Samsung buds 2 руководство по эксплуатации


Откройте свой собственный мир с Samsung Galaxy Buds2. Усовершенствованная двухполосная акустика, активное шумоподавление и продуманный дизайн наушников для наслаждения от прослушивания любимой музыки и их комфортного использования в течение всего дня. Погрузитесь в атмосферу ежедневных тренировок, игры и качественной музыки с удобным управлением и широкими возможностями подключения к другим устройствам.


Наслаждайтесь музыкой с Samsung Galaxy Buds2 так, словно вы находитесь в концертном зале. Двухполосная акустическая система обеспечивает чёткий, сбалансированный звук с глубоким басом и кристальными высокими тонами.


Адаптивная система из трёх микрофонов и датчика костной проводимости помогает максимально чётко передавать голосовую речь, а технология снижения шума на базе алгоритмов машинного обучения отфильтровывает нежелательные шумы и обеспечивает комфортное общение с семьей и друзьями. Конструкция с небольшим выступом сводит к минимуму контакт корпуса наушников с ветром, что позволяет без помех общаться даже в ветреную погоду.


Два микрофона улавливают окружающие звуки, а технология активного шумоподавления удаляет до 98% внешних шумов. Слушайте любимую музыку, подкасты и другой контент, не отвлекаясь на посторонние звуки.


Samsung Galaxy Buds2 подарят непередаваемые аудио впечатления на любой вкус. Эквалайзер с шестью предустановленными настройками на выбор позволяет настроить звук более тонко и тем самым окунуться в музыкальную атмосферу ярких впечатлений.


Galaxy Buds2 очень лёгкие. Каждый наушник весит по 5 г, поэтому они почти не ощущаются в ухе и не создают неудобств даже при самом активном образе жизни. Активное шумоподавление корректнее всего работает при правильно подобранных силиконовых насадках и правильной посадке наушников. Правильно подобрать размер насадок из комплекта поможет функция «Проверка положения наушников» в приложении Galaxy Wearable.


Классический чёрный. Безупречный белый. Успокаивающий оливковый. Стильный фиолетовый. Наушники Galaxy Buds2 представлены сразу в нескольких актуальных расцветках и поставляются с таким же стильным и практичным зарядным футляром. Благодаря универсальной конструкции, футляр обеспечивает сохранность наушников, их зарядку и удобство переноски.


Смотрите свои любимые шоу, прослушивайте длинные плейлисты или отдыхайте на природе — наушники Galaxy Buds2 позволят вам долго оставаться на связи. С включенным режимом активного шумоподавления Galaxy Buds2 обеспечивают до 5 часов воспроизведения музыки, а с зарядным футляром — ещё 15 часов. Итого 20 часов! Когда активное шумоподавление выключено, с зарядным чехлом выходит в общей сложности до 29 часов работы.

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Samsung Galaxy Buds 2 User Manual

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English (LTN). 08/2021. Rev.1.0


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Summary of Contents for Samsung Galaxy Buds 2

  • Page 1
    USER MANUAL SM-R177 English (LTN). 08/2021. Rev.1.0…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Basics Appendix Read me first Troubleshooting About the Galaxy Buds2 Managing the Galaxy Buds2 Device layout and functions Restarting the earbuds Attaching an ear tip to the earbud Coupling the earbuds Charging the battery Battery indicator lights identification Using the earbuds Connecting to a mobile device Wearing the earbuds…

  • Page 3: Basics

    • This product includes certain free/open source software. The license information of the open source software used in this product can be found at • Your device contains magnets. Keep a safe distance between your device and objects that may be affected by magnets such as credit cards and implantable medical devices.

  • Page 4
    Basics Precautions for using the earbuds • Excessive exposure to loud sounds can cause hearing damage. • Exposure to loud sounds while walking may distract your attention and cause an accident. • Always turn the volume down before using the earbuds and use only the minimum volume setting necessary to hear your conversation or music.
  • Page 5: About The Galaxy Buds2

    Basics About the Galaxy Buds2 Galaxy Buds2 are wireless earbuds which allow you to listen to music or answer incoming calls after connecting them to your mobile device even while doing other activities, such as working out. Do not wear the earbuds in high-traffic areas, such as roads or crosswalks. Doing so may result in accidents due to slowed reaction times.

  • Page 6: Device Layout And Functions

    • Appearances and specifications are subject to change without prior notice. • You can purchase additional accessories from the Samsung website. Make sure they are compatible with the Galaxy Buds2 before purchase. • Use only Samsung-approved accessories. Using unapproved accessories may cause the performance problems and malfunctions that are not covered by the warranty.

  • Page 7
    If you use the earbuds when they are broken, there may be a risk of injury. Use the earbuds only after they have been repaired at a Samsung Service Center. • If foreign materials are placed on the touch-sensitive sensor, they may cause the sensor to malfunction.
  • Page 8: Attaching An Ear Tip To The Earbud

    Basics Attaching an ear tip to the earbud • Do not put the earbuds in your ears without ear tips. Doing so may hurt your ears. • Do not pull the ear tip excessively when you attach or detach it. The ear tip may tear. •…

  • Page 9: Charging The Battery

    The charging case, which has a built-in battery, is charged along with the earbuds that are in the charging case when connected to the charger. Use only Samsung-approved battery, charger, and cable specifically designed for your device. Incompatible battery, charger, and cable can cause serious injuries or damage to your device.

  • Page 10
    Basics Open the charging case. Check the direction of each earbud and correctly insert them into their corresponding slots in the charging case. Close the charging case. Connect the USB cable to the charger and then plug the USB cable into the charger port.
  • Page 11
    Thoroughly dry the charger port before charging the Galaxy Buds2. • If the Galaxy Buds2 are not charging properly, take the Galaxy Buds2 and the charger to a Samsung Service Center. • Avoid bending the USB cable. Doing so may damage or reduce the lifespan of the USB…
  • Page 12
    The Galaxy Buds2 may not charge properly or may overheat, or the charging case may be damaged. Use Samsung-approved wireless chargers. If you use other wireless chargers, the battery may not charge properly. Charging via Wireless power sharing Open the charging case.
  • Page 13
    • Only mobile devices that support the Wireless power sharing feature can charge the Galaxy Buds2. To see mobile devices that support the Wireless power sharing feature, visit the Samsung website. • The location of the wireless charging coil may vary by device. Adjust the device and the charging case to make a strong connection.
  • Page 14: Battery Indicator Lights Identification

    Basics Checking the battery level Connect the earbuds to your mobile device, launch the Galaxy Wearable app on the mobile device, and view the battery status of the earbuds and the charging case. Refer to Connecting to a mobile device for more information.

  • Page 15
    Basics Charging case battery indicator light Charging case battery indicator light Color Status • Charging Continuously red • Fully charged Continuously green • Charging blocked due to abnormal temperatures Flashes red (rapid pace) Flashes red (flashes after • Battery power is low (lower than 10 %) closing the charging case) Red (stays on for five seconds •…
  • Page 16: Using The Earbuds

    → Language. English may appear by default if the selected language on the Settings app is not supported on the Galaxy Wearable app. Connecting the earbuds to a Samsung mobile device for the first time Check the direction of each earbud and correctly insert them into their corresponding slots in the charging case.

  • Page 17
    The earbuds will enter Bluetooth pairing mode automatically and a pop-up window will appear on your mobile device. If the pop-up window does not appear or if you want to connect to a non-Samsung mobile device that also uses the Android OS, refer to…
  • Page 18
    Samsung account, the earbuds pairing information will be synced on the other mobile devices that use the same Samsung account and you do not need to pair them at the beginning again. To connect the other devices that use the same Samsung account with the earbuds, on the mobile devices that you want to connect, launch the Settings app, tap Connections →…
  • Page 19
    Android OS (or, the connection pop-up window does not appear) If you connect to a non-Samsung mobile device that also uses the Android OS, some of the features of the earbuds may not be available and the earbuds may not work properly.
  • Page 20
    Using the earbuds Tips and precautions for using Bluetooth Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard that uses a 2.4 GHz frequency to connect to various devices over short distances. It can connect and exchange data with other Bluetooth enabled devices, such as mobile devices, without connecting via cables. Notices for using Bluetooth •…
  • Page 21: Wearing The Earbuds

    Using the earbuds Wearing the earbuds Adjust the earbuds to fit your ears. The device and some accessories (sold separately) contain magnets. The American Heart Association (US) and the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (UK) both warn that magnets can affect the operation of implanted pacemakers, cardioverters, defibrillators, insulin pumps or other electro medical devices (collectively, “Medical Device”) within the range of 15 cm (6 inches).

  • Page 22
    Using the earbuds Hold the upper and lower sides of each earbud and remove them from the charging case. Check the direction of each earbud. Hold the earbuds so that you see the imprinted direction marks, and insert the earbuds into your ears until they fit comfortably in your ears.
  • Page 23: Using The Earbud By Touch

    Using the earbuds Using the earbud by touch Introduction Touch the earbud to play or stop music or answer or reject calls. You can also set the earbuds to perform other actions by touch. Touch areas • To avoid hurting your ears, do not apply excessive pressure to the earbuds with your fingertips.

  • Page 24
    Using the earbuds Understanding touch actions Single touch • Play or pause track. • Stop using the Text-to-Speech feature. Double touch • Play next track. • Answer or end a call. Triple touch • Play previous track. – If you touch the earbud three times three seconds after a track begins playing, it will start the track from beginning.
  • Page 25
    Using the earbuds Locking the earbuds’ touch feature You can prevent unintended actions by locking the earbuds’ touch feature. Launch the Galaxy Wearable app on the mobile device and tap the Touch controls switch to deactivate it. Setting a touch-and-hold feature You can set a touch-and-hold feature of each earbud to activate features quickly and conveniently.
  • Page 26: Using The Noise Controls Mode

    Using the earbuds Using the noise controls mode Introduction There are two noise controls mode: active noise canceling and ambient sound mode. Activate the active noise canceling feature to block out the external sounds around you. Use it when you want to avoid distractions, such as when listening to music. Conversely, activate the ambient sound mode to hear your surroundings clearly, so you can quickly detect any potentially dangerous situations or hear another person’s voice during a conversation.

  • Page 27: Using Bixby

    Using the earbuds Using Bixby Introduction Bixby is a user interface that helps you use your device more conveniently. You can talk to Bixby. Bixby will launch a function you request or show the information you want on the connected mobile device. •…

  • Page 28: Listening To Music

    Using the earbuds Tips for better voice recognition • Speak clearly. • Speak in quiet places. • Do not use offensive or slang words. • Avoid speaking in dialectal accents. The Galaxy Buds2 may not recognize what you say or may perform unwanted commands depending on your surroundings or how you speak.

  • Page 29: Using The Equalizer

    Using the earbuds Adjusting the volume You can adjust the volume by touching and holding the earbud after setting it as a touch-and-hold feature. • Adjust the volume via your connected mobile device if a sound is low in your earbuds while at full volume.

  • Page 30: Using Call Features

    Using the earbuds Using call features When wearing the earbuds while they are connected to a mobile device, you can answer and control calls from the connected mobile device. Answering or declining a call When a call comes in while you are wearing the earbuds, they will emit a sound and a voice notification will inform you of the incoming call’s phone number or the name saved in your contacts.

  • Page 31: Galaxy Wearable App

    Galaxy Wearable App Introduction To connect the earbuds to a mobile device, you must install the Galaxy Wearable app on your mobile device. Using the Galaxy Wearable app, you can view the Galaxy Buds2 status and customize their settings. Launch the Galaxy Wearable app on your connected mobile device. •…

  • Page 32: Connecting And Disconnecting The Earbuds

    Galaxy Wearable App Connecting and disconnecting the earbuds Disconnecting mobile devices from the earbuds Insert the earbuds into the charging case and close it. The Bluetooth connection will end. To manually disconnect the earbuds from your mobile device, launch the Galaxy Wearable →…

  • Page 33: Viewing Galaxy Buds2 Status And Customizing Settings

    Galaxy Wearable App Switch the mobile devices connected with earbuds When the earbuds are connected with two or more mobile devices, you can switch the mobile devices easily without disconnecting from the previous mobile device. On the mobile device that you want to switch to, launch the Settings app, tap Connections →…

  • Page 34
    Galaxy Wearable App Touch controls Configure settings for the touch features of the earbuds. Launch the Galaxy Wearable app on the mobile device, tap Touch controls, and then tap the switch to activate it. • Tap: Play or pause track. •…
  • Page 35
    You can quickly change which mobile device to connect your earbuds with. You can activate the feature to switch the connection from your current mobile device to a nearby mobile device logged in to the same Samsung account or a device that has previously connected with your earbuds.
  • Page 36
    Launch the Galaxy Wearable app on the mobile device, tap Earbuds settings → Labs, and then tap the Gaming mode switch to activate it. This feature is available only when connecting with a Samsung mobile device that uses the Android OS.
  • Page 37
    Galaxy Wearable App About earbuds View the information of the Galaxy Buds2. Launch the Galaxy Wearable app on the mobile device and tap Earbuds settings → About earbuds. To change your Galaxy Buds2’s name, tap Edit. • Legal information: View the legal information for the Galaxy Buds2. •…
  • Page 38: Appendix

    • Ensure that your earbuds and the other Bluetooth device are within the maximum Bluetooth connection range (10 m). The distance may vary depending on the environment the devices are used in. If the tips above do not solve the problem, contact a Samsung Service Center.

  • Page 39
    • If the charging contacts are dirty, the battery may not charge properly. Wipe the charging contacts with a dry cloth and try charging the battery again. If the tips above do not solve the problem, contact a Samsung Service Center. The charging time and the battery life is different between the earbuds •…
  • Page 40
    Appendix The battery depletes faster than when first purchased • When you expose the Galaxy Buds2 to very cold or very hot temperatures, the useful charge may be reduced. • The battery is consumable and the useful charge will get shorter over time. •…
  • Page 41
    If the Galaxy Buds2 overheat or feel hot for a prolonged period, do not use them for a while. If the Galaxy Buds2 continue to overheat, contact a Samsung Service Center. A small gap appears around the outside of the Galaxy Buds2 •…
  • Page 42: Managing The Galaxy Buds2

    Appendix Managing the Galaxy Buds2 Basic maintenance • Use a soft, dry cloth to clean the earbuds after use. • Keep the earbuds dry. Prevent liquid from contacting or entering the earbuds. • Clean the earbuds regularly to prevent earwax or debris from building up in the microphone hole, speaker, and air duct.

  • Page 43: Restarting The Earbuds

    Appendix Cleaning the earbuds and charging case When the charging case and earbuds are exposed to foreign materials, such as dust, sand, or metal shavings, the Galaxy Buds2 may not charge properly or may be damaged. If the earbuds or the charging case were exposed to foreign materials, wipe them with a soft and dry cloth before inserting them into the charging case.

  • Page 44
    No part of this manual may be reproduced, distributed, translated, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or storing in any information storage and retrieval system. Trademarks • SAMSUNG and the SAMSUNG logo are registered trademarks of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. ® • Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.

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инструкцияSamsung Galaxy Buds 2 08/2021. Rev.1.0




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Galaxy Buds 2 | SM-R177NZWAINU
Руководство пользователя (PDF), Инструкция/сборка (PDF), Краткое руководство пользователя (PDF)
Тип продукта Наушники
Стиль ношения Вкладыши
Рекомендованное применение Calls/Music
Цвет товара Белый
Акселерометр Да
Гироскоп Да
Страна производства Вьетнам
Тип управления Сенсорный
Тип гарнитуры Стереофонический
Кнопки управления Answer/end call, Play/pause, Track <, Track >
Plug & Play Да
Порты и интерфейсы
Bluetooth Да
Версия Bluetooth 5.2
Профили Bluetooth A2DP, AVRCP, HFP
Технология подключения Беспроводной
Линейный вход микрофона Да
Время непрерывного воспроизведения аудио (без ANC) 29 h
Время работы в режиме разговора 3.5 h
Питание от батареи Да
Тип батареек Встроенная батарея
Емкость батареи правого наушника 61 mAh
Емкость батареи левого наушника 61 mAh
Время непрерывного воспроизведения аудио (с ANC) 20 h
Быстрая зарядка Да
Быстрая зарядка 5 min
Время разговора (ANC вкл.) 13 h
Время разговора (ANC выкл.) 14 h
Беспроводная зарядка Да
Время непрерывного воспроизведения аудио 7.5 h
Емкость батареи (зарядный чехол) 472 mAh
Вес и размеры
Глубина 17 mm
Ширина 20.9 mm
Высота 21.1 mm
Вес левого наушника 5 g
Вес правого наушника 5 g
Вес заряжающего футляра 41.2 g
Размеры зарядного чехла (Ш х Г х В) 50 x 50.2 x 27.8 mm
Содержимое упаковки
Тип зарядного чехла Проводной и беспроводной
Краткая инструкция пользователя Да
Поставляемые кабели USB Type-C
Емкость зарядного корпуса 472 mAh
Тип коннектора зарядного чехла USB Type-C
Аксессуары в наборе З размера силиконовых ушных вкладышей
Количество 1
Зарядный чехол Да
Тип наушников Вкладыши
Тип внутренних наушников Наушники
Тип микрофона Встроенный
Число встроенных микрофонов 3

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Что такое шумоподавление?

Когда звук считается слишком громким?

Какая высота Samsung Galaxy Buds 2?

Какая ширина Samsung Galaxy Buds 2?

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