Воркшоп мануал что это

1. n воспитание; формирование

2. n обучение; подготовка; образование

3. n выучка, образование; познания, знания

4. n тренировка

5. n занятие

6. n дрессировка

7. n спорт. тренированность, подготовленность; форма

8. n сад. формирование

9. n воен. наводка

10. a учебный

11. a тренировочный

Синонимический ряд:

1. credentials (noun) academic accomplishment; background; credentials; experience; grounding; indoctrination; knowledge; qualifications

2. instruction (noun) class; course; instruction; practice session; preparation; seminar; workshop

3. schooling (noun) education; pedagogy; schooling; teaching; tuition; tutelage; tutoring

4. study (noun) drill; exercise; practice; rehearsal; study

5. directing (verb) addressing; aiming; casting; directing; heading; inclining; laying; leveling or levelling; levelling; pointing; presenting; setting; turning; zero in; zeroing in

7. luring (verb) alluring; baiting; decoying; enticing; entrapping; inveigling; leading on; luring; seducing; tempting; tolling

8. teaching (verb) disciplining; educating; instructing; schooling; teaching; tutoring

Car Workshop

Whether you want to diagnose an error in your car’s system, perform some maintenance work on your own, or just want to understand the functioning of your car, a car workshop manual can come as a priceless source of required information. Simply put, it is manual that contains detailed explanation of how to uninstall, repair, test and reinstall certain components of your car.

Formats Available

Earlier, a car workshop manual used to be a thin booklet that you often received with your car’s purchase. But now, they can also be given to you in the form of a DVD, which you can read on a PC or laptop. PDF files of the manual are also available online, which you can download as per the make and model of your car.

Types of Car Workshop Manuals

A car workshop manual can be of different types. Main ones are detailed below:

  • Factory Service Manuals: These car manuals are provided by the car manufacturing company itself. These are technical types of workshop manuals that are very useful in identifying in and outs of car maintenance information. These include service specifications, fluid capacity, torque value, diagnostic charts, instructions for repairs, maintenance timing prescriptions, etc. These also include other statistics relating to the exact model of your car.
  • Aftermarket Car Repair Manuals: These manuals are more inclined towards helping a layperson. They are not that technical, as they focus more on DIY guides for regular cleaning and maintenance jobs. The instructions given in them are easily understandable and doable by beginners and new car owners.

Apart from these two manual types, more specific manuals are also available, such as electrical manuals, unit repair manuals, wiring manuals, and manuals for particular components like transmission and engine.

How Manuals Help?

Car workshop manuals contain detailed instructions of repairing, servicing, wiring, diagnosing, and maintaining a vehicle as per industrial standards. They cover service and repair procedures for your vehicle, whether you want to check tire pressure, change air filter, or do a more complex job like engine overhaul, head gasket replacement, or timing belt change. A good workshop manual will cover different aspects of a car, from maintenance and repair to servicing schedules, such as changing oil at how many miles, which oil to use, checking the tire pressure, how much to inflate the tires, etc.

So, if you are a looking for a car workshop manual, you can now have one in electronic format with instant PDF download. This is a big advantage, as you no longer need to take care of a paper book for several years. Just print the required section of the manual and complete the job.

Официальные мануалы с портала Мазда в моем бортжурнале. СЮДА ТЫК.

Выкладываю «Сервисный Мануал» для Mazda CX-5 первого поколения, т. к. найти их непросто. У единственного поста (наверное) на Драйве ссылки на март 2019 неактивны.
Сам скачивал по ссылке оставленной в том посте уважаемым raskraska, и хочу помочь другим владельцам Mazda CX-5.

Первый мануал состоит из следующих документов:
Немного сплагиачу из того поста ;)
— CX-5 — Body and Accessories (Кузов и аксесуары)
— CX-5 — Body Shop Manual (Руководство по кузову)
— CX-5 — Brakes (Тормозная система)
— CX-5 — DriveLine Axle (Карданной мост)
— CX-5 — Engine (Двигатель)
— CX-5 — General Information (Главная Информация)
— CX-5 — HVAC
— CX-5 — Multiplex Communication System (Мультиплекс система связи)
— CX-5 — Personalized Features (Персонализация)
— CX-5 — Restraints (Ограничения)
— CX-5 — Service Highlights (Сервис Основные моменты)
— CX-5 — Steering (Рулевое управление)
— CX-5 — Suspension (Подвеска)
— CX-5 — Transmission Transaxle (Трансмиссия)
— CX-5 — Wiring Diagram (Электрическая проводка)

Сам мануал:

Второй мануал, он включает все то, что и в первом, но больше и полезнее:)
Советую скачивать именно его


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