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Версия ПО 9.55.9157C
Примечания к выпуску, август 2022 г.
Примечания к выпуску EDIUS XПрограммное обеспечение Grass Valley Edius 9

Программное обеспечение Эдиус 9

Уведомление об авторских правах и товарных знаках
Grass Valley®, GV® и логотип Grass Valley и/или любые продукты Grass Valley, перечисленные в этом документе, являются товарными знаками или зарегистрированными товарными знаками GVBB Holdings SARL, Grass Valley USA, LLC или одного из ее филиалов или дочерних компаний. Все права на интеллектуальную собственность третьих лиц (включая логотипы или значки) остаются собственностью их соответствующих владельцев.
Авторское право © 2021 GVBB Holdings SARL и Grass Valley USA, LLC. Все права защищены. Технические характеристики могут быть изменены без предварительного уведомления.
Другие названия продуктов или связанные с ними торговые марки являются товарными знаками или зарегистрированными товарными знаками соответствующих компаний.
Условия и положения
Пожалуйста, внимательно прочитайте следующие положения и условия. Используя документацию EDIUS, вы соглашаетесь со следующими условиями.
Настоящим Grass Valley предоставляет владельцам разрешение и лицензию на использование руководств по продуктам для собственного внутреннего использования. Руководства по продуктам Grass Valley не могут воспроизводиться или передаваться в любой форме и любыми средствами, электронными или механическими, включая фотокопирование и запись, для любых целей, если иное не разрешено в письменной форме Grass Valley.
Руководство Grass Valley могло быть изменено, чтобы отразить изменения, внесенные в продукт в течение срока его производства.
Таким образом, для любого продукта могут существовать разные версии руководства. Следует позаботиться о том, чтобы получить правильную версию руководства для конкретного серийного номера продукта. Информация в этом документе может быть изменена без предварительного уведомления и не является обязательством со стороны Grass Valley.
Информацию о гарантии можно получить в разделе «Юридические положения и условия» сайта Grass Valley. webсайт (www.grassvalley.com).

Важное уведомление

Поддерживаемые ОС
Поскольку срок поддержки ОС Windows 7 истек, Grass Valley, возможно, больше не сможет предоставлять какие-либо исправления или исправления.
улучшение проблемы/запроса, подтвержденного в среде Windows 7.
Если фильтр SmartScreen Защитника Windows препятствует запуску установщика
Если фильтр SmartScreen Защитника Windows препятствует запуску установщика, выполните следующие действия.

  1. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши программу установки file затем выберите «Свойства»
  2. Откройте вкладку «Цифровые подписи» и убедитесь, что file имеет цифровую подпись «GRASS VALLEY KK»
  3. Откройте вкладку «Общие», затем установите флажок [Разблокировать].
  4. Нажмите кнопку [Применить], затем нажмите кнопку [ОК].
  5. Запустите установщик снова

Новые функции и исправленные проблемы

Новые функции
Новая функция не предусмотрена
Исправлены или улучшены проблемы
В этой версии исправлены или улучшены следующие проблемы:

  • Клип на временной шкале можно расширить за верхнюю часть временной шкалы (SFDC00788826).
  • Автоматически установленные настройки Chromakey не сохраняются должным образом, пока не будет открыто диалоговое окно настроек (SFDC00790785).
  • При замене клипа вставляется ненужный аудиопоток
  • Декодирование клипов H.264/H.265 с помощью аппаратного декодера делает работу EDIUS нестабильной, если ЦП является одним из процессоров Intel 11-го поколения и установлен графический процессор NVIDIA (SFDC00801094).
  • Когда EDIUS экспортирует несжатый RGB AVI file шириной, не кратной 4, результирующая file невозможно воспроизвести в «Кино и ТВ» Windows
    * Версии EDIUS старше 9.55.9079 EDIUS 9 и старше 10.21.8061 EDIUS X не могут декодировать фиксированный AVI files экспортирован из 9.55.9079 правильно
  • EDIUS аварийно завершает работу, когда 24-битный Ross Video XPression AVI file загружен (SFDC00793788)
  • Перекодированный клип имеет неверный footagРазмер e при перекодировании определенного клипа с информацией о повороте (только сервер XRE) (SFDC00797213)
  • AVCUltra Long-G 25 MXF file экспортированные с помощью EDIUS, не будут воспроизводиться QuickTime Player (SFDC00798055)
  • Экспорт в ProRes MOV file сбой, если временная шкала содержит вложенную последовательность XDCAM (SFDC00797211)
  • Если «Только ссылка fileВ диалоговом окне «Восстановление и передача клипов» включена опция «Точно совпадающие», клипы редактирования прокси не могут быть заменены клипами высокого разрешения.
  • Воспроизведение цикла не может быть остановлено в диалоговых окнах настроек эффектов определенных переходов графического процессора.
  • Выделение клипа на временной шкале отменяется после его перемещения в многокамерном режиме.
  • EDIUS неправильно экспортирует составные клипы P2 (SFDC00802410, SFDC00803108)
  • Визуализированный footage портится, если рендеринг выполняется в HQ/HQX на временной шкале, содержащей определенный вложенный клип (SFDC00800394)
  • Настройка параметров эффекта не может быть предварительноviewed, если эффект уже был отрендерен
  • Декодирование клипов H.264 / H.265 с помощью аппаратного декодера приводит к зависанию EDIUS, если процессор является одним из процессоров Intel 12-го поколения.
  • В редких случаях EDIUS дает сбой, если PS, TS, MP4 или MOV files импортируются повторно
  • Если клип XAVC экспортируется на профессиональный диск, диск становится недоступным (SFDC00805051).
  • Сервер XRE не отображает переход пользовательской альфа-карты должным образом, если один из предустановленных альфа-растровых изображений fileиспользуется s (SFDC00807384)
  • Если клип XDCAM HD 422 с выбором высокого качества экспортируется на профессиональный диск, диск становится недоступным (SFDC00796100).
  • доверенное лицо files, сгенерированные EDIUS X, неправильно обрабатываются как часть составных клипов GoPro.
  • XRE Server экспортирует file с автономными частями, если растущий клип HLS помещается на временную шкалу (SFDC00809484)
  • В некоторых случаях звуковая волна продолжает мигать, когда временной эффект применяется к клипу временной шкалы (SFDC00806784).
  • EDIUS падает при импорте file снято GoPro HERO 10
  • EDIUS не распознает альфа-канал некоторых ProRes4444 MOV files
  • Предупреждение «Клип, на который нельзя ссылаться» появляется при экспорте временной шкалы с помощью сервера XRE, если временная шкала содержит клип, загруженный из Amazon S3 (только EDIUS Cloud) (SFDC00808651)
  • Экспорт выполняется очень медленно, если временная шкала содержит длинный HLS. file (SFDC00810936)
  • Если имя корзины Amazon S3 содержит «.» (точка), префикс не отображается в экспортере S3 (только EDIUS Cloud) (SFDC00808333)
  • Опция «XRE» в «Печать на Fileдиалоговое окно исчезает, если оно не отмечено
  • Параметр «Меню движения» исчезает, если изменяется размер окна Disc Burner.
  • Если временная шкала содержит клип HLS, загруженный из Amazon S3, экспортированный file отличается от временной шкалы (только EDIUS Cloud) (SFDC00812239)
  • Если к клипу QuickTitler применяется эффект «Слайд B справа», объекты в клипе слегка перемещаются непосредственно перед начальной позицией эффекта (SFDC00813671).
  • EDIUS зависает при открытии file если информация о частичном переводе для file был создан со старой версией EDIUS
  • EDIUS зависает при повторном нажатии кнопки «Привязать к событию» во время воспроизведения временной шкалы (SFDC00816095)
  • EDIUS аварийно завершает работу при выборе цвета в диалоговом окне настроек эффекта (SFDC00816094)
  • Вкладка «Изображение» в диалоговом окне настроек каждого перехода GPUfx отображается неправильно.
  • Преобразование режима тайм-кода между DF и PDF не работает во время file экспорт (SFDC00815044)
  • EDIUS не обнаруживает альфа-каналы в некоторых ProRes MOV fileс (SFDC00818980)
  • MPEG2 MXF file экспортируется программой экспорта s3 MPEG2 MXF или экспортируется через FTP, не соответствует SMPTE RDD9 (SFDC00825699)
  • FootagВо время воспроизведения определенных видеоклипов MPEG4 появляется шум (SFDC00819814).


  • Декодирование клипов H.264/H.265 с помощью аппаратного декодера делает Mync нестабильным, если ЦП является одним из процессоров Intel 11-го поколения и установлен графический процессор NVIDIA (SFDC00801094)
  • Mync аварийно завершает работу, когда 24-битный Ross Video XPression AVI file загружен (SFDC00793788)
  • Перекодированный клип имеет неверный footagРазмер e при перекодировании определенного клипа с информацией о повороте (только сервер XRE) (SFDC00797213)
  • Декодирование клипов H.264 / H.265 с помощью аппаратного декодера приводит к зависанию Mync, если процессор является одним из процессоров Intel 12-го поколения.
  • В редких случаях Mync дает сбой, если PS, TS, MP4 или MOV files импортируются повторно
  • доверенное лицо files, сгенерированные EDIUS X, неправильно обрабатываются как часть составных клипов GoPro.
  • У меня вылетает при импорте file снято GoPro HERO 10
  • Если раскадровка содержит клип HLS, загруженный из Amazon S3, экспортированный file отличается от раскадровки (только Mync Cloud) (SFDC00812239)
  • Mync не обнаруживает альфа-каналы в некоторых ProRes MOV fileс (SFDC00818980)
  • FootagВо время воспроизведения определенных видеоклипов MPEG4 появляется шум (SFDC00819814).

Ограничения дизайна

Ограничения после удаления QuickTime для Windows
И в EDIUS X, и в Mync при удалении QuickTime будут потеряны следующие функции:

  • Неподвижное изображение File Форматы: Flash Pix; Мак Пикт; Изображение QuickTime
  • Видео File Форматы (импорт/экспорт): M4V или несколько MOV file Форматы
    *MOV files, чьи видеоформаты являются общими, такими как MPEG-2, H.264/AVC, ProRes и т. д., могут быть импортированы/экспортированы
  • Видео File Форматы (экспорт): 3GP (MOV); 3G2 (MOV)
  • Аудио File Форматы: MOV (кроме Linear PCM и AAC); QuickTime Аудио

Документы / Ресурсы


  • www.grassvalley.com
    Главная | Травяная долина

2 2 EDIUS 4 PC 5 6 10Timeline ( -) 14 16 17 20 21 22 24 27 HDV28

Timeline (-) 33 40 42 47 Effect () Information () 49 50 54 () 59
62 64 TV ———— — 71Outputting HDV 74Tutorial (Application) 81
82 84 CD (-) 87 // 89 93 99 103 Picture In Picture ( ) 104 3D
Picture In Picture (3D ) 111 119 BGM 126 127Outputting DVD
———————————————- 129


, , , EDIUS. , , . . 1 EDIUS. 2 , EDIUS. . 3 EDIUS, 2 ,, . EDIUS
. EDIUS ‘ 1 ‘. workflow, , DVD, EDIUS ‘ 2 ‘. 2 , EDIUS workflow. 3

: .

. . , . .

. — HDV . OHCI (leeel 394) , HDV DV . .HDV — , DV, — pixels DV.
, HDV DV, .EDIUS codec, » Canopus » HDV . codec , .

EDIUS EDIUS . , timeline (-), . Canopus codec, EDIUS, . , EDIUS
Hi-vision codec HDV . HDV , , HDV DV HDV DV .


, DVD , . ‘ ProCoder , EDIUS. HDV DV , DVD DVD-. HDV (DV ) IEEE
1394 . . . .

; «Information» (), «Effect» () «Marker» ().

«View» «Single Mode». .

«Information» «Effect» «Marker» . , , . «View» . «Bin» . —

«Layout» «Save current layout» «New».3 [OK].

1 «View» «Layout» — «Normal».

. .

— timeline (-). . — .

— .

— —

— (F2)

Input Preset 1

Stop .

Review .

Previous FramePlay

Next Frame

Fast Forward

Loop. .

Set In-

— ( )

Set Out , ( ) ( )

Insert to Timeline.

, ( ) ( )

Overwrite on Timeline

Capture ( , ),

to the list.

Add to batch capture List

1 6 — In Out. ,

Loop -.

Play the Cursor Area — (,

Previous Edit Point . .)

— (,

Next Edit Point . .


Set In OUT.

Set Out ..


Timeline (-) , timeline (-) . (, ) -. Timeline — . 10. .



— ,


Timeline timeline, . , , .

, , , , . — , , . .

. . .

() «Information» — , .

, , , .

, . , EDIUS .

() — , .


Tutorial (Basic)

. , . , EDIUS, , . . . , . . . .

. — , . , DVD EDIUS. DVD .1 DVD .

1 «Open folder to view files» [OK].

3 «PAL» «NTSC» 4 «TutrialSource». . , OS. , «TutrialSource»
folder in the local hard disk (D).

. , , .

1 : 2 : 3 : HDV 4 : DV 5: — 6: 7 : Multicam 8 : Nest

9 :

10 :

11 : S 12 : 13: 14 : 15 : 16 :

— EDIUS. HDV .1 2 . , .

2 [Browse].3 [OK].4 [OK]. «EDIUS» (D:) .

5 «New Project». «Project Settings» . [OK]. , «Recent Projects».
, .

Open Project . EDIUS, Close.

6 ‘Resort’ .7 . HDV , . , «» .

DV PAL 441008 [OK]. DV , «Generic OHCI SD PAL» 7. DV .

. «Recent Projects» .1 .

, «Save As».

«File» «Save Project» «Save As».

, , . HDV , EDIUS, . , .

HDV — , , EDIUS, , . HDV HDV 1 IEEE 1394 HDV DV. HDV .2
«Capture» «Generic HDV-lnput».

3 , [OK]. HDV , . , .. «». «» HDV DV .

, , «Generic HDV — Input» DV , «Generic OHCI- Input» 2, «Generic
OHCI Input» 3. DV , .

1 2 .3 4 .

DVStormRT, DVStormXA ( EDIUS DVX) DVRaptorRT2 DVStormRT (
DVStorm2, DVStorm3), DVStormXA ( EDIUS DVX), DVRaptorRT2, , . , .
.. . — . , .

1 .2 «Local Disk: D» — «TutrialSource» . .

., .3 [Open]. , . .

, timeline (-). 5 8 . — — . .

, 1 ‘Clip_01’.2 — .

, — -. IN OUT «».

1 ‘Clip_02’ 2


3 .4 .5 . , slider ( ). . , .

6 , — .


EDIT; . , , . , -. .

‘Clip_03’, ‘Clip_09’, ‘Clip_l 0’, ‘ClipJ 2’ and ‘Clip_l 3’ .
(00:00:00:20) (00:00:14:06) ‘Clip_09’ , .Other Way of Placing Clip


1 , ..2

3.3 «Delete gap». .

(Alt+X) «Ripple delete» 2. 87

Sequence -. — . 15 .1 — ‘Sequence 2’ .

2 «Settings» «Sequence Settings». «Sequence settings» .3
‘Swimming Pool Scene’ ( ) .

4 ’00:00:15; 00′ .

5 [OK]. . , . , ‘1500’ (00001500).

, — . , , . 5, . , — , , , — . 8 IN (), / timecode , , () . .,

1 «Add» — «Add Above». VA

2 [OK]. VA track V track . 2 VA .

VA .

1 «Mode» «Multi cam». .

2 «Mode» «Sync point» — «Clip In»., In ()


Sync? — , .3 — ‘1VA’ 4 ‘Cli.06’, ‘Clip_07’ b ‘Clip_08’ [Ctrl]

— .

5 ‘1VA’ (Clip_06) Recorder. . — , Recorder.

6 Recorder ‘2VA’ (Clip_07) .

specified. -.7 ‘3VA’ (Clip_08) Recorder . , .

, .1 «Mode» «Compress to a single track». «Compress selected
clips».2 [OK]. Nest Sequence 6 7. . sequence sequences — sequences,

1 ‘Sequence 1’ Sequence 1.

2 — .. — ‘Clip_03’ ‘Clip_09’. (1VA) .

3 — ‘Scene of Swimming Pool’ — .

EDIUS ( ), . (, ) .

«Effect» «Information» «» «» .

1 «Effect Palette» «Information Palette», «Information»

«Effect» «Information»

. . 7.

— . , / . EDIUS , , YUV , , , . , slider . ‘ Clip_l 0 ‘ , . 1
«VideoFilters» «Effect».2 «Color Correction».

3 «White Balance» ‘Clip_l 0’. , .

, «Information». . — ‘Clip_l 0’.1 «Information».2 «White
Balance» ( ).

3 «White» picker.

4 () .

5 «Black» picker .

6 «Gray» picker .


«» picker, . , , , . » » .

. , . . .

Region1 «VideoFilters» «Effect».

2 «Region» ‘Clip_01’. , . region . «Information» () . — .

1 «Information»

2 «Region» «Information» «Region» 3 , , .

4 , , , ,


, . , .

1 «Inside» tab.2 «Line Drawing» in the list.3 [OK].

region . . , . . .1 «Effect».

2 «Delay» .

. .

, , . ‘Dissolve’ () . «Dissolve» , , . , «» Linear out/in. ,
«Effect» .

«», .’ D i ssoIve’ ? ‘Li near out/i n’ ? What i nd of
Effect?Dissolve , , .

Linear out/in , , .

— , . ; «Extend Mode» «Fix Mode». .Extend mode , , . , , .Fix
mode , . , , — . , . , .

» » ‘Clip_09’.. , .

. .

BGM , . 1 .2 . , .

[Alt] . , .

[Alt] , . , . , , . V-mute .1 — .

2 , «V-Mute».


, , . QuickTitler. -, .

TitleMotion Pro? ? QuickTitler, , EDIUS. QuickTitler , , .

TitleMotion Pro , 3D , , , .. QuickTitler . TitleMotion Pro

* TitleMotion Pro .

1 — , .2 Click «Create Title in Current track». — QuickTitler.
QuickTitler . . , , —

3 «Video»

4 .

— .5 .

6 , , , .7 , , , . .

. .

, .

‘ClipJDl’1 «Duration».2 [OK].3 — ‘ClipJDV.4 . — .

. . . «Fade», .

TV .

luminance ( ) , . . Luminance1 — luminance .2

, 0 1 00. , . ‘ClipJDl’. 1 00 . luminance. . , . Luminance
luminance, . EDIUS, , .1 «color balance» ( ) , . «Effect».

9 1 0.

2 . «Information»

. Step 9 Step 1 0.3 «Safe Color», [OK]. luminance .

Play Recorder and view the finished work. , — . , . , . . ‘To
Play Smoothly’.

HDV , . Canopus ProCoder EDIUS, . 1 «Print to file». «Select
Exporter Plug-in» .2 «Canopus ProCoder Express For EDIUS Wizard»
[OK]. «Canopus ProCoder Express For EDIUS» .

3 «Use the ProCoder Express for EDIUS Wizard to select a target»
[Next].4 «HDV 1080 lines (HD2 Mode)» [Next].5 «HDV 1080/60i (1080
lines, Interlaced, 29.97fps)» [Next]. .. . .. .

6 [Next]. , .

7 [Convert].

HDV HDV , MPEG TS Writer. Canopus ProCoder EDIUS HDV .1 IEEE
1394 HDV DV. HDV .

2 «Capture» «MPEG TS Writer». «MPEG TS Writer».3 «Open»4 [Open].



6 [OK]. «MPEG TS Writer» . HDV . DV 1 DV .2 .

«Print to tape».3 [OuOutput starts. DV

Tutorial (Application)

(Application) — . 81 82 84 CD87 Copy/Cut/Paste 89 93 PlayPack
99Extract Still Image from Moving Video Image1 03 104 3D 1 1 1Cut
Out and Synthesize Image1 19 BGM126Adjust Volume Balance Petween
Tracks1 27 DVD1 29

, — . .1 «Consolidate Project». «Consolidate Project».2 «Remove
unused clips in Timeline». ‘Consolidating Project’

3 [OK].

. . , . .1 «Open the clip restoration dialog».

2 «Restoration Method».

3 «Relink (select file)». «Relink (select folder)», .


4 [Close]. .

, , ‘Batch capture’. HDV 1 HDV IEEE 1394 DV. .2 «Capture»
«GenericHDV-lnput». HDV .

.1 «Batch Capture». «Batch Capture». Player.2 3 .4 .5 6 2 — 5 .7
[Capture]. . .


8 [Close]. «Batch Capture».

CD , CD BGM. EDIUS, DISCcapture , .

1 CD CD-ROM .2 «Capture» «DISCcapture». «DISCcapture». CD .

, «DISCcapture» 3

4 «Save». .5 [OK] «DISCcapture» . , «Watch folder» .


// , . , P39.

1 1


. «Ripple Cut», .

Ripple Sync .Ripple , . , , . , , Ripple.

. Even if the ripple mode does not turn ON, the clips are
shifted when ripple cut or ripple delete has been executed.

Ripple Mode1 . Ripple ON, () .Sync , . , . ripple sync ON.

Sync1 «Sync Mode». sync .

Paste .1 — 2

Replace 1 .2 «Clip». Trimming Out — -. . timeline . . In Out , .
. . , , .

Trimming In Out -.

Normal Trimming In Out . — , ripple.

Ripple Trim , .Slide Trim , , .

Slip Trim , , , .

Rolling Trim In Out .

Split Trim

Perform Trimming . . .1 ,

2 , .ModePoint to be selected

Mouse cursor shape

Normal Trimming

Ripple Trim

Slide Trim

Slip Trim [Ctrl].

Rolling Trim

Click holding down [Ctrl].

Split Trim

Click holding down [Alt].

Trim trim. trim, , 1 frame 1 0 frames (1 10 )1 «Mode» «Triming».

Preview Window In Out previewed.


Previous Frame .


trim preview window.

Next Frame


play the Event Area

trim -10 frames 1 0 .trim -1 frame 1

trim 1 frame 1 .

trim 10 frames 1 0 .

move to previous edit point — trim .

move to next edit point — trim

Trim by Shortcut KeyA basic rule for trimming by shortcut key is
to select a track containing a clip to be trimmed and to move the
timeline cursor to a target position in advance. Ripple trim is
available with the ripple mode off, by shortcut key.Key Combination
+ NThe area between the timeline cursor position and the In point
of the clip is trimmed.Key Combination + MThe area between the
timeline cursor position and the Out point of the clip is
trimmed.Normal TrimmingTo the In pointTo the Out pointRipple

To the In pointTo the Out pointSlide Trim

To the In pointTo the Out pointSplit Trim

To the In pointTo the Out point

, . , 1 «Speed». «Clip Speed»

2 «Rate». 1 00% , 100% .3 [OK]. «Rate», 125%, . ,

Time Remap , . . , . .,

Time Remap Time Remap

, , ‘Clip_09’.

1 «Time Remap». «Time Remap».

2 .3 , 4 , . . , .

5 , , . . , .

[OK]. , 100 % «Clip Speed» .^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [Initialize]
«Time Remap» [OK].

.1 — .2 «Print to File». «Select Exporter Plug-in».3 «Still
Image» [OK].

4 , , [Save Single Picture].

. , .

Picture In PicturePicture In Picture — (sub screen) . (sub
screen). ‘Clip_04’ ‘Clip_05’ ‘Clip_03’, EDIUS. 1 , .

, , .

‘Clip_03’, ‘Clip_04’ Clip_05 ‘ . ‘ Clip_03 ‘ ‘ Clip_04 »
Clip_05 ‘


Picture In Picture ( ) ‘Clip_04’ .

1 «Keyers» «Effect».2 «Picture In Picture» ‘Clip_04’. «Keyers»
‘Mixer’ .

Picture In Picture . «Information». . — , , , .1 mixer of
‘Clip_04’ «Information».2 «Picture In Picture» 3 «Position, Size»

4 , .5 , , .

1 «Shadow» «Enable».2 «Color» .3 [OK].4 [OK]. TV. TV. «IRE
Warning», .

As ‘Clip_04’ is displayed on the left hand, show ‘Clip_05’ on
the right hand. To make those clips the same size, copy the effect
of ‘Clip_04’ and replace the mixer of ‘Clip_05’ with the copied
effect.1 ‘Clip_04’ .2 .3 ‘Clip_05’ .4 . ‘Clip_04’ ‘Clip_05’.
‘Clip_05’, ‘ Clip_04 ‘, . ‘Clip_05’.

5 mixer ‘Clip_05’ «Information».6 «Picture In Picture» 7
«Position, Size» .

8 , .

9 [OK]. .

Picture In Picture. .

3D 3D Picture In Picture — , , ‘ Clip_l 4 ‘ ‘ Clip_l 5 ‘ ‘
Clip_l 3 ‘.Place a Clip1 , .

1 .

‘ClipJ 3’, ‘Clip_l 4′ and ClipJ 5’. ‘Clip_l 3’ , ‘Clip_l 4’
‘Clip_l 5’ . .

3D Picture In Picture ( ) ‘Clip_l 4’ 1 «Keyers» «Effect».2 «3D
Picture In Picture» ‘Clip_14’.

3D Picture In Picture . «Information» palette. 3D Picture In
Picture . . . — . , , , , . -, .1 mixer ‘Clip_14’ «Information».2
«3D Picture InPicture» 3 «Presets» .4 «PiP-Slide top to bottom»

Add a Key Frame and Set an Original Motion «PiP-Slide top to
bottom», ‘Clip_l 4’. . , .1 . -.

2 . . , -.

‘Clip_l 4’

3 , 4 .5 . 3. ‘Clip 14’ .6 . .

. .1 «Borders» .2 «Use Colored Border» [Border Color].

«Color Dialog». , «Use Soft Border»( ).


3 [OK].4 [OK]. ‘Clip_l 5’ , ‘Clip_l 4’. , ‘ Clip_l 4 ‘, ‘ Clip_l
5 ‘ . , PI 09. mixer of ‘Clip_l 5’.

Make Full Use of Key Frame -, 3D Picture In Picture ‘ Clip_l 4 ‘
, , ‘ Clip_l 5 ‘ , ‘ Clip_l 4 ‘. , . , ‘ Clip_l 4 ‘ . , ‘ Clip_l 4
‘ ‘ Clip_l 51 mixer of ‘Clip_l 4’ «EDIUS Fx-3D Picture In Picture»

2 «Position» ( 4 ) ‘Clip_15’. , 4 (‘ Clip_l 5 ‘ 4 ), , , 6 (‘
Clip_l 5 ‘ 6 , 100 % ).

3 [OK]. 3D Picture In Picture. .Cut Out and Synthesize Image , ,
, , ( ) . ,


— . ‘Fill’ ().

— , , «Fill»» . Key ().

‘ClipJDl’, region 1 1 , , () . Key ().() alphamat, .

‘ ClipJD 1 ‘ region , ‘Fill’.

‘Clip_01’, region , , . — .

‘Key’ () . , ‘Key’ () .1 .

2 .

3 .

, ‘Clip_01’. ‘Clip_01’, region QuickTitler «».

. «Style-01» .


Alphamat ‘ClipJDl’, region , , .1 ‘Key’ () ‘Fill’ (). ,

2 «Convert» — «Alphamat». «Save As».3 .

4 «Fill Key».5 «Convert format» «Alpha mat».

‘ClipJDl’ , , .

, , ( 4) , ( 5). . .

6 [Save]., alphamat .

alphamat , . , ‘ClipJDl’, region .

BGM , CD , BGM. , P87.1 — .

2 , .



Adjust Volume Balance between Tracks , (), , BGM . , -. ,
‘Adjusting in Audio Mixer’ . , , , 1VA BGM, 1A .1 «Audio mixer».
timeline .

, .

Fader. , .

These are for the operation of the fader. When ‘None’ is shown
here, the fader is unavailable.

2 «Operation» 1VA 1A «Track». 1 VA 1A..3 . .4 fader, .. 1A, BGM
1 VA.

5 «Audio mixer».

Outputting DVD , DVD DVD. Canopus ProCoder EDIUS, .1 . «Print to
File».2 «Canopus ProCoder Express For EDIUS Wizard» [OK]. «Canopus
ProCoder Express For EDIUS».

3 «Use the ProCoder Express for EDIUS Wizard to select a target»
[Next].4 «DVD» [Next].5 «NTSC» «PAL» [Next].6 file type [Next].
DVDs, «VOB».

7 «Constant bitrate (CBR) » [Next].8 , [Next].9 encode setting
[Next].10 [Next]. DVD, . , .

11 [Convert]. DVD.12 DVD DVD .13 [Next]. DVD.

14 [Yes] [No]. DVD, (No). , DVD .

15 [Next].16 [Finish]. DVD DVD. (VOB), DVD, 6 ‘Write Your Work
into DVD’ ( DVD) — 14. 6 / 14, . 1 DVD DVD .

2 [Start] «Canopus» «ProCoder Express for EDIUS» «Canopus
ProCoder Express For EDIUS — Burn DVD».

«Canopus ProCoder Express For DIUS». . —

3 [Add] .4 [OK]. 10 ‘Write Your Work into DVD’ ( DVD).5

. 14 16 ‘Write Your Work into DVD’ ( DVD).._1237102050.doc


  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

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Editing for the Digital Generation

User Reference Guide


April 11, 2009


Related Manuals for GRASS VALLEY EDIUS VERSION 5.1

Summary of Contents for GRASS VALLEY EDIUS VERSION 5.1

  • Page 1
    EDIUS Editing for the Digital Generation User Reference Guide SOFTWARE VERSION 5.1 April 11, 2009…
  • Page 2
    Affiliate with the N.V. KEMA in The Netherlands CERTIFICATE Certificate Number: 510040.001 The Quality System of: Grass Valley, Inc. 400 Providence Mine Road 15655 SW Greystone Ct. 10 Presidential Way Nevada City, CA 95945 Beaverton, OR 97006 Floor, Suite 300…
  • Page 3
    EDIUS Editing for the Digital Generation User Reference Guide SOFTWARE VERSION 5.1 April 11, 2009…
  • Page 4
    Germany, Austria, Eastern Europe: +49 6150 104 444 UK, Ireland, Israel: +44 118 923 0499 Copyright © Thomson. All rights reserved. This product may be covered by one or more U.S. and foreign patents. Grass Valley Web Site www.thomsongrassvalley.com web site offers the following: —…
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Contents Preface …………..About This Manual .

  • Page 6
    Contents Exiting EDIUS …………Project Operations .
  • Page 7
    Contents Sync Mode…………Ripple Mode .
  • Page 8
    Contents Transition …………Application Settings .
  • Page 9
    Contents Fader Device Select ……….Behringer BCF2000 .
  • Page 10
    Contents Renaming Clips……….. . Saving Clips from the Timeline .
  • Page 11
    Contents Overwrite Mode ……….Sync Mode.
  • Page 12
    Contents Combining a Divided Clip ……… . Enable/Disable Clips .
  • Page 13
    Contents Playback with Shuttle/Slider Controls ……. . Position Slider Shortcut Menu ……..Playback with the Mouse .
  • Page 14
    Contents Effect Types …………Plug-In Base Effects.
  • Page 15
    Contents Deleting Effects ……….. . Deleting Effects from the Timeline .
  • Page 16
    Contents Blur a Graphic or Image……….Changing Line Styles .
  • Page 17
    Contents Output to HDV (Generic HDV) Device ……Output to DV (Generic OHCI) Device ……. Export to Devices Not Controlled by Deck Settings .
  • Page 18
    Contents Appendix B — Special Procedures ……..Keyframeable 2D Picture-in-Picture .
  • Page 19: Preface

    Preface About This Manual This User Reference Guide contains detailed information concerning EDIUS tools, features and functions used in creating and managing project workflows. For information about the installation of EDIUS and importing custom data from prior versions of EDIUS, see the Quick Start Guide. EDIUS —…

  • Page 20: Minimum System Requirements

    Preface Minimum System Requirements • Intel® or AMD® CPU 3.0 GHz or faster (multiple CPUs or multi-core CPUs are recommended; SSE2 and SSE3 instruction sets supported). • 1 GB RAM (2 GB or more recommended) • 800MB or more free disk space for the software installation. •…

  • Page 21: Dvd Contents

    Preface DVD Contents • EDIUS software • User Reference Guide (PDF) • Bonus Applications and Tools • Plug-ins • Bundled Software: • NewBlue video filters: Art Effects, Film Effects and Motion Effects • ProDAD video effects and image stabilization: VitaScene and Mer- calli Expert •…

  • Page 22
    Preface EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 23: Section 1 — Getting Started

    Section Getting Started This section contains the basic information needed for working with EDIUS such as numeric data input, EDIUS license issues, starting EDIUS, creating user profiles and projects presets, and, screen layout and customi- zation. Topics dealing with the use of EDIUS tools, features and functions (e.g. application settings, capturing clips, Timeline editing, titles and effects, audio operation and exporting projects) used in creating projects are covered in other sections of this manual.

  • Page 24: Startup Without Usb Key License

    Section 1 — Getting Started Startup Without USB Key License The license for EDIUS is contained on the USB key that came in the box with the product DVD. If EDIUS is started without the USB key inserted in a USB port on the host computer, the message shown in Figure 2 appears.

  • Page 25: Starting The License Transfer Tool

    Starting EDIUS WARNING If the license is transferred to a PC and the hard drive on which the license is stored becomes corrupted or fails with no backup, the license may be irretrievably lost. WARNING When a license is transferred to a PC, changing major PC components such as CPU, memory, motherboard, hard drive, NIC, etc.

  • Page 26: Transfer License To Pc Local Disk

    Section 1 — Getting Started Transfer License to PC Local Disk 1. Select the USB to PC tab in the dialog box. 2. Select the license to transfer from the list that appears in the USB to PC tab. 3. Click the button to execute the license transfer.

  • Page 27: Select Project Folder Location

    Starting EDIUS 6. After the license transfer is complete, replace the destination USB key with the original USB license key if you wish to transfer more licenses. Note After every USB key swap, click the Refresh button. 7. Repeat the steps above to transfer additional licenses. WARNING Do not replace USB keys while the license is transferring or the license may be irretrievably lost.

  • Page 28
    Section 1 — Getting Started Figure 6. Browse to Project Folder Location 3. If the desired folder already exists on the selected drive, select the desired folder and click the button (see Figure Figure 7. Select Project Folder 4. If the desired folder does not exist on the selected drive, Click the Make button, enter the desired folder name and click on the New Folder…
  • Page 29: Entering Numeric Data

    Entering Numeric Data Figure 8. Make New Project Folder The dialog box in Figure 9 appears indicating the selected project folder. Figure 9. Project Folder Default Location 5. Click to set the current folder as the default folder for EDIUS project files.

  • Page 30: Direct Input

    Section 1 — Getting Started There are four methods for entering numeric data into an input field (exam- ples of such data fields in Project Presets are the TC preset, Total length, Over Scan Size, Audio Reference Level, Track(default), Duration, etc. The four entry methods are: •…

  • Page 31: Arrow Key Input

    Entering Numeric Data 2. Enter the desired offset value. A “+” before the value increments the timecode by the specified value. A “-” before the value decrements the timecode by the specified value. Note If the timecode value in a particular field is 00:05:35;20 (5 minutes, 35 sec- onds, 20 frames), entering an offset value of +2510 will increment the time- code value to 00:06:01;00 (assuming a 30 frame per second video standard).

  • Page 32: Start-Up Window

    Section 1 — Getting Started An alternate mouse input method uses the mouse buttons as follows: • Hold down the right mouse button and drag the mouse upwards from the initial mouse position until the number begins to increase. Once the number begins to increase, it will continue to increase until the mouse button is released.

  • Page 33: Profiles

    Start-Up Window Figure 10. EDIUS Start-up Window The EDIUS start-up window is composed of three main areas; Profiles, Recent Projects list and New Project presets. Profiles Screen layouts, application settings, custom settings and plug-in settings are associated with profiles. Each time a profile is selected for an EDIUS session, the settings associated with that profile are automatically used.

  • Page 34
    Section 1 — Getting Started Note There is no icon preview from the icon “Open” dialog box. See Table 1 below for a list of default profile icons. Figure 11. User Profile Creation Table 1. User Profile Icons Icon Name Icon Graphic profile01 profile02…
  • Page 35: Change A Profile Name Or Icon

    Start-Up Window Table 1. User Profile Icons Icon Name Icon Graphic profile09 profile10 profile11 profile12 profile13 profile14 profile15 Note If the table above is not viewed or printed in color, many icons will appear the same. The difference between icons of the same design is the background color.

  • Page 36: Copy A Profile

    Section 1 — Getting Started Copy a Profile To copy a profile do the following: 1. Right-click on the profile to be copied 2. Select from the menu. Copy A new profile icon appears in the Profile list (see Figure 12 for an example).

  • Page 37
    Start-Up Window 3. Select from the export menu (see Figure 13). This profile Figure 13. Profile Export Menu Note Just the right-clicked profile or all profiles may be exported. This profile refers to the profile right-clicked in Step 4. Navigate to the location in which the exported profile(s) will be stored as shown in Figure Note…
  • Page 38: Import Profiles

    Section 1 — Getting Started Figure 14. Profile Export Location 5. Click the button the export the profile(s) to the selected location. Import Profiles Profiles that have been exported from an EDIUS system may be imported into the same or another EDIUS system. To import profiles, perform the following actions: 1.

  • Page 39
    Start-Up Window Figure 15. Exported Profiles 4. Select the profile(s) to be imported. Note To select multiple profiles, hold down the [CTRL] key while clicking on the desired profiles. To select all profiles, click on the first profile in the list and hold down the [SHIFT] key while clicking on the last profile in the list.
  • Page 40: Profile Management

    Section 1 — Getting Started Profile Management Profile management provides the ability to switch the active profile from within EDIUS, change profile properties and configure access by EDIUS workstations to shared profiles. Note A dedicated profile management tool is installed on the server(s) on which shared EDIUS profiles will be managed.

  • Page 41
    Start-Up Window 2. Click the button. Detail setting The Detail Setting dialog illustrated in Figure 19 appears. Figure 19. Profile Management Detail Setting Dialog 3. Select the profile location to be used from this EDIUS workstation by selecting one of the following options: Local Only profiles stored on the local EDIUS workstation will be used.
  • Page 42: Switch Active Profile

    Section 1 — Getting Started 4. To use profiles stored in shared server, specify the folder containing shared profiles by clicking the button and browsing to and selecting the desired shared server folder. Note If Local is the selected profile location, the Shared server options are not available.

  • Page 43: Change Profile Properties

    Start-Up Window Figure 21. Change Profile Dialog The current profile is selected and listed in the Current profile field. 2. Select the profile you wish to activate. buttons will become active as illustrated in Change Delete Figure Figure 22. New Profile Selected 3.

  • Page 44
    Section 1 — Getting Started Note This action is available only if the “Setting change of the profile is permitted” option is selected. See Manage Profile Access on page 40 for more informa- tion. 1. Select Settings>Change Profile from the Preview window menu bar. The Change Profile dialog appears.
  • Page 45: Project Presets

    Start-Up Window Project Presets Project presets make it possible to start a new project with predetermined default settings. Settings which can be defined in project presets include the following: • Output Device • Output Format • Rendering Format • Time Code Preset and Mode •…

  • Page 46: Project Preset

    Section 1 — Getting Started Figure 24. Project Preset Settings 2. From the list of available output devices, select the output device for the project preset. 3. From the list of output formats, select the default output format for the project preset Note The Description section of the Project Settings dialog will contain details such…

  • Page 47
    Start-Up Window Figure 25. Rendering Format Drop-Down List Note The list of available rendering formats may change depending upon the selected output device and output format. See Appendix A-Hardware Settings for more information on output device and rendering codecs. 5. Click the button to see rendering codec details.
  • Page 48
    Section 1 — Getting Started 6. Set the TC preset as desired. The TC preset will be the starting timecode on the Timeline for any project using this project preset. See Starting EDIUS on page 23 for the various methods of entering numeric data and timecodes.
  • Page 49
    Start-Up Window Figure 27. Audio Channel Map 15. Select the desired output channels for each track. Click the button when finished. Note Two (2) channels maximum can be output from one track. The number and types of tracks displayed may vary depending on the Track settings specified Step 16.
  • Page 50
    Section 1 — Getting Started 19. If you wish to select an icon other than the default icon, click the button. The icon list shown in Figure 29 appears. Figure 29. Project Preset Icon List 20. Select the desired icon from the list and click the button.
  • Page 51: Create A New Project

    Start-Up Window Figure 30. EDIUS Start-up Screen with New Project Definition 22. Create additional project presets as needed by repeating the steps above. Create a New Project EDIUS projects can be created from project presets or from the current project. Create a New Project from a Project Preset on Startup Before selecting the project preset, make sure you have clicked on the desired profile in the Profile area of the start-up screen.

  • Page 52
    Section 1 — Getting Started 2. Enter the project name in the Project name field. Figure 31. New Project Preset Name Note The default project folder is the folder specified in Select Project Folder Loca- tion on page 3. Select the “Create project name folder” to create a folder with the same name as the project in the selected project folder.
  • Page 53: Create A New Project From The Current Project

    Start-Up Window Figure 32. EDIUS New Project Create a New Project From the Current Project A new project can be created from the current project in one of three ways. • Select File>New>Project from the Preview Window • Click the list button [ ]on the Icon and select New Sequence New Project…

  • Page 54
    Section 1 — Getting Started To create a new project from the current project, do the following: 1. Perform any of the three actions listed above to initiate the creation of a new project. After performing any of these actions, a dialog prompting to save the current project file appears.
  • Page 55: Change Current Project Settings

    Start-Up Window Change Current Project Settings Although a project is started with a project preset and its associated set- tings, it is possible to change the settings for a particular project at any time before project output. To change project settings, do the following: 1.

  • Page 56
    Section 1 — Getting Started Figure 37. Project Settings Detail 3. Change the desired project settings. See Create a Project Preset on page 45 for details concerning project settings. 4. Click the button to save the changes to the current project settings. If you back into Settings>Project Settings you will notice the addition of the Current Setting icon (see Figure…
  • Page 57: Save The Current Settings As A New Project Preset

    Start-Up Window Save the Current Settings as a New Project Preset If you wish to create a new preset from the current settings, perform the fol- lowing actions: 1. Click on the Current setting icon. 2. Click the button. New Preset Note The Current setting preset cannot be deleted or changed (buttons are greyed out).

  • Page 58: Sequences

    Section 1 — Getting Started Sequences A sequence is a collection of clips, images, effects, etc. placed on the Time- line. A project may be comprised of one or more sequences. The sequence tab is located in the upper left corner of the Timeline window just above the Timeline and just below the project name (see Figure 39).

  • Page 59: Sequence Settings

    Sequences Figure 41. New Sequence Tab Note Double right-click a sequence tab to change the sequence name. Figure 42. New Sequence Clip In Asset Bin Note The sequence tabs can be dragged and dropped to change their order. Sequence Settings Some sequence settings may have been defined when creating project pre- sets.

  • Page 60
    Section 1 — Getting Started To change sequence settings, access the Sequence Settings dialog in one of the following ways: • Click on the list button [ ] of the Save Project icon (see Figure 44) in the Timeline window and select from the menu.
  • Page 61: Saving Projects

    Saving Projects • Color Space Conversion — “Standard” detects the appropriate color space in different formats automatically and converts to the appro- priate color space. Set to “EDIUS Pro3 Compatible” to use the original color space of each source even when multiple formats are used in the project.

  • Page 62: Auto Save/Backup

    Section 1 — Getting Started To save a project with the name entered (or the default name) at project cre- ation, do one of the following: • Click the button (highlighted in blue in Figure 46) in the Save project Timeline window.

  • Page 63: Exiting Edius

    Exiting EDIUS Location {Project Name}/{Project}/Backup File Name {Project name}-year, month, day — hour, minute, second.ezp If the auto save is enabled, project files are automatically saved at the spec- ified interval. For information on enabling auto save see Enable Auto Save/ Auto Save Interval on page 153.

  • Page 64: Opening Project Files

    Section 1 — Getting Started Opening Project Files Projects may be opened on EDIUS startup or within EDIUS from the current project. Open Project on Startup To open a project on startup, do one of the following when the startup screen illustrated in Figure 47 appears:…

  • Page 65: Open A Project From The Current Project

    Project Operations Open a Project from the Current Project To open a different project from within the current project, do any of the fol- lowing: • Click the button (highlighted in blue in Figure 48) in the Open Project Timeline window and select the project to open from the Open dialog. Figure 48.

  • Page 66
    Section 1 — Getting Started Figure 49. Open Project Button Menu — Import Sequence The Import Sequence dialog shown in Figure 50 appears. Figure 50. Import Sequence Dialog 2. Select the desired import settings as explained below: EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 67
    Project Operations Import Project Use the list button [ ] to select a project from the history of recently opened projects or the button to select the project from an Open Browse dialog. When a project is selected, project details are displayed (see Figure 50 above).
  • Page 68: Consolidate Project

    Section 1 — Getting Started Note Rendered files cannot be copied if the project to be imported has a frame size, aspect ratio or overscan size that differs from the current project. Enter the desired folder name to which the files should be copied. This folder will be created under the current project folder.

  • Page 69
    Project Operations Figure 54. Consolidate Project Dialog 2. Select the desired consolidation settings according to the following explanations: Project File Location Select the location to which to save the consolidated project. Current Project Location If this location is selected, the current project files are overwritten with the consolidated project files Save Project to Folder Designate a new folder location to which to save the consolidated…
  • Page 70
    Section 1 — Getting Started Note When a project folder is selected, the available drive space and required drive space for the consolidated files is displayed. If the required space exceeds the available space, the required space is displayed in red. Settings From the “Consolidate option”…
  • Page 71: Import Aaf Files

    Project Operations Custom If “Custom” is selected, the following options are available: • Remove unused clips in Timeline — removes clips from the Asset Bin that are not used in the Timeline. • Leave only areas used in the Timeline — saves as another file the clip areas in the Timeline that are used in the project.

  • Page 72
    Section 1 — Getting Started AAF files imported into EDIUS have the following limitations: • The output in the AAF file must be frame based • Embedded AAF files are not supported — the AAF file must reference the source files directly. To import an AAF file, do the following: 1.
  • Page 73: Import Edl Files

    Project Operations Figure 56. AAF File Open Dialog 2. Select the AAF file to import from the Open dialog 3. Click the button to import the AAF file. Open Note When importing an AAF file, if the “New sequence” option is selected in the Open dialog, a new sequence in the current project is created to which the AAF file is imported.

  • Page 74
    Section 1 — Getting Started Note An alternative method is to select File>Import Project>EDL from the preview window menu bar. Figure 57. Timeline Open Project Menu — Import Project EDL The Open dialog illustrated in Figure 58 appears. Figure 58. EDL File Open Dialog EDIUS —…
  • Page 75
    Project Operations Note When importing an EDL file, if the “New sequence” option is selected in the Open dialog, a new sequence in the current project is created to which the EDL file is imported. If this option is not selected, a new track in the current sequence is created to which the EDL file is imported.
  • Page 76
    Section 1 — Getting Started EDL Type Select the EDL file type of the file to be imported from the drop-down list. Choices are: • BVE5000 • BVE9100 • CMX340 • CMX3600 If a CMX type is selected, the mode for calculating the Out point of a file with a specified playback speed is available for selection.
  • Page 77: Import Final Cut Pro (Fcp) Xml Files

    Project Operations Match Channels When the Channels in a Transition’s “From” Side and “To” Side Are Different This setting is available if a CMX file type is selected. Export Error Log If selected, this setting will export the log to a file when import errors occurs.

  • Page 78
    Section 1 — Getting Started Figure 60. Timeline Open Project Menu — Import Project FCP XML The Open dialog illustrated in Figure 61 appears. Figure 61. Final Cut Pro XML Open Dialog 2. Select the Final Cut Pro XML file to import from the Open dialog 3.
  • Page 79
    Project Operations The project described in the Final Cut Pro XML file will be imported as a new EDIUS sequence. Note If any errors occur during the import process, an error log with the name “{XML file name}+ErrorLog.csv will be created in the same location as the FCP XML file.
  • Page 80: Import P2 Playlists

    Section 1 — Getting Started • The following item types are not supported when importing a Final Cut Pro XML file: • Clips which cannot be handled as offline clips • Title (text) clips • Key frames • Video filters Import P2 Playlists To import a P2 Playlist file, follow these steps: 1.

  • Page 81: Import Xdcam Files

    Project Operations Figure 63. P2 Playlist Open Dialog 2. Select the P2 Playlist to import from the Open dialog 3. Click the Open button to import the P2 Playlist. Note When importing a P2 Playlist, if the “New sequence” option is selected in the Open dialog, a new sequence in the current project is created to which the P2 Playlist is imported.

  • Page 82
    Section 1 — Getting Started Figure 64. Timeline Open Project Menu — Import Project XDCAM The Open dialog illustrated in Figure 65 appears. Figure 65. XDCAM File Open Dialog 2. Select the XDCAM file to import from the Open dialog 3.
  • Page 83: Export Aaf Files

    Project Operations Note When importing an XDCAM file, if the “New sequence” option is selected in the Open dialog, a new sequence in the current project is created to which the XDCAM file is imported. If this option is not selected, a new track in the current sequence is created to which the XDCAM file is imported.

  • Page 84
    Section 1 — Getting Started Figure 66. Timeline Save Project Menu — Export Project AAF File The Save As dialog illustrated in Figure 67 appears. Figure 67. AAF Save As Dialog 2. Select the desired export settings as explained below: Preset Select the desired preset export type from the drop-down list.
  • Page 85
    Project Operations Type: 1 If the exported AAF file will be imported with audio editing software, use the Type: 1 preset. This preset causes audio clips to be written to the AAF file by sample unit. The audio source file is exported as an AIFF file. No video information is written to the AAF file;…
  • Page 86
    Section 1 — Getting Started AAF Detail Setting Dialog Figure 68. AAF Export Detail Settings Dialog Set the desired detailed AAF export settings as explained below: Video Clip These settings specify how video clips will be handled. Output AAF If selected, this option add video clip information to the AAF file. Copy Clips Copy (export) the video source file(s) that are referenced in the AAF file.
  • Page 87
    Project Operations Use Original Clips The AAF files will reference the original source files without copying/ exporting them. Audio Clip These settings specify how audio clips will be handled. Output AAF If selected, this option add audio clip information to the AAF file. Copy Clips Copy (export) the audio source file(s) that are referenced in the AAF file.
  • Page 88: Export Edl Files

    Section 1 — Getting Started Export the Used Area to a File Only the portions of the clips on the Timeline that are used in the project will be exported. In this case, the “Margin” setting is enabled and adds the specified clip margin as the In/Out points of exported clips.

  • Page 89
    Project Operations Audio tracks have the following limitations: • Audio clips in the 1VA and 2VA tracks are not exported • 1A to 4A audio track export is dependent upon the EDL file type as fol- lows: • BVE5000 — 1A and 2A only •…
  • Page 90
    Section 1 — Getting Started Figure 70. EDL Save As Dialog 2. Designate a file name and folder destination in the Save As dialog. 3. Click the button in the lower left corner of the Save As Detailed Settings dialog. The EDL Exporter Detailed Settings dialog shown in Figure 71 appears.
  • Page 91
    Project Operations Figure 71. EDL Exporter Detailed Settings Dialog 4. Configure the desired detailed settings as explained below. EDL Type From the drop-down list, select the desired EDL export type Export Format Select the desired export format (mode). Mode 1 Comment lines are not added to the EDL file.
  • Page 92
    Section 1 — Getting Started Handle Empty Clips as Black Clips If this option is selected, empty space on the Timeline is treated as a black clip. If “Use longest clip as reference” is also selected, the Out point is set to the end of the longest clip on the Timeline and track space between clips is treated as black clips.
  • Page 93
    Project Operations When Reverse Play, Reverse Player In/Out Timecode The reverse speed is normally displayed from the Player In point to the Player Out point. If this option is selected, the reverse speed is displayed from the Player Out point to the Player In point. Note The setting is available only when the selected EDL file type is a CMX file.
  • Page 94: Handling Split Clips

    Section 1 — Getting Started Master Reel Number When an A/A roll (transition between clips with the same reel number) exists, the entered master reel number is used to replace the file in the same location. When the original clips have the same reel number, decrease the master reel number incrementally to avoid number duplication.

  • Page 95
    Project Operations Figure 72. Grouped Clips in Three Tracks When exporting these clips in an EDL file, the result for each setting is as follows: “No Split Information” is Selected The clip grouping is released and each clip is treated separately. The clips are separated into three time periods (labelled A, B and C in Figure 72).
  • Page 96: Restore Offline Clips

    Section 1 — Getting Started Note Clips with speed changes are not split or handled separately as their group is released. Restore Offline Clips Clips saved in the Asset Bin are linked with their source files. If a source file is moved, renamed or deleted after the project file is saved, clips linked to the source file become “offline clips.”…

  • Page 97
    Restore Offline Clips Figure 75. Find Offline Clip Dialog The following restoration methods are available: Capture Entire Clip If this method is selected, the Batch Capture dialog appears and the entire clip may be re-captured. For more information on the batch capture procedure see Importing Existing Clips or Stills into the Asset Bin on page 234.
  • Page 98
    Section 1 — Getting Started For more information on the Restore Offline Clip dialog, see Relink and Restore on page Close Button Click the button and then the button on the confirmation dialog to Close close the Find Offline Clip dialog without attempting to restore the offline clip(s).
  • Page 99: Relink And Restore

    Restore Offline Clips Relink and Restore To relink and restore an offline clip, do the following: 1. In the Find Offline Clip dialog, click the Open the clip restoration dialog button (highlighted in blue in Figure 77). Figure 77. Restore Offline Clip Dialog — Open the Clip Restoration Dialog The Restore Offline Clip dialog is displayed as illustrated in Figure 2.

  • Page 100
    Section 1 — Getting Started Figure 78. Restore Offline Clip Dialog Note Select the “Remove clips not used on the Timeline” option on the Restore Offline Clip dialog to display only the clips used on the Timeline in the Offline Clip List.
  • Page 101: Capture And Restore

    Restore Offline Clips Capture Only Areas Used in Timeline Click the button in the lower left corner of the Restore Start batch capture Offline Clip dialog to display the Batch Capture dialog. Use the batch capture dialog to recapture the portions of the offline clip(s) used on the Timeline.

  • Page 102
    Section 1 — Getting Started Figure 79. Restore Offline Clip — Capture Entire Clip The Batch Capture dialog shown in Figure 80 appears. Figure 80. Batch Capture Dialog 2. Execute the batch capture following the instructions found in Batch Capturing on page 228.
  • Page 103: Window Configuration

    Window Configuration Window Configuration EDIUS software can be used in multi- or single-monitor configurations. Some layouts will likely be desirable in a single monitor configuration in order to eliminate overlapping windows. Note All EDIUS screen shots throughout this manual were taken on a single monitor setup with a 1680×1050 resolution wide screen monitor.

  • Page 104: Single-Monitor Layout

    Section 1 — Getting Started The Timeline window (lower portion of Figure 81) is the workspace where video and audio clips are placed for editing. Titles, transitions and effects are added to clips on the Timeline. For more information on Timeline func- tions, see Section 5-Timeline Operations.

  • Page 105: Customizing Screen Layout

    Window Configuration Figure 83. Default Single-Monitor Screen Layout Notice in the lower right corner that the Information Palette occupies screen space that you may wish to utilize for the Timeline. The process of customized screen layouts is explained in the next section. Customizing Screen Layout If you wish to use the entire lower section of the monitor display for the Timeline, the Information Palette can be moved to the upper tabbed section…

  • Page 106
    Section 1 — Getting Started Figure 84. Single-Monitor Customized Layout To create the custom layout depicted in Figure 84, do the following: 1. Click on the menu bar and then select View Single Mode. Note Both the Player and Recorder previews are still available. In single mode they are not simultaneously displayed.
  • Page 107: Saving Custom Layouts

    Window Configuration Figure 85. Single Monitor Drag Information Palette Window Other custom layouts may be created by resizing windows, reordering tabs, moving palettes to other locations, etc. Saving Custom Layouts Custom screen layouts, such as the layout created in the steps above, may be saved so they can be applied during future EDIUS sessions.

  • Page 108: Apply A Saved Layout

    Section 1 — Getting Started Figure 86. Save Current Layout Menu 3. Enter the desired name for the custom layout and click Apply a Saved Layout To apply a saved layout: Click View on the menu bar, select Layout , then Apply Layout , then the name of the saved layout you wish to apply (See…

  • Page 109: Restoring Default Layout

    Preview Window Restoring Default Layout To return to the default layout: Click on the menu bar, select then (See Figure View Layout Normal Figure 88. Normal Layout Menu Preview Window The preview window can be presented in two modes: Dual Mode and Single Mode.

  • Page 110
    Section 1 — Getting Started Figure 89. GV Logo Menu In dual mode, both the Player preview window and the Recorder preview window are visible at the same time. Figure 90 depicts dual mode preview for a dual-monitor configuration or for a single-monitor configuration with the default (normal) layout.
  • Page 111: Single Mode

    Preview Window The right half of the screen is occupied by the Asset Bin, Information Pal- ette, Effects Palette and Marker Palette window. Figure 91. Dual Mode Preview — Single Monitor Custom Layout Single Mode To select Single Mode, click on in the menu bar and select View Single Mode…

  • Page 112: Player Operation Buttons

    Section 1 — Getting Started Figure 93. Single Preview Mode Dual Monitor or Single Monitor Default Layout Figure 94 shows the single-mode display for a single-monitor custom layout with non-overlapping windows. Figure 94. Single Mode Preview — Single Monitor Custom Layout Player Operation Buttons Figure 95 shows the Player operation buttons.

  • Page 113
    Preview Window Figure 95. Player Operation Buttons Table 2. Player Operation Button Details Button Function Description Keyboard Shortcut Input settings that are preset and saved as buttons can be activated by clicking on Input Preset the appropriate Input Preset button. Specifies the beginning point of a section of a clip that should be included in the Set In project…
  • Page 114
    Section 1 — Getting Started Note Additional functions not available in the Player preview window are available from this menu. Figure 96. EDIUS Logo Player Function Menu EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 115: Recorder Operation Buttons

    Preview Window Recorder Operation Buttons Figure 97 shows the Recorder operation buttons. The function of each of these buttons is explained in Table Note All keyboard shortcuts are the default shortcuts. Keyboard shortcuts may be customized through the Application Settings dialogs (see Section 2-Application and Plug-In Settings for more information).

  • Page 116
    Section 1 — Getting Started Clicking on the EDIUS logo in the upper left corner also allows access to the Recorder functions with their descriptions and keyboard shortcuts. To access the menu as shown in Figure 96, click on the logo, select EDIUS Func-…
  • Page 117: Timeline Window

    Timeline Window Timeline Window The Timeline shows a chronological progression from beginning to end of all the elements that comprise a project. Major editing operations are performed with content on the Timeline. Video clips, audio clips, still images, titles, transitions, and effects are all managed on the Timeline.

  • Page 118: Timeline Scale

    Section 1 — Getting Started Figure 100. Timeline Operation Buttons Timeline Scale The Timeline scale provides a very accurate indication of the overall length of a sequence and allows for frame-accurate editing and clip placement. Figure 101 shows a portion of the Timeline scale. Figure 101.

  • Page 119
    Timeline Window The Timeline scale can be adjusted in one of three ways: • Drag the slider to increase or decrease the Timeline scale unit. • Click on the (decrement scale unit) or (increment scale unit) symbols on the scale control button. The scale unit is indicated by the text on the button (1 Second in the example above).
  • Page 120: Track Panel

    Section 1 — Getting Started Figure 105. Timeline Sequence Two-Minute Scale Unit Figure 106 depicts the same sequence with the Timeline scale unit set to “Fit” which adjusts the Timeline scale to accommodate the entire sequence on a single screen. Figure 106.

  • Page 121: Asset Bin Window

    Asset Bin Window Asset Bin Window The asset bin is where video and audio clips are stored and organized. The Asset Bin has three main components: • the Operation Buttons • the Folder View • the Clip View. The Asset Bin is shown in Figure 108.

  • Page 122: Palette Windows

    Section 1 — Getting Started Palette Windows The Palette Windows are: • the Information Palette • the Effect Palette • the Sequence/Clip Marker Palette Information Palette Information regarding the clip selected on the Timeline is displayed in the Information Palette window. Any effects that have been applied to the clip are also displayed in the Information Palette window.

  • Page 123: Effect Palette

    Palette Windows Effect Palette The Effect Palette window displays the various color correction, video and audio filter, transition, title mixer and other effects that may be applied to clips on the Timeline. Figure 110 shows the Effect Palette window. For more information on the Effect Palette, see Effects on page 369.

  • Page 124
    Section 1 — Getting Started Figure 111. Sequence Marker Palette EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 125: Section 2 — Application And Plug-In Settings

    Section Application and Plug-In Settings This section covers application and plug-in settings that are used to cus- tomized EDIUS and which determine the behavior of certain EDIUS fea- tures. Settings related to specific hardware that may be used with EDIUS are discussed in Appendix A-Hardware Settings.

  • Page 126: Timeline Settings

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Application settings are accessed by selecting Settings>Application Set- tings from the Preview window. The Application Settings dialog is shown Figure 112 with both Application Settings and Customize trees expanded. Figure 112. Application Settings Dialog Timeline Settings From the Settings dialog shown above, select Timeline from the Applica- tion Settings tree (click the “+”…

  • Page 127
    Application Settings Extend Mode • Extend clips when applying transition/cross fade — If this setting is checked, adding or deleting a transition or audio cross fade between clips will not change the overall sequence length on the Timeline as illustrated in Figure 113.
  • Page 128: Insert Default Cross Fade In Transition

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Insert Default Cross Fade in Transition If this item is checked, adding a transition to a video clip on the VA track will automatically add an audio cross fade of the same length as the transi- tion to the audio clip at the same position.

  • Page 129: Snap Of Event

    Application Settings For example, with this option enabled, if no video track is mapped, but audio tracks are mapped, dragging a clip with both video and audio onto the Timeline will result in only the audio portion appearing on the mapped audio track(s).

  • Page 130: Insert Mode

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Track Select from the drop-down list the track range for even snapping. The choices are: All Tracks or Same Track. Insert Mode With insert mode enabled, adding a new clip moves any existing clips at the insertion point forward in time to accommodate the new clip.

  • Page 131: Sync Mode

    Application Settings Figure 117. Insert/Overwrite Toggle Button Each click of the button switches modes. = Insert Mode = Overwrite Mode Sync Mode If sync mode is enabled, editing a track (inserting or moving clips, for example) affects other tracks if insert mode is also enabled. All tracks are kept in sync (maintain their prior positions relative to one another) from the insertion point on.

  • Page 132: Ripple Mode

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Figure 119. Sync Mode Menu Toggle Note If you do not want Sync Mode to affect a particular track when Sync Mode is on, click the lock icon on the track panel next to the track you wish to lock (see Figure 120).

  • Page 133
    Application Settings Figure 121. Ripple Mode On/Sync Mode Off/Insert Mode Enabled Figure 122 represents the movement of clips in various tracks on the Time- line when both ripple mode and sync mode are turned on with insert mode also enabled. Figure 122.
  • Page 134: Waveform

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Waveform The Waveform selection sets the display of the waveform on the Timeline. Choices are Log(dB) or Linear (%). Select the desired waveform display from the drop-down list by clicking on the symbol and making the desired selection.

  • Page 135: Filters

    Application Settings The checkboxes determine what factors are considered when labeling an area as «loaded» (orange). Regardless of the settings, a Render overload area command will still render all of the effects to the temporary file. The render settings are accessed by selecting Settings>Application Settings from the Preview window and then selecting Render from the Application Settings tree in the Settings dialog.

  • Page 136: Transition/Cross Fades

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Transition/Cross Fades Select to include transitions and title mixers in the rendering process. Key/Transparency Select to include key effects and transparency (when changed from the default) in the rendering process. Speed Change Select to include any clips that feature speed adjustments from the default of 100% in the rendering process.

  • Page 137: Delete Invalid Rendering Files

    Application Settings Delete Invalid Rendering Files This selection determines when invalid rendering files are deleted. The choices are: • When the rendered file is invalid • When the project is closed (default) These choices are mutually exclusive. Selecting one automatically de- selects the other.

  • Page 138: Still Image

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Figure 125. Duration Settings Still Image When a still image is placed on the Timeline, its default duration will be the duration specified in this setting. Default = 00:00:01;00 (1 second). Add Between In/Out Check this box if you want to allow still images to be placed between In/ Out points on the Timeline.

  • Page 139: V-Mute

    Application Settings Add Between In/Out Points Check this box if you want to allow titles to be placed between In/Out points on the Timeline. Default = Checked. V-Mute The V-mute function eliminates audio by frame units. This is useful for eliminating small amounts of unwanted audio noise.

  • Page 140: Adjust Frame Rate When Loading Clip

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Figure 126. Source Settings Adjust Frame Rate When Loading Clip Check this box if you want the frame rate of imported clips to be automat- ically adjusted to match the project settings frame rate. (Default = Not Checked).

  • Page 141: Color Range For Ycbcr Clip

    Application Settings Select the desired color range for RGB clips. Choices are: • White (default) • Super White White Maps RGB 0,0,0 to YCbCr 16,128,128 (broadcast-safe black) and RGB 255,255,255 to YCbCr 235,128,128 (broadcast-safe white). All values in- between are interpolated through the range. Use this setting if your RGB clip is showing crushed blacks and blown-out whites.

  • Page 142: Normalize Window Size

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings If your YCbCr clip is showing grayish blacks and dull whites, set the clip’s color range to Super White. Normalize Window Size When audio is normalized, the value entered for the window size (in milli- seconds) is used in the Root Mean Square (RMS) calculation.

  • Page 143: Preroll

    Application Settings Figure 127. Deck Settings The format of the Preroll and Margin fields is HH:MM:SS;FF (H=hour, M=Minutes, S=Seconds; F=Frames). See Entering Numeric Data on page 29 for more information on the various methods for entering numeric data. Preroll Enter the desired time to preroll the device before capturing begins. Margin Enter the desired clip margin added at In and Out points during capture operations.

  • Page 144: Confirm Filename

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Figure 128. ReelName Dialog Confirm Filename A file name for AVI file(s) generated during capture operations is automat- ically created. This setting determines when the user is prompted to confirm/change the filename and location. Choices are: •…

  • Page 145: Editsettings — Preroll Time

    Application Settings Capture • Nothing • Pause (default) • Stop Batch Capture • Nothing • Pause • Stop (default) EditSettings — Preroll Time Sets the preroll time in editing operations. EditSettings — Postroll Time Sets the post operation roll time in editing operations. EditSettings — FirstEdit Pre-Rec Time Sets the draft (margin) length at FirstEdit — recording the control signal automatically at the top of the tape.

  • Page 146: Docking Margin

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Figure 129. Restore Offline Clip Settings Docking Margin When re-capturing the necessary areas of an offline source, set the margin between recaptured areas. When multiple offline clips are placed on the Timeline in closer proximity than the docking margin, they are combined into a single clip.

  • Page 147: Restore Default — Import Edl File

    Application Settings Restore Default — Import EDL File An Edit Decision List (EDL) file may be imported for use in restoring offline clips. Select the preferred restoration method when using imported EDL files. Choices are: • Capture all • Capture used area •…

  • Page 148: Preroll

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Preroll Set the preroll time for playback with the Play Cursor Area function. Default = 00:00:03;00 (3 seconds). Stop Playback at Frame Drop If this selection is checked, playback stops when processing cannot keep up with the playback speed which results in dropped frames.

  • Page 149: Output Timecode

    Application Settings Output Timecode Select the timecode to be exported when exporting to file or tape. Choices are: • Sequence timecode (default) • Source timecode Source Timecode Priority When exporting or displaying the source timecode, set the track priority to either lower track (default) or upper track.

  • Page 150: Search Direction

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Figure 131. Match Frame Settings Search Direction Select the desired search direction; Previous or Next (default). Previous searches from right to left across the Timeline. Next searches from left to right across the Timeline. Target Tracks The target tracks selection determines which tracks are searched.

  • Page 151: Transition

    Application Settings Transition When searching for transitions, this setting determines if the search should find the frame before the transition (“from” side clip) or the frame after the transition (“to” side clip). Default = “from” side clip. Application Settings Application settings determine how EDIUS saves files, records window positions, creates titles and other application-specific operations.

  • Page 152: Recent Clip — Show The Mru List

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Recent Clip — Show the MRU List If this option is selected, the names of recently used clips will appear in the Recent Clip list which is accessed by selecting File>Recent Clip from the preview window menu bar.

  • Page 153: Recent Project — Show The Mru List

    Application Settings Recent Project — Show the MRU List If this option is selected, a list of recently opened projects appears in the Recent Project area of the EDIUS start up screen. Recent Project — Number of Files The number entered in this field designates how many recently opened projects will be displayed in the recent Project window.

  • Page 154: Customize Settings

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Customize Settings Many aspects of the EDIUS interface may be customized including buttons, keyboard shortcuts, window colors and more. Button Settings The Button settings are accessed by selecting Settings>Application Settings from the Preview window and then selecting Button from the Customize tree in the Settings dialog.

  • Page 155
    Customize Settings Recorder buttons are divided into the following button groups (see Figure 135): • Left • Center — Left • Center — Right • Right Figure 135. Player Operation Button Groups The drop-down list at the top of the Button dialog (see Figure 136) displays the button groups that may be customized.
  • Page 156
    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings To customize operation buttons, do the following: 1. Select the button group to be customized from the drop-down list box shown in Figure 136. 2. From the Current Buttons list, select the button before which you want the new button placed.
  • Page 157
    Customize Settings Figure 138. Button Category Selection The selected button is added to the Current Button list at the position of the insertion marker. See Figure 139. 4. Add other buttons as needed following the steps above. Alternative Methods: • Double-click the button to be added from the Available buttons list. The button is inserted in the Current Buttons list above the insertion point.
  • Page 158: Add A Space Between Buttons

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Figure 139. New Button Added to Current Buttons List 5. Make additional changes to button groups as needed (see page 158 additional button actions). 6. Click the button to apply the changes made to button groups and Apply close the Button Settings dialog.

  • Page 159: Change Button Position

    Customize Settings Alternative Methods: • Double-click the button to be deleted in the Current Buttons list. • Drag and drop the button to be deleted from the Current Buttons list to the Available Buttons list. Change Button Position Select the button to be moved in the Current Buttons list and click the [Up] buttons to move the button in the desired direction.

  • Page 160: Show Timecode

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Figure 140. Control Settings Show Timecode The Show Timecode settings determine which timecode displays will be shown in the Player and Recorder windows. For both the Player and Recorder, the following timecodes may be displayed: •…

  • Page 161
    Customize Settings Figure 141. Show Timecode Settings The In Out and Duration timecodes have been de-selected for the Player. All timecodes are selected for the Recorder. Display font size for timecodes is set at 16 point. Note If the Show Timecode box is not checked, no timecodes will be displayed in the Player and Recorder windows.
  • Page 162
    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Figure 142. Player Timecodes Only the Current and Total timecodes are displayed in the Player window. Figure 143. Recorder Timecodes All timecodes are displayed in the Recorder Window. EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 163: Shuttle/Slider

    Customize Settings Shuttle/Slider This setting determines shuttle and slider display attributes for both the Player and Recorder windows. The drop-down list displays the following choices: • Shuttle and Slider • Slider Only • No Display If Shuttle and Slider is selected, the check boxes for Player and Recorder allow the Shuttle display to be removed from the Player or Recorder windows or both.

  • Page 164: Overlay Settings

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Overlay Settings Overlay settings determine the display properties of information overlays on the Preview window such as timecodes, safe area displays and audio meters. The Overlay settings are accessed by selecting Settings>Application Set- tings from the Preview window and then selecting Overlay from the Cus- tomize tree in the Settings dialog.

  • Page 165: Normal Edit Overlays

    Customize Settings Figure 146. Player Recorder Window Overlays Normal Edit Overlays Activate the overlay elements to be displayed during normal edit opera- tions by checking the items to be displayed. The choices are: • Sequence Timecode • Source Information (information shown is determined by the “Source information to show”…

  • Page 166: Export Overlays

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Figure 147. Overlay View Controls Position The blue arrow indicates the current position of the overlays. To change the display position, click on the arrow which represents the desired position. The circle in the center can be clicked to center the overlays vertically and horizontally.

  • Page 167: Show Safe Area Overlay Attributes

    Customize Settings Show Safe Area Overlay Attributes Safe area overlays show an outline over the video content which indicates the “safe” areas for action and titles. On some screens, the edges of content may be lost due to various degrees of overscanning. To make certain that titles and other important information will always be visible, they should be inside the safe areas.

  • Page 168: Audio Level Meter Overlays

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Audio Level Meter Overlays Selecting “Show Level Meter” will display audio meter level overlays as shown above in Figure 146. Default = Checked. Color and Threshold Meter bar colors and thresholds at which colors change may be custom- ized.

  • Page 169: View

    Customize Settings The Display Bin Details settings are accessed by selecting Settings>Appli- cation Settings from the Preview window and then selecting Display Bin Details from the Customize tree in the Settings dialog. See Figure 150. If the Customize tree is collapsed, click the “+” to expand the tree. Note After making changes to any of the items in the Display Bin Details dialog, click the Apply button to apply the changes and make them active.

  • Page 170: Folder Type

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Figure 151. Asset Bin View Button Different “columns” of information may be selected for display in the fol- lowing Asset Bin views: • Large Thumbnail (Tooltip) • Small Thumbnail (Tooltip) • Detail When one of the Thumbnail (Tooltip) views is selected, the selected “column”…

  • Page 171: Columns

    Customize Settings Columns The Columns section displays the various pieces of clip-related informa- tion that may be selected for display in a mouse over or detail view of the Asset Bin contents. Column Width Set the width in ??? for the selected column. A width of 0 (default) causes EDIUS to automatically adjust column width based on the information that needs to be displayed.

  • Page 172: Keyboard Shortcut Settings

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Figure 152. Detail Bin View With Default Settings Keyboard Shortcut Settings Keyboard shortcuts, in conjunction with the mouse, often provide a faster and more efficient way of using EDIUS for many users. Keyboard Shortcut settings allow custom keyboard shortcuts to be assigned to many EDIUS functions.

  • Page 173
    Customize Settings Figure 153. Keyboard Shortcut Settings EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 174: Category

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Category Keyboard shortcut categories may be selected in order to narrow the shortcut list down to just those that pertain to the selected category. Shortcut categories are: • All • Other • Timeline •…

  • Page 175
    Customize Settings Figure 154. Keyboard Shortcut Key Assign Light grey keys ( are “special keys” frequently used [SHIFT] [CTRL] [ALT] in combination with other keys in keyboard shortcuts. If one or more of these keys is used in the selected keyboard shortcut, it will be black. A yellow-colored key indicates that key is currently used in one or more keyboard shortcut assignments, in conjunction with any black special key(s).
  • Page 176: Making A Keyboard Shortcut Assignment

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Delete When a shortcut is duplicated with the button, the button Duplicate Delete can be used to delete one of the duplicates. The button is greyed out Delete (inactive) unless the selected operation is a duplicate. Default Clicking the button resets the keyboard shortcut to the default for the…

  • Page 177: Window Color Settings

    Customize Settings Figure 155. Shortcut Reassignment Confirmation 4. Click the button to save the shortcut assignment. Apply 5. Make any additional desired assignments following the steps above. 6. Click the button to save any un-applied assignments and close the Keyboard Shortcut dialog. Window Color Settings Window Color settings allow you to change the primary interface color according to preference.

  • Page 178
    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Figure 156. Window Color Settings To change the screen color, 1. Move the R, G and B sliders to select the desired color. As the sliders are moved, the current color selection appears in the small sample box next to the button.
  • Page 179
    Customize Settings Figure 157. Window Color Slider Operation Figure 158. New Window Color Applied To return to the default window color, open the Window Color dialog and click the button, then click the button. Reset to Default EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 180: Plug-In Settings

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Plug-In Settings AVCHD Importer AVCHD Importer settings determine the accel and seek parameters for AVCHD file importing. The AVCHD Importer settings are accessed by selecting Settings>Plug-In Settings from the Preview window and then selecting AVCHD Importer from the Plug-In Settings tree in the Settings dialog.

  • Page 181: Still Image

    Plug-In Settings Note Many AVCHD files include seek information in a Clip Information File (.cpi) which is saved in a CLIPINF folder. EDIUS can use this file and perform seek operations faster than with the seek files generated by EDIUS. If a .cpi file is found, EDIUS will use this seek file.

  • Page 182: Capture Field

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Figure 160. Still Image Settings Capture Field Select the desired still image capture field. “Frame” usually provides the highest quality; however, frame captures from large files or motion shots may be blurred. If “Frame” does not provide good still captures, try the “Odd Field’…

  • Page 183: File Type

    • QuickTime Image Files (.qtif) • SGI Files (.sgi) VMF Importer These setting determine how Grass Valley Aurora Edit VMF files are imported. VMF files are imported as JPEG2000 files. Set the desired quality and the downsampling coefficient (compression ratio) from the drop-down list.

  • Page 184: Mpeg Importer

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Figure 161. VMF Importer Settings MPEG Importer MPEG Importer settings determine the parameters for importing MPEG files for use in EDIUS. The MPEG Importer settings are accessed by selecting Settings>Plug-In Settings from the Preview window and then selecting MPEG Importer from the Plug-In Settings tree in the Settings dialog.

  • Page 185
    Plug-In Settings Figure 162. MPEG Importer Settings Use Accel.Seek Selecting this option speeds up the seek times on MPEG files. If this item is selected, the “create seek” and “save seek” parameters may also be selected. Default = Checked Create Seek Information in Background Selecting this option causes the time stamp information of MPEG files to be collected in the background (during CPU idle times).
  • Page 186: Mxf Importer

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Note If you notice flashes of colored frames when playing for scrubbing MPEG clips, try enabling this option as a possible resolution. Get Timecode from GOP Header Some MPEG files contain timecode information in the GOP header. Select this option to use GOP header timecode information.

  • Page 187: Xdcam Importer

    Plug-In Settings JPEG2000 Settings Material Exchange Format (MXF) files are imported using the JPEG 2000 standard. Set the desired quality (High, Medium, Low). Default = High Choose the desired downsampling coefficient. Choices are: • 1/1 (highest quality) — default • 1/2 •…

  • Page 188: Gpufx Settings

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Proxy Editing Options Select which of the following proxy editing options you wish to enable (default = All Checked): • Use proxy when editing directly on disk • Refer to proxy on disk when there is neither a high-resolution nor proxy available.

  • Page 189: Fader Device Select

    Plug-In Settings Multisample Settings Select a multisample type from the drop-down list box. Choices are: • None (default) • NoMaskable • 2 Samples • 4 Samples • 6 Samples Select a quality level (applies only if the Multisample type is set to “NoMaskable”).

  • Page 190
    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Figure 166. Fader Device Select To specify a fader device for use with EDIUS, do the following: 1. Select the device from the Device drop-down list. Choices are Behringer BCF2000 and EDIUS FC-1. If Behringer BCF2000 is selected see Behringer BCF2000 below.
  • Page 191: Behringer Bcf2000

    Plug-In Settings Behringer BCF2000 The Behringer BCF2000 settings are accessed by selecting Settings>Plug-In Settings from the Preview window and then selecting Behringer BCF2000 from the InputController>Fader tree in the Settings dialog. See Figure 168. Figure 168. Behringer BCF2000 Preset When the Behringer BCF2000 is selected the first time, the Select Preset No. dialog shown above appears.

  • Page 192
    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Figure 169. Load Preset 2. Click the button to begin the preset installation. Start If the preset installation fails because the device is not detected, the dialog Figure 170 appears. Check that the device is properly connected and click the button.
  • Page 193: Jog Device Select

    Plug-In Settings Figure 171. Behringer BCF2000 Settings Jog Device Select Jog Device Select is accessed by selecting Settings>Plug-In Settings from the Preview window and then selecting JogDevice Select from the Input- Controller>Jog tree in the Settings dialog. See Figure 172. EDIUS —…

  • Page 194
    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Figure 172. Jog Device Select To specify a jog device for use with EDIUS, do the following: 1. Select the device from the Device drop-down list. Choices are EDIUS- JC1p and MKB-88. S 2.
  • Page 195: Edius-Jc1P

    Plug-In Settings EDIUS-JC1p Operation assignments for the EDIUS JC1p keys are made in the EDIUS JC1p settings dialog. The EDIUS JC1p allows operations performed with the keyboard and mouse in the EDIUS software to be assigned to the EDIUS-JC1p hardware controller. The EDIUS-JC1p Settings are accessed by selecting Settings>Plug-In Set- tings from the Preview window and then selecting EDIUS-JC1p from the InputController>Jog tree in the Settings dialog.

  • Page 196: Operation Assignment Buttons

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Operation Assignment Buttons The buttons explained in this section are used in making operation assign- ment to device keys. Assign When the button is clicked, the keyboard map shown in Figure 154 Assign appears.

  • Page 197: Making An Operation Assignment To A Key

    Plug-In Settings Making an Operation Assignment to a Key To make an operation assignment to a controller key, perform the following actions: 1. Double-click the key for which you wish to make an assignment. Note Alternatively, you may click on the “List” tab and click the Assign button. The list tab displays all buttons, assigned operations and repeat On/Off status in a list.

  • Page 198: Mkb-88 Settings

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings • Edit — Select • Edit — Move • View • Play • Marker • Mode • Mode — Multicam • Capture • Rendering • Audio Mixer 3. Select from the list the operation you wish to assign to the key selected Step Note Use the Find Short Cut button to find the operation currently assigned to a…

  • Page 199: Operation Assignment Buttons

    Plug-In Settings Figure 176. MKB-88 Settings An overview of the MKB-88 for EDIUS controller is displayed. A yellow-colored key indicates that key currently has an assigned opera- tion. Placing the mouse cursor over a yellow key shows hover text con- taining the current operation assignment for that key.

  • Page 200: Making An Operation Assignment To A Key

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings Find Short Cut Click the button and press the key(s) for a keyboard shortcut. Find Short Cut The operation currently assigned to that keyboard shortcut is highlighted in the list. Note This is useful if you want to make a jog device key assignment that is equiv- alent to a particular keyboard shortcut.

  • Page 201
    Plug-In Settings Figure 177. EDIUS-JC1p Select Operation 2. Use the Category drop-down list or the “Filter” field to narrow down the list of operations to just those that pertain to the selected category or filter keyword (e.g. “delete”). Operation categories are: •…
  • Page 202: Vst Plugin Bridge Settings

    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings • Capture • Rendering • Audio Mixer 3. Select from the list the operation you wish to assign to the key selected Step Note Use the Find Short Cut button to find the operation currently assigned to a keyboard shortcut.

  • Page 203: Adding A Location To The Vst Plugin Search List

    Plug-In Settings Figure 178. VST Plugin Bridge Settings Adding a Location to the VST Plugin Search List To add a VST Plugin location to the search list, do the following: 1. click the button The Browse For Folder dialog in Figure 179 appears.

  • Page 204
    Section 2 — Application and Plug-In Settings 2. Navigate to a folder containing VST plugin DLLs and click the button. 3. Repeat steps above for any additional folders you wish to add to the search list. Added folders appear in the VST Plugin Search List as illustrated in Figure 180.
  • Page 205: Section 3 — Capturing And Importing Clips And Stills

    Section Capturing and Importing Clips and Stills Capturing is the process of acquiring external material from tapes, memory cards, web cameras, DVDs, CDs, etc. and digitizing the material, if neces- sary, for use in EDIUS projects. When capturing material for use in EDIUS, you may capture the entire source or just portions of the source that are defined in a batch capture list.

  • Page 206
    Section 3 — Capturing and Importing Clips and Stills • Wave File (.wav) • QuickTime Movie (.mov) • MPEG4 Files (.mp4) • 3GPP Files (.3gp, .3g2, .amc) • AAC Files (.aac, .m4a) • Targa Files (.tga, .targa, .vda, .icb, .vst) •…
  • Page 207: Capturing Basics

    Note EDIUS does not support Electronic Arts IFF (.iff) files. Note Grass Valley Imaginate project files can be imported. Capturing Basics Before beginning the capture process, make sure the source playback device is turned on, is functioning properly and is connected to the EDIUS computer.

  • Page 208: Capturing From A Dv Or Hdv Device

    Section 3 — Capturing and Importing Clips and Stills These settings are accessed by selecting Settings>Application Settings from the Preview window and selecting Deck Settings. The dialog shown in Figure 181 appears. Figure 181. Deck Settings Dialog Disable the “Automatically divide files” settings by clicking them to remove the check mark.

  • Page 209
    Capturing from a DV or HDV Device Figure 182. Input Settings Dialog Any attached devices which EDIUS supports are listed in the “Input Device” section of the dialog. 2. Select Generic OHCI or Generic HDV Input from the list of Input Devices.
  • Page 210
    Section 3 — Capturing and Importing Clips and Stills 6. If desired, you may jump to a specific timecode location in the source by clicking on the «Cur»” timecode in the Player window. The TC Jump dialog appears. See Figure 183.
  • Page 211: Setting Reel Name

    Capturing from a DV or HDV Device Figure 185. Capture Dialog If In and Out points were set, capturing begins at the In point and ends automatically at the Out point. Click the button to stop capturing Stop before reaching the Out point. 9.

  • Page 212
    Section 3 — Capturing and Importing Clips and Stills Figure 186. ReelName Dialog If the ReelName dialog does not appear automatically and you wish to set a reel name for the captured clip(s), select Capture>ReelName Settings from the Preview window menu bar as shown in Figure 187.
  • Page 213: Confirming File Capture Settings

    Capturing from a DV or HDV Device Figure 188. Clip with Reel Name Displayed in Player Window Confirming File Capture Settings In the Capture Settings dialog, the method of confirming the file name for captured clip(s) is specified as illustrated in Figure 189.

  • Page 214: Setting In And Out Points

    Section 3 — Capturing and Importing Clips and Stills Figure 190. Capture File Dialog Set the following filename parameters as desired: • The folder location for the captured clip is specified by entering a folder path or browsing to the desired folder using the button.

  • Page 215
    Capturing from a DV or HDV Device Figure 191. Player In and Out Buttons • Press the key on the keyboard to mark an In point. Press the to mark the Out point. In and out points may be set separately for video and audio. To set an In point for video or audio only, do the following: 1.
  • Page 216: Sorting Input Formats

    Section 3 — Capturing and Importing Clips and Stills To change the button mode, click the In/Out toggle button in the In/Out bottom left corner of the Player window (see Figure 193). Figure 193. In/Out Mark Toggle Button buttons in Figure 193 mark the In and Out point for both audio and video as there is no video or audio symbol on the buttons.

  • Page 217: Registering Input Presets

    Capturing from a DV or HDV Device Figure 194. Sorted Input Formats Registering Input Presets The input settings selected for capture operation may be saved as an input preset which may be recalled at the click of a button. To save input settings as an input preset, do the following while in the Input Settings dialog.

  • Page 218: Capturing From Directshow Devices (Web Cameras, Etc.)

    Section 3 — Capturing and Importing Clips and Stills 2. Click the save button to assign the current settings to the selected input preset number. The Register Input Preset dialog shown in Figure 196 appears. Figure 196. Input Preset Name 3.

  • Page 219
    Capturing from DirectShow Devices (Web Cameras, etc.) To capture sources from a DirectShow device, do the following: 1. Select Settings>Hardware Settings from the Preview window menu bar. 2. From the Hardware Settings dialog, click the “+” if necessary to expand the “DirectShow Device Settings”…
  • Page 220
    Section 3 — Capturing and Importing Clips and Stills The Input Settings dialog appears as illustrated in Figure 200 Figure 200. Input Settings Dialog 7. Select the desired DirectShow device name in the “Input Device” list and the desired capture format from the “Input Format” list. Note Source settings such as bitrate, aspect ratio, etc.
  • Page 221: Capturing From Dvd/Cd

    Capturing from DVD/CD Capturing from DVD/CD Video and audio can be captured from DVDs or CDs in the following for- mats: • .WAV — Audio CDs files • .MPEG-2 — DVD-Video and DVD-VR files Note Copy protected content cannot be captured. To capture source material from a CD or DVD, perform the following actions: 1.

  • Page 222
    Section 3 — Capturing and Importing Clips and Stills If the desired source disc was already in the disc drive when DISCcapture was initiated, its contents will be displayed in the DISCcapture dialog (See Figure 203). 2. If the desired source disc is not in the drive, and there is more than one CD/DVD disc drive in the EDIUS computer, select the appropriate disc drive from the drop-down list in the DISCcapture dialog and insert the source disc in the drive.
  • Page 223
    Capturing from DVD/CD Note By default, all tracks are selected for capture. To clear track selections, right click anywhere on the track list and select “Clear All Selections.” To select all tracks, right click on the track list and select “Select All Tracks.” 4.
  • Page 224
    Section 3 — Capturing and Importing Clips and Stills Note If you selected “Set file names manually when capturing” in the Settings dialog, the Save As dialog will appear in which you can specify the desired file name and location for the captured track. Click the Save button to begin track capture.
  • Page 225: Disccapture Capture Settings

    Capturing from DVD/CD DISCcapture Capture Settings In the DISCcapture Settings dialog, the following capture parameters may be set: • File Name Settings (select one) • Set file names manually when capturing — Displays a Save As dialog for each file in which the file name and location are specified before capturing.

  • Page 226: Capturing From Devices Not Controlled By Deck Settings

    Section 3 — Capturing and Importing Clips and Stills Note “At each Cell” divides the files into small units which may result in MPEG files that are incompatible with the MPEG standard and cannot be played back when imported into the stream. Capturing from Devices Not Controlled by Deck Settings Some external playback devices cannot be controlled (started, stopped, etc) from EDIUS.

  • Page 227: Capturing Directly To The Timeline

    Capturing Directly to the Timeline Capturing Directly to the Timeline Normally, captured clips are placed only in the Asset bin at the conclusion of the capture process; however, you can capture clips directly to the Time- line for immediate editing. To capture directly to the Timeline, do the fol- lowing: 1.

  • Page 228: Partial Download

    Section 3 — Capturing and Importing Clips and Stills Partial Download Partial download is the ability to download partial clips from external media as a background operation. This function is available with P2, XDCAM, Infinity and GF hardware only. Note If partial download is in progress, it will be halted during Timeline playback in order to ensure smooth playback.

  • Page 229
    Batch Capturing 2. Playback the source to be captured and set the In and Out point(s) as desired. Note If an Out point is set at a timecode before the In point, the In, Out and Dura- tion timecodes in the Player window are colored in red text. The range in red text will not be captured.
  • Page 230
    Section 3 — Capturing and Importing Clips and Stills Note If a reel name was set while defining Input Settings, it will be displayed in the Batch Capture dialog. See Setting Reel Name on page 211 for more informa- tion. 6.
  • Page 231: Batch Capture Functions

    Batch Capturing The captured clips are placed in the Asset Bin and may be used in EDIUS projects. Batch Capture Functions Batch capture lists may be created, saved for future use and loaded from a previously saved file. Creating a New Batch Capture List With the Batch Capture dialog open, the existing batch capture list may be cleared and a new list created.

  • Page 232
    Section 3 — Capturing and Importing Clips and Stills Figure 215. Batch Capt.ure List 2. Click the button. Save Capture List The Save As dialog shown in Figure 216 appears. Figure 216. Batch Capture List Save As Dialog 3. Specify the location, file name and file type in which to save the batch capture list and click the button.
  • Page 233: Loading Batch Capture Lists

    Batch Capturing Loading Batch Capture Lists To load an existing batch capture list, do the following: 1. Click the list button ( ) of the button and select Add to Batch Capture List “Batch Capture” from the menu. See Figure 210.

  • Page 234: Importing Existing Clips Or Stills Into The Asset Bin

    • .CSV — comma delimited text file • .ECL — batch capture list in binary format • .RNL — files created by Grass Valley products such as StormNavi, Rex- Navi, RaptorNavi and EzNavi. • .ALE — Avid batch capture list •…

  • Page 235
    Importing Existing Clips or Stills into the Asset Bin Note Multiple files may be selected by holding down the [CTRL] key while clicking on the desired files. As illustrated in Figure 220, files of many different types may be imported into the EDIUS asset bin.
  • Page 236: Importing Still Sequences

    Section 3 — Capturing and Importing Clips and Stills Importing Still Sequences Still sequences are consecutively numbers still image that may be treated as a single clip. In order to be imported into EDIUS as a still sequence, the files must be consecutively numbered (e.g JPG_100, JPG_101, JPG_102, etc.) and stored in the same directory.

  • Page 237
    Importing Existing Clips or Stills into the Asset Bin Figure 222. Import Stills as Sequence 4. Click the button to import all the consecutively numbered still Open images in the same folder as a sequence. Note Figure 222, there are seven still images in the folder; however, only the first four will be imported as a sequence as they are consecutively numbered (JPG_100 through JPG_103).
  • Page 238: Importing Folders

    Section 3 — Capturing and Importing Clips and Stills Importing Folders Folders and their contents can be imported into the Asset Bin. These folders may contain video and audio clips or stills. To import a folder into the Asset Bin, do the following: 1.

  • Page 239: Automatic (Watch Folder) Import

    Importing Existing Clips or Stills into the Asset Bin Figure 224. Imported Folder and Contents Alternative Method: Navigate to the desired folder in Windows Explorer and drag and drop the folder into the clip view or a folder in the Asset Bin folder view. Automatic (Watch Folder) Import Watch folders are folders that are watched by EDIUS.

  • Page 240
    Section 3 — Capturing and Importing Clips and Stills Figure 225. Capture Menu — EDIUS Watch The EDIUS Watch application starts and the dialog shown in Figure 225 appears. Figure 226. EDIUS Watch Tool Dialog 2. Click the button to configure the Watch Tool. Configure The Watch Settings dialog illustrated in Figure 227…
  • Page 241
    Importing Existing Clips or Stills into the Asset Bin Figure 227. Watch Tool Settings 3. Click the button to add a watch folder. The Watch Folder Path dialog shown in Figure 228 appears. Figure 228. Watch Folder Path Dialog 4. Click the button and navigate to the desired watch folder.
  • Page 242
    Section 3 — Capturing and Importing Clips and Stills 6. Click the button. 7. Repeat Step 3 through Step 6 for any additional watch folders you wish to add. 8. Click the button in the Watch Settings dialog to begin watching the selected folders.
  • Page 243: Watch Folder Settings

    Importing Existing Clips or Stills into the Asset Bin Figure 230. Watch Folder Offline Clip • Files are watched only when the EDIUS Watch Tool application is run- ning. If must be started manually from within EDIUS or configured to start automatically when Windows starts.

  • Page 244
    Section 3 — Capturing and Importing Clips and Stills Figure 232. Watch Folder Configuration 2. Add any additional folders you wish to watch by clicking the button. 3. Delete or edit watch folders by selecting the desired folder and clicking buttons.
  • Page 245
    Importing Existing Clips or Stills into the Asset Bin • EDIUS is running — When a file is added to a watch folder while EDIUS is running, the file is automatically added to the Asset Bin. If EDIUS is not running, no files are added to the Asset Bin. •…
  • Page 246: Managing The Watched Folders File List

    Section 3 — Capturing and Importing Clips and Stills Managing the Watched Folders File List To view and manage the watched folders file list, do the following: 1. Right-click the Watch Tool icon in the task tray and select “File list” from the menu.

  • Page 247
    Importing Existing Clips or Stills into the Asset Bin Note If this option is enabled, the file in the file is deleted after is it saved to the Asset Bin. A change in this option is only in effect after the EDIUS Watch Tool is restarted.
  • Page 248
    Section 3 — Capturing and Importing Clips and Stills EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 249: Section 4 — Clip Operations And Management

    Section Clip Operations and Management This section explains the operations associated with creating and managing clips in the Asset Bin and the Timeline. For more information on capturing and importing clips to the Asset Bin, see Section 3-Capturing and Importing Clips and Stills. Clip Storage The following clip types can be saved in the Asset Bin: •…

  • Page 250: Video Clip

    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management Figure 236. Toggle Asset Bin Display Button Clips stored in the Asset Bin have the display properties by type as explained below. Note The descriptions below are with the Asset Bin View set to “Clip Width (Large).”…

  • Page 251: Still Image Clip

    Clip Storage Still Image Clip Figure 238. Still Image Clip Display Properties • Clip Type Icon — a unique icon that identifies the clip type. • Thumbnail — a small version of the still image for easy identification. • Duration — not set at time of clip creation. Duration is created if the clip is placed on a Timeline track and then stored again in the Asset Bin.

  • Page 252: Color Bar Clip

    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management Color Bar Clip Figure 240. Color Bar Clip Display Properties • Clip Type Icon — an icon that identifies the clip type. • Thumbnail — a small version of the image for easy identification. •…

  • Page 253: Title Clip

    Clip Storage Title Clip Figure 242. Title Clip Display Properties • Clip Type Icon — a unique icon that identifies the clip type. • Thumbnail — a small version of the still image for easy identification. • Duration — not set at time of clip creation. Duration is created if the clip is placed in a Timeline track and then stored again in the Asset Bin.

  • Page 254: Sequence Clip

    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management • End Timecode — the end timecode of the clip. • Clip Name — the name of the sequence clip as automatically created by EDIUS or entered by the user. Sequence Clip Figure 244. Sequence Clip Display Properties •…

  • Page 255
    Clip Storage To store a Timeline clip to the Asset Bin, do one of the following: • Right-click on the clip on the Timeline and select “Add to Bin” from the menu as shown in Figure 245. Figure 245. Add Timeline Clip to Asset Bin •…
  • Page 256: Creating Clips

    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management Note If you change In and Out points on a clip and you double-click the clip to display it in the Player; clicking the Update Bin button (highlighted in blue in Figure 246) updates the original clip in the bin with the new information. Creating Clips Video, audio, still and sequence clips are created by the capturing and importing processes as explained in Section 3-Capturing and Importing Clips…

  • Page 257
    Creating Clips Figure 248. Color Bar Setup Dialog 2. From the Color Bar Type drop-down list, select the desired color bar type from the following options: • SMPTE Color Bar • ARIB Multiformat Color Bar • 75/x/75/x Color Bar • 100/x/75/x Color Bar •…
  • Page 258: Modify Color Bar Properties

    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management Note If In and Out points are set on the Timeline, the clip is placed between the In and Out point with the appropriate duration. • Right-click on a blank space in the Asset Bin clip view area and select New Clip>Color Bars from the menu.

  • Page 259: Create A Color Matte Clip

    Creating Clips Create a Color Matte Clip To create a Color Matte clip, do the following: 1. Click the button in the Asset Bin and select “Color Matte” from New Clip the menu. See Figure 250. Figure 250. Asset Bin New Clip Menu — Color Matte The Color Matte Setup dialog in Figure 251 appears.

  • Page 260
    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management Figure 252. Color Matte Color Select Dialog 3. Select the IRE Warning option if desired. Note If the IRE Warning option is selected, colors selected with the color chart and color bar are limited to a luminance safe color range. 4.
  • Page 261
    Creating Clips Figure 253. Color Matte Gradation Setup 8. Click the OK button on the Color Matte Setup dialog. Alternative Methods: • Select File>New>Color Matte from the Preview window menu bar. The Color Matte clip is placed at the Timeline cursor position on the active track as the In point.
  • Page 262: Modify Color Matte Properties

    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management Figure 254. Create Title Button Menu — Color Matte • Set In and Out points on the Timeline. Right-click on the track in which you wish to place a clip and select New Clip>Color Matte from the menu.

  • Page 263: Creating Individual Clips From A Sequence (Cancelling A Sequence)

    Creating Clips 2. Select “Set as Sequence” from the menu. See Figure 255 for an example. Figure 255. Asset Bin — Set as Sequence A new sequence clip is created and saved in the Asset Bin as shown in Figure 256.

  • Page 264
    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management Figure 257. Asset Bin — Cancel Sequence The new individual clips are named in a sequential manner based on the name of the first clip in the sequence. See Figure 258 for an example. Note The icon in the upper left corner of each new clip identifies them as individual still clips.
  • Page 265: Clip Operations

    Clip Operations Clip Operations This section covers clip operations such as clip playback, using In and Out points with clips, and viewing or changing clip properties. Displaying Clips in the Player To display a clip from the Asset Bin in the Player, do any of the following: •…

  • Page 266: Playback With Player Operation Buttons

    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management Playback with Player Operation Buttons The Player operation buttons control clip playback as explained in Table Table 4. Player Operation Button Functions Icon Function Description Keyboard Shortcut Stop Stops playback in the Player window. [K] or [SHIFT]+[ Reviews (rewinds) the clip in the Player.

  • Page 267: Playback With The Mouse

    Clip Operations • Drag the shuttle to the right to play the clip in the normal (forward) direction. The further to the right the shuttle is dragged, the faster the playback speed. Note Pressing [CTRL]+[L] on the keyboard will also fast forward the shuttle. Each press of these keys will move to the next speed step.

  • Page 268: Setting In And Out Points

    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management Figure 261. Playback with the Mouse Note The faster you draw with the mouse, the faster the playback speed. Alternative Method: • Position the mouse cursor in the Player window, • Scroll the mouse wheel towards you for playback in the normal (for- ward) direction.

  • Page 269: Setting Separate In/Out Points For Video And Audio

    Clip Operations 3. Continue playing the clip or position the slider on the frame at which you wish to set the Out point. 4. Click the button in the Player controls. See Figure 262. Set Out Alternative Method: • Place a clip on the Timeline and set In and Out points by trimming. •…

  • Page 270
    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management Figure 264. Mark In Menu 2. Select “Set Video In” or “Set Audio In” to mark an In point for video or audio only. 3. Set the desired video or audio Out point. Note The procedure is the same for marking an Out point for video or audio only except the list button ( ) on the Out button is clicked.
  • Page 271: Adjusting Video And Audio In/Out Points

    Clip Operations Each click of the toggle button selects a different mode and changes the button icon in the Player as follows: Set Video In Set Video Out Set Audio In Set Audio Out With In and Out points set separately for video and audio the position bar in the player is divided horizontally into two sections.

  • Page 272: Move To The In Or Out Point

    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management Note When adjusting In or Out points for video or audio parts of the clip, the other part is not affected. Move to the In or Out Point To move to the In or Out point in the Player do any of the following: In Point •…

  • Page 273: Removing In And Out Points

    Clip Operations Figure 268. Set Out Button Menu — Go to Out Note To move to the Out point for either the video portion of the clip or the audio portion, select “Go to Video Out” or Go to “Audio Out” from the menu. •…

  • Page 274: Editing Clip Properties

    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management Figure 269. Set In Button Menu — Clear In Note To clear the In or Out point for either the video portion of the clip or the audio portion, select “Clear Video In/Clear Video Out” or “Clear Audio In/Clear Audio Out”…

  • Page 275
    Clip Operations Figure 271. Asset Bin Clip Properties Dialog Note the four properties tabs: File Info, Video Info, Audio Info and Expan- sion Info. Each tab displays information that applies to that category. Some of the properties may be edited. Note If the clip is a still image, color bar or color matte clip, the tabs are File Info and Still Image Info.
  • Page 276
    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management the slider under the poster frame image to select the frame you wish to designate as the poster frame. Aspect Ratio Use the Aspect Ratio drop-down list to select a new aspect ratio for the clip.
  • Page 277: Editing Clip Settings

    Clip Operations Channel Settings Select the desired audio channel setting from the available choices for the clip. 8. Click the button to close the Clip Properties dialog and save any property changes you have made. Alternative Methods: • Right-click the clip and select “Properties” from the menu. •…

  • Page 278
    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management Figure 272. Clip Menu The setup dialog for the selected clip type appears. Make setting changes as explained in the sections noted below: For Color Bar clips, see Create a Color Bar Clip on page 256.
  • Page 279: Editing Clip Settings For Multiple Clips

    Clip Operations Editing Clip Settings for Multiple Clips Settings associated with clips in the Asset Bin may be changed simultane- ously for multiple selected clips. The settings that may be changed for mul- tiple clips and the methods by which they are changed are dependent upon the selected Asset Bin view.

  • Page 280: Detail View

    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management Figure 273. Clip Properties Dialog 3. In the Clip Properties dialog, make the desired changes to clip name, reel no. and comments. 4. Click the button to save the changes and close the dialog. Detail View If the clip view is set to one of the detail displays;…

  • Page 281: Checking Clip Storage Location

    Clip Operations To change the clip settings listed above, follow these steps: 1. Select one or more clips in the Asset Bin detail view. As illustrated in Figure 274, settings which can be changed have a drop- down list button in the setting column. In this example, Clip Color and Aspect Ratio are included in the Asset Bin details view and have drop- down list buttons to allow changing these settings for all selected clips.

  • Page 282: Opening A Clip With An External Application

    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management Figure 275. Clip Menu — Explorer A Windows Explorer window opens displaying the clip file in its storage location. Opening a Clip with an External Application To open a clip with the application associated in Windows with the clip file extension, do any of the following: •…

  • Page 283
    Clip Operations Figure 276. Clip Menu — Open • Right-click a clip on the Timeline and select “Open” from the menu. • Select a clip on the Timeline and press the [ ] keys on the SHIFT CTRL keyboard. EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 284: Clip Management

    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management Clip Management Selecting Clips • To select a single clip, click on it in the Asset Bin or the Timeline. • To select multiple clips, do one of the following: • Frame (draw a box around) the clips you wish to select with the mouse cursor.

  • Page 285: Pasting Clips

    Clip Management Figure 278. Asset Bin Cut Button • Right-click a clip in either the Asset Bin or Timeline and select “Cut” from the menu. • Select a clip and press [ ] on the keyboard. CTRL Pasting Clips Pasting a clip to a new location is available after a clip has been copied or cut using one of the procedures above.

  • Page 286: Deleting (Releasing) Clips

    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management Deleting (Releasing) Clips To delete (release) a clip from the Asset Bin do one of the following: • Select the clip and click the Delete Button (highlighted in blue in Figure 280. Figure 280. Asset Bin Delete Button •…

  • Page 287: Setting Clip Color

    Clip Management Figure 281. Asset Bin Menu — Sort • If a detailed clip view is the active Asset Bin view, clicking the column headers (same as the sort criteria above) changes the sorting order on the clicked header from ascending to descending or vice versa as indi- cated by the symbol on the header.

  • Page 288
    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management When a clip is placed on the Timeline, it will also be represented by the assigned clip color as shown in Figure 283. Figure 283. Clip Colors on the Timeline Each clip may have a different clip color as illustrated in Figure 282.
  • Page 289: Creating Folders

    Clip Management 2. Select the desired clip color from the menu. Figure 282 shows the effect of setting a clip color when the selected clip view is “Clip Width(Large).” shows the same clip color settings for the same clips in the Detail Text(Large) view. Figure 285.

  • Page 290: Moving Folders

    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management Figure 286. Asset Bin Folder Menu — New Folder A new folder named “New folder” is created under the folder on which you clicked in Step 1. See Figure 287 for an example. Figure 287.

  • Page 291: Duplicating Folders

    Clip Management Note The “root” (top level) folder cannot be moved; however, it can be renamed. Duplicating Folders To duplicate a folder in the Asset Bin and the folder contents, hold down the [ ] key while dragging the folder to be copied to a new destination CTRL parent folder.

  • Page 292: Exporting Bin Information

    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management Alternative Methods: • Press the [ ] key on the keyboard to move up one folder level BACKSPACE from the current folder. • Click the button (highlighted in blue in Figure 292) to move up Move Up one folder level.

  • Page 293: Importing Bin Information

    Clip Management To export folder information, including all clips in the folder and any sub- folders, do the following: 1. Right-click on the folder to be exported and select “Export” from the menu as shown in Figure 293. Figure 293. Asset Bin Folder Menu — Export A Save As dialog appears.

  • Page 294: Exporting Stored Information

    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management Figure 294. Asset Bin Folder Menu — Import A File Open dialog appears. 2. Navigate to the folder that contains the desired .ebd files and select the file. 3. Click the button to import the folder structure. Open Note The exported folder and its contents are created under the folder on which…

  • Page 295
    Clip Management Figure 295. Asset Bin Folder Menu — Export Html A Save As dialog appears as illustrated in Figure 296. Figure 296. Save As Dialog — Cascading Style Sheet Selection EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 296: Searching For Clips In The Asset Bin

    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management 2. Select the “Specify stylesheet file” option if you wish to select a cascading style sheet (.css file) for the .html file. Use the button to navigate to the folder location which contains the .css files. If you do not wish to apply a stylesheet go to Step 3.

  • Page 297
    Clip Management Figure 298. Asset Bin Search Button The Bin Search dialog shown in Figure 299 appears Figure 299. Asset Bin Search Dialog 2. Select a search criterion from the Category drop-down list box as shown above. The Bin Search dialog changes to a category-specific dialog based on the criterion selected in Step 2.
  • Page 298
    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management Figure 300. Category-Specific Bin Search Dialog 3. Select the clip type for which you wish to search and click the button. 4. Repeat Step 3 for any additional search types you wish to add. All added search types appear in the “List”…
  • Page 299: Searching For Unused Clips

    Clip Management Note With the Clip Type search in the above example, “Or” should be selected as the search logic operation as no clips will match the “And” logic of a video clip and an audio clip and a still clip. Clips found by the search appear in the Search Results folder in the folder view.

  • Page 300
    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management Figure 302. Asset Bin Search Button The Bin Search dialog appears. 2. Select “Timeline Reference” in the Category drop-down list 3. Select “Not Used” and click the button. See Figure 303. Figure 303. Search for Unused Clips Bin Search Dialog 4.
  • Page 301: Deleting Search Results

    Clip Management To release unused clips in the Asset Bin, right-click the clip in the Search Results folder and select “Delete” from the menu. Releasing clips deletes the clips in the Asset Bin, but, does not delete the source file. Note When a clip is released from the Search Results folder, the linked clip in “Root”…

  • Page 302
    Section 4 — Clip Operations and Management EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 303: Section 5 — Timeline Operations

    Section Timeline Operations The majority of the work done an any EDIUS project is accomplished on the Timeline. Clips are placed on the Timeline for editing and adding transi- tions effects and titles. When the project is finished, it is exported to the final format for viewing.

  • Page 304: Overwrite Mode

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 306. Insert Mode Example Overwrite Mode With overwrite mode enabled, adding a new clip overwrites the existing clip at the insertion point by the amount of overlap between the two clips. The length of the sequence does not increase if the inserted clip is shorter than or equal in length to the clip it overwrites (see Figure 307).

  • Page 305: Sync Mode

    Timeline Settings Pressing the [ ] key on the keyboard also toggles Insert/Overwrite INSERT mode. Sync Mode If sync mode is enabled, editing a track (inserting, deleting or moving clips, for example) affects other tracks if insert mode is also enabled. All tracks are kept in sync (maintain their prior positions relative to one another) from the insertion point on.

  • Page 306: Ripple Mode

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 310. Sync Mode Menu Toggle Note If you do not want Sync Mode to affect a particular track when Sync Mode is on, click the lock icon on the track panel next to the track you wish to lock (see Figure 311).

  • Page 307
    Timeline Settings Figure 312. Ripple Mode On/Sync Mode Off/Insert Mode Enabled Figure 313 represents the movement of clips in various tracks on the Time- line when both ripple mode and sync mode are turned on with insert mode also enabled. Figure 313.
  • Page 308: Extend Mode

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Extend Mode Extend mode and fix mode are controlled by the “Extend clips when applying transition/cross fade” setting in the Timeline Settings dialog. When this setting is enabled (checked), extend mode is enabled. When the setting is disabled (not checked), fix mode is enabled.

  • Page 309: Fix Mode

    Timeline Settings equal to the length of the transition and the overall sequence length remains unchanged. See Figure 317. Figure 317. Transition Deleted — Extend Mode Note When one of the clips with the transition is deleted, the transition is deleted as well.

  • Page 310
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 319. Transition Added — Fix Mode When the length of a transition is increased, clips move to the left and the total sequence length changes according to the transition length as illus- trated in Figure 320.
  • Page 311: Track Settings

    Timeline Settings Track Settings The settings listed below can be changed in the Project Settings (Detail) dialog box. For information on accessing and changing these settings, see Change Current Project Settings on page • TC Preset • TC Mode • Total Length •…

  • Page 312
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 322. Timeline Track Panel Detail Track Lock — This button toggles the track lock/unlock status. When a track is locked, editing the track is disabled. Pressing [ ] on the keyboard also toggles the track lock on and off. Video Channel — This button toggles the video channel on and off and controls video channel locking.
  • Page 313
    Timeline Settings Figure 323. Track Panel — Audio Channel Menu The audio channel selection affects only newly-added audio. For Note example, if you have tracks 1,2 of clip A on the audio track, changing it to Monaural Channel 3 doesn’t change the existing audio on the track, it just forces any new audio added to the track to add only monaural channel 3.
  • Page 314
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 324. Track Panel — Audio Waveform Enabled — Mono Audio Figure 325. Track Panel — Audio Waveform Enabled — Stereo Audio Audio Mute — This button toggle audio mute on and off. When audio mute is on, no audio is heard when the track is played.
  • Page 315: Adjust Track Panel Width

    Timeline Settings Figure 326. Track Panel — Transparency On Title — This button toggles the display of titles on an off. This button appears only in a T (title) track. Note Enable both Video Channel and Audio Channel in a VA track in order to place video and audio in the track.

  • Page 316
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Note Track height may be adjusted from 1 height unit to 5 height units which may vary by track. The currently selected track height is indicated by the check mark. Figure 328. Adjust Track Panel Height The track height is changed according to your selection.
  • Page 317: Change Track Name

    Timeline Settings Figure 330. Track Height of 5 with Waveform Change Track Name The default track names are: • V — Video Track • VA — Video/Audio Track • A — Audio Track • T — Title Track These track names may be changed, if desired. Track names may be up to 30 characters in length.

  • Page 318: Copy Tracks

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations 2. Enter the new track name and press the [ ] key. ENTER The track name is changed as shown in Figure 332. Figure 332. New Track Name Alternative Method: Right-click the track panel to change and select “Rename” from the menu (see Figure 333).

  • Page 319: Move Tracks

    Timeline Settings Figure 334. Track Menu — Duplicate The selected track is copied in the right-clicked panel (see Figure 335). Note The track number increments on the copied track. Figure 335. Copied Track Move Tracks To move a track, follow these steps: Note The relative order of track types is maintained when moving tracks.

  • Page 320: Add Tracks

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations 2. Select Move>Move Front or Move>Move Back from the menu as illustrated in Figure 336. • Move Front — moves the selected track up (V and VA tracks) or down (T and A tracks) in the track panel order relative to other tracks of the same type.

  • Page 321
    Timeline Settings 2. Select Add>Add Front or Add>Add Back from the menu as shown in Figure 337. • Add Front — Adds the new track before other tracks of the same type in the Track Panel. • Add Back — Adds the new track after other tracks of the same type in the Track Panel.
  • Page 322: Delete Tracks

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 339. Track Panel Add V/V A Track Dialog Delete Tracks To delete a track from the Track Panel, do the following: 1. Right-click on the track to be deleted. 2. Select “Delete” from the menu as shown in Figure 340.

  • Page 323: Audio Channel Settings

    Timeline Settings Audio Channel Settings To set audio channels on tracks that support audio, follow these steps: 1. Click the button on a VA or A track on the Track Panel. Audio Channel 2. Select the channel(s) to assign to the track from the menu that appears (see Figure 342).

  • Page 324
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Audio channel information and considerations: • Stereo channel choices assign two audio channels to the track. • Monaural channel choices assign one audio channel to the track. • The same channel(s) may not be assigned to multiple tracks. •…
  • Page 325: Timeline Scale Settings

    Timeline Settings Alternative Methods: • To set all audio tracks to monaural audio, press [ ] on the key- SHIFT board. • To set all audio tracks to stereo audio, press [ ] on the SHIFT CTRL keyboard. Timeline Scale Settings Timeline Scale Markings The marking on the Timeline are illustrated in Figure…

  • Page 326: Timeline Scale Settings

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations In/Out Points These points mark the In and Out points of the content that should be included in the project output. They also limit the range over which certain operations are executed. Markers Markers serve as chapter points when the project is output using Burn to Disc.

  • Page 327: Setting In And Out Points On Ends Of Clips

    Clip Placement Figure 345. Set In and Out on Timeline 2. Click the button in the Recorder. Set In You may also do one of the following to set the In point. • Right-click on the time scale, select “Set In” from the menu •…

  • Page 328: Adjusting In And Out Points

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 346. Clip Menu In and Out points are set at each end of the clip. See Figure 347. Figure 347. In and Out at End of Clip Alternative Methods: • Select a clip and select Marker from the Preview window menu bar. Select “Set In/Out on Selected Clip.”…

  • Page 329: Deleting In And Out Points On The Timeline

    Clip Placement Deleting In and Out Points on the Timeline To delete In and Out points on the Timeline, do the following: 1. Click the list button ( ) of the button in the Recorder. Set In Set Out 2. Select “Clear In” or “Clear Out” on the menu. Alternative Methods: •…

  • Page 330
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 348. Track Panel There are four track types in EDIUS. They are: • V Track — Video, still images, titles, color bar clips and matte color clips are placed on this track Note If video clips with audio are placed on this track, the audio is disabled. •…
  • Page 331: Clip Status Indicators

    Clip Placement Figure 349. Asset Bin — Add Clip to Timeline The clip is added to the Timeline at the cursor position. Alternative Methods: • Press [ ] on the keyboard. SHIFT ENTER • Drag and drop the clip from the Asset bin to the Timeline. •…

  • Page 332
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations End of Clip Indicator The triangular marks in the corners at the beginning and ending of the clip (see Figure 350) indicate the entire source clip is used on the Timeline. These marks disappear when the clip is trimmed. Figure 350.
  • Page 333: Setting In/Out Points And Placing A Clip

    Clip Placement Start of Clip Transition Indicator The yellow triangle shown in Figure 354 in the lower left corner in the mixer area indicates that a transition has been set at the beginning of the clip. Figure 354. Beginning of Clip Transition Indicator Transparency Rubber Band Click the button to display the Transparency adjustment area.

  • Page 334: Place Video Or Audio Only On Timeline

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 356. Asset Bin Show in Player Button 2. In the Player, set the desired In and Out point for the clip. See Setting In and Out Points on page 214 for more information. 3. Select the track on which to place the clip. 4.

  • Page 335: Placing Clips By Channel

    Clip Placement Figure 357. Asset Bin — Show in Player Review the clip in the Player. If necessary, set In and Out points using the procedures documented in In and Out Points on page 326. 2. Click the button to enable or Set Add Video Set Add Audio disable the video or audio elements as desired.

  • Page 336
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 358. Video and Audio Channel Buttons in Track Panel Note The VA Track is the only track which has both Video Channel and Audio Channel buttons. The V Track has Video Channel only. The Audio tracks have Audio Channel only.
  • Page 337
    Clip Placement Figure 359. Split Video and Audio Channel Settings With these channel settings, a clip with both video and audio would be split between the 1VA track and the 1A track as illustrated in Figure 360. Figure 360. Split Video and Audio Channel on Timeline To place clips by video or audio channel, do the following: 1.
  • Page 338: Three-Point Editing

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Three-Point Editing Three-point editing is the placing of a clip between the In and Out points of the Timeline as illustrated in Figure 361 or the placing of a clip with In and Out points at the Timeline In or Timeline Out point. As long as three of the four possible In and Out points (Clip In/Out and Timeline In/Out) are defined, the fourth is automatically determined as clip speed is constant.

  • Page 339: Four-Point Editing

    Clip Placement Note Click the Overwrite to Timeline button to replace the clip at the Time- line In/Out position. The clip is positioned between the In and Out points of the Timeline and trimmed in length (if necessary). If only the one of the Timeline points was defined, the other is automatically determined based on clip length.

  • Page 340: Placing Special Clips Between In And Out Points Of The Timeline

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations 3. Set the In and Out points on the Timeline (see Setting In and Out Points on Timeline on page 326). 4. Click the button. Insert to Timeline Note Click the Overwrite to Timeline button to replace the clip at the Time- line In/Out position.

  • Page 341: Moving Clips On The Timeline

    Clip Placement 3. From the menu, select the special clip type you wish to create. • Color Bar Clip • Color Matte Clip • TitleMotion Pro • QuickTitler Note TitleMotion Pro is only available if this application has been installed. 4.

  • Page 342: Moving Selected Clip(S)

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 366. Timeline Track Menu — Select All Tracks • Select Edit>Select>Select Track or Edit>Select>All Tracks from the Preview window menu bar. • Hold down the [ CTRL ] key while clicking on clips. They are selected/ deselected one by one as you click on the clips.

  • Page 343: Moving Selected Clip(S) And Subsequent Clips

    Clip Placement As illustrated in Figure 368, if you select clips on multiple tracks and move them to a Timeline area when a particular track type in the selection does not exist, the needed track(s) are automatically created. Figure 368. Automatic Track Creation in Move Note If you move only one of two clips that have a transition or audio cross fade defined between them, the selected clip is moved and the transition is…

  • Page 344: Changing Clip Order

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 369. Move Selected and Subsequent Clips Note As shown in Figure 369, if sync mode is enabled, subsequent clips in tracks other than the track in which the selected clip is placed will also move in order to maintain their position relative to the selected track.

  • Page 345: Searching Timeline Clips In The Asset Bin

    Clip Placement Note Insert mode is enabled in this example. See Insert Mode on page 303 Overwrite Mode on page 304 for more information. Figure 371. Clip Order Changed with Insert Mode Enabled Searching Timeline Clips in the Asset Bin To search for clips in the Asset Bin that match criteria of clips on the Time- line, do the following: 1.

  • Page 346: Timeline Clip Operations

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations 3. Select a criterion from the menu on which to search clips in the Asset Bin. Available criteria are: • Same Clip Name • Including In • Including Out • Including Start • Including End •…

  • Page 347: Link

    Timeline Clip Operations Figure 373. Clip Menu — Unlink • Select Clip>Unlink from the Preview window menu bar. • Press [ ] on the keyboard. Link Video and audio clips that have been unlinked may be relinked. In order to link separate video and audio clips, they must meet the following criteria: •…

  • Page 348: Group

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Group Multiple clips may be grouped together and treated as a single clip. Clips on multiple tracks may be grouped. To create a clip group, follow these steps: 1. Select the clips to be grouped. 2.

  • Page 349: Cut

    Timeline Clip Operations Figure 376. Timeline Copy to Clipboard Button • Right-click a clip and select “Copy” from the menu. • Select Edit>Copy on the Preview window menu bar. • Press [ ] on the keyboard. CTRL To cut a clip from the Timeline, do any of the following after selecting the clip: •…

  • Page 350
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 378. Clip Menu — Ripple Cut The selected clip is deleted and the next clip on the same track moves forward to fill in the gap created by the deleted clip. Note If sync mode is enabled, clips on other tracks may also move in order to maintain their positions relative to the clip which moves to fill in the gap created by the ripple cut.
  • Page 351: Paste

    Timeline Clip Operations Paste A paste operation is performed after a clip has been copied or cut to the clipboard using the copy, cut or ripple cut procedures explained on the pre- ceding pages. To paste a clip on the Timeline, do the following: 1.

  • Page 352: Paste At In/Out Points Of Existing Clip

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Paste at In/Out Points of Existing Clip To paste a clip at the In or Out point of an existing clip in the Timeline, follow these steps: 1. Select a clip and copy, cut or ripple cut it to the clipboard 2.

  • Page 353: Replace Clip Elements

    Timeline Clip Operations Figure 382. Timeline Replace Clip Button Note All of the mixers and filters attached to the replaced clip are also replaced. Alternative Methods: • Click the list button [ ] on the button and select “All” from Replace Clip the menu.

  • Page 354: Set Clip Color On Timeline

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 383. Timeline Replace Clip Menu Alternative Methods: • Select Edit>Replace Parts>{element to replace] from the Preview window menu bar. • Right-click the clip on which you wish to replace element and select Replace Part>{element to replace} from the menu. •…

  • Page 355: Dividing Clips At Cursor Position

    Timeline Clip Operations Figure 384. Clip Properties — Clip Color 3. Select the color for the clip from the drop-down list. Alternative Methods: • Select Clip>Properties on the Preview window menu bar. • Press the [ ] keys on the keyboard. ENTER Dividing Clips at Cursor Position Clips may be divided at the Timeline cursor position.

  • Page 356
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations 3. Click the button (highlighted in blue in Figure 385) on the Add Cut Point Timeline. Figure 385. Timeline Add Cut Point Button The clip is divided at the Timeline cursor position as illustrated in Figure 386.
  • Page 357: Dividing Clips At In/Out Points

    Timeline Clip Operations Dividing Clips at In/Out Points To divide a clip at the In/Out points on the Timeline, do the following: 1. Select the track where the clip to be divided is placed. 2. If In/Out points on the Timeline are not already defined, define them now.

  • Page 358
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Note Two or more clips can be combined with the same operation as long as they refer to the same source and are neighboring clips on the same track. The timecode across the clips to be joined must also be continuous with no time- code gaps or timecode overlaps at the cut point(s).
  • Page 359: Enable/Disable Clips

    Timeline Clip Operations Alternative Methods: • Right-click on a clip and select “Remove Cut Points” from the menu. • Select Edit>Remove Cut Points form the Preview window menu bar. • Press the [ ] keys on the keyboard. CTRL DELETE Enable/Disable Clips Disabling clips on the Timeline prevents them from being played.

  • Page 360: Deleting A Clip

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 392. Disabled Clip on the Timeline Note If a clip is linked or grouped with other clips, you may choose to enable only the selected clip or to enable only the video or audio portion of a clip with both video and audio.

  • Page 361: Deleting Between In/Out Points On Timeline

    Timeline Clip Operations Alternative Methods: • Click the list button [ ] on the button and select “Delete” from Delete the menu. • Right-click a clip to delete and select “Delete” from the menu. • Select Edit>Delete from the Preview window menu bar. •…

  • Page 362: Deleting Only The Video Or Audio Portion Of A Clip

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 396. Clips Between In and Out Points Deleted Alternative Methods: • Right-click the time scale and select “Delete In/Out” from the menu. • Select Edit>Delete In/Out from the Preview window menu bar. • Right-click the track and select “Delete In/Out” from the menu. Note If only and In point is set, the clip(s) — or portions of clips — after the In point are deleted.

  • Page 363: Ripple Deleting Clips

    Timeline Clip Operations To delete only the video or audio portion of a clip, do any of the following after selecting a clip: • Click the list button [ ] on the button and select “Delete Video Delete Clip” or “Delete Audio Clip” from the menu. •…

  • Page 364: Ripple Deleting Between In/Out Points On Timeline

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations • Click the list button [ ] on the button and select “Ripple Delete” Delete from the menu. • Right-click a clip and select “Ripple Delete” from the menu. • Select Edit>Ripple Delete from the Preview window menu bar. •…

  • Page 365
    Timeline Clip Operations 2. Click the list button [ ] on the button and select “Ripple Delete Delete In/Out” from the menu as shown in Figure 400. Figure 400. Timeline Delete Button Menu — Ripple Delete In/Out All clips or portions thereof between the In and Out points are ripple deleted as illustrated in Figure 401.
  • Page 366: Ripple Deleting Only The Video Or Audio Portion Of A Clip

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 401. Clips Between In and Out Points Ripple Deleted Alternative Methods: • Right-click the time scale and select “Ripple Delete In/Out” from the menu. • Select Edit>Ripple Delete In/Out from the Preview window menu bar. •…

  • Page 367: Delete Timeline Gaps

    Timeline Clip Operations Figure 402. Delete Button Menu — Ripple Delete Video Clip • Right-click a clip and select Delete Parts>Ripple Delete Video Clip or Delete Parts>Ripple Delete Audio Clip from the menu. • Select Edit>Delete Parts>Delete Video Clip or Edit>Delete Parts>Delete Audio Clip from the menu.

  • Page 368
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 403. Timeline Menu — Delete Gap • Click the list button [ ] on the button and select “Delete Gap” Delete • Press the [ ] or the [ keys on the keyboard. SHIFT Backspace] The gap is deleted as shown in Figure…
  • Page 369: Changing Clip Playback Speed

    Timeline Clip Operations Note When sync mode is on, all gaps will close by the length of the shortest gap in order to maintain the relative position of moved clips with respect to each other. This is shown in Figure 405 in which gap A is closed completely and gap B is closed only by an amount equal to the length of gap A.

  • Page 370
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 406. Clip Speed Dialog Box 2. Set the desired playback speed by Rate or Duration. Rate Enter a ratio (expressed a percentage) of the original speed. For example, 90% plays back the clip at 90% of the original speed which results in a longer playback time for the clip.
  • Page 371: Changing Speed Of Multiple Clips

    Timeline Clip Operations 3. Select one of the Processing Options for reducing video flicker in slow motion scenes. • Deinterlace when speed is below 100% • Always Deinterlace • None 4. Select the Nearest Neighbor option, if desired, to interpolate the length of a slow motion clip by displaying the same frame as needed.

  • Page 372
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 407. Clip Menu — Time Remap The Time Remap dialog appears as shown in Figure 408. Figure 408. Time Remap Dialog 2. Drag the Timeline cursor to the position at which you want to set a frame key 3.
  • Page 373
    Timeline Clip Operations Figure 409. Remapping Keys Note More than one remapping key may be added. 4. Position the mouse cursor on the key drag point or the frame drag point and drag it to the left or the right to reposition the frame at the key location.
  • Page 374: Time Remap Dialog Details

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 411. Time Remap Buttons 6. After reviewing the clip, make any necessary adjustments. Note To disable the remapping, de-select the “Enable” option. 7. Click the button to close the Time Remap dialog. Time Remap Dialog Details Time Remap dialog details are illustrated in Figure 412.

  • Page 375
    Timeline Clip Operations Note A clip with no keys added has keys at the beginning and end of the clip. Delete Key Deletes the remapping key at the position of the Timeline cursor. Shortcut: [DELETE Previous Key Moves the Timeline cursor to the previous key. Shortcuts: [ ], [ PAGE UP ]+[ ]…
  • Page 376: Other Time Remap Dialog Functions

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Enable When selected, this option enables the defined time remap. When disabled, time remap settings are not active for the specified clip. Other Time Remap Dialog Functions • Right-click on the Time Remap dialog and select “Timeline Time” from the menu to reset the first frame timecode to 00:00:00;00 (the check mark on the ‘Timeline Time”…

  • Page 377: Video Display Layout/Crop

    Timeline Clip Operations Alternative Methods: • Press [ ] to display the Time Remap dialog. SHIFT • Right-click the Time Remap dialog and select “Add Key” to add a key at the position of the Timeline cursor. • Right-click the Time Remap dialog and select “Delete Key” to delete the key at the position of the Timeline cursor.

  • Page 378
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations The Video Layout dialog illustrated in Figure 415 appears. 3. Adjust the video layout as desired by referring to the descriptions below of the Video Layout dialog functions. 4. Click the button on the Video Layout Dialog. Figure 415.
  • Page 379
    Timeline Clip Operations Clip Preview Window Displays the clip video. Drag one of the eight (8) crop range points on the perimeter to change the display range. Timeline Preview Window Shows the Timeline display. Drag one of the eight (8) crop range points on the perimeter to change the display position or the aspect ratio.
  • Page 380
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 416. Display Area Selection Position — Control Button The nine (9) position control buttons specify fixed anchor positions within the specified area selection. The button positions are Upper Left, Upper Center, Upper Right, Center Left, Center, Center Right, Lower Left, Lower Center and Lower Right.
  • Page 381
    Timeline Clip Operations Fit Image Width Clicking this button sets the image size to fill the full width of the screen. Shortcut key: [ Fit Image Height Clicking this button sets the image size to fill the full height of the screen.
  • Page 382
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Save — Click the button to save the current settings as a preset. Once saved, it Save will appear in the drop-down list of the button. Preset Delete — Presets may be deleted from the Preset list by selecting the preset and then clicking the button.
  • Page 383
    Timeline Clip Operations Figure 418. Video Layout KeyFrame Expand EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 384: Keyframe Settings

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Keyframe Settings Key frames can be designated on the Keyframe Timeline for any of the parameters listed in the Video Layout column at the left of the Keyframe area. These parameters are: • Source Crop Left •…

  • Page 385: Trimming Clips

    Trimming Clips Once a key frame has been added to the KeyFrame window Timeline, the key frame may be selected and adjustments made for that key frame. Note The interpolation method for frames between key frames is selected by right- clicking on a key frame and selecting “Hold”, “Linear”…

  • Page 386
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 420. Trimming Mode Selection The Preview window switches from the normal mode to the Trim window mode as shown in Figure 421 (Dual-Mode display) and Figure 422 (Single- Mode display). Figure 421. Dual-Mode Trim Window EDIUS —…
  • Page 387
    Trimming Clips Figure 422. Single-Mode Trim Window Note Depending upon the screen layout, display mode, project aspect ratio and other factors, your Trim Mode display may not appear exactly as represented here. Alternative Methods: • Double-click the In or Out point of a clip •…
  • Page 388
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Trim Mode operation button details are provided in Table 5 Table 5. Trim Mode Operation Buttons Button Function Description Keyboard Shortcut Previous Frame Move to the previous frame [<—] Play the Timeline in the normal direction. When clicked during playback, playback is Profile (Play/Pause) [ENTER] paused.
  • Page 389: Trimming Operations

    Trimming Clips Trimming Operations Trimming at Ends of Clips These trimming action s are described with ripple mode disabled. By default, ripple mode is enabled. See Ripple Mode on page 306. See also Sync Mode on page 305. All trimming actions can be monitored in the Preview window. To trim clips at their end points, do the following: 1.

  • Page 390
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Note You can fine tune trimming by 1-frame or 10-frame units by using the trim buttons in the trim window or the corresponding keyboard shortcuts. See Trim Mode Operation Buttons on page 388 for more details. When selecting a trim point that is at the end of one clip and the beginning of another, two sets of cut points appear as illustrated in Figure…
  • Page 391
    Trimming Clips Figure 427. Trim from Clip End to Cursor When trimming clips, the result will be different as clips are extended based on the Overwrite/Insert mode setting. Examples appear below in Figure 428 Figure 429. Overwrite Mode Trimming Figure 428. Overwrite Mode Trimming EDIUS —…
  • Page 392
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Insert Mode Trimming Figure 429. Insert Mode Trimming Trimming Notes: • Transitions can be trimmed in the same way described above with clips • Set the Timeline cursor on the trim to point in advance to trim more pre- cisely.
  • Page 393: Trimming From The Preview Window

    Trimming Clips Trimming from the Preview Window Trimming by dragging mouse in the Preview window is another available trimming method. To trim in the Preview window, do the following: 1. Select Mode>Trimming from the Preview window menu bar as shown Figure 430.

  • Page 394: In Point, Out Point Or Slide Point Trim

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations In Point, Out Point or Slide Point Trim Figure 431 shows the frames and trimming areas around a cut point. Figure 431. Cut Point Trimming Areas The trimming mode changes based upon the area in which the cursor is positioned when a trimming drag begins.

  • Page 395: Trimming By Value

    Trimming Clips Figure 432. Cut Point Frames — Slip Trim The Out point frame of the previous cut point, the In point frame of the pre- vious cut point, the Out point frame of the next cut point and the In point frame of the next cut point are all displayed from left to right.

  • Page 396
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 433. Trimming Mode Selection The Preview window switches from normal mode to trim mode. 2. Click in the In (beginning) or Out (end) point of a clip to trim. The color of the cut point changes to green or yellow and trimming is enabled.
  • Page 397
    Trimming Clips Figure 435. Trim Window Timecodes The upper level timecodes are the sequence timecodes and the lower level contains the clip timecodes. Trimming can be performed by entering time- codes in either level. 1 — Frame timecode with focused cut point moved 2 — Timeline timecode of the focused cut point — Out point side of the clip.
  • Page 398: Trimming With Shortcuts

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Trimming with Shortcuts To use keyboard shortcuts in trimming operations, do the following: 1. Select Mode>Trimming from the Preview window menu bar as shown Figure 437. Figure 437. Trimming Mode Selection The Preview window switches from normal mode to trim mode. 2.

  • Page 399: Ripple Trim

    Trimming Clips Ripple Trim When Ripple mode is On, trimming clips produces the results shown in this section. For more information on ripple mode, see Ripple Mode page 306. 1. Click at the beginning (In point) or the end (Out point) of a clip. The color of the cut point changes to green or yellow as illustrated in Figure 438 and trimming is enabled.

  • Page 400
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 439. Ripple Mode Trim Note Clips in the same track are linked with Ripple mode on and they move when clips before them are trimmed. Clips in all tracks move when a clip is trimmed if Sync mode is also on.
  • Page 401: Split Trim

    Trimming Clips Figure 440. Ripple Trim from Clip End to Cursor Split Trim Split trim allows you to trim only the video portion or the audio portion of a video with audio. When Ripple mode is On, split trimming is not allowed if there is no margin between the clip to be trimmed and adjacent clips.

  • Page 402
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations The cursor changes shape as shown in Figure 439. 3. Drag the cursor to the left or right to trim the clip at the end point. Note You can fine tune trimming by 1-frame or 10-frame units by using the trim buttons in the trim window or the corresponding keyboard shortcuts.
  • Page 403: Slide Trim

    Trimming Clips Figure 443. Split Trim to Cursor Position from Clip End Slide Trim As a clip is trimmed, slide trimming shifts forward or backward the start and end points of the neighboring clip. The total length of the clips does not change.

  • Page 404
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations 2. Move the cursor to the cut point. The cursor changes shape as shown in Figure 445. 3. Drag the cursor to the left or right to trim the clip at the end point. The length and position of the clips before and after the two clips at the slide trim cut point are not affected.
  • Page 405: Slip Trim

    Trimming Clips Figure 446. Slide Trim to Cursor Position from Clip End Slip Trim Slip trimming changes the section of the clip to be used without changing the length or position of the clip. The length and position of neighboring clips do not change.

  • Page 406: Rolling Trim

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations The cursor changes shape as shown in Figure 445. 3. Drag the cursor to the left or right to change the section of the clip that is used. Note You can fine tune trimming by 1-frame or 10-frame units by using the trim buttons in the trim window or the corresponding keyboard shortcuts.

  • Page 407
    Trimming Clips Figure 449. Rolling Trim Clip Select 2. Move the cursor to the In or out point of the clip to roll trim. The cursor changes shape as shown in Figure 450. 3. Drag the cursor to the left or right to change the position of the clip As the clip is dragged, the neighboring clips are shortened or lengthened but the overall length of all the clips remains unchanged.
  • Page 408: Sequence And Clip Markers

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Sequence and Clip Markers Markers are set primarily for the following purposes; • To designate chapter points when exporting the project with Burn to Disc. • To enable quickly moving to a marked location on the Timeline or in a particular clip.

  • Page 409: Sequence Marker Palette

    Sequence and Clip Markers Figure 451. Toggle Palette Display Menu — Sequence Marker Palette A sample Sequence Marker Palette is shown in Figure 452. Note The size and dimensions of the Marker Palettes may differ from the examples depending upon your screen layout. Alternative Methods: •…

  • Page 410
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 452. Sequence Marker Palette When the Recorder window is active and the Sequence Marker Palette is displayed, the function buttons operate in the manner described below. Toggle Marker Palettes Toggles the Marker Palette view between the Sequence Marker Palette and the Clip Marker Palette.
  • Page 411: Clip Marker Palette

    Sequence and Clip Markers Delete Marker Deletes the marker(s) selected in the Marker List Import Marker List Imports a list of marker positions from a file. Export Marker List Exports the current marker list to a .CSV file. Marker List Displays the marker number;…

  • Page 412
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 453. Clip Marker Palette When a clip is loaded into the Player window, the Palette view switches automatically to the Clip Marker Palette. As shown in Figure 454, clip markers appear in the slider and position bar area under the Player window.
  • Page 413
    Sequence and Clip Markers Figure 454. Player with Clip Markers When the Player window is active and the Clip Marker Palette is displayed, the function buttons operate in the manner described below. Toggle Marker Palettes Toggle button is not active. Set Mark Adds a new marker at the position of the cursor in the Player position bar.
  • Page 414: Setting Markers

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Import Marker List Imports a list of marker positions from a file. Export Marker List Exports the current marker list to a .CSV file. Marker List Displays the marker number; In, Out and duration timecode; and com- ments for all markers.

  • Page 415
    Sequence and Clip Markers A Sequence marker is set on the Timeline at the position of the Timeline cursor (see Figure 456). Figure 456. Timeline Sequence Marker A Clip marker is set on the Player position bar at the position of the slider (see Figure 457).
  • Page 416: Set Marker Between In And Out Points

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Set Marker Between In and Out Points To set a marker for a Sequence Timeline or clip segment between the current In and Out points click the button on the Marker Pal- Set Mark In/Out ette.

  • Page 417
    Sequence and Clip Markers Clip Markers • Right-click on the Player position bar and select “Set clip marker In/ Out” from the menu. Limitations Markers cannot be set between In and Out points in the circumstances illus- trated in the following examples: Video and Audio Have Different In Points and Out Points As shown in Figure 459…
  • Page 418: Clip Marker And Slider Shortcut Menus

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 463. Video and Audio Have Same In and Out Points Clip Marker and Slider Shortcut Menus Right clicking on any Clip marker in the Player window displays the shortcut menu shown in Figure 464. Select the desired operation from the menu.

  • Page 419: Sequence Marker And Timeline Cursor Shortcut Menu

    Sequence and Clip Markers Figure 465. Player Slider Shortcut Menu Sequence Marker and Timeline Cursor Shortcut Menu Right clicking on a Sequence marker or Timeline cursor display the menu illustrated in Figure 466. Select the desired operation from the menu. EDIUS —…

  • Page 420: Selecting A Marker Position

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 466. Sequence Marker or Timeline Cursor shortcut Menu Selecting a Marker Position To select a marker on the Timeline (Sequence Markers) or Player window position bar (Clip Markers), do any of the following: • Use the Previous Marker and Next Marker buttons in the Marker Pal- ette.

  • Page 421
    Sequence and Clip Markers Figure 467. Previous Marker and Next Marker Buttons • Double-click the desired marker in the marker list. Sequence Markers • Right-click the time scale and select “Go to Previous Sequence marker” or “Go to Next Sequence marker” from the menu. •…
  • Page 422: Moving Markers

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 469. Selected Clip Marker When and In/Out marker is selected, the In/Out marker range is high- lighted as illustrated in Figure 470 Figure 471. Figure 470. Selected In/Out Sequence Marker Figure 471. Selected In/Out Clip Marker Moving Markers Markers may be moved on the Timeline or in the Player window position bar by dragging them to a new location.

  • Page 423: Entering Marker Comments

    Sequence and Clip Markers Sequence Markers • Right-click on a marker on the time scale and select “Set Sequence marker/Clear Sequence marker (Toggle)” from the menu. • Right-click on a marker on the time scale and select “Clear Sequence Mark>Current Sequence Marker” from the menu. Note To delete all markers simultaneously, right-click on a marker on the time scale and select Clear Sequence Mark>All from the menu.

  • Page 424: Clip Marker Palette

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 473. Marker Comments Dialog 2. Enter the desired comments and click the button. Clip Marker Palette To add comments to a marker. follow these steps: 1. Right-click a marker on the Player window position bar and select “Edit clip marker”…

  • Page 425: Display Of Marker Comments

    Sequence and Clip Markers Figure 475. Marker Comments Dialog 2. Enter the desired comments and click the button. Alternative Methods: • Right-click the desired marker in the marker list and select “Edit marker” from the menu. • Click the Comments field of the desired marker in the marker list and enter the comment.

  • Page 426: Player Window

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 476. Sequence Marker Comments Displayed In Recorder Comment Display Considerations • If the In/Out range of a Sequence marker and a Clip marker overlap, the Sequence marker has priority and the comments associated with the Sequence marker will be displayed.

  • Page 427: Export Marker List

    Sequence and Clip Markers Figure 477. Clip Marker Comments Displayed in Player Comment Display Considerations • If the In points of two or more In/Out markers overlap, the shorter rang marker has priority and the comments associated with this In/Out marker will be displayed.

  • Page 428
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 478. Marker Palette Export Button The Save As dialog shown in Figure 479 appears. Figure 479. Export List Save As Dialog 2. Navigate to the desired destination folder and enter a file name for the exported marker list.
  • Page 429: Import Marker List

    Sequence and Clip Markers 3. Select the desired timecode format: • Time code = time in HH:MM:SS;FF • Time (m.sec) = time in HH:MM:SS;milliseconds 4. Click the button to save the marker list as a .CSV file. Save Alternative Methods: •…

  • Page 430: Clip Markers On The Timeline

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 481. Marker List Import Open Dialog 2. Navigate to the directory that contains the desired market list to be imported. 3. Select the marker list .CSV file and click the button. Open Note If a marker is imported which does not contain Out and Duration information, these values will be set to “0.”…

  • Page 431: Timeline Playback

    Timeline Playback Figure 482. Clip with Clip Markers on the Timeline Timeline Playback There are various methods for playing back Timeline sequences. Each of those methods is explained in this section. Playback by Scrubbing “Scrubbing” is the process of dragging the Timeline cursor back and forth over the Timeline to display the sequence in the Recorder.

  • Page 432: Playback With Recorder Operation Buttons

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 484. Recorder Window at First Frame Note When the Recorder is active, it has a blue frame around it. In dual-mode display this is helpful to know whether the Player or Recorder is active. Playback with Recorder Operation Buttons To playback a sequence using the Recorder operation buttons use the buttons and shortcuts as explained in…

  • Page 433: Operation Notes

    Timeline Playback Table 6. Recorder Operation Button Details Button Function Description Keyboard Shortcut Goes to the previous frame in a clip. Each click of the button moves to the previous Previous Frame [<—] frame. Holding down the [<—] key moves frame-by-frame in a faster step rewind Play Plays the content in the Recorder [ENTER] or [SPACE]…

  • Page 434: Playback With Shuttle/Slider Controls

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Note This creates a temporary playback buffer after which playback restarts. The playback buffer is managed by the RT Buffer setting in the System Settings for the appropriate hardware device. See Appendix A-Hardware Settings for more information.

  • Page 435: Position Slider Shortcut Menu

    Timeline Playback Slider/Position Bar • Click a position on the position bar to display the frame at that position. • Drag the slider along the position bar in either direction. The Player shows the frame at the position of the slider. Position Slider Shortcut Menu Right clicking on the Slider in the Player window will display the shortcut menu illustrated in…

  • Page 436: Playback With The Mouse

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Playback with the Mouse To use the mouse to playback clips in the Recorder do the following: 1. Position the mouse cursor in the Recorder window and hold down the right mouse button. 2. Draw with the mouse in a clockwise direction for normal (forward) playback, or, draw with the mouse in a counter-clockwise direction for reverse playback as illustrated in Figure…

  • Page 437: Playback Around Timeline Cursor

    Timeline Playback Figure 489. Recorder Loop Button Playback begins at the position of the Timeline cursor. The section of the sequence between the In and Out points is then played repeatedly until stopped. 3. Click the button when you wish to stop the loop playback. Stop Playback Around Timeline Cursor 1.

  • Page 438: Move To Timeline In/Out Points

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Move to Timeline In/Out Points To move the Timeline cursor to the In or Out point on the Timeline, do one of the following: • Click the list button [ ] on the button (see Figure 491) Set In…

  • Page 439: Match Frame Positioning

    Timeline Playback Figure 493. Cursor Positioned at Entered Timecode Match Frame Positioning Match frame positioning acquires the timecode of the frame displayed in the Player or Recorder and jumps to that same timecode position on the Timeline (Recorder) or Player. An example of the use of this feature would be switching, without any interruption in video or audio, from a frame in the video of an interview to the same frame in another video of the interview that may have been…

  • Page 440: Match Frame From Timeline To Player

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 494. Player Match Frame — Player > Recorder Button The Timeline cursor timecode and the matched frame appear in the Recorder. Note The Match frame — Player > Recorder button is not on the Player in the default settings.

  • Page 441: Rendering Operations

    Rendering Operations Note If the frame/timecode you are matching is part of a transition of two overlap- ping clips in the Timeline, Match Frame Settings on page 149 determine whether the matched frame/timecode will be from the clip before or after the transition Note The Display Master Clip button is not on the Recorder or Timeline in the…

  • Page 442
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 496. Timeline Rendering Status Indicator The rendering status line color code is as follows: No Line No clips exist on the Timeline for that time scale range. Blue The area should play back in real-time (no rendering required). Aqua Blue Clip will playback in real-time with no rendering (rendering may be required in certain circumstances).
  • Page 443: Rendering Sequence Overload Areas

    Rendering Operations Important Rendering Considerations: • When CG animation data is placed as consecutive still images on the Timeline, rendering the area does not affect the playback speed. In this case, use the “Render and Add to Timeline” function as explained in Exporting Video Clips from the Timeline on page 449.

  • Page 444: Rendering Overload Area In Entire Project

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations When rendering is complete, a green line appears on the time scale in all areas that were rendered. Other Rendering Options: It is possible to simultaneously render the overloaded (red line) and loaded (orange line) areas in the entire sequence. To render both areas do one of the following: •…

  • Page 445: Rendering Only A Selected Overload/Loaded Area

    Rendering Operations Figure 498. Render Project Menu — Loaded Area Rendering Only a Selected Overload/Loaded Area To render only the overload (red line) or loaded (areas) in a sequence, do the following: On the time scale, right-click the overload or loaded area you wish to render and select ‘Render”…

  • Page 446: Rendering Between In An Out Points

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Rendering Between In an Out Points Various areas needing rendering between In and Out point may be ren- dered using the procedures explained in this section. Rendering Overload Areas To render overload areas between the In and Out points, do the following: 1.

  • Page 447: Render All Areas Needing Rendering

    Rendering Operations Render All Areas Needing Rendering To render all areas between the In and Out points needing rendering — over- load (red line), loaded (orange line) and might need rendering (aqua blue line) areas — at the same time, do any of the following: •…

  • Page 448
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 501. Clip Menu — Rendering Note Click the Abort button in the Rendering dialog to stop rendering in progress. When rendering is complete, a green line appears above the video and audio portions of the rendered clip and the line in the center of the transi- tion indicator turns green as shown in Figure 502.
  • Page 449: Exporting Video Clips From The Timeline

    Rendering Operations Note Keyer, transparency and between track transitions (effects set in the Mixer area) cannot be rendered in the manner described above. The alternative is to render part of the Timeline which includes these effects. Exporting Video Clips from the Timeline To export a rendered clip from the Timeline, do the following: 1.

  • Page 450: Exporting Still Image Clips From The Timeline

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Note Rendered/exported clips are saved in the “rendered” sub-folder in the project folder. Alternative Methods: • Select Render>Render and Add to Timeline from the Preview window menu bar. • Right-click the time scale and select “Render and Add to Timeline” from the menu.

  • Page 451
    Rendering Operations clip or project are automatically deleted according to the settings in the Application Settings>Render dialog. See Render Settings on page 134 more information. Temporary files are created by the following processes: • Exporting a clip from the Timeline •…
  • Page 452: Timeline Sequence Operations

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Timeline Sequence Operations A sequence is a collection of clips, images, effects, etc. placed on the Time- line. A project may be comprised of one or more sequences as illustrated in Figure 506 Figure 506. Timeline Sequence Tabs To select the sequence to edit, click on the desired sequence tab.

  • Page 453: Creating A New Sequence

    Timeline Sequence Operations Figure 508. Timeline Nested Sequence When the Sequence3 clip in Sequence1 is double clicked, Sequence3 is opened for editing as illustrated in Figure 509. Figure 509. Open Nested Sequence Right-click a sequence tab to display a menu allowing the following sequence options: •…

  • Page 454
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 510. New Sequence Button • Select File>New>Sequence from the Preview window menu bar. • Right-click on a blank area of the clip view in the Asset Bin and select “New Sequence” from the menu. Note In this case a blank Timeline sequence clip is created in the Asset bin but a sequence tab is not displayed in the Timeline window.
  • Page 455: Creating A Nested Sequence

    Timeline Sequence Operations Creating a Nested Sequence To create a nested sequence (a sequence represented as a clip within another sequence), do the following: 1. Select the track on which to place a sequence clip. 2. Move the Timeline cursor to the position at which to place the nested sequence clip.

  • Page 456: Open A Nested Sequence

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations • Play a Timeline sequence clip in the Player and click the Insert to Timeline buttons. Overwrite to Timeline • Add the clip displayed in the Player by pressing the [ ] key on the key- board.

  • Page 457: Saving Timeline Clips As Asset Bin Sequence

    Timeline Sequence Operations Figure 516. Sequence Menu — Close This Sequence Note Select “Close All Other Sequences” to close all sequences except the cur- rently displayed sequence. At least one sequence must remain displayed. It is not possible to close all sequences in the Timeline. Saving Timeline Clips as Asset Bin Sequence A single clip, multiple selected clips, or, the area of the Timeline between the In and Out points may be saved to the Asset Bin as a sequence.

  • Page 458: Creating A Blank Sequence Clip On The Timeline

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Related Operations: • A video clip on the Timeline between the In and Out points may also be saved as a sequence on a Timeline track. To perform this function, select Edit>Sequence In/Out from the Preview window menu bar. The clip between the In and Out point is saved to the Asset Bin as a sequence clip and is also added to the current sequence as a nested sequence as shown in…

  • Page 459: Duplicating A Sequence

    Multi Cam Mode Duplicating a Sequence To duplicate a Timeline sequence clip in the Asset Bin, right-click the desired sequence clip in the Asset bin and select “Duplicate Sequence” from the menu. See Figure 520. Figure 520. Asset Bin Clip Menu — Duplicate Sequence Note Duplicated sequence clips have the original sequence clip name with a sequential number appended to the end.

  • Page 460
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 521. Edit Menu — Multi Cam • Press the [F8] key on the keyboard. • If the button has been added to the Timeline (see Button Set- Multi Cam tings on page 154 for more information), click the button.
  • Page 461: Defining Multi Cam Sync Point For Placing Clips

    Multi Cam Mode Note Clip and track operations are the same in multi cam mode as they are in normal more; however; keyboard shortcut keys differ. Defining Multi Cam Sync Point for Placing Clips The selected sync point determines how clips are placed on the Timeline when in multi cam mode.

  • Page 462
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Clip In Place clips on tracks based on the In point timecode of each clip. If no In point is set for the clip, the beginning of the clip is used. Clip Out Place clips on tracks based on the Out point timecode of each clip. If no Out- point is set for the clip, the end of the clip is used.
  • Page 463: Changing The Number Of Monitors

    Multi Cam Mode Figure 525. Preview Window Mode Menu — Multi Cam Mode Since three clips were selected to add to the Timeline, three multi cam windows are created. The “Master” display monitor shows the image of the currently selected camera.

  • Page 464
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 526. Mode Menu — Monitors • If the Multi Cam button has been added to the Timeline, click the list button [ ] on the button and select the desired number of Multi cam monitors as illustrated in Figure 527.
  • Page 465: Changing The Assigned Camera

    Multi Cam Mode To display only the selected camera in a single monitor, do one of the fol- lowing: • Select Mode>Show only selected camera from the Preview window menu bar. • Click the list button [ ] on the button and select “Show only Multi cam Selected Camera”…

  • Page 466
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 529. Track Panel Camera Mapping Menu Other Menu Options: • Select “Unmap” to release the camera assignment for the selected track. • Select “Default” to remap all camera assignments to the default order based on the number of the V or VA track. Related Operations: The track name in the upper left corner of each camera monitor display in the multi cam window can be hidden by doing on of the following:…
  • Page 467: Setting Camera Switch Point

    Multi Cam Mode Setting Camera Switch Point A camera switch point is a trigger which causes a switch in the multi cam camera display. To set a camera switch point, do the following: 1. Position the Timeline cursor at the point at which you wish to set a switch point.

  • Page 468
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Figure 531. Cut/Switch Point Added to Tracks Alternative Methods: • Double-click on the time scale to set a camera switch point. • Double-click a video from the camera monitor of track in the Recorder multi cam display. Note These operations are also available during clip playback.
  • Page 469: Setting Camera Switch Point During Playback

    Multi Cam Mode Important Points: • Clips after the camera switch point that are disabled are displayed as dimmed clips. The disabled clips are not displayed in the Master monitor at the camera switch point. • A clip is enabled by switching to the selected camera for the track on which the clip is displayed.

  • Page 470
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations 3. Click a video from the camera of each track in the multi cam display in the Recorder at the point at which you wish to switch the selected camera. The camera switch point is set at the Timeline cursor position at the time the track camera was clicked.
  • Page 471: Moving Camera Switch Points

    Multi Cam Mode Note This is a toggle function. If the check mark appears by the option, Overwrite Cut Point is on. If the check mark does not appear by the option, Overwriting of existing cut points is off, • Any video filters which are usually applied to clips may be disabled by one of the following methods: •…

  • Page 472: Deleting Camera Switch Points

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Alternative Method: 1. Click on the switch point you wish to change. 2. Place the mouse cursor in the recorder and rotate the mouse wheel while holding down the [ ] key. SHIFT 3. Release the [ ] key when the switch point is at the desired location.

  • Page 473: Switching The Selected Camera

    Multi Cam Mode Note A camera switch point that is set as the In (beginning) or Out (end) point of a clip with no margin cannot be deleted. Related Operations: • Right-click the time scale and select “Delete All Cut Point” to delete all camera switch points.

  • Page 474
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations The clip from the selected camera is activated and the clips from the other cameras are disabled as illustrated in Figure 537. In this example, the camera is switched from Camera 3 to Camera 1 at the first switch point. Figure 537.
  • Page 475: Playback Around The Camera Switch Point

    Multi Cam Mode Playback Around the Camera Switch Point To confirm a camera switch point, you may play the area around the switch point using various methods. To playback the Timeline area around the switch point, Click the list button [ ] on the button and select the desired playback method Play the cursor area…

  • Page 476: Copy Selected Clips To Track

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Play Around Cut Point (Show Only Selected Camera) — 1 Sec Displays only the video from the selected camera while playing the area 1 second before and 1 second after the camera switch point which is before and nearest to the current Timeline cursor position.

  • Page 477
    Multi Cam Mode Figure 539. Mode Menu — Compress to a Single Track The Compress Selected Clips dialog shown in Figure 540 appears. Figure 540. Compress Selected Clips Dialog 2. From the Select Output Track drop-down list, select the track to which to copy the enabled clips.
  • Page 478: Undo/Redo Operations

    Section 5 — Timeline Operations Selected clips are copied to the specified track as illustrated in Figure 541. Note If other clips have already been placed on the destination track, an alert message appears. Click to OK button to continue copying enabled clips to the specified track.

  • Page 479: Redo A Cancelled Operation

    Undo/Redo Operations • Click the list button [ ] on the button and select a specific opera- Undo tion to undo from the menu. Note The number of undo operations is not limited. However, if memory is low, undo histories may be deleted beginning with the oldest. •…

  • Page 480
    Section 5 — Timeline Operations EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 481: Section 6 — Effects And Titles

    Section Effects and Titles Effects are project elements such as transitions, audio cross fades and video and audio filters. Titles are text that appears on the video. Effects and titles are usually applied to a sequence after all editing is done on the Timeline.

  • Page 482: Effect Palette

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Note This function simultaneously shows or hides the Effect, Information and Sequence Marker palettes. For more information on the Information Palette, see Information Palette on page 566. For more information on the Marker Palette, see Sequence Marker Palette on page 409.

  • Page 483: Effect View Show/Hide

    Effects Figure 546. Effect Palette Folder Shortcuts The Effect folders and their folder shortcut buttons are: • System Presets • Video Filters • Audio Filters • Video Filters • Audio Filters • Transitions • Audio Cross Fades • Title Mixers •…

  • Page 484
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 547. Effect Palette — Show Effect View In the Effect View, the function buttons in Table 7 are available. Table 7. Effect View Function Buttons Icon Function Description Show Effect View While in the Effect View, clicking this button hides the Effect View. Move up One Folder Display and select one folder level above the currently selected folder.
  • Page 485: Effect Types

    Effects Effect Types All EDIUS effects fit one of the following effect type definitions: Plug-In Base Effects These are effects that are installed with EDIUS. They cannot be deleted from the Effect Palette. Plug-In Base Effects include the following: • VideoFilters •…

  • Page 486: Effect Properties

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 550. Default Effect Effect Properties To display and edit effect properties, do the following: 1. Select the desired effect in the Effect Palette window. 2. Right-click on the effect and select “Properties” from the menu as shown in Figure 551.

  • Page 487: Applying Effects

    Effects Figure 552. Effect Properties Dialog 3. Edit the properties as desired and click the button. Note Only the properties of User Preset Effects can be edited. Alternative Method: 1. If not in the Effect View, click the button. Show Effect View 2.

  • Page 488: Right-Click Menu

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 553. Select Effect to Apply 2. Drag and drop the effect to the desired clip on the Timeline. Alternative Method: Select a clip or the mixer area of a clip and drag and drop the desired effect in the Effect Palette to the effect list of the Information Palette.

  • Page 489
    Effects Figure 554. Effect Palette — Add to Timeline Note When applying transitions or audio cross fades, you may specify “In”, “Out” or “Both” with either “From”, “Center” or “To” as the location to which to add the effect. See Figure 555.
  • Page 490: Applying Filters To Clips

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Alternative Method: 1. Select a clip on the Timeline 2. Select an effect in the Effect View of the Effect Palette. 3. Click the button. Add to Timeline Note If a transition or audio cross fade is selected, click the Add to Timeline list button and select from the menu “In”, “Out”…

  • Page 491: Applying Color Correction Filters

    Applying Filters to Clips Color Balance Provides adjustments to chroma, contrast and color tone values. See Adjusting Color Balance on page 498 for more information. Color Wheel Adjust the color density and color tone with the color wheel. See Color Wheel Adjustments on page 500 for more information.

  • Page 492: Adjusting Yuv Curve

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Adjusting YUV Curve Once the YUV Curve filter has been applied to a clip, you can adjust the YUV Curve filter settings by following these steps: 1. Select the clip to which the YUV Curve filter has been applied. 2.

  • Page 493
    Applying Filters to Clips Figure 559. YUV Curve Dialog 4. Adjust the YUV filter settings as explained below. 5. Click the button to apply the settings and close the dialog. YUV Curves Drag the line on each chart to adjust the YUV values according to the Curve Type setting.
  • Page 494: Preview Settings

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Note Click the Default button for each YUV Curve to reset the curve to the default settings. Safe Color Checkbox Select this option to keep video signal adjustments within the YUV safe color space. Preview Settings The filter preview mode and settings can be adjusted to provide the pre- ferred filter effect verification method.

  • Page 495
    Applying Filters to Clips button. When the Display Size is set at less than 100%, the Current Screen “frozen” Timeline point is visible while also previewing adjustments to the current clip. Display Area Select the area of the Recorder video display that will be used to show the effects of the color correction filter.
  • Page 496
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 561. YUV Curve Filter and Preview Settings The settings in the YUV Curve dialog above result in the preview display shown below. Figure 562. YUV Filter Preview EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 497: Keyframe Settings

    Applying Filters to Clips Keyframe Settings Key frames can be designated on the Timeline to which color correction filters are applied. Filter settings for other frames between keys frames are interpolated based on the key frame settings. Note The YUV Curve filter uses linear keyframing only. No interpolation is applied. Enable KeyFrame To define key frames, click the “Enable KeyFrame”…

  • Page 498: Adjusting Color Balance

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles — Delete Key Frame Deletes the key frame at the position of the Timeline cursor in the Key Frame window. Note A key can also be deleted by right-clicking on the key and selecting ‘Delete” from the menu.

  • Page 499
    Applying Filters to Clips The Color Balance dialog shown in Figure 565 appears. Figure 565. Color Balance Dialog 4. Adjust the Color Balance filter settings as explained below. 5. Click the button to apply the settings and close the dialog. Sliders Move the slider for, Chroma, Brightness, Contrast or the color range you wish to adjust.
  • Page 500: Color Wheel Adjustments

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Safe Color Checkbox Select this option to keep video signal adjustments within the YUV safe color space. Preview Settings The filter preview mode and settings can be adjusted to provide the pre- ferred filter effect verification method. Preview Settings are common to many of the color correction filters.

  • Page 501
    Applying Filters to Clips The Color Wheel dialog shown in Figure 567 appears. Figure 567. Color Wheel Dialog 4. Adjust the Color Wheel filter settings as explained below. 5. Click the button to apply the settings and close the dialog. Color Wheel Point Drag the color wheel point from the center of the circle to the outer right edge to adjust the saturation (chroma).
  • Page 502: White Balance Adjustments

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Brightness/Contrast Sliders Adjust the brightness (luminance) and contrast by moving the sliders. The results are previewed according to preview settings. Preview Settings The filter preview mode and settings can be adjusted to provide the pre- ferred filter effect verification method.

  • Page 503
    Applying Filters to Clips The White Balance dialog shown in Figure 569 appears. Figure 569. White Balance Dialog 4. Adjust the White Balance settings as explained below. 5. Click the button to apply the settings and close the dialog. Balance Color Wheels and Sliders Drag the point in the center of each wheel to correct white balance (high- lights), black balance (shadows) and grey balance (intermediate ).
  • Page 504
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Limits The limit tools provide color correction within a specified range. Check boxes for “Hue”, “Saturation” and “Luminance” activate the correction tools and numeric entry fields for that video element. When the limit tools are activated, the triangle sliders are active to allow limit adjustments.
  • Page 505
    Applying Filters to Clips Gradual Decrease The range between the End slider and the second Slope slider is the range over which adjustments will be gradually decreased from 100% to 0. Details are presented in Figure 572. Figure 572. Color Balance Hue Limit Sliders Detail — Key Display Click the button to display the applied limit effects.
  • Page 506: Correcting Colors With The Color Picker

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles — Histogram Display Click the Histogram Display button to display a histogram for Hue, Satu- ration and Luminance (all that are active) on the respective limit bars as illustrated in Figure 574. Figure 574. Color Balance Histogram Display Color Picker The color picker allows a selected color from the image in the Player or Recorder to be set to “Black”, “Gray”…

  • Page 507
    Applying Filters to Clips To correct colors in an entire image, do the following: 1. Select the clip to which the White Balance filter has been applied. 2. Display the Information Palette. For more information concerning the Information Palette, see Information Palette on page 566.
  • Page 508: Monotone Filter Adjustments

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Monotone Filter Adjustments Once the Monotone filter has been applied to a clip, you can adjust the Monotone filter settings by following these steps: 1. Select the clip to which the Monotone filter has been applied. 2.

  • Page 509
    Applying Filters to Clips Figure 577. Monotone Dialog 4. Adjust the Monotone settings as explained below. 5. Click the button to apply the settings and close the dialog. Sliders The color tone can be adjusted by moving the “U” and “V” sliders to get the desired color tone effect as illustrated in Figure 578 Figure…
  • Page 510: Apply Video Filters

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 579. Monotone Color Tone Preview KeyFrame Settings The Monotone settings can be adjusted at each key frame to provide the preferred filter effect. Keyframe settings are common to many of the color correction filters. See Keyframe Settings on page 497, for more information.

  • Page 511: Combining Multiple Filters

    Applying Filters to Clips 2. Drag and drop the selected filter on the desired clip on the Timeline. Alternative Method: Use the right-click method explained in Right-Click Menu on page 488. Combining Multiple Filters Some video filters allow a combination of two or more filters to be applied and configured from a single filter dialog.

  • Page 512
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles If any of these filters are applied to a clip, other filter(s) may be selected from a drop-down in the filter configuration dialog as illustrated in Figure 582 with Blend Filters. Note User preset effects and system preset effects are available to be used in these filters;…
  • Page 513: Apply Audio Filters

    Applying Filters to Clips Figure 583. Combine Filters — Setup Apply Audio Filters Audio filters are applied in the same was as video filters. To apply an audio filter to a clip, follow these steps: 1. Select the VideoFilters tree in the Effect Palette to display all video filters as illustrated in Figure 584.

  • Page 514: Adding Effects Between Clips

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Adding Effects Between Clips Effects such as transitions and audio cross fades may be added between clips. Clip Margin In Extend mode (see Extend Mode on page 308 for more information), adding transitions or audio cross fades between clips requires that both clips have a margin.

  • Page 515: Clip Transitions

    Adding Effects Between Clips Clip Transitions Transitions are effects that occur between clips as one clip is ending and the next clip is beginning. To add a transition between clips, do the following: 1. Select “Transitions” in the Effect Tree of the Effect Palette. 2.

  • Page 516: Track Transitions

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 588. Transition Indicator Between Clips 4. Double-click the transition indicator (on an area other than the In/Out points or cut points) to display the transition settings dialog. The transition configuration dialog for the Dissolve transition effect is illustrated in Figure 589.

  • Page 517
    Adding Effects Between Clips 2. Select the desired transition type from the effect view (see Figure 587) or the Effect>Transitions tree if the effect view is hidden. Figure 590. Effect Palette — Transitions Effect View 3. Drag and drop the selected transition effect to the mixer area at the point where the clips touch each other on the Timeline.
  • Page 518: Audio Cross Fades

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Audio Cross Fades Audio cross fades may be applied at the point at which the audio is transi- tioning from one clip to another. 1. Select “AudioCrossFades” in the Effect Tree of the Effect Palette. 2.

  • Page 519: Apply Default Effects

    Adding Effects Between Clips Figure 593. Audio Cross Fade Indicator Between Clips Apply Default Effects Default effects may be quickly applied to clips on the Timeline. The defaults effects are as follows: • Video Transitions — Dissolve • Audio Cross Fades — Linear Out/In •…

  • Page 520: Changing Default Effects

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles To select the point at which to add the transition, click the list button ( ) of button and select one of the following from the menu: Set default transition • Create Cursor ([ ]) — Add default transition(s) at the transition CTRL point neared to the current cursor position.

  • Page 521: Changing The Length Of A Transition Or Cross Fade

    Adding Effects Between Clips Figure 596. Default Effect Icon Note If the effect view is hidden, the “D” appears on the effect name in the Effect tree. Changing the Length of a Transition or Cross Fade To change the length of a transition or audio cross fade between two clips, do the following: 1.

  • Page 522
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles 2. Click and drag the cursor to shorten or lengthen the transition. Two images are displayed in both the Player and the Recorder as illustrated Figure 599. The images in the Player represent the transition start frame. The images in the Recorder display the transition end frame.
  • Page 523: Changing Default Effect Duration

    Creating Video Composites Changing Default Effect Duration The default duration for video transitions, audio cross fades and title mixer effects can be changed. To change the default duration, execute the following steps: 1. Right-click on the Effect Palette and select “Duration” from the menu as illustrated in Figure 601.

  • Page 524: Composition

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles When overlaying one video clip on another, the layering order is deter- mined by the track order. For example, if video “B” is on the V1 track and video “A” is on the V2 track, when video ‘A” is composited with video “B” in a picture-in-picture overlay, video “B”…

  • Page 525: Picture In Picture

    Creating Video Composites Figure 604. Blend Composition Effects Clips with Keyer effects applied display an aqua blue line at the top of the mixer area as illustrated in Figure 605. Figure 605. Keyer Effects In Mixer Area Picture in Picture A picture in picture effect is where one video is overlaid over another with one serving as the background video while the other is confined to a certain area of the screen over the background as shown in…

  • Page 526: Configuring Picture In Picture Effects

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles 2. Drag and drop the Picture in Picture effect to the Mixer area of the clip that will be in the overlay window. Note If the Effect view is hidden, the keyer effects will be listed under the Keyers tree in the Effect Palette.

  • Page 527
    Creating Video Composites 3. Double-click the Picture in Picture effect in the Information Palette. Note You may also select the Picture in Picture effect and click the Settings button (highlighted in blue in Figure 607) in the Information Palette. The Picture in Picture dialog shown in Figure 608 appears Figure 608.
  • Page 528
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 609. Preview Window Right-Click Menu — Layout Options Safe Area The safe area is the boundary close to the edges of the screen that marks the area that should always be displayed regardless of the monitor used to display the video.
  • Page 529
    Creating Video Composites Edge Tab Select the “Enable” option to activate a frame around the overlay window. The “Width” setting specified the width in pixels of the frame and the frame color is selected by clicking on the color sample box and choosing the desired frame color.
  • Page 530: Adding Motion To The Overlay Window

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Effect Tab Select the “Enable” option to activate effects at the overlay video In and Out points. The type of effect is selected from the drop-down lists. The effect duration is specified as a number of frames. Click the button to set the frame at the Timeline cursor position End In Effect…

  • Page 531
    Creating Video Composites 2. Click a second location in the Preview window to set the end (E) position keyframe for the overlay window motion. You may drag this end position keyframe to position it more precisely. Figure 613 for an example. Figure 613.
  • Page 532
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 614. Picture in Picture Motion Keyframe Chart Detail The vertical axis represents the position and the horizontal axis represents time. 4. Click an area on the chart to set a keyframe position point 5.
  • Page 533: 3D Picture In Picture

    Creating Video Composites 6. Select the desired speed setting from the menu for the selected position/time point on the chart. Note A sharper angle on the black line increases the motion speed. Once a point has been set on the chart, its position and angle can be changed by dragging it to a new location on the position/time axes.

  • Page 534: Configuring 3D Picture In Picture Effects

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 617. 3D Picture In Picture Effect Clips with Keyer effects applied display an aqua blue line at the top of the mixer area as illustrated in Figure 618. Figure 618. Keyer Effects In Mixer Area Configuring 3D Picture in Picture Effects To configure a 3D Picture in Picture effect that has been applied to a clip, do the following:…

  • Page 535
    Creating Video Composites Figure 619. Information Palette — 3D Picture in Picture Effect 3. Double-click the 3D Picture in Picture effect in the Information Palette. Note You may also select the 3D Picture in Picture effect and click the Settings button (highlighted in blue in Figure 619) in the Information Palette.
  • Page 536
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles 4. Configure the effect settings per the explanations below and click the button to close the dialog. Preview Window The preview window shows the effects of configuration settings such as position, size and motion in the overlay window. Edit Buttons Edit buttons change the overlay window parameters.
  • Page 537
    Creating Video Composites — Add a Keyframe on All Lines Adds a keyframe on all lines at the Timeline cursor position in the Key- frame Timeline. — Add a Keyframe on Selected Line Adds a keyframe on the currently-selected line at the Timeline cursor position on the Keyframe Timeline.
  • Page 538
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Timeline Display Buttons Timeline display buttons expand or contract the Keyframe Timeline display area. — Fit to Window Fit the effect Timeline and all keyframes into the Keyframe Timeline window. — Focus on Cursor Focus the Keyframe Timeline display on the area around the Timeline cursor position with the Timeline cursor in the center of the display.
  • Page 539
    Creating Video Composites Presets Tab Motion presets included with EDIUS are accessible through the Presets as illustrated in Figure 621. Figure 621. 3D Picture in Picture Presets Tab Choose the desired motion preset for the overlay window and click the Load button to activate the selected motion preset.
  • Page 540
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure Figure 622 shows some sample position settings and results in the Preview window. Figure 622. 3D Picture in Picture Position Tab Note Size and Position parameters may also be set using the edit buttons. See Edit Buttons on page 536 for more information.
  • Page 541
    Creating Video Composites Borders Tab Select the “Use Colored Border” option to add a colored frame around the overlay window. If the colored border is enabled, user the sliders or direct numeric entry to set the border width and height. Click the button to select the border color.
  • Page 542: Keyers

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 625. 3D Picture in Picture Crop Tab Options Tab From the Options tab, you can enable or disable features configured in the other configuration tabs. Select the “Switch A/B” option if you wish to swap the background video and overlay window video.

  • Page 543: Configuring Chroma Key Effects

    Creating Video Composites chroma key video is shot in front of a blue or green screen and the screen color is then eliminated and replaced with a background video. To create a chroma key effect, do the following: 1. Select the “Keyers” tree from the Effect Palette as shown in Figure 617.

  • Page 544
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 629. Information Palette — Chromakey Effect 3. Double-click the Chromakey effect in the Information Palette. Note You may also select the Chromakey effect and click the Settings button (high- lighted in blue in Figure 629) in the Information Palette.
  • Page 545
    Creating Video Composites 4. Configure the effect settings per the explanations below and click the button to close the dialog. Display Switching Select “Key Display” to display in black in the Recorder the parts of the video that will be cut out based on the current color selection. See Figure 631 for an example based on the eye dropper color selection of the blue water in the background.
  • Page 546
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Color Selection Color selection tools allow the selection of the color (key color) to be elimi- nated and replaced by the background video. There are four color selection methods. Each of the examples below shows the selection of the water as the key color using the four selection methods (highlighted in blue in each example) and the results in the Recorder.
  • Page 547
    Creating Video Composites Figure 636. Chromakey Color Block Color Selector Autofit Button Click the button to automatically define keyer settings appropriate Autofit for the selected key color. Detail Button The Detail button shows detailed keyer settings which can be modified to fine tune the key color parameters.
  • Page 548
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 638. Chromakey Rectangle Enabled Cancel Color Cancel Color is used to fix shadows tinted by the background. For example, when shooting in front of a blue screen, the shadows may be tinted blue. Cancel Color can be used to adjust the tint back to a more neutral (gray) range.
  • Page 549
    Creating Video Composites Linear CancelColor Select this option if there is noticeable bleeding of the blue screen or green screen or discoloration by reflection. Linear CancelColor can often elimi- nate or reduce these effects. Key Frame Setting Tab When this tab is selected, the settings shown in Figure 639 appear.
  • Page 550: Luminance Key

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Select “Linear” or “Curve” as the manner in which to apply the effect adjustments. See Figure 640 for an example. Figure 640. Chromakey KeyFrame Curve Luminance Key Luminance keying is similar to chroma keying except that keying is based on a particular luminance (brightness) level rather than a specific color.

  • Page 551: Configuring Luminance Key Effects

    Creating Video Composites Figure 642. Keyer Effects In Mixer Area Configuring Luminance Key Effects To configure a Luminance Key effect that has been applied to a clip, do the following: 1. Click the Mixer area of the clip to which the Luminance Key effect has been applied 2.

  • Page 552
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 644. Luminancekey Configuration Dialog 4. Configure the effect settings per the explanations below and click the button to close the dialog. Luminance Range Selection To specify the range over which luminance key settings apply, move the slope, minimum and maximum sliders or enter the desired numeric values directly into the corresponding entry fields.
  • Page 553
    Creating Video Composites Hold at 100% The range between the Minimum slider and the Maximum slider is the range over which the luminance effects will be maintained at 100%. Gradual Decrease The range between the Maximum slider and the second Slope slider is the range over which luminance effects will be gradually decreased from 100% to 0.
  • Page 554
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles If “Outside Rect. Enable” is selected, luminancekey settings are applied within the rectangular area only and the area outside the rectangle show the original video. Figure 647. Luminancekey Rectangle Enabled Invert Selecting this option inverts the range to which luminancekey settings are applied.
  • Page 555
    Creating Video Composites Figure 648. Key Frame Setting Tab Fade Settings Enable the fade setting to add fade in and fade out effects to the luminance key area. The fade In and Fade Out durations are designated by entering a number of frames for the effect.
  • Page 556: Transparency Adjustments

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 649. Luminance KeyFrame Curve Transparency Adjustments Transparency adjustments make it possible to change the transparency of the video in the upper track so that the video in the lower track becomes visible as well. To adjust the transparency of a video, do the following: 1.

  • Page 557
    Creating Video Composites Figure 652. Set Key Frame on Rubber Band 4. Drag the key frame point to adjust the transparency. See Figure 653. Note To make fine adjustments to the rubber band, hold down the [CTRL] key while dragging the key frame point. Figure 653.
  • Page 558: Fade-In/Fade-Out Effects

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 654. Timeline Transparency Display Fade-In/Fade-Out Effects Fade-in effects cause a video to appear gradually and fade-out effects cause it to disappear gradually. To define fade-in and fade-out effects, follow these steps: 1. Select a clip on the Timeline to which you wish to apply fade-in or fade- out effects.

  • Page 559
    Creating Video Composites Figure 655. Timeline Fade-In and Fade-Out Buttons Note By default, these buttons are not on the Timeline. To add them, see Button Settings on page 154. Fade-In and Fade-Out settings are visible in the audio waveform and mixer areas of the track.
  • Page 560: Apply Fade-In/Fade-Out To Audio Or Video Only

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Apply Fade-In/Fade-out to Audio or Video Only To apply a fade-in or fade-out effect to just the audio or video portion of a clip, do the following: 1. Select a clip on the Timeline to which you wish to apply fade-in or fade- out effects.

  • Page 561
    Creating Video Composites The clip from which the desired portions are extracted is called the “Fill.” The transparency mask that extracts images from the fill is called the “Key” as illustrated in Figure 659. Figure 659. Alpha Channel Key and Fill The Alpha Channel functions are not supported when the following parameters are different for the Key and Fill images: •…
  • Page 562
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 661. Clip Menu — Alpha Matte as A Save As dialog appears as illustrated in Figure 662. Figure 662. Alpha Matte Save As Dialog EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 563
    Creating Video Composites 4. Set the save parameters per the explanations which follow. Save As Type From the drop-down list, specify the .avi file format for the saved file. Choices may include Canopus HQ, Canopus Lossless and Uncompressed RGB and are dependent upon the format of the original Key and Fill clips. Fill/Key Selection Select which clip is the Fill clip and which is the Key clip by clicking the appropriate radio button.
  • Page 564
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 663. Alpha Channel Clip Saved to Asset Bin 6. Place the Alpha Channel clip and background clip on the Timeline to create the video composite as illustrated in Figure 664. Figure 664. Background and Alpha Channel Clip Composite EDIUS —…
  • Page 565: Title Mixer Effects

    Creating Video Composites Title Mixer Effects To add effects to a title clip, do the following: 1. Select the “TitleMixers” tree from the Effect Palette. 2. Select the desired TitleMixer effect group and title mixer effect as illustrated in Figure 665.

  • Page 566: Effect Operations

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Effect Operations This section discusses operations related to the management of effects and effect folders. Show/Hide the Information Palette The Information Palette shows details related to the selected clip. Among those details are any effects that have been placed on a clip. To show or hide (toggle functions) the Information Palette, do one of the following: •…

  • Page 567
    Effect Operations Figure 668. Information Palette Information Area The information area displays information about the selected clip such as; filename, duration, aspect ratio, etc. The information varies by clip type. Effects List Any effects applied to the selected clip are displayed in the effects list. The numbers above the list indicate the number of enabled effect and the total number of applied effects (e.g.
  • Page 568: Verifying And Adjusting Effects

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Verifying and Adjusting Effects The indicators noted in each example below show which effect types have been applied to clips on the various tracks. VA Track Figure 669. V A Track Effects Indicators V Track Figure 670.

  • Page 569: Enabling/Disabling Effects

    Effect Operations The Information Palette displays a list of applied effects for the selected clip. For more information see Information Palette on page 566. To adjust an effect, do any of the following: • Select the effect name in the effects list of the Information Palette and click the button.

  • Page 570: Deleting Effects

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Deleting Effects Effects may be deleted from the Timeline or from the Information Palette. Deleting Effects from the Timeline Do the following to delete an effect from the Timeline: 1. On the Timeline, select the clip with the effect you wish to delete. 2.

  • Page 571: Deleting Effects From The Information Palette

    Effect Operations • Audio Cross Fade — Press the [ T]+[ ] keys on the keyboard. CTRL • Keyer — Press the [ CTRL T]+[ ] keys on the keyboard. • Transparency — Press the [ T]+[ keys on the keyboard. SHIFT CTRL •…

  • Page 572: Copy Effects

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 676. Delete Transition Detail Copy Effects Effects may be copied from one clip to another. If the effect settings were adjusted after being applied to the first clip, the adjusted settings are also applied to the clip to which the effect is copied.

  • Page 573
    Effect Operations Figure 678. Transition Selected on Timeline 2. Click the button (highlighted in blue in Copy to clipboard (Timeline) Figure 679) to copy the selected transition. Figure 679. Timeline Copy to Clipboard (Timeline) Button 3. Select the clip to which to paste the transition. If you want to paste the transition to a particular location on the clip, move the Timeline cursor to that position.
  • Page 574: Replacing Effects

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Alternative Paste Methods: • Paste Cursor — [ CTRL • Paste Clip In — [ SHIFT • Paste Clip Out — [ Replacing Effects To replace a filter or mixer effect with the filter or mixer effect from another clip, do the following: 1.

  • Page 575: Saving Effects

    Effect Operations Saving Effects Effects can be customized and saved as user preset effects in the Effects Pal- ette. Multiple effects may also be saved as a single effect. To save an effect as a user preset effect, execute these steps: 1.

  • Page 576: Deleting Effects From The Effect Palette

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Related Operations: Save Multiple Effects as a Single Effect Multiple effects are saved as a single effect by selecting multiple effects before right-clicking on an effect. If ‘Save as Current User Preset’ is selected from the menu, the selected effects are saved as a single effect in the selected folder in the Effect Palette.

  • Page 577: Customizing The Effect Palette

    Customizing the Effect Palette Customizing the Effect Palette The Effect Palette and its contents may be customized in several ways as explained in this section. Creating Folders in the Effects Palette To create a new folder in the Effect Palette, do the following: 1.

  • Page 578: Lock/Unlock The Folder Structure

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 687. Effect Palette Menu — Change Name • Click once on the effect name or folder name • Effect only — right click on the effect and click the button. Properties Change the name in the Properties dialog and click the button.

  • Page 579: Changing The Folder Structure

    Customizing the Effect Palette If the indicator is locked (as it is in Figure 688), the folder structure cannot be changed. To change the folder structure, click the lock indicator and it changes to an unlocked state as shown in Figure 689.

  • Page 580: Folder Shortcuts

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Folder Shortcuts When the effect view is disabled and the Effect Palette is in the folder view, folder shortcuts appear across the top of the Effect Palette as illustrated in Figure 691. Figure 691. Effect Palette Folder View Each of the folder shortcut icons is assigned to a folder in the Effect Tree as indicated below.

  • Page 581: Shortcut Assignments In The Effect View

    Customizing the Effect Palette Shortcut Assignments in the Effect View In the effect view, making a shortcut assignment is done in the following manner: 1. Select the folder in the Effect tree for which you wish to add a shortcut. Note By default, all the top-level folders in the expanded Effect tree already have shortcut links.

  • Page 582: Deleting A Folder Shortcut

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Note There is a limit of eight (8) folder shortcuts in the folder link list. If the list already contains eight shortcuts, an existing shortcut must be deleted before a new one can be added. Deleting a Folder Shortcut To delete a folder shortcut do the following: 1.

  • Page 583: Export User Preset Effects

    Customizing the Effect Palette Figure 695. Effect Palette Menu — Return to Default Export User Preset Effects User preset effects can be exported to a .tpd file. When upgrading to a new version of EDIUS or after a reinstallation of EDIUS, exported user preset effects can be imported into the system.

  • Page 584: Import User Preset Effects

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles A Save As dialog appears. 2. Navigate to the location in which you wish to save the folder or file and enter the desired file name. 3. Click the button. Save Note User preset effects files are saved with a .tpd extension. Import User Preset Effects When upgrading to a new version of EDIUS or to restore the user preset effects after reinstalling EDIUS, exported user preset effects can be…

  • Page 585: Verifying Color Data For Tv Display

    Verifying Color Data for TV Display Verifying Color Data for TV Display Video displayed on a PC monitor may not display with the same detail on a television screen if the TV monitor has a lower luminance range than the PC monitor.

  • Page 586
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 699. Vector Scope&Waveform Dialog — White Matte Clip Note Figure 700 shows the measuring of a black color matte clip (see Create a Color Matte Clip on page 259). Note that it measures IRE7.5. IR7.5 is com- monly used as the black reference level in North America.
  • Page 587
    Verifying Color Data for TV Display Figure 701. High Luminance Clip Waveform A clip with low luminance will have a waveform such as the one illustrated Figure 702. In this example, a large portion of the clip is at an IRE level lower than IRE 7.5 (IRE 0 in Japan) and some portions are lower than the IRE -20 level.
  • Page 588
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles 3. In the Color Balance dialog shown in Figure 703, select the ‘Safe Color” option to automatically adjust the clip to the safe range of IRE 7.5 to IRE 100. Figure 703. Color Balance Dialog Note The Brightness slider may also be used to further refine the IRE levels of the video clip.
  • Page 589: Vector Scope And Waveform Details

    Verifying Color Data for TV Display Vector Scope and Waveform Details Figure 704 shows details of the Vector Scope and Waveform dialog. The tools and functions of this dialog are explained below. Figure 704. Vector Scope and Waveform Details Information Area This area displays information such as screen coordinates (X,Y) of the cursor location in the Recorder, as well as the IRE, YUV, and RGB values of that location.

  • Page 590
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles click on the image in the Recorder to see the Y-Axis information for the selected image position. You may also directly enter coordinate values The display in the Vector Scope and Waveform are set to the color data of the selected position.
  • Page 591: Titles

    Titles Titles There are two titling applications available with EDIUS; QuickTitler (the built-in default titling application) and TitleMotion Pro for EDIUS which must be installed separately. QuickTitler The steps below assume QuickTitler has been selected as the default titling application in Application Settings. For more information, see Application Settings on page 151.

  • Page 592
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Alternative Methods: • Click the button in the Asset Bin. See Create a Title Clip Add Title page 262 for more information. • Select Clip>Create Clip>QuickTitler from the Preview window menu bar. • Right-click on a blank space in the clip view and select “Add Title” from the menu.
  • Page 593: Quicktitler Application Details

    Titles QuickTitler Application Details Tool Bars The tools used to create ,save, open and edit title clips are located in the hor- izontal and vertical tool bars. Title Creation Window This is the display area in which titles objects are displayed during the title creation and editing processes.

  • Page 594
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles 4. Create the desired title(s) using the QuickTitler tools as illustrated in Figure 707. Figure 707. QuickTitler Application — Create Title Note The order or alignment of multiple text or image objects can be defined by selecting and object and selecting Layout>Order or Layout>Align from the QuickTitler menu bar.
  • Page 595: Entering Text

    Titles Note Clicking the Save button saves the file automatically as an .etl file with a gen- erated file name containing the year, month, day and a four-digit sequential number. Figure 709. QuickTitler Title Added Related Operations: • After a title is created, select View>Preview on the QuickTitler menu bar to render the currently displayed area.

  • Page 596
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 710. QuickTitler Horizontal Text Button Note To enter vertical text, select the Vertical Text button while holding down the mouse button on the Horizontal Text button as shown in Figure 711. Figure 711. QuickTitler Horizontal Text Button — Select Vertical Text 2.
  • Page 597: Changing Text Settings

    Titles Changing Text Settings Text changes such as changing text size, moving text and rotating text use the text handles illustrated in Figure 712. Figure 712. QuickTitler Text Handles Text properties are changed using the controls shown in Figure 713 explained below.

  • Page 598: Changing Text Size

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles X,Y Coordinates The X, Y coordinates specify the position of text as a pixel offset from the upper left corner. Width, Height Specifies the pixel width and height of text. Select the “Fix aspect ratio” option to automatically change the other parameter to maintain the current width/height ratio when one parameter is changed.

  • Page 599: Moving Text

    Titles Figure 714. QuickTitler Text Resize Cursor Moving Text To move a text object to a new location, follow these steps: 1. Move the cursor into the object frame. 2. Click and hold the left mouse button and drag the object frame to a new location when the cursor shape changes as illustrated in Figure 715.

  • Page 600: Changing Text Color

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 716. QuickTitler Text Rotate Cursor Note When rotating text, press the [SHIFT] key to rotate the text by 15 degrees. Press the [ALT] key to rotate the text object and center it on the opposite angle.

  • Page 601: Applying Transparency To Text

    Titles 3. Click the color palette (see Figure 717). The ColorSelect dialog shown in Figure 718 appears. Figure 718. QuickTitler ColorSelect Dialog 4. Select the desired text color or enter the desired numeric values to select a text color. Note If the ‘Texture File”…

  • Page 602: Applying Color Gradations

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 720. QuickTitler Text Properties — Fill Color 3. Move the transparency slider to set the desired transparency level for the selected text object. Applying Color Gradations Applying color gradations to text objects (see Figure 721 for an example) add a color changing effect to the text.

  • Page 603
    Titles Figure 722. QuickTitler Text Properties — Fill Color 3. Enter a number in the “Color” field to specify the desired number of color gradation steps. 4. Click the color palette. The ColorSelect dialog box appears. 5. Select the desired text color or enter the desired numeric values to select a text color.
  • Page 604: Applying Texture To A Text Object

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Applying Texture to a Text Object Applying a texture file to text objects (see Figure 724 for an example) adds texture, color and other attributes contained in the file. Figure 724. QuickTitler Text Texture To apply texture to an object, do the following: 1.

  • Page 605: Adding A Text Border (Edge)

    Titles Figure 726. QuickTitler Text Properties — Edge Tree 3. Select the ‘Texture File» option and click the button to locate the desired texture file. A Select Texture File dialog opens. 4. Navigate to the folder containing texture files and select the texture file you wish to apply to the text object.

  • Page 606
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 727. QuickTitler Text Border (Edge) To add a border to a text object, do the following: 1. Select the text object to which you wish to add the border. 2. If the Edge tree is not already expanded, click the “+” to expand the Edge tree.
  • Page 607: Adding Shadows To Text

    Titles Figure 729. QuickTitler ColorSelect Dialog 5. Select the desired border color or enter the desired numeric values to select a border color. 6. Enter the desired value (in pixels) in the “Hard Width” or “Soft Width” fields to specify the border (edge) width. Note Color gradations and textures may also be applied to borders.

  • Page 608
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles 2. If the Shadow tree is not already expanded, click the “+” to expand the Shadow tree. 3. Enable the “Shadow” settings. Figure 731. QuickTitler Text Properties — Shadow Tree 4. Click the color palette (see Figure 731).
  • Page 609: Rolling Or Crawling Text

    Titles 5. Select the desired shadow color or enter the desired numeric values to select a shadow color. 6. Enter the desired value (in pixels) in the “Hard Width” or “Soft Width” fields to specify the shadow width. 7. Move the Horizontal and Vertical sliders to adjust the position of the shadow relative to the text object.

  • Page 610
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Roll(from top) Text rolls downward from the top of the screen towards the bottom. Crawl(from right) Text moves from the right to left across the screen. Crawl(from left) Text moves from left to right across the screen. Roll Text moves vertically from the bottom to the top (or from the top to the bottom) across the screen.
  • Page 611: Adjusting Roll Or Crawl Speed

    Titles Figure 735. QuickTitler Text Crawl 2. Enter the title text. Adjusting Roll or Crawl Speed Roll or Crawl speed is determined by the length of the title clip on the Time- line. Shorten the length of the clip to speed up the roll or crawl. Lengthen the clip to slow down the roll or crawl.

  • Page 612: Blur Text

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles 3. Enable the “Emboss” settings. Figure 737. QuickTitler Text Properties — Emboss Tree 4. Select “Inside” or “Outside” to specify the edge to emboss. 5. Enter the desired values in the emboss settings fields. Blur Text Blurring text makes it blend in more with the background.

  • Page 613: Text Styles

    Titles 3. Enable the Blur settings. 4. Adjust the blur settings by moving the sliders to blur the Text/Edge, Edge only or shadow. Note If no shadow or border (edge) is applied, only the text can be blurred. Text Styles This section explains the text styles that can be selected in the Object Style Bar.

  • Page 614: Saving Text Styles

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Saving Text Styles Attributes applied to text objects such as color gradations, textures, bor- ders, embossing, etc. may be saved as a new text style. To save a new text style, follow these steps: 1.

  • Page 615: Deleting Text Styles

    Titles To change a style name, do the following: 1. In the Object Style Bar, select the style sample for which you wish to change the name. 2. Select Style>Change Style Name from the QuickTitler menu bar. 3. Enter a new name for the style sample. Note An alternative method is to click once on the style name you wish to change and enter a new name.

  • Page 616
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 744. QuickTitler Image Tool Note Rectangle, Oval, Triangle and Line tools are also available for creating title object graphics. Click and hold the mouse button on the desired tool to see the available graphics styles related to that tool. See example in Figure 744.
  • Page 617: Changing Image Or Graphic Settings

    Titles Figure 746. QuickTitler Image Object Added Alternative Method: Select Insert>Image (or Rectangle, Oval, Triangle or Line) on the QuickTi- tler menu bar. Note The Rectangle, Oval, Triangle and Line menus have a sub-menu for selecting the shape style. Changing Image or Graphic Settings The size of an image can be adjusted by dragging an edge of the object frame using the Rotate/Expand/Contract handles illustrated in Figure…

  • Page 618: Changing The Image Or Graphic Object Size

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Note Select the “Fix aspect ratio” option to automatically change the width or height setting to maintain the current width/height ratio when either width or height is changed. Click the button to return the object to its original size before any Original size changes.

  • Page 619: Rotating Graphic Objects

    Titles Rotating Graphic Objects To rotate a graphic object, do the following: 1. Move the cursor to a rotate/expand/contract handle on the object frame while holding down the [ ] key. CTRL 2. Click and hold the left mouse button and drag the object frame to rotate the object when the cursor shape changes as illustrated in Figure 751 Figure 751.

  • Page 620: Adding A Border To Graphics

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles 3. Enable the “Fill Color” settings. Figure 753. QuickTitler Image and Object Properties — Fill Color Tree 4. Move the Transparency slider to adjust the transparency of the selected object. Adding a Border to Graphics Borders can be applied to graphic objects as illustrated in Figure 754.

  • Page 621
    Titles Figure 755. QuickTitler Image and Object Properties — Border Tree 4. Click the color palette. A ColorSelect dialog as illustrated in Figure 756 appears. Figure 756. QuickTitler ColorSelect Dialog EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 622: Applying Shadows

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles 5. Select a border color from the color chart or enter the desired color value number directly into the value input fields. 6. Enter the desired Hard Width or Soft Width value (in pixels) to specify the border width.

  • Page 623
    Titles Figure 758. QuickTitler Image and Object Properties — Shadow Tree 4. Click the color palette. A ColorSelect dialog as illustrated in Figure 759 appears. EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 624: Blur A Graphic Or Image

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 759. QuickTitler ColorSelect Dialog 5. Select a shadow color from the color chart or enter the desired color value number directly into the value input fields. 6. Enter the desired Hard Width or Soft Width value (in pixels) to specify the shadow width.

  • Page 625: Changing Line Styles

    Titles To blur a graphic object, do the following: 1. Select the graphic object to blur. 2. If the Blur tree is not already expanded, click the ‘+” to expand the Blur tree in the Image or Object Properties bar. See Figure 761.

  • Page 626: Embossing Graphics

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 762. QuickTitler Line Styles To change the line style, do the following: 1. Select the line object for which you with to change the style. 2. If the Style tree is not already expanded, click the “+” to expand the Style tree in the Object Properties bar.

  • Page 627
    Titles Figure 764. QuickTitler Graphic Object Embossed To emboss a graphic object, do the following: 1. Select the graphic object to which to apply emboss effects. 2. If the Emboss tree is not already expanded, click the “+” to expand the Emboss tree in the Object Properties bar.
  • Page 628: Title Object Layout

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Title Object Layout The Layout menu is used to adjust the position of one or more title objects. As illustrated in Figure 766, the Layout menu provides Order, Align, Same space and Center in screen, adjustments. Figure 766.

  • Page 629: Align

    Titles Align The align function is only available with multiple selected objects. The functions available from this menu are the following: • Left Tab — align object to the left tab location • Right Tab — align object to the right tab location •…

  • Page 630: Same Space

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 768. Title Object s Aligned Center Horizontally Note that the objects have not been centered on the screen. They have been centered with respect to each other in their original positions. To center objects on the screen use the Center in Screen menu.

  • Page 631
    Titles Figure 769. Objects Note Evenly Spaced from Top to Bottom Figure 770 shows these same objects after being aligned from top to bottom in the same space. Figure 770. Objects Evenly Spaced from top to Bottom EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 632: Center In Screen

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Center in Screen This centering functions is available with one or more selected objects and provide the following options: • Horizontally — center the selected object(s) horizontally on the screen • Vertically — center the selected object(s) vertically on the screen Title Mixer Effects Title mixer effects determine how a title appears and disappears in a video project.

  • Page 633: Adjusting Title Position

    Titles Figure 772. Title Mixer Effect Added at Beginning of Title Clip Note Effects dropped at the beginning of the clip determine how the title appears in the project. Effects dropped at the end determine how the title disappears. Alternative Methods: •…

  • Page 634
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 773. Timeline Title Clip — Layout Menu The LAYOUT dialog shown in Figure 774 appears. Figure 774. Title Layout Dialog 2. Drag the title to change its position and position precisely by using the title layout guides and tools explained below.
  • Page 635
    Titles Figure 775. Title Layout — Title Repositioned 3. Click the button to close the LAYOUT dialog. Horizontal, Vertical Positioning Guides These guides help you position a title along the horizontal or vertical axis and mark the center location on the screen. Positioning Marks These marks indicate the boundary of the title area.
  • Page 636: Editing A Linked Title Clip

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Basic Area List Button Select from the drop-down list the area (underscan, overscan or title safe) to be used when adjusting positioning marks with the Centering/Cor- nering button. Vertical Positioning Button Clicking this button returns the title to a vertical position of 0 on the Y scale. Horizontal Positioning Button Clicking this button returns the title to a horizontal position of 0 on the X scale.

  • Page 637: Importing Background Files

    Titles Figure 776. QuickTitler File Save As A Save As dialog appears. 4. Enter a new name for the edited Title clip and click the button. Save The new Title clip is saved in the Asset Bin. The edits apply only to the new Title clip which is no longer linked with the other clips.

  • Page 638
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 777. QuickTitler Background Properties — Background Tree A Select Background File dialog appears. 3. Navigate to the location containing the image you wish to import, select the image file and click the button. Open 4.
  • Page 639: Exporting Title As A Still Image

    Titles Figure 778. QuickTitler Background Image Applied Exporting Title as a Still Image A title object can be exported as a still image. To export the title object as a still image, do the following: 1. In QuickTitler, select the title object to be exported and select File>Export from the QuickTitler menu bar as illustrated in Figure 779.

  • Page 640: Titlemotion Pro

    Section 6 — Effects and Titles TitleMotion Pro Note TitleMotion Pro is not installed with EDIUS. If you received a copy of TitleM- otion Pro with EDIUS it must be installed separately. The steps below assume TitleMotion Pro has been selected as the default titling application in Application Settings.

  • Page 641
    Titles Figure 781. TitleMotion Pro Create the desired title(s) using the TitleMotion Pro tools and click the Save and Exit button (see Figure 782) to save changes and close the TitleMotion Pro window. Figure 782. TitleMotion Pro Save and Exit The title is added to the clip at the Timeline cursor location.
  • Page 642
    Section 6 — Effects and Titles Figure 783. TitleMotion Pro Title Added For more information concerning TitleMotion Pro and it capabilities, see the TitleMotion Pro documentation and Help files. EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 643: Section 7 — Audio Operations

    Section Audio Operations EDIUS has very extensive audio controls which allow audio to be adjusted and manipulated to achieve the desired audio levels, balance, effects, etc. Adjusting Volume and Pan Both the volume and the Left/Right balance (pan) of audio clips placed on the Timeline can be adjusted.

  • Page 644
    Section 7 — Audio Operations 2. Click the button to toggle between volume (orange line) and Volume/Pan pan (blue line) adjust modes. See Figure 786 Figure 787. Figure 786. Volume/Pan Toggle — Volume Figure 787. Volume/Pan Toggle — Pan 3. Click the volume or pan rubber band line at the point at which you want to make an adjustment.
  • Page 645: Additional Rubberband Adjustments

    Entering Value Adjustments Additional Rubberband Adjustments • Dragging the point horizontally changes the position of the point on the Timeline at which the adjustment takes place. • Dragging the point while pressing the [SHIFT] key adjusts the entire rubber band from the adjustment point to the end of the clip or to the next adjustment point.

  • Page 646
    Section 7 — Audio Operations Figure 790. Volume/Pan Right-Click Menu 4. Select the type of adjustment you wish to make. • Move — Adjust the volume/pan or timecode of the selected point • Move Two Aligning Points — Adjusts the selected point and the next point on the rubber band to the same value.
  • Page 647: Resetting The Pan Rubber Band

    Resetting the Pan Rubber Band Figure 792. Pan Entry Dialog 5. Enter the desired value or timecode (if applicable). 6. Click the button to close the dialog. Resetting the Pan Rubber Band To reset the Pan rubber band to a balanced left/right audio state, do the fol- lowing: 1.

  • Page 648: Delete Selected Rubber Band Points

    Section 7 — Audio Operations Figure 793. Delete Button Menu 3. Select Audio Rubberband>Volume or Audio Rubberband>Pan to delete all points from the desired rubber band and return the rubber band to the default position. Alternative Methods: • Right-click a clip and select Delete Parts>Audio Rubberband>Volume or Delete Parts>Audio Rubberband>Pan from the menu.

  • Page 649: Normalize Audio

    Normalize Audio Figure 794. Volume/Pan Right-Click Menu 4. Select the desired action from the menu. • Add/Delete — Delete the selected rubber band point. • Delete All — Delete all points on the selected rubber band and ini- tialize the rubber band to the default position. •…

  • Page 650
    Section 7 — Audio Operations Figure 795. Clip Menu — Normalize The Normalize dialog shown in Figure 796appears. Figure 796. Audio Normalize Dialog 3. Enter the audio level to which all selected clips will be normalized and click the button. Note The maximum allowable audio gain is 24dB (400%) Audio in the selected clips is normalized.
  • Page 651
    Normalize Audio Based on the specified normalization level, EDIUS calculates the appro- priate gain value for each clip for all channels. This calculated gain value is displayed in the Clip Properties Audio Info tab as illustrated in Figure 798. Figure 798. Audio Info — Normalized Clip The calculated gain value can be changed by entering another value.
  • Page 652: Audio Mixer Operations

    Section 7 — Audio Operations Note A gain value applied to a clip on the Timeline through normalization or manual entry will be preserved if the clip is dragged from the Timeline and dropped in the Asset Bin. The gain applied to a clip is one of the clip parameters that may be selected for viewing in the Asset Bin detailed view.

  • Page 653: Playing Clips From The Audio Mixer

    Audio Mixer Operations Alternative Methods: • Select View>Audio Mixer from the Preview window menu. • To select a track in the Audio Mixer, use the [ ] and [ ] keys. • To adjust the fader (in 1dB units), use the [ ] and [ ] keys. (the same operation is available with the mouse).

  • Page 654: Audio Track Operations

    Section 7 — Audio Operations Figure 802. Audio Mixer Indicator Display Menu 2. Select the desired indicator display and scale. • Peak Meter — Shows the volume variation of each audio signal in real time. • VU Meter — Displays the average volume of each audio signal. This is useful for adjusting the volume balance of each track.

  • Page 655
    Audio Mixer Operations Figure 803. Audio Mixer Track Operations 2. Select the desired track operation from the menu. • Track — Adjustments to the track volume are not applied to the Timeline. • None — Audio mixer adjustments with the slider are not available. •…
  • Page 656: Ganging Audio Tracks

    Section 7 — Audio Operations Figure 804. Audio Mixer Track Reset Ganging Audio Tracks Audio tracks may be ganged together in order to adjust all ganged tracks simultaneously. Three separate gangs may be created and are assigned the colors of yellow ( Gang 1), red ( Gang 2) and, blue ( Gang 3).

  • Page 657: Playing Or Muting A Specified Track

    Audio Mixer Operations Figure 805. Adjusting Ganged Tracks Note When tracks are ganged, the relative volume difference between tracks is maintained as the fader on one of the tracks is moved. When one of the faders (other than the one being adjusted) reaches the upper or lower scale limit, its movement stops, but, the other faders in the gang continue to move towards the limit.

  • Page 658: Applying V-Mute

    Section 7 — Audio Operations These buttons function as follows: • Clicking the Solo button plays back audio from that track when the Play button in the Audio Mixer is selected. • Clicking the button mutes audio for the selected track during Mute Audio Mixer playback.

  • Page 659: Adding Voice Overs And Sound Effects

    Adding Voice Overs and Sound Effects Figure 809. Set V-Mute The level on the audio volume rubber band at the point of the Timeline cursor is set to 0. See Figure 810. Figure 810. V-Mute Set on Audio Volume Rubberband Note The default duration of a V-Mute can be adjusted in the Duration Settings dialog.

  • Page 660
    Section 7 — Audio Operations To add a voice over or sound effect, perform the following actions: 1. Select the A audio track on which to place the voice over or sound effect and set an In point for the voice over or sound effect. See Setting In and Out Points on Timeline on page 326 for more information.
  • Page 661
    Adding Voice Overs and Sound Effects 3. Click the list button ( ) on the button and select an input device Device from the list of available devices. 4. Click the list button ( ) on the button and select an audio Channel source (microphone, line-in, aux, etc).
  • Page 662
    Section 7 — Audio Operations The white bars (shown in Figure 814) at the right end of the level meters change to red if the volume exceeds 0 dB. Click the bars to return to the default settings. Figure 814. Peak Level Reset EDIUS —…
  • Page 663: Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output

    Section Exporting/Project Output The last step in the typical project workflow is exporting the project in its final output format. Capturing clips, editing clips in the Timeline, adding transitions and titles, and adjusting audio is all completed before the project is ready to be rendered and exported to its final format. Exporting in Various File Formats This section covers the selection of output formats for video and still images.

  • Page 664
    Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output • AVCHD • H.264/AVC • Blu Ray • Playstation Portable • Uncompressed RGB AVI • Still Image • Uncompressed (UYVY) AVI • PCM AIFF • PCM WAVE • Uncompressed (YUY2 AVI) • iPod • HD P2 Clip •…
  • Page 665
    Exporting in Various File Formats Figure 815. Export Button Menu The Export menu appears. 2. Select “Print to File” from the menu. The Select Exporter Plug-In Dialog appears as illustrated in Figure 816. Figure 816. Exporter Plug-In Dialog EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 666
    Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output Note The Exporter list is divided in two sections; Preset and Exporter. Presets have pre-determined export parameters. The Exporter list shows all available file formats to which projects can be exported. Export parameters are set at the time the export is initiated.
  • Page 667
    Exporting in Various File Formats Figure 817. MPEG Elementary Streams Export Parameters 6. Use the button to browse to the location to which to save the Select… Video and Audio Elementary streams as illustrated in Figure 818. Note The location for the elementary streams is selected for both Video and Audio streams by browsing with either Select…
  • Page 668
    Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output Figure 818. Select Elementary Streams Location 7. In the “Basic Settings” tab set the desired Video and Audio encoding parameters from the available options in the drop-down lists. Note If Linear PCM is the selected audio format, it is exported as a .WAV file with timecode included.
  • Page 669: Advanced Exporter Settings

    Exporting in Various File Formats Figure 819. MPEG Elementary Streams Extended Settings 9. Select the desired extended Video and Audio encoding parameters from the available options in the drop-down lists and check boxes. 10. Click the button to export the project to a file of the selected format. Note Procedures from Step 3…

  • Page 670
    Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output Figure 820. Advanced Conversion Settings EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 671
    Exporting in Various File Formats Although the exact settings will vary depending upon the selected export format, the dialog depicted in Figure 820 shows the types of advanced video and audio conversion settings that are available. • If the “Change video format” box is checked, individual video conver- sion parameters may be modified.
  • Page 672: Other Exporter Functions

    Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output Note If it is not possible to match the project frame rate and the output frame rate Frame Blending or Nearest Frame will be used depending upon the selection made. Frame Blending may result in ghosting (particularly in motion scenes) and Nearest Frame may produce a slight stutter effect.

  • Page 673: Save Preset As Default

    Exporting in Various File Formats Figure 821. Export Button Menu The Export menu appears. 2. Select “Print to File” from the menu. The Select Exporter Plug-In dialog in appears. Figure 822. Select Exporter Plug-In Dialog Save Preset As Default Any Exporter preset may be set as the default exporter. With the Select Exporter Plug-In dialog open, do the following to save a preset as the default: 1.

  • Page 674: Save Preset

    Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output 2. Click the button. Save as default The message shown in appears. Figure 823. Preset Save ass Default Confirmation The selected preset is saved as the default and is available by selecting “Current default” from the menu on the left. See Figure 824 for an example.

  • Page 675
    Exporting in Various File Formats Note When saving a preset, the Preset dialog may differ significantly from the example in Figure 825. Different formats have different available settings. Figure 825. Save Preset Dialog 3. Modify the name and description, if desired. 4.
  • Page 676: Delete Preset

    Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output Figure 826. Saved Presets in My Presets List Delete Preset Only saved presets may be deleted. The default presets and Exporters installed with EDIUS may not be deleted. To delete a preset, do the following. 1.

  • Page 677: Import Preset

    Exporting in Various File Formats 4. Click the button. Save The preset is exported. Import Preset To import presets, do the following: 1. Click the button. Import preset An Open dialog like the one shown in Figure 827 appears. Figure 827. Preset Import Open File Dialog 2.

  • Page 678
    Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output To add a sequence to the batch list, execute the following steps: 1. Set the In and Out points, if desired, for the range to be exported. Note If no In and Out points are set, the entire sequence will be exported when the batch list is executed.
  • Page 679
    Exporting in Various File Formats Figure 829. Batch Export Save Dialog 6. Click the button. Save The sequence is added to the batch list with the specified Exporter. Alternative Methods: • After setting In and Out points, right-click the Timeline scale and select “Add Batch Export Item.”…
  • Page 680: Delete From Batch Export List

    Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output Note If “Add Batch Export Item(Rendering format)” is selected from the menu, the specified range is added to the batch export list with the rendering format specified in the Project Settings Detail dialog. • After setting In and Out points, right-click on the export list in the Batch Export dialog and select “New.”…

  • Page 681
    Exporting in Various File Formats Figure 831. Export Button Menu The Export menu appears. 2. Select “Batch Export” from the menu. The Batch Export dialog appears as illustrated in Figure 832. Figure 832. Batch Export Dialog 3. Make any desired changes to the batch export list. See Modifying the Batch Export List for more information.
  • Page 682: Modifying The Batch Export List

    Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output Modifying the Batch Export List As illustrated in Figure 833, function button are available for managing the items in the batch export list. These buttons and their functions are explained below: Figure 833. Batch Export Dialog Function Buttons Add Batch Export Item Clicking the button (highlighted in blue in…

  • Page 683
    Exporting in Various File Formats Add Batch Export Item (Render Format) Clicking the button (highlighted in blue in Add Batch Export Item (render format) Figure 836) adds the portion of the current sequence between the In and Out points to the batch list using the current render format. As explained below, these settings may be adjusted in the batch export list.
  • Page 684
    Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output Sequence The name of the sequence in the project to be exported. Note If a sequence stored in the batch list is deleted from both the Timeline and the Asset Bin before being exported, that sequence is displayed in red and cannot be exported.
  • Page 685: Export To Dvd Or Blu Ray

    Exporting in Various File Formats File Name The specified file name and location for the exported file. These may be edited in the Batch export list, if desired. Status When export is in progress, the status is displayed in this field. Batch List Menu Right clicking on an item in the list selects that item and displays the menu illustrated in…

  • Page 686
    Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output Note When exporting to DVD or Blu Ray, free space on the computer hard drive must be at least twice as large as the size of the file to be exported. To export a project to disc, do the following: 1.
  • Page 687
    Exporting in Various File Formats Figure 841. Burn to Disc Note To exit Burn to Disc and return to EDIUS, click the Return button. If you click the Return button without writing any files to disc, the project and settings will be saved.
  • Page 688
    Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output Note If adding files to the project results in exceeding the capacity of the disc media — as indicated in the Status Bar — the encoding bit rate is automatically adjusted on all files to allow them to fit on the selected media. If you wish to increase the encoding bit rate, you will need to select higher-capacity media by clicking the Media button.
  • Page 689
    Exporting in Various File Formats Figure 843. Burn to Disc Style Dialog 8. Create the menu for the project by setting the following parameters as desired: Output Select the disc format to which to burn the project; DVD or BD (Blu Ray) Use Menu If you want a menu created for the project select this option.
  • Page 690
    Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output specify the number of rows and columns of buttons to be displayed on each menu. Screen Size Select 4:3 or 16:9 (wide) aspect ratio for the menu. Note If BD (Blu Ray) is the selected output format, the 4:3 aspect ratio is greyed out and not available.
  • Page 691
    Exporting in Various File Formats Figure 844. Edit Design Dialog The Preview/Edit window show the changes made to the menus using the controls and buttons in the Edit Design dialog. 10. Make any desired changes to the menus using the Edit Design controls and buttons.
  • Page 692
    Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output Edit Buttons — Undo the previous operation — Redo the previously undone operation — Show grid lines for aligning menu elements. Each click of this button cycles through the available grid patterns. The button as shown displays no grid lines. Subsequent clicks of the button display grid patterns with fewer to more grid lines.
  • Page 693
    Exporting in Various File Formats Figure 845. Burn to Disc Menu Item Setting Text Dialog If the item selected is a text item such as the menu title or chapter label, the Item Setting dialog appears with the ‘Text” tab selected. To modify the text for a title or label, do the following: •…
  • Page 694
    Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output • Select the text placement • Left justified • Center justified • Right justified • Top of text box • Centered in text box • Bottom of text box Note One of Left, Center, Right and one of Top, Centered, Bottom may be selected simultaneously.
  • Page 695
    Exporting in Various File Formats If the item selected is a picture item such as a title or chapter button thumb- nail, the Item Setting dialog appears with the ‘Picture” tab selected. See Figure 847. Figure 847. Burn to Disc Item Setting Picture Dialog To modify the parameters associated with the picture, do the following: •…
  • Page 696
    Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output Figure 848. Burn to Disc Item Setting Picture Effect Dialog Click the button to close the Item Setting dialog. 11. Click the “Write” tab to set the project output parameters. The Burn to Disc Output to DVD dialog shown in Figure 849 appears.
  • Page 697
    Exporting in Various File Formats Figure 849. Burn to Disc Output to Dialog 12. Set the disc (DVD or BD) Output parameters Volume Label Enter the volume label for the disc. Number of Discs Enter the number of copies of the disc you wish to burn. Note A prompt to insert another disc will appear as each copy is successfully burned.
  • Page 698
    Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output Note If multiple burners are installed in the computer, a tab will be available for each drive. Any available drive can be assigned to Drive 1, Drive 2, etc. Speed Set the maximum speed at which the disc should be burned. Note The write speed is media and drive dependent.
  • Page 699
    Exporting in Various File Formats Figure 850. Burn to Disc Output Options Select the desired “First Play” action (what happens when the disc is inserted in a disc player) : • Show menu • Play the first movie title Select the desired action after playing a title: •…
  • Page 700: Export Still Images

    Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output Export Still Images To export an image or a scene in a video sequence as a still image, perform the following actions: 1. Move the Timeline cursor to the point at which the desired image or scene is located.

  • Page 701
    Exporting in Various File Formats Figure 852. Still Image Exporter 5. Click the button. Export The Still Image Save dialog shown in Figure 853 appears. Figure 853. Still Image Save Dialog EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 702: Export To Tape

    Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output 6. Select the folder location, file name and file type in which to save the exported image(s) 7. Select advanced still image save parameters, if desired, by clicking the button. The Advanced Settings dialog in Figure 854 appears.

  • Page 703
    Exporting in Various File Formats Note If the HDV device supports HDV mode, set the device to this mode. For more information see the instruction manual for the HDV device. 2. Select Capture>MPEG TS Writer on the Preview window menu bar. See Figure 855.
  • Page 704: Output To Dv (Generic Ohci) Device

    Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output 3. Select “Microsoft AV/C Tape Subunit Device” from the device drop- down list. Note To use HDV devices, Windows XP Service Pack 2 or higher must be installed. If the HDV device is not recognized, check the Windows Device Manager to see if an entry for “AV/C Tape Device”…

  • Page 705
    Exporting in Various File Formats The Project Settings dialog appears. 4. Click the button. Change Current Setting The Project Settings dialog shown in Figure 858 appears. Figure 858. Project Settings Dialog 5. Select “Generic OHCI SD NTSC” in the “Output Device” section and select the desired output format.
  • Page 706
    Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output Figure 859. Export Button Menu 8. Select “Print to Tape” or “Print to Tape(Display Timecode) from the menu. Note Alternative methods are: pressing [F12] on the keyboard and selecting File>Print>Print to Tape or Print to Tape(Display Timecode) from the Preview window men bar.
  • Page 707: Export To Devices Not Controlled By Deck Settings

    Exporting in Various File Formats Figure 861. Tape Export Wizard Confirmation Dialog 10. Click the button to begin exporting to tape. Export Click the button during the export operation if you wish to cancel the Abort export. Note If In and Out points are set on the Timeline, only the portion of the project between these points is exported.

  • Page 708
    Section 8 — Exporting/Project Output EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 709: Section A — Hardware Settings

    Appendix Hardware Settings This appendix explains settings for various optional EDIUS hardware cap- turing and editing boards and hardware that may be installed in the EDIUS computer. Also covered are common video, audio and interface devices installed in the computer. EDIUS SP/SP-SDI (SHX) Settings EDIUS SP hardware displays as “SHX-E1”…

  • Page 710
    Appendix A — Hardware Settings Figure 862. SHX-E1/SHX-E2 System Settings Dialog 3. From the drop-down list, select the RT buffer frame size (stated as a number of Megabytes). Choices are: 128 (default), 256, 384, 512. Note EDIUS renders ahead using the Real-Time playback buffer from which frames are then taken for playback.
  • Page 711: General I/O Settings

    EDIUS SP/SP-SDI (SHX) Settings The sync status is displayed in the windows below the Sync Signal button. Either NO SYNC or SYNC OK will be displayed depending on whether or not an input reference signal is detected. 5. If applicable, move the Phase Adjust slider to fine tune the sync signal. 6.

  • Page 712
    Appendix A — Hardware Settings Figure 863. SHX-E1/SHX-E2 General I/O Dialog Note If SHX-E2 is installed, the General I/O Settings screen will have additional set- tings as explained below. 3. From the “Monitor Format” drop-down list, select the appropriate monitor format. Choices are: “Multi format” for a monitor that can automatically recognize SD and HD input sources and switch accordingly;…
  • Page 713: Dv Device Settings

    EDIUS SP/SP-SDI (SHX) Settings 7. Select the “Enable Wide Screen Signaling” if content is to be displayed on televisions that support WSS with automatic aspect ratio (4:3 or 16:9) switching. 8. Set the desired Balanced Audio Settings for “Input Headroom [dB]”, “Input Level [dBu]”, “Output Headroom [dB]”, and “Output Level [dBu]”…

  • Page 714
    EDIUS SP/SP-SDI (SHX) Settings Figure 864. SHX-E1/SHX-E2 DV Device Settings Dialog 3. In the “SyncRec Start Timing” field enter the timing adjustment, in number of frames, before playback begins on the EDIUS computer. Zero (0) = no adjustment. 4. In the “SyncRec End Timing” field enter the timing adjustment, in number of frames, when recording on a VCR is stopped.
  • Page 715: Input Settings

    EDIUS SP/SP-SDI (SHX) Settings Input Settings The hardware devices described in this section all have input settings; how- ever, the input settings selection only appears in the Hardware Settings tree for a device if that device is selected in the Capture menu in the Preview window.

  • Page 716
    EDIUS SP/SP-SDI (SHX) Settings 3. Adjust the Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Saturation and Sharpness sliders to the desired levels. • Brightness — A smaller value produces a darker image. • Contrast — A larger value results in stronger contrast. • Hue — The smaller the value, the closer the image is to dark red. The larger the value, the closer the image is to dark green.
  • Page 717
    EDIUS SP/SP-SDI (SHX) Settings 8. Click the button to apply the changes. Apply 9. Click on the “White/Black Gain” tab. The dialog in Figure 867 appears. Figure 867. White/Black Gain Dialog 10. Set the desired Black Gain values with the drop-down lists and sliders. •…
  • Page 718
    EDIUS SP/SP-SDI (SHX) Settings 11. Set the desired White Gain values with the drop-down lists and sliders. • White Gain — Strengthens the gain in high luminance areas of the luminance signal. This option improves gradation levels in areas that appear washed out due to high luminance. •…
  • Page 719: Canopus Hq Codec Settings

    EDIUS SP/SP-SDI (SHX) Settings 16. Select the desired setup level (black level) from the “Setup Level” drop- down list. Note 0 IRE is commonly used in Japan and 7.5 IRE is commonly used in North America. 17. Select the desired component level from the “Component ” drop-down list.

  • Page 720
    EDIUS SP/SP-SDI (SHX) Settings Figure 869. Canopus HQ Codec Settings 3. Select the desired Codec quality settings. Choices are: • Online(Superfine) — not currently available • Online(Fine) — this setting can produce large file sizes, select this setting when high quality image capture is needed. •…
  • Page 721: Video Overlay Settings

    EDIUS SP/SP-SDI (SHX) Settings Note The “Max size min” allows you to limit the capture bitrate. 100% means no codec compression and the bitrate will be the same as the captured source. Setting a lower limit — e.g. 40 — limits the capture to a bitrate that is 40% (or whatever number is selected) of the original source.

  • Page 722
    EDIUS SP/SP-SDI (SHX) Settings Figure 870. Video Overlay Settings Note The “Overlay Refresh” drop-down list does not appear for all hardware devices. 3. From the drop-down list, select the desired Video Display Type. Choices are: • DirectDraw Overlay (displays video using the DirectDraw Overlay surface) •…
  • Page 723: Edius Nx/Nx Express (Nhx) Settings

    EDIUS NX/NX Express (NHX) Settings Note When displaying interlaced images the ‘Field” refresh rate provides the best setting for visually checking for errors such as reversed fields. • Field (at a frame rate of 29.97 fps, the screen is refreshed 59.94 times per second) — default •…

  • Page 724
    EDIUS NX/NX Express (NHX) Settings 2. Select “System Settings” from the NHX-E1/NHX-E2 Settings tree. The dialog in Figure 871 appears. Figure 871. NHX-E1/NHX-E2 System Settings Dialog 3. From the drop-down list, select the RT buffer frame size (stated as a number of Megabytes).
  • Page 725: General I/O Settings

    EDIUS NX/NX Express (NHX) Settings General I/O Settings 1. If necessary, click the “+” to expand the NHX-E1/NHX-E2 Settings tree. 2. Select “General I/O Settings” from the NHX-E1/NHX-E2 Settings tree. The dialog in Figure 872 appears. Figure 872. NHX-E1/NHX-E2 General I/O Dialog 3.

  • Page 726: Dv Device Settings

    EDIUS NX/NX Express (NHX) Settings Note 0 IRE is commonly used in Japan and 7.5 IRE is commonly used in North America. 6. Select the desired NTSC Component level from the “Component Level” drop-down list. 7. Select the “Enable Wide Screen Signal” if content is to be displayed on televisions that support WSS with automatic aspect ratio (4:3 or 16:9) switching.

  • Page 727
    EDIUS NX/NX Express (NHX) Settings Figure 873. NHX-E1/NHX-E2 DV Device Settings Dialog 3. In the “SyncRec Start Timing” field enter the timing adjustment, in number of frames, before playback begins on the EDIUS computer. Zero (0) = no adjustment. 4. In the “SyncRec End Timing” field enter the timing adjustment, in number of frames, when recording on a VCR is stopped.
  • Page 728: Input Settings

    EDIUS SD/HD (RX-E1) Settings Input Settings See Input Settings on page 715. Canopus HQ Codec Settings See Canopus HQ Codec Settings on page 719. Video Overlay Settings Video Overlay Settings on page 721. EDIUS SD/HD (RX-E1) Settings EDIUS RX-E1 hardware is available in either an SD or HD version. The SD and HD settings dialogs vary, however, both versions display as RX-E1 in the Hardware Settings dialog and the Windows Device Manager.

  • Page 729
    EDIUS SD/HD (RX-E1) Settings Figure 874. RX-E1 System Settings Dialog 3. From the drop-down list, select the RT buffer frame size (stated as a number of Megabytes). Choices are: 128 (default), 256, 384, 512. Note EDIUS renders ahead using the Real-Time playback buffer from which frames are then taken for playback.
  • Page 730: General I/O Settings (Sd And Hd)

    EDIUS SD/HD (RX-E1) Settings The sync status is displayed in the windows below the Sync Signal button. Either NO SYNC or SYNC OK will be displayed depending on whether or not an input reference signal is detected. 5. If “Ref Input Sync” is selected, select the reference input type; HD Tri- Level, HD BB (Black Burst) or SD BB (Black Burst).

  • Page 731
    EDIUS SD/HD (RX-E1) Settings Figure 875. RX-E1 General I/O Settings Dialog 3. From the “SDI Monitor” drop-down list, select the appropriate monitor format. Choices are: “Multi format” for a monitor that can automatically recognize SD and HD input sources and switch accordingly;…
  • Page 732: Hd Balanced Audio Settings (Hd Only)

    EDIUS SD/HD (RX-E1) Settings 8. Select the two VBI lines on which VITC (vertical interval timecode) data is present. Typically, this is lines 14 and 16 for NTSC and lines 19 and 21 for PAL video. 9. Select the desired D/Component Output settings. 10.

  • Page 733: Input Settings (Hd Only)

    EDIUS SD/HD (RX-E1) Settings Figure 876. RX-E1 Balanced Audio Settings Dialog 3. From the drop-down lists for each audio channel 1-4, select the audio ”Input Headroom[dB]”, “Input Level[dBm]”, “Output Headroom[dB]” and “Output Level[dBm]” settings. 4. Click the button to save the settings and close the Balanced Audio Settings dialog.

  • Page 734: Video Overlay Settings (Sd And Hd)

    EDIUS SD/HD (RX-E1) Settings Video Overlay Settings (SD and HD) See Video Overlay Settings on page 721. Downconverter Settings (HD Only) 1. If necessary, click the “+” to expand the RX-E1 Settings tree. 2. Select “Downconverter Settings” from the RX-E1 Settings tree. The dialog in Figure 877 appears.

  • Page 735: Upconverter Settings (Hd Only)

    EDIUS SD/HD (RX-E1) Settings 5. Click the button to save the settings and close the Downconverter Settings dialog. While in the Downconverter dialog, clicking the button returns all Default* settings marked with an “*” to their default values. Upconverter Settings (HD Only) 1.

  • Page 736: Hd Storm (Hxq-E1) Settings

    HD STORM (HXQ-E1) Settings 4. Move the “detail enhancement” slider to the appropriate level of detail sharpening as desired. 5. Move the “Noise reduction” slider to increase or decrease the amount of noise reduction as desired. Note Noise reduction can decrease video blocking and other upconversion arti- facts;…

  • Page 737
    HD STORM (HXQ-E1) Settings Figure 879. HXQ-E1System Settings Dialog 3. From the drop-down list, select the RT buffer frame size (stated as a number of Megabytes). Choices are: 128 (default), 256, 384, 512. Note EDIUS renders ahead using the Real-Time playback buffer from which frames are then taken for playback.
  • Page 738: Analog Output Settings

    Appendix A — Hardware Settings While in the System Settings dialog, clicking the button returns all Default* settings marked with an “*” to their default values. Analog Output Settings 1. If necessary, click the “+” to expand the HXQ-E1 Settings tree. 2.

  • Page 739: Analog Input Settings

    HDSPARK (HSX) Settings 5. Select the desired component level from the “Component Level” drop- down list. 6. Click the button to save the settings and close the Analog Output Settings dialog. While in the Analog Output Settings dialog, clicking the button Default* returns all settings marked with an “*”…

  • Page 740
    Appendix A — Hardware Settings Figure 881. HSX-E1 System/Output Settings Dialog 3. From the drop-down list, select the RT buffer frame size (stated as a number of Megabytes). Choices are: 128 (default), 256, 384, 512. Note EDIUS renders ahead using the Real-Time playback buffer from which frames are then taken for playback.
  • Page 741: Video Overlay Settings

    HDTHUNDER (HTX) Settings Video Overlay Settings See Video Overlay Settings on page 721. HDTHUNDER (HTX) Settings EDIUS HDTHUNDER hardware displays as “HTX-E1” in the EDIUS set- tings screen and the Windows Device Manager. HTX-E1 settings are accessed by selecting Settings>Hardware Settings from the Preview window and then selecting HTX-E1 Settings.

  • Page 742
    Appendix A — Hardware Settings Figure 882. HTX-EI System Settings Dialog 3. From the drop-down list, select the RT buffer frame size (stated as a number of Megabytes). Choices are: 128 (default), 256, 384, 512. Note EDIUS renders ahead using the Real-Time playback buffer from which frames are then taken for playback.
  • Page 743: General I/O Settings

    HDTHUNDER (HTX) Settings 7. Click the button to save the settings and close the System Settings dialog. While in the System Settings dialog, clicking the button returns all Default* settings marked with an “*” to their default values. General I/O Settings 1.

  • Page 744: Input Settings

    Appendix A — Hardware Settings 5. Set the SD Component Gain by moving the slider to select the desired value. 6. From the Audio Monitor drop-down list, select the desired channel(s) for audio monitoring. 7. If audio is output via HDMI, select the desired audio channel output. 8.

  • Page 745
    HDTHUNDER (HTX) Settings Figure 884. HTX-E1 Input Settings Dialog 3. Set the desired Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Saturation and Sharpness levels by moving the related slider to adjust the value. In the Image Adjustment settings, if available, do the following: 4. Select the desired setup level (black level) from the “Setup Level” drop- down list.
  • Page 746: Canopus Hq Codes Settings

    Appendix A — Hardware Settings 10. Click the button to save the settings and close the Input Settings dialog. While in the Input Settings dialog, clicking the button returns all Default* settings marked with an “*” to their default values. Canopus HQ Codes Settings See Canopus HQ Codec Settings on page…

  • Page 747
    EDIUS DirectShow Device Settings Figure 885. DirectShow Device Settings Installed video capture device(s) are detected and displayed. 3. From the drop-down list, select the audio input device that supports the displayed video device The available choices depend upon the installed audio devices. Note Select “Not Assigned”…
  • Page 748: Edius Generic Hdv Settings

    Appendix A — Hardware Settings 5. Click the button to save settings and close the settings dialog. EDIUS Generic HDV Settings Generic HDV Settings are accessed by selecting Settings>Hardware Set- tings from the Preview window and then selecting Generic HDV Settings. Note If the Hardware Settings tree is collapsed, click the “+”…

  • Page 749
    EDIUS Generic OHCI Settings Figure 886. Generic OHCI System/Output Settings 2. From the drop-down list, select the RT buffer frame size (stated as a number of Megabytes). Choices are: 128 (default), 256, 384, 512. Note EDIUS renders ahead using the Real-Time playback buffer from which frames are then taken for playback.
  • Page 750: Dv Device Settings

    Appendix A — Hardware Settings 5. Select the “Mute DV audio” option if you wish to mute audio during DV output. Default = Not Checked. Note This selection is only available if RealTime DV output is enabled. 6. When an output format is selected that supports more than three audio track channels, select the sound card output channel.

  • Page 751: Video Overlay Settings

    EDIUS Generic OHCI Settings Figure 887. Generic OHCI DV Device Settings 2. Set the desired SyncRec Start Timing by entering the desired timing adjustment (in frames) at the beginning of playback on the PC. Default = -7 3. Set the desired SyncRec End Timing by entering the desired timing adjustment (in frames) when stopping recording.

  • Page 752
    Appendix A — Hardware Settings EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 753: Appendix B — Special Procedures

    Appendix Special Procedures This appendix explains special procedures that are possible using the tools and features of EDIUS. Keyframeable 2D Picture-in-Picture Unlike other keyframe operations, the Motion Keyframe function in the Picture in Picture (PIP) effect is not time based. This procedure documents the use of the Motion Keyframe in creating a keyframeable PIP effect.

  • Page 754
    Appendix B — Special Procedures Figure 889. Keyframeable 2D PIP — Recorder Preview 4. Open the Picture in Picture effect settings by double clicking the Picture in Picture effect in the effects list of the Information Palette. The Picture in Picture settings dialog shown in Figure 890 opens.
  • Page 755
    Keyframeable 2D Picture-in-Picture 5. Move the cursor to the edge of the PIP image and the cursor will change to a resize cursor as illustrated in Figure 890 (upper left corner of the PIP image. Click the left mouse button and drag the cursor to resize the PIP image as desired.
  • Page 756
    Appendix B — Special Procedures 9. Move the End image if desired by positioning the cursor over the square in the middle of the image (an orange outline around the square will appear). Click and drag the square to the new center location for the End frame.
  • Page 757
    Keyframeable 2D Picture-in-Picture Note Unless the intermediate keyframe position (framed in orange) happens to be exactly at the center point of the motion path, the middle of the clip does not correspond to the intermediate keyframe position. With the Timeline cursor positioned in the middle of the clip, the middle of the clip is at the center point of the motion path as illustrated in Figure…
  • Page 758
    Appendix B — Special Procedures Figure 894. Keyframeable 2D PIP — Motion Keyframe Tab As noted in Figure 894. the Motion Keyframe tab displays the following information: • Vertical Red Line — Timeline cursor position • Horizontal Red Line(s) — Intermediate keyframe positions Note If there is more than one intermediate keyframe, there will be a red horizontal line for each intermediate keyframe.
  • Page 759
    Keyframeable 2D Picture-in-Picture As shown in Figure 895, this is the point at which the center of the image is at the intermediate keyframe position. Figure 895. Keyframeable 2D PIP — Image at Intermediate Keyframe Position 16. Click somewhere on the graph other than the end points of the grey line or the point where the red lines intersect.
  • Page 760
    Appendix B — Special Procedures Figure 896. Keyframeable 2D PIP — Intermediate Keyframe Moved By changing the point at which the grey line intersects the horizontal red line, the movement progression from the Start point to the End point changes. When the grey line crosses a horizontal red line, the PIP images hits a defined keyframe.
  • Page 761
    Keyframeable 2D Picture-in-Picture Figure 897. Keyframeable 2D PIP — Two Nodes Flat on Grey Line 21. Move the Timeline cursor through the clip. Notice how the clip holds at the intermediate keyframe position while the cursor moves through the area in which the grey line is riding the red hor- izontal line.
  • Page 762
    Appendix B — Special Procedures Figure 898. Keyframeable 2D PIP — Node Under Red Horizontal Line 25. Click in the PIP preview window to add a new keyframe. As shown in Figure 899, another red horizontal line appears on the motion keyframe graph and the previous End keyframe position becomes an inter- mediate keyframe.
  • Page 763
    Keyframeable 2D Picture-in-Picture Figure 899. Keyframeable 2D PIP — New End Keyframe 26. Move the nodes on the grey line to adjust the points at which the grey line intersects the red horizontal lines. These intersection points correspond to timecodes in the clip at which the PIP image hits keyframes.
  • Page 764
    Appendix B — Special Procedures EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 765: Appendix C — Input/Output Formats

    Appendix Input/Output Formats Output Devices Generic OHCI HD 60Hz Table 8. Generic OHCI HD 60Hz Output Format Video Device 1920×1080 59.94i AVCHD, Infinity, HD-D5, AVC- Intra 100, HDCAM-SR 1920×1080 29.97p AVC-Intra 100, HDCAM-SR 1440×1080 59.94i HDV (Sony, Canon), AVCHD, AVC-Intra50, HDCAM 1440×1080 29.97p HDV (Sony, Canon) 1280×720 59.94p…

  • Page 766
    Appendix C — Input/Output Formats Table 9. Generic OHCI HD 50Hz Output Format Video Device 1440×1080 50i 48kHz 2ch DVCPRO HD 1440×1080 25p over 50i 960×720 50p DVCPRO HD, AVC-Intra50 960×720 25p over 50p 960×720 50p over 60p DVCPRO HD 960×720 25p over 60p EDIUS —…
  • Page 767: Generic Ohci Hd 24Hz

    Output Devices Generic OHCI HD 24Hz Table 10. Generic OHCI HD 24Hz Output Format Video Device 1920×1080 24p HDCAM-SR 1920×1080 23.98p AVC-Intra 100, HDCAM-SR 1440×1080 24p HDCAM-SR 1440×1080 23.98p HDV (Sony, Canon) 1280×720 23.98p HDV (JVC) 1280×1080 23.98p over 59.94i 1280×1080 23.98pA over 59.94i DVCPRO HD 960×1080 23.98p over 59.94p…

  • Page 768: Generic Ohci Sd Pal

    Appendix C — Input/Output Formats Generic OHCI SD PAL Table 12. Generic OHCI SD PAL Output Format Video Device 720×576 50i 4:3 D1, DVD 720×576 50i 16:9 720×576 50i 4:3 48kHz 4ch DVCPRO50 720×576 50i 16:9 48kHz 4ch 720×576 50i 4:3 48kHz 2ch 720×576 50i 4:3 44.1kHz 720×576 50i 4:3 32kHz 2ch 720×576 50i 4:3 32kHz 4ch…

  • Page 769: Input Devices

    Input Devices Input Devices Generic OHCI Input Table 14. Generic OHCI Input Input Format Codec Video Device DDCPRO HD 1280×1080 59.94i DVCPRO HD DVCPRO HD DVCPRO50 720×480 59.94i DVCPRO50 DVCPRO50 DV 720×480 59.94i Canopus DV DVCPRO HD 1440×108 50i DVCPRO HD DVCPRO HD DVCPRO50 720×576 50i DVCPRO50…

  • Page 770: File Formats Supported In Trimming Operations

    Appendix C — Input/Output Formats Table 16. HDV Output of Captured MPEG TS Output Format Video Device MPEG TS 1920×1080 59.94i ADVC-HDM1 MPEG TS 1440×1080 59.94i, 29.97p, 23.98p HDV (Sony, Canon) MPEG TS 1440×1080 50i, 25p MPEG TS 1280×720 29.97 MPEG TS 1280×720 59.94p, 23.98p over 59.94p HDV (JVC) MPEG TS 1280×720 50p, 25p…

  • Page 771
    File Formats Supported In Trimming Operations Table 17. Non-MPEG Video and Audio Formats Supported Format File Composition Comments Operations Infinity Multiple Files C, M, D, T After trimming, clip is saved as a single MXF file. Single File C, M, D, T An MXF file containing only audio cannot be trimmed XDCAM…
  • Page 772: Default Keyboard Shortcuts

    Appendix C — Input/Output Formats Default Keyboard Shortcuts The default keyboard shortcuts, organized by functional groupings, are presented in the tables below. However, keyboard shortcuts are customize- able and may be changed following the procedures outlined in Keyboard Shortcut Settings on page 172.

  • Page 773: Edit Shortcuts

    Default Keyboard Shortcuts Edit Shortcuts Table 20. Edit Shortcuts Function Shortcut Function Shortcut +1 frame trim Set default transition [CTRL]+[P] +10 frame trim [SHIFT]+[.] Duration [ALT]+[U] -1 frame trim Track lock [ALT]+[L] -10 frame trim [SHIFT]+[,] Paste transition to In point [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[K] Overwrite copied clip to Timeline [SHIFT]+[]]…

  • Page 774: Edit — Delete Shortcuts

    Appendix C — Input/Output Formats Edit — Delete Shortcuts Table 21. Edit — Delete Shortcuts Function Shortcut Function Shortcut Ripple delete between In/Out [ALT]+[D] Delete audio from selected clip [ALT]+[A] Delete between In/Out Delete parts — audio filter [CTRL]+[ALT]+[F] Delete pan settings [CTRL]+[ALT]+[H] Delete parts — key [CTRL]+[ALT]+[G]…

  • Page 775: Edit — Move Shortcuts

    Default Keyboard Shortcuts Edit — Move Shortcuts Table 23. Edit — Move Shortcuts Function Shortcut Function Shortcut Timecode jump (+) [+] on numeric keypad only Move to end [END] Timecode jump (-) [-] on numeric keypad only Next edit point [CTRL]+[RIGHT ARROW] Print to file [F11]…

  • Page 776: Play Shortcuts

    Appendix C — Input/Output Formats Play Shortcuts Table 25. Play Shortcuts Function Shortcut Function Shortcut 10 frames back [SHIFT]+[LEFT] Pause 10 frames forward [SHIFT]+[RIGHT] Stop [SHIFT]+[DOWN] Play the cursor area {CTRL]+[/] Play/stop [SPACE] Play the cut point area Play/stop [ENTER] Jog (forward) [CTRL]+[L] 1 frame back…

  • Page 777: Mode Shortcuts

    Default Keyboard Shortcuts Mode Shortcuts Table 27. Mode Shortcuts Function Shortcut Function Shortcut Split slide trim In [SHIFT]+[CTRL]+[ALT]+[N] Trim [F6] Split trim In [SHIFT]+[N] Video layout [F7] Split trim Out [SHIFT]+[M] Set ripple mode Split ripple trim In [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[N] Toggle insert/overwrite [INSERT] Split ripple trim Out [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[M]…

  • Page 778
    Appendix C — Input/Output Formats EDIUS — User Reference Guide…
  • Page 779: Index

    Index Numerics adjusting volume audio mixer 3-point editing adjusting audio 4-point editing audio track operations ganging audio tracks playing clips playing or muting a specific track switching the indicator display AAF file export eliminating small amounts of audio noise AAF file import normalize add to batch list 677,…

  • Page 780
    Index capture adjusting video in/out points batch capturing audio confirm filename settings audio cross fades directly to the timeline audio or video only on timeline from a DV or HDV device capture from devices not controlled by deck settings capture from DV or HDV device capture settings from DirectShow devices change order…
  • Page 781
    Index paste at in/out points ungroup pasting unlink video and audio place by audio channel video placing on timeline color bar placing special clips between in/out points create placing with in/out points modify properties 258, playback color bar clip playback with player operation buttons color correction filter playback with shuttle/slider controls white balance…
  • Page 782
    Index audio level meter overlays title export overlays v-mute normal edit overlays DVD contents overlay view attributes show safe area overlay attributes source information to show trim edit overlays editing clip settings for multiple clips show settings EDIUS JC1p jog device show player and recorder buttons EDIUS JC1p settings customizing screen layout…
  • Page 783
    Index color wheel still images monotone exporter, advanced audio settings color correction filters exporter, advanced settings adjusting color balance exporter, advanced video settings adjusting YUV curve exporter, delete preset color balance exporter, export preset color wheel adjustments exporter, import preset monotone filter adjustments exporter, save preset white balance adjustments…
  • Page 784
    HDV generic HDV settings generic OHCI generic OHCI settings insert mode 130, GPUfx settings insert mode trimming Grass Valley web site jog device select hardware settings DirectShow device generic HDV generic OHCI device keyboard shortcut assignments HD STORM (HXQ-E1)
  • Page 785
    Index MKB-88 jog device settings generic OHCI HD 24Hz generic OHCI HD 50Hz MKB-88 settings generic OHCI HD 60Hz move to the In or Out point generic OHCI SD 24Hz move tracks generic OHCI SD NTSC MPEG importer generic OHCI SD PAL multi cam mode output to DV device switching to…
  • Page 786
    Index project folder location setting in and out points project preset player window change current settings save current settings as new preset plug-in base effects project presets plug-in settings change settings of existing preset AVCHD importer create Behringer BCF2000 fader device select GPUfx settings jog device select EDIUS-JC1p…
  • Page 787
    Index text, entering ripple mode 132, text, move ripple trim text, rolling or crawling rolling trim 394, text, rotate title object align center in screen save order custom layout same space save clips as sequence in asset bin title object layout save project screen layouts, restoring defaults screen layouts, saving…
  • Page 788
    Index sequence operations close a sequence three-point editing create a blank sequence timeline create a new sequence capture clips to duplicate a sequence change clip order open a nested sequence change clip playback speed save timeline clips as sequence in asset bin combine divided clips sequence settings copy clips…
  • Page 789
    Index track panel track lock track settings track panel 120, ungroup clips add tracks unlink video and audio in clips audio channel toggle using clips in asset bin audio mute toggle view entire sequence copy tracks timeline markers delete tracks expand buttons timeline playback MIX (transparency) toggle…
  • Page 790
    USB license key web site documentation user preset effects web site FAQ database export web site Grass Valley import web site software download user profiles window color settings change a profile name or icon copy…

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Пользовательское руководство

Содержание этого руководства ………………………………………………………


Как использовать это руководство ………………………………………………….


Особенности EDIUS ……………………………………………………….


Соединение Периферийных Устройств на PC …………………


Конфигурация Окна и Функции

Расположение Окна …………………………………………………………………


Окно Предварительного просмотра …………………………………………


Timeline Окно (Окно тайм-линии) ……………………………………………..


Окно Проэктов ………………………………………………………………………..


Окно Палитры………………………………………………………………………….


Обучающая программа

До начала работы



Подготовка материала ……………………………………………………..


Процедура создания…………………………………………………………


Создание Проекта

Создайте проэкт ………………………………………………………………


Сохраните проэкт……………………………………………………………..


Захват файлов

Импорт с устройства HDV …………………………………………………


Импорт сохранённых файлов…………………………………………….


Редактирование Клипа

Расположение клипа на Timeline (тайм-линии) …………………………


Создайте Сцену Плавательного бассейна Функцией

Последовательности ………………………………………………………………


Создайте Сцену Плавательного бассейна Способом Мультикулака



Вставьте Сцену Плавательного бассейна Функцией

Последовательности Гнезда ……………………………………………………


Применение Эффектов

Палитра «Effect» (Эффектов) и «Information» (Информационная)

Палитру ………………………………………………………………………………….


Правильное цветовое изображение …………………………………………


Примените специальный эффект к второстепенному изображению

названия …………………………………………………………………………………


Примените эффект к части клипа (сцене)………………………………….


Звуковое Редактирование

Уменьшение звука воды в Сцене Плавательного бассейна ………


Создание названия

Вставьте название ………………………………………………………………….


Окончание Работы

Кодирование видеофайла для показа на телевизоте TV ———— —


Outputting Работа

Экспорт на ленту HDV …………………………………………………………….


Tutorial (Application)

Оглавление применения

Создание Проекта

Удаление ненужного клипа из окна проэктов ……………………………


Восстановление клипов ………………………………………………………….


Захват клипов

Импорт клипов с видеокамеры ………………………………………………..


Импорт музыкальных клипов с CD (компакт-диска) …………………..


Редактирование клипа

Копирования/вырезание/вставка клипа …………………………………….


Резка клипа ……………………………………………………………………………..


Изменение скорости воспроизведения клипа ……………………………


Изменение скорости воспроизведения части клипа …………………


Применение Эффектов

Использование Picture In Picture (Картина в Картине) ………………


Использование 3D Picture In Picture (3D Картина На Картине) ….


Создание конечного видеофайла …………………………………………..


Звуковое Редактирование

Добавьте BGM ……………………………………………………………………….


Настройка баланса и объема звука между дорожками …………….


Outputting Работа

Запись проэкта на DVD ———————————————-



Руководство пользователя

Содержание Этого Руководства

Это руководство предназначено, чтобы поддержать новичков, кто пробует редактирование видео впервые, изучает основное использование EDIUS. Для более детального изучения назначений, установок и некоторых функций не упомянутых в этом руководстве, обращайтесь к инструкции. Это руководство состоит из трех глав.

Глава 1

Описывает некоторые отправные пункты о которых Вы должны знать перед началом редактирования видео в EDIUS.

Глава 2

Создаёте простую видео картину, используя данные которые идут С EDIUS. Вы поймёте основное действие через постепенную процедуру.

Глава 3

Описывает главные особенности и новые функции EDIUS, другие чем те что были описаны в Главе 2 путём легких ,понятных, конкретных примеров.

Как использовать это Руководство

Сначала установите EDIUS согласно приложенному Руководству Установки. Главные экраны EDIUS описаны в ‘ Резюме Главы 1 ‘. Чтобы понять основы редактирования workflow, копируйте файлы, содержимые в Образце на дополнительном DVD, который идет с EDIUS на ваш ПК и читайте ‘ Обучающая программа Главы 2 ‘. Глава 2 описывает действие того, как запустить EDIUS и как создать фильм согласно workflow. Обучающая программа Главы 3 описывает каждую из функций на конкретных примерах.

Символы и значения используемые в этом руководстве

Описывает хорошие вещи знать или значение трудного слова.

Сокращение Клавиатуры. Это руководство описывает действие через обычные кнопки программы. Однако вы можете выполнять процедуру через клавиатуру, когда этот символ показывается.

Это символ добавления новых функций.

Также установки и действия описанные в этом руководстве — главным образом для HDV устройства. OHCI (leeel 394) плата требуется, чтобы соединить HDV или DV устройства к ПК. За более подробной информацией обратитесь к отдельному руководству.

HDV — стандарты для высококачественного видео Хотя количество данных, зарегистрированных в ленте то же самое как на DV, кол-во pixels – в три или четыре выше чем в DV. Поэтому, HDV данные больше чем DV, и возрастает нагрузка и требования к ПК.

EDIUS использует свой собственный codec, называемый » Canopus Экспресс» чтобы уменьшить нагрузку на ПК при импортировании изображения HDV с ленты в ПК. Хотя codec вносит вклад в сокращение видеофайла, рекомендуется использовать жесткий диск высокой производительности.

Особенности EDIUS

Редактирование в реальном времени

Самая большая особенность EDIUS удобство. Даже после того, как любой эффект или переход применяются к

файлам на timeline (тайм-линии), качество будущего

изображения может быть проверено.

Оригинальный Canopus codec, который был включен в состав EDIUS, создаёт высококачественное изображение. Кроме того, EDIUS содержит «Hi-vision codec» и может поддерживать формат HDV который получает широкое распространение. Любое изображение HDV может быть отредактировано удобно и с высоким качеством, доступным для профессионального использования,

РаботасширокимдиапазономматериаловотHDV доDV

широкий диапазон видео файлов от HDV до DV может быть использован как материал. Также с некоторыми другими различными типами материалов можно обращаться

Поддержка разных типов файлов, включая DVD

При сохранении отредактированного изображения, вы можете выбирать любой желательный формат. Это достигнуто в результате использования многих кодеков ‘ Канопус ProCoder Экспресс, который идет с EDIUS. Также имеется возможность записи на ленту HDV или DV или сохранении фильмов в различных сжатых файлах на ПК, при наличии привода DVD фильм может быть записан на DVD-ВИДЕО.

Соединение Устройств с ПК

Соедините HDV устройство (DV устройство) с вашим ПК через плату IEEE 1394 кабелем. Используйте кабель согласно подсоединяемым устройствам.

Соедините кабель с выключенным устройством. Включите после соединения ПК

Конфигурация Окна и Функции

Расположение окон

Два окна монитора

Для двухокон монитора лучше иметь два независимыхмонитора

Подключенныхк вашему компьютеру

Окно предварительного просмотра

Окна источника и таймлинии

Окно проэктов

В окне находятся захваченные файлы

Окно тайм-линии

Для размещения и редактирования файлов

Палитра эфектов

Есть три окна; «Information» (Информация), «Effect» (Эффекты) и «Marker» (Маркер).

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Скачать EDIUS 6.02 на русском языке с учебником, полным практическим руководством, совершенно бесплатно, без регистраций и СМС, Вы можете здесь.
Это мощная монтажная программа, пожалуй, лучшая на сегодняшний день. Подавляющее число профессионалов работают именно с ней. Сделать свой видеоролик, слайдшоу, наложить музыку, применить более 400 эффектов, нарисовать свой мультик, анимашку — чего проще?!
Собственный кодек обеспечивает очень высокое качество и скорость редактирования.

Программа одновременно может обрабатывать до 16 потоков высокого качества и в ней есть инструменты для быстрого переключения между источниками.

EDIUS 6 умеет работать с очень разными форматами видео. Среди них: SD, HD, HDV, DV, MPEG-1, 2, 4, AVCHD, H.264. Создавайте неограниченное количество слоев, масок. Доступен монтаж в реальном времени с функцией предварительного просмотра, конвертирование в другие форматы, разрешения экрана, изменение размера кадра.

Многочисленные эффекты видео, переходов (HD/SD эффекты, кееры, переходы и титры в реальном времени) сделают ваш фильм более красочным и насыщенным. Многие из фильтров и эффектов программы работают в режиме реального времени.

Вот почему многие считают EDIUS 6 наиболее качественным видео-редактором. Пользователи считают GRASS VALLEY EDIUS 6 практичным и удобным. Данное изделие эффективнее по сравнению с конкурентами.

Новая, 6-я версия EDIUS имеет более ста новых функций и улучшений. Многие из фильтров и эффектов программы работают в режиме реального времени.

Возможности программы Grass Valley EDIUS 6 поражают. Здесь:

• Монтаж всевозможных HD/SD форматов, включая DV, HDV, AVCHD, MPEG-2, Windows Media и QuickTime, в реальном времени.
• Гибкий пользовательский интерфейс, неограниченное число треков под видео, звук, титры и графику
• Монтаж и конвертирование в реальном времени всевозможных HD/SD форматов (16:9 и 4:3)
• Монтаж и конвертирование в реальном времени видео с разной кадровой частотой 60i, 50i и 24p
• Монтаж и конвертирование в реальном времени видео с разным разрешением 1440×1080, 1280×720 и 720×480
• HD/SD эффекты, кееры, переходы и титры в реальном времени
• Вывод видео по DV в реальном времени напрямик с тайм-линии
• Возможность монтажа незамедлительно нескольких позначитстей на одной тайм-линии
• Высокоскоростной экспорт HDV
• Кодирование отдельных сегментов тайм-линии (‘Smart Rendering’). При поддержке MPEG and HDV, функция Segment Encoding гораздо сокращает время, затрачиваемое на экспорт проекта, кодируя только отредактированные и измененные сегменты клипов
• DVD-авторинг на тайм-линии
• Программная утилита Quick Titler для титрования, работающая в реальном времени
• Поддержка новых файловых форматов основанные, даже Инфинити JPEG 2000, XDCAM и XDCAM EX, P2 (DVCPRO и AVC-Интра), и GFCAM
• Multi-камеры, редактирование до восьми всевозможных источников в одно и также время
• Высокая скорость SD HDV и MPEG-2 экспорта, построенная на двухъядерной технологии
• Direct-to-DVD экспорт

Системные требования:

• Intel Core 2 или Core iX процессор. Intel или AMD процессор со скоростью 3 ГГц или быстрее (рекомендуются многопроцессорные системы).
SSE2 и набор команд SSE3 поддержаны.
• 6 GB места на жестком диске требуется для установки
• жестком диск ATA100/7,200 или быстрее необходима хранения видео
• RAID-0 рекомендуется для редактирования HD
Графическая карта, поддерживающая более высокое решение чем 1024×768 (32-битовым), Direct3D 9.0c или позже, PixelShader модель 3.0 или позже
• для редактирования SD: 256 MB или больший требуемый, 512 MB или больший рекомендуемый
• для редактирования HD: 512 MB или больший требуемый, 1 GB или больший рекомендуемый
• звуковая плата с поддержкой драйвера WDM
• Windows 7 (32-битовый или 64-битовый)
• Windows Vista (SP2 или позже, 32-битовый или 64-битовый)
• Windows XP (SP3 или позже, 32-битовый)

Рабочая копия программы.
Все в архиве имеется ;)) + учебник и полное практическое руководство.

Общий размер файла: 2,4 ГБ

Скачать нужно все три части в одну папку, и как начнете распаковывать первую, то автоматически распакуется и все остальные.

Разбито на части: 1 и 2 — по 900 мб, з — 569.85 мб, для удобства скачивания.

Скачать напрямую с сервера

1 часть
EDIUS 6.02 русский + учебник + практическое руководство.

2 часть
EDIUS 6.02 русский + учебник + практическое руководство.

3 часть
EDIUS 6.02 русский + учебник + практическое руководство.

Что ниже — Вам бонусом! ))).

Учебник и проект СD, практическое руководство (383мБ)
EDIUS 6.02 русский + учебник + практическое руководство.

Дополнительные переходы и контент:

Часть 1-я 900мБ
EDIUS 6.02 русский + учебник + практическое руководство.

Часть 2-я 787мБ
EDIUS 6.02 русский + учебник + практическое руководство.

Можете попутно, раз уж зашли, нажать на кнопочки — Вам 2 секунды, а мне очень приятно и полезно для сайта.

Ну, а теперь, по традиции, пока будет качаться — побудьте в качестве игрока на ипподроме ГУСЕНИЦ !!!
Жмите на «START»
Ставьте на ту, которая вам подмигивает ;), и она непременно придет к финишу первой. Теперь нажмите на какую хотите ставку…
И понесслись гусеницы !!!.. Приз ваш !!!.. Нет? Ну, повторите. Нажмите на черный треугольничек, чтобы продолжить…
Это так забавляет…:))…Удачи!!!


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