Seeds of chaos руководство

Seed of Chaos Walkthrough & Guide

Last Updated on 30 January, 2023

Seeds of Chaos Walkthrough & Guide – Unlock all the events & scenes with our guide & walkthrough


  • 1 Seeds of Chaos Walkthrough & Guide – Prologue
  • 2 Seeds of Chaos Walkthrough & Guide – Raeve Keep
  • 3 Seeds of Chaos Walkthrough & Guide – Rastedel
  • 4 Seeds of Chaos Walkthrough & Guide – Alexia’s Corruption
  • 5 Seeds of Chaos Walkthrough & Guide – Ruler Events
  • 6 Seeds of Chaos Walkthrough & Guide – Map Events
    • 6.1 Forest Events
    • 6.2 Swamp Events
    • 6.3 Hills Events
    • 6.4 Settlement Events
    • 6.5 Abbey Events
    • 6.6 Mine Events
    • 6.7 Orc Camp Events
  • 7 Seeds of Chaos Walkthrough & Guide – Job Events
    • 7.1 Maid events
    • 7.2 Breeding pits events
    • 7.3 Tavern events
    • 7.4 Forge events
    • 7.5 Fey events
  • 8 Seeds of Chaos Walkthrough & Guide – Room Events
    • 8.1 Room Repeteable scenes
    • 8.2 Room Unique scenes

You can also use the Seed of Chaos Cheats & console Commands if you want

  1. Rowan & Alexia 1: When Rowan return home > 1st option (from behind)
  2. Jezera & Rowan 1: After the dungeons Rowan will go to the Throne > Serve Jereza
  3. Andras & Rowan 1: After the dungeons Rowan will go to the Throne > Serve Andras
  4. Andras & Alexia 1: (RequiresNTR) at the end of 1st week if Rowan doesn’t sneak out or tells Alexia to sleep with Andras
  5. Rowan & Alexia 2: They meet at the end of 3rd week > 1st option (found himself growing…)

Seeds of Chaos Walkthrough & Guide – Raeve Keep

  1. Rowan & Helayna 1: Raeve Keep > Conquer or Infiltrate > Helayna will surrender > 1st option > F…
  2. Orcs & Helayna 1: After the last choice choose > Watch the Orcs…
  3. Knights & Helayna 1: Raeve Keep > Infiltrate > Helayna will surrender > 1st option > F.. > then choose Watch the Knights…
  4. Jereza & Doran 1: Raeve Keep > Conquer or Infiltrate > When Jereza confronts Doran 1st choice (continue watching Jereza)

Seeds of Chaos Walkthrough & Guide – Rastedel

  1. Rowan & Mystery Woman: After the ball, go to her
  2. Jereza & Half Minotaur: At the end of the week > Visit Jereza & Watch
  3. Jereza & Human Commander: watch when Andras produces the crystal ball during the battle plans event
  4. Rowan & Delane: If you rescued Delane (Orciad) and you have spoken to her (the ball) > Return to Rastedel, visit the lodge and go for it
  5. Wulump & Woman: Twins victory feast > wait until you can watch
  6. Orc Group: Rowan will visit Verdoin Abbey > Take the tour
  7. Rowan & Delane: If you rescued Delane (Orciad) and you have spoken to her (the ball) > Start act 4, visit the lodge, visit Delane, go for it
  8. Rowan & Juliet: Start act 4 and after the parade > visit the lodge > visit Juliet > Visit Juliet Again > Make the promise (requires 60 corruption)
  9. Shani & Rowan: When visiting the slums > 4th event (requires to have seen the 2nd event) > Sleep with Shani

Seeds of Chaos Walkthrough & Guide – Alexia’s Corruption

  1. Alexia Medium Corruption: Alexia reaches med corruption
  2. Jereza & Girls (RequiresNTR & 5 points of Jereza Influence) > Jereza will offer to show the castle > go with her
  3. Jereza & Alexia (RequiresNTR & 5 points of Jereza Influence & Alexia’s relationship > 50 & Andras path inactive) > Jereza will offer to show the castle > go with her
  4. Alexia & Jereza: The second part of the previous event
  5. Drokk & Alexia (RequiresNTR & 5 points of Andras Influence & Alexia’s relationship > 50 & Jereza path inactive) > Insult Drokk back
  6. Andras & Mystery Slave (RequiresNTR & 5 points of Andras Influence & Alexia’s relationship) > Automatic
  7. Alexia & Andras (RequiresNTR & 5 points of Andras Influence & Alexia’s relationship) > Meet Andras in the Throne Room

Seeds of Chaos Walkthrough & Guide – Ruler Events

  1. Jereza & Alexia 1 (RequiresNTR) Who should Alexia visit for help > Jereza > and don’t Leave
  2. Andras & Rowan: Andras will confront you > 2nd choice (s** him off)
  3. Rowan & Cla-Min (Requires the conversation about goblins with Cla Min): Family Dinner > 1st choice (Receive a B…)
  4. X’Zaratl & Rowan & Alexia 1 (Dark Sanctum has to be built): choose confront her now when the 3 characters are together
  5. Clionha & Rowan 1: When she asks you for a sample > 1st choice Receive a H…and whatever else)
  6. Rowan & Skordred 1: Pose for a statue question > 1st (S…N…for Skordred)
  7. Jereza & Dark Elf & Rowan: join Jezera on her trip as her slave
  8. Rowan & Alexia 3: You have to be living with Alexia in your chambers > go for it when available
  9. Andras & Rowan 3 (Requires the Arena): when he tries to bait you > Submissively answer
  10. Alexia & Rowan (Requires guilt & Dark Sanctum & encountered X’Zaratl) > Try out X’Zaratl mehod
  11. Andras & Alexia 2 (Requires NTR): Allow Andras to leave with Alexia when he demands angrily
  12. Jereza & Shaya (Requires Brothel): Don’t escape when Alexia is trapped
  13. Black Ness & Rowan (Requires Breeding pit & Driders): Deal with the drider with just Rowan
  14. Rowan & Cla-min (Requires Goblin Dinner & Raeve Keep captured): Choose Cla-min in exchange for the sword
  15. Rowan & Cla-Bow (Requires Goblin Dinner & Raeve Keep captured): Choose Cla-Bow in exchange for the sword
  16. Greyhide & Alexia (Requires NTR & build the forge & introduce Greyhide to Rowan’s wife): Don’t return when Alexia is drunk
  17. Rowan & Draith (Requires Breeding pits): Go for it (with Draith) after Jereza scolds him
  18. Rowan & Helayna 2: Automatic event if Rowan claimed Helayna in Raeve Keep
  19. Andras & Helayna: Automatic event if Rowan didn’t claim Helayna in Raeve Keep (but don’t storm out during the dinner)
  20. Andras & Alexia 3 (RequiresNTR):Who should Alexia visit for help > Andras > also agree to his terms
  21. Alexia & Rowan (Requires Dark Sanctum & Z’zaratl encountered):  choose the idea of a p…to intrigue Alexia & also Rowan to go along with it
  22. Rowan & Helayna 3 & 4; Automatic event if Rowan claimed Helayna and if she stays in his room
  23. Andras & Alexia 4 (Requires Netorare & have claimed Helayna): After Alexia & Rowan argue, Andras will visit him > Invite him > Andras influence over Alexia will impact on the scene
  24. Jereza & Rowan 2: Massage her when she asks you
  25. Rowan & Greyhide: when drinking > Company of men > when drinking again > reciprocate his affections
  26. Rowan & Helayna 5 (Requires claimed Helayna & she stays in his room: Tell her that you love her when she is sitting by the window
  27. Liurial & Rowan: When Rowan meets her > Allow her to have…
  28. Rowan & Alexia & Greyhide: Automatic if Rowan or Alexia have previously enjoy with Greyhide
  29. Helayna’s day off: Automatic if you have claimed Helayna and tell her that you love her
  30. Rowan & Alexia 4: Punish Alexia after she aids Helayna’s escape
  31. Wulump & Alexia 1 (RequiresNTR) automatic after the previous event
  32. Wulump & Alexia 2: Automatic 1 week after the previous event
  33. Alexia & Wulump 3: Automatic 1 week after the previous event
  34. Andras & Alexia 5: Automatic 1 week after the 3rd dungeon event
  35. Rowan & Helayna 6: After the Helayna’s day off event talk to her and choose test her sub…
  36. Rowan & Helayna 7: After the Helayna’s day off event talk to her and choose test her martial skills
  37. Jereza & Alexia 2 (Requires Jereza 5 influence points over Alexia): visit Jereza when summoned and give into her demands
  38. Rowan & Skordred 2: When you find Skordred in a cave, go for it
  39. Rowan & Liural & Aleia: Automatic if Rowan has been with Liural, Alexia corruption >= medium, and you didn’t lie to Alexia about the encounter with Liurial
  40. Jereza & Alexia 3: 2 drunk workers event > choose go to Jereza with the problem & Blame Rowan x3 times > Kiss Jereza
  41. Rowan & Alexia 5: 2 drunk workers event > choose go to Rowan with the problem > agree with his punishment
  42. Cliohna & Rowan 2: Requires to allow cliohna previous scene > Agree with her to be part of the experiment
  43. Rowan & Alexia 6: (Requires high stat between Rowan & Alexia) Kiss Alexia during the picnic
  44. Alexia Solo: Requires to intrigue Alexia with the P idea & the scene with X’Zaratl where Alexia grows a D > See what the succubus wants
  45. Rowan & Young Aspirant (Requires 2 villages): Test the aspirant that Cla-Min Brings you
  46. Andras & Alexia (RequiresNTR, Alexia working & Arena built): Andras will demand Alexia bathes him > Agree
  47. Andras & Rowan 4 (Requires 2 villages): take the humiliaton
  48. Jereza & Rowan 3 (Requires 2 villages): Sweet talk Jereza, and do what she asks
  49. Jereza & Rowan 4 (Requires 2 villages): Throw her against the dest > continue with the path
  50. Rowan & Alexia 7: Automatic, but requires 1st goal, Alexia low corruption, Alexia & Rowan good relationship & Alexia stays in his room
  51. Rowan & Alexia 8 (Requires Rowan corruption >= medium): While she is working accept her advances
  52. Cliohna & Rowan 3: Automatic if you have unlocked the previous 2 scenes with Cliohna
  53. Rowan & Liurial 5: If she denied > punish her for disobeying

Seeds of Chaos Walkthrough & Guide – Map Events

Forest Events

  1. Rowan & Dryan (Requires corruption): take advantage of the trapped dryad
  2. Arzyl & Rowan: Observe as Instructed
  3. Rowan & Obelius (Requires the famine warning ruler event): cooperate with the smugglers and accept Obelius proposition.
  4. Rowan & Koh (Requires the famine warning ruler event): cooperate with the smugglers, nut now you prefer more feminine company

Swamp Events

  1. Rowan & Alanthe (Requires corruption): talk with the wisp > pay the tithe
  2. Male Sacrifice & Elf Witches (Requires corruption): Sneak up and stay on the ceremony

Hills Events

  1. Rowan & Ygriss: Have a drink with her and accept

Settlement Events

  1. Rowan & 2 village girls: after the village capture accept the corrupt noble present

Abbey Events

  1. Dazzanath & Rowan (Requires Dark Sanctum & brothel): Kneel before her
  2. Dazzanath & Agatha: (also Requires Dark Sanctum & brothel): Watch Agatha kneel before her

Mine Events

  1. Rowan & Sheena: Encourage Sheena
  2. Rowan & Qais: Encourage, but now Qais

Orc Camp Events

  1. Rowan & 2 orc girls: Choose to use it for the negotiation
  2. Orc Chieftess & Rowan: look at her unintentionally when captured
  3. Rowan & Female orc: Explore camp event > win one of the events
  4. Spy & Delane: Corrupt Delane with a spy > automatic next weeks
  5. Rowan & Liurial (Requires Liurial as assistant): Corrupt Delane with a spy > choose to go for it with Liurial when she becomes aroused in the final week
  6. Ulcro & Delane: Aid Ulcro in the Orciad chain > Watch
  7. Batri & Delane:  Aid Batri in the Orciad chain > also Watch
  8. Andras & Batri & Rowan: Aid Batri in the Orciad chain > join Andras & Batri
  9. Kraug & Snag & Delane: Aid Tarish in the Orciad chain > Watch
  10. Rowan & Tarish: Aid Tarish in the Orciad chain > Take Advantage
  11. Emma & Rowan (Requires unlucky slave event & meet emma): meet emma again when exploring the orc camp
  12. Rowan & Delane: Find Delane & earn her trust > Plan her escape (secure, distract and also find a way)

Seeds of Chaos Walkthrough & Guide – Job Events

Maid events

  1. Alexia & Mr Garthforth: Alexia to work as a maid > Jereza Asks for her > Drink potion > But Let Alexia Leave
  2. Alexia & Liurial: Automatic if they have already been in scenes together
  3. Mary & Alexia (Requires them to be friends): fool around with her in the closet

Breeding pits events

  1. Drider & Orc female: Alexia to work at breeding pits > watch then the drider escapes
  2. Andras & Draith: Peek when Alexia discovers Andras & Draith
  3. Alexia (Requires NTR): do what Andras says when the potion & Rowan

Tavern events

  1. Jak & Indarah: Alexia to work in the tavern > agree to Indarah suggestion
  2. Jak & Indarah 2: Alexia to work in the tavern > watch jak & indara 2nd scene
  3. Andras & Alexia: Serve Andras > Don’t let Indarah take Alexia’s place

Forge events

  1. Alexia & Greyhide (Requires Greyhide & Rowan & Alexia scene, and continue relations with Greyhide after that): Make Alexia help him when he gets aroused

Fey events

  1. Orcs & Nileth: Visit Arzyl quarters twice after the emissaries > Go & meet the arriving member > Don’t intervene
  2. Jereza & Arzyl: Visit Arzyl quarters 4 times after the emissaries > accept gift > stay & watch
  3. Rowan & Heartsong (Requires emissaries in Bloodmen & 2 dialogues with Whitescar): after the Heartsong’s Dreamscape ruler event don’t rebuff
  4. Fey Handmaiden & Rowan (Requires emissaries in Bloodmen & breeding pit & 2 driders in the pits): Aryzl can use 1 drider for handmaiden > go for it
  5. Rowan & Heartsong 2: Automatic after the previous heartsong scene

Seeds of Chaos Walkthrough & Guide – Room Events

Room Repeteable scenes

  1. Rowan & Draith: After 1st Draith scene > available from breeding pits menu
  2. Ronan & Liurial: Throne Room menu > summon Liurial
  3. Liurial & Rowan 3: Throne Room menu > summon Liurial > more intense
  4. Rowan & Liurial 4: Enforce O*** denial during 3 weeks > after that tell her to perform
  5. Rowan & Cla-Min 3: From the Caravan room menu, but after the sword event
  6. Shaya & Rowan: From the Brothel room menu, but after Rowan meets shaya
  7. Rowan & Maid: From Rowan’s chambers, but if Helayna has not escaped and there is a path for her

Room Unique scenes

  1. Helayna training 1 (Requires Claimed Helayna & she didn’t escape & Day Off event & choose bed path) Unlock it from Rowan’s room menu
  2. Helayna training 2 (Requires previous event) Unlock it from Rowan’s room menu also
  3. Rowan & Transformed Orcess: When Nasim is available in the castle > ask him about his work > go for it
  4. Rowan & Shaya (Requires Brothel & the ruler event Rowan’s Reward & Jezera to have offered Rowan a special reward): automatic, but if conditions are met

Other Walkthrough

  • Defending Lydia Collier
  • Tales of Androgyny
  • Renryuu Ascension
  • Walkthrough

Helping gamers with walkthroughs, guides, cheats & console commands and codes lists since 2005

  1. Роуэн и Алексия 1: Когда Роуэн возвращается домой > 1-й вариант (сзади)
  2. Джезера и Роуэн 1: После подземелий Роуэн отправится на трон > Служить Хересу
  3. Андрас и Роуэн 1: После подземелий Роуэн отправится на трон > Служить Андрасу
  4. Андрас и Алексия 1: (требуется NTR) в конце 1-й недели, если Роуэн не ускользнет или не скажет Алексии переспать с Андрасом.
  5. Роуэн и Алексия 2: Они встречаются в конце 3-й недели > 1-й вариант (обнаружил, что растет…)

Прохождение и руководство Seeds of Chaos – Крепость Рейв:

  1. Роуэн и Хелайна 1: Крепость Рейв > Завоевать или проникнуть > Хелайна сдастся > 1-й вариант > F…
  2. Orcs & Helayna 1: После последнего выбора выберите > Watch the Orcs…
  3. Knights & Helayna 1: Raeve Keep > Infiltrate > Helayna сдастся > 1-й вариант > F.. > затем выберите Watch the Knights…
  4. Хереза ​​и Доран 1: Крепость Рэйв > Завоевать или проникнуть > Когда Хереза ​​противостоит Дорану 1 -е , выбор (продолжить смотреть Херезу)

Прохождение и руководство Seeds of Chaos — Растедель:

  1. Роуэн и Таинственная женщина: После бала идите к ней
  2. Хереса и полуминотавр: в конце недели > Посетите Хересу и посмотрите
  3. Jereza & Human Commander: посмотрите, как Андрас достает хрустальный шар во время события «Планы битвы».
  4. Роуэн и Делан: Если вы спасли Делан (Орсиад) и поговорили с ней (шаром) > Вернитесь к Растеделю, посетите домик и действуйте.
  5. Wulump & Woman: Праздник победы близнецов> подождите, пока вы не сможете посмотреть
  6. Группа орков: Роуэн посетит аббатство Вердуан > Посмотреть экскурсию
  7. Роуэн и Делан: Если вы спасли Делан (Орсиада) и поговорили с ней (шаром) > Начните 4-й акт, посетите домик, посетите Делан, дерзайте.
  8. Роуэн и Джульетта: Начните акт 4, а после парада> посетите домик> посетите Джульетту> снова посетите Джульетту> Дайте обещание (требуется 60 коррупции)
  9. Шани и Роуэн: При посещении трущоб > 4-е событие (требуется увидеть 2-е событие) > Спать с Шани

Прохождение и руководство Seeds of Chaos – Alexia’s Corruption:

  1. Alexia Medium Corruption: Alexia достигает средней степени коррупции
  2. Jereza & Girls (Требуется NTR и 5 очков влияния Jereza) > Jereza предложит показать замок > пойти с ней
  3. Хереса и Алексия (Требуется НТР и 5 очков Влияния Херезы и отношения Алексии > 50 и путь Андраса неактивен) > Хереза ​​предложит показать замок > пойти с ней
  4. Alexia & Jereza: Вторая часть предыдущего события
  5. Дрокк и Алексия (Требуется NTR и 5 очков влияния Андраса и отношения Алексии> 50 и неактивный путь Хереса)> Оскорбить Дрокка в ответ
  6. Андрас и Таинственный раб (Требуется НТР и 5 очков влияния Андраса и отношения Алексии) > Автоматически
  7. Алексия и Андрас (Требуется NTR и 5 очков влияния Андраса и отношения Алексии) > Встретьтесь с Андрасом в тронном зале

Прохождение и руководство Seeds of Chaos — События правителя:

  1. Хереса и Алексия 1 (требуется NTR) К кому следует обратиться за помощью к Алексии > Хереса > и не уходить
  2. Андрас и Роуэн: Андрас будет противостоять вам> 2-й выбор (отсосите ему)
  3. Роуэн и Кла-Мин (требуется разговор о гоблинах с Кла Мин): Семейный ужин > 1-й выбор (получить четверку…)
  4. X’Zaratl & Rowan & Alexia 1 (Темное Святилище должно быть построено): решите противостоять ей сейчас, когда 3 персонажа вместе.
  5. Clionha & Rowan 1: Когда она попросит у вас образец> 1-й вариант, получите H… и что-то еще)
  6. Роуэн и Скордред 1: Поза для статуи, вопрос > 1 (S…N…для Скордреда)
  7. Jereza & Dark Elf & Rowan: присоединяйтесь к Джезере в ее путешествии в качестве ее рабыни.
  8. Роуэн и Алексия 3: Вы должны жить с Алексией в своих покоях > действуйте, когда это возможно
  9. Андрас и Роуэн 3 (Требуется Арена): когда он пытается вас заманить > Смиренно отвечайте
  10. Алексия и Роуэн (Требуется вина и Темное Святилище и встреча с X’Заратлем) > Попробуйте метод X’Zaratl
  11. Andras & Alexia 2 (требуется NTR): разрешите Андрасу уйти с Alexia, когда он сердито требует
  12. Хереза ​​и Шайя (требуется бордель): не убегайте, когда Алексия в ловушке.
  13. Блэк Несс и Роуэн (Требуется яма для размножения и Драйдеры): разберитесь с водителем, используя только Роуэн.
  14. Роуэн и Кла-мин (требуется гоблинский ужин и захваченная крепость Рейва): выберите Кла-мин в обмен на меч.
  15. Rowan & Cla-Bow (Требуется Goblin Dinner и Raeve Keep Keep), выберите Cla-Bow в обмен на меч.
  16. Грейхайд и Алексия (Требуется NTR, постройте кузницу и познакомьте Грейхайда с женой Роуэна): не возвращайтесь, когда Алексия напьется.
  17. Роуэн и Дрейт (требуются ямы для размножения): дерзайте (с Дрейтом) после того, как Хереса отругает его.
  18. Роуэн и Хелайна 2: Автоматическое событие, если Роуэн забрала Хелайну в Крепости Рейв.
  19. Андрас и Хелайна: автоматическое событие, если Роуэн не забрала Хелайну в Крепости Рэйв (но не убегайте во время ужина)
  20. Andras & Alexia 3 (RequiresNTR): К кому следует обратиться за помощью к Alexia > Andras > также согласиться с его условиями
  21. Алексия и Роуэн (Требуется Темное Святилище и Встреча с З’заратлем): выберите идею ап…, чтобы заинтриговать Алексию, а также Роуэн, чтобы согласиться с ней.
  22. Роуэн и Хелайна 3 и 4; Автоматическое событие, если Роуэн забрал Хелайну и если она останется в его комнате
  23. Андрас и Алексия 4 (требуется Нетораре и требуют Хелайну): после того, как Алексия и Роуэн поссорятся, Андрас навестит его> Пригласите его> Влияние Андры на Алексию повлияет на сцену
  24. Jereza и Rowan 2: массажируй ее, когда она тебя просит
  25. Роуэн и Грейхайд: когда пьют > Компания мужчин > когда пьют снова > отвечают взаимностью на его привязанность
  26. Роуэн и Хелайна 5 (требуется, чтобы Хелайна осталась в его комнате: скажите ей, что любите ее, когда она сидит у окна)
  27. Лиуриал и Роуэн: Когда Роуэн встретится с ней > Разрешить ей…
  28. Роуэн, Алексия и Грейхайд: автоматически, если Роуэн или Алексия уже играли в Грейхайд.
  29. Выходной день Хелайны: Автоматически, если вы взяли Хелайну и сказали ей, что любите ее.
  30. Роуэн и Алексия 4: Накажите Алексию после того, как она помогла Хелайне сбежать.
  31. Wulump & Alexia 1 (RequiresNTR) автоматически после предыдущего события
  32. Wulump & Alexia 2: Автоматически через 1 неделю после предыдущего события
  33. Alexia & Wulump 3: Автоматически через 1 неделю после предыдущего события
  34. Andras & Alexia 5: Автоматически через 1 неделю после третьего события в подземелье.
  35. Роуэн и Хелайна 6: После выходного дня Хелайны поговорите с ней и решите проверить ее подлодку…
  36. Роуэн и Хелайна 7: После выходного дня Хелайны поговорите с ней и решите проверить ее боевые навыки.
  37. Хереса и Алексия 2 (требуется 5 очков влияния Херезы по сравнению с Алексией): посетите Хересу, когда ее призовут, и уступите ее требованиям.
  38. Роуэн и Скордред 2: Когда вы найдете Скордреда в пещере, действуйте.
  39. Роуэн, Лиурал и Алея: автоматически, если Роуэн была с Лиуралом, порча Алексии >= средняя, ​​и вы не солгали Алексии о встрече с Лиуриалом.
  40. Хереза ​​и Алексия 3: событие 2 пьяных рабочих> выберите пойти в Хересу с проблемой и обвинить Роуэн x3 раза> Поцеловать Хересу
  41. Роуэн и Алексия 5: событие 2 пьяных рабочих> выберите пойти к Роуэну с проблемой> согласиться с его наказанием
  42. Cliohna & Rowan 2: Требуется разрешить cliohna предыдущую сцену> Согласитесь с ней, чтобы она участвовала в эксперименте.
  43. Роуэн и Алексия 6: (Требуется высокий показатель между Роуэном и Алексией) Поцелуйте Алексию во время пикника.
  44. Алексия Соло: Требуется заинтриговать Алексию идеей P и сценой с X’Zaratl, где Алексия выращивает D> Посмотрите, чего хочет суккуб.
  45. Роуэн и молодой претендент (требуется 2 деревни): проверьте претендента, которого приносит вам Кла-Мин.
  46. Андрас и Алексия (требуется NTR, работающая Алексия и построенная Арена): Андрас потребует, чтобы Алексия выкупала его> Согласен
  47. Andras & Rowan 4 (требуется 2 деревни): примите унижение
  48. Jereza & Rowan 3 (Требуется 2 деревни): Мило поговорите с Jereza и сделайте то, что она просит.
  49. Jereza & Rowan 4 (требуется 2 деревни): бросьте ее на место> продолжайте путь.
  50. Роуэн и Алексия 7: автоматически, но требуется 1-й гол, низкий уровень коррупции Алексии, хорошие отношения Алексии и Роуэна, и Алексия остается в своей комнате.
  51. Роуэн и Алексия 8 (требуется порча Роуэн >= средняя): пока она работает, принимайте ее ухаживания.
  52. Клиона и Роуэн 3: автоматически, если вы разблокировали предыдущие 2 сцены с Клионой.
  53. Роуэн и Лиуриал 5: Если ей откажут > наказать ее за непослушание

Прохождение и руководство Seeds of Chaos — события на карте:

Лесные события:

  1. Роуэн и Дриан (требуется порча): воспользуйтесь пойманной в ловушку дриадой.
  2. Арзил и Роуэн: соблюдайте инструкции
  3. Роуэн и Обелиус (требуется событие правителя предупреждения о голоде): сотрудничайте с контрабандистами и примите предложение Обелиуса.
  4. Rowan & Koh (требуется событие правителя предупреждения о голоде): сотрудничайте с контрабандистами, но теперь вы предпочитаете более женственную компанию

Болотные события:

  1. Роуэн и Аланте (требуется порча): поговорите с огоньком > заплатите десятину
  2. Жертвоприношение мужчин и ведьм-эльфов (требуется порча): подкрадитесь и оставайтесь на церемонии

События холмов:

  1. Роуэн и Игрисс: Выпей с ней и прими

Расчетные события:

  1. Роуэн и 2 деревенские девушки: после захвата деревни примите порочный дворянский подарок.

События в аббатстве:

  1. Даззанат и Роуэн (Требуется Темное святилище и бордель): встаньте перед ней на колени.
  2. Даззанат и Агата: (также требуется темное святилище и бордель): наблюдайте, как Агата преклоняет колени перед ней.

События шахты:

  1. Роуэн и Шина: Поощряйте Шину
  2. Роуэн и Кайс: Поощряйте, но теперь Кайс

События лагеря орков:

  1. Роуэн и 2 девушки-орка: используйте его для переговоров.
  2. Вождь орков и Роуэн: непреднамеренно посмотрите на нее, когда ее поймают.
  3. Роуэн и женщина-орк: событие «Исследуй лагерь» > выиграй одно из событий
  4. Шпион и Делан: Совратите Делан с помощью шпиона > автоматически в следующие недели
  5. Роуэн и Лиуриал (Требуется Лиуриал в качестве помощника): Совратите Делейн со шпионом > выберите вариант с Лиуриалом, когда она возбудится в последнюю неделю.
  6. Ulcro & Delane: Помогите Улькро в сети Orciad > Смотреть
  7. Батри и Делан: Помогите Батри в цепочке Орсиад > Также смотрите
  8. Андрас, Батри и Роуэн: помогите Батри в сети Orciad > присоединитесь к Андрасу и Батри
  9. Kraug & Snag & Delane: Помогите Таришу в сети Orciad > Смотреть
  10. Роуэн и Тариш: Помогите Таришу в цепочке Орсиад > Воспользуйтесь преимуществом
  11. Эмма и Роуэн (требуется событие несчастливой рабыни и встреча с Эммой): снова встретитесь с Эммой, исследуя лагерь орков.
  12. Роуэн и Делан: найдите Делан и завоюйте ее доверие > спланируйте ее побег (обезопасьте, отвлеките, а также найдите способ)

Прохождение и руководство Seeds of Chaos — События работы:

События горничной:

  1. Алексия и мистер Гартфорт: Алексия работает горничной > Хереза ​​просит ее > Выпить зелье > Но пусть Алексия уходит
  2. Алексия и Лиуриал: Автоматически, если они уже были вместе в сценах.
  3. Мэри и Алексия (требуется, чтобы они были друзьями): дурачитесь с ней в шкафу.

События племенных ям:

  1. Драйдер и самка орка: Алексия будет работать в ямах для размножения> смотреть, как драйдер убегает
  2. Андрас и Дрейт: посмотрите, когда Алексия обнаружит Андраса и Дрейта
  3. Алексия (требуется NTR): делайте то, что говорит Андрас, когда зелье и Роуэн

События таверны:

  1. Джак и Индара: Алексия будет работать в таверне > согласиться на предложение Индары
  2. Jak & Indarah 2: Alexia работает в таверне > смотреть Jak & Indara 2nd Scene
  3. Андрас и Алексия: Служите Андрасу > Не позволяйте Индаре занять место Алексии

Кузнечные события:

  1. Alexia & Greyhide (Требуется сцена Greyhide & Rowan & Alexia, после чего продолжайте отношения с Greyhide): заставьте Alexia помогать ему, когда он возбуждается.

Фейские события:

  1. Орки и Нилет: Дважды посетите кварталы Арзила после эмиссаров > Идите и встретьтесь с прибывшим участником > Не вмешивайтесь
  2. Хереза ​​и Арзил: Посетите кварталы Арзила 4 раза после эмиссаров > примите подарок > оставайтесь и смотрите
  3. Rowan & Heartsong (Требуются эмиссары в Bloodmen и 2 диалога с Whitescar): после события правителя Heartsong’s Dreamscape, не отталкивайте
  4. Fey Handmaid & Rowan (Требуются эмиссары в Bloodmen и племенной яме и 2 драйдера в ямах): Аризл может использовать 1 драйдера для служанки> дерзайте.
  5. Rowan & Heartsong 2: Автоматически после предыдущей сцены Heartsong

Прохождение и руководство Seeds of Chaos — События комнаты:

Комната Повторяющиеся сцены:

  1. Роуэн и Дрейт: После 1-й сцены с Дрейтом > доступно в меню питомников.
  2. Меню Ронан и Лиуриал: Тронный зал > призвать Лиуриала
  3. Меню Liurial & Rowan 3: Throne Room > вызвать Liurial > более интенсивно
  4. Роуэн и Лиуриал 4: Обеспечьте отказ O*** в течение 3 недель > после этого скажите ей выполнить
  5. Роуэн и Кла-Мин 3: Из меню комнаты Каравана, но после события с мечом.
  6. Шайя и Роуэн: Из меню комнаты публичного дома, но после того, как Роуэн встретит Шайю.
  7. Роуэн и горничная: Из покоев Роуэн, но если Хелайна не сбежала и для нее есть путь

Уникальные сцены комнаты:

  1. Тренировка Хелайны 1 (требуется заявленная Хелайна, и она не сбежала, и событие «Выходной день», и выберите путь к кровати). Разблокируйте его в меню комнаты Роуэна.
  2. Обучение Хелайны 2 (требуется предыдущее событие) Также разблокируйте его из меню комнаты Роуэна.
  3. Роуэн и трансформированная орцесса: когда Насим доступен в замке> спросите его о его работе> сделайте это.
  4. Роуэн и Шайя (требуется, чтобы бордель и событие правителя Rowan’s Reward & Jezera предложили Роуэн особую награду): автоматически, но при соблюдении условий

Seeds Of Chaos — Part 2 — Castle

Seeds Of Chaos — Part 3 — Prison cell — THE END

Seeds of Chaos is a dark fantasy eroge made in Ren’py, inspired by the worldbuilding of Berserk, Dark Souls, The Witcher and other epic fantasy series’, as well as the adult games Corruption of Champions, Legend of Queen Opala, and Slavemaker. here is the full walkthrough and guide for Seeds of Chaos game.

Story Events


Rowan x Alexia 1 (Blowjob, Vanilla) [3 of 3 CGs]

Occurs when Rowan returns home at the beginning of the game, select the first option (“Molest her from behind.”)

Jezera x Rowan 1 (Light Femdom) [3 of 3 CGs]

Occurs when Rowan is brought to the throne room after spending time in the dungeons. Choose to serve Jezera. 

Andras x Rowan 1 (Maledom, Blowjob, Anal) [3 of 3 CGs]

Occurs when Rowan is brought to the throne room after spending time in the dungeons. Choose to serve Andras.

Andras x Alexia 1 (NTR, Dub-Con, Anal, Light Blood) [4 of 4 CGs]

Requires NTR to be on. Occurs at the end of week one if Rowan chooses not to sneak out or tells Alexia to sleep with Andras.

Rowan x Alexia 2 (Vanilla) [2 of 2 CGs]

Occurs when Rowan and Alexia are reunited at the end of week three. Choose the first option (“Rowan found himself growing hard under her.”)

Raeve Keep

Rowan x Helayna 1 (Dub-Con) [2 of 2 CGs]

Conquer Raeve Keep by force or choose to infiltrate it, and when Helayna surrenders, choose the first option (“Fuck Helayna.”)

Orcs x Helayna 1 (Dub-Con, Gangbang, Non-Human) [1 of 1 CGs]

Conquer Raeve Keep by force, and either when presented with the choice to fuck Helayna, or after fucking Helayna, choose to watch the orcs fuck Helayna.

Knights x Helayna 1(Dub-Con, Blowbang, Bukkake)  [1 of 1 CGs]

Infiltrate Raeve Keep, and either when presented with the choice to fuck Helayna, or after fucking Helayna, choose to watch the knights use Helayna.

Jezera x Doran 1 (Dub-Con, Femdom, Foot Worship) [2 of 3 CGs]

Conquer Raeve Keep by force or choose to infiltrate it, and when Jezera confronts Doran, choose the first option (“Continue watching Jezera dominate the duke.”)


Rowan x Mystery Woman [Backer Version]  [1 of 2 CGs]

Choose to go to her, when given the option after the ball.

Jezera x Half-Minotaur Girl (BDSM)  [1 of 1 CGs]

Choose to watch when Rowan visits Jezera at the end of the week after the initial Rastedel events. 

Jezera (Disguised) x Human Commander [1 of 2 CGs]

Choose to watch when Andras produces the crystal ball during the event where the twins are planning for battle.

Rowan x Delane (Anal) 

Requires Rowan to have rescued Delane during the Orciad, and for Rowan to have spoken to her at the ball. Visit the lodge when returning to Rastedel, and choose to have sex with her when given the option.

Wulump x Woman (Anal) [1 of 1 CGs]

Choose to watch when it occurs during the twins victory feast.

Orc Gangbang (Orcs, Group sex)

When Rowan visits Verdoin Abbey, choose to take the tour when asked.

Rowan x Delane (Vanilla)

Requires Rowan to have rescued Delane during the Orciad, and for Rowan to have spoken to her at the ball. Visit the lodge after act 4 begins (after Rowan’s choice of ally is scrutinized by Jezera), choose to visit Delane, and choose to have sex with her when given the option.

Rowan x Juliet (Vanilla)

When act four begins (after the parade), visit the lodge to see the first Juliet event (“Visit Juliet”), and then return and choose the next (“Visit Juliet Again”). Make the promise when asked (if you have allied with Patricia Crevette, you will need more than 60 corruption to make this choice).

Rowan x Shani (Prostitution, Light BDSM)

Choose the fourth event when visiting the slums, (“The Whore”), which requires the player to have seen the second event, “Beating Around the Ambush”. Choose to sleep with Shani when given the option.

Alexia’s Corruption Narrative

Alexia Medium Corruption Event (Solo, Masturbation, Demonic Influence) [1 of 1 CGs]

Occurs automatically when Alexia reaches medium corruption

Alexia Post Medium Corruption Event – Jezera x Whores (Threesome, Yuri)

Requires NTR to be on. Requires Alexia to have at least five points of Jezera influence. Choose to go with Jezera when she offers to show Alexia outside of the castle.

Alexia Post Medium Corruption Event – Jezera x Alexia (Yuri, NTR) [2 of 2 CGs]

Requires NTR to be on. Requires Alexia to have at least five points of Jezera influence. Requires Alexia’s relationship statistic with Rowan to be less than 50. Choose to go with Jezera when she offers to show Alexia outside of the castle. Cannot trigger if the Andras path is active.

Alexia Post Medium Corruption Event 2 – Jezera x Alexia (Yuri, Facesitting, NTR) [1 of 1 CGs]

Occurs automatically as a random ruler event after the previous event.

Alexia Post Medium Corruption Event – Drokk x Alexia (Orcs, Rough, Sexual Harassment) [1 of 1 CGs]

Requires NTR to be on. Requires Alexia to have at least five points of Andras influence. Requires Alexia’s relationship with statistic with Rowan to be less than 50. Choose to insult Drokk back when he says offensive things to Alexia. Cannot trigger if the Jezera path is active.

Alexia Post Medium Corruption Event – Andras x Mystery Slave (Vanilla, Exhibitionism)

Requires NTR to be on. Requires Alexia to have at least five points of Andras influence. Requires Alexia’s relationship with statistic with Rowan to be less than 50. Happens automatically.

Alexia Post Medium Corruption Event – Alexia x Andras (Blowjob, NTR)

Requires NTR to be on. Requires Alexia to have at least five points of Andras influence. Requires Alexia’s relationship with statistic with Rowan to be less than 50. Choose to meet Andras in the throne room.

Ruler Events

Jezera x Alexia 1 (Yuri, Light NTR, Light Femdom, Dub-Con) [2 of 3 CGs]

Requires NTR to be on. When Alexia asks who she should visit for help with the demonic tome, choose Jezera, and choose not to leave when Jezera begins to seduce her.

Andras x Rowan 2 (Maledom, Blowjob, Frottage, Exhibitionism) [3 of 3 CGs]

When confronted by an angry Andras, choose the second option (“Suck him off.”).

Rowan x Cla-Min (Daughter) (Blowjob) [2 of 3 CGs]

Requires you to have spoken to Cla-Min about goblins (triggered either by the plains event “The New Goblin Prince”, or the village trade event about the goblin rumours). At the family dinner, choose the first option (“Receive a blowjob from Min.”)

X’Zaratl x Rowan x Alexia 1 (Light Futadom, Light Mind Control, Futa on Female, Futa on Male, Anal, Threesome) [3 of 3 CGs]

Requires Dark Sanctum to have been built. When X’zaratl is stalking Rowan and Alexia, choose the first option (“Confront her now.”) For the futa on male variation of the scene choose for Rowan to be in the middle, for the futa on female, choose Alexia.

Clionha x Rowan 1 (Light Femdom) [2 of 2 CGs]

When Cliohna asks Rowan for a semen sample, choose the first option (“Receive a handjob and whatever else Cliohna has in mind.”)

Rowan x Skordred 1 [2 of 2 CGs] (Blowjob)

When Skordred asks Rowan to pose for a statue, choose the first option (“Strip naked for Skordred.”)

Jezera & Dark Elf Woman x Rowan (Femdom, Cunnilingus) [2 of 3 CGs]

Agree to join Jezera on her trip as her slave when asked.

Rowan x Alexia 3 (Vanilla) [2 of 2 CGs]

Requires Alexia to be living with Rowan in his chambers. Choose to have sex with Alexia instead of getting up when given the option.

Andras x Rowan 3 (Maledom, Blowjob) [3 of 3 CGs]

Requires the arena. Respond submissively when Andras tries to bait you into fighting.

Alexia x Rowan (with X’zaratl) (BDSM) [2 of 2 CGs]

[Requires x guilt (to be added)]. Requires the dark sanctum. Requires Rowan and Alexia to have encountered X’zaratl. Agree to try out X’zaratl’s method was she suggests a way to reduce Rowan’s feelings of guilt.

Andras x Alexia 2 (Coercion, Masturbation, Nude Modelling) [3 of 3 CGs] 

Requires NTR to be on. When Andras angrily demands that Rowan blow him, refuse, and allow him to leave to visit Alexia.

Jezera x Shaya (Yuri, Strap-on) [3 of 3 CGs]

Requires the brothel. When Alexia finds herself trapped, choose not to escape when she has the chance.

Black Ness x Rowan (Monstergirl, Light Femdom) [1 of 3 CG]

Requires breeding pit and driders. When the drider escapes, choose for Rowan to deal with it himself.

Rowan x Cla-min (Vanilla, Goblin) [2 of 2 CGs]

Requires Rowan to have attended the goblin dinner, and Raeve Keep to be captured. Choose to have sex with Cla-min in exchange for the sword.

Rowan x Cla-bow (Male, Anal, Rowan topping) [1 of 2 CGs]

Requires Rowan to have attended the goblin dinner, and Raeve Keep to be captured. Choose to have sex with Cla-bow in exchange for the sword.

Greyhide x Alexia (Cheating, Beastman, Drunkenness, Masturbation) [3 of 3 CGs]

Requires NTR to be on, the forge to be built, and for Rowan to have offered to introduce Greyhide to his wife. Choose for Rowan not to return when Alexia is drunk.

Rowan x Draith (Male, Anal, Rowan topping) [2 of 2 CGs]

Requires the breeding pits to be built. Choose to have sex  with Draith after Jezera scolds him.

Rowan x Helayna 2 (Vanilla) [1 of 3 CGs]

Happens automatically if Rowan claims Helayna during the Raeve keep event. 

Andras x Helayna (Dub-con, Exibitionism) [2 of 2 CGs]

Happens automatically if Rowan does not claim Helayna. Choose not to storm out during the dinner.

Andras x Alexia 3 (Coercion, Masturbation, Titjob) [3 of 3 CGs]

Requires NTR to be on. When Alexia asks who she should visit for help with the demonic tome, choose Andras. Agree to his terms in exchange for help with the tome.

Alexia x Rowan (Futa on Male) [3 of 3 CGs]

Requires Dark Sanctum and for player to have previously encountered X’zaratl. Choose for the idea of a penis to intrigue Alexia, and for Rowan to go along with it.

Rowan x Helayna 3 and 4 (Vanilla) 

Requires that Rowan has claimed Helayna, and that she is staying in his room. Scene will vary depending on whether or not she has acclimated to the powers of the ring.

Andras x Alexia 4 (Masturbation, Squirting) [3 of 3 CGs]

Requires Netorare to be turned on, and for Rowan to have claimed Helayna. When Andras visits after Alexia and Rowan argue, invite him in. How far the scene progresses will depend on how much influence Andras has over Alexia from previous events.

Jezera x Rowan 2 (Femdom, Masturbation) [2 of 3 CGs]

Agree to massage Jezera when she asks you to.

Rowan x Greyhide 1 (Male, 69) [1 of 3 CGs]

When Greyhide and Rowan go drinking, choose for Greyhide to prefer the company of men. When they go drinking again, choose to have Rowan reciprocate his affections. 

Rowan x Helayna 5 (Vanilla) [2 of 3 CGs]

Requires that Rowan has claimed Helayna, and that she is staying in his room. When Rowan discovers her sitting by the window, feeling down, choose the option to tell her that he loves her.

Rowan x Liurial 1 (Vanilla) [3 of 3 CGs]

When Rowan meets the elf for the first time, choose to allow her to have sex with him.

Rowan & Alexia x Greyhide 1 (Threesome, Male)  [3 of 3 CGs]

Requires that either Rowan or Alexia have previously had a sexual encounter with Greyhide.

Helayna’s Day Off (Sexual fantasy, Maledom, Solo, Femdom) [3 of 3 CGs] 

Happens automatically if Rowan claims Helayna, and later tells her that he loves her, causing her to stay instead of escaping the castle.

Rowan x Alexia 4 (Aftercare, Masturbation) 

Choose to punish Alexia yourself after she aids Helayna’s escape, and then choose to either take it easy on her, or use Jezera’s potion.

Wulump x Alexia 1 (Oral, Monster, Tentacles, Mind Control) [1 of 1 CGs]

Happens automatically if Rowan tells on Alexia for helping Helayna to escape. Requires NTR to be turned on.

Wulump x Alexia 2 (Monster, Tentacles, Mind Control) [1 of 1 CGs] 

Triggers automatically the week after the first event.

Wulump x Alexia 3 (Monster, Tentacles, DP, Mind Control) [1 of 1 CGs] 

Triggers automatically the week after the second event.

Andras x Alexia 5 (Mind control, Oral, Squirting, NTR) [1 of 1 CGs] 

Triggers automatically the week after the third dungeon event.

Rowan x Helayna 6 (Exhibitionism, Masturbation) [1 of 1 CGs]

Talk to Helayna after the Helayna’s Day Off event, and choose to test her submission.

Rowan x Helayna 7 (Vanilla, Semi-Public) [1 of 1 CGs]

Talk to Helayna after the Helayna’s Day Off event, and choose to test her martial skills.

Jezera x Alexia 2 (Lesbian, Femdom, Footplay) [1 of 1 CGs] 

Requires Jezera to have at least five influences points on Alexia. Choose to visit Jezera when summoned, and give in to her demands.

Rowan x Skordred 2  (Male) 

In the event where Rowan goes to seek out a missing Skordred and finds him in a cave, choose to have sex with him.

Rowan x Liural x Alexia  (Threesome) [3 of 3 CGs] 

Requires player to have had sex with Liurial, and for Alexia to have medium or above corruption and/or to have been unfaithful. Also the player must not lie to Alexia about sex with Liurial. 

Jezera x Alexia 3 (Lesbian) [1 of 1 CGs] 

In the event where Alexia discovers the two drunk workers, choose to go to Jezera with the problem, and whip Omar over five times, or Blame Rowan 3 times, then choose to kiss Jezera.

Rowan x Alexia 5 (Blowjob) [1 of 1 CGs] 

In the event where Alexia discovers the two drunk workers, choose to go to Rowan with the problem, and agree with his choice of punishment. 

Cliohna x Rowan 2 (Sex, Mind Control)

Requires Rowan to have allowed Cliohna to have given him a handjob in the earlier scene. When Cliohna asks Rowan to be part of her experiment, agree.

Rowan x Alexia 6 (Vanilla) [Backer Version] [1 of 1 CGs] 

Requires Rowan and Alexia to still have a high relationship stat. When the two go on a picnic, choose to kiss Alexia.

Alexia Solo (Futa) [Backer Version]  [1 of 1 CGs]

Requires the player to have seen the previous X’Zaratl scene where Alexia grows a dick, and to have chosen for Alexia to be intrigued by the idea. Choose to see what the succubus wants.

Rowan x Young Aspirant (Gay, Blowjob, Maledom)  [1 of 1 CGs]

Requires two villages. When Cla-Min brings the young aspirant to choice the castle staff, choose to test him sexually.

Andras x Alexia (Sexual Harassment, Bathing, Hand job)  [1 of 1 CGs]

Requires Alexia to have a job, the arena to have built, and NTR to be turned on. When Andras demands that Alexia bathes him, agree.

Andras x Rowan 4 (Gay, Humiliation, Public)  [1 of 1 CGs]

Requires the player to capture 2 villages. Choose to take the humiliation.

Jezera x Rowan 3 (Breast Play, Fendom, Handjob)

Requires the player to capture 2 villages. Sweet talk Jezera, and lick her breasts as told.

Jezera x Rowan 4 (Sex, Femdom, Denial) [1 of 1 CGs]

Requires the player to capture 2 villages. Choose to throw her against the desk, and  then continue with the path when asked a second time.

Rowan x Alexia 7 (Vanilla)

Requires the player to have completed the first goal, Alexia to be staying in Rowan’s room, Alexia to have low corruption, and Rowan and Alexia to have a good relationship. 

Rowan x Alexia 8 (Rough)

Requires Rowan’s corruption to medium or above. Accept Alexia’s advances when she propositions Rowan while woking.

Cliohna x Rowan 3 (Mind Control, Breast Worship, Masturbation)

Requires the player to have seen the previous two Cliohna scenes.

Rowan x Liurial 5 (BDSM, Spanking)

Requires Liurial to be in orgasm denial. Choose to punish her for disobeying.

Map Events

Forest Events

Rowan x Dryad (Dub-Con) [1 of 1 CGs – Backer Version]

[Requires x Corruption (to be added)]. When given the option, choose to take advantage of the trapped dryad.

Rowan x Arzyl (with acolytes) (Femdom, Vampirism, Teasing) [2 of 2 CGs – Backer Version]

Choose “Observe as Instructed” when confronted by Arzyl and her acolytes.

Rowan x Obelius (Gay)  [2 of 2 CGs]

Requires the famine warning ruler event to have a triggered. Choose to cooperate with the smugglers and accept Obelius proposition.

Rowan x Koh (Orc, Vanilla)

 Requires the famine warning ruler event to have a triggered. Choose to cooperate with the smugglers and tell Obelius you prefer more feminine company. 

Swamp Events

Rowan x Alanthe (Monster, Blowjob) [1 of 1 CGs]

[Requires x Corruption (to be added)]. After talking with the wisp, choose to pay the tithe.

Male Sacrifice x Elf Witches  [1 of 1 CGs]

[Requires x Corruption (to be added)]. Sneak up on the ceremony, and choose to stay. 

Hills Events

Rowan x Ygriss 1 (Cunnilingus, Monster Sex)  [1 of 1 CGs]

Choose to have a drink with Ygriss, than accept when she propositions you.

Settlement Events

Rowan x two village girls (Blowjob) [3 of 3 CGs]

Occurs on village capture. Accept the bribe of the two young women from the corrupt noble.

Abbey Events

Dazzanath x Rowan (Demon, Blowjob, Mind Control)  [1 of 1 CGs]

Requires the dark sanctum and the brothel. Choose to kneel before Dazzanath.

Dazzanath x Agatha (Demon, Blowjob, Mind Control, Nun)  [1 of 1 CGs]

Requires the dark sanctum and the brothel. Choose to watch Agatha kneel before Dazzanath.

Mine Events

Rowan x Sheena (Anal, Light Maledom) [1 of 3 CGs] 

Choose to encourage Sheena. 

Rowan x Qais (Gay)

Choose to encourage Qais.

Orc Camp Events

Rowan x Two Female Orcs (Orcs, Threesome, Pegging)  [1 of 1 CGs]

Choose to use sex to negotiate, and do not choose to betray the female orcs.

Orc Chieftess x Rowan (Femdom)

Choose to look at her unintentionally when captured.

Orc Camp (Orciad) Events

Rowan x Female Orc (Vanilla) [3 of 3 CGs]

During the explore the camp event where orcs compete to mate with a female, win one of the events (these are difficult to win).

Spy x Delane (Shapeshifting, Orc, Dub-con)  [2 of 2 CGs]

Side with Batri, and assign a spy to corrupt Delane, will happen automatically in the following weeks.

Rowan x Liurial (Maledom, Elf)  [1 of 1 CGs]

Requires Rowan to have Liurial as an assistant. Side with Batri, and assign a spy to corrupt Delane, and choose to have sex with Liurial when she becomes aroused in the final week.

Ulcro x Delane (Orc, Exhibitionism)  [1 of 1 CGs]

Aid Ulcro in the Orciad chain, and choose to watch the scene.

Batri x Delane (Orc, Exibitionism, Mind Break, Impregnation) [1 of 3 CGs] 

Aid Batri in the Orciad chain, and choose to watch the scene.

Andras & Batri x Rowan (Gay, Maledom, Orc, Threesome) [3 of 3 CGs] 

Aid Batri in the Orciad chain, and choose to join and Andras and Batri when they go to the tent as “entertainment”.

Kraug & Snag x Delane (Threesome, Double Penetration, Orc, Mind Break)[1 of 1 CGs] 

Aid Tarish in the Orciad chain, and choose to watch Delane’s bad end.

Rowan x Tarish (Orc, Maledom) [2 of 3 CGs] 

Aid Tarish in the Orciad chain, and choose to take advantage when putting her in her place.

Rowan x Emma (Pregnancy) [1 of 1 CGs] 

Requires the player to have seen “The Unlucky Slave” event, and met Emma. When exploring the orc camp and meeting Emma again, except her advances.

Rowan x Delane (Vanilla)  [2 of 2 CGs]

Locate Delane, and earn her trust. Plan her escape by securing a distracting and finding a way through the perimeter, and then do not rebuff her advances when she makes a move on you during the escape success path.

Job Events


Alexia x Mr Garthforth (Coercion, Cheating) [3 of 3 CGs] 

Assign Alexia to work as a maid until Jezera asks her to be her agent. Drink the potion and decline all opportunities to have Alexia leave. 

Alexia x Liurial (Lesbian, Light Femdom)

Requires Alexia and Liurial to be on friendly terms (participated in a threesome).

Alexia x Mary (Lesbian, Light Exhibitionism)

Requires Alexia and Mary to be friends. Choose to fool around with her in the closet when given the option.

Breeding Pits

Drider x Orc Female (Monster) [2 of 2 CGs] 

Assign Alexia to work at the breeding pits. When the drider escapes due to the female orc’s mistake, choose to watch.

Andras x Draith (Male, Rimming, BDSM, Anal) [3 of 3 CGs] 

When Alexia returns and discovers Andras and Draith together, choose to peek in.

Alexia Solo (Exhibitionism) [1 of 1 CGs] 

Requries NTR to be on. Choose to do what Andras asks to protect Rowan when given the option.


Jak x Indarah (with Alexia) (Rough sex, Voyeurism) [2 of 2 CGs] 

Assign Alexia to work at the tavern. When Indarah suggests that Alexia should watch her have sex with Jak, agree.

Jak x Indarah 2 (with Alexia) (Rough sex, Voyeurism) [1 of 1 CGs]

Assign Alexia to work at the tavern. Choose to watch when Jak takes Indarah over the table.

Andras x Alexia (Sexual Harassment) [1 of 1 CGs] 

Choose to serve Andras and not let Indarah take Alexia’s place when given the option.


Alexia x Greyhide  [2 of 2 CGs]

Requires the player to have seen the Greyhide/Rowan/Alexia threesome, and chosen to continue relations with Greyhide at the end. Choose to have Alexia help him out when he gets aroused. 

Fey Events

Orcs x Nileth (Gay, Maledom) 

Visit Arzyl in her quarters for a second time after the arrival of the emissaries. Choose to go and meet the arriving member of the court, and do not intervene when you see the orcs harassing Nileth.

Jezera x Arzyl (Lesbian, Exhibitionism)

Visit Arzyl in her chambers for a fourth time after the arrival of the emissaries. Choose to accept her gift, and stay and watch afterwards.

Rowan x Heartsong (Vanilla, Anthro)

Requires the Fey Emissaries to have arrived in Bloodmeen, and the player to have seen the first two Red Sun Alliance dialogue scene with Whitescar. When the Heartsong’s Dreamscape ruler event occurs, choose not to rebuff her advances. 

Fey Handmaiden x Rowan (Drider, Straight or Gay)

Requires the Fey Emissaries to have arrived in Bloodmeen, Breeding Pit to have been built, and for the pits to have at least two driders. Choose to allow Aryzl to use one of the driders for her handmaiden, and allow it to have sex with you. Choose male or female drider for different versions of the scene.

Rowan x Heartsong 2 (Vanilla, Anthro)

Requires the player to have seen the previous Heartsong scene. 

Room Repeat Scenes

Rowan x Draith (Male, Anal, Rowan topping) [2 of 2 CGs] 

Available after having sex with Draith. Choose “Fuck Draith” from the breeding pits menu.

Rowan x Liurial 2 (Elf, Blowjob)  [1 of 1 CGs]

Choose “Summon Liurial” from the Throne Room menu, then “Request Blowjob”.

Rowan x Liurial 3 [2 of 2 CGs] (Elf, Sex, BDSM)

Choose “Summon Liurial” from the Throne Room menu, then “Something more intense”. Requires “Request Blowjob” to have been used, and a week to have passed since.

Rowan x Liurial 4 (Elf, Male Dom, Masturbation)

Enforce orgasm denial for three weeks, and then tell her to perform when she asks to be allowed to cum.

Rowan x Cla-Min 3 (Goblin, Titjob) [1 of 1 CGs] 

Can be triggered from the Caravan room menu following the event where Cla-Min offers Rowan the sword. Repeatable.

Rowan x Shaya (Solo, Exhibitionism) [3 of 3 CGs] 

Can be triggered from the Brothel room menu following the event where Rowan meets Shaya. Repeatable.

Rowan x Maid (with Helayna) (Cuckqueaning) [1 of 1 CGs] 

Can be triggered from Rowan’s chambers menu if Helayna has not escaped, and Rowan has chosen a path for her.

Room Unique Scenes

Helayna’s Bedslave Training 1 (Rowan x Helayna) (Light BDSM, Cunnilingus, Sex)[2 of 2 CGs] 

Requires that Rowan has claimed Helayna, chosen not to let her escape, and seen the Helayna’s Day Off event, and chosen the bedslave path in the path decision event. Can be triggered from the menu in Rowan’s room if all conditions are met.

Helayna’s Bedslave Training 2 – Orgasm Denial (Rowan x Helayna) (Light BDSM, Orgasm Denial)

Requires that Rowan has claimed Helayna, chosen not to let her escape, and seen the Helayna’s Day Off event, chosen the bedslave path in the path decision event, and seen the first bedslave training event. Can be triggered from the menu in Rowan’s room if all conditions are met.

Rowan x Transformed Orcess (Titjob, TF)  [1 of 1 CGs]

After Nasim has arrived in the castle, visit him and ask him about his earlier work. When given the option, choose to titfuck the orcess.

Rowan x Shaya (Dance, Titjob)

Requires the brothel. Requires the ruler event Rowan’s Reward to have triggered, and for Jezera to have offered Rowan a special reward at the brothel.


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Alright, can we sticky this info somewhere? It doesnt have to be my post, just anything that gives some easy to follow instructions on how to avoid game overs.

The two real game overs in this game are at Weeks 22 and 60.

Week 22:

To avoid the game over, you must capture Raeve Keep before this point, and have 500 or more gold crowns in the treasury—this is the important bit. Any gold Rowan has in his own inventory doesn’t count (you can put Rowan’s gold in the treasury from his personal room menu).

Capturing Raeve Keep


Raeve Keep is the castle located across the bridge just East of the starting portal. To capture it, you must have 150+ military power, or have constructed the Brothel and recruited a spy. After recruiting the spy, visit Raeve Keep and choose the Infiltrate option. I believe the spy path takes a few weeks after the initial infiltration, so leave yourself a little padding with that option.

How to Infiltrate:

Step One: Research Opulence at the library. This makes the research subject Dark Subterfuge available.

Step Two: Research Dark Subterfuge at the library. This opens the Brothel for construction at the workshop.

Step Three: Construct the Brothel at the workshop. A week later, the brothel will be in the upper right corner of the basement.

Step Four: Visit the brothel and recruit a spy. You can recruit one spy per week from the menu there.

Step Five: Visit Raeve keep. (You may need to do this twice to get to the right menu if it’s your first time there.) Choose the Infiltrate option from the list of choices; in the current build, I don’t think any of the spies’ traits matter, so pick any you have access to.

Deal with the Orc camp

Week 60:

Note: All of the following instructions should only be followed AFTER Week 22. Before then, some places simply won’t be accessible, and trying to visit others before you’re supposed to in the current public version may actually break the game.

To avoid the game over, you must find and recruit an unaffiliated army. The only one available in the current version is the orc army. You must also visit Rastedel.

Finding the orc army

From the starting portal, follow the road North. Keep going North at the next fork you encounter (there should be a bridge and an abbey directly north of the fork). There will be a second fork just North of the abbey; follow the road that goes Northwest. You’ll find an orc camp very close to the second fork; this is the army camp.

From the northern portal, step North onto the road, and follow the road West. You’ll reach a fork (this is the same as the second fork in the instructions above). Follow the road that leads Northwest, and you’ll quickly see the orc camp. This is the army camp.

Finding Rastedel

From the starting portal, follow the same instructions as finding the orc army above until you reach the second fork. Instead of heading Northwest, follow the road East. Continue following the road (it’ll be a while), and you’ll reach a large city. This is Rastedel.

From the northern portal, step north onto the road, and follow the road East. Continue following the road (it’ll be a while), and you’ll reach a large city. This is Rastedel.

Recruiting the orc army

This is a complex, multiweek process, and there are four paths to success. In your first visit to the orc army camp, you’ll hear of three figures vying for power; an old orc chief (Ulcro), a young warrior (Batri), and a scheming woman (Tarish). You’ll either have to support one of the three in their bid for power, or ignore them and focus on rescuing the noblewoman prisoner, which causes the conflict to sort itself out. Before going into any path, find the noblewoman, since doing so is necessary for all four routes.

Finding the noblewoman

You must locate the noblewoman prisoner (Delane). To do this, pick the “explore the camp” option until you find the building where she’s been hidden. Don’t worry if this takes more than one week. Once you’ve found her, you’ll need to continue exploring the camp until you encounter her again, at which point you’ll actually speak to her. This unlocks the camp menu option “Sneak in to meet with noblewoman”; you can do this once a week.

To support Ulcro

After visiting Ulcro, the camp menu option “Hunt for gifts for Delane” becomes available. Use this option several times until you have enough gifts for her. You must also visit the noblewoman once a week, and use the “Convince her to Accept Ulcro” options. After you’ve done both requirements enough times, she’ll consent to be Ulcro’s woman, and Ulcro will reestablish his authority. Success!

To support Batri

Note: For this path, you’ll need to have constructed the Brothel and recruited a spy. For instructions on how to do this, see the “How to Infiltrate” instructions under Week 22 above.

After visiting Batri and finding the noblewoman (and assuming you have an available spy), the camp menu option “Corrupt Delane” becomes available. Select it; in the current build, I don’t think the spies’ traits matter, so pick any you have access to. This process takes a few weeks (you’ll receive reports from your spy between weeks). While you’re waiting, use the “explore the camp” menu option until you encounter a group of orc raiders. It gives you the choice to tag along with them; do so. This unlocks the camp menu option “Go on a raid.” Use this option a few times; this raises morale among the younger orcs that support Batri. When your spy reports that Delane is ready, visit the camp again to watch Batri take over. Success!

To support Tarish

After visiting Tarish, meet with the noblewoman once a week. You need to use the “Gain her trust” option until you’ve exhausted all the topics of conversation. Also after visiting Tarish, when you return to Bloodmeen castle after the week is over, visit Cla-Min’s caravan and the throne room. Doing so gives you the items you need to execute Tarish’s plan. Once you’ve gained Delane’s trust, you’ll be able to help her escape. Choose to stick to the plan when the option comes up, and she’ll be recaptured by Tarish’s followers, leading to Tarish taking over. Success!

To rescue Delane

After speaking to the noblewoman for the first time, go back to visit her once a week, choosing the “Gain her trust” option each time until you’ve exhausted the topics of conversation. Once you’ve gained her trust, you’ll be able to help her escape. Once this is accomplished, you’ll no longer be able to do anything at the army camp, so make sure you’ve done everything there you wanted to do; otherwise, events will take their course and Tarish will end up leading the orc army under the twins’ banner. Success!


I was sort of working on a week by week breakdown of how I try to optimize the first few weeks of exploration so I’d remember for future playthroughs, though I trailed off on that and it’s been a while since I’ve actually restarted the game, so I haven’t gotten back to it yet. Here’s a loose breakdown that assumes you’re okay with savescumming.

Disclaimer: I’m mostly working off memory and briefly poking around some of my save files here, so there are probably some mistakes. Anyone reading this, please feel free to inform me if you find any, or have any alternate ideas on some of the opinions I’ve presented here. Thanks! Also sorry this got quite a bit wordier than I intended.

Things to do while exploring

[Villages] To secure a stream of revenue, you’ll want to capture as many villages as you can as early as possible. Unfortunately, since you won’t have that many orcs early on, you won’t be able to make many gains in the first few weeks. You’ll want to savescum for the corrupt nobleman (the one that starts with a nobleman trying to whore out village girls to you for favors) event early on, as this allows you to capture a village without wasting soldiers. After you’ve captured three or four, switch to making trade agreements—these increase your weekly revenue more than captures, though you’ll want some captures under your belt to help trigger events.

* * * IMPORTANT * * * As of the last version I tried (0.2.43), a bug prevented most unique village capture events from registering successful captures/trade agreements. Only the corrupt nobleman event and the old ways event (the one that starts with Rowan stumbling on some villagers about to make a human sacrifice) seem to register as successful. The generic village capture/trade events (those that start with a choice on whether to capture the village, trade with it, etc.) will all register successfully. I recommend savescumming for these successful events each time you enter a village.

[Abbeys] To increase your research rate, you’ll want to capture as many abbeys as you can as early as possible. Thankfully, unlike villages, abbeys don’t deplete your military force, so the only thing preventing you from taking them all right away is distance. At this point in time, there’s little benefit to increasing your total weekly research over 20, as any research points over the total needed for a topic are wasted, so keep that in mind when deciding whether to make the trip to farflung abbeys.

* * * IMPORTANT * * * There are a couple of abbey events that don’t result in research bonuses. (Unlike villages, the narrative of those events leads me to believe this is intentional and not a bug.) I unfortunately can’t remember how these events begin, so make a save before entering an abbey, make another save after finishing it, and then end exploration early to check in the castle whether your research bonus has increased. (You can find this figure at the very bottom of the list of statistics you get when you click the scroll icon in the upper right corner of the castle screen.) If your research rate has increased, reload from your save after the abbey; if it hasn’t, reload from the save before the abbey and try for a different event.

[Mines] To increase your military strength, you’ll want to capture a couple of mines early on. You only really need about 10 iron/week max, and you can’t even benefit from more than 5 until you get the Forge Lvl2 (a fairly low priority), so don’t worry about getting too much too early. Mines are also less vital early on than villages, so focus on those first three village captures before sending your soldiers to become miners, nor is it worth the gold you need to hire workers. (The first mine you take is a freebie, though, and Jezera has that one staffed out of her own pocket, so grab the first one you see ASAP.) There’s only one unique mine capture event that doesn’t result in a successful increase in iron production rate, and this is definitely intentional based on the narrative (it starts with Rowan finding a message written in the goblin language). You can savescum around this if you like. Later on, after you’ve made your 3-4 village captures and have captured Raeve keep, feel free to capture as many mines as you like, as you’ll be getting new orcs faster than you can use them up at that point.

[Drider Eggs] You only really need to successfully capture one of these locations, and you can only do so after you build the breeding pit, so this is super low priority.

Things to do in the castle

[Week 4] Week 4 is the first time you’ll have access to the castle, and starts you on an administrative choice right off the bat: whether to start construction on a building project (forge, tavern, or dark sanctum), or buy something from Cla-Min. You’ll want to start construction. My recommendation is the dark sanctum—this lets you start recruiting cubi sorcerers, which add to your overall military might directly (though I don’t recommend using them in village captures, they’re too valuable to waste), as well as indirectly (they give your orcs a multiplier to their military strength in the same way iron equipment does). They also increase your research rate by 0.5 per recruited cubi, which is critical for increasing research early, and you’ll need the dark sanctum to unlock the futa events, if you’re into that.

[Construction] You’ll want to start other building projects as your funds allow—keep in mind that you need 500 gold in the castle coffers by Week 22, though, so don’t overextend your finances. After the Dark Sanctum, I recommend the following projects in the following order:

* * [Forge] Assuming you have access to a steady stream of iron, the forge increases your military might (in the form of a multiplier for your orcs) by equipping your soldiers with better equipment. Several Forge related events are also locked behind low corruption, so it’s best to get them out of the way early if you’re interested.

* * [Tavern] Aside from being required for several events (including one of those low-corruption gated forge-related events), the tavern also increases your weekly revenue.

* * [Brothel] * * NOTE * * Only build the brothel at this point if you plan to infiltrate Raeve Keep. The brothel is necessary for recruiting spies; you’ll want this early if you plan to infiltrate the keep because the infiltration requires a few weeks to complete. Try to have it complete by week 16 if you have the funds, and don’t forget to visit the brothel after its completion so that you can manually recruit at least one spy.

* * [Library Lvl2] This doesn’t do much for us by itself, but it’s necessary to unlock the option to build the Dark Sanctum Lvl2, which we absolutely do want as early as possible.

* * [Dark Sanctum Lvl2] This lets you upgrade the number of cubi you can have at once from 5 to 10, which will ultimately double their contributions to your orcs’ military strength and your research rate. If you can afford it before Week 22, that’s great, but you’ll most likely have to wait till after that point.

* * [Breeding Pits] Lets you recruit driders to increase your military strength, but that should be pretty superfluous by the time you get around to building this. You’re mostly building this for the events.

* * [Arena] This theoretically helps keep soldier morale up, but honestly there’s not much danger of morale falling off significantly. You’re mostly building this for the associated events.

* * [Brothel] If you didn’t build this earlier, I recommend building it now. If you’ve followed the rest of the guide, you should have enough money to get this built before Week 50, and you’ll need it if you want to support Batri’s bid for leadership when you recruit the orc army (Week 60 is the deadline), and even if you don’t, it unlocks a few events. Remember to actually visit the brothel after it opens, you have to manually recruit spies.

* * [Anything Else] As of the last version I got very far in the game (0.2.42), assuming my memory isn’t failing me, nothing else is particularly useful—though there were a few I never built, like the Warg Kennel and Living Quarters Lvl2. As of the current version of the game (0.2.44), Orc Barracks Lvl2 and above are a trap—you won’t need more military might than a single barracks of fully equipped orcs and 10 cubi sorcerers will give you, and aside from the cost of building the barracks, more orcs also increase the weekly maintenance expenditures.

[Research] There’s no especially fixed order to do these in, though some are definitely much higher priority than others. It’s worth noting that while the time to research is measured in “moves,” the number of turns you have to explore each week don’t really matter—research rate (called “Tech Rate” in the menu of statistics that pops up when you click the scroll icon in the upper right corner of the castle screen) is the stat that matters, and you should keep an eye on it to help decide which projects to prioritize. Major landmarks are 10/week (where you start), 13.5/week (enough to finish 40 move projects in 3 weeks), 15/week (enough to finish 60 move projects in 4 weeks), 17/week (enough to finish 50 move projects in 3 weeks), and 20/week (enough to finish 40 move projects in 2 weeks and 60 move projects in 3). Any higher than that is gravy, but unnecessary in the long run. Here’s a list of significant projects by rough priority, though you can switch most of the first several up as makes sense to you:

* * [Survivalism and Cartography] (40 moves) This is the exception to switching things up—it’s the first one you should take, hands down. It gets you an extra two turns when exploring the map, which doesn’t sound like much, but it’s an extra 20%. That’ll let you get to and capture villages, abbeys, and mines that much faster.

* * [Opulence] (40 moves) We don’t care about this in and of itself, but it opens up the Dark Subterfuge project, which we need for recruiting spies.

* * [Dark Subterfuge] (60 moves) This unlocks the Brothel for building in the workshop. Important if you plan on infiltrating Raeve Keep or supporting Batri when recruiting the orc army; get this done ASAP if you plan on infiltrating Raeve Keep, as it’s a significant time investment getting both research projects done, and you don’t have much time to work with.

* * [Contact Network] (40 moves) This unlocks the Library Lvl2 upgrade for building in the workshop, which in turn unlocks the Dark Sanctum Lvl2 upgrade for building. This is great for increasing research and military strength early, but also time- and funds-intensive, so if you plan on infiltrating Raeve Keep, definitely focus on getting Opulence and Dark Subterfuge done first.

* * [Monster Taming] (60 moves) This unlocks the Breeding Pits for building in the workshop. Mostly important to unlock events related to the space and its NPCs.

* * [World and the War] (40 moves) I think this unlocks some slight variations on events when you first get to Rastedel, so it may be of interest, though I don’t think it’s anything of great importance in the current version of the game.

* * [Rosarian History] (50 moves) Unlocked by researching World and the War. I think this might also unlock more variations on events when you first get to Rastedel, with the same caveats of importance.

* * [Surveying and Telescopics] (40 moves) Mostly of interest if you don’t have access to a map (you can find one from the title menu in dev mode, but there doesn’t seem to be one easily available on google) and/or don’t have a pretty good sense of where things are. It extends your visual radius by one tile while exploring, letting you find villages, abbeys, mines, etc. more easily.

* * [Anything Else] (varies) By the point in the game that you’ve finished researching most of the projects above, nothing else will have any great level of impact, and there are some options that don’t seem to have any effect at all. Worth mentioning here is Advanced Survival Techniques, which unlocks after you finish researching Survivalism and Cartography. The name and parentage would seem to indicate it does something similar to S&C, but the last time I researched it (in version 0.2.39), it didn’t have any noticeable effect, and didn’t increase my turns per week.

[Events] Most “ruler events” (events that randomly take place after the end of each week exploring) that you might want to savescum for depend on what sex scenes you’re looking to view, and that can more or less be pieced together from the google drive guide linked in the opening post of the thread. There are a few you might consider savescumming for early on to give yourself a headstart on funding building projects, though, as well as a couple you might want to avoid. Your best bet for savescumming these events with minimal frustration is to save on the black screen that appears when you’ve finished exploring that says “End of Week X.” The event that plays for that week is rolled immediately after that screen. Unfortunately, this holds true even when a scripted event (for instance, when you finish a building project and are introduced to the relevant NPCs) plays after that screen but before the randomly rolled ruler event, so weeks with scripted events are a bit more annoying to savescum.

[Events To Look For] All of these become available by 15 weeks in (probably much earlier, but I can confirm the 15 figure), and I don’t think they rely on any other events being completed (not even each other).

* Cla-Min will come to you in the throne room to apologize about counterfeit coins, and however you handle it, you’ll wind up 100 gold richer.

* An orc will report to you in the throne room that an unexpected large sum of loot was captured. Choose to put it in the castle coffers, and you’ll get another 100 gold.

* You’ll find Cliohna and Skordred fighting in the library. Side with Skordred, and you’ll get a third pile of 100 gold.

[Events To Avoid] These events are also available early on, and don’t seem to rely on any other events.

* Jezera will approach you telling you she’s taking funds from the castle for a project of her own. There doesn’t seem to be any upside to this, and it removes 50 gold from the coffers.

* Skordred will approach you in the throne room and talk with Rowan about castle damages. This also doesn’t seem to include any upsides, and also removes 50 gold from your funds.

Courtesy of Stes, now with Map! See this post for a map key.

Stes said:

Andras got the short end of the stick.

That sort of depends on how you look at it. True, Andras’s scenes with Alexia are shallower, but that reflects his interest in the affair—he’s only really interested in her to sate his lust and to demonstrate his power over her and Rowan, it doesn’t really go any deeper than that. Jezera’s interest in Alexia is more complex, and so the scenes she has with her are more involved (which is what makes them, imo, more interesting).

That said, even with the recent Jezera update, Andras has more scenes with Alexia (though granted, not much in the way of penetrative sex). JezeraxAlexia has, I believe, 4 scenes, while AndrasxAlexia has 6, 7 if you include the tavern harassment scene. That doesn’t seem like a huge difference, but it’s 50% more scenes. 50% more updates devoted to the one pairing than the other, though I won’t make any presumptions about how much time the scenes take to write.

Seeds of Chaos Rosary map

A guide that helps with unlocking of the CGs that are available in the bonus section. Contains spoilers so proceed if you don’t mind them.


  • Small Notes Related to the CG List and Terminology Used
  • CG List Part 1
  • CG List Part 2
  • CG List Part 3
  • CG List Part 4

Small Notes Related to the CG List and Terminology Used

I am not sure if I will be able to further update it after the following updates come to game, but guess that it will be easier if someone wants to make them as the biggest part is already out.

Sadly there is no counting in the CG section in the game, but there might be one in the future, so you’ll have to count manually to find your missing scene in case that you don’t remember how to unlock the nearby CGs. The order in which they are shown is the order in which they have been added to the game. Some scenes that got CGs added later have in multiple places CGs for the same scene.

The CGs that require corruption/ favor/ relationship/ guilt are a bit harder to get because you can’t see your current stats anywhere. The only way you can track them is by opening the event menu with the `(~) key after each event and remember it/ note it down. From what I noticed the event that ask for corruption you need over 30 to trigger them(medium corruption) and for the one with Alexia and Rowans relationship the higher/ lower is compared to 50. Not sure exactly how much Favor points you need for the Alexia x twins scenes as I usually focus on just one to get them as it’s easier. Also there might be higher chances for the events with the twins to appear if your relationship is lower.

I sometimes may refer to specific room/ character in the room for event but it’s basically the same(for example I might say Forge event or Greyhide event and it will be the same).

The developers are currently working/reworking on some of the room/ character events and some events are unavailable or might change the steps to get them. From what I know they work on Greyhide, Fey, Shaya and X’Zaratl.

From my testing turning NTR off blocks all the Alexia/Rowan x Andras/Jezera scenes.

Not to repeat myself too much during the listing will have some pre-requirements listed here:

  • For anything related to Greyhide and Forge hand, the Forge will be required
  • For anything related to Draith and Caretaker, the Breeding pit will be required
  • For anything related to Barmaid, the Tavern will be required
  • For anything related to Shaya, the Brothel will be required
  • For anything related to X’Zaratl, the Dark sanctum will be required

CG List Part 1

  • CG 1-4 – Rowan x Alexia – take Alexia from behind after you get home in the begining
  • CG 5-10 – Story CGs – story cgs, can’t be missed
  • CG 11-14 – Jezera x Rowan – select Jezera after you are required to show loyalty
  • CG 15-18 – Andras x Rowan – select Andras after you are required to show loyalty
  • CG 19 – Story CG – story cg, can’t be missed
  • CG 20-29 – Andras x Alexia – don’t go looking for Alexia and select no
  • CG 30 – Rowan x Alexia – auto-unlocks when you reunited with Alexia
  • CG 31-34 – Rowan x Alexia – select Rowan found himself growing hard under her
  • CG 35-37 – X’Zaratl – confront X’Zaratl during her first event
  • CG 38-41 – X’Zaratl x Alexia x Rowan – select Alexia in the middle at the encounter with X’Zaratl
  • CG 42-44 – X’Zaratl x Rowan x Alexia – select Rowan in the middle at the encounter with X’Zaratl
  • CG 45-55 – Andras x Alexia – when Andras comes to ask for relief tell him you are busy and when he mentiones your wife let him go
  • CG 56-57 – Jezera x Alexia – after going to Jezera to learn about the book, select to stay in hope to learn about the book
  • CG 58-63 – Andras x Rowan – when Andras comes to ask for relief select to suck him
  • CG 64 – Story CG – attack Raeve Keep
  • CG 65-68 – Rowan x Helayna 1 – attack Raeve Keep and have Rowan ♥ Helayna
  • CG 69-70 – Orcs x Helayna – attack Raeve Keep and watch Helayna get ♥ by the orcs
  • CG 71-72 – Knights x Helayna – take Raeve Keep with a spy and watch Helayna get ♥ by knights
  • CG 73-76 – Andras x Rowan – arena must be constructed, it’s random weekly event, when Andras takes you to the arena respond submissively
  • CG 77-87 – Jezera x Dark Elf Woman x Rowan – go with Jezera at negotiations as a pet( if you have influence with Jezera you can go at negotiations without being a pet but CG 78 and 79 will be missed)
  • CG 88 – Jezera x Shaya – have Alexia to work as Maid, it will be a random weekly encounter
  • CG 89-90 – Jezera x Shaya – must have brothel constructed, it will be a random weekly encounter, select Really arousing and stay and watch
  • CG 91 – Goblin Family CG – goblin family intro
  • CG 92-93 – Rowan x Cla-Min – accept the blow-job from Cla-Min
  • CG 94-95 – Rowan x Cla-Min – after you take Raeve Keep go to Cla-Min and ♥ her for the sword
  • CG 96-98 – Rowan x Cla-Bow – after you take Raeve Keep go to Cla-min and ♥ Cla-Bow
  • CG 99-103 – Rowan x Cla-Min – after you finish the sword encounter with Cla-Min you will have room encounter with her to get a tit job from her
  • CG 104-108 – Rowan x Draith – select to ♥ him after Jezera talks with Draith during the breeding pit event
  • CG 109 – Table Manners CG – unlocked during the table manners event from the forge
  • CG 110-113 – Greyhide x Alexia – during the table manners event you need to go with either option twice and don’t go back
  • CG 114-116 – Greyhide x Rowan – at the sharing his people liquor event kiss him
  • CG 117 – Cliohna x Rowan – let Cliohna extract your seed
  • CG 118-119 – Cliohna x Rowan – don’t resist during the seed extraction
  • CG 120-121 – Rowan x Ollia x Brinnid – village map event, select double blowjob after the noble offers you the ladies
  • CG 122-124 – Rowan x Ollia x Brinnid – village map event, select the sapphic make-out after the noble offers you the ladies
  • CG 125-127 – Rowan x Alexia – weekly event, requires high relationship with Alexia, select flip over Alexia and make love to her
  • CG 128-131 – Andras x Alexia – after you accept book from Andras in the weekly event, select to go to Andras for answer and go along with his requests
  • CG 132-134 – Alexia x Mr. Garforth – Maid job event, accept Jezera’s task to extract answers and select “Seduce Garforth”
  • CG 135-136 – Alexia x Mr. Garforth – take him all the way for the above encounter
  • CG 137-139 – Alexia x Rowan – weekly event, requires Rowan guilt, accept X’Zaratl offer to deal with the guilt
  • CG 140-141 – Alexia – when X’Zaratl comes to Alexia during her second event, select the idea of having a penis intrugued Alexia
  • CG 142 – Alexia x Rowan – continuation of the above event, select to give Alexia a blowjob
  • CG 143-145 – Alexia x Rowan x X’Zaratl – continuation of the above event( can be achieved even if you skipped giving Alexia a blowjob),select the succubus’s power was too much to resist
  • CG 146-149 – Jezera x Helayna – if you haven’t saved Helayna during the Raeve Keep attack she will show during the feast of the battle victory
  • CG 150-152 – Andras x Helayna – don’t say anything during the feast of the Raeve Keep battle victory
  • CG 153-156 – Rowan x Female Orc – use explore the camp in the orchish camp( the one needed for story) until you have the contest for the orchish girl( you have to beat the orcs in one of the contests)
  • CG 157-159 – Rowan x Helayna 2 – claim Helayna during Raeve Keep and this is first scene with her
  • CG 160-161 – Andras x Alexia – after Helayna moves with Rowan, accept Andras, while you have the Alexia prompt
  • CG 162-163 – Black Ness x Rowan – weekly event, requires eggs in breeding pit, sacrifice yourself to capture the escaped drider
  • CG 164-166 – Rowan x Helayna 3 – after you save Helayna and she recovers from the ring influence and you convince her to remain
  • CG 167-170 – Male Drider x Female Orc – have Alexia work as Caretaker, and watch when the drider escapes the female orc chains
  • CG 171-175 – Rowan x Liurial – accept Liurial offer during the weekly event( it’s before week 25)
  • CG 176 – Arzyl – due to Fey events being reworked it’s currently unobtainable
  • CG 177-179 – Arzyl x Rowan – due to Fey events being reworked it’s currently unobtainable
  • CG 180-181 – Rowan x Phoebe – requires Rowan corruption, forest map event, when you find the dryad go with ask for a different reward for freeing her
  • CG 182 – Rowan x Alanthe – requires Rowan corruption , swamp map event, pay the tithe that Alanthe asks
  • CG 183 – Rowan x Alanthe – continuation of the above, have your way with Alanthe
  • CG 184 – Rowan x Alanthe – continuation of the above – ♥ inside
  • CG 185 – Rowan x Alanthe – continuation of cg 182-183 – ♥ outside
  • CG 186-188 – Rowan x Liurial – room event from the throne room after Liurial comes to the castle( blowjob)
  • CG 189-190 – Rowan x Liurial – room event from the throne room after Liurial comes to the castle(something more intense/ dominate her)
  • CG 191-192 – Greyhide x Rowan – this and the below one are connected, you can do both or just one, if you unlocked both cg 114-116 and cg 110-113 you will have After Drinking Greyhides Alchol event and if you follow after Greyhide you have option to select one of them and then to end it there or go for second one
  • CG 193-194 – Greyhide x Alexia – see requirement of the above one, won’t copy paste it here
  • CG 195 – Greyhide x Rowan x Alexia – the above two must be fulfilled made to unlock this one
  • CG 196-212 – Wulump x Alexia – after Helayna escapes you tell the demons that Alexia did it and let Andras punish her/ decide to fake punish her yourself for cg 466-470 and fail to deceive Andras
  • CG 213-223 – Andras x Alexia – continuation of the above
  • CG 224-226 – Rowan x Jezera x Helayna – auto unlucks during a castle event if you have Helayna remaining in the castle
  • CG 227 – Helayna – unlocks with the above one
  • CG 228-230 – Jezera x Noble – unlocks along the two above
  • CG 231-233 – Jak x Indarah – have Alexia to work as a Barmaid, peek on Indarah and Jak
  • CG 234 – Rowan x Sheena – mine map event, after you meet the party of adventurers, encourage Sheena
  • CG 235 – Dazzanath x Rowan – abbey map event, requires dark sanctum and brothel, have Rowan “drain the power” of Dazzanath
  • CG 236 – Dazzanath x Agatha – abbey map event, requires dark sanctum and brothel, watch Agatha “drain the power” of Dazzanath
  • CG 237-239 – Jezera x Alexia – accept Jezera offer to go for lunchtime tea and then select give in and debase yourself
  • CG 240 – Rowan x Liurial – after the spy tells you how Delane got corrupted, go with Liurial while she is aroused
  • CG 241-247 – Batri x Delane – help Batri get Delane and watch the scene during the orchish celebration

CG List Part 2

  • CG 248-252 – Andras & Batri x Rowan – go as entertainment with Andras and Batri after helping Batri
  • CG 253-254 – Kraug & Snag x Delane – help Tarish and watch what happens with Delane
  • CG 255-260 – Shaya – requires Brothel, watch the public show of Shaya( room choice after an event) – I think it can’t be unlocked at the moment, wasn’t able to reproduce it during my last few days playthroughs for finishing this guide
  • CG 261 – Rowan x Tarish – help Tarish to get the orc camp and have sex with her
  • CG 262-265 – Rowan x Emma – explore the orc camp until you find the pregnant human and use diplomacy with the orc matron and explore the orc camp again until you find Emma and use first option during sex scene
  • CG 266-269 – Rowan x Emma – explore the orc camp until you find the pregnant human and use diplomacy with the orc matron and explore the orc camp again until you find Emma and use second option during sex scene
  • CG 270 – Liurial x Alexia – wasn’t able to find how you can unlock it
  • CG 271-277 – Rowan x Alexia x Liurial – weekly event, when Liurial visit you and Alexia, tell Alexia that you have slept with Liurial and that was the only way to acquire her loyalty
  • CG 278-282 – Story CGs – Story CGs unlocked after the Rastedel battle
  • CG 283-285 – Jezera x Human Commander – when Andras ask you to come to Jezera room to discuss the war plans watch Jezera on the crystal globe
  • CG 286 – Book CG – wasn’t able to find how you can unlock it, possibly related to Research Assistant with Alexia as it loosk similar with the two below
  • CG 287 – Book CG – doable after doing CG 493-500, have Alexia work as an Research Assistant and accept the book from the bookshelf
  • CG 288 – Book CG – must have Alexia work as an Research Assistant and accept the book from the bookshelf
  • CG 289 – Delane – must have helped Tarish become chief, after some time go back to the orchish camp and check the arena
  • CG 290-291 – Rowan x Helayna 4 – train Helayna after you decided that you want her to serve you in bed
  • CG 292-295 – Andras x Draith – have Alexia work as an Caretaker and peek when Andras makes a visit to Draith
  • CG 296-298 – Jezera x Alexia – must have Jezera influence with Alexia, after you met the drunk workers, report them to Jezera and hit them at least 5 times and let Jezera kiss you
  • CG 299 – Castle CG – reach medium corruption with Alexia
  • CG 300-301 – Alexia – have Alexia work as an Caretaker and agree to his demands when Andras asks how trained the driders are
  • CG 302-304 – Jezera x Doran – during the Raeve Keep attack watch Jezera
  • CG 305 – Rowan x Maid – room event after you decide what to do with Helayna (Cuck Helayna)
  • CG 306-310 – Rowan x Skordred – undress when Skordred asks you for the statue and let him blow you
  • CG 311-317 – Rowan x Alexia – high relationship with Alexia needed, when you go at the picnic kiss her
  • CG 318-321 – Andras x Alexia – have Alexia work as a Barmaid, select to serve Andras
  • CG 322-324 – Greyhide x Alexia – have Alexia work as a Forge hand and had prior sex with Greyhide
  • CG 325-326 – Alexia – select what the succubus wants during the X’Zaratl third event
  • CG 327 – Rowan x Alexia – wasn’t able to find how you can unlock it
  • CG 328-334 – Jezera x Half-Minotaur Girl – after you come back to report from Rastedel watch Jezera have fun with the half-minotaur girl
  • CG 335-340 – Rowan x Mysterious woman( Ameraine) – during the Rastedel ball go to the mysterious lady when you are prompted
  • CG 341-344 – Alexia – after you reach medium corruption with Alexia go to the tree
  • CG 345-346 – Andras x Alexia – weekly event, after you met Andras at the arena follow him to the baths and give him the full service
  • CG 347 – Andras x Rowan – after you conquer two villages, Andras will ask you to come to the dungeon and submit to him
  • CG 348-349 – Rowan x Ygriss – map hills event, select to get a drink to the dragon lady and then accept the invitation
  • CG 350-352 – Rowan x Helayna 5 – Orgasm Training Helayna
  • CG 353-356 – Helayna – test Helayna submissions unlocks with the above
  • CG 357-358 – Male Sacrifice x Elf Witches – swamp map event, requires corruption, select try to sneak closer, try to save the poor soul and allow them to continue and stay to watch
  • CG 359-360 – Ulcro x Delane – make Delane decide to accept Ulcro and watch the scene after the duel
  • CG 361-365 – Rowan x Altered Orc – ask Nasim about his previous experiment and take another look at her, order her to remove her shirt and give her a spin after all
  • CG 366-371 – Rowan x Young Aspirant – after you conquer two villages, and Cla-Min brings the young aspirant test him sexually
  • CG 372-376 – Wulump x Female Knight – after the victory feast Jezera asks you to come to the dungeon and you can watch this scene
  • CG 377-384 – Rowan x Delane – gain Delane trust, and gain favor with two orcs to help you with Delane escape, and sleep with her
  • CG 385-388 – Jak x Indarah – have Alexia to work as a Barmaid, peek on Indarah and Jak
  • CG 389-392 – Mary x Alexia – have Alexia work as Maid, it will get auto unlocked during a weekly maid event
  • CG 393-397 – Jezera x Rowan – when Jezera is stressed go to her room and massage her
  • CG 398 – Jezera x Katya x Era – requires medium corruption with Alexia and influence with Jezera, select to go outside the castle with Jezera
  • CG 399-402 – Jezera x Alexia – continuation of the above if you select “Her” after coming back to castle and Jezera asks you what you want
  • CG 403 – Rastedel CG – Story CG, auto unlock when you go with Doran to Rastedel
  • CG 404 – Rastedel CG – Story CG, auto unlock when you return to Rastedel to conquer it
  • CG 405-408 – Spy x Delane – sent a spy to corupt Delane, after few weeks the cg will unlock
  • CG 409 – Mary – have Alexia work as a Maid, auto unlocks during “mary_event_4”
  • CG 410-415 – Rowan x Alexia – unlocked during the “a time to relax” event
  • CG 416-419 – Rowan x Female Orcs Couple – select convince the orcs with your body and use your ass for diplomacy
  • CG 420 – Andras x Draith – unlocks along with CG 292-295
  • CG 421 – Alexia x Mr. Garforth – Maid job event, accept Jezera’s task to extract answers
  • CG 422 – Rowan x Delane – unlocks along with CG 377-384
  • CG 423-426 – Jezera x Alexia – unlocks along with CG 399-402
  • CG 427 – Jezera x Alexia – doable after doing CG 399-402, it will be auto unlocked after Alexia receives a package from Jezera
  • CG 428-432 – Obelius x Rowan – forest map event, after the famine warning event you can find a band a smugglers and after you cooperate with them you accept Obelius proposition
  • CG 433-438 – Jezera x Rowan – requires Jezera influence, select orc relief toy, return the sweet talk and do it
  • CG 439-443 – Rowan x Jezera – requires Jezera influence, select orc relief toy, return the sweet talk and enough teasing! throw her against the desk and ♥ her, and then ♥ her right here right now
  • CG 444-447 – Orcs x Nileth – due to Fey events being reworked it’s currently unobtainable
  • CG 448-455 – Rowan x Alexia – weekly event, accept Alexia proposition while she comes to the throne room while you are working
  • CG 456-461 – Drokk x Alexia – requires medium corruption for Alexia and influence with Andras and no influence with Jezera, after Rowan asks you to give the orcs his order insult Drokk
  • CG 462 – Skordred – auto-unlock during “What is precious to me” event
  • CG 463-465 – Rowan x Skordred – if you let him blow you off when he got your sketch for your statue you can ♥ him
  • CG 466-470 – Rowan x Alexia – must let the know twins that Alexia helped Helayna to escape and punish her yourself
  • CG 471 – Orcs Orgy CG – take the detour with Tarish when retaking Verdoin Abbey
  • CG 472 – Rowan x Heartsong – due to Fey events being reworked it’s currently unobtainable
  • CG 473-476 – Liurial – after you deny Liurial orgasm you will have room event Make her perform

CG List Part 3

  • CG 477 – “Horse” CG – have Alexia to work as a Barmaid, auto unlocks during the pony stop event
  • CG 478-479 – Cliohna x Rowan – either resist to all of Cliohna “attacks” and during her third event this will unlock or submit to all her events and you will get this
  • CG 480-482 – Cliohna x Rowan – listen to what Cliohna tells you to do on the above scene
  • CG 483 – Andras x Mystery Slave – wasn’t able to find how you can unlock it, somehow related with the one below
  • CG 484-485 – Andras x Mystery Slave – after Alexia escapes from Drokk ( part of CG 456-461) go to Andras to help solve your issues with Drokk
  • CG 486,488,490,492 – Drokk’s punishment CG – after you get Andras to help you punish Drokk and he ask if the it was good punishment answer that he wasn’t punished enough
  • CG 487,489,491 – Drokk’s punishment CG – after you get Andras to help you punish Drokk and he ask if the it was good punishment answer that he was punished enough
  • CG 493-500 – Andras x Alexia – select meet Andras later after he punishes Drokk
  • CG 501-502 – Rowan x Hearthsong – due to Fey events being reworked it’s currently unobtainable
  • CG 503 – Jezera x Doran – during the Raeve Keep attack watch Jezera – unlocks along with CG 302-304
  • CG 504 – Jezera x Arzyl – due to Fey events being reworked it’s currently unobtainable
  • CG 505-509 – Rowan x Delane – must have saved Delane from the orc camp, after you meet Delane at the ball in Rastedal visit the Nobles Lodge and accept a hero’s reward
  • CG 510 – Male Drider x Rowan – due to Fey events being reworked it’s currently unobtainable
  • CG 511-512 – Tarish and Slaves CG – unlocks along with CG 471
  • CG 513-514 – Rowan x Liurial – after you deny Liurial orgasm you will have room event Make her perform – unlocks along with CG 473-476
  • CG 515 – Batri and Ulcro fight CG – auto unlocks as long as you don’t save Delane
  • CG 516-517 – Alexia x Liurial – have Alexia to work as a Maid and to have done the Rowan x Alexia X Liurial threesome ( CG 271-277 )
  • CG 518-521 – Death of Werden CG – occurs automatically as long as you don’t side with him
  • CG 522-526 – Death of Werden CG – Story CG, occurs automatically no mater with who you side
  • CG 527 – Andras x Alexia – unlocks along with cg 160-161
  • CG 528-529 – Rowan x Koh – forest map event, after the famine warning event you can find a band a smugglers and after you cooperate with them tell Obelius you prefer more feminine company
  • CG 530 – Rowan x Draith – unlocks along with cg 104-108
  • CG 531 – Rowan x Liurial – control Liurial orgasms and keep denying her and when she confesse spank her
  • CG 532 – “Horse” CG – have Alexia to work as a Barmaid, auto unlocks during the pony stop event – unlocks along with CG 477
  • CG 533-534- Rowan x Helayna 4 – unlocks along with CG 290-291
  • CG 535 – Batri winner CG – help Batri get Delane and watch the battle between Batri and Ulcro/ help Trish get Delane and watch the battle between Batri and Ulcro
  • CG 536 – Ulcro winner CG – Help Ulcro get Delane and watch the battle between Batri and Ulcro
  • CG 537-538 – Mary x Alexia – have Alexia work as a Maid, must have unlocked the medium corruption path with Jezera, when Mary want to help you Nod
  • CG 539-540 – Qais x Rowan – mine map event, after you meet the party of adventurers, encourage Qais
  • CG 541-542 – Rowan x Shani – after you side with someone to conquer Rastedel go to Northside Alleys and select beating around the ambush, revisit Northside Alleys and another option “Red light, green light” can be selected and go with Tie her up and give her what she needs
  • CG 543 – Rowan x Alexia – after you punish Alexia for letting Helayna escape you can “console” her when you visit her after the whipping
  • CG 544-550 – Fall of Rastedel CGs – Story CGs, gets auto-unlocked during the attack on Rastedel
  • CG 551-553 – Rowan x Alexia – wasn’t able to find how you can unlock it
  • CG 554-556 – Rowan x Shaya – get a private show by Shaya
  • CG 557-558 – Rowan x Patricia x Ameraine – after you select to side with Patricia, give to Ameraine the collar to submit Patricia
  • CG 559 – Patricia – automatic unlock if you control Patricia with the collar
  • CG 560-561 – Greyhide x Alexia – have Alexia work as a Forge hand and had prior sex with Greyhide
  • CG 562-563 – Wulump x Rowan x Alexia – after Jezera asks you take down Rastedel refuse her twice
  • CG 564-565 – Rowan x Alain – decide to side with Alain , and select Rowan should have been at his side from the start when teaching and raw machismo for their duel and he’ll drill him later, in a intimate setting
  • CG 566-570 – Rastedel Orgy CG – witness the chaos during Rastedel conquest
  • CG 571 – Rowan x Juliet – visit Juliet twice after retaking Verdoin Abbey
  • CG 572-573 – Rowan x Juliet – visit Juliet twice after retaking Verdoin Abbey if you sided with Jacques/ visit Juliet twice after retaking Verdoin Abbey if you sided with Patricia ( requires high corruption)
  • CG 574 – Rowan x Juliet – at the end of Rastedel conquest the twins captured Juliet and you can accept the gift
  • CG 575 – Marianne – Story CG, auto unlocks at the feast of conquering Rastedel
  • CG 576 – Delane – must have saved Delane from the orc camp and visited Delane after capturing Verdoin Abbey
  • CG 577 – Alexia – have Alexia work as a Forge hand
  • CG 578 – Alexia – have Alexia work as a Forge hand and have high influence with Andras
  • CG 579 – Rowan x Orc Chieftess – orc camp event, look unintentionally at the orc chieftess after you get captured
  • CG 580-581 – Francois CG – weekly event, you get to enjoy a dinner from Francois with Alexia
  • CG 582-585 – Rowan x Alexia – continuation of Francois event, invite Alexia to bed
  • CG 586 – Rowan x Helayna 5 – unlocks along with CG 350-352
  • CG 587 – Drider x Rowan – drider nest event, get distracted during the battle with the drider
  • CG 588-589 – Jezera x Alexia – unlocks along with cg 427
  • CG 590-591 – Female Drider x Rowan – due to Fey events being reworked it’s currently unobtainable
  • CG 592-596 – Goblin Family CG – goblin family intro – unlocks along with CG 91
  • CG 597 – Fallen Rastedel CG – if you sided with Werden there will be some people escaping the Rastedel attack and this CG will auto unlock
  • CG 598-600 – Alexia x Tarek – have Alexia work as a Barmaid, select to “reward” the orc after dealing with the drunkard during the “Alexia and the drunk” event
  • CG 601-602 – Rowan x Liurial – must have Helayna serve you in bed and Liurial in denial and Liurial will be an option during the room event of Helayna (Cuck Helayna)
  • CG 603-607 – Rowan x Rylea – during the succubi murder mystery event for X’Zaratl, find the culprit and get him to aide you as he is
  • CG 608-609 – Rowan x Alexia – continuation of Francois event, invite Alexia to bed – unlocks along with CG 582-585
  • CG 610-611 – Rowan x Sheena – unlocks along with CG 234
  • CG 612-613 – Rowan x Heartsong – due to Fey events being reworked it’s currently unobtainable
  • CG 614-617 – Rowan x Maud – hold Maud hand after you help her meet the Baron
  • CG 618-624 – Rowan x Patricia – after you select to side with Patricia, keep the collar to submit Patricia
  • CG 625 – Rowan x Tarish – unlocks along with CG 261
  • CG 626 – Alexia x Drider – have Alexia work as a Caretaker, agree to train and drain the driders
  • CG 627-634 – Whitescar x Draith – have Alexia work as a Caretaker, stay and watch when Whitescar comes
  • CG 635-640 – Alexia Festival CG – after you accept book from Andras in the weekly event, go to Jezera to learn about the book
  • CG 641 – Alexia x Mikael – doable after doing CG 399-402 and CG 427, after you receive the two boxes from Jezera and select accept.. for now
  • CG 642 – Alexia x Mikael – continuation of the above, select trust her and then select agree
  • CG 643 – Jezera x Alexia – continuation of the above
  • CG 644-651 – Alexia( x Jezera) – continuation of the above
  • CG 652-653 – Remiscence CG – after the “Conors fate” weekly event where Andras asks you what to do with their neighbor baker
  • CG 654 – Remiscence CG – as per above, but this one requires high relationship between Rowan and Alexia

CG List Part 4

  • CG 655-659 – Rowan x Alexia – continuation of the above if you hug her and kiss her
  • CG 660-663 – Delane – after you capture Verdoin Abbey go to Nobles Lodge and visit Delane
  • CG 664-666 – Rowan x Delane – continuation of the above, select to take Delane to bed
  • CG 667-668 – Rowan x Rylea – during the succubi murder mystery event for X’Zaratl, find the culprit and get him to aide you but transform into a woman.
  • CG 669 – Cliohna x Rowan – let Cliohna extract your seed and resist during the first event, and on the second event select submit to her terms. maybe it won’t be that bad.. and select all the options with focus on her.
  • CG 670 – Rowan’s Dream – Story CG, it will unlock automatically.
  • CG 671 – Greyhide x Rowan – room event unlocked after sharing his people liquor event, give Greyhide a blowjob.
  • CG 672 – Drinking Buddies CG – unlocked during first event of Greyhide.
  • CG 673-677 – Battle CGs – unlocks along with CG 278-282.
  • CG 678-679 – Rowan x Patricia – if you select to side with Patricia in Rastedel and you visit her twice you can give her what she’s been missing.
  • CG 680-685 – Rowan x Alexia – must have high relationship with Alexia(I think that over 50), leave the door open and embrace Alexia and then go with first option for all the choices.
  • CG 686-694 – Rowan & Jezera x Maids – weekly event, accept Jezera offer when she asks if you are stressed.
  • CG 695-699 – Alekis CGs – after you side with Jacques, during the attack of Rastedel you will meet with Patricia and a group of purples while injured and Ameraine saves you.
  • CG 700 – Andras x Alexia – it gets unlocked after Andras sends Drokk to summon you and present you with the box.
  • CG 701-711 – Andras x Alexia – continuation of the above, open the box and there will be a longer event in which all the CGs will be unlocked.

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