Sal r1a гидроакустический корреляционный лаг инструкция

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Summary of Contents for Consilium SAL R1a

  • Page 1
    Manual SAL R1a Speed log Doc ID 703810D0  Consilium Marine & Safety AB…
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810D0 T able of Contents Section Description Doc ID Introduction 703820 Table of Sections and purpose of this manual. (This document.) A General Information 703821 Introduction, Technical Specifications, Basic information of the system. B User Manual…
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    However, equipment may sometimes fail or work outside its performance specification due to component malfunction or depending on other factors. Consilium Marine & Safety will not take any responsibility if this equipment is used in such a way that it’s normal or abnormal function causes damage or creates situations that can be dangerous.
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    Text for back of binder: çConsilium SAL R1a Speed Log System Manual, Doc ID 703810D0 Consilium Marine & Safety AB  Consilium Marine & Safety AB…
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    SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 SAL R1a Section A General Doc ID 703821C0  Consilium Marine & Safety AB…
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 Revision: Date Version Author Comment 2005-04-20 Created 2005-05-16 New dimension drawings for ELC and LDU 2005-05-31 Pictures added. Bottom valve installations. 2005-09-02 Text corrected 6.2.5 TRU inspection 2005-10-07 Sec. B and C changed to separate documents 2007-05-16 LPU added as optional distribution device.
  • Page 7: Table Of Contents

    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section A: GENERAL Table of contents ……………………3 Introduction ……………………4 Warnings ……………………. 5 Handling ……………………6 1.2.1 Shipping ………………….6 1.2.2 Storage …………………… 6 1.2.3 Handling ………………….6 Technical Specifications ………………..7 Basic System ………………….

  • Page 8: Section A: General

    SAL R1a • general Shipping and Storing recommendations which are conditions of warranty • the SAL R1a Technical Specification to be used as a fact and reference chapter and • the Basic System Information which we highly recommend to read before starting any work with the SAL R1a speed log Doc ID: 703821C0,_SAL_R1a_Section_A_General.docx…

  • Page 9: Warnings

    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 1.1 Warnings Lethal Warning! Voltages within this equipment are sufficiently high to endanger life. Covers are not to be removed, except by persons qualified and authorized to do so, and these persons should always take extreme care once the covers have been removed.

  • Page 10: Handling

    • The content of the goods shall also be compared with the Packing List. Complaints regarding the shipped content must be sent to Consilium Marine & Safety AB within seven days from goods arrival to the addressee. 1.2.2 Storage…

  • Page 11: Technical Specifications

    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 2 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SAL R1a System performance data Working principle: Acoustic correlation Operating frequencies: 3.8 MHz – 4.2 MHz Measuring distance: 130 mm from the surface of the transducer. Speed Range: +/- 50 knots sensed speed Speed Accuracy: Better than 1% or 0.1 knots relative to sensed…

  • Page 12: Sd4-3, One Axis Stw And Distance Serial Display

    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 Environmental specification Enclosure protection: IP66 Environmental: IEC 60945, protected class Heat dissipation (max) = Power consumption Recommended operating 0°C to +40° C temperature: Extreme operating humidity: Less than 93 % RH (non-condensing) at 40°C 2.1.2 SD4-3, One axis STW and distance serial display…

  • Page 13: Mounting Set Single Bottom Sea Valve (Mssbsv)

    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 Electrical specification Acoustic frequency: ~ 4 MHz Environmental specification Environmental: IEC 60945, submerged class 2.1.4 Mounting Set Single Bottom Sea Valve (MSSBSV) Part number: 71-21540-00 Mechanical specification Height: 480 mm Diameter, hull bottom flange:…

  • Page 14: Mounting Set Single Bottom (Mssb)

    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 2.2.2 Mounting Set Single Bottom (MSSB) Part number: 71-21520-01 Mechanical specification Height: 210 mm Diameter: 168 mm Minimum height to change TRU: 480 mm Material Top cover SS5204 (Gun metal) Bottom flange / TRU housing SS 2142/2172 ( S355JR, St52.3N)

  • Page 15: Basic System Information

    Speed Log, designed for measuring longitudinal speed and distance through water on ships of all kinds and sizes. The SAL R1a system is designed without moving parts and the sensor is flush mounted without extending below the hull. The Speed Log works in principle like two small, synchronized echo sounders built together, comparing echoes from water particles close to the hull.

  • Page 16
    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 Extension/distribution options: • When the ELC is installed far away from the bridge, e.g. the forepeak, and/or when a large number of repeaters and other speed data receivers are needed, it is recommended to install a NMEA 1N4B Buffer, and or a NMEA N2P Converter unit.
  • Page 17
    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 Typical installation – extended design Typical installations – extended design with NMEA 1N4B Buffer, NMEA N2P Converter. (Optionally an LPU2 Log Processing Unit can be used as distribution device.) Doc ID: 703821C0,_SAL_R1a_Section_A_General.docx 13 (14)
  • Page 18: Operation, Boundary Layer Effect, Calibration And Adverse Conditions

    3.2 Operation, boundary layer effect, calibration and adverse conditions This part is found in the section D, SAL R1a Technical description and menu system. 3.3 Data transmission / reception Speed and distance data are sent from the Water Track Unit (WTU) as serial IEC 61162-1 (NMEA) messages.

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    SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 SAL R1a Section B User Manual Doc ID 703822B0  Consilium Marine & Safety AB…
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 Revision: Date Version Author Comment 2005-10-07 Created, extracted from 703821B3 2006-11-17 Update to fit software D3, corrections in DIP switches 2007-06-07 LPU added as optional distribution device, V- menus added 2009-02-05 Menus corresponds to SW 700210E1 + editorial…
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    Table of contents ……………………. 3 Section B: USER MANUAL ………………..4 User Guide ……………………4 General …………………… 4 Daily use of SAL R1a ………………4 Alert messages ………………..5 Menu mode ………………….6 SD4-3 in Menu mode ………………7 Write and read only access …………….. 7 Menu functions ………………..
  • Page 22: Section B: User Manual

    SD4-3 is installed, one of them shall be designated as the Speed Log Master Display, which means that it is the remote display for the WTU menu in the SAL R1a speed log. This SD4-3 is to be labelled “Master”. Same SD4-3 display or another SD4-3 display can also remotely control other slave SD4 displays e.g.

  • Page 23: Alert Messages

    SAL speed log system. A list of Alert codes can be found in the Trouble Shooting Guide in this manual. The Alert mode is enabled as default in menu LP2.21. In this mode, Consilium proprietary $PSALW NMEA messages will be translated and displayed as Alerts on the SD4 mode window.

  • Page 24: Menu Mode

    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 ALERT 301 LPUIN5 STW SIMULATION The text “LPUIN5” is indicating that the Alert message is received on the LPU2 input No. 5 and will only appear when the SD4 is connected to an LPU2. The indication for…

  • Page 25: Sd4-3 In Menu Mode

    NB! Do not change to Write Access ON without special training. • R0 REMOTE DEV. On a designated Speed Log Master Display this menu provides access to a Remote Device, e.g. SAL R1a/ WTU menu structure. NB! Verify the setting in menu LS7, normally ON is default.

  • Page 26: Serial Remote Dimming Functions

    This part describes the calibration procedure. How to enter calibration values using the menu system is described in Section D. The SAL R1a has two major methods for calibrating the speed which refers to ship’s hull boundary layer affecting the water flow near the hull and past the transducer sensor surface.

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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 The system also has a function for compensating small differences in characteristics of individual transducers. This TRU calibration is a fixed compensation factor, TC. The TC factor is marked on the transducer body and on the transducer cable termination end.
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 • that all three draught condition factors are set to 0% (Menus C1 /C1.1)Menu C2); • the Multi-Point Calibration is DISABLED (Menu C3, default is ENABLED) if any points have entered values or just assure that all ten points are set to 0%;…
  • Page 29: Averaging Speed Constants

    The optional LPU2 software revion can be found in LPU2 menu system Menu M10. 2 SETTING UP GUIDE The SAL R1a Setting Up Procedure includes all steps after the Mechanical and Electrical Installations have been performed and up to the calibration of the speed log. (For calibration see User Guide.) The Setting Up Guide is limited to short instructions and we…

  • Page 30
    Also check that the transducer is correctly installed down in working position and longitudinally aligned. Set the SAL R1a Speed log to power, follow the procedure below and act accordingly. If a fault occurs or is detected, use the Trouble-Shooting Guide to analyse and eliminate the reason.
  • Page 31: Trouble-Shooting

    The third part consists of test methods, referred to in the second part, as help at fault finding. However, actions for analysing and fault finding incorporate knowledge and experience of SAL R1a Speed Log working principles and how to communicate with and navigate in the WTU menu (see Section D). Doc ID: 703822B0,_SAL_R1a_Section_B_User_Manual.docx…

  • Page 32: Alert Codes

    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 3.1 Alert codes 3.1.1 The Alert mode on the SD4 display is intended as support for service purposes and trouble-shooting of the SAL speed log system. Following is a list of Alert codes that may occur on a SAL R1a system.

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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 Alert Display text Note Alert if signal balance, i.e. the difference in signal strength between channels is too large. The signal balance can be read in real time using menu T3.1. Indicates problem with transducer or transducer connection.
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 3.1.3 Alert code 400 to 499, Log Processing Unit Alert Display text Note Normal operation Alarm occurs if NMEA input to LPU2 does not match expected NMEA input. Action: • Check that NMEA input match the default System mismatch configuration for the active inputs.
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 Alert Display text Note (X = Output 1..23) Alarm occurs if NMEA overflow on Out_X • Out_1, terminal 36 • Out_2, terminal 37 • Out_3-6, terminal 38-41 • Out_7, terminal 42 • Out_8, terminal 43 •…
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 Alert Display text Note (X = Input 1..9) Alarm occurs if NMEA corrupt or wrong baud rate on Input X. Indicates: • that the serial transmission is disturbed • that the sending unit is not ok •…
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 Alert Display text Note Alarm occurs if EEPROM read failure Indicates that modifications to default menu parameter settings are not permanently stored, and that default settings will be used at next power on.
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 Alert Display text Note Alarm occurs if Internal power fail +5V / Power fail +5V green LED CPU Board Doc ID: 703822B0,_SAL_R1a_Section_B_User_Manual.docx 20 (26)
  • Page 39: Possible Faults And Actions

    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 3.2 Possible faults and actions 1. R1a indicates wrong speed Reason Action The TRU is not aligned longitudinal Check the TRU according to TRU Mounting Inspection described below The log is set to wrong speed calibration Change calibration alternative.

  • Page 40: Test Methods

    6. R1a indicates speed only intermittently and between that, three dashes (- — -) in SD4-3 Speed Window Note! SAL R1a is primarily a longitudinal speed measuring system, thus this behaviour may be normal due to e.g. sharp/hard turning manoeuvring.

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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 3. Measuring relay contact Pulse outputs • Set R1a into speed simulation mode of 8 knots. • Connect a DMM set to resistance measurement to: 1) R1a terminals 8-9/Relay1. 2) R1a terminals 10-11/Relay2.
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 • Close the Sea Valve (assuring the retracted position of the TRU as above!), approximately 14 full turns of the hand wheel from fully open to fully closed valve. Observe the position indicator pin and feel the resistance when the valve gate comes to closed position.
  • Page 43: Jumper Settings

    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 If the TRU is equipped with a cable pin marked 3 (older TRUs), connect this pin to the grounding bar at the bottom of the cabinet (leave terminal 3 open, this may suppress external disturbances).

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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 This page is intentionally blank Doc ID: 703822B0,_SAL_R1a_Section_B_User_Manual.docx 26 (26)
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    SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 SAL R1a Section C Installation Manual Doc ID 703824B0  Consilium Marine & Safety AB…
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 Revisions: Date Version Author Comment 2005-10-07 Created, extracted from doc 703821B3 2007-05-16 LPU added as optional distribution device 2009-02-09 Corrosion protection during transport and storage, editorial, new SD4 diode 2009-09-14 Added standby STW. Menu functions revised…
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    Speed Log Master Display …………….43 Menu Mode ………………..46 SD4-3 in Menu Mode ……………… 47 Write and read only access …………….47 Menu functions ……………….. 47 Standby STW ………………..47 Menu function summary …………….49  Consilium Marine & Safety AB…
  • Page 48: Transducer Locating Principles

    An optimized transducer unit (TRU) installation is of primary importance to achieve proper performance of the speed log system (See Basic System Information). Selecting correct TRU location shall be done in co-operation with Consilium Marine & Safety AB. It is recommended to send General Arrangement (GA) drawings, showing suggested TRU installation, to Consilium Marine &…

  • Page 49: Bottom Parts / Tru Installation

    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 Note: The Bottom part forms a part of the ship’s hull. Therefore a licensed welder, approved by the appropriate classification society, shall carry out the welding work. 2 BOTTOM PARTS / TRU INSTALLATION 2.1 Installation of MSSBSV (Mounting Set Single Bottom Sea…

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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 2. MSSBSV kit parts for assembly inside the hull 3. MSSBSV TRU-mounting units with connecting tube 4. TRU with cable The TRU assembly has four distinctive parts. A. Pre-fabricated cable terminations, transport protected in a plastic bag.
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 The figure below shows how the components fit together. Packing V-shaped (2 pcs) 00-00500-19 Cable gland assy C/T R1 71-21533-00 Connecting tube 300mm R1 71-21507-00 Screw M6S M12x50 (4 pcs) 71-21539-00 Tube bracket R1…
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 2.1.3 Sea Valve Mounting and Assembly The bottom flange must first be welded into a hole cut in the ship’s bottom. 1. Cut a circular hole, diameter 170 mm (+10 / -0 mm) at the selected TRU position.
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 Flat faces towards starboard ˜ 265 Ø168 Doc ID: 703824B0,_SAL_R1a_Section_C_Installation_Manual.docx 9 (52)
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 After mounting the parts form the MSSBSV (Mounting Set Single Bottom Sea Valve) assembly. MSSBSV assembly, side view (without TRU) MSSBSV assembly, bottom view (without TRU) Doc ID: 703824B0,_SAL_R1a_Section_C_Installation_Manual.docx 10 (52)
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 2.1.4 Transducer unit (TRU) Assembly See figures below. 1. Verify that the small O-ring (factory mounted) is fitted on the TRU. 2. Temporarily remove the protective plastic bag from the cable terminations. Assure that the cable ends are not damaged during the following steps.
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 MSSBSV Transducer unit (TRU) assembly 2.1.5 Transducer assembly Installation 1. Carefully insert the TRU assembly into the sea valve assembly, making sure that the sea valve is fully open. Do not use excessive force; this could easily damage the transmitter/receiver components at the sensor surface of the TRU.
  • Page 57
    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 Alignment of the Transducer unit (TRU) Fore Connecting Tube Guide bar (held against flat on viewed from above Connecting Tube) «SB» Starboard side Ship’s keel line Stern Alignment of the transducer unit (TRU) 2.1.6 Running the Transducer unit (TRU) cable After the TRU has been mechanically mounted, the cable should be securely fastened to the bulkhead all the way to the mounting place for the ELC.
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    If the cable is accidentally cut, Consilium Marine & Safety AB must be consulted for instructions. To make sure that the SAL R1a performance is not affected the cable shall not be laid close to other high voltage cables (440 VAC or more) or other high power or high frequency cables (e.g.
  • Page 59: Installation Of Msdbsv (Mounting Set Double Bottom Sea Valve)

    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 2.2 Installation of MSDBSV (Mounting Set Double Bottom Sea Valve) The Mounting Set Double Bottom Sea Valve assembly is suitable for ships where a mounting position cannot be found directly in the bottom hull plating. The sea valve provides retraction of the TRU without dry-docking or diver assistance.

  • Page 60
    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 2. MSDBSV kit parts for assembly inside the hull, above the tank top. 3. MSDBSV TRU- mounting units with connecting tube. The connecting tube has to be ordered to the correct length according to the table further below.
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 The figure below shows how the components, Intermediate Tube and Blanking Plate fit together. Packing V-shaped (2 pcs) 00-00500-19 Cable gland assy C/T R1 71-21533-00 Connecting tube R1 71-21507-XX Screw M6S M12x50 (4 pcs)
  • Page 62
    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 2.2.3 Intermediate Tube and Blanking Plate manufacturing Before the sea valve can be installed, an intermediate tube penetrating the tank/double bottom, and a blanking plate for the tank top, must be made. (Yard supply) 1.
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 Tank height T Intermediate TRU connecting tube tube length (mm) (mm) Tube length (mm) Part number Below 700 1000 71 — 21507-01 701 — 900 1000 1200 71 — 21507-02 901 — 1100 1200…
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 Thicknes same as tank top Ø72 Blanking plate dimensions (Shipyard supply) Upper flange Weld Blanking plate Tank top Intermediate tube Weld Bottom flange Ship’s hull Welding intermediate tube Doc ID: 703824B0,_SAL_R1a_Section_C_Installation_Manual.docx 20 (52)
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 2.2.4 Sea Valve Mounting and Assembly The bottom flange must first be welded into a hole cut in the ship’s bottom hull. 1. Cut a circular hole (diameter 170 mm, +10 / — 0 mm) at the selected TRU position in the hull.
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 into the blanking plate, down into the tank double bottom, until meeting and entering the bottom flange. 6. Align the intermediate tube at straight angle to the bottom flange and complete welding to the bottom flange, tank top / blanking plate and blanking plate / intermediate tube.
  • Page 67
    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 2.2.5 Transducer unit (TRU) Assembly See figures below. 1. Verify that the small O- ring (factory mounted) is fitted on the TRU. 2. Temporarily remove Cable gland assy complete the protective plastic 71-21533-00 bag from the cable…
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 MSDBSV transducer unit (TRU) assembly 2.2.6 Transducer assembly Installation 1. Carefully insert the TRU assembly into the sea valve assembly, making sure that the sea valve is fully open. Do not use excessive force, this could easily damage the transmitter/receiver components at the sensor surface of the TRU.
  • Page 69
    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 Alignment of the Transducer unit (TRU) Fore Connecting Tube Guide bar (held against flat on viewed from above Connecting Tube) «SB» Starboard side Ship’s keel line Stern Alignment of the transducer TRU 2.2.7 Running the Transducer unit (TRU) cable After the TRU has been mechanically mounted, the cable should be securely fastened to the bulkhead all the way to the mounting place for the ELC.
  • Page 70
    If the cable is accidentally cut, Consilium Marine & Safety AB must be consulted for instructions. To make sure that the SAL R1a performance is not affected the cable shall not be laid close to other high voltage cables (440 VAC or more) or other high power or high frequency cables (e.g.
  • Page 71: Installation Of Mssb (Mounting Set Single Bottom)

    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 2.3 Installation of MSSB (Mounting Set Single Bottom) The Mounting Set Single Bottom assembly is suitable for small ships, which can be easily dry-docked or lifted out of the water, where a mounting location can be found directly in the bottom hull plating.

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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 1. MSSB kit parts for welding in the hull and mounting from outside and inside the hull 2. Transducer unit (TRU) with cable The TRU assembly has four distinctive parts. A. Pre-fabricated cable terminations, transport protected in a plastic bag.
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 After mounting the kit forms the MSSB (Mounting Set Single Bottom) assembly. The MSSB assembly Doc ID: 703824B0,_SAL_R1a_Section_C_Installation_Manual.docx 29 (52)
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 The complete assembly and its overall dimensions are shown in the following figure. Punch mark indicate FWD Ship’s hull Ø168 Bottom flange MSSB dimensions Doc ID: 703824B0,_SAL_R1a_Section_C_Installation_Manual.docx 30 (52)
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 Cable Galnd with O-ring 71-21533-00 Nut M6M M12 A4 (8 pcs) 03-02508-00 Washer DIN 9021 A4 13x37x3 (4 pcs) 701472 Top Cover SAL R1 71-21524-00 O-Ring 74.5×3 71-21531-00 Studscrew PS M12x52 A4 (4 pcs)
  • Page 76
    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 2.3.3 TRU Housing Mounting and installation The TRU housing must first be welded into a hole cut in the ship bottom. 1. Cut a circular hole, diameter 170 mm (+10 / -0 mm) at the selected TRU position.
  • Page 77
    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 8. Fit the large O- ring into the circular recess in the top cover. Insert the TRU assembly carefully into the housing, assuring the O-ring position and making sure that TRU locates correctly in the guide ring. Ensure that the flat mark, SB, on the top cover hub faces towards starboard (see figure further below).
  • Page 78
    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 Alignment of the Transducer unit (TRU) Fore MSSB Top Cover Guide bar (held against “SB” viewed from above flat on MSSB Top Cover) «SB» Starboard side Ship’s keel line Stern Transducer unit (TRU) orientation 2.3.5 Running the Transducer Unit (TRU) Cable…
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    If the cable is accidentally cut, Consilium Marine & Safety AB must be consulted for instructions. To make sure that the SAL R1a performance is not affected the cable shall not be laid close to other high voltage cables (440 VAC or more) or other high power or high frequency cables (e.g.
  • Page 80: Elc, Electronics Unit Installation

    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 3 ELC, ELECTRONICS UNIT INSTALLATION 3.1 Mechanical installation Selecting location • It must be possible to lay the 30 m (alt. 40 m) cable from the TRU in such a way that it can be dismounted in case of a TRU replacement.

  • Page 81: Electrical Installation

    0735 SAL R1a Main Unit — ELC Part No 703800 é Consilium Consilium Navigation AB, Stockholm, SWEDEN Sealing washer outside (4x) Ground bolt Dimensions 6 mm steel screws shall be used for mounting. Smaller screws will not stand the long- term load! Use Teflon sealing washers supplied to maintain water tightness.

  • Page 82
    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 1. A solid connection shall be made between the ship’s metal hull structure and the ground bolt at the bottom of the ELC cabinet. The cable area of this connection shall be at least 10 mm², preferably using copper braid.
  • Page 83
    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 Terminal Signal name Function TRU ch1 Transducer connection TRU ch1 Transducer connection TRU gnd Not to be connected TRU ch2 Transducer connection TRU ch2 Transducer connection 0VDC Signal ground 200 p/NM relay1 Speed information (200 contact closures / NM)
  • Page 84
    The SD4 display(s) are described in separate sections. A maximum of 10 SD4 displays can be connected in parallel to the NMEA output. A maximum of 4 SD4 displays are also possible to power directly from the SAL R1a ELC VDC output.
  • Page 85: Set-Up Guide

    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 4 SET-UP GUIDE The Set-Up procedure includes all steps after the mechanical and electrical installations have been performed and up to the calibration of the speed log. (For calibration details refer to User Guide.) The Set-Up Guide is limited to short instructions and it is therefore recommended to use it as a check list.

  • Page 86: Sd4-3 Display Installation

    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 SD4-3 DISPLAY INSTALLATION 5.1 Mechanical installation The display can be mounted on any flat panel or surface. The four mounting holes enable mounting of the display with four supplied M5 screws from the front using supplied M5 nuts on the backside or alternatively M5 threaded holes in the panel.

  • Page 87: Electrical Installation

    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 5.2 Electrical Installation Consider the ship’s specific wiring diagram, depending on which units are included in the complete scope of supply. List of connections The list of terminal Nos. and connections is labelled on backside of the unit.

  • Page 88
    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 5.3.1 Positioning of the Speed Log Master Display The Speed Log Master Display is preferably positioned on the bridge where it can be accessed without interfering with the normal operation of the ship, for example at the chart table.
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 5.3.3 Positioning of the labels In every shipment of a SAL speed log a set of two labels are included inside the Speed Log Main Unit – ELC. The installation company shall place these labels on and/or adjacent to the dedicated Speed Log Master Display.
  • Page 90: Menu Mode

    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 5.4 Menu Mode The Mode window of the SD4-3 Display can also be set to Menu mode. The Menu mode is used for internal settings of the display and when SD4-3 is used as a remote display for other units e.g.

  • Page 91: Sd4-3 In Menu Mode

    NB! Do not change to Write Access ON without special training. • R0 REMOTE DEV. On a designated Speed Log Master Display this menu provides access to a Remote Device, e.g. SAL R1a/ WTU menu structure. NB! Verify the setting in menu LS7, normally ON is default.

  • Page 92
    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 STW ACTIVE [-+] FOR STANDBY Press and release both DIM buttons, (- and +) simultaneously to deactivate the STW Speed Log. When deactivated the Mode window will show: STW DEACTIVATED ANY KEY TO START To start/activate the STW Speed Log, press any key.
  • Page 93: Menu Function Summary

    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 5.9 Menu function summary Menu no. Menu name Default setting Function SD4-3 SD4-4 BASIC SD4- LOCAL MENU PROPERTIES Select properties menu SD4 TYPE X = defines type of display, SD4- [X] e.g. SD4-1..SD4-4 (factory…

  • Page 94
    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 RESET TOTAL LPA.01 RESET TOT YES = resets internal total CONFIRM [NO] distance counter(s) of the SD4 to zero. SET DEFAULT MENU PARAMETERS LPB.01 RESET MEN YES = resets all menu CONFIRM [NO] parameters in the SD4 to default values.
  • Page 95
    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 REMOTE DEV Access to menu system in CONNECT remote device(s). (LS7 defines if this menu shall be enabled) DEVICE 1 OF X X: number of available <NAME> (<ID>) remote device(s). NAME: name of the remote device.
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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual No. 703810 This page is intentionally blank Doc ID: 703824B0,_SAL_R1a_Section_C_Installation_Manual.docx 52 (52)
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    SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 SAL R1a Section D Accessories Technical manuals Doc ID 703826B0  Consilium Marine & Safety AB…
  • Page 98
    LPU2, NMEA Units added and LPU and LDU removed as optional distribution device. 2013-11-29 Editorial changes and clarifications, 1N4B replaces 1N4. SD4ED revised, SDP & SD4SA deleted. Re-arranged Revisions/Contents, etc. 2014-06-19 Added Technical manuals to section Doc ID:703826B0, SAL R1a Section D Accessories.doc 2 (20)
  • Page 99
    N2P / NMEA to Pulse Converter …………..13 SD4-4, General instrument ……………… 15 SIA-2-8, Analogue Speed Indicator …………..17 Installation ………………..18 DIMMER POTENTIOMETER for SIA-2-8 …………19 Installation ………………..19 Doc ID:703826B0, SAL R1a Section D Accessories.doc 3 (20)
  • Page 100: Sd4 Bmb, Bulkhead Mounting Box

    An SD4 display can be mounted directly on an indoor or outdoor bulkhead by using a BMB (Bulkhead Mounting Box). Using supplied screws, nylon washers and properly tighten the cable gland will make the assembly watertight. Outline dimensions Ø6,6mm M5x30(x4) M5(x4) Doc ID:703826B0, SAL R1a Section D Accessories.doc 4 (20)

  • Page 101: Sd4Eb, Extension Board

    SD4EB. The two relay contacts can now be utilised via terminals #1-4 on the SD4EB. Connections SD4EB Note Terminal 1 Relay 1 normally open Terminal 2 Terminal 3 Relay 2 normally open Terminal 4 Doc ID:703826B0, SAL R1a Section D Accessories.doc 5 (20)

  • Page 102
    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 Outline dimensions Doc ID:703826B0, SAL R1a Section D Accessories.doc 6 (20)
  • Page 103: Sd4Ed, External Dimmer Switch

    It is therefore recommended to use serial Remote DIM message when two or more displays shall be dimmed to the same brightness. Doc ID:703826B0, SAL R1a Section D Accessories.doc 7 (20)

  • Page 104: Installation

    3.1 Installation Connections to SD4 10-pole connector SD4ED Function Terminal 7 Terminal 3 Dim down Terminal 8 Terminal 1 Dim up Terminal 9 Terminal 2 0 VDC Outline dimensions and panel cut-out Doc ID:703826B0, SAL R1a Section D Accessories.doc 8 (20)

  • Page 105: Sd4 Sdr2, Remote Control Panel

    Function Terminal 6 Terminal 1 In 1 Terminal 7 Terminal 2 In 2 Terminal 8 Terminal 3 In 3 Terminal 9 Terminal 5 0 VDC Terminal 10 Terminal 6 10-32 VDC Doc ID:703826B0, SAL R1a Section D Accessories.doc 9 (20)

  • Page 106
    Art No. 703810 Outline dimensions and panel cut-out 1 2 3 4 5 6 15.5 Test Press 2 sec Reset Trip/ Mode Trip Total é Consilium 1 2 3 4 5 6 Doc ID:703826B0, SAL R1a Section D Accessories.doc 10 (20)
  • Page 107: Nmea Units

    The unit has four RS422/485 based output pairs. Each output will drive several NMEA 0183/IEC 61162-1/-2-compliant inputs. The output drivers are galvanically isolated from the power source, but the NMEA 0183/IEC 61162-1/-2 standard requires all receiver/listener inputs to be opto-isolated. Doc ID:703826B0, SAL R1a Section D Accessories.doc 11 (20)

  • Page 108
    (typically 6 mA) with open outputs. Dimensions Boxed 68.5 x 111 x 22 mm. Connectors Phoenix screw terminals, accepting up to 1.5 mm² cable. Environmental Meets or exceeds IEC 60945 class “Protected” Doc ID:703826B0, SAL R1a Section D Accessories.doc 12 (20)
  • Page 109: N2P / Nmea To Pulse Converter

    The unit can be used in two distinct modes: Auto mode and Select mode. Auto mode is default (no jumpers fitted) and will self-detect and adapt to incoming NMEA-messages, thus generally to be used in SAL speed log installations. Doc ID:703826B0, SAL R1a Section D Accessories.doc 13 (20)

  • Page 110
    Boxed 68.5 x 111 x 22 mm. Connectors Phoenix screw terminals, accepting up to 1.5 mm² cable. Environmental Meets or exceeds IEC 60945 class “Protected” Outline dimensions for 1N4B & N2P Doc ID:703826B0, SAL R1a Section D Accessories.doc 14 (20)
  • Page 111: Sd4-4, General Instrument

    The “Mode” window can display selected information, e.g. distance counters, speed, etc., depending on which modes are enabled in the instrument set-up. Refer to Section C Installation under headlines “Menu Mode” and “Menu function summary” as described for SD4-3. Doc ID:703826B0, SAL R1a Section D Accessories.doc 15 (20)

  • Page 112
    NMEA B in NMEA A out NMEA B out Pulse output SDR2 SDR2 / Ext Dim — SDR2 / Ext Dim + 0 VDC 10..32 VDC (12 or 24 VDC nominal) Doc ID:703826B0, SAL R1a Section D Accessories.doc 16 (20)
  • Page 113: Sia-2-8, Analogue Speed Indicator

    Sheet plate, phenol-plastic Enclosure protection: Not specified Colour: Black Operating temperature: 0° to +40C Operating Humidity: Less than 93 % RH (non-condensing) at 40°C (Wheelmark is omitted on currently delivered indicators) Doc ID:703826B0, SAL R1a Section D Accessories.doc 17 (20)

  • Page 114: Installation

    The display shall be panel mounted in indoor climate. The display unit is not splash proof or weather proof. The overall dimensions and mounting details for the SIA-2-8 unit are given in the figure below: Doc ID:703826B0, SAL R1a Section D Accessories.doc 18 (20)

  • Page 115: Dimmer Potentiometer For Sia-2-8

    The SIA-2-8 cannot be dimmed from an SD4 display but must be provided with a separately dimmer controlled 15-48 V AC or DC backlight power. The backlight power can be taken from the R1a ELC or LDU/LPU2. Doc ID:703826B0, SAL R1a Section D Accessories.doc 19 (20)

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    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 Doc ID:703826B0, SAL R1a Section D Accessories.doc 20 (20)
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    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 WTU-Assy Technical Manual including Menu system Doc ID. 702314D1 1 (26)
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    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 Revisions 2012-05-23 PA0 JL Created document 703846 2013-10-03 D0 Adapted to document 702314 for printed manuals 2014-06-19 D1 STE Typographical corrections, deleted1.3 and various corrections/SGu 2014-07- 2 (26)
  • Page 119
    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 Contents Introduction ……………………4 Basic Functional Description ………………. 4 Definitions and abbreviations ………………4 Technical Specification …………………. 5 Performance data ………………….5 Electrical specification ………………… 5 User interfaces ……………………. 5 Principle of Operation ………………….7 Acoustic transmission/reception ………………
  • Page 120: Introduction

    WTU – Assy is an electronic Speed and Distance Measuring Equipment board designed to be used in both Consilium SAL R1a STW logs and SAL T-series combo logs. To create a working log the WTU –Assy docks to a motherboard within the logs ELC where the measuring sensor (transducer), speed indicators and optional repeaters are also connected.

  • Page 121: Technical Specification

    IEC 61162-1 / NMEA0183. Serial driver RS 422; max load 100 ohm (10 SD4-displays) Analogue Speed output: 0.1 V/knots (load max 5 mA) (SAL R1a only) Relay outputs: 2 x 200 p/NM contact closure, (30V/30mA or15V/100mA (SAL R1a only) recommended max load)

  • Page 122
    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 LED is turned off if FIFO is full or an internal error occurred. LED 9 => Data read OK, LED is turned off if FIFO overflows. LED (notification): ALERT => LED is turned on as soon as a system alert is detected.
  • Page 123: Principle Of Operation

    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 3 Principle of Operation 3.1 Acoustic transmission/reception 3.1.1 Transmitter The transducer will send two parallel sine waves into the water. During normal operation the forward crystal (TRU cables 1 and 2) will alter between frequencies 3.800 MHz, 3.875 MHz and 3.950 MHz while the astern crystal (TRU cables 4 and 5) will alter between frequencies…

  • Page 124: Signal Processing

    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 Ship’s direction Transducer Hull ½ echo delay time ½ receiver duration Relative water flow Figure 2 Active echo volumes The signals received can be regarded as two times nine layers of ”snapshots” of the flow of particles under the ship.

  • Page 125
    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 Ship´s hull Ship´s Speed Next to hull: Relative water speed = 0 Inside At 1/2 boundary layer: Boundary Relative water speed = 90%U Layer Relative water Speed At boundary layer edge: Relative water speed = 100%U…
  • Page 126: Functional Description

    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 4 Functional Description 4.1 WTU – Assy user interface Configuration of log functions may be performed using the built-in menu system in WTU – Assy. The menu system is accessed using the Speed Log Master Display.

  • Page 127: Menu System

    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 4.2.4 Self-Diagnosis After ten speed measurements the self-diagnosis is performed. The self-diagnosis checks: • Transmitter • Receiver • Internal signal data paths • ADC (Analogue to Digital Converter) • High speed (LVDS) interface integrity •…

  • Page 128
    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 Mode Esc. Menu Enter Mode: “1st button from left”. Will inform which remote device is connected in remote mode. Esc: “2nd button from left”. The Escape function is used in the “Remote Device menu”…
  • Page 129
    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 Below follows an example of a menu walk in the R0 REMOTE DEV menu: R0 REMOTE DEV CONNECT Press Enter to search for remote devices SYNCHRONISING (counting down from 3) Wait 3 seconds while all available devices are found. Press Menu to see next available remote device in list if more than one device is found.
  • Page 130: Wtu — Assy Menus

    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 4.4 WTU – Assy menus The function of each menu in the WTU – Assy is defined below. 4.4.1 Root Menu This is the «default» menu, which is shown when entering the menu system. If left in any other menu, the system will return to this menu after 5 minutes of idling.

  • Page 131
    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 A0 ALERT WRITE ACCESS OFF A1 TOTAL UPTIME 12D:13H:14M Menu A1 shows WTU – Assy total uptime in days, hours and minutes. A2 ALERT HISTORY — OR + TO SCROLL Menu A2 shows the 10 latest alerts within WTU – Assy.
  • Page 132
    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 4.4.4 Menu C, Calibration The calibration menus are used to change calibration parameters for WTU – Assy. To be able to make changes to sub-menus write access must be activated (changed to ON) before menu is entered.
  • Page 133
    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 the speed used at the calibration run). Then press Enter to go to the next level. C3.111 CAL-VALUE 10.0KN 23.45% Use – and + to set calibration value and Enter to save.
  • Page 134
    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 NOTE: the distance counter values are sent as $VDVLW messages on the serial output. M5 TRIP DISTANCE DIST=45.30 NM The trip distance counter is reset with this menu. Reset value by pressing Enter.
  • Page 135
    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 S6 LOCK TIMEOUT TIME= 20 SECONDS Menu S6 controls maximum lock time, i.e. how long the latest speed value is kept if new measured speed is invalid. Use –+ or +– to change lock timeout and then Enter to save.
  • Page 136
    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 Note!! The real measured speed to all systems and displays on the ship will be replaced by the simulated speed. T1.1 SIMULATION SIM.SPD=8.00KN In menu T1.1 the simulated speed may be changed.
  • Page 137
    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 Use + to change menu to ENABLED and then Enter to start the test and go to next sub-level where the test result will be displayed. T4.1 LOOP TEST 0 : 82 : 0 The loop test generates transmit signals that are looped back to the receiver and then correlated.
  • Page 138
    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 4.4.8 Menu V, View menus End user and service personnel are intended to use these menus to gather statistics since last power-on. Press Enter to go into sub-menus. All menus are read only.
  • Page 139: Menu Function Summary

    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 4.5 Menu function summary The list is included for fast indexing. Menus in bold font are main menus. Menus with access level “Expert” are not visible in “All Users” mode. “Expert” menus are only for development purpose. Only instructed personnel are intended to use these menus.

  • Page 140
    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 Access Name Default Function Level PARAMETERS Expert Set Parameters menus Expert Set working mode of the log. Measure type Auto Expert Particle mode Enabled Enable/disable PARTICLE as one of the toggling modes during TEST mode…
  • Page 141
    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 Access Name Default Function Level SETTINGS All Users Select Settings menus All Users Set averaging time constant in seconds for Average Low low speed range All Users Threshold Speed limit between low and high averaging Low-Hi time constant.
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    çConsilium WTU-Assy, Technical Manual inc Meny system 702314D1 This page is intentionally blank. 26 (26)
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    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA LPU2 Technical Manual Incl. installation, setting up and maintenance guidelines Document No. 704531 1 (56)
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    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA Revisions 2006-09-14 A0 Created 2007-09-18 B0 Document changed from Technical manual to Manual outline 2008-02-12 B1 Changed back to Technical Manual. First sharp edition. 2008-02-15 B2 Menu_O: BTR, relay+opto out MAIN and REDUN. 2008-07-01 B3 T- menues, Distances TRU2, Error codes in Alert-menus.
  • Page 145
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA Contents Introduction ……………………4 General ……………………..4 Definitions and abbreviations ………………4 Principle of operation ………………….. 4 Block Diagram ……………………. 6 Technical Specification …………………. 7 Mechanical installation ………………….. 8 Dimensions ……………………8 Cabinet location ………………….. 8 Cable inlet with EMC protection and cable support …………
  • Page 146: Introduction

    TRIP Trip distance counter TOTAL Total distance counter SAL T-series Combined SOG and STW log Electrical cabinet (SAL R1a, T1, T2, T2s, T2+, T3, T3+) Echo sounder display, first generation ESD2 Echo sounder display, 2 generation 1.3 Principle of operation The LPU2 distributes data between connected units (instruments etc.) in the SAL speed log…

  • Page 147
    Note 1: The SAL T1 or T2s system does not calculate transversal speed over ground and will therefore not be used in docking log systems. Note 2: When the LPU2 is used together with a SAL R1a (speed trough water log system), please disregard from all information referring to BT/SOG, transverse speed or docking log functionality.
  • Page 148: Block Diagram

    This block diagram shows the general layout of the system. Data is received from the SAL T-series speed log and the Rate Of Turn gyro, alternatively a SAL R1a speed log can be used if only speed through water is required. Processing is done in the LPU2, which also serves as data distribution/interfacing unit.

  • Page 149: Technical Specification

    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA 2 Technical Specification Mechanical specification Height: 500 mm + 60 mm under the cabinet for cable glands Width: 500 mm Depth: 211.5 mm Weight: 19.7 kg Electrical specification Power intake: 110–115 VAC / 220–230 VAC +/-10% 50-60 Hz…

  • Page 150: Mechanical Installation

    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA 3 Mechanical installation The LPU2 is mounted in an IP22 drip-proof cabinet. All cables are brought into the case via cable glands in the bottom plate. Steel bolts in the dimension M8 shall be used for mounting.

  • Page 151: Cable Inlet With Emc Protection And Cable Support

    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA 3.3 Cable inlet with EMC protection and cable support 18 pieces EMC protected tubes with inside diameter 20mm are mounted on the bottom plate. More than one cable can be routed through each tube. On the inside of the cabinet each tube is equipped with a clamp plate for fixation of the cable screen.

  • Page 152: Cabinet Interior

    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA 4.2 Cabinet interior The transformer and three Printed Circuit Boards are mounted on a plate inside the cabinet. The top PCB (CPU-PCB) is covered with a protection plate, in which holes are made for USB, Ethernet and RS232 connectors as well as the red 2 x LED digits.

  • Page 153
    The NMEA in 1 connects to the NMEA out terminal 108 and 109 on the SAL T-Series speed log ELC. 4.3.1 NOTE! NMEA in 1 is not to be used if Log 1 is a SAL R1a! NMEA in 1 is supervised by the LPU2: if there is no NMEA the relay K1 will drop.
  • Page 154
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA Connection to gyro (if docking-log option is used) Term# Function Note NMEA in 3 Connect to NMEA «A» output terminal from gyro NMEA in 3 Connect to NMEA «B» output terminal from gyro Instead of a serial NMEA interface an analogue signal can be used to obtain rate of turn information from the gyro.
  • Page 155
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA SD4 Log remote control – Speed Log Master Display and redundancy displays Term# Function Note NMEA out 2 Connect to SD4 NMEA «A» input NMEA out 2 Connect to SD4 NMEA «B» input NMEA in 6 Connect to SD4 NMEA «A»…
  • Page 156
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA Digital inputs (opto-isolated) Term# Function Note OPTO in1 Mute external ESD alarm, relay K4 OPTO in1 When Opto in 1 is activated, external ESD alarm relay K4 is energized (mute). Only valid in SAL T1 or T3 systems.
  • Page 157
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA Term# Function Note NMEA out 11 Connect to SD4 NMEA «B» input +12 to 28 VDC Connect to DC power input of display. Fuse 302 0 VDC Connect to DC power input of display Term# Function…
  • Page 158
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA Term# Function Note NMEA out 4 Connect to external NMEA listener, NMEA «B» input Term# Function Note NMEA out 5 Connect to external NMEA listener, NMEA «A» input NMEA out 5 Connect to external NMEA listener, NMEA «B» input…
  • Page 159
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA Connections to relays and opto coupler outputs There are 16 outputs of this kind: 4 switching relays, 4 closing relays and 8 opto couplers. The function of each relay/opto output can be programmed into the LPU2, using the commands and procedures defined in section 5, «Setting up Procedure».
  • Page 160
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA Opto-couplers Opto# Term# Default signal 28+ 28- Speed through water longitudinal 200 p/nm, WTL 29+ 29- Speed through water longitudinal 200 p/nm, WTL 30+ 30- Speed through water longitudinal 200 p/nm, WTL 31+ 31- Speed through water longitudinal 200 p/nm, WTL…
  • Page 161: Lpu2 Table Of Connections By Numbers — Summary

    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA 4.4 LPU2 Table of connections by numbers – summary 4.4.1 Terminals on I/O PCB: Terminal Name Function Default use In 1 A NMEA in 1 Speed log 1 Main, NOT R1a In 1 B Not to be used…

  • Page 162
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA Terminal Name Function Default use In 7 A NMEA in 7 SD4 Log remote control In 7 B In 8 A NMEA in 8 GPS for diagnostic purpose In 8 B In 9 A NMEA in 9 Alarm Ack.
  • Page 163
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA Terminal Name Function Default use 32 + Opto 5 Speed over ground resulting 200p/nm 32 — 33 + Opto 6 Speed over ground resulting 200p/nm 33 — 34 + Opto 7 Speed over ground resulting 200p/nm…
  • Page 164
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA Terminal Name Function Default use 55 + 12-28 VDC Power for SD display. Fuse F302 55 — 56 + 12-28 VDC Power for SD display. Fuse F303 56 — 57 + 12-28 VDC Power for SD display. Fuse F303…
  • Page 165: Setting Up Procedure

    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA 4.4.2 Terminals on PSU PCB: Terminal Name Function Note 230 VAC 230 VAC Power supply (L1) Fuse F101 115 VAC 115 VAC Power supply (L1 Option) Fuse F102 Neutral (L2) Fuse F103 Ground 5 Setting up procedure The LPU2 has an internal menu system that can be accessed via a remote SD4 Speed Log Master Display or via the web-interface.

  • Page 166
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA The Menu Mode is reached by pressing the Mode button for minimum 5 sec. The Mode Window will show the text “PRESS ENTER FOR MENU”. Then press the “Enter button (4 button from left)” within 5 seconds.
  • Page 167
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA To connect to the menu system in the LPU2: When in SD4 LOCAL (the start menu) step to R0 REMOTE DEV menu by pressing the MENU button three times. When pressing ENTER in the R0 menu the SD4 will establish communication with all connected equipment and display them in a list of menu choices.
  • Page 168: Lpu2 Menus

    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA 5.2 LPU2 Menus The function of each menu in the LPU2 is defined below. 5.2.1 Main Menu W+XX.X DXXX BL+XX.X T+X.XX W+XX.X: Longitudinal water speed, X.XX or XX.X knots. + = ahead, — =astern DXXX: Depth in meters below transducer.

  • Page 169
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA NOTE! Each of the four default input functions: LOG 1 MAIN, LOG 1 REDUNDANCY, GYRO or ESD shall never be set to more than one NMEA input. OPTO inputs: I10 OPTO IN 1 ALARM MUTE…
  • Page 170
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA NMEA listeners: N1 NMEA OUT1 N8 NMEA O 16-23 SPEED+DEPTH Which type of NMEA listeners that are connected to the LPU2 can be set in menu N1 to N8. These settings control which NMEA messages are transmitted on each output. Each NMEA output is filtered according to the filter-file in use, see 6 NMEA filtering on page 39.
  • Page 171
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA O11 OPTO 1 SAVING… Press the ENTER button once more to reach sub menu O11.1 O11.1 OPTO 1 WTL HIGH THAN 0 Use the + button to set the value 8kn O11.1 OPTO 1 WTL HIGH THAN 8 Press the ENTER button to save the value 8kn Each relay and opto output can be programmed to indicate a specific function (see table below).
  • Page 172
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA 5.2.7 Menu S, Settings When pressing the MENU button in the O0 OUTPUTS menu, S0 SETTINGS is displayed. S0 SETTINGS WRITE ACCESS OFF Setting concerning docking-log, NMEA syntax, NMEA delay, BT speed (SOG) input, pulse timers, speed averaging, USB handling and network IP-address can be accessed under this menu.
  • Page 173
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA Requirements for Docking log: To calculate transversal speed of both ends of the ship the LPU2 needs settings and inputs accordingly. • SOG speed input, longitudinal and transversal. • Rate-Of-Turn input, NMEA ($xxROT) or analogue, setting is made in menu S2.
  • Page 174
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA S7 TX DELAY 0 MS This menu controls the interval between serial data messages. The delay can be used to lower data rate for slow receiver devices unable to handle messages back to back. The value is adjustable in 10 ms steps from 0 up to 60-70 ms (default delay is 0 ms).
  • Page 175
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA Pulse timer settings Function BTR 200P Resulting SOG 200 pulses / NM (Default for Pulse timer F) BTR 400P Resulting SOG 400 pulses / NM BTR 500P Resulting SOG 500 pulses / NM Table 3 Pulse timer settings S15, SPD Average…
  • Page 176: Menu System Via Web Interface

    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA Not changeable. 5.2.8 Menu T, Test When pressing the MENU button in the S0 SETTINGS menu, T0 TEST is displayed. T0 TEST WRITE ACCESS OFF Incoming NMEA can be simulated using the menu T1. If the setting in menu S1 is T-SERIES, the LPU2 simulates incoming NMEA as below:…

  • Page 177
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA • Connect the network cable to the PC and to the LPU2 • Wait a few minutes until the PC and LPU2 has established a connection • Start the web browser • Type in the browsers address field and press enter. This is the default IP address of the LPU2.
  • Page 178: Menu Function Summary

    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA 5.4 Menu function summary Name Default setting Function W+XX.XX DXXX.X MAIN BL+XX.X T+X.XX MENU ALERT LIST Displays the number active alerts and alarms. ACTIVE ALERTS List of active alerts INPUTS NMEA IN1 LOG 1 MAIN…

  • Page 179
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA Name Default setting Function SW REVISION 704519xx xx = actual revision FW REVISION 704517xx xx = actual revision HW REVISION 704510xx xx = actual revision ACCESS LEVEL ALL USER NMEA OUT NMEA OUT 1 NMEA O 1 BAUDRATE 4800 N1.01…
  • Page 180
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA Name Default setting Function 1 to the stern of the ship [0-999m] DL NMEA VDVBW VDVBW, PSALL or PSALL/VBW STERN * VDVBW FORMAT EXTENDED SHORT/EXTENDED * TX DELAY 0 MS 0-63ms (6bits) BT SPEED INP…
  • Page 181: Nmea Filtering

    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA 6 NMEA filtering Inputs are filtered according to a filter-file. The table below describes input filtering when filter-file is in use. The question mark “?” is used as a wildcard and NMEAfilterT_rev.txt can be replaced by any character.

  • Page 182: Sd4 Inverted

    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA The NMEA messages are routed according to the following default NMEA talkers list if the filter-file is in use. The following table is stored in the filter-file. NMEAfilterT_rev.txt NMEA listeners Transmitted messages are starting with SPEED + DEPTH VDVBW;…

  • Page 183
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA • S4 GEO STERN = enter the distance from the transducer to the stern in meters If there is no rot-gyro input to the LPU2, then force gyro input to zero by entering the following: •…
  • Page 184: Testing Procedure

    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA 7 Testing Procedure Connected equipment may be tested in two ways: 1) Using ordinary input from the SAL Log ELC and the ROT gyro (optional), either during normal operation or using internal test modes to produce a known SAL Log ELC output. For setting these test modes, please consult the operating/installation manuals for the SAL speed log and ROT gyro.

  • Page 185: Service And Maintenance

    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA 8 Service and maintenance The red 2 x LED digits, (14 red LED’s positioned as two 7-segment) on the LPU2 PCB are used to display status. At normal operation the LED digits displays LED code: 8.1 Supervision and alert numbers…

  • Page 186
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA Alert Text Description code (X = Input 1..9) POL/ BAUD IN X NMEA polarity or baud rate error In_X (X = Input 1..9) CHECKSUM ERR IN X Checksum error on NMEA In_X (X = Input 1..9)
  • Page 187: Service Modes And Dip Switches

    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA 8.2 Service modes and DIP switches A set of 8 DIP switches are located on the CPU-board close to the upper right corner. DIP switches 1-6 shall always be set to: DIP 1 and 5 = ON and DIP 2, 3, 4, and 6 = OFF.

  • Page 188: Performing Factory Reset

    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA Press and release the Reboot button on the CPU-board and within a few seconds click “Start” in WinFlash. If not succeeded try once more. MODE 1: USB software update The LPU2 may be updated with smaller modifications from an USB memory stick. The…

  • Page 189: Usb

    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA MODE 2: factory reset Set dipswitch to Mode 2 (from default move DIP 8=ON). Press and release the Reboot button and the following process begin: 1: LED S2 = OFF (only a few seconds) 2: LED S2 = ON 3: Previous updates will be erased 4: The EPROM will be reset with the factory default menu settings and config.

  • Page 190
    The Web interface can read the alert history file where all alerts are time stamped. • USB interface USB connection can be used to save incoming/outgoing NMEA traffic on a USB memory stick. Saved data on the stick can be analyzed by Consilium for service purpose. 48 (56)
  • Page 191: Annex 1

    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA Annex 1 9 Web-interface The built-in web-interface can be used to setup the LPU2s menu system and for different service purposes such as display incoming/outgoing NMEA, list time stamped alerts. Below follows some examples from the web-interface.

  • Page 192
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA 2. The LPU2 internal system clock. The time stamps are relative this clock. The clock is set from factory and is not related to, e.g., the GPS time. The time can not be set in SW 704519B0 or earlier.
  • Page 193: Data Recording To Usb Or Nfs-Share

    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA 9.3 Data recording to USB or NFS-share In menu S16 you can activate data storage to a local USB stick or to a network share (NFS). Choose “Fill up” to store to a local USB on the LPU2. Choose NFS to store to the network share.

  • Page 194: Display Nmea Pop-Up Window

    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA 9.4 Display NMEA pop-up window The Display NMEA window displays incoming and outgoing NMEA. “Cannot route” means that the LPU2 is not setup for this message on this port. “*******NMEA Buffer full******” indicates a time gap in the list, i.e., there has been messages since the last message above, that will not be shown.

  • Page 195: Annex 2

    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA Annex 2 10 Wiring principles Cable Dimensions and Standards Make sure that the all cables are approved for marine environment usage. Signal Cables • All cables used for signal interconnection of the SAL Speed-log system units shall have a cross section of at least 0.5 mm…

  • Page 196
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA calculated to maximize the noise-cancelling properties, which is not the case with ordinary multi-pole cable. Thus, when using “Two twisted pairs” make sure using the two wires twisted together and not one wire from each twisted pair.
  • Page 197
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA Examples of proper tools for crimping end caps, and a strip of end caps Shields Grounding a screen “for safety” or “for good measure” could ruin noise immunity. Forming a ground loop will let noise slip into the system.
  • Page 198
    çConsilium LPU2 Art No. 704531BA This page is intentionally blank. 56 (56)
  • Page 199
    IEC 61162/ NMEA 0183 User Guide Document No. 700164 Consilium Marine & Safety AB • P.O. Box 5021 • SE-131 05 NACKA • SWEDEN Phone +46-(0)8-563 051 00 • Fax +46-(0)8-563 051 99 • E-mail:…
  • Page 200
    3.1.6. Dual Doppler Velocities (—VBW) …………..9 3.1.7. Distance travelled through the water and over the ground (—VLW) ..10 3.2. Proprietary Consilium Messages …………..11 3.2.1. Log control messages (PSALC) …………… 11 3.2.2. Log status messages (PSALc) …………..12 3.2.3.
  • Page 201: Introduction

    International convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) regulations. In this document, as well as in all Consilium Marine & Safety documents, we refer to this standard as IEC 61162-1/NMEA or IEC 61162-2/NMEA for the high speed version of the same standard.

  • Page 202: Hardware

    38400 b/s (bit per second) compared to 4800 b/s used in IEC 61162-1. Complying with IEC 61162-1 and IEC 61162-2 standard, all Consilium Marine & Safety designed NMEA driver uses RS485 compatible driver circuits, using differential outputs swinging in the range 0 to +5 Volts.

  • Page 203: Connection Of Cables For Serial Communication

    çConsilium IEC 61162/NMEA 0183 User Guide Art No. 700164A5 2.1. Connection of cables for serial communication All cables used for serial communication shall be twisted pair and properly shielded. Maximum recommended cable length is 1000 meter with a minimum cross-section area of 0.5 IEC 61162-1/NMEA uses two wires in one pair connected as signal «A»…

  • Page 204: Serial Data Message Definitions

    Normal definition of a floating format variable. The integer version length separated into a new definition. floating Variable Consilium extension with variable length field. Normal definition of length a short integer format variable. integer Fixed hex Hex field with same number of hexadecimal characters as specified.

  • Page 205: Standard Iec 61162-1 / Nmea 0183

    (NMEA 0183) standard valid at the time of approval. All outputs will, whenever possible, refer only to messages defined in these documents. Later editions of sentences may have additional fields. The first two characters after the $ sign define the talker identifier. Consilium Marine & Safety uses the following identifiers: Integrated Navigation…

  • Page 206
    çConsilium IEC 61162/NMEA 0183 User Guide Art No. 700164A5 3.1.3. Depth (—DPT) $—DPT,x.x,x.x,x.x*hh<CR><LF> Field # Field Type Definition Note Name Depth VD = Log, SD = Depth sounder Depth below transducer [m] Null field indicates out of range Depth between transducer and…
  • Page 207
    Unavailable data are transmitted as null fields. Example: speed through water 10.05 knots, longitudinal speed over ground 11.02 knots, transversal speed over ground -0,05 knots. $VDVBW,10.05,,A,,,V,,V,,V* Normal operations SAL R1 Extended sentence SAL R1a $VDVBW,10.05,,A,11.02,,A,,V,,V* SAL T1 SAL T2s $VDVBW,10.05,,A,11.02,-0.05,A,,V,,V* SAL T2/T2+ SAL T3/T3+ SAL R1/R1a $VDVBW,10.05,,A,,,V*…
  • Page 208
    çConsilium IEC 61162/NMEA 0183 User Guide Art No. 700164A5 3.1.7. Distance travelled through the water and over the ground (—VLW) Note that this sentence was extended. Older systems might still transmit the shorter version of the sentence with only the first five fields plus the checksum field.
  • Page 209: Proprietary Consilium Messages

    This means that any message starting with «$PSAL…» emanates from Consilium Marine & Safety equipment and that any letters following can be chosen by Consilium Marine & Safety. However, to comply with standard NMEA messages, all these messages uses a five-character combination $PSAL- before the first delimiter.

  • Page 210: Log Status Messages (Psalc)

    çConsilium IEC 61162/NMEA 0183 User Guide Art No. 700164A5 Log control message 4: Active speed units $PSALC,4,ccc,ccc*hh<CR><LF> Field # Field Type Definition Note Name Proprietary SAL Control PSALC Control message type 4: Active speed control Activate WT speed unit…

  • Page 211
    çConsilium IEC 61162/NMEA 0183 User Guide Art No. 700164A5 Log status message 4: Actived speed units $PSALc,4,ccc,ccc*hh<CR><LF> Field # Field Type Definition Note Name Proprietary SAL status PSALc Control message type 4: Activated speed Activated WT speed unit VD1: Log 1…
  • Page 212: Sal Docking Log (Psall)

    çConsilium IEC 61162/NMEA 0183 User Guide Art No. 700164A5 3.2.3. SAL Docking log (PSALL) Note this sentence was created when the VBW sentence lacked the capability to present stern speed. The standardised sentence should be used whenever possible. $PSALL,x.x,x.x,x.x,c*hh<CR><LF> Field #…

  • Page 213: Remote Control Message (Psals)

    çConsilium IEC 61162/NMEA 0183 User Guide Art No. 700164A5 3.2.5. Remote control message (PSALS) The signal used for remote control of the menu system in remote units is $PSALS. The message includes a signal number, identity and a string data field.

  • Page 214: Multiple Units Message (Psalu)

    çConsilium IEC 61162/NMEA 0183 User Guide Art No. 700164A5 ** Field 3, identity: Identity Comment Indicator #, # = A to Z, (INA – INZ corresponds to ID 1 — 26) Indicator 4 (# = D), master of the system…

  • Page 215
    çConsilium IEC 61162/NMEA 0183 User Guide Art No. 700164A5 Multiple Units message 2, depth data $PSALU,2,ccc,x.x,x.x,x.x*hh<CR><LF> Field # Field Type Definition Note Name Multiple units message PSALU? Message type 2: Depth data Unit ID VD1: Log 1 VD2: Log 2…
  • Page 216
    çConsilium IEC 61162/NMEA 0183 User Guide Art No. 700164A5 This page is intentionally blank. 18 (18)
  • Page 217
    SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 SAL R1a Section E Appendix & Annex Doc ID 703828D0  Consilium Marine & Safety AB…
  • Page 218
    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 Doc. ID: 703828D0,_SAL_R1a_Section_E_Appendix_Annex.doc…
  • Page 219
    SAL R1a with SD4-3, Cable Diagram 703832 SAL R1a with SD4-3, Cable Connection Diagram 703833 SAL R1a with 1N4B NMEA Unit, Flow Diagram 703843 SAL R1a with 1N4B NMEA Unit, Cable Diagram 703844 SAL R1a with 1N4B NMEA Unit, Cable…
  • Page 220
  • Page 221
    ÇConsilium Klass/Class Sida/Page SAL R1a SD4 & WTU-Assy Menus 2(3) WTU-Assy MENU STRUCTURE * Simplified structure without any submenus * All User level structure From SD4-3 structure R12.34 C12.56 C777 J1 Q567 S4 S0 SETTINGS A0 ALERT C0 CALIBRATION M0 MISCELLANEOUS…
  • Page 222
    ÇConsilium Klass/Class Sida/Page SAL R1a SD4 & WTU-Assy Menus 3(3) Consilium Marine & Safety AB Till/To Från/From no Datum/Date 703825c0,_sal_r1a_wtu- 2014-07-04 assy_menus.docx Avdelning/Dept Kopia till/Copy to…
  • Page 245
    Box 5021 SE-131 05 Nacka SWEDEN declares that the SAL R1a has been designed, type approved and is manufactured according to the requirements of Marine Equipment Directive (MED) 96/98/EC and the last modification by Directive 2013/52/EU dated 30 Oct. 2013.
  • Page 257
    ANNEX III – EQUIPMENT LABELING …………….. 6 Revisions: Date Version Issued by Description 2013-11-07 PA0.01 STE Created 2013-11-21 PA0.03 SGU Utilization 2013-11-28 PA0.04 STE Labels and marking 2013-11-29 Final version Doc ID: 703847A0, SAL R1a Section E Annex.docx 1 (8)
  • Page 258
    çConsilium SAL R1a Manual Art No. 703810 Doc ID: 703847A0, SAL R1a Section E Annex.docx 2 (8)
  • Page 259
    “a” of the paragraph 160 of the “Technical Regulations”. • All electrical Speed Log components (SAL R1a Main Unit, TRU Transducer Unit, SD4 Serial Digital display, optional LPU Log Processing Unit and other displays) as well as optional interfaces shall be switched off and disconnected from their power sources.
  • Page 260
    Regulations on the Safety of Sea Transport Items”. Speed Log PCB/Module units can be easily dismounted from their metallic cabinets (i.e. from all units as stated above) and utilized/recycled separately as electronic equipment. Doc ID: 703847A0, SAL R1a Section E Annex.docx 4 (8)
  • Page 261
    2.) Optional Log Processing Unit LPU: Power consumption: typically 15 VA @ 230 VAC with three SD-displays; Total power supply needed: 30 VA (SAL R1a) + 15 VA (LPU) = 45 VA. Recommended power supply for the mentioned example: 230 VAC, 50 VA.
  • Page 262
    Customer: Speed Log Main Unit: Label to be placed on front of the cabinet. Front a). “Unit Label” with the name and part number of the component: Doc ID: 703847A0, SAL R1a Section E Annex.docx 6 (8)
  • Page 263
    Note: The Conformity Mark image is to be monochrome and to contrast with the color of the surface on which it is applied (See RF Government Order “On Conformity Mark” No. 696 of 19 November 2003). Doc ID: 703847A0, SAL R1a Section E Annex.docx 7 (8)
  • Page 264
    Note: “Wheelmark” label shall indicate appropriate year, example 0735 11 = system is assembled in 2011. 0735 13 = system is assembled in 2013. 0735 indicates the notified body (BSH). Doc ID: 703847A0, SAL R1a Section E Annex.docx 8 (8)

Note for Owners: webproject is not a service center of Consilium trademark and does not carries out works for diagnosis and repair of faulty Consilium SAL R1a equipment. For quality services, please contact an official service center of Consilium company. On our website you can read and download documentation for your Consilium SAL R1a device for free and familiarize yourself with the technical specifications of device.

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Recommended Documentation:

Корреляционная обработка принятого эхосигнала с целью получения информации о скорости судна на практике стала использоваться относительно недавно. Достаточно детальные исследования в этом направлении были вы-полнены в США компанией «Дженерал электрик» при содействии корпорации «Сперри» и шведской фирмой «Юнгер Инструмент» в 70-е годы прошлого столетия. Сообщения о разработке первою промышленного образца шведского корреляционного лага «SAL-ACCOR» для морских судов относятся к 1973 г. В 1977 г. группой научных сотрудников Акустического Института АН СССР был предложен, а затем и испытан в океанских условиях корреляционный лаг, обеспечивающий повышенную точность измерения скорости судна в условиях его движения с боковым сносом. В 1979 г. появились рекламные сообщения компании «Дженерал электрик» о разработке промышленного образца корре-ляционного лага «Quo Vadis» для морских объектов различного назначения, которому приписываются высокие технические характеристики, в том числе возможность измерения составляющих вектора скорости судна при любых глубинах под килем по сигналам от дна и в условиях качки. В этот же период появилось сообщение о модели корреляционного лага МХ-810 (Магнавокс, США), способном измерять скорость относительно грунта при глубинах до 5100 м.
В последнее время исследования в рассматриваемой области заметно активизировались, что обусловило появление многих качественных образцов корреляционных лагов. Так, достаточно широкое применение на морских судах находят гидроакустические корреляционные лаги SAL-840, SAL-860, SAL-Т1, SAL-Т2, SAL-Imcor-2 и SAL-R-1, разработанные шведской фирмой “Consilium Marine”. В различ-ных странах мира, включая и Россию, ими уже оборудовано более 1000 судов. Наряду с указанной фирмой корреляционные лаги производят и такие известные ком-пании как “Magnavox”, “Echo Pilot”, “Marine Acoustic Ltd.” и ряд других.
Корреляционные лаги, как и доплеровские, могут измерять относительную и абсолютную скорости судна. Кроме того, указанные лаги позволяют измерять глубину под килем судна и, тем самым, одновременно могут выполнять функции эхолотов. Лаги построены на современной электронной базе и отвечают всем требованиям, предъявляемым к приборам данного типа.
Следует отметить, что фирмой “Marine Acoustic Ltd.” разработан, пожалуй, наиболее точный на сегодняшний день корреляционный лаг “Covelia”, который предназначен для использования на подводных, преимущественно исследовательских судах. Имея незначительные размеры, он позволяет измерять направление век-тора скорости судна с погрешность до 1 градуса, а значения составляющих скорости с погрешностью, не превышающей 0,005 узла в диапазоне скоростей от 0 до 10 узлов. Разрешающая способность лага, соответствующая минимальному значению его погрешности, составляет 0,001 узла. Погрешность измерения глубины под килем судна не превышает 0,1 метра.

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