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Ультразвуковой аппарат mindray DP-50 Expert



Mindray-DP-50 Экспертный ультразвуковой аппарат-01Mindray-DP-50 Экспертный ультразвуковой аппарат-04

  • 33992 ПОРТАТИВНЫЙ УЗ-сканер MINDRAY DP-50 EXPERT с 15-дюймовым ЖК-монитором высокого разрешения, 2 разъемами для датчиков, жестким диском на 500 ГБ, 4 портами USB, несколькими пакетами программного обеспечения, без датчиков. Режим изображения: B, B/B, 4B, B/M, M
    Технология обработки изображений:
    • Гармоническая визуализация с фазовым сдвигом
    • Пространственная составная визуализация iBeam™
    • Визуализация с адаптивным подавлением спеклов iClear™
    • Тканевая гармоническая визуализация
    • Трапециевидная визуализация
    • iTouch™ Автоматическая оптимизация
    • iZoom™ Автоматически разворачивать изображение на весь экран
    • Наклонное сканирование для линейных датчиков (2D Steer)
      Широкополосные многочастотные пробники: плавная настройка 2-14 МГц Интеллектуальный рабочий процесс/хранение/восстановлениеview:
    • iStation™ Интеллектуальная система управления данными пациентов
    • Встроенный жесткий диск на 320 ГБ для хранения данных – 4 порта USB
    • Емкость видеопамяти (макс.) Режим B: 10566 кадров Режим M: 66.3 с

PW (импульсная волна) и DICOM включены


  • Дисплей: 15-дюймовый ЖК-дисплей
  • Язык интерфейса: GB, FR, IT, ES, PT, RU, PL, CZ, TR, FI, DK, NO, SE, DE
  • Питание: AC 100-240 В – 50/60 Гц литий-ионный аккумулятор – по запросу
  • Размер и вес: DP-50 Expert 14.7×36.1xВ 35.8 см – 7.5 кг


  • 33881 ЦВЕТНОЙ ПОРТАТИВНЫЙ УЗ-УЗИ MINDRAY Z50 с 15-дюймовым ЖК-монитором высокого разрешения, 2 разъемами для датчиков, жестким диском на 500 ГБ, 4 портами USB, пакетом программного обеспечения, без датчиков.
    Цветная допплеровская система, предлагающая редкое сочетание высокой производительности и низкой стоимости. Превосходное качество изображения, доступность, универсальность и мобильность в уникальной портативной доплеровской системе.
    • режимы сканирования: B, Color, PW, Power, M, FreeXros M
    • режимы отображения изображения: B, 2B, 4B, B/C, B/M, B/PW, Triplex PW
    • Разновидность преобразователя: конвексный, линейный, микроконвексный, внутриполостной
    • расширенный угол сканирования с функцией ExFov
    • высокочастотный линейный датчик для поверхностного сканирования
    • iTouch: быстрая оптимизация изображения одним щелчком мыши
    • iZoom: мгновенное полноэкранное масштабирование одним щелчком мыши
    • iStation: база данных пациентовview и аналитическая платформа
    • iStorage: прямая передача данных на ПК
    • Буфер обмена: легкая игра, предварительноview и совместное использование кинопетли
    • Несколько форматов изображений: BMP, JPG, DCM, AVI, DCM, CIN
    • компактный и обтекаемый дизайн весом 8.1 кг
    • 15-дюймовый ЖК-монитор с функцией наклона на 60 градусов
    • двойные универсальные разъемы преобразователя
    • двухуровневая клавиатура с подсветкой для различных требований
    • Может быть упакован в удобную ручную сумку для легкой транспортировки
    • 1.5 ч непрерывного сканирования с перезаряжаемой батареей.
      Руководство по компакт-диску:
      Великобритания, Франция, IT,
      ЭС, ПТ,
      Германия, Россия,
      BR.Mindray-DP-50 Экспертный ультразвуковой аппарат-02
  • Дисплей: 15-дюймовый ЖК-дисплей с высоким разрешением 1024×768
  • Отображение программного обеспечения + ввод с клавиатуры: GB, FR, IT, ES, PT, RU, PL, CZ, DE
  • Ввод с клавиатуры: TR, FI, DK, NO, SE
  • Питание: AC 100-240 В – 50/60 Гц литий-ионный аккумулятор – по запросу
  • Размер и вес: 19×41.5×В 37.8 см (7.5×16.3×В 14.9 дюйма); 8.1 кг без батареи


ГИМА ПРИНАДЛЕЖНОСТИ для DP-50, DP-50 Expert, Z5, Z50
33875 Кронштейны с направляющими иглы для линейного датчика (33983)
33876 Направляющие иглы для датчика Micro-Convex (33984)
33975 Литий-ионный аккумулятор для DP-50, DP-50 Expert, Z5, Z50
33987 Сумка для переноски DP-50, DP-50 Expert, Z5, Z50
33988 Передвижная тележка УМТ-150 для ДП-50, З5
33962 Передвижная тележка УМТ-150 для ДП-50 Эксперт, Z50
33968 ПРИНТЕР SONY UP-X898 MD ДЛЯ DP-50, DP-50 Expert
33969 Допплер PW (импульсно-волновой) для DP-50 – опционально
ЗОНДЫ ДП-50, DP-50 эксперт, З5, З50 ЧАСТОТЫ (МГц) Основное применение


Mindray код Сканирование метод Главная частота Образец группа ширина Абдоминальный акушер-гинеколог УРОЛОГИЯ МАЛЕНЬКИЙ ЧАСТЕЙ КАРДИОЛОГИЯ MSK СОСУДИСТАЯ ПЕДИАТРИЧЕСКИЙ ПРЕДСТАТЕЛЬНАЯ ЖЕЛЕЗА ОРТОПЕДИЧЕСКИЙ
33982 35C50EA выпуклость 3.5 2.0 – 5.0
33983** 75L53EA Линейные приводы 7. 5 5.0 – 10.0
33978* 65C15EA Микровыпуклый 6.5 5.0 – 8.5
33984* 65EC10EA Микровыпуклый 6.5 5.0 – 8.5
33990* 10L24EA Линейный массив 10.0 8.0 – 14
34004 75L38EA Линейные приводы 7.5 5.0 – 10.0

*Не для DP-50PT **Не совместимо с Z5, Z50Mindray-DP-50 Экспертный ультразвуковой аппарат-03

Документы / Ресурсы

Медик-Сервис – официальный дистрибьютор Mindray в России

Сертификат дистрибьютора Mindray 2016

Портативный ультразвуковой сканер Mindray DP-50

Mindray DP-50 – портативная цифровая ультразвуковая система с ЖК монитором 15 дюймов (1024Х768)
и встроенными аккумуляторными батареями (опция) позволяющими работать в автономном режиме до 2-х часов.

Достоинства Mindray DP-50:

— THI — режим тканевой гармоники
— IMT автоматический расчет толщины стенок сосудов
— iTouch автоматической оптимизации изображения нажатием одной клавиши
— iClear технология подавления помех и получения четких ультразвуковых изображений высокого разрешения
— 4 USB порта: два сзади и два сбоку, Wi-Fi — беспроводная передача данных
— диапазон сканируемых частот от 2,0 до 14,0 МГц
— карты колоризации (псевдоокрашивание).
— время загрузки прибора до рабочего состояния — всего 6 с
— два порта для одновременного подключения 2-ух датчиков.

DP-50 – портативный УЗИ сканер разработан на базе новой платформы X-treme engine, используемой в хорошо зарекомендовавших себя цветных сканерах с доплером моделей DC-3, DC-7, DC-6. Эта платформа открывает возможности для расширений до уровня цветных сканеров и совместимости с широким диапазоном периферийного оборудования. X-treme означает интеллект, высокую скорость обработки данных, многоуровневую передачу сигналов, а также возможность оптимизации изображения и модульного расширения.
— портативность и легкий вес
— большой монитор с широким углом зрения
— высокая мобильность
— решение проблемы энергопитания
Качество изображения:
— iBeam: функция улучшения разрешающей способности изображения
— iClear: функция подавления шумов на изображении для улучшения детализации и контрастности изображения
— изображение на основе гармоник с фазовым сдвигом
— трапецевидное изображение, псевдоокрашивание и B Steer
— iTouch: функция оптимизации изображения нажатием одной клавиши
— iZoom: увеличение рассматриваемого участка изображения на весь экран
— iStation: интеллектуальная платформа управления информацией о пациенте
Область использования:
— у постели больного
— в полевых условиях
— в операционных
— в спортивной медицине

Технические параметры:
— монитор: ЖК 15 дюймов (1024 Х 768), с регулировкой угла наклона
— операционная система: LINUX
— клавиатура: два уровня задней подсветки
— трекбол: оптический с возможностью устанавливать расцветку
— время загрузки ультразвуковой системы: 6 секунд
— масса: 7,5 кг

Применяемые датчики DP-50:
Конвексный датчик 35C50EA (2.0/3.5/4.5/5.0/Н5.0/Н6.0) R50
Линейный датчик 75L38EA (5.0/7.5/8.5/10.0/Н8.0/Н10.0 МГц, 38 мм)
Линейный датчик 75L53EA (5.0/7.5/8.5/10.0/Н8.0/Н10.0 МГц, 50 мм)
Линейный датчик высокочастотный 10L24EA (8.0/10.0/12.0/14.0/Н10.0/Н12.0 МГц, 24 мм)
Микроконвексный датчик 65C15EA (5.0/6.5/7.5/8.5/Н8.0/Н9.0 МГц, R-15 )
Внутриполостной датчик 65EC10EA (5.0/6.5/7.5/8.5/Н8.0/Н9.0 МГц, R-10 )
Би-плановый внутриполосной двухплоскостной датчик 65EB10EA (5.0/6.5/7.5/8.5/Н8.0/Н9.0 МГц, R-10 )
(5.0/6.5/7.5/8.5/Н8.0/Н9.0 МГц, R-10 )


Необходима 100% предоплата


Общая диагностика, Акушерство и гинекология, Ветеринария

Mindray DP-50 – портативный УЗИ сканер разработан на базе новой платформы X-treme engine, используемой в хорошо зарекомендовавших себя цветных сканерах с доплером моделей Mindray DC-3, Mindray DC-7 и DC-6. Эта платформа открывает возможности для расширений до уровня цветных сканеров и совместимости с широким диапазоном периферийного оборудования. X-treme означает интеллект, высокую скорость обработки данных, многоуровневую передачу сигналов, а также возможность оптимизации изображения и модульного расширения.


  • портативность и небольшой вес
  • большой монитор с широким углом зрения
  • мобильность
  • решение проблемы энергопитания

Качество изображения:

  • iBeam: функция улучшения разрешающей способности изображения
  • iClear: функция подавления шумов на изображении для улучшения детализации и контрастности изображения
  • изображение на основе гармоник с фазовым сдвигом
  • трапецевидное изображение, псевдоокрашивание и B Steer


  • iTouch: функция оптимизации изображения нажатием одной клавиши
  • iZoom: увеличение рассматриваемого участка изображения на весь экран
  • iStation: интеллектуальная платформа управления информацией о пациенте

Область использования:

  • у постели больного
  • в полевых условиях
  • в операционных
  • в спортивной медицине

ВНИМАНИЕ!!! С 2021 года УЗИ аппараты Mindray поставляются с завода комплектами. Ниже приведён пример максимальной комплектации SS-4P:

  • DP-50 VP3.1.1 основной блок SS-3P
  • 15″ LCD монитор
  • Два встроенных активных порта для датчиков
  • 1 TB встроенный жесткий диск и база данных пациентов iStation™ iBeam™ — многолучевое сложносоставное сканирование
  • iClear™ — адаптивный алгоритм подавления зернистости
  • iTouch™ — автоматическая оптимизация изображений
  • PSH™ Тканевая гармоника с инверсией импульса
  • Трапециевидное сканирование/ExFOV
  • Режимы сканирования: B/2B/4B/M/B+M
  • iScanHelper (Встроенное обучающее программное обеспечение)
  • Компенсация усиления по глубине (TGC) — 8 уровней
  • MedSight™ передача информации на электронные устройства пациента (Доступна для операционных систем IOS/Android)
  • Система интеллектуальных оповещений (Smart Installment Reminder)
  • Shared Service Package — предустановленные параметры, аннотации, маркеры, программы измерений, отчеты и т.д.
  • Smart Bladder — программа для автоматического оконтуривания полости мочевого пузыря и расчета его объема
  • Smart 3D — трехмерная реконструкция методом «свободной руки»
  • Smart OB — программное обеспечение для автоматического измерения основных параметров биометрии плода в акушерстве IMT — программное обеспечение для автоматического измерения толщины комплекса интима-медиа
  • DICOM Basic — базовый набор опций DICOM: сохранение на сервер и медиа-носители, печать
  • DICOM Worklist — опция загрузки списка задач с DICOM-сервера
  • DICOM MPPS — опция DICOM, позволяющая загружать на сервер дополнительную информацию об условиях проведения обследования
  • DICOM Query/Retrieve — запрос и получение данных пациента и изображений с сервера
  • Литий-ионная батарея
  • Конвексный датчик 35C50EA, 1.7 — 6.0 МГц, рад.кривизны 50 мм
  • Линейный датчик 75L38EA, 3.3 — 13.0 МГц, апертура 38 мм
  • Внутриполостной датчик 65EC10EA, 3.0 — 12.5 МГц, рад. кривизны 10 мм

Стоимость необходимой комплектации рассчитывается индивидуально. 
Получите консультацию по телефону:
8 (800) 551-7003

Применяемые датчики DP-50 (дополнительно):

  • линейный датчик 75L53EA (5.0/7.5/8.5/10.0/Н8.0/Н10.0 МГц, 53 мм)
  • линейный датчик высокочастотный 10L24EA (8.0/10.0/12.0/14.0/Н10.0/Н12.0 МГц, 24 мм)
  • микроконвексный датчик 65C15EA (5.0/6.5/7.5/8.5/Н8.0/Н9.0 МГц, R15 )
  • Би-плановый внутриполосной двухплоскостной датчик 65EB10EA (5.0/6.5/7.5/8.5/Н8.0/Н9.0 МГц, R-10)
  • (5.0/6.5/7.5/8.5/Н8.0/Н9.0 МГц, R10 )

Дополнительные устройства:

  • Мобильная тележка UMT-150
  • Водонепроницаемый ножной переключатель (максимум 3 клавишами), с функцией программирования
  • Наборы для биопсии для всех типов датчиков
  • Сумка-рюкзак для быстрой транспортировки
  • Термовидеопринтер для печати фотографий
  • DVR-RW рекордер для записи на CD/DVD диски

Mindray DC-40 Operator's Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

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DC-35/DC-40/DC-45/DC-40S/DC-40 Pro

Diagnostic Ultrasound System

Operator’s Manual

[Basic Volume]


Related Manuals for Mindray DC-40

Summary of Contents for Mindray DC-40

  • Page 1
    DC-35/DC-40/DC-45/DC-40S/DC-40 Pro Diagnostic Ultrasound System Operator’s Manual [Basic Volume]…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Contents Intellectual Property Statement ………………….I   Responsibility on the Manufacturer Party ………………I   Warranty ……………………….II   Exemptions ……………………… II   Customer Service Department ………………… II   Important Information ……………………III   About This Manual ……………………… III   Notation Conventions ……………………

  • Page 4
    3.3.2   Powering OFF the System ………………. 3-5   3.3.3   Standby ……………………. 3-5   3.4   Monitor Adjusting ……………………3-6   3.4.1   Monitor Position Adjusting ……………….. 3-6   3.4.2   Adjusting Brightness/Contrast on the Monitor ………….. 3-7   3.4.3  …
  • Page 5
    5.4.1   Basic Procedures for Color Mode Imaging …………..5-13   5.4.2   Color Mode Image Parameters ……………… 5-13   5.4.3   Color Mode Image Optimization …………….. 5-13   5.5   Power Mode Image Optimization ………………5-18   5.5.1   Basic Procedures for Power Mode Imaging …………… 5-18   5.5.2  …
  • Page 6
    6.4   Cine Review ……………………. 6-3   6.4.1   Entering/ Exiting Cine Review ………………6-4   6.4.2   Cine Review in 2D Mode (B/B+Color/B+Power/B+TVI/B+TEI) ……..6-4   6.4.3   Cine Review in M or D Mode ………………6-5   6.4.4   Linked Cine Review …………………. 6-5   6.5  …
  • Page 7
    10.2.7   Image Review and Analysis ………………10-4   10.2.8   iVision ……………………. 10-6   10.2.9   Sending Image File ………………… 10-8   10.3   Report Management………………….10-9   10.4   Patient Data Management (iStation) …………….10-10   10.4.1   Viewing Patient Information ………………10-10   10.4.2  …
  • Page 8
    12.5.1   Local TCP/IP ………………….12-10   12.5.2   iStorage ……………………12-12   12.5.3   MedTouch/MedSight Preset ………………12-13   12.6   Maintenance ……………………12-13   12.6.1   Option ……………………12-13   12.6.2   Other Settings ………………….12-14   12.7   System Information ………………….12-14   13  …
  • Page 9
    Appendix A   Barcode Reader ………………A-1   Appendix B   Electrical Safety Inspection …………..B-1   Appendix C   iScanHelper ……………….. C-1   Appendix D   Wireless LAN ………………D-1   Appendix E   Ultrasound Gel Warmer …………….. E-1   Appendix F  …
  • Page 11: Intellectual Property Statement

    Contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice. All information contained in this manual is believed to be correct. Mindray shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual.

  • Page 12: Warranty

    FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Exemptions Mindray’s obligation or liability under this warranty does not include any transportation or other charges or liability for direct, indirect or consequential damages or delay resulting from the improper use or application of the product or the use of parts or accessories not approved by Mindray or repairs by people other than Mindray authorized personnel.

  • Page 13: Important Information

    7. Important data must be backed up on external memory media. 8. Mindray shall not be liable for loss of data stored in the memory of this system caused by operator error or accidents. 9. This manual contains warnings regarding foreseeable potential dangers, but you shall always be alert to dangers other than those indicated as well.

  • Page 14: Operator’s Manuals

    Operator’s Manuals You may receive multi-language manuals in compact disc or paper. Please refer to English manual for latest information and register information. The content of the operator manual, such as screens, menus or descriptions, may be different from what you see in your system. The content varies depending upon the software version, options and configuration of the system.

  • Page 15: Software Interfaces In This Manual

    Software Interfaces in this Manual Depending on the software version, preset settings and optional configuration, the actual interfaces may be different from those in this manual. Conventions In this manual, these conventions are used to describe the buttons on the control panel, the items in menu, buttons in dialog box and some basic operations: <Button>: The angular bracket indicates buttons, knobs and other controls on control panel or keyboard.

  • Page 17: Safety Precautions

    Safety Precautions Safety Classification According to the type of protection against electric shock: Class I equipment powered by outer power & equipment powered by inner batteries According to the degree of protection against electric shock: Type-BF applied part According to the degree of protection against harmful ingress of water: Main unit: IPX0 Probes: IPX7 Footswitch:…

  • Page 18: Meaning Of Signal Words

    Meaning of Signal Words DANGER WARNING In this manual, the signal words» ”, “ ”, “ ”, CAUTION “NOTE” and «Tips» are used regarding safety and other important instructions. The signal words and their meanings are defined as follows. Please understand their meanings clearly before reading this manual.

  • Page 19: Safety Precautions

    When using peripherals not powered by the auxiliary output of the ultrasound system, or using peripherals other than permitted by Mindray, make sure the overall leakage current of peripherals and the ultrasound system meets the requirement of the local medical device electrical regulation…

  • Page 20
    Electric shock may occur. 11. Do not use an aftermarket probe other than those specified by Mindray. The probes may damage the system causing a profound failure, e.g. a fire in the worst case. 12. Do not subject the probes to knocks or drops. Use of a defective probe may cause an electric shock.
  • Page 21
    If the circuit protector is tripped, it indicates that the system or a peripheral device was improperly shut down and the system is unstable. You cannot repair the system under this circumstance and must call the Mindray Customer Service Department or sales representative. There is no risk of high-temperature burns during normal ultrasound examinations.
  • Page 22
    The system and its accessories are not disinfected or sterilized prior to delivery. The operator is responsible for the cleaning and disinfection of probes and sterilization of biopsy brackets according to the manuals, prior to the use. All items must be thoroughly processed to completely remove harmful residual chemicals, which will not only be harmful to the human body, but also damage the accessory.
  • Page 23
    10. If the system is used in a small room, the room temperature may rise. Please provide proper ventilation and free air exchange. 11. To dispose of the system or any part, contact Mindray Customer Service Department or sales representative. Mindray is not responsible for any system content or accessories that have been discarded improperly.
  • Page 24
    Please use the disinfection or sterilization solution recommended in this operator’s manual; otherwise Mindray will not be liable for damage caused by other solutions. If you have any questions, please contact Mindray Customer Service Department or sales representative.
  • Page 25: Latex Alert

    Read the following precautions to prevent the probe from malfunction: NOTE: Before connecting or disconnecting the probe, freeze or turn off the diagnostic ultrasound system. Clean and disinfect the probe before and after each examination. After the examination, wipe off the ultrasound gel thoroughly. Otherwise, the ultrasound gel may solidify and the image quality would be degraded.

  • Page 26: Warning Labels

    Warning Labels The warning labels are attached to this system in order to call your attention to potential hazards. The symbol on the warning labels indicates safety precautions. The warning labels use the same signal words as those used in the operator’s manual. Read operator’s manual carefully before using the system.

  • Page 27: System Overview

    System Overview Intended Use The Diagnostic Ultrasound System is intended for adults, pregnant women, pediatric patients and neonates.It is intended for use in fetal, abdominal, pediatric, small organ(breast, thyroid, testes), neonatal cephalic,adult cephalic,trans-rectal, trans-vaginal, musculo- skeletal(conventional), musculo- skeletal(superficial), cardiac adult, cardiac pediatric and peripheral vessel exams.

  • Page 28: Power Supply

    Tissue Doppler Imaging Special Imaging TDI QA iScape View Free Xros M/Free Xros CM 3D/4D Smart 3D Static 3D iPage iLive Elastography 2.4.2 Power supply 100-240V~ Voltage 50/60Hz Frequency 600VA Power consumption 250V~ T10AH Fuse 2.4.3 Environmental Conditions Operational Conditions Storage and Transportation Conditions 10℃~40℃…

  • Page 29: Size And Weights

    2.4.4 Size and Weights External dimensions: 812mm (L)X600mm (W)X1331 (1515)mm (H) Net weight: 130.87Kg (without the battery) System Configuration 2.5.1 Standard Configuration Main unit Accessories Operator’s manuals Ultrasound gel Dust-proof cover Probe ports dust-proof cover Tray assembly Left bracket for the intra-cavity probe Right bracket for the intra-cavity probe Probe holder Probe holder for pencil probe…

  • Page 30: Options

    Probe Model Intended Use Region Applied Abdominal, Adult Cephalic, Cardiac P4-2 Body surface Adult, Cardiac Pediatric Some of the probes have matched needle-guided brackets for biopsy, the available probes and the corresponding needle-guided brackets are listed as follows: NGB-004 V11-3 16G, 17G, 18G Metal/needle un-detachable Plastic/needle detachable:…

  • Page 31: Peripherals Supported

    Item Free Xros M Free Xros CM Smart 3D Static 3D iPage (configured with 4D module) Elastography Imaging iLive (configured with 4D module or Smart 3D) TDI QA (configured with TDI) iScanHelper DICOM Basic DICOM Worklist DICOM MPPS DICOM Query/Retrieve DICOM Basic should be configured first.

  • Page 32: Introduction Of Each Unit

    This system complies with IEC60601-1-2:2007, and its RF WARNING: emission meets the requirements of CISPR11 Class B. In a domestic environment, the customer or the user should guarantee to connect the system with Class B peripheral devices; otherwise RF interference may result and the customer or the user must take adequate measures accordingly.

  • Page 33
    Name Function Displays the images and parameters during scanning. Monitor (Support optional 15-inch/ 17-inch/ 19-inch monitor) Speaker Sound output. Touch screen panel Operator-system interface or control. Ultrasound gel holder Used for placing the ultrasound gel. Used for placing the general probe (not including pencil Probe holder probe or intra-cavity probe).
  • Page 34
    Name Function USB port Hanger Intracavitary probe holder Used for fixing the intracavitary probe. Ultrasound gel holder/gel Used for placing the ultrasound gel or installing the gel warmer warmer. Used for connecting the ECG leads and external ECG Physio panel device.
  • Page 35: I/O Panel

    I/O Panel Symbol Function <1><2> USB port, used for connecting USB devices. <3> VGA signal output; connects a monitor or projector. <4> Ethernet interface. <5> Separate video input (reserved). <6> Separate video output. <7> DVI signal output. <8><9> Audio signal input port, left channel(reserved). <10><11>…

  • Page 36: Power Supply Panel

    Power Supply Panel <3> <2> <1> Name Function Used for equipotential connection, balancing the <1> protective earth potentials between the system and other Equipotential terminal electrical equipment. <2> AC Auxiliary Output Power supply port for peripherals. <3> AC Input AC power inlet. Physiological-signal Panel <2>…

  • Page 37: Control Panel

    Name Function <1> Pencil probe port Pencil probe port (reserved). <2> Use for connecting microphone to record vocal Mic In port comments (reserved) <3> Two USB ports Used for connecting USB devices. <4> ECG lead signal input Connects to ECG leads, to directly obtain patient port/external ECG signal input electrocardiosignal/used for connecting the signal port…

  • Page 38
    English Name Description Patient Enter/exit Patient Info screen. Probe Switch probe and exam mode. Review Review the stored images. Report Open/close the exam report. End Exam End the current exam. Text Enter/exit the textual comment status. Clear Clear the comments or measurement caliper. Press to enter the Cine Review status from non-cine status Cine when there is a multi-frame cine file playing.
  • Page 39
    English Name Description Focus Change the focus position. Cursor Show/hide the cursor. Confirm an operation. The function is same with the left-button of the mouse. Move the trackball to change the cursor position. Confirm an operation. The function is same with the left-button of the mouse.
  • Page 40
    Common functional keys Function Confirm the entered data, or move the cursor to the top of Enter the next row of the text or input field. Cancel the operation or exit. Jump to the next operable item. Back space Insert a space. Caps Lock Switch between upper/lowercase.
  • Page 41
    For these combination keys, press <Fn> + key to use the functions indicated with a frame on the key. No. Fn+ Name Function Move the cursor to the end of the row, or the rightmost side of an → editable unit. ←…
  • Page 42: Symbols

    2.11 Symbols This system uses the symbols listed in the following table, and their meanings are explained as well. Symbol Description Type-BF applied part Refer to the relevant content in the Operator’s Manual, to avoid safety incidents AC (Alternating current) Equipotentiality Power button Foot switch…

  • Page 43: System Preparation

    5. When using peripherals not powered by the auxiliary output of the ultrasound system, or using peripherals other than permitted by Mindray, make sure the overall leakage current of peripherals and the ultrasound system meets the requirement of the local medical…

  • Page 44: Power Supply

    Power Supply This system can work normally only when it is connected to the external power supply or the battery capacity is sufficient. 3.2.1 Connecting AC Power Supply The connection method is described as follows: 1. Push the retaining clamp upward, and insert the power plug into the receptacle, as shown in the figure below.

  • Page 45: Powered By Batteries

    If the system begins to function improperly – immediately stop scanning. If the system continues to function improperly – fully shut down the system and contact Mindray Customer Service Department or sales representative. If you use the system in a persistent improperly functioning state –…

  • Page 46
    Checking before Power ON To check the system before the system is turned on: Check Item The temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure shall meet the <1> requirements of operating conditions. See «2.4.3 Environmental Conditions» for details. <2> There shall be no condensation. There shall be no distortion, damage or dirt on the system and peripheral devices.
  • Page 47: Powering Off The System

    WARNING: the patient. If you find anything not functioning properly, this may indicate that the system is defective. In this case, shut down the system immediately and contact Mindray Customer Service Department or sales representative. 3.3.2 Powering OFF the System You need to follow the correct procedures to power off the system.

  • Page 48: Monitor Adjusting

    Press the power button and select “Standby”. Disconnect the power plug, and select “Standby” in the prompted dialogue box. When the system enters the standby status, the standby status indicator blinks in orange. To exit standby Press the power button. When the system enters the standby status, if need to power off: Long press the power button for 5s.

  • Page 49: Adjusting Brightness/Contrast On The Monitor

    Tilt the monitor When positioned vertically, the monitor can be tilted 20° backward and can be tilted forward to a horizontal position. When transporting or moving the system, keep the monitor in the horizontal position, as shown below: 3.4.2 Adjusting Brightness/Contrast on the Monitor Monitoring the brightness and contrast adjustment is one of the most important factors for proper image qualities.

  • Page 50: Control Panel Position Adjustment

    On the monitor, the brightness adjustment comes before contrast. After NOTE: readjusting the monitor’s contrast and brightness, adjust all preset and peripheral settings. 3.4.3 Control Panel Position Adjustment Press the control lever downwards for about 30° to rotate the control panel ±90°. Press the lever downwards for about 60°…

  • Page 51: Connecting A Probe

    Only use the probes provided by Mindray. Aftermarket probes may result in damage or cause a fire. If a probe port is not used for a long period of time, please use the dustproof NOTE: cover to protect the probe port from dust;…

  • Page 52: Connecting Peripheral Devices

    loose Connecting Peripheral Devices 3.6.1 Connecting the USB Devices DO NOT directly remove a USB memory device; WARNING: otherwise, the USB memory device and/or the system may be damaged. Available USB ports on the system: 1. Two USB ports on the physiological-signal panel. 2.

  • Page 53: Graph /Text Printer

    USB port Function setting The function of the footswitch can be set, for details, please refer to “12.1.6 Key Configuration”. 3.6.3 Graph /Text printer Connecting a Local Printer As shown in the figure below, a graph / text printer has a power cord and data cable. The power cord shall be directly connected to a wall receptacle as required.

  • Page 54
    5. Return to “Print Service” page, and select “Report Print” in the list, and set attributes in the Property box under the screen: Select the printer model from the drop-down list right to the “Printer”; Set Paper Size. 6. Click [Save] to finish the installation. Tips: Drivers of some popular printers have already been integrated in the system, and will be installed automatically.
  • Page 55
    a) Download the ppd file from the printer manufacturer’s official website (contact service engineer if necessary), and copy the ppd file to the storage device (USB disk as an example). b) Connect the USB disk to the ultrasound system, click [Setup] [Print Preset] ”Printer Driver”…
  • Page 56: Installing Analog Video Printer

    2. Click “Print Service” to enter the screen, and select AssistPrinter@IP address to be the printer for the Report Print service. 3. Verify the status of the network connection. Click the [Ping] button in the [Status] column of the iStorage printer list, and the system pops a dialog box to display whether the connection with the iStorage server is ready or not.

  • Page 57
    1. Printer room window 2. Printer 3. Room cover Color analog video printer: use the I/O panel at the rear side of the machine to connect the printer, as shown in the following figure: Connect to S-Video out cable Connect the remote cable of the printer 4.
  • Page 58: Installing Digital Video Printer

    3.6.5 Installing Digital Video Printer 1. Put the printer in a proper place. 2. Plug the printer power cord to an appropriate outlet. 3. Use a USB cable to connect between the USB port of the system and the USB port of the printer.

  • Page 59
    Uninstalling Press the clip in the direction of the arrow to get out the holder. Clip System Preparation 3-17…
  • Page 60: Basic Screen And Operation

    Basic Screen and Operation 3.7.1 Basic Screen The following diagram maps out the different areas in the screen: Patient Hospital name Accession# Freeze icon name Logo DOB/ Exam Operator Gender date&time Probe&acoustic power Menu/exam mode/image parameter Thumbnails Image area ECG trace Image-in- Image image…

  • Page 61
    Hospital name Display the hospital name. Hospital name can be set via «[Setup] [System Preset] [Region]». Exam time Displays the exam time, including date and time. Exam time format can be set via «[Setup] [System Preset] [Region]». Exam time will be frozen with the frozen image.
  • Page 62
    Menu title Items Drop-down list button Menu title Displays the menu name. Items Refers to the items on a menu. For item that is applicable for more than one mode, the item appears as shared item in the certain mode. Items of image modes and measurement can be preset.
  • Page 63
    Image manage area Page up/down: when there are more than one page images have been stored, you can turn to the next or preview page by respectively. Delete: select a thumbnail image, and click to delete it. Send to: select a thumbnail image, and click to send it to external devices.
  • Page 64: Basic Operations Of Screens

    3.7.2 Basic Operations of Screens A screen consists of title, page tabs, contents and buttons, as shown in the following figure: Title Content Control button Composition Description The title bar is used to give a description for the content and Title Bar function of the screen.

  • Page 65: Touchscreen

    3.7.3 Touchscreen Adjust through the touch screen 1. Mode displaying area (or main functional tabs): displays the current modes, touch the tab to enter the mode. 2. Other application mode entrance: displays the available application modes related; tap to enter the modes. 3.

  • Page 66: Soft Keyboard

    3.7.4 Soft keyboard Under report, setup, comment adding and iStation screen, the soft keyboard icon displayed on the touch screen. Tap the icon to enter the soft keyboard typing screen. Or, under patient info screen, you can see the soft keyboard typing screen on the touch screen directly.

  • Page 67: Exam Preparation

    Exam Preparation Before examining a new patient, press <End Exam> to end CAUTION: the exam of the previous patient, update the patient ID and information, to avoid mixing data of the next new patient. To Start an Exam You can start a patient exam in the following situations: New patient information: enter the patient information, if it is a new patient, refer to «4.2.1 New Patient Information»…

  • Page 68
    Place the cursor onto the targeted box. The field box is highlighted and a flashing cursor appears. Information can be entered or selected from the options. You can also change the cursor position by <Tab>, <Enter> or direction keys. Detailed information is described as follows: 1.
  • Page 69
    Age: Auto generated age: once the DOB is entered, the system can display an auto-generated age in the field box; the unit can be “Years”, “Months” or “Days”. If the age is less than one year, the system will automatically calculate the age in months or days.
  • Page 70
    Exam Type Information Description According to the entered index (can be selected in the drop-down list); including LMP (last menstrual period), date of conception (DOC), IVF (in vitro fertilization), PRV (previous exam date), BBT (basic body temperature)), the system can automatically calculate GA and EDD (estimated delivery date);…
  • Page 71: Retrieve Patient Information

    Exam Type Information Description BP(L) Input left blood pressure. BP(R) Input right blood pressure. Serum PSA PPSA (Urology) coefficient SMP (Small None Parts) None (Pediatrics) Height Breast Weight 3. Operating Information Accession #: exam number used in DICOM. It should be entered within 16 letters or characters;…

  • Page 72
    2. Select the data source: Select the data source in the drop-down list of «Data Source». The occupying space percentage of the selected data source will be displayed. 3. Set the searching condition Define the searching item: Name, ID, BOD or Exam Date; and then enter the related keyword.
  • Page 73
    Button Function Description Delete Exam Click to delete the selected record. Click to back up the selected patient record to media Backup Exam supported. Restore Click to import the patient data from an external media. Exam Click to send the selected patient data to external device, Send Exam DICOM storage server or printer.
  • Page 74: Select Exam Mode And Probe

    Select Exam Mode and Probe If the exam mode is changed during a measurement, all CAUTION: measurement calipers on the image will be cleared. The general measurement data will be lost, but application measurement data will be stored in the reports. Selecting exam mode 1.

  • Page 75: Select The Imaging Mode

    2. Select [Image Mode] [Dual Probe]. 3. Click [OK] to confirm the setting or exit. The setting comes into effect then. Select the Imaging Mode Use the corresponding keys in the control panel to enter the imaging modes. Activate& Continue an Exam 4.5.1 Activate an Exam In iStation screen, select the exam record finished within 24 hours, and click [Activate…

  • Page 76: End Exam

    4.6.2 End Exam Before examining a new patient, press <End Exam> to end the exam of the previous patient, update the patient ID and information, to avoid mixing data of the next new patient. To end an exam, you can do one of the following: Press <End Exam>…

  • Page 77: Image Optimization

    Image Optimization WARNING: The images displayed in this system are for reference only. Mindray is not responsible for the correctness of diagnostic results. In Dual-B imaging mode, the measurement results of the merged image may be inaccurate. Therefore, the results are provided for reference only, not for confirming diagnoses.

  • Page 78: Quickly Saving Image Settings

    2. Other application mode access: displays the available related application modes. Tap to enter the modes. 3. Parameter adjusting area: displays the parameters in the current imaging mode or function. Parameter magnitude setting: tap to increase/decrease the value. ON/OFF setting: some of the parameters can only be set to ON or OFF. ON activates the function, and when the function is activated the key is highlighted in green.

  • Page 79: B Mode Image Optimization

    Check image parameter level and other settings: Click [Show Parameter] to check levels of different image parameters. Click [OK] to save the current image values for the current exam mode of the particular probe. This function is not available under dual-probe frozen mode. B Mode Image Optimization B mode is the basic imaging mode that displays real-time images of anatomical tissues and organs.

  • Page 80
    5.2.3 B Mode Image Optimization Frequency Description This function is used to select the operating frequency of the current probe, the real-time value of which is displayed in the image parameter area in the upper left corner of the screen, where “F” represents B mode frequency.
  • Page 81
    Description The system compensates the signals from deeper tissue by segments to optimize the image. There are 8-segment TGC sliders on the control panel corresponding to the areas of the image. To increase the gain compensation in an area of interest, move the TGC Operations slider to the right.
  • Page 82
    Imaging Adjustment Description More information can be obtained without moving the probe or changing the sampling position. 1. To change the scan range, tap [FOV] on the touch screen to enter the FOV (Field FOV range and FOV position adjustment status. of View) 2.
  • Page 83
    iClear Description The function is used to enhance the image profile so as to distinguish the image boundary for optimization. Adjust using the [iClear] item on the touch screen. Operations The system provides 1-4 levels of iClear adjustment: off represents no iClear effect, and the bigger the value the stronger the effect.
  • Page 84
    Image Merge Description In the Dual-split mode, when the images of the two windows have the same probe type, depth, invert status, rotation status and magnification factor, the system will merge the two images so as to extend the field of vision.
  • Page 85
    H Scale Description Display or hide the width scale (horizontal scale). The scale of the horizontal scale is the same as that of the vertical scale (depth). They change together in zoom mode, or when the number of the image window changes. When the image is turned up/down, the H Scale will also be inverted.
  • Page 86: M Mode Image Optimization

    M Mode Image Optimization 5.3.1 Basic Procedures for M Mode Imaging 1. Select a high-quality image during B mode scanning, and adjust to position the area of interest in the center of the B mode image. 2. Press <M> on the control panel, and roll the trackball to adjust the sampling line. 3.

  • Page 87
    5.3.3 M Mode Image Optimization Gain Description To adjust the gain of M mode image. The real-time gain value is displayed in the image parameter area in the top-right corner of the screen. Rotate the <M> knob clockwise to increase the gain, and counter- Operations clockwise to decrease it.
  • Page 88
    To select from among the maps, turn the knob under [Gray Map] item on Operations the touch screen. The system provides 25 different gray effect maps. Edge Enhance Description This function is used to enhance the image profile so as to distinguish the image boundary for optimization.
  • Page 89: Color Mode Image Optimization

    Color Mode Image Optimization The Color mode is used to detect color flow information, and the color is designed to judge the direction and speed of blood flow. Generally, the color above the color bar indicates the flow towards the probe, while the color below the color bar indicates the flow away from the probe.

  • Page 90
    ROI Adjustment Description This function adjusts the width and position of the ROI in Color mode. When the ROI box is a dotted line, roll the trackball to change the size. Operations When the ROI box is a solid line, roll the trackball to change the position. Press <Set>…
  • Page 91
    Packet Size Description This function is an indication of the ability to detect flow, which is used to adjust the accuracy of color flow. Rotate the knob under the [Packet Size] item on the touch screen to adjust Operations the value. There are 0-3 levels of packet size available: 0 represents no packet size control and the bigger the value the higher the sensitivity.
  • Page 92
    Scale Description This function is used to adjust the speed range of the color flow, which is adjusted using the PRF in the system. The real-time PRF value is displayed in the image parameter area in the top-right corner of the screen.
  • Page 93
    WF (Wall Filter) Description It filters out low-velocity signals to provide effective information, and this function is used to adjust the filtered frequency. The real-time value is displayed in the image parameter area in the top-right corner of the screen. Select using the [WF] item on the touch screen.
  • Page 94: Power Mode Image Optimization

    Power Mode Image Optimization Power mode provides a non-directional display of the blood flow in terms of intensity as opposed to flow velocity. DirPower (Directional Power mode) provides additional information of the flow direction toward or away from the probe. 5.5.1 Basic Procedures for Power Mode Imaging 1.

  • Page 95
    Increasing the gain will increase the flow signal presented and noise. The Effects signals may be missing when the gain is adjusted too low. Description This feature indicates the display effect of the Power image. The maps in the Power mode image are grouped into two categories: Power maps and Directional Power maps.
  • Page 96: Pw/Cw Doppler Mode

    PW/CW Doppler Mode PW (Pulsed Wave Doppler) mode or CW (Continuous Wave Doppler) mode is used to provide blood flow velocity and direction utilizing a real-time spectrum display. The horizontal axis represents time, while the vertical axis represents Doppler frequency shift. PW mode provides a function for examining flow at one specific site for its velocity, direction and features.

  • Page 97: Pw/Cw Mode Image Parameters

    5.6.2 PW/CW Mode Image Parameters In PW/CW mode scanning, the image parameter area in the top-right corner of the screen displays the real-time parameter values as follows: Parameter Angle Meaning Frequency Gain Wall SV Size Angle Filter Position Parameter Angle Meaning Frequency Gain…

  • Page 98: Pw/Cw Mode Image Optimization

    5.6.3 PW/CW Mode Image Optimization Gain Description This function is intended to adjust the gain of the spectrum map. The real- time gain value is displayed in the image parameter area in the top-right corner of the screen. Rotate the [PW] knob clockwise to increase the gain, and counter- Operations clockwise to decrease it.

  • Page 99
    Scale Description This function is used to adjust the speed range of the flow, which is adjusted using the PRF in the system. The real-time PRF value is displayed in the image parameter area in the top-right corner of the screen. Rotate the knob under the [Scale] item on the touch screen.
  • Page 100
    Speed This function is used to set the scanning speed of PW mode imaging. Description Rotate the knob under the [Speed] item on the touch screen. Operations There are 6 levels of scan speed available: the smaller the value the faster the speed.
  • Page 101
    Tap the different display format ratio buttons on the touch screen to adjust. Operations There are 5 formats for displaying the images: H2:3, V2:3, V3:2, V3:1, Full. Duplex/Triplex Description This function is used to set whether a B image (B + Color image) and PW image are displayed synchronously.
  • Page 102
    Dynamic Range Description The dynamic range conveys the information which is being transformed from echo intensity to grayscale. Adjust using the [Dyn. Ra.] item on the touch screen. Operations The adjusting range is 24-72dB. The more the dynamic range, the more specific the information and the Effects lower the contrast with more noise.
  • Page 103: Color M Mode

    Color M Mode Color M mode provides information about color flow or tissue on the M mode images to indicate the cardiac motion state. It is highly sensitive to the flow or tissue movement. The Color M mode includes Color Flow M mode and Color Tissue M mode. CM mode is not available for linear probes.

  • Page 104: Anatomical M Mode

    Anatomical M Mode Anatomical M Mode and Color Anatomical M mode images are CAUTION: provided for reference only, not for confirming diagnoses. Compare the image with those of other machines, or make diagnoses using non-ultrasound methods. For an image in the traditional M mode, the M-mark line goes along the beams transmitted from the probe.

  • Page 105: Free Xros Cm (Curved Anatomical M-Mode)

    Display/Hide the M-mark Line Description There are 3 M-mark lines available, each with “A”, “B” or “C” at the one end as identification and an arrow at the other end to mark the direction. Perform the selection using the [Show A], [Show B] or [Show C] item on M-mark the touch screen, and the corresponding image will be displayed on the Line…

  • Page 106: Tdi

    Only the phased probe supports Free Xros CM. Basic Procedures for Free Xros CM 1. In 2D real-time imaging mode, adjust the probe and image to get the desired image, then fix the probe. 2. Press [TDI] user-defined key to enter TDI imaging and acquire the necessary images. 3.

  • Page 107: Basic Procedures For Tdi Imaging

    Tissue Velocity Doppler Imaging (TVD): this imaging mode provides quantifiable direction and velocity information about the tissue. Tissue Velocity M Imaging (TVM): this function assists in observing the cardiac motion through a direct angle. TVM mode is also called Color Tissue M mode which has been introduced in the Color M mode chapter.

  • Page 108: Tdi Quantitative Analysis (Qa)

    5.9.4 TDI Quantitative Analysis (QA) TDI Quantitative Analysis results are provided for reference CAUTION: only, not for confirming diagnoses. Compare the results with those of other machines, or make diagnoses using non- ultrasound methods. TDI QA is applied for TVI original data analysis, for evaluating the velocity change of the same cardiac muscle with cardiac cycles.

  • Page 109 TDI QA Screen Description TDI QA Screen 1 — TVI Cineloop window Sample area: indicates the sampling position of the analysis curve. The sample area is color-coded, 8 (maximum) sample areas can be indicated. 2 — B Cineloop window Tip: The images in the TVI cineloop window and B cineloop window are the frozen image of the same moment.
  • Page 110 Basic TDI QA Procedures Setting the ROI This function is used for setting the TDI QA target. Up to eight ROIs can be saved on the reference image, with the corresponding eight traces plotted simultaneously on the graph. Each ROI display has a different color, and its corresponding trace data is plotted with the same color.
  • Page 111
    Delete an ROI Press the <Clear> key to clear the last ROI. Tap [Delete All] on the touch screen to clear all ROIs. The corresponding traces for the deleted ROIs are erased from the plot. Press <Clear> to delete the last added ellipse ROI. Standard Height/Standard Width/Standard Angle Use the touch screen selections [Std.
  • Page 112: Overview

    5.10 3D/4D 3D/4D imaging is largely environment-dependent, so the images obtained are NOTE: provided for reference only, not for confirming diagnoses. 5.10.1 Overview Ultrasound data based on three-dimensional imaging methods can be used to image any structure where a view can’t be achieved by standard 2D-mode to improve understanding of complex structures.

  • Page 113
    View point ROI and VOI Before image acquisition after the system enters 3D/4D imaging, a B image with ROI displays on the screen. A line (shown in the following figure) that shows the cut plane position of VOI is inside ROI. B image Cut plane ROI size and position…
  • Page 114
    View Curved VOI At the upper part of curved VOI At the lower part of curved VOI At the left part of curved VOI At the right part of curved VOI Displays as a dot Displays as a dot To define a ROI, please try to cut the useless data as to reduce the volume NOTE: data, shortening the time for image storing, processing and rendering.
  • Page 115
    Tips: changing the view direction only changes the 3D/4D image; images of the 3 sections do not change. Probe A 2D imaging probe can be applied for Smart 3D imaging, however, to realize static 3D imaging or 4D imaging, a volume probe should be selected. Sectional plane The principle of 3D imaging is to render a 3D image from multiple 2D image information.
  • Page 116: Note Before Use

    Section B: it is the horizontal section in fetal face up posture, as shown in the figure B above. Section C: it is the coronal section in fetal face up posture, as shown in the figure C above. Tips: the upper part of the 3D image in the D window is corresponding to the orientation mark on the probe, if the fetal posture is head down (orientating the mother’s feet), and the orientation mark is orientating the mother’s head, then the fetus posture is head down in the 3D image, you can make the fetus head up by…

  • Page 117
    (3) Amniotic fluid (AF) isolation The desired region is adequately isolated by amniotic fluid. The region to be imaged is not obscured by limbs or umbilical cord. (4) The fetus keeps still. If there is fetal movement, it is necessary to rescan. Angle of a B tangent plane The optimum tangent plane to the fetal face 3D/4D imaging is the sagittal section of the face.
  • Page 118: Static 3D

    5.10.3 Static 3D Static 3D provides single frame image acquisition of 3D images. During scanning, the probe performs the scanning automatically. Basic Procedures for Static 3D Imaging To perform Static 3D imaging: 1. Select the appropriate probe and exam mode. Make sure there is sufficient gel on the probe for scanning.

  • Page 119
    For setting the ROI, be sure to: Set the ROI on the 2D image with the largest section area of the fetal face. Set the ROI a little larger than the fetal head. When defining an ROI, try to eliminate useless data so as to reduce the volume NOTE: data and shorten the time for image storing, processing and rendering.
  • Page 120
    Type Parameter Description Function: set Min. as the 3D image rendering mode. Displays the minimum echo intensity in the observation Min. direction. This is useful for viewing vessels and hollow structures. Function: set X-ray as the 3D image rendering mode. Displays the average value of all gray values in the ROI.
  • Page 121
    Sectional A Sectional C Sectional B MPR Only on the touch screen to display MPR only. The adjustable image parameters are changed to MPR parameters automatically. Only A, B and C MPR are displayed, and VR is not displayed. The MPR Only function is available in image acquisition status. Asymmetric on the touch screen to display MPR along with VR.
  • Page 122
    View Direction a. Up/Down b. Down/Up c. Left/Right d. Right/Left e. Front/Back f. Back/Front Tap [U/D], [L/R] or [F/B] on the second page of the touch screen to select the direction of the above Figure a, c and e. Tap [Flip] on the touch screen to view in the opposite direction to the current direction, as shown in Figures b, d and e.
  • Page 123
    3. Select the desired MPR by touching [A], [B] or [C] or [VR]. 4. Roll the trackball to view the current active MPR. The other two MPRs change correspondingly. Or rotate the <4D> knob to adjust the relative position of MPRs so as to slice through the VR.
  • Page 124
    Parameter Description To quickly rotate the VR. VR Orientation Selection: 0°, 90°, 180°, 270°. Enhances the B mode image profile for better boundary details. iClear Range: Off, 1-4. Reset Curve Parameter Description To reset the volume rotation, shifting and zooming to its original Reset Ori.
  • Page 125
    Rotate an Image The system supports the following rotation modes: Axial rotation Auto rotation Axial rotation Axial rotation rotates the currently activated image around the X-, Y- or Z-axis. Procedures a) Select the current image. b) Rotate the corresponding knobs to make the image rotate: To rotate along the X-axis: rotate the <M>…
  • Page 126
    In the following image, the current active plane is MPR A. After performing Sync on Figure A, you can see the same fetal face profile in VR. Figure A Figure B 5-50 Image Optimization…
  • Page 127
    Comments and Body Marks Function: Add comments and body marks to the MPR and VR. Operation: The operation is the same as adding comments and body marks in B image mode. Image Editing Function Image editing is a more elaborate function than VOI adjusting for optimizing the 3D image by clipping (removing) the obscured part of the region of interest.
  • Page 128: Ilive

    Type Parameters Description Displays a box you can use to define the portion of the Rect. In image you want to cut. Inside Rect removes all portions of the image that fall inside of the box. Displays a box you can use to define the portion of the Rect.

  • Page 129
    Or, use 4D probe and press <4D> to enter 4D mode or Static 3D mode. 2. Select the render mode to be iLive by touching the touch screen, and set the related parameters (quality and angle, etc.). 3. Press <Update> to begin acquisition. 4.
  • Page 130
    Rotation Roll the trackball to view sectional images as necessary. Rotate <M>, <PW>, <C> to perform axial rotation or rotate the <4D> knob to adjust the nearest VOI section (cut plane) position. Comments and Body Marks Same as in other modes. 5.10.5 4D 4D provides continuous, high-volume acquisition of 3D images.
  • Page 131: Smart 3D 4D Image Saving In 3D viewing mode, press the single image Save key (Save Image to hard drive) to save the current image to the patient information management system in the set format and image size. Save clip: in 3D viewing mode, press the user-defined Save key (Save Clip (Retrospective) to hard drive) to save a CIN-format clip to the hard drive.

  • Page 132 Smart 3D Acquisition Preparation In Smart 3D mode, you need to set the scan method in addition to the other items in Static 3D mode. The other parameters are the same as those for Static 3D. For details, see “ Static 3D Acquisition Preparation.” Method Capture images using Linear scan or Rocked scan.
  • Page 133: Ipage (Multi-Slice Imaging) Smart 3D Image Viewing In VR viewing, the system supports the following functions: Render setting. B-mode parameter adjustment. Setting the display format. Viewing MPR. Image zooming. Rotation. Image editing. VR parameter adjustment. Scanning plane and probe movement Move the probe across the body surface. The arrow in the figure below indicates the movement of the probe (you can move the probe in the opposite direction to the arrow.).

  • Page 134
    Single-frame VR: 4D mode: freeze the system, then roll the trackball to select the image. Static 3D: an image frame is acquired automatically after the acquisition is completed. Multi-frame 3D images: acquire multiple 3D images in 4D imaging mode. 2. Perform operations such as rotation and VOI adjusting to the image to find the region of interest.
  • Page 135 iPage Basic Functions and Operations <1> A plane <2> B plane (the current <3> C plane reference image) <4> Y-axis <5> X-axis <6> Central section line (Current active section line) <7> Section line <8> Space between two <9> Image parameter planes <10>…
  • Page 136
    Slice order number: indicates the order of the slices. The position of the central slice is “0”, the slices before the central slice are marked with negative integral numbers, and the slices after the central slice are marked with positive integral numbers.
  • Page 137: Iscape View (Real-Time Panoramic Imaging)

    5.11 iScape View (Real-time Panoramic Imaging) The iScape panoramic imaging feature extends your field of view by piecing together multiple B images into a single, extended B image. Use this feature, for example, to view a complete hand or thyroid. When scanning, move the probe linearly and acquire a series of B images.

  • Page 138: Image Acquisition

    5. Exit iScape: Press <Freeze> or <Update>, or tap [ReCapture] on the touch screen to enter image acquisition status. Press the <B> button to return to B mode. 5.11.2 Image Acquisition To create an iScape image, start with an optimized 2D (color) image. The 2D image serves as the mid-line for the resulting iScape image.

  • Page 139
    Setting image parameters. For details, see “ Adjusting Image Parameters.” Image zooming. For details, see “ Image Zooming.” Image rotation. For details, see “ Rotating the Image.” Measurement, comments and body marks. For details, see “ Measurement, Comments and Body Marks.” Adjusting Image Parameters In image viewing mode, you can adjust the following parameters: Image size…
  • Page 140: Cine Review

    iScape panoramic imaging is intended for use by well-trained ultrasound NOTE: operators or physicians. The operator must recognize image items that will produce a sub-optimal or unreliable image. The following items may produce a sub-optimal image. If the image quality does not meet the following criteria, you must delete the image and repeat image acquisition.

  • Page 141: Enter/Exit

    4. Adjust the image parameters to obtain the optimized image and necessary information. 5. Adjust the ROI on the frozen image if necessary. 6. Save the image or review the image if necessary. 7. Perform measurement or add comments/body marks to the image if necessary. 8.

  • Page 142: Cine Review

    Invert Description To invert the E color bar and therefore invert the colors of benign and malignant tissue. Tap [Invert] on the touch screen. Operation Single E Description To switch between the B+E dual window and the single E window. E represents the Elastography image.

  • Page 143: Display & Cine Review

    Display & Cine Review Image Display 6.1.1 Splitting Display The system supports dual-split and quad-split display format. However, only one window is active at one time. Dual-split: press <Dual> key on the control panel to enter the dual-split mode, and using <Dual> key to switch between the two images; press <B> on the control panel to exit.

  • Page 144: Pan

    6.2.2 Procedures: 1. Press <Zoom> knob to directly enter the pan zooming status. Image-in-image is displayed. 2. Rotate <Zoom> knob to change the magnification factor. The system provides a zoom range of 0.8-10. 3. Exit pan zooming: press <Zoom> knob. 6.2.3 iZoom (Full-screen Zooming) Function: to magnify the image in full screen.

  • Page 145: Imaging Display Format Switching When Frozen

    6.3.2 Imaging Display Format Switching When Frozen Image display format switching in freeze mode follows the following principles: 2D+M/PW (Press <Freeze> in 2D+M/PW scanning mode) If the imaging mode before frozen is 2D (frozen) +M/PW (real time) or 2D (real time) +M/PW (frozen), then in freeze mode, you can switch between 2D (frozen) +PW (activated) or 2D (activated) +PW (frozen) by pressing <Update>…

  • Page 146: Entering/ Exiting Cine Review

    6.4.1 Entering/ Exiting Cine Review To enter cine review: Enter «[Setup] [System Preset] [Image Preset]» and set «Status after Freeze» to be «Cine». Press <Freeze> to freeze the image and enter the cine status, the <Cine> key indicator lights on automatically. Open cine files in thumbnail, iStation or Review, the system enters automatic cine review status.

  • Page 147: Cine Review In M Or D Mode

    this region; but the manual cine review can be performed beyond this region. When the cine file is saved, only the images within this region are saved. a) Set first frame: Manually review the images until the frame which you want to set it as start point, and then click [Set First Frame] to set it as the start point.

  • Page 148: Image Compare

    The frame mark on the time mark of M/PW image indicates the corresponding 2D image. In the statuses rather than the dual live, you can only review images in the currently active window. Image Compare 6.5.1 Cine Compare 1. Press <Review> to enter Review screen, press <Ctrl>+<Set> to select files to be compared.

  • Page 149: Cine Memory

    Live capture can be divided into 2 kinds: retrospective and prospective. Retrospective saving is to save the specified images before the current moment; to save the images stored in the cine memory to the system hard disk. Prospective saving is to save the specified images later than the current moment; to save the images to both the cine memory and the system hard disk.

  • Page 150: Cine Settings

    Cine Settings You can set the cine length via “[Setup] [System Preset] [General]”. The items are shown as follows: Non-live storage (the items are shown as follows) For Time without ECG(s), 1~60s. For Time (with ECG Loop): the unit is Beat, 1~16. Live capture (the setting items are shown as follows) Type: Retrospective, Prospective.

  • Page 151: Ecg

    The system can be configured with the optional physio module. In that case, the ECG signal is displayed on the image, and can be reviewed simultaneously with the image. When the system is connected with the ECG module: The Physio menu is available. The ECG icon including heart-shaped symbol and heart rate symbol are displayed on the screen.

  • Page 152: Ecg Operation Basic Procedures

    ECG Operation Basic Procedures 1. Connect the ECG device. Turn off the power supply of the system, and connect the ECG cable to the port in the system (For connection, please refer to “2.9 Physiological-signal Panel”) Turn on the power supply of the system Place the ECG electrodes on the patient’s body (as shown in the following figure) Right Right…

  • Page 153: Ecg Review

    Parameter Description Select ECG source. Source Function: to set the amplitude of ECG trace. ECG Gain Method: click [Gain] in the soft menu or menu. Value: 0-30, in increments of 1. Function: to set the vertical position of the ECG trace on the image display. Method: click [ECG Pos] in the soft menu or menu.

  • Page 155: Measurement

    Measurement You can perform measurements on a zoomed image, cine reviewing image, real-time image, or frozen image. For measurements details, please refer to the [Advanced Volume]. 1. Be sure to measure areas of interest from the most WARNING: optimal image plane to avoid misdiagnosis from inaccurate measurement values.

  • Page 156: General Measurements

    General Measurements 8.2.1 2D General Measurements 2D general measurements refer to general measurements on images of B, Color, Power or iScape imaging modes. The measurements listed below can be performed: Measurement Function Tools Distance Measures the distance between two points of interest. The distance between probe surface and the probing point along Depth ultrasound beam.

  • Page 157: Doppler General Measurements

    Measurement Function Tools Measures the distance and time between two points and calculates Slope the slope. Measures the time of n (n≤8) cardiac cycles and calculates the heart rate in M mode image. Calculates the average velocity by measuring the distance and time Velocity between two points.

  • Page 158
    Abdomen measurements — Used for measurements of abdominal organs (liver, gall bladder, pancreas and kidney, etc.) and large abdominal vessels. OB measurements — Used for measurements of fetal growth indexes (including EFW) as well as GA and EDD calculations. The fetus can be evaluated through growth graph analysis and fetal biophysical profile.
  • Page 159: Measurement Accuracy

    Measurement Accuracy Table 1 Error of 2D Images Parameter Value Range Error Distance Full screen Within ±2% Area Full screen Within ±6% Circ Full screen Within ±7% Angle Full screen Within ±3%. Volume Full screen Within ±7 % Table 2 iScape Measurements Parameter Probe Type Error…

  • Page 161: Comments And Body Marks

    Comments and Body Marks Comments (Annotations) Comments can be added to an ultrasound image to bring attention, notate or communicate information observed during the examination. You can add comments to: zoomed image, cine review image, real-time image, frozen image. You can type the character as comments;…

  • Page 162: Touch Screen Display In Comments

    9.1.2 Touch Screen Display in Comments The system can be configured with comment text libraries including Abdomen, Cardiology, GYN (Gynecology), OB (Obstetrics), Urology, SMP (Small Part), Vascular, PED (Pediatric), Nerve Blocks and emergency medicine. In comments status, you can enter the comment text using the screen menu or touch screen.

  • Page 163: Adding Comments

    Tracing (1) In comment status, tap [Trace] on the touch screen to activate the trace function. The current image is also displayed on the touch screen. (2) Control Panel operation: a) Roll the trackball to the desired position and press <Set> to confirm the start point.

  • Page 164
    b) Rotate the multifunctional knob to view the comments one by one c) Press the knob again to add the selected item onto the image (comment added in an editable state) d) Rotate the multifunctional knob to search for the next part, and press the knob again to add the second part of the combined comment.
  • Page 165: Moving Comments

    Tracing (3) In comment status, tap [Trace] on the touch screen to activate the trace function. The current image is also displayed on the touch screen. (4) Control Panel operation: d) Roll the trackball to the desired position and press <Set> to confirm the start point.

  • Page 166: Deleting Comments

    around the arrow indicating that the arrow can be edited. Move the cursor to change the arrow’s position. 2. Rotate the <Angle> knob to modify the arrow’s direction. 3. Press the <Set> or <Enter> key to complete the operation. 9.1.6 Deleting Comments Deleting comment characters, texts or arrows (1) Move the cursor to the comment to be deleted.

  • Page 167: Adding Body Marks

    Page-turning If there is more than one page of body marks, rotate the knob under [Page] to turn the pages. User-defined body mark Tap [Custom] to enter the dialog. You can import body mark graphs here. You can import a user-defined body mark in BMP/PNG format of 120*120 (unit: pixel) in size.

  • Page 168
    (2) Press <Clear> to delete the selected body mark. NOTE: In the Body Mark mode, if no object is selected, pressing the [Clear] key will clear all comments, body marks and general measurements from the screen. Tips: Powering off, preset returning, switching the exam/ patient/ mode/ probe will clear the body marks.
  • Page 169: Patient Data Management

    2. The system patient database space is limited, please back up or clear patient data in time. 3. Mindray is not responsible for lost data if you DO NOT follow suggested backup procedures. 10.1 Patient Information Management 10.1.1 Enter Patient Information The general patient information and exam information are entered through the Patient Info screen, for details;…

  • Page 170: Image File Management

    10.2 Image File Management You can store the image files either in the patient database in the system, or to external memory devices. For a saved image, you can perform operations like image reviewing, analyzing and demonstration (iVision). 10.2.1 Memory Media System supported memory media including: System hard disk USB memory devices: USB flash drive, removable USB hard disk…

  • Page 171: Image Storage Preset

    10.2.3 Image Storage Preset Set image size You can set the image size via “[Setup] [System Preset] [General]”. The items are shown as follows: Set cine saving length For details, please refer to “6.4 Cine Review”. Storage image/clip linked operation You can set to send image/clip to other media when you save/clip to hard disk (10.2.4 Quickly Saving Images to the System), the setting path is: [Setup] [System…

  • Page 172: Quickly Saving Full Screen Image To The System

    10.2.5 Quickly Saving Full Screen Image to the System 1. Set the user-defined key through the path: [Setup] [System Preset] [Key Config]. Select a key in the Key Function field on the left side and select “Save Full Screen Image to hard drive” in the Output page of Function field on the right side. 2.

  • Page 173
    To exit Review: Click [Exit] on the Review screen Press <Esc> Basic operations Select an exam from the “Exam History” drop-down list. The function buttons are described as follows: Exam History: You can select one certain exam from the exam directory to review the images. If entered from iStation, the screen displays the record(s) selected in the iStation.
  • Page 174: Ivision

    [New Exam]: click to create a new exam for the selected patient and open the Patient Info screen. [Activate Exam]: activate the currently selected exam (ended already) and enter the image scanning screen. [iStation]: click to enter the iStation screen. [Exit]: click to exit the Review status, and return to the main screen.

  • Page 175
    Demonstration item The demonstration items are the image files in the formats that the system supports. You can add the exam data in patient database (D:PatientData) or system supported image files and folders to demonstration item list. For files and folders in demonstration list, the images in the directory and subdirectory are played one by one, and the system will automatically jump over the files that can’t be opened.
  • Page 176: Sending Image File

    Option of Demo You can choose whether to repeat the demonstration or exit after a demonstration is completed. 10.2.9 Sending Image File On the image screen, select a stored image thumbnail (press <Shift> to select more than one at the same time), click (Send To) on the lower right corner of the screen, the image can be sent to the external devices.

  • Page 177: Report Management

    10.3 Report Management Report storage The exam reports are stored under the directory of the exam of the patient. Importing, exporting and sending a report In the iStation screen, select patient data, click [Restore Exam] or [Backup Exam] to import or export patient information, images and reports from or to an external memory device or network storage server.

  • Page 178: Patient Data Management (Istation)

    For details on report relevant operations, please refer to [Advanced Volume]. 10.4 Patient Data Management (iStation) The patient data include basic patient information, exam information, image files and reports. You can search, view, backup, send, restore or delete patient data in iStation. To Enter iStation Press <iStation>…

  • Page 179: Searching A Patient

    10.4.2 Searching a Patient 1. Select the data source. 2. Set search conditions of Name, ID, DOB, Exam Date in the «Item» drop-down list. 3. Enter the keyword in accordance with the “Item” selected, and the system searches and displays the results in the patient list. 4.

  • Page 180
    Send Exam The system supports to send data to external memory devices or print. Select the patient record, click [Send Exam] in the menu to send exam data or images of the selected record. Send patient exam data to USB devices, DVD-RW/DVD+RW drive. Send images to USB devices, disc, DICOM storage server, DICOM printer, video printer, text/ graph printer.
  • Page 181: Istorage

    Click [Empty Recycle Bin] to empty the recycle bin and all items can never be restored again. (2) Click [Exit] to exit Recycle Bin screen. 10.5 iStorage iStorage is used to save image files and measurement reports to the remote PC server. Open “[Setup] [Network Preset] [iStorage]”…

  • Page 182: Report Print

    10.6.3 Report Print Both report and image can be printed on a graph / text printer. 1. Press <Report> to enter the report dialog box. 2. Select [Print] to print the report. Please refer to the accompanying manuals of the printers for more details. 10.7 Backup Files through DVD Drive The system supports CD-R/RW, DVD±RW drive to write data in CD/DVD and to read data from CD/DVD in PC.

  • Page 183: Patient Task Management

    10.8 Patient Task Management Click at the lower right corner of the screen to pop up the following dialogue box: The system supports four types of task management: Storage Task: displays the DICOM storage task. DICOM Print Task: displays the DICOM print task. Media Storage Task: DICOM media storage task(including disc and USB devices) Backup task (system-relevant format): select the exam to be backed up in…

  • Page 184: Administration

    When the task management icon displays as , it means no task is undergoing or failed. DICOM Service Setting In the Storage Task and DICOM Print Task page, click [Service Setting] to enter the DICOM service setting screen. For details, please refer to DICOM chapter. Troubleshooting If any serious error occurred like network disconnection or operation timeout, the system can try to reconnect the network.

  • Page 185: Adding/Deleting A User

    (2) Select the user name in the drop-down list of User Name. (3) Enter password and click [Login]. To change user: (1) To log out the current user and change to another user, click at the lower right corner of the screen to pop up the following dialogue box: (2) Click [Change User] to pop up the Login dialogue box.

  • Page 186: Modify Password

    6. Click [OK] to confirm the setting and exit the dialogue box, then the new user will appear on the User List. Delete a User Premise: you must log on the system as the system administrator. If not, you will be required to enter administrator name and password before the setting.

  • Page 187: Dicom

    DICOM Before using DICOM, please read the electronic file DICOM CONFORMANCE NOTE: STATEMENT along with the device. This chapter is confined to the preset, connection verification and DICOM services of the DICOM- configured ultrasound machine, not including SCP configurations like PACS/ RIS/ HIS. The DICOM package is optional, so the description here is only applicable for the system configured with the DICOM package.

  • Page 188: Dicom Local Preset

    11.1.2 DICOM Local Preset 1. Enter the DICOM local preset screen through the path: [Setup] [DICOM Preset]. 2. Enter AE Title, Port, and PDU according to the actual situation, and then click [Save] to exit the screen, setting items are introduced in the following. Name Description AE Title…

  • Page 189: Service Preset

    (2) Click [Add] to add the server to the device list, and its name and address are displayed in the list. Tips: AE Title should be the same with the SCU AE Title preset in the server (PACS/RIS/HIS), for example, if the AE Title of the server preset in the storage server is Storage, and the AE Title of the accepted SCU is preset as Machine, then in the figure above, the AE Title of Local should be Machine, and the AE Title of storage server should be Storage.

  • Page 190
    DICOM storage preset items are described as follows: Name Description After you set the server (s) in DICOM Preset screen, the Device name (s) will appear in the drop-down list, select the name of the storage server. Service Name Default is xxx-Storage, user-changeable. Application Entity title, here, it should be consistent with that AE Title of the storage server.
  • Page 191 Print Service Preset 1. On DICOM Service screen, click [Print] page tab to enter the Print page. 2. Select device, enter the right AE Title, port, etc. 3. Click [Add] to add the service to the Service List. DICOM print preset items are described as follows: Name Description After you set the server (s) in DICOM Preset screen, the name…
  • Page 192
    Name Description Film Orientation Select between LANDSCAPE and PORTRAIT. Priority Specify printing task priority among HIGH, MED and LOW. Select film size among the selections listed in the drop down Film Size list. Specify quantity of printed files, e.g. STANDARD2, 3 indicates Display Format 6 images are printed for each page.
  • Page 193 DICOM Worklist Preset 1. On DICOM Service screen, click [Worklist] page tab to enter the Worklist page. 2. Select device, enter the right AE Title, port, etc. 3. Click [Add] to add the service to the Service List. DICOM Worklist service parameters are similar to those described in DICOM Storage Preset, please refer to “ Storage Service Preset”…
  • Page 194: Verify Connectivity

    11.2 Verify Connectivity If you want to verify connectivity (it is not a must-do operation), you can click [Verify] button on Storage, Print, Worklist, MPPS, Storage Commitment, and Query/Retrieve pages respectively. If the verification succeeded, the system prompts “xxx Verify Succeed”. Otherwise, it prompts “xxx Verify Failed”.

  • Page 195
    (3) Click to select “DICOM” in the Target box on the left side, and then select the DICOM storage server in the Storage Server box on the right side. (4) Click [OK] to start the sending. (5) Tap [Send To] on the touch screen. To send images by shortcut key You can save single frame image or multi-frame images to DICOM server while saving to hard drive by shortcut key.
  • Page 196: Dicom Print

    To send image for storage after an exam ends (1) Open “[Setup] (F10) [System Preset] [General]”, and then check in the Exam Setup area. (2) Set a default storage server. a) Enter the DICOM Service Preset screen via “[Setup] (F10) [DICOM Preset] [Set DICOM Service]”.

  • Page 197: Dicom Worklist

    b) Click [Print] to open the Print page. c) Select a Print server in the Service List and click [Default]; you can see “Y” is marked in the Default column. d) Click [Exit] to exit the page and return to Setup menu, then click [Save] on the Setup menu to make the preset to take effect.

  • Page 198: Mpps

    (4) Select the desired patient record in the displayed patient list: a) Select the desired patient and click [Start Exam], the patient information is imported into the system and then an exam is started. b) Click [Transfer], the patient information is imported into the [Patient Info] screen. After you edited the patient information in the Patient Info screen, select [OK] to start a new exam.

  • Page 199: Query/Retrieve

    To send storage commitment after an exam ends (1) Open [Setup] (F10) [System Preset] [General], and then check in the Extam Setup area. (2) Set the default storage server and storage commitment server. a) Enter the DICOM Service Preset screen via “[Setup] (F10) [DICOM Preset] [Set DICOM Service]”.

  • Page 200: Dicom Media Storage

    3. Select the server in “Server and Service” area (both the source and the destination). 4. Enter the query information, such as Patient ID, Patient Name, Accession #, Exam Date, or key words. Click [Clear] to empty the entered query information. 5.

  • Page 201: Structured Report

    There should be no DICOMDIR/DCMIMG/IHE_PDI files in the external storage media of the same name with the one being backed up; otherwise, the backup can’t be preceded. Besides, make sure there is enough storage space; otherwise, the backup may fail due to space shortage. Data Restore After DICOM format data are saved to external media, you can restore the data to the ultrasound system.

  • Page 203: Setup

    When the preset data is changed, be sure to save the preset CAUTION: data according to the methods described in this chapter. Mindray is not responsible for the loss of the preset data. To enter Setup: Press the <F10> key on the keyboard to enter setup menu.

  • Page 204
    Page Description To set the hospital name, language, time zone, time format and system Region date/time. To set patient information, exam setup, patient management, storage, General system dormancy, display, operation log and so on. Image To set general parameters in imaging modes. To set the measure ruler, measure setting, follicle method, comment Application setting and so on.
  • Page 205: Region

    12.1.1 Region Open the Region page via [Setup] [System Preset] [Region]. Item Description Hospital To set the hospital relevant information like name, address, Information telephone and so on. Language To select a language for the system. Time Zone To select the time zone. Time Format To select the time format.

  • Page 206: General

    12.1.2 General Open the page via [Setup] [System Preset] [General]. Type Item Description Info displays in To select if to display the available patient image banner information items on the screen. Patient Info H&W Unit To set the unit for patient height and weight. Surface Formula To set the surface formula.

  • Page 207: Image Preset

    Type Item Description Brightness/Contrast To set if use the factory setting values of brightness Load Factory and contrast. To select a system dormancy type. After screen saver function is enabled, click [Browse] to select the figure used for screen saver, Screen and click [Preview] to see the effect.

  • Page 208: Application

    Type Item Description Cine Memory To set the cine memory splitting type. To set if to display the iScape ruler on iScape iScape Ruler Display imaging mode. 12.1.4 Application Open the page via [Setup] [System Preset] [Application].Through the page, you can set the measure ruler and relevant information.

  • Page 209: Admin

    Footswitch function setting You can assign a function to the left/mid/right key of footswitch. Setting method is similar to key function setting, please refer to the above steps for setting. Other Settings Item Description Key Brightness To set the brightness for the keys. Key Volume To set the key volume, 0 means no sound.

  • Page 210: Exam Preset

    12.2 Exam Preset Open “[Setup] [Exam Preset]” to enter the following screen. You can assign available exam modes for probes. 1. To select a probe, move the cursor onto the Probe column, and select the probe model through the drop-down list. 2.

  • Page 211: Print Preset

    12.4 Print Preset The settings of a printer include print service and print driver. For details about print service and printer installation, please refer to “3.6.3 Graph /Text printer” chapter. Print Service Setting Add Service: click to begin print service adding. Remove Service: click to delete the selected print service.

  • Page 212: Network Preset

    12.5 Network Preset 12.5.1 Local TCP/IP DO Not edit IP address in Network Preset page as the network task is executed, NOTE otherwise it fails. View if there is any undergoing task in task manager of the system. This page is used for setting network property of the ultrasound system, which is also applicable for DICOM function.

  • Page 213
    Name Description Click to make the settings effective. Apply Note: The IP address of the system should not be occupied by other devices in the LAN, otherwise DICOM function will fail. Wireless LAN It is prohibited to use the wireless LAN function in WARNING airplane, as it may violate the relevant provisions in the aviation regulations.
  • Page 214: Istorage

    Tips: Usualy the DHCP is selected. If you select Static, please refer to 12.5.1 Local TCP/IP to set IP Adres, Subnet Mask and Gateway. 4. Select the desired hotspot from the [Wireless Network Manager]. The data display in the [Network SSID] and [Security] control. If the hotspot wanted is not in the list, you can input the data manually in the controls and click [Connect].

  • Page 215: Medtouch/Medsight Preset

    MedTouch/MedSight manual for details. 12.6 Maintenance In the Setup menu, select [Maintenance] enter the screen. If you require other maintenance functions, please contact Mindray Customer Service Department or sales representative. 12.6.1 Option The system enters Option page after you enter the Maintenance screen. In Option list, the system lists out all the system supported options and the installation status (Disabled or Installed).

  • Page 216: Other Settings

    For functions that are not configured, you can use the function for free for 90 days. Click to select the function(s) and click [Trial]. Tips: every trial option can be used only once. Please contact Mindray Customer Service Department or sales representative for details. 12.6.2 Other Settings Type…

  • Page 217: Probes And Biopsy

    Probes and Biopsy Note: For details of storage time and condition for disinfected probes or sterilized probes and brackets, please refer to Technical standard for Disinfection of Medical and Health Structures. 13.1 Probe The system supports the following probes: Probe Model Illustration Probe Model Illustration…

  • Page 218: Name And Function Of Each Part Of The Probe

    13.1.1 Name and Function of Each Part of the Probe The basic structures and corresponding functions of probes are basically the same; the following will take probe 3C5A as an example. <2> <1> <3> <4> <5> Name Function <1> Probe head It converts the electrical signal into ultrasound signal, making the sound beams focus in the given direction;…

  • Page 219: Procedures For Operating

    13.1.2 Orientation of the Ultrasound Image and the Probe Head The orientation of the ultrasound image and the probe are shown as below. The “Mark” side of the ultrasound image on the monitor corresponds to the mark side of the probe. Check the orientation before the examination (Here takes linear probe as an example).

  • Page 220
    Procedures for operating (with biopsy function): Inspection before examination Connection to the ultrasonic diagnostic system Examinations Biopsy procedure Disconnection to the ultrasonic diagnostic system Sterilization of the needle- guided bracket Wiping off the ultrasound gel Inspection after use Washing the transducer with water Storage Draining/drying Immersion into disinfectant…
  • Page 221
    Procedures for operating (with no biopsy function): Inspection before examination Connection to the ultrasonic diagnostic system Examinations Disconnection to the ultrasonic diagnostic system Wiping off the ultrasound gel Washing the transducer with water Draining/drying Disinfection Immersion into disinfectant Removing the transducer from disinfectant Rinsing the transducer into sterile water Draining/drying…
  • Page 222: Wearing The Probe Sheath

    Disinfect the probe and sterilize the needle-guided bracket WARNING: before and after an ultrasound-guided biopsy procedure is performed. Failure to do so may cause the probe and the needle-guided bracket become source of infection. 13.1.4 Wearing the Probe Sheath A legally marketed probe sheath must be installed over the probe before performing intra-cavitary and intra-operative examination.

  • Page 223: Probes Cleaning And Disinfection

    Refer to the following dimension table of all probes to choose the necessary probe sheath type: Model Length(mm) Width(mm) Height(mm) Cable Length(mm) 3C5A 101.6 25.7 2260±50 7L4A 101.6 25.7 2260±50 L7-3 91.4 47.1 22.8 2260±50 D7-2E 163.4 76.7 50.7 1950±50 24.4 L14-6NE 138.7…

  • Page 224
    Never immerse the probe connector into liquid such as water or disinfectant. Immersion may cause electrical shock WARNING: or malfunction. When performing cleaning and CAUTION: disinfection of the probe to prevent infection, wear sterile gloves. After disinfection, rinse the probe thoroughly with sterile water to remove all chemical residues.
  • Page 225
    Disinfecting by Immersion 1. Wear sterile gloves to prevent infection. 2. Clean the transducer before disinfecting it.MINDRAY recommends the following solutions to disinfect the transducer. Refer to the instructions provided by the chemical manufacturer concerning concentration of the disinfectant solution, method of disinfection and dilution and cautions during use.Do not soak the transducer connector or the cable near it…
  • Page 226: Storage And Transportation

    3C5A, 7L4A, L14-6NE, V11-3, P4-2 biopsy exam) For details about additional infection control procedures or disinfection information, contact Mindray North America Customer Service [Tel: (1-800) 288 2121, (1-201) 995 8000]. 13.1.6 Storage and Transportation When all examinations for the day have been completed, confirm that the probe is in good condition.

  • Page 227: Biopsy Guide

    Relative humidity: 30% ~ 95% (no condensation) Atmospheric pressure:700 hPa ~ 1060 hPa 3. When the probe is sent to MINDRAY Customer Service Department or sales representative for repair, be sure to disinfect it and keep it in the carrying case to prevent infection.

  • Page 228
    Before clean and sterilize needle-guided bracket please remove the needle-guided bracket from the probe referring to chapter 12. The needle mark displayed on the ultrasound image does not indicate the actual position of the biopsy needle. Therefore, it should only be used as a reference.
  • Page 229: Basic Procedures For Biopsy Guiding

    Probe Needle Target Ultrasound beam Dispersion of the ultrasound beam The biopsy needle may not have actually entered the target object even though it appears to have done so on the image. To avoid this problem, note points below: Do not rely only on the needle tip on the image. Pay careful attention to that, when the biopsy needle comes into the target object or contacts with it, the object should shift slightly.

  • Page 230: Needle-Guided Brackets

    A needle-guided bracket is available for purchase as an optional accessory; it is used in combination with the probe. Some of the probes have matched needle-guided bracket and needles. To order needle-guided brackets, contact MINDRAY Customer Service Department or sales representative.

  • Page 231
    NGB-006 Metal/needle detachable needle-guided bracket: Name Description <1> Support of needle- Used for installing the needle-guided bracket on the guided bracket probe. <2> Groove and tab of Respectively matched with the tab and groove of the the needle-guided probe. bracket <3>…
  • Page 232
    Plastic/needle detachable needle-guided bracket: Name Description Support of needle- Used for installing the needle-guided bracket on the <1> guided bracket probe. Used for determining the angle of the biopsy; there are <2> Angle block three specifications of blocks of angle. Used for installing biopsy needle;…
  • Page 233
    NGB-007 Metal needle-guided bracket: No. Name Description Support of needle-guided Used for installing the needle-guided bracket on the bracket probe. Groove and tab of the Respectively matches with the tab and groove of the needle-guided bracket probe Angle adjusting base There are 3 types of angles available to be adjusted.
  • Page 234
    Plastic needle-guided bracket: Name Description Support of needle-guided Used for installing the needle-guided bracket on the <1> bracket probe. Used for determining the angle of the biopsy; there <2> Angle block are three specifications of blocks of angle. Used for installing biopsy needle; there are five <3>…
  • Page 235
    Be sure to perform inspections before and after use of the needle-guided bracket. If an abnormality is found on the needle-guided bracket, immediately stop using it and contact MINDRAY Customer Service Department or sales representative. 1. Sterilize the needle-guided bracket before and after use.
  • Page 236
    (2) Open the retaining clamp, align the needle-guided bracket with the probe to locate the locating bulge on the needle guide to the locating grooves on the probe, and then turn the retaining clamp to match it with the probe (See the figure below).
  • Page 237
    Plastic needle-guided bracket: (1) Put on the sterile probe sheath. (2) Hold the probe by one hand, select proper needle-guided bracket, and hold it with the other hand. Align the narrow end tab of the needle-guided bracket with the groove of the probe, then push the needle-guided bracket forward, making the tabs and the grooves of the needle-guided bracket to match with the grooves and tabs of the probe.
  • Page 238
    (3) Screw the pinch nut of the needle-guided bracket to confirm that the needle- guided bracket is properly installed on the probe. (4) Select a proper guiding block and push it into the groove above the angle block, and clamp it tightly. (5) Screw the nut of the block to secure the block.
  • Page 239: Verifying The Biopsy Guide Line

    (5) Insert a biopsy needle with the same specification as that of the guiding block into the hole of the guiding block. NGB-011 (1) Inosculate the locating groove on the clamp with the two raised edges on the probe head and align the locating pit of the clamp to the convex point on the probe head.

  • Page 240: Removing The Needle-Guided Bracket

    Biopsy Guideline Press <F11 Biopsy> to enter Biopsy or tap [Biopsy] on the touch screen. Select the biopsy bracket angle/guide line If the needle-guided bracket supports more than one biopsy angle, select the angle/guideline by touching the [Bracket] on the touch screen (last two letters are angle or the guide line).

  • Page 241
    (2) Take the guiding block away in the direction of the needle tail, and then separate the needle from the transducer and the residual parts of the needle-guided bracket. (3) Screw out the locking nut on the needle-guided bracket to loose the bracket with the transducer.
  • Page 242
    Plastic needle-guided bracket: (1) Remove the guiding block slightly along the direction of the needle’s tail. (2) Separate the residual part of the needle-guide bracket and the probe from the needle. (3) Remove the support of needle-guided bracket from the probe. NGB-011 Hold the probe and the needle-guided bracket, and then open the grip knob of the needle-guided bracket.
  • Page 243: Clean And Sterilize The Needle-Guided Bracket

    Sterilization 1. Wear sterile gloves to prevent infection. 2. Clean the needle-guided bracket before sterilizing it. MINDRAY recommends the following solution or sterilizing system to sterilize the needle-guided bracket. 3. Follow local regulations when selecting and using the disinfectant.

  • Page 244: Storage And Transportation

    Between examinations, keep the needle-guided bracket in a sterile environment. When the needle-guided bracket is sent to your MINDRAY representative for repair, be sure to disinfect or sterilize it and keep it in the carrying case to prevent infection.

  • Page 245: Middle Line

    13.3 Middle Line Middle Line helps to locate and observe the focus point of lithotripsy wave during lithotripsy treatment. By means of providing information for the lithotripsy machine as well as a tool for watching the procedure of lithotripsy in real-time, you can adjust the intension and frequency of the lithotripsy wave through lithotripsy machine.

  • Page 247: Acoustic Output

    Acoustic Output This section of the operator’s manual applies to the overall system including the main unit, probes, accessories and peripherals. This section contains important safety information for operators of the device, pertaining to acoustic output and how to control patient exposure through use of the ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) principle.

  • Page 248: Mi/Ti Explanation

    Users must take responsibility for the safety of patients and utilize ultrasound deliberately. Deliberate use of ultrasound means that output power of ultrasound must be selected based on ALARA. Additional information regarding the concept of ALARA and the possible bioeffects of Ultrasound is available in a document from the AIUM (American Institute of Ultrasound Medicine) title “Medical Ultrasound Safety”.

  • Page 249: Mi/Ti Display

    TIB: Thermal index for applications, such as fetal (second and third trimester) or neonatal cephalic (through the fontanel), in which the ultrasound beam passes through soft tissue and a focal region is in the immediate vicinity of bone. TIC: Thermal index for applications, such as pediatric and adult cranial applications, in which the ultrasound beam passes through bone near the beam entrance into the body.

  • Page 250: Acoustic Power Control

    factory to be maximum 96.6% in all exam modes for a better image quality. The user can make adjustments according to the imaging effect in practical use. NOTE: This system automatically returns to the settings whenever changes are made to the values (when you turn on the power, switch between probes, press <End Exam>, or select Return in the Setup menu).In the factory default settings, the Acoustic Output is limited below 100%.

  • Page 251: Limits Of Acoustic Output

    adjusts the acoustic output as measured in a water tank to account for the effect of ultrasound propagation through tissue. By convention, a specific average intensity attenuation value is used, which corresponds to a loss of 0.3 dB/cm/MHz. That is, the intensity of ultrasound will be reduced by 0.3 dB/MHz for every centimeter of travel from the transducer.

  • Page 252: Measurement Uncertainty

    properties of tissue. Therefore, scanning through highly perfused tissue, such as the heart or vasculature, will produce significantly less thermal effect than that suggested by the Thermal Index. Similarly, the Mechanical Index was derived to indicate the relative possibility of mechanical (cavitation) effects.

  • Page 253: Emc Guidance And Manufacturer’s Declaration

    EMC Guidance and Manufacturer’s Declaration The system complies with the EMC standard IEC 60601-1-2: 2007. The use of unapproved accessories may diminish system WARNING: performance. Use of components, accessories, probes, and cables other than those specified may result in increased emission or decreased immunity of system.

  • Page 254
    TABLE 1 GUIDANCE AND MINDRAY DECLARATION—ELECTROMAGNETIC EMISSIONS The system is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of system should assure that it is used in such an environment. ELECTROMAGNETIC ENVIROMENT- EMISSIONS TEST…
  • Page 255
    TABLE 2 GUIDANCE AND MINDRAY DECLARATION—ELECTROMAGNETIC IMMUNITY The system is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of system should assure that it is used in such an environment. IEC 60601 COMPLIANCE ELECTROMAGNETIC…
  • Page 256
    TABLE 3 GUIDANCE AND MINDRAY DECLARATION—ELECTROMAGNETIC IMMUNITY The system is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of system should assure that it is used in such an environment. IEC 60601 COMPLIANCE ELECTROMAGNETIC…
  • Page 257
    TABLE 4 RECOMMENDED SEPARATION DISTANCES BETWEEN PORTABLE AND MOBILE RF COMMUNICATION DEVICE AND SYSTEM The system is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF disturbance are controlled. The customer or the user of system can help prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimum distance between portable and mobile RF communication equipment (transmitters) and system as recommended below, according to the maximum output power of the communication equipment.
  • Page 258
    instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Page 259: System Maintenance

    The responsibility for maintenance and management of the product after delivery resides with the customer who has purchased the product. If you have any questions, please contact Mindray Customer Service Department or sales representative. 1. Only an authorized Mindray service engineer can WARNING: perform maintenance not specified in this operator’s…

  • Page 260
    Cleaning the probe Tools: mild soapy water , dry soft cloth, soft brush Method: Wipe out the dust attached to surface of probe head, connector and cable with dry soft cloth. Use soft brush to brush the dust inside probe connector gently. Remained stain or dust attached to surface of cable or surface of connector should be washed out by cloth with a little soapy water, and then air-dry.
  • Page 261
    Cleaning the trackball Tools: paper, dry cloth, mild soapy water Method: 1. Disassembling the trackball: Press the bulges on the clamping ring using both hands and turn the ring about 35° clockwise until it lifts. Take out the ring and the rotary ball. Be careful not to drop the ball.
  • Page 262: Clean The Peripherals

    Cleaning the main panel Tools: soft dry cloth, soapy water Method: Use a soft dry cloth to clean the surface of the control panel (including the keystrokes, encoders and sliders). If the control panel is dirty, moisten the soft cloth with a little mild soapy water and wipe away any stains.

  • Page 263: Checking The Probe

    Content Description First wipe off dust or stain attached to the cover of printer with soft dry Color and B/W cloth, then clean the inside of printer. Be sure to do the cleaning video printer maintenance according to the operation manual if is necessary. First wipe off dust or stain attached to the cover of printer with soft dry Graph / text cloth, then clean the inside of printer.

  • Page 264: Troubleshooting

    16.2 Troubleshooting If any persistent system malfunction is experienced, e.g. an onscreen error message, blank imaging screen, absent menus, please refer to the table below. If the failure can’t be eliminated, please contact Mindray Customer Service Department or sales representative. Failure…

  • Page 265: Appendix A Barcode Reader

    Appendix A Barcode Reader The product supports readers for logging data as patient ID: 1-D barcode reader (SYMBOL LS2208) . The laser transmitted by the reader is Class 2 laser. Class 2 laser adopts low power, visible LED. DO NOT stare into WARNING: beam because of unknown hazards of transient radiation provided by class 2 laser.

  • Page 266
    Setting The reader has factory settings; please refer to A.4 for details. The reader supports some user-defined functions as introduced below. For more details, please contact the SYMBOL reader agents or Mindray Customer Service Department. Volume setting: Scan the following barcode to set the volume parameter.
  • Page 267
    Code 39 full ASCII scanning: Code 39 Full ASCII is a variant of Code 39 which pairs characters to encode the full ASCII character set. To enable or disable Code 39 Full ASCII, scan the appropriate barcode below. I 2 of 5 symbols setting: Select this option to decode only I 2 of 5 symbols containing a selected length.
  • Page 268
    A.1.4 Scanning in Hand-Held Mode 1. Ensure all connections are secure. 2. Aim the reader at the barcode. Press the trigger. Tips: Ensure the scan line crosses every bar and space of the symbol, see the figure below. A-4 Barcode Reader…
  • Page 269
    3. Upon successful decode, the reader beeps and the LED turns green. Tips: Do not hold the reader directly over the barcode. Laser light reflecting directly back into the reader from the barcode is known as specular reflection. This specular reflection can make decoding difficult.
  • Page 270
    A.1.5 Scanning in Hands-Free Mode Assembling the Intellistand NOTE Before tightening the wingnut under the base, ensure that the flat areas on the flexible neck fit securely in the grooves in the base. Mounting the Stand (optional) You can attach the base of the reader’s stand to a flat surface using two screws or double- sided tape (not provided).
  • Page 271
    Scanning in Hands-Free Mode When the reader is seated in the stand’s “cup”, the reader’s built-in sensor places the reader in hands-free mode. When you remove the reader from the stand it operates in its normal hand-held mode. Parameter Defaults Refer to the following table for parameter defaults of LS2208.
  • Page 272
    Parameter Defaults Code 39 Full ASCII Conversion Disable Buffer Code 39 Disable Code 93 Code 93 Enable Set Length(s) for Code 93 4 to 55 Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF) Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF) Enable Enable Set Lengths for I 2 of 5 I 2 of 5 Check Digit Verification Disable Transmit I 2 of 5 Check Digit…
  • Page 273: Appendix B Electrical Safety Inspection

    Appendix B Electrical Safety Inspection The following electrical safety tests are recommended as part of a comprehensive preventive maintenance program. They are a proven means of detecting abnormalities that, if undetected, could prove dangerous to either the patient or the operator. Additional tests may be required according to local regulations.

  • Page 274
    Device Enclosure and Accessories B.2.1 Visual Inspection Test Item Acceptance Criteria No physical damage to the enclosure and accessories. No physical damage to meters, switches, connectors, etc. The enclosure and accessories No residue of fluid spillage (e.g., water, coffee, chemicals, etc.). No loose or missing parts (e.g., knobs, dials, terminals, etc.).
  • Page 275
    normal polarity( Normal Condition), reverse polarity( Normal Condition), normal polarity with open neutral(Single Fault Condition), reverse polarity with open neutral(Single Fault Condition) LIMITS For UL60601-1, 300 μA in Normal Condition 1000 μA in Single Fault Condition For IEC60601-1, 500 μA in Normal Condition 1000 μA in Single Fault Condition Enclosure Leakage Test The following outlet conditions apply when performing the Enclosure Leakage test.
  • Page 276
    normal polarity( Normal Condition); reverse polarity( Normal Condition), normal polarity with open neutral(Single Fault Condition); reverse polarity with open neutral(Single Fault Condition). normal polarity with open earth(Single Fault Condition); reverse polarity with open earth(Single Fault Condition). LIMITS For CF applied parts 10μA in Normal Condition 50μA in Single Fault Condition For BF…
  • Page 277
    normal polarity( Normal Condition); reverse polarity( Normal Condition), normal polarity with open neutral(Single Fault Condition); reverse polarity with open neutral(Single Fault Condition). normal polarity with open earth(Single Fault Condition); reverse polarity with open earth(Single Fault Condition). LIMITS For CF applied parts, 10μA in Normal Condition 50μA in Single Fault Condition For BF…
  • Page 279: Appendix C Iscanhelper

    Appendix C iScanHelper By providing the referential information, such as, the ultrasonic image, the anatomic graphic, scanning pictures/other scanning tips or diagnosis comments, the system helps the doctors to operate the scanning by iScanHelper. Furthermore, it is a good platform for the self-learning and training of ultrasound scanning technique for doctors.

  • Page 280
    Basic Screen and Operation Section selecting boxa Image area Help information area C.4.1 View Selecting Area Rotate the trackball to move the cursor onto the target view and press <Set>, related information will be displayed on the help information area. C.4.2 Help Information Area Help information area displays on the lower right corner of the screen, providing ultrasonic…
  • Page 281
    C.4.3 Single/quad-window Display You can zoom in the anatomic graphic, ultrasonic image as well as scanning picture to view those information more conveniently. Press <Cursor> to obtain the cursor. Move the cursor on the anatomic graphic, the ultrasonic image or scanning tips. Double-click <Set> to go to the single window of each of them. Double-click single window again to return to quad-window display.
  • Page 283: Appendix D Wireless Lan

    Appendix D Wireless LAN The system provides wireless net adapter configuration, so as to assist information query and unlimited network service. It is prohibited to use the wireless LAN function in an airplane, as WARNING this may violate the relevant provisions in the aviation regulations.

  • Page 284
    Wireless specification and technology: Item Specification Standards IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n DSSS with CCK, DQPSK, DBPSK Modulation mode OFDM with BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM 2.400-2.483GHz, 5.15-5.35GHz, 5.47- Operating frequency 5.725GHz, 5.725-5.85GHz Channel spacing 5MHz Output power <= 17dBm Wireless network mode Infrastructure, ad-hoc Wireless quality of service: Item…
  • Page 285: Appendix E Ultrasound Gel Warmer

    Appendix E Ultrasound Gel Warmer Ultrasound gel warmer is a system option used for heating the ultrasound gel. Overview As shown in the figure above, the warmer is installed on the left side of the control panel, where the ultrasound gel is positioned. Structure Name Function…

  • Page 286
    Name Function Bottom cover Specifications Power supply Voltage 12 V 12 W Power consumption Environmental conditions Operating conditions Storage and transportation conditions 0°C~40°C -20°C~55°C Ambient temperature 30%~85% (no condensation) 20%~95% (no condensation) Relative humidity 700hPa~1060hPa 700hPa~1060hPa Atmospheric pressure Function and Requirement The ultrasound gel warmer can heat the ultrasound gel to about 40±1°C at the most.
  • Page 287
    Installing the Warmer 1. As shown in the figure below, install the gel warmer into the gel holder on the control panel. 2. Align the buckle of the holder to the slot at the side of the control panel and then insert the buckle into the slot, push the warmer in the direction of the arrow until the buckle clicks and locks.
  • Page 288
    Removing the Warmer 1. Pull out the power cable from the control panel jack. 2. As shown in the above figure, press the clip in the direction of the arrow to remove the warmer. Clip Cleaning 1. Press the clasp on the bottom cover to release the cover. 2.
  • Page 289: Appendix F Batteries

    The battery is inside the machine; only technical WARNING: professionals from Mindray or engineers authorized by Mindray after training can perform battery installation and uninstallation. If you need to change the battery or buy a new one, please contact your sales representative.

  • Page 290
    One Full Discharge / Charge Cycle: 1. Full discharge of the battery to let the system automatically shut down. 2. Charge the system to 100% FCC (full current capacity). 3. Discharge of the system for complete shutdown. Checking Battery Performance The battery performance may be degraded over time, so you need to check the battery performance periodically.
  • Page 291
    P/N: 046-010218-01 (V1.0)

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