Телефон филипс se175 инструкция на русском

  • Инструкции по эксплуатации



Philips SE175/170 инструкция по эксплуатации
(50 страниц)

  • Языки:Русский
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    9.76 MB
  • Описание:
    Беспроводной телефон


На NoDevice можно скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации для Philips SE175/170. Руководство пользователя необходимо для ознакомления с правилами установки и эксплуатации Philips SE175/170. Инструкции по использованию помогут правильно настроить Philips SE175/170, исправить ошибки и выявить неполадки.

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    Руководство пользователя PHILIPS SE175/170. Основные функции, характеристики и условия эксплуатации изложены на 50 страницах документа в pdf формате.


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    • Register your product and get support at
      www.philips.com/welcome                                                                  Philips Consumer Lifestyle
      ........................................................               ...........................................................................
      (Report No.)                             (Year in which the CE mark is affixed)                                      ANNEX 1
      SE175                  EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY                                                   English  Hereby, Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A, declares that this equipment is in
      compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive
      Finnish  Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A vakuuttaa taten etta tama laite on direktiivin
      TUSSENDIEPEN 4, 9206 AD DRACHTEN, THE NETHERLANDS                                1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sita koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen.
      Declare under our responsibility that the electrical product(s):
      Dutch   Hierbij verklaart, Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A dat het toestel in
      PHILIPS                             CD170, CD175, SE170, SE175                             overeenstemming is met de essentiele eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van
      .......................................................................   ...........................................................
      (brand name)                       (Type version of model)                                richtlijn 1999/5/EG.
      DECT Phone
      (Telecommunication Terminal Equipment)                                            French   Par la presente, Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A, declare que cet appareil est
      ..............................................................................................   _
      (product description)                                                                     conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la
      directive 1999/5/CE.
      To which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following harmonized standards:
      (title, number and date of issue of the standard)
      Swedish  Harmed intygar, Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A, att denna utrustning star i
      EN 301 406 V1.5.1 (07-2003)                                                   overensstammelse med de vasentliga egenskapskrav och ovriga relevanta bestammelser
      EN 301 489-1 V1.8.1 (2008-04)                                                 som framgar av direktiv 1999/5/EG.
      _                   EN 301 489-6 V1.2.1 (2002-08)
      EN 60950-1:2006                                                      Danish   Undertegnede Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A erkl?rer herved, at folgende udstyr
      EN 50360:2001
      EN 50361:2001                                                                 overholder de v?sentlige krav og ovrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.
      EN 62018:2003                                              _
      Following the provisions of :
      German   Hiermit erklart Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A die Ubereinstimmung des Produkts
      1999/5/EC (R&TTE Directive)                                                   mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den anderen relevanten Festlegungen der
      RU  Руководство пользователя                                                                          2009/125/EC (EuP Directive)                                                   Richtlinie 1999/5/EG.
      -   EC/278/2009                                                       Greek   ?? ??? ??????? ? Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A ??????? ??? ?????
      And are produced under a quality scheme at least in conformity with ISO 9001            ? ?????????? ????????????? ???? ??? ????????? ?????????? ???
      or CENELEC Permanent Documents                                                          ??? ?????? ???????? ????????? ??? ??????? 1999/5/??.
      BABT / 0168             Notified Body Opinion                  Italian  Con la presente Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A dichiara che questo  apparecchio
      The Notified Body  .................................................... performed ................................................   e conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla
      (Name and number)                  (description of intervention)
      direttiva 1999/5/CE.
      And issued the certificate, .................... .............................................
      (certificate number)
      Spanish  Por medio de la presente, Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A, declara que el equipo
      cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o
      exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE.
      Portuguese  Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A, declara que este equipamento esta conforme com
      os requisitos essenciais e outras disposicoes da Directiva 1999/5/CE.
      Drachten, The Netherlands     A.Speelman, Compliance Manager
      04/12/2009                                                                                               Property of Philips Consumer Lifestyle
      ........................... ................................         ...............................................................................................................
      (place,date)                  (signature, name and function)
      Philips Consumer Lifystyle                         AMB 544-9056
      IFU_CD170-175_05_EN.indd   39                                         2009-12-17   17:30:44
    • Philips Consumer Lifestyle
      AQ95-56F-1221_2KR                                2010
      ........................................................               ...........................................................................
      (Report No.)                             (Year in which the CE mark is affixed)                                     ANNEX 1
      EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY                                                    English  Hereby, Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A, declares that this equipment is in
      compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive
      Finnish  Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A vakuuttaa taten etta tama laite on direktiivin
      TUSSENDIEPEN 4, 9206 AD DRACHTEN, THE NETHERLANDS                                1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sita koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen.
      Declare under our responsibility that the electrical product(s):
      Dutch    Hierbij verklaart, Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A dat het toestel in
      PHILIPS                             CD170, CD175, SE170, SE175                             overeenstemming is met de essentiele eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van
      .......................................................................   ...........................................................
      (brand name)                       (Type version of model)                                richtlijn 1999/5/EG.
      DECT Phone
      (Telecommunication Terminal Equipment)                                            French   Par la presente, Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A, declare que cet appareil est
      ..............................................................................................   _
      (product description)                                                                     conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la
      directive 1999/5/CE.
      To which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following harmonized standards:
      (title, number and date of issue of the standard)
      Swedish  Harmed intygar, Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A, att denna utrustning star i
      EN 301 406 V1.5.1 (07-2003)                                                   overensstammelse med de vasentliga egenskapskrav och ovriga relevanta bestammelser
      EN 301 489-1 V1.8.1 (2008-04)                                                 som framgar av direktiv 1999/5/EG.
      _                   EN 301 489-6 V1.2.1 (2002-08)
      EN 60950-1:2006                                                      Danish   Undertegnede Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A erkl?rer herved, at folgende udstyr
      EN 50360:2001
      EN 50361:2001                                                                 overholder de v?sentlige krav og ovrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.
      EN 62018:2003                                              _
      Following the provisions of :
      German   Hiermit erklart Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A die Ubereinstimmung des Produkts
      1999/5/EC (R&TTE Directive)                                                   mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den anderen relevanten Festlegungen der
      2009/125/EC (EuP Directive)                                                   Richtlinie 1999/5/EG.
      -   EC/1275/2008
      -   EC/278/2009                                                      Greek    ?? ??? ??????? ? Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A ??????? ??? ?????
      And are produced under a quality scheme at least in conformity with ISO 9001            ? ?????????? ????????????? ???? ??? ????????? ?????????? ???
      or CENELEC Permanent Documents                                                          ??? ?????? ???????? ????????? ??? ??????? 1999/5/??.
      BABT / 0168             Notified Body Opinion                  Italian  Con la presente Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A dichiara che questo  apparecchio
      The Notified Body  .................................................... performed ................................................   e conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla
      (Name and number)                  (description of intervention)
      direttiva 1999/5/CE.
      And issued the certificate, .................... .............................................
      (certificate number)
      Spanish  Por medio de la presente, Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A, declara que el equipo
      cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o
      exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE.
      Portuguese  Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A, declara que este equipamento esta conforme com
      os requisitos essenciais e outras disposicoes da Directiva 1999/5/CE.
      Drachten, The Netherlands     A.Speelman, Compliance Manager
      04/12/2009                                                                                              Property of Philips Consumer Lifestyle
      ........................... ................................         ...............................................................................................................
      (place,date)                  (signature, name and function)
      Philips Consumer Lifystyle                         AMB 544-9056
      IFU_CD170-175_05_EN.indd   39                                         2009-12-17   17:30:44
    • Содержание  Содержание
      1  Важные инструкции по                 5  Внутренний вызов/конференц-
      безопасности                   5        вызов                        19
      Декларация соответствия        5        Вызов второй телефонной трубки      19
      Соответствие требованиям                Перевод вызова               19
      стандарта GAP                 6        Выполнение конференц-вызова      19
      Соответствие EMF               6
      Утилизация отработавшего изделия и   6  Текст и номера               21
      старых аккумуляторов          6        Введите текст или цифры      21
      2  Модель SE170/ SE175            8     7  Телефонная книга             22
      Комплектация                   8        Просмотр телефонной книги      22
      Обзор телефона                 9        Поиск записи                 22
      Обзор базовой станции         10        Набор номера из телефонной книги    22
      Значки на дисплее             11        Доступ к телефонной книге во время
      разговора                   22
      3  Начало работы                 12        Добавление записи            23
      Подключение базовой станции и           Редактирование записи        23
      зарядного устройства         12        Удаление записи              23
      Установка телефонной трубки      12     Удаление всех записей        23
      Проверка уровня заряда                  Прямой доступ                24
      аккумуляторов                13
      Выбор страны                  14     8  Журнал вызовов               25
      Настройка даты и времени      14        Просмотр всех записей        25
      Установка формата даты и времени     14  Сохранение записи вызова в
      Отображение даты и времени      14       телефонной книге            25
      Что такое режим ожидания?      14       Удаление записи вызова       25
      Проверка уровня сигнала       15        Удаление всех записей вызовов      25
      Включение/выключение телефонной         Ответный вызов               25
      трубки                       15
      9  Список набранных номеров      26
      4  Вызовы                        16        Просмотр набранных номеров      26
      Совершение вызова             16        Повторный набор              26
      Завершение вызова             17        Сохранение набранного номера в
      Ответ на вызов                17         телефонной книге            26
      Настройка громкости динамика      17    Удаление набранного номера      26
      Отключение звука микрофона      17      Удаление всех набранных номеров     26
      Совершение второго вызова      18
      Ответ на второй вызов         18
      Переключение между двумя             10 Пользовательские настройки      27
      вызовами                     18        Настройка дисплея телефона      27
      Конференц-связь c внешними              Персонализированная настройка
      абонентами                   18         звуков                      27
      EN   3

    background image



    Register your product and get support at



    Руководство пользователя 

    Philips Consumer Lifestyle 

    Philips Consumer Lifystyle  

    AMB 544-9056 





     (Report No.) 

     (Year in which the CE mark is affixed) 




    Declare under our responsibility that the electrical product(s): 


    CD170, CD175, SE170, SE175  



     (brand name)

    (Type version of model)

    DECT Phone  

    (Telecommunication Terminal Equipment) 



     (product description) 

    To which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following harmonized standards: 

    (title, number and date of issue of the standard) 

    EN 301 406 V1.5.1 (07-2003) 

    EN 301 489-1 V1.8.1 (2008-04) 

    EN 301 489-6 V1.2.1 (2002-08) 


    EN 60950-1:2006 

    EN 50360:2001 

    EN 50361:2001 


    EN 62018:2003 

    Following the provisions of : 

    1999/5/EC (R&TTE Directive) 

    2009/125/EC (EuP Directive)  

    —  EC/1275/2008

    —  EC/278/2009

    And are produced under a quality scheme at least in conformity with ISO 9001 

    or CENELEC Permanent Documents 

    The Notified Body  ……………………………………………. performed ………………………………………… 

    BABT / 0168 

    Notified Body Opinion 

    (Name and number)

    (description of intervention)   

    And issued the certificate, …………




    (certificate number) 


    Drachten, The Netherlands 

    A.Speelman, Compliance Manager 






    (signature, name and function)

    ANNEX 1


    Hereby, Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A, declares that this equipment is in 

    compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 



    Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A vakuuttaa täten että tämä laite on direktiivin 

    1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen.


    Hierbij verklaart, Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A dat het toestel in 

    overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van 

    richtlijn 1999/5/EG.


    Par la présente, Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A, déclare que cet appareil est 

    conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la 

    directive 1999/5/CE.


    Härmed intygar, Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A, att denna utrustning står i 

    överensstämmelse med de väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga relevanta bestämmelser 

    som framgår av direktiv 1999/5/EG.


    Undertegnede Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A erklærer herved, at følgende udstyr 

    overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.


    Hiermit erklärt Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A die Übereinstimmung des Produkts 

    mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den anderen relevanten Festlegungen der 

    Richtlinie 1999/5/EG.






     Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A 




















    Con la presente Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A dichiara che questo  apparecchio 

    è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla 

    direttiva 1999/5/CE.


    Por medio de la presente, Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A, declara que el equipo 

    cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o 

    exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE.

    Portuguese Philips Consumer Lifestyle, BU P&A, declara que este equipamento está conforme com 

    os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva 1999/5/CE.

    Property of Philips Consumer Lifestyle

    IFU_CD170-175_05_EN.indd   39

    2009-12-17   17:30:44

    • Philips SE175 — page 1

      Register your pr oduct and get support at www .philips.com/w elcome CD170 CD175 EN User manual IFU_CD170-175_05_EN.indd 1 2009-12-17 17:30:25 …

    • Philips SE175 — page 2

      Philips Consumer Lifestyle Philips Consumer Lifystyle AMB 544-9056 AQ95-56F-1221_2KR 2010 ……………………………………………….. ……………………………………………. ………….. ……… (Report No.) (Year in which the CE mark is affixed) EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY We, PHILIPS CONSUMER LIFESTYLE B.V. TUSSENDI …

    • Philips SE175 — page 3

      3 English EN Contents 1 Important safety instructions 5 Declaration of confor mity 5 Use GAP standard compliance 6 Compliance with EMF 6 Disposal of your old product and batteries 6 2 Y our CD170/CD175 8 What is in the box 8 Over view of the phone 9 Over view of the base station 1 0 Display icons 1 1 3 Get started 1 2 Connect the base station and c …

    • Philips SE175 — page 4

      4 EN 12 Extra featur es 2 7 Auto clock 2 7 Alarm clock 2 7 Keypad lock 2 7 Locate the handset 2 8 13 Advanced settings 2 9 Enhance the audio quality 2 9 Register the handsets 2 9 Unregister the handsets 2 9 Restore default settings 3 0 14 T elephone answ ering machine 3 1 T urn on/off the answer ing machine 3 1 Set the answering machine language 3 …

    • Philips SE175 — page 5

      5 Do n ot e x pos e t he p h on e to e xce ss i ve h ea t • cau se d by he a ti ng e qu i pm e nt o r di r e c t su n li gh t . Do n ot d r op y ou r ph o ne o r al l ow ob j ec ts t o • fall o n yo u r ph on e . Do n ot u se a ny cl e an in g ag e nt s co n t ai n in g • alcoh o l, a m mo n ia , be nze n e , o r ab r as i ve s a s th e se m …

    • Philips SE175 — page 6

      6 Disposal of y our old pr oduct and batteries Y our product is designed and manufactured with high quality materials and components, which can be recycled and reused. When this crossed-out wheeled bin symbol is attached to a product it means that the product is cov ered by the European Directive 2002/96/ EC . Please inform yourself about the local …

    • Philips SE175 — page 7

      7 Envir onmental information All unnecessar y packaging has been omitted. W e hav e tr ied to make the packaging easy to separate into three mater ials: cardboard (box), polystyrene foam (b uffer) and poly ethylene (bags, protective foam sheet.) Y our system consists of mater ials which can be recycled and reused if disassembled b y a specialized c …

    • Philips SE175 — page 8

      8 Handset** Charger** P ow er adapter** 2 Y our CD170/ CD175 Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to Philips! T ofullybenetfromthesuppor tthatPhilips offers, register your product at www .philips. com/welcome. What is in the box Base station (CD170) Base station (CD175) EN IFU_CD170-175_05_EN.indd 8 2009-12-17 17: …

    • Philips SE175 — page 9

      9 Ov er vie w of the phone Line cord* Guarantee User manual Quick star t guide Note * In s o me co u nt r i es , you ha ve to co n ne c t t h e • line a da p te r to t h e li n e cor d , t h en p l ug t h e li ne cor d t o th e te l e ph on e s oc ke t . Note * * In m u l ti — h a nd se t p ac k s , t h e r e ar e a dd i t io n al • ha nd s et …

    • Philips SE175 — page 10

      10 15 OK Co n r ms el e c t io n . • En te r th e o pti o ns • menu. 16 B uz zer 17 B at te r y door Ov er vie w of the base station CD170 1 F in d ha nd se t s . • En te r r eg is tr a t io n mo de . • CD175 1 Ea r pie ce 2 B AC K D e le te te x t or • digi ts . C an cel o pe r ati on . • 3 Sc ro ll u p on t h e …

    • Philips SE175 — page 11

      11 Displa y icons In standby mode, the icons shown on the main screen tell you what f eatures are availab le on your handset. Ico n De scr ipti ons W he n t he h an ds et i s of f t h e ba se s t a ti on /cha r ge r , t he b ar s in di ca te th e ba t t e r y leve l (ful l , me di um an d low). W he n t he h an ds et i s on t h e ba se s t a ti on …

    • Philips SE175 — page 12

      12 3 Co nn ec t ea ch e nd of t he l in e cor d t o: th e te le p ho ne s oc ket a t t he b ot tom of • th e ba s e s t a ti o n; th e te le p ho ne s oc ket o n t he w al l . • Install the handset Caution R is k of e x pl os io n ! Ke e p ba t t e r i es aw ay f r o m • he at ,su ns hi n eor r e .N ev erd i sc a r d? …

    • Philips SE175 — page 13

      13 Check the batter y lev el The batter y icon displays the current batter y level. W he n t he h an ds et i s of f t h e ba se s t a ti on /cha r ge r , t he b ar s in di ca te th e ba t t e r y leve l (ful l , me di um an d low). W he n t he h an ds et i s on t h e ba se s t a ti on /cha r ge r , t he b ar s kee p scr o lli ng u nt il c ha r g in …

    • Philips SE175 — page 14

      14 Check the signal str ength I t dis p lay s th e li nk s t at us b et wee n th e ha nd se t a nd b a se s ta ti o n. T h e mo r e ba r s a r e s how n , t he b et te r th e si gn al s tr e ng t h is . Ens u r e th e ha nd se t is l in ke d to t he b a se • s t a ti on b efo r e you m ak e or r e cei ve c al ls an d ca r r y o u t t he p ho n …

    • Philips SE175 — page 15

      15 Call fr om the redial list Y ou c a n ma ke a c al l fr o m t he r e di al l is t. Tip Fo r mo r e in fo r m at io n , s ee “ Red ia l a c a ll ” in t h e • Re di al l is t se c t io n . Call fr om the phonebook Y ou c a n ma ke a c al l fr o m t he p ho ne b oo k lis t . Tip Fo r mo r e in fo r m at io n , s ee “ C a ll f r om t h e • …

    • Philips SE175 — page 16

      16 1 Pr e ss R d ur ing a c a ll . Ther stcallisputonhold. » 2 Di al t he s e cond n u mb e r . The number display ed on the screen is » dialed out. Answ er a second call Note Th is s e r vi ce i s ne t wo r k de pe n d en t . • When there is a periodical beep to notify you of an incoming call, you can answ er the call in t …

    • Philips SE175 — page 17

      17 T ransfer a call 1 Pr e ss INT d ur ing a c al l. 2 Se le c t a han ds et n u mb e r , th en p r e ss OK tocon r m. 3 Pr e ss whe n t he ot h er s id e a ns we r s you r ca ll . The call is now transferred to the » selected handset. Mak e a confer ence call A 3-way conf erence call is a call between you, another handset user and the outsi …

    • Philips SE175 — page 18

      18 Ke y Characters (for Greek) 0 0 1 sp ace — 1 2 ABΓ2 3 ΔEZ3 4 HΘ|4 5 KΛM5 6 NΞO6 7 ΠPΣ7 8 TYΦ8 9 XΨΩ9 Ke y Characters (for Polish) 0 0 1 sp ace — 1 2 A B C 2 3 D E F 3 4 G H I 4 5 JKLŁ5 6 M N O 6 7 P Q R S 7 8 T U V 8 9 WXYZ9 6 T ext and num …

    • Philips SE175 — page 19

      19 2 Pr e ss t he a l ph an um e r i ca l key t ha t cor r e s po nd s to t he c ha r a c te r . Ther strecordthatstar tswiththis » character is displayed. Call fr om the phonebook 1 Pr e ss o r pr e ss MEN U > [PHONEBOOK] > [LI ST ] to acce ss t he ph on eb oo k li s t . 2 Se le c t a cont a c t i n th e p ho ne bo o …

    • Philips SE175 — page 20

      20 Delete all r ecords 1 Pr e ss MENU . 2 Se le c t [PHONEBOOK] > [DE L E TE A L L] , pr es s OK tocon r m. Thehandsetdisplaysaconrmation » request. 3 Pr e ss OK tocon r m. All records (except the 2 direct access » memor y records) are deleted. Dir ect access memor y Y ou have 2 direct access memories (Keys …

    • Philips SE175 — page 21

      21 Delete a call r ecord 1 Pr e ss . The incoming call log is display ed. » 2 Se le c t a re cor d , t he n p r es s OK to con  r m . 3 Se le c t [DELE TE] , th e n pr e ss OK to con  r m Thehandsetdisplaysaconrmation » requests. 4 Pr e ss OK tocon r m. The record is deleted. » Delete all call r ecords 1 Pr e ss …

    • Philips SE175 — page 22

      22 Delete a r edial recor d 1 Pr e ss REDIAL to e nte r t h e lis t of dia le d calls . 2 Se le c t a re cor d , t he n p r es s OK to con  r m . 3 Se le c t [DELE TE] , th e n pr e ss OK to con  r m . Thehandsetdisplaysaconrmation » request. 4 Pr e ss OK tocon r m. The record is deleted. » Delete all r edial reco …

    • Philips SE175 — page 23

      23 P ersonalize the sounds Set the handset’ s ringtone Y ou c a n se l ec t fr om 10 r i ng ton e s . 1 Pr e ss MENU . 2 Se le c t [PE R SO N AL S E T ] > [HA N DS E T TO N E ] > [ RI N G TON ES ] , th e n pr e ss OK tocon r m . 3 Se le c t a ri ng to ne , t h e n pr e ss OK to con  r m . The setting is sav ed. » Set the handse …

    • Philips SE175 — page 24

      24 Set the docking tone Do ck i ng to ne i s t he s ou nd m ad e wh e n you pla ce t he ha n ds et o n t he b a se s t ati on /cha r ge r . 1 Pr e ss MENU . 2 Se le c t [PE R SO N AL S E T ] > [HA N DS E T TO N E ] > [ DOC K I NG TON E ] , t he n pr e ss OK tocon r m. 3 Se le c t [ON ] / [O FF ] , th e n pr e ss OK to con  r m . T …

    • Philips SE175 — page 25

      25 1 Pr e ss MENU . 2 Se le c t [ADV A NC E D S E T ] > [ R EC A LL TIME ] , t h en p r e ss OK tocon r m. 3 Se le c t an op ti on , t h en p r es s OK to con  r m . The setting is sav ed. » Manage the ar ea code Note Th is f ea t ur e o nl y a pp l ie s to m od e ls w i t h ar ea • co d e su pp o r t . Y oucandenean? …

    • Philips SE175 — page 26

      26 Note T or e s ett h er s tr i ngs t at us ,g otot h er es e t • m e n u. ECO mode The ECO mode reduces the transmission pow er of the handset and base station. 1 Pr e ss MENU . 2 Se le c t [ADV A NC E D S E T ] > [ E C O] , t he n pr e ss OK tocon r m. 3 Se le c t [ON ] / [O FF ] , th e n pr e ss OK …

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      27 Tip Pr e ss • / to s wi t ch b e t we e n [A M ] / [PM] . T urn off the alarm When the alarm rings 1 Pr e ss a ny key to t ur n of f t he a la r m . Befor e the alarm rings 1 Pr e ss MENU . 2 Se le c t [ CLOCK& AL ARM] > [A L A R M ] , th e n pr e ss OK tocon r m. 3 Se le c t [OF F ] , t he n p r es s OK tocon r m . Th …

    • Philips SE175 — page 28

      28 Note W he n t he k ey pa d is l oc ke d , no c a ll c a n be • m ad e . Y ou c a n s t il l a ns we r t h e in co mi ng c a ll s . Th e ke y pad i s u nl oc ke d du r i ng t h e c al l bu t is lo cke da u to ma t ic a ll yaf te ryo un is ht h eca ll . Unlock the k eypad 1 Pr e ss a nd h ol d . The keypad is unlocked. » Lo …

    • Philips SE175 — page 29

      29 Manual r egistration If a u to r e gis tr at io n fa il s , r eg is ter yo u r ha nd se t ma nu al ly t o th e ba s e s t a ti o n. 1 Pr e ss MENU on t he h an d se t . 2 Se le c t [ADV A NC E D S E T ] > [REGI STE R] , the n p r es s OK tocon r m . 3 Pr e ss a nd h ol d on t h e ba s e s t a ti on for 5 s eco nd s (for th e mo de l …

    • Philips SE175 — page 30

      30 5 Se le c t the h a nd se t nu mb e r to b e unregis tere d. 6 Pr e ss OK tocon r m. The handset is unregistered. » Tip Th e h an d se t nu m b er d is p lay s b es i de t h e • ha nd s et n a me i n s t a n db y mo de . Restor e default settings Y ou can reset your phone settings to the original factor y settings. 1 Pr e ss MENU . 2 …

    • Philips SE175 — page 31

      31 Set the answ ering machine language Note Th is f ea t ur e o nl y a pp l ie s to m od e ls w i t h • mul t i pl e — la n gu ag e su p po r t . The answering machine language is the language for the announcements. 1 Pr e ss MENU . 2 Se le c t [ANS W M ACH I NE ] > [SE T TIN GS ] > [LANGUA GE] . 3 Pr e ss OK tocon r m. 4 Se le c t …

    • Philips SE175 — page 32

      32 Listen to the curr ent announcement 1 Pr e ss MENU . 2 Se le c t [ANS W M ACH I NE ] > [ ANNOUNCEMENT] , the n p r es s OK to con  r m . 3 Se le c t [ ANSW .&REC ORD] or [AN SW E R O NL Y ] , p r es s OK tocon r m . 4 Se le c t [ P L AY ] , th e n pr e ss OK tocon  r m . Y ou can listen to the cur rent » announcement …

    • Philips SE175 — page 33

      33 Fr om the handset 1 W he n [N E W M E S S AGE ] di s play s on t h e ha nd se t sc r ee n , pr e s s OK to lis t e n to t he new m e ss ag es . 2 Pr e ss / to i nc r ea s e /decr e a se t h e volu me . Note Y o u c a n lis te n to t h e ol d me s sa ge s t hr o u gh t h e • b a se s t at io n o nl y. Delete an incoming message Fr om the base 1 …

    • Philips SE175 — page 34

      34 Activate/deactivate the remote access Y ou c a n al low o r bl oc k r e mot e acce ss to t h e an s we r in g ma chi n e . 1 Pr e ss MENU . 2 Se le c t [ANS W M ACH I NE ] > [SE T TIN GS ] > [RE M OTE ACC.] , t he n pr e ss OK tocon r m. 3 Se le c t a new s et ti ng , t he n pr ess OK to con  r m . The setting is sav ed. » Acc …

    • Philips SE175 — page 35

      35 Beha vior of the LED ke y on the base station The table belo w shows you the current status with different LED key beha vior on the base station. Answering machine status Message status LED ke y on the base station Off — Of f On No n ew m es s age On On Ne w me ss a ge Flashing On Me ss a ge f ull Fl a sh in g quickly On Re cor di ng in com ing …

    • Philips SE175 — page 36

      36 15 Default settings La ngua ge* Cou nt r y de p en d en t Ha nd se t na m e PHILIPS Date 0 1/ 0 1/ 10 Dat e for mat * DD/ MM Time 00:0 0am Ti me fo r mat * 24-hou r Alar m Of f Ph on eb oo k li s t Un changed Re ca ll t im e* Co un tr y d e pe nd e nt Fi r s t r in g* Co un tr y d e pe nd e nt Di al m od e* T one Ar e a cod e* Empt y C ar r ie r …

    • Philips SE175 — page 37

      37 Cha r g e r : 5 1. 5 g r a ms • 94. 89 x 59 . 5 x 72 .71 m m (H x D x W ) • T emperature range Op e r a ti on : 0 °C to + 35°C (32°F t o 95 ° F ) • Sto r ag e: -20° C to +45°C ( — 4°F t o 1 1 3 °F ) • Relative humidity Op e r a ti on : U p to 95% at 4 0 °C • Sto r ag e: U p to 95% at 4 0 ° C • 16 T echnica …

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      38 No displa y Ens u r e th e ba t ter ies a r e ch ar ged . • Ens u r e th e r e ar e p owe r an d ph on e • connections. Bad audio (crackles, echo, etc.) Th e ha n ds et i s ne ar ly ou t of r an ge . M ove • i t clos e r to t he b a se s ta t io n. Th e ph on e r e cei ve s in te r fer e n ce fr o m • th e ne a r by e le c t r ica l a pp …

    • Philips SE175 — page 39

      ANNEX 1 English Hereby , Philips Consumer Lifestyle , BU P&A, declares that this equipment is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directiv e 1999/5/EC . Finnish Philips Consumer Lifestyle , BU P&A vakuuttaa täten että tämä laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä k oskevi …

    • Philips SE175 — page 40

      Printed in China 0168 © 2009 K oninklijke Philips Electr onics N.V . All rights reserved. IFU_CD170-175_05_EN_V1.1 IFU_CD170-175_05_EN.indd 40 2009-12-17 17:30:45 …

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