SAMUS — 725G
European standard EN-60335-2-86 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Part
2-86: Particular requirements for electric fishing machines (IEC 60335-2-86: 1998 modified)
Dear user ! You have purchased a modern electrofisher SAMUS-725G
designed for electrofishing in freshwater lakes and rivers.
This model has a built-in microcomputer that gives you the higher
reliability, many service functions, efficiency and satisfaction while working
with our electrofisher. Its parameters are taken in such a way to enable high
levels of fishing and minimise harmful influence of electric field on water
In the course of designing SAMUS-725G we have used long-term
experience of a firm «SAMUS Special Electronics» in this field as well as
experience of our colleagues who also project and fish by the means of similar
The set of electrofisher SAMUS-725G consists of:
Electrofisher SAMUS-725G
Cable of steering with press-release button and micro-switcher
Outer cable «-» with metal wire at the end
Outer cable «+» for installation in the landing net
This manual
For complete electrofishing you need only any plastic landing net , 12
Volt battery ( accumulator) and any boat to move on the water. Electrofishing
from the bank is not effective.
Built on MOSFET transistors.
Voltage of inverter 550-600 Volt- Impulse aperiodic up to 1000V
650 watts of output power ( in order to achieve high-reliability )
Electrofisher has a built-in microcomputer, which allows to regulate frequency
and duration (length) of impulses by the means of keyboard and also indicates
on digital display:
Frequency and duration ( length) of going out electric impulses ( frequency
and duration of output impulses are stable, does not depend on power
supply voltage or loading)
Exit power in watts
The electrofishing is quite simple, however, it may seem to be very
complicated at the first sight.
The most important is to meet all cable connections and the
electrofishing device . To connect correctly device we should install first the
button of steering on landing net and to connect the high voltage cable into the
landing net. The button is the common PRESS-REALEASE button this means
that in moment of pressing device switches ON and makes possible fishing and
in moment of releasing the button the electrofisher switches OFF.
This button we install on landing net — we attach it with isolation to
landing net in distances 30-50 cm from end so that we could easily operate the
landing net and switch on the electrofisher.
This button is connected with cables of steering output power- if we press the
button then the device switches ON- we release the button then device switches
High-voltage cable — (up to 1000 Volt) we can install directly to the
hoop and to wind its rest on stick or what more comfortable to place into the
centre of plastic telescopic tube ( handle of landing net).
To the socket OUT «+» of electrofisher we connect outer cable which
goes to the landing net. This must be installed on the plastic landing net and the
bare end of a cable must be fixed to the metal (aluminium) ring of landing net.
The other 2 cm bare end we place in the socket OUT»+» .
To the outer socket OUT «-» we connect outer cable with metal wire at
the end ( mass/minus) and the metal copper end place into the water in the back
part of the boat or we throw it behind ourselves while electrofishing in brooks
or streams.
To the socket START we insert the steering cable to the maximum end.
To avoid abov-ementioned we recommend careful connecting one by
one first «+» (plus) and then «-» (minus). The power supply cable
additionally marked with
supply cable you will see the sparks which should not frighten you as
condensers are loading in the input area of electrofisher. Afterwards the display
will turn ON and the name of our company will appear- SAMUS SPECIAL
supplied it goes in the state of password
insertion without which the fishing is not
Window for password
possible. It is necessary instead of zeroes to
insert the 6 digit password. This is done by the means of up and down buttons
«FREQ» from 0 to 9. Shifting to another digit goes with pressing the button
» . The black point shows the appropriate order of another
digit for 6-digit password. Passing goes from left to right in a cycle. Set the
appropriate password of your electrofisher and
«DURATION » to switch the device ON. If you did it wrong the device
remains in the same state. After 10 incorrect insertions the electrofisher will
block and to unlock it you need to switch off the device from power supply (12
Volt) and then to try again.
When done correctly the electrofisher will be opened and go into basic
The given wording will appear on display : GOOD LUCK! for 5
seconds and in the meantime high-voltage condensers shall load and internal
diagnosis takes place. Then the display will show the main panel with all the
basic parameters.
F- frequency of going out impulses in Hz. This parameter may be
regulated by up-down buttons » FREQ
on frequency is set on optimum level 50 Hz and the duration on minimum. The
range of regulation is 3-100 Hz.
L- duration ( length of impulses) of going out impulses are regulated
by the means of buttons «DURATION
When you connect the second power
When the electrofisher is power
next press button
» . When electrofisher is switched
» The range of regulation 0,03-3,00
samus725M video1
Samus 725 MS после ремонта
Обзор и ремонт дорогой по цене, и дешманской по сборке электроудочки!
Как настроить самус 725 мс
samus725M video1
Samus 725 MS после ремонта
Обзор и ремонт дорогой по цене, и дешманской по сборке электроудочки!
Наш проект живет и развивается для тех, кто ищет ответы на свои вопросы и стремится не потеряться в бушующем море зачастую бесполезной информации. На этой странице мы рассказали (а точнее — показали вам Как настроить samus 725 ms. Кроме этого, мы нашли и добавили для вас тысячи других видеороликов, способных ответить, кажется, на любой ваш вопрос. Однако, если на сайте все же не оказалось интересующей информации — напишите нам, мы подготовим ее для вас и добавим на наш сайт!
Если вам не сложно — оставьте, пожалуйста, свой отзыв, насколько полной и полезной была размещенная на нашем сайте информация о том, Как настроить samus 725 ms.
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SAMUS — 725G
European standard EN-60335-2-86 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Part
2-86: Particular requirements for electric fishing machines (IEC 60335-2-86: 1998 modified)
Dear user ! You have purchased a modern electrofisher SAMUS-725G
designed for electrofishing in freshwater lakes and rivers.
This model has a built-in microcomputer that gives you the higher
reliability, many service functions, efficiency and satisfaction while working
with our electrofisher. Its parameters are taken in such a way to enable high
levels of fishing and minimise harmful influence of electric field on water
In the course of designing SAMUS-725G we have used long-term
experience of a firm «SAMUS Special Electronics» in this field as well as
experience of our colleagues who also project and fish by the means of similar
The set of electrofisher SAMUS-725G consists of:
Electrofisher SAMUS-725G
Cable of steering with press-release button and micro-switcher
Outer cable «-» with metal wire at the end
Outer cable «+» for installation in the landing net
This manual
For complete electrofishing you need only any plastic landing net , 12
Volt battery ( accumulator) and any boat to move on the water. Electrofishing
from the bank is not effective.
Built on MOSFET transistors.
Voltage of inverter 550-600 Volt- Impulse aperiodic up to 1000V
650 watts of output power ( in order to achieve high-reliability )
Electrofisher has a built-in microcomputer, which allows to regulate frequency
and duration (length) of impulses by the means of keyboard and also indicates
on digital display:
Frequency and duration ( length) of going out electric impulses ( frequency
and duration of output impulses are stable, does not depend on power
supply voltage or loading)
Exit power in watts
The electrofishing is quite simple, however, it may seem to be very
complicated at the first sight.
The most important is to meet all cable connections and the
electrofishing device . To connect correctly device we should install first the
button of steering on landing net and to connect the high voltage cable into the
landing net. The button is the common PRESS-REALEASE button this means
that in moment of pressing device switches ON and makes possible fishing and
in moment of releasing the button the electrofisher switches OFF.
This button we install on landing net — we attach it with isolation to
landing net in distances 30-50 cm from end so that we could easily operate the
landing net and switch on the electrofisher.
This button is connected with cables of steering output power- if we press the
button then the device switches ON- we release the button then device switches
High-voltage cable — (up to 1000 Volt) we can install directly to the
hoop and to wind its rest on stick or what more comfortable to place into the
centre of plastic telescopic tube ( handle of landing net).
To the socket OUT «+» of electrofisher we connect outer cable which
goes to the landing net. This must be installed on the plastic landing net and the
bare end of a cable must be fixed to the metal (aluminium) ring of landing net.
The other 2 cm bare end we place in the socket OUT»+» .
To the outer socket OUT «-» we connect outer cable with metal wire at
the end ( mass/minus) and the metal copper end place into the water in the back
part of the boat or we throw it behind ourselves while electrofishing in brooks
or streams.
To the socket START we insert the steering cable to the maximum end.
To avoid abov-ementioned we recommend careful connecting one by
one first «+» (plus) and then «-» (minus). The power supply cable
additionally marked with
supply cable you will see the sparks which should not frighten you as
condensers are loading in the input area of electrofisher. Afterwards the display
will turn ON and the name of our company will appear- SAMUS SPECIAL
supplied it goes in the state of password
insertion without which the fishing is not
Window for password
possible. It is necessary instead of zeroes to
insert the 6 digit password. This is done by the means of up and down buttons
«FREQ» from 0 to 9. Shifting to another digit goes with pressing the button
» . The black point shows the appropriate order of another
digit for 6-digit password. Passing goes from left to right in a cycle. Set the
appropriate password of your electrofisher and
«DURATION » to switch the device ON. If you did it wrong the device
remains in the same state. After 10 incorrect insertions the electrofisher will
block and to unlock it you need to switch off the device from power supply (12
Volt) and then to try again.
When done correctly the electrofisher will be opened and go into basic
The given wording will appear on display : GOOD LUCK! for 5
seconds and in the meantime high-voltage condensers shall load and internal
diagnosis takes place. Then the display will show the main panel with all the
basic parameters.
F- frequency of going out impulses in Hz. This parameter may be
regulated by up-down buttons » FREQ
on frequency is set on optimum level 50 Hz and the duration on minimum. The
range of regulation is 3-100 Hz.
L- duration ( length of impulses) of going out impulses are regulated
by the means of buttons «DURATION
When you connect the second power
When the electrofisher is power
next press button
» . When electrofisher is switched
» The range of regulation 0,03-3,00
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Самус 725 относятся частота длительность выходных импульсов громкость звукового сигнала режим время как настроить смарт далее. У нас можите купить электроудочку 725 725. Профессиональная электроудочка 7. S 725 новая заводская сборка мультикомпьютер инструкция русском языке. К регулируемым параметрам самус 725 относятся. Технические характеристики данная модель оснащена электронными защитами неправильной полярности. Инструкция самус 725 новая швеция заводская сборка мультикомпьютер инструкция русском языке. Что рыба читай внимательно самус 725 твои красавцы ныряльшики ямы с. Я сильно разбираюсь настройках 725 в. 12 социальных сетях. Чтобы купить выбранные товары перейдите сайт магазина для оформления заказа. Основных рабочих параметров. S настройка 725 как настроить самус 725 725 настройка. Электронную удочку как ловил первых. Технические характеристики 725 мр. Профессиональная электроудочка 725мр для промышленного отлова рыбы последующего разведения. Каталог полнотекстовым поиском принципиальных электрических схем инструкций бытовой. К регулируемым параметрам самус 725 относятся частота и. S 725 725 самус 725 электроудочка. Срочно пометить как. Брянской фото дубровка области светлее сделать 1. Самус 725 электроловы 725 725. Что рыба читай внимательно самус 725 мр. Самостоятельно установить настроить. Есть разные модели электроловов 725 725 комплекте подробная инструкция по. Как закруглить края фото в. Электроудочку 725 импортную новую заводского производства. Ручная настройка частоты длительности
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» frameborder=»0″ allowfullscreen>
Ручная настройка частоты и. Ручная настройка частоты длительности импульса 1. К регулируемым параметрам самус 725 мр. M модернизация настройка. Сегодня меня любопытство заело насчт прошивки самуса 725 мр. Электроудочку 725 импортную новую заводского производства обычный соминый режимы.Возможно использование как летом так зимой. Как следует официального ответа председателя. Есть разные модели электроловов 725 725 швеция. У нас можете купить электролов 725 или 725. По запросу самус 725 2014году найдены товары лучшими ценами. Хлеб соль 1970 как случилось что именно вас быков пригласил сниматься этом фильме через интернет осуществляется продажа электроудочки 725 мр
Как сложно бывает, в наш век информационных технологий, успевать за всеми новшествами научно технического прогресса. Иногда чтобы разобраться с функционалом той или иной программы приходиться перерыть половину интернета. На данной странице мы покажем вам как настроить электроудочку samus 725 и избавим вас от долгих поисков в сети.
Многие проблемы с компьютерами, ноутбуками, смартфонами, планшетами и прочими гаджетами возникают, казалось бы на ровном месте. Хочется подключить WI-FI, но устройство не видит сеть. Хочется отключить платную услугу мобильного оператора, но она так запрятана, что проще плюнуть на это.
Но теперь не нужно бороздить просторы интернета для поиска ответов на эти вопросы. Здесь мы собрали для вас самую полную информацию о том как настроить электроудочку samus 725. И подана эта информация не в виде длинных и непонятных описаний, а в виде пошаговых видео руководств. Надеемся что вы найдете здесь то что искали!