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Manuals and User Guides for Komatsu SAA6D114E-3. We have 1 Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 manual available for free PDF download: Shop Manual

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00 Index and foreword 1Index

Composition of shop manual…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2Table of contents …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

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Composition of shop manual 1The contents of this shop manual are shown together with Form No. in a list.Note 1: Always keep the latest version of this manual in accordance with this list and utilize accordingly.

The marks shown to the right of Form No. denote the following:Q: New issue (to be filed additionally) q: Revision (to be replaced for each Form No.)

Note 2: This shop manual can be supplied for each Form No.

Note 3: To file this shop manual in the special binder for management, handle it as follows:• Place a divider on the top of each section in the file after matching the Tub No. with No. indicated

next to each Section Name shown in the table below:• File overview and other materials in sections in the order shown below and utilize them accord-


Section Title Form Number

Shop Manual, contents binder, binder label and tabs SEN00169-05

00 Index and foreword SEN00170-05Index SEN00171-05 qForeword and general information SEN00172-03

01 Specification SEN00173-02Specification and technical data SEN00174-02

10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00175-02Structure and function, maintenance standard SEN00176-02

20 Standard value table SEN00260-02Standard service value table SEN00261-02

30 Testing and adjusting SEN00454-01Testing and adjusting SEN00455-01 q

40 Troubleshooting SEN00456-01General information on troubleshooting SEN00457-01 qTroubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode), Part 1 SEN00459-01 qTroubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode), Part 2 SEN00460-01 qTroubleshooting of mechanical system (S-mode) SEN00458-01 q

50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00461-01General information on disassembly and assembly SEN00462-01 qDisassembly and assembly, Part 1 SEN00463-01 qDisassembly and assembly, Part 2 SEN00464-01 q

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Table of contents 100 Index and foreword

Index SEN00171-05Composition of shop manual ……………………………………………………………………………………… 2Table of contents ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Foreword and general information SEN00172-03Safety notice……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2How to read the shop manual…………………………………………………………………………………….. 7Explanation of terms for maintenance standard ……………………………………………………………. 9Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component ………………………………………………. 11Handling of connectors newly used for engines ……………………………………………………………. 20How to read electric wire code …………………………………………………………………………………… 23Precautions when carrying out operation …………………………………………………………………….. 26Method of disassembling and connecting push-pull type coupler ……………………………………. 29Standard tightening torque table…………………………………………………………………………………. 32Conversion table………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 36

01 SpecificationSpecification and technical data SEN00174-02

General…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2Specifications…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3General view……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8Dimensions table ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12Engine performance curves……………………………………………………………………………………….. 13

10 Structure, function and maintenance standardStructure, function and maintenance standard SEN00176-02

Intake, exhaust system ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2Intake system ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2Exhaust system ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3Turbocharger …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4

Lubricating oil system…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7Cooling system……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9Fuel system (common rail) ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 10Maintenance standard………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15

Turbocharger …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15Cylinder head ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 16Cylinder block ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 18Cylinder liner……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 20Crankshaft ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22Piston, piston ring and piston pin………………………………………………………………………………… 23Connecting rod ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24Vibration damper ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 26Timing gear……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 27Camshaft ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 28Valve and valve guide……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 30Rocker arm, shaft and tappet …………………………………………………………………………………….. 32Flywheel and flywheel housing…………………………………………………………………………………… 34Oil pump …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 36

20 Standard value tableStandard service value table SEN00261-02

Standard value table for testing, adjusting and troubleshooting ………………………………………. 2Run-in standard and performance test criteria ……………………………………………………………… 6

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30 Testing and adjustingTesting and adjusting SEN00455-01

Testing and adjusting……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2Testing and adjusting tools list ……………………………………………………………………………………. 2Testing air boost pressure………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3Adjusting valve clearance ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4Testing compression pressure ……………………………………………………………………………………. 6Testing blow-by pressure …………………………………………………………………………………………… 9Testing oil pressure…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10Handling fuel system parts ………………………………………………………………………………………… 11Releasing residual pressure in fuel system ………………………………………………………………….. 11Testing fuel pressure…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12Reduced cylinder mode operation ………………………………………………………………………………. 17No-injection cranking ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17Testing leakage from pressure limiter and return rate from injector………………………………….. 18Bleeding air from fuel circuit ………………………………………………………………………………………. 20Testing fuel system for leakage ………………………………………………………………………………….. 21Handling controller high-voltage circuit ………………………………………………………………………… 22Replacing alternator belt……………………………………………………………………………………………. 23

General information on troubleshooting SEN00457-01General information on troubleshooting ………………………………………………………………………….. 2

Points on troubleshooting ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2Error and failure code table ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 3Information in troubleshooting table…………………………………………………………………………….. 6

Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode), Part 1 SEN00459-01Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode), Part 1………………………………………………………. 3

E-1 Code [111/CA111] Engine Controller Internal Failure……………………………………………….. 3E-2 Code [115/CA115] Eng. Ne and Bkup Speed Sensor Error ………………………………………. 3E-3 Code [122/CA122] Charge Air Press Sensor High Error ………………………………………….. 4E-4 Code [123/CA123] Charge Air Press Sensor Low Error …………………………………………… 6E-5 Code [131/CA131] Throttle Sensor High Error………………………………………………………… 8E-6 Code [132/CA132] Throttle Sensor Low Error ………………………………………………………… 10E-7 Code [144/CA144] Coolant Temp. Sensor High Error………………………………………………. 12E-8 Code [145/CA145] Coolant Temp. Sensor Low Error ………………………………………………. 14E-9 Code [153/CA153] Charge Air Temp. Sensor High Error………………………………………….. 16E-10 Code [154/CA154] Charge Air Temp. Sensor Low Error…………………………………………. 18E-11 Code [155/CA155] Charge Air Press. High Speed Derate ………………………………………. 20E-12 Code [187/CA187] Sensor Sup. 2 Volt. Low Error …………………………………………………. 22E-13 Code [221/CA221] Ambient Air Press. Sensor High Error ………………………………………. 24E-14 Code [222/CA222] Ambient Air Press. Sensor Low Error……………………………………….. 26E-15 Code [227/CA227] Abnormally high level in sensor power supply 2 circuit ……………….. 28E-16 Code [234/CA234] Eng. Overspeed…………………………………………………………………….. 29E-17 Code [238/CA238] Ne Speed Sensor Sup. Volt. Error ……………………………………………. 30E-18 Code [271/CA271] IMV (IMA) Short Error…………………………………………………………….. 31E-19 Code [272/CA272] IMV (IMA) Open Error…………………………………………………………….. 32E-20 Code [281/CA281] High pressure pump error……………………………………………………….. 34E-21 Code [322/CA322] Injector No. 1 System Open/Short Error……………………………………. 36E-22 Code [323/CA323] Injector No. 5 System Open/Short Error……………………………………. 38E-23 Code [324/CA324] Injector No. 3 System Open/Short Error……………………………………. 40E-24 Code [325/CA325] Injector No. 6 System Open/Short Error……………………………………. 42E-25 Code [331/CA331] Injector No. 2 System Open/Short Error……………………………………. 44E-26 Code [332/CA332] Injector No. 4 System Open/Short Error……………………………………. 46E-27 Code [342/CA342] Engine Controller Data Matching Error……………………………………… 48

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Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode), Part 2 SEN00460-01Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode), Part 2 ……………………………………………………… 3

E-28 Code [351/CA351] INJ. Drive Circuit Error …………………………………………………………… 3E-29 Code [352/CA352] Sensor Sup. 1 Volt. Low Error …………………………………………………. 5E-30 Code [386/CA386] Sensor Sup. 1 Volt. High Error ………………………………………………… 7E-31 Code [428/CA428] Water Sensor High Level Error………………………………………………… 8E-32 Code [429/CA429] Water Sensor Low Level Error ………………………………………………… 10E-33 Code [431/CA431] Idle Validation Switch Error …………………………………………………….. 12E-34 Code [432/CA432] Idle Validation Process Error …………………………………………………… 14E-35 Code [435/CA435] Eng. Oil Switch Error ……………………………………………………………… 16E-36 Code [441/CA441] Supply Voltage Low Error ……………………………………………………….. 18E-37 Code [442/CA442] Supply Voltage High Error ………………………………………………………. 20E-38 Code [449/CA449] Rail Press. High Error 2………………………………………………………….. 22E-39 Code [451/CA451] Rail Press. Sensor High Error …………………………………………………. 24E-40 Code [452/CA452] Rail Press. Sensor Low Error ………………………………………………….. 26E-41 Code [488/CA488] Charge Air Temp. High Torque Derate ……………………………………… 28E-42 Code [553/CA553] Rail Press. High Error 1………………………………………………………….. 29E-43 Code [559/CA559] Rail Press Low Error ……………………………………………………………… 30E-44 Code [689/CA689] Eng. Ne Speed Sensor Error…………………………………………………… 32E-45 Code [731/CA731] Eng. Bkup Speed Sensor Phase Error ……………………………………… 34E-46 Code [757/CA757] All Engine Controller Data Lost Error ……………………………………….. 36E-47 Code [778/CA778] Eng. Bkup Speed Sensor Error ……………………………………………….. 38E-48 Code [1633/CA1633] KOMNET Error ………………………………………………………………….. 40E-49 Code [2185/CA2185] Throttle Sens. Sup. Volt. High Error ……………………………………… 42E-50 Code [2186/CA2186] Throttle Sens. Sup. Volt. Low Error ………………………………………. 43E-51 Code [2249/CA2249] Rail Press very Low Error……………………………………………………. 44E-52 Code [2265/CA2265] Abnormally high level in electric lift pump ……………………………… 46E-53 Code [2266/CA2266] Abnormally low level in electric lift pump……………………………….. 48E-54 Code [2311/CA2311] IMV (IMA) Solenoid Error…………………………………………………….. 50E-55 Code [2555/CA2555] Intake Air Heater Relay Supply Voltage Low Error………………….. 52E-56 Code [2556/CA2556] Intake Air Heater Relay Supply Voltage High Error …………………. 54E-57 Code [—/[email protected]] Eng. Oil Press. Low Speed Derate ………………………………………… 56E-58 Code [—/[email protected]] Eng. Oil Press Low Torque Derate…………………………………………. 56E-59 Code [—/[email protected]] Eng. Overheat…………………………………………………………………….. 57

Troubleshooting of mechanical system (S-mode) SEN00458-01Troubleshooting of mechanical system (S-mode) …………………………………………………………….. 3

Method of using troubleshooting charts……………………………………………………………………….. 3S-1 Starting performance is poor………………………………………………………………………………… 6S-2 Engine does not start ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7S-3 Engine does not pick up smoothly ………………………………………………………………………… 10S-4 Engine stops during operations ……………………………………………………………………………. 11S-5 Engine does not rotate smoothly ………………………………………………………………………….. 12S-6 Engine lacks output (or lacks power) …………………………………………………………………….. 13S-7 Exhaust smoke is black (incomplete combustion) …………………………………………………… 14S-8 Oil consumption is excessive (or exhaust smoke is blue)…………………………………………. 15S-9 Oil becomes contaminated quickly ……………………………………………………………………….. 16S-10 Fuel consumption is excessive …………………………………………………………………………… 17S-11 Oil is in coolant (or coolant spurts back or coolant level goes down)………………………… 18S-12 Oil pressure drops…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 19S-13 Oil level rises (Entry of coolant or fuel) ………………………………………………………………… 20S-14 Coolant temperature becomes too high (overheating)……………………………………………. 21S-15 Abnormal noise is made ……………………………………………………………………………………. 22S-16 Vibration is excessive ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 23

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50 Disassembly and assemblyGeneral information on disassembly and assembly SEN00462-01

General information on disassembly and assembly………………………………………………………….. 2How to read this manual ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 2Coating materials list ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3Special tools list ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

Disassembly and assembly, Part 1 SEN00463-01Disassembly and assembly…………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

General disassembly of engine ………………………………………………………………………………….. 2

Disassembly and assembly, Part 2 SEN00464-01Disassembly and assembly…………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

General assembly of engine ………………………………………………………………………………………. 2

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KOMATSU 114E-3 Series Diesel engine

Form No. SEN00171-05

© 2007 KOMATSUAll Rights ReservedPrinted in Japan 05-07 (01)

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00 Index and foreword 1Foreword and general informationSafety notice ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2How to read the shop manual …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7Explanation of terms for maintenance standard ………………………………………………………………………………… 9Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component …………………………………………………………………..11Handling of connectors newly used for engines ………………………………………………………………………………. 20How to read electric wire code………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23Precautions when carrying out operation………………………………………………………………………………………… 26Method of disassembling and connecting push-pull type coupler……………………………………………………….. 29Standard tightening torque table ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 32Conversion table …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 36

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(Rev. 2007/03)Safety notice 1Important safety noticeProper service and repair are extremely important for safe machine operation. The service and repairtechniques recommended by Komatsu and described in this manual are both effective and safe.Some of these techniques require the use of tools specially designed by Komatsu for the specificpurpose.To prevent injury to workers, the symbol k is used to mark safety precautions in this manual. Thecautions accompanying these symbols should always be followed carefully. If any dangerous situa-tion arises or may possibly arise, first consider safety, and take the necessary actions to deal withthe situation.

1. General precautionsk Mistakes in operation are extremely

dangerous. Read the Operation andMaintenance Manual carefully beforeoperating the machine.

1) Before carrying out any greasing orrepairs, read all the safety plates stuck tothe machine. For the locations of thesafety plates and detailed explanation ofprecautions, see the Operation and Main-tenance Manual.

2) Decide a place in the repair workshop tokeep tools and removed parts. Alwayskeep the tools and parts in their correctplaces. Always keep the work area cleanand make sure that there is no dirt, water,or oil on the floor. Smoke only in the areasprovided for smoking. Never smoke whileworking.

3) When carrying out any operation, alwayswear safety shoes and helmet. Do notwear loose work clothes, or clothes withbuttons missing.q Always wear safety glasses when hit-

ting parts with a hammer.q Always wear safety glasses when

grinding parts with a grinder, etc.4) When carrying out any operation with 2 or

more workers, always agree on the oper-ating procedure before starting. Alwaysinform your fellow workers before startingany step of the operation. Before startingwork, hang UNDER REPAIR warningsigns in the operator’s compartment.

5) Only qualified workers must carry out workand operation which require license orqualification.

6) Keep all tools in good condition, learn thecorrect way to use them, and use theproper ones of them. Before starting work,thoroughly check the tools, machine, fork-lift, service car, etc.

7) If welding repairs are needed, alwayshave a trained and experienced weldercarry out the work. When carrying outweld ing work, always wear weldinggloves, apron, shielding goggles, cap andother clothes suited for welding work.

8) Before starting work, warm up your bodythoroughly to start work under good condi-tion.

2. Preparations for work1) Before adding oil or making any repairs,

park the machine on hard and levelground, and apply the parking brake andblock the wheels or tracks to prevent themachine from moving.

2) Before starting work, lower the workequipment (blade, ripper, bucket, etc.) tothe ground. If this is not possible, insertthe lock pin or use blocks to prevent thework equipment from falling. In addition,be sure to lock all the control levers andhang warning signs on them.

Safety points1 Good arrangement2 Correct work clothes3 Following work standard4 Making and checking signs

5 Prohibition of operation and handling by unlicensed workers

6 Safety check before starting work

7 Wearing protective goggles(for cleaning or grinding work)

8 Wearing shielding goggles and protectors (for welding work)

9 Good physical condition and preparation

10 Precautions against work which you are not used to or you are used to too much

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3) When disassembling or assembling, sup-port the machine with blocks, jacks, orstands before starting work.

4) Remove all mud and oil from the steps orother places used to get on and off themachine. Always use the handrails, lad-ders or steps when getting on or off themach ine. Never jump on or o ff themachine. If it is impossible to use thehandrails, ladders or steps, use a stand toprovide safe footing.

3. Precautions during work1) Before disconnecting or removing compo-

nents of the oil, water, or air circuits, firstrelease the pressure completely from thecircuit. When removing the oil filler cap, adrain plug, or an oil pressure pickup plug,loosen it slowly to prevent the oil fromspurting out.

2) The coolant and oil in the circuits are hotwhen the engine is stopped, so be carefulnot to get scalded. Wait for the oil andcoolant to cool before carrying out anywork on the oil or water circuits.

3) Before starting work, stop the engine.When working on or around a rotatingpart, in particular, stop the engine. Whenchecking the machine without stoppingthe engine (measuring oi l pressure,revolving speed, temperature, etc.), takeextreme care not to get rolled or caught inrotating parts or moving parts.

4) Before starting work, remove the leadsfrom the battery. Always remove the leadfrom the negative (–) terminal first.

5) When raising a heavy component (heavierthan 25 kg), use a hoist or crane. Beforestarting work, check that the slings (wireropes, chains, and hooks) are free fromdamage. Always use slings which haveample capacity and install them to properplaces. Operate the hoist or crane slowlyto prevent the component from hitting anyother part. Do not work with any part stillraised by the hoist or crane.

6) When removing a cover which is underinternal pressure or under pressure from aspring, always leave 2 bolts in diagonalpositions. Loosen those bolts graduallyand alternately to release the pressure,and then remove the cover.

7) When removing components, be carefulnot to break or damage the electrical wir-ing. Damaged wiring may cause electricalfires.

8) When removing piping, stop the fuel or oilfrom spilling out. If any fuel or oil dripsonto the floor, wipe it up immediately. Fuelor oil on the floor can cause you to slipand can even start fires.

9) As a general rule, do not use gasoline towash parts. Do not use it to clean electri-cal parts, in particular.

10) Be sure to assemble all parts again in theiroriginal places. Replace any damagedparts and parts which must not be reusedwith new parts. When installing hoses andwires, be sure that they will not be dam-aged by contact with other parts when themachine is operated.

11) When installing high pressure hoses,make sure that they are not twisted. Dam-aged tubes a re dangerous , so beextremely careful when installing tubes forhigh pressure circuits. In addition, checkthat connect ing parts are cor rect lyinstalled.

12) When assembling or installing parts,always tighten them to the specifiedtorques. When installing protective partssuch as guards, or parts which vibrate vio-lently or rotate at high speed, be particu-lar ly carefu l to check that they areinstalled correctly.

13) When aligning 2 holes, never insert yourfingers or hand. Be careful not to get yourfingers caught in a hole.

14) When measuring hydraulic pressure,check that the measuring tools are cor-rectly assembled.

15) Take care when removing or installing thetracks of track-type machines. Whenremoving the track, the track separatessuddenly, so never let anyone stand ateither end of the track.

16) If the engine is operated for a long time ina place which is not ventilated well, youmay suffer from gas poisoning. Accord-ingly, open the windows and doors to ven-tilate well.

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4. Precautions for sling work and makingsigns1) Only one appointed worker must make

signs and co-workers must communicatewith each other frequently. The appointedsign maker must make specified signsclearly at a place where he is seen wellfrom the operator’s seat and where he cansee the working condition easily. The signmaker must always stand in front of theload and guide the operator safely.q Do not stand under the load.q Do not step on the load.

2) Check the slings before starting slingwork.

3) Keep putting on gloves during sling work.(Put on leather gloves, if available.)

4) Measure the weight of the load by the eyeand check its center of gravity.

5) Use proper sling according to the weightof the load and method of slinging. If toothick wire ropes are used to sling a lightload, the load may slip and fall.

6) Do not sling a load with 1 wire rope alone.If it is slung so, it may rotate and may slipout of the rope. Install 2 or more wireropes symmetrically.k Slinging with 1 rope may cause

turning of the load during hoisting,untwisting of the rope, or slippingof the rope from its original wind-ing position on the load, which canresult in a dangerous accident.

7) Limit the hanging angle to 60°, as a rule.Do not sling a heavy load with ropes form-ing a wide hanging angle from the hook.When hoisting a load with 2 or moreropes, the force subjected to each ropewill increase with the hanging angle. Thetable below shows the variation of allow-able load in kN {kg} when hoisting is madewith 2 ropes, each of which is allowed tosling up to 9.8 kN {1,000 kg} vertically, atvarious hanging angles. When the 2 ropessling a load vertically, up to 19.6 kN {2,000kg} of total weight can be suspended.This weight is reduced to 9.8 kN {1,000kg} when the 2 ropes make a hangingangle of 120°. If the 2 ropes sling a 19.6kN {2,000 kg} load at a lifting angle of150°, each of them is subjected to a forceas large as 39.2 kN {4,000 kg}.

8) When installing wire ropes to an angularload, apply pads to protect the wire ropes.If the load is slippery, apply proper mate-rial to prevent the wire rope from slipping.

9) Use the specified eyebolts and fix wireropes, chains, etc. to them with shackles,etc.

10) Apply wire ropes to the middle portion ofthe hook.q Slinging near the tip of the hook may

cause the rope to slip off the hookduring hoisting. The hook has themaximum strength at the middle por-tion.

11) Do not use twisted or kinked wire ropes.12) When lifting up a load, observe the follow-

ing.q Wind in the crane slowly until wire

ropes are stretched. When settlingthe wire ropes with the hand, do notgrasp them but press them fromabove. If you grasp them, your fingersmay be caught.

q After the wire ropes are stretched,stop the crane and check the condi-tion of the slung load, wire ropes, andpads.

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q If the load is unstable or the wire ropeor chains are twisted, lower the loadand lift it up again.

q Do not lift up the load slantingly.13) When lifting down a load, observe the fol-

lowing.q When lifting down a load, stop it tem-

porarily at 30 cm above the floor, andthen lower it slowly.

q Check that the load is stable, andthen remove the sling.

q Remove kinks and dirt from the wireropes and chains used for the slingwork, and put them in the specifiedplace.

5. Precautions for using mobile cranea Read the Operation and Maintenance

Manual of the crane carefully in advanceand operate the crane safely.

6. Precautions for using overhead hoist cranek When raising a heavy part (heavier

than 25 kg), use a hoist, etc. In Disas-sembly and assembly, the weight of apart heavier than 25 kg is indicatedafter the mark of 4.

1) Before starting work, inspect the wireropes, brake, clutch, controller, rails, overwind stop device, electric shock preven-tion earth leakage breaker, crane collisionprevention device, and power applicationwarning lamp, and check safety.

2) Observe the signs for sling work.3) Operate the hoist at a safe place.4) Check the direction indicator plates (east,

west, south, and north) and the directionsof the control buttons without fail.

5) Do not sling a load slantingly. Do not movethe crane while the slung load is swinging.

6) Do not raise or lower a load while thecrane is moving longitudinally or laterally.

7) Do not drag a sling.8) When lifting up a load, stop it just after it

leaves the ground and check safety, andthen lift it up.

9) Consider the travel route in advance andlift up a load to a safe height.

10) Place the control switch on a positionwhere it will not be an obstacle to workand passage.

11) After operating the hoist, do not swing thecontrol switch.

12) Remember the position of the main switchso that you can turn off the power immedi-ately in an emergency.

13) If the hoist stops because of a power fail-ure, turn the power switch OFF. Whenturning on a switch which was turned OFFby the electric shock prevention earthleakage breaker, check that the devicesrelated to that switch are not in operationstate.

14) If you find an obstacle around the hoist,stop the operation.

15) After finishing the work, stop the hoist atthe specified position and raise the hookto at least 2 m above the floor. Do notleave the sling installed to the hook.

7. Selecting wire ropes1) Select adequate ropes depending on the

weight of parts to be hoisted, referring tothe table below.

a The allowable load is one-sixth of thebreaking strength of the rope used(Safety coefficient: 6).

Wire ropes(Standard “Z” twist ropes without galvanizing)

(JIS G3525, No. 6, Type 6X37-A)Nominal

diameter of rope Allowable load

mm kN ton10 8.8 0.912 12.7 1.314 17.3 1.716 22.6 2.318 28.6 2.920 35.3 3.625 55.3 5.630 79.6 8.140 141.6 14.450 221.6 22.660 318.3 32.4

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8. Precautions for disconnecting and con-necting hoses and tubes in air conditionercircuit1) Disconnection

k Collect the air conditioner refriger-ant (R134a) from the air condi-tioner circuit in advance.

a Ask professional traders for collectingand filling operation of refrigerant(R134a).

a Never release the refrigerant (R134a)to the atmosphere.

k If the refrigerant gas (R134a) getsin your eyes, you may lose yoursight. Accordingly, when collect-ing or filling it, you must be quali-fied for handling the refrigerantand put on protective goggles.

2) Connection1] When installing the air conditioner cir-

cuit hoses and tubes, take care thatdirt, dust, water, etc. will not enterthem.

2] When connecting the air conditionerhoses and tubes, check that O-rings(1) are fitted to their joints.

3] Check that each O-ring is not dam-aged or deteriorated.

4] When connecting the refrigerant pip-ing, apply compressor oil for refriger-ant (R134a) (DENSO: ND-OIL8,ZEXEL: ZXL100PG (equivalent toPAG46)) to its O-rings.

a Example of O-ring (Fitted to every joint ofhoses and tubes)

a For tightening torque, see the precautions forinstallation in each section of «Disassemblyand assembly».

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How to read the shop manual 1

1. Composition of shop manualThis shop manual contains the necessary technical information for services performed in a workshop.For ease of understanding, the manual is divided into the following sections.

00. Index and forewordThis section explains the shop manuals list, table of contents, safety, and basic information.

01. SpecificationThis section explains the specifications of the machine.

10. Structure, function and maintenance standardThis section explains the structure, function, and maintenance standard values of each component.The structure and function sub-section explains the structure and function of each component. Itserves not only to give an understanding of the structure, but also serves as reference material fortroubleshooting. The maintenance standard sub-section explains the criteria and remedies for dis-assembly and service.

20. Standard value tableThis section explains the standard values for new machine and judgement criteria for testing,adjusting, and troubleshooting. This standard value table is used to check the standard values intesting and adjusting and to judge parts in troubleshooting.

30. Testing and adjustingThis section explains measuring instruments and measuring methods for testing and adjusting, andmethod of adjusting each part. The standard values and judgement criteria for testing and adjustingare explained in Testing and adjusting.

40. TroubleshootingThis section explains how to find out failed parts and how to repair them. The troubleshooting isdivided by failure modes. The “S mode” of the troubleshooting related to the engine may be alsoexplained in the Chassis volume and Engine volume. In this case, see the Chassis volume.

50. Disassembly and assemblyThis section explains the special tools and procedures for removing, installing, disassembling, andassembling each component, as well as precautions for them. In addition, tightening torque andquantity and weight of coating material, oil, grease, and coolant necessary for the work are alsoexplained.

90. Diagrams and drawings (chassis volume)/Repair and replacement of parts (engine volume)q Chassis volume

This section gives hydraulic circuit diagrams and electrical circuit diagrams.q Engine volume

This section explains the method of reproducing, repairing, and replacing parts.

2. Revision and distributionAny additions, revisions, or other change of notices will be sent to KOMATSU distributors. Get the mostup-to-date information before you start any work.

q Some attachments and optional parts in this shop manual may not be delivered to certain areas. If oneof them is required, consult KOMATSU distributors.

q Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.q Shop manuals are divided into the “Chassis volume” and “Engine volume”. For the engine unit, see the

engine volume of the engine model mounted on the machine.

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3. Filing methodFile by the brochures in the correct order of the form number printed in the shop manual compositiontable.

q Revised edition markWhen a manual is revised, the ones and tens digits of the form number of each brochure isincreased by 1. (Example: 00, 01, 02 …)

q RevisionsRevised brochures are shown in the shop manual composition table.

4. SymbolsImportant safety and quality portions are marked with the following symbols so that the shop manual willbe used practically.

5. UnitsIn this shop manual, the units are indicated with International System of units (SI). For reference, con-ventionally used Gravitational System of units is indicated in parentheses { }.

Symbol Item Remarks

k Safety Special safety precautions are necessary when performing work.

a Caution Special technical precautions or other precautions for preserving stan-dards are necessary when performing work.

4 Weight Weight of parts of component or parts. Caution necessary when selecting hoisting wire, or when working posture is important, etc.

3 Tightening torque

Places that require special attention for tightening torque during assembly.

2 Coat Places to be coated with adhesives, etc. during assembly.

5 Oil, coolant Places where oil, etc. must be added, and capacity.

6 Drain Places where oil, etc. must be drained, and quantity to be drained.

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Explanation of terms for maintenance standard 1The maintenance standard values necessary for judgment of products and parts are described by the follow-ing terms.

1. Standard size and toleranceq To be accurate, the finishing size of parts

is a little different from one to another.q To specify a finishing size of a part, a tem-

porary standard size is set and an allow-able difference from that size is indicated.

q The above size set temporarily is calledthe “standard size” and the range of differ-ence from the standard size is called the“tolerance”.

q The tolerance with the symbols of + or – isindicated on the right side of the standardsize.

a The tolerance may be indicated in the textand a table as [standard size (upper limitof tolerance/lower limit of tolerance)].Example) 120 (–0.022/–0.126)

q Usually, the size of a hole and the size ofthe shaft to be fitted to that hole are indi-cated by the same standard size and dif-ferent tolerances of the hole and shaft.The tightness of fit is decided by the toler-ance.

q Indication of size of rotating shaft and holeand relationship drawing of them

Example: Standard size Tolerance

120 –0.022–0.126


Standard sizeTolerance

Shaft Hole

60 –0.030–0.076


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2. Standard clearance and standard valueq The clearance made when new parts are

assembled is called the “standard clear-ance“, which is indicated by the rangefrom the minimum clearance to the maxi-mum clearance.

q When some parts are repaired, the clear-ance is generally adjusted to the standardclearance.

q A value of performance and function ofnew products or equivalent is called the“standard value“, which is indicated by arange or a target value.

q When some parts are repaired, the valueof performance/function is set to the stan-dard value.

3. Standard interferenceq When the diameter of a hole of a part

shown in the given standard size and tol-erance table is smaller than that of themating shaft, the difference between thosediameters is called the “interference”.

q The range (A – B) from the difference (A)between the minimum size of the shaftand the maximum size of the hole to thedifference (B) between the maximum sizeof the shaft and the minimum size of thehole is the “standard interference”.

q After repairing or replacing some parts,measure the size of their hole and shaftand check that the interference is in thestandard range.

4. Repair limit and allowable valueq The size of a part changes because of

wear and deformation while it is used. Thelimit of changed size is called the “repairlimit”.

q If a part is worn to the repair limit must bereplaced or repaired.

q The performance and function of a prod-uct lowers while it is used. A value belowwhich the product can be used withoutcausing a problem is called the “allowablevalue”.

q If a product is worn to the allowable value,it must be checked or repaired. Since thepermissible value is estimated from vari-ous tests or experiences in most cases,however, it must be judged after consider-ing the operating condition and customer’srequirement.

5. Clearance limitq Parts can be used until the clearance

between them is increased to a certainlimit. The limit at which those parts cannotbe used is called the “clearance limit”.

q If the clearance between the partsexceeds the clearance limit, they must bereplaced or repaired.

6. Interference limitq The allowable maximum interference

between the hole of a part and the shaft ofanother part to be assembled is called the“interference limit”.

q The interference limit shows the repairlimit of the part of smaller tolerance.

q If the interference between the partsexceeds the interference limit, they mustbe replaced or repaired.

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Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component 1To maintain the performance of the machine over a long period, and to prevent failures or other troublesbefore they occur, correct “operation“, “maintenance and inspection“, “troubleshooting“, and “repairs” mustbe carried out. This section deals particularly with correct repair procedures for mechatronics and is aimed atimproving the quality of repairs. For this purpose, it gives sections on “Handling electric equipment” and“Handling hydraulic equipment” (particularly gear oil and hydraulic oil).

Points to remember when handling electricequipment1. Handling wiring harnesses and connectors

Wiring harnesses consist of wiring connectingone component to another component, con-nectors used for connecting and disconnectingone wire from another wire, and protectors ortubes used for protecting the wiring.Compared with other electrical components fit-ted in boxes or cases, wiring harnesses aremore likely to be affected by the direct effectsof rain, water, heat, or vibration. Furthermore,during inspection and repair operations, theyare frequently removed and installed again, sothey are likely to suffer deformation or damage.For this reason, it is necessary to be extremelycareful when handling wiring harnesses.

2. Main failures occurring in wiring harness1) Defective contact of connectors (defec-

tive contact between male and female)Problems with defective contact are likelyto occur because the male connector isnot properly inserted into the female con-nector, or because one or both of the con-nectors is deformed or the position is notcorrectly aligned, or because there is cor-rosion or oxidization of the contact sur-faces. The corroded or oxidized contactsurfaces may become shiny again (andcontact may become normal) by connect-ing and disconnecting the connector about10 times.

2) Defective crimping or soldering of connec-torsThe pins of the male and female connec-tors are in contact at the crimped terminalor soldered portion, but if there is exces-sive force brought to bear on the wiring,the plating at the joint will peel and causeimproper connection or breakage.

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3) Disconnections in wiringIf the wiring is held and the connectors arepulled apart, or components are lifted witha crane with the wiring still connected, or aheavy object hits the wiring, the crimpingof the connector may separate, or the sol-dering may be damaged, or the wiringmay be broken.

4) High-pressure water entering connectorThe connector is designed to make it diffi-cult for water to enter (drip-proof struc-ture), but if high-pressure water is sprayeddirectly on the connector, water may enterthe connector, depending on the directionof the water jet. Accordingly, take care notto splash water over the connector. Theconnector is designed to prevent waterfrom entering, but at the same time, ifwater does enter, it is difficult for it to bedrained. Therefore, if water should get intothe connector, the pins will be short-cir-cuited by the water, so if any water gets in,immediately dry the connector or takeother appropriate action before passingelectricity through it.

5) Oil or dirt stuck to connectorIf oil or grease are stuck to the connectorand an oil film is formed on the mating sur-face between the male and female pins,the oil will not let the electricity pass, sothere will be defective contact. If there isoil or grease stuck to the connector, wipe itoff with a dry cloth or blow it dry with com-pressed air and spray it with a contactrestorer.a When wiping the mating portion of the

connector, be careful not to useexcessive force or deform the pins.

a If there is oil or water in the com-pressed air, the contacts will becomeeven dirtier, so remove the oil andwater from the compressed air com-pletely before cleaning with com-pressed air.

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3. Removing, installing, and drying connec-tors and wiring harnesses1) Disconnecting connectors

1] Hold the connectors when discon-necting.When disconnecting the connectors,hold the connectors. For connectorsheld by a screw, loosen the screwfully, then hold the male and femaleconnectors in each hand and pullapart. For connectors which have alock stopper, press down the stopperwith your thumb and pull the connec-tors apart.a Never pull with one hand.

2] When removing from clipsq Both of the connector and clip have

stoppers, which are engaged witheach other when the connector isinstalled.

q When removing a connector from aclip, pull the connector in a paralleldirection to the clip for removing stop-pers.a If the connector is twisted up and

down or to the left or right, thehousing may break.

3] Action to take after removing connec-torsAfter removing any connector, cover itwith a vinyl bag to prevent any dust,dirt, oil, or water from getting in theconnector portion.a If the machine is left disassem-

bled for a long time, it is particu-larly easy for improper contact tooccur, so always cover the con-nector.

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2) Connecting connectors1] Check the connector visually.

Check that there is no oil, dirt, orwater stuck to the connector pins(mating portion).Check that there is no deformation,defective contact, corrosion, or dam-age to the connector pins.Check that there is no damage orbreakage to the outside of the con-nector.a If there is any oil, water, or dirt

stuck to the connector, wipe it offwith a dry cloth. If any water hasgot inside the connector, warmthe inside of the wiring with adryer, but be careful not to makeit too hot as this will cause shortcircuits.

a If there is any damage or break-age, replace the connector.

2] Fix the connector securely.Align the position of the connectorcorrectly, and then insert it securely.For connectors with the lock stopper,push in the connector until the stop-per clicks into position.

3] Correct any protrusion of the boot andany misalignment of the wiring har-ness.For connectors fitted with boots, cor-rect any protrusion of the boot. Inaddition, if the wiring harness is mis-aligned, or the clamp is out of posi-tion, adjust it to its correct position.a If the connector cannot be cor-

rected easily, remove the clampand adjust the position.

q If the connector clamp has beenremoved, be sure to return it toits original position. Check alsothat there are no loose clamps.

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3) Heavy duty wire connector (DT 8-pole, 12-pole)Disconnection (Left of figure)

While pressing both sides of locks (a)and (b), pull out female connector (2).

Connection (Right of figure)1] Push in female connector (2) horizon-

tally until the lock clicks.Arrow: 1)

2] Since locks (a) and (b) may not be setcompletely, push in female connector(2) while moving it up and down untilthe locks are set normally.Arrow: 1), 2), 3)a Right of figure: Lock (a) is pulled

down (not set completely) andlock (b) is set completely.

(1): Male connector(2): Female connector(a), (b): Locks

q Disconnection q Connection (Example ofincomplete setting of (a))

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4) Drying wiring harnessIf there is any oil or dirt on the wiring har-ness, wipe it off with a dry cloth. Avoidwashing it in water or using steam. If theconnector must be washed in water, donot use high-pressure water or steamdirectly on the wiring harness. If watergets directly on the connector, do as fol-lows.1] Disconnect the connector and wipe

off the water with a dry cloth.a If the connector is blown dry with

compressed air, there is the riskthat oil in the air may causedefective contact, so remove alloi l and water from the com-pressed air before blowing withair.

2] Dry the inside of the connector with adryer.If water gets inside the connector, usea dryer to dry the connector.a Hot air from the dryer can be

used, but regulate the time thatthe hot air is used in order not tomake the connector or relatedparts too hot, as this will causedeformation or damage to theconnector.

3] Carry out a continuity test on the con-nector.After drying, leave the wiring harnessdisconnected and carry out a continu-ity test to check for any short circuitsbetween pins caused by water.a After completely drying the con-

nector, b low i t wi th contactrestorer and reassemble.

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4. Handling controller1) The controller contains a microcomputer

and electronic control circuits. These con-trol all of the electronic circuits on themachine, so be extremely careful whenhandling the controller.

2) Do not place objects on top of the control-ler.

3) Cover the control connectors with tape ora vinyl bag. Never touch the connectorcontacts with your hand.

4) During rainy weather, do not leave thecontroller in a place where it is exposed torain.

5) Do not place the controller on oil, water, orsoil, or in any hot place, even for a shorttime. (Place it on a suitable dry stand).

6) Precautions when carrying out arc weldingWhen carrying out arc welding on thebody, disconnect all wiring harness con-nectors connected to the controller. Fit anarc welding ground close to the weldingpoint.

5. Points to remember when troubleshootingelectric circuits1) Always turn the power OFF before discon-

necting or connecting connectors.2) Before carrying out troubleshooting, check

that all the related connectors are properlyinserted.a Disconnect and connect the related

connectors several times to check.3) Always connect any disconnected con-

nectors before going on to the next step.a If the power is turned ON with the

connectors still disconnected, unnec-essary abnormality displays will begenerated.

4) When carrying out troubleshooting of cir-cuits (measuring the voltage, resistance,continuity, or current), move the relatedwiring and connectors several times andcheck that there is no change in the read-ing of the tester.a If there is any change, there is proba-

bly defective contact in that circuit.

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Points to remember when handling hydraulic equipmentWith the increase in pressure and precision of hydraulic equipment, the most common cause of failure is dirt(foreign material) in the hydraulic circuit. When adding hydraulic oil, or when disassembling or assemblinghydraulic equipment, it is necessary to be particularly careful.

1. Be careful of the operating environment.Avoid adding hydraulic oil, replacing filters, orrepairing the machine in rain or high winds, orplaces where there is a lot of dust.

2. Disassembly and maintenance work in thefieldIf disassembly or maintenance work is carriedout on hydraulic equipment in the field, there isdanger of dust entering the equipment. It isalso difficult to check the performance afterrepairs, so it is desirable to use unit exchange.Disassembly and maintenance of hydraulicequipment should be carried out in a speciallyprepared dustproof workshop, and the perfor-mance should be checked with special testequipment.

3. Sealing openingsAfter any piping or equipment is removed, theopenings should be sealed with caps, tapes, orvinyl bags to prevent any dirt or dust fromentering. If the opening is left open or isblocked with a rag, there is danger of dirtentering or of the surrounding area beingmade dirty by leaking oil so never do this. Donot simply drain oil out onto the ground, butcollect it and ask the customer to dispose of it,or take it back with you for disposal.

4. Do not let any dirt or dust get in duringrefilling operationsBe careful not to let any dirt or dust get in whenrefilling with hydraulic oil. Always keep the oilfiller and the area around it clean, and also useclean pumps and oil containers. If an oil clean-ing device is used, it is possible to filter out thedirt that has collected during storage, so this isan even more effective method.

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5. Change hydraulic oil when the temperatureis highWhen hydraulic oil or other oil is warm, it flowseasily. In addition, the sludge can also bedrained out easily from the circuit together withthe oil, so it is best to change the oil when it isstill warm. When changing the oil, as much aspossible of the old hydraulic oil must bedrained out. (Drain the oil from the hydraulictank; also drain the oil from the filter and fromthe drain plug in the circuit.) If any old oil is left,the contaminants and sludge in it will mix withthe new oil and will shorten the life of thehydraulic oil.

6. Flushing operationsAfter disassembling and assembling the equip-ment, or changing the oil, use flushing oil toremove the contaminants, sludge, and old oilfrom the hydraulic circuit. Normally, flushing iscarried out twice: primary flushing is carriedout with flushing oil, and secondary flushing iscarried out with the specified hydraulic oil.

7. Cleaning operationsAfter repairing the hydraulic equipment (pump,control valve, etc.) or when running themachine, carry out oil cleaning to remove thesludge or contaminants in the hydraulic oil cir-cuit. The oil cleaning equipment is used toremove the ultra fine (about 3 m) particles thatthe filter built in the hydraulic equipment can-not remove, so it is an extremely effectivedevice.

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Handling of connectors newly used for engines 1a Mainly, following engines are object for follow-

ing connectors.q 107E-1q 114E-3q 125E-5q 140E-5q 170E-5q 12V140E-3

1. Slide lock type(FRAMATOME-3, FRAMATOME-2)q 107 – 170, 12V140 engines

q Various pressure sensors and NEspeed sensor

Examples)Intake air pressure in intake manifold:PIM (125, 170, 12V140 engines)Oil pressure sensor: POIL

(125, 170, 12V140 engines)Oil pressure switch

(107, 114 engines)Ne speed sensor of flywheel housing:NE (107 – 170, 12V140 engines)Ambient pressure sensor: PAMB

(125, 170, 12V140 engines)

Disconnect connector (1) according to the fol-lowing procedure.1) Slide lock (L1) to the right.2) While pressing lock (L2), pull out connec-

tor (1) toward you.a Even if lock (L2) is pressed, connec-

tor (1) cannot be pulled out towardyou, if part A does not float. In thiscase, float part A with a small screw-driver while press lock (L2), and thenpull out connector (1) toward you.

2. Pull lock type (PACKARD-2)q 107 – 170, 12V140 engine

q Various temperature sensorsExample)

Intake air temperature sensor inintake manifold: TIMFuel temperature sensor: TFUELOil temperature sensor: TOILCoolant temperature sensor: TWTR,etc.

Disconnect the connector by pulling lock(B) (on the wiring harness side) of connec-tor (2) outward.

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3. Push lock typeq 107, 114 engines

Example)Fuel pressure sensor in common rail(BOSCH-03)

Disconnect connector (3) according to the fol-lowing procedure.1) While pressing lock (C), pull out connector

(3) in the direction of the arrow.

q 114 engine

q 107 engine

a If the lock is on the underside, useflat-head screwdriver [1] since youcannot insert your fingers.

2) While pressing up lock (C) of the connec-tor with flat-head screwdriver [1], pull outconnector (3) in the direction of the arrow.

q 107, 114 engineExample) Intake air pressure/temperature sensor inintake manifold (SUMITOMO-04)

3) While pressing lock (D), pull out connector(4) in the direction of the arrow.

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q 125 – 170, 12V140 engine4) While pressing lock (E) of the connector,

pullout connector (5) in the direction of thearrow.

Example)Fuel pressure in common rail: PFUEL etc.(AMP-3)

Example)Injection pressure control valve of fuelsupply pump: PCV (SUMITOMO-2)

Example)Speed sensor of fuel supply pump: G (SUMITOMO-3)a Pull the connector straight up.

4. Turn-housing type (Round green connector)q 140 engine

Example)Intake air pressure sensor in intake mani-fold (CANNON-04): PIM etc.

1) Disconnect connector (6) according to thefollowing procedure.1] Turn housing (H1) in the direction of

the arrow.a When connector is unlocked,

housing (H1) becomes heavy toturn.

2] Pull out housing (H1) in the directionof the arrow.

a Housing (H1) is left on the wiring har-ness side.

2) Connect the connector according to thefollowing procedure.1] Insert the connector to the end, while

setting its groove.2] Turn housing (H1) in the direction of

the arrow until it “clicks”.

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How to read electric wire code 1a The information about the wires unique to each machine model is described in Troubleshooting section,

Relational information of troubleshooting.

In the electric circuit diagram, the material, thickness, and color of each electric wire are indicated by sym-bols. The electric wire code is helpful in understanding the electric circuit diagram.

1. Type, symbol, and materialAV and AVS are different in only thickness and outside diameter of the cover. AEX is similar to AV inthickness and outside diameter of AEX and different from AV and AVS in material of the cover.

Example: AEX 0.85 L — — — Indicates blue, heat-resistant, low-voltage wire for automobile, having nomi-nal No. of 0.85Indicates color of wire by color code.Color codes are shown in Table 3.

Indicates size of wire by nominal No.Size (Nominal No.) is shown in Table 2.

Indicates type of wire by symbol.Type, symbol, and material of wire are shown in Table 1.(Since AV and AVS are classified by size (nominal No.), they are not indi-cated.)

(Table 1)

Type Sym-bol Material

Using temperature range (°C)

Example of use

Low-voltage wire for



Annealed copper for elec-tric appliance

–30 to +60

General wiring (Nominal No. 5 and above)

Insulator Soft polyvinyl chlorideThin-cover low-voltage

wire for automobile



Annealed copper for elec-tric appliance General wiring

(Nominal No. 3 and below)Insulator Soft polyvinyl chloride

Heat-resis-tant low-volt-age wire for automobile



Annealed copper for elec-tric appliance

–50 to +110General wiring in extremely

cold district, wiring at high-tem-perature placeInsulator Heat-resistant crosslinked


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2. Dimensions

“f” of nominal No. denotes flexible”.

(Table 2)Nominal No. 0.5f (0.5) 0.75f (0.85) 1.25f (1.25) 2f 2 3f 3 5


Number of strands/Diam-eter of strand

20/0.18 7/0.32 30/0.18 11/0.32 50/0.18 16/0.32 37/0.26 26/0.32 58/0.26 41/0.32 65/0.32

Sectional area (mm2) 0.51 0.56 0.76 0.88 1.27 1.29 1.96 2.09 3.08 3.30 5.23

d (approx.) 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.9 1.9 2.3 2.4 3.0

Cov-er D

AVS Standard 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.9 2.9 3.5 3.6 –AV Standard – – – – – – – 4.6

AEX Standard 2.0 2.2 2.7 3.0 3.1 – 3.8 4.6

Nominal No. 8 15 20 30 40 50 60 85 100


Number of strands/Diam-eter of strand

50/0.45 84/0.45 41/0.80 70/0.80 85/0.80 108/0.80 127/0.80 169/0.80 217/0.80

Sectional area (mm2) 7.95 13.36 20.61 35.19 42.73 54.29 63.84 84.96 109.1

d (approx.) 3.7 4.8 6.0 8.0 8.6 9.8 10.4 12.0 13.6

Cov-er D

AVS Standard – – – – – – – – –AV Standard 5.5 7.0 8.2 10.8 11.4 13.0 13.6 16.0 17.6

AEX Standard 5.3 7.0 8.2 10.8 11.4 13.0 13.6 16.0 17.6

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3. Color codes table

Remarks: In a color code consisting of 2 colors, the first color is the color of the background andthe second color is the color of the marking.Example: “GW” means that the background is Green and marking is White.

4. Types of circuits and color codes

(Table 3)Color Code Color of wire Color Code Color of wire

B Black LgW Light green & WhiteBr Brown LgY Light green & Yellow

BrB Brown & Black LR Blue & RedBrR Brown & Red LW Blue & WhiteBrW Brown & White LY Blue & YellowBrY Brown & Yellow O OrangeCh Charcoal P PinkDg Dark green R Red G Green RB Red & Black

GB Green & Black RG Red & GreenGL Green & Blue RL Red & BlueGr Gray RW Red & WhiteGR Green & Red RY Red & YellowGW Green & White Sb Sky BlueGY Green & Yellow Y YellowL Blue YB Yellow & Black

LB Blue & Black YG Yellow &GreenLg Light green YL Yellow & Blue

LgB Light green & Black YR Yellow & RedLgR Light green & Red YW Yellow & White

(Table 4)Type of wire AVS or AV AEX

Type ofcircuit

Charge R WG – – – – R –

Ground B – – – – – B –

Start R – – – – – R –

Light RW RB RY RG RL – D –

Instrument Y YR YB YG YL YW Y GrSignal G GW GR GY GB GL G Br



Br BrW BrR BrY BrB – – –

Lg LgR LgY LgB LgW – – –

O – – – – – – –

Gr – – – – – – –

P – – – – – – –

Sb – – – – – – –

Dg – – – – – – –

Ch – – – – – – –

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26 114E-3 Series

Precautions when carrying out operation 1[When carrying out removal or installation (disassembly or assembly) of units, be sure to follow the generalprecautions given below when carrying out the operation.]

1. Precautions when carrying out removal workq If the coolant contains antifreeze, dispose of it correctly.q After disconnecting hoses or tubes, cover them or fit plugs to prevent dirt or dust from entering.q When draining oil, prepare a container of adequate size to catch the oil.q Confirm the match marks showing the installation position, and make match marks in the necessary

places before removal to prevent any mistake when assembling.q To prevent any excessive force from being applied to the wiring, always hold the connectors when dis-

connecting the connectors. Do not pull the wires.q Fit wires and hoses with tags to show their installation position to prevent any mistake when installing.q Check the number and thickness of the shims, and keep in a safe place.q When raising components, be sure to use lifting equipment of ample strength.q When using forcing screws to remove any components, tighten the forcing screws uniformly in turn.q Before removing any unit, clean the surrounding area and fit a cover to prevent any dust or dirt from

entering after removal.a Precautions when handling piping during disassembly

Fit the following plugs into the piping after disconnecting it during disassembly operations.1) Face seal type hoses and tubes

2) Split flange type hoses and tubes

3) If the part is not under hydraulic pressure, the following corks can be used.

Nominal number Plug (nut end) Sleeve nut (elbow end)

02 07376-70210 02789-2021003 07376-70315 02789-2031504 07376-70422 02789-2042205 07376-70522 02789-2052206 07376-70628 02789-2062810 07376-71034 07221-2103412 07376-71234 07221-21234

Nominal number Flange (hose end) Sleeve head (tube end) Split flange

04 07379-00400 07378-10400 07371-3040005 07379-00500 07378-10500 07371-30500

Nominal number Part Number

DimensionsD d L

06 07049-00608 6 5 808 07049-00811 8 6.5 1110 07049-01012 10 8.5 1212 07049-01215 12 10 1514 07049-01418 14 11.5 1816 07049-01620 16 13.5 2018 07049-01822 18 15 2220 07049-02025 20 17 2522 07049-02228 22 18.5 2824 07049-02430 24 20 3027 07049-02734 27 22.5 34

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2. Precautions when carrying out installation workq Tighten all bolts and nuts (sleeve nuts) to the specified (KES) torque.q Install the hoses without twisting or interference and fix them with intermediate clamps, if there are any.q Replace all gaskets, O-rings, cotter pins, and lock plates with new parts.q Bend the cotter pins and lock plates securely.q When coating with adhesive, clean the part and remove all oil and grease, then coat the threaded por-

tion with 2 – 3 drops of adhesive.q When coating with gasket sealant, clean the surface and remove all oil and grease, check that there is

no dirt or damage, then coat uniformly with gasket sealant.q Clean all parts, and correct any damage, dents, burrs, or rust.q Coat rotating parts and sliding parts with engine oil.q When press fitting parts, coat the surface with anti-friction compound (LM-P).q After fitting snap rings, check that the snap ring is fitted securely in the ring groove.q When connecting wiring connectors, clean the connector to remove all oil, dirt, or water, then connect

securely.q When using eyebolts, check that there is no deformation or deterioration, screw them in fully, and align

the direction of the hook.q When tightening split flanges, tighten uniformly in turn to prevent excessive tightening on one side.

a When operating the hydraulic cylinders for the first time after reassembling cylinders, pumps and otherhydraulic equipment removed for repair, always bleed the air as follows:1) Start the engine and run at low idle.2) Operate the work equipment control lever to operate the hydraulic cylinder 4 – 5 times, stopping the

cylinder 100 mm from the end of its stroke.3) Next, operate the hydraulic cylinder 3 – 4 times to the end of its stroke.4) After doing this, run the engine at normal speed.

a When using the machine for the first time after repair or long storage, follow the same procedure.

3. Precautions when completing the operation1) Refilling with coolant, oil and grease

q If the coolant has been drained, tighten the drain valve, and add coolant to the specified level.Run the engine to circulate the coolant through the system. Then check the coolant levelagain.

q If the hydraulic equipment has been removed and installed again, add engine oil to the speci-fied level. Run the engine to circulate the oil through the system. Then check the oil levelagain.

q If the piping or hydraulic equipment have been removed, always bleed the air from the systemafter reassembling the parts.a For details, see Testing and adjusting, “Bleeding air”.

q Add the specified amount of grease (molybdenum disulphide grease) to the work equipmentparts.

2) Checking cylinder head and manifolds for loosenessCheck the cylinder head and intake and exhaust manifold for looseness.If any part is loosened, retighten it.q For the tightening torque, see “Disassembly and assembly”.

3) Checking engine piping for damage and loosenessIntake and exhaust system

Check the piping for damage, the mounting bolts and nuts for looseness, and the joints for airsuction and exhaust gas leakage.If any part is loosened or damaged, retighten or repair it.

Cooling systemCheck the piping for damage, the mounting bolts and nuts for looseness, and the joints forcoolant leakage.If any part is loosened or damaged, retighten or repair it.

Fuel systemCheck the piping for damage, the mounting bolts and nuts for looseness, and the joints for fuelleakage.If any part is loosened or damaged, retighten or repair it.

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28 114E-3 Series

4) Checking muffler and exhaust pipe for damage and looseness1] Visually check the muffler, exhaust pipe and their mounting parts for a crack and damage.

If any part is damaged, replace it.2] Check the mounting bolts and nuts of the muffler, exhaust pipe and their mounting parts for

looseness.If any bolt or nut is loosened, retighten it.

5) Checking muffler functionCheck the muffler for abnormal sound and sound different from that of a new muffler.If any abnormal sound is heard, repair the muffler, referring to “Troubleshooting” and “Disassemblyand assembly”.

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Method of disassembling and connecting push-pull type coupler 1k Before carrying out the following work, loosen the oil filler cap of the hydraulic tank gradually to

release the residual pressure from the hydraulic tank.k Even if the residual pressure is released from the hydraulic tank, some hydraulic oil flows out

when the hose is disconnected. Accordingly, prepare an oil receiving container.

Type 1

1. Disconnection1) Hold adapter (1) and push hose joint (2)

into mating adapter (3). (Fig. 1)a The adapter can be pushed in about

3.5 mm.a Do not hold rubber cap portion (4).

2) After hose joint (2) is pushed into adapter(3), press rubber cap portion (4) againstadapter (3) until it clicks. (Fig. 2)

3) Hold hose adapter (1) or hose (5) and pullit out. (Fig. 3)a Since some hydraulic oil flows out,

prepare an oil receiving container.

2. Connection1) Hold hose adapter (1) or hose (5) and

insert it in mating adapter (3), aligningthem with each other. (Fig. 4)a Do not hold rubber cap portion (4).

2) After inserting the hose in the matingadapter perfectly, pull it back to check itsconnecting condition. (Fig. 5)a When the hose is pulled back, the

rubber cap portion moves toward thehose about 3.5 mm. This does notindicate abnormality, however.

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Type 2

1. Disconnection1) Hold the tightening portion and push body

(7) straight until sliding prevention ring (6)contacts contact surface (a) of the hexag-onal portion at the male end. (Fig. 6)

2) While holding the condition of Step 1), turnlever (8) to the right (clockwise). (Fig. 7)

3) While holding the condition of Steps 1)and 2), pull out whole body (7) to discon-nect it. (Fig. 8)

2. Connectionq Hold the tightening portion and push body

(7) straight until sliding prevention ring (6)contacts contact surface (a) of the hexag-onal portion at the male end. (Fig. 9)

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Type 3

1. Disconnection1) Hold the tightening portion and push body

(9) straight until sliding prevention ring (8)contacts contact surface (b) of the hexag-onal portion at the male end. (Fig. 10)

2) While holding the condition of Step 1),push cover (10) straight until it contactscontact surface (b) of the hexagonal por-tion at the male end. (Fig. 11)

3) While holding the condition of Steps 1)and 2), pull out whole body (9) to discon-nect it. (Fig. 12)

2. Connectionq Hold the tightening portion and push body

(9) straight until the sliding prevention ringcontacts contact surface (b) of the hexag-onal portion at the male end. (Fig. 13)

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Standard tightening torque table 11. Table of tightening torques for bolts and nuts

a Unless there are special instructions, tighten metric nuts and bolts to the torque below. (When usingtorque wrench)

a The following table corresponds to the bolts in Fig. A.

a The following table corresponds to the bolts in Fig. B.

a Fig. A a Fig. B

Thread diameter of bolt Width across flats Tightening torquemm mm Nm kgm6 10 11.8 – 14.7 1.2 – 1.58 13 27 – 34 2.8 – 3.510 17 59 – 74 6.0 – 7.512 19 98 – 123 10.0 – 12.514 22 153 – 190 15.5 – 19.516 24 235 – 285 23.5 – 29.518 27 320 – 400 33.0 – 41.020 30 455 – 565 46.5 – 58.022 32 610 – 765 62.5 – 78.024 36 785 – 980 80.0 – 100.027 41 1,150 – 1,440 118 – 14730 46 1,520 – 1,910 155 – 19533 50 1,960 – 2,450 200 – 25036 55 2,450 – 3,040 250 – 31039 60 2,890 – 3,630 295 – 370

Thread diameter of bolt Width across flats Tightening torquemm mm Nm kgm6 10 5.9 – 9.8 0.6 – 1.08 13 13.7 – 23.5 1.4 – 2.410 14 34.3 – 46.1 3.5 – 4.712 27 74.5 – 90.2 7.6 – 9.2

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2. Table of tightening torques for split flange boltsa Unless there are special instructions, tighten split flange bolts to the torque below.

3. Table of tightening torques for O-ring boss piping jointsa Unless there are special instructions, tighten O-ring boss piping joints to the torque below.

4. Table of tightening torques for O-ring boss plugsa Unless there are special instructions, tighten O-ring boss plugs to the torque below.

Thread diameter of bolt Width across flats Tightening torquemm mm Nm kgm10 14 59 – 74 6.0 – 7.512 17 98 – 123 10.0 – 12.516 22 235 – 285 23.5 – 29.5

Nominal No.Thread diameter Width across flats Tightening torque Nm {kgm}

mm mm Range Target02 14

Varies depending on type of connec-


35 – 63 { 3.5 – 6.5} 44 { 4.5}03,04 20 84 – 132 { 8.5 – 13.5} 103 {10.5}05,06 24 128 – 186 {13.0 – 19.0} 157 {16.0}10,12 33 363 – 480 {37.0 – 49.0} 422 {43.0}

14 42 746 – 1,010 {76.0 – 103} 883 {90.0}

Nominal No.

Thread diameter Width across flats Tightening torque Nm {kgm}mm mm Range Target

08 8 14 5.88 – 8.82 {0.6 – 0.9} 7.35 {0.75}10 10 17 9.81 – 12.74 {1.0 – 1.3} 11.27 {1.15}12 12 19 14.7 – 19.6 {1.5 – 2.0} 17.64 {1.8}14 14 22 19.6 – 24.5 {2.0 – 2.5} 22.54 {2.3}16 16 24 24.5 – 34.3 {2.5 – 3.5} 29.4 {3.0}18 18 27 34.3 – 44.1 {3.5 – 4.5} 39.2 {4.0}20 20 30 44.1 – 53.9 {4.5 – 5.5} 49.0 {5.0}24 24 32 58.8 – 78.4 {6.0 – 8.0} 68.6 {7.0}30 30 32 93.1 – 122.5 { 9.5 – 12.5} 107.8 {11.0}33 33 – 107.8 – 147.0 {11.0 – 15.0} 127.4 {13.0}36 36 36 127.4 – 176.4 {13.0 – 18.0} 151.9 {15.5}42 42 – 181.3 – 240.1 {18.5 – 24.5} 210.7 {21.5}52 52 – 274.4 – 367.5 {28.0 – 37.5} 323.4 {33.0}

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34 114E-3 Series

5. Table of tightening torques for hoses (taper seal type and face seal type)a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the hoses (taper seal type and face seal type) to the

torque below.a Apply the following torque when the threads are coated (wet) with engine oil.

6. Table of tightening torques for 102, 107 and 114 engine series (Bolts and nuts)a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the metric bolts and nuts of the 102, 107 and 114

engine series to the torque below.

7. Table of tightening torques for 102, 107 and 114 engine series (Eye joints)a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the metric eye joints of the 102, 107 and 114 engine

series to the torque below.

Nominal No. of hose

Width across


Tightening torque Nm {kgm} Taper seal Face seal

Range Target Thread size (mm)

Nominal No. — Number of

threads, type of thread

Thread diame-ter (mm) (Ref-


02 19 34 – 54 { 3.5 – 5.5}

44 { 4.5}– 9/16-18UN 14.3

34 – 63 { 3.5 – 6.5} 14 – –

0322 54 – 93 { 5.5 – 9.5} 74 { 7.5} – 11/16-16UN 17.524 59 – 98 { 6.0 – 10.0} 78 { 8.0} 18 – –

04 27 84 – 132 { 8.5 – 13.5} 103 {10.5} 22 13/16-16UN 20.605 32 128 – 186 {13.0 – 19.0} 157 {16.0} 24 1-14UNS 25.406 36 177 – 245 {18.0 – 25.0} 216 {22.0} 30 1-3/16-12UN 30.2

(10) 41 177 – 245 {18.0 – 25.0} 216 {22.0} 33 – –(12) 46 197 – 294 {20.0 – 30.0} 245 {25.0} 36 – –(14) 55 246 – 343 {25.0 – 35.0} 294 {30.0} 42 – –

Thread sizeTightening torque

Bolts and nutsmm Nm kgm6 10 ± 2 1.02 ± 0.208 24 ± 4 2.45 ± 0.4110 43 ± 6 4.38 ± 0.6112 77 ± 12 7.85 ± 1.2214 — —

Thread size Tightening torquemm Nm kgm6 8 ± 2 0.81 ± 0.208 10 ± 2 1.02 ± 0.2010 12 ± 2 1.22 ± 0.2012 24 ± 4 2.45 ± 0.4114 36 ± 5 3.67 ± 0.51

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8. Table of tightening torques for 102, 107 and 114 engine series (Taper screws)a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the taper screws (unit: inch) of the 102, 107 and 114

engine series to the torque below.

Thread size Tightening torqueinch Nm kgm1/16 3 ± 1 0.31 ± 0.101/8 8 ± 2 0.81 ± 0.201/4 12 ± 2 1.22 ± 0.203/8 15 ± 2 1.53 ± 0.201/2 24 ± 4 2.45 ± 0.413/4 36 ± 5 3.67 ± 0.511 60 ± 9 6.12 ± 0.92

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Conversion table 1Method of using the conversion tableThe conversion table in this section is provided to enable simple conversion of figures. For details of themethod of using the conversion table, see the example given below.

Example: Method of using the conversion table to convert from millimeters to inches

1. Convert 55 mm into inches.1) Locate the number 50 in the vertical column at the left side, take this as (A), and then draw a hori-

zontal line from (A).2) Locate the number 5 in the row across the top, take this as (B), then draw a perpendicular line down

from (B).3) Take the point where the 2 lines cross as (C). This point (C) gives the value when converting from

millimeters to inches. Therefore, 55 mm = 2.165 inches.

2. Convert 550 mm into inches.1) The number 550 does not appear in the table, so divide it by 10 (move the decimal point one place

to the left) to convert it to 55 mm.2) Carry out the same procedure as above to convert 55 mm to 2.165 inches.3) The original value (550 mm) was divided by 10, so multiply 2.165 inches by 10 (move the decimal

point one place to the right) to return to the original value. This gives 550 mm = 21.65 inches.

Millimeters to inches (B)1 mm = 0.03937 in

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 90 0 0.039 0.079 0.118 0.157 0.197 0.236 0.276 0.315 0.35410 0.394 0.433 0.472 0.512 0.551 0.591 0.630 0.669 0.709 0.74820 0.787 0.827 0.866 0.906 0.945 0.984 1.024 1.063 1.102 1.14230 1.181 1.220 1.260 1.299 1.339 1.378 1.417 1.457 1.496 1.53640 1.575 1.614 1.654 1.693 1.732 1.772 1.811 1.850 1.890 1.929


(A)50 1.969 2.008 2.047 2.087 2.126 2.165 2.205 2.244 2.283 2.32360 2.362 2.402 2.441 2.480 2.520 2.559 2.598 2.638 2.677 2.71770 2.756 2.795 2.835 2.874 2.913 2.953 2.992 3.032 3.071 3.11080 3.150 3.189 3.228 3.268 3.307 3.346 3.386 3.425 3.465 3.50490 3.543 3.583 3.622 3.661 3.701 3.740 3.780 3.819 3.858 3.898

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Millimeters to inches1 mm = 0.03937 in

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 90 0 0.039 0.079 0.118 0.157 0.197 0.236 0.276 0.315 0.35410 0.394 0.433 0.472 0.512 0.551 0.591 0.630 0.669 0.709 0.74820 0.787 0.827 0.866 0.906 0.945 0.984 1.024 1.063 1.102 1.14230 1.181 1.220 1.260 1.299 1.339 1.378 1.417 1.457 1.496 1.53640 1.575 1.614 1.654 1.693 1.732 1.772 1.811 1.850 1.890 1.929

50 1.969 2.008 2.047 2.087 2.126 2.165 2.205 2.244 2.283 2.32360 2.362 2.402 2.441 2.480 2.520 2.559 2.598 2.638 2.677 2.71770 2.756 2.795 2.835 2.874 2.913 2.953 2.992 3.032 3.071 3.11080 3.150 3.189 3.228 3.268 3.307 3.346 3.386 3.425 3.465 3.50490 3.543 3.583 3.622 3.661 3.701 3.740 3.780 3.819 3.858 3.898

Kilogram to pound1 kg = 2.2046 lb

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 90 0 2.20 4.41 6.61 8.82 11.02 13.23 15.43 17.64 19.8410 22.05 24.25 26.46 28.66 30.86 33.07 35.27 37.48 39.68 41.8920 44.09 46.30 48.50 50.71 51.91 55.12 57.32 59.53 61.73 63.9330 66.14 68.34 70.55 72.75 74.96 77.16 79.37 81.57 83.78 85.9840 88.18 90.39 92.59 94.80 97.00 99.21 101.41 103.62 105.82 108.03

50 110.23 112.44 114.64 116.85 119.05 121.25 123.46 125.66 127.87 130.0760 132.28 134.48 136.69 138.89 141.10 143.30 145.51 147.71 149.91 152.1270 154.32 156.53 158.73 160.94 163.14 165.35 167.55 169.76 171.96 174.1780 176.37 178.57 180.78 182.98 185.19 187.39 189.60 191.80 194.01 196.2190 198.42 200.62 202.83 205.03 207.24 209.44 211.64 213.85 216.05 218.26

Liters to U.S. Gallons1 l = 0.2642 U.S.Gal

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 90 0 0.264 0.528 0.793 1.057 1.321 1.585 1.849 2.113 2.37810 2.642 2.906 3.170 3.434 3.698 3.963 4.227 4.491 4.755 5.01920 5.283 5.548 5.812 6.076 6.340 6.604 6.869 7.133 7.397 7.66130 7.925 8.189 8.454 8.718 8.982 9.246 9.510 9.774 10.039 10.30340 10.567 10.831 11.095 11.359 11.624 11.888 12.152 12.416 12.680 12.944

50 13.209 13.473 13.737 14.001 14.265 14.529 14.795 15.058 15.322 15.58660 15.850 16.115 16.379 16.643 16.907 17.171 17.435 17.700 17.964 18.22870 18.492 18.756 19.020 19.285 19.549 19.813 20.077 20.341 20.605 20.87080 21.134 21.398 21.662 21.926 22.190 22.455 22.719 22.983 23.247 23.51190 23.775 24.040 24.304 24.568 24.832 25.096 25.361 25.625 25.889 26.153

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Liters to U.K. Gallons1 l = 0.21997 U.K.Gal

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 90 0 0.220 0.440 0.660 0.880 1.100 1.320 1.540 1.760 1.98010 2.200 2.420 2.640 2.860 3.080 3.300 3.520 3.740 3.950 4.17920 4.399 4.619 4.839 5.059 5.279 5.499 5.719 5.939 6.159 6.37930 6.599 6.819 7.039 7.259 7.479 7.699 7.919 8.139 8.359 8.57940 8.799 9.019 9.239 9.459 9.679 9.899 10.119 10.339 10.559 10.778

50 10.998 11.281 11.438 11.658 11.878 12.098 12.318 12.528 12.758 12.97860 13.198 13.418 13.638 13.858 14.078 14.298 14.518 14.738 14.958 15.17870 15.398 15.618 15.838 16.058 16.278 16.498 16.718 16.938 17.158 17.37880 17.598 17.818 18.037 18.257 18.477 18.697 18.917 19.137 19.357 19.57790 19.797 20.017 20.237 20.457 20.677 20.897 21.117 21.337 21.557 21.777

kgm to ft.lb1 kgm = 7.233

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 90 0 7.2 14.5 21.7 28.9 36.2 43.4 50.6 57.9 65.110 72.3 79.6 86.8 94.0 101.3 108.5 115.7 123.0 130.2 137.420 144.7 151.9 159.1 166.4 173.6 180.8 188.1 195.3 202.5 209.830 217.0 224.2 231.5 238.7 245.9 253.2 260.4 267.6 274.9 282.140 289.3 296.6 303.8 311.0 318.3 325.5 332.7 340.0 347.2 354.4

50 361.7 368.9 376.1 383.4 390.6 397.8 405.1 412.3 419.5 426.860 434.0 441.2 448.5 455.7 462.9 470.2 477.4 484.6 491.8 499.170 506.3 513.5 520.8 528.0 535.2 542.5 549.7 556.9 564.2 571.480 578.6 585.9 593.1 600.3 607.6 614.8 622.0 629.3 636.5 643.790 651.0 658.2 665.4 672.7 679.9 687.1 694.4 701.6 708.8 716.1

100 723.3 730.5 737.8 745.0 752.2 759.5 766.7 773.9 781.2 788.4110 795.6 802.9 810.1 817.3 824.6 831.8 839.0 846.3 853.5 860.7120 868.0 875.2 882.4 889.7 896.9 904.1 911.4 918.6 925.8 933.1130 940.3 947.5 954.8 962.0 969.2 976.5 983.7 990.9 998.2 1005.4140 1012.6 1019.9 1027.1 1034.3 1041.5 1048.8 1056.0 1063.2 1070.5 1077.7

150 1084.9 1092.2 1099.4 1106.6 1113.9 1121.1 1128.3 1135.6 1142.8 1150.0160 1157.3 1164.5 1171.7 1179.0 1186.2 1193.4 1200.7 1207.9 1215.1 1222.4170 1129.6 1236.8 1244.1 1251.3 1258.5 1265.8 1273.0 1280.1 1287.5 1294.7180 1301.9 1309.2 1316.4 1323.6 1330.9 1338.1 1345.3 1352.6 1359.8 1367.0190 1374.3 1381.5 1388.7 1396.0 1403.2 1410.4 1417.7 1424.9 1432.1 1439.4

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kg/cm2 to lb/in2

1 kg/cm2 = 14.2233 lb/in2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 90 0 14.2 28.4 42.7 56.9 71.1 85.3 99.6 113.8 128.010 142.2 156.5 170.7 184.9 199.1 213.4 227.6 241.8 256.0 270.220 284.5 298.7 312.9 327.1 341.4 355.6 369.8 384.0 398.3 412.530 426.7 440.9 455.1 469.4 483.6 497.8 512.0 526.3 540.5 554.740 568.9 583.2 597.4 611.6 625.8 640.1 654.3 668.5 682.7 696.9

50 711.2 725.4 739.6 753.8 768.1 782.3 796.5 810.7 825.0 839.260 853.4 867.6 881.8 896.1 910.3 924.5 938.7 953.0 967.2 981.470 995.6 1,010 1,024 1,038 1,053 1,067 1,081 1,095 1,109 1,12480 1,138 1,152 1,166 1,181 1,195 1,209 1,223 1,237 1,252 1,26690 1,280 1,294 1,309 1,323 1,337 1,351 1,365 1,380 1,394 1,408

100 1,422 1,437 1,451 1,465 1,479 1,493 1,508 1,522 1,536 1,550110 1,565 1,579 1,593 1,607 1,621 1,636 1,650 1,664 1,678 1,693120 1,707 1,721 1,735 1,749 1,764 1,778 1,792 1,806 1,821 1,835130 1,849 1,863 1,877 1,892 1,906 1,920 1,934 1,949 1,963 1,977140 1,991 2,005 2,020 2,034 2,048 2,062 2,077 2,091 2,105 2,119

150 2,134 2,148 2,162 2,176 2,190 2,205 2,219 2,233 2,247 2,262160 2,276 2,290 2,304 2,318 2,333 2,347 2,361 2,375 2,389 2,404170 2,418 2,432 2,446 2,460 2,475 2,489 2,503 2,518 2,532 2,546180 2,560 2,574 2,589 2,603 2,617 2,631 2,646 2,660 2,674 2,688190 2,702 2,717 2,731 2,745 2,759 2,773 2,788 2,802 2,816 2,830

200 2,845 2,859 2,873 2,887 2,901 2,916 2,930 2,944 2,958 2,973210 2,987 3,001 3,015 3,030 3,044 3,058 3,072 3,086 3,101 3,115220 3,129 3,143 3,158 3,172 3,186 3,200 3,214 3,229 3,243 3,257230 3,271 3,286 3,300 3,314 3,328 3,343 3,357 3,371 3,385 3,399240 3,414 3,428 3,442 3,456 3,470 3,485 3,499 3,513 3,527 3,542

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SEN00172-03 00 Index and foreword

40 114E-3 Series


Fahrenheit-Centigrade conversion: A simple way to convert a Fahrenheit temperature reading into a Centi-grade temperature reading or vice versa is to enter the accompanying table in the center (boldface column)of figures. These figures refer to the temperature in either Fahrenheit or Centigrade degrees.When convert from Fahrenheit to Centigrade degrees, consider the center column to be a table of Fahren-heit temperatures and read the corresponding Centigrade temperature in the column at the left.When convert from Centigrade to Fahrenheit degrees, consider the center column to be a table of Centi-grade values, and read the corresponding Fahrenheit temperature on the right.

1°C = 33.8°F°C °F °C °F °C °F °C °F

–40.4 –40 –40.0 –11.7 11 51.8 7.8 46 114.8 27.2 81 177.8–37.2 –35 –31.0 –11.1 12 53.6 8.3 47 116.6 27.8 82 179.6–34.4 –30 –22.0 –10.6 13 55.4 8.9 48 118.4 28.3 83 181.4–31.7 –25 –13.0 –10.0 14 57.2 9.4 49 120.2 28.9 84 183.2–28.9 –20 –4.0 –9.4 15 59.0 10.0 50 122.0 29.4 85 185.0

–28.3 –19 –2.2 –8.9 16 60.8 10.6 51 123.8 30.0 86 186.8–27.8 –18 –0.4 –8.3 17 62.6 11.1 52 125.6 30.6 87 188.6–27.2 –17 1.4 –7.8 18 64.4 11.7 53 127.4 31.1 88 190.4–26.7 –16 3.2 –7.2 19 66.2 12.2 54 129.2 31.7 89 192.2–26.1 –15 5.0 –6.7 20 68.0 12.8 55 131.0 32.2 90 194.0

–25.6 –14 6.8 –6.1 21 69.8 13.3 56 132.8 32.8 91 195.8–25.0 –13 8.6 –5.6 22 71.6 13.9 57 134.6 33.3 92 197.6–24.4 –12 10.4 –5.0 23 73.4 14.4 58 136.4 33.9 93 199.4–23.9 –11 12.2 –4.4 24 75.2 15.0 59 138.2 34.4 94 201.2–23.3 –10 14.0 –3.9 25 77.0 15.6 60 140.0 35.0 95 203.0

–22.8 –9 15.8 –3.3 26 78.8 16.1 61 141.8 35.6 96 204.8–22.2 –8 17.6 –2.8 27 80.6 16.7 62 143.6 36.1 97 206.6–21.7 –7 19.4 –2.2 28 82.4 17.2 63 145.4 36.7 98 208.4–21.1 –6 21.2 –1.7 29 84.2 17.8 64 147.2 37.2 99 210.2–20.6 –5 23.0 –1.1 30 86.0 18.3 65 149.0 37.8 100 212.0

–20.0 –4 24.8 –0.6 31 87.8 18.9 66 150.8 40.6 105 221.0–19.4 –3 26.6 0 32 89.6 19.4 67 152.6 43.3 110 230.0–18.9 –2 28.4 0.6 33 91.4 20.0 68 154.4 46.1 115 239.0–18.3 –1 30.2 1.1 34 93.2 20.6 69 156.2 48.9 120 248.0–17.8 0 32.0 1.7 35 95.0 21.1 70 158.0 51.7 125 257.0

–17.2 1 33.8 2.2 36 96.8 21.7 71 159.8 54.4 130 266.0–16.7 2 35.6 2.8 37 98.6 22.2 72 161.6 57.2 135 275.0–16.1 3 37.4 3.3 38 100.4 22.8 73 163.4 60.0 140 284.0–15.6 4 39.2 3.9 39 102.2 23.3 74 165.2 62.7 145 293.0–15.0 5 41.0 4.4 40 104.0 23.9 75 167.0 65.6 150 302.0

–14.4 6 42.8 5.0 41 105.8 24.4 76 168.8 68.3 155 311.0–13.9 7 44.6 5.6 42 107.6 25.0 77 170.6 71.1 160 320.0–13.3 8 46.4 6.1 43 109.4 25.6 78 172.4 73.9 165 329.0–12.8 9 48.2 6.7 44 111.2 26.1 79 174.2 76.7 170 338.0–12.2 10 50.0 7.2 45 113.0 26.7 80 176.0 79.4 175 347.0

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00 Index and foreword SEN00172-03

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KOMATSU 114E-3 Series Diesel engine

Form No. SEN00172-03

© 2007 KOMATSUAll Rights ReservedPrinted in Japan 03-07 (01)

Page 53: Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 Engine 114E-3 Series Shop Manual

114E-3 Series 1



114E-3 Series

01 Specification 1Specification and technical dataSpecification and technical data………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2

General ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2Specifications ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3General view ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8Dimensions table……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12Engine performance curves ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13

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2 114E-3 Series

SEN00174-02 01 Specification

Specification and technical data 1General 11. Applicable machine

Engine Serial No. Applicable machine


PC300-7E0, PC300LC-7E0PC350-7E0, PC350LC-7E0PC300-8, PC300LC-8PC350-8, PC350LC-8WA430-6D65EX-15E0, D65PX-15E0, D65WX-15E0GD655-3E0, GD675-3E0

Hydraulic excavatorHydraulic excavatorHydraulic excavatorHydraulic excavatorWheel loaderBulldozerMotor grader

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114E-3 Series 3

01 Specification SEN00174-02

Specifications 1

Engine name SAA6D114E-3

Applicable model PC300-7E0, PC300LC-7E0PC350-7E0, PC350LC-7E0

No. of cylinders – Bore × Stroke mm 6 – 114 × 135Total piston displacement l {cc} 8.27 {8,270}Firing order — 1–5–3–6–2–4



ons Overall length mm 1,625

Overall width mm 1,004Overall height (excluding exhaust pipe) mm —Overall height (including exhaust pipe) mm 1,601




Flywheel horsepower kW{HP}/rpm 194 {260}/1,950(Gross)

Max. torque Nm{kgm}/rpm 1,129 {115}/1,450(Gross)

High idle speed rpm 2,050 ± 50Low idle speed rpm 1,000 ± 25

Min. fuel consumption ratio g/kW·h{g/HP·h} 226 {168}

Dry weight kg 865Fuel injection system


Fuel injection system control Electronic control typeLubricating oil amount (refill capacity) l 40 (35)Coolant amount l 10.4Alternator — 24V, 35A, 60A (if equipped)Starting motor — 24V, 7.5kW, 11kW (if equipped)Battery — 12V, 120Ah/140Ah × 2Turbocharger — HOLSET HX40WAir compressor — —Others — —

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4 114E-3 Series

SEN00174-02 01 Specification


Engine name SAA6D114E-3

Applicable model PC300-8, PC300LC-8PC350-8, PC350LC-8

No. of cylinders – Bore × Stroke mm 6 – 114 × 135Total piston displacement l {cc} 8.27 {8,270}Firing order — 1–5–3–6–2–4



ons Overall length mm 1,625

Overall width mm 1,004Overall height (excluding exhaust pipe) mm —Overall height (including exhaust pipe) mm 1,601




Flywheel horsepower kW{HP}/rpm 194 {260}/1,950(Gross)

Max. torque Nm{kgm}/rpm 1,129 {115}/1,450(Gross)

High idle speed rpm 2,050 ± 50Low idle speed rpm 1,000 ± 25

Min. fuel consumption ratio g/kW·h{g/HP·h} 226 {168}

Dry weight kg 865Fuel injection system


Fuel injection system control Electronic control typeLubricating oil amount (refill capacity) l 40 (35)Coolant amount l 10.4Alternator — 24V, 60AStarting motor — 24V, 7.5kW, 11kW (if equipped)Battery — 12V, 120Ah/140Ah × 2Turbocharger — HOLSET HX40WAir compressor — —Others — —

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114E-3 Series 5

01 Specification SEN00174-02


Engine name SAA6D114E-3

Applicable model WA430-6

No. of cylinders – Bore × Stroke mm 6 – 114 × 135Total piston displacement l {cc} 8.27 {8,270}Firing order — 1–5–3–6–2–4



ons Overall length mm 1,135

Overall width mm 844Overall height (excluding exhaust pipe) mm —Overall height (including exhaust pipe) mm 1,605




Flywheel horsepower kW{HP}/rpm 173 {232}/2,100(Gross)

Max. torque Nm{kgm}/rpm 1,020 {104}/1,450(Gross)

High idle speed rpm 2,245 ± 50Low idle speed rpm 765 ± 25

Min. fuel consumption ratio g/kW·h{g/HP·h} 235 {175}

Dry weight kg 785Fuel injection system


Fuel injection system control Electronic control typeLubricating oil amount (refill capacity) l 37 (32)Coolant amount l 10.4Alternator — 24V, 60A, 90A (if equipped)Starting motor — 24V, 7.5kW, 11kW (if equipped)Battery — 12V, 136Ah/140Ah × 2Turbocharger — HOLSET HX40WAir compressor — EquippedOthers — —

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6 114E-3 Series

SEN00174-02 01 Specification


Engine name SAA6D114E-3

Applicable model D65EX-15E0, D65PX-15E0, D65WX-15E0

No. of cylinders – Bore × Stroke mm 6 – 114 × 135Total piston displacement l {cc} 8.27 {8,270}Firing order — 1–5–3–6–2–4



ons Overall length mm 1,189

Overall width mm 909Overall height (excluding exhaust pipe) mm —Overall height (including exhaust pipe) mm 1,532




Flywheel horsepower kW{HP}/rpm 154 {206}/1,950(Gross)

Max. torque Nm{kgm}/rpm 1,010 {103}/1,450(Gross)

High idle speed rpm 2,030 ± 50Low idle speed rpm 825 ± 25

Min. fuel consumption ratio g/kW·h{g/HP·h} 227 {169}

Dry weight kg 860Fuel injection system


Fuel injection system control Electronic control typeLubricating oil amount (refill capacity) l 33 (28)Coolant amount l 10.4Alternator — 24V, 60A, 90A (if equipped)Starting motor — 24V, 7.5kW, 11kW (if equipped)Battery — 12V, 112Ah/140Ah × 2Turbocharger — HOLSET HX40WAir compressor — —Others — —

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114E-3 Series 7

01 Specification SEN00174-02


Engine name SAA6D114E-3

Applicable model GD655-3E0, GD675-3E0

No. of cylinders – Bore × Stroke mm 6 – 114 × 135Total piston displacement l {cc} 8.27 {8,270}Firing order — 1–5–3–6–2–4



ons Overall length mm 1,128

Overall width mm 872Overall height (excluding exhaust pipe) mm —Overall height (including exhaust pipe) mm 1,455




Flywheel horsepower kW{HP}/rpm 154 {206}/1,900(Gross)

Max. torque Nm{kgm}/rpm 990 {101}/1,450(Gross)

High idle speed rpm 2,225 ± 50Low idle speed rpm 825 ± 25

Min. fuel consumption ratio g/kW·h{g/HP·h} 232 {173}

Dry weight kg 800Fuel injection system


Fuel injection system control Electronic control typeLubricating oil amount (refill capacity) l 30 (25)Coolant amount l 10.4Alternator — 24V, 60A, 90A (if equipped)Starting motor — 24V, 7.5kW, 11kW (if equipped)Battery — 12V, 112Ah × 2Turbocharger — HOLSET HX40WAir compressor — —Others — —

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8 114E-3 Series

SEN00174-02 01 Specification

General view 1SAA6D114E-3 (Left side view of engine)Machine model: PC300-7E0, PC300LC-7E0, PC350-7E0, PC350LC-7E0

a The shape may differ according to the machine model.

1. Crankshaft center2. Flywheel housing rear surface

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114E-3 Series 9

01 Specification SEN00174-02

SAA6D114E-3 (Right side view of engine)Machine model: PC300-7E0, PC300LC-7E0, PC350-7E0, PC350LC-7E0

a The shape may differ according to the machine model.

1. Crankshaft center2. Flywheel housing rear surface

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10 114E-3 Series

SEN00174-02 01 Specification

SAA6D114E-3 (Front view of engine)Machine model: PC300-7E0, PC300LC-7E0, PC350-7E0, PC350LC-7E0

a The shape may differ according to the machine model.

1. Crankshaft center2. Cylinder center

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114E-3 Series 11

01 Specification SEN00174-02

SAA6D114E-3 (Rear view of engine)Machine model: PC300-7E0, PC300LC-7E0, PC350-7E0, PC350LC-7E0

a The shape may differ according to the machine model.

1. Crankshaft center2. Cylinder center

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12 114E-3 Series

SEN00174-02 01 Specification

Dimensions table 1

a These dimensions are given for reference when the engine is set on a test bench.

Unit: mm

Engine Machine modelDimension of each part



PC300-7E0, PC300LC-7E0PC350-7E0, PC350LC-7E0PC300-8, PC300LC-8PC350-8, PC350LC-8

1,625 1,601 1,004

WA430-6 1,135 1,605 844D65EX-15E0, D65PX-15E0, D65WX-15E0 1,189 1,532 909GD655-3E0, GD675-3E0 1,128 1,455 872

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114E-3 Series 13

01 Specification SEN00174-02

Engine performance curves 1

Engine Engine serial No. Machine model Page


PC300-7E0, PC300LC-7E0PC350-7E0, PC350LC-7E0PC300-8, PC300LC-8PC350-8, PC350LC-8


WA430-6 15D65EX-15E0, D65PX-15E0, D65WX-15E0 16GD655-3E0, GD675-3E0 17

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14 114E-3 Series

SEN00174-02 01 Specification

SAA6D114E-3 1(Machine model: PC300-7E0, PC300LC-7E0, PC350-7E0, PC350LC-7E0,

PC300-8, PC300LC-8, PC350-8, PC350LC-8) 1Rated output: 194 kW {260 HP}/1,950 rpm (Gross)Max. torque: 1,129 Nm {115 kgm}/1,450 rpm (Gross)

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114E-3 Series 15

01 Specification SEN00174-02

SAA6D114E-3 (Machine model: WA430-6) 1

Rated output: 173 kW {232 HP}/2,100 rpm (Gross)Max. torque: 1,020 Nm {104 kgm}/1,450 rpm (Gross)

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16 114E-3 Series

SEN00174-02 01 Specification

SAA6D114E-3 (Machine model: D65EX-15E0, D65PX-15E0, D65WX-15E0)

Rated output: 154 kW {206 HP}/1,950 rpm (Gross)Max. torque: 1,010 Nm {103 kgm}/1,450 rpm (Gross)

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114E-3 Series 17

01 Specification SEN00174-02

SAA6D114E-3 (Machine model: GD655-3E0, GD675-3E0) 1

Rated output: 154 kW {206 HP}/1,900 rpm (Gross)Max. torque: 990 Nm {101 kgm}/1,450 rpm (Gross)

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KOMATSU 114E-3 Series Diesel engine

Form No. SEN00174-02

© 2007 KOMATSUAll Rights ReservedPrinted in Japan 03-07 (01)

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114E-3 Series 1



114E-3 Series

10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

Intake, exhaust system ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2Intake system………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2Exhaust system …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3Turbocharger ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4

Lubricating oil system ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7Cooling system …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9Fuel system (common rail)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10Maintenance standard …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15

Turbocharger …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15Cylinder head…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 16Cylinder block ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 18Cylinder liner……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20Crankshaft ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22Piston, piston ring and piston pin………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23Connecting rod ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 24Vibration damper ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 26Timing gear ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 27Camshaft ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 28Valve and valve guide …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 30Rocker arm, shaft and tappet……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 32Flywheel and flywheel housing …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 34Oil pump …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 36

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SEN00176-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

2 114E-3 Series

Intake, exhaust system 1Intake system 1General Information

1. Intake air inlet to turbocharger2. Turbocharger air to charge air cooler3. Charge air cooler4. Intake manifold (integral part of cylinder head)5. Intake valve

The combustion air system on the engine consistsof an air cleaner, intake air piping, turbocharger,charge air piping, charge air cooler (CAC), andintake air heater.Air is drawn through the air cleaner and into thecompressor side of the turbocharger (1). It is thenforced through the CAC piping (2), to the CAC (3),the intake air heater (if applicable), and into theintake manifold (4). From the intake manifold, air isforced into the cylinders (5) and used for combus-tion.

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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00176-02

114E-3 Series 3

Exhaust system 1General Information

1. Exhaust valve2. Exhaust manifold (pulse type)3. Dual-entry turbocharger4. Turbocharger exhaust outlet

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SEN00176-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

4 114E-3 Series

Turbocharger 1General Information

1. Exhaust in2. Sliding nozzle open3. Exhaust gas low velocity flow

4. Sliding nozzle closed5. Exhaust gas high velocity flow

The turbocharger uses exhaust gas energy to turnthe turbine wheel. The turbine wheel drives thecompressor impeller that provides pressurized airto the engine for combustion. The additional air pro-vided by the turbocharger allows more fuel to beinjected to increase the power output from theengine.

The turbine, compressor wheels, and shaft are sup-ported by two rotating bearings in the bearing hous-ing. Passages in the bearing housing direct filtered,pressurized engine oil to the shaft bearings andthrust bearings. The oil is used to lubricate and coolthe rotating components. Oil then drains from thebearing housing to the engine sump, through the oildrain line.a An adequate supply of good, filtered oil is very

important to the life of the turbocharger. Makesure that a high-quality oil is used and that itand the oil filter are changed according tomaintenance recommendations.

Variable geometry turbocharger

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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00176-02

114E-3 Series 5

Wastegated turbochargers are used to optimizeperformance. The wastegated design allows maxi-mum boost to be developed quickly while makingsure that the turbocharger does not overspeed athigher engine rpm’s.Wastegate operation is controlled by an actuatorthat senses compressor pressure and balances itagainst a preset spring load. The wastegate valveis located in the turbine inlet passage. When open,it diverts a portion of the exhaust gas away from theturbine wheel, thereby controlling the shaft speedand boost.

The variable geometry turbocharger functions as astandard turbocharger with the addition of the fol-lowing:q A speed sensor (1) in the bearing housing to

monitor turbocharger operation q Water-cooled bearing housings (in addition to

oil lubrication) q The sliding nozzle (2) is actuated by a pneu-

matic actuator attached to the vehicle (brake)air supply system

q The pneumatic actuator (3) operated by an aircontrol valve (4) and receives air from the airsupply tank (5)

q When the variable geometry turbochargermechanism opens, a noise can be heard as airis released from the actuator (3) through thecontrol valve (4).

The wastegated turbocharger is a Holset ModelHX40. It is comprised of a turbocharger, wastegateactuator, and wastegate valve in the turbine hous-ing. A wastegated turbocharger provides improvedresponse at low engine speeds without sacrificingturbocharger durability at high speeds. This isaccomplished by allowing the exhaust gases tobypass the turbine wheel during certain modes ofengine operation.During low rpm operation, the turbocharger oper-ates as a closed-system turbocharger where thegases’ energy is transferred to the compressorwheel and used to compress intake air.During high rpm operation however, the turbo-charger becomes an open-system turbochargerand allows exhaust gas to bypass the turbine.Since the exhaust gas is gated around the turbinewheel, less energy is absorbed through the turbineand transferred to the compressor, reducing theintake manifold pressures and turbine speeds.

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SEN00176-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

6 114E-3 Series

The wastegate actuator is mounted on the turbo-charger and consists of a pressure canister, dia-phragm, and rod. As the pressure changes in thecanister, as dictated by the wastegate controller,the actuator rod adjusts the wastegate valveaccordingly.The wastegate valve is mounted inside the turbo-charger in the turbine housing. As the valve opens,exhaust gas is allowed to bypass the turbine wheel,lowering turbine speed to adjust the intake manifoldpressure.

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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00176-02

114E-3 Series 7

Lubricating oil system 1General Information

1. Gerotor lubricating oil pump2. Lubricating oil cooler3. To lubricating oil pan4. Full flow lubricating oil filter

5. Filter bypass valve6. From lubricating oil filter

1. From lubricating oil cooler2. Main lubricating oil rifle3. To camshaft4. To piston cooling nozzle

5. From main lubricating oil rifle6. To connecting rod bearing

Lubricating oil cooler flow

Lubrication for power components

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SEN00176-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

8 114E-3 Series

1. Lubricating oil supply from filter2. Turbocharger lubricating oil supply3. Turbocharger lubricating oil drain

1. From cam bushings2. Transfer slot3. Rocker lever support4. Rocker lever shaft5. Rocker lever bore6. Rocker lever

Lubrication for turbocharger

Lubrication for the overhead

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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00176-02

114E-3 Series 9

Cooling system 1General Information

1. Coolant inlet from radiator2. Water pump suction3. Coolant flow through lubricating oil cooler4. Block lower water manifold (to cylinders)5. Coolant filter inlet (optional)6. Coolant filter outlet (optional)7. Coolant supply to cylinder head8. Coolant return from cylinder head9. Block upper water manifold10. Thermostat bypass11. Coolant return to radiator

Conventionally cooled engines with automatictransmissions typically use oil-to-water transmis-sion torque converter coolers plumbed between theradiator and the engine water pump.A torque converter cooling system with a remotebypass allows the torque converter to receive cool-ant flow when the thermostat is closed (enginecold).

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SEN00176-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

10 114E-3 Series

Fuel system (common rail) 1General Information

1. Fuel from supply tank2. Fuel filter and water separator3. OEM fuel supply connection4. Fuel supply to ECM mounted fuel lift pump5. ECM cooling plate6. ECM mounted fuel lift pump7. Fuel outlet from ECM mounted fuel lift pump8. Fuel gear pump9. Fuel from gear pump to fuel filter10. Primary fuel filter11. Fuel inlet to fuel pump actuator

12. High-pressure fuel pump13. Fuel outlet from high-pressure pump14. High-pressure pump drain flow connection15. Fuel rail16. High-pressure injector supply lines17. High-pressure fuel connector18. Fuel injector19. Fuel pressure relief valve20. Fuel injector drain flow line21. Fuel return to supply tanks

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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00176-02

114E-3 Series 11

Common rail fuel systemThe Common Rail Fuel System is a high-pressurecommon rail injection system. A fuel rail is used tostore pressurized fuel for fuel injection. There arefour components that provide or receive input to theelectronic control module (ECM). The ECM powersthe electric fuel lift pump (located behind the ECM)for approximately 30 seconds at key on to makesure the fuel system is primed.The normally open fuel pump actuator receives aPWM signal from the ECM to open or close inresponse to the signal from the fuel rail pressure.The injectors have individual solenoids. The ECMpowers each injector individually to provide fuelingto each cylinder.

The high-pressure fuel pump can be divided intofour distinct assemblies. They are the fuel gearpump, fuel pump actuator housing, cam housing,and high-pressure fuel pump head. Fuel flowsthrough the gear pump to a 3-micron pressure sidefilter. After the pressure side filter, fuel enters thefuel pump actuator housing. The fuel pump actua-tor housing includes an air-bleed fitting and the fuelpump actuator.Some fuel continuously returns to drain through theair-bleed orifice fitting. Fuel that is metered throughthe fuel pump actuator enters the high-pressurefuel pump head where it is pumped to fuel rail pres-sure and exits at the high-pressure outlet fitting.

Common rail fuel system

High pressure pump

Main filter

Priming pump


Fuel tank

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12 114E-3 Series

A lift pump is used for priming the pump at start-up.The lift pump runs for approximately 30 secondsafter key on. Once the engine is started, the gearpump is able to maintain prime without any assis-tance from the lift pump.The ECM and ECM cooling plate must be removedfor access to the lift pump and lift pump fuel lines.This is accomplished by disconnecting the engineharnesses and the quick disconnect style fuel linesfirst. Removal of the ECM cooling plate capscrewsallows the ECM, cooling plate, lift pump and liftpump plumbing to be removed as one assembly.

The gear pump output is routed to a 2-micron fuelfilter. The filtered fuel returns to the fuel pump actu-ator housing.The high-pressure pump is driven by the enginecamshaft. The gear pump is driven by the pumpcamshaft through an internal coupling.

Each of the two pumping plungers is driven by athree lobed camshaft. The camshaft is located inthe cam housing module by tapered roller bearings.The bearings that support the camshaft, as well asthe tappets, rollers and camshaft itself are lubri-cated with engine oil. These are the only compo-nents in the pump lubricated with engine oil.Engine oil to the high-pressure pump is suppliedthrough a drilling in the engine gear housing. Theoil passes from the engine gear housing to thehigh-pressure pump cam housing. A small O-ring ina recess on the back of the engine gear housing isused to seal this passage.

Pressurized fuel from the gear pump is supplied tothe fuel pump actuator. The fuel pump actuator isopened or closed by the ECM to maintain theappropriate fuel rail pressure.An air-bleed orifice fitting in the fuel pump actuatorhousing aids in purging air from the fuel supply.Because of the air-bleed orifice fitting, some fuelthat is supplied by the gear pump will return to drainat all times.

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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00176-02

114E-3 Series 13

Fuel that is metered past the fuel pump actuator willenter inlet drilling in the high pressure fuel pumpinlet drilling and pass the inlet check valve and fillthe pumping chamber by pressing the pumpingplunger downward.When the camshaft pushes the pumping plungerupward, fuel will reach rail pressure and cause theoutlet check valve to lift. Fuel will then enter the out-let drilling of the fuel pump and exit the high pres-sure fuel line to the fuel rail.

The fuel filter is a spin-on type.Fuel flows around the outside of the filter and backup through the middle. The filtering media is a 10micron Stratapore design for eff icient debrisremoval. The filter also strips the water and collectsit at the bottom of the filter to be drained daily.

The lift pump will run for 30 seconds after the key isswitched on to assist with fuel priming. The liftpump will run during cranking and while the engineis running until the 30 seconds has lapsed. The liftpump will shut off anytime the key is switched“OFF”. The 30 second timer is reset after each keyswitch cycle and ECM power down.

Once the engine is started, additional fuel is drawnthrough the lift pump head via the gear pump. Avalve in the head opens when the gear pumprequires more flow than the lift pump can provide orwhen the lift pump is shut off.

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14 114E-3 Series

High-pressure common rail fuel systems use sole-noid-actuated injectors. High-pressure fuel flowsinto the side of the injector. When the solenoid isactivated, an internal needle l i fts and fuel isinjected. The clearances in the nozzle bore areextremely small and any dirt or contaminants willcause the injector to stick.This is why it is important to clean around all fuelconnections before servicing the fuel system. Also,cap or cover any open fuel connections before afuel system repair is performed.

High-pressure fuel is supplied to the injector fromthe fuel rail by an injector supply line and a fuelconnector. The fuel connector pushes against theinjector body when the fuel connector nut is tight-ened. The injector supply line is then connected tothe fuel connector.The torque and sequence for this joint is critical. Ifthe nut or line is undertightened, the surfaces willnot seal and a high-pressure fuel leak will result. Ifthe nut is overtightened, the connector and injectorwill deform and cause a high-pressure fuel leak.This leak will be inside the head and will not be vis-ible. The result will be a fault code, low power, orno-start.

If the injector is not fully seated prior to the installa-tion of the high-pressure connector, the joint will notseal.The fuel connector contains an edge filter thatbreaks up small contaminants that enter the fuelsystem.a The edge filters are not a substitute for clean-

ing and covering all fuel system connectionsduring repair.

a Be sure to cap or cover all fuel fittings andports.

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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00176-02

114E-3 Series 15

Maintenance standard 1Turbocharger 1

Unit: mm

No. Check item Criteria Remedy

1 Radial play (Play in radial direction) 0.330 – 0.508 Replace bearing parts

2 End play (Play in axial direction) 0.025 – 0.127 Replace thrust parts

3 Tightening torque of turbine housing bolt

Target (Nm {kgm})Tighten

26 {2.6}

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16 114E-3 Series

Cylinder head 1

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114E-3 Series 17

Unit: mm

No. Check item Criteria Remedy

1 Strain of cylinder head mounting faceEnd-to-End Max. 0.203 Correct by grind-

ing or replaceSide-to-Side Max. 0.075


Tightening torque for cylinder head mounting bolt (Apply molybdenum disulfide or engine oil to threaded part)

Procedure Target (Nm {kgm})

Tighten and retighten

1st stage 150 {15.3}

2nd stage Loosen

3rd stage 110 {11.2}

4th stage 110 {11.2}

5th stage Retighten 120°

3 Projection of nozzle 2.25 – 2.80 Replace nozzle or gasket

4 Tightening torque for injector holder mounting bolt

Target (Nm {kgm})

Tighten10 {1.0}

5 Tightening torque for head cover mount-ing bolt 24 {2.4}

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18 114E-3 Series

Cylinder block 1

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114E-3 Series 19

Unit: mm

No. Check item Criteria Remedy

1 Strain of cylinder head mounting faceEnd-to-End Max. 0.075 Correct by grind-

ing or replaceSide-to-Side Max. 0.075

2 Thickness of main bearing metal 3.446 – 3.454 Replace bearing metal

3 Diameter of cam bushing mounting hole Max. 64.013 Correct or replace


4 Inside diameter of cam bushing Max. 60.120 Replace cam bushing

5Tightening torque for main cap mounting bolt(Apply engine oil to threads)

Procedure Target (Nm {kgm})

Tighten and retighten

1st stage 167 {17.0}

2nd stage Loosen 360°

3rd stage 30.4 {3.1}

4th stage 50 {5.1}

5th stage Retighten 120°

6 Tightening torque for oil pan mounting bolt

Target (Nm {kgm})

Tighten28 {2.8}

7 Tightening torque for crankshaft pulley mounting bolt 200 {20.4}

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20 114E-3 Series

Cylinder liner 1

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114E-3 Series 21

Unit: mm

No. Check item Criteria Remedy


Inside diameter of cylinder liner 114.000 – 114.040Replace cylinder linerRoundness of cylinder liner Repair limit: 0.04

Taper of cylinder liner Repair limit: 0.04

2 Protrusion of cylinder liner 0.026 – 0.122Replace cylinder liner or cylinder block

3 Outside diameter of cylinder liner 130.938 – 13.0958 Replace cylinder liner

4 Inside diameter of cylinder liner bore in cylinder block 130.900 – 13.0950 Replace cylinder

liner or cylinder block5 Clearance between cylinder liner and

cylinder block Min. 0.229

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22 114E-3 Series

Crankshaft 1

Unit: mm

No. Check item Criteria Remedy

1 End play 0.085 – 0.385Replace thrust bearing metal or use oversize metal


Outside diameter of main journal 76.000 – 76.026Use undersize journal or replaceRoundness of main journal Repair limit: 0.050

Taper of main journal Max. 0.013

Clearance of main journal 0.038 – 0.116 Replace main bearing metal

3 Outside diameter of crankshaft gear journal 75.987 – 76.006 Use undersize

crankshaft or replace4 Inside diameter of crankshaft gear jour-

nal 75.898 – 75.923

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114E-3 Series 23

Piston, piston ring and piston pin 1

Unit: mm

No. Check item Criteria Remedy

1 Clearance at piston ring end gap

Top ring 0.30 – 0.45Replace piston ring or piston2nd ring 0.85 – 1.15

Oil ring 0.30 – 0.73

2 Outside diameter of piston pin 44.997 – 45.003 Peplace piston or piston pin3 Inside diameter of piston pin bore 45.006 – 45.012

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24 114E-3 Series

Connecting rod 1

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114E-3 Series 25

Unit: mm

No. Check item Criteria Remedy

1 Inside diameter of connecting rod bushing (when bushing is installed) 45.023 – 45.035

Replace bushing (spare part is semi-finished part)

2 Inside diameter of connecting rod bearing 76.045 – 76.095 Replace connect-

ing rod bearing3 Thickness of connecting rod bearing 2.459 – 2.471

4 Inside diameter of connecting rod bearing mounting hole 80.987 – 81.013 Replace connect-

ing rod

5Tightening torque for connecting rod cap mounting bolt(Coat thread of bolt nut with engine oil)

Procedure Target (Nm {kgm})

Tighten and retighten

1st stage 60 {6.1}

2nd stage Loosen

3rd stage 70 {7.1}

4th stage Retighten 60°

6 Side clearance of connecting rod 0.100 – 0.300 Replace connect-ing rod

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26 114E-3 Series

Vibration damper 1

Unit: mm

No. Check item Criteria Remedy

1 Tightening torque of vibration damperTarget (Nm {kgm}) Tighten and

retighten200 {20.4}

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114E-3 Series 27

Timing gear 1

Unit: mm

No. Check item Criteria Remedy

– Backlash of each gear

A Backlash of oil pump gear 0.08 – 0.33

ReplaceB Backlash of camshaft gear 0.08 – 0.33

C Backlash of oil pump idler gear 0.08 – 0.33

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28 114E-3 Series

Camshaft 1

Unit: mm

No. Check item Criteria Remedy

1 End play 0.12 – 0.50 Replace thrust plate

2 Outside diameter of camshaft bearing journal 59.962 – 60.013 Correct or replace

3 Thickness of camshaft thrust plate 9.40 – 9.60 Replace

4 Tightening torque of camshaft thrust plate mounting bolt

Target (Nm {kgm})Tighten

24 {2.4}

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30 114E-3 Series

Valve and valve guide 1

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114E-3 Series 31

Unit: mm

No. Check item Criteria Remedy

1 Sunk depth (A) of valve 0.84 – 1.32 Replace valve or valve seat

2 Thickness (B) of valve headIntake Min. 2.20

ReplaceExhaust Min. 1.83

3 Angle of valve seat

Valve Angle Repair limitCorrect or replace valve, valve seatIntake 30° Judge condition of contact

surface with vacuum testExhaust 45°

4 Outside diameter of valve stem 7.96 – 7.98Replace

5 Diameter of valve guide bore 8.019 – 8.071

6 Clearance between valve guide and valve stem 13.15 – 13.65 Correct

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32 114E-3 Series

Rocker arm, shaft and tappet 1

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114E-3 Series 33

Unit: mm

No. Check item Criteria Remedy

1 Outside diameter of rocker arm shaft Min. 21.965 Replace rocker arm shaft

2 Inner diameter of rocker arm shaft hole Max. 22.027 Replace rocker arm

3 Clearance between rocker arm shaft and rocker arm Max. 0.062 Replace rocker

arm or shaft

4 Tightening torque of locknut for rocker arm adjustment screw

Target (Nm {kgm})Tighten

24 {2.5}

5 Valve clearance (cold)

Valve Repair limit

AdjustIntake 0.305

Exhaust 0.559

6 Outside diameter of tappet 15.936 – 15.977 Replace tappet

7 Tightening torque of rocker arm mounting bolt

Target (Nm {kgm})Tighten

65 {6.6}

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Flywheel and flywheel housing 1

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114E-3 Series 35

Unit: mm

No. Check item Criteria Remedy

1 Face runout of flywheel housing Repair limit: 0.20 Reassemble, correct2 Radial runout of flywheel housing Repair limit: 0.20

3 Tightening torque of flywheel housing mounting bolt

Target (Nm {kgm})Tighten

77 {7.85}

4 Face runout of flywheel

Flywheel Limit

Reassemble, correct

For clutch 0.013 / ø25.4

For torque converter Diameter (actual measurement) × 0.0005

5 Radial runout of flywheel Repair limit: 0.13

6Tightening torque of flywheel mounting bolt(Coat bolt thread with engine oil)

Target (Nm {kgm}) Tigthen and retighten137 {14.0}

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36 114E-3 Series

Oil pump 1

Unit: mm

No. Check item Criteria Remedy

1 Clearance of rotor in axial direction 0.025 – 0.127

Replace oil pump2 Clearance between outer rotor and body 0.178 – 0.381

3 Clearance between outer rotor and inner rotor 0.025 – 0.178

4 Tightening torque of oil pump mounting bolt

Target (Nm {kgm}) Tigthen and retighten24 {2.4}

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KOMATSU 114E-3 Series Diesel engine

Form No. SEN00176-02

© 2007 KOMATSUAll Rights ReservedPrinted in Japan 03-07 (01)

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114E-3 Series 1



114E-3 Series

20 Standard value tableStandard service value tableStandard service value table…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

Standard value table for testing, adjusting and troubleshooting ………………………………………………….. 2Run-in standard and performance test criteria …………………………………………………………………………. 6

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SEN00261-02 20 Standard value table

2 114E-3 Series

Standard service value table 1Standard value table for testing, adjusting and troubleshooting 1

Engine model SAA6D114E-3

Applicable machine PC300, 300LC-7E0, PC350, 350LC-7E0PC300, 300LC-8, PC350, 350LC-8

Item Condition, etc Unit Standard value Permissible value



ance Engine speed

High idle speed rpm 2,050 ± 50 2,050 ± 50

Low idle speed rpm 1,000 ± 25 1,000 ± 25

Necessary starting speed

At 0°C rpm — —

At –20°C rpm 70 —


ke a

nd e


st s



Intake resistance At all speed kPa{mmH2O}

Max. 3.73{Max. 380}


Intake pressure (Air connector outlet) At rated horsepower kPa

{mmHg}135 – 175

{1,010 – 1,310}100


Exhaust pressure(Turbine inlet press.) At rated horsepower kPa

{mmHg}127 – 167

{950 – 1,250}100


Exhaust temperature (Turbine outlet temp.) At all speed (at 20°C) °C Max. 600 Max. 650

Exhaust gas colorAt rated horsepower

%Max. 1.0 Max. 2.0

Quick acceleration(Low idle o high idle) Max. 25 Max. 35

Valve clearanceIntake valve mm 0.305 0.152 – 0.559

Exhaust valve mm 0.559 0.381 – 0.813



body Compression pressure

Oil temperature: 40 – 60°C MPa{kg/cm2}

Min. 2.6{Min. 26.5}

2.1{21.4}Engine speed: Min. 170 rpm

Blow-by pressure At rated horsepower kPa{mmH2O}

Max. 1.57{Max. 160}

Max. 2.55{Max. 260}





em Oil pressure

At rated horsepower (Oil temperature: Min. 80°C)



0.34 – 0.59{3.5 – 6.0}


At low idle (Oil temperature: Min. 80°C)



Min. 0.15{Min. 1.5}


Oil temperature At all speed (Oil in oil pan) °C 80 – 110 120

Oil consumption ratio At continuous rated(Ratio to fuel consumption) % Max. 0.15 0.3





Radiator pressure valve

Opening pressure(Differential pressure)

kPa{kg/cm2} — —

Fan speed At rated engine speed rpm 1,346 —

Fan and alternator belt tension

Deflects when pushed with a force of 98 N {10 kg} mm Auto-tensioner —

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20 Standard value table SEN00261-02

114E-3 Series 3

Engine model SAA6D114E-3

Applicable machine WA430-6

Item Condition, etc Unit Standard value Permissible value



ance Engine speed

High idle speed rpm 2,245 ± 50 2,245 ± 50

Low idle speed rpm 765 ± 25 765 ± 25

Necessary starting speed

At 0°C rpm — —

At –20°C rpm 85 —


ke a

nd e


st s



Intake resistance At all speed kPa{mmH2O}

Max. 3.73{Max. 380}


Intake pressure (Air connector outlet) At rated horsepower kPa

{mmHg}141 – 181

{1,060 – 1,360}107


Exhaust pressure(Turbine inlet press.) At rated horsepower kPa

{mmHg}140 – 180

{1,050 – 1,350}113


Exhaust temperature (Turbine outlet temp.) At all speed (at 20°C) °C Max. 600 Max. 650

Exhaust gas colorAt rated horsepower

%Max. 1.0 Max. 2.0

Quick acceleration(Low idle o high idle) Max. 25 Max. 35

Valve clearanceIntake valve mm 0.305 0.152 – 0.559

Exhaust valve mm 0.559 0.381 – 0.813



body Compression pressure

Oil temperature: 40 – 60°C MPa{kg/cm2}

Min. 2.6{Min. 26.5}

2.1{21.4}Engine speed: Min. 170 rpm

Blow-by pressure At rated horsepower kPa{mmH2O}

Max. 1.57{Max. 160}

Max. 2.55{Max. 260}





em Oil pressure

At rated horsepower (Oil temperature: Min. 80°C)



0.34 – 0.59{3.5 – 6.0}


At low idle (Oil temperature: Min. 80°C)



Min. 0.15{Min. 1.5}


Oil temperature At all speed (Oil in oil pan) °C 80 – 110 120

Oil consumption ratio At continuous rated(Ratio to fuel consumption) % Max. 0.15 0.3





Radiator pressure valve

Opening pressure(Differential pressure)

kPa{kg/cm2} — —

Fan speed At rated engine speed rpm —(Chassis side) —

Fan and alternator belt tension

Deflects when pushed with a force of 98 N {10 kg} mm Auto-tensioner —

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SEN00261-02 20 Standard value table

4 114E-3 Series

Engine model SAA6D114E-3

Applicable machine D65EX-15E0, D65PX-15E0, D65WX-15E0

Item Condition, etc Unit Standard value Permissible value



ance Engine speed

High idle speed rpm 2,030 ± 50 2,030 ± 50

Low idle speed rpm 825 ± 25 825 ± 25

Necessary starting speed

At 0°C rpm — —

At –20°C rpm 80 —


ke a

nd e


st s



Intake resistance At all speed kPa{mmH2O}

Max. 3.73{Max. 380}


Intake pressure (Air connector outlet) At rated horsepower kPa

{mmHg}129 – 169

{970 – 1,270}94.7{710}

Exhaust pressure(Turbine inlet press.) At rated horsepower kPa

{mmHg}117 – 157

{880 – 1,180}90.7{680}

Exhaust temperature (Turbine outlet temp.) At all speed (at 20°C) °C Max. 600 Max. 650

Exhaust gas colorAt rated horsepower

%Max. 1.0 Max. 2.0

Quick acceleration(Low idle o high idle) Max. 25 Max. 35

Valve clearanceIntake valve mm 0.305 0.152 – 0.559

Exhaust valve mm 0.559 0.381 – 0.813



body Compression pressure

Oil temperature: 40 – 60°C MPa{kg/cm2}

Min. 2.6{Min. 26.5}

2.1{21.4}Engine speed: Min. 170 rpm

Blow-by pressure At rated horsepower kPa{mmH2O}

Max. 1.57{Max. 160}

Max. 2.55{Max. 260}





em Oil pressure

At rated horsepower (Oil temperature: Min. 80°C)



0.34 – 0.59{3.5 – 6.0}


At low idle (Oil temperature: Min. 80°C)



Min. 0.15{Min. 1.5}


Oil temperature At all speed (Oil in oil pan) °C 80 – 110 120

Oil consumption ratio At continuous rated(Ratio to fuel consumption) % Max. 0.15 0.3





Radiator pressure valve

Opening pressure(Differential pressure)

kPa{kg/cm2} — —

Fan speed At rated engine speed rpm —(Chassis side) —

Fan and alternator belt tension

Deflects when pushed with a force of 98 N {10 kg} mm Auto-tensioner —

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20 Standard value table SEN00261-02

114E-3 Series 5

Engine model SAA6D114E-3

Applicable machine GD655-3E0, GD675-3E0

Item Condition, etc Unit Standard value Permissible value



ance Engine speed

High idle speed rpm 2,225 ± 50 2,050 ± 50

Low idle speed rpm 825 ± 25 1,000 ± 25

Necessary starting speed

At 0°C rpm — —

At –20°C rpm — —


ke a

nd e


st s



Intake resistance At all speed kPa{mmH2O}

Max. 3.73{Max. 380}


Intake pressure (Air connector outlet) At rated horsepower kPa

{mmHg}135 – 175

{1,010 – 1,310}100


Exhaust pressure(Turbine inlet press.) At rated horsepower kPa

{mmHg}127 – 167

{950 – 1,250}100


Exhaust temperature (Turbine outlet temp.) At all speed (at 20°C) °C Max. 600 Max. 650

Exhaust gas colorAt rated horsepower

%Max. 1.0 Max. 2.0

Quick acceleration(Low idle o high idle) Max. 25 Max. 35

Valve clearanceIntake valve mm 0.305 0.152 – 0.559

Exhaust valve mm 0.559 0.381 – 0.813



body Compression pressure

Oil temperature: 40 – 60°C MPa{kg/cm2}

Min. 2.6{Min. 26.5}

2.1{21.4}Engine speed: Min. 170 rpm

Blow-by pressure At rated horsepower kPa{mmH2O}

Max. 1.57{Max. 160}

Max. 2.55{Max. 260}





em Oil pressure

At rated horsepower (Oil temperature: Min. 80°C)



0.34 – 0.59{3.5 – 6.0}


At low idle (Oil temperature: Min. 80°C)



Min. 0.15{Min. 1.5}


Oil temperature At all speed (Oil in oil pan) °C 80 – 110 120

Oil consumption ratio At continuous rated(Ratio to fuel consumption) % Max. 0.15 0.3





Radiator pressure valve

Opening pressure(Differential pressure)

kPa{kg/cm2} — —

Fan speed At rated engine speed rpm —(Chassis side) —

Fan and alternator belt tension

Deflects when pushed with a force of 98 N {10 kg} mm Auto-tensioner —

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SEN00261-02 20 Standard value table

6 114E-3 Series

Run-in standard and performance test criteria 1Run-in standard

a The table gives the standard values for machines without fan.a The loads for the dynamometer are at an arm’s length of 716 mm.

Performance test criteria

a This table shows the standard values using the JIS correction factor.a The output and torque values in the table are the standard values with the fan removed, so they are dif-

ferent from the specification values.a This table shows the standard values with an air cleaner installed, muffler installed, alternator under no

load.a The dynamometer load shows the value for an arm length of 716 mm.a Use ASTM D975 diesel oil as the fuel.a Use SAE15W-40 as the lubricating oil.

Engine SAA6D114E-3

Applicable machine PC300, 300LC-7E0, PC350, 350LC-7E0PC300, 300LC-8, PC350, 350LC-8


1 2 3 4 5

Running time min 2 10 2 3 10

Engine speed rpm 1,000 1,000 1,200 1,600 1,950

Dynamometer load N {kg} 0 {0} 98 {10} 245 {25} 637 {65} 1,294 {132}

Output kW {HP} 0 {0} 7.4 {10} 22 {30} 76 {103} 194 {260}

Engine SAA6D114E-3

Applicable machine PC300, 300LC-7E0, PC350, 350LC-7E0PC300, 300LC-8, PC350, 350LC-8

Test item Rated horsepower Max. torque High idlespeed

Low idlespeed

Specification value (Gross) — 194 kW / 1,950 rpm

{260 HP / 1,950 rpm}1,129 Nm / 1,450 rpm{115 kgm / 1,450 rpm} 2,050 rpm 1,000 rpm

Speed rpm 1,950 1,450 2,050 1,000

Dynamometer load N{kg}


1,580{161} — —

Output (Gross) kW{HP}

194{260} — — —

Torque (Gross) Nm{kgm} — 1,129

{115} — —

Fuel consumption sec/300cc 20 — — —

Coolant temperature °C 83 – 95 83 – 95 83 – 95 83 – 95

Lubricating oil temperature °C 80 – 110 80 – 110 80 – 110 80 – 110

Lubricating oil pressure


0.34 – 0.59{3.5 – 6.0} — — Min. 0.15

{Min. 1.5}

Exhaust temperature °C Max. 700 Max. 750 — —

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20 Standard value table SEN00261-02

114E-3 Series 7

Run-in standard

a The loads for the dynamometer are at an arm’s length of 716 mm.

Performance test criteria

a This table shows the standard values using the JIS correction factor.a This table shows the standard values with an air cleaner installed, muffler installed, alternator under no

load.a The dynamometer load shows the value for an arm length of 716 mm.a Use ASTM D975 diesel oil as the fuel.a Use SAE15W-40 as the lubricating oil.

Engine SAA6D114E-3

Applicable machine WA430-6


1 2 3 4 5

Running time min 2 10 2 3 10

Engine speed rpm 765 1,000 1,200 1,600 2,100

Dynamometer load N {kg} 0 {0} 98 {10} 245 {25} 637 {65} 1,097 {112}

Output kW {HP} 0 {0} 7.4 {10} 22 {29.5} 76 {102} 173 {232}

Engine SAA6D114E-3

Applicable machine WA430-6

Test item Rated horsepower Max. torque High idlespeed

Low idlespeed

Specification value (Gross) — 173 kW / 2,100 rpm

{232 HP / 2,100 rpm}1,020 Nm / 1,450 rpm{104 kgm / 1,450 rpm} 2,245 rpm 765 rpm

Speed rpm 2,100 1,450 2,245 765

Dynamometer load N{kg}


1,420{145} — —

Output (Gross) kW{HP}

173{232} — — —

Torque (Gross) Nm{kgm} — 1,020

{104} — —

Fuel consumption sec/300cc 22 — — —

Coolant temperature °C 75 – 94 75 – 94 75 – 94 75 – 94

Lubricating oil temperature °C 80 – 110 80 – 110 80 – 110 80 – 110

Lubricating oil pressure


0.34 – 0.59{3.5 – 6.0} — — Min. 0.15

{Min. 1.5}

Exhaust temperature °C Max. 700 Max. 750 — —

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SEN00261-02 20 Standard value table

8 114E-3 Series

Run-in standard

a The loads for the dynamometer are at an arm’s length of 716 mm.

Performance test criteria

a This table shows the standard values using the JIS correction factor.a This table shows the standard values with an air cleaner installed, muffler installed, alternator under no

load.a The dynamometer load shows the value for an arm length of 716 mm.a Use ASTM D975 diesel oil as the fuel.a Use SAE15W-40 as the lubricating oil.

Engine SAA6D114E-3

Applicable machine D65EX-15E0, D65PX-15E0, D65WX-15E0


1 2 3 4 5

Running time min 2 10 2 3 10

Engine speed rpm 825 1,000 1,200 1,600 1,950

Dynamometer load N {kg} 0 {0} 98 {10} 245 {25} 637 {65} 1,058 {108}

Output kW {HP} 0 {0} 7.4 {10} 22 {29.5} 76 {102} 154 {206}

Engine SAA6D114E-3

Applicable machine D65EX-15E0, D65PX-15E0, D65WX-15E0

Test item Rated horsepower Max. torque High idlespeed

Low idlespeed

Specification value (Gross) — 154 kW / 1,950 rpm

{206 HP / 1,950 rpm}1,010 Nm / 1,450 rpm{103 kgm / 1,450 rpm} 2,030 rpm 825 rpm

Speed rpm 1,950 1,450 2,030 825

Dynamometer load N{kg}


1,410{144} — —

Output (Gross) kW{HP}

154{206} — — —

Torque (Gross) Nm{kgm} — 1,010

{103} — —

Fuel consumption sec/300cc 26 — — —

Coolant temperature °C 75 – 94 75 – 94 75 – 94 75 – 94

Lubricating oil temperature °C 80 – 110 80 – 110 80 – 110 80 – 110

Lubricating oil pressure


0.34 – 0.59{3.5 – 6.0} — — Min. 0.15

{Min. 1.5}

Exhaust temperature °C Max. 700 Max. 750 — —

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20 Standard value table SEN00261-02

114E-3 Series 9

Run-in standard

a The loads for the dynamometer are at an arm’s length of 716 mm.

Performance test criteria

a This table shows the standard values using the JIS correction factor.a This table shows the standard values with an air cleaner installed, muffler installed, alternator under no

load.a The dynamometer load shows the value for an arm length of 716 mm.a Use ASTM D975 diesel oil as the fuel.a Use SAE15W-40 as the lubricating oil.

Engine SAA6D114E-3

Applicable machine GD655-3E0, GD675-3E0


1 2 3 4 5

Running time min 2 10 2 3 10

Engine speed rpm 825 1,000 1,200 1,600 1,900

Dynamometer load N {kg} 0 {0} 98 {10} 245 {25} 637 {65} 1,090 {111}

Output kW {HP} 0 {0} 7.4 {10} 22 {29.5} 76 {102} 154 {206}

Engine SAA6D114E-3

Applicable machine GD655-3E0, GD675-3E0

Test item Rated horsepower Max. torque High idlespeed

Low idlespeed

Specification value (Gross) — 154 kW / 1,900 rpm

{206 HP / 1,900 rpm}990 Nm / 1,450 rpm

{101 kgm / 1,450 rpm} 2,225 rpm 825 rpm

Speed rpm 1,900 1,450 2,225 825

Dynamometer load N{kg}


1,380{141} — —

Output (Gross) kW{HP}

154{206} — — —

Torque (Gross) Nm{kgm} — 990

{101} — —

Fuel consumption sec/300cc 25 — — —

Coolant temperature °C 75 – 94 75 – 94 75 – 94 75 – 94

Lubricating oil temperature °C 80 – 110 80 – 110 80 – 110 80 – 110

Lubricating oil pressure


0.34 – 0.59{3.5 – 6.0} — — Min. 0.15

{Min. 1.5}

Exhaust temperature °C Max. 700 Max. 750 — —

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KOMATSU 114E-3 Series Diesel engine

Form No. SEN00261-02

© 2007 KOMATSUAll Rights ReservedPrinted in Japan 03-07 (01)

Page 119: Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 Engine 114E-3 Series Shop Manual

114E-3 Series 1



114E-3 Series

30 Testing and adjusting 1Testing and adjustingTesting and adjusting …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

Testing and adjusting tools list ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3Testing air boost pressure …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4Adjusting valve clearance …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5Testing compression pressure ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7Testing blow-by pressure ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10Testing oil pressure ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..11Handling fuel system parts ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12Releasing residual pressure in fuel system……………………………………………………………………………. 12Testing fuel pressure ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13Reduced cylinder mode operation ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 18No-injection cranking………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 18Testing leakage from pressure limiter and return rate from injector …………………………………………… 19Bleeding air from fuel circuit………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21Testing fuel system for leakage……………………………………………………………………………………………. 22Handling controller high-voltage circuit …………………………………………………………………………………. 23

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SEN00455-01 30 Testing and adjusting

2 114E-3 Series

Replacing alternator belt …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23

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30 Testing and adjusting SEN00455-01

114E-3 Series 3

Testing and adjusting 1Testing and adjusting tools list 1

Testing and adjust-ing item

Sym-bol Part No. Part name Q’ty Remarks

Testing air boost pressure A

799-201-2202 Boost gauge kit 1 –100 – 200 kPa {–760 – 1,500 mmHg}799-401-2220 Hose 1 I-coupler type (if necessary)

Adjusting valve clearance C

1 795-799-1131 Gear 1

2 Commercially available Clearance gauge 1

Testing compression pressure D

1 795-799-6700 Injector puller 12 795-502-1590 Gauge assembly 13 795-790-6110 Adapter 14 6754-11-3130 Gasket 1

Testing blow-by pressure E 799-201-1504 Blow-by checker 1 0 – 5 kPa {0 – 500 mmH2O}

Testing oil pressure F

1 799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester 1Pressure gauge: 2.5, 6, 40, 60 MPa {25, 60, 400, 600 kg/cm2}

2 799-401-2320 Gauge 1 Pressure gauge: 1 MPa {10 kg/cm2}

36732-81-3170 Adapter 1 10 x 1.0 mm o R1/86215-81-9710 O-ring 1

Testing fuel pressure G

1799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester 1

Pressure gauge: 2.5, 6, 40, 60 MPa {25, 60, 400, 600 kg/cm2}

790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester 1 Pressure gauge: 60 MPa {600 kg/cm2}

26732-81-3170 Adapter 1 10 x 1.0 mm o R1/86215-81-9710 O-ring 1

3 799-401-2320 Gauge 1 Pressure gauge: 1 MPa {10 kg/cm2}4 795-790-6210 M10 computer check fitting 1


Fuel vacuum gauge1 Male: 7/8-14UNF – female: 7/8-14UNF

Male: 3/4-16UNF – female: 3/4-16UNF799-201-1201 1

Testing leakage from pressure limiter and return rate from injector


1 795-790-4800 Hose kit 12 795-790-6700 Adapter 1

3 Commercially available Measuring cylinder 1

Diagnosis sensor and harness —

799-601-7400 T-adapter assembly 1 AMP040 Connector799-601-7500 T-adapter assembly 1 AMP040 Connector799-601-9000 T-adapter assembly 1 DT, HD30 Connector799-601-9300 T-adapter assembly 1 DRC26-40 (5 pins)799-601-7360 Adapter 1 Relay (5 pins)799-601-7310 T-adapter 1 AWP (12 poles)799-601-7070 T-adapter 1 AWP (16 poles)799-601-4100 T-adapter assembly 1 Connected with engine799-799-5530 • T-adapter 1 Engine coolant temperature799-601-4230 • T-adapter 1 Boost temperature/pressure sensor799-601-4130 • T-adapter 1 Ne sensor, CAM sensor799-601-4160 • T-adapter 1 Hydraulic pressure sensor799-601-4211 • T-adapter 1 Controller (50 poles)799-601-4220 • T-adapter 1 Controller (60 poles)799-601-4140 • T-adapter 1 Atmospheric pressure sensor799-601-4340 • T-adapter 1 Pump actuator799-601-4260 • T-adapter 1 Controller (4 poles)799-601-4190 • T-adapter 1 Common rail pressure sensor

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SEN00455-01 30 Testing and adjusting

4 114E-3 Series

Testing air boost pressure 1a Testing tools for air boost pressure

k Be careful not to touch any hot part whenremoving or installing the testing tools.

a The test point is subject to machine models.

1. Remove air boost pressure pickup plug (1)between the turbocharger and aftercooler.

2. Install nipple [1] and hose [2] of boost gauge kitA and connect it to gauge [3].

3. Run the engine at the rated output and test theair boost pressure.a When testing with the engine mounted on

the machine, test on the condi t iondescribed in the shop manual for themachine.

a Connect INSITE (troubleshooting kit) tothe engine and measure air boost pres-sure between the aftercooler and intakemanifold using the monitoring function.

4. After finishing testing, remove the measuringtools and return the removed parts.

Symbol Part No. Part name

A 799-201-2202 Boost gauge kit

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30 Testing and adjusting SEN00455-01

114E-3 Series 5

Adjusting valve clearance 1a Adjusting tools for valve clearance

1. Disconnect breather tube (1) and blow-by tube(2), and remove cylinder head cover (3).

2. Remove cap (4).

3. Move the No. 1 cylinder to the compression topdead center.1) Remove cap (5), insert gear C1, and

rotate it forward.

a Alternatively, you may fit a claw bar[1] on the bolts at the end of thecrankshaft pulley (6) and rotate it.

2) Align the TDC stamp line (a) of gear cover(7) with stamp line (b) of the supply pumpgear.a The cylinder No. 1 is moved to the

compression top dead center.

4. After placing the No. 1 cylinder at the compres-sion top dead center, place a counter mark onthe damper, and install a pointer to gear cover(7) using wire.

Symbol Part No. Part name

C1 795-799-1131 Gear

2 Commercially available Clearance gauge

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SEN00455-01 30 Testing and adjusting

6 114E-3 Series

5. When the No. 1 cylinder is at the compressiontop dead center, adjust the valve clearanceindicated by q of the valve arrangement plan.

6. Adjust the valve clearance according to the fol-lowing procedure.1) Insert clearance gauge C2 into the clear-

ance between rocker lever (8) and cross-head (9).

2) Loosen locknut (10) and adjust valveclearance using adjustment screw (11).a With the clearance gauge inserted,

turn the adjustment screw to a degreethat you can move the clearancegauge C2 lightly.

3) Fix adjustment screw (11) and tightenlocknut (10).3 Locknut:

24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}a After tightening the locknut, check the

valve clearance again.

4) Rotate the crankshaft forward 360°, pre-cisely make alignment with the countermark placed on Step 4, and adjust thevalve clearance indicated by Q.a At this moment, the stamp line (b) of

the fuel injection pump gear is alignedwith the stamp line (c) right below.

5) Adjust the valve indicated by the Q.a Firing order: 1–5–3–6–2–4a The adjustment method is the same

as one indicated by q.

7. After finishing adjustment, return the removedparts.3 Head cover assembly mounting bolt:

11.8 ± 1.96 Nm {1.2 ± 0.2 kgm}

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30 Testing and adjusting SEN00455-01

114E-3 Series 7

Testing compression pressure 1a Testing tools for compression pressure

k When measuring the compression pres-sure, take care not to burn yourself on theexhaust manifold, muffler, etc. or getcaught in a rotating part.

a Measure the compression pressure after theengine is warmed up.(Engine oil temperature: 40 – 60°C).

1. Disconnect breather tube (1) and blow-by tube(2), and remove head cover assembly (3).

2. Disconnect injector harness connectors (4) (at6 places) and move the harnesses.

3. Disconnect fuel high-pressure tube (5).

4. Loosen injector terminal nut (6) and removethe terminal from the injector.

5. Move the cylinder to be tested to the compres-sion top dead center.a See “Adjusting valve clearance”.

6. Remove rocker arm assembly (7).

7. Remove retainer (10) and disconnect fuel inletconnector (11).

8. Remove holder (13).

9. Remove injector (14).a Remove the injector using puller D1 and

the impact of slide hammer.a Do not unclench the upper part of the


Symbol Part No. Part name


1 795-799-6700 Injector puller

2 795-502-1590 Gauge assembly

3 795-790-6110 Adapter

4 6754-11-3130 Gasket

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SEN00455-01 30 Testing and adjusting

8 114E-3 Series

10. Install gasket D4 to the tip of adapter D3 andconnect it to the injector mount.

11. Fix adapter D3 with the injector holder.3 Holder mounting bolt

1st time: 10 ± 2.0 Nm {1.0 ± 0.2 kgm}2nd time: 41 ± 4 Nm {4.1 ± 0.4 kgm}

12. Connect gauge assembly D2 to adaptor D3.a Apply a little amount of engine oil to the

connecting parts of the adapter and gaugeso that air will not leak easily.

13. Install rocker arm assembly.3 Rocker arm assembly mounting bolt:

64.7 ± 4.9 Nm {6.6 ± 0.5 kgm}

14. Adjust valve clearance.a See “Adjusting valve clearance”.

15. Connect INSITE (troubleshooting kit) to theengine and set the engine in the no-injectioncranking mode.a When testing while the engine is mounted

on the machine, set the engine in the no-injection cranking mode with the monitorpanel.

k If the engine is not set in the no-injec-tion cranking mode, it will start duringtesting and will be dangerous. Accord-ingly, be sure to set the engine in thismode.

16. Rotate the engine with the starting motor andmeasure the compression pressure.a Read the pressure gauge pointer when it

is stabilized.

17. After finishing testing, remove the testing toolsand return the removed parts.a Install the injector and fuel high-pressure

tube according to the following procedure.1) Mate protrusion (a) of the injector with

notch (b) of the holder, and set the injectorto the cylinder head.a Set the injector with the above mating

position toward the fuel inlet connec-tor insertion side.

2) Coat the O-ring of injector (14) and themounting hole on the head with engine oil(EO15W-40).

3) Assemble holder (13) on injector (14) theninsert the assembly into the cylinder headwith the fuel inlet hole of injector (14) onthe intake manifold side.

4) Tighten bolt (12) by three or four threadswith hands.

5) Coat the O-ring of inlet connector (11) andthe mounting hole on the head with engineoil (EO15W-40).

6) Install inlet connector (11) temporarily withretainer (10).3 Retainer:

15 ± 5.0 Nm {1.5 ± 0.5 kgm}

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30 Testing and adjusting SEN00455-01

114E-3 Series 9

7) Tighten bolts (12) to the specified torque.a Tighten bolts diagonally so that the

upper surface of holder (13) becomesparallel to the upper surface of thecylinder head.

q Maximum angle limit: 2.4°3 Bolt: 10 ± 2.0 Nm {1.0 ± 0.2 kgm}

8) Tighten inlet connector (11) to the speci-fied torque.3 Retainer (10):

41 ± 4 Nm {4.1 ± 0.4 kgm}Apply the caulking compound (e)(hatched section) to retainer (10) andthe cylinder head.

2 Caulking compound:GE TOSHIBA SILICON TOSSEAL 381

9) Install the fuel high-pressure piping (5).3 Sleeve nut:

37.3 ± 4 Nm {3.8 ± 0.4 kgm}

10) Install the rocker arm assembly (6).a Before tightening the mounting bolts,

check that the adjustment screw ballis fitted in the push rod socket.

3 Rocker arm assembly mountingbolt:

64.7 ± 4.9 Nm {6.6 ± 0.5 kgm}

a After installing the rocker arm assembly, adjustthe valve clearance, referring to “Adjustingvalve clearance”.

a Install the injector wiring harness terminal (5) ina direction where it will not interfere with therocker arm (6) which moves up and down.

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SEN00455-01 30 Testing and adjusting

10 114E-3 Series

a Tighten the injector terminal nut with the follow-ing torque.

3 Terminal nut: 1.25 ± 0.25 Nm {0.13 ± 0.03 kgm}

a Tighten the head cover with the followingtorque.

3 Head cover assembly mounting nut:11.8 ± 1.96 Nm {1.2 ± 0.2 kgm}

Testing blow-by pressure 1a Testing tool for blow-by pressure

a The test point is subject to machine models.

1. Install adapter [1] of blow-by checker E to thetip of blow-by hose (1).

2. Connect hose [2], and then connect it toadapter [1] and gauge [3].

3. Run the engine at the rated output and test theblow-by pressure.a When testing with the engine mounted on

the machine, test on the condi t iondescribed in the shop manual for themachine.

4. After finishing testing, remove the measuringtools and return the removed parts.

Symbol Part No. Part name

E 799-201-1504 Blow-by checker

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30 Testing and adjusting SEN00455-01

114E-3 Series 11

Testing oil pressure 1a Testing tools for oil pressure

a The test point is subject to machine models.

1. Remove oil pressure pickup plug (1).

2. Install adapter F3 and nipple [1] of hydraulictester F1 to the plug mount.

3. Connect the hose of hydraulic tester F1 to nip-ple [1] and gauge F2.

4. Run the engine at the rated output and low idleand test the oil pressure.a When testing with the engine mounted on

the machine, test on the cond i t iondescribed in the shop manual for themachine.

5. After finishing testing, remove the measuringtools and return the removed parts.

Symbol Part No. Part name


1 799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester

2 799-401-2320 Gauge: 1 MPa {10 kg/cm2}

36732-81-3170 Adapter

(10 x 1.0 mm o R1/8)

6215-81-9710 O-ring

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SEN00455-01 30 Testing and adjusting

12 114E-3 Series

Handling fuel system parts 1a Precautions for testing and maintaining fuel

systemThe common rail fuel injection system (CRI)consists of more precise parts than the con-ventional fuel injection pump and nozzle. If for-eign matter enters this system, it can cause atrouble.When testing and maintaining the fuel system,take care more than the past. If dust, etc. sticksto any part, wash that part thoroughly withclean fuel.

a Precautions for replacing fuel filter cartridgeBe sure to use the Komatsu genuine fuel filtercartridge.Since the common rail fuel injection system(CRI) consists of more precise parts than theconventional fuel injection pump and nozzle, itemploys a high-efficiency special filter to pre-vent foreign matter from entering it. If a filterother than the genuine one is used, the fuelsystem may have a trouble. Accordingly, neveruse such a filter.

Releasing residual pressure in fuel system 1a Pressure is generated in the low-pressure cir-

cuit and high-pressure circuit of the fuel sys-tem while the engine is running.Low-pressure circuit:

Feed pump – Fuel filter – Fuel supplypump

High-pressure circuit: Fuel supply pump – Common rail –Fuel injector

a The pressure in both low-pressure circuit andhigh-pressure circuit lowers to a safety levelautomatically 30 seconds after the engine isstopped.

a Before the fuel circuit is tested and its parts areremoved, the residual pressure in the fuel cir-cuit must be released completely. Accordingly,observe the following.

k Before testing the fuel system or removingits parts, wait at least 30 seconds after stop-ping the engine until the residual pressurein the fuel circuit is released. (Do not startthe work just after stopping the enginesince there is residual pressure.)

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30 Testing and adjusting SEN00455-01

114E-3 Series 13

Testing fuel pressure 1a Testing tools for fuel pressure

a Test only the fuel pressure in the negativepressure circuits from the fuel supply connec-tor and feed pump and in the low-pressure cir-cuit from the feed pump through the fuel mainfilter and supply pump.

k Since the pressure in the high-pressure cir-cuit from the fuel supply pump through thecommon rail to the injector is very high, itcannot be measured.

1. Testing fuel negative pressure circuit pres-sure (fuel supply connector)1) Remove fuel pressure pickup plug (1)

from the fuel supply connector.

2) Connect M10 computer check fitting G4 tofuel vacuum gauge G5.

3) Run the engine at high idle and test thefuel negative pressure circuit pressure.a If the fuel negative pressure circuit

pressure is in the following range, it isnormal.

q Standard value of fuel negative pres-sure circuit pressure (fuel supply con-nector):

Max. 27.1 kPa {Max. 203 mmHg}

4) After finishing testing, remove the testingtools and return the removed parts.3 Fuel pressure pickup plug:

20 – 22 Nm {2.0 – 2.2 kgm}

2. Testing fuel negative pressure circuit pres-sure (supply pump)1) Remove fuel pressure pickup plug (2)

from the supply pump.

Symbol Part No. Part name


1799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester

790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester

26732-81-3170 Adapter

(10 x 1.0 mm o PT1/8)

6215-81-9710 O-ring

3 799-401-2320 Gauge: 1 MPa {10 kg/cm2}

4 795-790-6210 M10 computer check fitting


Fuel vacuum gauge799-201-1201

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SEN00455-01 30 Testing and adjusting

14 114E-3 Series

2) Connect M10 computer check fitting G4 tofuel vacuum gauge G5.

3) Run the engine at high idle and test thefuel negative pressure circuit pressure.a If the fuel negative pressure circuit

pressure is in the following range, it isnormal.

q Standard value of fuel negative pres-sure circuit pressure (supply pump):

Max. 33.9 kPa {Max. 254 mmHg}

4) After finishing testing, remove the testingtools and return the removed parts.3 Fuel pressure pickup plug:

20 – 22 Nm {2.0 – 2.2 kgm}

3. Testing fuel low-pressure circuit pressure(fuel filter inlet side)1) Remove fuel pressure pickup plug (3)

from the fuel main filter inlet side.

2) Install adapter G2 and nipple [1] ofhydraulic tester G1 and connect it togauge G3.

3) Measure fuel low-pressure circuit pres-sure when cranking the engine.a If the fuel low-pressure circuit pres-

sure (at the fuel filter inlet side) is inthe following range, it is normal.

q Standard value of fuel low-pressurecircuit pressure (fuel filter inlet side):

Min. 0.14 MPa {Min. 1.4 kg/cm2}k To protect the starting motor, do

not continuously crank the enginemore than 30 seconds.

4) After finishing testing, remove the testingtools and return the removed parts.3 Fuel pressure pickup plug:

20 – 22 Nm {2.0 – 2.2 kgm}

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30 Testing and adjusting SEN00455-01

114E-3 Series 15

4. Testing fuel low-pressure circuit pressure(fuel filter outlet side)1) Remove fuel pressure pickup plug (4)

from the fuel main filter outlet side.

2) Install adapter G2 and nipple [1] ofhydraulic tester G1 and connect it togauge G3.

3) Run the engine at high idle and measurethe fuel low-pressure circuit pressure.a If the fuel low-pressure circuit pres-

sure (at the fuel filter outlet side) is inthe following range, it is normal.

q Standard value of fuel low-pressurecircuit pressure (fuel filter outlet side):

Min. 0.48 MPa {Min. 4.9 kg/cm2}

4) After finishing testing, remove the testingtools and return the removed parts.3 Fuel pressure pickup plug:

20 – 22 Nm {2.0 – 2.2 kgm}

5. Testing difference of pressure in front andrear part of fuel filter1) Remove fuel pressure pickup plug (3)

from the fuel main filter inlet side and fuelpressure pickup plug (4) from the outletside.

2) Install adapter G2 and nipple [1] ofhydraulic tester G1 and connect it togauge G3.

3) Run the engine at high idle and measurethe difference of pressure in front and rearpart of fuel filter.q Drop of fuel low-pressure circuit pres-

sure =Fuel filter inlet pressure – Fuel filteroutlet pressure

a If the drop of fuel low-pressure circuitpressure is in the following range, it isnormal.

q Standard value of drop of fuel low-pressure circuit pressure:

Max. 0.14 MPa {Max. 1.4 kg/cm2}

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a If the drop exceeds the standardvalue, clogging of the fuel filter is sus-pected.

4) After finishing testing, remove the testingtools and return the removed parts.3 Fuel pressure pickup plug:

20 – 22 Nm {2.0 – 2.2 kgm}

6. Testing fuel lift pump outlet pressure (sup-ply pump section)1) Remove fuel pressure pickup plug (2) of

the supply pump.

2) Connect M10 computer check fitting G4 togauge G3.

3) Turn the starting switch ON, operate fuellift pump (5), and measure the fuel liftpump outlet pressure.Reference: Fuel lift pump (5) is installed tocooling plate (7) on the back side ofengine controller (6).

a The fuel lift pump operates for 30 secondsafter the starting switch is turned ON andthen stops. Measure the pressure whilethe pump is operating.

a If the fuel lift pump outlet pressure is in thefollowing standard range, it is normal.q Standard fuel lift pump outlet pressure

(supply pump section): Min. 34 kPa {0.35 kg/cm2}

a If the fuel lift pump outlet pressure is not inthe standard range, perform the followingchecks.q Check that fuel is in the fuel lift pump.q If fuel is not in the fuel lift pump just

after the fuel filter is replaced or a fuelsystem part is removed and returned,operate the fuel lift pump 3 – 4 timeswith the starting switch to bleed airfrom the fuel circuit and fill the pumpwith fuel and then measure the outletpressure again.

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q If the fuel lift pump outlet pressure isnot in the standard range while fuel isin the fuel lift pump, remove checkvalve (8) of engine controller coolingplate (7) and check to see if the valveis seized.

4) After finishing measurement, remove themeasuring instruments and return theremoved parts.3 Fuel pressure pickup plug:

20 – 22 Nm {2.0 – 2.2 kgm}

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18 114E-3 Series

Reduced cylinder mode operation1a Reduced cylinder mode operation means to

run the engine with the fuel injectors of 1 ormore cylinders disabled electrically to reducethe number of effective cylinders. The pur-poses and effects of this operation are as fol-lows.

1. This operation is used to find out a cylinderwhich does not output power normally (or,combustion in it is abnormal).

2. When a cylinder is selected for the reducedcylinder mode operation, if the engine speedand output do not change from the normaloperation (all-cylinder operation), that cylinderhas 1 or more defects.The possible defects are as follows.q Leakage of compression through cylinder

head gasketq Defective injectionq Defective piston, piston ring, and cylinder

linerq Defective valve mechanism (Moving valve

system)q Defect in electrical system

3. Since the common rail fuel injection systemcontrols the injector of each cylinder electroni-cally, the operator can perform the reduced cyl-inder mode operation easily with switches tofind out a defective cylinder.a Perform the reduced cylinder mode opera-

tion with the engine mounted on themachine or connected to INSITE (trouble-shooting kit).Before performing, see Testing method inthe shop manual for the machine orINSITE (troubleshooting kit).

No-injection cranking 1a No-injection cranking means to crank the

engine with the starting motor while all theinjections are stopped electrically. The purposeand effect of this operation are as follows.Before the engine is started after it or theengine has been stored for a long period, theno-injection cranking is performed to lubricatethe engine parts and protect them from sei-zure.

a Perform the no-injection cranking mode opera-tion with the engine mounted on the machineor connected to INSITE (troubleshooting kit).Before performing, see Testing method in theshop manual for the machine or INSITE (trou-bleshooting kit).

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114E-3 Series 19

Testing leakage from pressure limiter and return rate from injector 1a Testing tools for leakage from pressure limiter

and return rate from injector

k Stop the machine on level ground andmake the work equipment touch down onthe ground.

1. Testing supply pump return rate1) Disconnect return tube (1) of the supply


2) Connect hose kit H1 to the supply pumpside, and insert its tip into measuring cylin-der H3.

3) Connect adapter H2 to the fuel return con-nector side to block fuel leakage.

4) Connect INSITE (troubleshooting kit) tothe engine and set it so that it can checkthe engine speed.

5) When the engine can be started, set “HighPressure Leak Test” by INSITE (trouble-shooting kit).a By making setting as above, the fuel

high-pressure line at low idle is set to150 MPa {1,500 kg/cm2}.

6) Run the engine at low idle and test thereturn rate from the supply pump.a If the return rate from the supply

pump is in the following range, it isnormal.

k When the engine cannot run, youmay test it by cranking the enginewith the starting motor. To protectthe starting motor, do not continu-ously crank the engine 30 secondsor more.

7) After finishing testing, remove the testingtools and return the removed parts.3 Joint bolt (M14):

36 ± 5 Nm {3.67 ± 0.51 kgm}

2. Testing leakage from pressure limitera If error code [449], [CA449] or [2311],

[CA2311] is indicated, carry out trouble-shooting for it first.

1) Remove return tube joint bolt (2) of thepressure limiter.

2) Connect hose kit H1 to the hole ofremoved joint bolt (2) and put its end inmeasuring cylinder H3.

3) Connect adapter H2 to the return tubejoint on the cylinder block side to preventthe fuel from leaking.

Symbol Part No. Part name


1 795-790-4800 Hose kit

2 795-790-6700 Adapter

3 Commercially available Measuring cylinder

Cranking Max. 200 cc/30 sec.

Low idle Max. 300 cc/30 sec.

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20 114E-3 Series

4) Connect INSITE (troubleshooting kit) tothe engine and set it so that it can checkthe engine speed.a When testing with the engine

mounted on the machine, set the real-time monitor so that you can checkthe engine speed.

5) Run the engine at low idle and test thereturn rate from the pressure limiter.a If the leakage from the pressure lim-

iter is in the following range, it is nor-mal.

6) After finishing testing, remove the testingtools and return the removed parts.3 Joint bolt (M12):

24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}

3. Testing return rate from injector1) Remove return tube (3) of the injector.

2) Connect hose kit H1 to the cylinder headside, and insert its tip into measuring cylin-der H3.

3) Connect adapter H2 to the return tubejoint connecting part at the cylinder blockside to block fuel leakage.

4) Connect INSITE (troubleshooting kit) tothe engine and set it so that it can checkthe engine speed.

5) When the engine can be started, set “HighPressure Leak Test” by INSITE (trouble-shooting kit).a By making setting as above, the fuel

high-pressure line at low idle is set to150 MPa {1,500 kg/cm2}.

6) Run the engine at low idle and test thereturn rate from the injector.a If the return rate from the injector is in

the following range, it is normal.

k When the engine cannot run, youmay test it by cranking the enginewith the starting motor. To protectthe starting motor, do not continu-ously crank the engine 30 secondsor more.

7) After finishing testing, remove the testingtools and return the removed parts.3 Joint bolt (M12):

24 ± 4 Nm {2.45 ± 0.41 kgm}

Low idle Below 30 drops/60 sec.

Cranking Max. 100 cc/30 sec.

Low idle Max. 300 cc/45 sec.

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114E-3 Series 21

Bleeding air from fuel circuit 1a If fuel is used up or if a fuel circuit part is

removed and installed, bleed air from the fuelcircuit using the electric priming pump accord-ing to the following procedure.

1. If fuel main filter (1) is removed and installed orreplaced, install it back without filling fuel intothe fuel main filter.

2. Remove fuel pre-filter (on the machine) and fillit with fuel.a Fill the fuel filter with clean fuel and take

care that dirt will not enter it.a Check that the cap is fitted to part (a)

(central hole) of the fuel pre-filter, and thenadd fuel through part (b) (holes around thecentral hole).

a After filling the fuel pre-filter with fuel,remove the cap from part (a).

a If clean fuel is not available, do notremove the fuel pre-filter but fill it with thefuel by operating priming pump.

a Do not add fuel to fuel main filter (1) fromoutside.

3. Fill up the fuel tank with fuel.

4. Keep the starting switch at the ON position for30 seconds and keep it at the OFF position for10 seconds.

5. Repeat Step 3 above four times.

6. Start the engine with the starting motor.a The air in the high-pressure circuit is bled

automatically if the engine is cranked.a If the engine does not start, there may be

still air in the low-pressure circuit. In thiscase, repeat the above procedure fromstep 2.

a Operating the machine with air left in thefuel circuit may cause an fuel system error(449/CA449, 559/CA559). If either erroroccurs, run the engine at low idle afterperforming the above steps, and continueengine operation approximately 3 min-utes. When air is bled from the fuel circuit,engine speed becomes stable and theerror indication disappears.

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Testing fuel system for leakage 1k Very high pressure is generated in the high-

pressure circuit of the fuel system. If fuelleaks while the engine is running, it is dan-gerous since it can catch fire.After testing the fuel system or removingits parts, test it for fuel leakage accordingto the following procedure.

a Clean and degrease the engine and the partsaround it in advance so that you can test it eas-ily for fuel leakage.

1. Spray color checker (developer) over the fuelsupply pump, common rail, fuel injector, andjoints of the high-pressure piping.

2. Run the engine at speed below 1,000 rpm andstop it after its speed is stabilized.

3. Inspect the fuel piping and devices for fuelleakage.a Check mainly around the high-pressure

circuit parts coated with the color checkerfor fuel leakage.

a If any fuel leakage is detected, repair itand inspect again from step 2.

4. Run the engine at low idle.

5. Inspect the fuel piping and devices for fuelleakage.a Check mainly around the high-pressure

circuit parts coated with the color checkerfor fuel leakage.

a If any fuel leakage is detected, repair itand inspect again from step 2.

6. Run the engine at high idle.

7. Inspect the fuel piping and devices for fuelleakage.a Check mainly around the high-pressure

circuit parts coated with the color checkerfor fuel leakage.

a If any fuel leakage is detected, repair itand inspect again from step 2.

8. Run the engine at high idle and load it.a When checking while the components to

be checked are mounted on the machine,stall the torque converter or relieve thehydraulic pump.

9. Inspect the fuel piping and devices for fuelleakage.a Check mainly around the high-pressure

circuit parts coated with the color checkerfor fuel leakage.

a If any fuel leakage is detected, repair itand inspect again from step 2.

a If no fuel leakage is detected, check iscompleted.

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114E-3 Series 23

Handling controller high-voltage circuit 1

k The engine controller uses a high-voltagecircuit to drive the fuel injector.Accordingly, the high-voltage circuit is con-nected to the wiring harnesses and connec-tors between the engine controller andinjector.

a Normally, the engine controller keeps output-ting the high voltage to the injector only whilethe engine is running and stops outputtingwhen the engine stops.

k If you touch the high-voltage circuitdirectly, you may get an electric shock. Toavoid this, observe the following precau-tions when testing.

1. The following connectors are used in the high-voltage circuit.q Engine controller connector: J1q Injector intermediate connector:

INJ CYL 1&2, INJ CYL 3&4, INJ CYL 5&6

q Injector head terminal (in head cover)

2. When disconnecting or connecting a connectorrelated to the high-voltage circuit, be sure toturn the starting switch OFF.

3. If a T-adapter is inserted in or connected to aconnector related to the high-voltage circuit fortroubleshooting, do not start the engine.a You may turn the starting switch to the

OFF or ON position but must not turn it tothe START position.

Replacing alternator belt 1a The auto-tensioner is provided for the alterna-

tor belt. Thus, testing and adjustment of thebelt is usually no necessary.

a Disconnect air conditioner compressor beltbefore replacing the alternator belt.

1. Insert a wrench to the portion (A) (width acrossflats T 12.7 mm) of the tensioner assembly (2),and rotate it to the opposite to the winding-updirection to decrease the alternator belt (1) ten-sion.k Make sure that the wrench is secured

at the portion (A) before rotating it.(The spring of the tensioner assembly(2) is strong. If the wrench is looselyinserted, the wrench may accidentallycome off while being rotated and it isextremely dangerous.)

k After removing the alternator belt (1),return the tensioner assembly (2)slowly with care.

k Be careful not to get your fingerscaught between the pulley and alterna-tor belt (1) during work.

2. Replace the alternator belt (1).q Check each pulley for breakage and crack.

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KOMATSU 114E-3 Series Diesel engine

Form No. SEN00455-01

© 2007 KOMATSUAll Rights ReservedPrinted in Japan 05-07 (01)

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114E-3 Series

40 Troubleshooting 1General information on troubleshootingGeneral information on troubleshooting……………………………………………………………………………………………. 2

Points on troubleshooting……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2Error and failure code table…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3Information in troubleshooting table ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

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2 114E-3 Series

General information on troubleshooting 1Points on troubleshooting 1k Stop the machine in a level place, and check that the safety pin, blocks, and parking brake are

securely fitted.k When carrying out the operation with 2 or more workers, keep strictly to the agreed signals, and

do not allow any unauthorized person to come near.k If the radiator cap is removed when the engine is hot, hot coolant may spurt out and cause

burns, so wait for the engine to cool down before starting troubleshooting.k Be extremely careful not to touch any hot parts or to get caught in any rotating parts.k When disconnecting wiring, always disconnect the negative (–) terminal of the battery first.k When removing the plug or cap from a location which is under pressure from oil, water, or air,

always release the internal pressure first. When installing measuring equipment, be sure to con-nect it properly.

The aim of troubleshooting is to pinpoint the basic cause of the failure, to carry out repairs swiftly, and to pre-vent reoccurrence of the failure. When carrying out troubleshooting, and important point is of course tounderstand the structure and function. However, a short cut to effective troubleshooting is to ask the operatorvarious questions to form some idea of possible causes of the failure that would produce the reported symp-toms.

1. Do not rush at disassembling the machine even if a failure occurs.Otherwise,q Parts that have no connection with the failure or other unnecessary parts will be disassembled.q It will become impossible to find the cause of the failure.It will also cause a waste of manhours, parts, or oil or grease, and at the same time, will also lose theconfidence of the user or operator. For this reason, when carrying out troubleshooting, it is necessary tocarry out thorough prior investigation and to carry out troubleshooting in accordance with the fixed pro-cedure.

2. Questions to users and operators1) Have any other problems occurred apart from the problem that has been reported?2) Was there anything strange about the machine before the failure occurred?3) Did the failure occur suddenly, or were there problems with the machine condition before this?4) Under what conditions did the failure occur?5) Had any repairs been carried out before the failure? When were these repairs carried out?6) Has the same kind of failure occurred before?

3. Inspections before troubleshooting1) Is there any sign of irregularities of the machine?2) Make checks before starting day’s work.3) Make checks of other items.4) Check other maintenance items which can be visually checked and are considered necessary.

4. Confirmation of failureConfirm the degree of failure on your own to verify if it is a real failure and the machine is handled oroperated improperly.a When operating the machine to reenact the troubleshooting symptoms, do not carry out any inves-

tigation or measurement that may make the problem worse.5. Troubleshooting

Pinpoint high possibility causes according to the results of examinations and inspections of items 2 to 4,and find the failure location based on the troubleshooting table or troubleshooting flow (chart).a The basic procedure for troubleshooting is as follows.

1] Start from the simple points.2] Start from the most likely points.3] Investigate other related parts or information.

6. Radical countermeasures against failure causeEven if the immediate problem is removed, a similar failure will reoccur unless its root cause is removed.To prevent reoccurrence, examine the reason of the failure cause occurrence and remove the rootcause.

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114E-3 Series 3

Error and failure code table 1

INSITEerror code

Machine failurecode Failure phenomenon Reference

document No.

111 CA111 Engine Controller Internal Failure

Troubleshooting of electrical

system (E-mode), Part 1SEN00459-01

115 CA115 Eng. Ne and Bkup Speed Sensor Error

122 CA122 Charge Air Press Sensor High Error

123 CA123 Charge Air Press Sensor Low Error

131 CA131 Throttle Sensor High Error

132 CA132 Throttle Sensor Low Error

144 CA144 Coolant Temp. Sensor High Error

145 CA145 Coolant Temp. Sensor Low Error

153 CA153 Charge Air Temp. Sensor High Error

154 CA154 Charge Air Temp. Sensor Low Error

155 CA155 Charge Air Press. High Speed Derate

187 CA187 Sensor Sup. 2 Volt. Low Error

221 CA221 Ambient Air Press. Sensor High Error

222 CA222 Ambient Air Press. Sensor Low Error

227 CA227 Abnormally high level in sensor power supply 2 circuit

234 CA234 Eng. Overspeed

238 CA238 Ne Speed Sensor Sup. Volt. Error

271 CA271 IMV (IMA) Short Error

272 CA272 IMV (IMA) Open Error

281 CA281 High pressure pump error

322 CA322 Injector No. 1 System Open/Short Error

323 CA323 Injector No. 5 System Open/Short Error

324 CA324 Injector No. 3 System Open/Short Error

325 CA325 Injector No. 6 System Open/Short Error

331 CA331 Injector No. 2 System Open/Short Error

332 CA332 Injector No. 4 System Open/Short Error

342 CA342 Engine Controller Data Matching Error

351 CA351 INJ. Drive Circuit Error

Troubleshooting of electrical

system (E-mode), Part 2SEN00460-01

352 CA352 Sensor Sup. 1 Volt. Low Error

386 CA386 Sensor Sup. 1 Volt. High Error

428 CA428 Water Sensor High Level Error

429 CA429 Water Sensor Low Level Error

431 CA431 Idle Validation Switch Error

432 CA432 Idle Validation Process Error

435 CA435 Eng. Oil Switch Error

441 CA441 Supply Voltage Low Error

442 CA442 Supply Voltage High Error

449 CA449 Rail Press. High Error 2

451 CA451 Rail Press. Sensor High Error

452 CA452 Rail Press. Sensor Low Error

488 CA488 Charge Air Temp. High Torque Derate

553 CA553 Rail Press. High Error 1

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a Error code of INSITE:3- or 4-digit error code displayed on INSITE when a failure occurrence condition is confirmed usingINSITE.

a Machine failure code:An error code of 5 or 6 digits displayed on the machine monitor when the occurrence condition of thefailure is confirmed with the machine monitor, etc. on the machine side.

559 CA559 Rail Press Low Error

Troubleshooting of electrical

system (E-mode), Part 2SEN00460-01

689 CA689 Eng. Ne Speed Sensor Error

731 CA731 Eng. Bkup Speed Sensor Phase Error

757 CA757 All Engine Controller Data Lost Error

778 CA778 Eng. Bkup Speed Sensor Error

1633 CA1633 KOMNET Error

2185 CA2185 Throttle Sens. Sup. Volt. High Error

2186 CA2186 Throttle Sens. Sup. Volt. Low Error

2249 CA2249 Rail Press very Low Error

2265 CA2265 Abnormally high level in electric lift pump

2266 CA2266 Abnormally low level in electric lift pump

2311 CA2311 IMV (IMA) Solenoid Error

2555 CA2555 Intake Air Heater Relay Supply Voltage Low Error

2556 CA2556 Intake Air Heater Relay Supply Voltage High Error

— [email protected] Eng. Oil Press. Low Speed Derate

— [email protected] Eng. Oil Press Low Torque Derate

— [email protected] Eng. Overheat

INSITEerror code

Machine failurecode Failure phenomenon Reference

document No.

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Information in troubleshooting table 1a The following information is summarized in the troubleshooting table and the related electrical circuit

diagram. Before carrying out troubleshooting, understand that information fully.

Error code Failure code

Trouble Problem that appears on engineDisplay on INSITE

Display on applicable machine

Contents of trouble Contents of trouble detected by engine controller

Action of controller

Action taken by engine controller to protect system or devices when engine controller detects trouble

Problem that appears

on machineProblem that appears on engine as result of action taken by engine controller (shown above)

Related infor-mation Information related to detected trouble or troubleshooting

Possible causes and

standard valuein normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting


Possible causes of trouble(Given numbers are refer-ence numbers, which do not indicate priority)

<Contents of description>• Standard value in normal state to judge possible causes• Remarks on judgment

<Troubles in wiring harness>• Disconnection

Connector is connected imperfectly or wiring harness is broken.

• Ground faultWiring harness which is not connected to chassis ground circuit is in contact with chassis ground circuit.

• Hot shortWiring harness which is not connected to power source (24 V) circuit is in contact with power source (24 V) circuit.

• Short circuitIndependent wiring harnesses are in contact with each other abnormally.

<Precautions for troubleshooting>(1) Method of indicating connector No. and handling of T-

adapterInsert or connect T-adapter as explained below for trouble-shooting, unless otherwise specified.

• If connector No. has no marks of “male” and “female”, dis-connect connector and insert T-adapters in both male side and female side.

• If connector No. has marks of “male” and “female”, discon-nect connector and connect T-adapter to only male side or female side.

(2) Entry order of pin Nos. and handling of tester leadsConnect positive (+) lead and negative (–) lead of tester as explained below for troubleshooting, unless otherwise specified.

• Connect positive (+) lead to pin No. or wiring harness entered on front side.

• Connect negative (–) lead to pin No. or wiring harness entered on rear side.




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Related circuit diagram

This drawing is a part of the electric circuit diagram related to troubleshooting.• Connector No.: Indicates (Model – Number of pins) and (Color).

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KOMATSU 114E-3 Series Diesel engine

Form No. SEN00457-01

© 2007 KOMATSUAll Rights ReservedPrinted in Japan 05-07 (01)

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114E-3 Series

40 Troubleshooting 1Troubleshooting of electrical system(E-mode), Part 1Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode), Part 1 ……………………………………………………………………….. 3

E-1 Code [111/CA111] Engine Controller Internal Failure ………………………………………………………….. 3E-2 Code [115/CA115] Eng. Ne and Bkup Speed Sensor Error………………………………………………….. 3E-3 Code [122/CA122] Charge Air Press Sensor High Error……………………………………………………… 4E-4 Code [123/CA123] Charge Air Press Sensor Low Error………………………………………………………. 6E-5 Code [131/CA131] Throttle Sensor High Error …………………………………………………………………… 8E-6 Code [132/CA132] Throttle Sensor Low Error………………………………………………………………….. 10E-7 Code [144/CA144] Coolant Temp. Sensor High Error ……………………………………………………….. 12E-8 Code [145/CA145] Coolant Temp. Sensor Low Error………………………………………………………… 14E-9 Code [153/CA153] Charge Air Temp. Sensor High Error …………………………………………………… 16E-10 Code [154/CA154] Charge Air Temp. Sensor Low Error ………………………………………………….. 18E-11 Code [155/CA155] Charge Air Press. High Speed Derate ……………………………………………….. 20E-12 Code [187/CA187] Sensor Sup. 2 Volt. Low Error…………………………………………………………… 22E-13 Code [221/CA221] Ambient Air Press. Sensor High Error ……………………………………………….. 24

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E-14 Code [222/CA222] Ambient Air Press. Sensor Low Error ………………………………………………… 26E-15 Code [227/CA227] Abnormally high level in sensor power supply 2 circuit …………………………. 28E-16 Code [234/CA234] Eng. Overspeed ……………………………………………………………………………… 29E-17 Code [238/CA238] Ne Speed Sensor Sup. Volt. Error……………………………………………………… 30E-18 Code [271/CA271] IMV (IMA) Short Error ……………………………………………………………………… 31E-19 Code [272/CA272] IMV (IMA) Open Error ……………………………………………………………………… 32E-20 Code [281/CA281] High pressure pump error ………………………………………………………………… 34E-21 Code [322/CA322] Injector No. 1 System Open/Short Error …………………………………………….. 36E-22 Code [323/CA323] Injector No. 5 System Open/Short Error …………………………………………….. 38E-23 Code [324/CA324] Injector No. 3 System Open/Short Error …………………………………………….. 40E-24 Code [325/CA325] Injector No. 6 System Open/Short Error …………………………………………….. 42E-25 Code [331/CA331] Injector No. 2 System Open/Short Error …………………………………………….. 44E-26 Code [332/CA332] Injector No. 4 System Open/Short Error …………………………………………….. 46E-27 Code [342/CA342] Engine Controller Data Matching Error ………………………………………………. 48

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40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-01

114E-3 Series 3

Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode), Part 1 1E-1 Code [111/CA111] Engine Controller Internal Failure 1

E-2 Code [115/CA115] Eng. Ne and Bkup Speed Sensor Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormality in engine Controller

111 CA111Contents of

trouble • Abnormality occurred in memory of engine controller or power supply circuit.

Action of con-troller • None in particular.

Problem that appears on

machine• Engine stops during operations and engine cannot be started.

Related infor-mation

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective engine controller Carry out troubleshooting for failure code [CA757].

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormality in engine Ne, Bkup speed sensor

115 CA115Contents of

trouble • Abnormality occurred in signals of engine Ne speed sensor and engine Bkup speed sensor circuit.

Action of con-troller

Problem that appears on


• Engine stops• Engine does not start

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective connection of sen-sor connector

Check Ne speed sensor and Bkup speed sensor directory for defec-tive connection (wrong connection).

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4 114E-3 Series

E-3 Code [122/CA122] Charge Air Press Sensor High Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally high level in charge pressure sensor

122 CA122Contents of

trouble • High voltage is detected in pressure signal circuit of boost pressure sensor and temperature sensor.

Action of con-troller • Fixes charge pressure (101 kPa {1.03 kg/cm2}) and continues operation.

Problem that appears on

machine• Engine output drops.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective sensor power sup-ply 2 system

If failure code [CA227] is indicated simultaneously, carry out trouble-shooting for it first.

2Defective [pressure signal circuit] of boost pressure sensor, temperature sensor

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.


Between (1) – (4) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V

Voltage is measured with wiring harness connected. Accordingly, if voltage is abnormal, check wiring harness and controller, too, for another cause of trouble, and then judge.

3Hot short (Short circuit with 5 V, 24 V circuit) in wiring har-ness

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (44) – BOOST PRESS & IMT (female) (1) Voltage Max. 1 V

4Short circuit in wiring har-ness (With another wiring harness)

aTroubleshoot with starting switch OFF, then carry out trouble-shooting without turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (44) – BOOST PRESS & IMT (female) (1) and between J1 (female) (37) – BOOST PRESS & IMT (female) (2)


Min. 100 kz

5 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among boost pressure sensor, temperature sen-sor, engine wiring harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

6 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.

J1 Voltage

Between (37) – (47) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V

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114E-3 Series 5

Circuit diagram related to boost pressure, temperature sensor (combination sensor)

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6 114E-3 Series

E-4 Code [123/CA123] Charge Air Press Sensor Low Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally low level in charge pressure sensor

123 CA123Contents of

trouble • Low voltage is detected in pressure signal circuit of boost pressure sensor and temperature sensor.

Action of con-troller • Fixes charge pressure (101 kPa {1.03 kg/cm2}) and continues operation.

Problem that appears on

machine• Engine output drops.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective sensor power sup-ply 2 system

If failure code [CA187] is indicated simultaneously, carry out trouble-shooting for it first.

2Defective [pressure signal circuit] of boost pressure sensor, temperature sensor

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.


Between (1) – (4) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V

Voltage is measured with wiring harness connected. Accordingly, if voltage is abnormal, check wiring harness and controller, too, for another cause of trouble, and then judge.

3Ground fault in wiring har-ness (Short circuit with GND circuit)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (44) – BOOST PRESS & IMT (female) (1)


Min. 100 kz

4Short circuit in wiring har-ness (With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (44) – BOOST PRESS & IMT (female) (1) and between J1 (female) (47) – BOOST PRESS & IMT (female) (4)


Min. 100 kz

5 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among boost pressure sensor, temperature sen-sor, engine wiring harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

6 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.

J1 Voltage

Between (37) – (47) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V

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114E-3 Series 7

Circuit diagram related to boost pressure, temperature sensor (combination sensor)

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8 114E-3 Series

E-5 Code [131/CA131] Throttle Sensor High Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally high level in throttle sensor power

131 CA131Contents of

trouble • High voltage is detected in fuel control dial signal circuit.

Action of con-troller • Depends on machine model.

Problem that appears on

machine• Depends on machine model.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective throttle sensor power supply system

If failure code [CA2185] is indicated simultaneously, carry out trou-bleshooting for it first.

2 Defective fuel control dial

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.

P20 Voltage

Between (1) – (3) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V

Voltage is measured with wiring harness connected. Accordingly, if voltage is abnormal, check wiring harness and controller, too, for another cause of trouble, and then judge.

3Hot short (Short circuit with 5 V, 24 V circuit) in wiring har-ness

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.

Wiring harness between J2 (female) (9) – P20 (female) (2) Voltage Max. 1 V

4Short circuit in wiring har-ness (With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J2 (female) (9) – P20 (female) (2) and between J2 (female) (22) – P20 (female) (1)


Min. 100 kz

5 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among fuel control dial, engine unit wiring har-ness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

6 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.

J2 Voltage

Between (22) – (23) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V

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114E-3 Series 9

Circuit diagram related to fuel control dial

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10 114E-3 Series

E-6 Code [132/CA132] Throttle Sensor Low Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally low level in throttle sensor power

132 CA132Contents of

trouble • Low voltage is detected in fuel control dial signal circuit.

Action of con-troller • Depends on machine model.

Problem that appears on

machine• Depends on machine model.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective throttle sensor power supply system

If failure code [CA2186] is indicated simultaneously, carry out trou-bleshooting for it first.

2 Defective fuel control dial

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.

P20 Voltage

Between (1) – (3) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V

Voltage is measured with wiring harness connected. Accordingly, if voltage is abnormal, check wiring harness and controller, too, for another cause of trouble, and then judge.

3Ground fault in wiring har-ness (Short circuit with GND circuit)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J2 (female) (9) – P20 (female) (2)


Min. 100 kz

4Short circuit in wiring har-ness (With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J2 (female) (9) – P20 (female) (2) and between J2 (female) (23) – P20 (female) (3)


Min. 100 kz

5 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among fuel control dial, engine unit wiring har-ness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

6 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.

J2 Voltage

Between (22) – (23) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V

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114E-3 Series 11

Circuit diagram related to fuel control dial

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12 114E-3 Series

E-7 Code [144/CA144] Coolant Temp. Sensor High Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally high level in coolant Temperature

144 CA144Contents of

trouble • High voltage is detected in coolant temperature sensor signal circuit.

Action of con-troller • Fixes coolant temperature and continues operation.

Problem that appears on


• Exhaust smoke is white• Overheat prevention function does not function.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective coolant tempera-ture sensor

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

COOLANT TEMP (male) Coolant temperature Resistance

Between (A) – (B)

0°C 30 – 37 kz

25°C 9.3 – 10.7 kz

50°C 3.2 – 3.8 kz

80°C 1.0 – 1.3 kz

95°C 700 – 800 z


Disconnection in wiring har-ness (Disconnection in wiring or defective contact in con-nector)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (15) – COOLANT TEMP (female) (B)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (38) – COOLANT TEMP (female) (A)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

3Short circuit in wiring har-ness (With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J1 (female) (15) – J1 (female) (With all connec-tors of wiring harness disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

4 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among coolant temperature sensor, engine wiring harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

5 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

J1 (female) Coolant temperature Resistance

Between (15) – (38)

0°C 30 – 37 kz

25°C 9.3 – 10.7 kz

50°C 3.2 – 3.8 kz

80°C 1.0 – 1.3 kz

95°C 700 – 800 z

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114E-3 Series 13

Circuit diagram related to coolant temperature sensor

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14 114E-3 Series

E-8 Code [145/CA145] Coolant Temp. Sensor Low Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally low level in coolant temperature

145 CA145Contents of

trouble • Low voltage is detected in coolant temperature sensor signal circuit.

Action of con-troller • Fixes coolant temperature and continues operation.

Problem that appears on


• Exhaust smoke is white• Overheat prevention function does not function.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective coolant tempera-ture sensor

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

COOLANT TEMP (male) Coolant temperature Resistance

Between (A) – (B)

0°C 30 – 37 kz

25°C 9.3 – 10.7 kz

50°C 3.2 – 3.8 kz

80°C 1.0 – 1.3 kz

95°C 700 – 800 z

Between (B) – chassis ground All range Min. 100 kz

2Ground fault in wiring har-ness (Short circuit with GND circuit)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (15) – COOLANT TEMP (female) (B)


Min. 100 kz

3Short circuit in wiring har-ness (With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J1 (female) (15) – J1 (female) (With all connec-tors of wiring harness disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

4 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among coolant temperature sensor, engine wiring harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

5 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

J1 (female) Coolant temperature Resistance

Between (15) – (38)

0°C 30 – 37 kz

25°C 9.3 – 10.7 kz

50°C 3.2 – 3.8 kz

80°C 1.0 – 1.3 kz

95°C 700 – 800 z

Between (15) – chassis ground All range Min. 100 kz

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114E-3 Series 15

Circuit diagram related to coolant temperature sensor

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16 114E-3 Series

E-9 Code [153/CA153] Charge Air Temp. Sensor High Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally high level in charge temperature

153 CA153Contents of

trouble• High voltage is detected in temperature signal circuit of boost pressure sensor and temperature sen-


Action of con-troller • Fixes charge temperature (46°C) and continues operation.

Problem that appears on


• Exhaust smoke is white• Boost temperature-based engine protection function does not function.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1Defective [temperature sig-nal circuit] of boost pressure sensor, temperature sensor

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

BOOST PRESS & IMT (male) Charge temperature Resistance

Between (A) – (B)

0°C 29 – 36 kz

25°C 9 – 11 kz

40°C 4.9 – 5.8 kz

100°C 600 – 700 z


Disconnection in wiring har-ness (Disconnection in wiring or defective contact in con-nector)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (23) – BOOST PRESS & IMT (female) (3)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (47) – BOOST PRESS & IMT (female) (4)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

3Short circuit in wiring har-ness (With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J1 (female) (23) – J1 (female) (With all connec-tors of wiring harness disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

4 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among boost pressure sensor, temperature sen-sor, engine wiring harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

5 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

J1 (female) Charge temperature Resistance

Between (23) – (47)

0°C 29 – 36 kz

25°C 9 – 11 kz

40°C 4.9 – 5.8 kz

100°C 600 – 700 z

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114E-3 Series 17

Circuit diagram related to boost pressure, temperature sensor (combination sensor)

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18 114E-3 Series

E-10 Code [154/CA154] Charge Air Temp. Sensor Low Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally low level in charge temperature

154 CA154Contents of

trouble• Low voltage is detected in temperature signal circuit of boost pressure sensor and temperature sen-


Action of con-troller • Fixes charge temperature (46°C) and continues operation.

Problem that appears on


• Exhaust smoke is white• Boost temperature-based engine protection function does not function.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1Defective [temperature sig-nal circuit] of boost pressure sensor, temperature sensor

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

BOOST PRESS & IMT (male) Charge temperature Resistance

Between (A) – (B)

0°C 29 – 36 kz

25°C 9 – 11 kz

40°C 4.9 – 5.8 kz

100°C 600 – 700 z

Between (3) – chassis ground All range Min. 100 kz

2Ground fault in wiring har-ness (Short circuit with GND circuit)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (23) – BOOST PRESS & IMT (female) (3)


Min. 100 kz

3Short circuit in wiring har-ness (With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J1 (female) (23) – J1 (female) (With all connec-tors of wiring harness disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

4 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among boost pressure sensor, temperature sen-sor, engine wiring harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

5 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

J1 (female) Charge temperature Resistance

Between (23) – (47)

0°C 29 – 36 kz

25°C 9 – 11 kz

40°C 4.9 – 5.8 kz

100°C 600 – 700 z

Between (23) – chassis ground All range Min. 100 kz

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114E-3 Series 19

Circuit diagram related to boost pressure, temperature sensor (combination sensor)

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20 114E-3 Series

E-11 Code [155/CA155] Charge Air Press. High Speed Derate 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Derating of speed by abnormally high charge temperature

155 CA155Contents of

trouble • Temperature signal of boost pressure sensor and temperature sensor is above upper control limit.

Action of con-troller • Limits output and continues operation.

Problem that appears on


• Engine stops• Output drops.

Related infor-mation —

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Drop in cooling performance of aftercooler

Inspect following directly.• Loose, broken fan belt• Lack of cooling air• Clogged aftercooler fin

2 Abnormally high tempera-ture at turbocharger outlet Inspect related parts directly.

3 Defective engine controllerIf causes 1 and 2 are not detected, engine controller may be defec-tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

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114E-3 Series 21

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22 114E-3 Series

E-12 Code [187/CA187] Sensor Sup. 2 Volt. Low Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally low level in sensor power supply 2

187 CA187Contents of

trouble • Low voltage is detected in sensor power supply 2 circuit.

Action of con-troller

• Fixes charge pressure and charge temperature, and continues operation.• Limits output and continues operation.

Problem that appears on

machine• Engine output drops.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective sensor or wiring harness

aDisconnect connector with starting switch OFF, then turn startingswitch ON and carry out troubleshooting.

Disconnect devices at right in order. If mark E of failure code dis-appears after repro-duction operation is

conducted, that device or wiring har-ness has a defect in


Boost pressure, tem-perature sensor


Common rail pres-sure sensor FUEL RAIL PRESS

Bkup sensor CAM SENSOR

Engine wiring harness J1

2 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among each sensor, engine wiring harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

3 Defective engine controllerIf causes 1 and 2 are not detected, engine controller may be defec-tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

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114E-3 Series 23

Circuit diagram related to sensor power supply 2

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24 114E-3 Series

E-13 Code [221/CA221] Ambient Air Press. Sensor High Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally high level in atompspheric

221 CA221Contents of

trouble • High voltage is detected in atmospheric pressure sensor

Action of con-troller • Fixes atmospheric pressure and continues operation.

Problem that appears on


• Engine output drops.• Starting performance is poor.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective sensor power sup-ply 1 system

If failure code [CA386] is indicated simultaneously, carry out trouble-shooting for it first.

2 Defective atmospheric pres-sure sensor

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.


Between (1) – (2) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V

Voltage is measured with wiring harness connected. Accordingly, if voltage is abnormal, check wiring harness and controller, too, for another cause of trouble, and then judge.

3Hot short (Short circuit with 5V, 24V circuit) in wiring har-ness

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (3) – AMBAIR PRESSURE (female) (3) Voltage Max. 1 V

4Short circuit in wiring har-ness (With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (3) – AMBAIR PRESSURE (female) (3) and J1 (female) (33) – AMBAIR PRESSURE (female) (1)


Min. 100 kz

5 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among atmospheric pressure sensor, engine wir-ing harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

6 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.

J1 Voltage

Between (33) – (38) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V

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114E-3 Series 25

Circuit diagram related to atmospheric pressure sensor

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26 114E-3 Series

E-14 Code [222/CA222] Ambient Air Press. Sensor Low Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally low level in atompspheric pressure sensor

222 CA222Contents of

trouble • Low voltage is detected in atmospheric pressure sensor

Action of con-troller • Fixes atmospheric pressure and continues operation.

Problem that appears on


• Engine output drops.• Starting performance is poor.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective sensor power sup-ply 1 system

If failure code [CA352] is indicated simultaneously, carry out trouble-shooting for it first.

2 Defective atmospheric pres-sure sensor

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.


Between (1) – (2) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V

Voltage is measured with wiring harness connected. Accordingly, if voltage is abnormal, check wiring harness and controller, too, for another cause of trouble, and then judge.

3Ground fault in wiring har-ness (Short circuit with GND circuit)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (3) – AMBAIR PRESSURE (female) (3)


Min. 100 kz

4Short circuit in wiring har-ness (With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (3) – AMBAIR PRESSURE (female) (3) and J1 (female) (38) – AMBAIR PRESSURE (female) (2)


Min. 100 kz

5 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among atmospheric pressure sensor, engine wir-ing harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

6 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.

J1 Voltage

Between (33) – (38) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V

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114E-3 Series 27

Circuit diagram related to atmospheric pressure sensor

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28 114E-3 Series

E-15 Code [227/CA227] Abnormally high level in sensor power supply 2 circuit 1

Circuit diagram related to sensor power supply 2

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally high level in sensor power supply 2

227 CA227Contents of

trouble • High voltage is detected in sensor power supply 2 circuit.

Action of con-troller

• Fixes charge pressure and charge temperature, and continues operation.• Limits output and continues operation.

Problem that appears on

machine• Engine output drops.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among each sensor, engine wiring harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

2 Defective engine controller If cause 1 is not detected, engine controller may be defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

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114E-3 Series 29

E-16 Code [234/CA234] Eng. Overspeed 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Engine overspeed

234 CA234Contents of

trouble • Engine speed is above upper control limit.

Action of con-troller • Stops injection of injector until engine speed drops to normal level.

Problem that appears on

machine• Engine speed fluctuates.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine and run it at high idle.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Use of improper fuel Check fuel used directly

2 Improper way of use Way of use may be improper. Teach proper way of use to operator.

3 Defective engine controllerIf causes 1 and 2 is not detected, engine controller may be defec-tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

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30 114E-3 Series

E-17 Code [238/CA238] Ne Speed Sensor Sup. Volt. Error 1

Circuit diagram related to engine Ne speed sensor

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormality in Ne speed sensor power supply

238 CA238Contents of

trouble • Low voltage is detected in engine Ne speed sensor power supply circuit.

Action of controller • Controls Ne speed sensor with signals of Bkup speed sensor.

Problem that appears

on machine

• Starting performance is poor• There is hunting from engine.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and

standard valuein normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective sensor or wiring harness

aDisconnect connector with starting switch OFF, then turn startingswitch ON and carry out troubleshooting.

Disconnect devices at right in order.

If mark E of failure code disappears after reproduction opera-

tion is conducted, that device or wiring harness has a

defect in it.

Ne speed sensor CRANK SENSOR

Engine wiring harness J1

2 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among each sensor, engine wiring harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

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114E-3 Series 31

E-18 Code [271/CA271] IMV (IMA) Short Error 1

Circuit diagram related to supply pump actuator (metering unit)

Error code Failure codeTrouble Short circuit in IMV (IMA)

271 CA271Contents of

trouble • There is short circuit in supply pump actuator drive circuit.

Action of controller • None in particular.

Problem that appears

on machine

• Engine speed does not rise from low idle.• Engine output drops.• Common rail fuel pressure is above command value.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and

standard valuein normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective supply pump actu-ator

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

CP3 PUMP REGULATOR (Male) Resistance

Between (1) – chassis ground Min. 100 kz

2 Ground fault in wiring har-ness (Short circuit with GND circuit)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (2) – CP3 PUMP REGULATOR (female) (1)


Min. 100 kz

3 Short circuit in wiring har-ness (with another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J1 (female) (2) – J1 (female) (With all connec-tors of wiring harness disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

4 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among supply pump actuator, engine wiring har-ness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

5 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

J1 (Female) Resistance

Between (2) – chassis ground Min. 100 kz

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32 114E-3 Series

E-19 Code [272/CA272] IMV (IMA) Open Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Disconnection in IMV (IMA)

272 CA272Contents of

trouble • There is disconnection in supply pump actuator drive circuit.

Action of controller • None in particular.

Problem that appears

on machine

• Engine speed runs, but in unstable condition.• Common rail fuel pressure is above command value.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and

standard valuein normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective supply pump actu-ator

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

CP3 PUMP REGULATOR (Male) Resistance

Between (1) – (2) Max. 5 z


Disconnection in wiring har-ness (Disconnection in wiring or defective contact in con-nector)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (2) – CP3 PUMP REGULATOR (female) (1)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (32) – CP3 PUMP REGULATOR (female) (2)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

3 Hot short (Short circuit with 24V circuit) in wiring harness

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (2) – CP3 PUMP REGULATOR (female) (1) Voltage Max. 3 V

4 Short circuit in wiring har-ness (with another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J1 (female) (2) – J1 (female) (With all connec-tors of wiring harness disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

5 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among supply pump actuator, engine wiring har-ness, and engine controller are suspected.Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

6 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

J1 (Female) Resistance

Between (2) – (32) Max. 5 z

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114E-3 Series 33

Circuit diagram related to supply pump actuator (metering unit)

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34 114E-3 Series

E-20 Code [281/CA281] High pressure pump error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble High pressure pump error

281 CA281Contents of

trouble • Response of fuel force feed is poor due to high pressure pump mechanical system error.

Action of con-troller • None in particular.

Problem that appears on


• Engine does not start. Engine runs, but in unstable condition.• Pressure of high-pressure fuel at front side is different from that at rear side.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Air in fuel circuit Bleed air from the fuel circuit. See Testing and adjusting, “Bleeding air from fuel circuit.”

2 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among common rail pressure sensor, engine wir-ing harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

3 Defective engine controllerIf causes 1 and 2 are not detected, engine controller may be defec-tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

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36 114E-3 Series

E-21 Code [322/CA322] Injector No. 1 System Open/Short Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Disconnection, short circuit in injector No. 1

322 CA322Contents of

trouble • There is disconnection or short circuit in drive circuit of injector No. 1.

Action of con-troller • None in particular.

Problem that appears on


• There is irregular combustion or hunting.• Output drops.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective injector No. 1

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

INJ CYL 1 & 2 (Male) ResistanceBetween (3) – (4) Max. 2 z

Between (3) – chassis ground Min. 100 kz


Disconnection in wiring har-ness (Disconnection in wiring or defective contact in con-nector)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (45) – INJ CYL 1 & 2 (female) (3)

Resis-tance Max. 2 z

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (53) – INJ CYL 1 & 2 (female) (4)

Resis-tance Max. 2 z

3Ground fault in wiring har-ness (Short circuit with GND circuit)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (45) – INJ CYL 1 & 2 (female) (3)

Resis-tance Max. 2 z

4 Short circuit in wiring harness(With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J1 (female) (45) – J1 (female) (With all connec-tors of wiring harness disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

Wiring harness among all pins between J1 (female) (53) – J1 (female) (With all connec-tors of wiring harness disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

5 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among injector No. 1, engine wiring harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

6 Defective injector or wiring harness of another cylinder

If any other failure codes related to injector are displayed, carry out troubleshooting for them first.

7 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

J1 (female) ResistanceBetween (45) – (53) Max. 2 z

Between (45) – chassis ground Min. 100 kz

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Circuit diagram related to injector No. 1

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38 114E-3 Series

E-22 Code [323/CA323] Injector No. 5 System Open/Short Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Disconnection, short circuit in injector No. 5

323 CA323Contents of

trouble • There is disconnection or short circuit in drive circuit of injector No. 5.

Action of con-troller • None in particular.

Problem that appears on


• There is irregular combustion or hunting.• Output drops.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective injector No. 5

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

INJ CYL 5 & 6 (Male) ResistanceBetween (3) – (4) Max. 2 z

Between (3) – chassis ground Min. 100 kz


Disconnection in wiring har-ness (Disconnection in wiring or defective contact in con-nector)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (46) – INJ CYL 5 & 6 (female) (3)

Resis-tance Max. 2 z

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (60) – INJ CYL 5 & 6 (female) (4)

Resis-tance Max. 2 z

3Ground fault in wiring har-ness (Short circuit with GND circuit)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (46) – INJ CYL 5 & 6 (female) (3)

Resis-tance Max. 2 z

4 Short circuit in wiring harness(With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J1 (female) (46) – J1 (female) (With all connec-tors of wiring harness disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

Wiring harness among all pins between J1 (female) (60) – J1 (female) (With all connec-tors of wiring harness disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

5 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among injector No. 5, engine wiring harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

6 Defective injector or wiring harness of another cylinder

If any other failure codes related to injector are displayed, carry out troubleshooting for them first.

7 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

J1 (female) ResistanceBetween (46) – (60) Max. 2 z

Between (46) – chassis ground Min. 100 kz

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Circuit diagram related to injector No. 5

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40 114E-3 Series

E-23 Code [324/CA324] Injector No. 3 System Open/Short Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Disconnection, short circuit in injector No. 3

324 CA324Contents of

trouble • There is disconnection or short circuit in drive circuit of injector No. 3.

Action of con-troller • None in particular.

Problem that appears on


• There is irregular combustion or hunting.• Output drops.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective injector No. 3

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

INJ CYL 3 & 4 (Male) ResistanceBetween (3) – (4) Max. 2 z

Between (3) – chassis ground Min. 100 kz


Disconnection in wiring har-ness (Disconnection in wiring or defective contact in con-nector)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (55) – INJ CYL 3 & 4 (female) (3)

Resis-tance Max. 2 z

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (52) – INJ CYL 3 & 4 (female) (4)

Resis-tance Max. 2 z

3Ground fault in wiring har-ness (Short circuit with GND circuit)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (55) – INJ CYL 3 & 4 (female) (3)

Resis-tance Max. 2 z

4 Short circuit in wiring harness(With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J1 (female) (55) – J1 (female) (With all connec-tors of wiring harness disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

Wiring harness among all pins between J1 (female) (52) – J1 (female) (With all connec-tors of wiring harness disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

5 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among injector No. 3, engine wiring harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

6 Defective injector or wiring harness of another cylinder

If any other failure codes related to injector are displayed, carry out troubleshooting for them first.

7 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

J1 (female) ResistanceBetween (55) – (52) Max. 2 z

Between (55) – chassis ground Min. 100 kz

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114E-3 Series 41

Circuit diagram related to injector No. 3

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42 114E-3 Series

E-24 Code [325/CA325] Injector No. 6 System Open/Short Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Disconnection, short circuit in injector No. 6

325 CA325Contents of

trouble • There is disconnection or short circuit in drive circuit of injector No. 6.

Action of con-troller • None in particular.

Problem that appears on

machine• There is irregular combustion or hunting.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective injector No. 6

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

INJ CYL 5 & 6 (Male) ResistanceBetween (1) – (2) Max. 2 z

Between (2) – chassis ground Min. 100 kz


Disconnection in wiring har-ness (Disconnection in wiring or defective contact in con-nector)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (57) – INJ CYL 5 & 6 (female) (2)

Resis-tance Max. 2 z

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (59) – INJ CYL 5 & 6 (female) (1)

Resis-tance Max. 2 z

3Ground fault in wiring har-ness (Short circuit with GND circuit)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (57) – INJ CYL 5 & 6 (female) (2)

Resis-tance Max. 2 z

4 Short circuit in wiring harness(With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J1 (female) (57) – J1 (female) (With all connec-tors of wiring harness disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

Wiring harness among all pins between J1 (female) (59) – J1 (female) (With all connec-tors of wiring harness disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

5 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among injector No. 6, engine wiring harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

6 Defective injector or wiring harness of another cylinder

If any other failure codes related to injector are displayed, carry out troubleshooting for them first.

7 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

J1 (female) ResistanceBetween (57) – (59) Max. 2 z

Between (57) – chassis ground Min. 100 kz

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114E-3 Series 43

Circuit diagram related to injector No. 6

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44 114E-3 Series

E-25 Code [331/CA331] Injector No. 2 System Open/Short Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Disconnection, short circuit in injector No. 2

331 CA331Contents of

trouble • There is disconnection or short circuit in drive circuit of injector No. 2.

Action of con-troller • None in particular.

Problem that appears on


• There is irregular combustion or hunting.• Output drops.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective injector No. 2

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

INJ CYL 1 & 2 (Male) ResistanceBetween (1) – (2) Max. 2 z

Between (2) – chassis ground Min. 100 kz


Disconnection in wiring har-ness (Disconnection in wiring or defective contact in con-nector)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (54) – INJ CYL 1 & 2 (female) (2)

Resis-tance Max. 2 z

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (51) – INJ CYL 1 & 2 (female) (1)

Resis-tance Max. 2 z

3Ground fault in wiring har-ness (Short circuit with GND circuit)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (54) – INJ CYL 1 & 2 (female) (2)

Resis-tance Max. 2 z

4 Short circuit in wiring harness(With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J1 (female) (54) – J1 (female) (With all connec-tors of wiring harness disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

Wiring harness among all pins between J1 (female) (51) – J1 (female) (With all connec-tors of wiring harness disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

5 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among injector No. 2, engine wiring harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

6 Defective injector or wiring harness of another cylinder

If any other failure codes related to injector are displayed, carry out troubleshooting for them first.

7 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

J1 (female) ResistanceBetween (54) – (51) Max. 2 z

Between (54) – chassis ground Min. 100 kz

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114E-3 Series 45

Circuit diagram related to injector No. 2

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46 114E-3 Series

E-26 Code [332/CA332] Injector No. 4 System Open/Short Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Disconnection, short circuit in injector No. 4

332 CA332Contents of

trouble • There is disconnection or short circuit in drive circuit of injector No. 4.

Action of con-troller • None in particular.

Problem that appears on


• There is irregular combustion or hunting.• Output drops.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective injector No. 4

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

INJ CYL 3 & 4 (Male) ResistanceBetween (1) – (2) Max. 2 z

Between (2) – chassis ground Min. 100 kz


Disconnection in wiring har-ness (Disconnection in wiring or defective contact in con-nector)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (56) – INJ CYL 3 & 4 (female) (2)

Resis-tance Max. 2 z

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (58) – INJ CYL 3 & 4 (female) (1)

Resis-tance Max. 2 z

3Ground fault in wiring har-ness (Short circuit with GND circuit)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (56) – INJ CYL 3 & 4 (female) (2)

Resis-tance Max. 2 z

4 Short circuit in wiring harness(With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J1 (female) (56) – J1 (female) (With all connec-tors of wiring harness disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

Wiring harness among all pins between J1 (female) (58) – J1 (female) (With all connec-tors of wiring harness disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

5 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among injector No. 4, engine wiring harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

6 Defective injector or wiring harness of another cylinder

If any other failure codes related to injector are displayed, carry out troubleshooting for them first.

7 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

J1 (female) ResistanceBetween (56) – (58) Max. 2 z

Between (56) – chassis ground Min. 100 kz

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Circuit diagram related to injector No. 4

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48 114E-3 Series

E-27 Code [342/CA342] Engine Controller Data Matching Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Matching error in engine controller data

342 CA342Contents of

trouble • Matching error occurred in engine controller data.

Action of controller • None in particular.

Problem that appears

on machine• Normal operation or engine stops and engine cannot be started.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and

standard valuein normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective related system If another failure code is indicated, carry out troubleshooting for it.

2 Defective engine controller Carry out troubleshooting for failure code [CA757]

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KOMATSU 114E-3 Series Diesel engine

Form No. SEN00459-01

© 2007 KOMATSUAll Rights ReservedPrinted in Japan 05-07 (01)

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114E-3 Series 1



114E-3 Series

40 Troubleshooting 1Troubleshooting of electrical system(E-mode), Part 2Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode), Part 2 ……………………………………………………………………….. 3

E-28 Code [351/CA351] INJ. Drive Circuit Error ………………………………………………………………………. 3E-29 Code [352/CA352] Sensor Sup. 1 Volt. Low Error…………………………………………………………….. 5E-30 Code [386/CA386] Sensor Sup. 1 Volt. High Error……………………………………………………………. 7E-31 Code [428/CA428] Water Sensor High Level Error …………………………………………………………… 8E-32 Code [429/CA429] Water Sensor Low Level Error ………………………………………………………….. 10E-33 Code [431/CA431] Idle Validation Switch Error ………………………………………………………………. 12E-34 Code [432/CA432] Idle Validation Process Error…………………………………………………………….. 14E-35 Code [435/CA435] Eng. Oil Switch Error……………………………………………………………………….. 16E-36 Code [441/CA441] Supply Voltage Low Error ………………………………………………………………… 18E-37 Code [442/CA442] Supply Voltage High Error………………………………………………………………… 20E-38 Code [449/CA449] Rail Press. High Error 2 …………………………………………………………………… 22E-39 Code [451/CA451] Rail Press. Sensor High Error…………………………………………………………… 24E-40 Code [452/CA452] Rail Press. Sensor Low Error……………………………………………………………. 26

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2 114E-3 Series

E-41 Code [488/CA488] Charge Air Temp. High Torque Derate ……………………………………………….. 28E-42 Code [553/CA553] Rail Press. High Error 1 …………………………………………………………………… 29E-43 Code [559/CA559] Rail Press Low Error ……………………………………………………………………….. 30E-44 Code [689/CA689] Eng. Ne Speed Sensor Error…………………………………………………………….. 32E-45 Code [731/CA731] Eng. Bkup Speed Sensor Phase Error……………………………………………….. 34E-46 Code [757/CA757] All Engine Controller Data Lost Error …………………………………………………. 36E-47 Code [778/CA778] Eng. Bkup Speed Sensor Error …………………………………………………………. 38E-48 Code [1633/CA1633] KOMNET Error……………………………………………………………………………. 40E-49 Code [2185/CA2185] Throttle Sens. Sup. Volt. High Error ……………………………………………….. 42E-50 Code [2186/CA2186] Throttle Sens. Sup. Volt. Low Error………………………………………………… 43E-51 Code [2249/CA2249] Rail Press very Low Error …………………………………………………………….. 44E-52 Code [2265/CA2265] Abnormally high level in electric lift pump ……………………………………….. 46E-53 Code [2266/CA2266] Abnormally low level in electric lift pump…………………………………………. 48E-54 Code [2311/CA2311] IMV (IMA) Solenoid Error………………………………………………………………. 50E-55 Code [2555/CA2555] Intake Air Heater Relay Supply Voltage Low Error …………………………… 52E-56 Code [2556/CA2556] Intake Air Heater Relay Supply Voltage High Error…………………………… 54E-57 Code [—/[email protected]] Eng. Oil Press. Low Speed Derate ………………………………………………….. 56E-58 Code [—/[email protected]] Eng. Oil Press Low Torque Derate ………………………………………………….. 56E-59 Code [—/[email protected]] Eng. Overheat ……………………………………………………………………………… 57

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40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-01

114E-3 Series 3

Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode), Part 2 1E-28 Code [351/CA351] INJ. Drive Circuit Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormality in injector drive circuit

351 CA351Contents of

trouble • Abnormality occurred in injector drive power supply circuit.

Action of controller • Limits output and continues operation.

Problem that appears

on machine

• Exhaust smoke is black• There is irregular combustion.• Engine output drops.• Engine does not start

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Possible causes and

standard valuein normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective related system If another failure code is indicated, carry out troubleshooting for it.

2 Defective fuse No. 19 If fuse is burnt out, circuit probably has ground fault.

3 Defective relay for engine controller power supply

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.

Replace relays for engine controller power supply (R23, R24) with other relays. If mark E of failure code disappears after reproduction operation is conducted, that relay has a defect.


Disconnection in wiring har-ness (Disconnection in wiring or defective contact in con-nector)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between F01-19 – R23, R24 (female) (3)


Max. 0.5 z

Wiring harness between R23, R24 (female) (5) – J3 (female) (3)


Max. 0.5 z

Wiring harness between J3 (female) (1) – chassis ground (T12)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

5 Defective engine controller If causes 1 – 4 are not detected, engine controller may be defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

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4 114E-3 Series

Circuit diagram related to engine controller power supply

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114E-3 Series 5

E-29 Code [352/CA352] Sensor Sup. 1 Volt. Low Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally low level in sensor power supply 1 circuit

352 CA352Contents of

trouble • Low voltage is detected in sensor power supply 1 circuit.

Action of controller • Fixes atmospheric pressure and continues operation.

Problem that appears

on machine

• Engine output drops.• Starting performance is poor.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and

standard valuein normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective sensor or wiring harness

aDisconnect connector with starting switch OFF, then turn startingswitch ON and carry out troubleshooting.

Disconnect devices at right in order. If mark E of failure code dis-appears after repro-duction operation is

conducted, that device or wiring harness has a

defect in it.

Atmospheric pres-sure sensor AMBAIR PRESSURE

Engine wiring harness J1

2 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among atmospheric pressure sensor, engine wir-ing harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

3 Defective engine controllerIf causes 1 and 2 are not detected, engine controller may be defec-tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

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6 114E-3 Series

Circuit diagram related to sensor power supply 1

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114E-3 Series 7

E-30 Code [386/CA386] Sensor Sup. 1 Volt. High Error 1

Circuit diagram related to sensor power supply 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally high level in sensor power supply 1 circuit

386 CA386Contents of

trouble • High voltage is detected in sensor power supply 1 circuit.

Action of controller • Fixes atmospheric pressure and continues operation.

Problem that appears

on machine

• Engine output drops.• Starting performance is poor.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and

standard valuein normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among atmospheric pressure sensor, engine wir-ing harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

2 Defective engine controller If cause 1 is not detected, engine controller may be defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

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8 114E-3 Series

E-31 Code [428/CA428] Water Sensor High Level Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally high level in water sensor

428 CA428Contents of

trouble • High voltage occurred in water-in-fuel sensor

Action of con-troller • None in particular.

Problem that appears on

machine• Water separator monitor does not indicate normally.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective water-in-fuel sen-sor

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

P47 (female) Resistance

Between (1) – (2) Max. 10 z


Disconnection in wiring har-ness (Disconnection in wiring or defective contact in con-nector)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (14) – P47 (male) (1)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (47) – P47 (male) (2)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

3Short circuit in wiring har-ness (With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J1 (female) (14) – J1 (female) (With all connec-tors of wiring harness disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

4 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among water-in-fuel sensor, engine wiring har-ness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

5 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

J1 (female) Resistance

Between (14) – (47) Max. 10 z

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114E-3 Series 9

Circuit diagram related to water-in-fuel sensor

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10 114E-3 Series

E-32 Code [429/CA429] Water Sensor Low Level Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally low level in water sensor

429 CA429Contents of

trouble • Low voltage occurred in water-in-fuel sensor

Action of con-troller • None in particular.

Problem that appears on

machine• Water separator monitor does not indicate normally.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective water-in-fuel sen-sor

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

P47 (female) Resistance

Between (1) – (2) Max. 10 z

Between (1) – chassis ground Min. 100 kz

2Ground fault in wiring har-ness (Short circuit with GND circuit)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (14) – P47 (male) (1)


Min. 100 kz

3Short circuit in wiring har-ness (With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J1 (female) (14) – J1 (female) (With all connec-tors of wiring harness disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

4 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among water-in-fuel sensor, engine wiring har-ness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

5 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

J1 (female) Resistance

Between (14) – (47) Max. 10 z

Between (14) – chassis ground Min. 100 kz

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114E-3 Series 11

Circuit diagram related to water-in-fuel sensor

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12 114E-3 Series

E-33 Code [431/CA431] Idle Validation Switch Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormality in idle validation switch

431 CA431Contents of trou-

ble • Abnormality occurred in idle validation switch circuit

Action of controller • Sets throttle angle to certain value and continues operation (depending on each model).

Problem that appears

on machine• Engine speed may not rise from low idle.

Related informa-tion • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON, accelerator ON.

Possible causes and

standard valuein normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective accelerator pedal

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

WAS1 (Male) Accelerator pedal Resistance

Between (5) – (4)Release Max. 1 zPress Min. 1 Mz

Between (6) – (4)Release Min. 1 MzPress Max. 1 z


Disconnection in wiring har-ness (Disconnection in wiring or defective contact in con-nector)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J2 (female) (11) – WAS1 (female) (5)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

Wiring harness between J2 (female) (1) – WAS1 (female) (6)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

Wiring harness between J2 (female) (32) – WAS1 (female) (4)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

3 Short circuit in wiring harness(With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J2 (female) (11) – J2 (female) (With also WAS1 disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

Wiring harness among all pins between J2 (female) (1) – J2 (female) (With also WAS1 disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

4 Defective wiring harness con-nector

Connecting parts among accelerator pedal, engine unit wiring har-ness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

5 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

J2 (Female) Accelerator pedal Resistance

Between (11) – (32)Release Max. 1 zPress Min. 1 Mz

Between (1) – (32)Release Min. 1 MzPress Max. 1 z

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114E-3 Series 13

Circuit diagram related to accelerator pedal

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14 114E-3 Series

E-34 Code [432/CA432] Idle Validation Process Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormality in processing of idle validation processing

432 CA432Contents of

trouble • Abnormality occurred in processing of idle validation switch circuit.

Action of controller • Sets throttle angle to certain value and continues operation (depending on each model).

Problem that appears

on machine• Engine speed may not rise from low idle.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON, accelerator ON.

Possible causes and

standard valuein normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective accelerator pedal

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

WAS1 (Male) Accelerator pedal Resistance

Between (2) – (1)Release 1.5 – 3.0 kz

Press 0.25 – 1.5 kz


Disconnection in wiring har-ness (Disconnection in wiring or defective contact in con-nector)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J2 (female) (22) – WAS1 (female) (1)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

Wiring harness between J2 (female) (9) – WAS1 (female) (2)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

3 Short circuit in wiring har-ness (With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J2 (female) (22) – J2 (female) (With also WAS1 disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

Wiring harness among all pins between J2 (female) (9) – J2 (female) (With also WAS1 disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

4 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among accelerator pedal, engine unit wiring har-ness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

5 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

J2 (Female) Accelerator pedal Resistance

Between (22) – (9)Release 1.5 – 3.0 kz

Press 0.25 – 1.5 kz

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114E-3 Series 15

Circuit diagram related to accelerator pedal

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16 114E-3 Series

E-35 Code [435/CA435] Eng. Oil Switch Error 1

Circuit diagram related to engine oil pressure switch

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormality in engine oil pressure switch

435 CA435Contents of

trouble • Abnormality occurred in engine oil pressure switch signal circuit.

Action of con-troller • None in particular.

Problem that appears on

machine• Engine oil pressure switch-based engine protection function does not function.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON or start engine

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective engine oil pressure switch

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

OIL PRESSURE SWITCH (male) Resistance

Between (1) – body Max. 10 z


Disconnection in wiring har-ness (Disconnection in wiring or defective contact in con-nector)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (17) – OIL PRESSURE SWITCH (female) (1)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

3Short circuit in wiring har-ness (With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J1 (female) (17) – J1 (female) (With all connec-tors of wiring harness disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

4 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among engine oil pressure switch, engine wiring harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

5 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

OIL PRESSURE SWITCH (male) Resistance

Between (1) – body Max. 10 z

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114E-3 Series 17

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18 114E-3 Series

E-36 Code [441/CA441] Supply Voltage Low Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally low power supply voltage

441 CA441Contents of trou-

ble • Low voltage occurred in controller power supply circuit.

Action of controller • None in particular.

Problem that appears

on machine

• Engine stops• Starting performance is poor

Related informa-tion • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and

standard valuein normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Loose, corroded battery ter-minal Inspect battery terminal directly for loose and corrosion.

2 Defective battery voltage

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch OFFand START and carry out troubleshooting.Battery (1 piece) Starting switch VoltageBetween (+) – (–)

terminalsOFF Min. 12 V

START Min. 6.2 V3 Defective fuse No. 19 If fuse is burnt out, circuit probably has ground fault. (See cause 6.)

4 Defective relay for engine controller power supply

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON andcarry out troubleshooting.

Replace relays for engine controller power supply (R23, R24) with other relays. If mark E of failure code disappears after reproduction operation is conducted, that relay has a defect.


Disconnection in wiring har-ness (Disconnection in wiring or defective contact in con-nector)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between F01-19 – R23, R24 (female) (3)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

Wiring harness between R23, R24 (female) (5) – J3 (female) (3)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

Wiring harness between J3 (female) (1) – chassis ground (T12)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

6 Ground fault in wiring har-ness (Short circuit with GND circuit)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between F01-19 – R23, R24 (female) (3) and chassis ground


Min. 100 kz

Wiring harness between R23, R24 (female) (5) – J3 (female) (3) and chassis ground

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

7 Short circuit in wiring harness(With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J3 (female) (3) – J3 (female) (1) (With battery terminal disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

Wiring harness among all pins between J3 (female) (3) – J2 (female) (With battery termi-nal disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

Wiring harness among all pins between J3 (female) (1) – J2 (female) (With battery termi-nal disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

8 Defective wiring harness con-nector

Connecting parts among fuse No. 19, engine unit wiring harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

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114E-3 Series 19

Circuit diagram related to engine controller power supply

Possible causes and

standard valuein normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

9 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON andSTART and carry out troubleshooting.

J3 (Female) Starting switch Voltage

Between (3) – (1)ON Min. 24 V

START Min. 12 V

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20 114E-3 Series

E-37 Code [442/CA442] Supply Voltage High Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally high power supply voltage

442 CA442Contents of

trouble • High voltage (min. 36 V) occurred in controller power supply circuit.

Action of controller • None in particular.

Problem that appears

on machine• Engine may stop.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and

standard valuein normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective battery voltage

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Battery Voltage

Between (+) – (–) terminals Max. 32 V

2 Defective alternator

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then start the engine and carryout troubleshooting.

E12 (Male) Engine speed Voltage

Between (1) – chassis ground Min. medium speed 27.5 – 29.5 V

3 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.

J3 (Female) Voltage

Between (3) – (1) Max. 32 V

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114E-3 Series 21

Circuit diagram related to engine controller power supply

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22 114E-3 Series

E-38 Code [449/CA449] Rail Press. High Error 2 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally high common rail pressure 2

449 CA449Contents of trou-

ble • Voltage (2) in common rail circuit is abnormally high.

Action of control-ler • Limits output and continues operation.

Problem that appears on

machine• Engine output drops.

Related informa-tion • Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting1 Defective related system If another failure code is indicated, carry out troubleshooting for it.

2 Air in low-pressure circuit

Inspect it for air entry directly according to the following procedure.1) Remove pressure pickup plug (outlet side) from fuel main filter.2) Operate feed pump of fuel pre-fuel filter.3) Inspect fuel and air from pressure pickup plug for leakage level.• If this error occurs during bleeding air after replacement of the fuel

filter, air left in the fuel circuit is suspected. Continue engine oper-ation at low idle approximately 3 minutes. When air is bled from the fuel circuit, engine speed becomes stable and the error indica-tion disappears.

3 Defective fuel low-pressure circuit device

aFor check of pressure in fuel low-pressure circuit, see Testing andadjusting, “Testing fuel pressure.”

• Measure at fuel filter outlet side.Pressure in fuel low-

pressure circuitAt high idle (When

engine can be started)Min. 0.48 MPa

{Min. 4.9 kg/cm2}aFor check of pressure in fuel low-pressure circuit, see Testing and

adjusting, “Testing fuel pressure.”• Measure at fuel filter inlet and outlet sides.• Difference of pressure in front and rear part of filter = Fuel filter

inlet pressure – Fuel filter outlet pressureDifference of pressure in front and rear part of filter At high idle

Max. 0.14 MPa{Max. 1.4 kg/cm2}

aFor check of fuel suction pressure, see Testing and adjusting,“Testing fuel pressure.”

• Measure at gear pump fuel inlet side of supply pump.Fuel suction circuit pres-sure (Gear pump side) At high idle Max. 33.9 kPa

{Max. 254 mmHg}aFor check of fuel suction pressure, see Testing and adjusting,

“Testing fuel pressure.”• Measure at fuel connector side.Fuel suction circuit pres-

sure (Fuel connector side)

At high idle Max. 27.1 kPa{Max. 203 mmHg}

4 Defective fuel coolera Inspect fuel tube of fuel cooler for fuel leakage, O-ring and seal

washer for damage, and check valve for clogging or damagedirectly.

5 Defective common rail pres-sure sensor

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON andcarry out troubleshooting.

Monitoring on INSITE Monitoring information

Common rail pressure Condition when engine stopped

0 ± 0.39 MPa{0 ± 4 kg/cm2}

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114E-3 Series 23

Circuit diagram related to common rail pressure sensor and engine controller GND line

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

6 Defective O-ring of supply pump actuator a Inspect O-ring directly for breakage.

7 Defective supply pump actua-tor

aPrepare with starting switch OFF (connect INSITE), then turnstarting switch ON and carry out troubleshooting.

Monitoring on INSITE Monitoring information

Common rail pressure Condition when engine stopped

0 ± 0.39 MPa{0 ± 4 kg/cm2}

aPrepare with starting switch OFF (connect INSITE), then startengine and carry out troubleshooting.

• Measure after running engine at idle at least 1 minute.Monitoring on INSITE Monitoring information

Common rail pressure At low idle1.96 MPa

{20 kg/cm2}

8 Defective wiring harness con-nector

Connection of common rail fuel pressure sensor connector or supply pump actuator is suspected. Inspect it directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

9 Defective wiring harness of engine controller GND

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

J3 (female) ResistanceBetween (1) (2) – chassis ground Max. 10 z

10 Defective supply pump If causes 1 – 9 are not detected, supply pump may be defective.

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24 114E-3 Series

E-39 Code [451/CA451] Rail Press. Sensor High Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally high level in common rail pressure sensor

451 CA451Contents of

trouble • High voltage occurred in common rail pressure sensor.

Action of con-troller • Limits output and continues operation.

Problem that appears on


• Engine speed or output drops.• Engine does not start

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective sensor power sup-ply 2 system

If failure code [CA227] is indicated simultaneously, carry out trouble-shooting for it first.

2 Defective common rail pres-sure sensor

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.


Between (3) – (1) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V

Voltage is measured with wiring harness connected. Accordingly, if voltage is abnormal, check wiring harness and controller, too, for another cause of trouble, and then judge.

3Hot short (Short circuit with 5 V, 24 V circuit) in wiring har-ness

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (25) – FUEL RAIL PRESS (female) (2) Voltage Max. 1 V

4Short circuit in wiring har-ness (With another wiring harness)

aTroubleshoot with starting switch OFF, then carry out trouble-shooting without turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (25) – FUEL RAIL PRESS (female) (2) and J1 (female) (37) – FUEL RAIL PRESS (female) (3)


Min. 100 kz

5 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among common rail pressure sensor, engine wir-ing harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

6 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.

J1 Voltage

Between (37) – (47) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V

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114E-3 Series 25

Circuit diagram related to common rail pressure sensor

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26 114E-3 Series

E-40 Code [452/CA452] Rail Press. Sensor Low Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally low level in common rail pressure sensor

452 CA452Contents of

trouble • Low voltage occurred in common rail pressure sensor.

Action of con-troller • Limits output and continues operation.

Problem that appears on


• Engine speed or output drops.• Engine does not start

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective sensor power sup-ply 2 system

If failure code [CA187] is indicated simultaneously, carry out trouble-shooting for it first.

2 Defective common rail pres-sure sensor

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.


Between (3) – (1) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V

Voltage is measured with wiring harness connected. Accordingly, if voltage is abnormal, check wiring harness and controller, too, for another cause of trouble, and then judge.

3Ground fault in wiring har-ness (Short circuit with GND circuit)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (25) – FUEL RAIL PRESS (female) (2)


Min. 100 kz

4Short circuit in wiring har-ness (With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (25) – FUEL RAIL PRESS (female) (2) and J1 (female) (47) – FUEL RAIL PRESS (female) (1)


Min. 100 kz

5 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among common rail pressure sensor, engine wir-ing harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

6 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.

J1 Voltage

Between (37) – (47) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V

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114E-3 Series 27

Circuit diagram related to common rail pressure sensor

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28 114E-3 Series

E-41 Code [488/CA488] Charge Air Temp. High Torque Derate 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Derating of torque by abnormally high charge temperature

488 CA488Contents of

trouble • Temperature signal of boost pressure sensor and temperature sensor is above upper control limit.

Action of con-troller • Limits output and continues operation.

Problem that appears on

machine• Output drops.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Drop in cooling performance of aftercooler

Inspect following directly.• Loose, broken fan belt• Lack of cooling air• Clogged aftercooler fin

2 Abnormally high tempera-ture at turbocharger outlet Inspect related parts directly.

3 Defective engine controllerIf causes 1 and 2 are not detected, engine controller may be defec-tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

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114E-3 Series 29

E-42 Code [553/CA553] Rail Press. High Error 1 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally high level in common rail pressure sensor 1

553 CA553Contents of

trouble • Voltage (1) in common rail circuit is abnormally high.

Action of con-troller • None in particular.

Problem that appears on


• Engine sound becomes larger under no load or light load.• Engine output drops.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective related system If another failure code is indicated, carry out troubleshooting for it.

2 Defective connection of ground terminal

Inspect following directly for connection of ground terminal.• Ground terminal (battery (–)) of machine main unit.• Ground terminal of engine• Ground terminal of engine controller• Ground terminal of starting motor

3 Broken O-ring of supply pump actuator Inspect O-ring directly for breakage.

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30 114E-3 Series

E-43 Code [559/CA559] Rail Press Low Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble No-pressure feed by supply pump 1

(Engine controller system)559 CA559Contents of

trouble • No-pressure feed (1) occurred in common rail circuit.

Action of con-troller • None in particular.

Problem that appears on


• Engine does not start or starting performance is poor• Exhaust smoke is black.• Engine output drops.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Fuel leakage to outside Inspect for fuel leakage directly (visual inspection at engine low idle).

2 Defective low-pressure circuit device

aFor check of pressure in fuel low-pressure circuit, see Testing andadjusting, “Testing fuel pressure.”

• Measure pressure at the fuel filter inlet side.• Cranking speed: Min. 150 rpm

Pressure in fuel low-pressure circuit Cranking

Min. 0.14 MPa{Min. 1.4 kg/cm2}

aFor check of pressure in fuel low-pressure circuit, see Testing andadjusting, “Testing fuel pressure.”

• Measure at fuel filter outlet side.Pressure in fuel low-

pressure circuit At high idleMin. 0.48 MPa

{Min. 4.9 kg/cm2}aFor check of pressure in fuel low-pressure circuit, see Testing and

adjusting, “Testing fuel pressure.”• Measure at fuel filter inlet and outlet sides.• Difference of pressure in front and rear part of filter = Fuel filter

inlet pressure – Fuel filter outlet pressureDifference of pressure in front and rear part of filter At high idle

Max. 0.14 MPa{Max. 1.4 kg/cm2}

aFor check of fuel suction pressure, see Testing and adjusting,“Testing fuel pressure.”

• Measure at gear pump fuel inlet side of supply pump.Fuel suction circuit pres-sure (Gear pump side) At high idle Max. 33.9 kPa

{Max. 254 mmHg}aFor check of fuel suction pressure, see Testing and adjusting,

“Testing fuel pressure.”• Measure at fuel connector side.Fuel suction circuit pres-

sure (Fuel connector side)

At high idle Max. 27.1 kPa{Max. 203 mmHg}

3 Defective injector (High-pres-sure piping in head included)

aFor testing of return rate from injector, see Testing and adjusting,“Testing leakage from pressure limiter and return rate from injec-tor.”

Return rate from injector

Cranking (When engine cannot be


Max. 100 cc/30 sec.

At low idle (When engine can be


Max. 300 cc/45 sec.

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114E-3 Series 31

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

4 Defective supply pump

aFor testing of return rate from supply pump, see Testing andadjusting, “Testing leakage from pressure limiter and return ratefrom injector.”

Return rate from supply pump

Cranking (When engine cannot be


Max. 200 cc/30 sec.

At low idle (When engine can be


Max. 300 cc/30 sec.

5 Defective pressure limiter

aFor testing of leakage from pressure limiter, see Testing andadjusting, “Testing leakage from pressure limiter and return ratefrom injector.”

Leakage from pressure limiter At low idle Below 30 drops/

60 sec.

6 Defects in supply pump plunger

aRemove supply pump head, and inspect plunger for damagedirectly.

7 Air in low-pressure circuit

Inspect it for air entry directly according to the following procedure.1) Remove pressure pickup plug (outlet side) from fuel main filter.2) Operate feed pump of fuel pre-fuel filter.3) Inspect fuel and air from pressure pickup plug for leakage level.• If this error occurs during bleeding air after replacement of the fuel

filter, air left in the fuel circuit is suspected. Continue engine oper-ation at low idle approximately 3 minutes. When air is bled from the fuel circuit, engine speed becomes stable and the error indi-cation disappears.

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32 114E-3 Series

E-44 Code [689/CA689] Eng. Ne Speed Sensor Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormality in engine Ne speed sensor

689 CA689Contents of trou-

ble • Abnormality occurred in signals from engine Ne speed sensor.

Action of controller • Controls Ne speed sensor with signals of Bkup speed sensor.

Problem that appears

on machine

• There is hunting from engine.• Starting performance is poor• Engine output drops.

Related informa-tion • Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Possible causes and

standard valuein normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective Ne speed sensor power supply system

If failure code [CA238] is indicated simultaneously, carry out trouble-shooting for it first.

2 Defective engine Ne speed sensor

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON andcarry out troubleshooting.

CRANK SENSOR VoltageBetween (1) – (2) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V

Voltage is measured with wiring harness connected. Accordingly, if voltage is abnormal, check wiring harness and controller, too, for another cause of trouble, and then judge.

3 Broken engine Ne speed sen-sor or defective clearance Inspect engine Ne speed sensor for breakage or clearance.

4 Broken rotation sensing fly-wheel Inspect it for breakage directly.


Disconnection in wiring har-ness (Disconnection in wiring or defective contact in con-nector)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (27) – CRANK SENSOR (female) (3)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

6 Ground fault in wiring har-ness (Short circuit with GND circuit)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (27) – CRANK SENSOR (female) (3) and chassis ground


Min. 100 kz

7 Hot short (Short circuit with 5V, 24V circuit) in wiring har-ness

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON andcarry out troubleshooting.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (27) – CRANK SENSOR (female) (3) and chassis ground

Voltage Max. 1 V

8 Short circuit in wiring harness(With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (27) – CRANK SENSOR (female) (3) and J1 (female) (16) – CRANK SENSOR (female) (1)


Min. 100 kz

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (27) – CRANK SENSOR (female) (3) and J1 (female) (48) – CRANK SENSOR (female) (2)


Min. 100 kz

9 Defective wiring harness con-nector

Connecting parts among engine Ne speed sensor, engine wiring harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

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114E-3 Series 33

Circuit diagram related to engine Ne speed sensor

Possible causes and

standard valuein normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

10 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON andcarry out troubleshooting.

J1 VoltageBetween (16) – (48) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V

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34 114E-3 Series

E-45 Code [731/CA731] Eng. Bkup Speed Sensor Phase Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormality in engine Bkup speed sensor phase

731 CA731Contents of

trouble • Abnormal phase is detected in signals of engine Ne speed sensor and engine Bkup speed sensor.

Action of controller • Controls with signals of engine Ne speed sensor.

Problem that appears

on machine

• Engine does not start or is difficult to start.• Idle speed is unstable.• Exhaust smoke is black.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Possible causes and

standard valuein normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Broken engine Ne speed sensor Inspect engine Ne speed sensor for breakage directly.

2 Broken engine Bkup speed sensor Inspect engine Bkup speed sensor for breakage directly.

3 Defective or broken mount of rotation sensing ring on crankshaft side

Inspect it for defect or breakage according to the following proce-dure.1) Set No. 1 cylinder to compression top dead center (align stamp-

ing mark).2) If center of speed sensor ring notch is at end of Ne speed sensor,

speed sensor ring is installed normally.

4 Defective or broken mount of rotation sensing ring on cam-shaft side

Inspect rotation sensing gear for defect or breakage according to the following procedure.1) Set No. 1 cylinder to compression top dead center (align stamp-

ing mark).2) Remove Bkup speed sensor.3) If groove of rotation sensing gear side can be seen through sen-

sor mounting hole, it is mounted normally.

5 Defective timing between crankshaft and camshaft Inspect crankshaft and camshaft for timing directly.

6 Defective connection of ground terminal

Inspect following directly for connection of ground terminal.• Ground terminal (battery (–)) of machine main unit.• Ground terminal of engine• Ground terminal of engine controller• Ground terminal of starting motor

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114E-3 Series 35

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36 114E-3 Series

E-46 Code [757/CA757] All Engine Controller Data Lost Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Loss of all data in engine controller

757 CA757Contents of

trouble • All data in engine controller are lost.

Action of con-troller • None in particular.

Problem that appears on


• Engine stops and sometimes cannot be started.• Monitoring function of machine monitor (engine controller system) may not work normally.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective related system If another failure code is indicated, carry out troubleshooting for it.

2 Loose or corroded battery terminal Inspect battery terminal directly for loose and corrosion.

3 Defective battery voltage

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch OFFand START and carry out troubleshooting.

Battery (1 piece) Starting switch Voltage

Between (+) – (–) terminals

OFF Min. 12 V

START Min. 6.2 V

4 Defective fuse No. 19 If fuse is burnt out, circuit probably has ground fault.

5 Defective relay for engine controller power supply

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.

Replace relays for engine controller power supply (R23, R24) with other relays. If mark E of failure code disappears after reproduction operation is conducted, that relay has a defect.


Disconnection in wiring har-ness (Disconnection in wiring or defective contact in con-nector)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between F01-19 – R23, R24 (female) (3)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

Wiring harness between R23, R24 (female) (5) – J3 (female) (3)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

Wiring harness between J3 (female) (1) – chassis ground (T12)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

7 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among fuse No. 19, engine unit wiring harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

8 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand START and carry out troubleshooting.

J3 (female) Starting switch Voltage

Between (3) – (1)ON Min. 24 V

START Min. 12 V

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114E-3 Series 37

Circuit diagram related to engine controller power supply

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38 114E-3 Series

E-47 Code [778/CA778] Eng. Bkup Speed Sensor Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormality in engine Bkup speed sensor

778 CA778Contents of

trouble • Abnormality is detected in signals of engine Bkup speed sensor.

Action of con-troller • Controls with signals of Ne speed sensor.

Problem that appears on


• Starting performance is poor• Output drops.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective sensor power sup-ply 2 system

If failure code [CA187] is indicated simultaneously, carry out trouble-shooting for it first.

2 Defective engine Bkup speed sensor

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON andcarry out troubleshooting.

CAM SENSOR VoltageBetween (1) – (2) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V

Voltage is measured with wiring harness connected. Accordingly, if voltage is abnormal, check wiring harness and controller, too, for another cause of trouble, and then judge.

3 Broken engine Bkup speed sensor or defective clearance

Inspect engine Bkup speed sensor directly for breakage or clear-ance.

4 Broken rotation sensing ring Inspect it for breakage directly.


Disconnection in wiring har-ness (Disconnection in wiring or defective contact in con-nector)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (26) – CAM SENSOR (female) (3)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

6Ground fault in wiring har-ness (Short circuit with GND circuit)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (26) – CAM SENSOR (female) (3)


Min. 100 kz

7Hot short (Short circuit with 5V, 24V circuit) in wiring har-ness

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON andcarry out troubleshooting.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (26) – CAM SENSOR (female) (3) Voltage Max. 1 V

8 Short circuit in wiring harness(With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (26) – CAM SENSOR (female) (3) and J1 (female) (37) – CAM SENSOR (female) (1)


Min. 100 kz

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (26) – CAM SENSOR (female) (3) and J1 (female) (47) – CAM SENSOR (female) (2)


Min. 100 kz

9 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among engine Bkup speed sensor, engine wiring harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

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114E-3 Series 39

Circuit diagram related to engine Bkup speed sensor

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

10 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON andcarry out troubleshooting.

J1 VoltageBetween (37) – (47) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V

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40 114E-3 Series

E-48 Code [1633/CA1633] KOMNET Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormality in KOMNET

1633 CA1633Contents of

trouble• Engine controller detected abnormality in KOMNET communication circuit to controllers on applica-

ble machine side.

Action of con-troller

• Depends on machine model.• If problem is removed, system is returned to normal operating state.

Problem that appears on


• KOMNET communication information may not be transmitted correctly to cause incorrect operation of machine.(Problem depends on failure occurrence location.)

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting


Disconnection in wiring har-ness (Disconnection in wiring or defective contact in con-nector)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between CM02 (female) (8) (9) – C01 (female) (45), – J2 (female) (46), – K02 (female) (A)

Resis-tance Max. 1 z

Wiring harness between CM02 (female) (10) – C01 (female) (64), – J2 (female) (47), – K02 (female) (B)

Resis-tance Max. 1 z

2Ground fault in wiring har-ness (Short circuit with GND circuit)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between CM02 (female) (8) (9) – C01 (female) (45), – J2 (female) (46), – K02 (female) (A), – N08 (male) (3)

Resis-tance Min. 1 Mz

Wiring harness between CM02 (female) (10) – C01 (female) (64), – J2 (female) (47), – K02 (female) (B), – N08 (male) (10)

Resis-tance Min. 1 Mz

3 Hot short (Short circuit with 24V circuit) in wiring harness

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.

Wiring harness between CM02 (female) (8) (9) – C01 (female) (45), – J2 (female) (46), – K02 (female) (A), – N08 (male) (3)

Voltage Max. 5.5 V

Wiring harness between CM02 (female) (10) – C01 (female) (64), – J2 (female) (47), – K02 (female) (B), – N08 (male) (10)

Voltage Max. 5.5 V

4Defective CAN terminal resistance (Internal short cir-cuit, disconnection)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

K02 (male) Resistance

Between (A) – (B) 47 – 67 z

5 Defective pump controller If causes 1 – 4 are not detected, engine controller may be defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

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114E-3 Series 41

Circuit diagram related to CAN communication

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42 114E-3 Series

E-49 Code [2185/CA2185] Throttle Sens. Sup. Volt. High Error 1

Circuit diagram related to fuel control dial

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally high level in throttle sensor

2185 CA2185Contents of

trouble • High voltage (min. 5.25 V) occurred in throttle sensor power supply circuit.

Action of con-troller • Depends on machine model.

Problem that appears on

machine• Depends on machine model.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1Short circuit in wiring har-ness (With another wiring harness)

aTroubleshoot with starting switch OFF, then carry out trouble-shooting without turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J2 (female) (22) – J2 (female) (With P20 dis-connected)


Min. 100 kz

Between J2 (female) (22) – J3 (female) (3)(With P20 disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

2 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among fuel control dial, engine unit wiring har-ness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

3 Defective engine controllerIf causes 1 and 2 are not detected, engine controller may be defec-tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

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114E-3 Series 43

E-50 Code [2186/CA2186] Throttle Sens. Sup. Volt. Low Error 1

Circuit diagram related to fuel control dial

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally low level in throttle sensor power supply

2186 CA2186Contents of

trouble • Low voltage occurred in throttle sensor power supply circuit.

Action of con-troller • Depends on machine model.

Problem that appears on

machine• Depends on machine model.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1Ground fault in wiring har-ness (Short circuit with GND circuit)

aTroubleshoot with starting switch OFF, then carry out trouble-shooting without turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J2 (female) (22) – P20 (female) (1)


Min. 100 kz

2Short circuit in wiring har-ness (With another wiring harness)

aTroubleshoot with starting switch OFF, then carry out trouble-shooting without turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J2 (female) (9) – J2 (female) (With P20 discon-nected)


Min. 100 kz

3 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among fuel control dial, engine unit wiring har-ness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

4 Defective engine controller If causes 1 – 3 are not detected, engine controller may be defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

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44 114E-3 Series

E-51 Code [2249/CA2249] Rail Press very Low Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble No-pressure feed by supply pump 2

2249 CA2249Contents of

trouble • No-pressure feed (2) occurred in common rail circuit.

Action of con-troller • Limits output and continues operation.

Problem that appears on


• Starting performance is poor• Exhaust smoke is black.• Output drops.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Carry out troubleshooting for failure code [CA559].

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114E-3 Series 45

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46 114E-3 Series

E-52 Code [2265/CA2265] Abnormally high level in electric lift pump 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally high level in electric lift pump

2265 CA2265Contents of

trouble • There is disconnection in electric lift pump actuator drive circuit.

Action of con-troller • None in particular.

Problem that appears on

machine• Starting performance is poor

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1Defective electric lift pump(Internal short circuit, discon-nection)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

LIFT PUMP (female) Resistance

Between (1) – (2) Max. 20 z


Disconnection in wiring har-ness (Disconnection in wiring or defective contact in con-nector)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (1) – LIFT PUMP (female) (1)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (11) – LIFT PUMP (female) (2)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

3Hot short (Short circuit with 12 V circuit) in wiring har-ness

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (1) – LIFT PUMP (female) (1) Voltage Max. 6 V

4Short circuit in wiring har-ness (With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J1 (female) (1) – J1 (female) (With all connec-tors of wiring harness disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

5 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among electric lift pump, engine wiring harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

6 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

J1 (female) Resistance

Between (1) – (11) Max. 20 z

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114E-3 Series 47

Circuit diagram related to electric lift pump actuator

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SEN00460-01 40 Troubleshooting

48 114E-3 Series

E-53 Code [2266/CA2266] Abnormally low level in electric lift pump 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormally low level in electric lift pump

2266 CA2266Contents of

trouble • There is short circuit in electric lift pump actuator drive circuit.

Action of con-troller • None in particular.

Problem that appears on

machine• Starting performance is poor

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON.

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective electric lift pump(Internal short circuit)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

LIFT PUMP (female) Resistance

Between (1) – (2) Max. 20 z

Between (1) – chassis ground Min. 100 kz

2Ground fault in wiring har-ness (Short circuit with GND circuit)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (1) – LIFT PUMP (female) (1)


Max. 100 kz

3Hot short in wiring harness(Short circuit with 24 V cir-cuit)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (1) – LIFT PUMP (female) (1) – chassis ground Voltage Max. 6 V

4Short circuit in wiring har-ness (With another wiring harness)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J1 (female) (1) – J1 (female) (With all connec-tors of wiring harness disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

5 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among electric lift pump, engine wiring harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

6 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

J1 (female) Resistance

Between (1) – (11) Max. 20 z

Between (1) – chassis ground Min. 100 kz

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114E-3 Series 49

Circuit diagram related to electric lift pump actuator

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50 114E-3 Series

E-54 Code [2311/CA2311] IMV (IMA) Solenoid Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Abnormality in IMV (IMA) solenoid

2311 CA2311Contents of

trouble • Resistance in supply pump actuator is abnormally high or low.

Action of controller • None in particular.

Problem that appears

on machine• Engine output drops.

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Possible causes and

standard valuein normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective related system If another failure code is indicated, carry out troubleshooting for it.

2 Defective supply pump actu-ator

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

CP3 PUMP REGULATOR (Male) Resistance

Between (1) – (2) Max. 5 z

Between (1) – chassis ground Min. 100 kz


Disconnection in wiring har-ness (Disconnection in wiring or defective contact in con-nector)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (2) – CP3 PUMP REGULATOR (female) (1)

Resis-tance Max. 5 z

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (32) – CP3 PUMP REGULATOR (female) (2)

Resis-tance Max. 5 z

4 Ground fault in wiring har-ness (Short circuit with GND circuit)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J1 (female) (2) – CP3 PUMP REGULATOR (female) (1)


Min. 100 kz

5 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among supply pump actuator, engine wiring har-ness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

6 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

J1 (Female) Resistance

Between (2) – (32) Max. 5 z

Between (2) – chassis ground Min. 100 kz

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114E-3 Series 51

Circuit diagram related to supply pump actuator (metering unit)

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SEN00460-01 40 Troubleshooting

52 114E-3 Series

E-55 Code [2555/CA2555] Intake Air Heater Relay Supply Voltage Low Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Disconnection in intake air heater relay

2555 CA2555Contents of

trouble • There is disconnection in intake air heater relay.

Action of controller • None in particular.

Problem that appears

on machine

• Intake air heater does not function (Poor starting performance, white exhaust smoke at low temperature)

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON when coolant temperature is –4°C or less.

Possible causes and

standard valuein normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective auto preheat relay (Internal disconnection)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON. (Test relay unit).

R18 (male) Resistance

Between (1) – (2) 300 – 600 z

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting. (Test by replacing relay unit.)

Replace auto preheat relay (R18) with other relay. If mark E of fail-ure code disappears after reproduction operation is conducted, that relay has a defect.


Disconnection in wiring har-ness (Disconnection in wiring or defective contact in con-nector)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J2 (female) (40) – R18 (female) (1)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

Wiring harness between J2 (female) (42) – R18 (female) (2)

Resis-tance Max. 10 z

3 Short circuit in wiring har-ness (With another wiring harness)

aTroubleshoot with starting switch OFF, then carry out trouble-shooting without turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J2 (female) (40) – J2 (female) (With also R18 disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

4 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among auto preheat relay, engine unit wiring har-ness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

5 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

J2 (female) Resistance

Between (40) – (42) 300 – 600 z

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114E-3 Series 53

Circuit diagram related to preheating, starting and charging engine

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54 114E-3 Series

E-56 Code [2556/CA2556] Intake Air Heater Relay Supply Voltage High Error 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Short circuit in intake air heater relay

2556 CA2556Contents of

trouble • There is short circuit in intake air heater relay.

Action of controller • None in particular.

Problem that appears

on machine

• Intake air heater does not function. (Poor starting performance, white exhaust smoke at low temperature)

Related infor-mation • Method of reproducing failure code: Starting switch ON when coolant temperature is –4°C or less.

Possible causes and

standard valuein normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective auto preheat relay (Internal disconnection)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON. (Test relay unit).

R18 (male) Resistance

Between (1) – (2) 300 – 600 z

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ONand carry out troubleshooting. (Test by replacing relay unit.)

Replace auto preheat relay (R18) with other relay. If mark E of fail-ure code disappears after reproduction operation is conducted, that relay has a defect.

2 Ground fault in wiring har-ness (Short circuit with GND circuit)

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness between J2 (female) (40) – R18 (female) (1)


Min. 100 kz

3 Short circuit in wiring har-ness (With another wiring harness)

aTroubleshoot with starting switch OFF, then carry out trouble-shooting without turning starting switch ON.

Wiring harness among all pins between J2 (female) (40) – J2 (female) (With also R18 disconnected)


Min. 100 kz

4 Defective wiring harness connector

Connecting parts among auto preheat relay, engine unit wiring har-ness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.• Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation

5 Defective engine controller

aPrepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshootingwithout turning starting switch ON.

J2 (female) Resistance

Between (40) – (42) 300 – 600 z

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114E-3 Series 55

Circuit diagram related to preheating, starting and charging engine

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56 114E-3 Series

E-57 Code [—/[email protected]] Eng. Oil Press. Low Speed Derate 1

E-58 Code [—/[email protected]] Eng. Oil Press Low Torque Derate 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Derating of speed by engine oil pressure reduction

— [email protected] of

trouble • Engine oil pressure is below operating range.

Action of con-troller • Limits output and continues operation (Limits fuel injection rate and engine speed).

Problem that appears on

machine• Output drops.

Related infor-mation

Possible causes and standard

value in normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Carry out troubleshooting on machine side

This fault is indicated on only machine side when detected.Accordingly, contents of troubleshooting depend on machine model. See Shop manual for machine.

Error code Failure codeTrouble Derating of torque by engine oil pressure reduction

— [email protected] of

trouble • Engine oil pressure is below operating range.

Action of controller • Limits output and continues operation (Limits fuel injection rate and engine speed).

Problem that appears

on machine• Output drops.

Related infor-mation

Possible causes and

standard valuein normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Carry out troubleshooting on machine side

This fault is indicated on only machine side when detected.Accordingly, contents of troubleshooting depend on machine model. See Shop manual for machine.

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114E-3 Series 57

E-59 Code [—/[email protected]] Eng. Overheat 1

Error code Failure codeTrouble Engine overheat

— [email protected] of

trouble • Engine coolant temperature is above operating range.

Action of controller • Limits output and continues operation.

Problem that appears

on machine• Output drops.

Related infor-mation

Possible causes and

standard valuein normal state

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Carry out troubleshooting on machine side

This fault is indicated on only machine side when detected.Accordingly, contents of troubleshooting depend on machine model. See Shop manual for machine.

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KOMATSU 114E-3 Series Diesel engine

Form No. SEN00460-01

© 2007 KOMATSUAll Rights ReservedPrinted in Japan 05-07 (01)

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114E-3 Series 1



114E-3 Series

40 Troubleshooting 1Troubleshooting of mechanical system (S-mode)Troubleshooting of mechanical system (S-mode)………………………………………………………………………………. 3

Method of using troubleshooting charts ………………………………………………………………………………….. 3S-1 Starting performance is poor …………………………………………………………………………………………… 6S-2 Engine does not start……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7S-3 Engine does not pick up smoothly………………………………………………………………………………….. 10S-4 Engine stops during operations ……………………………………………………………………………………….11S-5 Engine does not rotate smoothly ……………………………………………………………………………………. 12S-6 Engine lacks output (or lacks power)………………………………………………………………………………. 13S-7 Exhaust smoke is black (incomplete combustion)…………………………………………………………….. 14S-8 Oil consumption is excessive (or exhaust smoke is blue) ………………………………………………….. 15S-9 Oil becomes contaminated quickly …………………………………………………………………………………. 16S-10 Fuel consumption is excessive…………………………………………………………………………………….. 17S-11 Oil is in coolant (or coolant spurts back or coolant level goes down) …………………………………. 18S-12 Oil pressure drops ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19

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2 114E-3 Series

S-13 Oil level rises (Entry of coolant or fuel) ………………………………………………………………………….. 20S-14 Coolant temperature becomes too high (overheating) …………………………………………………….. 21S-15 Abnormal noise is made ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 22S-16 Vibration is excessive …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23

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114E-3 Series 3

Troubleshooting of mechanical system (S-mode) 1Method of using troubleshooting charts 1The troubleshooting chart consists of the “ques-tions”, “check items”, “causes”, and “troubleshoot-ing” blocks.The questions and check items are used to pinpointhigh probability causes by simple inspection orfrom phenomena without using troubleshootingtools.Next, troubleshooting tools or direct inspection areapplied to check the narrowed causes in order fromthe most probable one to make final confirmationaccording to the troubleshooting procedure.[Questions]:

Items to be drawn from the user or operator.They correspond to A and B in the chart on theright.The items in A are basic ones.The items in B can be drawn from the user oroperator, depending on their level.

[Check items]:Items to be simply checked by the servicemanto narrow down causes.They correspond to C in the chart on the right.

[Causes]:Items to be narrowed from the questions andcheck items.The serviceman narrows down the probablecauses from A, B, and C.

[Troubleshooting]:Items to finally verify whether the narroweddown causes are undoubtedly the real causesusing the troubleshooting tools and directinspections.

Items listed in the [Questions] and [Check items] and related to the [Causes] are marked with E, Q, or w.E : Causes to be referred to for questions and check itemsQ : Causes related to questions and check itemsw : Causes highly probable among ones marked with Q

a When narrowing the “causes”, apply the items marked with w before those marked with Q.When narrowing the causes, do not apply the items marked with E. (If no items have other marks andthe causes cannot be narrowed, however, you may apply them.)

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4 114E-3 Series

<Example of troubleshooting> Exhaust smoke is blackLet us assume that [Clogged air cleaner] is taken to be the cause of black exhaust gas. 3 symptoms havecausal relationship with this problem: [Color of exhaust gas gradually became black], [Power was lost gradu-ally], and [Air cleaner clogging caution lamp is flashing].

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114E-3 Series 5

If we look from these 3 symptoms to find the causes, we find that there is a relationship with 5 causes. Let usexplain here the method of using this causal relationship to pinpoint the most probable cause.

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6 114E-3 Series

S-1 Starting performance is poor 1

*1: Code [559/CA559] and code [2249/CA2249] in E-mode*2: Code [2265/CA2265] and code [2266/CA2266] in E-mode

General causes why starting performance is poorq Defective electrical systemq Insufficient supply of fuelq Insufficient intake of airq Improper selection of fuela The common rail fuel injection system (CRI) recognizes

the fuel injection timing electrically. Accordingly, even ifthe starting operation is carried out, the engine may notstart until the crankshaft revolves 2 turns at maximum.This phenomenon does not indicate a trouble, however.






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, cyl




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t pum








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e al





or s





or d









Confirm recent repair historyDegree of use of machine Operated for long period E E E

Starting performanceBecame worse gradually Q w w QEngine starts easily when warm w w

Non-specified fuel is being used Q Q Q

Replacement of filters has not been carried out according to Operation and Mainte-nance Manual w w Q Q

Oil must be added more frequently w

When engine is preheated or when temperature is low, preheating monitor does not indicate normally (if installed) w

During operation, charge level monitor indicates abnormal charge (if monitor is installed) w w

Dust indicator is red (if indicator is installed) wAir breather hole of fuel tank cap is clogged w

Fuel is leaking from fuel piping w QStarting motor cranks engine slowly w


ck it


While engine is cranked with starting motor,

If air bleeding plug of fuel filter is removed, fuel does not flow out w Q

If spill hose from injector is disconnected, little fuel spills w

When exhaust manifold is touched immediately after starting engine, temperature some cylinders is low w

Engine does not pick up smoothly and combustion is irregular Q Q w

There is hunting from engine (rotation is irregular) Q w Q QBlow-by gas is excessive w





Inspect air cleaner directly qWhen compression pressure is measured, it is found to be low q q

Inspect fuel filter, strainer directly qCarry out troubleshooting according to “No-pressure feed by supply pump (*1)” in E-mode q

Carry out troubleshooting according to “Abnormality in electric lift pump (*2)” in E-mode q

When a cylinder is cut out for reduced cylinder mode operation, engine speed does not change q

When starting switch is turned to HEAT, intake air heater mount does not become warm q

Is voltage 20 – 30 V between alternator terminal B and terminal E with engine at low idle?

Yes qNo q

When specific gravity of electrolyte and voltage of battery are measured, they are low q



























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114E-3 Series 7

S-2 Engine does not start 1a) Engine does not turnGeneral causes why engine does not turnq Seized parts inside engine

See “S-4 Engine stops during operationsq Defective electrical systemq Problem in drive devices on applicable machine side

Carry out troubleshooting for devices on applicable machine



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Confirm recent repair historyDegree of use of machine Operated for long period E E

Condition of horn when starting switch is turned ON

Horn does not sound Q Q wHorn volume is low w

Battery electrolyte is low wBattery terminal is loose wWhen starting switch is turned ON, there is no operating sound from battery relay Q w


ck it

ems When starting switch is turned to START, starting pinion does not move out Q Q w

When starting switch is turned to START, starting pinion moves out, but

Speed of rotation is low wMakes grating noise w wSoon disengages again wMakes rattling noise and does not turn Q Q Q





Inspect flywheel ring gear directly q


ry o

ut tr




g on



le m



When specific gravity of electrolyte and voltage of battery are measured, they are low q

Turn starting switch OFF, con-nect cord, and carry out trouble-shooting at ON

There is not voltage (20 – 30 V) between battery relay terminal B and terminal E q

When terminal B and terminal C of starting switch are connected, engine starts q

When terminal B and terminal C at safety relay outlet are connected, engine starts q

Even if terminal B and terminal C at safety relay outlet are connected, engine does not start q

When terminal at safety switch and terminal B at starting motor are connected, engine starts q
















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8 114E-3 Series

*1: Code [559/CA559] and code [2249/CA2249] in E-mode*2: Code [271/CA271] and code [272/CA272] in E-mode*3: Code [2265/CA2265] and code [2266/CA2266] in E-mode

b) Engine turns but no exhaust smoke comes outGeneral causes why engine turns but no exhaust smokecomes outq Fuel is not being suppliedq Supply of fuel is extremely smallq Improper selection of fuel (particularly in winter)



of i






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on ra

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Confirm recent repair historyDegree of use of machine Operated for long period E EExhaust smoke suddenly stopped coming out (when starting again) w Q w w EReplacement of filters has not been carried out according to Operation and Maintenance Manual w E Q

When fuel tank is inspected, it is found to be empty wAir breather hole of fuel tank cap is clogged Q wRust and water are found when fuel tank is drained Q E E E


ck it


When fuel filter is removed, there is not fuel in it w w QFuel is leaking from fuel piping w

While engine is cranked with starting motor,

If air bleeding plug of fuel filter is removed, fuel does not flow out Q Q w Q Q

If spill hose from injector is discon-nected, little fuel spills Q w w w Q





Inspect fuel filter directly qInspect feed pump directly qCarry out troubleshooting according to “No-pressure feed by supply pump (*1)” in E-mode q q

Carry out troubleshooting according to “Abnormality in supply pump IMV (IMA) (*2)” in E-mode q

Carry out troubleshooting according to “Abnormality in electric lift pump (*3)” in E-mode q

Inspect overflow valve directly qEngine can be started in reduced cylinder mode qFuel flows out when pressure limiter return piping is disconnected q



























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40 Troubleshooting SEN00458-01

114E-3 Series 9

*1: Code [559/CA559] and code [2249/CA2249] in E-mode*2: Code [2265/CA2265] and code [2266/CA2266] in E-mode

c) Exhaust smoke comes out but engine does notstart (fuel is being injected)

General causes why exhaust smoke comes out butengine does not startq Lack of rotating force due to defective electrical

systemq Insufficient supply of fuelq Insufficient intake of airq Improper selection of fuel






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, cyl


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or, d










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e in




er s






Confirm recent repair historyDegree of use of machine Operated for long period E E E

Suddenly failed to start w w QNon-specified fuel is being used w Q QReplacement of filters has not been carried out according to Operation and Maintenance Manual w w

Oil must be added more frequently w

When engine is preheated or when temperature is low, preheating monitor does not indicate normally (if monitor is installed) w

Dust indicator is red (if indicator is installed) wAir breather hole of fuel tank cap is clogged QRust and water are found when fuel tank is drained w

When fuel filter is removed, there is not fuel in it w QFuel is leaking from fuel piping wStarting motor cranks engine slowly w


ck it


When engine is cranked, abnormal sound is generated around cylinder head w

While engine is cranked with starting motor,

If air bleeding plug of fuel filter is removed, fuel does not flow out Q w Q

If spill hose from injector is disconnected, little fuel spills w

When exhaust manifold is touched immediately after starting engine, temper-ature of some cylinders is low w





Inspect air cleaner directly qInspect dynamic valve system directly q

When compression pressure is measured, it is found to be low qWhen air is bled from fuel system, air comes out qInspect fuel filter directly q

Carry out troubleshooting according to “No-pressure feed by supply pump (*1)” in E-mode q

Carry out troubleshooting according to “Abnormality in electric lift pump (*2)” in E-mode q

Engine can be started in reduced cylinder mode qWhen specific gravity of electrolyte and voltage of battery are measured, they are low q

Coolant temperature gauge does not indicate normally (if coolant tempera-ture gauge is installed) q

When starting switch is turned to HEAT, intake air heater mount does not become warm q




























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SEN00458-01 40 Troubleshooting

10 114E-3 Series

S-3 Engine does not pick up smoothly 1

*1: Code [559/CA559] and code [2249/CA2249] in E-mode

General causes why engine does not pick up smoothlyq Insufficient intake of airq Insufficient supply of fuelq Defective spray condition of fuelq Improper selection of fuelq Controller is controlling in derate mode

(limiting injection rate (output) because of an error in electricalsystem)






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Confirm recent repair historyDegree of use of machine Operated for long period E E E EEngine pick-up suddenly became worse w Q Q QNon-specified fuel is being used w w wReplacement of filters has not been carried out according to Operation and Mainte-nance Manual w w

Oil must be added more frequently wDust indicator is red (if indicator is installed) wAir breather hole of fuel tank cap is clogged wRust and water are found when fuel tank is drained wFuel is leaking from fuel piping w


ck it


When exhaust manifold is touched immediately after starting engine, temperature of some cylinders is low Q w

Exhaust smoke colorBlue under light load wBlack w Q w w

When engine is cranked, abnormal sound is generated around cylinder head wWhen engine is cranked, interference sound is generated around turbocharger wHigh idle speed under no load is normal, but speed suddenly drops when load is applied Q w

There is hunting from engine (rotation is irregular) Q Q QBlow-by gas is excessive w





Inspect air cleaner directly qWhen compression pressure is measured, it is found to be low q qInspect valve clearance directly qWhen turbocharger is rotated by hand, it is found to be heavy qWhen air is bled from fuel system, air comes out qInspect fuel filter, strainer directly qCarry out troubleshooting according to “No-pressure feed by supply pump (*1)” in E-mode q

When a cylinder is cut out for reduced cylinder mode operation, engine speed does not change q





















Page 269: Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 Engine 114E-3 Series Shop Manual

40 Troubleshooting SEN00458-01

114E-3 Series 11

S-4 Engine stops during operations 1

*1: Code [559/CA559] and code [2249/CA2249] in E-mode

General causes why engine stops during operationsq Seized parts inside engineq Insufficient supply of fuelq There is overheatingq Problem in drive devices on applicable machine side

Carry out troubleshooting for devices on applicablemachine







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on a










Confirm recent repair historyDegree of use of machine Operated for long period E

Condition when engine stopped

Abnormal noise was heard and engine stopped suddenly w w w w Q w Q w w

Engine overheated and stopped w Q QEngine stopped slowly w QThere was hunting and engine stopped w Q Q Q

Non-specified fuel is being used Q Q QReplacement of filters has not been carried out according to Operation and Maintenance Manual w

Fuel level monitor indicates low level (if monitor is installed) wWhen fuel tank is inspected, it is found to be empty wAir breather hole of fuel tank cap is clogged wFuel is leaking from fuel piping w


ck it


Rust and water are found when fuel tank is drained wMetal particles are found when oil pan is drained w w w Q

When engine is cranked by hand

Does not turn at all w wTurns in opposite direction wMoves by amount of gear backlash w wSupply pump shaft does not turn w

Engine turns, but stops when load is applied to machine w





Inspect dynamic valve system directly q


ry o

ut tr




g on



le m



Inspect piston, connecting rod directly qInspect crankshaft bearing directly qInspect gear train directly qInspect fuel filter, strainer directly qInspect feed pump directly qCarry out troubleshooting according to “No-pressure feed by supply pump (*1)” in E-mode q q

Engine rotates when pump auxiliary equipment (pump, compressor, etc.) is removed q

























Page 270: Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 Engine 114E-3 Series Shop Manual

SEN00458-01 40 Troubleshooting

12 114E-3 Series

S-5 Engine does not rotate smoothly 1

*1: Code [689/CA689] in E-mode*2: Code [778/CA778] in E-mode

General causes why engine does not rotate smoothlyq Air in fuel systemq Defective speed sensor (Error at degree that it is not indicated)




ent f

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ir br


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of fu

el ta

nk c



g or







ry o

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g of





ed in


or, d




y (d

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d se


, wiri

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ed s


r, w







Confirm recent repair historyDegree of use of machine Operated for long period E

Condition of hunting

Occurs at a certain speed range Q QOccurs at low idle Q Q Q Q QOccurs even when speed is raised Q Q QOccurs on slopes w

Replacement of filters has not been carried out according to Operation and Maintenance Manual w

When fuel tank is inspected, it is found to be empty w


ck it

ems Air breather hole of fuel tank cap is clogged w

Rust and water are found when fuel tank is drained Q

Fuel is leaking from fuel piping w




ing Inspect fuel filter, strainer directly q

When a cylinder is cut out for reduced cylinder mode operation, engine speed does not change q

Carry out troubleshooting according to “Abnormality in Ne speed sensor (*1)” in E-mode qCarry out troubleshooting according to “Abnormality in Bkup speed sensor (*2)” in E-mode q

Remedy Add













Page 271: Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 Engine 114E-3 Series Shop Manual

40 Troubleshooting SEN00458-01

114E-3 Series 13

S-6 Engine lacks output (or lacks power) 1

*1: Code [559/CA559] and code [2249/CA2249] in E-mode*2: Code [122/CA122] and code [123/CA123] in E-mode

General causes why engine lacks outputq Insufficient intake of airq Insufficient supply of fuelq Defective spray condition of fuelq Improper selection of fuelq There is overheating

See “S-14 Coolant temperature becomes too high(Overheating)“

q Controller is controlling in derate mode(limiting injection rate (output) because of an errorin electrical system)






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, cyl


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or, w








ll pi





Confirm recent repair historyDegree of use of machine Operated for long period E E E E

Power was lostSuddenly Q w Q Q Q Q

Gradually Q Q Q Q Q Q

Non-specified fuel is being used Q Q Q

Replacement of filters has not been carried out according to Operation and Mainte-nance Manual w w

Oil must be added more frequently Q Q

Dust indicator is red (if indicator is installed) w w

Air breather hole of fuel tank cap is clogged w

Fuel is leaking from fuel piping w

Output becomes insufficient after short stop of operation w


ck it


Exhaust smoke colorBlack w w

Blue under light load w

When exhaust manifold is touched immediately after starting engine, temperature of some cylinders is low w w

When engine is cranked, interference sound is generated around turbocharger w

When engine is cranked, abnormal sound is generated around cylinder head w

High idle speed is too high Q

High idle speed under no load is normal, but speed suddenly drops when load is applied Q w Q Q

Engine does not pick up smoothly and combustion is irregular w w Q Q w

There is hunting from engine (rotation is irregular) Q Q Q Q Q

Blow-by gas is excessive w w





Inspect air cleaner directly q

Inspect air intake piping directly q

When boost pressure is measured, it is found to be low q q q

When compression pressure is measured, it is found to be low q q

Inspect valve clearance directly q

Inspect fuel piping q

Inspect fuel filter, strainer directly q

Inspect spill port check valve directly q

Carry out troubleshooting according to “No-pressure feed by supply pump (*1)” in E-mode q

When a cylinder is cut out for reduced cylinder mode operation, engine speed does not change q q

Inspect boost pressure sensor mount directly q

Carry out troubleshooting according to “Abnormality in boost pressure sensor (*2)” in E-mode q
































Page 272: Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 Engine 114E-3 Series Shop Manual

SEN00458-01 40 Troubleshooting

14 114E-3 Series

S-7 Exhaust smoke is black (incomplete combustion) 1

*1: Code [559/CA559] and code [2249/CA2249] in E-mode*2: Code [144/CA144] and code [145/CA145] in E-mode

General causes why exhaust smoke is blackq Insufficient intake of airq Defective injection condition of fuelq Improper selection of fuelq There is overheating

See “S-14 Coolant temperature becomes too high (Over-heating)“

q Controller is controlling in derate mode(limiting injection rate (output) because of an error in elec-trical system)






ner e








, int



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e co


t of v




ve s





ve c





of a

ir be


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er a

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der h




, clo





n pi



, cyl


r lin






ly p






, sei






ly w









n pr






ant t



re s


r, w







Confirm recent repair historyDegree of use of machine Operated for long period E E E E

Exhaust smoke colorSuddenly became black w w Q Q Q

Gradually became black w Q Q

Blue under light load w

Non-specified fuel is being used Q Q

Oil must be added more frequently w

Power was lostSuddenly w Q Q Q

Gradually Q Q Q Q

Dust indicator is red (if indicator is installed) w

Muffler is crushed w

Air leaks between turbocharger and cylinder head, clamp is loosened w


ck it


Engine is operated in low-temperature mode at normal temperature Q Q

When exhaust manifold is touched immediately after starting engine, temperature of some cylinders is low Q w

When engine is cranked, interference sound is generated around turbocharger w

When engine is cranked, abnormal sound is generated around cylinder head w

Torque converter stall speed or pump relief speed is high (Fuel is injected excessively) Q

Exhaust noise is abnormal Q w Q

Engine does not pick up smoothly and combustion is irregular Q Q Q Q Q w

Blow-by gas is excessive w

If spill hose from injector is disconnected, abnormally much fuel spills w





Inspect air cleaner directly q

When turbocharger is rotated by hand, it is found to be heavy q

When compression pressure is measured, it is found to be low q q

Inspect valve clearance directly q

When muffler is removed, exhaust sound improves q

Carry out troubleshooting according to “No-pressure feed by supply pump (*1)” in E-mode q q

When a cylinder is cut out for reduced cylinder mode operation, engine speed does not change q

Carry out troubleshooting according to “Abnormality in coolant temperature sensor (*2)” in E-mode q

Confirm with INSITE or with monitoring function on applicable machine side q


























Page 273: Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 Engine 114E-3 Series Shop Manual

40 Troubleshooting SEN00458-01

114E-3 Series 15

S-8 Oil consumption is excessive (or exhaust smoke is blue) 1General causes why oil consumption is excessiveq Abnormal consumption of oilq Long-time operation of engine at low idle or high idle

(Do not run engine at idle for more than 20 minutescontinuously)

q External leakage of oilq Wear of pats in lubrication system



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il le


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il le


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n se

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al a

t blo






Confirm recent repair historyDegree of use of machine Operated for long period E E E EOil consumption suddenly increased w QOil must be added more frequently w QOil becomes contaminated quickly Q Q wOutside of engine is dirty with oil w w w w wThere are loose piping clamps in intake system w


ck it


Inside of turbocharger intake outlet pipe is dirty with oil wInside of turbocharger exhaust outlet pipe is dirty with oil Q wThere is oil in coolant wOil level in clutch chamber or damper chamber is high wExhaust smoke is blue under light load w w

Amount of blow-by gasExcessive Q Q w wNone w





When intake manifold is removed, dust is found inside qWhen intake manifold is removed, inside is found to be dirty abnormally qExcessive play of turbocharger shaft q qInspect breather and breather hose directly qWhen compression pressure is measured, it is found to be low q qInspect rear oil seal directly qPressure-tightness test of oil cooler shows there is leakage q qThere is external leakage of oil from engine q q q q






























Page 274: Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 Engine 114E-3 Series Shop Manual

SEN00458-01 40 Troubleshooting

16 114E-3 Series

S-9 Oil becomes contaminated quickly 1General causes why oil becomes contaminated quicklyq Entry of exhaust gas into oil due to internal wearq Clogging of lubrication passageq Use of improper fuelq Use of improper oilq Operation under excessive load




e se

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n va



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n pi



, cyl


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ed b








ed o

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oil f







ed tu



er lu



n dr







is b





Confirm recent repair historyDegree of use of machine Operated for long period E E ENon-specified fuel is being used Q QOil must be added more frequently wMetal particles are found when oil filter is drained Q Q wInside of exhaust pipe is dirty with oil wEngine oil temperature rises quickly w


ck it


Exhaust smoke colorBlue under light load wBlack w

Amount of blow-by gasExcessive Q Q w QNone w





Excessive play of turbocharger shaft q



When compression pressure is measured, it is found to be low q qInspect breather and breather hose directly qInspect oil cooler directly qInspect oil filter directly qSpring of oil filter safety valve is hitched or broken qInspect turbocharger lubrication drain tube directly q

















Page 275: Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 Engine 114E-3 Series Shop Manual

40 Troubleshooting SEN00458-01

114E-3 Series 17

S-10 Fuel consumption is excessive 1

*1: Code [559/CA559] and code [2249/CA2249] in E-mode*2: Code [144/CA144] and code [145/CA145] in E-mode

General causes why fuel consumption is excessiveq Leakage of fuelq Defective condition of fuel injection (fuel pressure, injection timing)q Excessive injection of fuel






de h




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n of





e co


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ng h






Confirm recent repair historyDegree of use of machine Operated for long period E E E

Condition of fuel consumptionMore than for other machines of same model Q Q QGradually increased Q QSuddenly increased Q Q

There is external leakage of fuel from engine wCombustion is irregular wEngine oil level rises and oil smells of diesel fuel w w


ck it


When exhaust manifold is touched immediately after starting engine, temperature of some cylinders is low w

Low idle speed is high QTorque converter stall speed or pump relief speed is high Q

Exhaust smoke colorBlack Q Q QWhite Q





Remove head cover and inspect inside directly qInspect feed pump oil seal directly qCarry out troubleshooting according to “No-pressure feed by supply pump (*1)” in E-mode qWhen a cylinder is cut out for reduced cylinder mode operation, engine speed does not change q

If spill hose from injector is disconnected, much fuel spills qCarry out troubleshooting according to “Abnormality in coolant temperature sensor (*2)” in E-mode q

Confirm with INSITE or with monitoring function on applicable machine side q


















Page 276: Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 Engine 114E-3 Series Shop Manual

SEN00458-01 40 Troubleshooting

18 114E-3 Series

S-11 Oil is in coolant (or coolant spurts back or coolant level goes down) 1General causes why oil is in coolantq Internal leakage in lubrication systemq Internal leakage in cooling system



en c


der h



d ga





de c


der b



es c


d by





oil c


r cor

e, O








er o

r po



n oi

l coo

ler o

n ap










Confirm recent repair historyDegree of use of machine Operated for long period E E

Oil levelSuddenly rose Q Q QGradually rose Q Q

Hard water is being used as coolant Q QOil level has risen and oil is milky Q Q w


ck it

ems There are excessive air bubbles in radiator, coolant spurts back w

Hydraulic oil or power train oil on applicable machine side is milky w

When hydraulic oil or power train oil is drained, water is found w




ing Pressure-tightness test of cylinder head shows there is leakage q


ry o





g on






Inspect cylinder block, liner directly q q

Pressure-tightness test of oil cooler shows there is leakage q










Page 277: Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 Engine 114E-3 Series Shop Manual

40 Troubleshooting SEN00458-01

114E-3 Series 19

S-12 Oil pressure drops 1General causes why oil pressure dropsq Leakage, clogging, wear of lubrication systemq Defective oil pressure controlq Improper selection of oil (improper viscosity)q Deterioration of oil due to overheating



n jo


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, bro



in o

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oil p




e re


tor v








g, c


ed, c


ed h







e oi

l lev

el s


r, w







Confirm recent repair historyDegree of use of machine Operated for long period E E EOil pressure monitor indicates low oil pressure (if monitor is installed) Q wNon-specified oil is being used Q QReplacement of filters has not been carried out according to Operation and Mainte-nance Manual w

Oil pressure monitor (if installed)

Indicates pressure drop at low idle wIndicates pressure drop at low, high idle Q w w w QIndicates pressure drop on slopes wSometimes indicates pressure drop w Q

Oil level monitor indicates oil level drop (if monitor is installed) w wOil level in oil pan is low w


ck it

ems External hydraulic piping is leaking, crushed w

Oil is milky or smells of diesel oil wMetal particles are found when oil pan is drained wMetal particles are found when oil filter is drained w Q




ing Metal particles are found in oil filter q



Inspect oil pan strainer, pipe directly q qOil pump rotation is heavy, there is play in oil pump qValve and spring of regulator valve are fatigued, damaged qInspect oil filter directly qIf oil level sensor is replaced, oil level monitor indicates normally q




Add —















Page 278: Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 Engine 114E-3 Series Shop Manual

SEN00458-01 40 Troubleshooting

20 114E-3 Series

S-13 Oil level rises (Entry of coolant or fuel) 1General causes why oil level risesq Coolant in oil (milky)q Fuel in oil (smells diluted diesel fuel)a If oil is in coolant, carry out troubleshooting for “S-11 Oil is in coolant“



en c


der h



d ga






, O-r





de c


der b



es c


d by




n, d


ed re

ar o

il se



n oi

l coo

ler c






in s


y pu




e se

al o

f aux


y eq


ent (


p, c







Confirm recent repair historyDegree of use of machine Operated for long period E E E EFuel must be added more frequently w wCoolant must be added more frequently Q QThere is oil in coolant Q Q Q Q wOil smells of diesel fuel w wOil is milky Q QWhen engine is started, drops of water come from muffler Q


ck it

ems When radiator cap is removed and engine is run at low idle, an abnormal number of bub-

bles appears, or coolant spurts back w Q

Exhaust smoke is white QOil level in clutch chamber or damper chamber is low wOil level in hydraulic tank of machine is low w





When compression pressure is measured, it is found to be low qRemove injector and inspect O-ring. qInspect cylinder block, liner directly q qInspect rear oil seal directly qPressure-tightness test of oil cooler shows there is leakage qRemove and inspect supply pump directly qInspect seal of auxiliary equipment directly q


















Page 279: Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 Engine 114E-3 Series Shop Manual

40 Troubleshooting SEN00458-01

114E-3 Series 21

S-14 Coolant temperature becomes too high (overheating) 1General causes why coolant temperature becomes too highq Lack of cooling air (deformation, damage of fan)q Drop in heat dissipation efficiencyq Problem in coolant circulation systemq Rise in oil temperature in power train

Carry out troubleshooting on applicable machine



en c


der h



d ga



es c


d by





, bro


oil c



ck o

f coo



en w








n of






, cru


















e va







n fa

n pu




e co


t tem






in p



n oi

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le m


ne s





Confirm recent repair historyDegree of use of machine Operated for long period E E E E

Condition of overheatingSuddenly overheated Q w QAlways tends to overheat Q w w Q

Coolant temperature gauge (if installed)

Rises quickly Q wDoes not go down from red range w

Radiator coolant level monitor indicates drop of coolant level (if monitor is installed) w

Engine oil level has risen, oil is milky w QFan belt tension is low w


ck it


When fan pulley is turned, it has play wMilky oil is floating on coolant wThere are excessive air bubbles in radiator, coolant spurts back wWhen light bulb is held behind radiator core, no light passes through wRadiator shroud, inside of underguard on applicable machine side are clogged with dirt or mud w w

Coolant is leaking because of cracks in hose or loose clamps wCoolant flows out from radiator overflow hose wFan belt whines under sudden acceleration wPower train oil temperature enters red range faster than engine coolant temperature (if oil temperature gauge and coolant temperature gauge are installed)






When compression pressure is measured, it is found to be low q


ry o

ut tr




g on



le m



Inspect cylinder liner directly qInspect oil cooler directly qTemperature difference between upper and lower tanks of radiator is large qWhen operation of thermostat is carried out, it does not open at cracking temperature q

Temperature difference between upper and lower tanks of radiator is slight qInspect radiator core directly qWhen operation of radiator cap is carried out, its cracking pressure is low qInspect fan belt, pulley directly qWhen coolant temperature is measured, it is found to be normal q























Page 280: Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 Engine 114E-3 Series Shop Manual

SEN00458-01 40 Troubleshooting

22 114E-3 Series

S-15 Abnormal noise is made 1General causes why abnormal noise is madeq Abnormality due to defective partsq Abnormal combustionq Air sucked in from intake systema Judge if the noise is an internal noise or an external

noise before starting troubleshooting.a The engine is operated in the low-temperature mode

while it is not warmed up sufficiently. Accordingly, theengine sound becomes a little larger. This does not indi-cate abnormality, however.

a When the engine is accelerated, it is operated in theacceleration mode and its sound becomes a little largerfor up to about 3 seconds. This does not indicate abnor-mality, however.




of a

ir be


n tu



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der h





of tu



er, s


d tu





n dy


ic v





ve, r


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e in


of m


r (di


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of p






ve c





ve w

ear o

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r lin



er g

ear t






ed, s


d bu









e fa

n be

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e of





, sei






ght i

n in




er fu

el in




g (a



ity in






re s


r, bo

ost t



re s






Confirm recent repair historyDegree of use of machine Operated for long period E

Abnormal noiseGradually occurred Q QSuddenly occurred Q Q Q

Non-specified fuel is being used QOil must be added more frequently wMetal particles are found when oil filter is drained w wAir leaks between turbocharger and cylinder head w


ck it


When engine is cranked, interference sound is generated around turbocharger wWhen engine is cranked, abnormal sound is generated around cylinder head w wWhen engine is cranked, beat noise is generated around muffler wWhen exhaust manifold is touched immediately after starting engine, tempera-ture of some cylinders is low w Q

Exhaust smoke colorBlue under light load wBlack Q w Q

Engine does not pick up smoothly and combustion is irregular wAbnormal noise is loud when engine is accelerated Q Q Q QBlow-by gas is excessive w





When turbocharger is rotated by hand, it is found to be heavy qInspect dynamic valve system directly qWhen muffler is removed, abnormal noise disappears qInspect valve clearance directly qWhen compression pressure is measured, it is found to be low qInspect gear train directly q qInspect fan and fan belt directly qWhen a cylinder is cut out for reduced cylinder mode operation, engine speed does not change q q

Abnormal noise is heard only when engine is started qConfirm with INSITE or with monitoring function on applicable machine side q


























Page 281: Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 Engine 114E-3 Series Shop Manual

40 Troubleshooting SEN00458-01

114E-3 Series 23

S-16 Vibration is excessive 1General causes why vibration is excessiveq Defective parts (abnormal wear, breakage)q Misalignment between engine and chassisq Abnormal combustiona If abnormal noise is made and vibration is excessive, carry out trou-

bleshooting for “S-15 Abnormal noise is made”, too.



k dy


ic v





ve, r


r lev



n m













r tra

in b




n ca


aft b




er fu

el in




g (a



ity in








, boo

st te



re s





ne m




, bro







t bet


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le m


ne s





ut s



ts in


per o

n ap










Confirm recent repair historyDegree of use of machine Operated for long period E E E

Condition of vibrationSuddenly increased Q QGradually increased Q Q Q

Non-specified oil is being used Q QMetal particles are found when oil filter is drained w wMetal particles are found when oil pan is drained w w


ck it

ems Oil pressure is low at low idle Q Q

Vibration occurs at mid-range speed Q QVibration follows engine speed Q Q Q QExhaust smoke is black w Q





Inspect dynamic valve system directly qInspect main bearing and connecting rod bearing directly qInspect gear train directly qInspect camshaft bushing directly qConfirm with INSITE or with monitoring function on applicable machine side qInspect engine mounting bolts and cushions directly qWhen alignment is checked, radial runout or facial runout is detected qInspect output shaft or inside of damper directly q


















Page 282: Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 Engine 114E-3 Series Shop Manual



KOMATSU 114E-3 Series Diesel engine

Form No. SEN00458-01

© 2007 KOMATSUAll Rights ReservedPrinted in Japan 05-07 (01)

Page 283: Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 Engine 114E-3 Series Shop Manual

114E-3 Series 1



114E-3 Series

50 Disassembly and assembly1General information on disassembly andassemblyGeneral information on disassembly and assembly …………………………………………………………………………… 2

How to read this manual ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2Coating materials list ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3Special tools list…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6

Page 284: Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 Engine 114E-3 Series Shop Manual

SEN00462-01 50 Disassembly and assembly

2 114E-3 Series

General information on disassembly and assembly 1How to read this manual 1Disassemblyq In Disassembly section, the work procedures,

precautions and know-how for carrying outthose procedures, and quantity of the oil andcoolant drained are described.

q The meanings of the symbols used in Disas-sembly section are as follows.

k : Precautions related to safety in executionof work.

a : Know-how or precautions for work.

6 : Quantity of oil or coolant drained.

4 : Weight of part or component.

Assemblyq In Assembly section, the work procedures, pre-

cautions and know-how for carrying out thoseprocedures, and quantity of the oil and coolantadded are described.

q The meanings of the symbols used in Assem-bly section are as follows.

k : Precautions related to safety in executionof work.

a : Know-how or precautions for work.2 : Type of coating materials.3 : Tightening torque.

5 : Quantity of oil or coolant to be added.

Page 285: Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 Engine 114E-3 Series Shop Manual

50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00462-01

114E-3 Series 3

Coating materials list 1a The recommended coating materials such as adhesives, gasket sealants, and greases used for disas-

sembly and assembly are listed below.a For coating materials not listed below, use the equivalent of products shown in this manual.

(Rev. 2007/04)


Komatsu code Part number Q’ty Container Main features and applications




LT-1A 790-129-9030 150 g Tube • Used to prevent rubber gaskets, rubber cush-ions, and cork plugs from coming out.

LT-1B 790-129-9050 20 g(2 pcs.)

Polyethylene container

• Used for plastic (except polyethylene, polypropylene, tetrafluoroethylene and vinyl chloride), rubber, metal, and non-metal parts which require immediate and strong adhe-sion.

LT-2 09940-00030 50 g Polyethylene container

• Features: Resistance to heat and chemicals.• Used to fix and seal bolts and plugs.


(Set of adhesive and hardener)

Adhesive: 1 kgHardener: 500 g Can • Used to stick and seal metal, glass, and plas-


LT-4 790-129-9040 250 g Polyethylene container • Used to seal plugs.

Holtz MH 705 790-129-9120 75 g Tube • Heat-resistant seal used to repair engines.

ThreeBond 1735 790-129-9140 50 g Polyethylene


• Quick-setting adhesive.• Setting time: Within 5 sec. to 3 min.• Used mainly to stick metals, rubbers, plastics,

and woods.

Aron-alpha201 790-129-9130 2 g Polyethylene


• Quick-setting adhesive.• Quick-setting type.

(max. strength is obtained after 30 minutes)• Used mainly to stick rubbers, plastics, and


Loctite 648-50 79A-129-9110 50 cc Polyethylene


• Features: Resistance to heat and chemicals.• Used for fitted portions used at high tempera-



ket s



LG-1 790-129-9010 200 g Tube • Used to stick or seal gaskets and packings of power train case, etc.

LG-5 790-129-9080 1 kg Polyethylene container

• Used to seal various threaded portions, pipe joints, and flanges.

• Used to seal tapered plugs, elbows, and nip-ples of hydraulic piping.

LG-6 790-129-9020 200 g Tube

• Features: Silicon-based heat and cold-resis-tant sealant.

• Used to seal flange surfaces and threaded portions.

• Used to seal oil pan, final drive case, etc.

LG-7 790-129-9070 1 kg Tube• Features: Silicon-based quick-setting sealant.• Used to seal flywheel housing, intake mani-

fold, oil pan, thermostat housing, etc.


1207B419-15-18131 100 g Tube

• Features: Silicon-based, heat and cold-resis-tant, vibration-resistant, impact-resistant seal-ant.

• Used to seal transfer case, etc.

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SEN00462-01 50 Disassembly and assembly

4 114E-3 Series

Cate-gory Komatsu code Part number Q’ty Container Main features and applications


ket s




1206D790-129-9310 200 g Tube

• Feature: Can be coated with paint.• Used for rough surfaces such as the circle gear

top seal which does not need to be clamped, water resistance of the clearance at the welded area, etc.


1206E790-129-9320 200 g Tube

• Feature: Can be coated with paint.• Used as lubricant/sealant when the radiator

hoses are inserted.


1121790-129-9330 200 g Tube

• Feature: Can be used together with gaskets.• Used for covers of the transmission case and

steering case etc.

ThreeBond1211 790-129-9090 100 g Tube • Gasket sealant used to repair engine.






de lu



LM-G 09940-00051 60 g Can • Used to lubricate sliding portions. (to prevent squeaking)

LM-P 09940-00040 200 g Tube

• Used to prevent scuffing and seizure of press-fit-ted portions, shrink-fitted portions, and threaded portions.

• Used to lubricate linkages, bearings, etc.





n co




• Feature: Seizure and scuffing prevention com-pound with metallic super-fine-grain, etc.

• Used for the mounting bolt in the high tempera-ture area of the exhaust manifold and the turbo-charger, etc.




*: For cold district

SYG2-400LISYG2-350LISYG2-400LI-ASYG2-160LISYGA-160CNLISYG0-400LI-A (*)SYG0-160CNLI (*)

Various Various• Feature: Lithium grease with extreme pressure

lubrication performance.• General purpose type.

Molybdenum disulfide grease LM-G (G2-M)


400 g x 10400 g x 20

16 kg

Bellows-type container


• Used for parts under heavy load.

Caution:• Do not apply grease to rolling bearings like

swing circle bearings, etc. and spline.• The grease should be applied to work equipment

pins at their assembly only, not applied for greasing afterwards.

Hyper White Grease G2-T, G0-T (*)*: For cold district

SYG2-400T-ASYG2-16CNTSYG0-400T-A (*)SYG0-16CNT (*)

400 g

16 kg

Bellows-type container


• Seizure resistance, heat resistance and water resistance higher than molybdenum disulfide grease.

• Not conspicuous on machine since color is white.

Biogrease G2-B, G2-BT (*)*: For use at high temperature and under high load

SYG2-400BSYGA-16CNBSYG2-400BT (*)SYGA-16CNBT (*)

400 g

16 kg

Bellows-type container


• Since this grease is decomposed by natural bac-teria in short period, it has less effects on micro-organisms, animals, and plants.


1855— 200 g Tube

• Feature: Silicone grease with wide using tem-perature range, high resistance to thermal-oxi-dative degradation and performance to prevent deterioration of rubber and plastic parts.

• Used for oil seals of the transmission, etc.

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50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00462-01

114E-3 Series 5





20 ml Glass container



e fo

r cab



• Used as primer for cab side.(Using limit: 4 months after date of manu-facture)


20 ml Glass container

• Used as primer for glass side.(Using limit: 4 months after date of manu-facture)


22M-54-27230 20 ml Glass container

• Used as primer for painted surface on cab side.(Using limit: 4 months after date of manu-facture)


22M-54-27240 150 ml Can

• Used as primer for black ceramic-coated surface on glass side and for hard polycar-bonate-coated surface.(Using limit: 4 months after date of manu-facture)


22M-54-27250 20 ml Glass container

• Used as primer for sash (Almite).(Using limit: 4 months after date of manu-facture)





417-926-3910 320 ml Polyethylene container



e fo

r cab


ss• “S” is used for high-temperature season

and “W” for low-temperature season as adhesive for glass.(Using limit: 4 months after date of manu-facture)

Sika Japan, Sikaflex 256HV 20Y-54-39850 310 ml Polyethylene


• Used as adhesive for glass.(Using limit: 6 months after date of manu-facture)


22M-54-27210 320 mlEcocart (Special


• Used as adhesive for glass.(Using limit: 6 months after date of manu-facture)



g m




417-926-3920 320 ml Polyethylene container

• Used to seal joints of glass parts.(Using limit: 4 months after date of manu-facture)


20Y-54-55130 333 ml Polyethylene container

• Used to seal front window.(Using limit: 6 months after date of manu-facture)


22M-54-27220 333 ml Cartridge

• Used to seal joint of glasses. Translucent white seal.(Using limit: 12 months after date of manu-facture)

Cate-gory Komatsu code Part number Q’ty Container Main features and applications

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SEN00462-01 50 Disassembly and assembly

6 114E-3 Series

Special tools list 1a Tools with part number 79QT–QQQ-QQQQ cannot be supplied (they must be locally manufactured)a Necessity : t ………….. Cannot be substituted, should always be installed (used)a : q ………….. Extremely useful if available, can be substituted with commercially available

partsa New/Remodel : N……. Tools newly developed for this model and given new part Nos.a : R ………….. Tools remodeled from tools already available for other models and given

upgraded part Nos.a : Blank…….. Tools already available for other models, usable without any modificationa Tools marked with Q in the sketch column are tools introduced in the sketches of the special tools

(See Sketches of special tools)a Nos. in the upper line of the Part No. column are KOMATSU part Nos. and those in the lower line are

CUMMINS part Nos.

Work item Sym-bol Part No. Part name





ew /






Disassembly and assembly of engine assembly


Repair stand t 1795-799-1150


Adapter t 1

Special for KOMATSU repair stand

795-799-2280 Special for CUMMINS repair stand

Removal and installation of air intake valve and exhaust valve


Spring pusher q 1795-799-8800

Removal and installation of piston ring D 795-100-2800 Piston ring tool t 1

Installation of piston E 795-921-1100 Piston holder t 1 φ75 – φ175 mm

Removal of injector F 795-799-6700 Puller t 1

Angle tightening of bolt J790-331-1120

Wrench (angle) q 1795-799-2240

Adjusting valve clearance K Commercially available Clearance gauge q 1

Adjusting backlash and end play of gear L Commercially

available Dial gauge stand q 1

Removal of fuel inlet con-nector M 795-799-8150 Remover q 1

Sling for engine assembly N 795-799-9300 Lifting tool q 1 N

Removal and installation of supply pump P 795-799-1390 Remover q 1

Removal and installation of cylinder head valve seal Q 795-799-8910 Boot pliers q 1 N

Removal and installation of cylinder liner R

1 795-799-2170 Liner puller q 1

2 795-799-2310 Extension q 1

Installation of cylinder liner S 795-799-2110 Cylinder liner driver q 1

Installation of front seal T 795-799-8120 Oil seal driver q 1 N

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50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00462-01

114E-3 Series 7

Removal and installation of main bearing U 795-799-2270 Remover and installer q 1

Rotating crankshaft V 795-799-1131 Barring tool q 1

Tightening injector wiring harness nut W 795-799-7110 Torque wrench q 1

Measuring cylinder head bolt length X 795-790-2210 Gauge q 1

Installation of cylinder liner Y 795-799-2190 Clamp set q 1

Work item Sym-bol Part No. Part name





ew /






Page 290: Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 Engine 114E-3 Series Shop Manual



KOMATSU 114E-3 Series Diesel engine

Form No. SEN00462-01

© 2007 KOMATSUAll Rights ReservedPrinted in Japan 05-07 (01)

Page 291: Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 Engine 114E-3 Series Shop Manual

114E-3 Series 1



114E-3 Series

50 Disassembly and assembly1Disassembly and assembly, Part 1Disassembly and assembly ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2

General disassembly of engine……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

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SEN00463-01 50 Disassembly and assembly

2 114E-3 Series

Disassembly and assembly 1General disassembly of engine 1a The following disassembly procedure is for

SAA6D114E-3. The shapes, quantities, loca-tions, etc. of the parts depend on each applica-ble machine. Take care.

1. Preparation workBefore disassembling the engine, check itsparts for cracking, damage, etc. and clean itgenerally and carefully for accurate inspectionof its parts and quick disassembly and assem-bly.a Before cleaning the engine, carefully seal

or remove the openings, electric parts,and wiring connectors so that water willnot enter them.

q Prepare stable engine stands (Blocks [1])and secure engine assembly (1) on themso that it will not tip over.

1) Remove main wiring harness (2).2) Remove plate (3).

q Disconnect controller ground wire (4).3) Remove plate (5).4) Remove the fuel filter.

2. Installation to engine repair stand1) Using tool N, sling engine assembly (1)

and install it to repair stand A.4 Engine assembly: Approx. 800 kg

(Weight depends on each applica-ble machine)

2) Install tool B.3 Mounting bolt on engine side

3) Drain the engine coolant and engine oil.

6 Engine oil: Approx. 24 l

Position of bolt Size of bolt Tightening


a M8 24 ± 4 Nm{2.5 ± 0.4 kgm}

b, c M10 43 ± 6 Nm{4.4 ± 0.6 kgm}

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50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00463-01

114E-3 Series 3

3. Starting motor assemblyRemove mounting bolts (3), 2 nuts (4), startingmotor assembly (1), and spacer (2).

4. Turbocharger lubrication hose and oil filter1) Remove lubricating oil inlet hose (1).2) Remove drain hose (2).3) Remove oil filter (3).

5. Alternator belt and idler roller1) Remove alternator belt (1).

q Insert a wrench to the portion (A)(width across flats T 12.7 mm) of thetensioner assembly (2), and rotate itto the opposite to the winding-updirection to decrease the alternatorbelt (1) tension.

k Make sure that the wrench issecured at the portion (A) beforerotating it. (The spring of the ten-sioner assembly (2) is strong. If thewrench is loosely inserted, thewrench may accidentally come offwhi le be ing rota ted and i t isextremely dangerous.)

k After removing the alternator belt(1), return the tensioner assembly(2) slowly with care.

k Be careful not to get your fingerscaught between the pulley andalternator belt (1) during work.

6. Alternator1) Remove mounting bolts (2) and alternator

(1).2) Remove bracket (3).

7. Belt tensionerRemove mounting bolt (1) and belt tensioner(2).

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SEN00463-01 50 Disassembly and assembly

4 114E-3 Series

8. Oil coolerq Before removing the oil cooler, place an oil

receiver under it.1) Remove cover (1) and cover gasket (2).2) Remove oil cooler (3) and cooler gasket


9. Coolant connector1) Remove coolant outlet connector (1).2) Remove coolant inlet connector (2).

10. ThermostatRemove thermostat (1).

11. Electrical intake air heater and air intakeconnector1) Remove 4 bolts (1) and air intake connec-

tor assembly (2).2) Remove electrical intake air heater (3).

12. Fuel high-pressure pipe1) Remove bellows (8) from high-pressure

pipes (1) – (6) and then remove high-pres-sure pipes.

2) Removal of high-pressure pipes (1), (3),and (5)1] Remove head cover assembly (9).2] Disconnect clamp (11) of injector wir-

ing harness (10).

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50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00463-01

114E-3 Series 5

3] Disconnect connector (12), pull outwiring harness (10), and move con-nector (12) toward the front of theengine.

4] Remove pipe nut (13) on the injectorside.

3) Removal of high-pressure pipe (7)1] Remove clamp (14) and high-pres-

sure pipe (7).2] Remove stay (15).

13. Common rail1) Remove the joint bolt of fuel drain tube (1).2) Remove mounting bolt (3) and common

rail (2).

14. Removal of low-pressure hosek The internal parts of the adapter may

be damaged when the hose isremoved. Accordingly, do not reuse theadapter but use new one when install-ing the hose again, as a rule.

1) Remove low-pressure hose assembly (1).

2) Remove supply hose (2).q Removal of hose

While pressing the adapter (by theright and left sides) at the hose end,pry off the hose end face with ascrewdriver.

15. Fuel filter bracketRemove fuel filter bracket assembly (1).

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SEN00463-01 50 Disassembly and assembly

6 114E-3 Series

16. Removal of tubesRemove drain tubes (1), (2), and (3).

17. Main controller assemblyRemove mounting bolts (2) and main controllerassembly (1).

18. Fuel lift pump and main controller coolingplateRemove fuel lift pump (3) on the back side ofmain controller cooling plate (2).

19. Fuel supply pump1) Remove cap (1) of the front gear cover.

2) Rotate the crankshaft forward and setstamp (a) of supply pump gear (2) to thetop to set the No. 1 cylinder to the topdead center (TDC).

3) Remove nut (3) and washer (4).

4) Install tool P with bolt [1] (M8 × 1.25).

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50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00463-01

114E-3 Series 7

5) Remove 4 nuts (5) and 1 bolt (6).6) Push in tool P installed in step 4) to

remove supply pump assembly (7).

20. Rocker arm assembly and crosshead1) Remove 12 bolts (1) and rocker arm

assembly (2).a Loosen the locknut and then loosen

the adjustment screw by 2 – 3 turnsso that an excessive force will not beapplied to the push rod when therocker arm is installed.

2) Remove crosshead (3).

a Record the position of each cross-head and the shapes of holes (a) and(b).

21. Fuel injector assemblya Before removing the inlet connector,

remove all mud, etc. sticking around it sothat mud, etc. will not enter the hole of theconnector.

1) Remove retainers (1) and 6 inlet connec-tors (2).q Use tool M to remove the inlet con-


q Before removing retainer (1) of theNo. 6 cylinder, remove rear enginehanging plate (3).

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SEN00463-01 50 Disassembly and assembly

8 114E-3 Series

2) Disconnect wiring harness (4) from theinjector.a Locations of wiring harnesses

3) Remove bolt (5) and holder (6).

4) Using tool F, pull up injector (7).a Do not pry up the injector top.

22. Push rodRemove 12 push rods (1).

23. Rocker housing assemblyRemove 7 bolts (2) and rocker housing assem-bly (1).

24. Turbocharger and exhaust manifold1) Remove tube (1).2) Remove bracket (2).3) Remove turbocharger assembly (3).

Color of cable Cylinder No.

a Yellow1, 3, 5

Right side

b Orange Left side

c Red2, 4, 6

Right side

d Brown Left side

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50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00463-01

114E-3 Series 9

4) Remove exhaust manifolds (4) and (5).

25. Air intake manifold coverRemove air intake manifold cover (1).

26. Cylinder head assemblyRemove 26 bolts (1) and cylinder head assem-bly (2).

4 Cylinder head assembly: 85 kg

q Disassemble the cylinder head assemblyaccording to the following procedure.

1) Using tool C, compress valve spring (3)and remove valve collet (4).

2) Remove upper seat (5) and valve spring(3).

3) Raise the cylinder head assembly and pullout valve (6).a Make a mark on valve (6) so that it

will be returned to the correct positionof the cylinder head.

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SEN00463-01 50 Disassembly and assembly

10 114E-3 Series

4) Remove valve seals (7-1) and (7-2) on theupper side of the head.a The valve seals are colored accord-

ing to their locations.q Exhaust valve: Black valve seal

(7-1)q Air intake valve: Blue valve seal

(7-2)q Use tool Q to remove the valve


27. Front cover1) Remove engine front hanging plate (1).

2) Remove water pump (2).

3) Remove pulley (3).

4) Remove vibration damper (4).

5) Remove 23 mounting bolts (6) and frontcover (5).

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50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00463-01

114E-3 Series 11

1] Remove front seal carrier assembly(7).

2] Remove front seal (8).

28. Supply pump drive gearRemove supply pump drive gear (1).

29. Oil pump assemblyRemove 4 bolts (1) and oil pump assembly (2).

30. Oil pan1) Remove 32 bolts (1) and oil pan (2).

2) Remove suction tube (3) and bed plate(4).

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SEN00463-01 50 Disassembly and assembly

12 114E-3 Series

31. Camshafta Rotate the crankshaft and set the mark of

camshaft gear assembly (1) to the mark ofcrankshaft gear (2).

1) Remove bolts (3) and thrust plate (4).

2) While turning the camshaft gear assembly(1), remove the camshaft.

32. Tappetq Turn over the engine.

Remove 12 tappets (1).

33. Piston cooling nozzleRemove bolts (1) and 6 piston cooling nozzles(2).q Before removing the cooling nozzle of the

No. 6 cylinder, remove speed sensor ring(3).

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50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00463-01

114E-3 Series 13

34. Piston and connecting rod assembly1) Rotate the crankshaft and bring the piston

to be removed to the bottom dead center.2) Scrub the carbon off the top wall of the

liner with fine sandpaper.a Before removing the piston and con-

necting rod assembly, measure theside clearance between the connect-ing rod and crankshaft with tool K.

3) Make position marks on each connectingrod cap (1) and connecting rod (2), match-ing them to the cylinder.

4) Remove nuts (3).5) Lightly hit mounting bolts of connecting

rod cap (1) with a plastic hammer andremove connecting rod cap (1) and con-necting rod bearing as a unit.

6) Push in and remove the piston and con-necting rod assembly with a wood bar, etc.from the oil pan side, while supporting pis-ton (4) on the cylinder head side.a Take care not to damage the inside of

the cylinder with a corner of the con-necting rod.

a Make a cylinder No. mark on the pis-ton.

7) Remove the other piston and connectingrod assemblies according to the aboveprocedure.a Take care not to damage the sliding

portions of the pistons and bearings.

q Disassemble the piston and connectingrod assembly according to the followingprocedure.1] Check that there is the “counter mark”

at part (B) of connecting rod (2) whenthe “FRONT” mark at part (A) of pis-ton (4) is set up.

2] Remove snap ring (5).

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SEN00463-01 50 Disassembly and assembly

14 114E-3 Series

3] Remove pin (6) to disconnect piston(4) and connecting rod (2).

4] Remove the snap ring on the oppo-site side.

5] Using tool D, remove piston ring (7).

a Keep the piston, connecting rod,bearing, piston rings, and piston pinby the cylinders.

35. Flywheel1) Install lock plate [1] and remove mounting

bolt (1).

2) Install eyebolts [2] to flywheel (2) and liftoff the flywheel.4 Flywheel: 40 kg

36. Flywheel housingRemove 12 bolts (1) and flywheel housing (2).

37. Rear seal housing1) Remove seal housing (1).

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50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00463-01

114E-3 Series 15

2) Remove rear oil seal (2).

38. Gear housingRemove 6 bolts (1) and gear housing (2).

39. Crankshafta Before removing the crankshaft, measure

its end play with tool L.

1) Remove mounting bolts (2) of main cap(1).

2) Mark the position No. on main cap (1).a Check that the embossed letters of

“BACK” on side (A) of the main capare directed toward the rear of thecylinder block.

3) Insert bolts (2) in the bolt holes of maincap (1) and remove the main cap, whileshaking it.

4) Remove lower bearing (3) from main cap(1).a Mark the position No. in part (A) of

the claw of the removed bearing (Donot enter it in the sliding portion of thebearing).

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SEN00463-01 50 Disassembly and assembly

16 114E-3 Series

5) Using a nylon sling, lift off crankshaft (4).a When lifting up the crankshaft, take

care not to hit it against the cylinderblock.

a Keep the crankshaft in a safe placeso that its sliding portions will not bedamaged.

4 Crankshaft: 80 kg

6) Remove speed sensor ring (5).

7) Remove 1 upper center thrust bearing (6)and 6 upper bearings (7).a Make the position marks on the main

caps, upper bearings, and upperthrust bearings (in the claws of thebearings), and then keep them by themain caps so that they will not bedamaged.

40. Cylinder linera Before removing the cylinder liner, mea-

sure its projection with tool L.

1) Make mark (A) of the cylinder liner posi-tion and insert tool R from above the cylin-der block.a Set arms [5] so that they will not touch

supports [1], [2], [3], and [4] of cylin-der liner (1).

a Set tool R so that it will be at the cen-ter of the top of the cylinder liner.

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50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00463-01

114E-3 Series 17

2) Turn jack bolt [6] of tool R clockwise to pullup cylinder liner (1) from cylinder block(2), and then remove cylinder liner (1) withboth hands.a Mark the position No. on the removed

cylinder liner.

41. Cylinder block1) Remove cylinder block (1) from repair

stand A.4 Cylinder block: 245 kg

2) Remove tool B.

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KOMATSU 114E-3 Series Diesel engine

Form No. SEN00463-01

© 2007 KOMATSUAll Rights ReservedPrinted in Japan 05-07 (01)

Page 309: Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 Engine 114E-3 Series Shop Manual

114E-3 Series 1



114E-3 Series

50 Disassembly and assembly1Disassembly and assembly, Part 2Disassembly and assembly ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2

General assembly of engine …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2

Page 310: Komatsu SAA6D114E-3 Engine 114E-3 Series Shop Manual

SEN00464-01 50 Disassembly and assembly

2 114E-3 Series

Disassembly and assembly 1General assembly of engine 1a The following assembly procedures are for

SAA6D114E-3. The shapes, quantities, loca-tions, etc. of the parts depend on each applica-ble machine. Take care.

a When reusing a part, be sure to install it to itsoriginal position.

1. Preparation work1) Install tool B.3 Mounting bolts on engine side

2) Install the cylinder block to repair stand A.4 Cylinder block: 245 kg

2. Cylinder linera Before inserting the cylinder liner, clean it,

remove all deposits and broken piecesfrom sealing faces (A), (B), and (C), andpolish those faces until the machined sur-faces appear. (Take care not to scrub toomuch.)

q Apply clean engine oil (EO15W-40) tofaces (A) and (B).

a When reusing a cylinder liner, insert it inthe cylinder where it was, turning it 45°from the original position. (Move the pittedsurface of the cylinder liner from the posi-tion where it has been pitted.)

1) Apply engine oil (EO15W-40) to the O-ringsealing portion of cylinder liner (1).a Apply a little amount of oil just before

inserting the cylinder liner.2) Fit O-ring (3) to cylinder liner (1).

a When fitting the O-ring, check that itis not twisted.

Position of bolt Size of bolt Tightening torque

a M8 24 ± 4 Nm{2.5 ± 0.4 kgm}

b, c M10 43 ± 6 Nm{4.4 ± 0.6 kgm}

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50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00464-01

114E-3 Series 3

3) Push in cylinder liner (1) in cylinder block(2) with both hands.a If the cylinder liner does not enter the

cylinder smoothly, the O-ring may bebroken. In this case, check the cylin-der block for burrs.

4) Using tool S, press fit cylinder liner (1).

5) Using tool Y and cylinder head mountingbolts (4), set cylinder liner (1).3 Tightening torque:

68 ± 10 Nm {6.9 ± 1.0 kgm}

6) After press fitting the cylinder liner, mea-sure the projection of the cylinder linerwith tool L.a Measure the projection at 4 places

equally spaced on the periphery.a Projection of liner: 0.026 – 0.122 mm

7) If the projection of the cylinder liner variesmore than 0.025 mm in 180° of the periph-ery of the liner, repeat steps 5) and 6) andset the projection in the specified range.

3. Tappetq Turn over the cylinder block.a When reusing the camshaft and tappets,

be sure to combine them as they were.a Do not install a used tappet to a new cam-

shaft.1) Apply engine oil (EO15W-40) to the tap-


2) Install 12 tappets (1).

a Do not turn the cylinder block morethan 90°. If it is turned more than 90°,the tappets will be off the mountingholes.

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SEN00464-01 50 Disassembly and assembly

4 114E-3 Series

4. Piston cooling nozzleSet 6 piston cooling nozzles (2) and securethem with the mounting bolts.3 Mounting bolt:

27 ± 3 Nm {2.75 ± 0.3 kgm}

5. Crankshaft1) Install 6 upper bearings (7) and 1 upper

thrust bearing (6).a Set the projection of each bearing to

the cut of the cylinder block.a When installing the bearings, check

that their back sides are free from for-eign matter.

a Apply engine oil (EO15W-40) to theinside of the bearings. Do not apply itto the back side, however.

a When reusing the bearings, check themarks made on them when removedand install them to their original posi-tions.

2) Install speed sensor ring (5).1] Use new bolts (Do not reuse the

removed bolts).2] Tighten the bolts on the right side and

left side alternately.3 Mounting bolt:

8 ± 2 Nm {0.8 ± 0.2 kgm}

3) Using a nylon sling, lift up and installcrankshaft (4).a Take care not to damage the bear-

ings.4 Crankshaft: 80 kg

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50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00464-01

114E-3 Series 5

4) Install each lower bearing (3), setting itsprojection to the cut of the main cap (1).q Check the mounting position No. at

part (A).

5) Apply engine oil (EO15W-40) to the jour-nal surfaces of the crankshaft.

6) When installing main cap (1), check themounting position mark on it and direct theembossed letters of “BACK” at part (A)toward the rear of the cylinder block.q Push in each main cap by hitting it

lightly with a plastic hammer or rubberhammer.

7) Tighten main cap mounting bolts (2).a Apply engine oil (EO15W-40) to the

bolts.a Tighten the mounting bolts in the

order shown below: [1] → [14]

3 Main cap mounting bolt:1] 167 ± 8 Nm {17.0 ± 0.8 kgm} 2] Loosen by 360°3] 30.4 ± 3.0 Nm {3.1 ± 0.3 kgm}4] 50 ± 4.9 Nm {5.1 ± 0.5 kgm}5] 120° ± 5° (Use angle tightening tool J)

q When not using tool JMake marks on the main cap and bolt withpaint, then tighten the bolt by 120° ± 5°.

8) After tightening the bolts, make sure thatthe crankshaft turns smoothly.

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6 114E-3 Series

9) Measure the end play of the crankshaftwith tool L.a End play: 0.235 ± 0.15 mm

6. Piston and connecting rod assembly1) Lightly hit the connecting rod bolt with a

plastic hammer until its head is alignedwith the flat machined surface of the con-necting rod and set in position.

2) Using tool D, fit piston rings (7) to the pis-ton.

3) Fitting oil ringFit oil ring (9) so that its abutment joint willbe at 180° from the end of expander (8).

4) Fit second ring (10) with the stamp of“TOP” near the abutment joint up.

5) Fit top ring (11) with the “dot” mark nearthe abutment joint up.

6) When fitting each ring, set the abutmentjoint off the thrust, anti-thrust, and pistonaxis directions.

q Apply engine oil (EO15W-40) to the pistonrings and piston skirt.

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114E-3 Series 7

7) Set the piston and connecting rod.q Set the “FRONT” mark at part (A) of

piston (4) up and check that thecounter mark of the connecting rodcap is at part (B) of connecting rod (2)at this time.

1] Apply engine oil (EO15W-40) to thepiston pin hole and piston pin.

2] Insert piston pin (6) and install piston(4) to connecting rod (2).

3] Install snap rings (5) to both sides.

8) Install bearings (12) to connecting rod (2)and connecting rod cap (1).q Check that the back side of the bear-

ing is free from foreign matter.q Set projection (E) of the bearing to

cuts (F) of the connecting rod andcap.

9) Set the crankshaft to the bottom deadcenter of the cylinder to install the pistonand apply engine oil (EO15W-40) to theinside of the cylinder.

10) Set the “FRONT” mark of piston (4) on thefront side of the cylinder block and insertthe piston and connecting rod assembly.a Check the directions of the abutment

joints of the piston rings again.a When inserting the connecting rod,

take care not to damage the wall ofthe cylinder.

a When inserting the connecting rod,take care not to hit the cooling nozzlewith it.

q Using tool E, reduce the piston ringsand push in the piston head with awood bar, etc.

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8 114E-3 Series

11) Tighten bolts (1) in the following order toinstall connecting rod caps (2).a Apply engine oil (EO15W-40) to the

threaded portions of the bolts andinside of the connecting rod bearings.

3 Mounting bolt (Tighten both boltsalternately):1] 60 ± 4 Nm {6.1 ± 0.4 kgm} 2] Loosen both bolts by 360°3] 70 ± 4.9 Nm {7.1 ± 0.5 kgm} 4] 60° ± 5°

(Use angle tightening tool J)

q When not using tool JMake marks on the connecting rod cap andbolt with paint and then tighten the bolt by 60°± 5°.

12) After installing the piston and connectingrod assembly, turn the crankshaft to checkthat it rotates normally.

13) Measure the side clearance between theconnecting rod and crankshaft with tool K.a Side clearance: 0.10 – 0.30 mm

7. Front gear housing1) Install gasket (1).

2) Install gear housing (2).q Tighten the mounting bolts in the

numerical order shown below: [1] →[6]

3 Mounting bolt:39.2 ± 2.0 Nm {4.0 ± 0.2 kgm}

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114E-3 Series 9

8. Oil pumpa Fill the space in the pump rotor and idler

shaft bore with engine oil (EO15W-40)and rotate the rotor by 2 turns.

1) Install oil pump assembly (2) with bolts (1).

a Set oil pump idler shaft (3) in the posi-tioning hole of the cylinder blocksecurely.

2) Tightening order of boltsTighten the mounting bolts in the numeri-cal order shown below: [1] → [4]3 Mounting bolt:

1st time: 5 ± 1 Nm {0.5 ± 0.1 kgm}2nd time:

24 ± 4 Nm {2.4 ± 0.4 kgm}

3) Measuring backlashRotate the crankshaft by 1 turn and mea-sure backlash (C) between the pump andidler gear.a Backlash (C): 0.205 ± 0.125 mm

9. Camshafta Rotate the crankshaft to set the No. 1 cyl-

inder to the top dead center.1) Apply engine oil (EO15W-40) to the cam-

shaft bore, camshaft journal, and lobe,and then install camshaft gear assembly(1) while lightly pushing and rotating it.

2) Install thrust plate (4) with bolts (3).3 Mounting bolt:

24 ± 4 Nm {2.4 ± 0.4 kgm}

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3) Set the timing mark of camshaft gearassembly (1) to that of crankshaft gear (2).

4) Measure the end play of camshaft gearassembly (1) with tool L.a The end play depends on the thick-

ness of the thrust plate and thegroove of the camshaft.

q End play: Max. 0.5 mm

5) Measure the backlash of camshaft gearassembly (1) with tool L.q Backlash: 0.2 ± 0.125 mm

10. Water pumpInstall water pump (1).3 Mounting bolt:

24 ± 4 Nm {2.4 ± 0.4 kgm}

11. Supply pump gearSet timing mark “00” of supply pump drive gear(2) to timing mark “0” of camshaft gear assem-bly (1).

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114E-3 Series 11

12. Front oil seal1) Set front oil seal (8) to tool T with the oil

seal lip side up.a Since pilot tool [1] on the inside of the

front oil seal is used to guide the frontcover to the crankshaft , do notremove it from the front oil seal.

q Pilot tool [1] is contained in the sparefront oil seal.

2) Insert oil seal (8) from the front covermounting side of carrier (7).q Set the seal flush with the face on the

inserting side of the carrier.

3) Install carrier assembly (7) to front cover(5).a Apply the gasket sealant not only to

the flange surface but also aroundeach of the 5 bolts (a) and to thethreaded parts (b) of the nuts.

2 Surface of flange:Gasket sealant (LG-7)

q Tighten the mounting bolts in thenumerical order shown below: [1] →[5]

3 Mounting nut:9.8 ± 2.0 Nm {1.0 ± 0.2 kgm}

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12 114E-3 Series

13. Front cover assemblya Check that the end corner and lip sliding

surface of the crankshaft are free fromflaw, burr, sharp fin, rust, etc.

a Do not apply oil, grease, etc. to the crank-shaft and seal lip. Wipe off oil and greasefrom the shaft.

1) Install cover (5) with mounting bolts (6).2 Cover mounting face:

Gasket sealant (LG-7)

2) Tightening order of boltsTighten the bolts in the numerical ordershown below: [1] → [26]3 Mounting bolt:

3) Remove pilot tool [1] from the front oilseal.

4) Install dust seal (9).q Push in the dust seal until it touches

the oil seal.

14. Rear oil seal1) Press fit oil seal (2) to seal housing (1).

Position of bolt Size of bolt Tightening torque

[1] [2] [4] [5] [7] [8] [10] [11] [13] [16] [17] [19] [20] [22] [23]

M8 (Stem length 50 mm)

30 ± 2 Nm {2.9 ± 0.2 kgm}

[3] [6] [9] [12] [14] [15] [18] [21] [24] [25] [26]

M10 (Stem length 16 mm)

40 ± 2 Nm {3.9 ± 0.2 kgm}

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114E-3 Series 13

2) Using alignment tool [1], insert the oil sealuntil it is flush with the mounting flangesurface of seal housing (1).a While lightly hitting the top, bottom,

right, and left of alignment tool [1] witha hammer to check that the seal car-rier is not bent, push in the oil sealuntil the outside of alignment tool [1]touches the housing.

a Do not remove the seal mounting pilottool.

15. Seal housing1) Install seal housing (1) and gasket (3) to

guide pin [3].

2) Insert seal housing (1), aligning it withcrankshaft (4).a Check that the end corner and lip slid-

ing surface of the crankshaft are freefrom flaw, burr, sharp fin, rust, etc.

a Do not apply oil, grease, etc. to thecrankshaft and seal lip. Wipe off oiland grease from the shaft.2 Housing mounting face:

Gasket sealant (LG-7)3) Evenly set the heights of seal housing (1)

and both sides (A) of the oil pan rail.4) Install seal (3).

5) Remove the guide pin and tighten themounting bolts in the numerical ordershown below: [1] → [8]3 Mounting bolt:

12.7 ± 2.0 Nm {1.3 ± 0.2 kgm}

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6) Remove the seal mounting pilot tool.7) Cut off gasket (5). (Right and left)

a Take care that the cut gasket will notfall in the engine.

16. Oil pan1) Fill the spaces a between the cylinder

block and gear housing and between thecylinder block and rear seal housing withgasket sealant.

2) Install bed plate (4) to block (5).2 Bed plate (Mating surface with cyl-

inder block):Gasket sealant (LG-7)

q Application drawing of gasket sealantDiameter of gasket sealant string: Apply strings of gasket sealant 1 mmin diameter to the range from the bolthole center to the area of R7. Changethe diameter of the gasket sealantsmoothly from 1 mm to 3 mm for theother parts unless otherwise speci-fied.

3) Apply gasket sealant to the bed plate mat-ing face shown in the figure and installgasket (6).2 Gasket (Mating face of bed plate):

Gasket sealant (LG-7)a Apply gasket sealant (strings) simi-

larly to step 2).

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114E-3 Series 15

4) Install suction tube (3).q Set the gasket to the end flange.2 Flange: Gasket sealant (LG-7)3 Flange mounting bolt:

7.8 ± 2 Nm {0.8 ± 0.2 kgm}

5) Apply gasket sealant to the basket matingface (A) of the oil pan.3 Oil pan: Liquid gasket (LG-7)a Apply gasket sealant (strings) simi-

larly to step 2).

6) Install oil pan (2) with mounting bolts (1).

7) Tightening order of boltsTighten the bolts in the numerical ordershown below: [1] → [32]3 Mounting bolt:

24 ± 4 Nm {2.4 ± 0.4 kgm}

17. Flywheel housing1) Install flywheel housing (2) with bolts (1).

a Apply a string of gasket sealant (LG-7) 1 – 3 mm in diameter to the hous-ing mounting flange face and aroundeach mounting bolt hole.

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2) Tightening order of boltsTighten the bolts in the numerical ordershown below: [1] → [12]3 Mounting bolt:

77 ± 12 Nm {7.9 ± 1.2 kgm}

3) After installing the flywheel housing, mea-sure the radial runout and facial runoutwith tool L.q Radial runout: Max. 0.20 mmq Facial runout: Max. 0.20 mm

q Measuring radial runout1) Install tool L to the crankshaft end.2) Set the probe of the dial gauge per-

pendicular to the spigot joint portionof the flywheel housing.

3) Set the dial gauge reading to “0”,rotate the crankshaft by 1 turn, andmeasure the difference between theindicated lowest and highest values.

a After the crankshaft is rotated by 1turn, check that the dial gauge indi-cates the value at the start of rotation.

q Measuring facial runout1) Similarly to measurement of the radial

runout, set the probe of the dialgauge perpendicular to the end faceof the flywheel housing.a When measuring, bring the

crankshaft to the front or rearside so that an error will not becaused by the end play.

2) Set the dial gauge reading to “0”,rotate the crankshaft by 1 turn, andmeasure the difference between theindicated lowest and highest values.

18. Flywheel1) Install guide bolt [1] and flywheel (1).

q Apply a string of gasket sealant 1 – 3mm in diameter around the bolt holeson the crankshaft mounting face (8places).

2 Flywheel mounting face:Gasket sealant (LG-7)

4 Flywheel assembly: 40 kg

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2) Tightening order of bolts1] Install lock plate (1).2] Tighten the bolts in the numerical

order shown below: [1] → [8]3 Mounting bolt:

137 ± 7 Nm {14.0 ± 0.7 kgm}

3) After installing the flywheel, measure theradial runout and facial runout with tool L.a Radial runout: Max. 0.13 mma Facial runout: Max. 0.20 mm

q Measuring radial runout1) Install tool L to the flywheel housing.2) Set the probe of the dial gauge per-

pendicular to spigot joint portion (a) orperiphery of the flywheel.

3) Rotate the flywheel by 1 turn andmeasure the difference between theindicated lowest and highest values.

a After the flywheel is rotated by 1 turn,check that the dial gauge indicatesthe value at the start of rotation.

q Measuring facial runout1) Similarly to measurement of the radial

runout, set the probe of the dialgauge perpendicular to end face (b)of the flywheel near the periphery.a When measuring, bring the

crankshaft to the front or rearside so that an error will not becaused by the end play.

2) Rotate the flywheel by 1 turn, and mea-sure the difference between the indi-cated lowest and highest values.

19. Starting motor assembly1) Apply string (A) of gasket sealant 1 mm in

diameter.2 Both sides of gasket:

Gasket sealant (LG-7)

2) Fit the gasket and install starting motorassembly (1) and spacer (2) with bolt (3)and nut (4).

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20. Oil cooler1) Install cooler gasket (4) and oil cooler (3).2) Install cover gasket (2) and cover (1).

3) Tightening order of boltsq Tighten the bolts in the numerical

order shown below: [1] → [11]3 Mounting bolt:

24 ± 4 Nm {2.4 ± 0.4 kgm}

21. Oil filter1) Apply engine oil (EO15W-40) to the oil fil-

ter seal.2) Supply clean engine oil (EO15W-40) into

the oil filter.3) Install oil filter (1).

3 Oil filter: 13 ± 2 Nm {1.3 ± 0.2 kgm}q You may tighten the oil filter 3/4 turns

more after its sealing face touchesthe seat.

22. Cylinder head assembly1) Assemble the cylinder head assembly

according to the following procedure:1] Install valve seals (7-1) and (7-2).a The valve seals are colored accord-

ing to their locations.q Exhaust valve: Black (7-1)q Air intake valve: Blue (7-2)

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2] Apply engine oil (EO15W-40) to thevalve stem and inside of valve guideand install valve (6).

3] Raise the cylinder head and installvalve spring (3) and upper seat (5).

4] Using tool C, compress valve spring(3) and install valve collet (4).

a Hit the valve stem lightly with a plastichammer to check that the valve colletis fitted to the groove of the valvestem.

2) Before tightening the cylinder headmounting bolts, check the following:1] Measure stem length (a) of each

mounting bolt and check that it isshorter than the using limit.

2] Using limit length of bolt: less than162.6 mma If a bolt is longer than the using

limit, do not reuse it but replaceit.

3) Check that there is no dirt and foreignmatter on the cylinder head mounting sur-face and in the cylinders and then set cyl-inder head gasket (8).a Check that the gasket is set to the

holes of the cylinder block.

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4) Install cylinder head assembly (2) to thecylinder block.

a First, tighten the mounting bolts by 2– 3 turns with the hand, and thentighten them according to the follow-ing procedure.2 Apply engine oil (EO15W-40)

to the threaded portion andhead seat of each bolt.

3 Tighten the bolts in the numericalorder shown below.

1] 150 ± 9.8 Nm {15.3 ± 1.0 kgm} 2] Return all bolts 360°3] 115 ± 4.9 Nm {11.7 ± 0.5 kgm} 4] Check tightening torque of

115 ± 4.9 Nm {11.7 ± 0.5 kgm}5] 120° ± 5°

(Tighten with angle tightening tool)

q When not using angle tightening toolMake a mark on the cylinder head and eachbolt with paint and then tighten the bolt by 120°± 5°.

23. Push rodInstall push rod (1).a Check that the push rod is in the tappet.a Fill the push rod socket with engine oil


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114E-3 Series 21

24. Fuel injector assemblya Check that the injector sleeve is free from

flaw and dirt.a When replacing the injector, replace the

inlet connector, too.a Check the inlet connector for the following

items. If it is defective, replace it.a] If there are burrs or deformation at

the inlet or outlet of the connector, donot use the inlet connector.

b] If the edge filter is clogged or dirty orthere is sediment in it, do not use theinlet connector.

c] If the O-ring is broken or deteriorated,do not use the inlet connector.

d] If the sealing surface of the outlet sideis worn, in contact unevenly or has atrace of leakage, do not use the inletconnector.If high-pressure fuel leaks, the seatsur face is eroded and has f inestreaks or flaws. If there are suchstreaks or flaws, replace the connec-tor and injector.

1) Fit the gasket and O-ring to injector (7).2) Apply engine oil (EO15W-40) to the O-ring

of injector (7) and head side.3) Insert injector (7) in the cylinder head,

directing its fuel inlet hole toward the airintake manifold.

4) Install holder (6) and tighten bolts (5) by 3– 4 turns by hand.

5) Coat the O-ring of inlet connector (11) andthe mounting hole on the head with engineoil (EO15W-40).

6) Install inlet connector (11) temporarily withretainer (10).3 Retainer:

15 ± 5.0 Nm {1.5 ± 0.5 kgm}

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7) Tighten bolts (5) of holder (6) alternately.3 Bolt: 10 ± 2 Nm {1.0 ± 0.2 kgm}q The top of the holder must be in par-

allel with the top of the cylinder head.Allowable angle: 2.4°

8) Tighten bolts (12) to the specified torque.a Tighten bolts diagonally so that the

upper surface of holder (13) becomesparallel to the upper surface of thecylinder head.

q Maximum angle limit: 2.4°3 Bolt: 10 ± 2.0 Nm {1.0 ± 0.2 kgm}

9) Tighten inlet connector (11) to the speci-fied torque.3 Retainer (10):

41 ± 4 Nm {4.1 ± 0.4 kgm}Apply the caulking compound (e)(hatched section) to retainer (10) andthe cylinder head.

2 Caulking compound:GE TOSHIBA SILICON TOSSEAL 381

25. Rocker arm assembly1) Install crosshead (3).2) Install rocker arm assembly (2) and

tighten bolts (1).a Before tightening the bolts, check that

the ball of the adjustment screw is setin the push rod socket securely.

3 Bolt: 64.7 ± 4.9 Nm {6.6 ± 0.5 kgm}

a The shapes of holes (a) and (b) ofeach crosshead are different. Accord-ingly, when reusing the crossheads,install each of them to the sameintake and exhaust valve in the samedirection as it has been installed.q A new crosshead may be

installed in either direction.

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114E-3 Series 23

26. Adjusting valve clearanceAdjust the valve clearance according to the fol-lowing procedure.a As the valve clearance, adjust the clear-

ance between the crosshead and rockerarm to the following value.

a Valve clearance (when cold)

1) Rotate the crankshaft forward to bringstamped line (a) of the supply gear to thetop and set the No. 1 cylinder to the com-pression top dead center (T.D.C).

2) While the No. 1 cylinder is at the compres-sion top dead center, adjust the valveclearances marked with q in the valvearrangement drawing.

3) Insert clearance gauge K between rockerarm (2) and crosshead (3) and set adjust-ment screw (4) to a degree that you canmove the clearance gauge lightly.

4) Tighten locknut (5) under this condition.3 Locknut:

24 ± 4 Nm {2.4 ± 0.4 kgm}a After tightening the locknut, check the

valve clearance again.

q After adjusting all of the valvesmarked with q, rotate the crankshaftforward by 1 turn to bring stamped line(a) of the supply pump drive gear tothe bottom and set the No. 6 cylinderto the compression top dead center.

5) While the No. 6 cylinder is at the compres-sion top dead center, adjust the valveclearances marked with Q in the valvearrangement drawing.a Adjust the valve clearance according

to steps 3) and 4) above.

Unit: mm

Intake valve Exhaust valve

0.30 ± 0.05 0.56 ± 0.05

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27. Rocker housing1) Fit the gasket and install housing assem-

bly (1).2) Tightening order of bolts

q Tighten the bolts in the numericalorder shown below: [1] → [7]

3 Mounting bolt: 24 ± 4 Nm {2.4 ± 0.4 kgm}

3) Install wiring harness (4).3 Mounting nut:

1.25 ± 0.25 Nm {0.10 ± 0.03 kgm}a Locations of wiring harnesses

a Install the injector wiring harness ter-minal (5) in a direction where it willnot interfere with the rocker arm (6)which moves up and down.

a Take care that wiring harness (4) willnot be pressed strongly against theinside wall of housing (1), will notcome off guide (e), or will not be bentsharply.

Color of cable Cylinder No.

a Yellow 1, 3, 5

Right side

b Orange Left side

c Red 2, 4, 6

Right side

d Brown Left side

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114E-3 Series 25

28. Air intake manifold coverFit the gasket and install manifold cover (1).2 Both sides of gasket:

Gasket sealant (LG-7)3 Tube mounting bolt:

24 ± 4 Nm {2.4 ± 0.4 kgm}

29. Fuel supply pump1) Rotate the crankshaft forward to bring

stamped line (a) of the supply pump gearto the top and set the No. 1 cylinder to thecompression top dead center (T.D.C).

2) Fit the O-ring and push in supply pumpdrive shaft (7) in supply pump drive gear(2), setting the pin of the former to the keyway (b) of the latter, and tighten nut (3)and washer (4) temporarily.

3) Install supply pump assembly (8) withmounting nuts (5) and bolt (6).2 Mounting nut: Adhesive (LT-2)3 Mounting nut and bolt:

43 ± 6 Nm {4.4 ± 0.6 kgm}

4) Tighten nut (3).3 Mounting nut:

180 ± 12.7 Nm {18.4 ± 1.3 kgm}

5) Install cap (1).

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30. Fuel lift pump and main controller coolingplate1) Install fuel lift pump (3) to main controller

cooling plate (2).3 Mounting bolt:

10 ± 2 Nm {1.0 ± 0.2 kgm}

2) Lightly press the valve of the check valve(4) of main controller cooling plate (2) fromthe arrow side and check that it movessmoothly and the sealing face is closedperfectly.

3) Install the main controller cooling plate (2).

31. Main controller assemblyInstall main controller assembly (1) to the cylin-der block with mounting bolts (2).

32. Fuel drain tube1) Install tube (1) between the supply pump

and drain and tube (2) between the cylin-der head and drain.3 Joint bolt:

24 ± 4 Nm {2.4 ± 0.4 kgm}2) Clamp tube (3) between the common rail

and drain temporarily.

33. Fuel filter bracketInstall fuel filter bracket (1).

34. Fuel low-pressure hosek The internal parts of the adapter may

be damaged when the hose i sremoved. Accordingly, do not reuse theadapter but use new one when install-ing the hose again, as a rule.

1) Install supply hose (2).2) Install low-pressure hose assembly (1).

q After connecting the hose, tighten theclamp bolt at the center.

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114E-3 Series 27

35. Fuel pressure sensor and relief valve1) Replace fuel pressure sensor (2), if neces-

sary, according to the following procedure.a Do not remove fuel pressure sensor

(2) from common rail (1) for a pur-pose other than replacement.

a Once the fuel pressure sensor isremoved from the common rail, besure to replace it.

1] Before removing the fuel pressuresensor, remove mud etc. from aroundit thoroughly and clean it.

2] Remove the fuel pressure sensor.3] Check the fuel pressure sensor con-

nector for crack, breakage, damageof the seal, foreign matter on the pinand corrosion, bend and breakage ofthe pin.

4] Install a new fuel pressure sensor.2 Threaded part of fuel pressure

sensor: Gear oil (#90)

3 Fuel pressure sensor: 70 ± 5 Nm {7.1 ± 0.5 kgm}

5] Connect the engine wiring harness.At this time, take care not to connectthe wiring harness in reverse.

6] Start the engine and check that fueldoes not leak.For the testing procedure, see Testingand adjusting, “Testing fuel system forleakage”.

2) Replace relief valve (3), if necessary,according to the following procedure.1] Before removing the relief valve,

remove mud etc. from around it thor-oughly and clean it.

2] Remove the relief valve.3] If the leakage from the relief valve

exceeds the specified value, do notreuse it.

4] Check that high-pressure seal sur-faces (a) of the relief valve and railare free from damage.

5] Check that the adapter is free fromflaw.

6] Install the relief valve.2 Threaded part of relief valve:

Gear oil (#90)3 Relief valve:

100 ± 4 Nm {10.2 ± 0.4 kgm}Excessive tightening can causeleakage. Take care not to tightentoo strongly.

7] If adapter (4) was removed, use anew copper washer (5) and coat theadapter with gear oil #90 and tightenit.2 Threaded part of adapter:

Gear oil (#90)3 Adapter:

37 ± 4 Nm {3.8 ± 0.4 kgm}8] Start the engine and check that there

is no leakage.For the testing procedure, see Testingand adjusting, “Testing fuel system forleakage”.

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28 114E-3 Series

36. Common rail and pipingk Do not bend the high-pressure pipe to

collect before installing.k Be sure to use the genuine high-pres-

sure pipe clamps and observe thetightening torque.

k Install each high-pressure pipe and wir-ing harness at least 10 mm apart fromeach other.

a When installing each high-pressure pipe,check the taper seal of its joint (Part (a):Part of 2 mm from the end) for visiblelengthwise slit (b) and spot (c) and checkpart (d) (End of taper seal: Part at 2 mmfrom the end) for stepped-type wearcaused by fatigue which your nail can feel.If there is any of those defects, it cancause fuel leakage. In this case, replacethe high-pressure pipe.

1) Install common rail (16) temporarily withmounting bolts (17) (Tighten the bolts byhand).

2) Tighten drain tube (18) temporarily.

3) Install tube (7) between the supply pumpand common rail.3 Nut: 37.3 ± 4 Nm {3.8 ± 0.4 kgm}

4) Install stay (15) and tighten clamp (14)temporarily.

5) Install tubes (1) – (6) between the com-mon rail and injector.3 Nut: 37.3 ± 4 Nm {3.8 ± 0.4 kgm}a When installing the tubes to the No.

1, No. 3, and No. 5 cylinders, discon-nect the wiring connector of the injec-tor wiring harness.

6) Tighten drain tube (18) permanently.3 Joint bolt:

24 ± 4 Nm {2.4 ± 0.4 kgm}7) Tighten common rail (16) permanently.

3 Joint bolt: 43.1 ± 4.0 Nm {4.4 ± 0.4 kgm}

8) Tighten clamp (14) permanently.9) Install bellows (8).

a Set the slits of each bellows out anddown.

a The bellows are installed so that fuelwill not spout over the hot parts of theengine and catch fire when it leaks forsome reason.

10) Fit the gasket and install head coverassembly (9).3 Head cover assembly mounting

bolt: 11.8 ± 1.96 Nm {1.2 ± 0.2 kgm}

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50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00464-01

114E-3 Series 29

37. Electrical intake air heater and air intakeconnector1) Fit the gaskets to the top and bottom of

electrical intake air heater (3) and installthem.

2) Install air intake connector assembly (2)with bolts (1).

38. Exhaust manifold and turbocharger1) Fit the gaskets and install exhaust mani-

folds (4) and (5). Tighten the mountingbolts in the numerical order shown below:[1] o [12]

3 Tightening order of bolts:1] Tighten all the bolts to

24 ± 4 Nm {2.4 ± 0.4 kgm}.2] Retighten only bolts [1] – [4] in

the figure to 24 ± 4 Nm {2.4 ±0.4 kgm} in the order of theirnumbers.

3] Tighten all the bolts to 43 ± 6 Nm {4.4 ± 0.6 kgm}.

4] Retighten only bolts [1] – [4] inthe figure to 43 ± 6 Nm {4.4 ±0.6 kgm} in the numericalorder.

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30 114E-3 Series

2) Fit the gasket and install turbochargerassembly (3).3 Mounting nut:

45 ± 7 Nm {4.6 ± 0.7 kgm}3) Install lubrication hose (1) and drain hose

(2).3 Lubrication hose nut:

35.3 ± 4.9 Nm {3.6 ± 0.5 kgm}3 Drain hose clamping bolt:

24 ± 4 Nm {2.4 ± 0.4 kgm}

39. ThermostatFit the O-ring and install thermostat (1).

40. Coolant connector1) Install coolant outlet connector (1).2) Fit the gasket and install coolant inlet con-

nector (2).3 Mounting bolt:

24 ± 4 Nm {2.4 ± 0.4 kgm}

41. Alternator1) Install brackets (3) and (4).2) Install alternator (1) with mounting bolts

(5) and (6).3 Mounting bolt (5):

43 ± 6 Nm {4.4 ± 0.6 kgm}3 Mounting bolt (6):

24 ± 4 Nm {2.4 ± 0.4 kgm}

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42. Belt tensionerInstall belt tensioner (2) with mounting bolt (1).

43. Idler roller and hanging plate1) Install hanging plate (1) with bolt (2).

q Install only 1 bolt.2) Install idler roller (3) with bolt (4).

q Clamp the hanging plate, too.

44. Vibration damper1) Install vibration damper (4).

3 Mounting bolt:200 ± 10 Nm {20 ± 1.0 kgm}

2) Install pulley (3).

45. Fan belt and wiring harness1) Install fan belt (1).q Insert a wrench to the portion (A) (width

across flats T 12.7 mm) of the tensionerassembly (2), and rotate it to the oppositeto the winding-up direction to decrease thefan belt (1) tension.k Make sure that the wrench is

secured at the portion (A) beforerotating it. (The spring of the ten-sioner assembly (2) is strong. If thewrench is loosely inserted, thewrench may accidentally come offwhi le being rota ted and i t i sextremely dangerous.)

k Install the fan belt (1), return thetensioner assembly (2) slowly withcare.

k Be careful not to get your fingerscaught between the pulley and fanbelt (1) during work.

2) Install wiring harness (3).a Check that the clearance between

wiring harness (3) and fan belt (1) is15 mm or wider.

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32 114E-3 Series

46. Removal from engine repair stand1) Sling engine assembly (1) temporarily and

disconnect it from repair stand A.4 Engine assembly: Approx. 800 kg

(Weight depends on each applica-ble machine)

2) Remove tool B.

3) Place and fix engine assembly (1) on sta-ble engine stand [1].

4) Install plates (3) and (5).5) Install ground wire (4) of the main control-

ler to plate (3).

47. Muffler1) Install plate (1).

2) Install plate (2) and block (3).3) Install tube (4).

3 Clamp: 6.9 – 8.8 Nm {0.7 – 0.9 kgm}

4) Install muffler assembly (5).

48. Refilling with oil1) Check that the engine oil drain plug is

tightened.2) Add oil through the oil filler to the specified


5 Engine oil pan: Approx. 24 l

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KOMATSU 114E-3 Series Diesel engine

Form No. SEN00464-01

© 2007 KOMATSUAll Rights ReservedPrinted in Japan 05-07 (01)

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