Тонометр microlife bp a110 afib инструкция на русском

Инструкция и руководство для
Microlife BP A110 на русском на английском

29 страниц подробных инструкций и пользовательских руководств по эксплуатации

Видео Измеритель артериального давления Микролайф модель ВР A 200 AFIB (автор: Аптека 9-1-1)06:57

Измеритель артериального давления Микролайф модель ВР A 200 AFIB

Видео Обзор BP A2 Classic автоматического тонометра Microlife | Измеритель артериального давления (автор: Health-shop)02:25

Обзор BP A2 Classic автоматического тонометра Microlife | Измеритель артериального давления

Видео Обзор и первое подключение тонометра Microlife BP A6 BT (Bluetooth) (автор: Алексей Pride)08:42

Обзор и первое подключение тонометра Microlife BP A6 BT (Bluetooth)

Видео Тонометр Microlife BP A200 AFIB (автор: Aksioma Torgovli)03:59

Тонометр Microlife BP A200 AFIB

Видео Тонометр для детей и взрослых MICROLIFE A110 A-fib (автор: Атмосфера Здоровья)01:20

Тонометр для детей и взрослых MICROLIFE A110 A-fib

Видео Ремонт тонометра Microlife BP a 100 plus. Не накачивает манжет. (автор: Vladimir Marochko)18:11

Ремонт тонометра Microlife BP a 100 plus. Не накачивает манжет.

Видео Измеритель арт. давления Microlife модель ВР А2 Classic автоматический (автор: Аптека 9-1-1)05:26

Измеритель арт. давления Microlife модель ВР А2 Classic автоматический

Видео Автоматический тонометр Microlife BP A2 Easy (автор: medmagazinru)04:50

Автоматический тонометр Microlife BP A2 Easy

Microlife BP A



3-RU 0711

Europe / Middle-East / Africa

Microlife AG

Espenstrasse 139
9443 Widnau / Switzerland
Tel. +41 / 71 727 70 30
Fax +41 / 71 727 70 39
Email admin@microlife.ch

Microlife Corporation.
9F, 431, RuiGang Road, NeiHu
Taipei, 114, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel. 886 2 8797-1288


886 2 8797-1283

Email service@microlife.com.tw

North / Central / South America
Microlife USA, Inc.
1617 Gulf to Bay Blvd., 2nd Floor Ste A
Clearwater, FL 33755 / USA
Tel. +1 727 442 5353
Fax +1 727 442 5377
Email msa@microlifeusa.com


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Africa Microlife AG Espenstrasse...



Guarantee Card

BP A110

Name of Purchaser
Ф.И.О. покупателя
П.І.Б. покупця

Serial Number
Серийный номер
Серійний номер

Date of Purchase
Дата покупки
Дата покупки

Specialist Dealer
Специализированный дилер
Спеціалізований дилер

Microlife BP A110

Guarantee card bp a110, Microlife bp a110


BP A110



Dear Customer,
Your new Microlife blood pressure monitor is a reliable medical
instrument for taking measurements on the upper arm. It is simple
to use, accurate and comes highly recommended for blood pres-
sure monitoring in your home. This instrument was developed in
collaboration with physicians and clinical tests proving its
measurement accuracy to be very high.*
Microlife AFIB detection is the world’s leading digital blood pres-
sure measurement technology for the early detection of atrial
fibrillation (AFIB) and hypertension. These are the two top risk
factors of heart disease and stroke which increase the risk of
getting a stroke or heart disease in the future. It is important to
detect AFIB and hypertension at an early stage, even though you
may not experience any symptoms. Appropriate treatment can
reduce your risk of suffering a stroke. For this reason, it is recom-
mended that you visit your doctor when the device gives an AFIB
signal during your blood pressure measurement. The AFIB algo-
rithm of Microlife has been clinically investigated by several prom-
inent clinical investigators and showed that the device detects
patients with AFIB at 97-100% certainty.


Please read through these instructions carefully so that you under-
stand all functions and safety information. We want you to be
happy with your Microlife product. If you have any questions, prob-
lems or want to order spare parts, please contact Microlife-
Customer Service. Your dealer or pharmacy will be able to give you
the address of the Microlife dealer in your country. Alternatively,
visit the Internet at www.microlife.com where you will find a
wealth of invaluable information on our products.
Stay healthy – Microlife AG!

* This instrument uses the same measuring technology as the
award winning «BP 3BTO-A» model tested according to the British
Hypertension Society (BHS) protocol.


Stergiou GS, Karpettas N, Protogerou A, Nasothimiou EG, & Kyri-

akidis M. Diagnostic accuracy of a home blood pressure monitor to
detect atrial fibrillation. J Hum Hyperten 2009; 1-5.


Wiesel J, Fitzig L, Herschman Y, & Messineo FC Detection of

Atrial Fibrillation Using a Modified Microlife Blood Pressure
Monitor. Am J Hypertens 2009; 848-852.

Microlife BP A110


1 ON/OFF Button
2 M-Button (Memory)
3 Display
4 Cuff Socket
5 Time Button
6 Cuff
7 Cuff Connector
8 Mains Adapter Socket
9 USB Port
AT Battery Compartment
AK MAM Switch

AL Date/Time
AM Systolic Value
AN Diastolic Value
AO Pulse
AP Atrial Fibrillation Indicator (AFIB)
AQ MAM Interval Time
AR Battery Display
AS Stored Value
BT Pulse Rate

Read the instructions carefully before using this device.

Type BF applied part

Microlife bp a110


Table of Contents

1. Important Facts about Blood Pressure and Self-

• How do I evaluate my blood pressure?

2. Important facts about atrial fibrillation (AFIB)

• What is Atrial Fibrillation (AFIB)?

• How does AFIB impact my family or me?

• Microlife AFIB detection provides a convenient way to

screen for AFIB (only in MAM mode)

• Risk factors you can control

3. Using the Instrument for the First Time

• Activating the fitted batteries

• Setting the date and time

• Selecting the correct cuff

• Select the measuring mode: standard or MAM mode

• MAM Mode

4. Taking a Blood Pressure Measurement using this

• How not to store a reading

5. Appearance of the Atrial Fibrillation Indicator for early

Detection (only in MAM mode)

6. PC-Link Functions

• Installation and data transmission

7. Data Memory

• Viewing the stored values

• Memory full

• Clearing all values

8. Battery Indicator and Battery change

• Low battery

• Flat battery – replacement

• Which batteries and which procedure?

• Using rechargeable batteries

9. Using a Mains Adapter

10. Error Messages
11. Safety, Care, Accuracy Test and Disposal

• Safety and protection

• Instrument care

• Cleaning the cuff

• Accuracy test

• Disposal

12. Guarantee
13. Technical Specifications

Guarantee Card


1. Important Facts about Blood Pressure and Self-


Blood pressure is the pressure of the blood flowing in the

arteries generated by the pumping of the heart. Two values, the
systolic (upper) value and the diastolic (lower) value, are
always measured.

• The instrument also indicates the pulse rate (the number of

times the heart beats in a minute).

Permanently high blood pressure values can damage

your health and must be treated by your doctor!

• Always discuss your values with your doctor and tell him/her if

you have noticed anything unusual or feel unsure. Never rely
on single blood pressure readings.

• Enter your readings in the enclosed blood pressure diary. This

will give your doctor a quick overview.

• There are many causes of excessively high blood pressure va-

lues. Your doctor will explain them in more detail and offer treat-
ment where appropriate. Besides medication, relaxation techni-
ques, weight loss and exercise can also lower your blood pressure.

Under no circumstances should you alter the dosages of

any drugs prescribed by your doctor!

• Depending on physical exertion and condition, blood pressure is

subject to wide fluctuations as the day progresses. You should
therefore take your measurements in the same quiet condi-
tions and when you feel relaxed!

Take at least two measure-

ments per day, one in the morning and one in the evening.

• It is quite normal for two measurements taken in quick succes-

sion to produce significantly different results.

Deviations between measurements taken by your doctor or in

the pharmacy and those taken at home are quite normal, as
these situations are completely different.

Several measurements provide a much clearer picture than

just one single measurement.

Important Facts about Blood Pressure and Self...

How do i evaluate my blood pressure, Important facts about atrial fibrillation (afib), What is atrial fibrillation (afib)

How does afib impact my family or me, Risk factors you can control, Using the instrument for the first time, Activating the fitted batteries, Setting the date and time

  • Изображение
  • Текст


BP A110


How do I evaluate my blood pressure?

The higher value is the one that determines the evaluation.
Example: a readout value between 150/85 or 120/98 mmHg indi-
cates «blood pressure too high».

2. Important facts about atrial fibrillation (AFIB)

What is Atrial Fibrillation (AFIB)?
Normally, your heart contracts and relaxes to a regular beat.
Certain cells in your heart produce electrical signals that cause the
heart to contract and pump blood. Atrial fibrillation occurs when
rapid, disorganized electrical signals are present in the heart’s two
upper chambers, called the atria; causing them to contract quickly
fast and irregularly (this is called fibrillation). Atrial fibrillation is

the most common form of heart arrhythmia or irregular heart beat.
You can live with atrial fibrillation, but it can lead to other rhythm
problems, chronic fatigue, heart failure and — worst of all — a stroke.
You’ll need a doctor to help you control the problem.

How does AFIB impact my family or me?
One in every six strokes is AFIB-related. Whilst individuals above
the age of 65 are more likely to have AFIB, individuals as young as
40 can exhibit AFIB. Early diagnosis can help reduce the risk of a

Microlife AFIB detection provides a convenient way to
screen for AFIB (only in MAM mode)
Knowing your blood pressure and knowing whether or not you or
your family members have AFIB can help reduce the risk of stroke.
Microlife AFIB detection provides a convenient way to screen for
AFIB whilst taking your blood pressure.

Risk factors you can control
High blood pressure and AFIB are both considered «controllable»
risk factors for strokes. Knowing your blood pressure and knowing
whether or not you have AFIB is the first step in proactive stroke

3. Using the Instrument for the First Time

Activating the fitted batteries
Pull out the protective strip projecting from the battery compartment


Setting the date and time

Leave a small break of at least 15 seconds between two


• If you are pregnant, you should monitor your blood pressure

very closely as it can change drastically during this time!

• If you suffer from an irregular heartbeat, measurements

taken with this instrument should only be evaluated after
consultation with your doctor.

The pulse display is not suitable for checking the

frequency of heart pacemakers!

Table for classifying blood pressure values in adults in accordance
with the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2003. Data in mmHg.





blood pressure
too low

z 100

z 60

Consult your doctor

1. blood pressure


100 — 120 60 — 80


2. blood pressure


120 — 130 80 — 85


3. blood pressure

slightly high

130 — 140 85 — 90

Consult your doctor

4. blood pressure

too high

140 — 160 90 — 100

Seek medical advice

5. blood pressure

far too high

160 — 180 100 — 110

Seek medical advice

6. blood pressure






Urgently seek
medical advice!

1. After the new batteries are fitted, the year number flashes in

the display. You can set the year by pressing the M-button


To confirm and then set the month, press the time button


2. You can now set the month using the M-button. Press the time

button to confirm and then set the day.

3. Please follow the instructions above to set the day, hour and


4. Once you have set the minutes and pressed the time button, the

date and time are set and the time is displayed.

5. If you want to change the date and time, press and hold the time

button down for approx. 3 seconds until the year number starts
to flash. Now you can enter the new values as described above.

How do i evaluate my blood pressure, Important facts about atrial fibrillation (afib), What is atrial fibrillation (afib)

Selecting the correct cuff, Select the measuring mode: standard or mam mode, Mam mode

Страница 6

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Selecting the correct cuff
Microlife offers different cuff sizes. Select the cuff size to match
the circumference of your upper arms (measured by close fitting in
the centre of the upper arm).

Select the measuring mode: standard or MAM mode
This instrument enables you to select either standard (standard
single measurement) or MAM mode (automatic triple measure-
ment). To select standard mode, slide the MAM switch

AK on the

side of the instrument downwards to position «1» and to select
MAM mode, slide this switch upwards to position «3».

MAM Mode
In MAM mode, 3 measurements are automatically taken in succes-
sion and the result is then automatically analysed and displayed.
Because the blood pressure constantly fluctuates, a result deter-
mined in this way is more reliable than one produced by a single
measurement. AFIB detection is activated in MAM mode.

4. Taking a Blood Pressure Measurement using this


Cuff size

for circumference of upper arm


17 — 22 cm (6.75 — 8.75 inches)


22 — 32 cm (8.75 — 12.5 inches)


32 — 42 cm (12.5 — 16.5 inches)

M — L

22 — 42 cm (8.75 — 16.5 inches)


Optional preformed cuffs «Easy» are available.


Only use Microlife cuffs.


Contact Microlife Service if the enclosed cuff

6 does not fit.


Connect the cuff to the instrument by inserting the cuff

7 into the cuff socket 4 as far as it will go.

• After pressing the ON/OFF button 1, the selected MAM mode

appears in the display as the MAM-symbol


• The bottom, right hand section of the display shows a 1, 2 or 3 to

indicate which of the 3 measurements is currently being taken.

• There is a break of 15 seconds between the measurements

(15 seconds are adequate according to «Blood Pressure Moni-
toring, 2001, 6:145-147» for oscillometric instruments). A count
down indicates the remaining time and a beep will sound
5 seconds before the 2nd and 3rd readings will begin.

• The individual results are not displayed. Your blood pressure

will only be displayed after all 3 measurements are taken.

• Do not remove the cuff between measurements.
• If one of the individual measurements was questionable, a

fourth one is automatically taken.

Checklist for taking a reliable measurement


Avoid activity, eating or smoking immediately before the


Sit down for at least 5 minutes before the measurement and


Always measure on the same arm (normally left).


Remove close-fitting garments from the upper arm. To avoid
constriction, shirt sleeves should not be rolled up — they do
not interfere with the cuff if they are laid flat.


Always ensure that the cuff is positioned correctly, as shown
in the pictures illustrated on the short instruction card.
• Fit the cuff closely, but not too tight.
• Make sure that the cuff is 2 cm (0.75 inch) above your

elbow with the tube on the inside of your arm.

• Support your arm so it is relaxed.
• Ensure that the cuff is at the same height as your heart.


Press the ON/OFF button

1 to start the measurement.


The cuff will now pump up automatically. Relax, do not move
and do not tense your arm muscles until the measurement
result is displayed. Breathe normally and do not talk.


When the correct pressure is reached, the pumping stops
and the pressure falls gradually. If the required pressure was
not reached, the instrument will automatically pump some
more air into the cuff.


During the measurement, the heart symbol

BT flashes in the

display every time a heartbeat is detected.

10. The result, comprising the systolic

AM and the diastolic AN

blood pressure and the pulse

AO is displayed. Note also the

explanations on further displays in this booklet.

11. When the measurement has finished, remove the cuff.

12. Enter the result in the enclosed blood pressure pass and

switch off the instrument. (The monitor does switch off auto-
matically after approx. 1 min.).

Selecting the correct cuff, Select the measuring mode: standard or mam mode, Mam mode

How not to store a reading, Pc-link functions, Installation and data transmission

Data memory, Viewing the stored values

  • Изображение
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BP A110


How not to store a reading
Press the ON/OFF button

1 while the reading is being displayed.

Keep the button pressed until «M»

AS is flashing and then release

it. Confirm by pressing the M-button.

5. Appearance of the Atrial Fibrillation Indicator for

early Detection (only in MAM mode)

This symbol

AP indicates that an atrial fibrillation was detected

during the measurement. This device is able to detect atrial fibril-
lation (AFIB). If AFIB is present during blood pressure measure-
ment, the AFIB Indicator is displayed. In this case, the result may
deviate from your normal blood pressure. It is highly recommended
to take an additional measurement an hour later to increase the
specificity of the detection. In most cases, this is no cause for
concern. However, if the symbol appears on a regular basis (e.g.
several times a week with measurements taken daily) we advise
you to visit your doctor. Please, provide the following explanation:

6. PC-Link Functions

This device can be used in connection with a personal computer
(PC) running the Microlife Blood Pressure Analyser (BPA) software.
The memory data can be transferred to the PC by connecting the
monitor via cable with the PC.
If no CD and cable is included download the BPA software from
www.microlife.com and use a standard USB cable.

Installation and data transmission

7. Data Memory

At the end of a measurement, this instrument automatically stores
each result, including date and time.

Viewing the stored values
Press the M-button

2 briefly, when the instrument is switched

off. The display first shows «M»

AS and then a value, e.g. «M 17».

This means that there are 17 values in the memory. The instrument
then switches to the last stored result.
Pressing the M-button again displays the previous value. Pressing
the M-button repeatedly enables you to move from one stored
value to another.


You can stop the measurement at any time by pressing the
ON/OFF button (e.g. if you feel uneasy or an unpleasant
pressure sensation).


If the systolic blood pressure is known to be very high,
it can be an advantage to set the pressure individually. Press
the ON/OFF button after the monitor has been pumped up to
a level of approx. 30 mmHg (shown on the display). Keep the
button pressed until the pressure is about 40 mmHg above
the expected systolic value – then release the button.

Information for the doctor on frequent appearance of the
atrial fibrillation indicator

This instrument is an oscillometric blood pressure monitor that
also analyses pulse frequency during measurement. The instru-
ment is clinically tested.
The arrhythmia symbol is displayed after the measurement, if
atrial fibrillations occur during measurement. If the symbol
appears more frequently (e.g. several times per week on
measurements performed daily) we recommend the patient to
seek medical advice.
The instrument does not replace a cardiac examination, but
serves to detect atrial fibrillations at an early stage.


Sometimes the device will detect atrial fibrillation even
when it is not there. This can happen if the arm moves
during the reading or another rhythm problem is present.
Keep the arm still during the reading. Visiting your doctor
with this device may be necessary to check out any rhythm


This device may not detect atrial fibrillation in people with
pacemakers or defibrillators.

1. Insert CD into CD ROM drive of your PC. The installation will

start automatically. If not, please click on «SETUP.EXE».

2. Connect the monitor via cable with the PC; no need to switch

the device on. 3 horizontal bars will appear on the display and
last for 3 seconds.

3. The bars will then flash to indicate that the connection between

PC and device is successfully made. As long as the cable is
plugged, the bars will keep flashing and buttons are disabled.


During the connection, the device is completely controlled
by the computer. Please refer to the «help» file for software

How not to store a reading, Pc-link functions, Installation and data transmission

Memory full, Clearing all values, Battery indicator and battery change

Low battery, Flat battery — replacement, Which batteries and which procedure, Using rechargeable batteries, Using a mains adapter, Error messages

  • Изображение
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Memory full

Clearing all values
If you are sure that you want to permanently remove all stored
values, hold down the M-button (the instrument must have been
switched off beforehand) until «CL» appears and then release the
button. To permanently clear the memory, press the M-button
while «CL» is flashing. Individual values cannot be cleared.

8. Battery Indicator and Battery change

Low battery
When the batteries are approximately ¾ empty the battery symbol
AR will flash as soon as the instrument is switched on (partly filled
battery displayed). Although the instrument will continue to
measure reliably, you should obtain replacement batteries.

Flat battery – replacement
When the batteries are flat, the battery symbol

AR will flash as soon

as the instrument is switched on (flat battery displayed). You cannot
take any further measurements and must replace the batteries.

Which batteries and which procedure?

Using rechargeable batteries
You can also operate this instrument using rechargeable batteries.

9. Using a Mains Adapter

You can operate this instrument using the Microlife mains adapter
(DC 6V, 600mA).

When the mains adapter is connected, no battery current is consumed.

10. Error Messages

If an error occurs during the measurement, the measurement is
interrupted and an error message, e.g. «ERR 3», is displayed.


Pay attention that the maximum memory capacity of 200 is
not exceeded. When the memory is full, the old values
are automatically overwritten with new ones.
should be evaluated by a doctor before the memory capacity
is reached – otherwise data will be lost.

1. Open the battery compartment

AT at the back of the instrument.

2. Replace the batteries – ensure correct polarity as shown by the

symbols in the compartment.

3. To set date and time, follow the procedure described in

«Section 3.».


The memory retains all values although date and time (and
possibly also set alarm times) must be reset – the year
number therefore flashes automatically after the batteries
are replaced.


Use 4 new, long-life 1.5V, size AA batteries.


Do not use batteries beyond their date of expiry.


Remove batteries if the instrument is not going to be used
for a prolonged period.


Only use «NiMH» type reusable batteries.


Batteries must be removed and recharged when the flat
battery symbol appears. They should not remain inside the
instrument as they may become damaged (total discharge as
a result of low use of the instrument, even when switched off).


Always remove the rechargeable batteries if you do not
intend to use the instrument for a week or more.


Batteries cannot be charged in the blood pressure monitor.
Recharge batteries in an external charger and observe the
information regarding charging, care and durability.


Only use the Microlife mains adapter available as an orig-
inal accessory appropriate for your supply voltage, e.g. the
«Microlife 230V adapter».


Ensure that neither the mains adapter nor the cable are

1. Plug the adapter cable into the mains adapter socket

8 in the

blood pressure monitor.

2. Plug the adapter plug into the wall socket.


Description Potential cause and remedy

«ERR 1» Signal too


The pulse signals on the cuff are too weak.
Re-position the cuff and repeat the

«ERR 2» Error signal

During the measurement, error signals were
detected by the cuff, caused for instance by
movement or muscle tension. Repeat the
measurement, keeping your arm still.

Memory full, Clearing all values, Battery indicator and battery change

Safety, care, accuracy test and disposal, M safety and protection, Instrument care

Cleaning the cuff, Accuracy test, Disposal, Guarantee

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BP A110


* Please consult your doctor, if this or any other problem occurs repeatedly.

11. Safety, Care, Accuracy Test and Disposal


Safety and protection

Instrument care
Clean the instrument only with a soft, dry cloth.

Cleaning the cuff
Carefully remove spots on the cuff with a damp cloth and soapsuds.

Accuracy test
We recommend this instrument is tested for accuracy every
2 years or after mechanical impact (e.g. being dropped). Please
contact Microlife-Service to arrange the test (see foreword).


12. Guarantee

This instrument is covered by a 5 year guarantee from the date
of purchase. The guarantee is valid only on presentation of the
guarantee card completed by the dealer (see back) confirming date
of purchase or the receipt.

Please contact Microlife-Service (see foreword).

«ERR 3» No pressure

in the cuff

An adequate pressure cannot be generated
in the cuff. A leak may have occurred. Check
that the cuff is correctly connected and is
not too loose. Replace the batteries if
necessary. Repeat the measurement.

«ERR 5» Abnormal


The measuring signals are inaccurate and
no result can therefore be displayed. Read
through the checklist for performing reliable
measurements and then repeat the

«ERR 6» MAM Mode There were too many errors during the

measurement in MAM mode, making it
impossible to obtain a final result. Read
through the checklist for performing reli-
able measurements and then repeat the


Pulse or cuff
pressure too

The pressure in the cuff is too high (over
300 mmHg) OR the pulse is too high (over
200 beats per minute). Relax for 5 minutes
and repeat the measurement.*


Pulse too

The pulse is too low (less than 40 beats per
minute). Repeat the measurement.*


If you think the results are unusual, please read through the
information in «Section 1.» carefully.

• This instrument may be used only for the purpose described in

this booklet. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for damage
caused by incorrect application.

• This instrument comprises sensitive components and must be

treated with caution. Observe the storage and operating condi-
tions described in the «Technical Specifications» section!

• Protect it from:

− water and moisture

− extreme temperatures

− impact and dropping

− contamination and dust

− direct sunlight

− heat and cold


Description Potential cause and remedy

• The cuffs are sensitive and must be handled with care.
• Only pump up the cuff once fitted.
• Do not use the instrument close to strong electromagnetic fields

such as mobile telephones or radio installations.

• Do not use the instrument if you think it is damaged or notice

anything unusual.

• Never open the instrument.
• If the instrument is not going to be used for a prolonged period

the batteries should be removed.

• Read the additional safety instructions in the individual sections

of this booklet.

Ensure that children do not use the instrument unsuper-
vised; some parts are small enough to be swallowed.


WARNING: Do not wash the cuff in a washing machine or

Batteries and electronic instruments must be disposed of in
accordance with the locally applicable regulations, not with
domestic waste.

• Batteries, cuff and wearing parts are not included.
• Opening or altering the instrument invalidates the guarantee.
• The guarantee does not cover damage caused by improper

handling, discharged batteries, accidents or non-compliance
with the operating instructions.

Safety, care, accuracy test and disposal, M safety and protection, Instrument care


13. Technical Specifications

This device complies with the requirements of the Medical Device
Directive 93/42/EEC.
Technical alterations reserved.

Operating tempera-

10 — 40 °C / 50 — 104 °F
15 — 95 % relative maximum humidity

Storage temperature: -20 — +55 °C / -4 — +131 °F

15 — 95 % relative maximum humidity


560 g (including batteries)


152 x 92 x 42 mm

Measuring proce-

oscillometric, corresponding to Korotkoff
method: Phase I systolic, Phase V diastolic

Measurement range: 20 — 280 mmHg – blood pressure

40 — 200 beats per minute – pulse

Cuff pressure display

0 — 299 mmHg


1 mmHg

Static accuracy:

pressure within ± 3 mmHg

Pulse accuracy:

± 5 % of the readout value

Voltage source:

• 4 x 1.5 V Batteries; size AA

• Mains adapter DC 6V, 600 mA (optional)

Reference to

EN 1060-1 /-3 /-4; IEC 60601-1;
IEC 60601-1-2 (EMC)

Technical specifications


background image

Microlife BP A



3-RU 0711

Europe / Middle-East / Africa

Microlife AG

Espenstrasse 139
9443 Widnau / Switzerland
Tel. +41 / 71 727 70 30
Fax +41 / 71 727 70 39
Email admin@microlife.ch

Microlife Corporation.
9F, 431, RuiGang Road, NeiHu
Taipei, 114, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel. 886 2 8797-1288


886 2 8797-1283

Email service@microlife.com.tw

North / Central / South America
Microlife USA, Inc.
1617 Gulf to Bay Blvd., 2nd Floor Ste A
Clearwater, FL 33755 / USA
Tel. +1 727 442 5353
Fax +1 727 442 5377
Email msa@microlifeusa.com


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Тонометры Microlife BP A110 — инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.

Вы можете скачать инструкцию к Microlife BP A110 по ссылке ниже, если не хотите ждать загрузки. Если остались вопросы, задайте их в комментариях после инструкции.

«Загружаем инструкцию», означает, что нужно подождать пока файл загрузится и можно будет его читать онлайн. Некоторые инструкции очень большие и время их появления зависит от вашей скорости интернета.

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Остались вопросы?

Не нашли свой ответ в руководстве или возникли другие проблемы? Задайте свой вопрос в форме ниже с подробным описанием вашей ситуации, чтобы другие люди и специалисты смогли дать на него ответ. Если вы знаете как решить проблему другого человека, пожалуйста, подскажите ему :)

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Как посмотреть инструкцию к Microlife BP A110?

Необходимо подождать полной загрузки инструкции в сером окне на данной странице или скачать кликнув по специальной кнопке.

Руководство на русском языке?

Все наши руководства представлены на русском языке или схематично, поэтому вы без труда сможете разобраться с вашей моделью

Как можно распечатать инструкцию?

Скачайте ее по специальной кнопке над формой чтения на ваше устройства и отправьте на печать.

Для ознакомления с инструкцией необходимо нажать на ссылку «ЗАГРУЗИТЬ», чтобы скачать pdf файл. Если есть кнопка «ПРОСМОТР», то можно просто посмотреть документ онлайн.

Для удобства, Вы можете сохранить данную страницу с файлом руководства по эксплуатации в свой список «избранное» прямо на сайте (доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей).

Смотрите инструкцию для похожих моделей:

    Мы ВКонтакте

    Вы можете задать вопрос посетителям сайта по модели MICROLIFE BP A110. Если Вы являетесь её пользователем, то пожалуйста оставьте, по возможности развёрнутый отзыв:

    3. Использование прибора в первый раз

    Активация батарей

    Вытяните защитную ленту, выступающую из отсека для

    батарей AT.

    Установка даты и времени

    1. После того, как новые батарейки вставлены, на дисплее

    замигает числовое значение года. Год устанавливается

    нажатием кнопки M 2. Для того, чтобы подтвердить

    введенное значение и затем установить месяц, нажмите

    кнопку Time (время) 5.

    2. Теперь можно установить месяц нажатием кнопки M. Для

    того, чтобы подтвердить введенное значение и затем

    установить день, нажмите кнопку time (время).

    3. Следуя вышеприведенным инструкциям, установите день,

    часы и минуты.

    4. После установки минут и нажатия кнопки Time (Время) на

    экране появятся дата и время.

    5. Для изменения даты и времени нажмите и удерживайте

    кнопку time (время) приблизительно в течение 3 секунд,

    пока не начнет мигать год. После этого можно ввести новые

    значения, как это описано выше.

    Подбор подходящей манжеты

    Microlife предлагает манжеты разных размеров. Выберите

    манжету, размер которой соответствует обхвату Вашего плеча

    (измеренному при плотном прилегании посредине плеча).

    Размер манжеты для обхвата плеча


    17 — 22 см (6,75 — 8,75 дюймов)


    22 — 32 см (8,75 — 12,5 дюймов)


    32 — 42 см (12,5 — 16,5 дюймов)

    M — L

    22 — 42 см (8,75 — 16,5 дюймов)

    Дополнительно можно заказать манжету «Комфорт».

    Пользуйтесь только манжетами Microlife!

    Обратитесь в сервисный центр Microlife, если приложенная

    манжета 6 не подходит.

    Подсоедините манжету к прибору, вставив соединитель

    манжеты 7 в гнездо манжеты 4 до упора.

    BP A110

    Выбор режима измерения: стандартный или режим MAM

    Прибор позволяет Вам выбрать стандартный режим

    (стандартное однократное измерение), либо режим MAM

    (автоматическое тройное измерение). Для выбора

    стандартного режима переведите переключатель MAM AK

    сбоку прибора вниз в положение «1», а для выбора режима

    MAM переведите его вверх в положение «3».

    Режим MAM

    В режиме MAM за один сеанс автоматически выполняются три

    последовательных измерения, без снятия манжеты с руки.

    Затем результат автоматически анализируется и

    отображается. Поскольку артериальное давление постоянно

    колеблется, результат, полученный подобным способом,

    более надежен, чем результат, полученный однократным

    измерением. AFIB диагностика доступна только в режиме MAM.

    • После нажатия кнопки ВКЛ/ВЫКЛ 1, выбранный режим

    MAM отображается на дисплее в виде символа MAM BK.

    • В нижнем правом участке дисплея отображается цифра 1,

    2 или 3, указывающая на то, какое из трех измерений

    выполняется в настоящий момент.

    • Между измерениями установлен перерыв в 15 секунд

    (15 секундный интервал считается достаточным согласно

    «Blood Pressure Monitoring, 2001, 6:145-147» для

    осциллометрических приборов). Отсчет отображает

    оставшееся время, и за 5 секунд до выполнения 2-го и 3-го

    измерения раздастся звуковой сигнал.

    • Отдельные результаты не отображаются. Артериальное

    давление будет показано только после выполнения трех


    • Не снимайте манжету между измерениями.

    • Если одно из трех отдельных измерений вызывает

    сомнения, то автоматически будет произведено четвертое.

    4. Выполнение измерений артериального

    давления при помощи прибора

    Рекомендации для получения надежных результатов


    1. Избегайте физической активности, не ешьте и не курите

    непосредственно перед измерением.

    2. Перед измерением присядьте, по крайней мере, на пять

    минут и расслабьтесь.



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