found, have your dealer check and repair the ATV. 1. Place the machine on a level place. 2. Place a container under the rear gear case to collect the used oil.
  • Page 99
    6. Install the filler bolt and tighten to the specified torque. Filler bolt (rear gear case) tightening torque: 23 N m (2.3 m kgf, 16 ft lbf) 7. Check for oil leakage. If oil leakage is found, check for the cause. Be sure no foreign material enters the rear gear case.
  • Page 100
    4. Install the drain bolt and tighten it to the specified torque. Drain bolt tightening torque: 10 N m (1.0 m kgf, 7.2 ft lbf) 5. Fill the front gear case with oil. Periodic oil change oil quantity: 0.28 L (0.25 Imp qt, 0.3 US qt) Total amount oil quantity: 0.33 L (0.29 Imp qt, 0.35 US qt) 6.
  • Page 101
    3. If the coolant is at or below the lower limit mark, remove the reservoir cap, add coolant to the upper limit mark, install the reservoir cap, and then install the panel. Coolant reservoir capacity(up to the upper limit mark):0.3 L (0.26 Imp qt, 0.32 US qt) Hard water or salt water is harmful to the engine.
  • Page 102
    5. Disconnect the hose on the coolant reservoir side, and then drain the coolant from the coolant reservoir. 6. After draining the coolant, thoroughly flush the cooling system with clean tap water. 7. Replace the coolant drain bolt washer if it is damaged, and then tighten the coolant drain bolt to the specified torque.
  • Page 103
    Coolant reservoir capacity (up to the upper limit mark): 0.3 L (0.26 Imp qt, 0.32 US qt) Hard water or salt water is harmful to the engine. You may use soft water if you can not get distilled water. 12. Install the radiator cap. 13.
  • Page 104
    Check the protective boots for holes or tears. If any damage is found, have them replaced by your dealer. Removal 1. Remove panel. 2. Remove the spark plug cap. 3. Use the spark plug wrench in the tool kit to remove the spark plug as shown.
  • Page 105
    The spark plug is an important engine component and is easy to inspect. The condition of the spark plug can indicate the condition of the engine. The ideal color on the white insulator around the center electrode is a medium-to-light tan color for a ATV that is being ridden normally.
  • Page 106
    3. Install the spark plug and tighten it to the specified torque. Spark plug tightening torque: 17.5 N m (1.75 m kgf, 12.5 ft lbf) If a torque wrench is not available when you are installing a spark plug, a good estimate of the correct torque is 1/4 to 1/2 turn past finger tight.
  • Page 107
    1. Remove the seat. 2. Remove the air filter case cover by unhooking the holders. 3. Remove the air filter element. 4. Remove the air filter element from its frame. 5. Wash the air filter element gently but thoroughly in solvent. 6.
  • Page 108
    12. Install the seat. The air filter element should be cleaned every 20 40 hours. It should be cleaned and lubricated more often if the machine is operated in extremely dusty areas. Each time air filter element maintenance is performed, check the air inlet to the air filter case for obstructions. Check the air filter element rubber joint to the carburetor and manifold fittings for an airtight seal.
  • Page 109
    4. Insert the tailpipe into the muffler and align the bolt holes. 5. Install and tighten the bolts. When cleaning the spark arrester: Always let the exhaust system cool prior to touching exhaust components. Do not start the engine when cleaning the exhaust system. If dust or water collects in the V-belt cooling duct check hose, remove the hose and clean it.
  • Page 110
    After riding in water deep enough to allow it to enter the V-belt case, remove this bolt to drain the water from the case. If water drains from the V-belt case after removing the bolt, have your dealer inspect the ATV as the water may affect other engine parts.
  • Page 111
    A diagnostic tachometer must be used for this procedure. 1. Start the engine and warm it up for a few minutes at approximately 1,000 to 2,000r/min. Occasionally rev the engine to 4,000 to 5,000 r/min. The engine is warm when it quickly responds to the throttle.
  • Page 112
    Adjust the engine idling speed before adjusting the throttle lever free play. 1. Loosen the locknut. 2. Turn the adjusting bolt until the throttle lever free play is 3 5 mm (0.12 0.20 in). 3. Tighten the locknut. Check the brake pads for damage and wear. If a brake pad thickness is less than 2 mm (0.08 in), have your dealer replace the pads as a set.
  • Page 113
    Inspect the brake pads for damage and wear. If the thickness is less than 4 mm(0.16 in), have your dealer replace the pads. Insufficient brake fluid may let air enter the brake system, possibly causing the brakes to become ineffective. Before riding, check that the brake fluid is above the lower level and replenish when necessary.
  • Page 114
    Observe these precautions: 1. When checking the fluid level, make sure the top of the master cylinder reservoir is level by turning the handlebars. 2. Use only the designated quality brake fluid. Otherwise, the rubber seals may deteriorate, causing leakage and poor brake performance.
  • Page 115
    Complete fluid replacement should be done only by trained service personnel. Have your dealer replace the following components during periodic maintenance or when they are damaged or leaking. Replace the oil seals every two years. Replace the brake hoses every four years. The front brake lever should have a free play of zero mm (zero in) at the lever end.
  • Page 116
    The rear brake lever free play should be 0.5 2 mm (0.02 0.08 in). 1. Loosen the locknut . 2. Turn the adjusting bolt in direction to increase free play, and in direction to decrease free play. 3. Tighten the locknut . If correct free play cannot be obtained, ask your dealer to make that adjustment.
  • Page 117
    The top of the brake pedal should be positioned 72mm (2.8 in) above the top of the footrest. If not, ask your dealer to adjust it. After servicing: Make sure the brakes operate smoothly and that the free play is correct. Make sure the brakes do not drag.
  • Page 118
    Turn the adjusting nut while holding the rear brake light switch in place. To make the brake light come on earlier, turn the adjusting nut in direction . To make the brake light come on later, turn the adjusting nut in direction Inspect cables frequently.
  • Page 119
    1. Loosen the wheel nuts. 2. Elevate the ATV and place a suitable stand under the frame. 3. Remove the nuts from the wheel. 4. Remove the wheel. 1. Install the wheel and the nuts. Tapered nuts are used for both the front and rear wheels.
  • Page 120
    2. Lower the ATV so that the wheel is on the ground. 3. Tighten the wheel nuts to the specified torque. Wheel nut torque: Front: 55 N m ( 5.5 m kgf, 40 ft lbf). Re ar: 55 N m (5.5 m kgf, 40 ft lb f) This machine is equipped with a sealed-type battery.
  • Page 121
    1. When the machine is not used for a month or longer, remove the battery and store it in a cool, dark place. Completely recharge the battery before reinstallation. A special battery charger (constant voltage/ampere or constant voltage) is required for recharging a sealed- type battery.
  • Page 122
    To prevent accidental short-circuiting, turn off the main switch when checking or replacing a fuse. If a headlight bulb burns out, replace it as follows: 1. Remove the bolts and pulling headlight cover off. 2. Remove the rubber cover at the rear of the headlight by pulling it off.
  • Page 123
    5. Insert a new headlight bulb into the headlight bulb holder, and then lock it by spring. 6. Install the bulb holder by turning it clock-wise. 7. Install the rubber cover at the rear of the headlight. 8. Install the headlight cover with the bolts. It is advisable to have your dealer make this adjustment.
  • Page 124
    If the tail/brake light bulb burns out, replace it as follows: 1. Remove the screws , and then pull tail/brake light cover out. 2. Remove the tail/brake light bulb by pushing it in and turning it counter-clockwise. 3. Insert a new tail/brake light bulb, push it in, and the turning it clockwise. 4.
  • Page 125
    The spring preload can be adjusted to suit the rider s weight and riding conditions. When adjusting the rear shock absorbers, the rear wheels need to be removed. Adjust the spring preload as follows. To increase the spring preload, turn the adjusting ring in direction To decrease the spring preload, turn the ad-justing ring in direction…
  • Page 126
    If your vehicle becomes immersed, major engine damage can result if the machine is not thoroughly inspected. Take the vehicle to your dealer before starting the engine. If it s impossible to take your ATV to a dealer before starting it, follow the steps outlined below. 1.
  • Page 127
    Keeping your ATV clean will not only improve its appearance but it can also extend the life of various components. With a few precautions, your ATV can be cleaned much like an automobile. The best and safest way to clean your ATV is with a garden hose and a pail of mild soap and water. Use a professional type washing mitten, cleaning the upper body first and the lower parts last.
  • Page 128
    Starting the engine during the storage period will disturb the protective film created by fogging and damage could occur. Never start the engine during the storage period. Make necessary repairs and then clean the ATV thoroughly with mild soap and warm water to remove all dirt and grime.
  • Page 129
    Inspect and clean or replace the pre-cleaner and air filter. Clean the air box and drain the sediment tube. Inspect and clean or replace the breather filter. Inspect the following fluid levels and change if necessary: front gear case; transmission; brake fluid (change every two years or as required if fluid looks dark or contaminated).
  • Page 130
    If you choose not to use Fogging Oil, perform the following procedure. 1. Support the front end of the machine so the engine is level or tilted slightly rearward. 2. Remove the spark plug. Rotate the piston to BDC and pour approximately two ounces of oil into the cylinder. 3.
  • Page 131
    Remove the battery from the vehicle and ensure that it’s fully charged before placing it in storage. Engine Anti-Freeze Test engine coolant strength and change if necessary. Coolant should be replaced every two years. Set the tire pressure and safely support the ATV with the tires 1 2 off the ground. Be sure the storage area is well ventilated, and cover the machine with a ATV cover.
  • Page 132
    Proper maintenance will protect chrome wheels from corrosion, preserve wheel life and ensure a like new appearance for many years. 1. Wash chrome rims frequently. Use a mild detergent to remove any salt, dirt, mud or grime. Never use abrasive cleaners on plated or painted surfaces.
  • Page 133
    Driving the ATV onto a pickup or tall Shift transmission to low range during loading of the ATV to prevent belt trailer in high range. burning. When starting out on an incline, use low range or dismount the ATV (after Starting out going up a steep incline.
  • Page 134
    Shift the transmission to low range, and carefully use fast, aggressive Stuck in mud or snow. throttle application to engage clutch. Excessive throttle may cause loss of control and vehicle overturn. Shift the transmission to low range, and carefully use fast, brief, aggressive Climbing over large objects from a throttle application to engage clutch.
  • Page 135
    Contact your dealer for service if you’re unable to identify solutions using the following charts. Tripped circuit breaker Reset the breaker Low battery voltage Recharge battery to 12.5 VDC Loose battery connections Check all connections and tighten Loose solenoid connections Check all connections and tighten Out of fuel Refuel…
  • Page 136
    Crankcase filled with water or fuel Immediately see your dealer Overuse of choke Inspect, clean and/or replace spark plugs Clogged fuel filter Replace the filter Low battery voltage Recharge battery to 12.5 VDC Mechanical failure See your dealer Poor quality or low octane fuel Replace with recommended fuel Incorrect ignition timing See your dealer…
  • Page 137
    Weak spark from spark plugs Inspect, clean and/or replace spark plugs Incorrect spark plug gap or heat range Set gap to specs or replace plugs Old or non-recommended fuel Replace with new fuel Incorrectly installed spark plug wires See your dealer Incorrect ignition timing See your dealer Mechanical failure…
  • Page 138
    Kinked or plugged fuel vent line Inspect and replace Incorrect fuel Replace with recommended fuel Clogged air filter Inspect and clean or replace Reverse speed limiter malfunction See your dealer Electronic throttle control malfunction See your dealer Other mechanical failure See your dealer Low or contaminated fuel Add or change fuel, clean the fuel system…
  • Page 139
    Out of fuel refuel Kinked or plugged fuel vent line Inspect and replace Water present in fuel Replace with new fuel Overuse of choke Inspect, clean and/or replace spark plugs Fouled or defective spark plugs Inspect, clean and/or replace spark plugs Worn or defective spark plug wires See your dealer Incorrect spark plug gap or heat range…
  • Page 140
    Clean radiator screen and core if equipped Overheated engine Clean engine exterior See your dealer…
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Summary of Contents for CF MOTO CF500

  • Page 81
    1 . Bolt M8X55 21. Steering arm 11 . Bolt M8X22 2 . Alum cover 12 . Steering bearing seat 22 . Bolt M8X35 13. Bearing 3.O-ing; 23 . Washer 8 14 . Steering shaft support 4. Steering shaft coat 24 .
  • Page 82
    Steering column 1.Removal 2.Remove upper cover of handlebar 3.Remove plastics 4.Remove front wheel 5.Remove handlebar 6.Remove handlebar brake lever 7.Remove connector of handlebar switches 8.Remove nut of steering tie-rod and steering column 9.Remove 4 bolt 15 10.Use slotted screw driver and hammer to fix 11.Lock clip 1 flap 12.Remove bolt 13.Remove bolt…
  • Page 83
    EPS steering system The EPS indicator light works when the vehicle is equipped with EPS system . Under normal conditions EPS indicator light is on after turning power switch on. EPS doesn’t work; EPS indicator light is off after engine is started EPS begins to work. NOTE: Spare parts in the EPS system cannot be taken apart by user.
  • Page 84
  • Page 85: Installation

    Installation Reverse the removal procedure for installation note:after installation be sure to check steering agility; cable instal- lation according to chapter 1, be sure steering arm in the middle be patient when install steering shaft then lock other parts. EPS motor remove 1.Remove plastics 2.Remove front wheel 3.Remove handlebar…

  • Page 86
    EPS system fault code table EPS indicator light on the instrument flashes when fault occurs. At that time, do not cut the power off but observe the frequency of flashing and record the orderliness in a period. Then please check with this table to find troubleshooting.
  • Page 87
    fault analysis & emergency countermeasure for EPS System Failure Probable Reason Troubleshooting Phenomenon 1.connectors of wire is bad contact 1.Check whether wire connectors are Steering 2.The fuse blew out fully inserted without 3.Relay damage 2.Replace the fuse( 30A) assistance 4.Thecontroller motor or sensor is 3.Replace the relay damaged 4.Contact with suppliers and replace it…

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Есть у кого, киньте в меня пожалуйста!


  • #2

Последнее редактирование: 31 Янв 2017




  • #5

Там описание настройки иглы карбюратора.Я думаю не столь важная.

  • #6

Может быть и не в тему я при ремонте пользуюсь не только форумом(за что ему (ОГРОМНОЕ СПАСИБО) и сайтом ( промалчу ) но и книжным пособием вообще не плохо.

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  • #13

вот моя подборка инструкций по ремонту на х6 в папке разное на х5 и х8 х 6.rar


  • #14

На Х8 есть русский сервис-мануал.
У меня в подписи.
Давнооооооо лежит….

  • #16

На х6 есть у кого сервис мануал?

  • #18

Тоже нужен сервис мануал на х6

  • #19

Поиском пробывали в гугле искать ??? Учим английский

CFMoto CF625-C Specifications | Manualzz

View online(267 pages) or download PDF(14.87 MB) CFMoto CF625-C Specifications • CF625-C Offroad Vehicle pdf manual download and more CFMoto online manuals



  • #20

Сервисмануал на Z8-EFI не попадался ? Спасибо

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