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Summary of Contents for Silhouette CAMEO 4
Page 1
User Manual… -
Page 2: Table Of Contents
Show Library Split Screen ………………………………15 Silhouette Design Store ……………………. 16 Download Designs ………………………………..17 Send Panel …………………………18 Prepare the Cameo 4 ……………………..19 Place Material on the Cutting Mat …………………………..19 Turn On the Cameo………………………………..19 Load the Tool ………………………………….20 Adjust the Rollers …………………………………22…
Page 3: What’s In The Box
What’s in the Box? The Silhouette Cameo® comes with the items shown in the following list. Check that all the items have been included before you proceed to use the machine. If you are missing any items listed below, please contact support@silhouetteamerica.com.
Page 4: Remove Packaging From The Machine
There are strips of tape, cardboard, and foam to hold the moving parts of the Cameo in place during shipment to prevent any damage to the machine. Take the Silhouette Cameo® from the box and remove the strips of tape that are holding the lid and any machine pieces in place.
Page 5: Register Your Machine
The first thing to do is create a Silhouette account, if necessary, and register your machine. Completing this step is what will allow you to access your 100 free designs in your Silhouette Library.
Page 6: Download And Install Silhouette Studio
(Mac or Windows) and follow the prompts on your computer to finish the installation. The software is necessary to run your Cameo 4 cutting machine, so don’t forget this step! You’ll learn more about how to use the Silhouette Studio® software later in the manual. For now, finish the machine setup process.
Page 7: Claim Your Free 1-Month Basic Subscription
The subscription you’ll be starting out with is the Basic tier, which means you get $25 of credits for the month. To claim your free 1-month subscription, start by going to the Silhouette Design Store. You can do this by opening a web browser and going to SilhouetteDesignStore.com…
Page 8: Access The 100 Free Designs In Your Library
Access the 100 Free Designs in Your Library After you register your Cameo 4, you will be able to access the 100 free exclusive designs that come with your machine. To view your free designs, go to the Library tab in Silhouette Studio®. The software will prompt you to sign in to your Silhouette account if you haven’t already done so.
Page 9: Navigate Silhouette Studio
Now that you’ve downloaded Silhouette Studio®, it’s time to learn how to use it. To open Silhouette Studio®, locate the Silhouette Studio® icon on the desktop or in the Start Menu on your PC or in the Applications folder on your Mac. Double-click the icon to run the application.
Page 10: Navigation Tabs
Designs can be stored on your computer or on the Silhouette Cloud. Send The Send tab allows you to adjust the cut settings for your designs and send them to your Silhouette. This menu works similar to a Send to Print menu in other programs.
Page 11: Design Area
Silhouette Cameo® 4 User Manual Design Area The Design area is the first area you’ll see when you open Silhouette Studio®, and it is the area you’ll likely spend most of the time in, so it’s important to learn how to use it to create your designs.
Page 12: Drawing Tools
Drawing Tools Freehand Tools Text Tool Draw a Note Note: If you have other editions of Silhouette Studio® (e.g. Silhouette Studio® Designer Edition), Eraser Tool you may see more drawing tools than you see listed here. You can learn more about those tools in the Knife Tool Silhouette Studio®…
Page 13: Text
Silhouette Cameo® 4 User Manual Text To cut letters or words using any font on your computer, choose the Text tool from the toolbar on the left-hand side of the screen. With the Text tool selected, click anywhere on the page and begin typing. The font will be a default font, but you can easily change this in the Text Style panel that pops up.
Page 14: Library
Silhouette Library. When you click on the Library tab, you may be asked to sign in to your Silhouette account if you haven’t already done so. Input your email address and password, and click “Sign In.” If you don’t already have a Silhouette account, you can click the “Sign up FREE”…
Page 15: Organize Your Library
When you purchase designs from the Silhouette Design Store, those designs will show up in your Recent Downloads. From there, you can move the designs to different folders.
Page 16: Search Library For Designs
Search Library for Designs Designs that you purchase from the Silhouette Design Store have certain keywords associated with them, and this makes searching for a specific design simple. If you want to search for a design, open your library by clicking on the Library tab.
Page 17: Show Library Split Screen
Show Library Split Screen To view your designs space and your Silhouette Library at the same time, you can use the Library Split Screen feature. To split the screen, you must go to the Design screen. Go to the bottom left of the screen and click the folder with the down-pointing arrow (otherwise known as the Library icon) or click the triangle pointing to the right.
Page 18: Silhouette Design Store
Design Store regularly, and generally there is a free design posted every week. To access the Silhouette Design Store, click the Store tab in the upper-right corner of the software. This will open up a browser window and navigate you to the store.
Page 19: Download Designs
Store will ask you to sign in before downloading your design. You should have already created a Silhouette account, but if you haven’t, creating a new account only takes a few seconds. Click the “Sign up FREE” link on the login page to create a new account.
Page 20: Send Panel
For more advanced settings, you can use the Line panel, the Fill panel, or the Layer panel. With the Line Panel or the Fill panel, you can assign which task the Silhouette will do according to the image’s line color or fill color. If you have a…
Page 21: Prepare The Cameo 4
Position your paper or other media on the cutting mat according to the illustration in Silhouette Studio®. Turn On the Cameo Turn the Silhouette Cameo® on by pressing the power button and waiting for the machine to start up. To feed the cutting mat into the machine Lift the lid and slide it back.
Page 22: Load The Tool
Load the Tool Choosing a tool or blade is an important step in preparing your Silhouette to cut. Since your machine comes with an AutoBlade, you can insert that. Different styles of blades are adjusted by different methods. Instructions for adjusting alternate blade types will be included on the blade packaging.
Page 23
Send panel. This feature is available only with the Cameo 4 and the Cameo 4 tools. You can see a little metal strip on the back of the tools and the tool adapters. This is what tells the machine—and in turn, the software—what tool is inserted into the tool holder. -
Page 24: Adjust The Rollers
Silhouette Cameo® 4 User Manual Adjust the Rollers By adjusting the rollers on the main roller shaft, the Silhouette Cameo® can cut the following media sizes: A4, letter, 12 inches, and 13 inches. White Rollers Lever Locate the release lever on the right side and turn it clockwise.
Page 25: Use The Roll Feeder
Silhouette Cameo® 4 User Manual Use the Roll Feeder The built-in roll feeder is located inside a tray at the front of the Cameo 4. To open the roll feeder, gently slide out that tray completely. Note: When opened all the way, the roll feeder tray sticks out about 8 inches from the machine. If you find that the tray is sticking out about only 4 or 5 inches, the tray may be caught and may not be sliding out all the way.
Page 26: Use The Crosscutter
Crosscutter Make sure to set things up in Silhouette Studio® so that your cut will feed through the Cameo properly. First, set your cutting mat to “None” in the Page Setup panel. Next when you go to the Send tab before you send your design, click the gear icon in the bottom right corner to open up the advanced settings.
Page 27: Replace The Crosscutter Cartridge
Silhouette Cameo® 4 User Manual Replace the Crosscutter Cartridge If your crosscutter blade becomes dull and you need to replace it, you can do that easily by removing and replacing the crosscutter cartridge. To remove the crosscutter cartridge, press down on the top of the two end levers simultaneously. While doing that, pull the crosscutter cartridge out.
Page 28: Cut A Design
Next select the tool or make sure the right tool is selected. With Auto Tool Detection, your machine should automatically detect which tool is in the tool holder. Here we’ve put two different tools in the Cameo 4—the AutoBlade and the Sketch Pen tool adapter.
Page 29: Bluetooth® Connectivity
Bluetooth® button on your Cameo. The backlight will turn from white to blue, indicating that it is turned on. In Silhouette Studio®, go to the Send tab. Click on the Bluetooth® icon at the bottom of the panel and select “Add Bluetooth® machine.” After a few seconds, the status of the Cameo will display as Ready in the Send panel, and the setup is complete.
Это удивительно, насколько много поразительных вещей можно делать при помощи плоттеров Silhouette. Данные инструкции по работе с режущими плоттерами Silhouette Cameo, Portrait, Curio и машинкой для изготовления печатей Mint помогут вам справится с любым проектом. Пошаговые руководства включают необходимые настройки в программах Silhouette Studio и Mint Studio.
Предлагаем купить режущий плоттер Silhouette CAMEO 4 по выгодной цене. У оборудования увеличена сила давления ножа, а скорость работы в 3 раза превышает предшествующие модели. Плоттер подходит для материалов формата А3 с шириной листа до 30 см и толщиной до 3 мм.
Острый нож плоттера легко и высокоточно режет винил, термотрансферную пленку, фотобумагу, картон, крафтбумагу, ткань, кожу, пробковые и пенные основы. Во встроенный механизм подачи материалов помещаются длинные рулоны до 45 м. Благодаря этому их не потребуется часто менять при потоковой печати.
Также у модели есть следующие преимущества:
- увеличенная двойная каретка;
- два мощных мотора;
- выдвижная крышка;
- удобная сенсорная панель управления с подсветкой;
- подключение через USB или без проводов по Bluetooth;
- острые и точные резаки с чипированными переходниками;
- официальная заводская гарантия на 6 мес.
Оборудование подходит новичкам и опытным пользователям. В комплекте есть программное обеспечение на русском языке, 100 готовых макетов и подробная инструкция по применению.
Приобрести оборудование можно в наших магазинах в Москве, Екатеринбурге, Санкт-Петербурге. Также товары доступны для заказа онлайн с доставкой по России. Позвоните нашим консультантам — они ответят на все вопросы о технике и помогут подобрать расходники.
Гарантия: 6 месяцев
В комплекте:
- Режущий плоттер Silhouette CAMEO® 4 (белого цвета)
- Кабель питания, кабель USB
- Керриер 30х30 см (липкий коврик)
- Чип АвтоНож
- Чипированные переходники для ножей
- Bluetooth адаптер, встроенный в плоттер
- Программа Silhouette Studio® на русском языке (скачивается с сайта производителя)
- 100 эксклюзивных макетов (скачиваются с сайта производителя)
- Бесплатная подписка на новости Silhouette Design Store (доступна при регистрации на сайте производителя)
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