Tissin ts800 руководство по эксплуатации

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2387/2387629-ts800_series.pdf file (28 Feb 2023)

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tissin TS800 Series Valve Positioners PDF Instruction Manual (Updated: Tuesday 28th of February 2023 03:35:10 PM)

Rating: 4.3 (rated by 96 users)

Compatible devices: TS900 Series, EXCM-30, SP8-10, P2, WP-1100, MWP-220, 3760, TS700 Series.

Recommended Documentation:

Text Version of Instruction Manual

(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents, UPD: 28 February 2023)

  • 16, 16 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin 3.2.2 Effective rotation angle range of feedback lever The effective rotation angle of TS800L lever is respectively 30 o upward and downward that is based on horizon. Follow 3.2.1 notes, effective rotation angle can be maintained to achieve the best performance. 3.2.3 Lever type and dimensio…

  • 44, 44 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin DSP NORM Display the valve opening value on LCD in direct/reverse direction. Mode Description DSP NORM Displayed 0% on LCD when the valve is 0%, and displayed 100% on LCD when the valve is 100%. DSP REVE Displayed 100% on LCD when the valve is 0%, and displayed 0% on LCD when the valve is 100%. Factory …

  • 8, 8 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin 2.5 Label Item Description MODEL No. Indicate the model number. SERIAL No. Indicate the serial number. EXPLOSION PROOF Indicate the certified explosion proof grade. OPERATING TEMP. Indicate the allowable operating temperature. EXPLOSION PROOF TEMP. Indicate the amb…

  • 47, tissin TS800 Series 47 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin PST TOUT «LMT TIME» failed to reach the target value within the set time value range. PST FIXD Valve has no action. PST DOUT Exceed the target value more than 1%. PST EMRG When allowable range of valve movement, i.e. «EMERGENCY» value is exceeded. AL1 NONE Set Alarm 1 Acco…

  • 25, 25 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin 3.6 How to adjust Auto/Manual switch WARNING  Be careful as the valve moves when you operate Auto/Manual switch.  The input air pressure is directly transmitted to the actuator when you switch to manual mode, so do not exceed permissible air pressure range. ① Auto/Manual …

  • 15, 15 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin 3 Installation 3.1 Before installation WARING  Make sure if TS800 is appropriate to the valve and actuator installation conditions and the site requirements specifications before installation.  If the installation state is not correct, TS800 control characteristics may be degraded. 3.2 TS800L installatio…

  • 27, tissin TS800 Series 27 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin 4 Pneumatic connection 4.1 Supply air pressure condition NOTICE  Use only compressed clean air which dehumidified and dust is extracted.  The air pressure input must be equipped with a regulator to supply a constant air pressure. 4.2 Pneumatic port Description …

  • 29, tissin TS800 Series 29 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin 5 Electrical connection 5.1 Terminal description ① Input signal (+) ② Input signal (-) ③ Internal ground ④ Feedback signal (+) ⑤ Feedback signal (-) ⑥ Alarm1 signal (+) ⑦ Alarm1 signal (-) ⑧ Alarm…

  • 48, 48 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin 6.7.6 EMERGNCy Submenu Description PASSWORD Must put a password to enter this menu. The password is set at the factory and cannot be changed by the user. Factory setting Press UP > ENTER > DOWN > UP button sequentially. (1321 on LCD) EMGY NON Set the position of the valve to be moved when an abnor…

  • 46, 46 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin Submenu Description 0P POINT Set the initial valve position for PST to start. Valve initial position must be within ±1% from «0S POINT». If not, wait until this condition is satisfied. Default value 100% Range 0~100% 1S POINT Set 1st target position of PST. Default value 90% Range 0~100% 2N POIN…

  • 40, 40 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin KF Control value to overcome valve friction.  Increasing KF value can improve hunting caused by valve friction. Range 0~500 Factory setting 0 KL Control value to overcome overshooting.  Increasing KL value can improve overshooting problem. Range 0~50 Factory setting 0 CHAR Set the characteristics …

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Additional Information:

Operating Impressions, Questions and Answers:

Table of Contents for tissin TS800 Series:

  • 33 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin 6.3 How to quickly perform Auto calibration Open the cover of the product and follow below steps to perform Auto calibration. ① Please input current signal 18mA, then press <UP> button for 3 seconds. ② The positioner automatically performs Auto calibration. ③ Auto Calibration is performed sequentially from STEP 1 to 7 on LCD, and may take 2-5 minutes depending on the valve size. NOTICE  If a

  • 4 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin 1 Introduction 1.1 General information for the user This instruction includes installation, operation, maintenance, and parts information for Tissin TS800 Valve Positioner. Keep these instructions in a location which is easily accessible to every user and make  Installation, commissioning

  • 29 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin 5 Electrical connection 5.1 Terminal description ① Input signal (+) ② Input signal (-) ③ Internal ground ④ Feedback signal (+) ⑤ Feedback signal (-) ⑥ Alarm1 signal (+) ⑦ Alarm1 signal (-) ⑧ Alarm2 signal (+) ⑨ Alarm2 signal (-) ⑩ External ground bolt ⑪ Conduit WARNING  Be sure to always check that the electrical

  • 3 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin 3.5.1 Position transmitter module Installation————————————— 22 3.5.2 HART communication module Installation———————————— 22 3.5.3 Limit switch module Installation————————————————- 23 3.5.4 How to adjust limit switch cam ————————————————— 24 3.6 How

  • 30 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin 5.2 Wiring diagram 5.2.1 Power and feedback signal connection 5.2.2 Limit switch connection Mechanical type Proximity type 5.2.3 Alarm signal connection The alarm module is built in to all products. According to the requirements of the site, you can get the

  • 12 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin 2.8.2 Internal structure ① Pilot valve ② Potentiometer ③ Pressure sensor (Option) ④ Torque motor ⑤ Main PCB ⑥ Terminal block ⑦ HART communication module (Option) ⑧ Position transmitter module(Option) ⑨ Buttons ⑩ Alarm signal connection terminal ⑪ PCB cover ⑫ Limit switch connection terminal ⑬ Limit switch (Option)

  • 26 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin 3.7 Orifice installation <Orifice> Purpose A normal action product does not need to install the orifice, but if the hunting phenomenon occurs after installation on a small actuator, it can be solved by installing an orifice to reduce the output flow of air pressure transmitted to the actuator from the positioner. The hole size of the orifice is 1mm. How to install As figure below, Insert the orifice into OUT1 port, and fix it by turning it all

  • 42 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin FORCE CL When the input current signal is lower than the set value, the valve is forced to close.  When the valve is closed, residual pressure in the actuator chamber can be completely released. Range 0~100% Factory setting 0.3% Note When the value set to 0%, this function is not applied. DAMP This function controls the operating speed of the valve.  The higher the set value, the

  • 5 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin 1.3 Requirement for safety This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. These safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage. For the safety, it is important to follow the instructions in the manual. WARNING Failure to observe the warning may result in serious injuries or death. CAUTION Failure to observe this warning may result in damage to the device

  • 17 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin 3.2.4 Bracket Installation Refer to the TS800L drawing (refer to 2.11.1) and actuator drawing, please make appropriate bracket and install the positioner on the actuator. ① Bracket ② Bolt (M8) ③ Washer ④ Feedback lever ⑤ Lever fixing bolt ⑥ Main shaft ⑦ Shaft fixing pin 3.2.5 Dimension after installation <Lever No.1 or 2 > <Lever No.3>

  • 9 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin 2.6 Product number TS800 Model Standard type TS800 Remote type TS820 Acting type Linear type L Rotary type R Explosion proof type Non-explosion poof N Ex ia IIC T5/T6 A Connection Conduit entry Air connec

  • Smart Valve Positioner TS800 Series Instruction Manual Ver. PM-TS800EN-12/2020

  • 19 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin 3.3.3 TS800R installation steps 1 Lower bracket installation Attach the lower bracket to the actuator and secure it with the screw. 2 Fork lever installation Insert the fork lever into actuator stem and tighten with the fixing bolt. Position the start point of the fork lever according to actuator stem’s rotation direction. 3 Tighten upper and lower brackets Connect the upper bracket to the lowe

  • 34 Smart valve positioner TS800 Series tissin 6.4 Software map  To enter Main Parameter menu : Please input 4-20mA current signal and press <ENTER> button for 3 seconds after booting up.  To enter Submenu : Press <UP> or <DOWN> button to select Main Parameter menu and press <ENTER> button.  To select Submenu : Press <UP> or <DOWN> button. Main menu MAIN LIN MAIN IN % MAIN IN mA MAIN VEL MAIN DEV Main parameter menu TUNNING PAR

Questions, Opinions and Exploitation Impressions:

You can ask a question, express your opinion or share our experience of tissin TS800 Series device using right now.

Позиционер TS800 (TS805) это интеллектуальый (смарт позиционер),

предназначен для управления положением затвора регулирующего клапана.


  • Быстрая и наглядная автоматическая калибровка
  • Большая пропускная способность пилотного клапана (более чем 100 л/мин)
  • Тип «сопло-заслонка»
  • Байпасный клапан А/М, переключатель автоматической/ручной работы
  • HART — коммуникация
  • Концевые выключатели (механического или индукционного типа)
  • Функция контроля частичного хода (PST)
  • Функция сигнализация
  • Самодиагностика

svg_image_1 Спецификация

Модель TS800L TS800R
Входной сигнал 4~20мА DС
Импеданс 500Ω при 20мА DC
Давление пневмопитания 0.14~0.7MPa
Ход штока 10~100mm 0~900
Присоединение пневмосист. PT1/4, NPT1/4
Присоединение манометра PT1/8, NPT1/8
Присоединение эл. кабеля G(PF)1/2, NPT1/2, M20
Тип взрывозащиты
Влагозащита IP66


окр. среды

стандартн. -300С~850C
низкотемп. -600C~850C
взывозащ. -600C~850C (T5)/-400C~850C (T6)

работа LCD


Линейность ± 0.5% F.S.
Чувствительность ± 0.2% F.S.
Гистерезис ± 0.5% F.S.
Повторяемость ± 0.3% F.S.
Расход воздуха Около 2,3 л/мин (Рпит.=0,14МПа)
Требуемое качество воздуха Class 3(ISO 8573-1)
Пропускная способность 100 л/мин (Рпит.=0,14МПа)
Материал Аллюминий
Вес 2,2кг.
HART-протокол¤. Версия HART 7
Датчик положения Тип подключения двухпроводной
Питание 10 ~ 30V DC
Концевые выключатели Механич. типа AC 125V  3A, DC 30V 2A
Индуктивного типа DC 8.2V 8.2A


Кодировка продукции

Модель  TS800 ‹×› ‹×› ‹×› ‹×› ‹×› ‹×› ‹×› ‹×›
Стандартного типа TS800
Удаленного типа TS820
Тип действия линейный L
поворотный R
Тип взрывозащиты  без взр.защиты N
Ex ia IIC T5/T6 A
Подключение Эл.питание Воздух
G1/2 PT1/4 1
G1/2 NPT1/4 2
NPT1/2 NPT1/4 3
M20 NPT1/4 4
Рычаг (линейный тип) 10 ~ 80mm 1
70~150mm 2
добавочный рычаг ~70mm 3
Рычаг (поворотный тип)  М6х34L 1
Темп-ра окр. среды  -300С ~ 850C S
 -400C ~ 850C L
 -600C ~ 850C U
Коммуникации нет 0
4-20мА датчик обр.связи 1
HART + 4-20mA датчик ОС 3
Концевые выключатели нет 0
механического типа М
индуктивного типа Р
Длина кабеля (для TS820)  5м 1
 10м 2

 по требованию заказчика

до 20 метров


Позиционер TS800, TS805

Smart valve positioner

TS800 Series




Requirement for safety———————————————————————-












Name plats————————————————————————————


Products number—————————————————————————-








System configuration———————————————————————-


Principle of operation———————————————————————-


Dimension drawings————————————————————————



Before installation——————————————————————————


TS800L installation—————————————————————————







TS800R installation—————————————————————————









External structure——————————————————————

Internal structure——————————————————————


Notes on installation —————————————————————

Bracket installation——————————————————————









































[Page 1] tissin TS800 Series

Smart Valve Positioner TS800 Series Instruction Manual Ver. PM-TS800EN-11/2018…

[Page 2] tissin TS800 Series

2 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin Table of Contents 1 Introduction————————————————————————————- 4 1.1 General information for the user————————————-…

[Page 3] tissin TS800 Series

3 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 3.5.2 Installation of HART communication module——————————— 22 3.5.3 Installation of Limit switch modules——————————————— 23 3.5.4 …

[Page 4] tissin TS800 Series

4 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 1 Introduction 1.1 General information for the user This instruction includes installation, operation, maintenance, and parts information for Tissin TS800 Valve Positioner. Keep these instru…

[Page 5] tissin TS800 Series

5 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 1.2 Requirements for safety This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. These safety instructions are int…

[Page 6] tissin TS800 Series

6 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 1.3 Basic safety instructions for use in the Ex area To prevent the risk of explosion, observe not only the basic safety instructions in the respective operating instructions for operation in the…

[Page 7] tissin TS800 Series

7 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 2 Description of products 2.1 Function Smart valve positioner TS800 series controls the valve stroke in response to an input signal of 4~20mA DC from the control panel, DCS or calibrator. …

[Page 8] tissin TS800 Series

8 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 2.5 Name plates <TS800> <TS820> Item Description MODEL No. Indicates the model number. SERIAL No. I…

[Page 9] tissin TS800 Series

9 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 2.6 Product number Model Standard type TS800 Remote type TS820 Acting type Linear type L Rotary type R Explosion pro…

[Page 10] tissin TS800 Series

10 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 2.7 Specifications Model TS800L / TS820L TS800R / TS820R Input signal 4~20mA DC Impedance 500Ω (20mA DC) Supply pressure 0.14~0.7MPa Stroke 10~150mm 0~90 0 Air connection PT1/…

[Page 11] tissin TS800 Series

11 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 2.8 Structure 2.8.1 External structure ① Dome cover ② External ground ③ Feedback lever ④ Conduit ⑤ Air vent hole cover ⑥…

[Page 12] tissin TS800 Series

12 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 2.8.2 Internal structure ① Pilot valve ② Potentiometer ③ Pressure sensor (Option) ④ Torque motor ⑤ Main PCB �…

[Page 13] tissin TS800 Series

13 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 2.9 System configuration Basically, the control valve system consists of a positioner for controlling the pneumatic pressure of the actuator, an actuator for controlling the opening of the valve,…

[Page 14] tissin TS800 Series

14 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 2.11 Dimension drawings 2.11.1 TS800 standard type 2.11.2 TS800 with limit switch type 2.11.3 TS800 feedback shaft connection …

[Page 15] tissin TS800 Series

15 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 3 Installation 3.1 Before installation WARING  Make sure if TS800 is appropriate to the valve and actuator installation conditions and the site requirements specifications before inst…

[Page 16] tissin TS800 Series

16 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 3.2.2 Effective rotation angle range of the feedback lever The effective rotation angle of TS800L lever is respectively 30 o upward and downward that is based on horizon. Follow 3.2.1 notes…

[Page 17] tissin TS800 Series

17 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 3.2.4 Bracket Installation Refer to the TS800L drawing (refer to 2.10.2) and actuator drawing, and make appropriate bracket and install the positioner on the actuator. …

[Page 18] tissin TS800 Series

18 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 3.3 TS800R installation 3.3.1 TS800R installation examples <Fork lever type> <NAMUR type> 3.3.2 TS800R list …

[Page 19] tissin TS800 Series

19 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 3.3.3 TS800R installation steps 1 Lower bracket installation Attach the lower bracket to the actuator and secure it with the screw. 2 Fork lever installation Insert the fork lever into t…

[Page 20] tissin TS800 Series

20 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 4 Shaft lever installation Fork lever type Insert the shaft lever into the main shaft and tighten with the fixing bolt. NAMUR type Insert the NAMUR shaft adapter into main shaft and fix …

[Page 21] tissin TS800 Series

21 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 3.4 TS820 Remote type installation The TS820 is designed cable to the sensor part and the main body, It is designed to transmit the change of the stem position of the valve to the body throu…

[Page 22] tissin TS800 Series

22 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 3.5 Installation of option modules According to the site requirements,the following modules can be purchased separately and installed. The corresponding function can be realized by installi…

[Page 23] tissin TS800 Series

23 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 3.4.3 Installation of limit switch modules. There are mechanical and proximity two types of limit switch. <Mechanical type module> …

[Page 24] tissin TS800 Series

24 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 3.4.4 How to adjust limit switch cam ① Dome indicator ② Switch ③ Fixing bolt ④ Phillips screwdriver The cam position is set at the factory. If you want to cha…

[Page 25] tissin TS800 Series

25 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 3.6 How to adjust Auto/Manual switch WARNING  Be careful when you operate the Auto/Manual switch, because the valve moves.  When you switch to manual mode the input air pressure is …

[Page 26] tissin TS800 Series

26 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 3.7 Orifice installation <Orifice> Purpose A normal action product does not need to install the orifice, but If the hunting phenomenon occurs after installation on a sma…

[Page 27] tissin TS800 Series

27 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 4 Pneumatic connection 4.1 Conditions of supply air NOTICE  Use only dehumidified and dust extracted compressed clean air.  The air pressure input must be equipped with a reg…

[Page 28] tissin TS800 Series

28 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 4.3 Air connections NOTICE  This product is designed to increase the air pressure of out1 as the 4 ~ 20mA current input signal increases. 4.3.1 TS800L air connections …

[Page 29] tissin TS800 Series

29 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 5 Electrical connections 5.1 Terminal description ① Input signal (+) ② Input signal (-) ③ Internal ground �…

[Page 30] tissin TS800 Series

30 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 5.2 Wiring diagrams 5.2.1 Power and feedback signal connection 5.2.2 Limit switch connection Mechanical type Proximity type 5.2.3 Alarm sign…

[Page 31] tissin TS800 Series

31 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 6 Calibration 6.1 Description of Display No. Displayed contents Description ① Menu information Displays the running menu. (Main menu, Main parameter, Sub…

[Page 32] tissin TS800 Series

32 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 6.2 Description of Buttons ① UP button ② DOWN button ③ ENTER button ④ ESC button Button Descriptions ENTER  Execute the functions of the selected menu. �…

[Page 33] tissin TS800 Series

33 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 6.3 How to perform the fast auto calibration Open the cover of the product and follow below steps to perform the quick auto calibration. ① Input 4~20mA of current signal, pressing the…

[Page 34] tissin TS800 Series

34 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 6.4 Software map

[Page 35] tissin TS800 Series

35 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 6.5 Description of Main menus When the product is booted, <MAIN LIN> is displayed, which shows the current opening of the valve. Press <UP> or <DOWN> button to move to the …

[Page 36] tissin TS800 Series

36 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 6.6 Description of Main parameter menu The main parameter menu corresponds to the main menu in which various parameters are classified by function.  When the product is booted, press an…

[Page 37] tissin TS800 Series

37 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 6.7 Description of Submenus The following is detailed description about the corresponding submenu of the main menu.  Press <ENTER> button in the main menu to enter the submenus. �…

[Page 38] tissin TS800 Series

38 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin OUT ZERO Reset the ZERO point of the feedback signal manually. Input 4mA current signal, valve reaches zero position, after press the <UP> or <DOWN> button to adjust the value, until…

[Page 39] tissin TS800 Series

39 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 6.7.2 Submenus of PARAMETR Submenus Description DEAD bND Dead band range, the range of allowable control error.  If hunting or oscillation occurs due to high packing friction of the valv…

[Page 40] tissin TS800 Series

40 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin KF Control value to overcome valve friction.  Increasing the KF value can improve hunting that is caused by valve friction. Range of settable value 0~500.0 Factory setting 0 CHAR Set …

[Page 41] tissin TS800 Series

41 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 6.7.3 Submenus of DEVICE P Submenus Description ACTU SNG Depending on the actuator type, it must be set to Single or Double manually. NOTICE If the set value differs from the actuator type…

[Page 42] tissin TS800 Series

42 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin FORCE CL When the input current signal is lower than the set value, the valve is forced to close.  When the valve is closed, residual pressure in the actuator chamber can be completely rele…

[Page 43] tissin TS800 Series

43 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin COMPENSA This parameter corrects the error between LCD value and actual valve opening. NOTICE This function should only be used with Linear type products and rotary products must be set to 0%….

[Page 44] tissin TS800 Series

44 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 6.7.4 Submenus of INFOMATN You can find the following information through the submenus. Submenus Description MDL Displays the model of the product. DEVI VER Displays the version of devic…

[Page 45] tissin TS800 Series

45 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 6.7.5 Submenus of DIAGNOST Submenus Description ERR CODE Displays the error code of the product. You can check the error code to resolve the problem. For details, refer to the explanation o…

[Page 46] tissin TS800 Series

46 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 2N POINT Sets 2nd target position of PST. Default value 80% Range of values 0~100% INTERVAL Set the waiting time after the first PST is end and before the second PST start. Default value …

[Page 47] tissin TS800 Series

47 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin AL1 URGT Setting Alarm 1 According to the set value, If the following conditions are satisfied, the alarm circuit is turned “ON”, and LCD displayed A1 symbol. It remains “OFF” during no…

[Page 48] tissin TS800 Series

48 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 6.7.6 Submenus of EMERGNCy Submenus Description PASSWORD Must enter a password to enter this menu. The password is set at the factory and cannot be changed by the user. Factory setting Pres…

[Page 49] tissin TS800 Series

49 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 7 Error code and Troubleshooting  If there is a problem when installing or using the product, the △ ! symbol appears on the top of the LCD.  If you enter the “ERR CODE” whic…

[Page 50] tissin TS800 Series

50 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin 8 Limited warranty and disclaimer  This product has been fully inspected and shipped through a quality inspection procedure. The manufacturer warranty period of the product is 18 month…

[Page 51] tissin TS800 Series

51 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin Note

[Page 52] tissin TS800 Series

52 Smart valve positione r TS800 Series tissin Solutions for Control Valve System Tissin Co.,Ltd. 201-1105, No 397, Seokcheon-ro, Ojeong-gu, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea 14449 Tel : +82-…

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