Xiaomi mi car air purifier инструкция

  • Инструкции по эксплуатации



XIAOMI Mi Car Air Purifier инструкция по эксплуатации
(8 страниц)

  • Языки:Русский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    4.04 MB
  • Описание:
    Автомобильный очиститель воздуха


На NoDevice можно скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации для XIAOMI Mi Car Air Purifier. Руководство пользователя необходимо для ознакомления с правилами установки и эксплуатации XIAOMI Mi Car Air Purifier. Инструкции по использованию помогут правильно настроить XIAOMI Mi Car Air Purifier, исправить ошибки и выявить неполадки.

После достаточно длительного использования в домашних условиях Mi Air Purifier MAX убедился в качестве решений от Xiaomi по очистке воздуха и решился на покупку аналогичного решения для авто. Процесс распаковки я пропущу, тут все скучно и обыденно.

Монтаж в авто

Весь процесс не фотографировал, все делается в несколько простых шагов:

  • Одеваем пластиковое крепление-уголок из комплекта на очиститель, пристегиваем на 2 ремня;
  • Выбираем подголовник на заднем сидении (в идеале средний);
  • Пристегиваем двумя ремнями к подголовнику, затягиваем;
  • Одеваем на 2 ремня «нашлепку» из кожзаменителя и застегиваем на 4 кнопки.

Я пристегнул на подголовник сзади водительского сидения т.к. из-за конструкции заднего стекла я бы потерял 40-50% обзора, да и езжу я в основном один (пусть очищенный воздух направляет напрямую на водителя). 

Питание подключается справа, поэтому мое расположение дало мне еще два бонуса:

  • Провод получилось аккуратно проложить между обшивкой двери и сидений, провести под ковриком (он пристегивается, случайно провод не вылезет) и подключить в прикуриватель между пассажирами заднего дивана;
  • На заднем диване изначально нет USB — это проблема тоже решилась т.к. в коннекторе очистителя он есть).

Подключение и интерфейс в Mi Home

Тут все в принципе как и всегда у Xiaomi; ищем наш девайс Mi Car Air Purifier, добавляем и сопрягаем с устройством (Сопряжение логично через Bluetooth). При запуске авто очиститель самостоятельно включается на последний выбранный режим, о чем сообщает двойным «бипом».

На экране настроек не густо, можно выключить пищалку (двойной «бип») при запуске авто.

На экране основных настроек можно переименовать, поделиться устройством, обновить (обновление через сотовую сеть и последующая загрузка через Bluetooth) и удалить.

На экране установки фильтра можно посмотреть % износа (Этот экран не работает без обновления устройства до версии (из коробки идет Процесс обновления занял в сумме минуту от силы.

Небольшой стресс тест

Я человек курящий и покупал Mi Car Air Purifier в первую очередь для очистки от сигаретного дыма и запаха, и только во вторую очередь от запаха вонючих фур, автобусов, дизелей (который отлично всасывается климат-контролем, если вовремя не включить рециркуляцию воздуха) и очистки воздуха в принципе.

Я так никогда не делаю, но специально для теста выкурил сигарету с закрытыми окнами. Качество воздуха сразу упало с хорошего (Good) на обычный (Common), изменился цвет оформления, очиститель ускорился. Довести его до следующего уровня загрязненности не получилось, видимо для этого нужно что похлеще.

Пока тестировал обновился вольтаж аккумулятора, комфорт вне авто по прежнему 2 прочерка (возможно работает только на территории Китая).Звук работы очистителя услышал только когда вручную выбрал максимальную скорость (при этом музыка была выключена).

Вместо заключения

Само устройство я купил на я.маркете в Москве, просто выбрал самое дешевое — обошелся он мне в 4099 руб. (линки кидать не буду, там магазины каждый день меняются); на Ali при этом самый дешевый, что я нашел стоит от 5000. Соответственно смысла в покупке на али, если вы из МСК нет вообще.

PS Это мой первый пост а-ля блог со школы наверно, не кидайте камни если что =)

PPS Минздрав предупреждает… ну вы поняли.

инструкцияXiaomi MiJia Car Air Purifier

Mijia Car Air Purier

Installing the device

When installing the device, the button and indicator should be directed to the

interior of the car. Fix the device with a special complete mounting.

Complete fastening and head restraint

1. Establish complete fastening on a back central head restraint. It isn’t

recommended to establish fastening on a forward head restraint (if installation

of the device on a back head restraint is impossible, you can buy additional

accessories for installation of the air cleaner). Pass belts of complete fastening

through a head restraint and fasten them.

2. Tighten the attachment belts securely so that there is no free space between

the device and the head restraint, so that the air cleaner is securely xed.

Before tightening the belts to the limit, use a special leather case to hide the

excess length of the belts.

Belt case

If the attachment belts are very long, use a leather case to hide them. The

interior of your car will look cleaner and more neat

Посмотреть инструкция для Xiaomi MiJia Car Air Purifier бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории без категории, 1 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 7.5. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Xiaomi MiJia Car Air Purifier или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

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Xiaomi MiJia Car Air Purifier User Manual PDF

Summary of Content for Xiaomi MiJia Car Air Purifier User Manual PDF

Mijia Car Air Purifier

Installing the device

When installing the device, the button and indicator should be directed to the interior of the car. Fix the device with a special complete mounting.

Complete fastening and head restraint

1. Establish complete fastening on a back central head restraint. It isnt recommended to establish fastening on a forward head restraint (if installation of the device on a back head restraint is impossible, you can buy additional accessories for installation of the air cleaner). Pass belts of complete fastening through a head restraint and fasten them.

2. Tighten the attachment belts securely so that there is no free space between the device and the head restraint, so that the air cleaner is securely fixed. Before tightening the belts to the limit, use a special leather case to hide the excess length of the belts.

Belt case

If the attachment belts are very long, use a leather case to hide them. The interior of your car will look cleaner and more neat

Installing the power cable

If you can not properly route the power cord from the device to the cigarette lighter, use the qualified help of an expert of the nearest 4S store (4-re in one: car sales, service center, consultation, spare parts sale) or other reliable service center.

Connecting the device to the power supply

To connect the air cleaner to the power supply, connect one end of the cable to the corresponding connector of the device, and connect the other end to the cigarette lighter.

Turn on the device

To turn on the device, press and hold the power button for 3 seconds. When pressed briefly, the air cleaners operating modes are alternately switched: silent mode, standard mode and quick mode.

Sandard mode

Silent mode Quick mode

Connecting to the network

Scan the QR code, install APP on the phone, then add Mijia (Mi Home) Car Air Purifier to the device list. Now you can take advantage of a variety of different functions.

Even more smart devices you can find on the site mi.com or purchase devices in the mobile application Mi Smart Home

For more detailed information on the installation and use of this device, see the instructions Mijia (Mi Home) Car Air Purifier

Mijia (Mi Home) Car Air Purifier Read the instructions carefully before using the device


Air outlet Air supply aperture Air outlet Dust sensor

Air supply aperture

Mode switch button

Air quality indicator / filter change indicator

Protective cover of the filter compartment

Filter Handle of the protective panel

Power cable connector

Click on the handle to open the protective cover of the filter compartment

Component parts

1. Complete mounting x1

Front Clasp

Front Belt Rear Buckle

Rear Belt

Fasteners (buttons) Slider

Retaining hook

Complete fastening

Anti-slip coating

2. Leather case x1

Before tightening the belts to the limit, use a special leather case to hide the excess length of the belts. See the 5th step in the section Installing the device.

Front side Backside

3. Power cable x1 (4.5m)

Installing the device

1. Installing the device

When installing the device, the button and indicator should be directed to the interior of the car. Fix the device with the help of a complete fixing, with the air outlet holes pointing upwards.

2. Lock the device

Spread the belts, fix with them air cleaner by fastening the fasteners.

3. Installing the complete mounting

Install the complete mounting on the rear center head restraint. It is not recommended to install the mount on the front head restraint (if the installation of the device is not possible with the rear head restraint, you can purchase additional components for installing the air cleaner). Thread the complete mounting belts through the head restraint and fasten the fasteners.

4. Fixing the complete mounting

Tighten the attachment belts securely so that there is no free space between the device and the head restraint, so that the air cleaner will be securely fixed. Before tightening the belts to the limit, use a special leather case to hide the excess length of the belts.

5. Belts case

If the attachment belts are very long, use a leather case to hide them. The interior of your car will look cleaner and tidy.

Installing the power cable

If you can not properly route the power cord from the device to the cigarette lighter, use the qualified help of an expert of the nearest 4S store (4-re in one: car sales, service center, consultation, spare parts sale) or other reliable service center.

Connecting the device to the power supply

To connect the air cleaner to the power supply, connect one end of the cable to the corresponding connector of the device, and connect the other end to the cigarette lighter.

On / Off / Mode Switch

To turn on the device, press and hold the power button for 3 seconds. When pressed briefly, the air cleaners operating modes are switched alternately: silent mode, standard mode and quick mode.

Using the device

* Flashing indicators indicate an error or the need to replace the filter in the near future. The user can obtain more detailed information in the APP.

Status Indicators

Sound signals

Quick Settings

This device is already on the list of Mi Smart Home devices, it can be controlled by using Mi Home APP, supports Android and iOS.

1. Installing the application In the Mi Store, find the Mi Home app or scan the QR code to install the application.

2. Adding a new device Open the application, click on the my devices icon and add Car Air Purifier to your list. After the successful addition of the device, you will find it in the list of Smart Devices.

3. Connecting via Bluetooth Turn on Bluetooth on your phone, the system will automatically pair.

Even more smart devices you can find on the site mi.com or purchase devices in the mobile application Mi Smart Home

Maintaining the device

Filter Replacement

1. Remove the old filter from the device.

2. Cut the package and remove the new filter.

3. Insert a new filter into the device. Note that the special filter handles must be on top so that you can easily get it from the air cleaner later on.

4. After changing the filter, turn on the device. Open the APP and reset the settings. The application will begin a new countdown of the operating time of the new filter.


It is recommended to change the filter every 3-6 months. It is necessary to replace the filter if the yellow light on the device is lit, and in the APP you have received a notification about the need to replace the filter.

For optimum performance of the air cleaner and its normal operation, please use genuine Mi filters.

Maintaining the device

1. Cleaning the filter compartment

For optimum ventilation and air purification, use a vacuum cleaner or a soft cloth to clean the dust compartment and air outlets.

2. Cleaning the dust sensor

Using the appropriate auxiliary items, open and remove the dust cover of the sensor from dust.

To clean the sensor, use a soft, dry cloth. It is recommended to clean the sensor every six months.

Technical specifications

The presence of toxic and harmful substances

These tables are provided in accordance with SJ / T 11364. O: Toxic and harmful substances in all components of this device are contained in an amount below the limit value in accordance with standard GB / T 26572-2011. X: the presence of toxic and noxious substances in at least one of the components of this device in an amount exceeding the limit value, according to GB / T 26572-2011.


Special instructions


— during transportation, it is necessary to switch off the device and disconnect it from the power supply; — make sure that the device is securely fixed to prevent it from falling and injuring passengers;


— make sure that the device and the complete fixing are securely fixed to prevent loosening and falling of the device; — Pay attention to the direction of installation of the device. The button and indicator should be located in the direction of the car interior; — Install the device on the rear center head restraint. It is not recommended to mount the mount on the front head restraint (if it is not possible to install the device on the rear head restraint, you can purchase additional components for installing the air cleaner).


— in case of malfunctions, problems with fan rotation, detection of specific odor, heating and other signs not characteristic for normal operation, immediately stop using the device; — It is forbidden to put any objects on the device, block the air supply and its outlet; — hair and other small objects should not be near the device, this can block the normal outlet and air inlet; — Do not sit or lean against this device.

Restrictions in use:

The following information will help you prevent a fire, avoid electric shock or injury. — It is forbidden to use the device if the complete mounting is broken and reliable installation of the air cleaner in the car is not possible; — Do not allow water or other liquids enter into device.

Power and precautions:

The following information will help you prevent a fire, avoid electric shock or other damage. — do not twist, bend the power cord, otherwise the cable wires may remain bare or even break. It is recommended to lay the power cable from the device to the cigarette lighter compactly, see step 6 of the section Installing the device (if you can not properly lay the power cord yourself, use the qualified help of a specialist of the service center); — do not pull on the power cord when turning off / on the power; — please do not plug the power cord into an improper outlet; — after turning off the ignition of the car, it is recommended to remove the plug from the cigarette lighter, so as not to consume the battery; — please do not plug the power cords of other devices into a single outlet with an air cleaner; — unauthorized persons are forbidden to open and perform maintenance of the device; — If the power cable is damaged, use a s

Manualsnet FAQs

If you want to find out how the MiJia Car Air Purifier Xiaomi works, you can view and download the Xiaomi MiJia Car Air Purifier User Manual on the Manualsnet website.

Yes, we have the User Manual for Xiaomi MiJia Car Air Purifier as well as other Xiaomi manuals. All you need to do is to use our search bar and find the user manual that you are looking for.

The User Manual should include all the details that are needed to use a Xiaomi MiJia Car Air Purifier. Full manuals and user guide PDFs can be downloaded from Manualsnet.com.

The best way to navigate the Xiaomi MiJia Car Air Purifier User Manual is by checking the Table of Contents at the top of the page where available. This allows you to navigate a manual by jumping to the section you are looking for.

This Xiaomi MiJia Car Air Purifier User Manual consists of sections like Table of Contents, to name a few. For easier navigation, use the Table of Contents in the upper left corner.

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