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Руководство по эксплуатации Volvo XC70 2004-2006 г.

Сборник руководств по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомбилей Volvo V70 и Volvo XC70 2004-2006 годов выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Volvo Car Corporation
  • Год издания: 2003/2004/2005
  • Страниц: 196/226/250
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 17,8 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации Volvo XC70 2007-2015 г.

Сборник руководств по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомбилей Volvo V70 и Volvo XC70 2007-2015 годов выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Volvo Car Corporation
  • Год издания: 2006-2014
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 69,5 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации, ремонту и ТО Volvo XC70 2000-2007 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомбилей Volvo V70 и Volvo XC70 2000-2007 годов выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Атласы автомобилей
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 752
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Руководство по эксплуатации, ремонту и ТО Volvo XC70 с 2007 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомбилей Volvo V70 и Volvo XC70 с 2007 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Атласы автомобилей
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 752
  • Формат:
  • Размер:

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В моей машине есть цепь ГРМ. С каким интервалом ее нужно менять? Проверенный
При нормальной эксплуатации цепь ГРМ должна прослужить весь срок службы автомобиля и не нуждается в замене.

Это было полезно (2247)

Почему я не могу открыть одну или несколько дверей изнутри? Проверенный
Вероятно, в машине активирован детский замок. Обычно его можно разблокировать с помощью механизма в двери.

Это было полезно (689)

Как часто следует менять масло? Проверенный
Практически для каждого автомобиля есть свои точные рекомендации, однако в целом масло разумно менять каждые 10 000–15 000 км пробега или один раз в год. Загрязненное масло может со временем серьезно повредить двигатель.

Это было полезно (588)

Когда следует отключать подушку безопасности сбоку от пассажирского сиденья? Проверенный
При движении с ребенком в автокресле на пассажирском сиденье необходимо выключить подушку безопасности с этой стороны. Это также рекомендуется для детей до 12 лет, которые размещаются на пассажирском сиденье. Это необходимо для предотвращения травм в случае аварии.

Это было полезно (540)

Ключи от машины больше не будут открывать машину на расстоянии, почему? Проверенный
Автомобильные ключи, которые можно разблокировать на расстоянии, обычно работают от аккумулятора. Когда он закончится, ключ перестанет работать. Замените аккумулятор и попробуйте еще раз.

Это было полезно (506)

Приведет ли более низкое давление в шинах к большему сцеплению с дорожным покрытием при езде по снегу? Проверенный
Нет, несмотря на то что при снижении давления пятно контакта шин с дорогой увеличивается, автомобиль становится менее устойчивым. Садитесь за руль, только если в шинах правильное давление!

Это было полезно (303)

Я залил в машину не то топливо, что мне делать? Проверенный
Не садитесь за руль! Неважно, заливаете ли вы дизельное топливо в автомобиль с бензиновым двигателем или бензин в автомобиль с дизельным двигателем. В обоих случаях это может привести к повреждению машины и / или других частей автомобиля. Обратитесь в службу технической поддержки на дорогах.

Это было полезно (198)

Где я могу найти VIN-номер моей машины? Проверенный
Это может варьироваться в зависимости от марки и модели, но на многих автомобилях номер VIN можно найти на дверном косяке, под капотом или на металлическом полу переднего сиденья.

Это было полезно (163)

Как часто нужно менять щетки дворников? Проверенный
Желательно заменять щетки стеклоочистителя не реже одного раза в год. Признаками необходимости замены лезвий являются полосы, дымка, шум или отслоение резины.

Это было полезно (148)

Какой номер VIN? Проверенный
VIN означает идентификационный номер автомобиля и является уникальным номером, который есть у каждого автомобиля. Это делает автомобиль не идентифицируемым, например, после аварии или в случае отзыва. Это также позволяет идентифицировать автомобиль в случае отсутствия номерных знаков.

Это было полезно (121)

Сколько миль в одном километре? Проверенный
1 километр равен 0,621 мили. 10 километров равны 6,21 мили. 1 миля равна 1,609 километра. 10 миль равны 16,09 километра.

Это было полезно (119)

Могу ли я использовать дворники, когда на лобовом стекле обледенел? Проверенный
Нет, это не рекомендуется. Лед острый и может повредить резину на щетках стеклоочистителя.

Это было полезно (117)

После замены шин мой Volvo выдает ошибку. Это почему? Проверенный
Это может произойти после смены шин. Откалибруйте систему контроля давления в шинах. Если это не помогает, обратитесь к производителю.

Это было полезно (47)

Руководство Volvo XC70 (2011)

Volvo XC70 Owner's Manual

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VOlVO V70 & XC70

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Summary of Contents for Volvo XC70

  • Page 1
    VOlVO V70 & XC70 owner’s manual WEB EDITION…
  • Page 2
    We hope you will enjoy many years of driving pleasure in your Volvo. The car has been designed for the safety and comfort of you and your passengers. Volvo is one of the safest cars in the world. Your Volvo has also been designed to satisfy all current safety and environmental requirements.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Table of contents 00 Introduction Important information … 6 Environment … 8 01 Safety Safety in the passenger compartment… 12 Safety mode… 25 Child safety … 26 02 Locks and alarm Remote control key/key blade … 38 Privacy locking*… 43 Battery replacement, remote control key/ PCC* …

  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    03 Your driving environment Instruments and controls… 56 Ignition positions … 65 Seats … 66 Steering wheel… 70 Lighting… 71 Wipers and washing … 80 Windows, rearview and door mirrors… 82 Power sunroof* … 86 Starting the engine … 88 Gearboxes …

  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Table of contents 06 Maintenance and 07 Index specifications Engine compartment … 184 Lamps … 189 Wiper blades and washer fluid… 195 Battery… 197 Fuses… 200 Wheels and tyres… 205 Car care… 217 Type designations … 221 Specifications … 222…

  • Page 7: Important Information

    (factory fitted equipment) and certain accessories (retrofitted extra equipment). Volvo cars are adapted for the varying requirements of different markets, as well as for national or local legal requirements and regulations. The specifications, design features and illus- trations in this owner’s manual are not bind-…

  • Page 8
    Example: • Coolant • Engine oil Recording data One or more of the computers in your Volvo are capable of recording detailed informa- tion. This information is intended for use in research to enhance safety and for diagnos- ing faults in some of the in-car systems. The…
  • Page 9: Environment

    We also set requirements for our partners so that they work systematically with environ- mental issues. EPI (Environmental Product Information) is supplied for all Volvo models. Here you can see how the environment is affected during the entire lifecycle of the car. Read more at…

  • Page 10
    Textile standard The interior of a Volvo is designed to be pleasant and comfortable, even for people with contact allergies and for asthma suffer- ers. Extreme attention has been given to choosing environmentally-compatible materi- als.
  • Page 11
    Safety in the passenger compartment… 12 Safety mode … 25 Child safety … 26…
  • Page 12
  • Page 13: Safety In The Passenger Compartment

    Each seatbelt is designed for only one per- son. WARNING Never modify or repair the seatbelts your- self. Contact an authorised Volvo work- shop. If a seatbelt has been subjected to a major load, such as in conjunction with a collision, the entire seatbelt must be replaced.

  • Page 14
    Seatbelts and pregnancy The seatbelt should always be worn during pregnancy. But it is crucial that it be worn in the correct way. The diagonal section should wrap over the shoulder then be routed be- tween the breasts and to the side of the ab- domen.
  • Page 15
    The symbol indicates a fault in the seatbelt tensioner system, SIPS, IC system or some other fault in the SRS system. Contact an authorised Volvo workshop urgently.
  • Page 16
    SRS Airbag Service re- quired SRS Airbag Service urgent pears on the display. contact an authorised Volvo workshop urgently. Safety in the passenger compartment Airbag (SRS) on the driver’s side The car has an SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System) on the driver’s side to sup- plement the protection afforded by the seat- belt.
  • Page 17
    WARNING Repairs must only be performed by an au- thorised Volvo workshop. Any interference in the airbag system could cause malfunc- tion and result in serious personal injury. NOTE…
  • Page 18
    01 Safety Safety in the passenger compartment Location of the front passenger airbag in a left- hand drive car Location of the front passenger airbag in a right- hand drive car…
  • Page 19
    (see under the heading, Switch – PACOS below). Check that the switch is in the required position. Volvo rec- ommends that the key blade be used to change position.
  • Page 20
    This indicates that there has been a severe malfunction. Contact an authorised Volvo workshop im- mediately. Safety in the passenger compartment Switch – PACOS Switch location.
  • Page 21
    WARNING Use only seat covers approved by Volvo. Other seat covers may impede the opera- tion of the side airbags. WARNING The side airbag is a supplement to the seat- belts.
  • Page 22
    SIPS bags Driver’s seat, left-hand drive Front passenger seat, left-hand drive The SIPS bag system consists of side airbags and sensors. A sufficiently violent Safety in the passenger compartment collision trips the sensors and the side airbags are inflated. The airbag inflates between the occupant and the door panel and thereby cushions the initial impact.
  • Page 23
    Do not screw or install anything onto the car’s headlining, door pillars or side panels. This could compromise the intended pro- tection. Only ever use Volvo genuine parts that are approved for placement in these ar- eas. WARNING Do not load the car higher than 50 mm under the top edge of the side windows.
  • Page 24
    Part of the WHIPS system’s protective ca- pacity may have been lost even if the seats appear to be undamaged. Contact an au- thorised Volvo workshop to have the sys- tem checked even after a minor rear-end collision. Safety in the passenger compartment…
  • Page 25
    If the airbags have deployed, the following is recommended: • Have the car transported to an authorised Volvo workshop. Do not drive with de- ployed airbags. • Let an authorised Volvo workshop replace components in the car’s safety system.
  • Page 26: Safety Mode

    This could result in personal injury or the car not functioning as normal. Always allow an authorised Volvo workshop to check and restore the car to normal sta- tus after Safety mode has been displayed.

  • Page 27: Child Safety

    Child seats Child seats and airbags are not compatible. Volvo has child safety products that are de- signed for and tested by Volvo. NOTE When using child safety products it is im- portant to read the installation instructions included.

  • Page 28
    WARNING Booster cushions/child seats with steel braces or some other design that could rest on the seatbelt buckle’s opening button must not be used, as they could cause the seatbelt buckle to open accidentally. Do not allow the upper section of the child seat to rest against the windscreen.
  • Page 29
    01 Safety Child safety Recommended child seats Weight/Age Front seat Group 0 Volvo Child seat – rear-facing child seat, max. 10 kg secured with the car’s seatbelt and (0–9 months) straps. Group 0+ max 13 kg Type approval: E5 03135 Britax Baby Safe Plus –…
  • Page 30
    Integrated two-stage booster cushions* Correct position, the seatbelt is positioned above the shoulder. Incorrect position, the head must not be posi- tioned above the head restraint and the seatbelt must not be below the shoulder. The booster cushions are specially designed to provide optimum safety.
  • Page 31
    (1) and press it back (2) against the backrest to lock. WARNING Repair or replacement should only be per- formed by an authorised Volvo workshop. Do not make any modifications or additions to the booster cushion. If an integrated booster cushion has been subjected to a…
  • Page 32
    Pull the handle forwards to release the cushion. Press down with your hand in the centre of the cushion in order to lock it. WARNING If the instructions regarding the two-stage booster cushion are not followed then this could cause serious injury to a child in the event of an accident.
  • Page 33
    01 Safety Child safety Size classes Child seats are in different sizes – cars are in different sizes. This means that not all child seats are suitable for all seats in all car mod- els. Consequently a size classification has been introduced for child seats using the ISOFIX fixture system in order to assist users in choosing the correct child seat (see table be-…
  • Page 34
    Child seat, rear-facing 9-18 kg (9-36 months) Child seat, rear-facing 9-18 kg (9-36 months) Volvo recommends rear-facing child seats for this group. WARNING Never place a child in the passenger seat if the car is equipped with an activated air- bag.
  • Page 35
    The upper mounting points are primarily in- tended for use with front-facing child seats. Volvo recommends that small children should sit in rear-facing child seats for as long as possible. For detailed information on how the child seat should be tensioned in the upper mounting points, see the seat manufacturer’s…
  • Page 36
    01 Safety…
  • Page 37
    Remote control key/key blade … 38 Privacy locking* … 43 Battery replacement, remote control key/PCC*… 44 Keyless drive*… 45 Locking/unlocking… 47 Child safety locks … 50 Alarm*… 51…
  • Page 38
  • Page 39: Remote Control Key/Key Blade

    Loss of a remote control key If you lose a remote control key then new ones can be ordered at an authorised Volvo workshop. The remaining remote control keys must then be taken to the workshop. The code of the missing remote control key must be erased from the system as a theft prevention measure.

  • Page 40
    Immobiliser Remote control key See manual function error during start. Contact an authorised Volvo workshop. For starting the car, see page 88. Low battery in remote control key The batteries should be replaced if; • the information symbol illuminates and…
  • Page 41
    02 Locks and alarm Remote control key/key blade The function is changed under settings Lock settings Doors un- lock . For a description of the menu system, see page 104. Approach lighting – Used to switch on the car’s lighting at a distance. For more infor- mation, see page 76.
  • Page 42
    (as well as after 7 seconds and after the light has travelled around on the PCC), contact an authorised Volvo workshop. The indicator lamps provide the informa- tion shown in the following illustration.
  • Page 43
    02 Locks and alarm Remote control key/key blade Detachable key blade Using the remote control key’s detachable key blade; • the driver’s door can be opened manually if central locking is not activated with the remote control key • access to the glovebox and cargo area (privacy locking) is blocked, see 43.
  • Page 44: Privacy Locking

    Privacy locking* Active locks for remote control key, with key blade and privacy locking not activated. Active locks for remote control key, without key blade and with privacy locking activated. Certain markets. This function is intended for when the car is left for service, with a hotel parking valet or similar.

  • Page 45: Battery Replacement, Remote Control Key Pcc

    02 Locks and alarm Battery replacement, remote control key/PCC* Replacing the battery Battery type: CR2430, 3 V (one in remote control key and two in the PCC). Opening Slide the spring-loaded catch side while pulling the key blade straight out backwards Insert a screwdriver in the hole behind the spring-loaded catch and gently prise remote control key up.

  • Page 46: Keyless Drive

    Keyless drive (only PCC*) Keyless lock and ignition system The keyless drive function in the PCC allows the car to be unlocked, driven and locked without the need for a key. You simply have to have the PCC with you. The system makes it easier and more convenient to open the car, for example when your hands are full.

  • Page 47
    02 Locks and alarm Keyless drive* The settings are changed in two ways after the driver’s door has been opened: • From the driver’s seat position: press the unlock button on the PCC, see page 39 • Press the button for seat settings, see page 67.
  • Page 48: Locking/Unlocking

    From the outside The remote control key locks/unlocks all doors and the tailgate simultaneously. The lock buttons and door handles are disen- gaged during locking which also prevents opening from the inside, so-called dead- locks, see page 49 (only applies to certain markets).

  • Page 49
    02 Locks and alarm Locking/unlocking Glovebox Lock the glovebox by turning the key blade a quarter of a turn (90 degrees) clockwise. The keyhole is horizontal in the locked position. Unlock by carrying this out in reverse order. The keyhole is vertical in the unlocked position.
  • Page 50
    Deadlocks Deactivating with the button or display menu. When deadlocked, the doors cannot be opened from the inside if they are locked. The deadlocks are activated with the remote control key and are set after a 10 second de- lay after the doors are locked. The car can only be unlocked from a dead- lock state with the remote control key.
  • Page 51: Child Safety Locks

    02 Locks and alarm Child safety locks Manual blocking of the rear doors The child safety locks are located on the trail- ing edge of the rear doors and are only ac- cessible when the doors are open. 1. Use the key blade to turn the lock and thus activate or deactivate the child safety lock.

  • Page 52: Alarm

    • anyone tries to disconnect the siren. If there is a fault in the alarm system, a mes- sage appears on the information display. Contact an authorised Volvo workshop. NOTE The movement detectors trigger the alarm in the event of movements in the passenger compartment.

  • Page 53
    02 Locks and alarm Alarm* Other alarm functions Automatic re-arming of the alarm This function prevents the car being left with alarm disarmed unintentionally. If the car is unlocked with the remote control key (and the alarm is disarmed) and none of the doors or the tailgate is opened within two minutes, then the alarm is automatically re- armed.
  • Page 54
    Deactivating with the button 1. Press the button. Deactivation must be carried out within one minute from when the remote control key is removed from the ignition switch. • The light in the button remains illuminated until the car is locked. •…
  • Page 55
    Instruments and controls … 56 Ignition positions … 65 Seats … 66 Steering wheel … 70 Lighting … 71 Wipers and washing… 80 Windows, rearview and door mirrors … 82 Power sunroof* … 86 Starting the engine… 88 Gearboxes… 91 All Wheel Drive –…
  • Page 56
  • Page 57: Instruments And Controls

    03 Your driving environment Instruments and controls Instrument overview Left-hand drive…

  • Page 58
    Function Menus and messages, direction indicators, main/ dipped beam, trip computer Cruise control Horn, airbags Combined instrument panel Menu, audio and phone control Ignition switch Start/stop button Hazard warning flashers Door handle Control panel 03 Your driving environment Page Function 107, 74, 72, Menu control, climate control and audio system 135, 64…
  • Page 59
    03 Your driving environment Instruments and controls Right-hand drive…
  • Page 60
    Function Hazard warning flashers Ignition switch Start/stop button Cruise control Combined instrument panel Horn, airbags Menu, audio and phone control Wipers and washing Headlamp control, opener for fuel filler flap and tail- gate Door handle 03 Your driving environment Page Function Control panel Seat adjustment*…
  • Page 61
    03 Your driving environment Instruments and controls Information displays Information displays The information displays show information on some of the car’s functions, e.g. cruise control, trip computer and messages. The information is shown with text and symbols. There are further descriptions under the functions that use the information displays.
  • Page 62
    If the symbol flashes more quickly then one of the lamps on the car or the trailer is bro- ken. Fault in emissions system Drive to an authorised Volvo workshop to have the system checked. ABS fault If this symbol illuminates then the system is not working.
  • Page 63
    SRS, SIPS, or IC systems. Drive immediately to an authorised Volvo workshop to have the sys- tem checked. Seatbelt reminder This symbol illuminates if someone in a front seat has not put on their seatbelt or if some- one in a rear seat has taken off their seatbelt.
  • Page 64
    The reason for the loss of brake fluid must be investigated by an authorised Volvo workshop. WARNING If the brake and ABS symbols are on at the same time, there is a risk that the rear end will skid during heavy braking.
  • Page 65
    03 Your driving environment Instruments and controls Trip meter Trip meter and button The meters are used to measure short dis- tances. Display for trip meter Controls for switching between trip meter , as well as resetting the trip meter. The meters are used to measure short dis- tances.
  • Page 66: Ignition Positions

    Functions Ignition switch with remote control key, start/ stop button Insert and remove the remote control The remote control key is inserted into the ignition switch. With one gentle push the remote control key is captured into the cor- rect position. The remote control key is withdrawn from the ignition switch by means of one touch.

  • Page 67: Seats

    03 Your driving environment Seats Front seats Lumbar support, turn the wheel Forward/backward: lift the handle to adjust the distance to the steering wheel and pedals. Check that the seat is locked after changing position. Raise/lower front edge of seat cushion, pump up/down.

  • Page 68
    Preparations The seats can be adjusted for a certain time after unlocking the door with the remote con- trol key without the key in the ignition switch. Seat adjustment is normally made when the ignition is on and can always be made when the engine is running.
  • Page 69
    03 Your driving environment Seats Emergency stop If the seat accidentally begins to move, press one of the buttons to stop the seat. Restarting to reach the seat position stored in the key memory is performed by pressing the unlock button on the remote control key. In this situation the driver’s door must be open.
  • Page 70
    Lowering the rear seat backrest The triple-section rear seat backrest can be folded in different ways in order to facilitate loading long objects. NOTE The front seats may need to be pushed for- wards, and/or the backrests adjusted upwards, in order that the rear backrests can be folded forward fully.
  • Page 71: Steering Wheel

    03 Your driving environment Steering wheel Adjusting Adjusting the steering wheel The steering wheel can be adjusted for both height and depth: Lever — releasing the steering wheel Possible steering wheel positions 1. Pull the lever towards you to release the steering wheel.

  • Page 72: Lighting

    Light switches Overview, light switches Thumbwheel for adjusting display and instrument lighting Rear fog lamp Front fog lamps* Light switches Thumbwheel for headlamp levelling Instrument lighting Different display and instrument lighting is switched on depending on ignition position. The display lighting is automatically sub- dued in darkness and the sensitivity is set with the thumbwheel.

  • Page 73
    . If necessary, auto- matic dipped beam for this position can be deactivated by an authorised Volvo work- shop. In position dipped beam is always acti- vated automatically when the engine is run- ning or with ignition position II.
  • Page 74
    Position/parking lamps Headlamp control in position for position/park- ing lamps Turn the headlamp control to the centre posi- tion (number plate lighting comes on at the same time). Rear position lamps also come on when the tailgate is opened in order to alert anybody behind.
  • Page 75
    03 Your driving environment Lighting Rear fog lamp Button for rear fog lamp The rear fog lamp consists of one rear lamp and can only be switched on in combination with main/dipped beam or the front fog lamps. Press the button for on/off. The light in the but- ton illuminates when the rear fog lamp is on.
  • Page 76
    Interior lighting Front roof lighting Controls for reading lamps and front roof lighting Reading lamp, left-hand side Reading lamp, right-hand side Interior lighting The front reading lamps are controlled with buttons in the roof console. The switch for passenger compartment light- ing has three positions for the lighting throughout the whole of the passenger com- partment.
  • Page 77
    03 Your driving environment Lighting Home safe lighting Some of the exterior lighting can be kept switched on to work as home safe lighting after the car has been locked. 1. Remove the remote control key from the ignition switch. 2.
  • Page 78
    correct pattern will also better illuminate the verge. Bi-Xenon and Active Bi-Xenon headlamps* Headlamp control for adjusting headlamp pat- tern Normal position – the headlamp pattern is correct for the country in which the car was delivered. Adapted position – designed for opposite headlamp pattern.
  • Page 79
    03 Your driving environment Lighting Masking the halogen headlamps Masking left-hand drive cars Masking right-hand drive cars…
  • Page 80
    03 Your driving environment Lighting Figures, halogen headlamps…
  • Page 81: Wipers And Washing

    03 Your driving environment Wipers and washing Windscreen wipers Windscreen wipers and windscreen washers Rain sensor, on/off Thumbwheel sensitivity/frequency Windscreen wipers off Move the stalk switch to position 0 to switch off the wind- screen wipers. Single sweep Raise the stalk switch and release to make one sweep.

  • Page 82
    NOTE On cars with rain sensor, the rear window wiper is activated with reversing, if the sen- sor is activated and it is raining. This function (intermittent wiping for reverse) can be deactivated. Contact an authorised Volvo workshop.
  • Page 83: Windows, Rearview And Door Mirrors

    03 Your driving environment Windows, rearview and door mirrors General Laminated glass The glass is reinforced which pro- vides better protection against break-ins and improved sound insulation in the passenger com- partment. All windows* have laminated glass. Water and dirt-repellent coating* Windows are treated with a coating that improves the view in difficult weather conditions.

  • Page 84
    Operating Operating the power windows Operating without auto Operating with auto All power windows can be operated using the control panel in the driver’s door. Each control panel in the other doors can only con- trol its own respective power window. The power windows can only be controlled with one control panel at a time.
  • Page 85
    03 Your driving environment Windows, rearview and door mirrors Door mirrors Door mirror controls Adjusting 1. Press the L button for the left-hand door mirror or the R button for the right-hand door mirror. The light in the button illumi- nates.
  • Page 86
    Rear window and door mirror defrosters Use the defroster to quickly remove misting and ice from the rear window and the door mirrors. Press the button once to start simultaneous rear window and door mirror defrosting. The light in the button indicates that the function is active.
  • Page 87: Power Sunroof

    03 Your driving environment Power sunroof* General The sunroof controls are located in the roof panel. The sunroof can be opened vertically and horizontally. Ignition position I or II is required for the sunroof to be opened. Horizontal opening Horizontal opening, backward/forward Opening, automatic Opening, manual Closing, manual…

  • Page 88
    Closing using the remote control key or central locking button One long press on the lock button closes the sunroof and all the windows. The doors and the tailgate are locked. To interrupt closing, press the lock button again. WARNING If the sunroof is closed using the remote control key, check that no one is in danger of becoming trapped in any way.
  • Page 89: Starting The Engine

    03 Your driving environment Starting the engine Petrol and diesel engines Ignition switch with remote control key, start and stop button (see more information on page 65). 1. For cars with remote control key, insert the remote control key into the ignition switch.

  • Page 90
    Activate the steering lock when leaving the car to reduce the risk of car theft. On cars with Keyless drive* the steering lock is deactivated when the start button is pressed in for the first time. The steering lock is activated when the engine is switched off and the driver’s door is opened.
  • Page 91
    03 Your driving environment Starting the engine Jump starting If the battery is flat then the car can be started with current from another battery. The following points are recommended when using a donor battery in order to avoid the risk of an explosion: 1.
  • Page 92: Gearboxes

    Manual gearbox Depress the clutch pedal fully during each gear change. Take your foot off the clutch pedal between gear changes. Follow the shifting pattern indicated. For the best possible fuel economy, use the highest gear possible as often as possible. 03 Your driving environment Reverse gear inhibitor Only engage reverse gear when the car is…

  • Page 93
    03 Your driving environment Gearboxes Automatic gearbox, Geartronic* The information display shows the position of the gear selector using the following indica- tions: P, R, N, D, S, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. See page 60. Gear positions Parking position (P) Select P when starting the engine or when the car is parked.
  • Page 94
    Geartronic* – manual gear positions (M) The driver can also change gear manually using the Geartronic automatic gearbox. The car engine-brakes when the accelerator pedal is released. Manual gearshift mode is obtained by moving the lever from position D to the right-hand end position at M .
  • Page 95
    03 Your driving environment Gearboxes Automatic gear selector inhibitor The automatic gearbox has special safety systems: Keylock To remove the remote control key from the ignition switch, the gear selector must be in the P position. The remote control key is locked in all other positions.
  • Page 96: All Wheel Drive – Awd (All Wheel Drive)

    03 Your driving environment All Wheel Drive – AWD (All Wheel Drive)* All Wheel Drive is always engaged All Wheel Drive means that the car is driving on all four wheels at the same time. The power is automatically distributed between the front and rear wheels.

  • Page 97: Foot Brake

    If the level in the brake fluid reservoir is nor- mal at this stage, drive carefully to the near- est authorised Volvo workshop and have the brake system checked. If the brake fluid is under the MIN level in the brake fluid reservoir, do not drive further before topping up the brake fluid.

  • Page 98: Hill Descent Control (Hdc)

    The driver always has ultimate responsibility that the car is driven safely. HDC is only available on the XC70 and is standard. 03 Your driving environment Function HDC is engaged or disengaged using a switch on the centre console.

  • Page 99: Parking Brake

    03 Your driving environment Parking brake Parking brake, electric* An electric parking brake has the same appli- cations as a manual parking brake, e.g. when starting uphill. Function A faint electric motor noise can be heard when the parking brake is being applied. The noise can also be heard during the automatic function checking of the parking brake.

  • Page 100
    3. Pull the control. NOTE The parking brake can also be released manually by depressing the clutch pedal instead of the brake pedal. Volvo recom- mends the use of the brake pedal. Releasing automatically 1. Start the engine. 2. Ease up the clutch and depress the accelerator.
  • Page 101
    – A fault is pre- Parking brake not applied venting the parking brake from being applied. Try to apply and release. Contact a Volvo workshop if the message remains. The message is also illuminated on cars with manual gearbox when the car is driven at low…
  • Page 102
    03 Your driving environment…
  • Page 103
    Menus and messages … 104 Climate control … 109 Audio system … 120 Trip computer … 130 Compass* … 132 DSTC –Stability and traction control system … 133 Adapting driving characteristics … 134 Cruise control* … 135 Adaptive cruise control* … 136 Collision warning system with brake support* …
  • Page 104
  • Page 105: Menus And Messages

    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Menus and messages Centre console Some functions are controlled from the cen- tre console via the menu system or via the keypad in the steering wheel. Each function is described under its respective section. The current menu level is shown at the top right of the centre console’s display.

  • Page 106
    Menu overview The phone and audio sources have different main menus. The following menus are included in all main menus: Car key memory Seat & mirror positions* Car settings Fold mirr. when locking* Collision warn. settings* Information Light settings Lock settings Reduced Guard Parking camera settings* Steering force level*…
  • Page 107
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Menus and messages Main menu, built-in phone Call register Last 10 missed calls Last 10 received calls Last 10 dialled calls Erase list Call duration Phone book New contact Search Copy all Erase SIM Erase phone Memory status Messages Read…
  • Page 108
    Combined instrument panel Information display and controls for menus READ – access to message list and mes- sage confirmation. Thumbwheel – browse between menu options. RESET – reset the active function. Used in certain cases to select/activate a func- tion, see the explanation under each respective function.
  • Page 109
    Volvo workshop. Message Specification Time for regular Time for regular service maintenance at an authorised Volvo workshop. The timing is determined by the number of kilometres driven, number of months since the last service, engine running time and oil grade.
  • Page 110: Climate Control

    (the grille between the bonnet and the windscreen). Fault tracing and repair Entrust fault tracing and repair of the climate control system to an authorised Volvo work- shop only. Refrigerant The climate control system contains R134a refrigerant.

  • Page 111
    Passenger compartment filter All air entering the car’s passenger compart- ment is cleaned with a filter. This must be replaced at regular intervals. Follow the Volvo Service Programme for the recommended replacement intervals. If the car is used in a severely contaminated environment, it may be necessary to replace the filter more often.
  • Page 112
    Air distribution The incoming air is divided between 20 different vents in the passenger compart- ment. Air distribution is fully automatic in AUTO mode. If necessary it can be controlled manually, see page 116. Only applies to ECC 04 Comfort and driving pleasure Air vents in the dashboard Open Closed…
  • Page 113
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Climate control Climate control Electronic Temperature Control, ETC Air distribution Heated front seats, left-hand side Heated front seats, right-hand side Temperature control AC ON/OFF – Air conditioning On/Off Rear window and door mirror defrosters, see page 85 Max.
  • Page 114
    • Comfort level one: press the button three times for the lowest output – one lamp illuminates. Press the button four times to switch off the function – no lamps illuminate. NOTE The seat ventilation should be used care- fully by people sensitive to draughts. Com- fort level one is recommended for long-term use.
  • Page 115
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Climate control Auto* The AUTO function is only available if ECC is installed in the car. The function auto- matically regulates tempera- ture, air conditioning, fan speed, recirculation and air distribution. If you select one or more manual functions, the other functions continue to be controlled automatically.
  • Page 116
    deactivate the function under Climate con- trol settings Recirculation timer . For a description of the menu system, see page 104. NOTE When Defroster is selected, recirculation is always deactivated. Air quality system* The air quality system sepa- rates gases and particles to reduce the levels of odours and pollution in the passen- ger compartment.
  • Page 117
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Climate control Air distribution table Air distribution Air to windows. Some air flows from the air vents. The air is not recirculated. Air conditioning is always engaged. Air to windscreen and side windows. Some air flows from the air vents.
  • Page 118
    Fuel-driven parking heater* General information about the parking heater The parking heater can be started immedi- ately or set using the timer. Here, start time refers to the time the car is heated and ready. The car’s electronic system calculates when heating should be started based on the out- side temperature.
  • Page 119
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Climate control Operation READ button Thumbwheel RESET button For more information on the information dis- play and READ, see page 107. Message in the information display When the timer settings or direct start are activated, the information symbol illuminates on the combined instrument panel and an explanatory text appears in the information display.
  • Page 120
    Additional heater (diesel)* READ button Thumbwheel RESET button The additional heater may be required for achieving the correct temperature in the pas- senger compartment during cold weather. The additional heater starts automatically when extra heat is required and the engine is running.
  • Page 121: Audio System

    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Audio system General The audio system can be equipped with dif- ferent options and different versions. There are three system versions: Performance, High Performance and Premium Sound. The system version is shown in the display when the audio system is started.

  • Page 122
    Rear control panel with headphones socket* Headphones with an impedance of 16– 32 ohm and sensitivity of 102 dB or higher are recommended for best sound reproduc- tion. Volume Scroll/search forward and backward Audio source, activating Headphones sockets (3.5 mm) Activating/deactivating The control panel is activated with MODE when the audio system is active.
  • Page 123
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Audio system The following functions can be stored with MY KEY: CD/CD changer • Random (CD changer) • News • TP • Track information • News • TP • Radio text • Search PTY • Show PTY text AUDIO SETTINGS •…
  • Page 124
    Audio functions Centre console, controls for audio functions Internal audio sources: AM, FM and CD External audio source. For connection, see page 120 Pushbutton and knob controls for adjust- ing the sound pattern Navigation button Volume and on/off Audio volume and automatic volume control The audio system compensates for disrupt- ing noises in the passenger compartment by…
  • Page 125
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Audio system • Surround – Surround settings. Under Surround 3 channel stereo or Dolby Surround Pro logic II can be activated by selecting 3-ch Dpl2 respectively. This enables the following options: • Centre level – Level for centre speaker. •…
  • Page 126
    Start playback (CD changer) If a CD position with a music CD is already selected when CD is pressed then playback starts automatically. Otherwise select a disc with the number buttons 1-6 or the navigation button. Insert a CD (CD changer) 1.
  • Page 127
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Audio system NOTE It is only possible to scroll between random CD tracks on the current disc. Different messages appear depending on which random function has been selected: • RANDOM means that the tracks from only one music CD are played •…
  • Page 128
    Radio functions Centre console, controls for radio functions Navigation button for tuning, automatic Cancel function in progress Tuning, manual Scan wavelength Preset storage, automatic Preset buttons and preset storage, man- Select wavelength AM and FM (FM1 and FM2) Tuning, automatic 1.
  • Page 129
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Audio system a network sends information that gives an RDS radio the following functions: • Automatically switches to a stronger transmitter if reception in the area is poor. • Searches for programme type, such as traffic information or news.
  • Page 130
    2. Go to FM settings Search If the radio finds any of the selected pro- gramme types then the display shows >| To seek . To continue searching for another broadcast of the selected pro- gramme types, press on the navigation button.
  • Page 131: Trip Computer

    Acknowledge by pressing READ . To change unit specified for distance and speed, contact an authorised Volvo work- shop. Current speed Current speed is displayed in mph if the speedometer is graduated in km/h.

  • Page 132
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Trip computer 2. Press and hold RESET for approx. 1 second to reset the selected function. If RESET is kept depressed for at 3 three seconds then average speed and average are reset simultaneously.
  • Page 133: Compass

    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Compass* Operation Rearview mirror with compass. The upper right-hand corner of the rearview mirror has an integrated display that shows the compass direction in which the front of the car is pointing. Eight different directions are shown with English abbreviations: (north), (north east),…

  • Page 134: Dstc –Stability And Traction Control System

    DSTC –Stability and traction control system Stop the car in a safe place and turn off the engine. If the message remains when the engine is restarted, drive to an authorised Volvo workshop. Symbols in the combined instrument panel If the symbols…

  • Page 135: Adapting Driving Characteristics

    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Adapting driving characteristics Active chassis (Four C)* Active chassis, Four-C (Continuously Con- trolled Chassis Concept), regulates the char- acteristics of the shock absorbers so that the car’s driving characteristics can be adjusted. There are three settings: Comfort, Sport and Advanced.

  • Page 136: Cruise Control

    Operation Display and controls Standby mode Resume set speed Deactivating Activate/set speed Set speed (in brackets = standby mode) Activating and setting the speed In order to enable the activation of cruise control, it must first be engaged in standby mode with the CRUISE button .

  • Page 137: Adaptive Cruise Control

    Maintenance of cruise control components must only be performed by an authorised Volvo workshop . WARNING Adaptive cruise control cannot cover all driving situations and traffic, weather and road conditions.

  • Page 138
    tive is the set speed. This is also the case if the speed of the vehicle ahead exceeds the cruise control set speed. The adaptive cruise control aims to control the speed in a smooth way. In situations that demand sudden braking you must brake yourself.
  • Page 139
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Adaptive cruise control* then re-engaged when the accelerator pedal is released. Activating and setting the speed To enable cruise control activation it must first be engaged in standby mode with The set time interval is briefly shown in the display.
  • Page 140
    Cancelled been shut down. The driver must regulate the speed. Cruise Service Cruise control not required working. Contact an authorised Volvo workshop. Cruise Cruise control cannot be Unavailable activated. This could be due to: • traction control and stability function…
  • Page 141: Collision Warning System With Brake Support

    The brake support reduces the collision speed. Maintenance of collision warning system components must only be performed by an authorised Volvo workshop . WARNING The collision warning system does not work in all driving situations and traffic, weather and road conditions. The collision warning…

  • Page 142
    See the section on radar sensor limita- tions, page 140 – The colli- Collision warn. Service required sion warning system is disengaged. Contact an authorised Volvo workshop if the mes- sage remains.
  • Page 143
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Collision warning system with brake support* Limitations The visual warning signal may be difficult to notice in strong sunlight or when sunglasses are being worn. For this reason always acti- vate the warning sound during such condi- tions.
  • Page 144: Parking Assistance

    The system must be deactivated when reversing with a trailer, or bike carrier on the towbar or similar. Otherwise they would trig- ger the sensors. NOTE Rear parking assistance is deactivated automatically when towing a trailer if Volvo genuine trailer wiring is used.

  • Page 145
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Parking assistance* Front parking assistance The distance covered to the front of the car is about 0.8 metres. The audio signal for obsta- cles in front comes from the front loud- speaker. The front parking assistance is active at speeds of below 15 km/h, even during reversing.
  • Page 146
    Cleaning the sensors Sensor location, front Sensor location, rear 04 Comfort and driving pleasure The sensors must be cleaned regularly to ensure that they work properly. Clean them with water and car shampoo. NOTE Dirt, ice and snow covering the sensors may cause incorrect warning signals.
  • Page 147: Blis* –Blind Spot Information System

    «blind spot». IMPORTANT Repair of the BLIS system components must only be performed by an authorised Volvo workshop. WARNING The system is a supplement to, not a replacement for, a safe driving style and use of the rearview mirrors. It can never replace the driver’s attention and responsibility.

  • Page 148
    Activating/deactivating Button for activating/deactivating BLIS is activated when the engine is started. The indicator lamps in the door panels flash three times when BLIS is activated. The system can be deactivated/activated when the engine is started by pressing BLIS. When BLIS is deactivated the light in the but- ton goes out and a text message is shown on the dashboard display.
  • Page 149
    Blind-spot info sys- BLIS system on tem ON Blind spot syst. Serv- BLIS not functioning. ice required Contact an authorised Volvo workshop. Blind spot syst. Cam- The BLIS camera is era blocked blocked by dirt, snow or ice. Clean the lenses.
  • Page 150: Comfort Inside The Passenger Compartment

    Storage spaces 04 Comfort and driving pleasure Comfort inside the passenger compartment…

  • Page 151
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Comfort inside the passenger compartment Storage compartment in door panel Storage pocket on front edge of front seat cushions* Ticket clip Glovebox Storage compartment, cup holder Jacket holder Cup holder in armrest, rear seat* Storage pocket Jacket holder The jacket holder is only designed for light clothing.
  • Page 152
    Floor mats* Volvo supplies specially manufactured floor mats. WARNING The floor mat at the driver’s seat must be firmly fitted and secured in the attachment clips to prevent it from being trapped around and under the pedals. 04 Comfort and driving pleasure…
  • Page 153
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Comfort inside the passenger compartment For the socket to supply current, the ignition must be in at least position I, see page 65. WARNING Always leave the plug in the socket when the socket is not in use. Electrical socket in cargo area* Fold down the cover to access the electrical socket.
  • Page 154: Built-In Phone

    Privacy handset Safety Only entrust phone servicing to an author- ised Volvo workshop. The built-in phone must be switched off during refuelling or in the vicinity of blasting work. IDIS limits the menu system depending on the speed of the car, see page 156.

  • Page 155
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Built-in phone* Making and receiving calls Making calls 1. Switch on the phone. 2. If PHONE is not shown in the display, briefly press PHONE. 3. Dial the number or use the phone book, see page 155. 4.
  • Page 156
    Mute mode Mute mode involves deactivating the micro- phone, see page 153. Activate/deactivate the microphone using the Microphone On/Off menu option. 04 Comfort and driving pleasure Audio settings Call volume The phone uses the front door speakers. Call volume can be controlled when the text PHONE is shown at the top of the display.
  • Page 157
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Built-in phone* Erasing contacts Erase a contact in the phone book by select- ing it and pressing ENTER. Then scroll to and press ENTER. Erase Erase all contacts under Phonebook Erase SIM Erase phone Copying entries between the SIM card and the phone book Scroll to Phonebook…
  • Page 158
    the display. Write it down and keep it in a safe place. Network selection The network can be selected either automati- cally or manually under Phone settings Network selection SIM code and security The PIN code can protect the SIM card from unauthorised use.
  • Page 159
    Recommendations during driving… 160 Refuelling … 163 Fuel… 164 Loading … 166 Cargo area… 170 Warning triangle … 173 Driving with a trailer … 174 Towing … 180…
  • Page 160
  • Page 161: Recommendations During Driving

    05 During your journey Recommendations during driving General Economical driving Economical driving and reducing environ- mental impact result from driving gently with anticipation and adapting your driving style and speed to the current situation (for further advice on how you can reduce environmental impact, see page 9).

  • Page 162
    Open tailgate Avoid driving with the tailgate open. If it is however necessary, only drive for a short dis- tance. Close all windows, set the air distribu- tion to the windscreen and floor and run the fan at the highest speed. WARNING Do not drive with the tailgate open.
  • Page 163
    • Use washer fluid to avoid ice forming in the washer fluid reservoir. To achieve optimum roadholding Volvo rec- ommends using winter tyres on all four wheels if there is a risk of snow or ice.
  • Page 164: Refuelling

    Refuelling Opening/closing the fuel filler flap The engine must be switched off before the fuel filler flap can be opened. Open using the button on the lighting panel. The fuel filler flap is located on the right-hand rear wing, as indicated by the symbol’s arrow in the information display.

  • Page 165: Fuel

    05 During your journey Fuel General Fuel of a lower quality than that recom- mended by Volvo must not be used as engine power and fuel consumption is nega- tively affected. WARNING Fuel which spills onto the ground can be ignited.

  • Page 166
    IMPORTANT Always refuel with unleaded petrol so as not to damage the catalytic converter. In order that Volvo’s warranty shall remain valid, never mix alcohol with petrol, as the fuel system could be damaged. Do not use ad- ditives not recommended by Volvo.
  • Page 167: Loading

    05 During your journey Loading General The load capacity is affected by what is mounted on the car, such as a towbar, load carriers and roof box. The load capacity of the car is also reduced by the number of pas- sengers and their weight.

  • Page 168
    Power operated tailgate* WARNING Pay attention to the risk of crushing when opening/closing. Before starting to open/ close, make sure that there is nobody close to the tailgate as a crushing injury could have serious consequences. Always oper- ate the tailgate with caution. IMPORTANT Pay attention to the height of the roof when using power operation.
  • Page 169
    05 During your journey Loading Floor rails Load secured in both upper and lower mounting points In the floor of the cargo area there are two rails with movable cargo retaining hooks for securing items in the cargo area using cargo retaining straps.
  • Page 170
    Removing a cargo retaining hook The cargo retaining hooks can be easily removed from the rail, e.g. for cleaning the bottom of the rail. Fold the cargo retaining hook down in the direction to which its opening points. Slide the hook to the cut-out opening. Lift the hook straight up.
  • Page 171: Cargo Area

    05 During your journey Cargo area Safety grille* A protective grille prevents cargo from being thrown forward in the passenger compart- ment in the event of heavy braking. For safety reasons, the grille must always be mounted and secured correctly. Folding up Take hold of the bottom of the safety grille and pull back/up.

  • Page 172
    Cargo cover Cargo cover Application Pull the cargo cover over the load and hook it into the holes in the cargo area’s rear pillars. IMPORTANT The safety grille cannot be folded up or down when the cargo cover is fitted. Fitting the cargo cover 1.
  • Page 173
    Using load carriers To avoid damaging the car and for maximum possible safety while driving, the load carri- ers designed by Volvo are recommended. Carefully follow the installation instructions supplied with the carriers. • Check periodically that the load carriers and load are properly secured.
  • Page 174: Warning Triangle

    Warning triangle Lift the floor mat and take out the warn- ing triangle. Take the warning triangle from the case, fold out and assemble the two loose sides. Fold out the warning triangle’s support legs. Follow the regulations for the use of a warn- ing triangle.

  • Page 175: Driving With A Trailer

    05 During your journey Driving with a trailer General If the towing bracket is mounted by Volvo, then the car is delivered with the necessary equipment for driving with a trailer. • The car’s towing bracket must be of an approved type.

  • Page 176
    Be sure to attach the trailer’s safety cable to the correct place. WARNING If the car is fitted with a Volvo detachable towbar: Follow the assembly instructions for the towball section carefully. The towball section must be locked with the key before setting off.
  • Page 177
    05 During your journey Driving with a trailer Specifications Dimensions, mounting points (mm) 1 ( V70) 1129 1 ( XC70) 1113 2 ( V70) 2 ( XC70) Side member Ball centre Important checks • The towball must be cleaned and greased regularly.
  • Page 178
    Installing the towball Remove the protective cover by pressing up the catch and pulling the cover straight back Ensure that the mechanism is in the unlocked position by turning the key clockwise. The indicator window must show red. Insert the towball section until you hear a click.
  • Page 179
    05 During your journey Driving with a trailer Check that the towball section is secure by pulling it up, down and back. If the towball section is not fitted correctly then it must be removed and refitted in accordance with the previous instruc- tions.
  • Page 180
    Removing the towball Insert the key and turn it clockwise to the unlocked position. Push in the locking wheel and turn it anticlockwise until you hear a click. Turn the locking wheel down fully, until it comes to a stop. Hold it in this position while pulling the towball rearward and upward.
  • Page 181: Towing

    05 During your journey Towing General Never tow the car to bump start it. Use a donor battery if the battery is discharged and the engine does not start. IMPORTANT Bump starting the car can damage the cata- lytic converter. Automatic gearbox Move the gear selector to position N.

  • Page 182
    Fold aside the cover and screw in the towing eye firmly, right in up to the flange. For the XC70: Release the bottom edge of the cover on the bumper with a screw- driver or coin. Screw in the towing eye firmly, right in up to the flange.
  • Page 183
    Engine compartment… 184 Lamps … 189 Wiper blades and washer fluid… 195 Battery… 197 Fuses… 200 Wheels and tyres… 205 Car care… 217 Type designations … 221 Specifications… 222…
  • Page 184
  • Page 185: Engine Compartment

    IMPORTANT For the Volvo warranty to apply, check and follow the instructions in the Service and Warranty Booklet. Check regularly Check the following oils and fluids at regular intervals, e.g.

  • Page 186
    II or when the engine is hot. Engine compartment Checking the engine oil Engine oil quality: XXX Viscosity: XXX Decal for oil grade Volvo recommends Castrol oil products. If the car is driven in adverse conditions, see Volvo’s recommendations on page 227.
  • Page 187
    Certain models have both vari- ants. Contact a Volvo dealer for more infor- mation. Filling and dipstick Petrol engine…
  • Page 188
    For capacities, see page 229. IMPORTANT Always use coolant with anti-corrosion agent as recommended by Volvo. New cars are filled with coolant that can withstand temperatures down to approximately – 35 °C.
  • Page 189
    The rea- son for the loss of brake fluid must be inves- tigated by an authorised Volvo workshop. Filling The fluid reservoir is located on the driver’s side…
  • Page 190: Lamps

    • LED lamps, general WARNING On cars with Bi-Xenon and Active Bi-Xenon headlamps, Xenon lamp replacement must be carried out at an authorised Volvo work- shop. The headlamps must be handled with extreme care due to the Xenon lamp’s high- voltage unit.

  • Page 191
    06 Maintenance and specifications Lamps Removing the cover NOTE Before starting to replace a bulb, read through page 189. 1. Open the lock clamp by pressing up/out. 2. Press down the clips on the cover and remove it. Reinstall the cover in reverse order. Dipped beam, halogen 1.
  • Page 192
    Extra main beam Active Bi-Xenon and Bi-Xenon* 1. Detach the headlamp. 2. Remove the cover, see page 190. 3. Detach the bulb by pressing the holder downwards. 4. Unplug the connector from the bulb. 5. Fit the new bulb in the socket and snap it in.
  • Page 193
    3. Loosen the whole of the lamp by turning its handle anticlockwise. 4. Detach the bulb by pulling it straight out. Reinstall the parts in reverse order. NOTE If an error message remains after a faulty bulb has been replaced, contact an author- ised Volvo workshop.
  • Page 194
    Location of rear bulbs Lamp lens, right-hand side Position lamps/brake light (LED) Side position lights, SML (LED) Direction indicators Reflector, rear Rear fog lamp (one side) Reversing lamp Brake light (LED) Brake light (LED) 06 Maintenance and specifications Number plate lighting 1.
  • Page 195
    06 Maintenance and specifications Lamps Cargo area lighting 1. Insert a screwdriver and gently prise so that the lamp housing comes loose. 2. Replace the bulb. 3. Check that the bulb illuminates and press back the lamp housing. Vanity mirror lighting Removing the mirror glass 1.
  • Page 196: Wiper Blades And Washer Fluid

    Wiper blades Service position The wiper blades must be in service position to facilitate replacement or washing. 1. Turn the ignition to position 0 , see page 65 and keep the remote control key in the ignition switch. 2. Move the right-hand stalk switch up for about 1 second.

  • Page 197
    06 Maintenance and specifications Wiper blades and washer fluid Replacing the wiper blades, rear window 1. Fold out the wiper arm. 2. Grip the inner section of the blade (by the arrow). 3. Turn anticlockwise to use the blade’s end position against the wiper arm as a lever to detach the blade more easily.
  • Page 198: Battery

    Warning symbols on the battery Use protective goggles Further information in the owner’s manual. Store the battery out of the reach of children. The battery contains corrosive acid. Avoid sparks and naked flames. Risk of explosion. NOTE An expended battery must be recycled in an environmentally safe manner, as it contains lead.

  • Page 199
    06 Maintenance and specifications Battery Changing Removal Switch off the ignition and wait for 5 minutes. Open the clips on the front cover and remove the cover. Release the rubber moulding so that the rear cover is free. Remove the rear cover by screwing one quarter turn and lifting it away.
  • Page 200
    Installation 1. Lower the battery into the battery box. 2. Move the battery inward and to the side until it reaches the rear edge of the box. 3. Screw in the battery with the screw in the clamp. 4. Connect the ventilation hose. 5.
  • Page 201: Fuses

    If the same fuse fails repeatedly then there is a fault in the circuit. In which case, contact an authorised Volvo workshop to have the sys- tem checked. Changing 1. Look in the fuse diagram to locate the fuse.

  • Page 202: Engine Compartment

    • Fuses 8 —15 and 34 are of the «JCASE» type and must only be replaced by an authorised Volvo workshop. • Fuses 1 —7 and 42 —44 are of the «Midi Fuse» type and must only be replaced by an authorised Volvo workshop.

  • Page 203
    06 Maintenance and specifications Fuses Function Primary fuse CEM KL30A Primary fuse CEM KL30B Primary fuse RJBA KL30 Primary fuse RJBB KL30 Primary fuse RJBD KL30 Reserve PTC Air preheater* Reserve Windscreen wipers Parking heater* Ventilation fan Reserve ABS pump ABS valves Reserve Headlamp levelling* (Active Bi-…
  • Page 204
    Under the glovebox Fold aside the interior trim covering the fuse box. Press the cover’s lock and fold it up. The fuses are accessible. 06 Maintenance and specifications Positions 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 24 25 26 27 28 Function Rain sensor…
  • Page 205
    06 Maintenance and specifications Fuses Cargo area The fuse box is located behind the upholstery on the left-hand side. Positions Module A (black). Function Control panel, driver’s door Control panel, passenger door Control panel, rear door, left Control panel, rear door, right Reserve 12 V socket cargo area, refrigerator* 15 Rear window defroster…
  • Page 206: Wheels And Tyres

    General Tyres greatly affect the car’s driving charac- teristics. The type of tyre, dimensions, tyre pressure and speed rating are important for how the car performs. Direction of rotation The arrow shows the tyre’s direction of rotation Tyres with a tread pattern which are designed to only turn in one direction have the direction of rotation marked with an arrow.

  • Page 207
    06 Maintenance and specifications Wheels and tyres 3. Place chocks in front of and behind the wheels which will remain on the ground. Use heavy wooden blocks or large stones. 4. (For cars with steel rims.) Prise off the wheel cover with the end of the wheel wrench, or pull it off by hand.
  • Page 208
    Rims and wheel bolts IMPORTANT The wheel bolts must be tightened to 140 Nm. Overtightening can damage the nuts and the bolts. Only use rims that are tested and approved by Volvo and which are Volvo genuine acces-…
  • Page 209
    When driving on winter tyres, the correct tyres must be fitted to all four wheels. NOTE Ask a Volvo dealer which rim and tyre types are most suitable. Studded tyres Studded winter tyres should be run in gently for 500-1000 km so the studs settle properly into the tyre.
  • Page 210
    Tools A foam block, located in the spare wheel rim, contains all tools. The tools consist of a tow- ing eye, jack and wheel wrench. The foam block is screwed into a bracket in the bottom of the spare wheel well. Jack The original jack should only be used for changing wheels.
  • Page 211
    06 Maintenance and specifications Wheels and tyres Emergency puncture repair* General The emergency puncture repair kit is used to seal a puncture as well as to check and adjust the tyre pressure. It consists of a com- pressor and a bottle with sealing fluid. The kit works as a temporary repair.
  • Page 212
    Overview Decal, maximum permitted speed Switch Cable Bottle holder (orange cap) Protective cap Pressure reducing valve Air hose 06 Maintenance and specifications Sealing fluid bottle Pressure gauge Gloves Inflating the tyres The car’s original tyres can be inflated by the compressor.
  • Page 213
    06 Maintenance and specifications Wheels and tyres Sealing punctured tyres For information on the function of the parts, see the illustration on page 211. 1. Open the lid of the emergency puncture repair kit. 2. Detach the decal for maximum permit- ted speed and affix it to the steering wheel.
  • Page 214
    Replacement must be performed by an authorised Volvo work- shop. WARNING Check the tyre pressure regularly. Drive to the nearest authorised Volvo work- shop for the replacement/repair of the dam- aged tyre. Advise the workshop that the tyre contains sealing fluid. WARNING…
  • Page 215
    06 Maintenance and specifications Wheels and tyres Specifications Designation of dimensions The dimensions are stated on all car tyres. Example of designation: 225/50R17 94 W. Section width (mm) Ratio between section height and width (%) Radial ply Rim diameter in inches («) Tyre load index Speed rating (in this case 270 km/h).
  • Page 216
    Recommended tyre pressure Variant V70 Tyre size 6-cyl 225/55 R 16, 225/50 R 17 245/45 R 17 245/40 R 18 5-cyl diesel 225/55 R 16 185 hp 225/50 R 17, 245/45 R 17 245/40 R 18 5-cyl diesel 225/55 R 16 163 hp 225/50 R 17 5-cyl petrol…
  • Page 217
    06 Maintenance and specifications Wheels and tyres Variant Tyre size XC70 6-cyl, 5-cyl 215/65 R 16, 235/55 R 17 235/50 R 18 T 125/80 R 17 Spare wheel In certain countries there is the «bar» unit beside the SI unit «Pascal»: 1 bar = 100 kPa…
  • Page 218: Car Care

    Exterior plastic, rubber and trim components A special cleaning agent available from Volvo dealers is recommended for cleaning col- oured plastic parts, rubber and trim compo- nents, such as glossy trim mouldings. When using such a cleaning agent the instructions must be followed carefully.

  • Page 219
    Wash and dry the car thoroughly before you begin polishing or waxing. Clean off asphalt and tar stains using Volvo tar remover or white spirit. More stubborn stains can be removed using fine rubbing paste designed for car paintwork.
  • Page 220
    Do not scrape or rub stains. Never use strong stain removers. A special cleaning agent available from Volvo dealers can be used for more difficult cleaning. Carpets and cargo area Remove inlaid carpets for separate cleaning of the floor carpet and the inlaid carpets.
  • Page 221
    06 Maintenance and specifications Car care Touching up paintwork Paint is an important part of the car’s rust- proofing and should therefore be checked regularly. To avoid the onset of rust, dam- aged paintwork should be rectified immedi- ately. The most common types of paintwork damage are stone chips, scratches, and stains on the edges of wings and doors.
  • Page 222: Type Designations

    SERIAL NO Type designations Knowing the car’s type designation, vehicle identification and engine numbers can facili- tate all contact with an authorised Volvo dealer regarding the car and when ordering spare parts and accessories. Type designation, vehicle identification number, maximum permissible weights, codes for colour and upholstery and type approval number.

  • Page 223: Specifications

    06 Maintenance and specifications Specifications Dimensions V70 Position in Dimensions illustration Wheelbase Height Load length, floor, folded seat Load length, floor Height Front track Rear track Width Width including door mirrors 2816 4823 1878 1089 1547 1578 1576 1861 2106…

  • Page 224
    Dimensions XC70 Position in Dimensions illustration Wheelbase 2815 Height 4838 Load length, 1878 floor, folded seat Load length, 1089 floor Height 1604 Front track 1604 Rear track 1570 Width 1861 Width including 2119 door mirrors 06 Maintenance and specifications Specifications…
  • Page 225
    06 Maintenance and specifications Specifications Weights Kerb weight includes the driver, the fuel tank 90% full and all fluids. The weight of passen- gers and accessories, such as a towbar, load carriers, space box etc. and towball load (when a trailer is hitched, see table), influ- ences the payload and must not be included in the kerb weight.
  • Page 226
    Towing capacity and towball load Model Gearbox 2.5T Manual (M66) Automatic (TF–80SC) Automatic (TF–80SC) Automatic (TF–80SC) 2.4D Manual (M66) Automatic (TF–80SC) Manual (M66) Automatic (TF–80SC) Trailer weight without Towball brake (kg) load (kg) max. 750 NOTE The use of stabilising devices is recom- mended with trailers heavier than 1800 kg.
  • Page 227
    06 Maintenance and specifications Specifications Engine specifications Specification/Model 2.5T Engine designation B5254T6 Output (kW/rpm) 147/4500 Output (hp/rpm) 200/4800 Torque (Nm/rpm) 300/1500-4500 No. of cylinders Bore (mm) Stroke (mm) 93.2 Swept volume (litres) 2,521 Compression ratio 9.0:1 B6324S B6304T2 D5244T4 175/6200 210/xx 136/4000 238/6200…
  • Page 228
    Volvo Car Corporation dis- claims all warranty liability if engine oil of the prescribed grade and viscosity is not used.
  • Page 229
    06 Maintenance and specifications Specifications Engine oil quality: ACEA A5/B5 Viscosity: SAE 0W-30 Engine variant 2.5T B5254T6 B6324S B6304T2 D5244T4 2.4D D5244T5 The following applies when the adjacent decal is fitted in the car’s engine compart- ment. For information on decal location, see page 221.
  • Page 230
    Air conditioning Brake fluid Power steering Washer fluid Varies depending on the engine variant. Contact an authorised Volvo workshop for the correct information. Cars without headlamp washing NOTE Under normal driving conditions the gear- box oil does not need changing during its service life.
  • Page 231
    06 Maintenance and specifications Specifications Consumption, emissions and volume Model Engine 2.5T B5254T6 B6324S B6304T2 D5244T4 2.4D D5244T5 Fuel consumption and emissions of carbon dioxide Official fuel consumption figures are based on a standard driving cycle in accordance with EU Directive 80/1268 comb. Fuel con- sumption is influenced if the car is equipped Gearbox Manual (M66)
  • Page 232
    Electrical system General 12 volt system with a voltage-regulated alter- nator. Single pole system in which the chas- sis and engine block are used as conductors. The negative terminal is connected to the chassis. Performance, battery Engine 2.5T 3.0T 2.4D Voltage (V) Cold start capacity 520 –…
  • Page 233
    06 Maintenance and specifications…
  • Page 234
    06 Maintenance and specifications…
  • Page 235
    Alphabetical index ABL – Active Bi-Xenon Lights …72 ABS …96 AC …114 ACC – Adaptive cruise control …136 Adapting driving characteristics …134 Adaptive cruise control …136 radar sensor …138 Additional heater …119 Adjusting headlamp pattern …76 Active Bi-Xenon headlamps …76 Bi-Xenon headlamps …76 Halogen headlamps …77 Adjusting the steering wheel …70…
  • Page 236
    specifications …231 warning symbols …197 Blind spot …146 Blind Spot Information System, BLIS …146 BLIS …146 Brake and clutch fluid …188 Brakes …96 anti-lock braking system, ABS …96 brake fluid, volume and grade …230 brake lights …73 brake system …96 electric parking brake …98 emergency brake assistance …96 emergency brake assistance, EBA …96…
  • Page 237
    … 8 reducing environmental impact … 8 textile standard … 8 Volvo Cars’ environmental philosophy … 8 Volvo workshops and the environment … 8 EON –Enhanced Other Networks … 129 Equalizer … 124 External audio source AUX output … 120…
  • Page 238
    volume …123 Extra main beam …191 Fan …113 Fast-wind CD …125 First aid equipment …173 Floor mats …151 Fluids capacities …229 Fog lamp rear …74 Fog lamps front …73 Foot brake …96 Four-C …134 Frequency update, automatic …129 Front fog lamps …73 Fuel …164 consumption …230 fuel consumption …8…
  • Page 239
    Alphabetical index Indicator lamps, PCC …40 Indicator symbols …60 Indicators …74 Inflatable Curtain …21 Information and warning symbols …60 Information button …40 Information displays …60 Instrument lighting …71 Instrument overview …56 Instruments and controls …56 Interior lighting …75 Interior rearview mirror …85 ISOFIX fixture system for child seats …31 Jump starting …90 Key …38…
  • Page 240
    Manual gear positions (Geartronic) …93 Manual gearbox …91 Media player …123 Memory function in seats …67 Menus and messages …104 Messages in the combined instrument panel …107 Meters in the combined instrument panel ..60 Mirror heated …85 interior …85 Mirrors door …84 Misting attending to the windows …109…
  • Page 241
    Alphabetical index Radio AF …129 EON …129 frequency update …129 preset storage …127 PTY …128 radio text …129 REG …129 settings …127 stations …127 Rain sensor …80 Random, CD and audio files …125 RDS functions …127 resetting …129 Reading the Owner’s Manual …6 «Important»…
  • Page 242
    Soot filter full …89 Spare wheel …209 Specifications …224 Spin control …133 SRS AIRBAG …15 SRS system general …16 Stability and traction control system …133 Stability system …133 Stains …219 Standby mode, phone …153 Starting the engine …88 Station search …127 Steering force level, speed adapted …134 Steering lock …88 Steering wheel…
  • Page 243
    Alphabetical index Vanity mirror …194 Ventilation …111 Vibration damper …176 Volume, audio …123 Volume, see also Audio volume …123 Warning decal — SIPS bag …21 Warning lamp adaptive cruise control …136 collision warning system …141 stability and traction control system …133 Warning lamps …60 Airbags SRS …62 alternator not charging …62…
  • Page 244
    Volvo Car Corporation TP 9686 (English), aT 0720, Printed in sweden, Göteborg 2007, Copyright © 2000-2007 Volvo Car Corporation…

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Manuals and User Guides for Volvo 2003 XC70. We have 4 Volvo 2003 XC70 manuals available for free PDF download: Owner’s Manual, Wiring Diagram, Operating Manual

Volvo 2003 XC70 Owner's Manual

Volvo 2003 XC70 Owner’s Manual (257 pages)


Brand: Volvo
Category: Automobile
Size: 6 MB

Table of Contents
  • Section 1


    • Table of Contents


    • Seat Belts


    • Center Head Restraint


    • Chapter 1 — Safety


    • Side Impact Airbags (SIPS)


    • Volvo


    • Volvo Inflatable Curtain (VIC)


    • Whiplash Protection System (WHIPS)


      • Volvo


    • Child Safety


      • Child Restraint Anchorages


      • Child Safety


      • Occupant Safety


      • Volvo


      • Occupant Safety


    • Brake System


    • Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS)


      • Volvo


  • Section 2


    • Sun Roof


    • Oil Pressure Warning Light


      • Malfunction Indicator Lamp


      • Rear Fog Light


      • Seat Belt Reminder


      • Trip Computer


      • Cruise Control


    • Rear Fog Light


    • Steering Wheel Adjustment, Ignition Switch/Steering Wheel Lock


      • Steering Wheel Lock


      • Turn Signals


      • Hazard Warning Flashers


    • Electrically Operated Windows


      • Rearview Mirror


      • Sun Visor


      • Air Flow


      • Cabin Air Filter


    • Interior


      • Air Distribution


      • Cup Holders


      • Coat Hanger


      • Center Armrest


    • Rear Seat Backrest


      • Securing Cargo


      • Cargo Area Cover


      • Spare Tire


      • Vanity Mirrors


      • Courtesy Light


    • Reading Lights — Front/Rear


    • Exterior


      • Remote Keyless Entry System


      • Using the Remote Control


      • Arming the Alarm


      • Disarming the Alarm


      • Chapter 2 — Instruments, Switches and Controls


    • Instrument Panel


    • Instruments


      • Fuel Filler Door


      • Starting the Engine


      • Shift Positions


      • Engaging Reverse Gear


      • Tire Dimensions


      • Economical Driving Conserves Natural Resources


      • Temporary Spare


      • Tire Rotation


    • Trip Computer


      • Electrical System


      • Emergency Towing


      • Installing/Removing the Ball Holder


      • Jump Starting


      • Cold Weather Precautions


      • Before a Long Distance Trip


      • General Information


      • Snow Chains


      • Vehicle Loading


      • Temporary Spare


      • Uniform Tire Quality Grading


      • Changing Wheels


      • Replacing Fuses


      • Fuse Box in Passenger Compartment


      • Replacing High/Low Beam Headlight Bulbs


      • Replacement of Front Parking Light Bulb


      • License Plate Lights


      • Vanity Mirror Lights


    • Paint Touch-Up


    • Rear Reading Lights


      • Washing the Car


      • Polishing and Waxing


      • Cleaning the Upholstery


      • Maintenance Service


      • Maintenance Services


      • Fuel System


      • Check Coolant Level


      • Engine Air Filter


      • Fuel Filter


      • Spark Plugs


      • Timing Belt


      • Washer Fluid Reservoir


    • Opening the Hood


      • Engine Compartment


      • Checking the Oil Level


    • Power Steering Fluid


      • Battery Maintenance


      • Brake Fluid


      • Replacing the Battery


      • Windshield Wiper Blades


      • Power Transmission


      • Automatic Transmission Fluid


      • Engine Oil


      • Front Suspension


      • Rear Suspension


      • Volume Control


      • Playing a CD


    • Cruise Control


    • Turn Signals


    • Windshield Wipers/Washers



Volvo 2003 XC70 Wiring Diagram

Volvo 2003 XC70 Wiring Diagram (257 pages)

Brand: Volvo
Category: Automobile
Size: 36.02 MB

Table of Contents
  • Contents


  • Wiring Diagram


  • Abbreviations


  • How to Use the Wiring Diagram


  • Component Designation


  • Junction Points


  • Connectors


  • List of Symbols


  • Electrical Distribution


  • Overview V70


  • Overview XC90


  • Fuses


  • Engine Compartment


  • Fuses in the Engine Compartment


  • Passenger Compartment


  • Fuses in the Passenger Compartment


  • Fuses in the Cargo Compartment


  • Cargo Compartment


  • Fuses at the Battery


  • Ignition Switch and Relays


  • Ground Connections


  • Control Modules


  • Overview V70/XC70


  • Central Electronic Module V70/XC70


  • Central Electronic Module (CEM) XC90


  • Rear Electronic Module (REM) V70/XC70


  • Rear Electronic Module (REM) XC90


  • Data Communication V70/XC70


  • Data Communication XC90


  • Engine Management System, 5-Cyl


  • Engine Management System, 5-Cyl Turbo


  • Engine Management System, 6-Cyl


  • Engine Management System, Bifuel


  • Engine Management System, Diesel


  • Emission Control


  • Gasoline 5-Cyl


  • Electric Cooling Fan V70/XC70


  • Cruise Control


  • Power Supply


  • Starting System


  • High and Low Beam Plus Auxiliary Light Wiring V70/XC70


  • High and Low Beam, Bi-Xenon V70/XC70


  • Daytime Running Lights and Auxiliary Light Wiring XC90


  • Brake Lights


  • Parking Lights V70/XC70


  • Tail Lights and License Plate Lighting V70/XC70


  • Tail Lights and License Plate Lighting XC90


  • Reversing Lights


  • Safety Lighting


  • Interior Lighting V70/XC70


  • Interior Lighting XC90


  • Beam Length Adjustment V70/XC70


  • Beam Length Adjustment XC90


  • Direction Indicators and Hazard Warning Flashers V70/XC70


  • Direction Indicators and Hazard Warning Flashers XC90


  • Horn


  • Wipers/Washers, Windshield


  • Wipers/Washers, Headlights V70/XC70


  • High Pressure Wash, Headlights XC90


  • Wiper/Washer, Rear Window


  • Accessory Electronic Module


  • Rain Sensor


  • Electronic Immobilizer


  • Anti-Theft Alarm V70/XC70


  • Anti-Theft Alarm XC90


  • Parking Assistance XC90


  • Towing Bracket Wiring


  • Diagnostics System


  • 12V Outlet


  • 12V Cargo Compartment Outlet


  • Seat Belt Reminder


  • Driver Information Module


  • Driver Information Module Bifuel


  • Audio with Extra Amplifier V70/XC70


  • Audio XC90


  • Infotainment XC90


  • Mobile Telephone V70/XC70


  • Road Traffic Information


  • Geartronic


  • Automatic Transmission


  • Shift Lock


  • Differential Electronic Module


  • Brake Control Module


  • Electronic Power Steering XC90


  • Central Locking System V70/XC70


  • Central Locking System XC90


  • Power Windows


  • Power Sunroof


  • Power Door Mirrors


  • Heated Door Mirrors


  • Heated Rear Window


  • Heated Seats


  • Power Driver’s Seat


  • Power Passenger Seat


  • Manual Climate Control


  • Electronic Climate Control


  • Rear Climate Control System XC90


  • Parking Heater, Auxiliary Heater


  • SRS Supplemental Restraint System V70/XC70


  • SRS Supplemental Restraint System XC90


  • Remote Garage Door Opener


  • Cable Harness Routing in Vehicle


  • Engine Harness Gasoline


  • Engine Harness Diesel


  • Front Engine Compartment Harness LHD


  • Front Engine Compartment Harness RHD


  • Engine Compartment Harness, XC90


  • Front Passenger Compartment Harness LHD


  • Front Passenger Compartment Harness RHD


  • Passenger Compartment Harness XC90


  • Rear Passenger Compartment Harness


  • Cargo Compartment Harness


  • Component Illustrations


  • Connector


Volvo 2003 XC70 Operating Manual

Volvo 2003 XC70 Operating Manual (84 pages)


Brand: Volvo
Category: Automobile
Size: 1.61 MB

Table of Contents
  • Table of Contents


    • Table of Contents


    • 1 Quick Guide


      • Quick Start


  • Table of Contents


    • 2 Get to Know Your Navigation System


      • Manual


      • Before Starting


      • Overview


      • Controls


      • Voice Recognition


      • Keyboard


      • DVD Disc, Screen


      • Maps, Road Types and Compass


      • Menus


      • Menu Tree in Three Levels


  • 02 Get to Know Your Navigation System


    • 3 Planning Your Trip


      • Specify a Destination


      • Itinerary


      • Current Position


      • Settings


      • Simulation


    • 4 Traffic Information


      • General


      • Reading Information


      • Handling Traffic Problems


    • 5 Symbols on the Map


      • Facilities


    • 6 Questions and Answers


      • Frequently Asked Questions


      • EULA — License Agreement


      • Copyright


    • 7 Alphabetical Index



Volvo 2003 XC70 Wiring Diagram

Volvo 2003 XC70 Wiring Diagram (70 pages)

Section 3 (39) Supplement 2003

Brand: Volvo
Category: Automobile
Size: 2.38 MB


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