ICeFX Tradeагент :
ICeFX Tradeагент, Полная помощь валютному трейдеру . Это не автоматическая покупка и продажа робота (Бесплатный Форекс советник), и он не делает выбор и не открывает двери, но это, несомненно, поможет вам в вашей профессиональной задаче, если вы купите и продаете руководство.
Вся необходимая информация представлена на графике, поэтому вам просто нужно открыть локацию одним щелчком мыши. Управление открытой позицией настолько просто, насколько это возможно: просто перетащите стоп-лосс (СЛ) и получай прибыль (ТП) уровни с помощью мыши или указывающего устройства.
Затем, как решение для управления местоположением, TraderAgent предоставит вам необходимые результаты. ICEFX ТрейдерАгент, в отличие от многих других пакетов в нашем списке, может помочь вам в управлении рисками покупки и продажи.
Просто определите максимальную опасность для каждого места, и TraderAgent рассчитает количество сделок (тонн) на каждой новой локации автоматически. Любой может быстро научиться эффективно использовать ICeFX TraderAgent во время внутридневной торговли благодаря удобному графическому интерфейсу..
Управление позицией в спешке
Программа упрощает управление позицией(с). Например, если вы хотите открыть или закрыть позицию, вы можете сделать это одним щелчком мыши с помощью ICeFX TraderAgent. Окно ордеров Metatrader больше недоступно.
Изменить положение
Когда вы торгуете и подозреваете, что рынок может измениться против вас, вы можете прекратить существующую торговлю и установить новую, противоположная позиция с тем же размером лота одним щелчком мыши. ICeFX TraderAgent может использовать эту опцию, чтобы отменить следующую сделку.
Функция безубыточности
Когда у вас есть открытые позиции, а направление рынка приближается к области ожидаемой прибыли., вы можете переместить StopLoss на цену открытой позиции (например, если вы приближаетесь к безубыточности с 0 прибыль и 0 потеря). Всего одним щелчком мыши, ICeFX TraderAgent может выполнить всю процедуру за вас.
Все функции должны быть закрыты.
Если у вас открыто много вакансий (например, потому что вы разрабатываете позиции или используете подход сетки или форекс скальпер советник ), и вы хотите закрыть их все одновременно, просто нажмите кнопку «Закрыть все» на панели управления ICeFX TraderAgent.
Расчет лотов в зависимости от риска
Вы можете определить максимальный риск, на который готовы пойти, а ICeFX TraderAgent рассчитает торговый объем позиции. (МНОГО) исходя из этого.
Функция трейлинг-стопа
Программа поощряет использование трейлинг-стопов (с). Вы можете использовать ICeFX TraderAgent для установки трейлинг-стопов для ваших сделок..
Функция MagicNumber ICeFX TraderAgent позволяет обрабатывать позиции, которые ранее были открыты любым советником. (советник).
Вы можете просто переставить окна диаграммы или скрыть их, если хотите.
Информация о ежедневной прибыли
Панель «Информация о прибыли» позволяет отслеживать эффективность вашей торговли. TraderAgent ежедневно предоставляет результаты прибыли как в пипсах, так и в валюте., еженедельно, ежемесячно, и ежегодно.
Показать все детали позиции (с)
В высокой детализации, в приложении представлена вся информация о вашей доступной должности. Максимальная потеря (в пунктах и валюте), максимальный выигрыш (в пунктах и валюте), Соотношение риск/вознаграждение (р:р), текущая прибыль (в пунктах и валюте), и так далее все хорошо видно.
Брокер должен иметь низкие комиссии, низкие свопы, а также быстрый сервер. Trader Robot работает с любым брокером и любым типом счета., но мы рекомендуем нашим клиентам использовать один из лучшие форекс брокеры перечислено ниже:
Список лучших брокеров :
Этот контент предназначен только для зарегистрированных пользователей
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Получить бесплатный доступ
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Рейтинг вашей страницы:
Помощник трейдера вам жизненно необходим, если вы активно торгуете в ручном режиме или используете сразу несколько стратегий.
Как правило, помощник трейдера форекс это набор роботов, которые помогают быстро открывать и модифицировать сделки, рассчитывают уровни Stop Loss и Take Profit, оперативно переворачивают позиции, отслеживают волатильность и спред (чтобы не торговать на пиках), сопровождают открытые ордера (трейлинг-стоп), помогают настраивать и удерживать сетку и прочие полезные вещи.
Я перешёл на надёжный и компактный инструмент IceFX’s TraderAgent Он мне очень нравится, соответственно рекомендую его и Вам.
Вот список функций, которые часто выручают:
— Быстрый расчёт риска.
До открытия сделки размечаю уровни Stop Loss и Take Profit, так что бот показывает оптимальный объём для позиции.
— Ограничитель спреда.
Заранее указываю максимально допустимый уровень, чтобы робот не позволял открыть сделку при более высоком размере спреда (повышает итоговую прибыль, защищает от эмоциональных входов за толпой).
— Четыре сценария для контроля за средствами счета.
Заранее указываем нужные параметры, чтобы помощник следил за состоянием счета и закрывал или локировал сделки в нужный момент (без вашего участия).
— Быстрое управление позицией (открытие, закрытие, изменение). В один клик закрываем сразу все сделки.
— Любимый всеми Stealth Mode (ваши стопы не видны брокеру, бот держит виртуально).
— Переворот позиции (если рынок изменился, а вы стоите в другую сторону), делается в пару кликов (даже с большим числом сделок). Актуально для торговли на новостях.
— Расчёт и установка уровня безубытка (полезна при большинстве стратегий, в том числе — при работе с сеткой). Бот сам модифицирует открытые ордера в нужный момент.
— Закрытие сделок по расписанию (полностью или частично), размечается с помощью вертикальной линии с нужным описанием.
— 5 вариантов трейлинг-стопа (фиксированный, на PSAR, ATR, MA и High/Low).
Здорово расширяет возможности стратегии, а также позволяет увеличить эффективность торговли на 30% (за счёт работы с убытком и следования за ценой).
— Сопровождение сделок, открытых с помощью сторонних роботов.
Бывает очень полезно, если ваш советник не справляется с ситуацией (сбой системы), а также когда вы не хотите увеличения просадки. Убираем робота и включаем помощник, он оценит ситуацию, так что будет ясно с чего начать решение проблемы.
— Статистика по сделкам: Risk/Reward, уровни безубытка, SL и TP, максимальная просадка, размер спреда и прочие полезные данные.
— Панель индикаторов с данными от скользящих средних, RSI, Stochastic (мне нужны для отслеживания расхождений) и других. Здесь же данные по дневным диапазонам.
— Удобная функция хеджирования, если нужно встать в положительный замок (чтобы защитить прибыль от возможной краткосрочной коррекции).
— Открытие сделки по линии тренда (рисую произвольную линию, а помощник отслеживает касания цены и открывает сделку по заданному направлению с указанным мной объёмом). Очень полезная функция, особенно для трендовых систем или торговли в канале.
Вообще, линия тренда — понятие условное. В данном случае, помощник будет открывать сделки как раз по той линии, которую вы прочертите (она может быть с любым наклоном). Для постановки активной задачи открыть сделку, достаточно в описании к линии указать sell или buy и нужный объём.
К примеру, в работе с пин-бар стратегией такая функция позволяет не пропустить вход (помощник работает круглосуточно в терминале на VPS).
— Построение и сопровождение сетки ордеров (управление множителем, шагом, общим числом позиций, расчёт безубытка, быстрое локирование и снятие встречной сделки).
Отдельно отмечу про методику построения сетки — есть три варианта: стандартный мультипликатор, а также привязка к уровням Фибоначчи и заранее заданное смещение.
— Закрытие сделки в 3 этапа.
Просто шикарная вещь. При открытии сделки указываем вероятные цели и долю от ордера, которую робот должен закрыть во время касания. Во многих стратегиях позволяет резко повысить общую доходность и экономит массу времени.
— Удобная и простая работа с отложенными ордерами (легко выбирать тип stop/limit, модифицировать и передвигать). Здесь же отмечу и про притягивание отложенного ордера к текущей цене на заранее заданное удаление (чтобы не высчитывать каждый раз).
— Автоматическое создание скриншотов по каждой открытой сделке. Помогает анализировать прошлые сделки в более честном ракурсе.
— Удалённый контроль с помощью мобильной версии MetaTrader 4.
— Антишип. Бот контролирует сделку и не позволяет случайному и краткосрочному броску цены выбить ваш Stop Loss. Перспективная функция, которая не раз сохранит вашу прибыль.
Это те функции, которые используются довольно часто, и сильно облегчают рутину.
Попробуйте торгового помощника IceFX’s TraderAgent и у вас появится много идей, как облегчить вашу ежедневную торговлю и улучшить стратегию. В наборе есть готовые сет файлы предназначенные для решения различных задач трейдера.
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Скачать помощник трейдера
Искусство торговли в один клик. Умение принимать решения и быстро действовать в условиях, когда от нескольких секунд зависит, заработаете вы деньги или нет.
Это навык, который просто необходим любому внутридневному форекс трейдеру. Когда штатных возможностей MT4 недостаточно, когда вам нужна точность и скорость в техническом исполнении вашей, тщательно продуманной стратегии, на помощь приходит ProTrader — профессиональная торговая панель для серьезно настроенных Forex игроков.
Форекс советник ProTrader — торговая панель для Metatrader 4
Дополнительные возможности советника ProTrader
Программа-инструмент для профессиональной торговли в терминале MetaTrader 4
Программа ProTrader является реальным помощником для трейдера, торгующего на рынке Форекс. Она не является автоматическим торговым роботом, не принимает решения и не открывает позиции, но она помогает вам профессионально торговать самостоятельно . Вся важная информация отображается на графике; таким образом, вы можете открыть позицию с помощью всего лишь одного клика. Управлять открытой позицией так же просто: вы можете методом перетаскивания легко настроить уровни stop loss (SL) и take profit (TP). После этого ProTrader будет служить вам для управления позициями.
В отличие от большинства имеющихся подобных программ ProTrader может помочь вам управлять рисками в процессе торговли. Для этого вам достаточно только определить максимальный риск для одной позиции, и ProTrader будет автоматически рассчитывать величину лотов для каждой новой позиции.
Используя удобный графический интерфейс, любой желающий может быстро обучиться работе с программой и успешно использовать ProTrader для внутридневной торговли.
Основные характеристики
- Быстрое управление позициями
Данная программа может легко использоваться для управления позицией (ями). Например, если вы хотите открыть или закрыть позицию, вы можете все это легко осуществить, благодаря ProTrader, всего лишь одним кликом мыши. Попрощайтесь с окном ордеров, который вы обычно используете в терминале MetaTrader.
- Быстрый разворот позиции (Position reverse)
Если вы торгуете, и вы видите, что рынок может пойти против вас, одним нажатием кнопки существующая позиция будет немедленно закрыта и открыта новая, противоположная прежней, с тем же размером лота. При помощи этой опции ProTrader может открыть противоположную позицию.
- Функция Breakeven (Перевод в безубыток)
Если у вас имеется открытая позиция (и), и рынок идет в запланированном направлении, вы можете передвинуть StopLoss в область прибыли открытой позиции (скажем, вы передвигаете StopLoss в точку безубыточности, в которой не будет ни прибыли, ни потерь). Весь этот процесс может быть осуществлен в ProTrader с помощью одного клика.
- Функция Закрыть все (Close all)
При наличии более чем одной открытой позиции (например, если Вы используете стратегию усреднения или мартингейл), если вы хотите закрыть все позиции одновременно, вы можете закрыть их всего лишь одним кликом мыши на кнопку «Close all», расположенную на панели управления панели ProTrader.
- Авто-расчет Мани менеджмента
При помощи этой функции ProTrader вы можете рассчитать максимальный риск, которому вы можете подвергнуться, а также рассчитать величину лота на основании предварительно заданных Вами параметров.
- Функция Trailing stop
Программа поддерживает трейлинг-стоп. С помощью ProTrader вы можете установить трейлинг-стопы для открытых позиций.
- MagicNumber
С помощью функции MagicNumber программа ProTrader дает возможность управлять позициями, которые уже открыты любым сторонним торговым советником.
- Настройте интерфейс под себя
Вы можете легко переставить окна панели на графике или же скрыть их, по вашему желанию.
- Ваша торговая статистика
Вы можете четко отслеживать результаты своей торговли в окне Profit Info. ProTrader отображает ежедневные, еженедельные, ежемесячные и ежегодные результаты прибыли, выраженные как в пунктах, так и в валюте.
- Все данные по открытым ордерам
Программа отображает всю подробную информацию по вашей открытой позиции. Вы можете четко видеть максимальные потери (в пунктах и в валюте), максимальную прибыль (в пунктах и в валюте), соотношение риск/ прибыль (R:R), текущая прибыль (в пунктах и в валюте) и т.д.
- Окно Dashboard
На информационной панели dashboard программы TraderAgent может отображаться самая последняя информация о рынке, например, текущая цена bid/ask, текущий спред, суточные колебания цены, а также MA, CCI, RSI и Stochastic в различных таймфреймах и т.д.
- Хеджинг
Когда в ходе торгов вы чувствуете, что цена может развернуться и пойти в противоположном направлении, вы можете захеджировать свою открытую позицию с помощью всего лишь одного клика, которая может залокировать вашу позицию и избежать краткосрочных потерь.
- Скрытный режим
Программа предоставляет возможность скрывать установленные вами уровни stoploss (SL) и Take Profit (TP) от вашего брокера.
- Функция Trend line opening (Торговля при пробое трендовых линий)
Программа предоставляет возможность открывать позицию не только вручную, но и делать это в случае прорыва линий тренда, размещенных вручную.
- Выстраивание сетки ордеров (Grid)
Если во время открытой позиции цена идет в неправильном направлении, программа ProTrader предоставляет возможность «спасти» позицию, используя усреднение. Робот с заданными параметрами усреднения (коэффициент лота, шаг, максимальное количество позиций) запускает «усреднение». Эта функция может быть использована для каждой открытой позиции, таким образом, вы можете перетащить линии TakeProfit (TP) и StopLoss (SL); при этом функция TrailingStop также полностью совместима с позициями усреднения.
- 3 уровня частичного закрытия позиции
ProTrader предусматривает предустановленное 3-х уровневое автоматическое неполное закрытие позиций. При использовании программы можно довольно легко предварительно настроить, какой процент от объема вашей открытой позиции будет частично закрываться при достижении желаемой рыночной цены. И на основе заранее установленных значений программа ProTrader будет автоматически выполнять частичное закрытие, когда цена достигает указанных уровней.
- 5 видов трейлинг-стопа
Если при работе на ProTrader вы используете функцию «TrailingStop», вы можете выбрать его фиксированным или динамическим. Для использования динамического TrailingStop вы можете выбрать любой из его 4 типов (ATR, EMA, PSAR, HighLow).
- Быстрое размещение отложенных ордеров
ProTrader предоставляет горячие клавиши, при помощи которых вы можете одним кликом оформить ордер (ы) на определенном расстоянии (в пунктах) от текущего значения цены.
- Ограничение на максимальный уровень спреда
Вы можете настроить максимальное значение спреда. Если фактическое значение спреда будет выше этого уровня, TraderAgent не позволит вам открыть позицию (и).
- 4 вида авто-закрытия по эквити (средства на счету)
В случае если прибыль и/или убыток достигнет предустановленного уровня (в процентах и/или валюте), программа сразу же закроет все позиции на вашем счете.
- Использование каналов
Во время торговли, открытие ордеров можно привязать не только к пробою трендовых линий, но и к каналам.
- Создание скриншотов
Программа может делать скриншоты при каждом открытии и закрытии позиции (й) – вы можете профессионально фиксировать свои сделки (эта функция также доступна в «Backtest Mode»).
- 3 типа режима увеличения лотов при усреднении
Для управления позициями с целью усреднения ProTrader может устанавливать 3 типа режима увеличения лотов (умножение, сдвиг, Fibo).
- Закрытие позиций в определенное время
Можно заранее установить дату, когда программа закроет заданное количество (или все) из позиции (й). Для этого вам лишь необходимо установить на графике специальную вертикальную линию.
Устанавливается ProTrader также, как любой советник, т.к. технически эта утилита представлена в виде эксперта. Для установки используйте базовую инструкцию.
Описание настроек и использование программы
См. видео в начале статьи. Также описание настроек в текстовом виде доступно в мануале, в архиве с программой.
Готовые пресеты настроек
В комплекте с утилитой есть набор готовых настроек для разных целей.
- ProTrader — Classic — режим настроек по умолчанию
- ProTrader — Full — включены все окошки в утилите
- ProTrader — Left Side — окошки утилиты смещены влево
- ProTrader — Minimal — открыто только окошко управления ордерами
- ProTrader — Robot Mode — полуавтоматический режим для работы с ордерами других советников.
При первой работе с пресетами, обязательно проверьте настройки на соответствие вашим задачам.
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С уважением, Андрей aka topepo241
IceFX TraderAgent — User Manual (English)
IceFX TraderAgent USER MANUAL v2.5.0 2 Contents Introduction........................................................................................................................................8 Installation..........................................................................................................................................9 Manual Install ............................................................................................................................... 11 Using the Program ............................................................................................................................ 12 Main Window of TraderAgent ........................................................................................................... 15 1. Main window ........................................................................................................................ 15 2. Dashboard window ............................................................................................................... 15 3. Profit info window ................................................................................................................. 15 4. Account info window............................................................................................................. 15 5. Order list window .................................................................................................................. 15 6. Order Properties window ...................................................................................................... 16 7. Guides ................................................................................................................................... 16 8. Remaining time to next candle shift....................................................................................... 16 9. Pivot lines.............................................................................................................................. 16 10. Toolbar ................................................................................................................................ 16 TraderAgent Main Functions ............................................................................................................. 17 Quick Position Management ..................................................................................................... 17 Risk-based lot calculation .......................................................................................................... 17 BreakEven function ................................................................................................................... 17 Position reverse ........................................................................................................................ 17 Close all function ....................................................................................................................... 17 3-level partial close with presets ............................................................................................... 17 MagicNumber ........................................................................................................................... 17 Trailing stop function ................................................................................................................ 17 Stealth Mode ............................................................................................................................ 17 Hedge function ......................................................................................................................... 17 Trend line opening function ...................................................................................................... 18 Dashboard window ................................................................................................................... 18 Show detailed information of the position(s) ............................................................................. 18 Daily Profit Information ............................................................................................................. 18 Grid support .............................................................................................................................. 18 Customization ........................................................................................................................... 18 Independent from any broker ................................................................................................... 18 5 Trailing Stop function to choose from ..................................................................................... 18 3 Predefined StopLoss and TakeProfit levels................................................................................. 18 Quick pending order placement ................................................................................................ 18 Alarms....................................................................................................................................... 19 Spread maximization ................................................................................................................. 19 Using channels .......................................................................................................................... 19 4 Types of "Equity Auto Close" function .................................................................................... 19 Making screenshots .................................................................................................................. 19 Up to 3 different lot increasing modes in grid ............................................................................ 19 MetaTrader 4 Build 600+ compatibility...................................................................................... 19 Trailing stop after opening a position ........................................................................................ 19 Closing position(s) at a predetermined time .............................................................................. 19 Remote Position Management .................................................................................................. 19 Toolbar ..................................................................................................................................... 19 TraderAgent Options ........................................................................................................................ 20 License Options ............................................................................................................................. 20 PassKey ..................................................................................................................................... 20 General Settings............................................................................................................................ 20 MagicNumber ........................................................................................................................... 20 CommentForOrder .................................................................................................................... 20 OrderSlippage ........................................................................................................................... 20 Money Management Options ....................................................................................................... 20 RiskPercent ............................................................................................................................... 20 Lots ........................................................................................................................................... 20 SL / TP Options .............................................................................................................................. 20 StopLoss .................................................................................................................................... 20 TakeProfit ................................................................................................................................. 21 AutoTurnOffPreDefined ............................................................................................................ 21 Trailing Stop Options ..................................................................................................................... 21 TrailingType, TrailingParam1, TrailingParam2 ............................................................................ 21 TrailingAlways ........................................................................................................................... 21 TrailingStopAt ........................................................................................................................... 21 TrailingCandleOffset.................................................................................................................. 22 TrailingDistanceOffset ............................................................................................................... 22 BreakEven Options ........................................................................................................................ 22 BreakEvenAt ............................................................................................................................. 22 4 BreakEvenPips........................................................................................................................... 22 PartialClose Setup ......................................................................................................................... 22 QuickPartialClose ...................................................................................................................... 22 PartialClosePos 1-3.................................................................................................................... 22 PartialClosePercent 1-3 ............................................................................................................. 22 Trendline & Channel Handling ....................................................................................................... 23 Custom define direction and lots ............................................................................................... 23 Pending Orders Settings ................................................................................................................ 23 Pending orders with Hotkeys..................................................................................................... 23 Pending order assignment to a horizontal line ........................................................................... 23 PendingLineColor ...................................................................................................................... 24 QuickPendingDistance............................................................................................................... 24 UsePredefinedLineForPending .................................................................................................. 24 Grid Function Setup ...................................................................................................................... 24 GridStep .................................................................................................................................... 24 GridMaxOrderCount ................................................................................................................. 24 GridLotMode............................................................................................................................. 24 GridLotMultiplier ...................................................................................................................... 25 GridReCalculateSLTP ................................................................................................................. 25 Tone Settings ................................................................................................................................ 25 PlaySoundFileAfterOpen ........................................................................................................... 25 PlaySoundFileAfterClose ........................................................................................................... 25 Visual Options ............................................................................................................................... 25 DrawPriceLabel ......................................................................................................................... 25 DrawOrderLines ........................................................................................................................ 25 HideCopyRight .......................................................................................................................... 25 ControlLine Options .................................................................................................................. 25 ShowControlLineLabels ............................................................................................................. 25 ControlLineOffset ...................................................................................................................... 26 StopLossColor ........................................................................................................................... 26 TakeProfitColor ......................................................................................................................... 26 PartialCloseColor....................................................................................................................... 26 BreakEvenColor......................................................................................................................... 26 PreDefinedSLLineColor .............................................................................................................. 26 PreDefinedTPLineColor ............................................................................................................. 26 5 PreDefinedPendingLineColor ..................................................................................................... 26 AveragePriceLineColor .............................................................................................................. 26 NextAveragePriceLineColor ....................................................................................................... 26 Toolbar Functions ......................................................................................................................... 26 ToolbarY parameter .................................................................................................................. 26 Toolbar Icons ................................................................................................................................ 27 1. Windows Show / Hide ........................................................................................................... 27 2. Guide Lines Show / Hide ........................................................................................................ 27 3. UseTrendLines....................................................................................................................... 27 4. UseChannels.......................................................................................................................... 27 5. OppositeTrendLineOrder ....................................................................................................... 27 6. OpenAfterCandleClose .......................................................................................................... 27 7. OCO mode ............................................................................................................................. 27 8. DeleteTrendLineAfterOpen.................................................................................................... 27 9. UsePreDefinedStopLoss ......................................................................................................... 28 10. MakeScreenShots ................................................................................................................ 28 Window Settings ........................................................................................................................... 28 ShowAccountPanel, AccountPanelX, AccountPanelY ................................................................. 28 ShowControlPanel, ControlPanelX, ControlPanelY ..................................................................... 28 ShowOrderListPanel, OrderListPanelX, OrderListPanelY ............................................................ 28 PropertiesPanelPos ................................................................................................................... 28 ShowProfitPanel, ProfitPanelX, ProfitPanelY .............................................................................. 28 ProfitOnThisSymbolOnly ........................................................................................................... 28 Dashboard Window Settings ......................................................................................................... 29 ShowDashboard, DashBoardX, DashboardY ............................................................................... 29 DashboardSpreadRedValue ....................................................................................................... 29 Dashboard_ShowPriceMeter..................................................................................................... 29 Dashboard_ShowSemaphore .................................................................................................... 29 Dashboard_SemaphoreCurrentTF ............................................................................................. 29 Dashboard_MAPeriod ............................................................................................................... 29 Dashboard_MAMode ................................................................................................................ 29 Dashboard_MAPrice ................................................................................................................. 29 Dashboard_CCIPeriod, Dashboard_CCIPrice .............................................................................. 29 Dashboard_RSIPeriod, Dashboard_RSIPrice............................................................................... 29 Dashboard_StochKPeriod…Dashboard_StochPrice .................................................................... 29 6 Messages, Warnings ..................................................................................................................... 30 ShowNotifications ..................................................................................................................... 30 Advanced Setup ............................................................................................................................ 30 PipMultiplierOverride................................................................................................................ 30 Extra Functions ............................................................................................................................. 30 Stealth Mode ............................................................................................................................ 30 AntiSpikeMode ......................................................................................................................... 30 DontAllowOrderOpenMaxSpread .............................................................................................. 30 ShowPivotPoints ....................................................................................................................... 31 ShowNextCandleTime ............................................................................................................... 31 NextCandleTimeTextColor ......................................................................................................... 31 ShowSentinelAlerts ................................................................................................................... 31 ConfirmActions ......................................................................................................................... 31 RemoveMT4ObjectAfterClose ................................................................................................... 31 Screenshot Settings....................................................................................................................... 31 ScreenShotFolder ...................................................................................................................... 31 Backtest Options ........................................................................................................................... 31 BackTestTime ............................................................................................................................ 31 ScreenShotInBacktest................................................................................................................ 31 PauseBTEveryCandles ............................................................................................................... 32 PauseBTFromData ..................................................................................................................... 32 SupportNewsInfoInBacktest ...................................................................................................... 32 NewsInfoGMTOffset ................................................................................................................. 32 Computer identification .................................................................................................................... 33 License.............................................................................................................................................. 33 Moving License to another Hardware ............................................................................................... 33 Known error(s).................................................................................................................................. 33 7 Introduction IceFX’s TraderAgent is the ultimate forex Trader’s Assistant. This is not an automatic trading robot (EA) and it doesn’t take decisions or opens position, but it helps your professional work when you trading manual. All important information is displayed on the chart, so you only need to open the position, with just one click. Managing the opened position is just as easy as it could be: with your mouse or pointing device, you can easily adjust the StopLoss (SL) and Take Profit (TP) levels with drag-and-drop method. After that TraderAgent will work for you as a position management solution. In contrast to most of the available programs in this kind IceFX’s TraderAgent can help you manage trading risk. You just only have to determine the maximum risk per position, and TraderAgent will automatically calculate the amount of trade (Lots) on every new position. With its user-friendly graphical interface, anyone could quickly learn how to use TraderAgent successfully during daytrade. IceFX’s TraderAgent is developed to use only on MetaTrader 4 platform! IceFX’s TraderAgent software is used by each user’s own risk! During the use of the software, program malfunctions could arise which cause direct and/or indirect damages, losses. The creator of IceFX’s TraderAgent program assumes no responsibility to above mentioned damages! Before using the software on live account, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the use of the software on demo account(s). If you have any questions, please contact us on our website. We wish you efficient trading with our TraderAgent! IceFX Team 8 Installation Before installation, please close MetaTrader application. Otherwise, the installer will not be able to perform the overwrite of necessary files and so the installation will fail! Please start setup_traderagent_xxx.exe file that was previously downloaded from our website. If the application has successfully launched you'll see the following screen (the software version number may differ): Please click Next button to proceed. 9 Read the terms and conditions, and if you agree, select "I accept..." option and press the Next button. On this screen you must specify the path of MetaTrader 4 where TraderAgent will be installed. If you select the wrong folder, the installation will end with an error message indication. (Do not select the MetaTrader "experts" folder, but the root folder of MetaTrader!) On this screen, you can check the settings and see if everything is OK, then press the Install button During installation, the program will copy the necessary files to the folder of MetaTrader, so you do not have anything to do with this. When the installer has finished copying the files, you should see the following screen: 10 Press the Finish button to exit the installer. The installer is capable to install one copy of TraderAgent to the specified MetaTrader folder. If you want to use it with several (other) MetaTrader(s) just rerun the installer for multiple times. Manual Install If you downloaded the zipped file as a program, you can extract the contents of the ZIP file, and then copy the files from the folder to MetaTrader’s MQL4 folder. To locate this folder use “Open Data Folder” menu in the File menu of MetaTrader. To verify that all files are in the right place, you will find them within the folder of MetaTrader: MQL4Experts mappa: IceFX.TraderAgent.Pro.ex4 MQL4Libraries mappa: IceFX.TraderAgent.dll 11 Using the Program After a successful installation please start MetaTrader 4 program. Open the Navigator Window (CTRL + N) and under "Expert Advisors" you should see the already installed IceFX.TraderAgent.Pro. The icon to the left side of the program will be displayed as gray which is absolutely normal. Select the program and drag it onto the chart using the mouse. The program use DLL calls for its operation. Please allow this function (under "Options" menu) on "Expert Advisors" tab to enable the DLL calls. 12 Once you pulled the program to a chart a pop-up window will come and you'll see "Inputs" tab settings. If you purchased the product and received a passkey then enter it in the box labeled as "Passkey". Once you have entered, press OK button and the program will start. 13 After initialization the program checks the validity of Passkey on a secure central server. So the process may take a few seconds. If the code is correct, the program has been successfully launched and is ready for use. You should see the following pictures on the chart. 14 Main Window of TraderAgent 1. Main window Buy: opening long position(s) with the LOT quantity displayed in the “Buy” box. Sell: opening short position(s) with the LOT quantity displayed in the “Sell” box. Partial: Part-closure is performed on the last position. Close all: Closes all open position(s) at once. Breakeven: If it's possible pull the latest position(s) StopLoss (SL) to zero. Reverse: It reverses the last open position. This option closes the current position and opens an inverse position in the same size. 2. Dashboard window Displays the current bid and ask prices, the current spread, the daily movement, MA, CCI, RSI, Stochastic indicators signs and the strength of currencies in any time frame. 3. Profit info window Displays the daily/weekly/monthly/yearly profit in pips and in main currency. 4. Account info window Displays the current balance, margin and drawdown. In addition it shows the current opened position(s) & current profit(s). The average price of multiple open positions is displayed in the “Avg” line. 5. Order list window In this window you can check the open position(s). Usually the last opened is always on the top. With the red “X” in on the front of every row the desired position could immediately close. Also when a row is highlighted & you click the “Order Properties” window you'll get the details of chosen position. 15 6. Order Properties window This window displays details of the selected position. On the right there are function keys for managing the particular position. With “Breakeven” you can drag the position to zero for keeping the profit. “Partial close” is for partial closing of the particular position. With “Reverse” you can close the current position and open a new one in the opposite direction. “Close” button is for closing the position. With TraderAgent Pro version you can open a hedge position with "Hedge" button. With “Grid Off / On” you can turn on the “Grid Mode” function on the selected position. The “X” button (displayed in the upper right-hand corner) closes the actual window. 7. Guides Guide(line)s are for StopLoss, TakeProfit, Breakeven and Partial-closing adjustment. Just doubleclick the selection, and then "drag-n-drop" to move the line to the desired value. 8. Remaining time to next candle shift Remaining time to next candle shift (in hours:minutes:seconds format) 9. Pivot lines IceFX’s TraderAgent displays the pivot levels. The display can be switched off in the settings. 10. Toolbar You can use some settings with one single mouse click through this toolbar. 16 TraderAgent Main Functions Quick Position Management The software can be used to manage position(s) easily. For example if you want to open or close a position, you can do it all with IceFX’s TraderAgent with only just one mouse click. Say goodbye to Metatrader’s Order Window! Risk-based lot calculation You can specify the maximum risk you want to take and TraderAgent will calculate the trading volume (LOT) of the position based on your preset. BreakEven function When you have open position(s) and the market direction is going into your planned profit area, you may want to pull StopLoss to the opened position’s price (you’re passing breakeven point with 0 profit & 0 loss). All this process could be delivered by TraderAgent with your one single click. Position reverse When you’re trading and you may think the market could turn opposite to your trading plans, with one click the existing position will be immediately closed and open a new, contrary position with the same LOT size. With this option TraderAgent can reverse the last trade. Close all function If you have more than one position open (for example you’re in building positions or because of grid strategy), and at the same time you want to close all positions, you can simple close all with one click on “Close all” button on the control panel. 3-level partial close with presets IceFX’s TraderAgent is preloaded with 3 level auto part-closure. During the of the program use you can easily pre-configure how many percentage of your desired market price will be part-locked and based on the presets TraderAgent will be execute the partial closure when the price reaches the specified levels. After opening the position these levels are manually adjustable with mouse. MagicNumber With the “MagicNumber” feature TraderAgent gives the opportunity to manage positions already opened by any Expert Advisor (EA). Trailing stop function The program supports trailing stop(s). With TraderAgent you can set trailing stops for any position(s). Stealth Mode The program is capable to hide your StopLoss (SL) and TakeProfit (TP) levels from your Broker. Hedge function When during trading you feel the trading course is may be reversing and may start to go to the opposite direction, then with just 1 click you can open a hedge position which can “freeze” your position to avoid short-term losses. 17 Trend line opening function The software is capable to open position not just with manual initiative but also capable to open position in case of break-through of trend lines placed manually. Dashboard window With the dashboard display TraderAgent can display the most current market information, such as the current bid/ask price, current spread, daily-range, Currency Meter, multi-timeframe MA, CCI, RSI and Stochastic semaphore, etc.. Show detailed information of the position(s) The program displays all information of your open position in a high-detailed format. You can clearly see maximum loss (in pips and in currency), maximum gain values (in pips and in currency), Risk/Reward ratio (R:R), current profit (in pips and in currency), etc. Daily Profit Information You can clearly track your trading results in the Profit Info window. IceFX’s TraderAgent displays the daily/weekly/monthly and yearly profit results in both pips and in currency. Grid support If the already opened position in terms of price is going to wrong direction with TraderAgent you have the option to “save” the position with grid trading. The robot with the specified grid parameter preset (lot multiplier, step, maximum number of position) starts the “grid.” This function can be used for each every opened position, so you may drag TakeProfit (TP) and StopLoss (SL) lines, “TrailingStop” & “Hedge” functions are also fully working with the grid positions. Customization You can easily rearrange the windows on the chart, or you can hide them if you wish. With the prebuilt templates you can quickly rearrange the window on the screen in the most convenient position for you. Independent from any broker The program will automatically detect whether you’re using 4 or 5 digits broker and use the correct values, so you have nothing to worry about the proper position handling. Besides currency pairs, you can use TraderAgent to trade futures, metals, shares, etc. ECN brokers are also supported! 5 Trailing Stop function to choose from If you're using “TrailingStop” feature with IceFX TraderAgent you can choose fixed or dynamic. Using dynamic trailing stop there are 4 types to choose from (ATR, EMA, PSAR, HighLow). Predefined StopLoss and TakeProfit levels Before opening a position it is possible to define this order TakeProfit (TP) and StopLoss (SL) levels. During risk-based trading prior to opening any position TraderAgent will calculate the size of the order (lot) based on the value of your specified loss. Quick pending order placement TraderAgent provides hotkeys with you can one-click place order(s) for a specified distance (in pips) from the current price. 18 Alarms You can set an alert when a position is opened or closed & the price has been fulfilled elsewhere. The alarm will be sent out by the program. Spread maximization You can set up a maximum spread value. If the actual spread is above this level TraderAgent will not allow you to open position(s) in order to prevent larger handicap at the opening of the position. Using channels Besides trend lines you can use equal size "Equidistant" channels during your trading. 4 Types of "Equity Auto Close" function The program will immediately lock all position(s) on the account if a pre-specified (as a percentage and/or currency) profit and/or loss is reached. Making screenshots The program can take screenshots of every opening and closing of a position(s) so this way you can document your trades in a professional way (this function is also available in "Backtest Mode"). Up to 3 different lot increasing modes in grid IceFX TraderAgent can set 3 types of lot increase mode for managing grid positions (multiplication, shift, Fibo). MetaTrader 4 Build 600+ compatibility The program is fully compatible with the new build 600+ MetaTrader versions. Trailing stop after opening a position You can set trailing stop not just after reaching a break-even (BE) point but right from start of the opening of a position (also with dynamic trailing stop). Closing position(s) at a predetermined time It is possible to preset a date when a specified amount (or all) of position(s) will close by the program. For this you only need to place a special vertical line on the chart. Remote Position Management With TraderAgent it is possible to remotely (MT4 Mobile Client or another MetaTrader) modify any pending/open position(s). In this case the program will detect any modification(s) and continue to manage the position(s) accordingly. Toolbar In the new version there's a toolbar which helps the user to swicth on/off important features. 19 TraderAgent Options License Options PassKey Here you need to enter the code which provided after purchase. Once entered the program will register your computer with the specified key there's no need to retype it again. After entering the code it is possible that the word “Trial” still appears on the chart (but regardless to that, your copy is fully functional), but the next time when you launch MetaTrader “Trial” won't come up again. If you want to use TraderAgent in time-limited/trial mode, you can leave this field blank. In this case, the software operates for only 30 days. General Settings MagicNumber If you wish to use TraderAgent to manage position(s) opened by another Expert Advisor(s) (EA), here you can enter the MagicNumber used by other robot(s). If you trade manually and/or there's open position(s) done by manually this number is 0. CommentForOrder Specifies the comment which is attached to opened position(s) done by the program. OrderSlippage You can put slippage value (in pips) to TraderAgent. This value is the difference between the expected price of a trade, and the price the trade actually executes at. Money Management Options RiskPercent The program is able to calculate the necessary amount of LOT(s) to open position(s). You just give the percentage of how much you want to risk and TraderAgent will automatically resize to position synchronized to that given risk. During the calculation the program takes the default StopLoss value into account. Please be aware, LOT parameter value must be 0 (zero) to use this function! Lots If you want to open fixed lots position(s) then you can enter the desired value here. SL / TP Options StopLoss The default StopLoss (SL) value determined in pips. When opening new position(s) the program set the StopLoss (SL) to this value. Once opened, this can be adjusted on the chart with your mouse any time. 20 Attention: If the value of the current StopLoss is moved very near to the actual price the position could immediately close! Warning: If you have already an open position but without designated StopLoss value and the price has gone too far away from the StopLoss value given in TraderAgent, after restarting the program it will close this position! This applies to Take Profit value also so if you have an open position without designated TakeProfit value after restarting the program will close this position. In such cases, when you start TraderAgent input in setup field a 0 (zero) or a greater value than the current price is. TakeProfit The default TakeProfit (TP) value determined in pips. When opening new position(s) the program set the TakeProfit to this value. Once opened, this can be adjusted on the chart with your mouse any time. Attention: If the value of the current TakeProfit is moved very near to the actual price the position could immediately close! AutoTurnOffPreDefined If you are using this predefined function, you could set this parameter to command the software to delete the predefined lines from the chart (after activating the predefined value). This is very useful when you check the new open position(s) additional line(s). On the Toolbar you can re-enable the display of lines. Trailing Stop Options IceFX TraderAgent software offers 5 types of Trailing Stop functions. You can specify the following parameters (fixed/dynamic) to use proper Trailing Stop function. TrailingType, TrailingParam1, TrailingParam2 The selected properties of the Trailing Stop "TrailingParam1" and "TrailingParam2" parameters may be determined. The possible values for "TrailingType" parameter: 0 - Trailing Stop off 1 - Fix Trailing Stop. “TrailingParam1”: fixed value given in pips 2 - ATR-based Trailing Stop. “TrailingParam1”: ATR period, “TrailingParam2”: ATR value multiplier 3 - EMA-based Trailing Stop. “TrailingParam1”: EMA period 4 - PSAR-based Trailing Stop. “TrailingParam1”: PSAR increment, “TrailingParam2”: PSAR maximum value 5 - High-Low Trailing Stop. TraderAgent adjust the StopLoss (SL) value of the position based on the numbers of candles High (for short positions) or Low (for long positions) values given in "TrailingParam1" parameter. TrailingAlways If set to “true”, TrailingStop will be activated not just after Breakeven but steadily from the opening position. If set to “false” this function is only active after reaching Breakeven. TrailingStopAt This is the parameter of Trailing Stop function. Here you can choose when the function is activated. If the parameter is set to 0 (zero) the TrailingStop is only active when “BreakEvenAt” value is reached. If the value is different from 0 (zero) - for example 5 pips - TrailingStop is only active when this value is reached. (If the “TrailingAlways” parameter is set to “False”). 21 TrailingCandleOffset In case of an indicator-based Trailing Stop (2..5) the software will pull the StopLoss after the here given indicator value (pieces) of candles. TrailingDistanceOffset In case of an indicator-based Trailing Stop (2..5) the software will pull the StopLoss away based on the here given indicator value in pips. BreakEven Options BreakEvenAt When the specified “BreakEvenAt” value is reached the program pulls StopLoss to the opening price so you cannot suffer any loss with those opened position(s). This value has to be given in pips. BreakEvenPips When the price reach “BreakEvenAt” value & “BreakEvenPips” value is greater than 0 (zero) TraderAgent pulls StopLoss with the given pip value towards opening price. When the price reach “BreakEvenAt” value & price suddenly turns into the wrong direction with this function program save your achieved profit. PartialClose Setup The program is capable to use 3 level part-closure function. These are the following parameters can be set. QuickPartialClose On TraderAgent's interface there's a “Partial” button which helps to partially close the desired position. The program will close the percent of the position of the given value. So if you have 1 (one) lot opened position and press the "Partial" button the program will close 0.5 lots of your position immediately and the other 0.5 lots will continue to run as an open position. Please note this function will not available if the lot size is so small it cannot be partially close! PartialClosePos 1-3 You can set the partial close trigger to specific number of pips is reached. If the value is greater than 0 (zero) then the partial close will occurs when the position's profit reach the given pip value. If the value is less than 0 (zero) then the partial close will occurs when the position's loss reach the given pip value. Partial close value is displayed as a horizontal line on the chart so after opening a position you can still freely change this value with your mouse. PartialClosePercent 1-3 This option is based on “QuickPartialClose” and correctly specifies the percentage of the position has to be close on the desired level. 22 Trendline & Channel Handling The software is not only able to open position(s) manually but it’s capable to open when manual trend lines or channels are crossing as well. You can enable & configure this function on the toolbar's interface of IceFX TraderAgent. Please refer to “Toolbar functions”. Custom define direction and lots The program is capable to fully setup up trend lines attached to the chart. You can adjust the program what to do when the attached trend lines are breaking through, how much lots & what kind of position (long/short) is desired to be open. Just put “buy” or “sell” to the “Description” field (without quotes). If you want to specify also quantity you can do so with the following format: “buy=0.5” In this case if the price breaks through line then the program will open long position with 0.5 lots regardless of default settings. Pending Orders Settings With TraderAgent you can easily open pending orders, there's two ways to do that: with Hotkeys or with special horizontal line placement. Pending orders with Hotkeys If you want to quickly place a pending order use the following hotkeys: Buy-Stop order: press CTRL key on your keyboard & click on the BUY button on the Control Panel. Sell-Stop order: press CTRL key on your keyboard & click on the SELL button on the Control Panel. Buy-Limit order: press CTRL and SHIFT key on your keyboard & click on the BUY button on the Control Panel. Sell-Limit order: press CTRL and SHIFT key on your keyboard & click on the SELL button on the Control Panel. Pending order assignment to a horizontal line For this method, place a horizontal line on the chart above or below the current price. Open the “Properties” of the “Comment Text Box”, type the direction you want to open a position (use the 23 “buy” or “sell” words without quotation marks). Then the program will create the pending order based on the information you provided which you'll be able to can move or change StopLoss (SL) and TakeProfit (TP) values. PendingLineColor With this parameter you can specify the color of the pending order(s) line(s). QuickPendingDistance If you opening a pending order with hotkey you can set the program to open the position in a predefined distance (in pips) compared to the current price. UsePredefinedLineForPending Like StopLoss and TakeProfit lines a new line is appearing before opening a new position allowing you to adjust the position opening price. On the Toolbar can enable the display of predefined lines. Grid Function Setup IceFX TraderAgent supports grid-based position(s) “saving” feature. For example if you have open position(s) but the price goes against you may have the opportunity to turn on Grid function. In this case the program will open more position(s) to the same direction based on the given pip size step & specified lot increment. With this only a small amount of price movement to the "good" direction is needed to close your open position(s) with profit. The feature can be turned on of every position with “Grid Off” button on the “Properties Editor” window. Caution! Grid technique carries high value of risk! When switched on due to the logic of the strategy of the program it does not take into account the specified values “RiskPercent” and lots. Therefore with this feature you can rapidly consume your account's available margin and could collapse! Please handle this function with care. GridStep Here you can input the value of pips which is used to open new position(s) during opposite price movement. GridMaxOrderCount With this parameter you can limit the number of levels which opens TraderAgent. GridLotMode With this feature the program will open more levels with greater lots. Here you can specify the type of lot increase which is used by TraderAgent. The possible values of this parameter are the following: 0 - multiply the last price with “GridLotMultiplier” value. For example, with 1.4 multiplier: 0.1, 0.13, 0.19, 0.27, 0.38 ... 1 - Sequenced increase. For example: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 … 2 - Fibonacci increase. For example: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8 … 24 GridLotMultiplier With this value you can specify “type 0” lot increase multiplier used by the program. GridReCalculateSLTP When the program opens a new level of position (and the parameter is set to “true“) the StopLoss (SL) and TakeProfit (TP) values will be recalculated and updated based on the grid position current average price. Tone Settings PlaySoundFileAfterOpen If a position would open the program will play the sound which has been specified/input here. PlaySoundFileAfterClose If a position would close the program will play the sound which has been specified/input here. Visual Options DrawPriceLabel After closing position(s) the program is capable to display gained profit/loss on the chart. With this parameter you can turn on this feature. DrawOrderLines When this parameter is set to "True" the program will draw the lines and arrows (of the position) on the chart after closing the position. HideCopyRight If you purchased the program, with this option you could disable the Copyright text & contact info on the bottom right corner of the screen. ControlLine Options To help to manage open position(s) TraderAgent is drawing lines on the chart. You can move these lines by double-clicking on them with your mouse & then you can move them drag-n-drop. By doing this you can easily adjust the position's StopLoss, TakeProfit, BreakEven, PartialClose values. In addition to that these lines are inform you about the possible profit/loss & actual distance when the price break through these indications. ShowControlLineLabels With this parameter set to “False” you can disable additional texts displayed on “ControlLine”. 25 ControlLineOffset You can shift the labels on “ControlLine” with the desired number of candles if they protrude on the chart. This will push the negative value to the left, the positive value the right. StopLossColor You can set the color of StopLoss guideline and text label. TakeProfitColor You can set the color of TakeProfit guideline and text label. PartialCloseColor You can set the color of PartialClose guideline and text label. BreakEvenColor You can set the color of BreakEven guideline and text label. PreDefinedSLLineColor The color of the pre-defined StopLoss indication line and text. PreDefinedTPLineColor The color of the pre-defined TakeProfit indication line and text. PreDefinedPendingLineColor The line and text color of the pre-defined pending order. AveragePriceLineColor The color of the line of Average Price indicator. If this parameter is set to "None" then you won't see any (Average Price) line. NextAveragePriceLineColor The color of the line of the following Average Price indicator (if the the position will be open on the current price). If this parameter is set to "None" then you won't this line. Toolbar Functions The Toolbar is a very new feature of TraderAgent version 2.5.0. Some popular and frequent adjustment has been placed here for quick access. The features can be switch on/off by clicking on the dedicated icon on the toolbar. ToolbarY parameter With this parameter you can adjust the vertical position of the Toolbar. With the given pixel value you can move the toolbar from the edge of the screen. If this value is positive (+) the toolbar is located on the upper part of the screen, if this value is negative (-) then the toolbar is located at the bottom of the screen. 26 Toolbar Icons Toolbar feature icons from left to right: 1. Windows Show / Hide With this parameter you can hide or show TraderAgent's windows on the chart. 2. Guide Lines Show / Hide With this parameter you can hide or show the control lines of the position on the chart. 3. UseTrendLines This parameter allows you to enable “TrendLine” functions. By default if the current trend line is above candle and the price breaks through the line, TraderAgent will open long position. If the current trend line is below the candle it will open short position. Please note this function could slow TraderAgent and also MetaTrader’s operation in case used chart is full of (other) objects. Therefore please use this function only when you're really use it! 4. UseChannels With this parameter, you can allow TraderAgent to open a position after crossing “Equidistant Channel” lines placed by you. Normally crossing the top will trigger long & crossing bottom line will trigger short position to be open. 5. OppositeTrendLineOrder If you activate this parameter the program will open an opposite position during trend line breakthrough. So if the current trend line is above candle and the price breaks through the line TraderAgent would open a short position. If the current trend line is below the candle it will open long position. 6. OpenAfterCandleClose With this parameter you can set the program to open position no during trend line breakthrough but only if the current candle closing above/below actual trend line. Next position is will open in the very next candle. 7. OCO mode If this parameter is set to “true” and if there's more live trend lines (or pending orders) are on the same chart and the price would cross one: TraderAgent will open the position & then it'll cancel all the other trend lines (or pending orders). With the use of this option you can control TraderAgent to after entering a position in a correct/profitable way the software won't be able to enter another position because of another trend lines (or pending orders) opposite sign. 8. DeleteTrendLineAfterOpen If set this parameter “True” the program will delete the trend line from the chart. This is when trend lines are breaking through & the program is opening new position(s). If the value is “False” the trend line becomes inactive it does not open more positions but when the line is moved or resized then it'll re-activated & the program will re-open position(s) based on this trend line. 27 9. UsePreDefinedStopLoss With this parameter IceFX TraderAgent will set two auxiliary lines on the chart with which you'll be able to define TakeProfit (TP) and StopLoss (SL) values before opening the position. This can be very useful if you're trading risk-based lot value calculation because - based on these lines - the program can manage to calculate the position's lot value before opening. 10. MakeScreenShots TraderAgent is able to capture screenshots of any position opening and closing event on the current chart. Use this option to activate the function. Window Settings With these parameters you're able customize the position & transparency of every window. For the values of X and Y are in pixels and the default 0, 0 (zero, zero) position is the upper left corner. Entering a negative value the window(s) will be placed to opposite direction. So, if you would like to move a window to the upper-right corner then input 0 (zero) or bigger values to X & negative values (such as -200) to Y. In this case you should count in the width of the window plus desired amount you wish to separate it from the side of the screen. The windows are usually 200 pixels wide. ShowAccountPanel, AccountPanelX, AccountPanelY Settings of “Account Information” window. ShowControlPanel, ControlPanelX, ControlPanelY Settings window of control buttons. ShowOrderListPanel, OrderListPanelX, OrderListPanelY Settings window of opened position(s). PropertiesPanelPos Here you can specify where “Settings Window” appears when selecting a position in the “OrderList” window. If the value is 0 (zero) the program would display “Settings Window” next to “OrderList” window. If this value is set to 1 then the “Settings Window” would appear under “OrderList” window. ShowProfitPanel, ProfitPanelX, ProfitPanelY Display settings for daily profits. ProfitOnThisSymbolOnly If the value is “true” it'll indicate profits made only on the current currency pair, if it’s set to “false” it'll display the profits on all currency pairs. 28 Dashboard Window Settings On the display you will find more information about the actual price: current “Bid” / “Ask” price, current value of spread, values of the indicators, strength of the currencies, Daily Range. ShowDashboard, DashBoardX, DashboardY Dashboard window options. DashboardSpreadRedValue You can specify exact spread value which would display in red. The value must be given in pips. Dashboard_ShowPriceMeter Displays the current strength of currencies (Price Meter / Currency Strength). Dashboard_ShowSemaphore With this option you can turn on “Sempahore” display of indicator values. Attention! This function uses a lot of memory for monitoring many indicators. Therefore in the new version of TraderAgent this feature is disabled by default, instead of this "Price Meter" function is active. Dashboard_SemaphoreCurrentTF The display of live “Sempahores” consumes lot of resources therefore you have the opportunity to allow TraderAgent to show the indicator values only on the actual timeframe. Dashboard_MAPeriod The period is used to display MA. Dashboard_MAMode The indicator is used to display MA. Dashboard_MAPrice The indicator value which is used to display MA. Dashboard_CCIPeriod, Dashboard_CCIPrice The indicator value is used to display CCI. Dashboard_RSIPeriod, Dashboard_RSIPrice The indicator value is used to display RSI. Dashboard_StochKPeriod…Dashboard_StochPrice The indicator value is used to display Stochastic. 29 Messages, Warnings The program is able to display a message box with the relevant trading information when opening and closing position(s). ShowNotifications If you set this parameter to “false” you’ll turn off messages. Advanced Setup PipMultiplierOverride This feature is designed to override the program's variable. With this feature the "4-5 digits problem" could be easily handle at any broker. For example if the program somehow fail to detect the correct number of decimal on the dedicated pair, with this parameter this could be easily corrected. If the value is 0, it will automatically attempt to detect the correct decimals. Other suggested values: 1, 10, 100. Extra Functions Stealth Mode The program is capable to hide your StopLoss (SL) and TakeProfit (TP) levels from your Broker. In this case TraderAgent manages the monitoring & execution of StopLoss & TakeProfit. Warning! When “Stealth Mode” is activated open position(s) can only be closed if TraderAgent is online and could connect to the account's broker server! For example, during a power outage the program won't be able to perform closing so you may be exposed to more losses than planned! AntiSpikeMode In this mode the program will not close the position if the price exceeds the StopLoss line only if the current candle closes below the StopLoss line. Thus, in case of a "spike" the position will not close, therefore with even a larger price movement more loss likely could happen! This feature is only working with enabled "StealthMode"! DontAllowOrderOpenMaxSpread The program will not allow to open a position if you preset a spread value greater than 0 (zero) and the current spread would be greater than the specified number. This is because the software is preventing you to open a position and suffer immediate a greater disadvantage due high value of spread. 30 ShowPivotPoints When this function is switched on the program will display the current pivot values on the actual chart. ShowNextCandleTime When this function is switched on the program will display the remaining time to next candle. NextCandleTimeTextColor Here you can adjust the color of the text used for displaying the remaining time. ShowSentinelAlerts The program is able to monitor the desired price of opening and closing of a position and it's capable to register the real price which was given by the broker. If the price difference is greater than 1 pip TraderAgent will send you an “Alert” message. With this parameter you can turn on this function. ConfirmActions If you want to avoid bad position opening / closing because of click asides you can turn this parameter on and the program will ask for confirmation before every opening and closing operation. RemoveMT4ObjectAfterClose If you are disturbed by arrow & line objects on the chart after closing of a position, then - with this feature turned on - the program will delete these objects after closing a position. Screenshot Settings TraderAgent is able to capture screenshots of any position opening and closing event on the current chart. This function can be adjusted with the following parameters. This feature can be enabled in the Toolbar. ScreenShotFolder You can specify the name of the folder which is used to save screenshots. The specified folder will be created within your MetaTrader 4 Client's expertsfiles folder. Backtest Options The program is capable to work in “Backtest Mode” (Strategy Tester). With this feature you can “Backtest” your manual strategies based on historical data. This function can be adjusted with the following parameters. BackTestTime If the test with fastest setting is still too slow then you can speed-up it with the “BackTestTime” parameter. The higher the value, the more tick will miss the program so the “Backtest” will run faster. Optimal value is 50. ScreenShotInBacktest With this parameter you can make screenshots of any operations conducted during “Backtest Mode” as well. So you'll have the opportunity to evaluate your manual strategies later. 31 PauseBTEveryCandles The program is able to stop running Backtest when you press “Pause” button on the “Strategy Tester” window. After the predefined number of candles the tester will automatically stop running. For example: if you are testing a daily time frame (D1) strategy & if you set this parameter to the value 2, then the program will stop running the tests every two days (test-based time) so you have time to make the necessary strategic modifications (position open / close, etc.). PauseBTFromData The program will start to stop the Backtest from the here given date. SupportNewsInfoInBacktest If purchased also IceFX NewsInfo you can use this parameter to display NewsInfo the historical data during Backtest. NewsInfoGMTOffset This parameter is used to show correct GMT offset value using past NewsInfo data. 32 Computer identification The software will generate a unique “ComputerID” from your identified computer hardware. If you're contacting us regarding technical or licensing issues, please also send your unique “ComputerID”. On every start TraderAgent will add this unique identifier to MetaTrader's log. You can check this in “Experts tab” in “Terminal Window”. License After purchasing an IceFX product, one license (which is dedicated to one product) can only be used once at on your computer. After entering a valid PassKey the program assign the generated key to the dedicated hardware. After that procedure no further code input is needed for validation. The license is not linked to any MetaTrader account so you can use the validated product on that dedicated hardware in infinite number of MetaTraders. For the hardware recognition the program will generate a unique code from the computer hardware parts & current Windows user data. Therefore, if you reinstall your Windows OS on your computer, the license shall be transferred to the new copy of Windows OS. Moving License to another Hardware When replacing your current computer, change VPS provider or reinstall Windows OS in all these cases you must transfer the purchased license to able to use the product on that new hardware. To do this, please go to the IceFX's secure site on: and disable your Computer ID which belongs to your old hardware. Next step, your license is no longer connected to the old hardware and now you can enter your valid PassKey code to the software installed on the new hardware. Known error(s) With active “Grid Mode” “Partial Close” will close the whole grid. 33 Thank you for choosing IceFX’s Professional Trading Tools! 34
Professional Trade Assistant Tool for MetaTrader 4
TraderAgent is the ultimate forex Trader’s assistant. This is not an automatic trading robot (EA) and it doesn’t take decisions or opens position, but it helps your professional work when you trading manual. All important information is displayed on the chart, so you only need to open the position, with just one click. Managing the opened position is just as easy as it could be: with your mouse or pointing device, you can easily adjust the stoploss (SL) and Take Profit (TP) levels with drag-and-drop method. After that TraderAgent will work for you as a position management solution.
In contrast to most of the available programs in this kind TraderAgent can help you manage trading risk. You just only have to determine the maximum risk per position, and TraderAgent will automatically calculate the amount of trade (Lots) on every new position.
With its user-friendly graphical interface, anyone could quickly learn how to use TraderAgent successfully during daytrade.
- Key Features
- Screenshots
- Videos
- Purchase
- Downloads
- Version history
Quick Position Management
The software can be used to manage position(s) easily. For example if you want to open or close a position, you can do it all with TraderAgent with only just one mouse click. Say goodbye to Metatrader’s Order Window.
Position reverse
When you’re trading and you may think the market could turn opposite to your trading plans, with one click the existing position will be immediately closed and open a new, contrary position with the same LOT size. With this option TraderAgent can reverse the next trade.
Breakeven function
When you have open position(s) and the market direction is going into your planned profit area, you may want to pull StopLoss to the opened position’s price (say, you’re passing breakeven point with 0 profit & 0 loss). All this process could be delivered by TraderAgent with your one single click.
Close all function
If you have more than one position open (for example you’re in building positions or because of grid strategy), and at the same time you want to close all positions, you can simple close all with one click on “Close all” button on the control panel of TraderAgent.
Risk-based lot calculation
You can specify the maximum risk you want to take and TraderAgent will calculate the trading volume (LOT) of the position based on your preset.
Trailing stop function
The program supports trailing stop(s). With TraderAgent you can set trailing stops for positions.
With the MagicNumber feature TraderAgent gives the opportunity to manage positions already opened by any Expert Advisor (EA).
You can easily rearrange the windows on the chart, or you can hide them if you wish.
Daily Profit Information
You can clearly track your trading results in the Profit Info window. TraderAgent displays the daily/weekly/monthly and yearly profit results in both pips and in currency.
Show detailed information of the position(s)
The program displays all information of your open position in a high-detailed format. You can clearly see maximum loss (in pips and in currency), maximum gain values (in pips and in currency), Risk/Reward ratio (R:R), current profit (in pips and in currency), etc.
Dashboard window
With the dashboard display TraderAgent can display the most current market information, such as the current bid/ask price, current spread, daily-range, multi-timeframe MA, CCI, RSI and Stochastic semaphore, etc.
When during trading you feel the trading course is may be reversing and may start to go to the opposite direction, then with just 1 click you can open a hedge position which can ‘freeze’ your position to avoid short-term losses.
Stealth Mode
The program is determined by the ability to hide your stoploss (SL) and Take Profit (TP) levels from your Broker.
Trend line opening function
The software is capable to open position not just with manual initiative but also capable to open position in case of break-through of trend lines placed manually.
Grid support
If the already opened position in terms of price is going to wrong direction with TraderAgent you have the option to “save” the position with grid trading. The robot with the specified grid parameter preset (lot multiplier, step, maximum number of position) starts the “grid.” This function can be used for each every opened position, so you may drag TakeProfit(TP) and StopLoss(SL) lines, the TrailingStop function is also fully working with the grid positions.
3-level partial close
TraderAgent is preloaded with 3 level auto part-closure. During the of the program use you can easily pre-configure how many percentage of your desired market price will be part-locked and based on the presets TraderAgent will be execute the partial closure when the price reaches the specified levels.
5 Trailing Stop function
If you’re using “TrailingStop” feature with TraderAgent you can choose fixed or dynamic. Using dynamic trailing stop there are 4 types to choose from (ATR, EMA, PSAR, HighLow).
Predefined StopLoss and TakeProfit levels
Before opening a position it is possible to define this order TakeProfit (TP) and StopLoss (SL) levels. During risk-based trading prior to opening any position TraderAgent will calculate the size of the order (lot) based on the value of your specified loss.
Quick pending order placement
TraderAgent provides hotkeys with you can one-click place order(s) for a specified distance (in pips) from the current price.
Spread maximization
You can set up a maximum spread value. If the actual spread is above this level TraderAgent will not allow you to open position(s) in order to prevent larger handicap at the opening of the position.
4 Types of “Equity Auto Close” function
The program will immediately lock all position(s) on the account if a pre-specified (as a percentage and/or currency) profit and/or loss is reached.
Using channels
Besides trend lines you can use equal size “Equidistant” channels during your trading.
Making screenshots
The program can take screenshots of every opening and closing of a position(s) so this way you can document your trades in a professional way (this function is also available in “Backtest Mode”).
Up to 3 different lot increasing modes in grid
TraderAgent can set 3 types of lot increase mode for managing grid positions (multiplication, shift, Fibo).
Closing position(s) at a predetermined time
It is possible to preset a date when a specified amount (or all) of position(s) will close by the program. For this you only need to place a special vertical line on the chart.
Remote Position Management
With TraderAgent it is possible to remotely (MT4 Mobile Client or another MetaTrader) modify any pending/open position(s). In this case the program will detect any modification(s) and continue to manage the position(s) accordingly.
User interface
Introduction video
How to install with installer
How to install manually
Use trend lines instead of pending order
How to work pending lines
Quick open pending orders
5 types trailing stop
AntiSpike mode
How To Order
- Try before you buy – Download the program from this site and try it for the trial period.
- Place your order – Place your order only if you are completely satisfied with the program.
- Enter your passkey – After the purchase you will receive a passkey via email. Enter the passkey the next time you run the program.
E-Mail Delivery
You need a valid e-mail address where we can send your passkey after your purchase. In most cases your passkey is delivered right away via e-mail, but in a worst case scenario it may take 24 – 48 hours if there is a problem with the system. The code can be entered to unlock the trial version without having to download the program again.
Refunds Policy
No refunds will be issued. We provide a free trial so that you can confirm that the software meets your needs prior to placing an order.
Payment Options
Avangate accepts all major credit cards and PayPal.
Avangate accept:
TraderAgent Pro v2.6.0 Build 360
Free Trial download is a complete copy of the TraderAgent PRO product that you can use for the trial period (30 days). If you like it and find it useful, then you can buy a license to continue using it.
After purchase, you’ll be emailed a passkey – Entering the passkey activates the product license, unlocks the trial version.If you’ve already purchased the product, upgrades are free for the same major release (v2.x.x). Just download and install the latest minor release version. You don’t need a new passkey.
Next beta versions:
“Unstable/Beta version” means that the current version is in beta phase and not that it is not working stable. We are at Darkmoon FX working hard to release new version of our professional forex trading tools therefore the new updates with the label “Unstable/Beta Version” means that the update hasn’t been fully tested and it’s possible that still contains minor errors. Thank you for your understanding!
Release Date Version Changes 2017-03-29 v2.5.2 b356 New parameters and features - New PivotCalculateGMTTime parameter: if TRUE, pivot is calculated by GMT time, if FALSE, pivot is calculated by broker server time.
- New parameter: UIScalePercent: set scale of panels. 100 means 100%, 150 means increment 50%, 80 means decrement 20%
- New parameter: ControlLineLabelFontSize: set font size of control line labels
- New parameter: NextCandleTimeReverse: Reverse next candle timer. Count the elapsed time.
- New parameter: Dashboard_MAShift: Shift for MA semaphore
- Fixed: if Profit windows hidden, TraderAgent didn’t remove order lines after closed.
- Fixed: maximize LOT size when open the next grid order.
- Fixed: SL=0 sometimes caused TraderAgent closed position immediately after open.
- Fixed: OrderList panel blinked.
2016-04-06 v2.5.1 b330 Modifications - Fixed: SL jump back if control lines is hidden
- Fixed: remove SL line & global variable, when stoploss of order is deleted in terminal. Video
2016-04-04 v2.5.1 b328 New parameters and features - New ToolbarX parameter. shift the toolbar position horizontally
- Support 2 digits CFDs
- Fixed: Strength Meter doesn’t work if symbol has a ‘mikro’ prefix
- Fixed: draw price labels after init
- Fixed: Fine sensitive area of toolbar
2016-03-03 v2.5.1 b323 New parameters and features - New PriceLabelInPips parameter. If set true, draw profit labels in pips.
- Fix breakeven SL bug when control lines are hidden.
- Fix order closing problem.
- Fixed: if pending order moved, TakeProfit cleared and not moved.
- Fixed: move reverse line with pending order
- Fixed: break-even SL moving
2015-10-14 v2.5.1 b318 New parameters and features - Reverse line function. If the price reach this level, TraderAgent close the position and open an opposite position. You can use Lot increment option too. Parameters: ReverseLinePips, ReverseLotMultiplier Feature video
2015-09-23 v2.5.1 b316 Modifications - Backtest bug fixed (in MT4 build >880)
2015-08-25 v2.5.1 b314 Modifications - LOT calculation bug fixed (zero divide)
- Average lines turn off parameters: ShowAveragePriceLine, ShowNextAveragePriceLine
2015-07-30 v2.5.1 b310 Modifications - Fixed partial close issue, if leverage or margin is too low
- Fixed auto grid function problem for pending orders
2015-04-10 v2.5.1 b308 New parameters and features - New MagicNumber value. If this parameter is set to -1 TraderAgent handles all position without magicnumber filter.
- Custom indicator based Trailing Stop. – Now you can use your custom indicator for trailing. Watch video
- Percentage-based Trailing Stop. – For example: if you set this value to 30% TraderAgent will trailing 30% of the distance between current price and entry price.
- New parameter: StealthModeHardSLTPDistance – You can set a hard SL/TP distance for Stealth mode (in pips).
- New parameter: ShowToolbar – Show/hide toolbar.
- New parameter: ControlLineWidth – This value is for to change width of control lines on the chart.
- New parameter: DeletePendingOrderIfNoLine – If this parameter is set to true and you delete a pending control line, TraderAgent will delete the pending order also.
- New parameter: TrailingStopTimeFrame – Timeframe for indicator based Trailing Stop. If this is empty, it uses actual TF. Other values like: M1, M5, M15, …etc.
- New parameter: DisableTrendLinesFunction – If this is turned on it’ll disable the trend line function and you couldn’t switch on/off on the toolbar.
- Show currency strength gap value in dashboard
- Value list for some parameters (TrailingType, PropertiesPanelPos)
- AutoGridMode parameter is available again.
- Fixed toolbar state bug.
- Rewritten pivot calculation (detect broker GMT).
- …some other minor bug fixed.
2014-12-10 v2.5.0 b300 New parameters and features - Toolbar: handy toolbar on the chart, where the most important functions are available with only a mouse click away
- New parameter: TrailingDistanceOffset – an additional value of distance (of the trailing) using an indicator based Trailing Stop.
- New parameter: PipMultiplierOverride – if the program count the pips not correctly with a currency pair or CFD, the user you could override the value of the divider (1, 10, 100).
If 0: auto mode. - New parameter: ToolbarY – toolbar positioning. If this value is negative then the program will put the toolbar to the bottom.
- New parameter: AutoTurnOffPreDefined – after opening a position this feature will turn off predefined lines.
- New parameter: RemoveMT4ObjectAfterClose – after closing order, this feature will delete all order objects on the chart (mainly arrows and lines).
- OrderList automatically size itself to 20 rows.
- Sound playback after opening / closing (PlaySoundFileAfterOpen/PlaySoundFileAfterClose).
- Fixed: error correction of predefined texts when there is a predefined pending.
- Fixed: if TrailingStop was smaller than StopLevel the program didn’t pulled SL even in Stealth Mode.
- Fixed: rare Break-even & Trailing Stop “jumping”
- During partial sell / short closure the program watching the Ask price for closing.
- AccountPanel could display incorrect displaying sell lot size.
2014-05-01 v2.4.3 b222 New parameters and features - Windows can be minimized
- Default value of NextAveragePriceLineColor parameter is None
2014-04-23 v2.4.3 b220 New parameters and features - MetaTrader 4 Build 610+ compatible
- New parameter: HideCopyRight – in case of valid license “copyright” text in the lower right corner can be hide.
- New parameter: PauseBTFromDate – backtest shall be stopped after specified date.
- New parameter: ControlLineLabelColor – if it is set to “None” then TraderAgent queries background color from the chart and use it.
- New parameter: NextAveragePriceLineColor – this shows the level of the following average prices.
- New parameter: TrailingCandleOffset – you can specify the value of the indicator that how many candles before would it pull the stops when using indicator-based trailing.
- New parameter: AntiSpikeMode – eliminates StopLoss (SL) spikes. With this parameter TraderAgent will close the position in SL if the current candle closes below SL line (this is only working with StealthMode=true).
- After changing Symbol all predefined lines are reset (in default position).
- Pivot lines as background objects.
- DrawOrderLines parameter displays all closed position(s) on the chart.
- TrailingStop after BE bug fix. If the line is moved elsewhere, older versions of TraderAgent would pulled TrailingStop from the original BE line.
- Visual order line drawing bug fixed
- Visual object order bug fixed
- AccountInfo MagicNumber filter bug fix
- ProfitInfo panel MagicNumber filter bug fix
2013-11-01 v2.4.2 b195 New parameters and features - Draw labels for Vertical close lines
- New parameter: UsePredefinedLineForPending – Draw predefined line for pending orders.
- New parameter: ProfintOnThisSymbolOnly If false calculate account profit info.
- New parameter: SupportNewsInfoInBacktest – Support NewsInfo indicator in backtest
- Zero StopLoss bug fixed
- Zero TakeProfit bug fixed
- Bugfix: after partial close, BE line has been disappeared
- Default control line offset set to left side (-80)
- Trailing bug fixed when SL is not set
2013-10-06 v2.4.2 b193 Modifications - TrailingStop bux fixed
2013-09-24 v2.4.2 b192 New parameters and features - 5 different TrailingStop functions!
Possible values of parameters of TrailingType:- 0 – no trailing
- 1 – Classic fixed trailing stop (TrailingParam1: fixed value given in pips)
- 2 – ATR-based (TrailingParam1: ATR period; TrailingParam2: ATR Multiplier)
- 3 – EMA-based (TrailingParam1: EMA period)
- 4 – PSAR-based (TrailingParam1: PSAR step value; TrailingParam2: PSAR maximum value)
- 5 – High-Low (TrailingParam1: number of candles for High/Low value search)
- TrailingAlways parameter: if set to “true”, TrailingStop will be activated not just after Breakeven but steadily from the opening position.
- New parameter: UsePreDefinedStopLoss – StopLoss and Take Profit lines can can be specified before opening a position. This feature is also useful during risk-based trading where TraderAgent calculates the size of the position (lots) based on predefined StopLoss value.
- Closing positions at a predefined time point using vertical lines. If “closeall” or “close=123,456” values given into vertical line description field, then TraderAgent will close all (“closeall”) or close the 123 and 456 positions (“close=123,456) when the time reaches the specified line.
- New parameter: Dashboard_ShowPriceMeter – Price Currency Meter feature on Dashboard
- New parameter: PauseBTEveryCandles – if it’s value is greater than 0 (zero), then TraderAgent will stop running backtest (in backtest mode) per the predefined candles value.
- Dashboard semaphore feature can be turned on/off with “Dashboard_ShowSemaphore” option
- Oldest supported MetaTrader version: v509
2013-05-30 v2.4.0 b169 New parameters and features - Fully compatible with MetaTrader 4 Build 500!
- New feature: Hotkey for pending order(s) – CTRL + click to buy/sell open a buy/sell stop order. CTRL + SHIFT + click to buy/sell open a buy/sell limit order.Video
- New parameter: QuickPendingDistance – You can set quick pending orders distance in pips.
- New feature: MakeScreenShots – Create screenshot(s) if there’s an open or close order.
- New parameter: PanelBackground – You can change the background color of the panels
- New parameter: GridLotMode – 3-types LOT increment in Grid mode. 0 = Classic multiplier: use GridLotMultiplier, 1 = Increment (0.1, 0.2, 0.3…etc), 2 = Fibo increment (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8…etc)
Rewritten functions
- Rewritten mouse handling logic
- Rewritten license check logic
- Rewritten Profit Drawing logic
- Fixed issue with order list panel which was reacted slowly after open or close order
- Fixed issue with visible SL/TP lines for pending orders with different MagicNumbers
- Fixed issue with changing SL/TP values of an opened position on another PC / in MetaTrader 4 Order Window / on mobile / using the latest MetaTrader4 Build 500
2013-05-05 v2.3.3 Modifications - Grid mode SL bug fixed – When dragging SL/TP lines in grid mode, older versions of the software used to modify SL/TP values only for the first & last position of the whole grid. With this upgrade TraderAgent will modify all opened grid position’s TP/SL values when dragging TP/SL lines.
- Real pending order handling
- 4-way auto close all function
- Orderlist panel and properties – Panel grid order info bug fixed.
New parameters
- UsePendingLines – Default value is true. To use this feature properly you have to draw a horizontal line on the chart then you have to put the word “buy” or “sell” to the Description area. After this you can freely move this horizontal line on the chart as you wish. You can also give lot value to this for example: buy=0.1. Please be aware, after giving the desired lot value & the pending position fulfilled (so position will be opened) further position sizing won’t be allowed by MetaTrader. Video
- PendingOCOMode – If this value is true & there’s one pending order have been triggered to open, so you’ll have an open position TraderAgent will delete all other pending orders from the chart.
- NextCandleTimeTextColor – Color of the text for next candle closing time.
- AutoCloseAllProfitMoney – Close all orders if the profit (in currency) reach this value.
- AutoCloseAllProfitPercent – Close all orders if the profit (in percent of equity) reach this value (use 10% instead of 110%)
- AutoCloseAllLossMoney – Close all orders if the loss (in currency) reach this value. Do not give to this parameter a negative value!
- AutoCloseAllLossPercent – Close all orders if the loss (in percent of equity) reach this value (use 10% instead of 90%).
- AveragePriceColor – Color of the average price line. This is very handy to use when you have multiple position open.
- UseChannels – Open position for Equidistant channel lines (like trend lines).
- DontAllowOrderOpenMaxSpread – If the spread is greater than this value TraderAgent won’t be able to open new order.
- ShowSentinelAlerts – This feature shows an alert if open price or close price is significantly different than TraderAgent wanted to use.
- GridReCalculateSLTP – When TraderAgent opens a new grid position with this feature the software will recalculate and correct StopLoss, TakeProfit and Break-even values (lines) based on average price. Default value is true.
- ForceSetSLTPIfMissing – If order hasn’t SL or TP, TA will be set to the default values (set True if you want to handle orders of other EA)
2013-03-23 v2.3.2 New parameters - TrendLinesOCOMode – When using “Trendline Opening” feature with this option TraderAgent can delete the rest of other trendlines on the chart after opening a position because of a trendline breakthrough.
- ControlLineLabelColor – Custom settings to background color of the text(s) on control lines
- Dashboard_OnlyCurrentTF – MetaTrader used to consume lot of memory when it queries the multi-timeframe semaphore indicators on Dashboard panel. This option can be turned off, so it will plot only the current timeline indicator signals (this can drastically reduce the amount of memory used (only 2-5%)
- During backtests after loading template parts of the control panel would not appear again
- Significant decrease of CPU usage (during the use on multiple charts)
- Other minor improvements and code refactoring…
2013-02-06 v2.3.1 First release
Preferred partner:
If you open a live account at Tickmill through the following link you’ll be eligible to get 5% back from the commission fee after every trade you place on your live account. (ECN Pro)
- Spreads as low as 0 pips
- Minimum deposit 25 EUR, GBP, USD
- No re-quotes, delays nor interventions
- ECN, STP, scalping, Expert Advisors
- Leverage 1:500, trade from 0.01 lot
- Servers in New York, London, Zurich
- …etc
TraderAgent is developed to used only on MetaTrader 4 platform.
TraderAgent software is used by each user’s own risk! During the use of the software, program malfunctions could arise which cause direct and/or indirect damages, losses. The creator of TraderAgent program assumes no responsibility to above mentioned damages! Before using the software on live account, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the use of the software on demo account(s).