Vd4 abb руководство по эксплуатации

ABB VD4 Instruction Manual

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Summary of Contents for ABB VD4

  • Page 3
    Your safety first always! That’s why our instruction manual begins with these recommendations: Only install switchgear and/or switchboards in enclosed rooms suitable for electrical equipment. Ensure that installation, operation and maintenance are carried out by specialist electricians only. Comply in full with the legally recognized standards, the connection conditions of the local electrical utility and the applicable safety at work regulations.
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    7.3.2 Stored-energy spring mechanism 3.3.3 Opening procedure 7.3.3 Breaker pole 3.3.4 Autoreclosing sequence Repair 3.3.5 Quenching principle of the vacuum interrupter Spare parts and auxiliary materials Dispatch and storage Application of the X-ray regulations 4 Contents | VD4 Vacuum Circuit-breaker…

  • Page 5: General

    1 Summary 1.1 General Health and Safety at Work Standard VBG 4 ■ The vacuum circuit-breakers of type VD4 on with-drawable Safety guidelines for auxiliary and operating materials ■ parts for 36 kV or 40.5 kV rated voltage are intended for Order related details provided by ABB Xiamen Switchgear ■…

  • Page 6: Technical Data

    When the operating voltage is lower than the rated voltage, the same values apply as for rated voltage. Higher values on request. If the activating relay contact cannot itself interrupt the release coil current 6 Technical data | VD4 Vacuum Circuit-breaker…

  • Page 7: Technical Data

    Auxiliary voltages AC: 110 and 220 V, DC: 24, 48, 60, 110 and 220 V. Auxiliary voltages AC: 240 V, DC: 125 and 240 V. 2.3 Technical data Motor-operated mechanisms Auxiliary consumption Charging time voltage Power (maximum) VA/W Approximate values At the rated auxiliary voltage VD4 Vacuum Circuit-breaker | Technical data 7…

  • Page 8: Permissible Number Of Vacuum Interrupter

    30 40 60 Breaking current I (kA) Breaking current I (kA) b) Circuit-breaker type VD4, 36 kV and 40.5 kV a) Circuit-breaker type VD4, 36 kV and 40.5 kV Rated short-circuit breaking current 25 kA Rated short-circuit breaking current 31.5 kA…

  • Page 9: Dimensions

    2.5 Dimensions See figure 2/2,2/3. Fig. 2/2 Dimension of withdrable VD4 40.5kV | Fig. 2/3 Dimension of fixed VD4 40.5kV Fig. 2/2 = Transport bracket 147 = Transport profile 148 = Entrance for control cables 50.2 = Front partition plate…

  • Page 10
    Note: 1) For DC 24V, 30V, 48V, 60V, 110V, 125V, 220V, 240V; AC 110V, 220V, 240V 2) Spring in the diagram is discharged. Standard configurations and options available for VD4 are contained in the diagram. Also see relative catalogues and order forms for all possible configuration.
  • Page 11
    Fig. 2/5 Circuit diagram for withdrawable VD4 Fig. 2/5 VD4 Vacuum Circuit-breaker | Technical data 11…
  • Page 12
    Fig. 2/6 Circuit diagram for fixed VD4 Fig. 2/6 12 Technical data | VD4 Vacuum Circuit-breaker…
  • Page 13: Structure And Function

    (Figures 3/1, 3/2 , 3/6, 3/7 and 3/8) Mechanical operating cycle counter 55.5. ■ The 36 kV and 40.5 kV circuit-breakers of type VD4 are Motor charging mechanism ■ designed as withdrawable units. The poles, which are Five-pole auxiliary switch S1 to switch the charging motor ■…

  • Page 14: Function

    58 is moved until the contacts touch by cam disk of the contacts and thus on that of the vacuum interrupters. and further kinematic links. In the further sequence of motion, 14 Structure and function | VD4 Vacuum Circuit-breaker…

  • Page 15
    Figure 3/1: Withdrawable part with circuit-breaker, type VD4, operator’s side Figure 3/2: Withdrawable part with circuit-breaker, type VD4, pole side Figure 3/3: Withdrawable part with circuit-breaker, type VD4, controls for the circuit-breaker VD4 Vacuum Circuit-breaker | Structure and function 15…
  • Page 16
    58.7 58.7 58.6 Figure 3/4: Withdrawable part with circuit-breaker, type VD4, left and operator’s side view Figure 3/5: Withdrawable part with circuit-breaker, type VD4, (pole side, below) Figure 3/6: Partial section of a vacuum interrupter. 16 Structure and function | VD4 Vacuum Circuit-breaker…
  • Page 17
    Figure 3/7: Vacuum circuit-breaker, type VD4, for fixed installation, operating side Figure 3/8: Vacuum circuit-breaker, type VD4, for fixed installation, terminal side Figure 3/9: Vacuum circuit-breaker, type VD4, for fixed installation, version with partition, terminal side Figure 3/10: Indicators and controls on a circuit-breaker for fixed installation…
  • Page 18: Dispatch And Storage

    ■ trolley jack. the switchgear room. ■ Figure 4/1: VD4 breaker on withdrawable part | Figure 4/2: VD4 breaker for fixed installation Figure 4/1 Figure 4/2 Only handle by crane when the transport bracket 147 and crane harness are fitted.Always bear in mind that the high situated centre of gravity may induce the breaker to tip over! 50.2…

  • Page 19: Delivery

    ■ discharged (Indicator DISCHARGED: Check the drying agent: ■ on arrival of the consignment, ■ Conditions for optimum intermediate storage: subsequently at appropriate intervals. ■ 1. Devices with basic packaging or unpacked: VD4 Vacuum Circuit-breaker | Dispatch and storage 19…

  • Page 20: Installation

    When the switchgears are operated in areas with high humidity and/or major rapid temperature fluctuations, there is a risk of dew deposits which must remain an exception in normal operating conditions Provisions should be taken according to section 1.3.2 (special operating conditions). 20 Installation | VD4 Vacuum Circuit-breaker…

  • Page 21: Commissioning/Operation

    Insert charging lever 128 into the socket 55.6 and pump then only be closed after the closing command has been ■ up and down for approx. 25 strokes until the charged interrupted. condition is displayed. VD4 Vacuum Circuit-breaker | Commissioning/Operation 21…

  • Page 22: Operating Sequence

    Open breaker On-Off Close breaker… Off-On-Off or auto- automatically (re-)charge reclosing sequence Autoreclosing sequence (Activation via (automatic charging starts) protection system) Automatic charging completed On-Off Close breaker… Off-On-Off or auto- automatically (re-)charge reclosing sequence 22 Commissioning/Operation | VD4 Vacuum Circuit-breaker…

  • Page 23
    Square spigot Hand crank Figure 6/1: Withdrawable part with circuit-breaker, type VD4, control area Figure 6/2: Changing the store-energy spring mechanism manually by moving the inserted charging lever up and down Figure 6/3: Manual operation of the circuit-breaker, by turning the double bit key approx. 15 clockwise (ON), or approx. 15 anti-clockwise (OFF)
  • Page 24
    Figure 6/5: Interlock yoke with sliding handles which will be moved inwards to release the withdrawable part for withdrawing from the panel Figure 6/6: Operating accessories Figure 6/7: Vacuum circuit-breaker, type VD4, for fixed installation. Manual charging of the stored-energy spring 24 Commissioning/Operation | VD4 Vacuum Circuit-breaker…
  • Page 25: Maintenance

    It Perform several switching operations under no load, above ■ is recommended that ABB Xiamen Switchgear Limited Co. all with circuit-breakers seldom operated in normal service. after-sales service personnel should be called in, at Switch off the charging motor (if fitted) and discharge ■…

  • Page 26: Testing Of Interlock Conditions

    ■ ■ the withdrawable part must be blocked after only half a ABB instruction manuals Ba 1002/E or BA 1006/E on safety turn of the crank in anti-clockwise direction. at work. Note: Use only halogen free cleansers, and in no case 1.1.1- 3.

  • Page 27: Stored-Energy Spring Mechanism

    Note: Dismantling and Replacement of the complete breaker rotating bearing surfaces. Lubricant: Isoflex Topas NB 52.(Code GCE 0007249P0100) poles should only be carried out by ABB Xiame Check the fit of fasteners (e.g. locking pins) in Switchgear Limited Co. after-sales service personnel ■…

  • Page 28: Spare Parts And Auxiliary Materials

    Intermediate current transformer for indirect overcurrent release Magnet holder, complete (with integrated rectifiers V1, V2, V3, V9) Series rectifier V4/V7 Charging motor (with gearing) Auxiliary materials Ident no. (order code) Lubricant: Isoflex Topas NB 52 GCE0007249P0100 28 Maintenance | VD4 Vacuum Circuit-breaker…

  • Page 29
    51 an appropriate distance away Figure 7/2: Auxiliary switches for interlocking withdrawable part and switchgear panel (withdrawable part in service position) Figure 7/3: The spring-loaded operating mechanism in the frame of the withdrawable part, front cover plates removed VD4 Vacuum Circuit-breaker | Maintenance 29…
  • Page 30
    Charging motor Magnet holder, complete Figure 7/4 Vacuum circuit-breaker, type VD4, for fixed installation, stored-energy spring mechanism, front panel removed Figure 7/5 Vacuum circuit-breaker, type VD4, for fixed installation, stored-energy spring mechanism, front panel removed 30 Maintenance | VD4 Vacuum Circuit-breaker…
  • Page 31: Application Of The X-Ray Regulations

    ■ completely safe. of the specified distance between the contacts (which is automatically ensured with correct mechanism function and The application of the rated power frequency withstand force transmission). ■ VD4 Vacuum Circuit-breaker | Application of the X-ray regulations 31…

Страница 1 из 11

VD4 - вакумный выключатель АББ
Инструкции по установке и эксплуатации вакуумных выключателей VD4, выпускаемых компанией АББ в диапазоне:  10 … 35 кВ — 630 … 3250 A — 16 … 50 кА .

Для вашей безопасности
Убедитесь, что помещение, в котором выполняется установка (свободное пространство, изолированность и окружающая среда) пригодно для размещения электрического оборудования.
Убедитесь, что все операции по установке, пуску в эксплуатацию или обслуживанию выполняются персоналом, обладающим необходимым знанием оборудования.
Убедитесь, что во время установки, эксплуатации и обслуживания соблюдаются требования норм и законов для исполнения систем, соответствующих техническим правилам и нормам безопасности на рабочих местах.
Тщательно соблюдайте указания, приведенные в данном руководстве.
Убедитесь, что во время работы не превышаются номинальные характеристики прибора.
Убедитесь, что работающий с прибором персонал имеет в своем распоряжении данное руководство и всю необходимую информацию, необходимую для правильной эксплуатации.

Обратите особенное внимание на примечания руководства, помеченные следующим символом:
Ответственные действия станут залогом вашей безопасности и других лиц. По любым вопросам обращайтесь в Сервисную службу фирмы ABB.

I. Введение

II. Программа охраны окружающей среды

В данном издании содержатся сведения, необходимые для установки и пуска в эксплуатацию выключателей среднего напряжения VD4. Для правильной эксплуатации изделия рекомендуется внимательно прочитать их. Как все выпускаемое нами оборудование, так и выключатели VD4 разработаны для использования в системах с различной конфигурацией. Тем не менее, данные приборы позволяют выполнять дополнительные конструктивно- технические изменения (по требованию заказчика), приспосабливая их к особенностям систем. По этой причине, в приведенных ниже сведениях могут отсутствовать инструкции, касающиеся специальной конфигурации.
поэтому, необходимо всегда ссылаться не только на данное руководство, но и на самую последнюю техническую
документацию (схему цепей, планиметрии, чертежи монтажа и установки, изучения взаимодействия с защитными системами и т.д.) в особенности при необходимости возможных вариантов по отношению к стандартной конфигурации. Для выполнения обслуживания используйте лишь только фирменные запасные части.
Дополнительные сведения приводятся также в техническом каталоге выключателя и в каталоге запасных частей.
Выключатели VD4 изготовлены с соблюдением Норм ISO 14000 (Руководящие принципы по охране окружающей среды).
Производственные процессы выполняются с соблюдением Норм по защите окружающей среды в области как снижения энергопотребления и расхода сырья, так и получения отходов. Все это обеспечивается системой охраны окружающей среды предприятия, выпускающего оборудование среднего напряжения.

1. Упаковка и перевозка

Выключатель поставляется в специальной упаковке, в разомкнутом состоянии, с невзведенными пружинами. Каждый прибор защищается пластиковым пологом, чтобы предотвратить попадание воды во время погрузки и разгрузки, а также чтобы защитить его от пыли во время складирования.

2. Проверка при получении

перед выполнением какой-либо операции всегда проверяйте, чтобы пружины привода не были взведены, а сам прибор находился в разомкнутом состоянии.
При получении проверьте состояние прибора, сохранность упаковки и соответствие данных паспортной таблички (см. рис. 1) и данных, указанных в подтверждении заказа или же в транспортной накладной.
Убедитесь также, что в поставку включен весь материал, описанный в транспортной накладной. Если же при распаковке обнаруживается какой- либо ущерб или неправильность поставки, то как можно быстрее известите об этом фирму АВВ (непосредственно, через представителя или поставщика), в любом случае, в течение пяти дней с момента получения.

Прибор поставляется лишь только с теми принадлежностями, которые были указаны при составлении заказа, и одобрены в подтверждении заказа, направленном фирмой АВВ. В упаковке содержится следующая сопроводительная документация:
руководство по эксплуатации (данный документ)
протокол испытаний
идентификационная карточка
копия грузоотправительной документации
электрическая схема.
Другими документами, предшествующими отправке прибора, являются:
подтверждение заказа
оригинал уведомления об отправке

чертежи или документы, касающиеся особенных конфигураций/условий.
Обозначения А Табличка с характеристиками выключателя. В Табличка с характеристиками привода.
Тип прибора.
Символ соответствия нормам.
Заводской номер.
Характеристики выключателя.
табличка выключателя VD4
Характеристики вспомогательных управляющих цепей.

Рис. 1

3. Складирование

В случае, если предусматривается период складирования, по заказу, мы изготовим упаковку, соответствующую указанным условиям хранения. При получении прибор должен быть осторожно распакован и проверен, как описывается в главе «Проверка при получении» (гл. 2). В случае невозможности немедленной установки, упаковка должна быть восстановлена с использованием фирменных материалов. Вложите в упаковку специальные гигроскопичные вещества в количестве не менее одного стандартного пакета на прибор.
Если же фирменная упаковка отсутствует, а немедленная установка невозможна, обеспечьте складирование прибора в закрытом, хорошо проветриваемом помещении, с сухим, непыльным, некоррозийным воздухом, вдали от легковоспламеняющихся материалов, с температурой от -5 °C до +40 °C.
В любом случае, избегайте нанесение случайных ударов или же размещений, которые прилагают нагрузку к конструкции прибора.

4. Перемещение

Перед выполнением какой-либо операции всегда проверяйте, чтобы пружины привода не были взведены, а сам прибор находился в разомкнутом состоянии.
Для подъема и перемещения выключателя действуйте следующим образом (рис. 2):
используйте специальное подъемное приспособление (1) (не поставляется), оборудованное тросами с подъемными крюками (2);
вставьте крюки (2) в опоры (3), прикрепленные к раме выключателя, и поднимите. Зацепите крюки (2) за отверстия опоры (3), в зависимости от типа прибора (см. таблицу);
в конце операции (и, в любом случае, перед пуском в эксплуатацию) отцепите подъемное устройство (1) и снимите опоры (3) с рамы.

Во время перемещения обратите особенное внимание на то, чтобы не оказывать воздействие на изолирующие части и терминалы выключателя.
Приборы не должны перемещаться, вставляя подъемные средства непосредственно под сам прибор. В случае, если необходимо прибегнуть к этой технике, установите выключатель на поддон или прочную опорную поверхность (см. рис. 3). В любом случае, рекомендуется выполнять подъем, всегда используя опоры (3).


Межосевое расстояние полюсов

Номинальный ток



150-210 мм

до 1250 А



275 мм

от 1600 до 3150 А



210 мм

от 1600 до 2000 А



210-275 мм

до 4000 А



150 мм

до 1250 А



210 мм

от 1600 до 2500 А



275 мм

до 1250 А



275 мм

от 1600 до 3150 А



210 мм

до 1250 А



210-275 мм

до 4000 А


погрузка выключателя
Рис. 2

Page 1: ABB VD4 Manual

Instruction manual BA 532/01


I. Introduction 4

II. Programme for environmental protection 4

1. Packing and transport 5

2. Checking on receipt 5

3. Storage 5

4. Handling 6

5. Description 7

6. Instructions for circuit-breaker operation 36

7. Installation 39

8. Putting into service 44

9. Maintenance 45

10. Application of the standards for X-ray emission 48

11. Spare parts and accessories 49

12. Electrical diagram 49

13. Overall dimensions 50

VD4Installation and service instructions12 … 24 kV — 630 … 3150 A — 16 … 40 kA

Page 2: ABB VD4 Manual

For your safety!

Make sure that the installation room (spaces, divisions and ambient) issuitable for the electrical apparatus.

Check that all the installation, putting into service and maintenanceoperations are carried out by qualified personnel with suitableknowledge of the apparatus.Make sure that the standard and legal prescriptions are complied withduring installation, putting into service and maintenance, so thatinstallations according to the rules of good working practice and safetyin the work place are constructed.

Strictly follow the information given in this instruction manual.Check that the rated performance of the apparatus is not exceededduring service.

Check that the personnel operating the apparatus have this instructionmanual to hand as well as the necessary information for correctintervention.Pay special attention to the danger notes indicated in the manual bythe following symbol:

Responsible behaviour safeguards your ownand others’ safety!

For any requests, place contactthe ABB Assistance Service.

Page 3: ABB VD4 Manual


I. Introduction 4

II. Programme for environmental protection 4

1. Packing and transport 5

2. Checking on receipt 5

3. Storage 5

4. Handling 6

5. Description 7

5.1. General information 7

5.2. Reference Standards 7

5.3. EL operating mechanism 7

5.4. Fixed circuit-breakers 7

5.5. Withdrawable circuit-breakers 15

5.6. Characteristics of the electrical accessories 35

6. Instructions for circuit-breaker operation 36

6.1. Safety indications 36

6.2. Switching and signalling parts 36

6.3. Circuit-breaker closing and opening operations 37

7. Installation 39

7.1. General 39

7.2. Installation and operating conditions 39

7.3. Preliminary operations 41

7.4. Installation of fixed circuit-breakers 41

7.5. Installation of withdrawable circuit-breakers in UniGear ZS1and PowerCube modules 41

7.6. Connections of the fixed circuit-breaker power circuit 42

7.7. Earthing 42

7.8. Connection of the auxiliary circuits 42

8. Putting into service 44

8.1. General procedures 44

9. Maintenance 45

9.1. General 45

9.2. Inspections and functionality tests 45

9.3. Overhauling 46

9.4. Repairs 48

10. Application of the standards for X-ray emission 48

11. Spare parts and accessories 49

11.1. List of spare parts 49

12. Electrical diagram 49

13. Overall dimensions 50


Page 4: ABB VD4 Manual


I. IntroductionThis publication contains the information needed to install mediumvoltage VD4 circuit-breakers and put them into service.For correct use of the product, please read it carefully.Like all the apparatus we manufacture, the VD4 circuit-breakers aredesigned for different installation configurations.However, this apparatus allows further technical-constructionmodifications (at the customer’s request) to adapt to special installationrequirements.Consequently, the information given below may sometimes not containinstructions concerning special configurations.Apart from this manual, it is therefore always necessary to consult thelatest technical documentation (electric circuit and wiring diagrams,assembly and installation drawings, any protection coordination studies,etc.), especially regarding any variants requested in relation to thestandardised configurations.Only use original spare parts for maintenance operations.For further information, please also see the technical catalogue of thecircuit-breaker and the spare parts catalogue.

All the installation, putting into service, running andmaintenance operations must be carried out by skilledpersonnel with in-depth knowledge of the apparatus.

II. Environmental protection programmeThe VD4 circuit-breakers are manufactured in accordance with theISO 14000 Standards (Guidelines for environmental management).The production processes are carried out in compliance with theStandards for environmental protection in terms of reduction in energyconsumption as well as in raw materials and production of wastematerials. All this is thanks to the medium voltage apparatusmanufacturing facility environmental management system.

Page 5: ABB VD4 Manual


1. Packing and transportThe circuit-breaker is shipped in special packing, in the open positionand with the spring discharged.Each piece of apparatus is protected by a plastic cover to prevent anyinfiltration of water during the loading and unloading stages and tokeep the dust off during storage.

2. Checking on receiptBefore carrying out any operation, always make surethat the operating mechanism spring is discharged andthat the apparatus is in the open position.

On receipt, check the state of the apparatus, integrity of the packingand correspondence with the nameplate data (see fig. 1) with what isspecified in the order confirmation and in the accompanying shippingnote.Also make sure that all the materials described in the shipping noteare included in the supply.Should any damage or irregularity be noted in the supply on unpacking,notify ABB (directly or through the agent or supplier) as soon aspossible and in any case within five days of receipt.The apparatus is only supplied with the accessories specified at thetime of ordering and validated in the order confirmation sent by ABB.The accompanying documents inserted in the shipping packing are:– instruction manual (this document)– test certification– identification label– copy of the shipping documents– electric wiring diagram.Other documents which are sent prior to shipment of the apparatusare:– order confirmation– original shipping advice note– any drawings or documents referring to special configurations/con-


3. StorageWhen a period of storage is foreseen, our workshops can (on request)provide suitable packing for the specified storage conditions.On receipt the apparatus must be carefully unpacked and checkedas described in Checking on receipt (chap. 2).If immediate installation is not possible, the packing must be replaced,using the original material supplied.Insert packets of special hygroscopic substances inside the packing,with at least one standard packet for piece of apparatus.Should the original packing not be available and immediate installationis not possible, store in a covered, well-ventilated, dry, dust-free, non-corrosive ambient, away from any easily flammable materials and at atemperature between –5 °C and +45 °C.In any case, avoid any accidental impacts or positioning which stressesthe structure of the apparatus.

Page 6: ABB VD4 Manual








The apparatus must not be handled by putting lifting

devices directly under the apparatus itself. Should it be

necessary to use this technique, put the circuit-breaker

onto a pallet or a sturdy supporting surface (see fig. 3).

In any case, it is always advisable to carry out lifting

using the supports (3).

Version Pole centre distance Rated current Hole

Fixed 150-210 mm up to 1250 A A

Fixed 275 mm from 1600 to 3150 A A

Fixed 210 mm from 1600 to 2000 A

Withdrawable 150 mm up to 1250 A A

Withdrawable 210 mm from 1600 to 2500 A B

Withdrawable 275 mm up to 1250 A B

Withdrawable 275 mm from 1600 to 3150 A C

Withdrawable 210 mm up to 1250 A C

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 1

CaptionA Circuit-breaker rating plate.B Operating mechanism rating plate.1 Type of apparatus.2 Symbols of compliance with Standards.3 Serial number.4 Circuit-breaker characteristics.5 Characteristics of the operating mechanism auxiliaries.

4. HandlingBefore carrying out any operations, always make sure that theoperating mechanism spring is discharged and that the apparatus isin the open position.To lift and handle the circuit-breaker, proceed as follows (fig. 2):– use a special lifting tool (1) (not supplied) fitted with ropes with

safety hooks (2);– insert the hooks (2) in the supports (3) fixed to the frame of the

circuit-breaker and lift. Put the hooks (2) into the support holes (3)according to the type of apparatus (see table);

– on completion of the operation (and in any case before putting intoservice) unhook the lifting tool (1) and dismantle the supports (3)from the frame.

During handling, take great care not to stress the insulating parts andthe terminals of the circuit-breaker.








VD4 … … …CEI 17-1





-MO1 … … … V

Made by ABB

Page 7: ABB VD4 Manual














Fig. 4

5. Description

5.1. GeneralThe VD4 series of circuit-breakers are pieces of apparatus undervacuum for indoor installation. For the electrical performances, pleaserefer to the corresponding technical catalogue code 1VCP000001.For special installation requirements, please contact ABB.The following versions are available:– fixed– withdrawable for UniGear ZS1 switchgear and PowerCube modules.

5.2. Reference StandardsThe VD4 circuit-breakers conform to the IEC 62271-100, CEI 17-1 file1375 Standards and those of major industrialised countries.

5.3. EL operating mechanismVD4 circuit-breakers are equipped with modular EL spring operatingmechanisms. The operating mechanism is designed to cover the wholerange of performances as shown in the following table:

Type of operating mechanism Rated short-circuit current

EL1 — EL2 Up to 31.5 kA

EL3 Up to 40 kA

Caption1 Lever for manual closing spring charging2 Signalling device for circuit-breaker open/closed3 Rating plate4 Opening pushbutton5 Closing pushbutton6 Signalling device for closing spring charged/discharged7 Operation counter8 Terminals9 Earthing screw

10 Delivery terminal box11 Cabling connection12 Mechanical override of the undervoltage release (on request).

5.4. Fixed circuit-breakersThe fixed circuit-breaker (fig. 4) is the basic version complete withstructure and front protection screen. The fixing holes are made in thelower part of the structure.For the electrical connections of the circuit-breaker auxiliary circuits,the terminal box (10) is available (also see par. 7.8.1.).The earthing screw is placed in the rear part of the circuit-breaker. Forfurther details please see the caption to figure 4.

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VD4 12

1212287550-60630 630 630 1250 1250 1250 1250 125016 16 16 16 16 16 — —20 20 20 20 20 20 — —25 25 25 25 25 25 — —31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 — —— — — — — — 40 4016 16 16 16 16 16 — —20 20 20 20 20 20 — —25 25 25 25 25 25 — —31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 — —— — — — — — 40 4040 40 40 40 40 40 — —50 50 50 50 50 50 — —63 63 63 63 63 63 — —80 80 80 80 80 80 — —— — — — — — 100 100

33 … 6010 … 1543 … 7560 … 80461 461 461 461 461 461 589 589450 570 700 450 570 700 570 700424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424150 210 275 150 210 275 210 27573 75 79 73 75 79 84 847405 7406 — 7405 7406 — — —— — 000051 — — 000051 003282 003285- 5 … + 40

5.4.1. General characteristics of fixed circuit-breakers

Circuit-breakerStandards IEC 62271-100

VDE 0671; CEI 17-1 (File 1375)Rated voltage Ur [kV]Rated insulation voltage Us [kV]Withstand voltage at 50 Hz Ud (1 min) [kV]Impulse withstand voltage Up [kV]Rated frequency fr [Hz]Rated normal current (40 °C) Ir [A]Rated breaking capacity Isc [kA](rated short-circuit breakingcurrent symmetrical)

Rated short-time Ik [kA]withstand current (3s)

Making capacity Ip [kA]

Operation sequence [ O — 0.3 s — CO — 15 s — CO ]Opening time [ms]Arcing time [ms]Total breaking time [ms]Closing time [ms]Maximum H [mm]Overall W [mm]Dimensions D [mm]

Pole distance P [mm]Weight [kg]Standardised table of dimensions TN

1VCDOperating temperature [°C]Tropicalization IEC: 60068-2-30, 60721-2-1Electromagnetic compatibility IEC: 60694

General characteristics of fixed circuit-breakers (12 kV)




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1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 2000 2000 2500 2500 3150— — — — — — — — — —20 20 20 — — 20 20 20 20 2025 25 25 — — 25 25 25 25 2531.5 31.5 31.5 — — 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5— — — 40 40 40 40 40 40 40— — — — — — — — — —20 20 20 — — 20 20 20 20 2025 25 25 — — 25 25 25 25 2531.5 31.5 31.5 — — 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5— — — 40 40 40 40 40 40 40— — — — — — — — — —50 50 50 — — 50 50 50 50 5063 63 63 — — 63 63 63 63 6380 80 80 — — 80 80 80 80 80— — — 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

599 599 599 589 589 599 599 599 599 635450 570 700 570 700 570 700 570 700 700424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424150 210 275 210 275 210 275 210 275 27593 98 105 84 84 98 105 98 105 140— 7407 7408 — — 7407 7408 7407 7408 —000050 — — 003282 003285 — — — — 000149

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VD4 17

17.517.5389550-60630 630 630 1250 1250 1250 1250 125016 16 16 16 16 16 — —20 20 20 20 20 20 — —25 25 25 25 25 25 — —31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 — —— — — — — — 40 4016 16 16 16 16 16 — —20 20 20 20 20 20 — —25 25 25 25 25 25 — —31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 — —— — — — — — 40 4040 40 40 40 40 40 — —50 50 50 50 50 50 — —63 63 63 63 63 63 — —80 80 80 80 80 80 — —— — — — — — 100 100

33 … 6010 … 1543 … 7560 … 80461 461 461 461 461 461 589 589450 570 700 450 570 700 570 700424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424150 210 275 150 210 275 210 27573 75 79 73 75 79 84 847405 7406 — 7405 7406 — — —— — 000051 — — 000051 003282 003285- 5 … + 40

General characteristics of fixed circuit-breakers (17.5 kV)

Circuit-breakerStandards IEC 62271-100

VDE 0671; CEI 17-1 (File 1375)Rated voltage Ur [kV]Rated insulation voltage Us [kV]Withstand voltage at 50 Hz Ud (1 min) [kV]Impulse withstand voltage Up [kV]Rated frequency fr [Hz]Rated normal current (40 °C) Ir [A]Rated breaking capacity Isc [kA](rated short-circuit breakingcurrent symmetrical)

Rated short-time Ik [kA]withstand current (3s)

Making capacity Ip [kA]

Operation sequence [ O — 0.3 s — CO — 15 s — CO ]Opening time [ms]Arcing time [ms]Total breaking time [ms]Closing time [ms]Maximum H [mm]Overall W [mm]Dimensions D [mm]

Pole distance P [mm]Weight [kg]Standardised table of dimensions TN

1VCDOperating temperature [°C]Tropicalization IEC: 60068-2-30, 60721-2-1Electromagnetic compatibility IEC: 60694




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1600 1600 1600 1600 2000 2000 2500 3150— — — — — — — —20 20 — — 20 20 20 2025 25 — — 25 25 25 2531.5 31.5 — — 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5— — 40 40 40 40 40 40— — — — — — — —20 20 — — 20 20 20 2025 25 — — 25 25 25 2531.5 31.5 — — 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5— — 40 40 40 40 40 40— — — — — — — —50 50 — — 50 50 50 5063 63 — — 63 63 63 6380 80 — — 80 80 80 80— — 100 100 100 100 100 100

599 599 589 589 599 599 599 635570 700 570 700 570 700 700 700424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424210 275 210 275 210 275 275 27598 105 84 84 98 105 105 1407407 7408 — — 7407 7408 7408 —— — 003282 003285 — — — 000149

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VD4 24

24245012550-60630 630 1250 1250 1600 2000 250016 16 16 16 16 16 —20 20 20 20 20 20 —25 25 25 25 25 25 2516 16 16 16 16 16 —20 20 20 20 20 20 —25 25 25 25 25 25 2540 40 40 40 40 40 —50 50 50 50 50 50 —63 63 63 63 63 63 63

33 … 6010 … 1543 … 7560 … 80631 631 631 631 642 642 642570 700 570 700 700 700 700424 424 424 424 424 424 424210 275 210 275 275 275 275100 104 100 104 110 110 1107409 7410 7409 7410 7411 7411 7411- 5 … + 40

General characteristics of fixed circuit-breakers (24 kV)

Circuit-breakerStandards IEC 62271-100

VDE 0671; CEI 17-1 (File 1375)Rated voltage Ur [kV]Rated insulation voltage Us [kV]Withstand voltage at 50 Hz Ud (1 min) [kV]Impulse withstand voltage Up [kV]Rated frequency fr [Hz]Rated normal current (40 °C) Ir [A]Rated breaking capacity Isc [kA](rated short-circuit breakingcurrent symmetrical)Rated short-time Ik [kA]withstand current (3s)

Making capacity Ip [kA]

Operation sequence [ O — 0.3 s — CO — 15 s — CO ]Opening time [ms]Arcing time [ms]Total breaking time [ms]Closing time [ms]Maximum H [mm]Overall W [mm]Dimensions D [mm]

Pole distance P [mm]Weight [kg]Standardised table of dimensions TNOperating temperature [°C]Tropicalization IEC: 60068-2-30, 60721-2-1Electromagnetic compatibility IEC: 60694




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VD4 fixed circuit-breaker without bottom and top terminals

NotesH = Height of the circuit-breaker.W = Width of the circuit-breaker.D = Depth of the circuit-breaker.u/l = Distance between bottom and top terminal.l/g = Distance between the bottom terminal and the resting surface of the circuit-breaker.P = Pole horizontal centre distance.

5.4.2. Types of circuit-breakers available in the fixed version

Ur Isc Rated uninterrupted current (40°C) [A] Circuit-breaker type

kV kA H=461 H=589 H=599 H=635

D=424 D=424 D=424 D=424

u/l=205 u/l=310 u/l=310 u/l=310

l/g=217.5 l/g=238 l/g=237.5 l/g=237.5

P=150 P=210 P=275 P=210 P=275 P=150 P=210 P=275 P=275W=450 W=570 W=700 W=570 W=700 W=450 W=570 W=700 W=750

16 630 VD4 12.06.16 p150

20 630 VD4 12.06.20 p150

25 630 VD4 12.06.25 p150

31.5 630 VD4 12.06.32 p150

16 1250 VD4 12.12.16 p150

20 1250 VD4 12.12.20 p150

25 1250 VD4 12.12.25 p150

31.5 1250 VD4 12.12.32 p150

20 1600 VD4 12.16.20 p150

25 1600 VD4 12.16.25 p150

31.5 1600 VD4 12.16.32 p150

16 630 VD4 12.06.16 p210

20 630 VD4 12.06.20 p210

25 630 VD4 12.06.25 p210

31.5 630 VD4 12.06.32 p210

16 1250 VD4 12.12.16 p210

20 1250 VD4 12.12.20 p210

25 1250 VD4 12.12.25 p210

31.5 1250 VD4 12.12.32 p210

40 1250 VD4 12.12.40 p210

20 1600 VD4 12.16.20 p210

25 1600 VD4 12.16.25 p210

31.5 1600 VD4 12.16.32 p210

40 1600 VD4 12.16.40 p210

20 2000 VD4 12.20.20 p210

25 2000 VD4 12.20.25 p210

31.5 2000 VD4 12.20.32 p210

40 2000 VD4 12.20.40 p210

20 2500 VD4 12.25.20 p210

25 2500 VD4 12.25.25 p210

31.5 2500 VD4 12.25.32 p210

16 630 VD4 12.06.16 p275

20 630 VD4 12.06.20 p275

25 630 VD4 12.06.25 p275

31.5 630 VD4 12.06.32 p275

16 1250 VD4 12.12.16 p275

20 1250 VD4 12.12.20 p275

25 1250 VD4 12.12.25 p275

31.5 1250 VD4 12.12.32 p275

40 1250 VD4 12.12.40 p275

20 1600 VD4 12.16.20 p275

25 1600 VD4 12.16.25 p275

31.5 1600 VD4 12.16.32 p275

40 1600 VD4 12.16.40 p275

20 2000 VD4 12.20.20 p275

25 2000 VD4 12.20.25 p275

31.5 2000 VD4 12.20.32 p275

40 2000 VD4 12.20.40 p275

20 2500 VD4 12.25.20 p275

25 2500 VD4 12.25.25 p275

31.5 2500 VD4 12.25.32 p275

40 2500 VD4 12.25.40 p275

20 3150 VD4 12.32.20 p275

25 3150 VD4 12.32.25 p275

31.5 3150 VD4 12.32.32 p275

40 3150 VD4 12.32.40 p275

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VD4 fixed circuit-breaker without bottom and top terminals

NotesH = Height of the circuit-breaker.W = Width of the circuit-breaker.D = Depth of the circuit-breaker.u/l = Distance between bottom and top terminal.l/g = Distance between the bottom terminal and the resting surface of the circuit-breaker.P = Pole horizontal centre distance.

Ur Isc Rated uninterrupted current (40°C) [A] Circuit-breaker type

kV kA H=461 H=589 H=599 H=635

D=424 D=424 D=424 D=424

u/l=205 u/l=310 u/l=310 u/l=310

l/g=217.5 l/g=238 l/g=237.5 l/g=237.5

P=150 P=210 P=275 P=210 P=275 P=150 P=210 P=275 P=275W=450 W=570 W=700 W=570 W=700 W=450 W=570 W=700 W=750

16 630 VD4 17.06.16 p15020 630 VD4 17.06.20 p15025 630 VD4 17.06.25 p15031.5 630 VD4 17.06.32 p15016 1250 VD4 17.12.16 p15020 1250 VD4 17.12.20 p15025 1250 VD4 17.12.25 p15031.5 1250 VD4 17.12.32 p15020 1600 VD4 17.16.20 p15025 1600 VD4 17.16.25 p15031.5 1600 VD4 17.16.32 p15016 630 VD4 17.06.16 p21020 630 VD4 17.06.20 p21025 630 VD4 17.06.25 p21031.5 630 VD4 17.06.32 p21016 1250 VD4 17.12.16 p21020 1250 VD4 17.12.20 p21025 1250 VD4 17.12.25 p21031.5 1250 VD4 17.12.32 p21040 1250 VD4 17.12.40 p21020 1600 VD4 17.16.20 p21025 1600 VD4 17.16.25 p21031.5 1600 VD4 17.16.32 p21040 1600 VD4 17.16.40 p21020 2000 VD4 17.20.20 p21025 2000 VD4 17.20.25 p21031.5 2000 VD4 17.20.32 p21040 2000 VD4 17.20.40 p21016 630 VD4 17.06.16 p27520 630 VD4 17.06.20 p27525 630 VD4 17.06.25 p27531.5 630 VD4 17.06.32 p27516 1250 VD4 17.12.16 p27520 1250 VD4 17.12.20 p27525 1250 VD4 17.12.25 p27531.5 1250 VD4 17.12.32 p27540 1250 VD4 17.12.40 p27520 1600 VD4 17.16.20 p27525 1600 VD4 17.16.25 p27531.5 1600 VD4 17.16.32 p27540 1600 VD4 17.16.40 p27520 2000 VD4 17.20.20 p27525 2000 VD4 17.20.25 p27531.5 2000 VD4 17.20.32 p27540 2000 VD4 17.20.40 p27520 2500 VD4 17.25.20 p27525 2500 VD4 17.25.25 p27531.5 2500 VD4 17.25.32 p27540 2500 VD4 17.25.40 p27520 3150 VD4 17.32.20 p27525 3150 VD4 17.32.25 p27531.5 3150 VD4 17.32.32 p27540 3150 VD4 17.32.40 p275


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5.4.3. Standard fittings for fixed circuit-breakers

The basic version of the fixed circuit-breakers are three-pole and fitted with:– EL type manual operating mechanism– mechanical signalling device for closing spring charged/discharged– mechanical signalling device for circuit-breaker open/closed– closing pushbutton, opening pushbutton and operation counter– set of ten circuit-breaker open/closed auxiliary contacts

Note: with the set of ten auxiliary contacts supplied as standard and the maximum numberof electrical applications possible, three make contacts (signalling circuit-breaker open) andfive break contacts (signalling circuit-breaker closed) are available.

– lever for manual closing spring charging– auxiliary circuit support terminal box.

5.5. Withdrawable circuit-breakersThe withdrawable circuit-breakers are available for UniGear ZS1 switchgear, PowerCubemodules (see fig. 5a) and for ZS8.4 switchgear (see fig. 5b).They consist of a truck on which the supporting structure of the circuit-breaker is fixed.

Circuit-breakers for UniGear ZS1 switchgear and PowerCube modules (fig. 5a)

The cord with the connector (14) (plug) for connection of the operating mechanism electricalaccessories comes out of the connection (15).The strikers for operating the contacts (connected/isolated) placed in the switchgear are fixedin the top part of the circuit-breaker.The slides (9) for operating the segregation shutters of the medium voltage contacts of theenclosure or of the switchgear are fixed on the sides of the circuit-breaker.The crosspiece with the handles (17) for hooking up the circuit-breaker for the racking-in/outoperations by means of the special operating lever (16) is mounted on the front part of thecircuit-breaker truck.


Ur Isc Rated uninterrupted current (40°C) [A] Circuit-breaker type

kV kA H=631 H=642D=424 D=424u/l=310 u/l=310l/g=282.5 ll/g=282.5

P=210 P=275 P=275W=570 W=700 W=700

16 630 VD4 24.06.16 p21020 630 VD4 24.06.20 p21025 630 VD4 24.06.25 p21016 630 VD4 24.12.16 p21020 1250 VD4 24.12.20 p21025 1250 VD4 24.12.25 p21016 630 VD4 24.06.16 p27520 630 VD4 24.06.20 p27525 630 VD4 24.06.25 p27516 1250 VD4 24.12.16 p27520 1250 VD4 24.12.20 p27525 1250 VD4 24.12.25 p27516 1600 VD4 24.16.16 p27520 1600 VD4 24.16.20 p27525 1600 VD4 24.16.25 p27516 2000 VD4 24.20.16 p27520 2000 VD4 24.20.20 p27525 2000 VD4 24.20.25 p27525 2500 VD4 24.25.25 p275

NotesH = Height of the circuit-breaker.W = Width of the circuit-breaker.D = Depth of the circuit-breaker.u/l = Distance between bottom and top terminal.l/g = Distance between the bottom terminal and the resting surface of the circuit-breaker.P = Pole horizontal centre distance.

VD4 fixed circuit-breaker without bottom and top terminals

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178 9



















13 13







Fig. 5b

Caption1 Coupling for the manual closing spring charging lever2 Signalling device for circuit-breaker open/closed3 Rating plate4 Opening pushbutton5 Closing pushbutton6 Signalling device for closing spring charged/discharged7 Operation counter8 Isolating contacts

Another lock prevents racking-in and racking-out with the circuit-breaker closed. With the truck in an intermediate position betweenisolated and connected, a further lock prevents circuit-breaker closing(either mechanical or electrical).A locking magnet is also mounted on the truck which, when de-energised, prevents the truck racking-in operation.On request, an interlock is available which prevents racking-in of thecircuit-breaker with the door open, and door opening with the circuit-breaker closed.

Fig. 5a

9 Slide for operating the switchgear shutters10 Truck11 Locks for hooking into the fixed part12 Mechanical override of the undervoltage release (on request)13 Strikers for activating the contacts placed in the enclosure14 Connector (plug)15 Cabling connection16 Operating lever for circuit-breaker racking-in/out17 Handles for activating the locks (11).

The circuit-breaker is completed with the isolating contacts (8).The withdrawable circuit-breaker is fitted with special locks on thefront crosspiece, which allow hooking up into the correspondingcouplings of the switchgear. The locks can only be activated by thehandles with the truck fully resting against the crosspiece.The operating lever (16) must be fully inserted (also see par. 7.5.). Alock prevents the truck from advancing into the enclosure or fixedpart when the earthing switch is closed.

Caption1 Lever for manually charging the closing spring2 Signalling device for circuit-breaker open/closed3 Rating plate4 Opening pushbutton5 Closing pushbutton6 Signalling device for closing spring charged/discharged7 Operation counter8 Isolating contacts

9 Slide for operating the switchgear shutters10 Truck11 Locks for hooking into the fixed part13 Connector (plug)16 Operating lever for circuit-breaker racking-in/out (a special version is provided

for VD4/ZS8 Preussen Elektra EON circuit-breakers)17 Handles for activating the locks (11).

(*) Only VD4/ZS8 Preussen — Elektra EON version.

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16 19 20 22 21

23 29 30

Circuit-breakers for ZS8.4 switchgear (fig. 5b)

The socket (13) takes the connector (plug) placed in the switchgear.The slides (9) for operating the segregation shutters of the mediumvoltage contacts of the switchgear are fixed on the sides of the circuit-breaker.The crosspiece with the handles (17) for hooking up the circuit-breakerfor the racking-in/out operations by means of the special operatinglever (16) is mounted on the front part of the circuit-breaker truck.The circuit-breaker is completed with the isolating contacts (8).The withdrawable circuit-breaker is fitted with special locks, describedbelow (see fig.5c — 5d).

1) Prevention of traverse with circuit-breaker closed

With the circuit-breaker closed, the feeler pin (16 — fig. 5c) preventsthe shutter sliding (19- fig. 5c) and therefore insertion of the lever (20-fig. 5c) for traverse of the apparatus.

2) Prevention of traverse with socket-plug disconnected

When the plug is not inserted in the socket (13), the stem (21 — fig. 5c)prevents the plate (22 — fig. 5c) lifting and traverse of the apparatus.

3) Prevention of switchgear door closing with socket-plugdisconnected (*)

When the plug is not inserted in the socket (13), the feeler pin (23 — fig.5d) prevents door closing.

4) Prevention of circuit-breaker racking-out with the socket-plug connected (*)

When the plug is inserted in the socket (13), the lock bolt (29 — fig. 5d)hits the pin (30 — fig. 5d) preventing the apparatus from being rackedout of the switchgear.

Fig. 5c

Fig. 5d

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VD4/P 12

1212287550-60630 1250 1250 1250 1600 160016 16 — — — —20 20 — — 20 2025 25 — — 25 2531.5 31.5 — — 31.5 31.5— — 40 40 — —16 16 — — — —20 20 — — 20 2025 25 — — 25 2531.5 31.5 — — 31.5 31.5— — 40 40 — —40 40 — — — —50 50 — — 50 5063 63 — — 63 6380 80 — — 80 80— — 100 100 — —

33 … 6010 … 1543 … 7560 … 80628 628 691 691 691 691503 503 653 853 653 853662 662 641 642 642 642150 150 210 275 210 275116 116 174 176 160 1667412 7412 — — 7415 7416— — 3284 3286 — —- 5 … + 40

5.5.1. General characteristics of withdrawable circuit-breakers for UniGear ZS1 switchgear

Circuit-breakerStandards IEC 62271-100

VDE 0671; CEI 17-1 (File 1375)Rated voltage Ur [kV]Rated insulation voltage Us [kV]Withstand voltage at 50 Hz Ud (1 min) [kV]Impulse withstand voltage Up [kV]Rated frequency fr [Hz]Rated normal current (40 °C)(1) Ir [A]Rated breaking capacity Isc [kA](rated short-circuit breakingcurrent symmetrical)

Rated short-time Ik [kA]withstand current (3s)

Making capacity Ip [kA]

Operation sequence [ O — 0.3 s — CO — 15 s — CO ]Opening time [ms]Arcing time [ms]Total breaking time [ms]Closing time [ms]Maximum H [mm]Overall W [mm]Dimensions D [mm]

Pole distance P [mm]Weight [kg]Standardised table of dimensions TN

1VCDOperating temperature [°C]Tropicalization IEC: 60068-2-30, 60721-2-1Electromagnetic compatibility IEC: 60694

(1) Rated current guaranteed with circuit-breaker installed in UniGear ZS1 switchgear and with 40 °C ambient temperature.(2) 4000 A in UniGear ZS1 switchgear with forced ventilation.

General characteristics of withdrawable circuit-breakers

for UniGear ZS1 switchgear (12 kV)




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1600 1600 2000 2000 2500 3150 (2)

— — — — — —— — 20 20 20 20— — 25 25 25 25— — 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.540 40 40 40 40 40— — — — — —— — 20 20 20 20— — 25 25 25 25— — 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.540 40 40 40 40 40— — — — — —— — 50 50 50 50— — 63 63 63 63— — 80 80 80 80100 100 100 100 100 100

691 691 691 691 691 730653 853 653 853 853 853641 642 642 642 640 640210 275 210 275 275 275174 176 160 166 186 221— — 7415 7416 7417 —3284 3286 — — — 000153

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VD4/P 17

17.517.5389550-60630 1250 1250 1250 1600 160016 16 — — — —20 20 — — 20 2025 25 — — 25 2531.5 31.5 — — 31.5 31.5— — 40 40 — —16 16 — — — —20 20 — — 20 2025 25 — — 25 2531.5 31.5 — — 31.5 31.5— — 40 40 — —40 40 — — — —50 50 — — 50 5063 63 — — 63 6380 80 — — 80 80— — 100 100 — —

33 … 6010 … 1543 … 7560 … 80632 632 691 691 691 691503 503 653 853 653 853664 664 641 642 642 642150 150 210 275 210 275116 116 174 176 160 1667412 7412 — — 7415 7416— — 003284 003286 — —- 5 … + 40

General characteristics of withdrawable circuit-breakers for UniGear ZS1 switchgear (17.5 kV)

Circuit-breakerStandards IEC 62271-100

VDE 0671; CEI 17-1 (File 1375)Rated voltage Ur [kV]Rated insulation voltage Us [kV]Withstand voltage at 50 Hz Ud (1 min) [kV]Impulse withstand voltage Up [kV]Rated frequency fr [Hz]Rated normal current (40 °C) (1) Ir [A]Rated breaking capacity Isc [kA](rated short-circuit breakingcurrent symmetrical)

Rated short-time Ik [kA]withstand current (3s)

Making capacity Ip [kA]

Operation sequence [ O — 0.3 s — CO — 15 s — CO ]Opening time [ms]Arcing time [ms]Total breaking time [ms]Closing time [ms]Maximum H [mm]Overall W [mm]Dimensions D [mm]

Pole distance P [mm]Weight [kg]Standardised table of dimensions TN

1VCDOperating temperature [°C]Tropicalization IEC: 60068-2-30, 60721-2-1Electromagnetic compatibility IEC: 60694

(1) Rated current guaranteed with circuit-breaker installed in UniGear ZS1 switchgear and with 40 °C ambient temperature.(2) 4000 A in UniGear ZS1 switchgear with forced ventilation.




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VD4/P 17

17.517.5389550-601600 1600 2000 2000 2500 3150 (2)

— — — — — —— — 20 20 20 20— — 25 25 25 25— — 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.540 40 40 40 40 40— — — — — —— — 20 20 20 20— — 25 25 25 25— — 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.540 40 40 40 40 40— — — — — —— — 50 50 50 50— — 63 63 63 63— — 80 80 80 80100 100 100 100 100 100

33 … 6010 … 1543 … 7560 … 80691 691 691 691 691 730653 853 653 853 853 830641 642 642 642 640 640210 275 210 275 275 275174 176 160 166 186 221— — 7415 7416 7417 —003284 003286 — — — 000153- 5 … + 40

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VD4/P 24

24245012550-60630 630 1250 1250 1600 2000 2500 (2)

16 16 16 16 16 16 1620 20 20 20 20 20 2025 25 25 25 25 25 2516 16 16 16 16 16 1620 20 20 20 20 20 2025 25 25 25 25 25 2540 40 40 40 40 40 4050 50 50 50 50 50 5063 63 63 63 63 63 63

33 … 6010 … 1543 … 7560 … 80794 794 794 794 838 838 838653 853 653 853 853 853 853802 802 802 802 790 790 790210 275 210 275 275 275 275140 148 140 148 228 228 2287413 7414 7413 7414 7418 7418 7418- 5 … + 40

Circuit-breakerStandards IEC 62271-100

VDE 0671; CEI 17-1 (File 1375)Rated voltage Ur [kV]Rated insulation voltage Us [kV]Withstand voltage at 50 Hz Ud (1 min) [kV]Impulse withstand voltage Up [kV]Rated frequency fr [Hz]Rated normal current (40 °C) (1) Ir [A]Rated breaking capacity Isc [kA](rated short-circuit breakingcurrent symmetrical)Rated short-time Ik [kA]withstand current (3s)

Making capacity Ip [kA]

Operation sequence [ O — 0.3 s — CO — 15 s — CO ]Opening time [ms]Arcing time [ms]Total breaking time [ms]Closing time [ms]Maximum H [mm]Overall W [mm]Dimensions D [mm]

Pole distance P [mm]Weight [kg]Standardised table of dimensions TNOperating temperature [°C]Tropicalization IEC: 60068-2-30, 60721-2-1Electromagnetic compatibility IEC: 60694

General characteristics of withdrawable circuit-breakers for UniGear ZS1 switchgear (24 kV)

(1) Rated current guaranteed with circuit-breaker installed in UniGear ZS1 switchgear and with 40 °C ambient temperature.(2) 2300 A rated current guaranteed with natural ventilation; 2500 A rated current guaranteed with forced ventilation.




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NotesW = Width of the switchgear.P = Pole horizontal centre distance.

5.5.2. Types of withdrawable circuit-breakers available for UniGear ZS1 switchgear

Ur Isc Rated uninterrupted current (40°C) [A] Circuit-breaker type

kV kA W=650 W=800 W=1000 W=1000 W=1000P=150 P=210 P=275 P=275 P=275u/l=205 u/l=310 u/l=310 u/l=310 u/l=310ø=35 ø=79 ø=79 ø=109 ø=109

16 630 VD4/P 12.06.16 p15020 630 VD4/P 12.06.20 p15025 630 VD4/P 12.06.25 p15031.5 630 VD4/P 12.06.32 p15016 1250 VD4/P 12.12.16 p15020 1250 VD4/P 12.12.20 p15025 1250 VD4/P 12.12.25 p15031.5 1250 VD4/P 12.12.32 p15040 1250 VD4/P 12.12.40 p21020 1600 VD4/P 12.16.20 p21025 1600 VD4/P 12.16.25 p21031.5 1600 VD4/P 12.16.32 p21040 1600 VD4/P 12.16.40 p21020 2000 VD4/P 12.20.20 p21025 2000 VD4/P 12.20.25 p21031.5 2000 VD4/P 12.20.32 p21040 2000 VD4/P 12.20.40 p21040 1250 VD4/P 12.12.40 p27520 1600 VD4/P 12.16.20 p27525 1600 VD4/P 12.16.25 p27531.5 1600 VD4/P 12.16.32 p27540 1600 VD4/P 12.16.40 p27520 2000 VD4/P 12.20.20 p27525 2000 VD4/P 12.20.25 p27531.5 2000 VD4/P 12.20.32 p27540 2000 VD4/P 12.20.40 p27520 2500 VD4/P 12.25.20 p27525 2500 VD4/P 12.25.25 p27531.5 2500 VD4/P 12.25.32 p27540 2500 VD4/P 12.25.40 p27520 3150 VD4/P 12.32.20 p27525 3150 VD4/P 12.32.25 p27531.5 3150 VD4/P 12.32.32 p27540 3150 VD4/P 12.32.40 p27516 630 VD4/P 17.06.16 p15020 630 VD4/P 17.06.20 p15025 630 VD4/P 17.06.25 p15031.5 630 VD4/P 17.06.32 p15016 1250 VD4/P 17.12.16 p15020 1250 VD4/P 17.12.20 p15025 1250 VD4/P 17.12.25 p15031.5 1250 VD4/P 17.12.32 p15040 1250 VD4/P 17.12.40 p21020 1600 VD4/P 17.16.20 p21025 1600 VD4/P 17.16.25 p21031.5 1600 VD4/P 17.16.32 p21040 1600 VD4/P 17.16.40 p21020 2000 VD4/P 17.20.20 p21025 2000 VD4/P 17.20.25 p21031.5 2000 VD4/P 17.20.32 p21040 2000 VD4/P 17.20.40 p21040 1250 VD4/P 17.12.40 p27520 1600 VD4/P 17.16.20 p27525 1600 VD4/P 17.16.25 p27531.5 1600 VD4/P 17.16.32 p27540 1600 VD4/P 17.16.40 p27520 2000 VD4/P 17.20.20 p27525 2000 VD4/P 17.20.25 p27531.5 2000 VD4/P 17.20.32 p27540 2000 VD4/P 17.20.40 p27520 2500 VD4/P 17.25.20 p27525 2500 VD4/P 17.25.25 p27531.5 2500 VD4/P 17.25.32 p27540 2500 VD4/P 17.25.40 p27520 3150 VD4/P 17.32.20 p27525 3150 VD4/P 17.32.25 p27531.5 3150 VD4/P 17.32.32 p27540 3150 VD4/P 17.32.40 p275


u/l = Distance between bottom and top terminal.ø = Diameter of the isolating contact.

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5.5.3. Standard fittings for withdrawable circuit-breakers for UniGear ZS1 switchgear

The basic versions of the withdrawable circuit-breakers are three-pole and fitted with:– EL type manual operating mechanism– mechanical signalling device for closing spring charged/discharged– mechanical signalling device for circuit-breaker open/closed– closing pushbutton– opening pushbutton– operation counter– set of ten auxiliary circuit-breaker open/closed contacts

Note: with the set of ten auxiliary contacts supplied as standard and the maximum numberof electrical applications possible, three make contacts (signalling circuit-breaker open) andfour break contacts (signalling circuit-breaker closed) are available.

– lever for manually charging the closing spring– isolating contacts– cord with connector (plug only) for auxiliary circuits, with striker pin which does not allow

connection of the plug in the socket if the rated current of the circuit-breaker is different fromthe rated current of the panel

– racking-in/out lever (the quantity must be defined according to the number of pieces ofapparatus ordered)

– locking electromagnet in the truck. This prevents the circuit-breaker from being racked intothe panel with auxiliary circuits not connected (plug not inserted in the socket).

Ur Isc Rated uninterrupted current (40°C) [A] Circuit-breaker type

kV kA W=800 W=1000 W=1000P=210 P=275 P=275u/l=310 u/l=310 u/l=310ø=79 ø=79 ø=109

16 630 VD4/P 24.06.16 p21020 630 VD4/P 24.06.20 p21025 630 VD4/P 24.06.25 p21016 1250 VD4/P 24.12.16 p21020 1250 VD4/P 24.12.20 p21025 1250 VD4/P 24.12.25 p21016 630 VD4/P 24.06.16 p27520 630 VD4/P 24.06.20 p27525 630 VD4/P 24.06.25 p27516 1250 VD4/P 24.12.16 p27520 1250 VD4/P 24.12.20 p27525 1250 VD4/P 24.12.25 p27516 1600 VD4/P 24.16.16 p27520 1600 VD4/P 24.16.20 p27525 1600 VD4/P 24.16.25 p27516 2000 VD4/P 24.20.16 p27520 2000 VD4/P 24.20.20 p27525 2000 VD4/P 24.20.25 p27516 2300 VD4/P 24.25.16 p27520 2300 VD4/P 24.25.20 p27525 2300 VD4/P 24.25.25 p275


NotesW = Width of the switchgear.P = Pole horizontal centre distance.u/l = Distance between bottom and top terminal.ø = Diameter of the isolating contact.

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VD4/P 12PB1 PB1

1212287550-60630 125016 1620 2025 2531.5 31.5— —16 1620 2025 2531.5 31.5— —40 4050 5063 6380 80— —

33 … 6010 … 1543 … 7560 … 80628 628503 503662 662150 150116 1167412 7412— —- 5 … + 40

VD4/W 12PB2 PB2

1212287550-60630 125016 1620 2025 2531.5 31.5— —16 1620 2025 2531.5 31.5— —40 4050 5063 6380 80— —

33 … 6010 … 1543 … 7560 … 80691 691653 853642 642210 210135 1357420 7420— —- 5 … + 40

VD4/P 12 VD4/W 12PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB3 PB3

1212287550-601250 1600 1600 2000 2500 3150 (2)

— — — — — —— 20 — 20 20 20— 25 — 25 25 25— 31.5 — 31.5 31.5 31.540 — 40 40 40 40— — — — — —— 20 — 20 20 20— 25 — 25 25 25— 31.5 — 31.5 31.5 31.540 — 40 40 40 40— — — — — —— 50 — 50 50 50— 63 — 63 63 63— 80 — 80 80 80100 — 100 100 100 100

33 … 6010 … 1543 … 7560 … 80691 691 691 690 691 730653 653 653 653 853 853641 642 641 642 640 640210 210 210 210 275 275174 160 174 160 186 221— 7415 — — 7417 —003284 — 003284 003444 — 000152- 5 … + 40

(1) Rated current guaranteed with circuit-breaker installed in PowerCube enclosure and with 40 °C ambient temperature(2) 4000 A in PowerCube enclosure with forced ventilation.

5.5.4. General characteristics of withdrawable circuit-breakers for PowerCube modules

Circuit-breakerModulo PowerCube

Standards IEC 62271-100VDE 0671; CEI 17-1 (File 1375)

Rated voltage Ur [kV]Rated insulation voltage Us [kV]Withstand voltage at 50 Hz Ud (1 min) [kV]Impulse withstand voltage Up [kV]Rated frequency fr [Hz]Rated normal current (40 °C) (1) Ir [A]Rated breaking capacity Isc [kA](rated short-circuit breakingcurrent symmetrical)

Rated short-time Ik [kA]withstand current (3s)

Making capacity Ip [kA]

Operation sequence [ O — 0.3 s — CO — 15 s — CO ]Opening time [ms]Arcing time [ms]Total breaking time [ms]Closing time [ms]Maximum H [mm]Overall W [mm]Dimensions D [mm]

Pole distance P [mm]Weight [kg]Standardised table of dimensions TN

1VCDOperating temperature [°C]Tropicalization IEC: 60068-2-30, 60721-2-1Electromagnetic compatibility IEC: 60694

General characteristics of withdrawablecircuit-breakersfor PowerCube modules (12 kV)




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VD4/P 17PB1 PB1

17.517.5389550-60630 125016 1620 2025 2531.5 31.5— —16 1620 2025 2531.5 31.5— —40 4050 5063 6380 80— —

33 … 6010 … 1543 … 7560 … 80628 628503 503662 662150 150116 1167412 7412— —- 5 … + 40 — 5 … + 40

VD4/W 17PB2 PB2

17.517.5389550-60630 125016 1620 2025 2531.5 31.5— —16 1620 2025 2531.5 31.5— —40 4050 5063 6380 80— —

33 … 6010 … 1543 … 7560 … 80691 691653 853642 642210 210135 1357420 7420— —- 5 … + 40

VD4/P 17PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB3

17.517.5389550-601250 1600 1600 2000 2500— — — — —— 20 — 20 20— 25 — 25 25— 31.5 — 31.5 31.540 — 40 40 40— — — — —— 20 — 20 20— 25 — 25 25— 31.5 — 31.5 31.540 — 40 40 40— — — — —— 50 — 50 50— 63 — 63 63— 80 — 80 80100 — 100 100 100

33 … 6010 … 1543 … 7560 … 80691 691 691 691 691653 653 653 653 853641 642 641 642 640210 210 210 210 275174 160 174 160 186— 7415 — 7415 7417003284 — 003284 — —- 5 … + 40

VD4/W 17PB3

17.517.5389550-603150 (2)


33 … 6010 … 1543 … 7560 … 80730853640275221—000152- 5 … + 40

Circuit-breakerModulo PowerCube

Standards IEC 62271-100VDE 0671; CEI 17-1 (File 1375)

Rated voltage Ur [kV]Rated insulation voltage Us [kV]Withstand voltage at 50 Hz Ud (1 min) [kV]Impulse withstand voltage Up [kV]Rated frequency fr [Hz]Rated normal current (40 °C) (1) Ir [A]Rated breaking capacity Isc [kA](rated short-circuit breakingcurrent symmetrical)

Rated short-time Ik [kA]withstand current (3s)

Making capacity Ip [kA]

Operation sequence [ O — 0.3 s — CO — 15 s — CO ]Opening time [ms]Arcing time [ms]Total breaking time [ms]Closing time [ms]Maximum H [mm]Overall W [mm]Dimensions D [mm]

Pole distance P [mm]Weight [kg]Standardised table of dimensions TN

1VCDOperating temperature [°C]Tropicalization IEC: 60068-2-30, 60721-2-1Electromagnetic compatibility IEC: 60694

General characteristics of withdrawable circuit-breakers for PowerCube modules (17.5 kV)

(1) Rated current guaranteed with circuit-breaker installed in PowerCube enclosure and with 40 °C ambient temperature.(2) 4000 A in PowerCube enclosure with forced ventilation.




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VD4/P 24PB4 PB4 PB5 PB5 PB5

24245012550-60630 1250 1600 2000 2500 (2)

16 16 16 16 1620 20 20 20 2025 25 25 25 2516 16 16 16 1620 20 20 20 2025 25 25 25 2540 40 40 40 4050 50 50 50 5063 63 63 63 63

33 … 6010 … 1543 … 7560 … 80794 794 838 838 838653 653 853 853 853802 802 790 790 790210 210 275 275 275140 140 228 228 2287413 7413 7418 7418 7418- 5 … + 40

Circuit-breakerModulo PowerCube

Standards IEC 62271-100VDE 0671; CEI 17-1 (File 1375)

Rated voltage Ur [kV]Rated insulation voltage Us [kV]Withstand voltage at 50 Hz Ud (1 min) [kV]Impulse withstand voltage Up [kV]Rated frequency fr [Hz]Rated normal current (40 °C) (1) Ir [A]Rated breaking capacity Isc [kA](rated short-circuit breakingcurrent symmetrical)Rated short-time Ik [kA]withstand current (3s)

Making capacity Ip [kA]

Operation sequence [ O — 0.3 s — CO — 15 s — CO ]Opening time [ms]Arcing time [ms]Total breaking time [ms]Closing time [ms]Maximum H [mm]Overall W [mm]Dimensions D [mm]

Pole distance P [mm]Weight [kg]Standardised table of dimensions TNOperating temperature [°C]Tropicalization IEC: 60068-2-30, 60721-2-1Electromagnetic compatibility IEC: 60694

(1) Rated current guaranteed with circuit-breaker installed in PowerCube enclosure and with 40 °C ambient temperature.(2) 2300 A rated uninterrupted current guaranteed with natural ventilation; 2500 A rated current guaranteed with forced ventilation.

General characteristics of withdrawable circuit-breakers for PowerCube modules (24 kV)




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5.5.5. Types of withdrawable circuit-breakers available for PowerCube modules

Ur Isc Rated uninterrupted current (40°C) [A] Circuit-breaker type

kV kA W=650 W=800 W=1000 W=1000 W=1000P=150 P=210 P=275 P=275 P=275u/l=205 u/l=310 u/l=310 u/l=310 u/l=310ø=35 ø=79 ø=79 ø=109 ø=109

16 630 VD4/P 12.06.16 p15020 630 VD4/P 12.06.20 p15025 630 VD4/P 12.06.25 p15031.5 630 VD4/P 12.06.32 p15016 1250 VD4/P 12.12.16 p15020 1250 VD4/P 12.12.20 p15025 1250 VD4/P 12.12.25 p15031.5 1250 VD4/P 12.12.32 p15016 630 VD4/W 12.06.16 p21020 630 VD4/W 12.06.20 p21025 630 VD4/W 12.06.25 p21031.5 630 VD4/W 12.06.32 p21016 1250 VD4/W 12.12.16 p21020 1250 VD4/W 12.12.20 p21025 1250 VD4/W 12.12.25 p21031.5 1250 VD4/W 12.12.32 p21040 1250 VD4/P 12.12.40 p21020 1600 VD4/P 12.16.20 p21025 1600 VD4/P 12.16.25 p21031.5 1600 VD4/P 12.16.32 p21040 1600 VD4/P 12.16.40 p21020 2000 VD4/P 12.20.20 p21025 2000 VD4/P 12.20.25 p21031.5 2000 VD4/P 12.20.32 p21040 2000 VD4/P 12.20.40 p21020 2500 VD4/P 12.25.20 p27525 2500 VD4/P 12.25.25 p27531.5 2500 VD4/P 12.25.32 p27540 2500 VD4/P 12.25.40 p27520 3150 VD4/W 12.32.20 p27525 3150 VD4/W 12.32.25 p27531.5 3150 VD4/W 12.32.32 p27540 3150 VD4/W 12.32.40 p27516 630 VD4/P 17.06.16 p15020 630 VD4/P 17.06.20 p15025 630 VD4/P 17.06.25 p15031.5 630 VD4/P 17.06.32 p15016 1250 VD4/P 17.12.16 p15020 1250 VD4/P 17.12.20 p15025 1250 VD4/P 17.12.25 p15031.5 1250 VD4/P 17.12.32 p15016 630 VD4/W 17.06.16 p21020 630 VD4/W 17.06.20 p21025 630 VD4/W 17.06.25 p21031.5 630 VD4/W 17.06.32 p21016 1250 VD4/W 17.12.16 p21020 1250 VD4/W 17.12.20 p21025 1250 VD4/W 17.12.25 p21031.5 1250 VD4/W 17.12.32 p21040 1250 VD4/P 17.12.40 p21020 1600 VD4/P 17.16.20 p21025 1600 VD4/P 17.16.25 p21031.5 1600 VD4/P 17.16.32 p21040 1600 VD4/P 17.16.40 p21020 2000 VD4/P 17.20.20 p21025 2000 VD4/P 17.20.25 p21031.5 2000 VD4/P 17.20.32 p21040 2000 VD4/P 17.20.40 p21020 2500 VD4/P 17.25.20 p27525 2500 VD4/P 17.25.25 p27531.5 2500 VD4/P 17.25.32 p27540 2500 VD4/P 17.25.40 p27520 3150 VD4/W 17.32.20 p27525 3150 VD4/W 17.32.25 p27531.5 3150 VD4/W 17.32.32 p27540 3150 VD4/W 17.32.40 p275


NotesW = Width of the switchgear.P = Pole horizontal centre distance.

u/l = Distance between bottom and top terminal.ø = Diameter of the isolating contact.


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5.5.6. Standard fittings for withdrawable circuit-breakers for PowerCube modules

The basic versions of the withdrawable circuit-breakers are always three-pole and fitted with:– EL type manual operating mechanism– mechanical signalling device for closing spring charged/discharged– mechanical signalling device for circuit-breaker open/closed– closing pushbutton– opening pushbutton– operation counter– set of ten auxiliary circuit-breaker open/closed contacts

Note: with the group of ten auxiliary contacts supplied as standard and the maximum numberof electrical applications, three make contacts (signalling circuit-breaker open) and fourbreak contacts (signalling circuit-breaker closed) are available.

– lever for manually charging the closing spring– isolating contacts– cord with connector (only plug) for auxiliary circuits, with striker pin which does not allow

connection of the plug in the socket if the rated current of the circuit-breaker is different fromthe rated current of the panel

– racking-in/out lever (the quantity must be defined according to the number of pieces ofapparatus ordered)

– locking electromagnet in the truck. This prevents racking-in of the circuit-breaker in the panelwith auxiliary circuits not connected (plug not inserted in the socket).

Ur Isc Corrente termica nominale (40°C) [A] Circuit-breaker type

kV kA W=800 W=1000P=210 P=275u/l=310 u/l=310ø=35 ø=79

16 630 VD4/P 24.06.16 p21020 630 VD4/P 24.06.20 p21025 630 VD4/P 24.06.25 p21016 1250 VD4/P 24.12.16 p21020 1250 VD4/P 24.12.20 p21025 1250 VD4/P 24.12.25 p21016 1600 VD4/P 24.16.16 p27520 1600 VD4/P 24.16.20 p27525 1600 VD4/P 24.16.25 p27516 2000 VD4/P 24.20.16 p27520 2000 VD4/P 24.20.20 p27525 2000 VD4/P 24.20.25 p27516 2300 VD4/P 24.25.16 p27520 2300 VD4/P 24.25.20 p27525 2300 VD4/P 24.25.25 p275


NotesW = Width of the switchgear.P = Pole horizontal centre distance.u/l = Distance between bottom and top terminal.Ø = Diameter of the isolating contact.

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5.5.7. General characteristics of withdrawable circuit-breakers for ZS8.4 switchgear

(1) Rated current guaranteed with circuit-breaker installed in switchgear with 40 °C ambient temperature.(2) Special type with device for charging the closing spring by means of a rotary handle outside the operating mechanism.


– – – – – –– – – – – –650 650 650 650 800 8001000 1000 1000 1000 1200 1200

12 12 17.5 17.5 24 2412 12 17.5 17.5 24 2428 28 38 38 50 5075 75 95 95 125 12550-60630 1250 630 1250 630 1250– – – – 16 1620 20 20 20 20 2025 25 25 25 25 25– – – – 16 1620 20 20 20 20 2025 25 25 25 25 25– – – – 40 4050 50 50 50 50 5063 63 63 63 63 63

33…6010…1543…7560…80579 579 579 579 680 680503 503 503 503 653 653548 548 548 548 646 646150 150 150 150 210 210116 116 116 116 140 140000092 000137 000137 000137 000089 000138– 5 … + 40



Rated voltageRated insulation voltageWithstand voltage at 50 HzImpulse withstand voltageRated frequencyRated normal current (40 °C)Rated breaking capacity(rated symmetricalshort-circuit current)Rated short-timewithstand current(3 s)

Making capacity

Operation sequenceOpening timeArcing timeTotal breaking timeClosing timeMaximumoveralldimensions

WeightStandardised table of dimensionsOperating temperatureTropicalisation

Electromagnetic compatibility

Panel without partitionsPanel with partitions

Preussen Elektra — EON (2)Width [kV]Depth [kV]

IEC 62271-100CEI 17-1 (File 1375)

Ur [kV]Us [kV]

Ud (1 min) [kV]Up [kV]fr [Hz]

(1) Ir [A]Isc [kA]

Ik [kA]

Ip [kA]

[O-0.3s-CO-15s-CO] [ms] [ms] [ms] [ms]

H [mm]W [mm]D [mm]

Pole centre distance I [mm][kg]


IEC: 60068-2-3060721-2-1IEC 60694

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VD4/ZT8– – – – – –

– – – – – –650 650 650 650 800 8001200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200

12 12 17.5 17.5 24 2412 12 17.5 17.5 24 2428 28 38 38 50 5075 75 95 95 125 12550-60630 1250 630 1250 630 1250– – – – 16 1620 20 20 20 20 2025 25 25 25 25 25– – – – 16 1620 20 20 20 20 2025 25 25 25 25 25– – – – 40 4050 50 50 50 50 5063 63 63 63 63 63

33…6010…1543…7560…80579 579 579 579 680 680503 503 503 503 653 653638 638 638 638 646 646150 150 150 150 210 210116 116 116 116 140 140000093 000134 000134 000134 000090 000136– 5 … + 40

VD4/ZS8– – – –– – – –

650 650 800 8001200 1200 1200 1200

12 12 24 2412 12 24 2428 28 50 5075 75 125 12550-60630 1250 630 1250– – 16 1620 20 20 2025 25 25 25– – 16 1620 20 20 2025 25 25 25– – 40 4050 50 50 5063 63 63 63

40…6010…1550…7560…80579 579 680 680503 503 653 653638 638 646 646150 150 210 210116 116 140 140000091 000133 000088 000135– 5 … + 40

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5.5.8. General characteristics of withdrawable circuit-breakers for ZS8.4 switchgear




Ur Isc Rated uninterrupted current (40°C) [A]

kV kA Panel with Panel without Special panel Circuit-breaker typepartition partition EONW = 650 W = 800 W = 650 W = 800 W = 650 W = 800P = 150 P = 210 P = 150 P = 210 P = 150 P = 210u/l = 205 u/l = 310 u/l = 205 u/l = 310 u/l = 205 u/l = 310ø = 35 ø = 35 ø = 35 ø = 35 ø = 35 ø = 35

20 630 VD4/ZS8 12.06.20 p15025 630 VD4/ZS8 12.06.25 p15020 1250 VD4/ZS8 12.12.20 p15025 1250 VD4/ZS8 12.12.25 p15020 630 VD4/ZT8 12.06.20 p15025 630 VD4/ZT8 12.06.25 p15020 1250 VD4/ZT8 12.12.20 p15025 1250 VD4/ZT8 12.12.25 p15020 630 VD4/ZS8 12.06.20 p15025 630 VD4/ZS8 12.06.25 p15020 1250 VD4/ZS8 12.12.20 p15025 1250 VD4/ZS8 12.12.25 p15020 630 VD4/Z8 17.06.20 p15025 630 VD4/Z8 17.06.25 p15020 1250 VD4/Z8 17.12.20 p15025 1250 VD4/Z8 17.12.25 p15020 630 VD4/ZT8 17.06.20 p15025 630 VD4/ZT8 17.06.25 p15020 1250 VD4/ZT8 17.12.20 p15025 1250 VD4/ZT8 17.12.25 p15016 630 VD4/ZS8 24.06.16 p21020 630 VD4/ZS8 24.06.20 p21025 630 VD4/ZS8 24.06.25 p21016 1250 VD4/ZS8 24.12.16 p21020 1250 VD4/ZS8 24.12.20 p21025 1250 VD4/ZS8 24.12.25 p21016 630 VD4/ZT8 24.06.16 p21020 630 VD4/ZT8 24.06.20 p21025 630 VD4/ZT8 24.06.25 p21016 1250 VD4/ZT8 24.12.16 p21020 1250 VD4/ZT8 24.12.20 p21025 1250 VD4/ZT8 24.12.25 p21016 630 VD4/ZS8 24.06.16 p21020 630 VD4/ZS8 24.06.20 p21025 630 VD4/ZS8 24.06.25 p21016 1250 VD4/ZS8 24.12.16 p21020 1250 VD4/ZS8 24.12.20 p21025 1250 VD4/ZS8 24.12.25 p210

NotesW = Width of the switchgear.P = Pole horizontal centre distance.u/l = Distance between bottom and top terminal.Ø = Diameter of the isolating contact.

VD4/ZS8 — VD4/ZT8 — VD4/Z8 withdrawable circuit-breaker for ZS8.4 switchgear

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5.5.9. Standard fittings for withdrawable circuit-breakers for ZS8.4 switchgear

The basic versions of the withdrawable circuit-breakers are always three-pole and fitted with:– EL type manual operating mechanism– mechanical signalling device for closing spring charged/discharged– mechanical signalling device for circuit-breaker open/closed– closing pushbutton– opening pushbutton– operation counter– set of ten auxiliary circuit-breaker open/closed contacts

Note: with the set of ten auxiliary contacts supplied as standard and the maximum number of electrical applica-tions possible, three make contacts (signalling circuit-breaker open) and four break contacts (signalling circuit-breaker closed) are available.

– lever for manually charging the closing springs incorporated in the operating mechanism for VD4/Z8 and VD4/ZT8, external with rotary movement for VD4/ZS8

– isolating contacts– cord with connector (only plug) for auxiliary circuits, with striker pin which does not allow connection of the plug

in the socket if the rated current of the circuit-breaker is different from the rated current of the panel– racking-in/out lever (the quantity must be defined according to the number of pieces of apparatus ordered)

5.5.10. VD4/ZS8 (Preussen Elektra-EON version)

– Device for recharging the closing spring, with door closed, by means of removable rotary handle and outside theoperating mechanism and the switchgear

– 64-pin Harting socket with mechanical interlock which prevents traverse of the circuit-breaker when the plug isnot inserted in the socket

– Interlock with the door which prevents insertion of the spring charging lever when the circuit-breaker is closed– Interlock with the door and the 64-pin Harting socket which prevents door closure when the plug is not inserted

in the socket.

5.5.11. VD4/Z8 — VD4/ZT8

– Harting 64-pin socket with mechanical interlock which prevents traverse of the circuit-breaker when the plug isnot inserted in the socket.

Caption1) Device for spring charging with rotary handle2) Harting 64-pin socket with mechanical interlock which prevents traverse when the socket is not inserted3) Door-socket-spring charging device interlock (only VD4/ZS8 version)

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VD4/US 24 (3)

24245012550-60630 125016 (20) (5) 16 (25) (5)

20 (25) (5) 20 (25) (5)

16 (20) (5) 16 (25) (5)

20 (25) (5) 20 (25) (5)

40 (50) (5) 40 (63) (5)

40 (63) (5) 40 (63) (5)

33 … 6010 … 1543 … 7560 … 80680 680653 653742 742210 210125 125000047 000047- 5 … + 40

VD4/US 24 (4)

24245012550-60630 125016 1620 2016 1620 2040 4050 50

33 … 6010 … 1543 … 7560 … 80680 680653 653742 742210 210125 125000047 000047- 5 … + 40

5.5.12. General characteristics of withdrawable circuit-breakersfor UniSwitch switchgear and UniMix (24 kV) switchgear

(1) Rated current guaranteed with withdrawable circuit-breaker installed in switchgear with 40 °C ambient temperature(2) The value and duration of the rated short-time withstand current depends on the switchgear. See the specific catalogues of the UniSwitch and UniMix switchgear(3) The top shutter activation wheels of the UniSwitch switchgear (CBW unit) are mounted and adjusted by the manufacturer of the UniSwitch switchgear(4) The top shutter activation wheels of the UniMix switchgear (P1/E unit) are available on request(5) The values in brackets refer to the 12 kV rated voltage.



Rated voltageRated insulation voltageWithstand voltage at 50 HzImpulse withstand voltageRated frequencyRated normal current (40 °C) (1)

Rated breaking capacity (rated symmetricalshort-circuit current)Rated short-timewithstand current (3 s) (2)

Making capacity

Operation sequenceOpening timeArcing timeTotal breaking timeClosing timeMaximumoveralldimensions

WeightStandardised table of dimensionsOperating temperatureTropicalizationElectromagnetic compatibility

UniSwitch (unit CBW type)UniMix (unit P1/E type)

IEC 62271-100VDE 0671; CEI 17-1 (File 1375)

Ur [kV]Us [kV]

Ud (1 min) [kV]Up [kV]fr [Hz]Ir [A]

Isc [kA]

Ik [kA]

Ip [kA]

[O — 0.3 s — CO — 15 s — CO][ms][ms][ms][ms]

H [mm] W [mm] D [mm]

Pole centre distance P [mm][kg]


IEC: 60068-2-30, 60721-2-1IEC: 60694

5.5.13. Standard fittings for withdrawable circuit-breakers forUniSwitch and UniMix switchgear

The basic versions of the withdrawable circuit-breakers are three-pole and provided with:– EL type manual operating mechanism– Mechanical signalling device for closing spring charged/discharged– Mechanical signalling device for circuit-breaker open/closed– Closing pushbutton– Opening pushbutton– Operation counter– Set of ten circuit-breaker open/closed auxiliary contacts

Note: with the set of ten auxiliary contacts supplied as standardand the maximum electrical accessories, three break contacts areavailable (signalling circuit-breaker open) and four make contacts(signalling circuit-breaker closed).

– Lever for manual charging of the closing spring incorporated in theoperating mechanism

– Isolating contacts– Racking-out/racking-in lever (the quantity must be established

according to the number of pieces of apparatus ordered).

VD4 withdrawable circuit-breaker for switchgear UniSwitch (typeunit CBW) and UniMix (type unit P1/E)

Ur Isc Rated uninterrupted current (40°C) [A] Circuit-breaker type

kV kA UniSwitch CBW UniMix P1/EP=210 P=210u/l=310 u/l=310ø=35 ø=35

16 630 (1) 630 VD4/US 24.06.16 p21020 630 (1) 630 VD4/US 24.06.20 p21025 — 630 VD4/US 24.06.25 p21016 1250 (1) 1250 VD4/US 24.12.16 p21020 1250 (1) 1250 VD4/US 24.12.20 p21025 — 1250 VD4/US 24.12.25 p210

Note(1) 25 kA Isc at the 12 kV rated voltageP = Pole horizontal centre distance.u/l = Distance between bottom and top terminal.Ø = Diameter of the isolating contact.


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5.6. Characteristics of the electrical accessories

Shunt opening release (-MO1);Additional shunt opening release (-MO2);Shunt closing release (-MC)Un: 24 — 30 — 48 — 60 — 110 — 125 — 220 — 250 V–

Un: 24 — 48 — 60 — 110 — 120 … 127 -220 … 240 V~ 50 Hz

Un: 110 — 120 — 127 — 220 — 240 V~ 60 Hz

Operating limits: 70 … 110 % Un

Inrush power (Ps): DC 200 W; AC = 200 VA

Inrush time approx. 100 ms

Continuous power (Pc): DC = 5 W; AC = 5 VA

Opening time: 35 … 60 ms

Closing time: 30 … 80 ms

Insulation voltage: 2500 V 50 Hz (for 1 min)

Undervoltage release (-MU)Un: 24 — 30 — 48 — 60 — 110 — 125 — 220 — 250 V–

Un: 24 — 48 — 60 — 110 — 120 — 127 -220 … 240 V~ 50 Hz

Un: 110 — 120 … 127 — 220 … 240 V~ 60 Hz

Operating limits:

– circuit-breaker opening: 35-70% Un

– circuit-breaker closing: 85-110% Un

Inrush power (Ps): DC 200 W; AC = 200 VA

Inrush time approx. 100 ms

Continuous power: DC = 5 W; AC = 5 VA

Opening time: 30 ms

Insulation voltage: 2500 V 50 Hz (for 1 min)

Electronic time delay device for undervoltage release (mountedoutside the circuit-breaker)Un: 24 … 30 — 48 — 60 — 110 … 127 —

220 … 250 V–

Un: 48 — 60 — 110 … 127 — 220 … 240 V~ 50/60 Hz

Adjustable opening time(release + time delay device): 0.5-1-1.5-2-3 s

Motor for motorised truck (-MT) (only for withdrawable circuit-breakers for UniGear ZS1 and ZS8.4 switchgear)Un: 110 – 220 V DC

Operating limits: 85 … 110 % Un

Rated power (Pn): 40 W


Un: 24…30 — 48…60 — 110…130 — 220…250 V–

Un: 100…130 — 220…250 V ~ 50/60 Hz

Operating limits: 85 … 110 % Un

≤ 31,5 kA 40 kA (*)

Inrush power (Ps): DC=500 W; AC=500 VA DC=900 W; AC=900 VA

Rated power (Pn): DC=200 W; AC=200 VA DC=350 W; AC=350 VA

Inrush time 0.2 s 0.2 s

Charging time: 4-5 s 5-6 s

Insulation voltage: 2500 V 50 Hz (for 1 min) 2500 V 50 Hz (for 1 min)

Motor operator (-MS)

Auxiliary contacts of the circuit-breakerRated insulation voltage according to VDE 0110, Group C 660 V AC

800 V DC

Rated voltage 24 V… 660 V

Insulation-test test voltage 2.5 kV

Maximum rated current 10 A

Number of contacts 5

Stroke 6 mm … 7 mm

Contact force 26 N

On resistance 3 mΩStoring temperature range — 20° C … + 120 °COperating temperature range — 20° C … + 70 °CContact over temperature 20 K

Operating cycles 30.000

Unlimited short circuit stability by using fuses of max. 10 A time-lag

Cosϕ Rated current Breaking capacity

220 V AC 0.7 2.5 A 25 A

380 V AC 0.7 1.5 A 15 A

500 V AC 0.7 1.5 A 15 A

660 V AC 0.7 1.2 A 12 A


24 V DC 1 ms 10 A 12 A

15 ms 10 A 12 A

50 ms 8 A 10 A

200 ms 4 A 7.7 A

60 V DC 1 ms 8 A 10 A

15 ms 6 A 8 A

50 ms 5 A 6 A

200 ms 4 A 5.4 A

110 V DC 1 ms 6 A 8 A

15 ms 4 A 5 A

50 ms 2 A 4.6 A

200 ms 1 A 2.2 A

220 V DC 1 ms 1.5 A 2 A

15 ms 1 A 1.4 A

50 ms 0.75 A 1.2 A

200 ms 0.5 A 1 A

NoteWith the set of 10 auxiliary contacts supplied as standard, the following areavailable:– 3 NO contacts + 5 NC contacts for fixed circuit-breakers– 3 NO contacts + 4 NC contacts for withdrawable circuit-breakersWith the set of 15 auxiliary contacts (+5 contacts on request compared to the 10supplied as standard), the following are available:– for fixed circuit-breaker, as desired, 6 NO contacts + 7 NC contacts or 5 NO

contacts + 8 NC contacts or 3 NO contacts + 10 NC contacts– for withdrawable circuit-breakers, depending on the applications required, a

maximum of 6 NO contacts + 6 NC contacts and a minimum of 5 NO contacts+ 5 NC contacts are available.

Locking magnet on the truck (-RL2) (*)

Un: 24 — 30 — 48 — 60 — 110 — 125 — 127 — 132 -220 — 240 V–

Un: 24 — 30 — 48 — 60 — 110 — 125 — 127 — 220 -230 … 240 V~ 50/60 Hz

Operating limits: 85 … 110 % Un

Inrush power (Ps): DC 250 W; AC = 250 VA

Continuous power (Pc): DC = 5 W; AC = 5 VA

Inrush time: 150 ms

(*) Not available for versions with motorized truck.

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6. Instructions for operating the circuit-breaker

6.1. Safety indications

The VD4 circuit-breakers guarantee a minimum IP2X degree of protection when installed in the following conditions:– fixed circuit-breaker, installed behind a protective metal net– withdrawable circuit-breaker, installed in switchgear.Under these conditions the operator is totally guaranteed against accidental contact with moving parts.Should mechanical operations be carried out on the circuit-breaker outside of the switchgear, take great care of the movingparts.If the operations are prevented, do not force the mechanical interlocks and check that the operating sequence is correct.Racking the circuit-breaker in and out of the switchgear must be done gradually to avoid shocks which may deform themechanical interlocks.

Caption1 Key lock (if provided) (*)2 Lever for manually charging the closing spring3 Coupling lever for racking-out operation (only VD4/ZS8 version)4 Opening pushbutton5 Closing pushbutton6 Signalling device for circuit-breaker open/closed7 Signalling device for closing springs charged/discharged8 Operation counter.9 Handles for operating the truck locks (only for withdrawable circuit-breakers)10 Operating lever for circuit-breaker racking-in/out (there is a special version for VD4/ZS8)11 Mechanical undervoltage release override (on request).

(*) Warning! To activate the key lock: open the circuit-breaker, keep the opening pushbutton depressed, then turn the key and remove it from the housing.

Fig. 6a

6.2. Switching and signalling parts

Mechanical override of theundervoltage release(on request)

Undervoltage release ena-bled. The circuit-breakercan only be closed if theundervoltage release issupplied with power.

Undervoltage release disa-bled. The circuit-breakercan also be closed if theundervoltage release is notsupplied with power.

VD4 circuit-breakers for UniGear switchgear and PowerCube modules (fig. 6a)

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9 3 6








VD4 circuit-breakers for ZS8.4 switchgear (fig. 6b)

Caption1 Key lock (if provided)2 Lever for manually charging the closing spring2a Coupling for manual closing spring charging (when lever 2 is not provided)3 Coupling for racking-out operation lever (only for withdrawable circuit-breakers)4 Opening pushbutton5 Closing pushbutton6 Signalling device for circuit-breaker open/closed7 Signalling device for closing spring charged/discharged8 Operation counter.9 Handles for operating the truck locks (only for withdrawable circuit-breakers)10 Operating lever for circuit-breaker racking-in/out.

Fig. 6b

a2) Manual closing spring charging for VD4/ZS8 circuit-breakers(fig. 7b)

Rotate the charging lever (2) (rotate about 12 times) until the yellowindicator (7) appears. The maximum force which can normally beapplied to the lever is <150 N for the EL1 operating mechanism.The operation can be carried out with the door open, with the doorclosed, with the circuit-breaker racked-out and with the circuit-breakerracked-in.

b) Electrical spring charging operation

On request, the circuit-breaker can be fitted with the followingaccessories for electrical operation:– geared motor for automatic closing spring charging– shunt closing release– shunt opening release.

6.3. Circuit-breaker closing and opening operationsCircuit-breaker operation can be either manual or electrical (fig. 6 -fig. 7).

a1) Manual closing spring charging for VD4 circuit-breakers forUniGear switchgear and PowerCube modules (fig. 7a)

Repeatedly activate the charging lever (2) (maximum rotation angle ofthe lever: about 90°) until the yellow indicator (7) appears.The maximum forces which can normally be applied to the lever are<150 N for the EL1operating mechanism, <200 N for the EL2 operatingmechanism and <250 N for EL3 operating mechanism.

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∪ 90°


2 27 7

Fig. 7a

Fig. 7b

The geared motor automatically recharges the spring after each closingoperation until the yellow indicator (7) appears.If the power is cut off during charging, the geared motor stops andautomatically starts recharging the springs again when the powerreturns.In any case, it is always possible to complete the charging operationmanually.

c) Circuit-breaker closing

The operation can only be carried out with the closing spring completelycharged.

For manual closing, press the pushbutton (5 — fig. 6b).When there is a shunt closing release, the operation can also becarried out remotely by means of a special control circuit. Closinghaving taken place is indicated by the signalling device (6 — fig. 6b).

d) Circuit-breaker opening

For manual opening, press the pushbutton (4 — fig. 6b).When there is a shunt opening release, the operation can also becarried out remotely by means of a special control circuit. Openinghaving taken place is indicated by the signalling device (6 — fig. 6b).

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N. N.

CaptionNo. Number of closing-opening cycles allowed for the vacuum interrupters.Ia Breaking capacity of the vacuum interrupters.

Fig. 8a Fig. 8b

7. Installation

7.1. GeneralCorrect installation is of primary importance. The manu-facturer’s instructions must be carefully studied and fol-lowed. It is good practice to use gloves for handling thepieces during installation.

7.2. Installation and operating conditionsThe following Standards must be taken into particular considerationduring installation and service:– IEC60694/DIN VDE 0101– VDE 0105: Electrical installation service– DIN VDE 0141: Earthing systems for installations with rated voltage

above 1 kV– All the accident prevention regulations in force in the relative coun-


7.2.1. Normal conditions

Follow the recommendations in the IEC 60694 and 62271-100 Stand-ards. In more detail:

Ambient temperature

Maximum + 40 °CAverage maximum over 24 hours + 35 °C

Minimum (according to class– 5),apparatus for indoor installation – 5°


The average value of the relative humidity, measured for a period longer than 24hours, must not exceed the 95%.

The average value of the pressure of the water vapour, measured for a periodlonger than 24 hours, must not exceed 2.2 kPa.

The average value of the relative humidity, measured for a period longer than 1month, must not exceed the 90%.

The average value of the pressure of the water vapour, measured for a periodlonger than 1 month, must not exceed 1.8 kPa.


< 1000 m above sea level.

7.2.2. Special conditions

Installations over 1000 m a.s.l.

Possible within the limits permitted by reduction of the dielectric resistance of theair.

Increase in the ambient temperature

Reduction in the rated current.

Encourage heat dissipation with appropriate additional ventilation.


To avoid the risk of corrosion or other damage in areas:– with a high level of humidity, and/or– with rapid and big temperature variations, take appropriate steps (for example,

by using suitable electric heaters) to prevent condensation phenomena.

For special installation requirements or other operating conditions,please contact ABB.

The areas involved by the passage of power conductorsor auxiliary circuit conductors must be protected againstaccess of any animals which might cause damage ordisservices.

7.2.3. Trip curves

The following graphs show the number of closing-opening cycles(No.) allowed, of the vacuum interrupters, according to the breakingcapacity (Ia).

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N. N.

N. N.

Fig. 8c Fig. 8d

CaptionNo. Number of closing-opening cycles allowed for the vacuum interrupters.Ia Breaking capacity of the vacuum interrupters.

Fig. 8e Fig. 8f

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Fig. 8g

CaptionNo. Number of closing-opening cycles allowed for the vacuum interrupters.Ia Breaking capacity of the vacuum interrupters.

7.3. Preliminary operations– Clean the insulating parts with clean dry cloths.– Check that the top and bottom terminals are clean and free of any

deformation caused by shocks received during transport or storage.

7.4. Installation of fixed circuit-breakersThe circuit-breaker can be mounted directly on supporting frames tobe provided by the customer, or on a special supporting truck (availableon request).The circuit-breaker, with supporting truck, must be suitably fixed tothe floor of its own compartment by the customer.The floor surface in correspondence with the truck wheels must becarefully levelled.A minimum degree of protection (IP2X) must be guaranteed from thefront towards live parts.

7.4.1. Mounting the circuit-breaker on a truck made by othermanufacturers

The VD4 circuit-breakers which are not installed on ABB trucks, buton trucks made by the customer, must be fitted with one or twoadditional auxiliary contacts (activated by the mechanical lock and bythe circuit-breaker release device) to carry out the function ofinterrupting the shunt closing release circuit (-MC) during traversefrom isolated and vice versa.In ABB trucks, this function is carried out by the -BT1 and -BT2auxiliary contacts which cut of the release power supply during andbefore activation of the mechanical lock of the screw truck racking-indevice. This means that the shunt closing release power supply canonly by applied at the end of activation of the mechanical lock. In thisway it is certain that no electrical impulse can activate the shuntclosing release with the circuit-breaker in an intermediate position.

7.5. Installation of withdrawable circuit-breakersin UniGear ZS1 switchgear and PowerCubemodules

The withdrawable circuit-breakers are preset for use in UniGear ZS1switchgear and PowerCube modules.For racking-in/racking-out of the switchgear, fully insert the lever (1)(fig. 9) in the appropriate seat (2) and work it clockwise for racking-in,and anti-clockwise for racking-out, until the limit switch positions arereached.Circuit-breaker racking-in/-out must be carried out gradually to avoidshocks which may deform the mechanical interlocks and the limitswitches.The torque normally required to carry out racking-in and racking-outis <25 Nm.This value must not be exceeded. If operations are prevented ordifficult, do not force them and check that the operating sequence iscorrect.


To complete the racking-in/out operation, about 20 rotations of thelever are required for circuit-breakers up to 17.5 kV, and about 30rotations for 24 kV circuit-breakers.

When the circuit-breaker has reached the isolated for test/isolatedposition, it can be considered racked into the switchgear and, at thesame time, earthed by means of the truck wheels.Withdrawable circuit-breakers of the same version, and thereforewith the same dimensions, are interchangeable. However, when, forexample, different electrical accessory fittings are provided, a differentcode for the plug of the auxiliary circuits does not allow incorrectcombinations between panels and circuit-breakers.For the circuit-breaker installation operations, also refer to the technicaldocumentation of the above-mentioned switchgear.

The racking-in/-out operations must always be carriedout with the circuit-breaker open.

7.5.1. Circuit-breakers with withdrawable motorized truck

Carry out the racking-in/racking-out test of the motorized truck in thesame way as for a manual truck, following the instructions below:– Rack the circuit-breaker into the switchgear in the open and iso-

lated position, with the power supply to the motor circuit cut off andwith the enclosure door closed.

– Insert the manual racking-in lever (1) in the special coupling (2) Fig.9, and take the motorized truck to about half its run between theisolated for test and the connected position.The torque needed to carry out truck handling is < 25 Nm.In the case of accidental inversion of the truck motor power supplypolarity, this operation allows a possible error in direction to be dealtwith without any damage. Verification checks:a)motor rotation clockwise during circuit-breaker racking-in.b)motor rotation anticlockwise during circuit-breaker racking-out.

– Remove the manual lever (1) from the coupling (2) Fig. 9– Supply the truck motor circuit.– Activate the control for the electrical racking-in operation. When

racking-in has taken place, check correct changeover of the rela-tive auxiliary contact.

– On completion, activate the control for the electrical racking-outoperation. When racking-out has taken place, check correctchangeover of the relative auxiliary contact.

– In the case of a motor fault during a racking-in or racking-out opera-tion, in an emergency the truck can be taken to the end of its runmanually, after first cutting off the power supply to the motor powersupply circuit and then, using the manual lever, work in the sameway as with the manual truck.


By means of the chain transmission, truck handling carried outusing the manual lever makes the truck motor armature rotatewhich, behaving like a generator, can cause inverse voltage atthe connection terminals.

This may damage the permanent magnet of the motor, there-fore all the truck racking-in and racking-out operations carriedout using the manual lever must be done without power supplyin the motor circuit.

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Max 25 Nm

Assembly procedure

– Put the connections in contact with the circuit-breaker terminals,taking care to avoid mechanical stresses (traction / compression)on, for example, the conducting busbars on the terminals.

– Interpose a spring washer and a flat washer between the head ofthe bolt and the connection.

– It is advisable to use bolts according to DIN class 8.8 Standards,also referring to what is indicated in table T2.

– In the case of cable connections, strictly follow the manufacturer’sinstructions to make the terminals.

Bare copper

– Clean with a fine file or emery cloth.– Tighten fully and cover the contact surfaces with 5RX Moly type grease.

Copper or silver-plated aluminium

– Clean with a rough dry cloth.– Only in the case of obstinate traces of oxidation, clean with a very fine grain

emery cloth taking care not to remove the surface layer.– If necessary, restore the surface treatment.

Bare aluminium

– Clean with a metal brush or emery cloth.– Cover the contact surfaces again immediately with neutral grease.– Insert the copper-aluminium bimetal with surfaces shined (copper side in con-

tact with the terminal; aluminium side in contact with the connection) betweenthe aluminium connection and the copper terminal.









Without lubricant

10 Nm

30 Nm

40 Nm

70 Nm

200 Nm

Recommended tightening torque (1)

With lubricant (2)

4,5 Nm

10 Nm

20 Nm

40 Nm

80 Nm

(1) The nominal tightening torque is based on a friction coefficient of the thread of0.14 (distributed value the thread is subjected to which, in some cases, is notnegligible).The nominal tightening torque with lubricant is according to the DIN 43673Standards.

(2) Oil or grease. The thread and surfaces in contact with the lubricated heads.Take into account the deviations from the general Standards table (for example,for systems in contact or terminals) as foreseen in the specific technicaldocumentation.The thread and surfaces in contact with the heads of bolts must be slightlyoiled or greased, so as to obtain a correct nominal tightening torque.



7.6. Power circuit connections of fixed circuit-breakers

7.6.1. General recommendations

– Select the cross-section of the conductors according to the servicecurrent and the short-circuit current of the installation.

– Prepare special pole insulators, near the terminals of the fixed cir-cuit-breaker or of the enclosure, sized according to the electrody-namic forces deriving from the short-circuit current of the installa-tion.

7.6.2. Assembly of the connections

– Check that the contact surfaces of the connections are flat, and arefree of any burrs, traces of oxidation or deformation caused bydrilling or impacts received.

– According to the conductor material and the surface treatment used,carry out the operations indicated in table T1 on the contact surfaceof the conductor.

Fig. 9

7.7. EarthingFor the fixed version circuit-breaker, carry out earthing by means ofthe special screw marked with the relative symbol. Clean and degreasethe area around the screw to a diameter of about 30 mm and, oncompletion of assembly, cover the joint again with Vaseline grease.Use a conductor (busbar or braid) with a cross-section conforming tothe Standards in force.

7.8. Connection of the auxiliary circuitsNote: the minimum cross-section of the wires used for the auxiliarycircuits must not be less than the one used for the internal cabling.Furthermore, they must be insulated for 3 kV of test.

7.8.1. Fixed circuit-breaker

Connection of the circuit-breaker auxiliary circuits must be made bymeans of the terminal box (1) (fig. 10) mounted inside the circuit-breaker and the cables must pass through the connector (2).Outside the connector, the cables must pass through a suitable metalprotective cover (pipe, wiring duct, etc.), which must be earthed.

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Fig. 10 Fig. 10a

Fig. 11

VD4 circuit-breaker for UniGear switchgearand PowerCube.

VD4 circuit-breaker for ZS8.4 switchgear(VD4/ZS8 version with rotary charging).

To prevent the cabling wires outside the circuit-breaker (carried outby the customer) from accidentally coming into contact with movingparts and therefore undergoing damage to the insulation, it isrecommended to fix the wires as shown in fig. 10a.

Before removing the operating mechanism cover toaccess the terminal box, check that the circuit-breaker isopen and the closing spring discharged.

7.8.2. Withdrawable circuit-breakers

The auxiliary circuits of withdrawable circuit-breakers are fully cabledin the factory as far as the connector (fig. 11).For the external connections, refer to the electric wiring diagram of theswitchgear.

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1 Medium voltage circuitWith a 2500 V megger, measure the insulation resistancebetween the phases and the exposed conductive part of thecircuit.

Auxiliary circuitsWith a 500 V megger (if the apparatus installed allows this),measure the insulation resistance between the auxiliary cir-cuits and the exposed conductive part.

Check that the connections to the control circuit are correct:proceed at the relative power supply.

Carry out a few closing and opening operations (see cap. 6).N.B. Supply the undervoltage release and the locking magneton the operating mechanism at the relative rated voltage (ifprovided).

Supply the spring charging geared motor at the relative ratedvoltage.

Carry out a few closing and opening operations.N.B. Supplythe undervoltage release and the locking magnet on the oper-ating mechanism at the relative rated voltage (if provided).

Supply the undervoltage release at the relative rated voltageand carry out the circuit-breaker closing operation.

Cut off power to the release.

Close the circuit-breaker andsupply the shunt opening release at the relative rated voltage.

Open the circuit-breaker and supply the shunt closing releaseat the relative rated voltage.

Open the circuit-breaker, keep the opening pushbuttondepressed, then turn the key and remove it from the housing.Attempt the circuit-breaker closing operation.

Put the key back in and turn it 90°.Carry out the closing operation.

With the circuit-breaker open, spring charged and lockingelectromagnet not supplied, attempt circuit-breaker closingboth manually and electrically.

Insert the auxiliary contacts in suitable signalling circuits.Carry out a few closing and opening operations.

With the circuit-breaker open, in the isolated for test positionand the locking electromagnet not supplied, attempt racking-inof the circuit-breaker.

Supply the locking electromagnet and carry out the racking-inoperation.

Insert the auxiliary contacts in suitable signalling circuits.With the circuit-breaker racked into the enclosure, carry out afew traverse operations from the isolated for test position tothe connected position.Take the circuit-breaker to the racked-out position.

The insulation resistance should be at least 50 Mohm and inany case constant over time.

The insulation resistance should be a few Mohm and in anycase constant over time.

Operations and signals normal.

The operations and relative signals take place normally.

The spring is charged normally.The signals are normal.With the spring charged, the geared motor stops.

The geared motor recharges the spring after each closingoperation.

The circuit-breaker closes normally.The signals are normal.

The circuit-breaker opens.The signalling changes over.

The circuit-breaker opens normally.The signals are normal.

The circuit-breaker closes normally.The signals are normal.

Neither manual nor electrical closing takes place.

Both electrical and manual closing take place normally; inthis position the key cannot be removed.

Closing is not possible.

Signals take place normally.

Racking-in is not possible.

Racking-in takes place correctly.

The signals due to the relative operations take place normally.

Insulation resistance.

Auxiliary circuits.

Manual operating mechanism.

Motor operator (if provided).

Undervoltage release (if provided).

Shunt opening release and additionalshunt opening release (if provided).

Shunt closing release (if provided).

Key lock (if provided).

Locking electromagnet (-RL1)(if provided).

Auxiliary contacts in the operatingmechanism.

Locking electromagnet on the truckcircuit-breaker (-RL2) (if provided).

Auxiliary transmitted contacts forsignalling circuit-breaker racked-in,isolated (UniGear switchgear ofPowerCube modules).

8. Putting into service

8.1. General procedures

All the operations regarding putting into service mustbe carried out by ABB personnel or by suitably qualifiedcustomer personnel with in-depth knowledge of theapparatus and of the installation.Should the operations be prevented, do not force themechanical interlocks and check that the operatingsequence is correct.The operating forces which can be applied for racking-inwithdrawable circuit-breakers are indicated in paragraph7.5.


Before putting the circuit-breaker into service, carry out the followingoperations:– check tightness of the power connections to the circuit-breaker

terminals;– establish the setting of the primary electronic overcurrent release

(if provided);– check that the value of the power supply voltage of the auxiliary

circuits is between 85% and 110% of the rated voltage of theelectrical accessories;

– check that no foreign bodies, such as bits of packing, have got intothe moving parts;

– check that there is a sufficient exchange of air in the installationplace to avoid overtemperatures;

– also carry out the checks indicated in table T3.














Page 45: ABB VD4 Manual


9. MaintenanceThe maintenance operations are aimed at keeping the apparatus ingood working condition for as long as possible.In accordance with what is specified in the IEC 61208 / DIN 31 051Standards, the following operations must be carried out.Inspection: Finding out the actual conditionsOverhauling: Measures to be taken to maintain the specific condi-

tionsRepairs: Measures to be taken to restore the specific condi-


9.1. GeneralThe vacuum circuit-breakers are characterised by simple, sturdyconstruction and a long life.The operating mechanism requires maintenance and functional in-spections to reach the expected operating-life (see par. 9.3.2.).The vacuum interrupters are maintenance-free for their whole operat-ing life.Vacuum interruption does not produce any harmful effects even whenthere are frequent interruptions at the rated and short-circuit current.The interventions during service and their aim are determined by theambient conditions, by the sequence of operations and by the short-circuit interruptions.


Respect the following Standards for maintenance work:– the relative specifications given in the chapter on “Standards and

Specifications”;– work safety regulations in the chapter on “Putting into service and

operations”;– standards and specifications of the country where the apparatus is


The maintenance operations must only be carried out by trained per-sonnel and who follow all the safety regulations. Furthermore, it isadvisable to call on ABB personnel, at least in cases for checking theperformances in service and for repairs.

Cut the power supply off and put the apparatus under safe conditionsduring the maintenance operations.

Before carrying out any operations, check that the cir-cuit-breaker is open, with the spring discharged and thatit is not supplied (medium voltage circuit and auxiliarycircuits).

9.1.1. Operating life expectancy

The operating life expectancy for the VD4 circuit-breakers is as fol-lows:– vacuum interrupters: up to 30,000 operations, according to their

type (see par. 7.2.3. Trip curves);– switching device, actuator and transmission system: up to 30,000

operations, under normal operating conditions, according to thetype of circuit-breaker and with regular maintenance (see par. 9.3.2.);

– with operations correctly executed it is possible to carry out up to1000 racking-out/in operations (as prescribed in the IEC 60271-200 Standards);

– the data regarding the operating life are basically applicable to all thecomponents which cannot be directly affected by operator activity.The manually operated components (moving parts of isolatableparts, etc.) can vary their behaviour.

– Visual inspection of the isolating contacts.It is recommended to turn the contact system alternately in order tokeep the internal surface of the contact areas clean. The contactareas must be cleaned when there are signs of overheating (discol-oured surface) (also see Repairs).

– In the case of abnormal conditions, take suitable overhauling meas-ures (see Overhauling par.).

9.2.2. Stored energy operating mechanism

Carry out the functional test of the operating mechanism after 5,000operations (2,000 operations for 3150 A circuit-breakers) or duringordinary maintenance operations as specified in par. 9.2.1.Before doing the test, open the circuit-breaker and carry out the fol-lowing operations:– in the case of withdrawable circuit-breakers, take the circuit-breaker

to the isolated for test position– in the case of fixed circuit-breakers: cut off the power supply to the

medium voltage circuit.


Insulate the work area and make it safe, following the safety regula-tions specified in the IEC/DIN VDE Standards.

Functional test

– With the circuit-breaker not connected to the load, carry out a fewopening and closing operations.

– If foreseen, cut the power supply to the spring charging motor off.Discharge the spring by closing and opening the circuit-breaker bymeans of the closing and opening pushbuttons.

– Visually inspect the lubrication conditions of the tulip isolating con-tacts, of the sliding surfaces, etc.

– Check correct electrical and mechanical operation of the variousdevices, with particular attention to the interlocks.

– The screws and nuts are tightened in the factory and correct tight-ening is marked with a collared sign. No further tightening opera-tions are foreseen during the operating life of the circuit-breaker.However, following any maintenance interventions, should it be nec-essary to re-tighten the screws or nuts, it is recommended to al-ways replace the screws and nuts and to keep to the values indi-cated in fig. 12.

– Check the main actuator lever roller bearing lubrication (see detailsA of fig. 13): it is advisable to lubricate with a few drops of SAE 80W/90 type oil, using a special oiler.

Proceed as follows:– remove the circuit-breaker screen– charge the operating mechanism spring and lubricate the right-

hand bearing (circuit-breaker seen from the front — see fig. 13)– close the circuit-breaker and lubricate the left-hand bearing (circuit-

breaker seen from the front- see fig. 13).

9.2.3. Circuit-breaker pole

No other check except what has already been specified in par. 9.2.1.is necessary.

9.2.4. Withdrawable assembly (truck and circuit-breaker)

Visually inspect the components, especially those which may be dam-aged by incorrect operations (also see table in chap. 8).Visually inspect the isolating contacts and that all the contact ele-ments are clean, especially in cases where signs of overheating arefound (also see par. 9.4.).Visually inspect and carry out the functional tests of the locks, check-ing their correct operation and activation without abnormal force –maximum 25 N (also see table in chap. 8).

9.2. Inspections and functionality tests9.2.1. Interruption devices in general

– Check the conditions of the interruption devices with regular in-spections.

– Inspection at fixed intervals can be avoided when the apparatus ispermanently under the control of qualified personnel.

– The checks must, first of all, include visual inspection to check forany contamination, traces of corrosion or electrical discharge phe-nomena.

– Carry out more frequent inspections when there are unusual oper-ating conditions (including severe climatic conditions) and in thecase of environmental pollution (e.g. high level of contamination oran atmosphere with aggressive agents).

Page 46: ABB VD4 Manual


15 Nm

25 Nm 10 Nm 10 Nm

25 Nm

12 Nm

Fig. 12

Checking tightness of the screws

9.3. Overhauling9.3.1. Interruption devices in general

Should it have been necessary to clean the devices during the in-spections, according to what is specified in par. 9.2.1., use the follow-ing procedure:• insulate the work area and make it safe, following the safety regula-

tions specified in the IEC/DIN VDE Standards;• general cleaning of the surfaces:

– dry and eliminate light deposits of dirt with a soft dry cloth;– more resistant deposits of dirt can be removed using slightly

alkaline domestic type detergent or Rivolta BWR 210 type deter-gent;

• cleaning insulating surfaces and conductive parts:– light dirt: with Rivolta BWR 210 detergent;– resistant dirt: with cold detergent type 716.

After cleaning, rinse thoroughly with clean water and dry carefully.

NoteOnly use detergents without halogens and never 1.1.1-trichloroethane,trichloroethylene or carbon tetrachloride!

9.3.2. Tripping device: actuator and transmission system

Circuit-breakers up to 31.5 kA and up to 2500 A

To ensure correct operation of the circuit-breaker, inspection andmaintenance of the tripping devices is recommended every 10,000operations. For this purpose, please contact the ABB Service office.Complete replacement of the actuator, shock absorber and of theother transmission system parts (shaft, main levers, safety rings,etc.) must be carried out after 30,000 operations.

Circuit-breakers up to 40 kA and up to 2500 A

To ensure correct operation of the circuit-breaker, inspection andmaintenance of the tripping devices is recommended every 10,000

Page 47: ABB VD4 Manual










Lubrication of the right-hand bearing (circuit-breaker seen from the front)

Fig. 13

Lubrication of the roller bearings

Lubrication of the left-hand bearing (circuit-breaker seen from the front)

operations. For this purpose, please contact the ABB Service office.Complete replacement of the actuator must be carried out every 10,000operations.Complete replacement of the shock absorber and of the other trans-mission system parts (shaft, main levers, safety rings, etc.) must becarried out after 30,000 operations.

Circuit-breakers for 3150 A up to 40 kA

To ensure correct operation of the circuit-breaker, inspection andmaintenance of the tripping devices is recommended every 2,000operations. For this purpose, please contact the ABB Service office.Complete replacement of the actuator must be carried out every 2,000operations.Complete replacement of the shock absorber and of the other part ofthe transmission system (shaft, main levers, safety rings, etc.) mustbe carried out after 10,000 operations.

NoteDismantling and replacement of the operating mechanism (trip box)can only be carried out by ABB personnel or by skilled and speciallytrained personnel, particularly for the necessary adjustments.

Details regarding overhauling

• When foreseen, cut of the power supply to the spring chargingmotor and manually discharge the operating mechanism spring byclosing and opening the circuit-breaker.

• Replace the parts subjected to mechanical stress or stress due toparticular environmental conditions, (contact and ABB service cen-tre).

NoteThese operations can only be carried out by ABB personnel or byskilled and specially trained personnel.

Page 48: ABB VD4 Manual


10. Application of the X-ray emissionStandards

One of the physical properties of vacuum insulation is the possibility ofX-ray emission when the interrupter contacts are open.The specific tests carried out at the PTB laboratories (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, in Brunswick — Germany) show that localemission at a distance of 10 cm from the interrupter or pole surface,does not exceed 1 mSv/h.

It follows that:

– at the rated service voltage the use of vacuum interrupters isabsolutely safe;

– application of the withstand voltage at power frequency, accordingto the IEC 62271-100 and VDE 0670 Standards, is safe;

– application of a voltage higher than the withstand voltage at powerfrequency or of a test voltage in direct current, specified in the IECand VDE Standards, cannot be used;

– limitation of the above-mentioned local phenomena, with interrupterswith open contacts, depends on keeping the specific distancebetween the contacts.This condition is intrinsically guaranteed by correct operation of theoperating mechanism and by the adjustments of the transmissionsystem.

9.3.3. Circuit-breaker pole

The circuit-breaker pole and relative vacuum interrupter aremaintenance-free until the maximum number of electrical operationsfor the type of interrupter is reached (see par. 7.2.3. Trip curves).The operating life of the vacuum interrupter is defined by the sum ofthe ultimate currents corresponding to the specific type of interrupterin accordance with what is indicated in the graphs of par. 7.2.3. Tripcurves: when the sum of the ultimate currents is reached, the wholepole must be replaced.


Dismantling and replacement of the pole can only be carried out byABB personnel or by skilled and specially trained personnel, particularlyfor the necessary adjustments.To carry out the interrupter test without dismantling the circuit-breakerpole, use:

– the VIDAR vacuum tester, made by the company ProgrammaElectric GmbH, Bad Homberg v.d.H.

To check vacuum tightness of the interrupter, the following test valuesmust be set on the VIDAR tester:

Rated voltage d.c. test voltageof the circuit-breaker

12 kV 40 kV

17.5 kV 40 kV

24 kV 60 kV

The test must always be carried out with the circuit-breaker open withthe contacts at the nominal distance (12 kV and 17.5 kV).Procedure for testing the degree of vacuum of the interrupter of thecircuit-breaker poles:– urn the power supply off and make the working area safe by following

the safety regulations specified in the IEC/DIN VDE Standards;– open the circuit-breaker;– earth a terminal of each circuit-breaker pole;– connect the earth terminal of the VIDAR tester to the circuit-breaker

structure;– connect the high voltage terminal of the VIDAR tester to the terminal

of the circuit-breaker pole not connected to earth (L1 phase) andcarry out the test. Repeat the test for phases L2 and L3.


The tester connection cables can produce an indication due to thecapacitive effect. In this case the cables must not be removed.

9.4. RepairsReplacement of spare parts and accessories must only be carriedout by ABB personnel or suitably qualified and specially trainedpersonnel.Always work with the circuit-breaker open and locked so that it cannotbe closed again, with the work area insulated and made safe.The operating mechanism spring must be discharged.All power supply sources must be disconnected and made safeagainst any reclosing during removal and installation work.

Should maintenance be carried out by the customer’spersonnel, responsibility for the interventions remainswith the customer.The replacement of parts not included in the “List ofspare parts/accessories” (par. 12.1.) must only be carriedout by ABB personnel. In particular:– complete pole with bushings/connections– actuator and transmission system– closing spring set– opening spring– shock-absorber.

Page 49: ABB VD4 Manual


11. Spare parts and accessoriesAll assembly operations of spare parts/accessories mustbe carried out following the instructions enclosed withthe spare parts, by ABB personnel or by suitablyqualified customer personnel with in-depth knowledgeof the apparatus (IEC 60694) and of all the Standardsaimed at carrying out these interventions in safeconditions. Should the maintenance be carried out bythe customer’s personnel, responsibility for theinterventions remains with the customer. Before carryingout any operation, always make sure that the circuit-breaker is open, the spring discharged and that it is notenergised (medium voltage circuit and auxiliary circuits).

To order circuit-breaker spare parts/accessories, refer to the orderingsales codes indicated in the technical catalogue and always state thefollowing:– type of circuit-breaker– rated voltage of the circuit-breaker– rated normal current of the circuit-breaker– breaking capacity of the circuit-breaker– serial number of the circuit-breaker– rated voltage of any electrical spare parts.For availability and to order spare parts, please contact our Serviceoffice.

11.1. List of spare parts– Shunt opening release– Additional shunt opening release– Undervoltage release– Contact for signalling undervoltage release energised/de-energised– Time delay device for undervoltage release– Mechanical override for undervoltage release– Shunt closing release– Spring charging geared motor with electrical signalling of spring

charged– Contact signalling protection circuit-breaker of the geared motor

open/closed– Contact signalling closing spring charged/discharged– Transient contact with momentary closing during circuit-breaker

opening– Circuit-breaker auxiliary contacts– Locking electromagnet on the operating mechanism– Position contact of the withdrawable truck– Contacts signalling connected/isolated– Opening solenoid– Key lock in open position– Isolation interlock with the door– Protection for opening pushbutton– Protection for closing pushbutton– Locking electromagnet on the withdrawable truck– Set of six tulip contacts.

12. Electric circuit diagramsThe standard VD4 circuit-breaker electric circuit diagrams are asfollows:

– 1VCD400046: Fixed circuit-breakers

– 1VCD400055: Fixed circuit-breakers with 64-pole connector

– 1VCD400064: Fixed circuit-breakers with 58-pole connector

– 1VCD400078: Fixed circuit-breakers with truck

– 1VCD400048: Withdrawable circuit-breakers

– 1VCD400080: Withdrawable circuit-breakers for ZS8.4 switchgearVD4/ZS8, ZT8 and Z8 with circuit-breaker.

– 1VCD400080: Withdrawable circuit-breakers for ZS8.4 switchgearwith VD4/ZS8, ZT8 and Z8 circuit-breaker with motorized truck.

Each circuit-breaker is always provided with the standard electricdiagram or with a specific diagram in the case of a circuit-breaker withnon-standard cabling.

Page 50: ABB VD4 Manual


VD4TN 7405Ur 12 kVIr 630 A

1250 AIsc 16 kA

20 kA25 kA31.5 kA

VD4TN 7405Ur 17.5 kVIr 630 A

1250 AIsc 16 kA

20 kA25 kA31.5 kA


(*) (*)


VD4TN 1VCD000050Ur 12 kVIr 1600 AIsc 20 kA

25 kA31.5 kA

13. Overall dimensions

Fixed circuit-breakers

(*) Fixing interchange-ability with previousseries (345 x 400).

(*) Fixing interchange-ability with previousseries (345 x 400).

Fixed circuit-breakers

Page 51: ABB VD4 Manual


VD4TN 7406Ur 12 kVIr 630 A

1250 AIsc 16 kA

20 kA25 kA31.5 kA

VD4TN 7406Ur 17.5 kVIr 630 A

1250 AIsc 16 kA

20 kA25 kA31.5 kA


(*) (*)

VD4TN 1VCD003282Ur 12 kV

17.5 kVIr 1250 A

1600 AIsc 40 kA


(*) Fixing interchange-ability with previousseries (345 x 520).

(*) Fixing interchange-ability with previousseries (345 x 650).

Fixed circuit-breakers

Fixed circuit-breakers

Page 52: ABB VD4 Manual



VD4TN 1VCD000051Ur 12 kVIr 630 A

1250 AIsc 16 kA

20 kA25 kA31.5 kA

VD4TN 1VCD000051Ur 17.5 kVIr 630 A

1250 AIsc 16 kA

20 kA25 kA31.5 kA

VD4TN 1VCD003285Ur 12 kV

17.5 kVIr 1250 A

1600 AIsc 40 kA


Fixed circuit-breakers

(*) Fixing interchangeabil-ity with previous series(345 x 650).

(*) Fixing interchange-ability with previousseries (345 x 650).

Fixed circuit-breakers

Page 53: ABB VD4 Manual


VD4TN 7408Ur 12 kV

17.5 kVIr 1600 A

2000 A2500 A

Isc 20 kA25 kA31.5 kA

VD4TN 7408Ur 12 kV

17.5 kVIr 2000 A

2500 AIsc 40 kA


VD4TN 7407Ur 12 kVIr 1600 A

2000 A2500 A

Isc 20 kA25 kA31.5 kA40 kA

VD4TN 7407Ur 17.5 kVIr 1600 A

2000 AIsc 20 kA

25 kA31.5 kA40 kA

(*) Fixing interchange-ability with previousseries (345 x 650).

(*) Fixing interchange-ability with previousseries (345 x 520).

Fixed circuit-breakers

Fixed circuit-breakers

Page 54: ABB VD4 Manual


VD41VCD000149Ur 12 kV

17.5 kVIr 3150 AIsc 20 kA

25 kA31.5 kA40 kA

VD4TN 7409Ur 24 kVIr 630 A

1250 AIsc 16 kA

20 kA25 kA


(*) (*)

Fixed circuit-breakers

Fixed circuit-breakers

(*) Fixing interchange-ability with previousseries (345 x 520).

Page 55: ABB VD4 Manual


VD4TN 7411Ur 24 kVIr 1600 A

2000 A2500 A

Isc 16 kA20 kA25 kA


(*) (*)

VD4TN 7410Ur 24 kVIr 630 A

1250 AIsc 16 kA

20 kA25 kA


(*) (*)

(*) Fixing interchange-ability with previousseries (345 x 650).

Fixed circuit-breakers

(*) Fixing interchange-ability with previousseries (345 x 650).

Fixed circuit-breakers

Page 56: ABB VD4 Manual


VD4/PTN 7412Ur 12 kVIr 630 A

1250 AIsc 16 kA

20 kA25 kA31.5 kA

VD4/PTN 7412Ur 17.5 kVIr 630 A

1250 AIsc 16 kA

20 kA25 kA31.5 kA

VD4/W (1)TN 7420Ur 12 kVIr 630 A

1250 AIsc 16 kA

25 kA31.5 kA

VD4/W (1)TN 7420Ur 17.5 kVIr 630 A

1250 AIsc 16 kA

25 kA31.5 kA

(1) Only for PowerCubemodules.

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for UniGear ZS1 switchgearand PowerCube modules

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for UniGear ZS1 switchgearand PowerCube modules

Page 57: ABB VD4 Manual


VD4/PTN 1VCD003284Ur 12 kV

17.5 kVIr 1250 A

1600 AIsc 40 kA

VD4/PTN 1VCD003286Ur 12 kV

17.5 kVIr 1250 A

1600 AIsc 40 kA

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for UniGear ZS1 switchgearand PowerCube modules

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for UniGear ZS1 switchgearand PowerCube modules

Page 58: ABB VD4 Manual


VD4/PTN 7415Ur 12 kV

17.5 kAIr 1600 A

2000 AIsc 20 kA

25 kA31.5 kA

VD4/PTN 7415Ur 12 kV

17.5 kAIr 2000 AIsc 40 kA

VD4/P (1)TN 7416Ur 12 kV

17.5 kAIr 1600 A

2000 AIsc 20 kA

25 kA31.5 kA

VD4/P (1)TN 7416Ur 12 kV

17.5 kAIr 2000 AIsc 40 kA

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for UniGear ZS1 switchgearand PowerCube modules

(1) Only for UniGearZS1 switchgear.

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for UniGear ZS1 switchgearand PowerCube modules

Page 59: ABB VD4 Manual


VD4/PTN 7417Ur 12 kV

17.5 kAIr 2500 AIsc 20 kA

25 kA31.5 kA40 kA

VD4/W1VCD000152Ur 12 kV

17.5 kVIr 3150 AIsc 20 kA

25 kA31.5 kA40 kA

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for UniGear ZS1 switchgearand PowerCube modules

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for PowerCube modules

Page 60: ABB VD4 Manual


VD4/P1VCD000153Ur 12 kV

17.5 kVIr 3150 AIsc 20 kA

25 kA31.5 kA40 kA

VD4 /PB1VCD000150Ur 12 kV

17.5 kVIr 3150 AIsc 20 kA

25 kA31.5 kA40 kA






Withdrawable circuit-breakers for PowerBloc modules

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for UniGear ZS1 switchgear

Page 61: ABB VD4 Manual


VD4/P (1)TN 7414Ur 24 kVIr 630 A

1250 AIsc 16 kA

20 kA25 kA

VD4/PTN 7413Ur 24 kVIr 630 A

1250 AIsc 16 kA

20 kA25 kA

(1) Only for UniGearZS1 switchgear.

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for UniGear ZS1 switchgearand PowerCube modules

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for UniGear ZS1 switchgearand PowerCube modules

Page 62: ABB VD4 Manual


VD4/PTN 7418Ur 24 kVIr 1600 A

2000 A2500 A (2)

Isc 16 kA20 kA25 kA

VD4/Z8TN 1VCD000092Ur 12 kVIr 630 AIsc 20 kA

25 kA

(2) Only for UniGearZS1 switchgear.The rateduninterrupted currentof 2300 A isguaranteed withnatural ventilation.The rateduninterrupted currentof 2500 A isguaranteed withforced ventilation.

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for UniGear ZS1 switchgearand PowerCube modules

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for ZS8.4 switchgear

Page 63: ABB VD4 Manual


VD4/ZS8TN 1VCD000091Ur 12 kVIr 630 AIsc 20 kA

25 kA

VD4/ZT8TN 1VCD000093Ur 12 kVIr 630 AIsc 20 kA

25 kA

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for ZS8.4 switchgear

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for ZS8.4 switchgear

Page 64: ABB VD4 Manual


VD4/ZS8TN 1VCD000133Ur 12 kVIr 1250 AIsc 20 kA

25 kA

VD4/Z8TN 1VCD000137Ur 12 kV

17.5 kAIr 630 A

1250 AIsc 20 kA

25 kA

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for ZS8.4 switchgear

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for ZS8.4 switchgear

Page 65: ABB VD4 Manual


VD4/ZS8TN 1VCD000088Ur 24 kVIr 630 AIsc 16 kA

20 kA25 kA

VD4/ZT8TN 1VCD000134Ur 12 kV

17.5 kAIr 630 A

1250 AIsc 20 kA

25 kA

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for ZS8.4 switchgear

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for ZS8.4 switchgear

Page 66: ABB VD4 Manual


VD4/Z8TN 1VCD000089Ur 24 kVIr 630 AIsc 16 kA

20 kA25 kA

VD4/Z8TN 1VCD000138Ur 24 kVIr 1250 AIsc 16 kA

20 kA25 kA

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for ZS8.4 switchgear

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for ZS8.4 switchgear

Page 67: ABB VD4 Manual


VD4/ZT8TN 1VCD000136Ur 24 kVIr 1250 AIsc 16 kA

20 kA25 kA

VD4/ZT8TN 1VCD000090Ur 24 kVIr 630 AIsc 16 kA

20 kA25 kA

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for ZS8.4 switchgear

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for ZS8.4 switchgear

Page 68: ABB VD4 Manual


VD4/ZS8TN 1VCD000135Ur 24 kVIr 1250 AIsc 16 kA

20 kA25 kA

VD4/USTN 1VCD000047Ur 24 kVIr 630 A

1250 AIsc 16 kA

20 kA25 kA

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for ZS8.4 switchgear

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for UniSwitch / UniMix switchgears

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)ABB AG Calor Emag Medium Voltage Products Oberhausener Strasse 33 Petzower Strasse 8 40472 Ratingen 14542 Werder (Havel) OT GlindowGERMANY GERMANY Phone: +49 2102 12-0Fax: +49 2102 12-1777E-Mail: [email protected]: http://www.abb.com/mediumvoltage

ABB S.p.A. Power Products DivisionUnità Operativa Sace-MVVia Friuli, 4I-24044 DalminePhone: +39 035 6952 111Fax: +39 035 6952 874E-mail: [email protected]

Contact us

Note:We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB AG does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.

We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents – in whole or in parts – is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB AG.

Copyright© 2009 ABBAll rights reserved

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