Siemens optipoint 500 advance инструкция на русском

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Что нужно знать пользователю

. . . . . . . . . . 9

Панель optiPoint 500 economy/basic/standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Панель optiPoint 500 advance с приставкой optiPoint key module . . . . . . . . 10

Пользование инструкцией. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Индикация на дисплее. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Выбор функции . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

в диалоговом режиме. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

через сервисное меню . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

с помощью функциональной клавиши . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Какие функции можно использовать? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Базовые и комфортные функции . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Дополнительные функции для абонентских групп и системы шеф-

секретарь. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Как эффективно использовать телефон . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Базовые и комфортные функции

Входящая и исходящая связь. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

Прием вызова — разговор через трубку. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Прием вызова через громкоговоритель (громкая связь) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Прослушивание в помещении во время разговора . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Переключение на громкую связь . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Переключение на трубку . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Второй вызов . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Прием второго вызова . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Разрешение и запрет (автоматической) сигнализации второго вызова 17

Вкл./выкл. сигнализации второго вызова . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Целевой перехват вызова . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Целевой перехват вызова . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Отказ от приема вызовов . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Использование почтовых ящиков. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Использование громкой связи . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Включение/блокировка функции «Ответ по громкой связи». . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Включение/блокировка функции «Ответ по громкой связи». . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Прием вызова с использованием гарнитуры . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Включение и выключение функции «Блокировка вызова» . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Включить/выключить функцию «Не беспокоить» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Идентификация анонимных абонентов (злонамеренных вызовов) (не для

США). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Включение и выключение микрофона. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Прием вызовов с домофона и открывание двери . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Перехват вызова с автоответчика . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Просмотр количества ожидающих вызовов и индикация перегрузки . . . . 26

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Manuals and User Guides for SIEMENS optiPoint 500 advance. We have 18 SIEMENS optiPoint 500 advance manuals available for free PDF download: Operating Instructions Manual, User Manual, Quick Reference Manual, Reference Manual, Specification

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Фрагмент инструкции: руководство пользователя SIEMENS OPTIPOINT 500 ADVANCE

Подробные указания по применению содержатся в руководстве пользователя.

В инструкции описываются все функци телефонов. Возможно, некоторые функции, которыми вы захотите воспользоваться, будут недоступны на вашем телефоне. Это может произойти по следующим причинам: • Функция не сконфигурирована на вашем телефоне — обратитесь в службу обслуживания. • Ваша коммуникационная платформа не поддерживает эту функцию — обратитесь в представительство фирмы Siemens для модернизации вашей системы. Рекомендации
Не пользуйтесь телефоном в помещениях, где существует опасность взрыва! Используйте только оригинальные принадлежности Siemens. Использование принадлежностей других изготовителей опасно и ведет к отмене гарантии и маркировки CE. Не разбирайте телефон. При возникновении проблем обратитесь к специалистам, обслуживающим систему…

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Здравствуйте столкнулся с проблемой на аппарате Siemens OptiPoint 500,программировал клавиши на приставке,но номер не сохраняется так как он уже находится на клавише 14,16 ну проще говоря на 16 все клавиши начинаются от 14,01 (почемуто) на главной панели с телефоном программируются 8 клавиш после них на приставке(консоле)начинается абонент с номером 14,17 то-есть не хватает 9 клавиш,заменял приставки, удлинял до 3х все равно от 17 и далее,линию выдает станция dx-500 нашел несколько команд для сброса кнопок на пультах управления,ничего не помогло помогите с решением проблемы пожалуйста…….


Добрый день.
Приобрели Siemens OptiPoint 500 advance для руководителя в замен старого. Изначально запрограммировали быстрые клавиши. Проработал несколько дней. Затем секретарь сообщила, что когда руководитель набирает номер, отображается только номер абонента, а вот имя абонента не отображается. Всё тоже самое, когда звонят руководителю. Т.е. только номер — имя абонента не высвечивается. Подключили старый аппарат — там всё нормально. Такое ощущение, что аппарат не полностью подключается к местной АТС.


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Сопутствующие товары Siemens OptiPoint 500 advance

  • Page 1
    HiPath 1220 optiPoint 500 economy optiPoint 500 basic optiPoint 500 standard optiPoint 500 advance User Guide…
  • Page 2: Before You Begin

    Before You Begin Before You Begin These operating instructions describe the optiPoint 500 economy, optiPoint 500 basic, optiPoint 500 standard and optiPoint 500 advance telephones on your HiPath HiPath 1220. They describe all functions you can use from your telephone. You may find that some func- tions you wish to use are not available on your telephone.

  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Characteristics and Ways to Connect Your optiPoint 500 … . 7 Control Panel optiPoint 500 economy/basic/standard ….8 Control Panel optiPoint 500 advance with optiPoint key module .

  • Page 4
    Contents Using Callback ……….25 Storing a Callback .
  • Page 5
    Contents Saving Functions and Procedures ….49 Assigning Functions to Keys ……. . . 49 Assigning a Procedure (Operating Steps) to a Key .
  • Page 6
    Contents System Administration/ Software Update ……72 Enable Remote Administration and Software Update ……..72 Service Call .
  • Page 7: Basic Operating Instructions

    Basic Operating Instructions Basic Operating Instructions Characteristics and Ways to Connect Your optiPoint 500 optiPoint 500 economy basic standard advance function keys Full-duplex speakerphone fea- ture Display backlight Headset page 78 connected with • built-in interface • adapter • handset interface USB interface Interface for add-on equipment Option bays…

  • Page 8: Control Panel Optipoint 500 Economy/Basic/Standard

    Basic Operating Instructions Control Panel optiPoint 500 economy/basic/standard Key field fixed function keys: Program/Service Redial Mute or Internal Speaker Speaker Display, Keypad for open listening 2 lines with LEDs and ring tones 24 chars – Key field Handset freely programmable keys…

  • Page 9: Control Panel Optipoint 500 Advance With Optipoint Key Module

    Basic Operating Instructions Control Panel optiPoint 500 advance with optiPoint key module Key field fixed function keys: Program/Service Redial Mute or Internal Speaker Speaker Iluminated Dis- Keypad for open listening play, LEDs and ring tones 2 lines with 24 chars –…

  • Page 10: How To Use These Operating Instructions

    Basic Operating Instructions Step by Step How to Use these Operating Instruc- tions This symbol indicates special notices and addi- tional information. You will find a graphic representation of the steps in log- ical sequence in the left column. Below is an explana- tion of the symbols: Lift the handset.

  • Page 11: Service Personnel

    Basic Operating Instructions Step by Step Service personnel References to service personnel usually mean the per- son responsible for programming your HiPath 1220. Service personnel have access to appropriate PC tools.

  • Page 12: Accessing Functions

    Basic Operating Instructions Step by Step Accessing Functions … Interactively You can select some functions while the telephone is idle, for example: > < > to scroll to a function and press to ex- Forwarding on? ecute it. You can select other functions directly depending on the situation.

  • Page 13: With Function Keys

    Basic Operating Instructions Step by Step … With Function Keys If you saved a function on a key page 49, you can ac- cess it directly as follows: Press the Mute key to execute the function.

  • Page 14: Making Calls — Basic Functions

    Answering a Call with the Speaker (Speaker- phone Mode) This function is not available with optiPoint 500 economy and optiPoint 500 basic. The telephone rings. The caller is displayed. Press the key. The LED lights up. Speaker…

  • Page 15
    Making Calls – Basic Functions Step by Step To raise or lower the volume, keep pressing the keys un- til the desired call volumeis set. • Tell the other party that you are using speak- erphone mode. • The speakerphone works bests at a low re- ceiving volume.
  • Page 16: Dialing/Making Calls

    The other party answers with speaker: Lift the handset. or On-hook dialing: use speakerphone mode (not available with optiPoint 500 economy and optiPoint 500 basic). The called party does not answer or is busy: Press the key. The LED goes out.

  • Page 17: Switching To Speakerphone Mode

    Switching to Speakerphone Mode This function is not available with optiPoint 500 economy and optiPoint 500 basic. Precondition: You are conducting a call with the hand- set. Hold down the key and replace the handset. Then re- Speaker lease the key and continue the call.

  • Page 18: Ending A Call

    Making Calls – Basic Functions Step by Step Ending a Call Replace the handset. Press the key. The LED goes out. Speaker Press the key. Release Redialing a Number The last ten telephone numbers dialed are stored auto- matically. By pressing a key, you can redial the last external station number dialed.

  • Page 19: Turning The Microphone On And Off

    (speaker call, page 32). Speakerphone mode is not available with optiPoint 500 economy and optiPoint 500 basic. Precondition: You are conducting a call. The micro- phone is switched on. Press the key. The LED lights up.

  • Page 20: Calling A Second Party (Consultation Hold)

    Making Calls – Basic Functions Step by Step Calling a Second Party (Consultation Hold) You can call a second party while engaged in a call. The first party is placed on hold. Confirm. Consult? Call the second party. Return to the first party: Confirm.

  • Page 21: Transferring A Call

    Making Calls – Basic Functions Step by Step Transferring a Call If the person you are speaking to wants to talk to anoth- er colleague of yours, you can transfer the call that col- league. Confirm. Consult? > Start transfer? Enter the number of the party to which you want to transfer the call.

  • Page 22: Call Forwarding

    Making Calls – Basic Functions Step by Step Call Forwarding Using Variable Call Forwarding You can forward calls immediately to different internal or external telephones (destinations). > Select and confirm. Forwarding on? Enter the code. Enter the destination number. • For internal destinations, enter the internal station number.

  • Page 23: Call Forwarding In The Carrier Network And Forwarding Multiple Subscriber Numbers (Msn)

    Making Calls – Basic Functions Step by Step Call Forwarding in the Carrier Network and Forwarding Multiple Subscriber Num- bers (MSN) If this function has been configured (consult service personnel), you can forward calls to your HiPath 1220 multiple subscriber numbers (MSN) (DID number) di- rectly within the carrier network.

  • Page 24: Using Call Forwarding — No Answer (Cfna)

    Making Calls – Basic Functions Step by Step When call forwarding is active, “MSN to:..“ ap- pears on the display and a special dial tone sounds when you lift the handset. Using Call Forwarding — No Answer (CFNA) Calls that you do not answer after six rings (=default, can be set by service personnel) or that arrive while you are busy can be forwarded to a telephone of your choice.

  • Page 25: Using Callback

    Making Calls – Basic Functions Step by Step Using Callback If a user is busy or is not answering, you can store an automatic callback. This feature saves you from having to make repeated attempts to reach the user. You receive a callback, •…

  • Page 26: Checking And Canceling A Saved Callback

    Making Calls – Basic Functions Step by Step Checking and Canceling a Saved Callback > Select and confirm. View callbacks? Enter the code. Deleting a displayed entry: Confirm. Delete? Ending callback display: > Select and confirm. Exit? Press the key. The LED goes out. Program/Service Press the key.

  • Page 27: Saving Repertory Dialing Numbers On A Key

    Making Calls – Basic Functions Step by Step Saving Repertory Dialing Numbers on a Key You can save a frequently dialed number on any free key of your phone or accompanying equipment. Press the key. The LED lights up. Program/Service >…

  • Page 28: Using Repertory Dialing Keys

    Making Calls – Basic Functions Step by Step Using Repertory Dialing Keys Precondition: You have saved a station number on a repertory dialing key page 27. Press the key on which the number is saved. You can also press the repertory dial key during a call.

  • Page 29: Telephone Settings

    Adjusting the Speakerphone to the Room Acoustics This function is not available with optiPoint 500 economy and optiPoint 500 basic. To help the other party understand you clearly while you are talking into the microphone, you can adjust the tele- phone to the acoustics in your environment: «Quiet…

  • Page 30: Adjusting The Receiving Volume During A Call

    Making Calls – Basic Functions Step by Step Adjusting the Receiving Volume During a Call Precondition: You are conducting a call. To raise or lower the volume, keep pressing the keys un- til the desired volume is set. simultaneously Save. Adjusting the Display to a Comfortable Read- ing Angle You can swivel the display unit.

  • Page 31: Making Calls — Convenience Functions

    Making Calls – Convenience Functions Step by Step Making Calls – Convenience Functions Answering Calls Accepting a Specific Call for Your Colleague You hear another telephone ring. Press the key. The LED lights up. Program/Service > Select and confirm. 59=Pickup — directed? Enter the code.

  • Page 32: Using The Speakerphone

    You can conduct the call with the handset or in speaker- phone mode. Speakerphone mode is not available with optiPoint 500 economy and optiPoint 500 basic. Lift the handset and answer the call. Press the «OK» key to confirm your selection and answer Mute off? the call.

  • Page 33: Answering A Call With A Headset

    The following procedures require that the en- trance telephone be connected via a Siemens- TFE-Adapter. If you use other adapters, consult their manufac- turer’s documentation.

  • Page 34: Accepting A Call From An Answering Machine

    Making Calls – Convenience Functions Step by Step Accepting a Call From an Answering Ma- chine You can accept a call from any answering machine if the machine is connected to your system (consult service personnel) and you have programmed the answering machine number on a key page 49.

  • Page 35: Dialing/Making Calls

    Making Calls – Convenience Functions Step by Step Dialing/Making Calls Using a Caller List If this feature is activated, the following calls will be stored in three caller lists: • 1=Not answered calls • 2=Answered calls • 3=Originated calls The service personnel can specify whether only exter- nal or external and internal calls can be saved.

  • Page 36
    Making Calls – Convenience Functions Step by Step Displaying the Call Time and Additional Call Infor- mation Precondition: You have retrieved the caller list and the selected call is displayed. > Select and confirm. Time/date sent? > View station no.? >…
  • Page 37: Using Speed-Dial

    Making Calls – Convenience Functions Step by Step Using Speed-dial You can assign station or system speed-dial numbers to frequently called destinations. • You can set up your own station speed-dialing num- bers (max. 10) which are available only from your telephone.

  • Page 38
    Making Calls – Convenience Functions Step by Step Enter the speed-dial number you wish to use ( 0 to Confirm. Next? Confirm until the desired speed-dial number is dis- Next? played. If a telephone number is already stored, the name (if en- tered) or the number will be displayed with the speed- dial number.
  • Page 39: Select From Directory (Alphanumeric Search)

    Making Calls – Convenience Functions Step by Step or Delete all entries for the speed-dial number. > Select and confirm. Delete? > Select and confirm. Exit? Select from Directory (Alphanumeric Search) The internal directory contains all station numbers, and the station and system speed-dial numbers assigned to a name (consult service personnel).

  • Page 40: Talking To Your Colleague With A Speaker Call

    Making Calls – Convenience Functions Step by Step If applicable > Select and confirm each letter to be deleted. The last Delete Character? letter entered is deleted. When you have deleted all let- ters, the first entry in the directory will be displayed again.

  • Page 41: Automatic Connection Setup/Immediate Connection/Hotline

    Making Calls – Convenience Functions Step by Step Automatic Connection Setup/Immediate Con- nection/Hotline If this feature is activated (consult service personnel), a connection to a specified internal or external destination will be set up when you lift the handset. Lift the handset. Depending on the setting, the connection is either set up immediately or only after a preset period of time.

  • Page 42: During A Call

    Making Calls – Convenience Functions Step by Step During a Call Using Call Waiting Callers can still reach you while you are engaged in an- other call. A signal alerts you to the waiting call. You can either ignore or accept the waiting call. When you accept the waiting call, you can either end the first call or place it on hold and resume the call later You can also bar call waiting…

  • Page 43: Preventing And Allowing Call Waiting (Automatic Camp-On) (Date Transmission Protection (Camp-On Protection))

    Making Calls – Convenience Functions Step by Step Preventing and Allowing Call Waiting (Auto- matic Camp-On) (Date transmission protection (camp-on pro- tection)) You can prevent or allow a second call page 42 from being signaled by automatic camp-on during an ongoing call.

  • Page 44: Parking A Call

    Making Calls – Convenience Functions Step by Step Parking a Call You can park up to ten calls, either internal, external, or both. Parked calls can be displayed on and picked up from another telephone. This feature is useful if you want to continue a call at another phone.

  • Page 45: Conducting A Conference

    Making Calls – Convenience Functions Step by Step Conducting a Conference In a conference call, you can talk to as many as two oth- er parties at the same time. These may be internal or external users. Call the first party. >…

  • Page 46: Activating Tone Dialing/Dtmf Suffix Dialing)

    Making Calls – Convenience Functions Step by Step Activating Tone Dialing/DTMF Suffix Dialing) You can transmit dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) sig- nals to control devices such as an answering machine or automatic information system. You can use the keys «0» through «9», «*», and «#» to trans- mit DTMF signals.

  • Page 47: If You Cannot Reach A Destination

    Making Calls – Convenience Functions Step by Step If You Cannot Reach a Destination Call Waiting (Camp-On) Precondition: You have dialed an internal number and hear a busy signal. It is important that you reach the called party. Wait (approx. 6 seconds) until «Camp-on» appears on the Camp-on display and the busy tone is followed by the ring tone.

  • Page 48: Using Night Answer

    Making Calls – Convenience Functions Step by Step Using Night Answer When night answer mode is active, for example during a lunch break or after office hours, all external calls are immediately forwarded to a specific internal telephone (night station). The night station and the password for activating/deac- tivating it can be set by the service personnel.

  • Page 49: Saving Functions And Procedures

    Saving Functions and Procedures Step by Step Saving Functions and Procedures You can save a frequently-dialed number page 27, or frequently-used functions/procedures (comprising sev- eral operating steps) to any free key on your telephone or add-on device. Assigning Functions to Keys Press the key.

  • Page 50
    Saving Functions and Procedures Step by Step Meaning of LED Signals for Saved Functions: Call forwarding, Forwarding — trunk, Call Fwd No Reply, Night answer, Do not disturb, Changeover, HF answerback on/off, Campon prot. on, Caller ID suppression, Busy by Busy: Saved function is not active.
  • Page 51
    Saving Functions and Procedures Step by Step Error message: No error messages present. Error messages present. Press the key. The system error is displayed. When you confirm “Acknowledge ?” the LED goes out. The following functions are assigned to keys which have no LED: Repdial key (extern), Trunk group key, Procedure key, Trace call, Speed dial, Release call, Directory, Call wait-…
  • Page 52: Assigning A Procedure (Operating Steps) To A Key

    Saving Functions and Procedures Step by Step Assigning a Procedure (Operating Steps) to a Key Station numbers and functions which require additional inputs, i.e. comprise several operating steps, can be saved to a single key on your telephone. Using the “Account code“ page 62 function, for ex- ample, you can save all the remaining required inputs (station number of the calling party + the station num-…

  • Page 53: Checking The Key Assignments

    Saving Functions and Procedures Step by Step Select the stored procedure by pressing a key. Procedures containing functions which can be switched on/off can be activated by pressing the key, and deactivated by pressing the same key again. You can also press a procedure key during a call. The stored digits are automatically sent as DTMF signals page 46.

  • Page 54: Using Other Team Functions

    Using Other Team Functions Step by Step Using Other Team Functions Turning Group Call On and Off If this function has been configured (consult service personnel), you belong to one or more groups of users who can each be reached under a hunt group or group call number.

  • Page 55
    Using Other Team Functions Step by Step You belong to several groups: > Select and confirm. Leave group? > Join group? Enter the code for «leave» or «join». Press the «Hunt group join/leave» key. If an “X“ appears after the group number(e. g. 770) Group: 770 X then group call is activated for this group.
  • Page 56: Accepting A Call For Another Member Of Your Team

    Using Other Team Functions Step by Step Accepting a Call for Another Member of Your Team You can accept calls for other telephones in your team from your telephone. To do this, consult your service personnel to find out if a pickup group has been config- ured.

  • Page 57: Privacy/Security

    Privacy/Security Step by Step Privacy/Security Turning Do Not Disturb On and Off You can activate the do not disturb function if you do not want the receive any calls. When do not disturb is acti- vated, callers hear a busy signal. >…

  • Page 58: Monitoring A Room

    Privacy/Security Step by Step Monitoring a Room A telephone can be used to monitor a room. The func- tion must be activated on the telephone that you want to monitor. Calling this telephone from outside lets you hear what is going on in the room. Activating the telephone to be monitored: Press the key.

  • Page 59: Trace Call: Identifying Anonymous Callers

    Privacy/Security Step by Step Trace Call: Identifying Anonymous Callers You can have the carrier identify malicious external call- ers. You can save the caller’s station number during the call or for 30 seconds after the call ends. However, it is essential that you do not replace your handset during this time.

  • Page 60: Saving Your Pin

    Privacy/Security Step by Step Saving Your PIN To prevent unauthorized persons from using your tele- phone, you need to enter a personal identification num- ber, which you can save yourself. Press the key. The LED lights up. Program/Service > Confirm. 93=Change PIN? Enter the code.

  • Page 61: Checking And Assigning Call Charges

    Checking and Assigning Call Charges Step by Step Checking and Assigning Call Charges Displaying Call Charges For the current call: The display usually shows call charges at the end of a call (default setting). If you wish to display charges continuously during a call in progress, the service personnel must request this feature from your carrier.

  • Page 62: Dialing With Call Charge Assignment

    Checking and Assigning Call Charges Step by Step Dialing with Call Charge Assignment You can assign external calls to certain projects. Precondition: The service personnel has set up ac- count codes for you. Press the key. The LED lights up. Program/Service >…

  • Page 63: Using Other Functions/Services

    Using Other Functions/Services Step by Step Using Other Functions/Services Appointments Function You can tell your telephone to give you a call when you want to be reminded of an appointment page 64. To do this, you need to save the time you want the call to be made.

  • Page 64: Using Timed Reminders

    Using Other Functions/Services Step by Step Enter a 4-digit time, such as 0905 for 9:05 (= 9.05 a.m.) or 1430 for 14.30 (= 2.30 p.m.). Confirm. Save? If you make a mistake: > Select and confirm. This deletes all entered digits. Previous? Deleting and checking a saved appointment: Press the key.

  • Page 65: Music On Hold

    Using Other Functions/Services Step by Step Music on Hold If Music on Hold has been set up for your HiPath 1220, waiting callers will hear the selected music. You can listen to this music (as background music, for example) using the speaker in your telephone. >…

  • Page 66: Using System Functions From Outside (Disa: Direct Inward System Access)

    Using Other Functions/Services Step by Step Using System Functions from Outside (DISA: Direct Inward System Access) If this function has been configured (consult service personnel), you can set up external outgoing calls from outside the system, just like an internal user. You can also activate and deactivate the following functions in your system: •…

  • Page 67
    Using Other Functions/Services Step by Step You can only execute one function at a time, or set up only one outgoing connection. The connection is immediately released after successful activation of a function. In the case of an external-external call, the con- nection is released as soon as either of the par- ties ends the call.
  • Page 68: Using Functions In Isdn Via Code Dialing (Keypad Dialing)

    Contact your network provider to find out which ISDN functions can be code-controlled in your country (contact the service personnel). Siemens AG shall not be liable for damages/ costs which may be incurred by fraudulent activ- ities or remote operation (e. g. toll fraud).

  • Page 69: Operating A Switch (Relay)

    Using Other Functions/Services Step by Step Operating a Switch (Relay) If this feature is configured (contact service personnel), you can activate/deactivate certain devices (e.g. door opener) via switches (relays, max. 2). Depending on their programming, the switches can be activated/deactivated manually or automatically (ac- cording to time).

  • Page 70: Confirm/Turn Off Alarm

    Using Other Functions/Services Step by Step Confirm/Turn off alarm If the service personnel have activated the alarm feature on your telephone, you will receive an alarm call when your HiPath 1220 recognizes an alarm situation .To acknowledge the alarm call, you must answer it. If you do not answer the alarm call, it will be repeated (de- pending on how it is programmed).

  • Page 71: Reject On Busy, Switching Telephone To Busy

    Using Other Functions/Services Step by Step Reject on busy, Switching Telephone to Busy All telephones in a specified group are automatically set to busy when a member is engaged in a call. External calls cause no ring tone (caller hears busy signal) and are rejected.

  • Page 72: System Administration

    System Administration/ Software Update Step by Step System Administration/ Software Update The following sections describe features for system ad- ministration that you can use from your telephone. Enable Remote Administration and Software Update Your HiPath 1220 can be configured remotely. To allow that, you must enable remote administration for your HiPath 1220.

  • Page 73: Software Update

    System Administration/ Software Update Step by Step Software Update If you are authorized, you can start a software update. Press the key. The LED lights up. Program/Service > Select and confirm. More features? > Select and confirm. Remote update ? qmhei Enter the code.

  • Page 74: Set Language/Country

    System Administration/ Software Update Step by Step Set Language/Country Enter the corresponding country code to make the country-specific settings for your HiPath 1220. The cor- responding language and currency will also be set for your telephone display. Precondition: You must have authorization to use this function on your telephone.

  • Page 75: Setting Date And Time

    System Administration/ Software Update Step by Step Setting Date and Time If authorized, you can set the date and time for your HiPath 1220. The date and time are always shown on your telephone’s display. Press the key. The LED lights up. Program/Service Select and confirm.

  • Page 76: Labeling, Documentation And Accessories

    • with a computer via the Internet: You will find the “Online Key Labelling Tool“ along with the user inter- face under (Downloads/Software) . Put the labeled strips in the rele- vant key pad on your optiPoint and place the transparent cover over…

  • Page 77: Attaching A Station Number Label

    Using PC-based Telephony Applications A PC can be connected using the optiPoint 500 system telephone’s (not optiPoint 500 economy) built-in USB interface and a USB cable. With the TAPI driver on the HiPath 1220 system CD, you can run on your…

  • Page 78: Accessories

    For detailed information about these and other products and their availability for your telephone, see the data sheets for your optiPoint 500 telephone and accessories in the Internet at (Downloads/Data sheets). For a summary describing ways to connect them to your telephone,…

  • Page 79: Fixing Problems

    Fixing Problems Fixing Problems Telephone Maintenance • Always use a damp or antistatic cloth to clean the telephone. Never use a dry cloth. • If the telephone is very dirty, clean it with a diluted neutral cleaner con- taining surfactants, such as a dish detergent. Afterwards remove all traces of the cleaner with a damp cloth (using water only).

  • Page 80: Responding To Error Messages On The Screen

    Step by Step Responding to Error Messages on the Screen Possible cause: Invalid entry Wrong number/code. Possible response: Enter the correct number/code. Possible cause: Not authorized You tried to use a disabled function. Possible response: Ask the service personnel to enable the function. Possible cause: Not possible Wrong number/code.

  • Page 81
    Step by Step Possible cause: Vacant No number or function is assigned to a key. Possible response: Program the key for the number or function page 27 page 49. Possible cause: No names entered The internal phone book has no entries. Possible response: Store the name with station and speed-dial number page 39.
  • Page 82: Index

    Index Index call charges for your telephone ….61 call forwarding ……….22 MSN in CO ……….23 call forwarding — no answer …… 24 call signal …………. 14 accessories ……….78 call transfer ……….21 account code ……….62 call volume ……..

  • Page 83
    Index data transmission protection group call ….43 …………. 54 date ………….. 75 desk microphone ……..78 dialing handsfree answerback ……32 internal/external calls ……16 ………….. 32 on-hook dialing ……..16 ………….. 32 stored destinations …….. 35 headset ……….33, 78 using redial ……….
  • Page 84
    Index malfunctions recall ……….79 …………. 44 meaning of LED indications receiving volume ….. 50 ……14, 15, 30 microphone for speakerphone mode redialing a number … 8, 9 ……..18 MSN busy from the caller list ……….. 71 ……..36 music on hold reject on busy ……….
  • Page 85
    Index telephone cleaning ………… 79 locking …………59 locking/unlocking ……..59 maintaining ……….79 operating ……….12 settings ………… 29 telephone busy ……….. 71 telephone maintenance ……79 three-party conference ……20 time ………….. 75 toggle …………20 tone dialing ……….
  • Page 86
  • Page 87: Overview Of Functions And Codes

    Overview of Functions and Codes Overview of Functions and Codes The table below lists all available functions as they appear on the display. Functions that have been configured (consult service personnel) can be activated interactively (select + save) via the Program/Service menu (select + save or enter a code), or by pressing function keys, provided that the functions have been configured (consult service personnel).

  • Page 88: Open Door, Code: *61

    Overview of Functions and Codes Functions … Inter- … Via the Program/ … With (display) actively Service menu function keys Program/Service < > < > Code Forwarding on Forwarding off Trunk FWD on Trunk FWD off Headset Call Answer HF answerback on HF answerback off Hotline Join group…

  • Page 89: Room Monitor

    Overview of Functions and Codes Functions … Inter- … Via the Program/ … With (display) actively Service menu function keys Program/Service < > < > Code Relay status 9414 Reserve trunk Reset system passw. Room monitor Set country code 9412 Show call charges Speaker call Suppress call ID…

  • Page 90
    © Siemens AG 2004 Information and Communication Networks Hofmannstr. 51 • D-81359 Munich The information provided in this document contains merely general de- scriptions or characteristics of performance which in case of actual use Ref. No.: A31003-H1100-B100-3-7619 do not always apply as described or which may change as a result of fur- ther development of the products.

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