Samsung galaxy watch sm r800 инструкция

Galaxy Watch 46 мм


  • Samsung Pay: как использовать, обзор, список банков, смартфонов, часов

    Самая свежая информация о сервисе Samsung Pay для РФ и РБ. Список банков, платежных систем, смартфонов и часов. Инструкции по регистрации и добавлению карт

  • Настройка
    Как узнать дату изготовления (производства) техники Samsung

    Хотите узнать дату производства вашей техники Samsung? Ответ в этой статье.

  • Список банков, которые работают с Samsung Pay в Беларуси

    Список банков для Беларуси в этой статье. Информация обновляется.

  • Какие устройства поддерживают Samsung Pay

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  • Использование
    Как работает умное шумоподавление в наушниках Galaxy Buds Pro и Galaxy Buds2 Pro

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о мобильных устройствах Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Как работает умное шумоподавление в наушниках Galaxy Buds Pro и Galaxy Buds2 Pro’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Samsung Pay
    Какие карты «Мир» можно добавить в Samsung Pay

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о Samsung Pay. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Какие карты «Мир» можно добавить в Samsung Pay’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Использование
    Как использовать виртуальную SIM-карту (eSIM) на часах Galaxy Watch

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о мобильных устройствах Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Как использовать виртуальную SIM-карту (eSIM) на часах Galaxy Watch’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Настройка
    Что делать, если перестали поступать уведомления на Samsung Galaxy Watch?

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о технике Samsung Galaxy Watch. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Что делать, если перестали поступать уведомления на Samsung Galaxy Watch?’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung

  • Использование
    Влагозащита Galaxy Watch

    FAQ для мобильных устройств. Узнайте подробнее о Влагозащита Galaxy Watch, в Samsung Support.

  • Samsung Pay
    Как удалить платежную карту из Samsung Pay

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о технике Мобильные устройства Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Как удалить платежную карту из Samsung Pay’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Звук / Динамик / Микрофон
    Советы по правильному ношению Samsung Galaxy Buds2

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о технике Мобильные устройства Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Советы по правильному ношению Samsung Galaxy Buds2’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Использование
    Как настроить клавишу «Домой» на часах Samsung Galaxy Watch

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о Samsung Mobile. В этом разделе справки и поддержки Samsung вы узнаете, как настроить клавишу «Домой» на часах Samsung Galaxy Watch.

  • Использование
    Как пользоваться командами сенсорного управления наушников Samsung Galaxy Buds

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о Samsung Mobile. В этом разделе справки и поддержки Samsung вы узнаете, как пользоваться командами сенсорного управления наушников Samsung Galaxy Buds.

  • Использование
    Как носить наушники Samsung

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о мобильных устройствах Samsung. Из этого раздела вы узнаете, как носить наушники Samsung.

  • Использование
    Низкое или плохое качество звука в наушниках Samsung

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о Samsung Mobile. В этом разделе справки и поддержки Samsung вы узнаете о причинах низкого уровня громкости или недостаточного качества звука в наушниках.

  • Обновление
    Обновление программного обеспечения для наушников Samsung

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о мобильных устройствах Samsung. Из этого раздела вы узнаете о том, как выполнять обновление программного обеспечения для наушников Samsung.

  • Использование
    Что делать, если микрофон наушников Galaxy Buds не работает

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о мобильных устройствах Samsung Mobile. В этом разделе справки и поддержки Samsung вы узнаете, что делать, если на наушниках Galaxy Buds не работает микрофон.

  • Как добавить банковскую карту в Samsung Pay

    Как добавить банковскую карту в Samsung Pay. Пошаговая инструкция от производителя

  • Использование
    Какой уровень водонепроницаемости в Galaxy Buds Pro?

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о бытовой технике Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Какой уровень водонепроницаемости в Galaxy Buds Pro’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Звук / Динамик / Микрофон
    Что делать, если звук в одном наушнике Galaxy Buds тише, чем во втором?

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о технике Мобильные устройства Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Что делать, если звук в одном наушнике Galaxy Buds тише, чем во втором?’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Питание / Зарядка
    Samsung Galaxy Buds+ не заряжаются

    Samsung Galaxy Buds+ не заряжаются — советы поддержки Samsung

  • Обновление
    Как обновить прошивку на носимых устройствах Samsung Galaxy (Watch, Buds, Fit)?

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о технике Мобильные устройства Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Как обновить прошивку на носимых устройствах Samsung Galaxy (Watch, Buds, Fit)?’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung

  • Использование
    Как подключить и отключить беспроводную метку SmartTag

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о технике Мобильные устройства Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Как подключить и отключить беспроводную метку SmartTag’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Использование
    Как синхронизировать левый и правый наушники Galaxy Buds между собой?

    Пошаговая инструкция от службы поддержки на тему: Как синхронизировать левый и правый наушники Galaxy Buds между собой?

  • Приложения
    Как настроить приложения на вашем Samsung Galaxy Watch Active2

    Как настроить приложения на вашем Samsung Galaxy Watch Active2

  • Использование
    Как прочистить наушники Galaxy Buds

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о технике Мобильные устройства Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Как прочистить наушники Galaxy Buds’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Bluetooth
    Сопряжение Galaxy Buds+ с мобильным устройством

    Сопряжение Galaxy Buds+ с мобильным устройством

  • Использование
    Как настроить уведомления от приложений на часах Samsung Galaxy Watch4

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о технике Мобильные устройства Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Как настроить уведомления от приложений на часах Samsung Galaxy Watch’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Приложения
    Как обновить ПО и приложения на вашем Samsung Galaxy Watch Active2

    Как обновить ПО и приложения на вашем Samsung Galaxy Watch Active2

  • Использование
    Как пользоваться виджетами для Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о технике Мобильные устройства Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Как пользоваться виджетами для Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Как начать пользоваться Samsung Pay на носимых устройствах

    Инструкция по первоначальной настройке Samsung Pay на часах и фитнес-браслетах от производителя

  • Настройка
    Функция 360 Audio на Galaxy Buds Pro

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о технике Мобильные устройства Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Функция 360 Audio на Galaxy Buds Pro’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Использование
    Как измерить состав тела с Galaxy Watch4

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о технике Мобильные устройства Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Как измерить состав тела с Galaxy Watch4’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Использование
    Что делать, если не работает один наушник Samsung Galaxy Buds

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о технике Мобильные устройства Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Что делать, если не работает один наушник Samsung Galaxy Buds’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Использование
    Советы по использованию Galaxy Buds Pro

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о технике Мобильные устройства Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Советы по использованию Galaxy Buds Pro’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Что делать, если забыт PIN-код от Samsung Pay. Как восстановить?

    Забыли PIN-код от Samsung Pay? Информация от производителя в этой статье

  • Bluetooth
    Что делать, если Galaxy Buds+ не подключаются

    Что делать, если Galaxy Buds+ не подключаются

  • Использование
    Как найти умные часы Galaxy Watch4, если они потерялись

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о технике Мобильные устройства Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Как найти умные часы Galaxy Watch, если они потерялись’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Использование
    Как найти часы Galaxy Watch и наушники Galaxy Buds с помощью SmartThings Find

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о мобильных устройствах Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Как найти часы Galaxy Watch и наушники Galaxy Buds с помощью SmartThings Find’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Использование
    Как подключить наушники Galaxy Buds к смартфону

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о Мобильных Устройствах. Узнайте больше о том, Как подключить наушники Galaxy Buds к смартфону, с помощью справочной системы Samsung Support.

  • Настройка
    Как настроить быстрые ответы на часах Galaxy Watch?

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о технике Samsung Galaxy. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Как настроить быстрые ответы на часах Galaxy Watch?’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung

  • Использование
    Как изменить циферблат часов Galaxy Watch

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о мобильных устройствах Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Как изменить циферблат часов Galaxy Watch’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Использование
    Как подключить ваше устройство Galaxy к другим устройствам с помощью приложения Подключенные устройства

    FAQ для мобильных устройств. Узнайте подробнее, Как подключить ваше устройство Galaxy к другим устройствам с помощью приложения Подключенные устройства, в Samsung Support.

  • Использование
    Техника безопасности при эксплуатации устройства Galaxy

    FAQ для мобильных устройств. Узнайте подробнее, как обеспечивается Техника безопасности при эксплуатации устройства Galaxy в Samsung Support.

  • Камера
    Что делать, если не работает функция управления камерой телефона с часов Galaxy Watch

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о мобильной технике Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Что делать, если не работает функция управления камерой телефона с часов Galaxy Watch’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Использование
    Что делать, если возникла проблема со звуком на Galaxy Watch

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о мобильных устройствах Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Что делать, если возникла проблема со звуком на Galaxy Watch’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Использование
    Как управлять камерой смартфона Samsung Galaxy с часов или браслета

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о мобильных устройствах Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Как управлять камерой смартфона Samsung Galaxy с часов или браслета’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Использование
    Как перенести звукозапись с часов Galaxy Watch на смартфон Samsung Galaxy

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о технике Мобильные устройства Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Как перенести звукозапись с часов Galaxy Watch на смартфон Samsung Galaxy’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Использование
    Как обновить программное обеспечение наушников Galaxy Buds, Galaxy Buds2, Galaxy Buds Live и Galaxy Buds Pro

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о Мобильных Устройствах. Узнайте больше о том, Как обновить программное обеспечение наушников Galaxy Buds, с помощью справочной системы Samsung Support.

  • Мультимедийный контент
    Как слушать музыку на Galaxy Buds

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о технике Мобильные устройства Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Как слушать музыку на Galaxy Buds’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Звук / Динамик / Микрофон
    Как управлять звонками на Ваших Galaxy Buds +

    Как управлять звонками на вашем Galaxy Buds +

  • Звук / Динамик / Микрофон
    Как избежать задержки звука на Galaxy Buds+

    Как избежать задержки звука на Galaxy Buds+

  • Использование
    Как установить соединение часов Galaxy Watch со смартфоном

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о Мобильных Устройствах. Узнайте больше о том, Как установить соединение часовGalaxy Watch со смартфоном, с помощью справочной системы Samsung Support.

  • Использование
    Что такое мобильная экосистема Samsung Galaxy

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о Мобильных устройствах Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Что такое мобильная экосистема Samsung Galaxy’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

  • Samsung Pay
    Как совершить оплату с помощью Galaxy Watch?

    FAQ по использованию на мобильных устройствах. Узнайте подробнее, как совершить оплату с помощью Galaxy Watch, в Samsung Support.

  • Использование
    Как сделать снимок экрана на часах Galaxy Watch?

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о Мобильных Устройствах. Узнайте больше о том, Как сделать снимок экрана на часах Galaxy Watch, с помощью справочной системы Samsung Support.

  • Использование
    Как изменить отображаемое имя наушников Galaxy Buds?

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о Мобильных Устройствах. Узнайте больше о том, Как изменить отображаемое имя наушников Galaxy Buds, с помощью справочной системы Samsung Support.

  • Использование
    Как зарядить наушники Galaxy Buds

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о Мобильных Устройствах. Узнайте больше о том, Как зарядить наушники Galaxy Buds, с помощью справочной системы Samsung Support.

  • Использование
    Как управлять плитками на часах Galaxy Watch

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о Мобильных Устройствах. Узнайте больше о том, Как управлять плитками на часах Galaxy Watch, с помощью справочной системы Samsung Support.

  • Bluetooth
    Как подключить Bluetooth наушники к Galaxy Watch Active 2

    Как подключить Bluetooth наушники к Galaxy Watch Active 2

  • Использование
    Как пользоваться часами Galaxy Watch

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о Мобильных Устройствах. Узнайте больше о том, Как пользоваться часами Galaxy Watch, с помощью справочной системы Samsung Support.

  • Звук / Динамик / Микрофон
    Galaxy Buds: можно ли использовать только один наушник

    Можно ли использовать только один наушник Galaxy Buds? Читайте рекомендации от производителя в этой статье.

  • Звук / Динамик / Микрофон
    Galaxy Buds: какие улучшения у Galaxy Buds по сравнению с IconX 2018

    Какие улучшения у Galaxy Buds по сравнению с IconX 2018? Читайте в этой статье информацию от производителя

  • Использование
    Чем отличаются Galaxy Buds2, Buds Live и Buds Pro?

    FAQ для мобильных устройств. Узнайте подробнее, чем отличаются Galaxy Buds2, Buds Live и Buds Pro, в Samsung Support.

  • Использование
    Что представляет собой функция Galaxy Buds «Аудио 360»?

    FAQ для мобильных устройств. Узнайте подробнее, Что представляет собой функция Galaxy Buds «Аудио 360», в разделе поддержки Samsung.

  • Звук / Динамик / Микрофон
    Что делать, если в наушниках Galaxy Buds Pro разная громкость?

    Часто задаваемые вопросы о технике Samsung Galaxy Watch. Узнайте подробнее о ‘Что делать, если в наушниках Galaxy Buds Pro разная громкость ?’ с помощью службы поддержки Samsung

  • Звук / Динамик / Микрофон
    Что делать, если при использовании наушников с Galaxy Watch Active 2 низкое качество звука?

    Плохое качество звука при использовании наушников с Galaxy Watch Active2

  • Обновление
    Что делать, если на экране Galaxy Fit появляется восклицательный знак?

    Что делать, если на экране Galaxy Fit появляется восклицательный знак?

  • Спецификации / Функции
    Что делать, если GPS не работает должным образом на Samsung Galaxy Watch Active2

    Что делать, если GPS не работает должным образом на Samsung Galaxy Watch Active2

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Samsung Galaxy Watch SM-R800 User Manual

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User Manual

English. 10/2018. Rev.1.1


Related Manuals for Samsung Galaxy Watch SM-R800

Summary of Contents for Samsung Galaxy Watch SM-R800

  • Page 1
    SM-R800 SM-R805F SM-R810 SM-R815F User Manual English. 10/2018. Rev.1.1…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Getting Started 28 Using the Galaxy Watch without a mobile device About the Galaxy Watch 29 Controlling the screen Read me first Screen composition Turning the screen on and off 11 Device layout Switching the screen Package contents Using the bezel Galaxy Watch Touchscreen…

  • Page 3
    Receiving calls Playing music from your mobile Making calls device Options during calls Playing music without connecting 59 Contacts to a mobile device 91 Reminder 61 Samsung Pay 92 Calendar 62 Samsung Health Introduction 93 Bixby Calories Introduction Steps Launching Bixby…
  • Page 4
    127 WATCH FACES 103 Connecting your Galaxy Watch to a computer via Bluetooth 128 SETTINGS 105 Setting the alarm functions 128 Notifications 106 Samsung Flow 129 Apps 130 Widgets 106 Introduction 130 Sound and vibration 106 Connecting devices via Bluetooth…
  • Page 5
    Table of Contents Using the Galaxy Watch 138 Introduction 138 Using as a planner 138 Checking out today’s information 140 Managing my daily life 142 Using dual clock when you are abroad 143 Using a convenient reminder 144 Using as a personal coach for your health 144 Managing stress and sleep quality 145 Achieving your daily calorie target…
  • Page 6: Getting Started

    Getting Started About the Galaxy Watch The Galaxy Watch is a smartwatch that can analyse your exercise pattern, manage your health and allows you to use a variety of convenient apps for making phone calls and playing music. By rotating the bezel, you can access convenient features quickly and easily. You can also change the watch face to your taste.

  • Page 7: Read Me First

    Galaxy Watch malfunctions and data corruption or loss. These actions are violations of your Samsung licence agreement and will void your warranty. • T he images in this manual are based on the SM-R800 and SM-R805F models.

  • Page 8
    Getting Started Maintaining water and dust resistance Your device supports water- and dust-resistance. Follow these tips carefully to maintain the water- and dust-resistance of your device. Failure to do so may result in damage to your device. • D o not expose the device to water moving with force. •…
  • Page 9
    Getting Started Precautions for overheating If you feel discomfort due to overheating while using the device, stop using it immediately and remove it from your wrist. To avoid problems, such as device malfunction, skin discomfort or damage, and battery draining, a warning will appear on the device if it reaches a specific temperature. When the initial warning appears, all calls, other than emergency calls and other device functions, will be disabled until the device cools down to a specific temperature.
  • Page 10
    • O nly the materials observed the standards of the U.S Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the regulations of the European countries, and other international standards are used to make a Galaxy Watch. • F or more information about how Samsung manages chemicals, refer to the Samsung website (
  • Page 11: Device Layout

    • A ppearances and specifications are subject to change without prior notice. • Y ou can purchase additional accessories from your local Samsung retailer. Make sure they are compatible with the Galaxy Watch before purchase.

  • Page 12: Galaxy Watch

    Getting Started Galaxy Watch ► SM-R800, SM-R805F SM-R800: GPS antenna SM-R805F: LTE/GPS antenna NFC antenna Touchscreen Back key Bezel Microphone Light sensor Home key (Power key) Pressure vent Atmospheric pressure sensor Heart rate sensor Speaker Band…

  • Page 13
    Getting Started ► SM-R810, SM-R815F SM-R810: GPS antenna SM-R815F: LTE/GPS antenna NFC antenna Touchscreen Back key Bezel Microphone Light sensor Home key (Power key) Pressure vent Atmospheric pressure sensor Heart rate sensor Speaker Band…
  • Page 14
    Getting Started • E nsure that the band is kept clean. Contact with contaminants, such as dust and dye, can cause stains on the band that may not be fully removed. • D o not insert sharp objects into the atmospheric pressure sensor, the pressure vent, speaker, or the microphone.
  • Page 15: Wireless Charging Dock

    Charge the battery before using it for the first time or when it has been unused for extended periods. Use only Samsung-approved chargers, batteries, and cables. Unapproved chargers or cables can cause the battery to explode or damage the Galaxy Watch.

  • Page 16
    Getting Started Plug the small end of the charger into the charger port of the wireless charging dock and plug the large end of the charger into an electric socket. Place the Galaxy Watch into the wireless charging dock aligning the centre of your Galaxy Watch’s back side with the centre of the wireless charging dock.
  • Page 17: Battery Charging Tips And Precautions

    When a wireless charging dock error occurs, the LED indicator flashes red. Disconnect the Galaxy Watch from the wireless charging dock, wait until the LED indicator stops flashing and reconnect the two. If the error occurs again, contact a Samsung Service Centre for service support.

  • Page 18: Power Saving Mode

    If this happens, continue charging the Galaxy Watch after allowing it to cool down by removing it from the wireless charging dock. • I f the Galaxy Watch is not charging properly, take the Galaxy Watch to a Samsung Service Centre.

  • Page 19: Wearing The Galaxy Watch

    Getting Started Wearing the Galaxy Watch Putting on the Galaxy Watch Open the buckle and place the band around your wrist. Fit the band to your wrist, insert the pin into an adjustment hole, and then secure the buckle to close it. Do not bend the band excessively.

  • Page 20: Band Tips And Precautions

    Getting Started Band tips and precautions • W hen you wear the Galaxy Watch for a long time or do a high-intensity exercise while wearing it, skin irritation may occur due to friction and pressure. If you wearing your Galaxy Watch for a long time, remove the Galaxy Watch from your wrist and do not wear your Galaxy Watch for several hours.

  • Page 21
    Getting Started Pull the band away from the Galaxy Watch’s body. Insert one end of the spring bar into the Galaxy Watch’s lug.
  • Page 22
    Getting Started Slide the spring bar inwards and connect the band.
  • Page 23: Turning The Galaxy Watch On And Off

    Getting Started Turning the Galaxy Watch on and off Press and hold the Home key (Power key) for a few seconds to turn on the Galaxy Watch. When you turn on the Galaxy Watch for the first time or reset it, on-screen instructions will appear to download and install the Galaxy Wearable app on your mobile device.

  • Page 24: Connecting The Galaxy Watch To A Mobile Device

    Getting Started Connecting the Galaxy Watch to a mobile device Installing the Galaxy Wearable app You can use other various features after connecting your Galaxy Watch to a mobile device. To connect your Galaxy Watch to a mobile device, install the Galaxy Wearable app on the mobile device.

  • Page 25
    Getting Started Select your device on the screen. If you cannot find your device, tap MINE’S NOT HERE. Tap TURN ON when the Bluetooth activation request window appears. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the connection. When completing the connection, an on-screen tutorial will appear on both the Galaxy Watch’s screen and the mobile device.
  • Page 26
    Getting Started Activating the Galaxy Watch’s mobile network You can receive calls and messages on your Galaxy Watch without mobile device, and also use various other services through the mobile network after activating it. Begin by connecting your Galaxy Watch to the mobile device. For more information, refer to Connecting the Galaxy Watch to a mobile device.
  • Page 27: Remote Connection

    Your Galaxy Watch and mobile device are connected via Bluetooth. When a Bluetooth connection is not available, you can remotely connect the Galaxy Watch to your mobile device by using your Samsung account via the mobile network or the Wi-Fi network. This allows you to continue receiving notifications from your mobile device.

  • Page 28: Using The Galaxy Watch Without A Mobile Device

    Check the notice and tap Continue >. Read the terms and conditions and tap NEXT to agree to them. Login with your Samsung account. If you need to restore data, restore another Galaxy Watch’s data stored in your Samsung account. Connect to the mobile network.

  • Page 29: Controlling The Screen

    Getting Started Controlling the screen Screen composition The Watch screen is the starting point for accessing all of the Galaxy Watch’s many screens. You can view other screens by pressing the key, rotating the bezel, or swiping your finger on the screen.

  • Page 30: Turning The Screen On And Off

    Getting Started Turning the screen on and off To turn on the screen, rotate the bezel. Or, press the Home key or the Back key. If the screen does not turn on after you rotate the bezel, tap (Settings) on the Apps screen, tap Advanced →…

  • Page 31
    Getting Started Opening apps On the Apps screen, tap an app icon to open the app. (Recent apps) on the Apps screen. To open an app from the list of recently used apps, tap You can launch apps directly when you add frequently used apps to the App shortcuts widget.
  • Page 32: Using The Bezel

    • D o not use the bezel near magnetic fields as they may interfere with the bezel’s internal magnets and cause it to malfunction. If the bezel does not rotate, take it to a Samsung Service Centre without disassembling the Galaxy Watch.

  • Page 33
    Getting Started Selecting an item Rotate the bezel to move from item to item. When you rotate the bezel, the highlight indicator will move in same direction and an item will be highlighted. Adjusting the input value Rotate the bezel to adjust the volume or brightness. When adjusting the brightness, rotate the bezel clockwise to make the screen brighter.
  • Page 34: Touchscreen

    Getting Started Using the phone or alarm feature Rotate the bezel clockwise to receive an incoming call or to dismiss an alarm. Rotate the bezel anticlockwise to reject an incoming call or to activate the snooze feature for an alarm. Touchscreen •…

  • Page 35
    Getting Started Tapping To open an app, to select a menu item, or to press an on-screen button, tap it with your finger. Tapping and holding Tap and hold the screen for two or more seconds to access the Edit mode or to view available options.
  • Page 36
    Getting Started Dragging To move an item, tap and hold it and drag it to the target position. Double-tapping Double-tap on an image to zoom in. Double-tap again to return.
  • Page 37: Quick Panel

    Getting Started Swiping Swipe to the left or right to view other panels. Quick panel This panel allows you to view the Galaxy Watch’s current status and configure settings. Swipe downwards from the top edge of the screen. Battery power level icon Indicator icons Quick setting icons…

  • Page 38
    Getting Started Checking the indicator icons Indicator icons appear at the top of the quick panel and let you know the Galaxy Watch’s current status. The icons listed in the table below are most common. The indicator icons shown may vary depending on the region. Icon Meaning Bluetooth connected…
  • Page 39
    Getting Started Icon Meaning Activate the watch always on feature Adjust the brightness Connect the Wi-Fi network or connect the Wi-Fi network automatically Open the settings screen Activate the NFC feature Launch the Find My Phone app Connect the mobile network Open the battery management menu Connect the Bluetooth headset Activate sound, vibrate, or silent mode…
  • Page 40
    Getting Started Adding a quick setting icon Tap and hold a quick setting icon and tap , then select a feature you want to add on the quick panel. The icon for the feature you select will be added on the quick panel. (Settings) →…
  • Page 41
    Getting Started Activating do not disturb mode When a notification, except an alarm, is received, you can set your Galaxy Watch not to vibrate and not to turn on the screen. On the quick panel, tap and set do not disturb mode. icon will appear at the top of the Watch screen.
  • Page 42
    Getting Started Activating the NFC feature Activate the NFC feature. On the quick panel, tap . The NFC feature can be used conveniently with the NFC antenna. For more information, refer to NFC. Launching the Find My Phone app Launch the Find My Phone app and find your mobile device when you misplace it. On the quick panel, tap .
  • Page 43
    Getting Started Connecting the Bluetooth headset Connect the Bluetooth headset and you can listen music and have a phone conversations through it. On the quick panel, tap The Bluetooth feature is activated and the available Bluetooth headsets list will be searched. If the previously used Bluetooth is available, it will be connected automatically.
  • Page 44
    Getting Started Playing or pausing music Play or pause music. On the quick panel, tap or . Music is played or paused on the Galaxy Watch and the connected mobile device. You can listen to music after connecting the Bluetooth headset. Activating goodnight mode Activate goodnight mode for sleeping.
  • Page 45: Lock Screen

    Getting Started Lock screen Use the screen lock feature to protect your personal information by preventing others from accessing your Galaxy Watch. After activating the screen lock feature, the Galaxy Watch will require an unlock code whenever unlocking it. Setting the screen lock (Settings) →…

  • Page 46: Watch

    Getting Started Watch Watch screen View the current time. When you are not on the Watch screen, press the Home key to return to the Watch screen. Changing the watch face Tap and hold the Watch screen and rotate the bezel, or swipe the screen to the left or right and then select a watch face.

  • Page 47: Using The Watch Always On Feature

    Getting Started You can also change the Galaxy Watch’s watch face from your mobile device. Launch Galaxy Wearable on your mobile device and tap WATCH FACES. To download more watch faces from Galaxy Apps, launch Galaxy Wearable and tap INFO → VIEW MORE of the TOP WATCH FACES card.

  • Page 48: Watch Only Mode

    Getting Started Watch only mode You can activate watch only mode. In watch only mode, only the watch will display and all other functions will be turned off. (Settings) → Battery → Watch only. On the Apps screen, tap Notifications Notification panel Check a notification such as a new message or a missed call on the notification panel.

  • Page 49: Viewing Incoming Notifications

    Getting Started Viewing incoming notifications When you receive a notification, information about the notification, such as its type or the time you received it, will appear on the screen. If more than two notifications are received, rotate the bezel to view more notifications. Tap the notification to view details.

  • Page 50: Selecting Apps For Receiving Notifications

    Getting Started Selecting apps for receiving notifications Select an app from your mobile device to receive notifications. Launch Galaxy Wearable on your mobile device and tap SETTINGS → Notifications, and tap the switch. Tap Manage notifications and tap the switch next to apps to receive notifications from them on your Galaxy Watch.

  • Page 51: Using The Voice Input

    Getting Started Using the voice input and speak to enter your message. To change the language recognised, tap → Input languages. Access additional options. Recognising voice input. • T his feature is not supported in some languages. • T ips for better voice recognition –…

  • Page 52: Using Emoticons

    Getting Started Using emoticons and select the category. The emoticon list of the selected category will appear. To draw a picture, tap Doodle at the top of the screen, and draw your message. Rotate the bezel anticlockwise to delete the input stroke by stroke. To recover a stroke, rotate the bezel clockwise.

  • Page 53
    Getting Started Changing the input mode Rotate the bezel to change the input mode on the text input screen. You can switch between handwriting mode, character mode, number mode, punctuation mode, emoticon mode, and voice input mode. Changing the input language Drag the space key to the left or right while tapping and holding it to change the input language.
  • Page 54: Messages

    Apps and features Messages View messages and reply to using the Galaxy Watch. Viewing messages You may incur additional charges for receiving messages while you are roaming. (Messages) on the Apps screen. Or, swipe to the right on the Watch screen or rotate the bezel anticlockwise when you receive a new message notification.

  • Page 55
    Apps and features Sending messages You may incur additional charges for sending messages while you are roaming. (Messages) on the Apps screen. Create a new message. Contacts Messages list Or, you can choose a message recipient by tapping on the contacts list. Add a recipient and tap NEXT.
  • Page 56: Phone

    Apps and features Phone Introduction On your Galaxy Watch, make or receive calls. You can have phone conversations via the internal microphone, speaker, or connected Bluetooth headset. You can make calls without being connected to a mobile device on the mobile network model.

  • Page 57
    Apps and features Rejecting a call Reject an incoming call and send a rejection message to the caller. When a call comes in, rotate the bezel anticlockwise. Alternatively, drag outside the large circle. To send a message when rejecting an incoming call, swipe upwards from the bottom edge of the screen.
  • Page 58: Making Calls

    Apps and features Making calls (Phone) on the Apps screen. Keypad Contacts Log list Use one of the followings methods: • T ap , enter a number using the keypad, and then tap . • T ap , search or select a contact, and then tap •…

  • Page 59: Contacts

    Apps and features Switching to a Bluetooth headset Switch the Galaxy Watch to a Bluetooth headset to continue the call on a Bluetooth headset. When a Bluetooth headset is connected to the Galaxy Watch, tap on the call screen to make a phone call with the Bluetooth headset.

  • Page 60
    Apps and features Adding contacts (Contacts) on the Apps screen. on the top of the contacts list and enter the contact information. Tap SAVE. Selecting the frequently used contacts on the widget After adding the Contacts widget, add the frequently used contacts to contact them easily via a text message or phone call.
  • Page 61: Samsung Pay

    Apps and features Samsung Pay Register frequently used cards to Samsung Pay, a mobile payment service, to make payments quickly and securely. Samsung Pay supports near field communication (NFC) to allow payment through standard credit card readers. You can view more information, such as cards that support this feature at

  • Page 62: Samsung Health

    Samsung Health Introduction Samsung Health records and manages your 24-hour activity and sleep pattern to cultivate a healthy habit. When connecting your Galaxy Watch to your mobile devices, you can save and manage the health-related data and also receive the useful information about your health every day.

  • Page 63
    Apps and features Wearing the Galaxy Watch correctly • W hen you activate the auto heart rate tracking feature, or when the Galaxy Watch recognises your exercise, the Galaxy Watch will automatically track your heart rate. When measuring your heart rate, wear the Galaxy Watch snugly on your arm above your wrist as shown in the figure below.
  • Page 64
    Apps and features • S moking or consuming alcohol before taking measurements may cause your heart rate to be different from your normal heart rate. • D o not talk, yawn, or breathe deeply while taking heart rate measurements. Doing so may cause your heart rate to be recorded inaccurately.
  • Page 65: Calories

    • A ctivate the weight management feature in the Samsung Health app on your mobile device to check your weight on the calorie balance screen. You can manage your daily and weekly calories burned and calorie intake based on the target weight you set.

  • Page 66: Steps

    Measuring your step count and distance you walk (Samsung Health) on the Apps screen and rotate the bezel clockwise to open the steps tracker screen. Alternatively, rotate the bezel clockwise on the Watch screen, select the Health summary widget, and then tap the steps tracker menu.

  • Page 67: Floors

    Record and track how many floors you climb. Measuring the floors you climb (Samsung Health) on the Apps screen and rotate the bezel clockwise to open the floors tracker screen. Alternatively, rotate the bezel clockwise on the Watch screen, select the Health summary widget, and then tap the floors tracker menu.

  • Page 68
    Apps and features To view weekly records with a graph, swipe upwards or downwards on the screen. To view records by day, tap View each date. • O ne floor is calculated as approximately 3 metres. The floors measured may not match the actual floors you climb.
  • Page 69: Exercise

    Apps and features Exercise Record your exercise information and calories burned using Samsung Health’s exercise feature. • B efore using this feature, pregnant women, the elderly, and young children, users suffering from conditions, such as chronic heart disease or high blood pressure, are recommended to seek the advice of a licensed medical professional.

  • Page 70
    Apps and features Tap Workout screen to customise the exercise information screen. • F or more information, refer to Customising the exercise information screen. • T he exercise information screen cannot be changed during work-out. Set the various options for each exercise type. •…
  • Page 71
    Apps and features View exercise information, such as your heart rate, distance, or time, on the exercise information screen when you rotate the bezel or swipe left or right on the screen. When you are swimming, you can check additional exercise information, such as your previous stroke and pace.
  • Page 72
    You can perform repetitive exercises such as the squat or dead lift. Your Galaxy Watch will count how many times you repeat the motion with beeps. (Samsung Health) on the Apps screen. Rotate the bezel clockwise to open the exercise tracker screen.
  • Page 73
    Apps and features Tap Target to select a target type and set a target. • I f you select Basic workout as the target, you can work out as much as you want without a limit on time or repetitions. •…
  • Page 74
    Customise the exercise information screen that appears while exercising with the information that you want to preview. The exercise information screen cannot be changed during work-out. (Samsung Health) on the Apps screen. Rotate the bezel clockwise to open the exercise tracker screen. Tap WORK OUT and select the type of exercise.
  • Page 75: Sleep

    Sleep while wearing the Galaxy Watch. The Galaxy Watch will start to measure your sleep pattern. (Samsung Health) on the Apps screen after you wake up. Rotate the bezel clockwise to open the sleep tracker screen. View your sleep pattern and information.

  • Page 76: Heart Rate

    • I f the heart rate sensor is not working, check the Galaxy Watch’s position on your wrist and make sure nothing is obstructing the sensor. If the heart rate sensor continues to have the same problem, visit a Samsung Service Centre.

  • Page 77
    Apps and features Measuring your heart rate (Samsung Health) on the Apps screen. Rotate the bezel clockwise to open the heart rate tracker screen. Tap MEASURE to begin measuring your heart rate. After a moment, your current heart rate will be displayed on the screen.
  • Page 78: Stress

    Wearing the Galaxy Watch correctly for details. • T his feature may not be available depending on the region. Measuring your stress level (Samsung Health) on the Apps screen. Rotate the bezel clockwise to open the stress tracker screen.

  • Page 79
    Apps and features Tap MEASURE to begin measuring your stress level. After a moment, your current stress level will be displayed on the screen. Rotate the bezel clockwise on the Watch screen and you can measure your stress level directly on the Stress widget. To view weekly records with a graph, swipe upwards or downwards on the screen.
  • Page 80: Food

    Galaxy Watch will let you know your daily recommended calories based on the age, gender, and the physical conditions you entered in your profile. Recording the calories (Samsung Health) on the Apps screen. Rotate the bezel clockwise to open the food screen.

  • Page 81
    Setting your target calories Tap on the food screen and rotate the bezel to select Set target. Set the daily target calories and tap DONE. You can change the daily target calories from the Samsung Health app on the connected mobile device.
  • Page 82: Water

    Water Record and track how many glasses of water you drink. Recording water consumption (Samsung Health) on the Apps screen. Rotate the bezel clockwise to open the water tracker screen. when you drink a glass of water. If you accidentally added an incorrect value, you can fix it by tapping To view weekly records with a graph, swipe upwards or downwards on the screen.

  • Page 83: Caffeine

    Caffeine Record and track how many cups of coffee you drink. Recording your coffee consumption (Samsung Health) on the Apps screen. Rotate the bezel clockwise to open the caffeine tracker screen. when you drink a cup of coffee. If you accidentally added an incorrect value, you can fix it by tapping To view weekly records with a graph, swipe upwards or downwards on the screen.

  • Page 84: Together

    Compare your weekly step count records with other Samsung Health users. You can set a goal, compete with your friends, and view the challenge status. • A ctivate the together feature in the Samsung Health app on your mobile device to check information on your Galaxy Watch.

  • Page 85: Additional Information

    Galaxy Watch near other devices that transmit radio waves. • T he content used in the Samsung Health app may vary depending on the software version of the app. The services provided with the app are subject to change or the cancellation of support without prior notice.

  • Page 86: Gps

    Apps and features The Galaxy Watch has a GPS sensor so that you can check your real-time location information without connecting to a mobile device. When you are using your Galaxy Watch without connecting to a mobile device or using apps such as Alti-Barometer, the GPS sensor in your Galaxy Watch will be used.

  • Page 87
    Apps and features Measuring your current altitude Measure your current altitude and view a graph of changes over the last 6 hours. (Alti-Barometer) on the Apps screen. Alternatively, rotate the bezel clockwise on the Watch screen and select the Alti-Barometer widget to launch it. •…
  • Page 88
    Apps and features Measuring your current atmospheric pressure Measure your current atmospheric pressure and view a graph of changes over the last 6 hours. You can anticipate any changes to the weather using the pressure prediction gauge. (Alti-Barometer) on the Apps screen. Alternatively, rotate the bezel clockwise on the Watch screen and select the Alti-Barometer widget to launch it.
  • Page 89: Music

    Apps and features Music Introduction Listen to music saved in the Galaxy Watch and in the mobile device. Playing music (Music) on the Apps screen. Alternatively, rotate the bezel clockwise on the Watch screen and select the Music widget to launch it. When listening to music saved in the Galaxy Watch, swipe upwards from the bottom edge of the screen to open the library screen.

  • Page 90: Playing Music With The Galaxy Watch

    Apps and features To sync music in your mobile device with your Galaxy Watch, tap the Auto sync switch under MUSIC. The music in your mobile device will be synced automatically with your Galaxy Watch when it has more than 15 % of remaining battery power. Playing music with the Galaxy Watch Play music saved on your Galaxy Watch via the internal speaker.

  • Page 91: Playing Music Without Connecting To A Mobile Device

    Apps and features Playing music without connecting to a mobile device Listen to music or radio using the Galaxy Watch by itself. You must download music or a radio streaming app on the Galaxy Watch. On the Apps screen, tap (Galaxy Apps).

  • Page 92: Calendar

    Apps and features Viewing the reminder alarm When an alarm appears, check the reminder details. You can also rotate the bezel anticlockwise on the Watch screen to open the notification panel and view reminders. • A ll reminders on your Galaxy Watch will be synced with the connected mobile device automatically so that you can receive alarms and check them from the mobile device.

  • Page 93: Bixby

    Apps and features Bixby Introduction Bixby is a voice service that helps you use the Galaxy Watch more conveniently. You can talk to Bixby to launch a function or provide you with information. • T his app may not be available depending on the region. •…

  • Page 94: Using Bixby

    Apps and features Using Bixby Quickly press the Home key twice. Alternatively, say “Hi Bixby”. You can also launch Bixby by tapping (Bixby) on the Apps screen. The Galaxy Watch begins voice recognition. View examples of voice commands. Bixby settings Say a voice command.

  • Page 95: Setting The Language

    Apps and features Setting the language (Bixby) → , rotate the bezel, tap Language, and then select a On the Apps screen, tap language. The selected language is applied to Bixby only, not to the language displayed on the Galaxy Watch. Weather View weather information on the Galaxy Watch for locations set on the mobile device when the devices are connected.

  • Page 96: World Clock

    Apps and features Select the days for the alarm to repeat and tap SAVE. The saved alarm is added to the alarms list. On the alarms list, tap to activate the alarm or tap to deactivate the alarm. Stopping alarms Drag outside the large circle to stop an alarm.

  • Page 97: Gallery

    Apps and features Gallery Importing and exporting images Importing images from your mobile device Launch Galaxy Wearable on your mobile device. Tap SETTINGS → Add content to your watch. Tap Copy images. Select files and tap DONE. To sync images on your mobile device with your Galaxy Watch, tap the Auto sync switch under IMAGES, tap Albums to sync, select albums to import to your Galaxy Watch, and then tap DONE.

  • Page 98: Viewing Images

    Apps and features Viewing images View and manage the images saved on your Galaxy Watch. (Gallery) on the Apps screen. Rotate the bezel to scroll through the image list and select an image. Zooming in or out While viewing an image, double-tap the image to zoom in or out. When an image is magnified, you can view the rest of the image by scrolling around the screen.

  • Page 99: News Briefing

    Apps and features News Briefing View the latest articles in various categories. You can catch up on news categories that interest you. (News Briefing) on the Apps screen. Alternatively, rotate the bezel clockwise on the Watch screen and select the News Briefing widget to launch it. When you use the News Briefing app for the first time, read the legal notice and tap AGREE.

  • Page 100: Find My Phone

    Apps and features Find My Phone If you misplace the mobile device, the Galaxy Watch can help you find it. This feature is not available when you use the Galaxy Watch without connecting to a mobile device. (Find My Phone) on the Apps screen. The mobile device emits sounds and turns on the screen.

  • Page 101: Sos Messages

    Wearable on your mobile device, tap SETTINGS → Find My Watch → SET SECURITY, select a feature, and then tap the switch to activate it. This feature is available after registering the Samsung account on both your Galaxy Watch and mobile device.

  • Page 102
    Apps and features Activating SOS calls Set the Galaxy Watch to automatically call your emergency contact after sending an SOS message. You can only call one of your emergency contacts. Launch Galaxy Wearable on your mobile device and tap SETTINGS → Send SOS requests. Tap the Make SOS calls to switch to activate it and select an emergency contact.
  • Page 103: Email

    Apps and features Email View emails received on the mobile device and reply to them. Reading emails (Email) on the Apps screen. Select an email to open the email screen. To view an email on the mobile device, tap , rotate the bezel to select Show on phone. To reply an email, select an input mode and enter your email.

  • Page 104
    Apps and features Search for or select your Galaxy Watch from the Bluetooth list on your computer. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the connection. If your computer and Galaxy Watch do not connect, cancel the Bluetooth request on both devices and try again. Or, remove the Galaxy Watch from your computer that previously appeared on the Bluetooth list, and try again.
  • Page 105: Setting The Alarm Functions

    Apps and features Setting the alarm functions Setting the wrap up alert When you make a presentation using slides, set the finishing time on your Galaxy Watch in advance to receive an alarm. Tap and rotate the bezel to select Wrap-up alert. Tap the Wrap-up alert switch to activate it.

  • Page 106: Samsung Flow

    Galaxy Apps, Play Store, or Microsoft Store. • T o use the Samsung Flow, set the screen lock feature on your Galaxy Watch and mobile device. To use the screen lock feature of the Galaxy Watch and mobile…

  • Page 107: Unlocking The Computer Or Tablet

    Search for or select your Galaxy Watch and mobile device from the Bluetooth list on your computer or tablet. Launch the Samsung Flow app and select START to register the Galaxy Watch and mobile device. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the connection.

  • Page 108: Galaxy Apps

    Tap and rotate the bezel to select Show on phone and launch Galaxy Apps on your mobile device. Then, browse and select an app or watch face to download. Register your Samsung account on the connected mobile device first to use this app. Settings Introduction Customise settings for functions and apps.

  • Page 109: Sound And Vibration

    Apps and features • W atch face order: Select how to arrange the watch faces. – Most recent first: Set the recently used watch face to appear first. – Custom: Arrange the watch face to your preference. • H ourly chime: Set the Galaxy Watch to notify you every hour with a sound or vibration. •…

  • Page 110: Display

    Apps and features Display Change the Galaxy Watch’s display settings and the Apps screen. On the Settings screen, tap Display. • B rightness: Adjust the brightness for the display. • A uto low brightness: Set the Galaxy Watch to automatically adjust the brightness depending on the ambient light conditions.

  • Page 111
    Apps and features • B ezel wake-up: Set the Galaxy Watch to turn on the screen when you rotate the bezel. • W ater lock mode: – Water lock mode: Activate water lock mode before entering the water. The touchscreen, the wake-up gesture feature, and the watch always on feature will be deactivated.
  • Page 112: Connections

    • D o not use the Bluetooth feature for illegal purposes (for example, pirating copies of files or illegally tapping communications for commercial purposes). Samsung is not responsible for the repercussion of illegal use of the Bluetooth feature. On the Settings screen, tap Connections → Bluetooth.

  • Page 113
    Apps and features Mobile networks Customise settings to control networks. On the Settings screen, tap Connections → Mobile networks. The Mobile networks options are not displayed on the Bluetooth model. • M obile networks: – Auto on/off: Set the Galaxy Watch to automatically connect to or disconnect from the mobile network depending on the Galaxy Watch’s connection to the mobile device via Bluetooth.
  • Page 114
    Apps and features • M obile data: Set the Galaxy Watch to use data connections on any mobile network. • D ata roaming: Set the Galaxy Watch to use data connections when you are roaming. • N etwork mode: Select a network type to connect to between LTE and 3G. •…
  • Page 115
    Apps and features Tap CONNECT. • O nce the Galaxy Watch connects to a Wi-Fi network, the Galaxy Watch will reconnect to that network each time it is available without requiring a password. To prevent the Galaxy Watch connecting to the network automatically, select it from the list of networks and tap FORGET.
  • Page 116
    Apps and features To set the default app, open the Settings screen and tap Connections → NFC → Tap and pay, and then select an app. The services list may not include all available apps. NFC antenna Alerts Set the Galaxy Watch to vibrate when it is disconnected from your mobile device. On the Settings screen, tap Connections and tap the Alerts switch to activate it.
  • Page 117: Apps

    Apps and features Data usage Keep track of your data usage amount and customise the settings for the limitation. On the Settings screen, tap Connections → Data usage. The Data usage options are not displayed on the Bluetooth model. • M obile data: Set the Galaxy Watch to use data connections on any mobile network. •…

  • Page 118
    Apps and features Permissions For some apps to operate properly, they may need permission to access or use information on your Galaxy Watch. View your app permission settings for each app and change the settings. On the Settings screen, tap Apps → Permissions. Call Change the call feature settings.
  • Page 119: Security

    Apps and features Security Lock Change the settings for securing the Galaxy Watch. When you use this feature, the Galaxy Watch may be locked automatically when it does not move for a period of time. On the Settings screen, tap Security → Lock. •…

  • Page 120: Account And Backup (Account)

    • S amsung account: Enter your Samsung account and log in. • B ackup and restore: Back up the data saved in your Galaxy Watch on the Samsung Cloud or restore data saved on the Samsung Cloud on your Galaxy Watch.

  • Page 121: General

    On the Settings screen, tap General → Input. • D efault keyboard: Check the default keyboard for entering the characters. • K eyboard settings: Configure the Samsung keyboard’s settings. Text-to-speech Change the settings for text-to-speech features, such as languages, speed, and more.

  • Page 122: Battery

    Apps and features Language Select a language to use on your Galaxy Watch. On the Settings screen, tap General → Language. The Language option is displayed only when you use the Galaxy Watch without connecting to a mobile device. Reset Delete all data on your Galaxy Watch.

  • Page 123: About Watch

    • R eport diagnostic and usage info: Set the Galaxy Watch to automatically send the device’s diagnostic and usage information to Samsung. • D ebugging: Activate or deactivate debugging mode when developing apps for the Galaxy Watch.

  • Page 124: Connect To Phone

    Apps and features Connect to phone Connect to a mobile device while you are using the Galaxy Watch by itself. You can select whether to restore the Galaxy Watch’s data that is saved on the mobile device. On the Settings screen, tap Connect to phone. •…

  • Page 125: Galaxy Wearable App

    Launch Galaxy Wearable on your mobile device. Some features may not be available depending on the type of connected mobile device. Customise the Customise your Galaxy watch face. Watch settings. Access additional options. Galaxy Watch’s status Recommended watch faces apps/Samsung Health INFO WATCH FACES SETTINGS…

  • Page 126: Info

    • U ser manual: View the user manual to learn how to use your Galaxy Watch. • C ontact us: Samsung Members offers support services to customers, such as device problem diagnosis, and lets users submit questions and error reports. You can also share information with others in the Galaxy users’…

  • Page 127: Watch Faces

    Galaxy Wearable app PAYMENT You can conveniently make payments with the Samsung Pay app by using a mobile payment service. Tap OPEN SAMSUNG PAY. This option may not be available depending on your region or service provider. TOP WATCH FACES You can download popular watch faces from Galaxy Apps.

  • Page 128: Settings

    Galaxy Wearable app SETTINGS Notifications Change settings for the notification feature. Stay up to date with a variety of events, such as new messages received on the mobile device. Launch Galaxy Wearable on your mobile device, tap SETTINGS → Notifications, tap the switch to activate it, and then activate items.

  • Page 129: Apps

    Galaxy Wearable app Apps Customise the Galaxy Watch’s Apps screen. You can also rearrange apps. Launch Galaxy Wearable on your mobile device and tap SETTINGS → Apps. Uninstalling apps Tap → Uninstall and tap next to the apps you want to remove from the Galaxy Watch. Reordering apps Tap →…

  • Page 130: Widgets

    Galaxy Wearable app Widgets Customise the widgets on the Galaxy Watch. You can also rearrange widgets. Launch Galaxy Wearable on your mobile device and tap SETTINGS → Widgets. Adding or removing widgets of the widget to remove it or tap of the widget to add it.

  • Page 131: Display

    Galaxy Wearable app Display Change the Galaxy Watch’s display settings and the Apps screen. Launch Galaxy Wearable on your mobile device and tap SETTINGS → Display. • B rightness: Adjust the brightness for the display. • A uto low brightness: Set the Galaxy Watch to automatically adjust the brightness depending on the ambient light conditions.

  • Page 132: Add Content To Your Watch

    – Playlists to sync: Select a playlist to sync with the Galaxy Watch. Playlists to sync is available only when the Samsung Music app is installed on your mobile device and it is activated when you turn on the Auto sync feature.

  • Page 133: Send Sos Requests

    Remotely control your Galaxy Watch when it is lost or misplaced. Launch Galaxy Wearable on your mobile device and tap SETTINGS → Find My Watch. Register your Samsung account on the connected mobile device first to use this feature. • G ET LOCATION: Check where the Galaxy Watch is placed.

  • Page 134: Watch Connection

    • R emote connection: Set the Galaxy Watch to remotely connect with the mobile network or a Wi-Fi network when a Bluetooth connection between devices is not available. Register your Samsung account on the connected mobile device first to use this feature.

  • Page 135: Smartthings

    Galaxy Wearable app SmartThings Launch SmartThings on your mobile device to control and manage conveniently home appliances and Internet of Things (IoT) products. Launch Galaxy Wearable on your mobile device and tap SETTINGS → SmartThings. Mobile networks Use various other services through the mobile network after activating it on the Galaxy Watch.

  • Page 136
    Galaxy Wearable app • U pdate watch software: Update the Galaxy Watch to the latest software. • B ack up and restore: Back up the Galaxy Watch’s data on the Samsung Cloud or restore backup data. Refer to Backing up and restoring data for more information.
  • Page 137: About Galaxy Wearable

    → Back up and restore → Backup settings, tap the switch for the item to back up, and then tap BACK UP NOW. The data will be saved in Samsung Cloud. • M usic and images saved on the Galaxy Watch will not be backed up.

  • Page 138: Using The Galaxy Watch

    Using the Galaxy Watch Introduction Use the helpful features of the Galaxy Watch to add convenience to your daily life and manage your health. Also, the customisation service of the Galaxy Watch analyses your usage patterns and status to provide services and information according to your location and place. Enjoy the many features of the Galaxy Watch.

  • Page 139
    Using the Galaxy Watch For more information about registering a schedule or reminder, or setting up an alarm, refer to Calendar, Reminder, or Alarm. • Y ou can only check schedule and alarm information that has been set within 10 hours of the current time.
  • Page 140: Managing My Daily Life

    2.2 or later. After making an agreement to use the customisation service, launch the Settings app, tap Cloud and accounts → Accounts → Samsung account → Privacy → Customisation Service, and then tap the switch to activate it.

  • Page 141
    Using the Galaxy Watch Launching recommended apps by location and time Launch your favourite apps conveniently with widgets. The Galaxy Watch analyses your usage patterns by time and place to automatically add your favourite apps that you have used at specific times or places to the App shortcuts widget.
  • Page 142: Using Dual Clock When You Are Abroad

    2.2 or later. After making an agreement to use the customisation service, launch the Settings app, tap Cloud and accounts → Accounts → Samsung account → Privacy → Customisation Service, and then tap the switch to activate it.

  • Page 143: Using A Convenient Reminder

    Using the Galaxy Watch Using a convenient reminder Register a reminder quickly with your voice and get briefed on today’s reminders. Registering reminders with your voice You can easily save what you need to remember with your voice. For example, say ‘Call my mom at 3 o’clock’ and make a reminder. At 3 o’clock, you will be notified that it is time to call mom.

  • Page 144: Using As A Personal Coach For Your Health

    Using the Galaxy Watch Using as a personal coach for your health Take care of your health with the Galaxy Watch. The heart rate sensor measures your heart rate from time to time and analyses your stress level and sleep pattern. You can also create a personal routine based on the profile data you entered.

  • Page 145: Achieving Your Daily Calorie Target

    Using the Galaxy Watch When you wake up in the morning, the Galaxy Watch analyses up to four stages of your sleep pattern. Find out your sleep pattern through constant observation. The sleep pattern will have its four states (waking, light, deep, REM) analysed by using your movement and changes in your heart rate while sleeping.

  • Page 146: Experiencing Enhanced Exercises

    Using the Galaxy Watch Experiencing enhanced exercises The Galaxy Watch supports about 40 indoor and outdoor exercises and activities. Exercise efficiently with the Galaxy Watch at home, outside, or at a fitness centre. The Galaxy Watch helps you achieve your set target by carefully checking your workout time, distance, speed, heart rate, and calorie consumption during exercising.

  • Page 147: Using As A Simple Unlocking Device

    You can easily unlock your computer with the Bluetooth feature of the Galaxy Watch’s Samsung Flow without entering your password or biometric information on your computer. Take the Galaxy Watch closer to your computer and then the computer is unlocked. For more…

  • Page 148: Appendix

    • R estart your Galaxy Watch to clear any temporary software bugs. • E nsure that your Galaxy Watch software is updated to the latest version. • I f the touchscreen is scratched or damaged, visit a Samsung Service Centre.

  • Page 149
    Appendix Your Galaxy Watch freezes or has errors Try the following solutions. If the problem is still not resolved, contact a Samsung Service Centre. Restarting the Galaxy Watch If your Galaxy Watch freezes or hangs, you may need to close apps or turn off the Galaxy Watch and turn it on again.
  • Page 150
    Appendix A Bluetooth connection is not established or your Galaxy Watch and the mobile device are disconnected • E nsure that the Bluetooth feature on both devices is activated. • E nsure there are no obstacles, such as walls or electrical equipment, between the devices. •…
  • Page 151
    • E nsure that you connect the Galaxy Watch to the wireless charging dock and connect the dock to the charger properly. • V isit a Samsung Service Centre and have the battery replaced. The battery depletes faster than when first purchased •…
  • Page 152
    Data stored in the Galaxy Watch has been lost Always make backup copies of all important data stored in the Galaxy Watch. Otherwise, you cannot restore data if it is corrupted or lost. Samsung is not responsible for the loss of data stored in the Galaxy Watch.
  • Page 153: Removing The Battery

    • S amsung does not accept liability for any damage or loss (whether in contract or tort, including negligence) which may arise from failure to precisely follow these warnings and instructions, other than death or personal injury caused by Samsung’s negligence.

  • Page 154
    Samsung Electronics. Trademarks • S AMSUNG and the SAMSUNG logo are registered trademarks of Samsung Electronics. ® • B luetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. worldwide.

Samsung Galaxy Watch 46 mm Legal




11 MB




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инструкцияSamsung Galaxy Watch 11/2018. Rev.1.2





Посмотреть инструкция для Samsung Galaxy Watch бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории SmartWatch, 130 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.4. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: русский. У вас есть вопрос о Samsung Galaxy Watch или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Интуитивно понятная технология сенсорного экрана позволяет вам управлять своим ПК прямо с экрана. А яркое разрешение 198...
Galaxy Watch | SM-R800NZSAAUT
8801643393618, 8801643396404
Руководство пользователя (PDF), Руководство по эксплуатации и уходу (PDF), Краткое руководство пользователя (PDF)
Цвет корпуса часов Серебристый
Материал корпуса часов Нержавеющая сталь
Цвет ремешка Черный
Материал браслета
Размер ремешка
Форма Круглый
Защитные возможности Dust resistant, Scratch resistant, Shock-resistant, Waterproof
International Protection (IP) код IP68
Размер корпуса часов 46 mm
Позиционирование на рынке Умные часы
Тип дисплея Цифровой
Разрешение экрана 360 x 360 пикселей
Сенсорный экран Да
Диагональ экрана 1.3 «
Количество цветов экрана 16 миллионов цветов
Технолигия дисплея Super AMOLED
Встроенный микрофон Да
Поддерживаемые мобильные операционные системы Android, Tizen
Установленная операционная система Tizen
Встроенные колонки
Производитель процессора Samsung
Тактовая частота процессора 1150 MHz
Количество ядер процессора 2
Поддержка языков
FM радио
Встроенная камера Нет
Емкость RAM 750 MB
Флэш-память 4 GB
Совместимые карты памяти Не поддерживается
Модель процессора Exynos 9110
Личные цели Да
Поддерживаемые социальные сетевые сервисы
Управление персональной информацией Будильник
Акселерометр Да
Сенсор рассеянного света Да
Барометр Да
Гироскоп Да
Поддерживаемые форматы аудио MP3, M4A, 3GA, AAC, OGG, OGA, WAV, WMA, AMR, AWB
Виброзвонок Да
Подключение к мобильной сети Нет
GPS (спутниковый) Да
Поддрежка ГЛОНАСС Да
Порты и интерфейсы
Версия Bluetooth 4.2
Bluetooth Да
USB порт Да
Порт подключения наушников
Wi-Fi Да
Wi-Fi стандартов 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
Технология NFC Да
Технология батареи
Емкость батареи 472 mAh
Время работы батареи (макс) 168 h
Автоматический режим ожидания
Беспроводная зарядка Да
Встроенная батарея Да
Вес и размеры
Ширина 46 mm
Глубина 49 mm
Толщина 13 mm
Вес 63 g

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У смарт-часов есть функции, которых нет у смартфона?

Необходимо ли выключать устройство SmartWatch на ночь?

Необходим ли интернет для GPS?

Что означает аббревиатура GPS?

Какой размер экрана Samsung Galaxy Watch?

Какое разрешение экрана дисплея Samsung Galaxy Watch?

Какая ширина Samsung Galaxy Watch?

Какая толщина Samsung Galaxy Watch?

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