Торговые весы Bizerba BC II
Краткое руководство по установке и настройке
В серию весов Bizerba BC II (Basic Class II) входят несколько моделей, отличающихся взаимным расположением модулей, но одинаковых по базовым характеристикам, порядку ввода в эксплуатацию и настройке. Наиболее распространены следующие модели:
BC II 800: дисплей, принтер и клавиатура расположены на специальной стойке и удалены от весовой платформы. Это позволяет максимально защитить их от негативного воздействия внешней среды и максимально продлить срок службы, а также снизить общую стоимость владения. |
BC II 100 – доступные, компактные весы, исполненные в едином блоке. Это решение минимизирует рабочий объём и позволяет снизить изначальные вложения. |
Подготовка к установке
Чтобы весы работали долго и стабильно, необходимо сразу же предусмотреть для них подходящее рабочее место. Это должна быть ровная, устойчивая и, по возможности, сухая твёрдая поверхность. Постарайтесь выбрать рабочее место с относительно стабильной температурой (находящейся в рабочем диапазоне -10 ÷ +40 oC) и отсутствием сквозняков, поскольку оба фактора снижают точность измерения. При выборе места для установки весов руководствуйтесь также удобством их дальнейшего использования и обслуживания. Для компенсации небольших неровностей опорной поверхности до начала эксплуатации весов на новом месте произведите выравнивание корпуса на винтовых ножках по встроенному уровню:
BC II 100 BC II 800 — Положение уровня — Винтовые ножки |
Поворачивайте винтовые ножки , пока пузырек воздуха не окажется в центре уровня . |
Подключите кабели согласно их назначению:
BC II 100:
— EtherNet-разъём для подкл. к PC — кассовый ящик (в РФ не исп.) — сетевой кабель — зажим для разгрузки от натяжения |
BC II 800:
— EtherNet-разъём для подкл. к PC — кассовый ящик (в РФ не исп.) — сетевой кабель — зажим для разгрузки от натяжения |
ВНИМАНИЕ! Не подключайте и не отсоединяйте кабель электропитания, когда прибор включён! Подключение кабелей производите к выключенным весам!
Основные части прибора и органы управления: знакомимся с весами
Сетевой выключатель расположен на боковой поверхности весов под защитной накладкой, слева у модели BC II 100 и справа у модели BC II 800. Выключайте прибор выключателем перед подключением или отсоединением любых кабелей.
Вся основная информация при работе и настройке прибора отображается на экране дисплея. Символы, напечатанные на стеклянной панели, маркируются светящимися стрелками и означают следующее:
= Вес-нетто после тарирования | |
= Режим расфасовки | |
= Работа от аккумуляторов/Индикатор уровня заряда аккумуляторов | |
= Базовая цена за килограмм | |
= Базовая цена за 100 грамм | |
= Фиксированная базовая цена | |
= Константная базовая цена | |
= Номер продавца после регистрации | |
= Сумма | |
= Однодиапазонные весы | |
= Двухдиапазонные весы | |
= Фиксированный вес |
Основным органом управления весами служит клавиатура. Существуют несколько вариантов исполнения клавиатуры, рассмотрим наиболее распространённый вариант:
Клавиша | Функция | Клавиша | Функция |
<Ручной ввод> |
Клавиши прямого вызова <PLU 1> — <PLU 50>. PLU = Price Look Up («найти цену») – вызов ячеек памяти с данными о товаре. |
<Константа> |
Алфавитные и специальные символы от до (функционируют только в режиме программирования). | ||
<Тара> |
Клавиши продавцов (жёлтые): продавец 1 <VK1> — продавец 4 <VK4> | ||
<Подача бумаги> |
<Ввод>/ |
<Ввод минуса> |
<Установка нуля> |
<Очистить> (стереть) |
<Заданная тара Т1> |
<Очистить> (стереть) |
<Заданная тара Т1>-<Заданная тара Т4> |
<Промежуточная сумма> |
<Пролистывать> |
<Сумма> |
<Сторно> |
<Умножить> |
<Переключить> / <Перезаписать> Клавиша служит для переключения между вводом базовой цены и вводом номера PLU |
Печать этикеток в моделях BC II 100 и BC II 800 производится принтером, работающим по принципу термопечати. Порядок установки нового рулона термоэтикеток:
№ | Действие | BC II 100 | BC II 800 |
1 |
Откройте крышку принтерного отсека , потянув за отмеченные стрелками места. |
2 |
Откройте боковую крышку движением вниз. |
3 | Поместите палец под красный рычажок . Тяните рычажок на себя, пока не произойдет деблокировка печатающей головки , и она не откинется вниз. | ||
4 | Снимите с держателя втулку старого рулона этикеток. Вытяните наружу протяжной механизм . Протяните бумажную основу через намоточный валик . Снимите пять этикеток с основы нового рулона. | ||
Установите новый рулон этикеток на держатель . Протяните ленту по направляющим и закрепите на намоточном валике. Основа должна плотно прилегать к гильзе . Вставьте внутрь протяжной механизм . Поворачивайте намоточный валик вручную, пока не появится первая этикетка. Закройте термопечатающую головку, крышку принтерного отсека и боковую крышку. | |||
5 |
Для настройки ширины бумаги передвиньте установочное кольцо на валике. Это может оказаться необходимым при замене бумаги или использовании бумаги другой ширины. |
Table of Contents
Quick Links
Retail scale SC II
System Class II
Operating instructions
as from program version 1.29 (with CD)
61429850113 en-US
Related Manuals for Bizerba SC II Series
Summary of Contents for Bizerba SC II Series
Page 1
Retail scale SC II System Class II Operating instructions as from program version 1.29 (with CD) 61429850113 en-US… -
Page 2
Alle Rechte vorbehalten All rights reserved Tous droits réservés Reservados todos los derechos Tutti i diritti riservati Bizerba GmbH & Co. KG, 72336 Balingen Postfach 10 01 64 72301 Balingen, Germany Telephone (+49 7433) 12-0, Fax (+49 7433) 12-2696 E-mail: marketing@bizerba.com Internet: www.bizerba.com… -
Page 3: Table Of Contents
Operating instructions SC II Table of Contents Table of Contents About these instructions ………………. 7 Safe-keeping……………….. 7 Target group ……………….. 7 Symbols used ……………….. 7 Warnings…………………. 8 About the device………………….. 10 Device types ……………….. 10 Accessories……………….. 10 Intended use ……………….. 10 Identification plate ………………
Page 4
Table of Contents Operating instructions SC II Keyboard…………………. 26 5.3.1 Membrane keyboard ……………… 27 5.3.2 Tactile keyboard………………. 28 5.3.3 Key functions ……………….. 28 Printer …………………. 30 5.4.1 Printer lid and side cover for SC II 100/200 ………. 30 5.4.2 Opening and closing the thermal print head ………. 33 5.4.3 Label printer ……………….. -
Page 5
Operating instructions SC II Table of Contents 6.17 Assisted sale with labels ……………. 56 6.18 Article with fixed volume and fixed price ………… 56 6.19 PLU with data of origin…………….. 57 6.19.1 Sale with manual input of abbreviated traceability number…… 57 6.19.2 Sale with abbreviated traceability number from configuration ….. -
Page 6
Table of Contents Operating instructions SC II Subject index …………………. 96 Annexe…………………… 99 declaration of conformity SCII…………..100 EU declaration of conformity SC II………… 101 10.1 WLAN_BWLC2 ……………… 102 10.2 Sparklan_WUBR-508N ……………. 106 6 / 107 61429850113 en-US… -
Page 7: About These Instructions
These operating instructions explain how to operate and set the device. It also includes functions that are only required by Bizerba Service. Contact your Bizerba specialist if necessary.
Page 8: Warnings
About these instructions Operating instructions SC II Menu settings Menu settings required for a function are marked in grey. Menu setting — Setting of the menu. Select 2 2 1: Key sequence for selection of menu. Starting point is the main menu. Warnings Warnings are divided into danger levels by the signal word above the warning symbol.
Page 9
Operating instructions SC II About these instructions NOTICE Source of danger, improper use! Damage to property can result. – Measurements for prevention of danger are specified. 61429850113 en-US 9 / 107… -
Page 10: About The Device
Illustration 1: SC II 100 and SC II 800 Illustration 2: SC II 500 and SC II 400 Accessories Bizerba offers a wide range of accessories for this device. For further information, please contact your Bizerba specialist. Intended use System scale SC II (System Class) is a high-quality device with state-of-the-art technology designed for convenient counter sales.
Page 11: Verification Information
T= — 120-240V 0.35-0.25A 50/60Hz Electrical data Scale accuracy class III 10 adjusted for … Stating verification zone 11 Bizerba GmbH & Co. KG Manufacturer’s address 12 D10-09-010 No. of EC type approval 13 0103 Identification number of notified body»Verifica- tion body- Stuttgart»…
Page 12: Software Id, Update Logbook
2 years in Germany. The verification validity starts as soon as the device is put on the market. When conformity assessment is carried out by Bizerba the scale is sealed by means of control marks with marking «Gesichert BIZERBA» on the control marking locations. Verifications must be carried out by the operator of the scale according to the legal re- quirements.
Page 13: Standards And Directives
Operating instructions SC II About the device Enter password Press < Enter >. Current logbook information is displayed. Software ID Program version SC II, part is not rele- vant with regard to verification Version number of legally relevant part Press< Enter >key. Illustration 3: Display software ID The content of the update logbook is displayed.
Page 14: Operating Conditions
Information Technology Equipment — Safety Operating conditions Please note the operating conditions prior to start-up and during operation. If you are in doubt concerning the practical application of these conditions, please contact Bizerba or the responsible customer service. 14 / 107 61429850113 en-US…
Page 15: Power Supply
2.7.1 Power supply The installation of the power supply for connecting to Bizerba devices must be carried out in accordance with the international specifications and the regulations derived from them. These essentially include the recommendations of at least one of the following commissions: –…
Page 16: Wireless Lan Device Network
Warranty Installation, start-up and initial training are carried out by trained staff of the Bizerba sales of- fices, customer service locations or by companies commissioned by Bizerba. Bizerba is not responsible for damages caused by: –…
Page 17: Demo License
This ordinance requires you, as the end user, to return the device to the manufacturer or dealer, at the end of its proper use, for the purposes of recycling and correct disposal. Bizerba and its dealers are naturally willing to take back these defunct old devices. Please contact your specialist in these cases.
Page 18: Safety Instructions
– Do not connect device to the main supply if the mains data does not correspond to the application specifications of the scale. Mains data must be identical. – Please contact the Bizerba customer service. CAUTION Switched-off scale is still energized –…
Page 19: Requirements For Operating Personnel
Operators (purchasers) as well as supervisory and operating staff must carry out program- ming and data protection on Bizerba systems and devices exclusively in accordance with the Bizerba operating and programming instructions. Only use equipment for its intended purpose.
Page 20: Installation
Always transport and store the device in its original packaging. Start-up Putting into operation, as well as instruction on the operation, cleaning, maintenance and ser- vicing is carried out by the relevant Bizerba customer services office or the Bizerba trade consultant. 4.2.1 Switching device on Switch device on and off [} 40].
Page 21: Installation And Assembly
Operating instructions SC II Installation The preferred value for brightness is set automatically and should be changed in relation to the lighting conditions. Contrast of operator display/customer display The preferred value for contrast is set automatically and should be changed in relation to the lighting conditions.
Page 22: Cable Connections
– Incorrect supply voltage! – Do not connect device to mains supply if mains data does not match the connection values of the scale. Mains data must be identical. – Inform Bizerba Customer Service. 4.5.4 Cable connections CAUTION Do not insert or remove connecting cable while device is switched on! Interfaces are either defect or malfunctioning.
Page 23: Rechargeable Battery
Operating instructions SC II Installation Mains cable Clip (strain relief) Cash desk connection Plate (strain relief) COM 2 ETHERNET Com 1(scanner; E-Cash; coin dis- penser) USB (only with SC II 7») Illustration 8: Cable connection SCII 100 Clip (strain relief) Mains cable Plate (strain relief) Cash desk connection ETHERNET…
Page 24
Installation Operating instructions SC II The installation or removal of the battery may only be carried out by our customer services and/or a company or person assigned by us. The device can be operated without a mains power supply if a battery is installed. Operating time: SC II 10 hours, SC II 7» 4 hours. -
Page 25: Device And Operating Controls
Operating instructions SC II Device and operating controls Device and operating controls Main switch Illustration 10: Power switch Power switch for SCII 100 Power switch for SCII 800 Display Illustration 11: Example of display Weight value Unit price Selling price Display icon (e.g. battery operation) 5.2.1 Display icons Symbol…
Page 26: Keyboard
Device and operating controls Operating instructions SC II Symbol Operating mode Status Mains operation Battery is being charged Charging time approx. 3.5 hours Mains operation (flashing) Battery temperature < 0°C. No statement can be made about the charge status of the battery.
Page 27: Membrane Keyboard
Operating instructions SC II Device and operating controls 5.3.1 Membrane keyboard There are two transparent modules on the membrane keyboard into which insert-foils can be inserted if required. Insert foil 30 keys DEU (country ID, e.g. DEU, defines keyboard labeling) Insertion foil 54 keys DEU Foil keyboard 54 keys Foil keyboard 30 keys…
Page 28: Tactile Keyboard
Device and operating controls Operating instructions SC II 5.3.2 Tactile keyboard Tactile keyboard 84 keys Illustration 15: Tactile keyboard 5.3.3 Key functions The basic and extended keyboards for the scales can be freely con- figured with the exception of only a few keys. To do this, select «Assign keys»…
Page 29
Operating instructions SC II Device and operating controls <Paper feed> <Minus input> <Zero setting> <Scroll> <Cancellation> <Paper feed> <Mod> <Escape> <Multiplication> <Switch over><Overwrite> <Manual input> <Constant> <Tare> <Control> <Enter> <Shift> <Clear> (delete) <Subtotal> <Total> 61429850113 en-US 29 / 107… -
Page 30: Printer
Device and operating controls Operating instructions SC II Two keyboard levels Menu settings — In the configuration place key<Switching PLU level> to the basic keyboard. Select: 5 3 1 — In the PLU maintenance create the direct PLU keys for level 2. Select: 1 6 1. Keyboard level 1 Switch key «PLU level»…
Page 31
Operating instructions SC II Device and operating controls The printer cover has a handle on top Take hold of the printer lid at the re- cessed handle Open the printer lid by pulling it down- wards. Illustration 17: Printer lid SC II 100/200 Closing Fold the printer lid upwards. -
Page 32
Device and operating controls Operating instructions SC II Printer lid and side cover for SC II 800 Side cover SC II 800 Opening Hold the side cover at the recessed handle. Open the side cover pulling it down- wards. Illustration 19: Side cover SC II 800 Closing Close the side cover by pulling it upwards. -
Page 33: Opening And Closing The Thermal Print Head
Operating instructions SC II Device and operating controls Closing Fold the printer lid down. Illustration 21: Close SC II 800 printer lid 5.4.2 Opening and closing the thermal print head NOTICE – The thermal strip is coated with a glass passivation layer and must not be touched or cleaned with hard objects.
Page 34: Label Printer
Device and operating controls Operating instructions SC II Label printer in SC II 800 Open Place your index finger underneath the red grip element. Push the grip element upwards until the thermal print head disengages. Move the thermal print head for- wards.
Page 35: Ticket Roll
Operating instructions SC II Device and operating controls Insert label roll Open the side cover and printer cover [} 30]. Open the thermal print head [} 33]. Remove the label roll from the take-up Pull the red peel-off unit outwards. Pull the backing paper off the unwinding shaft Pull 5 labels off the backing paper of the new label roll.
Page 36
Device and operating controls Operating instructions SC II Insert new ticket roll Open side cover and printer cover [} 30]. The thermal bar must not be opened. Remove the empty core of the ticket roll. Insert a new ticket roll Lead the ticket paper to the printer roller according to paper feed. -
Page 37: Paper Feed
Operating instructions SC II Device and operating controls 5.4.5 Paper feed Paper feed SC II 800 Paper feed label printer with label paper Take-up arbor for backing paper Collar Takeup shaft Label roll Deflection pin with red adjustable ring Print head Print roller Label detachment shaft Deflection pin…
Page 38
Device and operating controls Operating instructions SC II Paper feed SC II 100/200 Paper feed label printer with label paper Take-up arbor for backing paper Collar Takeup shaft Label roll Deflection pin with red adjustable ring Print head Print roller Label detachment shaft Illustration 30: Paper feed for label paper/SC Deflection pin… -
Page 39
Operating instructions SC II Device and operating controls Set paper width Move the red adjustable ring on the deflection roller to adjust it to the label width. This adjustment is necessary each time the paper or the paper width change. Illustration 32: Adjustable ring 61429850113 en-US 39 / 107… -
Page 40: Operation
Operation Operating instructions SC II Operation Switching device on The mains switch <On-Off> is located: – on the left side of SC II 100 scales – on the right side of SC II 800 scales. The scale should not be loaded. Press <On-Off>…
Page 41: Switch Off Device
Operating instructions SC II Operation Switch off device Press <On-Off> power key. The device runs through a switch-off procedure. The display goes dark after a short time. Resetting the device After switching on the scale the weight display ranges automatically at zero «0.000» kg pro- vided that the scale is unloaded.
Page 42: Switching Device On
Operation Operating instructions SC II 6.5.1 Switching device on The output display of the Bakery device differs from the scale display. Initial display SCII 100 K/B Illustration 35: Initial display 6.5.2 SC II 100 K/B operation with weight value Menu setting — In configuration <Basic sales setting>…
Page 43: Plu Call-Up
Operating instructions SC II Operation Press operator key, e.g.<OP1>. Total is displayed and ticket printed. If «Pay-in/pay-out» is set, the pay-in/pay-out Illustration 40: Total display mode is started before total printout [} 61]. PLU call-up PLU = Price Look Up Article is displayed with price, text etc. Menu setting — Define PLUs in PLU maintenance.
Page 44: Calling Plus After Switch-Over
Operation Operating instructions SC II 6.6.3 Calling PLUs after switch-over (unit price input/PLU input) Menu setting — In the <Basic sales settings> configuration, selection 5363 / PLU no. Basic setting — Select «Unit price input» in the standard menu. — Select «Set», «Timeout» or «Enter» from the PLU Confirmation menu. Switch from unit price input to PLU input.
Page 45: Operating Procedure After Plu Call-Up
Operating instructions SC II Operation Operating procedure Enter PLU no. PLU Prefix is displayed automatically Automatic PLU prefix, e.g. 80 Illustration 42: Entering PLU Enter PLU no., e.g. 123. The article is displayed once the PLU no. has been entered Illustration 43: Entering PLU Operating procedure after PLU call-up PLU call-up [} 43].
Page 46: Register With Unit Price Or Selling Price = 0
Operation Operating instructions SC II 6.7.3 Register with unit price or selling price = 0. Menu setting — In the «Configuration»/»Basic Sales Setting» menu, selection 5 3 6 3: Activate the «Sale with UP/SP price =0» menu item. — In menu «PLU maintenance» / «Prices», select 1 1 2 / Dept. no. / PLU no. / 1: Activate the «Price overwrite»…
Page 47: Multiplication Of Plu Price Per Piece With A Partial Number Of Pieces
Operating instructions SC II Operation 6.7.6 Multiplication of PLU price per piece with a partial number of pieces A partial number of pieces is half a loaf of bread, for example. Menu setting — In the «Define key» menu configuration, selection 5312: Create key <,> or <.> (comma or full-stop, decimal point).
Page 48
Operation Operating instructions SC II Unit price input price/100 g Place article on the scale. Press key <Unit price input>. Switch from price/kg to price/100 g. Enter unit price, e.g. 3.56 price/100g. Register using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. Manual input price per piece Press <Manual input>… -
Page 49: Product Group Sale By Plu
Operating instructions SC II Operation Register using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. Multiplication of minus amount Press <Minus> key. Enter change, e.g. 1.00 for returnable bottle. Press <Multiplication>. Enter number of pieces, e.g. 5. Register using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. Product group sale by PLU In this operating mode, the unit price of the PLU is set to «Zero»…
Page 50: Scroll Function
Operation Operating instructions SC II The word CONST. is lit up in the display. Switch off the constant function again. The lit word CONST. goes out. 6.11 Scroll function After registrating several articles (before total completion), the single articles can be dis- played using the «Scrolling»…
Page 51: Displaying Subtotal
Operating instructions SC II Operation Confirm entry. The last item is canceled. Sheet cancellation with or without operator’s permission to cancel Several articles have already been sold. A specific article has to be canceled. Open scroll or cancellation function. Press operator key, e.g.<OP1>. Last item is displayed.
Page 52: Total
Operation Operating instructions SC II 6.14 Total After registration of one or more articles, the total completion is issued. Press the <Total> key. Register and print using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. Brief display of total and item number. 6.15 Tare 6.15.1 Tare balancing for unknown tare values –…
Page 53: Tare Balancing With Known Tare
Operating instructions SC II Operation 6.15.2 Tare balancing with known tare – When a packaged article is weighed, the tare weight must already be known (packaging/ PLU-related tare). – With multi-division scales, the known tare may only be within the smallest division range. –…
Page 54: Plu Tare
Operation Operating instructions SC II Tare priority (only USA) Menu setting — In menu «Configuration» / «Priority», select 5 3 6 3: Set priority of article tare and fixed tare. The standard setting is «Fixed tare». Manual tare (country-related) Scales on no load (weight display 0,000 kg). Press <tare>…
Page 55: Normal Ticket
Operating instructions SC II Operation Scale is not loaded. After successful registration, tare and unit price are deleted. 6.16 Normal ticket Several articles plus total can be printed on a normal ticket. Department number and total, for example, are coded in the barcode. Menu setting — Select «Assisted sale with ticket»…
Page 56: Assisted Sale With Labels
Operation Operating instructions SC II 6.17 Assisted sale with labels Only one PLU can be printed on the label. PLU no. and selling price, for example, are coded in the barcode. Menu setting Configuration: — In menu Operating Mode select 5362, «Assisted sale». — In menu Operating Modes activate 5361, «Price call-up Recording.»…
Page 57: Plu With Data Of Origin
Operating instructions SC II Operation Multiplication with quantity input is supported. Register using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. 6.19 PLU with data of origin When beef is sold the customer should be given information about the origin of the meat. Beef is marked with a traceability number which is entered or scanned when sold. The abbre- viated traceability number refers to the ident no., which allows traceability of the origin.
Page 58
Operation Operating instructions SC II Illustration 45: Display and extended display Display extended display Operating procedure Place beef on the scale. Press PLU key, e.g. <PLU1> (beef). Display PLU text and, depending on the menu setting, the last traceability no. With key <Esc> PLU can be deleted. Confirm or enter last traceability no., e.g. -
Page 59: Sale With Abbreviated Traceability Number From Configuration
Operating instructions SC II Operation Confirm the last traceability number or enter the traceability number, e.g. PLU text and data of origin are displayed. Using the arrow keys, go to the Data of origin menu of the traceability number, e.g. 12 Go to the field to be modified using the arrow keys in the menu.
Page 60: Self-Service Mode
Operation Operating instructions SC II Display PLU text and automatic call-up of data of origin from the abbreviated traceability number without displaying the abbreviated traceability number. Register using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. The sold quantity is booked in the traceability data sales report. Press the <Total>…
Page 61: Cash Register Functions
Operating instructions SC II Operation If the manual article (e.g. mustard) is assigned to a direct PLU key e.g. <PLU11>, the following procedure must be followed: Press <Multiplication>. Enter number of mustard (5). Press «PLU key <PLU11> and the article is registered and the label is printed.
Page 62: Sale Of Articles With Different Price Types
Operation Operating instructions SC II For inputs of «Amount tend.» smaller than «Amount due», e.g. EUR 20.00: Press <Enter> key. Amount due Illustration 48: Amount still due Press <Enter> key. Illustration 49: Remaining amount given 6.22 Sale of articles with different price types Menu setting — In the «Database configuration»…
Page 63: N*Quantity Grad
Operating instructions SC II Operation If free of charge, the PLU piece price can be multiplied by a partial piece number [} 47]. 6.22.1 n*quantity grad. Observe the menu settings [} 62]. n*quantity grad. is only supported for the PLU type «Weighed». A specific proportion of weight of no charge (weight advantage) needs to be calculated from a specifically entered weight value (threshold).
Page 64: Percent Graduation
Operation Operating instructions SC II Operating procedure Place product on scale. Call up PLU. Register using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. The «price advantage» appears on the display with the corresponding negative amount. Press the <Total> key. Register and print using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. The note «discount»…
Page 65: Mix. Special Price
Operating instructions SC II Operation A graded amount discount should be calculated based on the sales price and from a specifi- cally entered weight value (threshold). You can enter five threshold values. Example: When the customer makes a purchase greater than 0.300 kg, he/she is given a scaled amount discount of EUR 0.50;…
Page 66: Obligatory Input For Piece Price For Piece-Price Articles
Operation Operating instructions SC II Enter number of pieces, e.g. 10. Confirm entry. Register using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. Press the <Total> key. Register and print using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. A note, «weight advantage» including the corresponding weight, unit price, and negative selling price is printed on the ticket.
Page 67: Obligatory Input Limited
Operating instructions SC II Operation Operating procedure Call up number piece-price article. «Please enter number of pieces» appears in the display, alternating with the PLU text. Enter number of pieces. Register using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. 6.23.3 Obligatory input limited After opening the piece-price article, the number of pieces has to be entered.
Page 68: Sale With Weight-Fixed-Price Article
Operation Operating instructions SC II Operating procedure Register PLU. Press key <Total>. Enter number of bags, e.g. 3. Register with operator key, e.g. Illustration 50: Number of bags <OP1> The ticket is printed with the text «Number of bags» and the number of bags, e.g. 3. 6.25 Sale with weight-fixed-price article Weight fixed-price articles are articles of the type «Manual weighed», «By-count», «Manual…
Page 69: Plu Type: «By-Count Weighed
Operating instructions SC II Operation Multiplication is supported. Place weight-fixed-price article on the scale, e.g. 5 articles. Enter number of pieces, e.g. 5. Register with operator key, e.g. <OP1> Weight of the 5 weight-fixed-price arti- cles Display of number of pieces, and cal- culated unit price can be printed on la- bel.
Page 70: Plu Type: «Manual Fixed Weight
Operation Operating instructions SC II Enter number of pieces, e.g. 15. Register using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. Illustration 54: Enter Number of pieces 6.25.3 PLU type: «Manual fixed weight» Only supported in price labeling mode (country-specific). Menu setting — In configuration, activate «Price Labeling» in the Operating mode menu and «Weight for fixed price PLU»…
Page 71: Plu Type:»By-Count Fixed Weight
Operating instructions SC II Operation 6.25.4 PLU type:»By-count fixed weight» Menu setting — In configuration, activate «Price Labeling» in the Operating mode menu and «Weight for fixed price PLU» either with or without weight printout in the Printer menu. — In PLU maintenance, enter the PLU type «By-count FW» and the fixed weight in «Tare +Weight».
Page 72
Operation Operating instructions SC II Overwriting of number of pieces Call up the «By-count» article, e.g. <PLU 7>. Selling price/10 pieces The quantity can be overwritten. Illustration 60: Calling up «By-count» Enter new quantity. Selling price/15 pieces The piece price is calculated but not dis- played. -
Page 73
Operating instructions SC II Operation Enter new selling price. Overwritten selling price Illustration 64: Entering a new selling price The piece price is calculated but not dis- played. Register using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. The calculated piece price is printed on the label with 4 decimal places Illustration 65: Label with piece price Overwriting of selling price and quantity… -
Page 74
Operation Operating instructions SC II Register using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. The calculated piece price is printed on the label with 4 decimal places Illustration 68: Label with piece price Overwriting of number of pieces and selling price Input of a definitive selling price for a defined number of pieces. Call up the «By-count»… -
Page 75: Mandatory Input For By-Count
Operating instructions SC II Operation 6.26.1 Mandatory input for By-count Input of number of pieces is mandatory for By-Count articles. Only supported for operating modes where registration is manually carried out via operator key. In quick-service mode (price call & recording), this function is not supported. Menu setting — In the «Configuration»…
Page 76: Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Operating instructions SC II Troubleshooting Fault description Fault Cause Elimination Display does not illuminate. – No supply voltage. – Check and insert power cable. – Switch on mains switch. Display does not illuminate. – incorrect display settings – Reset display settings. for brightness, contrast.
Page 77
Operating instructions SC II Troubleshooting Text message Cause Remedy Evaluation active on another – Appears when printing – Wait until the report has scale out a report. finished printing out. Restart the report. – A printout of the same re- port has been started at –… -
Page 78
Troubleshooting Operating instructions SC II Text message Cause Remedy Encoding of negative value – Appears if an attempt is – Negative values cannot made to encode a nega- be encoded in a barcode. tive value in a barcode. If you want to call up a PLU with a negative unit price, use the piece num- ber code. -
Page 79
Operating instructions SC II Troubleshooting Text message Cause Remedy Incorrect price group! – Appears if a second price – Another price group can- group is to be used within not be selected within a a ticket that has been ticket. opened with a defined Conclude ticket and price group. -
Page 80
Troubleshooting Operating instructions SC II Text message Cause Remedy Selected operator key is al- – Appears during sales dur- – The selected operator key ready assigned to Operator ing operator log on/log is already being used by off. another operator. Another operator key can be di- Select another key. -
Page 81
Operating instructions SC II Troubleshooting Text message Cause Remedy Cashier has not determined – Appears for cashier re- – In «Configuration» the set- a Cash reg. (POS) act.! ports. ting, «Compulsory cash reg. POS act.» must be set in the «Cash reg.» menu. -
Page 82
Troubleshooting Operating instructions SC II Text message Cause Remedy No customer number – Appears during sales dur- – The operator used does ing overlapping service not have a link to a cus- with customer/operator tomer no. link. No module license exists! –… -
Page 83
Operating instructions SC II Troubleshooting Text message Cause Remedy Max. value overflow – Appears during sales. – Check the settings for to- tals in sales limits in «Configuration» / «Device settings» / «Sales limits». End of month is still active! –… -
Page 84
Troubleshooting Operating instructions SC II Text message Cause Remedy Price invalid – Appears during sale of – Check menu item manual products. «Rounding not weighed». If rounding is activated, the price used must cor- respond to the rounding. Select 5 3 6 3 Seasonal PLU locked –… -
Page 85
Operating instructions SC II Troubleshooting Text message Cause Remedy Invalid ticket type! – Appears for price group – A ticket begun with one of mode 1, 2 or 3. the above price groups cannot be changed to an- other price group during the sale. -
Page 86
Troubleshooting Operating instructions SC II Text message Cause Remedy Log on operator! – Appears during sales – No operator is logged on when working with com- to the selected operator pulsory log on/log off. key. «Configuration» / «Cash reg.» Operator occupied –… -
Page 87
Operating instructions SC II Troubleshooting Text message Cause Remedy Not enough memory, un- – Appears in conjunction – SC II off/on. The un- buffered heap with multi-line text editors. buffered area is deleted The text editor cannot be and redefined. created in the unbuffered RAM area. -
Page 88: Maintenance
Maintenance Operating instructions SC II Maintenance Cleaning Cleaning instructions must be observed during installation, operation and maintenance. 8.1.1 Cleaning device DANGER Water getting into device! Danger of death from electric shock. – make sure that no water runs into the device when cleaning. –…
Page 89
– The thermal strip is coated with a glass passivation layer and must not be touched or cleaned with hard objects. – Use Bizerba cleaning products to clean the thermal strip. Open the side cover of the scale. Open the printer lid by pulling it upwards. -
Page 90: Cleaning Products For Printer
Illustration 75: deflection pin, take-up pin Clean paper deflector Pull the paper deflector out sideways. Clean the paper deflector using the Bizerba «LR label remover». The «LR-la- bel remover» may not be used to clean thermal strips. Push the paper deflector in sideways.
Page 91
Operating instructions SC II Maintenance The cleaning products can be obtained from Bizerba Service or Bizerba technical consul- tants. Glue residue removal agent Aerosol can, 200ml Order no.: 9594 3000000 Illustration 77: Cleaner for residues of glue from labels NOTICE Thermal strip coating and rubber rollers! Damage to the coating –… -
Page 92: Maintenance
Maintenance Operating instructions SC II Aerosol can, 200ml Order no.: 9400 8900133 Illustration 79: Aerosol can Thermal strip cleaning set consisting of: 5 cleaning buds made of wood with leather coating 1 pcs. IPA cleaning solvent 12 ml Order no.: 9400 8919 000 Illustration 80: Thermal strip cleaning set Moisten the tip of the cleaning bud with a few drops of the cleaning solvent.
Page 93: Note On Storing Thermal Paper
Ticket, label and linerless rollers To avoid any defects on the device, only ticket, label or Linerless rolls that have been checked and approved by Bizerba are to be used. These ticket and label rollers are identified with a corresponding number.
Page 94: Technical Data
Technical data Operating instructions SC II Technical data Dimensions Scale SC II 800 Illustration 82: SC II 800 Scale SC II 100 Illustration 83: SC II 100 Scale SC II 200 Illustration 84: SC II 200 Power supply The electrical power supply must comply with the national requirements and tolerances. Mains supply Single-phase A.C.
Page 95: Ambient Conditions
Operating instructions SC II Technical data Permissible mains voltage tolerance (steady-state) normal: 120V: + 6% to — 10% of nominal value 230V: +10% to -10% of nominal value Mains frequency : 50Hz Permissible tolerance of mains frequency: +2 to -2% Admissible distortion factor of mains voltage: ≤…
Page 96: Subject Index
Subject index Operating instructions SC II Subject index Ambient conditions 95 Data of origin 57 Article type «By-count» 71 Change 58 Assisted sale with labels 56 Manually 57 Suggestion 59 Date / time 75 Deleting characters 41 Bakery device Demo license 17 Operation with weight PLU 42…
Page 97
Operating instructions SC II Subject index Kennzeichnungsschild 10 Paper feed 37 Key functions 28 Label printer SC II 100/200, label paper Keyboard 26 38 Key functions 28 Label printer SC II 100/200, ticket paper Membrane keyboard 27 38 Tactile keyboard 28 Label printer SC II 800, label paper 37… -
Page 98
Subject index Operating instructions SC II Safety instructions 18 Unit price SC II 100 K/B, operation 41 Input: Price/100g 48 Scroll function 50 Input: Price/kg 47 Self-service mode 60 Unit price / selling price = 0 46 Set display 20 Unit price back calculation Set paper width 39… -
Page 99: Annexe
Operating instructions SC II Annexe Annexe 61429850113 en-US 99 / 107…
Page 100: Declaration Of Conformity Scii
This sentence is omitted when the conformity evaluation has been carried out by Bizerba. The declaration of type conformity is based on contractual documents (Bizerba order documents). Any modifica- tion made to the above device type without the prior permission of Bizerba or by Bizerba staff will render this declaration invalid.
Page 101
EN 300 328 V1.8.1:2012; EN 301 893 V1.7.1:2012 The declaration of type conformity is based on contractual documents (Bizerba order documents). Any modifica- tion made to the above device type without the prior permission of Bizerba or by Bizerba staff will render this declaration invalid. -
Page 102: Wlan_Bwlc2
Annexe Operating instructions SC II 10.1 WLAN_BWLC2 Illustration 85: WLAN BWLC2 102 / 107 61429850113 en-US…
Page 103
Operating instructions SC II Annexe Illustration 86: WLAN BWLC2 61429850113 en-US 103 / 107… -
Page 104
Annexe Operating instructions SC II Illustration 87: WLAN BWLC2 104 / 107 61429850113 en-US… -
Page 105
Operating instructions SC II Annexe Illustration 88: WLAN BWLC2 61429850113 en-US 105 / 107… -
Page 106: Sparklan_Wubr-508N
Annexe Operating instructions SC II 10.2 Sparklan_WUBR-508N Illustration 89: Sparklan_WUBR-508N 106 / 107 61429850113 en-US…
Page 107
Operating instructions SC II Annexe Illustration 90: Sparklan_WUBR-508N 61429850113 en-US 107 / 107…
В настоящее время вы находитесь на странице с руководствами Bizerba весы. Выберите один из продуктов, чтобы сразу перейти к руководству по этому продукту. Не можете найти Bizerba ? Тогда попробуйте вбить в поле поиска Bizerba и модель, чтобы найти нужное руководство Bizerba. На ManualsPDF.ru в настоящее время имеется 3 руководств Bizerba . Самые популярные Bizerba весы:
- Bizerba SC 800
- Bizerba SC 200
- Bizerba SC 400
Последнее добавленное руководство Bizerba было добавлено 2020-04-08, и это Bizerba SC 200.
Page 1
Retail scale SC II System Class II Operating instructions as from program version 1.29 (with CD) 61429850113 en-US… -
Page 2
Alle Rechte vorbehalten All rights reserved Tous droits réservés Reservados todos los derechos Tutti i diritti riservati Bizerba GmbH & Co. KG, 72336 Balingen Postfach 10 01 64 72301 Balingen, Germany Telephone (+49 7433) 12-0, Fax (+49 7433) 12-2696 E-mail: marketing@bizerba.com Internet: www.bizerba.com… -
Page 3: Table Of Contents
Operating instructions SC II Table of Contents Table of Contents About these instructions ………………. 7 Safe-keeping……………….. 7 Target group ……………….. 7 Symbols used ……………….. 7 Warnings…………………. 8 About the device………………….. 10 Device types ……………….. 10 Accessories……………….. 10 Intended use ……………….. 10 Identification plate ………………
Page 4
Table of Contents Operating instructions SC II Keyboard…………………. 26 5.3.1 Membrane keyboard ……………… 27 5.3.2 Tactile keyboard………………. 28 5.3.3 Key functions ……………….. 28 Printer …………………. 30 5.4.1 Printer lid and side cover for SC II 100/200 ………. 30 5.4.2 Opening and closing the thermal print head ………. 33 5.4.3 Label printer ……………….. -
Page 5
Operating instructions SC II Table of Contents 6.17 Assisted sale with labels ……………. 56 6.18 Article with fixed volume and fixed price ………… 56 6.19 PLU with data of origin…………….. 57 6.19.1 Sale with manual input of abbreviated traceability number…… 57 6.19.2 Sale with abbreviated traceability number from configuration ….. -
Page 6
Table of Contents Operating instructions SC II Subject index …………………. 96 Annexe…………………… 99 declaration of conformity SCII…………..100 EU declaration of conformity SC II………… 101 10.1 WLAN_BWLC2 ……………… 102 10.2 Sparklan_WUBR-508N ……………. 106 6 / 107 61429850113 en-US… -
Page 7: About These Instructions
These operating instructions explain how to operate and set the device. It also includes functions that are only required by Bizerba Service. Contact your Bizerba specialist if necessary.
Page 8: Warnings
About these instructions Operating instructions SC II Menu settings Menu settings required for a function are marked in grey. Menu setting — Setting of the menu. Select 2 2 1: Key sequence for selection of menu. Starting point is the main menu. Warnings Warnings are divided into danger levels by the signal word above the warning symbol.
Page 9
Operating instructions SC II About these instructions NOTICE Source of danger, improper use! Damage to property can result. – Measurements for prevention of danger are specified. 61429850113 en-US 9 / 107… -
Page 10: About The Device
Illustration 1: SC II 100 and SC II 800 Illustration 2: SC II 500 and SC II 400 Accessories Bizerba offers a wide range of accessories for this device. For further information, please contact your Bizerba specialist. Intended use System scale SC II (System Class) is a high-quality device with state-of-the-art technology designed for convenient counter sales.
Page 11: Verification Information
T= — 120-240V 0.35-0.25A 50/60Hz Electrical data Scale accuracy class III 10 adjusted for … Stating verification zone 11 Bizerba GmbH & Co. KG Manufacturer’s address 12 D10-09-010 No. of EC type approval 13 0103 Identification number of notified body»Verifica- tion body- Stuttgart»…
Page 12: Software Id, Update Logbook
2 years in Germany. The verification validity starts as soon as the device is put on the market. When conformity assessment is carried out by Bizerba the scale is sealed by means of control marks with marking «Gesichert BIZERBA» on the control marking locations. Verifications must be carried out by the operator of the scale according to the legal re- quirements.
Page 13: Standards And Directives
Operating instructions SC II About the device Enter password Press < Enter >. Current logbook information is displayed. Software ID Program version SC II, part is not rele- vant with regard to verification Version number of legally relevant part Press< Enter >key. Illustration 3: Display software ID The content of the update logbook is displayed.
Page 14: Operating Conditions
Information Technology Equipment — Safety Operating conditions Please note the operating conditions prior to start-up and during operation. If you are in doubt concerning the practical application of these conditions, please contact Bizerba or the responsible customer service. 14 / 107 61429850113 en-US…
Page 15: Power Supply
2.7.1 Power supply The installation of the power supply for connecting to Bizerba devices must be carried out in accordance with the international specifications and the regulations derived from them. These essentially include the recommendations of at least one of the following commissions: –…
Page 16: Wireless Lan Device Network
Warranty Installation, start-up and initial training are carried out by trained staff of the Bizerba sales of- fices, customer service locations or by companies commissioned by Bizerba. Bizerba is not responsible for damages caused by: –…
Page 17: Demo License
This ordinance requires you, as the end user, to return the device to the manufacturer or dealer, at the end of its proper use, for the purposes of recycling and correct disposal. Bizerba and its dealers are naturally willing to take back these defunct old devices. Please contact your specialist in these cases.
Page 18: Safety Instructions
– Do not connect device to the main supply if the mains data does not correspond to the application specifications of the scale. Mains data must be identical. – Please contact the Bizerba customer service. CAUTION Switched-off scale is still energized –…
Page 19: Requirements For Operating Personnel
Operators (purchasers) as well as supervisory and operating staff must carry out program- ming and data protection on Bizerba systems and devices exclusively in accordance with the Bizerba operating and programming instructions. Only use equipment for its intended purpose.
Page 20: Installation
Always transport and store the device in its original packaging. Start-up Putting into operation, as well as instruction on the operation, cleaning, maintenance and ser- vicing is carried out by the relevant Bizerba customer services office or the Bizerba trade consultant. 4.2.1 Switching device on Switch device on and off [} 40].
Page 21: Installation And Assembly
Operating instructions SC II Installation The preferred value for brightness is set automatically and should be changed in relation to the lighting conditions. Contrast of operator display/customer display The preferred value for contrast is set automatically and should be changed in relation to the lighting conditions.
Page 22: Cable Connections
– Incorrect supply voltage! – Do not connect device to mains supply if mains data does not match the connection values of the scale. Mains data must be identical. – Inform Bizerba Customer Service. 4.5.4 Cable connections CAUTION Do not insert or remove connecting cable while device is switched on! Interfaces are either defect or malfunctioning.
Page 23: Rechargeable Battery
Operating instructions SC II Installation Mains cable Clip (strain relief) Cash desk connection Plate (strain relief) COM 2 ETHERNET Com 1(scanner; E-Cash; coin dis- penser) USB (only with SC II 7») Illustration 8: Cable connection SCII 100 Clip (strain relief) Mains cable Plate (strain relief) Cash desk connection ETHERNET…
Page 24
Installation Operating instructions SC II The installation or removal of the battery may only be carried out by our customer services and/or a company or person assigned by us. The device can be operated without a mains power supply if a battery is installed. Operating time: SC II 10 hours, SC II 7» 4 hours. -
Page 25: Device And Operating Controls
Operating instructions SC II Device and operating controls Device and operating controls Main switch Illustration 10: Power switch Power switch for SCII 100 Power switch for SCII 800 Display Illustration 11: Example of display Weight value Unit price Selling price Display icon (e.g. battery operation) 5.2.1 Display icons Symbol…
Page 26: Keyboard
Device and operating controls Operating instructions SC II Symbol Operating mode Status Mains operation Battery is being charged Charging time approx. 3.5 hours Mains operation (flashing) Battery temperature < 0°C. No statement can be made about the charge status of the battery.
Page 27: Membrane Keyboard
Operating instructions SC II Device and operating controls 5.3.1 Membrane keyboard There are two transparent modules on the membrane keyboard into which insert-foils can be inserted if required. Insert foil 30 keys DEU (country ID, e.g. DEU, defines keyboard labeling) Insertion foil 54 keys DEU Foil keyboard 54 keys Foil keyboard 30 keys…
Page 28: Tactile Keyboard
Device and operating controls Operating instructions SC II 5.3.2 Tactile keyboard Tactile keyboard 84 keys Illustration 15: Tactile keyboard 5.3.3 Key functions The basic and extended keyboards for the scales can be freely con- figured with the exception of only a few keys. To do this, select «Assign keys»…
Page 29
Operating instructions SC II Device and operating controls <Paper feed> <Minus input> <Zero setting> <Scroll> <Cancellation> <Paper feed> <Mod> <Escape> <Multiplication> <Switch over><Overwrite> <Manual input> <Constant> <Tare> <Control> <Enter> <Shift> <Clear> (delete) <Subtotal> <Total> 61429850113 en-US 29 / 107… -
Page 30: Printer
Device and operating controls Operating instructions SC II Two keyboard levels Menu settings — In the configuration place key<Switching PLU level> to the basic keyboard. Select: 5 3 1 — In the PLU maintenance create the direct PLU keys for level 2. Select: 1 6 1. Keyboard level 1 Switch key «PLU level»…
Page 31
Operating instructions SC II Device and operating controls The printer cover has a handle on top Take hold of the printer lid at the re- cessed handle Open the printer lid by pulling it down- wards. Illustration 17: Printer lid SC II 100/200 Closing Fold the printer lid upwards. -
Page 32
Device and operating controls Operating instructions SC II Printer lid and side cover for SC II 800 Side cover SC II 800 Opening Hold the side cover at the recessed handle. Open the side cover pulling it down- wards. Illustration 19: Side cover SC II 800 Closing Close the side cover by pulling it upwards. -
Page 33: Opening And Closing The Thermal Print Head
Operating instructions SC II Device and operating controls Closing Fold the printer lid down. Illustration 21: Close SC II 800 printer lid 5.4.2 Opening and closing the thermal print head NOTICE – The thermal strip is coated with a glass passivation layer and must not be touched or cleaned with hard objects.
Page 34: Label Printer
Device and operating controls Operating instructions SC II Label printer in SC II 800 Open Place your index finger underneath the red grip element. Push the grip element upwards until the thermal print head disengages. Move the thermal print head for- wards.
Page 35: Ticket Roll
Operating instructions SC II Device and operating controls Insert label roll Open the side cover and printer cover [} 30]. Open the thermal print head [} 33]. Remove the label roll from the take-up Pull the red peel-off unit outwards. Pull the backing paper off the unwinding shaft Pull 5 labels off the backing paper of the new label roll.
Page 36
Device and operating controls Operating instructions SC II Insert new ticket roll Open side cover and printer cover [} 30]. The thermal bar must not be opened. Remove the empty core of the ticket roll. Insert a new ticket roll Lead the ticket paper to the printer roller according to paper feed. -
Page 37: Paper Feed
Operating instructions SC II Device and operating controls 5.4.5 Paper feed Paper feed SC II 800 Paper feed label printer with label paper Take-up arbor for backing paper Collar Takeup shaft Label roll Deflection pin with red adjustable ring Print head Print roller Label detachment shaft Deflection pin…
Page 38
Device and operating controls Operating instructions SC II Paper feed SC II 100/200 Paper feed label printer with label paper Take-up arbor for backing paper Collar Takeup shaft Label roll Deflection pin with red adjustable ring Print head Print roller Label detachment shaft Illustration 30: Paper feed for label paper/SC Deflection pin… -
Page 39
Operating instructions SC II Device and operating controls Set paper width Move the red adjustable ring on the deflection roller to adjust it to the label width. This adjustment is necessary each time the paper or the paper width change. Illustration 32: Adjustable ring 61429850113 en-US 39 / 107… -
Page 40: Operation
Operation Operating instructions SC II Operation Switching device on The mains switch <On-Off> is located: – on the left side of SC II 100 scales – on the right side of SC II 800 scales. The scale should not be loaded. Press <On-Off>…
Page 41: Switch Off Device
Operating instructions SC II Operation Switch off device Press <On-Off> power key. The device runs through a switch-off procedure. The display goes dark after a short time. Resetting the device After switching on the scale the weight display ranges automatically at zero «0.000» kg pro- vided that the scale is unloaded.
Page 42: Switching Device On
Operation Operating instructions SC II 6.5.1 Switching device on The output display of the Bakery device differs from the scale display. Initial display SCII 100 K/B Illustration 35: Initial display 6.5.2 SC II 100 K/B operation with weight value Menu setting — In configuration <Basic sales setting>…
Page 43: Plu Call-Up
Operating instructions SC II Operation Press operator key, e.g.<OP1>. Total is displayed and ticket printed. If «Pay-in/pay-out» is set, the pay-in/pay-out Illustration 40: Total display mode is started before total printout [} 61]. PLU call-up PLU = Price Look Up Article is displayed with price, text etc. Menu setting — Define PLUs in PLU maintenance.
Page 44: Calling Plus After Switch-Over
Operation Operating instructions SC II 6.6.3 Calling PLUs after switch-over (unit price input/PLU input) Menu setting — In the <Basic sales settings> configuration, selection 5363 / PLU no. Basic setting — Select «Unit price input» in the standard menu. — Select «Set», «Timeout» or «Enter» from the PLU Confirmation menu. Switch from unit price input to PLU input.
Page 45: Operating Procedure After Plu Call-Up
Operating instructions SC II Operation Operating procedure Enter PLU no. PLU Prefix is displayed automatically Automatic PLU prefix, e.g. 80 Illustration 42: Entering PLU Enter PLU no., e.g. 123. The article is displayed once the PLU no. has been entered Illustration 43: Entering PLU Operating procedure after PLU call-up PLU call-up [} 43].
Page 46: Register With Unit Price Or Selling Price = 0
Operation Operating instructions SC II 6.7.3 Register with unit price or selling price = 0. Menu setting — In the «Configuration»/»Basic Sales Setting» menu, selection 5 3 6 3: Activate the «Sale with UP/SP price =0» menu item. — In menu «PLU maintenance» / «Prices», select 1 1 2 / Dept. no. / PLU no. / 1: Activate the «Price overwrite»…
Page 47: Multiplication Of Plu Price Per Piece With A Partial Number Of Pieces
Operating instructions SC II Operation 6.7.6 Multiplication of PLU price per piece with a partial number of pieces A partial number of pieces is half a loaf of bread, for example. Menu setting — In the «Define key» menu configuration, selection 5312: Create key <,> or <.> (comma or full-stop, decimal point).
Page 48
Operation Operating instructions SC II Unit price input price/100 g Place article on the scale. Press key <Unit price input>. Switch from price/kg to price/100 g. Enter unit price, e.g. 3.56 price/100g. Register using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. Manual input price per piece Press <Manual input>… -
Page 49: Product Group Sale By Plu
Operating instructions SC II Operation Register using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. Multiplication of minus amount Press <Minus> key. Enter change, e.g. 1.00 for returnable bottle. Press <Multiplication>. Enter number of pieces, e.g. 5. Register using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. Product group sale by PLU In this operating mode, the unit price of the PLU is set to «Zero»…
Page 50: Scroll Function
Operation Operating instructions SC II The word CONST. is lit up in the display. Switch off the constant function again. The lit word CONST. goes out. 6.11 Scroll function After registrating several articles (before total completion), the single articles can be dis- played using the «Scrolling»…
Page 51: Displaying Subtotal
Operating instructions SC II Operation Confirm entry. The last item is canceled. Sheet cancellation with or without operator’s permission to cancel Several articles have already been sold. A specific article has to be canceled. Open scroll or cancellation function. Press operator key, e.g.<OP1>. Last item is displayed.
Page 52: Total
Operation Operating instructions SC II 6.14 Total After registration of one or more articles, the total completion is issued. Press the <Total> key. Register and print using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. Brief display of total and item number. 6.15 Tare 6.15.1 Tare balancing for unknown tare values –…
Page 53: Tare Balancing With Known Tare
Operating instructions SC II Operation 6.15.2 Tare balancing with known tare – When a packaged article is weighed, the tare weight must already be known (packaging/ PLU-related tare). – With multi-division scales, the known tare may only be within the smallest division range. –…
Page 54: Plu Tare
Operation Operating instructions SC II Tare priority (only USA) Menu setting — In menu «Configuration» / «Priority», select 5 3 6 3: Set priority of article tare and fixed tare. The standard setting is «Fixed tare». Manual tare (country-related) Scales on no load (weight display 0,000 kg). Press <tare>…
Page 55: Normal Ticket
Operating instructions SC II Operation Scale is not loaded. After successful registration, tare and unit price are deleted. 6.16 Normal ticket Several articles plus total can be printed on a normal ticket. Department number and total, for example, are coded in the barcode. Menu setting — Select «Assisted sale with ticket»…
Page 56: Assisted Sale With Labels
Operation Operating instructions SC II 6.17 Assisted sale with labels Only one PLU can be printed on the label. PLU no. and selling price, for example, are coded in the barcode. Menu setting Configuration: — In menu Operating Mode select 5362, «Assisted sale». — In menu Operating Modes activate 5361, «Price call-up Recording.»…
Page 57: Plu With Data Of Origin
Operating instructions SC II Operation Multiplication with quantity input is supported. Register using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. 6.19 PLU with data of origin When beef is sold the customer should be given information about the origin of the meat. Beef is marked with a traceability number which is entered or scanned when sold. The abbre- viated traceability number refers to the ident no., which allows traceability of the origin.
Page 58
Operation Operating instructions SC II Illustration 45: Display and extended display Display extended display Operating procedure Place beef on the scale. Press PLU key, e.g. <PLU1> (beef). Display PLU text and, depending on the menu setting, the last traceability no. With key <Esc> PLU can be deleted. Confirm or enter last traceability no., e.g. -
Page 59: Sale With Abbreviated Traceability Number From Configuration
Operating instructions SC II Operation Confirm the last traceability number or enter the traceability number, e.g. PLU text and data of origin are displayed. Using the arrow keys, go to the Data of origin menu of the traceability number, e.g. 12 Go to the field to be modified using the arrow keys in the menu.
Page 60: Self-Service Mode
Operation Operating instructions SC II Display PLU text and automatic call-up of data of origin from the abbreviated traceability number without displaying the abbreviated traceability number. Register using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. The sold quantity is booked in the traceability data sales report. Press the <Total>…
Page 61: Cash Register Functions
Operating instructions SC II Operation If the manual article (e.g. mustard) is assigned to a direct PLU key e.g. <PLU11>, the following procedure must be followed: Press <Multiplication>. Enter number of mustard (5). Press «PLU key <PLU11> and the article is registered and the label is printed.
Page 62: Sale Of Articles With Different Price Types
Operation Operating instructions SC II For inputs of «Amount tend.» smaller than «Amount due», e.g. EUR 20.00: Press <Enter> key. Amount due Illustration 48: Amount still due Press <Enter> key. Illustration 49: Remaining amount given 6.22 Sale of articles with different price types Menu setting — In the «Database configuration»…
Page 63: N*Quantity Grad
Operating instructions SC II Operation If free of charge, the PLU piece price can be multiplied by a partial piece number [} 47]. 6.22.1 n*quantity grad. Observe the menu settings [} 62]. n*quantity grad. is only supported for the PLU type «Weighed». A specific proportion of weight of no charge (weight advantage) needs to be calculated from a specifically entered weight value (threshold).
Page 64: Percent Graduation
Operation Operating instructions SC II Operating procedure Place product on scale. Call up PLU. Register using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. The «price advantage» appears on the display with the corresponding negative amount. Press the <Total> key. Register and print using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. The note «discount»…
Page 65: Mix. Special Price
Operating instructions SC II Operation A graded amount discount should be calculated based on the sales price and from a specifi- cally entered weight value (threshold). You can enter five threshold values. Example: When the customer makes a purchase greater than 0.300 kg, he/she is given a scaled amount discount of EUR 0.50;…
Page 66: Obligatory Input For Piece Price For Piece-Price Articles
Operation Operating instructions SC II Enter number of pieces, e.g. 10. Confirm entry. Register using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. Press the <Total> key. Register and print using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. A note, «weight advantage» including the corresponding weight, unit price, and negative selling price is printed on the ticket.
Page 67: Obligatory Input Limited
Operating instructions SC II Operation Operating procedure Call up number piece-price article. «Please enter number of pieces» appears in the display, alternating with the PLU text. Enter number of pieces. Register using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. 6.23.3 Obligatory input limited After opening the piece-price article, the number of pieces has to be entered.
Page 68: Sale With Weight-Fixed-Price Article
Operation Operating instructions SC II Operating procedure Register PLU. Press key <Total>. Enter number of bags, e.g. 3. Register with operator key, e.g. Illustration 50: Number of bags <OP1> The ticket is printed with the text «Number of bags» and the number of bags, e.g. 3. 6.25 Sale with weight-fixed-price article Weight fixed-price articles are articles of the type «Manual weighed», «By-count», «Manual…
Page 69: Plu Type: «By-Count Weighed
Operating instructions SC II Operation Multiplication is supported. Place weight-fixed-price article on the scale, e.g. 5 articles. Enter number of pieces, e.g. 5. Register with operator key, e.g. <OP1> Weight of the 5 weight-fixed-price arti- cles Display of number of pieces, and cal- culated unit price can be printed on la- bel.
Page 70: Plu Type: «Manual Fixed Weight
Operation Operating instructions SC II Enter number of pieces, e.g. 15. Register using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. Illustration 54: Enter Number of pieces 6.25.3 PLU type: «Manual fixed weight» Only supported in price labeling mode (country-specific). Menu setting — In configuration, activate «Price Labeling» in the Operating mode menu and «Weight for fixed price PLU»…
Page 71: Plu Type:»By-Count Fixed Weight
Operating instructions SC II Operation 6.25.4 PLU type:»By-count fixed weight» Menu setting — In configuration, activate «Price Labeling» in the Operating mode menu and «Weight for fixed price PLU» either with or without weight printout in the Printer menu. — In PLU maintenance, enter the PLU type «By-count FW» and the fixed weight in «Tare +Weight».
Page 72
Operation Operating instructions SC II Overwriting of number of pieces Call up the «By-count» article, e.g. <PLU 7>. Selling price/10 pieces The quantity can be overwritten. Illustration 60: Calling up «By-count» Enter new quantity. Selling price/15 pieces The piece price is calculated but not dis- played. -
Page 73
Operating instructions SC II Operation Enter new selling price. Overwritten selling price Illustration 64: Entering a new selling price The piece price is calculated but not dis- played. Register using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. The calculated piece price is printed on the label with 4 decimal places Illustration 65: Label with piece price Overwriting of selling price and quantity… -
Page 74
Operation Operating instructions SC II Register using operator key, e.g. <OP1>. The calculated piece price is printed on the label with 4 decimal places Illustration 68: Label with piece price Overwriting of number of pieces and selling price Input of a definitive selling price for a defined number of pieces. Call up the «By-count»… -
Page 75: Mandatory Input For By-Count
Operating instructions SC II Operation 6.26.1 Mandatory input for By-count Input of number of pieces is mandatory for By-Count articles. Only supported for operating modes where registration is manually carried out via operator key. In quick-service mode (price call & recording), this function is not supported. Menu setting — In the «Configuration»…
Page 76: Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Operating instructions SC II Troubleshooting Fault description Fault Cause Elimination Display does not illuminate. – No supply voltage. – Check and insert power cable. – Switch on mains switch. Display does not illuminate. – incorrect display settings – Reset display settings. for brightness, contrast.
Page 77
Operating instructions SC II Troubleshooting Text message Cause Remedy Evaluation active on another – Appears when printing – Wait until the report has scale out a report. finished printing out. Restart the report. – A printout of the same re- port has been started at –… -
Page 78
Troubleshooting Operating instructions SC II Text message Cause Remedy Encoding of negative value – Appears if an attempt is – Negative values cannot made to encode a nega- be encoded in a barcode. tive value in a barcode. If you want to call up a PLU with a negative unit price, use the piece num- ber code. -
Page 79
Operating instructions SC II Troubleshooting Text message Cause Remedy Incorrect price group! – Appears if a second price – Another price group can- group is to be used within not be selected within a a ticket that has been ticket. opened with a defined Conclude ticket and price group. -
Page 80
Troubleshooting Operating instructions SC II Text message Cause Remedy Selected operator key is al- – Appears during sales dur- – The selected operator key ready assigned to Operator ing operator log on/log is already being used by off. another operator. Another operator key can be di- Select another key. -
Page 81
Operating instructions SC II Troubleshooting Text message Cause Remedy Cashier has not determined – Appears for cashier re- – In «Configuration» the set- a Cash reg. (POS) act.! ports. ting, «Compulsory cash reg. POS act.» must be set in the «Cash reg.» menu. -
Page 82
Troubleshooting Operating instructions SC II Text message Cause Remedy No customer number – Appears during sales dur- – The operator used does ing overlapping service not have a link to a cus- with customer/operator tomer no. link. No module license exists! –… -
Page 83
Operating instructions SC II Troubleshooting Text message Cause Remedy Max. value overflow – Appears during sales. – Check the settings for to- tals in sales limits in «Configuration» / «Device settings» / «Sales limits». End of month is still active! –… -
Page 84
Troubleshooting Operating instructions SC II Text message Cause Remedy Price invalid – Appears during sale of – Check menu item manual products. «Rounding not weighed». If rounding is activated, the price used must cor- respond to the rounding. Select 5 3 6 3 Seasonal PLU locked –… -
Page 85
Operating instructions SC II Troubleshooting Text message Cause Remedy Invalid ticket type! – Appears for price group – A ticket begun with one of mode 1, 2 or 3. the above price groups cannot be changed to an- other price group during the sale. -
Page 86
Troubleshooting Operating instructions SC II Text message Cause Remedy Log on operator! – Appears during sales – No operator is logged on when working with com- to the selected operator pulsory log on/log off. key. «Configuration» / «Cash reg.» Operator occupied –… -
Page 87
Operating instructions SC II Troubleshooting Text message Cause Remedy Not enough memory, un- – Appears in conjunction – SC II off/on. The un- buffered heap with multi-line text editors. buffered area is deleted The text editor cannot be and redefined. created in the unbuffered RAM area. -
Page 88: Maintenance
Maintenance Operating instructions SC II Maintenance Cleaning Cleaning instructions must be observed during installation, operation and maintenance. 8.1.1 Cleaning device DANGER Water getting into device! Danger of death from electric shock. – make sure that no water runs into the device when cleaning. –…
Page 89
– The thermal strip is coated with a glass passivation layer and must not be touched or cleaned with hard objects. – Use Bizerba cleaning products to clean the thermal strip. Open the side cover of the scale. Open the printer lid by pulling it upwards. -
Page 90: Cleaning Products For Printer
Illustration 75: deflection pin, take-up pin Clean paper deflector Pull the paper deflector out sideways. Clean the paper deflector using the Bizerba «LR label remover». The «LR-la- bel remover» may not be used to clean thermal strips. Push the paper deflector in sideways.
Page 91
Operating instructions SC II Maintenance The cleaning products can be obtained from Bizerba Service or Bizerba technical consul- tants. Glue residue removal agent Aerosol can, 200ml Order no.: 9594 3000000 Illustration 77: Cleaner for residues of glue from labels NOTICE Thermal strip coating and rubber rollers! Damage to the coating –… -
Page 92: Maintenance
Maintenance Operating instructions SC II Aerosol can, 200ml Order no.: 9400 8900133 Illustration 79: Aerosol can Thermal strip cleaning set consisting of: 5 cleaning buds made of wood with leather coating 1 pcs. IPA cleaning solvent 12 ml Order no.: 9400 8919 000 Illustration 80: Thermal strip cleaning set Moisten the tip of the cleaning bud with a few drops of the cleaning solvent.
Page 93: Note On Storing Thermal Paper
Ticket, label and linerless rollers To avoid any defects on the device, only ticket, label or Linerless rolls that have been checked and approved by Bizerba are to be used. These ticket and label rollers are identified with a corresponding number.
Page 94: Technical Data
Technical data Operating instructions SC II Technical data Dimensions Scale SC II 800 Illustration 82: SC II 800 Scale SC II 100 Illustration 83: SC II 100 Scale SC II 200 Illustration 84: SC II 200 Power supply The electrical power supply must comply with the national requirements and tolerances. Mains supply Single-phase A.C.
Page 95: Ambient Conditions
Operating instructions SC II Technical data Permissible mains voltage tolerance (steady-state) normal: 120V: + 6% to — 10% of nominal value 230V: +10% to -10% of nominal value Mains frequency : 50Hz Permissible tolerance of mains frequency: +2 to -2% Admissible distortion factor of mains voltage: ≤…
Page 96: Subject Index
Subject index Operating instructions SC II Subject index Ambient conditions 95 Data of origin 57 Article type «By-count» 71 Change 58 Assisted sale with labels 56 Manually 57 Suggestion 59 Date / time 75 Deleting characters 41 Bakery device Demo license 17 Operation with weight PLU 42…
Page 97
Operating instructions SC II Subject index Kennzeichnungsschild 10 Paper feed 37 Key functions 28 Label printer SC II 100/200, label paper Keyboard 26 38 Key functions 28 Label printer SC II 100/200, ticket paper Membrane keyboard 27 38 Tactile keyboard 28 Label printer SC II 800, label paper 37… -
Page 98
Subject index Operating instructions SC II Safety instructions 18 Unit price SC II 100 K/B, operation 41 Input: Price/100g 48 Scroll function 50 Input: Price/kg 47 Self-service mode 60 Unit price / selling price = 0 46 Set display 20 Unit price back calculation Set paper width 39… -
Page 99: Annexe
Operating instructions SC II Annexe Annexe 61429850113 en-US 99 / 107…
Page 100: Declaration Of Conformity Scii
This sentence is omitted when the conformity evaluation has been carried out by Bizerba. The declaration of type conformity is based on contractual documents (Bizerba order documents). Any modifica- tion made to the above device type without the prior permission of Bizerba or by Bizerba staff will render this declaration invalid.
Page 101
EN 300 328 V1.8.1:2012; EN 301 893 V1.7.1:2012 The declaration of type conformity is based on contractual documents (Bizerba order documents). Any modifica- tion made to the above device type without the prior permission of Bizerba or by Bizerba staff will render this declaration invalid. -
Page 102: Wlan_Bwlc2
Annexe Operating instructions SC II 10.1 WLAN_BWLC2 Illustration 85: WLAN BWLC2 102 / 107 61429850113 en-US…
Page 103
Operating instructions SC II Annexe Illustration 86: WLAN BWLC2 61429850113 en-US 103 / 107… -
Page 104
Annexe Operating instructions SC II Illustration 87: WLAN BWLC2 104 / 107 61429850113 en-US… -
Page 105
Operating instructions SC II Annexe Illustration 88: WLAN BWLC2 61429850113 en-US 105 / 107… -
Page 106: Sparklan_Wubr-508N
Annexe Operating instructions SC II 10.2 Sparklan_WUBR-508N Illustration 89: Sparklan_WUBR-508N 106 / 107 61429850113 en-US…
Page 107
Operating instructions SC II Annexe Illustration 90: Sparklan_WUBR-508N 61429850113 en-US 107 / 107…
█ 05.03.2016 10:50
В хранилище полно документации по Бицербе. Что конкретно нужно?
█ 05.03.2016 16:13
golota ➤ В хранилище полно документации по Бицербе. Что конкретно нужно?
Нужен софт и протокол с описанием, для весов самообслуживания.
█ 05.03.2016 19:30
в хранилище есть dataDescription. В нем описание протокола и структура таблиц весов. Софт от Бицерба для заливки данных в весы — платный. Бесплатный нужно делать самим.
█ 06.03.2016 21:03
golota ➤ в хранилище есть dataDescription. В нем описание протокола и структура таблиц весов. Софт от Бицерба для заливки данных в весы — платный. Бесплатный нужно делать самим.
Спасибо большое, посмотрим, может пригодится.
█ 07.06.2016 10:39
Спасибо большое, будем смотреть.
█ 21.09.2016 13:30
Добрый день.
Нужна документация по терминалу ST.
В хранилище не нашел.
█ 21.09.2016 14:54
dacik ➤ Добрый день.
Нужна документация по терминалу ST.
В хранилище не нашел.
У меня только в бумажном виде есть… Может у кого есть электронный?
█ 21.09.2016 20:24
Мне хотябы первичную настройку IP.
█ 22.09.2016 09:05
90 — Enter — пароль 1 — далее шагаем по пунктам.
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