Встраиваемая микроволновая печь hansa amg20bfh инструкция по установке

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    Инструкция по эксплуатации встраиваемой микроволновой печи Hansa AMG20BFH.

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    Hansa AMG20BFH Operating Instructions Manual

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    6. Operating instructions manual

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    Summary of Contents for Hansa AMG20BFH

    • Page 1
    • Page 2: Table Of Contents

      THANK YOU FOR PURCHASING AN HANSA APPLIANCE DEAR CUSTOMER, Your HANSA appliance is exceptionally easy to use and extremely efficient. Before being packaged and leaving the manufacturer, the appliance was thoroughly checked with regard to safety and functionality. Before using the appliance, please read these Operating Instructions carefully…

    • Page 3: Precautions

      PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID POSSIBLE OVER-EXPOSURE TO MICRO- WAVE ENERGY Do not attempt to operate the oven with the door open, because it may cause harmful exposure to microwave energy. Do not disable the safety interlocks, or attempt to circumvent them. Do not place anything between the front surface of the oven and the door or allow dirt or detergent residue to gather on sealing surfaces.

    • Page 4: Safety Instructions For Use

      SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE READ CAREFULLY AND KEEP FOR FUTURE REF- ERENCE To reduce the risk of fire, injury to people or exposure to excessive microwave energy when using the appliance, please observe the following basic safety rules: Read the Operating Instructions before using the appli- ance.

    • Page 5
      SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE If you see smoke or fire, turn off the appliance or unplug it from power and keep the door closed until the flames are smothered; Microwave heating of beverages can cause delayed boiling, therefore care should be taken when handling the container;…
    • Page 6
      SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE Do not operate the oven when empty. Operating the oven without food or dish with very low water content may result in fire, carbonization, arcing and damage to the internal chamber shell. Do not cook food directly on the turntable. Excessive local heating of turntable may cause its rupture.
    • Page 7
      SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE This appliance is not intended for use by persons (in- cluding children) with physical, mental or sensory hand- icaps, or by persons inexperienced or unfamiliar with the appliance, unless under supervision or in accord- ance with the instructions as communicated to them by persons responsible for their safety.
    • Page 8: Disposing/Scrapping Of Used Equipment

      SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE Do not store or use the oven outdoors. Do not use the microwave oven near water, near the kitchen sink, in a damp room or near a swimming pool. Do not immerse the power cord or plug in water. Keep cord away from heated surfaces.

    • Page 9: Installing The Protective Circuit

      INSTALLING THE PROTECTIVE CIRCUIT DANGER electrician or service technician. If you must use an extension cord, use only a three- Danger of electric shock when touched, some inter- wire extension with an earthing connector. nal components may cause serious injury or death. The manufacturer shall not be liable for damage Do not disassemble this appliance.

    • Page 10: Cookware

      COOKWARE WARNING Risk of injury. Tightly closed containers may explode. Closed containers must be opened and plastic bags pierced before cooking. Materials that can be used and materials to be avoided in the microwave oven. The use of some non-metallic cookware may not be safe in the microwave oven. If in doubt, you can check the cookware following this procedure.

    • Page 11
      COOKWARE Bags for microwave cooking Observe the manufacturer’s instructions. Do not seal with metal clamps. Paper plates and cups Cut through to allow the steam to escape. Use only for short cook- ing / heating. Do not leave the oven unattended while cooking. Paper towels Use to cover food to be heated to absorb fat.
    • Page 12: Setting Up Your Microwave Oven

      SETTING UP YOUR MICROWAVE OVEN Microwave oven accessories Remove all packaging, both inside and outside the oven, before using the oven. The oven comes with the following accessories: Turntable Rotating trolley Operating Instructions Grilling rack A) Control Panel B) System security lock — disconnects power to the oven when the door is opened during opera- tion.

    • Page 13: Installing The Appliance

      INSTALLING THE APPLIANCE — Remove all packaging materials and components. — Check the oven for damage such as dents or door misalignment or breakage. — Remove any protective film from the surface of the cabinet. — Do not install the oven if it is damaged. Do not remove the light brown mica cover bolted into the recess in order to shield the micro- wave magnetron.

    • Page 14: Operation

      OPERATION This microwave oven has a modern electronic programmer to adjust the pa- rameters of cooking or reheating. Control Panel MENU ACTION SCREEN Cooking time, power, action indicators, and clock time are displayed. POWER LEVEL Press this button a number of times to set microwave cooking power level.

    • Page 15
      OPERATION SETTING DIGITAL CLOCK This is 24-hour clock. To check the time while the oven is operating, press the CLOCK button, then the time will be displayed for a while on the display screen. FOR EXAMPLE: Suppose you want to set the oven clock time to 8:30. 1.
    • Page 16
      OPERATION COMBINATION COOKING The longest cooking time is 95 minutes. The grill cooking is particularly useful for thin slices of meat, steaks, chops, kebabs, sausages or pieces of chicken. It is also suitable for hot sandwiches and au gratin dishes. For example, suppose you want to grill for 12 minutes.
    • Page 17
      CHILD PROOF LOCK Use to prevent unsupervised operation of the oven by little children. The CHILD LOCK indicator will show up on display screen, and the oven can not be operated while the CHILD LOCK is set. To set the CHILD LOCK: Press and hold the PAUSE/CANCEL button for 3 se- conds, a beep sounds and lock indicator lights.
    • Page 18: Troubleshooting

      TROUBLESHOOTING Television and radio reception may be disrupted when the microwave oven is operating. Microwave oven interferes with the TV reception The same applies to small household appliances such as a blender, vacuum cleaner and electric fan. This is normal. When cooking with low microwave power, oven Dimmed oven lighting.

    • Page 19: Warranty And After Sales Service

      WARRANTY AND AFTER SALES SERVICE Warranty Warranty service as stated on the warranty card The manufacturer shall not be held liable for any damage caused by improper use of the product. Manufacturer’s Declaration The manufacturer hereby declares that this product meets the requirements of the following European directives: l Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC, l Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive 2004/108/EC,…

    • Page 20
      Амика Вронки С.А Ул. Мицкевича, 52 64-510 Вронки, Польша Тел. 67 25 46 100 Факс 67 25 40 320 IO 01330/1 (05.2015)

    • Инструкции по эксплуатации



    HANSA AMG 20 BFH инструкция по эксплуатации
    (12 страниц)

    • Языки:Русский
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      1.01 MB
    • Описание:
      Встраиваемая микроволновая печь (свч)


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    Related Manuals for Hansa AMG20BFH

    Summary of Contents for Hansa AMG20BFH

    • Page 1
    • Page 2
      ПОЗДРАВЛЯЕМ С ВЫБОРОМ ПРОДУКЦИИ МАРКИ HANSA УВАЖАЕМЫЕ ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛИ Просьба перед установкой устройства  внимательно прочитать данную памятку-инструкцию. Соблюдение  изложенных в ней указаний защитит Вас от неправильной эксплуатации. Очень важно, чтобы данная памятка-инструкция была всегда под рукой.  Строго соблюдайте инструкцию по эксплуатации с целью предотвращению  несчастных случаев. Внимание! Микроволновая  печь  предназначена  исключительно  для  бытового  использования. Печь должна быть установлена вдали от источников тепла  и пара. Перед тем, как подключить микроволновую печь к электросети,  нужно  убедиться,  что  напряжение  и  частота  тока  сети  соответствуют  значениям, указанным на заводской табличке. Розетка, к которой будет  подключаться  микроволновая  печь,  должна  быть  оснащена  защитным  отключением  (заземлением).  Производитель  не  несет  ответственности …
    • Page 3
      ПОЗДРАВЛЯЕМ С ВЫБОРОМ ПРОДУКЦИИ МАРКИ HANSA CIENĪJAMIE KLIENTI, Lūdzu, iepazīstieties ar instrukcijā norādīto informāciju  pirms ierīces instalācijas darbu uzsākšanas. Drošības instrukcijas norādījumu  ievērošana pasargās Jūs no nevēlamām ierīces lietošanas sekām. Saglabājiet instrukciju un uzglabājiet to tā, lai tā vienmēr atrastos pa rokai.   Rūpīgi  ievērojiet drošības instrukcijas norādījumus, lai izvairītos no negadījumiem. Uzmanību! Mikroviļņu krāsns paredzēta tikai mājsaimniecības vajadzībām. Mikroviļņu krās- ni novietojiet atstatus no siltuma un tvaiku avotiem. Pirms ierīces pievienošanas  elektrības padeves tīklam pārliecinieties, ka sprieguma un strāvas frekvences  vērtības  atbilst  norādījumiem  uz  ierīces  datu  plāksnītes.  Kontaktligzdai,  pie  kuras ierīce tiks pieslēgta, obligāti jābūt zemētai.  Ražotājs nenes atbildību par  bojājumiem vai savainojumiem, kas radušies pieslēdzot ierīci elektrības tīklam  bez zemējuma vai ar nepareizu zemējumu. Mikroviļņu krāsns instalācijas darbus jāveic kvalificētam speciālistam. Instalācijas laikā kā arī pirms katras tīrīšanas un remontdarbiem (Rūpniecis- kais serviss), atvienojiet ierīces kontaktdakšu no kontaktligzdas vai atslēdziet  elektrības padevi. Ierīce ir paredzēta izmantošanai  mājsaimniecībā. Šīs lietošanas instrukcijas attēliem ir  Ražotājs patur tiesības veikt izmaiņas, kas  ilustratīvs neietekmē ierīces darbību. raksturs. Pilns ierīces aprīkojuma apraksts  pieejams attiecīgā sadaļā.
    • Page 4
      VĂ FELICITĂM PENTRU ALEGEREA ECHIPAMENTELOR BRANDULUI HANSA STIMATE CLIENT, Vă rugăm să citiţi cu atenţie prezentul prospect de deservire  înainte de a începe instalarea dispozitivului. Respectarea indicaţiilor cuprinse în  acesta vă va permite să evitaţi utilizarea incorectă a dispozitivului. Prospectul trebuie păstrat şi pus într-un loc unde va fi întotdeauna la îndemână.  Instrucţiunea de deservire trebuie respectată cu exactitate pentru a evita  accidentele. Atenţie! Acest cuptor  cu microunde  este  proiectat numai pentru  uz  casnic. Cuptorul  ar  trebui  să  fie  amplasat  departe  de  sursele  de  căldură  şi  aburi.  Înainte  de  conectarea cuptorului la reţeaua de alimentare cu curent electric trebuie să vă  asiguraţi că, tensiunea şi frecvenţa curentului din reţea au valori identice cu cele  de pe plăcuţa din fabricaţie. Priza de alimentare la care va fi conectat cuptorul  cu microunde trebuie să fie neapărat echipată cu un pin protector (împănânta- re). Producătorul nu este răspunzător pentru dauna sau prejudiciul rezultat din  conectarea cuptorului cu microunde la o sursă de alimentare cu curent electric …
    • Page 5
      ЧЕСТИТИМ ВИ ИЗБОРА НА ОБОРУДВАНЕ МАРКА HANSA УВАЖАЕМИ КЛИЕНТ, Моля, прочетете внимателно настоящата брошура  за обслужване преди да започнете инсталиране на уреда. Спазването на  съдържащите се в нея препоръки ще доведе до правилното използване на  уреда. Настоящата брошура трябва да се запази и съхранява така, че да бъде  винаги достъпна. Спазвайте правилата на инструкцията за употреба, за да  избегнете нещастни случаи. Внимание! Микровълновата печка е предназначена само за ползване в домакинството.  Печката трябва да се намира далеч от източници на топлина и изпарения.  Преди  да  включите  печката  към  електрическата  мрежа,  трябва  да  се  уверите, че напрежението и честотата на тока имат същите стойности като  посочените  върху  информационната  таблица  на  уреда.  Захранващият  контакт, към който ще бъде включена микровълновата печка, задължително  трябва  да  бъде  оборудван  със  заземителна  клема.  Производителят  не …
    • Page 6
      THANK YOU FOR PURCHASING A HANSA APPLIANCE DEAR CUSTOMER, Please read this manual carefully before you start to use this  microwave. This way, you can ensure its proper and correct operation. Please  preserve this manual and store it near the appliance, so that it is available at all  times for reference. Observe the instructions contained herein to prevent accidents. Attention! Before using the microwave, please carefully read this manual. Store it in such a place, so that it may be used in future. Please  follow the instructions to ensure many years of reliable operation of your oven. Important! The appliance is designed for household use only. The manufacturer reserves the right to introduce changes which do not affect  the operation of the appliance. The appliance is intended for household  use only. Figures in this user manual are for illus- The manufacturer reserves the right to  trative introduce changes which do not affect the  purposes only. Full appliance fittings are  operation of the appliance. listed in a relevant section.
    • Page 7
      HANSA БЕЛГІСІНІҢ ӨНІМІН ТАҢДАУЫҢЫЗБЕН ҚҰТТЫҚТАЙМЫЗ! ҚҰРМЕТТІ КЛИЕНТ, жабдықты монтаждауды орындау алдында қызмет көрсету  бойынша осы ескертпе-нұсқаулықты мұқият оқып шығыңыз. Нұсқаулықта  көрсетілген нұсқауларды сақтау Сіздің плитаны дұрыс пайдаланбауыңыздың  алдын алады. Осы ескертпе-нұсқаулықтың әрқашан қол астында болуы өте маңызды.  Төтенше жағдайлардың алдын алу үшін, жұмысты нұсқаулық бойынша  бастаңыз. Назар аударыңыз! Микротолқынды  пеш  тек  қана  тұрмыстық  пайдалануға  арналған.  Пеш  ыстық және бу көздерінен алыста орнатылуы тиіс. Микротолқынды пешті  электр желісіне қосу алдында желі кернеуі мен ток жиілігі зауыттық тақтада  көрсетілген мәндерге сәйкес екендігіне көз жеткізу керек. Микротолқынды  пеш қосылатын розетка  қорғаныш ажыратуымен (жерге қосу) жабдықталған  болуы  тиіс.  Өндіруші  пешті  қорғаныш  ажыратуысыз  немесе  қорғаныш  ажыратуы бұзылған қорек көзіне қосу нәтижесінде келтірілген  зиян немесе  жарақаттар үшін жауапты болмайды. Пешті орнатуды білікті маман орындауы тиіс. Орнату кезінде, дәл әр жолы тазалау немесе жөндеу (Сервистік Қызмет  көрсету)  алдындағы  сияқты  қорек  шнурының  шанышқысын  розеткадан …
    • Page 9
      4-4×10 4 x 4x8mm 4 x 4x10mm 4 x 3x25mm 4-4×8…
    • Page 10
    • Page 12
      Амика Вронки С.А Ул. Мицкевича, 52 64-510 Вронки, Польша Тел. 67 25 46 100 Факс 67 25 40 320 IO 01331/3 (09.2015)

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