Yamaha r1 руководств

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Световой сигнал низкого уровня
топлива “ “
Данный световой сигнал включа-
ется при падении уровня топли-
ва приблизительно до 3,4 л. (0,90
галлонов США/0,75 британских
галлонов). В данном случае необ-
ходимо как можно скорее выпол-
нить дозаправку.
Электрическую цепь светового
сигнала можно проверить, повер-
нув ключ в положение “ON”.
Световой сигнал должен заго-
реться на несколько секунд, по-
сле чего погаснуть. Если этого не
происходит, необходимо связать-
ся с представительством компа-
нии “Ямаха” и проверить электри-
ческую цепь.
Данная модель оснащается так-
же устройством самодиагности-
ки цепи датчика уровня топлива.
Если цепь датчика уровня топли-
ва повреждена, то до устранения
неисправности повторяется сле-
дующий цикл: сигнальная лам-
почка уровня топлива мигает во-

семь раз, после чего гаснет на 2,5
секунды. В этом случае необходи-
мо обратиться к представителю
компании “Ямаха” для проверки
транспортного средства.


Сигнальная лампа указателя
температуры охлаждающей жид-
кости “ “
Данная лампочка загорается при
перегреве двигателя. В этом слу-
чае необходимо немедленно за-
глушить двигатель и дать ему
Электрическую цепь сигнальной
лампочки можно проверить пово-
ротом ключа в положение “ON”.
Если в течение нескольких се-
кунд сигнальная лампочка не
загорается, необходимо обра-
титься к представителю компа-
нии “Ямаха” для проверки элек-


Двигатель не должен работать,
если он перегрелся.

ся на 2,5 секунды. Если это
произойдет, то поручите ди-
леру фирмы «Ямаха» прове-
рить мотоцикл.


2004/04/05, 12:58


Материал из BikesWiki — энциклопедия японских мотоциклов

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Yamaha R1 (YZF-R1)

Ниже представлены прямые ссылки на скачку сервисной документации.

Для Yamaha R1 (YZF-R1)

  • Руководство пользователя (Owners Manual) для Yamaha YZF-R1 (1998)
  • Руководство пользователя (Owners Manual) для Yamaha YZF-R1 (1999)
  • Руководство пользователя (Owners Manual) для Yamaha YZF-R1 (2001, на русском)
  • Руководство пользователя (Owners Manual) для Yamaha YZF-R1 (2002)
  • Руководство пользователя (Owners Manual) для Yamaha YZF-R1 (2004-2006, на русском)
  • Руководство пользователя (Owners Manual) для Yamaha YZF-R1 (2005)
  • Руководство пользователя (Owners Manual) для Yamaha YZF-R1 (2006)
  • Руководство пользователя (Owners Manual) для Yamaha YZF-R1 (2007-2008, на русском)
  • Руководство пользователя (Owners Manual) для Yamaha YZF-R1 (2009)
  • Сервисный мануал (Service Manual) на Yamaha YZF-R1 (1998)
  • Сервисный мануал (Service Manual) на Yamaha YZF-R1 (2000)
  • Сервисный мануал (Service Manual) на Yamaha YZF-R1 (2002)
  • Сервисный мануал (Service Manual) на Yamaha YZF-R1 (2004)
  • Сервисный мануал (Service Manual) на Yamaha YZF-R1 (2006)
  • Сервисный мануал (Service Manual) на Yamaha YZF-R1 (2007)
  • Сервисный мануал (Service Manual) на Yamaha YZF-R1 (2007-2008, на русском)
  • Сервисный мануал (Service Manual) на Yamaha YZF-R1 (2009)
  • Каталог запчастей (микрофиши) для Yamaha YZF-R1 (1999)
  • Каталог запчастей (микрофиши) для Yamaha YZF-R1 (2000)
  • Каталог запчастей (микрофиши) для Yamaha YZF-R1 (2001)
  • Каталог запчастей (микрофиши) для Yamaha YZF-R1 (2002)
  • Каталог запчастей (микрофиши) для Yamaha YZF-R1 (2003)
  • Каталог запчастей (микрофиши) для Yamaha YZF-R1 (2004)
  • Каталог запчастей (микрофиши) для Yamaha YZF-R1 (2006)
  • Каталог запчастей (микрофиши) для Yamaha YZF-R1 (2007)
  • Каталог запчастей (микрофиши) для Yamaha YZF-R1 (2008)

Обзор модели

  • Yamaha R1 (YZF-R1)

Источник — «https://bikeswiki.ru/index.php?title=Yamaha_YZF-R1:_мануалы&oldid=13360»


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  3. Yamaha Manuals
  4. Toy
  5. YZF-R1

Manuals and User Guides for Yamaha YZF-R1. We have 16 Yamaha YZF-R1 manuals available for free PDF download: Service Manual, Owner’s Manual, Parts Catalog, Manual, Kit Manual, Assembly Instructions Manual, Assembly Instructions

Yamaha YZF-R1 2020 Service Manual

  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. Yamaha Manuals
  4. Motorcycle
  5. YZF-R1 2020
  6. Service manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Bookmarks

Related Manuals for Yamaha YZF-R1 2020

Summary of Contents for Yamaha YZF-R1 2020

  • Page 1
    2020 SERVICE MANUAL YZF-R1 YZF-R1M YZF1000L YZF1000 YZF1000DL YZF1000D B3L-28197-20…
  • Page 3
    EAS20003 IMPORTANT This manual was produced by the Yamaha Motor Company, Ltd. primarily for use by Yamaha dealers and their qualified mechanics. It is not possible to include all the knowledge of a mechanic in one man- ual. Therefore, anyone who uses this book to perform maintenance and repairs on Yamaha vehicles should have a basic understanding of mechanics and the techniques to repair these types of vehicles.
  • Page 4
    EAS20004 HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL This manual is intended as a handy, easy-to-read reference book for the mechanic. Comprehensive explanations of all installation, removal, disassembly, assembly, repair and check procedures are laid out with the individual steps in sequential order. •…
  • Page 5
    EAS20005 SYMBOLS The following symbols are used in this manual for easier understanding. The following symbols are not relevant to every vehicle. SYMBOL DEFINITION SYMBOL DEFINITION Serviceable with engine mounted Gear oil Filling fluid Molybdenum disulfide oil Lubricant Brake fluid Special tool Wheel bearing grease Tightening torque…
  • Page 7: Table Of Contents


  • Page 9: General Information


  • Page 10: Identification

    IDENTIFICATION EAS20007 IDENTIFICATION EAS30002 VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER The vehicle identification number “1” is stamped into the right side of the steering head pipe. EAS30003 MODEL LABEL The model label “1” is affixed to the frame under the passenger seat. This information will be needed to order spare parts.

  • Page 11: Glossary

    3. GPS indicator (CCU-equipped models) SCU — Suspension Control Unit 4. Logging indicator (CCU-equipped models) TCS — Traction Control System 5. Clock YRC — Yamaha Ride Control 6. Revolution peak hold indicator EAS31707 7. Front brake pressure indicator DISPLAY 8. Acceleration indicator The display has two different main screen dis- 9.

  • Page 12
    FEATURES 9. YRC items MODE/PWR/TCS/SCS/EBM 10. Speedometer • ODO will lock at 999999 and cannot be reset. 11. Tachometer • TRIP-1 and TRIP-2 will reset to 0 and begin counting again after 9999.9 has been reached. EWA18210 WARNING • When the fuel tank reserve level has been reached, F-TRIP appears automatically and Stop the vehicle before making any setting changes.
  • Page 13
    FEATURES YRC items MODE/PWR/TCS/SCS/EBM • When a YRC item is highlighted but cannot be The current MODE (YRC mode) and its related adjusted, the YRC item box will return to black. PWR, TCS, SCS, and EBM settings are shown here. The individual settings for YRC items PWR, TCS, SCS, LCS, QSS, LIF, EBM, and BC can 10 : 00…
  • Page 14
    FEATURES • If the ERS indicator does not return to normal. [To use the lap timer] (Refer to “ELECTRONICALLY ADJUSTABLE 1. Short push the wheel switch. The information SUSPENSION SYSTEM (for YZF-R1M)” on display item will flash for five seconds. page 9-37.) 2.
  • Page 15: Menu Screen

    FEATURES Coolant temperature warning EAS31708 MENU SCREEN This icon appears if the coolant temperature reaches 117 °C (242 °F) or higher. Stop the ve- 10 : 00 MENU km/h hicle and turn off the engine. Allow the engine to cool. Display Mode ECA10022 YRC Setting…

  • Page 16
    FEATURES Select — rotate the wheel switch up or down to 3. Long push the wheel switch to exit the MENU highlight the desired module or setting item and screen or use the wheel switch to select an- then short push the wheel switch (briefly press other module.
  • Page 17
    FEATURES 1 applies the least amount of overall system in- tion from the selected YRC mode (the LCS icon tervention, while setting level 9 applies the great- will not appear and the launch control function est amount of overall traction control. cannot be activated).
  • Page 18
    FEATURES 2. The “YRC Setting” screen is displayed, and The engine brake management system reduces the YRC mode box “YRC” is highlighted. engine torque when decelerating. The fuel injec- Short push the wheel switch to enter the box tion, ignition timing, and electronic throttle valve and then select the YRC mode A, B, C or D are electronically adjusted by the ECU.
  • Page 19
    FEATURES ERS (YZF-R1M) 3. Front overall damping level 4. Rear overall damping level 10 : 00 YRC Setting km/h 5. Factory preset level T — 1 6. Current level T — 2 For the road mode R-1, the following settings R — 1 can be adjusted: BRAKE SUPPORT: reduces nosedive (front-…
  • Page 20
    FEATURES [To adjust the ERS mode settings] 4. To adjust other ERS modes of the same type, repeat from step 1. To switch types or when 10 : 00 YRC Setting km/h finished, select the “ ” mark to return to the main “YRC Setting”…
  • Page 21
    FEATURES [To start and stop logging] 1. From the MENU screen, select “Logging”. 10 : 00 Lap Time GP GPS km/h 02:34.56 FASTEST / LAP 12 10 : 00 MENU km/h 02:53.00 AVERAGE Display Mode 02:54.56 LAP 1 YRC Setting 02:55.20 LAP 2 Lap Time…
  • Page 22
    FEATURES “Maintenance” [To set the distance or fuel consumption This module allows you to record distance trav- units] eled between engine oil changes (use the OIL 1. From the MENU screen, select “Unit”. item), and for two other items of your choice (use INTERVAL 1 and INTERVAL 2).
  • Page 23
    FEATURES sor also controls a subtle automatic brightness 4. Select the triangle symbol to exit. adjustment function within both day and night 5. To set another background color, repeat from modes to suit ambient light conditions. step 2 or select the triangle symbol to exit this module.
  • Page 24
    FEATURES 2. Select “IND Mode”. tional range is 8500–15000 r/min. 10 : 00 Shift Indicator km/h The blue area on the tachometer indicates the 1000 r/min currently set operational range of the shift indica- tor light. Shift IND Setting IND Mode “Shift IND Brightness”…
  • Page 25
    FEATURES 2. Select “IND Mode”. Green bar start setting range: 8000–10000 r/ 10 : 00 Shift Indicator km/h min. 1000 r/min 6. Select “Tach IND 2nd”. Tach IND Setting IND Mode 10 : 00 Shift Indicator km/h 1000 r/min Tach IND 1st 8000 r/min Tach IND 2nd…
  • Page 26
    FEATURES 2. Select “IND Mode” and then select ON (to [To set the display groups] turn on the indicator) or OFF (to turn off the in- 1. Select “Display Setting”. dicator). 10 : 00 MENU GP GPS km/h 10 : 00 Shift Indicator GP GPS km/h…
  • Page 27
    FEATURES TRIP-1: tripmeter 1 “Clock” TRIP-2: tripmeter 2 This module allows you to set the clock. ODO: odometer [To set the clock] FUEL CON: the amount of fuel consumed 1. From the MENU screen, select “Clock”. FUEL AVG: average fuel consumption CRNT FUEL: current fuel consumption 10 : 00 MENU…
  • Page 28
    FEATURES 5. Set the minutes figure by rotating and then short push the wheel switch. 10 : 00 Clock km/h 10 : 6. Short push the wheel switch again to exit and go back to the MENU screen. “All Reset” This module resets everything, except the odometer and clock, to its factory preset or de- fault setting.
  • Page 29: Basic Service Information

    BASIC SERVICE INFORMATION EAS20010 BASIC SERVICE INFORMATION EAS30014 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Electrical parts handling ECA22611 NOTICE • Do not perform angle adjustment of the IMU and battery box by pinching the washer and related parts. • When installing the IMU, apply a thin coat of silicone grease onto the washer where con- tacting the IMU grommet.

  • Page 30: Special Tools

    • For U.S.A. and Canada, use part numbers starting with “YM-”, “YU-”, or “ACC-”. • For others, use part numbers starting with “90890-”. Reference Tool name/Tool No. Illustration pages Yamaha diagnostic tool USB 3-4, 3-12, 4-80, 90890-03267 4-81, 9-2, 9-31, 9-32 Yamaha diagnostic tool (A/I)

  • Page 31
    SPECIAL TOOLS Reference Tool name/Tool No. Illustration pages Oil filter wrench 3-30 90890-01426 Oil filter wrench YU-38411 Oil pressure gauge joint 18 mm 3-31 90890-04176 YU-04176 ø18 Oil pressure gauge set 3-31 90890-03120 Vacuum/pressure pump gauge set 4-30 90890-06945 Pressure/ vacuum tester YB-35956-B Wheel bearing ring nut tool 4-46, 4-48…
  • Page 32
    SPECIAL TOOLS Reference Tool name/Tool No. Illustration pages Fork seal driver 4-95, 4-95, 4-96, 90890-01442 4-105, 4-105 Adjustable fork seal driver (36–46 mm) YM-01442 Rod puller 4-96, 4-97 90890-01437 Universal damping rod bleeding tool set YM-A8703 YM-A8703 Rod puller attachment (M10) 4-96, 4-97 90890-01436 Universal damping rod bleeding tool set…
  • Page 33
    SPECIAL TOOLS Reference Tool name/Tool No. Illustration pages Drive chain cut & rivet tool 4-126, 4-128 90890-01550 Drive chain cut & rivet tool YM-01550 Compression gauge 90890-03081 90890-03081 Engine compression tester YU-33223 YU-33223 Pivot shaft wrench 5-15, 5-15 90890-01485 Frame mount insert wrench YM-01485 Valve spring compressor 5-26, 5-29, 5-37,…
  • Page 34
    Crankshaft protector 5-45 90890-01382 Crankshaft protector YM-01382 Flywheel puller 5-45 90890-01404 Flywheel puller YM-01404 Yamaha bond No. 1215 5-46, 5-73 90890-85505 (Three bond No.1215®) Sheave holder 5-48, 5-48 90890-01701 Primary clutch holder YS-01880-A Digital circuit tester (CD732) 5-51, 8-41, 8-42,…
  • Page 35
    SPECIAL TOOLS Reference Tool name/Tool No. Illustration pages Universal clutch holder 5-63, 5-66 90890-04086 Universal clutch holder YM-91042 Piston pin clip rotation tool 5-78 90890-04175 YM-04175 Piston pin puller set 5-79 90890-01304 Piston pin puller YU-01304 YU-01304 Connecting rod big end bearing installer 5-82, 5-85 ø9.1 ø8.1…
  • Page 36
    SPECIAL TOOLS Reference Tool name/Tool No. Illustration pages Radiator cap tester 6-5, 6-6 90890-01325 Mityvac cooling system tester kit YU-24460-A YU-24460-A Radiator cap tester adapter 6-5, 6-6 90890-01352 Pressure tester adapter YU-33984 YU-33984 Mechanical seal installer (ø33) 6-16 90890-04132 Water pump seal installer (ø33) YM-33221-A Middle driven shaft bearing driver 6-16…
  • Page 37
    Test harness– speed sensor (3P) YU-03208 Yamaha diagnostic tool (A/I) 90890-03264 This special tool includes the YDT sub harness (6P) (90890-03266). YDT sub harness (6P) 90890-03266 If you already have Yamaha diagnostic tool (A/I) (90890-03262), YDT sub harness (6P) (90890-03266) is separately required. 1-28…
  • Page 38
  • Page 39: Specifications


  • Page 40: General Specifications

    GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS EAS20013 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Model Model B3L5 (YZF1000L_AUS) B3L7 (YZF1000_RUS) B3L8 (YZF1000_ZAF) B4S5 (YZF1000DL_AUS) B4S6 (YZF1000D_RUS) B4S7 (YZF1000D_ZAF) Dimensions Overall length 2055 mm (80.9 in) Overall width 690 mm (27.2 in) Overall height 1165 mm (45.9 in) Wheelbase 1405 mm (55.3 in) Ground clearance 130 mm (5.12 in) Minimum turning radius…

  • Page 41: Engine Specifications

    ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS EAS20014 ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS Engine Combustion cycle 4-stroke Cooling system Liquid cooled Valve train DOHC Displacement 998 cm³ Cylinder arrangement Inline Number of cylinders 4-cylinder Bore × stroke 79.0 × 50.9 mm (3.11 × 2.00 in) Compression ratio 13.0 : 1 Compression pressure 1261–1624 kPa/210 r/min (12.6–16.2 kgf/cm²/ 210 r/min, 179.4–231.0 psi/210 r/min)

  • Page 42
    ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS Valve full open temperature 85.0 °C (185.00 °F) Valve lift (full open) 8.0 mm (0.31 in) Spark plug(s) Manufacturer/model NGK/LMAR9E-J Spark plug gap 0.6–0.7 mm (0.024–0.028 in) Cylinder head Warpage limit 0.10 mm (0.0039 in) Camshaft Camshaft cap inside diameter 25.500–25.521 mm (1.0039–1.0048 in) Camshaft journal diameter 25.459–25.472 mm (1.0023–1.0028 in)
  • Page 43
    ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS Limit 32.79 mm (1.29 in) Free length (exhaust) 36.94 mm (1.45 in) Limit 35.09 mm (1.38 in) Outer spring Free length (intake) 35.72 mm (1.41 in) Limit 33.93 mm (1.34 in) Free length (exhaust) 36.85 mm (1.45 in) Limit 35.01 mm (1.38 in) Cylinder…
  • Page 44
    ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS Code 6 Pink Balancer Balancer shaft runout limit 0.030 mm (0.0012 in) Bearing color code Code 0 White Code 1 Blue Code 2 Black Code 3 Brown Code 4 Green Code 5 Yellow Code 6 Pink Balancer shaft journal to balancer shaft bearing clearance 0.028–0.046 mm (0.0011–0.0018 in) Clutch…
  • Page 45
    ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS Air filter Air filter element Oil-coated paper element Fuel pump Pump type Electrical Maximum consumption amperage 5.2 A Fuel injector 12.0 Ω Resistance Throttle body ID mark B3L1 00 Idling condition Engine idling speed 1200–1400 r/min AI system Inactive feedback control Inactive…
  • Page 46: Chassis Specifications

    CHASSIS SPECIFICATIONS EAS20015 CHASSIS SPECIFICATIONS Chassis Frame type Diamond Caster angle 24.0 ° Trail 102 mm (4.0 in) Front wheel Wheel type Cast wheel Rim size 17M/C X MT3.50 Radial wheel runout limit 1.0 mm (0.04 in) Lateral wheel runout limit 1.0 mm (0.04 in) Wheel axle bending limit 0.25 mm (0.01 in)

  • Page 47
    260.0 mm (10.24 in) (YZF-R1M) Limit 215.1 mm (8.47 in) (YZF-R1) 254.8 mm (10.03 in) (YZF-R1M) Recommended oil Yamaha Suspension Oil 01 (YZF-R1) Öhlins R&T 43 (YZF-R1M) Inner tube bending limit 0.2 mm (0.01 in) Quantity (left) 470.0 cm³ (15.89 US oz, 16.58 Imp.oz) (YZF-R1) 263.0 cm³…
  • Page 48
    CHASSIS SPECIFICATIONS Adjustment value from the start position (STD) 17 (YZF-R1) Adjustment value from the start position (Hard) 1 (YZF-R1) Rear suspension Type Swingarm (link suspension) Spring Coil spring Shock absorber Gas-hydraulic damper Wheel travel 120 mm (4.7 in) Spring preload Adjusting system Mechanical adjustable type Adjustment value (Soft)
  • Page 49: Electrical Specifications

    ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS EAS20016 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Voltage System voltage 12 V Ignition system Ignition system Ignition timing (B.T.D.C.) 3.0–7.0 °s/1300 r/min Engine control unit Model TBDF4N Ignition coil 0.85–1.15 Ω Primary coil resistance Secondary coil resistance 8.50–11.50 kΩ Charging system Charging system AC magneto Standard output 14.0 V, 26.3 A at 5000 r/min…

  • Page 50
    ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Starter motor Brush overall length limit 5.5 mm (0.22 in) Brush spring force 4.80–7.20 N (489–734 gf, 17.28–25.92 oz) Mica undercut (depth) 2.40 mm (0.09 in) Solenoid 49.82–56.18 Ω Steering damper solenoid resistance 42.0–48.0 Ω Intake solenoid resistance Fuel injection sensor 189–231 Ω…
  • Page 51: Tightening Torques

    TIGHTENING TORQUES EAS20017 TIGHTENING TORQUES EAS30016 ENGINE TIGHTENING TORQUES Thread Item Q’ty Tightening torque Remarks size Exhaust pipe nut 20 N·m (2.0 kgf·m, 15 lb·ft) Muffler protector bolt 10 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7.4 lb·ft) EXUP valve pulley cover bolt 10 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7.4 lb·ft) Spark plug 13 N·m (1.3 kgf·m, 9.6 lb·ft) Spark plug (new)

  • Page 52
    TIGHTENING TORQUES Clutch cover bolt 1. Tighten the bolts to 6 N·m (0.6 kgf·m, 4.4 lb·ft) with a torque wrench following the tightening order. 2. Perform the following procedure to all the bolts one by one in the tightening sequence as shown in the illustration.
  • Page 53: Chassis Tightening Torques

    TIGHTENING TORQUES EAS30017 CHASSIS TIGHTENING TORQUES Thread Item Q’ty Tightening torque Remarks size Front wheel axle nut 115 N·m (11.5 kgf·m, 85 lb·ft) Front wheel axle pinch bolt 21 N·m (2.1 kgf·m, 15 lb·ft) See TIP. Rear wheel sprocket nut 100 N·m (10 kgf·m, 74 lb·ft) Rear wheel axle nut 190 N·m (19 kgf·m, 140 lb·ft)

  • Page 54
    TIGHTENING TORQUES Lower bracket pinch bolt Tighten each bolt to 23 N·m (2.3 kgf·m, 17 lb·ft) in the order pinch bolt “1” → pinch bolt “2” → pinch bolt “1” → pinch bolt “2”. 2-15…
  • Page 55
  • Page 56: Cable Routing

    CABLE ROUTING EAS20021 CABLE ROUTING Handlebar (front view) 2-17…

  • Page 57
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Handlebar switch lead (right) 2. Clutch cable 3. Handlebar switch lead (left) 4. Clutch switch connector 5. Immobilizer unit lead 6. Main switch lead 7. Horn lead 8. Radiator bracket (left) 9. Intake solenoid vacuum hose 10. Horn 11.
  • Page 58
    CABLE ROUTING Frame (front right side view) 2-19…
  • Page 59
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Clutch cable 2. Front brake hose (front brake master cylinder to hydraulic unit) 3. Steering damper solenoid lead 4. Front fork stepping motor sub-wire harness (for YZF-R1M) 5. Coolant reservoir breather hose 6. Side cover (right) 7. Damper 8.
  • Page 60
    CABLE ROUTING Frame (rear right side view) 2-21…
  • Page 61
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Muffler protector bracket (right) 2. O sensor lead 3. Rear wheel sensor lead 4. Rear brake light switch lead 5. EXUP cable 6. Frame 7. Clutch cover A. Route the O sensor lead over the muffler protector bracket (right). B.
  • Page 62
    CABLE ROUTING Electrical components tray (left side view) 30 31 32 30 31 32 2-23…
  • Page 63
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Intake funnel servo motor lead E. Fasten the right handlebar switch leads, left handlebar switch leads and radiator fan motor 2. Main switch coupler leads with a plastic locking tie. The leads may be 3. Handlebar switch coupler (right) (non-waterproof fastened in any order.
  • Page 64
    CABLE ROUTING Frame (left side view) I 10 2-25…
  • Page 65
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Secondary injector lead M. Position the coupler cover (stator coil coupler, crankshaft position sensor coupler) to the inside of 2. Throttle position sensor the thermostat assembly as shown in the 3. Wire harness illustration. 4. Fuel tank drain hose N.
  • Page 66
    CABLE ROUTING Frame (top view) 2-27…
  • Page 67
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Auxiliary light lead 2. Steering damper solenoid coupler 3. Intake solenoid lead (sub-wire harness) 4. Steering damper solenoid lead 5. Front turn signal light lead (right) 6. Meter assembly 7. Meter assembly coupler 8. Intake solenoid vacuum hose 9.
  • Page 68
    CABLE ROUTING Frame (top view) (for YZF-R1M) 2-29…
  • Page 69
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Steering damper solenoid coupler (Öhlins: OPTION) 2. Steering damper solenoid coupler 3. Intake solenoid lead 4. Front turn signal light lead (right) 5. Sub-wire harness (front fork stepping motor) 6. Sub-wire harness (SCU, steering damper solenoid, sub-wire harness) 7.
  • Page 70
    CABLE ROUTING Frame (top view) 2-31…
  • Page 71
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Horn lead M. The folded portion of the intake air temperature sensor lead does not have to be wrapped with 2. Main switch lead insulating tape. 3. Handlebar switch lead (left) N. Fasten the immobilizer unit lead and wire harness 4.
  • Page 72
    CABLE ROUTING Frame (top view) 2-33…
  • Page 73
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Primary injector #1 2. Primary injector #2 3. Primary injector #3 4. Primary injector #4 5. Coolant temperature sensor coupler (sub-wire harness) 6. O sensor lead 7. Neutral switch coupler 8. Fuel pump lead 9. Engine ground lead 10.
  • Page 74
    CABLE ROUTING Rear fender (top view) 15 16 20 33 34 35 15 16 23 24 25 2-35…
  • Page 75
    J. Route the EXUP cables to the front of the rear 5. Joint coupler shock absorber assembly gas cylinder. 6. Yamaha diagnostic tool coupler K. Route the Yamaha diagnostic tool coupler lead 7. Tail/brake light lead under the joint coupler. 8. Rear turn signal light coupler L.
  • Page 76
    CABLE ROUTING Rear fender (left side view) 2-37…
  • Page 77
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Rear fender 2. Mudguard assembly 3. License plate light lead 4. License plate light coupler 5. Rear turn signal light coupler (left) 6. Rear turn signal light coupler (right) 7. EXUP cable 2 8. EXUP cable 1 9.
  • Page 78
    CABLE ROUTING Rear brake hose (right side view) 2-39…
  • Page 79
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Hydraulic unit 2. Rear frame 3. Brake fluid reservoir 4. Frame 5. Brake hose (rear brake master cylinder to hydraulic unit) 6. Rear wheel sensor lead 7. Rear brake master cylinder 8. Swingarm assembly 9. Rear wheel sensor lead cover 10.
  • Page 80
    CABLE ROUTING Front brake hose (left side view) 2-41…
  • Page 81
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Brake hose (front brake master cylinder to hydraulic unit) 2. Brake hose (hydraulic unit to front brake calipers) 3. Front wheel sensor lead 4. Front brake caliper 5. Front wheel sensor 6. Front fork leg 7. Collar 8.
  • Page 82
    CABLE ROUTING Front brake hose (left side view) 2-43…
  • Page 83
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Brake hose bracket 2. Frame 3. Brake hose (hydraulic unit to front brake calipers) 4. Brake hose (front brake master cylinder to hydraulic unit) A. Install the brake hose (front brake master cylinder to hydraulic unit) so that it is on the inside relative to the brake hose (hydraulic unit to front brake calipers).
  • Page 84
    CABLE ROUTING Hydraulic unit assembly (top and left side view) 2-45…
  • Page 85
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Brake hose (front brake master cylinder to brake hose joint) 2. Brake hose (front brake calipers to brake hose joint) 3. Brake hose (front brake caliper side brake hose joint to hydraulic unit) 4. Brake hose (front brake master cylinder side brake hose joint to hydraulic unit) 5.
  • Page 86
    CABLE ROUTING Fuel tank (top and left side view) 2-47…
  • Page 87
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Fuel tank 2. Fuel pump 3. Fuel tank breather hose 4. Fuel tank drain hose 5. Fuel hose 1 (fuel tank to fuel hose 2) A. Point the end of the hose clamp outward. B. Install the fuel tank drain hose with its white paint mark facing outward.
  • Page 88
    CABLE ROUTING Canister 2-49…
  • Page 89
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Fuel hose 1 (fuel tank to fuel hose 2) 2. Canister 3. Canister holder 4. O sensor coupler 5. Neutral switch coupler 6. Fuel pump lead 7. Fuel tank breather hose (fuel tank to canister) 8. Fuel tank drain hose 9.
  • Page 90
    CABLE ROUTING Air filter case and throttle bodies (top and left side view) 2-51…
  • Page 91
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Air filter case 2. Secondary injector 3. Fuel hose (fuel rail to fuel rail) 4. Crankcase breather hose 5. Fuel hose 2 (secondary injector fuel rail side) 6. Canister purge hose 7. Throttle body position sensor 8. Intake solenoid vacuum hose 9.
  • Page 92
    CABLE ROUTING Air cut-off valve (right side view) 2-53…
  • Page 93
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Air filter case 2. Air cut-off valve 3. Air induction system hose (air filter case to air cut-off valve) 4. Cylinder head cover 5. Air induction system hose (air cut-off valve to reed valve cover) 6. Cylinder identification sensor 7.
  • Page 94
    CABLE ROUTING Air duct (left and right side view) 2-55…
  • Page 95
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Air intake duct valve 2. Air intake duct 3. Surge tank 4. Surge tank hose 5. One-way valve 6. Intake solenoid vacuum hose (one-way valve to intake solenoid) 7. Intake solenoid vacuum hose (intake solenoid to air intake duct valve) 8.
  • Page 96
    CABLE ROUTING Radiator (left side view) 2-57…
  • Page 97
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Cooling system air bleed hose 2. Thermostat assembly 3. Hose clamp 4. Radiator inlet hose 5. Cylinder 6. Crankcase 7. Generator cover 8. Water pump outlet pipe 9. Radiator outlet hose A. Align the white paint mark on the radiator inlet hose, projection on the radiator pipe, and crimped section of the hose clamp.
  • Page 98
    CABLE ROUTING Radiator (right side view) 2-59…
  • Page 99
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Air induction system hose U. 3 mm (0.12 in) or more 2. Cooling system air bleed hose V. Make sure not to install the hose clamp on the raised portion of the hose fitting of the water pump 3.
  • Page 100
    CABLE ROUTING Muffler (top and left side view) 2-61…
  • Page 101
    CABLE ROUTING 1. Exhaust chamber 2. EXUP valve pulley cover 3. Muffler 4. EXUP servo motor 5. EXUP cable 2 6. EXUP cable 1 A. Route EXUP cable 1 and EXUP cable 2 through the guide. Route EXUP cable 1 above EXUP cable 2.
  • Page 102
    CABLE ROUTING CCU (top and right side view) (for YZF-R1M) 2-63…
  • Page 103
    2. GPS unit lead 3. GPS unit coupler 4. Wire harness coupler cap 5. Wire harness coupler (to sub-wire harness) 6. Yamaha diagnostic tool coupler 7. CCU (Communication Control Unit) lead (sub-wire harness) 8. Passenger seat cover 9. GPS unit 10.
  • Page 104
  • Page 105: Periodic Checks And Adjustments


  • Page 106
  • Page 108: Periodic Maintenance

    EAS30614 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE CHART FOR THE EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM • Items marked with an asterisk should be performed by your Yamaha dealer because these items re- quire special tools, data, and technical skills. • From 50000 km (30000 mi), repeat the maintenance intervals starting from 10000 km (6000 mi).

  • Page 109
    (24000 mi) • Perform dynamic inspection Diagnostic sys- √ √ √ √ √ √ using Yamaha diagnostic tool. tem check • Check the DTC. 2 * Air filter element • Replace. Every 40000 km (24000 mi) • Check operation. √ √…
  • Page 110
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE ODOMETER READING CHECK OR MAINTENANCE ANNUAL ITEM CHECK 1000 km 10000 km 20000 km 30000 km 40000 km (600 mi) (6000 mi) (12000 mi) (18000 mi) (24000 mi) • Check operation and for oil Shock absorber √ √ √…
  • Page 111: Checking The Vehicle Using The Yamaha Diagnostic Tool

    Make sure the fuel tank breather hose is rout- cludes YDT sub harness (6P) (90890-03266). ed correctly. • If you already have Yamaha diagnostic tool (A/ I) (90890-03262), YDT sub harness (6P) Before removing the fuel hoses, place a few (90890-03266) is separately required.

  • Page 112: Checking The Spark Plugs

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 2. Check: Manufacturer/model • Fuel hose “1” NGK/LMAR9E-J Cracks/damage → Replace. Loose connection → Connect properly. 4. Check: • Electrode “1” Before removing the fuel hose, place a few rags Damage/wear → Replace the spark plug. in the area under where it will be removed. •…

  • Page 113: Adjusting The Valve Clearance

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE • Rider seat 4. Measure: Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS (1)” on page • Valve clearance Out of specification → Adjust. 4-1. Valve clearance (cold) EAS30622 ADJUSTING THE VALVE CLEARANCE Intake The following procedure applies to all of the 0.09–0.17 mm (0.0035–0.0067 in) valves.

  • Page 114
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE • If the valve clearance is incorrect, record the measured reading. • Measure the valve clearance in the following sequence. Valve clearance measuring sequence Cylinder #1 → #3 → #2 → #4 i. Measure the valve clearance #2 with a thickness gauge.
  • Page 115
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE d. Calculate the sum of the values obtained in steps (b) and (c) to determine the re- quired valve pad thickness and the valve pad number. Example: 1.60 mm (0.063 in) + 0.03 mm (0.001 in) = 1.63 mm (0.064 in) The valve pad number is A63.
  • Page 116: Checking The Engine Idling Speed

    Refer to “CHECKING AND CLEANING THE Camshaft cap bolt THROTTLE BODIES” on page 7-14. 8 N·m (0.8 kgf·m, 5.9 lb·ft) a. Connect the Yamaha diagnostic tool. Camshaft cap bolt (new) Use the diagnostic code number “67”. 10 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7.4 lb·ft) Refer to “SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNC-…

  • Page 117
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE ECA21300 NOTICE Vacuum gauge 90890-03094 Do not turn the bypass air screw (white paint Vacuummate mark) of the throttle body that is the stan- YU-44456 dard. Otherwise, the engine may run roughly at idle and the throttle bodies may not oper- ate properly.
  • Page 118: Checking The Throttle Body Joints

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE • Exhaust chamber “2” EAS31318 CHECKING THE THROTTLE BODY JOINTS • Muffler “3” 1. Remove: Cracks/damage → Replace. • Throttle bodies • Gasket “4” Refer to “THROTTLE BODIES” on page Exhaust gas leaks → Replace. 7-11. 2. Check: 2.

  • Page 119: Adjusting The Exhaust Gas Volume

    • Yamaha diagnostic tool (A/I) (90890-03264) in- cludes YDT sub harness (6P) (90890-03266). • If you already have Yamaha diagnostic tool (A/ I) (90890-03262), YDT sub harness (6P) (90890-03266) is separately required. 3-12…

  • Page 120: Adjusting The Clutch Lever Free Play

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE If the specified clutch lever free play cannot be obtained on the handlebar side of the cable, use the adjusting nut on the engine side. Engine side a. Remove the front side cowling (right). Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS (5)” on page 4-16.

  • Page 121: Adjusting The Front Disc Brake

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 2. Check: b. Turn the adjusting dial “1” until the brake • Brake fluid level lever is in the desired position. Below the minimum level mark → Add the c. Align the appropriate setting on the adjust- specified brake fluid to the proper level. ing dial with the mark “a”…

  • Page 122: Adjusting The Rear Disc Brake

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 2. Adjust: • Rear brake light switch Refer to “ADJUSTING THE REAR BRAKE LIGHT SWITCH” on page 3-35. EAS30634 CHECKING THE REAR BRAKE PADS The following procedure applies to all of the brake pads. 1. Operate the brake. 2.

  • Page 123: Checking The Rear Brake Hose

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 4. Hold the vehicle upright and apply the brake • the brake fluid level is very low. several times. • brake operation is faulty. 5. Check: • Brake hose • Be careful not to spill any brake fluid or allow Brake fluid leakage →…

  • Page 124: Checking The Wheels

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE l. Tighten the bleed screw to specification. Front brake master cylinder bleed screw 5 N·m (0.5 kgf·m, 3.7 lb·ft) Brake caliper bleed screw 5 N·m (0.5 kgf·m, 3.7 lb·ft) m. Fill the brake fluid reservoir to the proper level with the specified brake fluid.

  • Page 125: Checking The Wheel Bearings

    Refer to “CHECKING THE FRONT WHEEL” on page 4-38 and “CHECKING THE REAR en if a tire combination other than one approved by Yamaha is used on this vehicle. WHEEL” on page 4-47. EAS30802 Front tire…

  • Page 126: Lubricating The Swingarm Pivot

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE EAS30643 ECA20870 LUBRICATING THE SWINGARM PIVOT NOTICE 1. Lubricate: Improper drive chain slack will overload the • Oil seals engine as well as other vital parts of the mo- • Collars torcycle and can lead to chain slippage or breakage.

  • Page 127: Lubricating The Drive Chain

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE EAS30803 LUBRICATING THE DRIVE CHAIN The drive chain consists of many interacting parts. If the drive chain is not maintained proper- ly, it will wear out quickly. Therefore, the drive chain should be serviced, especially when the vehicle is used in dusty areas. This vehicle has a drive chain with small rubber O-rings between each side plate.

  • Page 128: Lubricating The Steering Head

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE Refer to “STEERING HEAD” on page Recommended lubricant 4-108. Silicone grease e. Install the rubber washer “3”. f. Install the upper ring nut “2”. EAS30805 g. Finger tighten the upper ring nut, then LUBRICATING THE CLUTCH LEVER align the slots of both ring nuts. If neces- Lubricate the pivoting point and metal-to-metal sary, hold the lower ring nut and tighten moving parts of the lever.

  • Page 129: Adjusting The Front Fork Legs (For Yzf-R1)

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 3. Hold the vehicle upright and apply the front Spring preload brake. Minimum (soft) 4. Check: 0 turn(s) in direction “a” • Front fork operation Standard Push down hard on the handlebar several 6 turn(s) in direction “a” times and check if the front fork rebounds Maximum (hard) smoothly.

  • Page 130: Adjusting The Preload Of The Front Fork Legs (For Yzf-R1M)

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE differences in production, the actual number of range. To obtain a precise adjustment, check clicks always represents the entire adjusting the number of clicks and modify the minimum range. To obtain a precise adjustment, check and standard specifications as necessary. the number of clicks and modify the minimum •…

  • Page 131: Adjusting The Damping Force Of The Front Fork Legs And Rear Shock Absorber Assembly (For Yzf-R1M)


  • Page 132
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE YRC Setting 10 : 00 km/h • M-1 is preset for track use with racing slick T — 1 tires. T — 2 • M-2 is preset for track use with street tires. R — 1 • M-3 is preset for street use with street tires. 1.
  • Page 133: Checking The Rear Shock Absorber Assembly

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE Spring preload 2. Manual modes ECA13590 3. Automatic modes NOTICE e. The display will change to the relevant Never go beyond the maximum or minimum suspension setting screen and the ERS adjustment positions. mode selection box “SETTING” is high- 1.

  • Page 134
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE • When turning the damping force adjusting Spring preload screw in direction “a”, the 0 click position and Minimum the 1 click position may be the same. 77.5 mm (3.05 in) Standard 78.5 mm (3.09 in) Maximum 85.5 mm (3.37 in) d.
  • Page 135: Adjusting The Preload Of The Rear Shock Absorber Assembly (For Yzf-R1M)

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE range. To obtain a precise adjustment, check • When turning the damping force adjusting the number of turns and modify the minimum screw in direction “a”, the 0 click position and and standard specifications as necessary. the 1 click position may be the same. EAS30942 Compression damping (for slow compres- ADJUSTING THE PRELOAD OF THE REAR…

  • Page 136: Checking The Connecting Arm And Relay Arm

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE The spring preload setting is determined by measuring distance “c”. The longer distance “c” is, the higher the spring preload; the shorter dis- tance “c” is, the lower the spring preload. Recommended brand YAMALUBE Type Full synthetic SAE viscosity grades 10W-40, 15W-50 Recommended engine oil grade Spring preload…

  • Page 137: Measuring The Engine Oil Pressure

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE ECA25890 NOTICE Make sure the O-ring is positioned correctly in the groove of the oil filter cartridge. d. Tighten the new oil filter cartridge to spec- ification with an oil filter wrench. Oil filter cartridge 17 N·m (1.7 kgf·m, 13 lb·ft) e.

  • Page 138
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 5. Install: • Oil pressure gauge “1” • Adapter C “2” Oil pressure gauge set 90890-03120 2. Remove: • Front side cowling (left) 3. Remove: • Oil pressure switch joint bolt “1” • Oil pressure switch joint (with the oil pressure switch) “2”…
  • Page 139: Checking The Coolant Level

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE • Oil pressure switch joint bolt “3” Before checking the coolant level, wait a few Oil pressure switch joint bolt minutes until it settles. 10 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7.4 lb·ft) EAS30812 CHECKING THE COOLING SYSTEM 1. Check: • Radiator “1” •…

  • Page 140
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE be blown out, which could cause serious in- jury. When the engine has cooled, open the radiator cap as follows: Place a thick rag or a towel over the radiator cap and slowly turn the radiator cap counter- clockwise toward the detent to allow any re- sidual pressure to escape.
  • Page 141: Adjusting The Exup Cables

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 12.Loosen the water pump air bleed bolt “1” to EWA13040 WARNING allow any trapped air to escape from the wa- • If coolant splashes in your eyes, thorough- ter pump. ly wash them with water and consult a doc- tor.

  • Page 142: Checking The Front Brake Light Switch

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 2. Check: f. Turn the adjusting nut “5” until the tension • EXUP system operation of the EXUP cable (white metal) “6” is the a. Activate the diagnostic mode and select same as that of the EXUP cable (black the diagnostic code number “53”.

  • Page 143: Checking And Lubricating The Cables

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE Repeat this check with the handlebar turned all the way to the left and right. EAS30816 CHECKING AND CHARGING THE BATTERY Refer to “CHECKING AND CHARGING THE BATTERY” on page 8-42. EAS30662 CHECKING THE FUSES Refer to “CHECKING THE FUSES” on page 8-41.

  • Page 144
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 2. Adjust: • Headlight beam (horizontally) To adjust the headlight beam (horizontally), in- sert a crosshead screwdriver into the holes “a” in the headlight cover and turn the adjusting screw. a. Turn the adjusting screws “1”. 3-37…
  • Page 145: Chassis


  • Page 146
  • Page 147
  • Page 148
  • Page 150
    GENERAL CHASSIS (1) EAS20026 GENERAL CHASSIS (1) Removing the seats and battery 1.5 N ・ m (0.15 kgf ・ m, 1.1 lb ・ ft) 7 N ・ m (0.7 kgf ・ m, 5.2 lb ・ ft) 7 N ・ m (0.7 kgf ・ m, 5.2 lb ・ ft) 2.0 N ・…
  • Page 151: General Chassis (1)

    GENERAL CHASSIS (1) Removing the rear side covers and rear fender (for YZF-R1) m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb • • • m (0.9 kgf m, 6.6 lb • • • 10 9 m (0.9 kgf m, 6.6 lb • •…

  • Page 152
    GENERAL CHASSIS (1) Removing the rear side covers and rear fender (for YZF-R1M) m (0.9 kgf m, 6.6 lb m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb • • • • • • m (0.9 kgf m, 6.6 lb • • • m (0.9 kgf m, 6.6 lb •…
  • Page 153
    GENERAL CHASSIS (1) Disassembling the mudguard assembly 3.8 N m (0.38 kgf m, 2.8 lb • • • ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Mudguard assembly cover Clamp Stay Rear turn signal light Cover License plate light Rear reflector…
  • Page 154: Removing The Tail Cover

    GENERAL CHASSIS (1) EAS33139 REMOVING THE TAIL COVER 1. Remove: • Tail cover “1” EAS31636 INSTALLING THE IMU ECA22611 NOTICE a. Remove the quick fasteners. • Do not perform angle adjustment of the IMU b. Unhook the projections “a” on the tail cov- and battery box by pinching the washer er “1”…

  • Page 155: Installing The Rear Side Cover

    GENERAL CHASSIS (1) EAS33140 INSTALLING THE TAIL COVER Recommended lubricant 1. Install: Silicone grease • Tail cover “1” IMU bolt 2.0 N·m (0.20 kgf·m, 1.5 lb·ft) a. Fit the projections “a” on the tail cover “1” into the holes “b” in the rear fender, and then install the quick fasteners.

  • Page 156
    Rider seat/Passenger seat/Battery cover 4-1. Passenger seat cover GPS unit coupler Disconnect. Cushion GPS unit Tail cover CCU coupler (sub-wire harness) Disconnect. Band CCU (Communication Control Unit) CCU bracket 1 CCU bracket 2 Wire harness coupler Disconnect. Yamaha diagnostic tool coupler Sub-wire harness…
  • Page 157: Removing The Tail Cover

    Contact your local authori- proach the vehicle with a wireless capable ties. smartphone or tablet. d. Connect to the wireless network “Yamaha EAS31676 CONNECTING TO THE CCU (for YZF-R1M) Motor Network” by inputting the CCU seri- The CCU (Communication Control Unit) con- al number as the password.

  • Page 158: General Chassis (3)

    GENERAL CHASSIS (3) EAS20156 GENERAL CHASSIS (3) Removing the front panel covers 3.8 N m (0.38 kgf m, 2.8 lb • • • 3.8 N m (0.38 kgf m, 2.8 lb • • • 3.5 N m (0.35 kgf m, 2.6 lb •…

  • Page 159: Removing The Front Panel (Left)

    GENERAL CHASSIS (3) c. Unhook the projections “e” on the front EAS31352 REMOVING THE FRONT PANEL (LEFT) panel cover (left) from the holes “f” on the 1. Remove: front cowling. • Front panel (left) “1” d. Unhook the projections “g” on the front panel cover (left) from the holes “h”…

  • Page 160: Removing The Front Panel Cover (Right)

    GENERAL CHASSIS (3) a. Fit the projections “a” on the front panel EAS33348 REMOVING THE FRONT PANEL COVER cover (left) into the holes “b” on the front (RIGHT) upper cowling. 1. Remove: b. Insert the projections “c” on the front panel •…

  • Page 161: Installing The Front Panel Cover (Right)

    GENERAL CHASSIS (3) a. Fit the projections “a” on the front panel EAS33350 INSTALLING THE FRONT PANEL COVER (right) “1” into the holes “b” in the front pan- (RIGHT) el cover (right). Slide the front panel (right) 1. Install: rearward. •…

  • Page 162: General Chassis (4)

    GENERAL CHASSIS (4) EAS20157 GENERAL CHASSIS (4) Removing the Rearview mirrors and windshield 0.4 N m (0.04 kgf m, 0.30 lb • • • 4.0 N m (0.40 kgf m, 3.0 lb • • • m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb •…

  • Page 163: Removing The Front Upper Cowling

    GENERAL CHASSIS (4) EAS31362 REMOVING THE FRONT UPPER COWLING 1. Remove: • Front upper cowling “1” e. Remove the front upper cowling “1”. f. Unhook the projections “a” on the front up- per cowling from the holes “b” on the front cowling assembly.

  • Page 164: General Chassis (5)

    GENERAL CHASSIS (4) mets “d” in the front cowling assembly. Fit the projections “e” on the front upper cowl- ing into the holes “f” on the front cowling assembly. Fit the projections “g” on the front upper cowling into the holes “h” on the front cowling assembly.

  • Page 165
    GENERAL CHASSIS (5) EAS20158 GENERAL CHASSIS (5) Removing the front side cowlings (for YZF-R1) m (0.9 kgf m, 6.6 lb m (0.9 kgf m, 6.6 lb • • • • • • m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb • • •…
  • Page 166
    GENERAL CHASSIS (5) Removing the front side cowlings (for YZF-R1M) m (0.9 kgf m, 6.6 lb m (0.9 kgf m, 6.6 lb • • • • • • m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb • • • m (0.9 kgf m, 6.6 lb m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb…
  • Page 167: Removing The Front Muffler Protector (Left)

    GENERAL CHASSIS (5) EAS33365 REMOVING THE FRONT MUFFLER PROTECTOR (LEFT) 1. Remove: • Front muffler protector (left) “1” EAS31696 REMOVING THE FRONT SIDE COWLING (LEFT) (for YZF-R1) 1. Remove: • Front side cowling (left) “1” a. Remove the front muffler protector bolts (left).

  • Page 168: Removing The Front Side Cowling (Right) (For Yzf-R1)

    GENERAL CHASSIS (5) a. Remove the front side cowling bolts, quick EAS33340 REMOVING THE FRONT SIDE COWLING fastener screws and quick fasteners. (RIGHT) (for YZF-R1) b. Pull the front side cowling (left) “1” for- 1. Remove: ward, and then unhook the projection “a” •…

  • Page 169: Installing The Front Side Cowling (Right) (For Yzf-R1)

    GENERAL CHASSIS (5) a. Fit the projection “a” on the front side cowl- EAS33341 INSTALLING THE FRONT SIDE COWLING ing (left) “1” into the hole “b” on the front (RIGHT) (for YZF-R1) cowling. 1. Install: b. Fit the projection “c” on the front side cowl- •…

  • Page 170: Installing The Front Side Cowling (Left) (For Yzf-R1M)

    GENERAL CHASSIS (5) EAS33367 INSTALLING THE FRONT MUFFLER PROTECTOR (LEFT) 1. Install: • Front muffler protector (left) “1” c. Install the front side cowling bolts, quick fastener screws and quick fasteners. Front side cowling bolt 9 N·m (0.9 kgf·m, 6.6 lb·ft) a.

  • Page 171: General Chassis (6)

    GENERAL CHASSIS (5) Front muffler protector bolt 7 N·m (0.7 kgf·m, 5.2 lb·ft) 4-22…

  • Page 172
    GENERAL CHASSIS (6) EAS20159 GENERAL CHASSIS (6) Removing the side covers and front cowling assembly m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb • • • m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb • • • m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb • •…
  • Page 173
    GENERAL CHASSIS (6) Removing the side covers and front cowling assembly m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb • • • m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb • • • m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb • • • m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb •…
  • Page 174
    GENERAL CHASSIS (6) Disassembling the front cowling assembly 1.5 N m (0.15 kgf m, 1.1 lb • • • 1.5 N m (0.15 kgf m, 1.1 lb • • • m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb • • • m (0.5 kgf m, 3.7 lb •…
  • Page 175: Removing The Side Cover (Left)

    GENERAL CHASSIS (6) EAS33354 REMOVING THE SIDE COVER (LEFT) 1. Remove: • Side cover (left) “1” EAS33356 INSTALLING THE SIDE COVER (LEFT) 1. Install: • Side cover (left) “1” a. Remove the side cover bolt (right) and quick fastener. b. Pull the side cover (left) “1” rearward and unhook the projections “a”…

  • Page 176: General Chassis (7)

    GENERAL CHASSIS (6) a. Fit the hole “a” in the side cover (right) “1” onto the projection “b” on the side cover bracket and slide the side cover (right) up- ward. • Position the front cowling assembly “2” on the side cover (right) “1”.

  • Page 177
    GENERAL CHASSIS (7) EAS20193 GENERAL CHASSIS (7) Removing the air intake duct 11 N m (1.1 kgf m, 8.1 lb • • • 3.0 N m (0.30 kgf m, 2.2 lb • • • 11 N m (1.1 kgf m, 8.1 lb •…
  • Page 178
    GENERAL CHASSIS (7) Removing the air intake duct 11 N m (1.1 kgf m, 8.1 lb • • • 3.0 N m (0.30 kgf m, 2.2 lb • • • 11 N m (1.1 kgf m, 8.1 lb • • •…
  • Page 179: Checking The Air Intake Duct Valve

    GENERAL CHASSIS (7) EAS31645 CHECKING THE AIR INTAKE DUCT VALVE 1. Check: • Air intake duct valve operation a. Connect the vacuum/pressure pump gauge set “1” to the air intake duct valve “2”. Vacuum/pressure pump gauge 90890-06945 4. Check: Pressure/ vacuum tester YB-35956-B •…

  • Page 180: Installing The Air Intake Duct Valve

    GENERAL CHASSIS (7) EAS31647 INSTALLING THE AIR INTAKE DUCT VALVE 1. Install: • Air intake duct valve a. Hook the end of the shaft “a” onto the plate “1” as shown. b. Align the tabs “b” on the air intake duct valve “2”…

  • Page 181
    GENERAL CHASSIS (8) EAS20194 GENERAL CHASSIS (8) Removing the ECU and side cover bracket m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb • • • ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS (3)” on page Front panel cover (left) 4-9.
  • Page 182: Removing The Ecu (Engine Control Unit)

    GENERAL CHASSIS (8) EAS31641 REMOVING THE ECU (engine control unit) 1. Disconnect: • ECU coupler “1” While pushing the portion “a” of the ECU cou- pler, move the lock lever “b” in the direction of the arrow shown to disconnect the coupler. EAS31642 INSTALLING THE ECU (engine control unit) 1.

  • Page 183
    GENERAL CHASSIS (9) EAS20195 GENERAL CHASSIS (9) Removing the electrical components tray m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb • • • m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb • • • ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS (3)” on page Front panel cover (left) 4-9.
  • Page 184: Front Wheel

    FRONT WHEEL EAS20028 FRONT WHEEL Removing the front wheel and brake discs (for YZF-R1) 6 N ・ m (0.6 kgf ・ m, 4.4 lb ・ ft) 3.8 N ・ m (0.38 kgf ・ m, 2.8 lb ・ ft) 6 N ・ m (0.6 kgf ・ m, 4.4 lb ・ ft) 35 N ・…

  • Page 185
    FRONT WHEEL Removing the front wheel and brake discs (for YZF-R1M) 6 N ・ m (0.6 kgf ・ m, 4.4 lb ・ ft) 3.8 N ・ m (0.38 kgf ・ m, 2.8 lb ・ ft) 6 N ・ m (0.6 kgf ・ m, 4.4 lb ・ ft) 35 N ・…
  • Page 186
    FRONT WHEEL Disassembling the front wheel 8 N ・ m (0.8 kgf ・ m, 5.9 lb ・ ft) ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Front wheel sensor rotor Oil seal Wheel ring Wheel bearing Spacer 4-37…
  • Page 187: Removing The Front Wheel

    FRONT WHEEL • Wheel bearings EAS30145 REMOVING THE FRONT WHEEL a. Clean the surface of the front wheel hub. ECA20981 b. Remove the oil seals “1” with a flat-head NOTICE screwdriver. • Keep any type of magnets (including mag- netic pick-up tools, magnetic screwdrivers, To prevent damaging the wheel, place a rag “2”…

  • Page 188: Assembling The Front Wheel

    FRONT WHEEL Place a suitable washer “1” between the socket “2” and the bearing so that both the inner race “3” and outer race “4” are pressed at the same time, and then press the bearing until the inner race makes contact with the spacer “5”. G088897 4.

  • Page 189: Maintenance Of The Front Wheel Sensor And Sensor Rotor

    FRONT WHEEL a. Hold the dial gauge at a right angle against EAS30155 MAINTENANCE OF THE FRONT WHEEL the wheel sensor rotor surface. SENSOR AND SENSOR ROTOR b. Measure the wheel sensor rotor runout. ECA21070 NOTICE • Handle the ABS components with care since they have been accurately adjusted.

  • Page 190
    FRONT WHEEL Front brake disc bolt Apply lithium soap-based grease onto the mat- 17 N·m (1.7 kgf·m, 13 lb·ft) ing surface of the front wheel axle nut. LOCTITE® 6. Tighten: ECA19150 • Front wheel axle nut NOTICE Replace the brake disc bolts with new ones. Front wheel axle nut 115 N·m (11.5 kgf·m, 85 lb·ft) Tighten the brake disc bolts in stages and in a…
  • Page 191
    FRONT WHEEL Distance “a” (between the front wheel sensor rotor and front wheel sensor) 0.9–1.7 mm (0.035–0.067 in) (for YZF-R1) 1.1–1.9 mm (0.043–0.075 in) (for YZF-R1M) Measure the distance between the front wheel 8. Install: sensor rotor and front wheel sensor in several •…
  • Page 192: Rear Wheel

    REAR WHEEL EAS20029 REAR WHEEL Removing the rear wheel 7 N ・ m (0.7 kgf ・ m, 5.2 lb ・ ft) 190 N ・ m (19 kgf ・ m, 140 lb ・ ft) 16 N ・ m (1.6 kgf ・ m, 12 lb ・ ft) 16 N ・…

  • Page 193
    REAR WHEEL Removing the brake disc and rear wheel sprocket 8 N ・ m (0.8 kgf ・ m, 5.9 lb ・ ft) 30 N m (3.0 kgf m, 22 lb • • • 105 N ・ m (10.5 kgf ・ m, 77 lb ・ ft) 28 N ・…
  • Page 194
    REAR WHEEL Disassembling the rear wheel 80 N ・ m (8.0 kgf ・ m, 59 lb ・ ft) ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Collar Oil seal Wheel bearing Spacer Oil seal Wheel bearing ring nut Wheel bearing 4-45…
  • Page 195: Removing The Rear Wheel

    REAR WHEEL EAS30910 ECA21040 REMOVING THE REAR WHEEL NOTICE ECA21030 • Do not depress the brake pedal when re- NOTICE moving the brake caliper. • Keep any type of magnets (including mag- • Be sure not to contact the sensor electrode netic pick-up tools, magnetic screwdrivers, to any metal part when removing the rear etc.) away from the rear wheel sensor or…

  • Page 196: Checking The Rear Wheel

    REAR WHEEL • Rear wheel drive hub dampers Damage/wear → Replace. EAS30161 CHECKING AND REPLACING THE REAR WHEEL SPROCKET 1. Check: • Rear wheel sprocket More than 1/4 tooth “a” wear → Replace the drive sprocket, the rear wheel sprocket and the drive chain as a set.

  • Page 197: Assembling The Rear Wheel

    REAR WHEEL EAS30163 ASSEMBLING THE REAR WHEEL Wheel bearing ring nut tool ECA21340 90890-01574 NOTICE YM-01574 • Do not drop the wheel sensor rotor or sub- ject it to shocks. Wheel bearing ring nut • If any solvent gets on the wheel sensor ro- 80 N·m (8.0 kgf·m, 59 lb·ft) tor, wipe it off immediately.

  • Page 198: Maintenance Of The Rear Wheel Sensor And Sensor Rotor

    REAR WHEEL • Be sure to use stick-on type balancing weights. 1. Adjust: • Rear wheel static balance Refer to “ADJUSTING THE FRONT WHEEL STATIC BALANCE” on page 4-40. EAS30165 INSTALLING THE REAR WHEEL (DISC BRAKE) 1. Install: • Rear brake disc •…

  • Page 199
    REAR WHEEL 4. Install: 6. Tighten: • Collars • Rear wheel axle nut • Brake caliper bracket • Rear brake caliper bolts • Rear wheel Rear wheel axle nut • Adjusting blocks 190 N·m (19 kgf·m, 140 lb·ft) • Rear wheel axle Rear brake caliper bolt (front) •…
  • Page 200
    REAR WHEEL 8. Measure: • Distance “a” (between the rear wheel sensor rotor “1” and rear wheel sensor “2”) Out of specification → Check the wheel bear- ing for looseness, and the rear wheel sensor and sensor rotor installation conditions (warpage caused by overtorque, wrong in- stallation direction, rotor decentering, LOC- TITE®…
  • Page 201: Front Brake

    FRONT BRAKE EAS20030 FRONT BRAKE Removing the front brake pads 6 N ・ m (0.6 kgf ・ m, 4.4 lb ・ ft) 5 N ・ m (0.5 kgf ・ m, 3.7 lb ・ ft) 35 N ・ m (3.5 kgf ・ m, 26 lb ・ ft) ’…

  • Page 202
    FRONT BRAKE Removing the front brake master cylinder 3.5 N ・ m (0.35 kgf ・ m, 2.6 lb ・ ft) 1.2 N ・ m (0.12 kgf ・ m, 0.88 lb ・ ft) 32 N ・ m (3.2 kgf ・ m, 24 lb ・ ft) 1.0 N ・…
  • Page 203
    FRONT BRAKE Disassembling the front brake master cylinder 5 N ・ m (0.5 kgf ・ m, 3.7 lb ・ ft) ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Brake master cylinder kit Bleed screw Brake master cylinder body 4-54…
  • Page 204
    FRONT BRAKE Removing the front brake calipers 6 N ・ m (0.6 kgf ・ m, 4.4 lb ・ ft) 32 N ・ m (3.2 kgf ・ m, 24 lb ・ ft) 35 N ・ m (3.5 kgf ・ m, 26 lb ・ ft) ’…
  • Page 205
    FRONT BRAKE Disassembling the front brake calipers 5 N ・ m (0.5 kgf ・ m, 3.7 lb ・ ft) ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks The following procedure applies to both of the front brake calipers. Brake pad clip Brake pad pin Brake pad spring Brake pad Brake caliper piston…
  • Page 206: Introduction

    FRONT BRAKE EAS30168 INTRODUCTION EWA14101 WARNING Disc brake components rarely require disas- sembly. Therefore, always follow these pre- ventive measures: • Never disassemble brake components un- less absolutely necessary. • If any connection on the hydraulic brake G098641 system is disconnected, the entire brake 3.

  • Page 207
    FRONT BRAKE • Brake pad pin “2” a. Connect a clear plastic hose “1” tightly to • Brake pad spring “3” the bleed screw “2”. Put the other end of the hose into an open container. b. Loosen the bleed screw and push the brake caliper pistons into the brake caliper with your finger.
  • Page 208: Removing The Front Brake Calipers

    FRONT BRAKE 8. Check: c. Remove the brake caliper piston dust • Brake lever operation seals and brake caliper piston seals. Soft or spongy feeling → Bleed the brake sys- d. Repeat the previous steps to force out the tem. right side pistons from the brake caliper.

  • Page 209: Installing The Front Brake Calipers

    FRONT BRAKE • Brake pad spring Specified brake fluid • Brake pad pin DOT 4 • Brake pad clips • Front brake caliper EAS30175 INSTALLING THE FRONT BRAKE CALIPERS Front brake caliper bolt The following procedure applies to both of the 35 N·m (3.5 kgf·m, 26 lb·ft) brake calipers.

  • Page 210: Removing The Front Brake Master Cylinder

    FRONT BRAKE EAS30179 REMOVING THE FRONT BRAKE MASTER Specified brake fluid CYLINDER DOT 4 Before removing the front brake master cylinder, EAS30182 INSTALLING THE FRONT BRAKE MASTER drain the brake fluid from the entire brake sys- CYLINDER tem. 1. Install: 1.

  • Page 211
    FRONT BRAKE • Turn the handlebars to the left and right to 6. Check: make sure the brake hose does not touch other • Brake lever operation Soft or spongy feeling → Bleed the brake sys- parts (e.g., wire harness, cables, leads). Cor- rect if necessary.
  • Page 212: Rear Brake

    REAR BRAKE EAS20031 REAR BRAKE Removing the rear brake pads 5 N ・ m (0.5 kgf ・ m, 3.7 lb ・ ft) 27 N ・ m (2.7 kgf ・ m, 20 lb ・ ft) 17 N ・ m (1.7 kgf ・ m, 13 lb ・ ft) 2.5 N ・…

  • Page 213
    REAR BRAKE Removing the rear brake master cylinder 32 N ・ m (3.2 kgf ・ m, 24 lb ・ ft) 3.8 N ・ m (0.38 kgf ・ m, 2.8 lb ・ ft) 1.5 N ・ m (0.15 kgf ・ m, 1.1 lb ・ ft) 7 N ・…
  • Page 214
    REAR BRAKE Removing the rear brake master cylinder 32 N ・ m (3.2 kgf ・ m, 24 lb ・ ft) 3.8 N ・ m (0.38 kgf ・ m, 2.8 lb ・ ft) 1.5 N ・ m (0.15 kgf ・ m, 1.1 lb ・ ft) 7 N ・…
  • Page 215
    REAR BRAKE Removing the rear brake caliper 32 N ・ m (3.2 kgf ・ m, 24 lb ・ ft) 12 N ・ m (1.2 kgf ・ m, 8.9 lb ・ ft) 27 N ・ m (2.7 kgf ・ m, 20 lb ・ ft) ’…
  • Page 216
    REAR BRAKE Disassembling the rear brake caliper 5 N ・ m (0.5 kgf ・ m, 3.7 lb ・ ft) 17 N ・ m (1.7 kgf ・ m, 13 lb ・ ft) 2.5 N ・ m (0.25 kgf ・ m, 1.8 lb ・ ft) ’…
  • Page 217: Introduction

    REAR BRAKE 4. Adjust: EAS30183 INTRODUCTION • Brake disc runout EWA14101 Refer to “CHECKING THE FRONT BRAKE WARNING DISCS” on page 4-57. Disc brake components rarely require disas- sembly. Therefore, always follow these pre- Rear brake disc bolt ventive measures: 27 N·m (2.7 kgf·m, 20 lb·ft) •…

  • Page 218: Removing The Rear Brake Caliper

    REAR BRAKE • Remove any excess grease. 4. Install: • Rear brake caliper • Brake pad retaining bolts • Screw plug Rear brake caliper bolt (front) 27 N·m (2.7 kgf·m, 20 lb·ft) Rear brake caliper bolt (rear) 12 N·m (1.2 kgf·m, 8.9 lb·ft) LOCTITE®…

  • Page 219: Checking The Rear Brake Caliper

    REAR BRAKE 2. Check: EWA13550 WARNING • Rear brake caliper bracket Cracks/damage → Replace. • Cover the brake caliper piston with a rag. Be careful not to get injured when the pis- Refer to “REAR WHEEL” on page 4-43. ton is expelled from the brake caliper. EAS30189 •…

  • Page 220: Removing The Rear Brake Master Cylinder

    REAR BRAKE • When refilling, be careful that water does not enter the brake fluid reservoir. Water will significantly lower the boiling point of the brake fluid and could cause vapor lock. ECA13540 NOTICE Brake fluid may damage painted surfaces and plastic parts.

  • Page 221: Checking The Rear Brake Master Cylinder

    REAR BRAKE EAS30194 CHECKING THE REAR BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER 1. Check: • Brake master cylinder Damage/scratches/wear → Replace. • Brake fluid delivery passages (brake master cylinder body) Obstruction → Blow out with compressed air. 2. Check: • Brake fluid reservoir 2.

  • Page 222
    REAR BRAKE 6. Adjust: • Rear brake light operation timing Refer to “ADJUSTING THE REAR BRAKE LIGHT SWITCH” on page 3-35. 4-73…
  • Page 223: Abs (Anti-Lock Brake System)

    ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) EAS20032 ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) Removing the hydraulic unit assembly m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb • • • • • • 32 N m (3.2 kgf m, 24 lb •…

  • Page 224
    ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) Removing the hydraulic unit assembly m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb • • • • • • 32 N m (3.2 kgf m, 24 lb • • • 16 N m (1.6 kgf m, 12 lb •…
  • Page 225: Abs Components Chart

    ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) EAS30728 ABS COMPONENTS CHART 15,16 1. Meter assembly 2. Hydraulic unit assembly 3. Fuse box 1 4. ABS solenoid fuse 5. YDT coupler 6. Starter relay 7. ABS motor fuse 8. Rear brake caliper 9. Rear wheel sensor rotor 10.

  • Page 226: Removing The Hydraulic Unit Assembly

    ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) EAS30197 REMOVING THE HYDRAULIC UNIT ASSEMBLY ECA18230 NOTICE Unless necessary, avoid removing and in- stalling the brake pipes of the hydraulic unit assembly. EWA13930 WARNING Refill with the same type of brake fluid that is 2. Remove: already in the system.

  • Page 227: Checking The Hydraulic Unit Assembly

    ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) Hydraulic unit assembly bolt 7 N·m (0.7 kgf·m, 5.2 lb·ft) LOCTITE® EAS30198 CHECKING THE HYDRAULIC UNIT ASSEMBLY 1. Check: • Hydraulic unit assembly 2. Remove: Cracks/damage → Replace the hydraulic unit • Rubber plugs or bolts (M10 × 1.0) assembly and the brake pipes that are con- 3.

  • Page 228: Hydraulic Unit Operation Test

    ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) • When refilling, be careful that water does not enter the brake master cylinder reser- There is an identifying white paint mark “c” on voir or brake fluid reservoir. Water will sig- the upper surface of the pipe of the brake hose nificantly lower the boiling point of the (front brake master cylinder to the hydraulic brake fluid and could cause vapor lock.

  • Page 229
    “2”, and again in the brake lever “1”, in this or- der. • Yamaha diagnostic tool (A/I) (90890-03264) in- cludes YDT sub harness (6P) (90890-03266). • If you already have Yamaha diagnostic tool (A/ I) (90890-03262), YDT sub harness (6P) (90890-03266) is separately required. Refer to “YDT” on page 9-2.
  • Page 230
    YDT sub harness (6P) (90890-03266). hoses and brake pipes are connected cor- • If you already have Yamaha diagnostic tool (A/ rectly to the hydraulic unit assembly. I) (90890-03262), YDT sub harness (6P) 10.If the operation of the hydraulic unit is normal,…
  • Page 231: Checking The Abs Warning Light

    12.Turn the main switch to “OFF”. 13.Remove the Yamaha diagnostic tool from the Yamaha diagnostic tool coupler, and then in- G088913 stall the protective cap.

  • Page 232: Handlebars

    HANDLEBARS EAS20033 HANDLEBARS Removing the handlebars 3.8 N m (0.38 kgf m, 2.8 lb m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb 115 N m (11.5 kgf m, 85 lb • • • • • • • • • 16 N m (1.6 kgf m, 12 lb m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb…

  • Page 233
    HANDLEBARS Removing the handlebars 3.8 N m (0.38 kgf m, 2.8 lb m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb 115 N m (11.5 kgf m, 85 lb • • • • • • • • • 16 N m (1.6 kgf m, 12 lb m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb…
  • Page 234
    HANDLEBARS Removing the handlebars 3.8 N m (0.38 kgf m, 2.8 lb m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb 115 N m (11.5 kgf m, 85 lb • • • • • • • • • 16 N m (1.6 kgf m, 12 lb m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb…
  • Page 235: Removing The Handlebars

    HANDLEBARS EAS30203 REMOVING THE HANDLEBARS Steering stem nut 1. Stand the vehicle on a level surface. 115 N·m (11.5 kgf·m, 85 lb·ft) EWA13120 Upper bracket pinch bolt WARNING 26 N·m (2.6 kgf·m, 19 lb·ft) Securely support the vehicle so that there is Handlebar bolt 7 N·m (0.7 kgf·m, 5.2 lb·ft) no danger of it falling over.

  • Page 236
    HANDLEBARS b. Make sure that the throttle grip “1” turns 5. Install: smoothly. • Front brake master cylinder assembly Refer to “INSTALLING THE FRONT BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER” on page 4-61. 6. Install: • Clutch lever holder “1” • Clutch cable Clutch lever holder pinch bolt 11 N·m (1.1 kgf·m, 8.1 lb·ft) Align the center of slit on the clutch lever holder…
  • Page 237
    HANDLEBARS 8. Install: • Handlebar grip “1” • Grip end (left) “2” Grip end bolt 3.8 N·m (0.38 kgf·m, 2.8 lb·ft) a. Apply a thin coat of rubber adhesive onto the end of the left handlebar. b. Side the handlebar grip over the end of the left handlebar.
  • Page 238: Front Fork (For Yzf-R1)

    FRONT FORK (for YZF-R1) EAS20034 FRONT FORK (for YZF-R1) Removing the front fork legs (for YZF-R1) 32 N ・ m (3.2 kgf ・ m, 24 lb ・ ft) 7 N ・ m (0.7 kgf ・ m, 5.2 lb ・ ft) 26 N ・…

  • Page 239
    FRONT FORK (for YZF-R1) Disassembling the front fork legs (for YZF-R1) 23 N ・ m (2.3 kgf ・ m, 17 lb ・ ft) 15 N ・ m (1.5 kgf ・ m, 11 lb ・ ft) 21 N ・ m (2.1 kgf ・ m, 15 lb ・ ft) 40 N ・…
  • Page 240
    FRONT FORK (for YZF-R1) Disassembling the front fork legs (for YZF-R1) 23 N ・ m (2.3 kgf ・ m, 17 lb ・ ft) 15 N ・ m (1.5 kgf ・ m, 11 lb ・ ft) 21 N ・ m (2.1 kgf ・ m, 15 lb ・ ft) 40 N ・…
  • Page 241: Removing The Front Fork Legs (For Yzf-R1)

    FRONT FORK (for YZF-R1) EAS30206 EAS30207 REMOVING THE FRONT FORK LEGS (for DISASSEMBLING THE FRONT FORK LEGS YZF-R1) (for YZF-R1) The following procedure applies to both of the The following procedure applies to both of the front fork legs. front fork legs. 1.

  • Page 242
    FRONT FORK (for YZF-R1) 5. Remove: ECA17390 NOTICE • Outer tube When loosening the nut, be sure not to break a. Hold the front fork leg horizontally. the projections on the cap bolt collar of the b. Securely clamp the brake caliper bracket cap bolt.
  • Page 243: Checking The Front Fork Legs (For Yzf-R1)

    FRONT FORK (for YZF-R1) • When disassembling and assembling the front fork leg, do not allow any foreign ma- terial to enter the front fork. 4. Check: • Cap bolt “1” • Cap bolt collar projection “2” Cracks/damage → Replace. EAS30208 CHECKING THE FRONT FORK LEGS (for YZF-R1)

  • Page 244
    3. Lubricate: • Inner tube’s outer surface 5. Install: • Outer tube Recommended oil (to the inner tube) Yamaha Suspension Oil 01 6. Install: • Outer tube bushing “1” 4. Install: • Washer “2” • Dust seal “1” (with the fork seal driver “3”) •…
  • Page 245
    • Front fork leg (with the specified amount of the recom- mended fork oil) G088925 Recommended oil 9. Install: Yamaha Suspension Oil 01 • Dust seal “1” Quantity (left) (with the fork seal driver “2”) 470.0 cm³ (15.89 US oz, 16.58 Imp.oz)
  • Page 246
    FRONT FORK (for YZF-R1) Install the fork spring with the smaller diameter “a” facing up “A”. G088929 13.Before measuring the fork oil level, wait ten minutes until the oil has settled and the air bubbles have dispersed. G088931 c. Install the locknut all the way onto the Be sure to bleed the front fork leg of any residual damper rod assembly.
  • Page 247: Installing The Front Fork Legs (For Yzf-R1)

    FRONT FORK (for YZF-R1) EAS30210 INSTALLING THE FRONT FORK LEGS (for YZF-R1) The following procedure applies to both of the front fork legs. 1. Install: • Front fork leg Temporarily tighten the upper and lower bracket pinch bolts. EWA13680 WARNING i.

  • Page 248
    FRONT FORK (for YZF-R1) • Handlebar bolt “2” Handlebar bolt 7 N·m (0.7 kgf·m, 5.2 lb·ft) • Handlebar pinch bolt “3” Handlebar pinch bolt 32 N·m (3.2 kgf·m, 24 lb·ft) • Upper bracket pinch bolt “4” Upper bracket pinch bolt 26 N·m (2.6 kgf·m, 19 lb·ft) When installing the front fork legs, make sure that the spring preload adjusting nuts are posi-…
  • Page 249: Front Fork (For Yzf-R1M)

    FRONT FORK (for YZF-R1M) EAS20169 FRONT FORK (for YZF-R1M) Removing the front fork legs (for YZF-R1M) 7 N ・ m (0.7 kgf ・ m, 5.2 lb ・ ft) 32 N ・ m (3.2 kgf ・ m, 24 lb ・ ft) 26 N ・…

  • Page 250
    FRONT FORK (for YZF-R1M) Disassembling the front fork legs 20 N ・ m (2.0 kgf ・ m, 15 lb ・ ft) 19 N ・ m (1.9 kgf ・ m, 14 lb ・ ft) 21 N ・ m (2.1 kgf ・ m, 15 lb ・ ft) ’…
  • Page 251: Handling The Front Fork (For Yzf-R1M)

    FRONT FORK (for YZF-R1M) EAS33359 HANDLING THE FRONT FORK (for YZF-R1M) Place the vehicle on a maintenance stand so EWA20910 WARNING that the front wheel is elevated. This front fork contains highly compressed 2. Remove: nitrogen gas. Before handling the front fork, •…

  • Page 252: Disassembling The Front Fork Legs (For Yzf-R1M)

    FRONT FORK (for YZF-R1M) b. Hold the spring preload adjusting bolt “5” 5. Remove: and loosen the locknut. • Front fork leg EAS31649 DISASSEMBLING THE FRONT FORK LEGS (for YZF-R1M) The following procedure applies to both of the front fork legs. 1.

  • Page 253: Checking The Front Fork Legs (For Yzf-R1M)

    FRONT FORK (for YZF-R1M) 1. Lubricate: EAS31650 CHECKING THE FRONT FORK LEGS (for • Inner tube’s outer surface YZF-R1M) The following procedure applies to both of the Recommended oil front fork legs. Öhlins R&T 43 1. Check: • Inner tube 2.

  • Page 254
    FRONT FORK (for YZF-R1M) 7. Fill: Fork seal driver • Front fork leg 90890-01442 (with the specified amount of the recom- Adjustable fork seal driver (36–46 mended fork oil) YM-01442 Recommended oil Öhlins R&T 43 Quantity (left) 263 cm³ (8.89 US oz, 9.26 Imp.oz) Quantity (right) 263 cm³…
  • Page 255: Installing The Front Fork Legs

    FRONT FORK (for YZF-R1M) • Cap bolt d. Hold the spring preload adjusting bolt “3” and tighten the locknut “4” to specification. (along with the O-ring a. Install the spacer and fork spring. Front fork cap bolt locknut 19 N·m (1.9 kgf·m, 14 lb·ft) Install the fork spring with the marks “a”…

  • Page 256
    FRONT FORK (for YZF-R1M) 2. Tighten: • Upper bracket pinch bolt “5” • Lower bracket pinch bolts “1” and “2” Upper bracket pinch bolt 26 N·m (2.6 kgf·m, 19 lb·ft) Lower bracket pinch bolt 23 N·m (2.3 kgf·m, 17 lb·ft) Tighten each bolt to 23 N·m (2.3 kgf·m, 17 lb·ft) in the order pinch bolt “1”…
  • Page 257: Steering Head

    STEERING HEAD EAS20035 STEERING HEAD Removing the lower bracket 23 N ・ m (2.3 kgf ・ m, 17 lb ・ ft) 11 N ・ m (1.1 kgf ・ m, 8.1 lb ・ ft) 52 N ・ m (5.2 kgf ・ m, 38 lb ・ ft) 14 N ・…

  • Page 258
    STEERING HEAD Removing the lower bracket 23 N ・ m (2.3 kgf ・ m, 17 lb ・ ft) 11 N ・ m (1.1 kgf ・ m, 8.1 lb ・ ft) 52 N ・ m (5.2 kgf ・ m, 38 lb ・ ft) 14 N ・…
  • Page 259: Removing The Lower Bracket

    STEERING HEAD • Bearing race EAS30213 REMOVING THE LOWER BRACKET Damage/pitting → Replace the bearings and 1. Stand the vehicle on a level surface. bearing races as a set. EWA13120 3. Replace: WARNING • Bearing Securely support the vehicle so that there is •…

  • Page 260: Installing The Steering Head

    STEERING HEAD EAS30216 INSTALLING THE STEERING HEAD 1. Lubricate: • Upper bearing • Lower bearing Recommended lubricant Lithium-soap-based grease 2. Install: • Lower ring nut “1” • Rubber washer “2” • Upper ring nut “3” • Lock washer “4” Refer to “CHECKING AND ADJUSTING THE STEERING HEAD”…

  • Page 261
    REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY EAS20036 REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY Removing the rear shock absorber assembly (for YZF-R1) 40 N ・ m (4.0 kgf ・ m, 30 lb ・ ft) 40 N ・ m (4.0 kgf ・ m, 30 lb ・ ft) 40 N ・…
  • Page 262
    REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY Removing the rear shock absorber assembly (for YZF-R1) 40 N ・ m (4.0 kgf ・ m, 30 lb ・ ft) 40 N ・ m (4.0 kgf ・ m, 30 lb ・ ft) 40 N ・ m (4.0 kgf ・ m, 30 lb ・ ft) ’…
  • Page 263
    REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY Removing the rear shock absorber assembly (for YZF-R1M) 40 N ・ m (4.0 kgf ・ m, 30 lb ・ ft) 40 N ・ m (4.0 kgf ・ m, 30 lb ・ ft) 40 N ・ m (4.0 kgf ・ m, 30 lb ・ ft) ’…
  • Page 264
    REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY Removing the rear shock absorber assembly (for YZF-R1M) 40 N ・ m (4.0 kgf ・ m, 30 lb ・ ft) 40 N ・ m (4.0 kgf ・ m, 30 lb ・ ft) 40 N ・ m (4.0 kgf ・ m, 30 lb ・ ft) ’…
  • Page 265: Rear Shock Absorber Assembly

    REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY EAS30826 HANDLING THE REAR SHOCK ABSORBER EWA13740 WARNING This rear shock absorber contains highly compressed nitrogen gas. Before handling the rear shock absorber, read and make sure you understand the following information. The manufacturer cannot be held responsi- ble for property damage or personal injury that may result from improper handling of the rear shock absorber.

  • Page 266: Disassembling The Rear Shock Absorber Assembly

    REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY • Collar “3” • Relay arm “4” Pull out the collar “3” from the left side of the ve- hicle. 4. Remove: • Oil seal • Bearing “1” Remove the bearing with a socket “2” that matches its outside diameter.

  • Page 267: Assembling The Rear Shock Absorber Assembly

    REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY • Oil seals EAS30222 INSTALLING THE RELAY ARM Damage/pitting → Replace. 1. Lubricate: 3. Check: • Collars • Collars • Oil seals Damage/scratches → Replace. Recommended lubricant EAS31654 Lithium-soap-based grease ASSEMBLING THE REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY 2.

  • Page 268: Installing The Rear Shock Absorber Assembly

    REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY EAS30225 INSTALLING THE REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY 1. Install: • Rear shock absorber assembly • Relay arm • Connecting arm • Install the rear shock absorber assembly upper bolt, relay arm bolt, connecting arm lower bolt and connecting arm upper bolt from the left.

  • Page 269: Swingarm

    SWINGARM EAS20037 SWINGARM Removing the swingarm 65 N ・ m (6.5 kgf ・ m, 48 lb ・ ft) 7 N ・ m (0.7 kgf ・ m, 5.2 lb ・ ft) 7 N ・ m (0.7 kgf ・ m, 5.2 lb ・ ft) 16 N ・…

  • Page 270
    SWINGARM Removing the swingarm 65 N ・ m (6.5 kgf ・ m, 48 lb ・ ft) 7 N ・ m (0.7 kgf ・ m, 5.2 lb ・ ft) 7 N ・ m (0.7 kgf ・ m, 5.2 lb ・ ft) 16 N ・…
  • Page 271: Removing The Swingarm

    SWINGARM 5. Remove: EAS30226 REMOVING THE SWINGARM • Pivot shaft nut 1. Stand the vehicle on a level surface. • Pivot shaft ring nut “1” EWA13120 WARNING Loosen the pivot shaft ring nut with the ring nut Securely support the vehicle so that there is wrench “2”.

  • Page 272: Installing The Swingarm

    SWINGARM Bends → Replace. Recommended lubricant EWA13770 Lithium-soap-based grease WARNING Do not attempt to straighten a bent pivot 2. Install: shaft. • Bearings “1” 3. Wash: (to the swingarm) • Pivot shaft • Oil seals “2” • Dust covers (to the swingarm) •…

  • Page 273
    SWINGARM • Rear shock absorber assembly Refer to “REAR SHOCK ABSORBER AS- Tighten the pivot shaft with the damper rod hold- SEMBLY” on page 4-112. er “2”. • Rear wheel Refer to “REAR WHEEL” on page 4-43. Damper rod holder (ø22) 7.
  • Page 274: Chain Drive

    CHAIN DRIVE EAS20038 CHAIN DRIVE Removing the drive chain 10 N m (1.0 kgf m, 7.4 lb • • • 140 N m (14 kgf m, 103 lb • • • m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb • • • 28 N m (2.8 kgf m, 21 lb…

  • Page 275: Removing The Drive Chain

    CHAIN DRIVE EAS30229 REMOVING THE DRIVE CHAIN 1. Stand the vehicle on a level surface. EWA13120 WARNING Securely support the vehicle so that there is no danger of it falling over. Place the vehicle on a maintenance stand so G088937 that the rear wheel is elevated.

  • Page 276: Checking The Drive Sprocket

    CHAIN DRIVE ECA19090 NOTICE • This vehicle has a drive chain with small rubber O-rings “1” between the drive chain side plates. Never use high-pressure water or air, steam, gasoline, certain solvents (e.g., benzine), or a coarse brush to clean the drive chain.

  • Page 277
    CHAIN DRIVE ECA17410 NOTICE Be sure to put on safety goggles when work- ing. Install the drive chain joint with the drive chain cut & rivet tool. Drive chain cut & rivet tool 90890-01550 2. Lubricate: Drive chain cut & rivet tool •…
  • Page 278: Adjusting The Shift Pedal

    CHAIN DRIVE 6. Adjust: • Installed shift rod length Refer to “ADJUSTING THE SHIFT PEDAL” on page 4-129. 7. Adjust: • Drive chain slack Refer to “Adjusting the drive chain slack” on page 3-19. Drive chain slack 25.0–35.0 mm (0.98–1.38 in) 5.

  • Page 279
    CHAIN DRIVE Be sure to place the shift rod joints in parallel. The allowable twist of the shift rod joints is ±5°. Shift rod locknut 7 N·m (0.7 kgf·m, 5.2 lb·ft) d. Make sure the installed shift rod length is within specification.
  • Page 280
    CHAIN DRIVE 4-131…
  • Page 281
  • Page 282
  • Page 283
  • Page 284: Lubrication System Chart And Diagrams

    LUBRICATION SYSTEM CHART AND DIAGRAMS EAS20298 LUBRICATION SYSTEM CHART AND DIAGRAMS EAS32362 ENGINE OIL LUBRICATION CHART 1. Oil strainer 17. Exhaust camshaft 2. Oil pump 18. Shift fork guide bar (upper) 3. Relief valve 19. Main axle 4. Oil cooler 20.

  • Page 285: Lubrication Diagrams

    LUBRICATION SYSTEM CHART AND DIAGRAMS EAS32363 LUBRICATION DIAGRAMS Crankcase, cylinder, and cylinder head (left side view) 1. Intake camshaft 2. Oil nozzle 3. Oil delivery pipe 2 4. Oil filter cartridge 5. Crankshaft 6. Exhaust camshaft 7. Sub gallery…

  • Page 286
    LUBRICATION SYSTEM CHART AND DIAGRAMS Crankcase and cylinder (right side view) 1. Timing chain tensioner 2. Intake camshaft 3. Exhaust camshaft 4. Crankshaft 5. Relief valve 6. Oil pipe 1 7. Oil delivery pipe 1 8. Oil pan 9. Oil strainer 10.
  • Page 287
    LUBRICATION SYSTEM CHART AND DIAGRAMS Timing chain cover and oil pipe (right side view) 1. Timing chain cover 2. Oil pipe 3 3. Oil pipe 2 4. Crankshaft 5. Crankcase…
  • Page 288
    LUBRICATION SYSTEM CHART AND DIAGRAMS Oil pump and oil cooler (bottom view) 1. Oil cooler 2. Oil delivery pipe 1 3. Oil cooler outlet hose 4. Oil filter cartridge 5. Oil pressure switch 6. Oil delivery pipe 2 7. Oil strainer 8.
  • Page 289
    LUBRICATION SYSTEM CHART AND DIAGRAMS Camshaft and balancer shaft (top view) 1. Cylinder head 2. Exhaust camshaft 3. Intake camshaft 4. Balancer shaft…
  • Page 290
    LUBRICATION SYSTEM CHART AND DIAGRAMS Crankshaft (rear view) 1. Oil nozzle 2. Oil pipe 3 3. Timing chain cover 4. Crankshaft 5. Oil pipe 2 6. Oil pressure switch 7. Generator rotor 8. Shaft…
  • Page 291
    LUBRICATION SYSTEM CHART AND DIAGRAMS Crankshaft and transmission (top view) 1. Oil pump 2. Main axle 3. Clutch housing 4. Drive axle 5. Oil delivery pipe 3…
  • Page 292: Engine Inspection

    ENGINE INSPECTION EAS20041 ENGINE INSPECTION EAS30249 MEASURE THE COMPRESSION PRESSURE The following procedure applies to all of the cyl- inders. Insufficient compression pressure will result in a loss of performance. 1. Measure: 5. Measure: • Valve clearance • Compression pressure Out of specification →…

  • Page 293
    ENGINE INSPECTION 6. Install: • Spark plugs Spark plug 13 N·m (1.3 kgf·m, 9.6 lb·ft) Spark plug (new) 18 N·m (1.8 kgf·m, 13 lb·ft) • Before installing the spark plug, clean the spark plug and gasket surface. • If the spark plug is a new one, tighten it to 18 N·m (1.8 kgf·m, 13 lb·ft).
  • Page 294: Engine Removal

    ENGINE REMOVAL EAS20042 ENGINE REMOVAL Removing the muffler and exhaust pipe 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 6 N ・ m (0.6 kgf ・ m, 4.4 lb ・ ft) 2.0 N ・…

  • Page 295
    ENGINE REMOVAL Removing the muffler and exhaust pipe 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 6 N ・ m (0.6 kgf ・ m, 4.4 lb ・ ft) 2.0 N ・…
  • Page 296
    ENGINE REMOVAL Disconnecting the leads and hoses 6 N ・ m (0.6 kgf ・ m, 4.4 lb ・ ft) 7 N ・ m (0.7 kgf ・ m, 5.2 lb ・ ft) ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Air filter case Refer to “AIR FILTER CASE”…
  • Page 297
    ENGINE REMOVAL Removing the engine 56 N ・ m (5.6 kgf ・ m, 41 lb ・ ft) 70 N ・ m (7.0 kgf ・ m, 52 lb ・ ft) 56 N ・ m (5.6 kgf ・ m, 41 lb ・ ft) 70 N ・…
  • Page 298: Removing The Engine

    ENGINE REMOVAL 6. Tighten: EAS30250 REMOVING THE ENGINE • Engine mounting adjust bolt “1” 1. Loosen: • Engine mounting adjust bolt • Tighten the engine mounting adjust bolt to specification with the pivot shaft wrench. Loosen the engine mounting adjust bolt with the •…

  • Page 299: Installing The Exhaust Pipe And Muffler

    ENGINE REMOVAL EAS30252 INSTALLING THE EXHAUST PIPE AND MUFFLER 1. Install: • Exhaust pipe • Gasket “1” (to exhaust chamber) • Muffler When installing the gasket, install it so that the chamfered side “a” of the gasket faces the ex- haust pipe side as shown in the illustration.

  • Page 300: Camshafts

    CAMSHAFTS EAS20043 CAMSHAFTS Removing the cylinder head cover 13 N ・ m (1.3 kgf ・ m, 9.6 lb ・ ft) 8 N ・ m (0.8 kgf ・ m, 5.9 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) ’…

  • Page 301
    CAMSHAFTS Removing the cylinder head cover 13 N ・ m (1.3 kgf ・ m, 9.6 lb ・ ft) 8 N ・ m (0.8 kgf ・ m, 5.9 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) ’…
  • Page 302
    CAMSHAFTS Removing the camshafts 8 N ・ m (0.8 kgf ・ m, 5.9 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 8 N ・ m (0.8 kgf ・ m, 5.9 lb ・ ft) ’…
  • Page 303
    CAMSHAFTS Removing the timing chain and timing chain guide 72 N ・ m (7.2 kgf ・ m, 53 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 6 N ・ m (0.6 kgf ・ m, 4.4 lb ・ ft) 3.0 N ・…
  • Page 304
    CAMSHAFTS Removing the timing chain and timing chain guide 72 N ・ m (7.2 kgf ・ m, 53 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 6 N ・ m (0.6 kgf ・ m, 4.4 lb ・ ft) 3.0 N ・…
  • Page 305: Engine

    CAMSHAFTS Removing the rocker arms 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 6 N ・ m (0.6 kgf ・ m, 4.4 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) ’…

  • Page 306: Removing The Camshafts

    CAMSHAFTS EAS30256 REMOVING THE CAMSHAFTS 1. Remove: • Timing mark accessing bolt • Crankshaft end cover Refer to “GENERATOR” on page 5-43. 2. Align: • Mark “a” on the generator rotor (with the generator rotor cover slot “b”) a. Turn the crankshaft counterclockwise. b.

  • Page 307
    CAMSHAFTS Camshaft runout limit 0.050 mm (0.0020 in) a. Camshaft cap bolt (black): 40 mm (1.57 in) b. Camshaft cap bolt (silver): 35 mm (1.38 in) A. Intake side B. Exhaust side 4. Measure: • Camshaft-journal-to-camshaft-cap clearance Out of specification → Measure the camshaft •…
  • Page 308: Checking The Rocker Arms And Rocker Arm Shafts

    CAMSHAFTS Camshaft journal diameter Rocker arm shaft outside diame- 25.459–25.472 mm (1.0023– 1.0028 in) 7.967–7.979 mm (0.3137–0.3141 Limit 7.936 mm (0.3124 in) G088949 EAS30259 CHECKING THE ROCKER ARMS AND G088952 ROCKER ARM SHAFTS The following procedure applies to all of the EAS30258 CHECKING THE TIMING CHAIN AND rocker arms and rocker arm shafts.

  • Page 309: Checking The Timing Chain Tensioner

    CAMSHAFTS • Timing chain guide (top side) Damage/wear → Replace the defective part(s). EAS30266 CHECKING THE TIMING CHAIN TENSIONER 1. Check: • Timing chain tensioner Cracks/damage/rough movement → Re- place. a. Using the valve spring compressor “1”, push and insert timing chain tensioner rod EAS31744 “2”…

  • Page 310: Installing The Timing Chain Cover

    CAMSHAFTS Rocker arm shaft bolt 6 N·m (0.6 kgf·m, 4.4 lb·ft) LOCTITE® Straight plug (rocker arm shaft) 10 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7.4 lb·ft) LOCTITE® c. Install the oil pipe bolt “3” and tighten it temporarily until there is no clearance at “a”…

  • Page 311: Installing The Camshafts

    CAMSHAFTS a. Turn the crankshaft counterclockwise. b. When piston #1 is at BTDC105°, align the BTDC105° mark “a” on the generator rotor with the generator rotor cover slot “b”. f. Install the oil pipe bolts “4” and tighten them temporarily. Apply locking agent (LOCTITE®) onto the oil 3.

  • Page 312
    CAMSHAFTS 5. Tighten: a. Camshaft cap bolt (black): 40 mm (1.57 in) • Camshaft cap bolts b. Camshaft cap bolt (silver): 35 mm (1.38 in) A. Intake side Camshaft cap bolt B. Exhaust side 8 N·m (0.8 kgf·m, 5.9 lb·ft) Camshaft cap bolt (new) 6.
  • Page 313
    CAMSHAFTS b. Keep pressing the timing chain tensioner rod, mount clip “4” into groove “5”, and lock the timing chain tensioner rod. c. In the status of step (b), install the rod as- sembly in the cylinder block. Always use a new gasket. Timing chain tensioner bolt 10 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7.4 lb·ft) LOCTITE®…
  • Page 314
    CAMSHAFTS • After installing the cylinder head cover gasket “2” to the cylinder head cover, cut off the “a” section. 12.Install: • Spark plugs • Ignition coils “1” Spark plug 13 N·m (1.3 kgf·m, 9.6 lb·ft) Spark plug (new) 18 N·m (1.8 kgf·m, 13 lb·ft) •…
  • Page 315: Cylinder Head

    CYLINDER HEAD EAS20044 CYLINDER HEAD Removing the cylinder head m (0.9 kgf m, 6.6 lb • • • 16 N m (1.6 kgf m, 12 lb • • • 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 25 N ・…

  • Page 316: Removing The Cylinder Head

    CYLINDER HEAD EAS30276 REMOVING THE CYLINDER HEAD 1. Remove: • Intake camshaft • Exhaust camshaft Refer to “REMOVING THE CAMSHAFTS” on page 5-23. 2. Remove: • Cylinder head bolt (M6) (× 2) • Cylinder head bolt (M9) (× 10) G088956 a.

  • Page 317
    CYLINDER HEAD • Lubricate the cylinder head bolt (M9) thread and mating surface with engine oil. 3. Tighten: • Cylinder head bolt “1”–“10” • Cylinder head bolt “11”, “12” Cylinder head bolt “1”–“10” 1st: 10 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7.4 lb·ft) 2nd: 25 N·m (2.5 kgf·m, 18 lb·ft) 3rd: 45 N·m (4.5 kgf·m, 33 lb·ft) *4th: 15 N·m (1.5 kgf·m, 11 lb·ft)
  • Page 318: Valves And Valve Springs

    VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS EAS20045 VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS Removing the valves and valve springs ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Cylinder head Refer to “CYLINDER HEAD” on page 5-32. Exhaust valve pad Exhaust valve cotter Exhaust valve spring retainer Exhaust valve spring (outer) Exhaust valve spring (inner) Exhaust valve…

  • Page 319
    VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS Removing the valves and valve springs ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Intake valve spring retainer Intake valve spring (outer) Intake valve spring (inner) Intake valve Intake valve stem seal Intake valve spring seat Circlip Intake valve guide 5-36…
  • Page 320: Removing The Valves

    VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS EAS30283 REMOVING THE VALVES Valve spring compressor The following procedure applies to all of the 90890-04019 valves and related components. Valve spring compressor YM-04019 Valve spring compressor attach- Before removing the internal parts of the cylinder ment (ø26) head (e.g., valves, valve springs, valve seats), 90890-01243…

  • Page 321
    VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS b. Install the new valve guide with the valve Valve-stem-to-valve-guide clear- guide installer “2” and valve guide remov- ance (intake) er “1”. 0.010–0.037 mm (0.0004–0.0015 Valve guide position (intake) Limit 12.0–12.4 mm (0.47–0.49 in) 0.080 mm (0.0032 in) Valve guide position (exhaust) Valve-stem-to-valve-guide clear- 17.5–17.9 mm (0.69–0.70 in)
  • Page 322: Checking The Valve Seats

    VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS Valve guide remover (ø4.5) 90890-04116 Valve guide remover (4.5 mm) YM-04116 Valve guide remover (ø5) 90890-04097 Valve guide remover (5.0 mm) YM-04097 Valve guide installer (ø4.5) G088965 90890-04117 Valve guide installer (4.5 mm) EAS30285 YM-04117 CHECKING THE VALVE SEATS Valve guide installer (ø5) The following procedure applies to all of the 90890-04098…

  • Page 323
    VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS G088967 G088968 b. Apply molybdenum disulfide oil onto the b. Install the valve into the cylinder head. valve stem. c. Press the valve through the valve guide c. Install the valve into the cylinder head. and onto the valve seat to make a clear d.
  • Page 324: Checking The Valve Springs

    VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS j. Measure the valve seat contact width “c” 1. Check: again. If the valve seat width is out of spec- • Valve spring seat Damage/scratches → Replace the valve ification, reface and lap the valve seat. spring seat.

  • Page 325
    VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS G088975 6. Lubricate: b. Smaller pitch • Valve pad 4. Install: (with the recommended lubricant) • Valve cotters Recommended lubricant Molybdenum disulfide oil Install the valve cotters by compressing the valve spring with the valve spring compressor 7.
  • Page 326: Generator

    GENERATOR EAS20134 GENERATOR Removing the stator coil and generator rotor 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 6 N ・ m (0.6 kgf ・ m, 4.4 lb ・ ft) 15 N ・ m (1.5 kgf ・ m, 11 lb ・ ft) 85 N ・…

  • Page 327
    GENERATOR Removing the stator coil and generator rotor 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 6 N ・ m (0.6 kgf ・ m, 4.4 lb ・ ft) 15 N ・ m (1.5 kgf ・ m, 11 lb ・ ft) 85 N ・…
  • Page 328: Removing The Generator

    GENERATOR EAS30829 REMOVING THE GENERATOR Flywheel puller 1. Remove: 90890-01404 • Generator rotor bolt “1” Flywheel puller YM-01404 • Washer While holding the generator rotor “2” with the 15mm pin type rotor holding tool “3”, loosen the generator rotor bolt. 15mm pin type rotor holding tool 90890-04171 YM-04171…

  • Page 329
    • Crankshaft position sensor coupler To route the stator coil lead, refer to “CABLE ROUTING” on page 2-17. 3. Apply: • Sealant (onto the stator coil assembly lead grommet) Yamaha bond No. 1215 90890-85505 (Three bond No.1215®) G088980 4. Install: • Generator cover gasket •…
  • Page 330: Starter Clutch

    STARTER CLUTCH EAS20049 STARTER CLUTCH Removing the starter clutch 14 N ・ m (1.4 kgf ・ m, 10 lb ・ ft) ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Clutch housing assembly Refer to “CLUTCH” on page 5-59. Starter clutch gear Bearing Starter clutch assembly Circlip Starter clutch idle gear…

  • Page 331: Removing The Starter Clutch

    STARTER CLUTCH c. When turning the starter clutch gear coun- EAS30305 REMOVING THE STARTER CLUTCH terclockwise “B”, it should turn freely, oth- 1. Remove: erwise the starter clutch is faulty and must • Starter clutch bolt “1” be replaced. • While holding the clutch housing assembly “2” with the sheave holder “3”, remove the starter clutch bolt.

  • Page 332: Electric Starter

    ELECTRIC STARTER EAS20052 ELECTRIC STARTER Removing the starter motor 6 N ・ m (0.6 kgf ・ m, 4.4 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS (1)” on page Rider seat 4-1.

  • Page 333
    ELECTRIC STARTER Disassembling the starter motor 4.5 N ・ m (0.45 kgf ・ m, 3.3 lb ・ ft) ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks O-ring Starter motor front cover Starter motor yoke Armature assembly Gasket Brush holder set Starter motor rear cover 5-50…
  • Page 334: Checking The Starter Motor

    ELECTRIC STARTER EAS30325 CHECKING THE STARTER MOTOR Brush overall length limit 1. Check: 5.5 mm (0.22 in) • Commutator Dirt → Clean with 600 grit sandpaper. 2. Measure: • Mica undercut “a” Out of specification → Scrape the mica to the proper measurement with a hacksaw blade that has been grounded to fit the commutator.

  • Page 335
  • Page 336: Oil Pump

    OIL PUMP EAS20054 OIL PUMP Removing the oil pan and oil pump 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・…

  • Page 337
    OIL PUMP Removing the oil pan and oil pump 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・…
  • Page 338
    OIL PUMP Disassembling the oil pump 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Oil pump cover Dowel pin Oil pump outer rotor Oil pump inner rotor Oil pump housing Oil pump driven sprocket 5-55…
  • Page 339: Removing The Oil Pan

    OIL PUMP EAS30333 REMOVING THE OIL PAN 1. Remove: • Oil pan • Gasket • Dowel pins Loosen each bolt 1/4 of a turn at a time, in stag- es and in a crisscross pattern. After all of the bolts are fully loosened, remove them. EAS30339 EAS30336 CHECKING THE OIL DELIVERY PIPES…

  • Page 340: Installing The Oil Pump

    OIL PUMP When installing the inner rotor, align the pin “2” in the oil pump shaft with the groove in the inner rotor “3”. 3. Install: • Oil pump drive chain guide Oil pump drive chain guide bolt 10 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7.4 lb·ft) LOCTITE®…

  • Page 341
    OIL PUMP • M6 × 25 mm (0.98 in) bolts: “1”–“6”, “9”–“12” • M6 × 30 mm (1.18 in) bolts: “7”, “8” 2. Tighten: • Oil pan bolt Oil pan bolt 10 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7.4 lb·ft) LOCTITE® 3. Install: •…
  • Page 342: Clutch

    CLUTCH EAS20055 CLUTCH Removing the clutch cover 7 N ・ m (0.7 kgf ・ m, 5.2 lb ・ ft) (10) 6 N ・ m (0.6 kgf ・ m, 4.4 lb ・ ft) 3.0 N ・ m (0.30 kgf ・ m, 2.2 lb ・ ft) Specified angle 180˚…

  • Page 343
    CLUTCH Removing the pull lever shaft 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Circlip Pull lever Pull lever spring Circlip Pull lever shaft Oil seal Bearing Bearing Clutch cover damper plate Clutch cover damper 5-60…
  • Page 344
    CLUTCH Removing the clutch 125 N ・ m (12.5 kgf ・ m, 92 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Pressure plate 1 Compression spring Pressure plate 2 Pull rod Bearing Press the bearing into pressure plate 2.
  • Page 345
    CLUTCH Removing the clutch 125 N ・ m (12.5 kgf ・ m, 92 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Clutch damper spring Clutch damper spring seat Clutch boss nut Conical spring washer Clutch boss…
  • Page 346: Removing The Clutch

    CLUTCH EAS30346 REMOVING THE CLUTCH 1. Remove: • Clutch cover • Gasket Loosen each bolt 1/4 of a turn at a time, in stag- es and in a crisscross pattern. After all of the bolts are fully loosened, remove them. G088993 6.

  • Page 347: Checking The Clutch Springs

    CLUTCH 2. Measure: Clutch plate “1” • Clutch plate 1, 2 warpage Part No. Thickness (with a surface plate and thickness gauge) Out of specification → Replace the clutch 2CR-16325-10 2.0 mm (0.079 in) plates as a set. 2CR-16325-00 2.3 mm (0.091 in) Thickness gauge 2CR-16325-20 2.6 mm (0.102 in)

  • Page 348: Checking The Clutch Boss

    CLUTCH EAS30357 CHECKING THE PRIMARY DRIVEN GEAR 1. Check: • Primary driven gear Damage/wear → Replace the clutch housing and crankshaft as a set. Excessive noise during operation → Replace the clutch housing and crankshaft as a set. EAS30358 G088994 CHECKING THE PULL LEVER SHAFT AND PULL ROD 2.

  • Page 349
    CLUTCH 2. Install: 3. Lubricate: • Thrust plate • Friction plates • Clutch boss “1” • Clutch plates • Conical spring washer “2” (with the recommended lubricant) • Clutch boss nut “3” Recommended lubricant Engine oil Clutch boss nut 125 N·m (12.5 kgf·m, 92 lb·ft) 4.
  • Page 350
    CLUTCH 5. Install: • Pull rod • Pressure plate 2 • Clutch springs • Pressure plate 1 • Clutch spring bolts Clutch spring bolt 10 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7.4 lb·ft) 8. Install: • Tighten the clutch spring bolts in stages and in •…
  • Page 351: Shift Shaft

    SHIFT SHAFT EAS20057 SHIFT SHAFT Removing the shift shaft and stopper lever 22 N ・ m (2.2 kgf ・ m, 16 lb ・ ft) ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Clutch assembly Refer to “CLUTCH” on page 5-59. Shift arm Refer to “CHAIN DRIVE”…

  • Page 352: Checking The Shift Shaft

    SHIFT SHAFT EAS30377 CHECKING THE SHIFT SHAFT Lubricate the oil seal lips with lithium-soap- 1. Check: based grease. • Shift shaft Bends/damage/wear → Replace. • Shift shaft spring • Collar Damage/wear → Replace. EAS30378 CHECKING THE STOPPER LEVER 1. Check: •…

  • Page 353: Crankcase

    CRANKCASE EAS20059 CRANKCASE Removing the crankcase breather cover and switches 12 N ・ m (1.2 kgf ・ m, 8.9 lb ・ ft) 6 N ・ m (0.6 kgf ・ m, 4.4 lb ・ ft) 3.0 N ・ m (0.30 kgf ・ m, 2.2 lb ・ ft) Specified angle 90˚…

  • Page 354
    CRANKCASE Removing the crankcase breather cover and switches 12 N ・ m (1.2 kgf ・ m, 8.9 lb ・ ft) 6 N ・ m (0.6 kgf ・ m, 4.4 lb ・ ft) 3.0 N ・ m (0.30 kgf ・ m, 2.2 lb ・ ft) Specified angle 90˚…
  • Page 355
    CRANKCASE Separating the crankcase 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 20 N ・ m (2.0 kgf ・ m, 15 lb ・ ft) 15 N ・ m (1.5 kgf ・ m, 11 lb ・ ft) 24 N ・…
  • Page 356: Disassembling The Crankcase

    Recommended lubricant Engine oil 2. Apply: • Sealant (onto the crankcase mating surfaces) Yamaha bond No. 1215 90890-85505 (Three bond No.1215®) • Do not allow any sealant to come into contact 3. Remove: with the oil gallery or crankshaft journal bear- •…

  • Page 357
    CRANKCASE • Lubricate the bolts “28”, “40” mating surfaces with engine oil. • Apply the bolts “28”, “40” thread with LOC- TITE®. • M9 × 100 mm (3.94 in) bolts with washers: “1”–“10” • M8 × 58 mm (2.28 in) bolts with new O-rings: “11”–“18”…
  • Page 358: Installing The Crankcase Breather Cover

    CRANKCASE EWA16610 WARNING If the bolt is tightened more than the speci- fied angle, do not loosen the bolt and then re- tighten it. Instead, replace the bolt with a new one and perform the procedure again. ECA20890 NOTICE Do not use a torque wrench to tighten the bolt to the specified angle.

  • Page 359: Installing The Oil Pressure Switch

    CRANKCASE EAS31071 INSTALLING THE OIL PRESSURE SWITCH Gear position sensor bolt 1. Install: 4.0 N·m (0.40 kgf·m, 3.0 lb·ft) • Oil pressure switch “1” LOCTITE® • Oil pressure switch lead “2” Oil pressure switch • Lubricate the O-ring with lithium-soap-based 13 N·m (1.3 kgf·m, 9.6 lb·ft) grease.

  • Page 360: Connecting Rods And Pistons

    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS EAS20132 CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS Removing the connecting rods and pistons 25 N ・ m (2.5 kgf ・ m, 18 lb ・ ft) Specified angle 180˚ ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Lower crankcase Refer to “CRANKCASE” on page 5-70. Connecting rod cap Big end lower bearing Big end upper bearing…

  • Page 361: Removing The Connecting Rods And Pistons

    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS EAS30745 REMOVING THE CONNECTING RODS AND Piston pin clip rotation tool PISTONS 90890-04175 The following procedure applies to all of the con- YM-04175 necting rods and pistons. 1. Remove: • Connecting rod cap • Connecting rod •…

  • Page 362: Checking The Cylinder And Piston

    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS G088999 EAS30747 3. Remove: CHECKING THE CYLINDER AND PISTON • Piston pin “1” 1. Check: • Piston “2” • Piston wall ECA13810 • Cylinder wall NOTICE Vertical scratches → Replace the cylinder Do not use a hammer to drive the piston pin block, and replace the pistons and piston out.

  • Page 363: Checking The Piston Rings

    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS Piston Piston ring Diameter Top ring 78.961–78.994 mm (3.1087– Ring side clearance 3.1100 in) 0.030–0.065 mm (0.0012– 0.0026 in) Side clearance limit 0.115 mm (0.0045 in) 2nd ring Ring side clearance 0.020–0.055 mm (0.0008– 0.0022 in) Side clearance limit 0.115 mm (0.0045 in) a.

  • Page 364: Checking The Piston Pin

    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS G089005 3. Calculate: b. Upper of cylinder • Piston-pin-to-piston-pin-bore clearance Out of specification → Replace the piston pin EAS30749 CHECKING THE PISTON PIN and piston as a set. The following procedure applies to all of the pis- Piston-pin-to-piston-pin-bore clearance = Piston ton pins.

  • Page 365
    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS b. Wait five minutes to dry the remaining oil cleaner component. c. Install the big end upper bearing into the connecting rod and the big end lower bearing into the connecting rod cap with the connecting rod big end metal installer “1”.
  • Page 366
    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS • Make sure the “ ” marks “b” on the connecting rods face towards the left side of the crank- shaft. • Install the connecting rod so that the Plasti- gauge® is in position “c” or “d”. Install by carrying out the following procedures in order to assemble in the most suitable condition.
  • Page 367
    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS 175°–185°. If torque is out of range, re- 2. Select: place the connecting rod bolt to new one • Big end bearings (P –P and repeat from step (h). • The numbers “A” stamped into the crankshaft Connecting rod bolt (final) web and the numbers “1”…
  • Page 368: Installing The Connecting Rod And Piston

    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS EAS30751 INSTALLING THE CONNECTING ROD AND PISTON The following procedure applies to all of the con- necting rods and pistons. 1. Install: • Big end bearings • Connecting rod cap (onto the connecting rod) • Clean the big end bearings, crankshaft pins, and the connecting rods with oil cleaner, and then wait five minutes to dry the remaining oil cleaner component.

  • Page 369
    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS 2. Tighten: 3. Install: • Top ring “1” • Connecting rod bolts (into the piston) ECA18390 NOTICE • 2nd ring “2” • Upper oil ring rail “3” Tighten the connecting rod bolts using the • Oil ring expander “4” plastic-region tightening angle method.
  • Page 370
    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS d. Make sure the piston pin clip “1” is posi- tioned as shown in the illustration. Align the piston pin clip end with the position “a”. e. Install the piston pin clip installer tool “4” b. Push the piston pin clip insertion tool “3” in onto the piston.
  • Page 371
    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS • While holding the piston rings with the hand, in- stall the piston assembly into the cylinder from underneath. • Install the piston assembly into the cylinder so that the piston ring end gap is aligned with the cylinder skirt “a”.
  • Page 372
    CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS 180˚ EWA16610 WARNING If the bolt is tightened more than the speci- Tighten the connecting rod bolts using the fol- fied angle, do not loosen the bolt and then re- lowing procedure. tighten it. Instead, replace the bolt with a new one and perform the procedure again.
  • Page 373: Crankshaft And Balancer Shaft

    CRANKSHAFT AND BALANCER SHAFT EAS20178 CRANKSHAFT AND BALANCER SHAFT Removing the crankshaft and balancer shaft 3.0 N ・ m (0.30 kgf ・ m, 2.2 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks…

  • Page 374: Removing The Crankshaft And Balancer Shaft

    CRANKSHAFT AND BALANCER SHAFT 2. Check: EAS31171 REMOVING THE CRANKSHAFT AND • Crankshaft journal surfaces BALANCER SHAFT • Crankshaft pin surfaces 1. Remove: Scratches/wear → Replace the crankshaft. • Balancer shaft “1” • Bearing surfaces • Balancer shaft journal bearing Scratches/wear →…

  • Page 375
    CRANKSHAFT AND BALANCER SHAFT 4. Select: • Crankshaft journal bearings (J –J • The numbers “A” stamped into the crankshaft web and the numbers “B” stamped into the lower crankcase are used to determine the re- placement crankshaft journal bearing sizes. •…
  • Page 376: Checking The Balancer Shaft

    CRANKSHAFT AND BALANCER SHAFT ing clearance and prevent engine damage, the balancer shaft journal bearings must be installed in their original positions. a. Clean the balancer shaft journal bearings, balancer shaft journals, and bearing por- tions of the crankcase. b. Place the upper crankcase upside down on a bench.

  • Page 377: Installing The Crankshaft

    CRANKSHAFT AND BALANCER SHAFT Bearing color code Code 0 White Code 1 Blue Code 2 Black Code 3 Brown G089019 Code 4 f. Tighten the bolts to specification in the Green Code 5 tightening sequence cast on the crank- Yellow case.

  • Page 378: Installing The Thrust Bearing

    CRANKSHAFT AND BALANCER SHAFT • Crankshaft journal lower bearings (into the lower crankcase) When installing the thrust bearing, shift the • Crankshaft crankshaft to the left to widen the gap between the crankshaft and the crankcase. • Align the projections “a” on the crankshaft jour- nal bearings “1”…

  • Page 379
    CRANKSHAFT AND BALANCER SHAFT • Balancer shaft journal lower bearings (into the lower crankcase) • Align the projections “a” on the balancer shaft journal bearings “1” with the notches “b” in the crankcases. • Be sure to install each balancer shaft journal bearing in its original place.
  • Page 380: Transmission

    TRANSMISSION EAS20062 TRANSMISSION Removing the transmission, shift drum assembly, and shift forks 12 N ・ m (1.2 kgf ・ m, 8.9 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) ’…

  • Page 381
    TRANSMISSION Disassembling the main axle assembly ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Make sure the chamfered side of the pinion 2nd pinion gear gear faces to the left. Toothed lock washer Toothed lock washer retainer 6th pinion gear Collar Washer Circlip 3rd pinion gear Circlip…
  • Page 382
    TRANSMISSION Disassembling the drive axle assembly ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Circlip Bearing Washer 1st wheel gear Collar 5th wheel gear Circlip Washer 3rd wheel gear Collar Toothed lock washer Toothed lock washer retainer 5-99…
  • Page 383
    TRANSMISSION Disassembling the drive axle assembly ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks 4th wheel gear Collar Washer Circlip 6th wheel gear Circlip Washer 2nd wheel gear Collar Collar Oil seal Circlip Bearing Drive axle 5-100…
  • Page 384: Removing The Transmission

    TRANSMISSION EAS30430 EAS30431 REMOVING THE TRANSMISSION CHECKING THE SHIFT FORKS 1. Remove: The following procedure applies to all of the shift • Drive axle assembly “1” forks. • Shift drum retainers “2” 1. Check: • Shift fork guide bars • Shift fork cam follower “1” •…

  • Page 385: Checking The Transmission

    TRANSMISSION • Shift drum segment “1” 3. Check: Damage/wear → Replace the shift drum as- • Transmission gears Blue discoloration/pitting/wear → Replace sembly. • Shift drum bearing “2” the defective gear(s). Damage/pitting → Replace the shift drum as- • Transmission gear dogs Cracks/damage/rounded edges →…

  • Page 386: Installing The Transmission

    TRANSMISSION A. Main axle B. Drive axle EAS30438 INSTALLING THE TRANSMISSION 1. Install: • Bearings “1” • Oil delivery pipe 3 “2” Face the seal side of bearing to the outside. 2. Install: • Toothed lock washer retainer “1” Oil delivery pipe 3 bolt •…

  • Page 387
    TRANSMISSION 3. Install: • Oil seal • Shift fork-C “1” • Circlip “4” • Shift drum assembly “2” • Drive axle assembly “5” • Shift fork guide bar “3” Shift drum retainer bolt 10 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7.4 lb·ft) • The embossed marks on the shift forks should LOCTITE®…
  • Page 388
  • Page 389: Cooling System


  • Page 390
    COOLING SYSTEM DIAGRAMS EAS20299 COOLING SYSTEM DIAGRAMS 1. Radiator outlet hose 2. Cooling system air bleed hose 3. Thermostat assembly 4. Radiator inlet hose 5. Radiator 6. Water pump outlet pipe 7. Water pump 8. Water pump inlet pipe…
  • Page 391
    COOLING SYSTEM DIAGRAMS 1. Cooling system air bleed hose 2. Radiator 3. Radiator outlet hose 4. Radiator inlet hose 5. Water pump inlet pipe 6. Water pump outlet pipe 7. Water pump 8. Thermostat assembly…
  • Page 392
    RADIATOR EAS20063 RADIATOR Removing the radiator 8 N ・ m (0.8 kgf ・ m, 5.9 lb ・ ft) 8 N ・ m (0.8 kgf ・ m, 5.9 lb ・ ft) 7 N ・ m (0.7 kgf ・ m, 5.2 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・…
  • Page 393
    RADIATOR Removing the radiator 8 N ・ m (0.8 kgf ・ m, 5.9 lb ・ ft) 8 N ・ m (0.8 kgf ・ m, 5.9 lb ・ ft) 7 N ・ m (0.7 kgf ・ m, 5.2 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・…
  • Page 394
    RADIATOR 3. Measure: EAS31659 REMOVING THE RADIATOR • Radiator cap valve opening pressure 1. Remove: Below the specified pressure → Replace the • Hose clamp (Clic-R) “1” radiator cap. Radiator cap valve opening pres- • Remove the hose clamp using the hose clamp sure pliers “2”.
  • Page 395
    RADIATOR • When installing the hose clamp, make sure Refer to “CHECKING THE RADIATOR” on that the thin tip “a” of the hose clamp pliers is page 6-5. directed as shown in the illustration. • For more information about installing the hose, refer to “CABLE ROUTING”…
  • Page 396
    OIL COOLER EAS20064 OIL COOLER Removing the oil cooler 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・…
  • Page 397
    OIL COOLER EAS30441 CHECKING THE OIL COOLER 1. Check: • Oil cooler Cracks/damage → Replace. • Oil cooler fins Obstruction → Clean. Apply compressed air to the rear of the oil cooler. Damage → Repair or replace. Straighten any flattened fins with a thin, flat-head screwdriver.
  • Page 398
    THERMOSTAT EAS20065 THERMOSTAT Removing the thermostat 10 N m (1.0 kgf m, 7.4 lb • • • 10 N m (1.0 kgf m, 7.4 lb • • • 10 N m (1.0 kgf m, 7.4 lb • • • ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks…
  • Page 399
    THERMOSTAT Removing the thermostat 10 N m (1.0 kgf m, 7.4 lb • • • 10 N m (1.0 kgf m, 7.4 lb • • • 10 N m (1.0 kgf m, 7.4 lb • • • ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Cooling system air bleed hose Disconnect.
  • Page 400
    THERMOSTAT 2. Check: EAS31660 REMOVING THE THERMOSTAT ASSEMBLY • Thermostat housing 1. Remove: • Thermostat housing cover • Hose clamp (Clic-R) Cracks/damage → Replace. Refer to “REMOVING THE RADIATOR” on page 6-5. EAS30444 ASSEMBLING THE THERMOSTAT • Radiator inlet hose ASSEMBLY 2.
  • Page 401
    THERMOSTAT Refer to “INSTALLING THE RADIATOR” on page 6-5. 5. Measure: • Radiator cap valve opening pressure Below the specified pressure → Replace the radiator cap. Refer to “CHECKING THE RADIATOR” on page 6-5. 6-12…
  • Page 402
    WATER PUMP EAS20066 WATER PUMP Removing the water pump 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 2.0 N ・ m (0.20 kgf ・ m, 1.5 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・…
  • Page 403
    WATER PUMP Disassembling the water pump 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) 10 N ・ m (1.0 kgf ・ m, 7.4 lb ・ ft) ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Water pump housing cover O-ring Circlip Impeller shaft…
  • Page 404
    WATER PUMP EAS30446 EAS30447 DISASSEMBLING THE WATER PUMP CHECKING THE WATER PUMP 1. Remove: 1. Check: • Mechanical seal (housing side) “1” • Water pump housing cover • Impeller shaft Cracks/damage/wear → Replace. Remove the mechanical seal (housing side) • Water pump housing from the inside of the water pump housing “2”.
  • Page 405
    WATER PUMP Mechanical seal installer (ø33) 90890-04132 Water pump seal installer (ø33) YM-33221-A Middle driven shaft bearing driv- 90890-04058 Middle drive bearing installer 40 & 50 mm YM-04058 2. Fill: • Cooling system (with the specified amount of the recom- mended coolant) Refer to “CHANGING THE COOLANT”…
  • Page 406
    WATER PUMP 6-17…
  • Page 407: Fuel System


  • Page 408
    FUEL TANK EAS20067 FUEL TANK Removing the fuel tank m (0.5 kgf m, 3.7 lb 4.0 N m (0.40 kgf m, 3.0 lb • • • • • • m (0.5 kgf m, 3.7 lb • • • 4.0 N m (0.40 kgf m, 3.0 lb •…
  • Page 409
    FUEL TANK Removing the rollover valve and canister 10 N m (1.0 kgf m, 7.4 lb • • • ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS (1)” on page Rider seat 4-1. Fuel tank Refer to “FUEL TANK” on page 7-1. Canister purge hose (hose joint to canister) Fuel tank breather hose (fuel tank to canister) Canister holder…
  • Page 410
    FUEL TANK EAS30450 REMOVING THE FUEL TANK 1. Extract the fuel in the fuel tank through the fuel tank cap with a pump. 2. Remove: • Rider seat Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS (1)” on page 4-1. • Fuel tank cover Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS (3)”…
  • Page 411
    FUEL TANK EAS30456 INSTALLING THE FUEL PUMP • Install the fuel hose onto the fuel pump secure- 1. Install: ly, and slide the fuel hose connector cover “1” • Fuel pump gasket in the direction shown in the illustration. • Fuel pump •…
  • Page 412
    AIR FILTER CASE EAS20068 AIR FILTER CASE Removing the air filter case and secondary injectors 3.5 N m (0.35 kgf m, 2.6 lb • • • m (0.8 kgf m, 5.9 lb • • • m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb •…
  • Page 413
    AIR FILTER CASE Removing the air filter case and secondary injectors 3.5 N m (0.35 kgf m, 2.6 lb • • • m (0.8 kgf m, 5.9 lb • • • m (0.7 kgf m, 5.2 lb • • • 3.5 N m (0.35 kgf m, 2.6 lb…
  • Page 414
  • Page 415
    AIR FILTER CASE Damage → Replace. 2. Loosen: • Intake funnel assembly bolt “1” 2. Check: • Injector resistance Refer to “CHECKING THE FUEL INJEC- TORS” on page 8-51. EAS31664 CHECKING THE AIR FILTER CASE SEAL 1. Check: • Air filter case seal Damage →…
  • Page 416
    AIR FILTER CASE b. Temporary tighten the cross bar bolts “a”. c. Install the intake funnel assembly and air filter case. d. Tighten the Intake funnel assembly bolt “b” and air filter case bolt “c”. Intake funnel assembly bolt 8 N·m (0.8 kgf·m, 5.9 lb·ft) Air filter case bolt 8 N·m (0.8 kgf·m, 5.9 lb·ft) A.
  • Page 417
    AIR FILTER CASE Air filter case cover screw 2.0 N·m (0.20 kgf·m, 1.5 lb·ft) EAS30468 INSTALLING THE FUEL HOSE (PRIMARY INJECTOR JOINT SIDE AND SECONDARY INJECTOR JOINT SIDE) 1. Connect: • Fuel hose (primary injector joint side and sec- ondary injector joint side) ECA17500 NOTICE When installing the fuel hose, make sure that…
  • Page 418
    THROTTLE BODIES EAS20070 THROTTLE BODIES Removing the throttle bodies 10 N m (1.0 kgf m, 7.4 lb • • • 3.0 N m (0.30 kgf m, 2.2 lb • • • ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS (1)” on page Rider seat 4-1.
  • Page 419
    THROTTLE BODIES Removing the throttle bodies 10 N m (1.0 kgf m, 7.4 lb • • • 3.0 N m (0.30 kgf m, 2.2 lb • • • ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks Throttle servo motor coupler Disconnect. Fuel hose 3 (fuel hose 2 to throttle body) Primary injector coupler Disconnect.
  • Page 420
    THROTTLE BODIES Removing the primary injectors 3.5 N m (0.35 kgf m, 2.6 lb • • • 3.5 N m (0.35 kgf m, 2.6 lb • • • 3.5 N m (0.35 kgf m, 2.6 lb • • • ’ Order Job/Parts to remove Remarks…
  • Page 421
    Deposit → Replace. will be affected. Damage → Replace. 2. Check: Recommended cleaning solvent • Injector resistance Yamaha Oil & Brake Cleaner Refer to “CHECKING THE FUEL INJEC- TORS” on page 8-51. EAS30769 CHECKING AND CLEANING THE THROTTLE BODIES Clean the throttle bodies only if they cannot be synchronized using the bypass air screws.
  • Page 422
    THROTTLE BODIES b. Install the caps (895-14169-00) onto the ECA17590 NOTICE hose fittings “a”. • Do not use a tool, such as a wire brush, to remove the carbon deposits; otherwise, the inside of the throttle bodies may be dam- aged.
  • Page 423
    THROTTLE BODIES Refer to “SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION • Be careful not to twist or pinch the O-rings AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE” on page when installing the injectors. 9-40. • When installing the injector, install it at the 6. Reset: same position as the removed cylinder. •…
  • Page 424
    THROTTLE BODIES b. Connect the pressure gauge “4” to the fuel • Fuel tank cover injector pressure adapter “1”. Refer to “FUEL TANK” on page 7-1. 2. Check: Pressure gauge • Fuel pressure 90890-03153 a. Remove the fuel tank bolts and hold up the Pressure gauge fuel tank.
  • Page 425
    Connect the throttle position sensor to the wire harness. d. Remove the protective cap, and then con- nect the Yamaha diagnostic tool to cou- pler. For information about using the Yamaha diag- nostic tool, refer to the operation manual that is included with the tool.
  • Page 426
    AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM EAS20071 AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM 1. Air filter case 2. Air cut-off valve 3. Air induction system hose (air filter case to air cut-off valve) 4. Cylinder head cover 5. Air induction system hose (air cut-off valve to reed valve cover) 7-19…
  • Page 427
    AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM Removing the air cut-off valve assembly and reed valves m (0.9 kgf m, 6.6 lb 0.3 N m (0.03 kgf m, 0.22 lb • • • • • • 10 N m (1.0 kgf m, 7.4 lb •…
  • Page 428
    AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM Removing the air cut-off valve assembly and reed valves m (0.9 kgf m, 6.6 lb 0.3 N m (0.03 kgf m, 0.22 lb • • • • • • 10 N m (1.0 kgf m, 7.4 lb •…
  • Page 429
    AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM EAS30488 CHECKING THE AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM Air injection The air induction system burns unburned ex- haust gases by injecting fresh air (secondary air) into the exhaust port, reducing the emission of hydrocarbons. When there is negative pressure at the exhaust port, the reed valve opens, allow- ing secondary air to flow into the exhaust port.
  • Page 430
    AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM 3. Install: • Reed valve cover Reed valve cover bolt 10 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7.4 lb·ft) LOCTITE® G089044 4. Check: • Air cut-off valve Cracks/damage → Replace. 5. Check: • Air induction system solenoid Refer to “CHECKING THE AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM SOLENOID”…
  • Page 431: Electrical System


  • Page 432
  • Page 434
  • Page 435
    IGNITION SYSTEM 3. Main switch 4. Main fuse 9. Backup fuse 12.Ignition fuse 18.Engine ground 19.Battery 23.Joint coupler 26.Handlebar switch (right) 28.Start/engine stop switch 30.Relay unit 33.Neutral switch 34.Sidestand switch 44.Cylinder identification sensor 46.Crankshaft position sensor 49.ECU (Engine Control Unit) 50.Spark plug 51.Ignition coil #1 52.Ignition coil #2…
  • Page 436
    IGNITION SYSTEM EAS30491 ENGINE STOPPING DUE TO SIDESTAND OPERATION When the engine is running and the transmission is in gear, the engine will stop if the sidestand is moved down. This is because the electric current from the ECU does not flow to the ignition coils or fuel injectors when the neutral switch or sidestand switch is open.
  • Page 437
    IGNITION SYSTEM EAS30492 TROUBLESHOOTING The ignition system fails to operate (no spark or intermittent spark). • Before troubleshooting, remove the following part(s): 1. Front side cowling/Front panel 2. Rider seat 3. Fuel tank cover 4. Fuel tank 5. Air filter case NG →…
  • Page 438
    IGNITION SYSTEM NG → 8. Check the main switch. Refer to “CHECKING THE Replace the main switch/immobilizer unit. SWITCHES” on page 8-40. OK ↓ NG → 9. Check the start/engine stop switch. Refer to “CHECKING THE Replace the handlebar switch (right). SWITCHES”…
  • Page 439
  • Page 440
  • Page 441
    ELECTRIC STARTING SYSTEM 3. Main switch 4. Main fuse 9. Backup fuse 12.Ignition fuse 18.Engine ground 19.Battery 20.Starter relay 22.Starter motor 23.Joint coupler 26.Handlebar switch (right) 28.Start/engine stop switch 30.Relay unit 31.Starting circuit cut-off relay 33.Neutral switch 34.Sidestand switch 49.ECU (Engine Control Unit) 91.Handlebar switch (left) 99.Clutch switch…
  • Page 442
    ELECTRIC STARTING SYSTEM EAS30494 STARTING CIRCUIT CUT-OFF SYSTEM OPERATION If the main switch is turned to “ON” and the “ ” side of the start/engine stop switch is pushed, the starter motor can only operate if at least one of the following conditions is met: •…
  • Page 443
    ELECTRIC STARTING SYSTEM EAS30495 TROUBLESHOOTING The starter motor fails to turn. • Before troubleshooting, remove the following part(s): 1. Front side cowling/Front panel/Side cover 2. Rider seat 3. Fuel tank cover 4. Fuel tank 5. Air filter case 6. Throttle bodies NG →…
  • Page 444
    ELECTRIC STARTING SYSTEM NG → 8. Check the main switch. Refer to “CHECKING THE Replace the main switch/immobilizer unit. SWITCHES” on page 8-40. OK ↓ NG → 9. Check the neutral switch. Refer to “CHECKING THE Replace the neutral switch. SWITCHES”…
  • Page 445
    CHARGING SYSTEM EAS20074 CHARGING SYSTEM EAS30496 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 1. AC magneto 2. Rectifier/regulator 4. Main fuse 18.Engine ground 19.Battery 8-12…
  • Page 446
    CHARGING SYSTEM EAS30497 TROUBLESHOOTING The battery is not being charged. • Before troubleshooting, remove the following part(s): 1. Front side cowling/Front panel/Side cover bracket/Electrical components tray 2. Rider seat NG → 1. Check the fuse. (Main) Replace the fuse. Refer to “CHECKING THE FUS- ES”…
  • Page 447
  • Page 448
  • Page 449
    LIGHTING SYSTEM 3. Main switch 4. Main fuse 9. Backup fuse 12.Ignition fuse 13.Signaling system fuse 16.Headlight fuse 18.Engine ground 19.Battery 23.Joint coupler 49.ECU (Engine Control Unit) 72.Meter assembly 78.Multi-function meter 84.Meter light 86.High beam indicator light 91.Handlebar switch (left) 93.Pass/LAP switch 94.Dimmer switch 104.Headlight control unit…
  • Page 450
    LIGHTING SYSTEM EAS30499 TROUBLESHOOTING Any of the following fail to light: headlight, auxiliary light, high beam indicator light, tail/brake light, li- cense plate light or meter light. • Before troubleshooting, remove the following part(s): 1. Front side cowling/Front panel/Side cover 2.
  • Page 451
  • Page 452
  • Page 453
    SIGNALING SYSTEM 3. Main switch 4. Main fuse 9. Backup fuse 12.Ignition fuse 13.Signaling system fuse 14.ABS ECU fuse 15.Hazard lighting fuse 18.Engine ground 19.Battery 23.Joint coupler 25.Front brake light switch 26.Handlebar switch (right) 30.Relay unit 33.Neutral switch 35.Fuel sender 38.Gear position sensor 41.Shift sensor 47.Coolant temperature sensor…
  • Page 454
    SIGNALING SYSTEM EAS30501 TROUBLESHOOTING • Any of the following fail to light: turn signal light, brake light or an indicator light. • The horn fails to sound. • The speedometer fails to operate. • Before troubleshooting, remove the following part(s): 1.
  • Page 455
    SIGNALING SYSTEM NG → 2. Check the horn. Refer to “CHECKING THE HORN” Replace the horn. on page 8-47. OK ↓ NG → 3. Check the entire signaling sys- tem’s wiring. Properly connect or repair the signaling Refer to “CIRCUIT DIAGRAM” on system’s wiring.
  • Page 456
    SIGNALING SYSTEM NG → 3. Check the entire signaling sys- tem’s wiring. Properly connect or repair the signaling Refer to “CIRCUIT DIAGRAM” on system’s wiring. page 8-19. OK ↓ Replace the meter assembly or turn signal light. The neutral indicator light fails to come on. NG →…
  • Page 457
    SIGNALING SYSTEM The oil pressure and coolant temperature warning light remains on after the engine is started. NG → 1. Check the entire signaling sys- tem’s wiring. Properly connect or replace the wiring har- Refer to “CIRCUIT DIAGRAM” on ness. page 8-19.
  • Page 458
    SIGNALING SYSTEM QSS (Quick Shift System) does not operate. NG → 1. Check that the malfunction indicator Repair the faulty parts. light does not come on. OK ↓ NG → 2. Check that the QSS is working un- Check the QSS operating conditions ex- der normal QSS operating condi- plained in the owner’s manual and operate tions.
  • Page 459
    SIGNALING SYSTEM The speedometer fails to operate. NG → 1. Check the rear wheel sensor. Refer to “MAINTENANCE OF THE Replace the rear wheel sensor. REAR WHEEL SENSOR AND SENSOR ROTOR” on page 4-49. OK ↓ NG → 2. Check the entire wheel sensor wir- Properly connect or repair the wheel sen- ing.
  • Page 460
  • Page 461
    COOLING SYSTEM 3. Main switch 4. Main fuse 5. Radiator fan motor relay 9. Backup fuse 10.Sub radiator fan motor fuse 11.Radiator fan motor fuse 12.Ignition fuse 18.Engine ground 19.Battery 47.Coolant temperature sensor 49.ECU (Engine Control Unit) 112.Sub radiator fan motor (right) 113.Radiator fan motor (left) A.
  • Page 462
    COOLING SYSTEM EAS30503 TROUBLESHOOTING • Before troubleshooting, remove the following part(s): 1. Front side cowling/Front panel/Side cover bracket/Electrical components tray 2. Rider seat 3. Fuel tank cover 4. Fuel tank 5. Air filter case 6. Throttle bodies NG → 1. Check the fuses. (Main, ignition, backup, radiator fan motor and sub radiator fan motor) Replace the fuse(s).
  • Page 463
    COOLING SYSTEM NG → 7. Check the entire cooling system’s wiring. Properly connect or repair the cooling sys- Refer to “CIRCUIT DIAGRAM” on tem’s wiring. page 8-27. OK ↓ Replace the ECU. Refer to “REPLACING THE ECU (En- gine Control Unit)” on page 8-41. 8-30…
  • Page 464
  • Page 465
    FUEL PUMP SYSTEM 3. Main switch 4. Main fuse 7. Fuel injection system fuse 9. Backup fuse 12.Ignition fuse 18.Engine ground 19.Battery 23.Joint coupler 26.Handlebar switch (right) 28.Start/engine stop switch 30.Relay unit 32.Fuel pump relay 36.Fuel pump 49.ECU (Engine Control Unit) 8-32…
  • Page 466
    FUEL PUMP SYSTEM EAS30514 TROUBLESHOOTING If the fuel pump fails to operate. • Before troubleshooting, remove the following part(s): 1. Front side cowling/Front panel 2. Rider seat 3. Fuel tank cover 4. Fuel tank NG → 1. Check the fuses. (Main, ignition, backup and fuel in- jection system) Replace the fuse(s).
  • Page 467
    FUEL PUMP SYSTEM NG → 7. Check the entire fuel pump sys- tem’s wiring. Properly connect or repair the fuel pump Refer to “CIRCUIT DIAGRAM” on system’s wiring. page 8-31. OK ↓ Replace the ECU. Refer to “REPLACING THE ECU (En- gine Control Unit)”…
  • Page 468
  • Page 469
    COMMUNICATION CONTROL SYSTEM (for YZF-R1M) 3. Main switch 4. Main fuse 7. Fuel injection system fuse 9. Backup fuse 12.Ignition fuse 18.Engine ground 19.Battery 23.Joint coupler 49.ECU (Engine Control Unit) 71.IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) 72.Meter assembly 78.Multi-function meter 87.YDT coupler 88.CCU (Communication Control Unit) 89.GPS unit A.
  • Page 470
    COMMUNICATION CONTROL SYSTEM (for YZF-R1M) EAS31672 TROUBLESHOOTING The communication control system failed to function. • Before troubleshooting, remove the following part(s): 1. Front side cowling/Front panel/Side cover 2. Rider seat/Passenger seat/Battery cover/Tail cover NG → 1. Check the fuses. (Main, ignition and backup) Replace the fuse(s).
  • Page 471
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS EAS20089 ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 1. Accelerator position sensor 18. ECU (Engine Control Unit) 19. Radiator fan motor 2. Intake funnel servo motor 3. Throttle position sensor 20. Horn 4. Primary injector 21. Headlight control unit 5. Intake air pressure sensor 22.
  • Page 472
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 1. Intake solenoid 20. Front wheel sensor 2. Front fork stepping motor (for YZF-R1M) 21. Cylinder identification sensor 3. Air induction system solenoid 22. Fuse box 3 (SCU fuse) (for YZF-R1M) 4. Ignition coil 23. Rectifier/regulator 5. Atmospheric pressure sensor 24.
  • Page 473
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS EAS30549 CHECKING THE SWITCHES Check each switch for continuity with the digital circuit tester. If the continuity reading is incorrect, check the wiring connections and if necessary, replace the switch. MODE DOWN 1. Start/engine stop switch 2. Mode switch 3.
  • Page 474
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS EAS30551 Amperage CHECKING THE FUSES Fuses Q’ty rating The following procedure applies to all of the fus- ABS ECU 7.5 A ECA13680 ABS solenoid 15 A NOTICE Auxiliary To avoid a short circuit, always set the main Backup 7.5 A switch to “OFF”…
  • Page 475
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS EAS30552 CHECKING AND CHARGING THE BATTERY Refer to “CHECKING AND CHARGING THE BATTERY” in “BASIC INFORMATION” (sepa- rate volume). 1. Remove: • Rider seat/Battery cover Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS (1)” on page 4-1. 2. Disconnect: • Battery leads Route the positive battery lead “1”…
  • Page 476
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 1. Disconnect the relay from the wire harness. Relay unit (fuel pump relay) 2. Connect the digital circuit tester (Ω) and bat- tery (12 V) to the relay terminal as shown. Check the relay operation. Out of specification → Replace. Starter relay Br/W L/R L/W R/W L/B L/Y Sb B/Y Sb/W…
  • Page 477
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS a. Disconnect the relay unit coupler from the wire harness. The digital circuit tester readings are shown in b. Connect the digital circuit tester (Ω) to the the following table. relay unit terminal as shown. c. Check the relay unit (diode) for continuity. Continuity d.
  • Page 478
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS Digital circuit tester (CD732) 90890-03243 Model 88 Multimeter with ta- chometer YU-A1927 • Negative tester probe Ignition coil terminal “1” • Positive tester probe Spark plug terminal “2” 2. Ignition coil c. Turn the main switch to “ON”. d.
  • Page 479
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 2. Check: • Stator coil resistance Out of specification → Replace the stator coil. Stator coil resistance 0.112–0.168 Ω a. Connect the digital circuit tester to the sta- tor coil coupler as shown. Digital circuit tester (CD732) b. Measure the crankshaft position sensor 90890-03243 resistance.
  • Page 480
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS Digital circuit tester (CD732) 90890-03243 Model 88 Multimeter with ta- chometer YU-A1927 • Positive tester probe white “1” • Negative tester probe white “2” b. Start the engine and let it run at approxi- • Positive tester probe mately 5000 r/min.
  • Page 481
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS c. Measure the radiator fan motor move- EAS30574 CHECKING THE FUEL LEVEL WARNING ment. LIGHT EAS30578 This model is equipped with a self-diagnosis de- CHECKING THE COOLANT TEMPERATURE vice for the fuel level detection circuit. SENSOR 1. Check: 1.
  • Page 482
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS   d. Heat the coolant or let it cool down to the specified temperatures. e. Measure the coolant temperature sensor resistance. 3. Install: • Coolant temperature sensor Coolant temperature sensor 16 N·m (1.6 kgf·m, 12 lb·ft) A. Check that the throttle valves “2” open. EAS30592 CHECKING THE THROTTLE SERVO MOTOR B.
  • Page 483
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS • Positive tester probe white/black (wire harness color) • Negative tester probe black/blue (wire harness color) c. Measure the air induction system solenoid resistance. EAS30589 CHECKING THE CYLINDER IDENTIFICATION SENSOR c. Turn the main switch to “ON”. 1. Remove: d.
  • Page 484
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS Digital circuit tester (CD732) Digital circuit tester (CD732) 90890-03243 90890-03243 Model 88 Multimeter with ta- Model 88 Multimeter with ta- chometer chometer YU-A1927 YU-A1927 b. Immerse the intake air temperature sen- • Positive tester probe sor “1” in a container filled with water “2”. black “1”…
  • Page 485
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS • Positive tester probe white/black “4” • Negative tester probe black/yellow “3” e. When turning the wheel switch in direction “a”, check that the output voltage is within the specified values. Output voltage More than 5 V c. Measure the fuel injector resistance. f.
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  • Page 487: Self Diagnostic


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  • Page 489
    C1002 ………………….9-89 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-89 C1003 ………………….9-90 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-90 C1007 ………………….9-96 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-96 P0030………………….9-97 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-97 P0050………………….9-101 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-101 P0069………………….9-105 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-105 P00D1, P2195………………..9-107 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-107 P00D3, P2197………………..9-111 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-111 P0107, P0108 ………………..9-115 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-115 P0112, P0113 ………………..9-119 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-119 P0117, P0118 ………………..9-123 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-123 P0122, P0123, P0222, P0223, P2135 …………9-127…
  • Page 490
    P0202………………….9-140 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-140 P0203………………….9-143 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-143 P0204………………….9-146 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-146 P0335………………….9-149 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-149 P0340………………….9-152 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-152 P0351………………….9-155 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-155 P0352………………….9-159 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-159 P0353………………….9-163 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-163 P0354………………….9-167 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-167 P0475, P0476, P048B ……………..9-171 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-171 P0480………………….9-175 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-175 P048D, P048E …………………9-178 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-178 P0500 (FI), P1500………………9-181 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-181 P0500 (SCU)………………..9-193…
  • Page 491
    P0560 (SCU)………………..9-195 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-195 P0601………………….9-196 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-196 P0606………………….9-197 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-197 P062F ………………….9-198 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-198 P0638………………….9-200 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-200 P0657………………….9-204 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-204 P0916, P0917 ………………..9-208 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-208 P1400………………….9-212 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-212 P1600………………….9-216 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-216 P1601………………….9-220 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-220 P1602………………….9-224 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-224 P1806, P1807 ………………..9-228 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-228 P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128, P2138 …………9-232 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-232…
  • Page 492
    P21CF ………………….9-241 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-241 P21D0 ………………….9-244 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-244 P21D1 ………………….9-247 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-247 P21D2 ………………….9-250 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-250 P2228, P2229 ………………..9-253 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-253 U0100 ………………….9-257 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-257 U0121 ………………….9-260 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-260 U0125 (FI) ………………..9-263 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-263 U0125 (SCU)………………..9-267 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-267 U0155 or Err (FI) ………………9-270 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-270 U0155 or Err (SCU)………………9-274 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-274…
  • Page 493
    55_IMMOBILIZER ………………9-281 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-281 56_IMMOBILIZER ………………9-282 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-282 11_ABS …………………..9-283 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-283 12_ABS …………………..9-284 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-284 13, 26_ABS ………………..9-285 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-285 14, 27_ABS ………………..9-286 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-286 15_ABS …………………..9-287 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-287 16_ABS …………………..9-289 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-289 21_ABS …………………..9-291 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-291 31_ABS …………………..9-292 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-292 33_ABS …………………..9-294 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-294…
  • Page 494
    44, 46_ABS ………………..9-300 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-300 51_ABS …………………..9-301 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-301 53_ABS …………………..9-302 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-302 55_ABS …………………..9-304 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-304 56_ABS …………………..9-305 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-305 57_ABS …………………..9-306 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-306 62_ABS …………………..9-310 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-310 68_ABS …………………..9-311 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-311 89_ABS …………………..9-312 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-312 90_ABS …………………..9-315 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-315 91_ABS …………………..9-318 TROUBLESHOOTING …………….9-318…
  • Page 496
    Generic diagnostic tool that complies with OBD standards. (Generic scan tool) (Yamaha diagnostic Diagnostic tool developed especially for Yamaha vehicles. tool) EAS32858 OUTLINE The control unit is equipped with a self-diagnostic function in order to ensure that the system is operat- ing normally.
  • Page 497
    90890-03264 • Yamaha diagnostic tool (A/I) (90890-03264) includes YDT sub harness (6P) (90890-03266). • If you already have Yamaha diagnostic tool (A/I) (90890-03262), YDT sub harness (6P) (90890- 03266) is separately required. • A GST can also be used to identify malfunctions.
  • Page 498
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION Connecting the YDT Remove the protective cap “1”, and then connect the YDT to the coupler. EAS32864 PARTS CONNECTED TO THE ECU The following parts are connected to the ECU. When checking for a power short circuit, the couplers must be disconnected from all of the following parts beforehand.
  • Page 499
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION • Rear shock absorber assembly stepping motor • Sidestand switch (compression damping) • Rear shock absorber assembly stepping motor (re- • Fuel sender bound damping) • Steering damper solenoid (OPTION) • Fuel pump • ECU (Engine Control Unit) •…
  • Page 500
    SYSTEM DIAGRAM EAS20387 SYSTEM DIAGRAM EAS32920 ECU CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 2. Electronic throttle valve fuse 34. Primary injector #1 10. Fuel pump 3. Backup fuse 35. Primary injector #2 relay 4. Fuel injection 9. Start/engine 36. Primary injector #3 11. Fuel pump system fuse stop switch 37.
  • Page 501
    SYSTEM DIAGRAM 48. Intake funnel servo motor 28. Gear position sensor 29. O sensor 1 (left side) 22. EXUP servo motor 30. O sensor 2 (right side) 49. Steering damper solenoid 31. Throttle position 50. Intake solenoid sensor 31. Throttle position sensor 51.
  • Page 502
    SYSTEM DIAGRAM 1. ECU (Engine Control Unit) 54. Pass/LAP switch 55. Headlight control unit 2. Electronic throttle valve fuse 3. Backup fuse 56. Meter assembly 4. Fuel injection system fuse 57. CAN communication circuit 5. Ignition fuse 6. Main switch 7.
  • Page 503
    SYSTEM DIAGRAM EAS33369 ECU COUPLER LAYOUT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 42 43 44 45 46 47 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25…
  • Page 504
    SYSTEM DIAGRAM Wire harness Wire harness Connected parts Connected parts color color — — — — EXUP servo motor sensor 1 (left side) Gy/G Accelerator position sensor — — — — Intake air tempera- Br/W ture sensor Throttle position sen- —…
  • Page 505
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  • Page 507
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM 3. Main switch 70.Throttle position sensor 71.IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) 4. Main fuse 5. Radiator fan motor relay 72.Meter assembly 7. Fuel injection system fuse 75.MIL (Malfunction indicator light) 8. Electronic throttle valve fuse 78.Multi-function meter 9. Backup fuse 81.Auxiliary system warning light 12.Ignition fuse 87.YDT coupler…
  • Page 508
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM EAS32917 BASIC PROCESS FOR TROUBLESHOOTING This section describes the basic process about fuel injection system troubleshooting. But because a work procedure varies depending to symptom and DTC, check and repair it according to applicable troubleshooting. When turning the main switch to Does the MIL (LED) work Check the MIL (LED).
  • Page 509
    FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM EAS33147 [A] THE MIL COMES ON/FLASHES AND ENGINE OPERATION IS NOT NORMAL 1. Check the DTC of “malfunction” using the YDT. 2. Delete the DTC using the YDT. (Only for *1) 3. Check and repair the malfunction according to applicable DTC troubleshooting. 4.
  • Page 510
  • Page 511
    IMMOBILIZER SYSTEM 3. Main switch 4. Main fuse 9. Backup fuse 12.Ignition fuse 18.Engine ground 19.Battery 23.Joint coupler 24.Immobilizer unit 49.ECU (Engine Control Unit) 72.Meter assembly 73.Immobilizer system indicator light 78.Multi-function meter 9-16…
  • Page 512
    IMMOBILIZER SYSTEM EAS32886 SYSTEM OUTLINE This vehicle is equipped with an immobilizer system to help prevent theft by re-registering codes in the standard keys. This system consists of the following: • A code re-registering key (with a red bow) • Two standard keys (with a black bow) that can be re-registered with new codes •…
  • Page 513
    IMMOBILIZER SYSTEM Parts to be replaced Main switch/ Key registration re- Accessory immobilizer unit Standard quirement lock* and Main Immobilizer switch unit √ Standard key is lost New standard key All keys have been lost Code re-registering √ √ √ √…
  • Page 514
    IMMOBILIZER SYSTEM Standard key registration: Standard key registration is required when a standard key is lost and needs to be replaced, or when the code re-registering key is re-registered after the immobilizer unit or ECU are replaced. Do not start the engine with a standard key that has not been registered. If the main switch is turned “ON”…
  • Page 515
    IMMOBILIZER SYSTEM Voiding the standard key code: If a standard key has been lost, it is possible to disable its use by re-registering the remaining standard key. Standard key registration erases the stored standard key code from the memory, thus disabling the lost standard key.
  • Page 516
    IMMOBILIZER SYSTEM EAS32888 TROUBLESHOOTING When the main switch is turned to “ON”, the immobilizer system indicator light does not come on nor flashes. NG → 1. Check the fuses. (Main, ignition, fuel injection sys- tem, and backup) Replace the fuse(s). Refer to “CHECKING THE FUS- ES”…
  • Page 517
    IMMOBILIZER SYSTEM EAS32889 HOW TO CHECK DTC When a system malfunction occurs, the DTC is indicated in the meter display and the immobilizer sys- tem indicator light flashes at the same time. The pattern of flashing also shows the DTC. Immobilizer system indicator light DTC indication Digit of 10: Cycles of 1 sec.
  • Page 518
    ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) EAS20443 ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) EAS32890 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 9-23…
  • Page 519
    ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) 3. Main switch 4. Main fuse 6. ABS solenoid fuse 7. Fuel injection system fuse 9. Backup fuse 12.Ignition fuse 13.Signaling system fuse 14.ABS ECU fuse 18.Engine ground 19.Battery 21.ABS motor fuse 23.Joint coupler 25.Front brake light switch 26.Handlebar switch (right) 49.ECU (Engine Control Unit) 67.Hydraulic unit assembly (ABS ECU)
  • Page 520
    ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) EAS32891 ABS COMPONENTS CHART 15,16 1. Meter assembly 2. Hydraulic unit assembly (ABS ECU) 3. Fuse box 1 4. ABS solenoid fuse 5. YDT coupler 6. Starter relay 7. ABS motor fuse 8. Rear brake caliper 9.
  • Page 521
    ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) EAS32892 ABS COUPLER LOCATION CHART L/W B/W B/W R/W Br/W Br/B Dg Ch W/L W/Y Br/Y L/B G/W R/G L/B R/GR/G Sb/W G/L G/Y G G/B W/B W/G G/O Y (Gy) Gy/B L Y G R/B B L/W G/O W/L L B W W L/B 1.
  • Page 522
    ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) EAS32893 MAINTENANCE OF THE ABS ECU Checking the ABS ECU 1. Check: • Terminals “1” of the hydraulic unit assembly (ABS ECU) Cracks/damages → Replace the hydraulic unit assembly, brake hoses, and brake pipes that are connected to the assembly as a set.
  • Page 523
    ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) The ABS performs a self-diagnosis test for a few seconds each time the vehicle first starts off after the main switch was turned to “ON”. During this test, a “clicking” noise can be heard from under the seat, and if the brake lever or brake pedal are even slightly applied, a vibration can be felt at the lever and pedal, but these do not indicate a malfunction.
  • Page 524
    ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) Fails to Turn the main switch to “ON”, [A-1] Does only the ABS • The ABS warning light (LED) is come on and check the ABS warning Return to [A]. warning light fail to defective. light. come on? •…
  • Page 525
    ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) EAS32897 [A] CHECKING THE ABS WARNING LIGHT Turn the main switch to “ON”. (Do not start the engine.) 1. The ABS warning light does not come on. • Only the ABS warning light fails to come on. [A-1] •…
  • Page 526
    90890-03264 • Yamaha diagnostic tool (A/I) (90890-03264) includes YDT sub harness (6P) (90890-03266). • If you already have Yamaha diagnostic tool (A/I) (90890-03262), YDT sub harness (6P) (90890- 03266) is separately required. Details about the displayed DTCs are shown in the following chart. Refer to this chart and check the vehicle.
  • Page 527
    Yamaha diagnostic tool (A/I) 90890-03264 • Yamaha diagnostic tool (A/I) (90890-03264) includes YDT sub harness (6P) (90890-03266). • If you already have Yamaha diagnostic tool (A/I) (90890-03262), YDT sub harness (6P) (90890- 03266) is separately required. EAS32905 [C-1] FINAL CHECK…
  • Page 528
  • Page 529
    STEERING DAMPER SYSTEM 3. Main switch 4. Main fuse 7. Fuel injection system fuse 9. Backup fuse 12.Ignition fuse 18.Engine ground 19.Battery 23.Joint coupler 49.ECU (Engine Control Unit) 66.Steering damper solenoid 72.Meter assembly 78.Multi-function meter 81.Auxiliary system warning light 87.YDT coupler *.
  • Page 530
    STEERING DAMPER SYSTEM EAS32913 BASIC INSTRUCTIONS FOR TROUBLESHOOTING The auxiliary system warning light comes on. 1. Check the DTC of “malfunction” using the YDT. 2. Check and repair the malfunction according to applicable DTC troubleshooting. 3. Turn the main switch from “OFF” to “ON”, and then check the DTC of “malfunction” is not displayed. •…
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  • Page 533
    ELECTRONICALLY ADJUSTABLE SUSPENSION SYSTEM (for YZF-R1M) 3. Main switch 4. Main fuse 7. Fuel injection system fuse 9. Backup fuse 12.Ignition fuse 18.Engine ground 19.Battery 23.Joint coupler 49.ECU (Engine Control Unit) 71.IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) 72.Meter assembly 78.Multi-function meter 81.Auxiliary system warning light 87.YDT coupler 114.SCU fuse 115.SCU (Suspension Control Unit)
  • Page 534
    ELECTRONICALLY ADJUSTABLE SUSPENSION SYSTEM (for YZF-R1M) EAS32915 MAINTENANCE OF THE SCU (suspension control unit) Checking the SCU (suspension control unit) 1. Check: • Terminals “1” of the SCU Cracks/damages → Replace the SCU. • Terminals “2” of the SCU couplers Connection defective, contaminated, come-off →…
  • Page 535
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE EAS20551 SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE EAS33149 DTC TABLE Fail-safe system Diagnostic Symptom Starting the Driving the code engine vehicle Front wheel sensor (intermittent pulses or no “11_ABS” — — — pulses) Rear wheel sensor (intermittent pulses or no “12_ABS”…
  • Page 536
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Fail-safe system Diagnostic Symptom Starting the Driving the code engine vehicle Hydraulic unit assembly (abnormal internal “56_ABS” — — — circuit) “56_IMMO- Unidentified code is received. Unable Unable — BILIZER” Vehicle CAN communication line or power “57_ABS”…
  • Page 537
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Fail-safe system Diagnostic Symptom Starting the Driving the code engine vehicle [P0112] Intake air temperature sensor: “P0112, ground short circuit detected. Able Able P0113” [P0113] Intake air temperature sensor: open or power short circuit detected. [P0117] Coolant temperature sensor: ground “P0117, short circuit detected.
  • Page 538
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Fail-safe system Diagnostic Symptom Starting the Driving the code engine vehicle Able Able Cylinder-#1 ignition coil: open or short circuit (depending on (depending on “P0351” detected in the primary lead of the cylinder- the number of the number of #1 ignition coil.
  • Page 539
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Fail-safe system Diagnostic Symptom Starting the Driving the code engine vehicle EEPROM DTC: an error is detected while “P062F” Able/Unable Able/Unable reading or writing on EEPROM. “P0638” YCC-T drive system: malfunction detected. Able/Unable Able/Unable —…
  • Page 540
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Fail-safe system Diagnostic Symptom Starting the Driving the code engine vehicle Able Able (depending on (depending on Secondary injector #4: malfunction in sec- “P21D2” the number of the number of ondary injector #4. faulty cylin- faulty cylin- ders) ders)
  • Page 541
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE EAS33028 SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION TABLE (FOR FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM) For details of the DTC, refer to “BASIC PROCESS FOR TROUBLESHOOTING” on page 9-13. Probable cause of Fail-safe system op- Item Vehicle symptom malfunction eration 30_EVEN Latch up detected.
  • Page 542
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Probable cause of Fail-safe system op- Item Vehicle symptom malfunction eration P0069 Intake air pressure • Malfunction in ECU. Engine is difficult to Intake air pressure is sensor or atmospher- • Intake air pressure start.
  • Page 543
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Probable cause of Fail-safe system op- Item Vehicle symptom malfunction eration P0107 [P0107] Intake air [P0107] Low voltage Engine idling speed is Intake air pressure P0108 pressure sensor: of the intake air pres- unstable. difference is fixed to 0 ground short circuit sure sensor circuit…
  • Page 544
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Probable cause of Fail-safe system op- Item Vehicle symptom malfunction eration P0117 [P0117] Coolant tem- [P0117] Low voltage Engine is difficult to The radiator fan motor P0118 perature sensor: of the coolant tem- start. relay is on only when ground short circuit perature sensor circuit…
  • Page 545
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Probable cause of Fail-safe system op- Item Vehicle symptom malfunction eration P0132 sensor 1: short cir- [P0132] High voltage Increased exhaust feedback is not of the O sensor 1 cir- emissions. cuit detected (power carried out.
  • Page 546
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Probable cause of Fail-safe system op- Item Vehicle symptom malfunction eration P0335 Crankshaft position • Defective coupler Engine cannot be Does not operate. sensor: no normal between crankshaft started. ISC feedback is not signals are received position sensor and carried out.
  • Page 547
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Probable cause of Fail-safe system op- Item Vehicle symptom malfunction eration P0351 [P0351] Cylinder-#1 • Defective coupler Engine stops. Injection to the appli- P0352 ignition coil: open or between ignition coil Loss of engine power. cable cylinder group P0353 short circuit detected…
  • Page 548
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Probable cause of Fail-safe system op- Item Vehicle symptom malfunction eration P0480 Radiator fan motor re- • Open or short cir- Engine is difficult to Radiator fan motor re- lay: open or short cir- cuit in wire harness.
  • Page 549
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Probable cause of Fail-safe system op- Item Vehicle symptom malfunction eration P0500 [P0500] Rear wheel • Open or short cir- Vehicle speed is not Vehicle speed dis- P1500 sensor: no normal cuit in wire harness displayed on the me- played on the meter = signals are received…
  • Page 550
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Probable cause of Fail-safe system op- Item Vehicle symptom malfunction eration P0606 Internal malfunction in • Malfunction in ECU. Engine cannot be Engine cannot be ECU. (When this mal- started. started. function is detected in Engine response is Ignition and injection the ECU, the DTC…
  • Page 551
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Probable cause of Fail-safe system op- Item Vehicle symptom malfunction eration P0916 [P0916] Gear posi- [P0916] Low voltage Improper display for Maintains the gear P0917 tion sensor: open or of the gear position position. position value at the ground short circuit sensor circuit (0.2 V…
  • Page 552
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Probable cause of Fail-safe system op- Item Vehicle symptom malfunction eration P1602 Malfunction in ECU • Open or short cir- Engine idling speed is feedback learning internal circuit (mal- cuit in wire harness unstable. is not carried out.
  • Page 553
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Probable cause of Fail-safe system op- Item Vehicle symptom malfunction eration P2158 Front wheel sensor: • Open or short cir- Traction control does Traction control does no normal signals are cuit in wire harness not work.
  • Page 554
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Probable cause of Fail-safe system op- Item Vehicle symptom malfunction eration P21CF [P21CF] Secondary • Defective coupler Loss of engine power. O feedback is not P21D0 injector #1: malfunc- between secondary carried out. P21D1 tion in secondary in- injector and ECU.
  • Page 555
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE EAS33029 SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION TABLE (FOR IMMOBILIZER SYSTEM) For details of the DTC, refer to “HOW TO CHECK DTC” on page 9-22. Item Immobilizer unit: Code cannot be transmitted between the key and the immobilizer unit. Immobilizer unit: Codes between the key and immobilizer unit do not match.
  • Page 556
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE EAS33286 SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION TABLE (FOR ABS (Anti-lock Brake System)) For details of the DTC, refer to “BASIC INSTRUCTIONS FOR TROUBLESHOOTING” on page 9-28. Item Symptom Check point Front wheel sensor (intermit- Front wheel sensor signal is •…
  • Page 557
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Item Symptom Check point Front wheel sensor (open or Open or short circuit is de- • Defective coupler between short circuit) tected in the front wheel sen- the front wheel sensor and sor. the hydraulic unit assembly •…
  • Page 558
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Item Symptom Check point Rear wheel ABS (intermit- • Pulses from the rear wheel • Incorrect installation of the tent wheel speed pulses or sensor are received inter- rear wheel sensor incorrect depressurization) mittently while the vehicle •…
  • Page 559
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Item Symptom Check point Vehicle CAN communication Short-circuit in CAN commu- • Short-circuit in CAN com- line or power source of vehi- nication line or the voltage munication line cle system that supplies the hydraulic •…
  • Page 560
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE EAS33287 SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION TABLE (FOR STEERING DAMPER SYSTEM) For details of the DTC, refer to “BASIC INSTRUCTIONS FOR TROUBLESHOOTING” on page 9-35. Probable cause of Fail-safe system op- Item Vehicle symptom malfunction eration C1000 Steering damper sole- •…
  • Page 561
  • Page 562
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Probable cause of Item Vehicle symptom Fail-safe system operation malfunction • Battery overcharg- ing (defective rectifi- er/regulator). • Battery overcharg- ing (broken or dis- connected lead in Abnormal SCU rectifier/regulator • ERS adjustments can- P0560 power supply volt- wire harness).
  • Page 563
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Probable cause of Item Vehicle symptom Fail-safe system operation malfunction • ERS adjustments can- not be performed. Abnormality in- — • Malfunction in SCU. • The “Err” and ERS — side SCU icons are displayed on the meter display.
  • Page 564
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE EAS33031 DIAGNOSTIC CODE: SENSOR OPERATION TABLE Diagnostic Item Tool display Procedure code No. Throttle position sensor sig- nal 1 • Fully closed position 11–21 Check with throttle valves ful- ly closed. • Fully open position 96–107 Check with throttle valves ful- ly open.
  • Page 565
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Diagnostic Item Tool display Procedure code No. Accelerator position sensor signal 2 • Fully closed position 7–25 Check with throttle grip fully closed position. • Fully open position 69–89 Check with throttle grip fully open position.
  • Page 566
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Diagnostic Item Tool display Procedure code No. ISC (Idle Speed Control) To erase the ISC (Idle Speed learning condition display ISC (Idle Speed Control) Control) learning data, push ISC (Idle Speed Control) learning data has been the “Operation”…
  • Page 567
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE EAS33032 DIAGNOSTIC CODE: ACTUATOR OPERATION TABLE Diagnostic Item Actuation Procedure code No. Cylinder-#1 ignition coil Actuates the cylinder-#1 igni- Check that a spark is gener- tion coil five times at one- ated five times. second intervals.
  • Page 568
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Diagnostic Item Actuation Procedure code No. Primary injector #4 Actuates the primary injec- Disconnect the fuel pump tor #4 five times at one-sec- coupler before doing this ond intervals. procedure. The “check” indicator on the Check that primary injector YDT screen come on each #4 is actuated five times by…
  • Page 569
    SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Diagnostic Item Actuation Procedure code No. Intake solenoid Actuates the intake solenoid Check that the intake sole- five times at one-second in- noid is actuated five times by tervals. listening for the operating The “check” indicator on the sound.
  • Page 570
    EVENT CODE TABLE EAS20707 EVENT CODE TABLE The event code numbers listed below cannot be displayed on the meter. To display the event code numbers, use the YDT. Item Symptom Possible causes Note Intake air pres- Brief abnormality de- Same as for DTC num- Perform the inspection sure sensor tected in the intake air…
  • Page 571
    EVENT CODE TABLE Item Symptom Possible causes Note sensor During O feedback, • Open or short circuit in • If a DTC is occurring, re- the wire harness be- spond to that first. (Stuck at the low- the adjustment is tween the sensor and * Rarely, Code 241 occurs er limit for adjust-…
  • Page 572
    30_EVENT EAS20552 30_EVENT EAS33033 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Latch up detected. Fail-safe system • Unable to start engine • Unable to drive vehicle Procedure 1. The vehicle has overturned. • Raise the overturned vehicle vertically and check again. • Turn the main switch to “ON”, then to “OFF”, and then back to “ON”. Is the MIL on? →…
  • Page 573
    30_EVENT → Service is completed. 4. Malfunction in ECU. • Replace the ECU, and complete the service. Refer to “REPLACING THE ECU (Engine Control Unit)” on page 8-41. 9-78…
  • Page 574
    70_EVENT EAS20554 70_EVENT EAS33034 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Engine forcibly stops when the vehicle is left idling for a long period. Procedure If another error code is displayed at the same time, check the other error code first and repair it. 1. Allow to idle for a long period. •…
  • Page 575
    C0044 EAS20559 C0044 EAS33039 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Abnormal ABS Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Abnormal ABS • Check the items of DTCs 62 and 68 for the ABS. Refer to “[B-2] DIAGNOSIS USING THE DTC” on page 9-31. •…
  • Page 576
    C0520 (FI) EAS20689 C0520 (FI) EAS33319 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Abnormal IMU Fail-safe system • Able/Unable to start engine • Able/Unable to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Connection of IMU coupler. • Check the locking condition of the coupler. • Disconnect the coupler and check the pins (bent or broken terminals and locking condition of the pins).
  • Page 577
    C0520 (FI) blue/white–blue/white Between joint coupler and IMU coupler blue/black–blue/black Between IMU coupler and ignition fuse holder red/white–red/white Between IMU coupler and ECU coupler black/white–black/white Y / R P / W P / B Gy / G O / G Gy / R Lg / R L / R…
  • Page 578
    C0520 (FI) blue/white–any other coupler terminal Joint coupler “2” blue/black–any other coupler terminal blue/white–any other coupler terminal IMU coupler blue/black–any other coupler terminal red/white–any other coupler terminal P/W P P/W P Gy/G Br/W Gy/G Br/W Gy/Y G/W G Gy/B Gy/Y G/W G Gy/B L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B…
  • Page 579
    C0520 (FI) a. Fix the IMU installation condition. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? → Go to step 7, and complete the service. →…
  • Page 580
    C0520 (SCU) EAS20664 C0520 (SCU) EAS33290 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Abnormal IMU Fail-safe system • Unable to start engine • Able/Unable to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Abnormal front wheel sensor • Check the item of DTC C0520 for the ECU. Refer to “SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION TABLE (FOR FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM)” on page 9-46.
  • Page 581
    C1000 EAS20561 C1000 EAS33041 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Steering damper solenoid: open or short circuit detected. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Connection of steering damper solenoid coupler. • Check the locking condition of the coupler. •…
  • Page 582
    C1000 Between steering damper solenoid coupler and en- black–black gine ground Is resistance 0 Ω? → Go to “Short circuit check”. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT.
  • Page 583
    C1000 a. Replace the wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? → Go to step 6, and complete the service. →…
  • Page 584
    C1002 EAS20562 C1002 EAS33042 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Abnormal SCU EEPROM Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Confirmation after correction of abnormality. • Turn the main switch to “OFF” and back to “ON”. • Check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered”…
  • Page 585
    C1003 EAS20563 C1003 EAS33043 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Stepping motor: open or short circuit detected. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Connection of front fork stepping motor coupler. • Check the locking condition of the coupler. –Front fork stepping motor (left) –Front fork stepping motor (right) –Rear shock absorber assembly stepping motor (×2)
  • Page 586
    C1003 • Disconnect the coupler and check the pins (bent or broken terminals and locking condition of the pins). Is the coupler condition normal? → Go to step 4. a. Connect the coupler securely or replace the wire harness and/or sub-wire harness. b.
  • Page 587
    C1003 yellow–yellow Between SCU coupler “1” and rear shock absorber yellow/black–yellow/black assembly stepping motor (rebound damping) “2” yellow/red–yellow/red yellow/green–yellow/green Is resistance 0 Ω? → Go to “Short circuit check”. a. Replace the wire harness and/or sub-wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “OFF” and back to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT.
  • Page 588
    C1003 white–black Between rear shock absorber assembly stepping white/black–black motor (compression damping) “4” and power ground white/red–black “2” white/green–black yellow–black Between rear shock absorber assembly stepping yellow/black–black motor (rebound damping) “5” and power ground “2” yellow/red–black yellow/green–black green–brown/white Between front fork stepping motor (left) “1” and pow- green/black–brown/white er battery “6”…
  • Page 589
    C1003 2 3 4 A. Stepping motor coupler B. Connection wiring diagram b. Measure the resistance of the stepping motor between “1” and “2”. 14.8–18.2 Ω (When the motor is cold at 20 °C (68 °F))? → Go to step c. a.
  • Page 590
    C1003 • Turn the main switch to “OFF” and back to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? → Service is completed. → Refer to the item corresponding to DTC. 9-95…
  • Page 591
    C1007 EAS20566 C1007 EAS33046 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Abnormality inside SCU Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Malfunction in SCU. • Replace the SCU. Refer to “GENERAL CHASSIS (6)” on page 4-23. • Turn the main switch to “OFF” and back to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT.
  • Page 592
    P0030 EAS20397 P0030 EAS33134 TROUBLESHOOTING Item sensor 1 heater: defective heater controller detected. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure If more than one DTC is detected at the same time, perform troubleshooting of DTC listed below first. •…
  • Page 593
    P0030 a. Connect the coupler securely or replace the wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? → Go to step 6, and complete the service. →…
  • Page 594
    P0030 Is it in the “Recovered” condition? → Go to step 6, and complete the service. → Go to “Short circuit check”. For this check, also set the start/engine stop switch to “ON”. • Short circuit check Disconnect the ECU related connectors before checking. Refer to “PARTS CONNECTED TO THE ECU”…
  • Page 595
    P0030 → Go to step 4. For this check, also set the start/engine stop switch to “ON”. 4. Defective O sensor 1. • Replace the O sensor 1. Refer to “ENGINE REMOVAL” on page 5-11. • Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT.
  • Page 596
    P0050 EAS20398 P0050 EAS33135 TROUBLESHOOTING Item sensor 2 heater: defective heater controller detected. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure If more than one DTC is detected at the same time, perform troubleshooting of DTC listed below first. •…
  • Page 597
    P0050 a. Connect the coupler securely or replace the wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? → Go to step 6, and complete the service. →…
  • Page 598
    P0050 Is it in the “Recovered” condition? → Go to step 6, and complete the service. → Go to “Short circuit check”. For this check, also set the start/engine stop switch to “ON”. • Short circuit check Disconnect the ECU related connectors before checking. Refer to “PARTS CONNECTED TO THE ECU”…
  • Page 599
    P0050 → Go to step 4. For this check, also set the start/engine stop switch to “ON”. 4. Defective O sensor 2. • Replace the O sensor 2. Refer to “ENGINE REMOVAL” on page 5-11. • Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT.
  • Page 600
    P0069 EAS20390 P0069 EAS33136 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Intake air pressure sensor or atmospheric pressure sensor: when the main switch is turned to “ON”, the intake air pressure sensor voltage and atmospheric pressure sensor voltage differ greatly. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine •…
  • Page 601
    P0069 a. Replace the atmospheric pressure sensor. Refer to “AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM” on page 7-19. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? →…
  • Page 602
    P00D1, P2195 EAS20660 P00D1, P2195 EAS33115 TROUBLESHOOTING Item • [P00D1] O sensor 1: heater performance deterioration • [P2195] O sensor 1: open circuit detected. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure If more than one DTC is detected at the same time, perform troubleshooting of DTC listed below first. •…
  • Page 603
    P00D1, P2195 3. Connection of ECU coupler. • Check the locking condition of the coupler. • Disconnect the coupler and check the pins (bent or broken terminals and locking condition of the pins). Is the coupler condition normal? → Go to step 4. a.
  • Page 604
    P00D1, P2195 Disconnect the ECU related connectors before checking. Refer to “PARTS CONNECTED TO THE ECU” on page 9-3. Ground short circuit check “A” gray/green–ground pink/black–ground Between O sensor 1 coupler “1” and ground black/blue–ground red/white–ground Lines short circuit check “B” gray/green–any other coupler terminal pink/black–any other coupler terminal sensor 1 coupler…
  • Page 605
    P00D1, P2195 a. Replace the fuel pump. Refer to “REMOVING THE FUEL PUMP” on page 7-3. b. Start the engine and let it idle for approximately 1 minute. c. Check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered”…
  • Page 606
    P00D3, P2197 EAS20661 P00D3, P2197 EAS33338 TROUBLESHOOTING Item • [P00D3] O sensor 2: heater performance deterioration • [P2197] O sensor 2: open circuit detected. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure If more than one DTC is detected at the same time, perform troubleshooting of DTC listed below first. •…
  • Page 607
    P00D3, P2197 3. Connection of ECU coupler. • Check the locking condition of the coupler. • Disconnect the coupler and check the pins (bent or broken terminals and locking condition of the pins). Is the coupler condition normal? → Go to step 4. a.
  • Page 608
    P00D3, P2197 Disconnect the ECU related connectors before checking. Refer to “PARTS CONNECTED TO THE ECU” on page 9-3. Ground short circuit check “A” gray/yellow–ground pink/white–ground Between O sensor 2 coupler “1” and ground black/blue–ground red/white–ground Lines short circuit check “B” gray/yellow–any other coupler terminal pink/white–any other coupler terminal sensor 2 coupler…
  • Page 609
    P00D3, P2197 a. Replace the fuel pump. Refer to “REMOVING THE FUEL PUMP” on page 7-3. b. Start the engine and let it idle for approximately 1 minute. c. Check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered”…
  • Page 610
    P0107, P0108 EAS20567 P0107, P0108 EAS33047 TROUBLESHOOTING Item • [P0107] Intake air pressure sensor: ground short circuit detected. • [P0108] Intake air pressure sensor: open or power short circuit detected. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure 1.
  • Page 611
    P0107, P0108 blue–blue Between intake air pressure sensor coupler and pink/white–pink/white ECU coupler black/blue–black/blue P/W P Gy/G Br/W Gy/Y G/W G Gy/B Is resistance 0 Ω? → Go to “Short circuit check”. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT.
  • Page 612
    P0107, P0108 Is resistance ∞ Ω? → Go to step 4. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? →…
  • Page 613
    P0107, P0108 Is it in the “Recovered” condition? → Go to step 7, and complete the service. → Go to step 6. 6. Malfunction in ECU. • Replace the ECU, and complete the service. Refer to “REPLACING THE ECU (Engine Control Unit)” on page 8-41. 7.
  • Page 614
    P0112, P0113 EAS20568 P0112, P0113 EAS33048 TROUBLESHOOTING Item • [P0112] Intake air temperature sensor: ground short circuit detected. • [P0113] Intake air temperature sensor: open or power short circuit detected. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure Perform this procedure when the engine is cold.
  • Page 615
    P0112, P0113 • Disconnect the coupler and check the pins (bent or broken terminals and locking condition of the pins). Is the coupler condition normal? → Go to step 4. a. Connect the coupler securely or replace the wire harness. b.
  • Page 616
    P0112, P0113 Refer to “PARTS CONNECTED TO THE ECU” on page 9-3. Ground short circuit check “A” Between intake air temperature sensor coupler “1” brown/white–ground and ground Between wire harness coupler (sub-wire harness brown/white–ground side) “3” and ground Lines short circuit check “B” brown/white–any other coupler terminal Intake air temperature sensor coupler black/blue–any other coupler terminal…
  • Page 617
    P0112, P0113 a. Reinstall the sensor. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? → Go to step 8, and complete the service. →…
  • Page 618
    P0117, P0118 EAS20569 P0117, P0118 EAS33049 TROUBLESHOOTING Item • [P0117] Coolant temperature sensor: ground short circuit detected. • [P0118] Coolant temperature sensor: open or power short circuit detected. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure Perform this procedure when the engine is cold.
  • Page 619
    P0117, P0118 • Disconnect the coupler and check the pins (bent or broken terminals and locking condition of the pins). Is the coupler condition normal? → Go to step 4. a. Connect the coupler securely or replace the wire harness. b.
  • Page 620
    P0117, P0118 Refer to “PARTS CONNECTED TO THE ECU” on page 9-3. Ground short circuit check “A” Between coolant temperature sensor coupler “1” green/white–ground and ground Between wire harness coupler (sub-wire harness green/white–ground side) “3” and ground Lines short circuit check “B” green/white–any other coupler terminal Coolant temperature sensor coupler black/blue–any other coupler terminal…
  • Page 621
    P0117, P0118 a. Reinstall the sensor. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? → Go to step 8, and complete the service. →…
  • Page 622
    P0122, P0123, P0222, P0223, P2135 EAS20570 P0122, P0123, P0222, P0223, P2135 EAS33050 TROUBLESHOOTING Item • [P0122] Throttle position sensor: ground short circuit detected. • [P0123] Throttle position sensor: open or power short circuit detected. • [P0222] Throttle position sensor: open or ground short circuit detected. •…
  • Page 623
    P0122, P0123, P0222, P0223, P2135 → Go to step 3. 3. Wire harness continuity. • Disconnect the throttle position sensor coupler “1” and ECU coupler “2”. • Open circuit check white–white Between throttle position sensor coupler and ECU black/green–black/green coupler blue–blue black–black Is resistance 0 Ω?
  • Page 624
    P0122, P0123, P0222, P0223, P2135 Is resistance ∞ Ω? → Go to step 4. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered”…
  • Page 625
    P0122, P0123, P0222, P0223, P2135 a. Replace the throttle position sensor. Refer to “ADJUSTING THE THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR” on page 7-18. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT.
  • Page 626
    P0132 EAS20571 P0132 EAS33051 TROUBLESHOOTING Item sensor 1: short circuit detected (power short circuit). Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Installed condition of O sensor 1. • Check for looseness or pinching. Refer to “ENGINE REMOVAL”…
  • Page 627
    P0132 → Go to step 4. a. Connect the coupler securely or replace the wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? →…
  • Page 628
    P0132 black/blue–any other coupler terminal ECU coupler “2” gray/green–any other coupler terminal P/W P Gy/G Br/W Gy/Y G/W G Gy/B Is resistance ∞ Ω? → Go to step 5. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT.
  • Page 629
    P0152 EAS20572 P0152 EAS33052 TROUBLESHOOTING Item sensor 2: short circuit detected (power short circuit). Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Installed condition of O sensor 2. • Check for looseness or pinching. Refer to “ENGINE REMOVAL”…
  • Page 630
    P0152 → Go to step 4. a. Connect the coupler securely or replace the wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? →…
  • Page 631
    P0152 black/blue–any other coupler terminal ECU coupler “2” gray/yellow–any other coupler terminal P/W P Gy/G Br/W Gy/Y G/W G Gy/B Is resistance ∞ Ω? → Go to step 5. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT.
  • Page 632
    P0201 EAS20574 P0201 EAS33054 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Primary injector #1: malfunction in primary injector #1. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) • Able to drive vehicle (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) Procedure 1.
  • Page 633
    P0201 → Go to step 4. a. Connect the coupler securely or replace the wire harness. b. Execute the diagnostic mode. (Code D36) Is it hear operating sound? → Go to step 6. → Go to step 4. 4. Wire harness continuity. •…
  • Page 634
    P0201 ECU coupler “2” red/black–any other coupler terminal Relay unit coupler “3” red/blue–any other coupler terminal R/LR/B R/LR/B Y / R P / W P / B Gy / G O / G Gy / R Lg / R L / R O / B L / B G / B R / B…
  • Page 635
    P0202 EAS20575 P0202 EAS33055 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Primary injector #2: malfunction in primary injector #2. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) • Able to drive vehicle (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) Procedure 1.
  • Page 636
    P0202 → Go to step 4. a. Connect the coupler securely or replace the wire harness. b. Execute the diagnostic mode. (Code D37) Is it hear operating sound? → Go to step 6. → Go to step 4. 4. Wire harness continuity. •…
  • Page 637
    P0202 ECU coupler “2” green/black–any other coupler terminal Relay unit coupler “3” red/blue–any other coupler terminal R/LG/B R/LG/B Y / R P / W P / B Gy / G O / G Gy / R Lg / R L / R O / B L / B G / B R / B…
  • Page 638
    P0203 EAS20576 P0203 EAS33056 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Primary injector #3: malfunction in primary injector #3. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) • Able to drive vehicle (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) Procedure 1.
  • Page 639
    P0203 → Go to step 4. a. Connect the coupler securely or replace the wire harness. b. Execute the diagnostic mode. (Code D38) Is it hear operating sound? → Go to step 6. → Go to step 4. 4. Wire harness continuity. •…
  • Page 640
    P0203 ECU coupler “2” blue/black–any other coupler terminal Relay unit coupler “3” red/blue–any other coupler terminal R/L L/B R/L L/B Y / R P / W P / B Gy / G O / G Gy / R Lg / R L / R O / B L / B G / B…
  • Page 641
    P0204 EAS20577 P0204 EAS33057 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Primary injector #4: malfunction in primary injector #4. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) • Able to drive vehicle (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) Procedure 1.
  • Page 642
    P0204 → Go to step 4. a. Connect the coupler securely or replace the wire harness. b. Execute the diagnostic mode. (Code D39) Is it hear operating sound? → Go to step 6. → Go to step 4. 4. Wire harness continuity. •…
  • Page 643
    P0204 ECU coupler “2” orange/black–any other coupler terminal Relay unit coupler “3” red/blue–any other coupler terminal R/LO/B R/LO/B Y / R P / W P / B Gy / G O / G Gy / R Lg / R L / R O / B L / B G / B R / B…
  • Page 644
    P0335 EAS20578 P0335 EAS33058 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Crankshaft position sensor: no normal signals are received from the crankshaft position sensor. Fail-safe system • Unable to start engine • Unable to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Connection of crankshaft position sensor coupler. • Check the locking condition of the coupler. •…
  • Page 645
    P0335 P/W P B/L Gy Gy/G Br/W Gy/Y G/W G Gy/B Is resistance 0 Ω? → Go to “Short circuit check”. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Crank the engine, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered”…
  • Page 646
    P0335 a. Replace the wire harness. b. Crank the engine, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? → Go to step 7, and complete the service. →…
  • Page 647
    P0340 EAS20579 P0340 EAS32839 TROUBLESHOOTING Item • Cylinder identification sensor: no normal signals are received from the cylinder identification sensor. Fail-safe system • Unable to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure If more than one DTC is detected at the same time, perform troubleshooting of DTC listed below first. •…
  • Page 648
    P0340 white/black–white/black Between cylinder identification sensor coupler and blue–blue ECU coupler black/blue–black/blue P/W P L W/B Gy/G Br/W Gy/Y G/W G Gy/B Is resistance 0 Ω? → Go to “Short circuit check”. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Crank the engine, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered”…
  • Page 649
    P0340 Is resistance ∞ Ω? → Go to step 4. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Crank the engine, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? →…
  • Page 650
    P0351 EAS20580 P0351 EAS33060 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Cylinder-#1 ignition coil: open or short circuit detected in the primary lead of the cylinder-#1 ignition coil. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) • Able to drive vehicle (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) Procedure 1.
  • Page 651
    P0351 Between cylinder-#1 ignition coil coupler and ECU orange–orange coupler Between cylinder-#1 ignition coil coupler and han- red/white–red/white dlebar switch (right) coupler “3” Y / R P / W P / B Gy / G O / G Gy / R Lg / R L / R O / B…
  • Page 652
    P0351 Is resistance ∞ Ω? → Go to step 4. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Start the engine and let it idle for approximately 5 seconds. c. Check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered”…
  • Page 653
    P0351 • Replace the ECU, and complete the service. Refer to “REPLACING THE ECU (Engine Control Unit)” on page 8-41. 7. Delete the DTC and check that the MIL goes off. • Confirm that the DTC has a condition of “Recovered” using the YDT, and then delete the DTC. 9-158…
  • Page 654
    P0352 EAS20581 P0352 EAS33061 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Cylinder-#2 ignition coil: open or short circuit detected in the primary lead of the cylinder-#2 ignition coil. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) • Able to drive vehicle (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) Procedure 1.
  • Page 655
    P0352 Between cylinder-#2 ignition coil coupler and ECU gray/red–gray/red coupler Between cylinder-#2 ignition coil coupler and han- red/white–red/white dlebar switch (right) coupler Y / R P / W P / B Gy / G O / G Gy / R Lg / R L / R O / B…
  • Page 656
    P0352 Is resistance ∞ Ω? → Go to step 4. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Start the engine and let it idle for approximately 5 seconds. c. Check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered”…
  • Page 657
    P0352 • Replace the ECU, and complete the service. Refer to “REPLACING THE ECU (Engine Control Unit)” on page 8-41. 7. Delete the DTC and check that the MIL goes off. • Confirm that the DTC has a condition of “Recovered” using the YDT, and then delete the DTC. 9-162…
  • Page 658
    P0353 EAS20582 P0353 EAS33062 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Cylinder-#3 ignition coil: open or short circuit detected in the primary lead of the cylinder-#3 ignition coil. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) • Able to drive vehicle (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) Procedure 1.
  • Page 659
    P0353 Between cylinder-#3 ignition coil coupler and ECU orange/green–orange/green coupler Between cylinder-#3 ignition coil coupler and han- red/white–red/white dlebar switch (right) coupler Y / R P / W P / B Gy / G O / G Gy / R Lg / R L / R O / B…
  • Page 660
    P0353 Is resistance ∞ Ω? → Go to step 4. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Start the engine and let it idle for approximately 5 seconds. c. Check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered”…
  • Page 661
    P0353 • Replace the ECU, and complete the service. Refer to “REPLACING THE ECU (Engine Control Unit)” on page 8-41. 7. Delete the DTC and check that the MIL goes off. • Confirm that the DTC has a condition of “Recovered” using the YDT, and then delete the DTC. 9-166…
  • Page 662
    P0354 EAS20583 P0354 EAS33063 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Cylinder-#4 ignition coil: open or short circuit detected in the primary lead of the cylinder-#4 ignition coil. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) • Able to drive vehicle (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) Procedure 1.
  • Page 663
    P0354 Between cylinder-#4 ignition coil coupler and ECU gray/green–gray/green coupler Between cylinder-#4 ignition coil coupler and han- red/white–red/white dlebar switch (right) coupler Y / R P / W P / B Gy / G O / G Gy / R Lg / R L / R O / B…
  • Page 664
    P0354 Is resistance ∞ Ω? → Go to step 4. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Start the engine and let it idle for approximately 5 seconds. c. Check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered”…
  • Page 665
    P0354 • Replace the ECU, and complete the service. Refer to “REPLACING THE ECU (Engine Control Unit)” on page 8-41. 7. Delete the DTC and check that the MIL goes off. • Confirm that the DTC has a condition of “Recovered” using the YDT, and then delete the DTC. 9-170…
  • Page 666
    P0475, P0476, P048B EAS20672 P0475, P0476, P048B EAS32841 TROUBLESHOOTING Item • [P0475] EXUP servo motor: performance deterioration • [P0476] EXUP servo motor: stuck EXUP servo motor is detected. • [P048B] EXUP servo motor: signal stuck Fail-safe system • Able to start engine •…
  • Page 667
    P0475, P0476, P048B 3. Wire harness continuity. • Disconnect the EXUP servo motor coupler “1” and ECU coupler “2”. • Open circuit check Between EXUP servo motor coupler and ECU cou- black/green–black/green pler black/red–black/red Is resistance 0 Ω? → Go to “Short circuit check”. a.
  • Page 668
    P0475, P0476, P048B Is resistance ∞ Ω? → Go to step 4. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? →…
  • Page 669
    P0475, P0476, P048B a. Replace the cables. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? → Go to step 7, and complete the service. →…
  • Page 670
    P0480 EAS20585 P0480 EAS33065 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Radiator fan motor relay: open or short circuit detected. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Connection of radiator fan motor relay coupler. • Check the locking condition of the coupler. •…
  • Page 671
    P0480 Between radiator fan motor relay and ECU coupler green/yellow–green/yellow Y / R P / W P / B Gy / G O / G Gy / R Lg / R L / R O / B L / B G / B R / B R / L G / Y…
  • Page 672
    P0480 a. Replace the wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? → Go to step 6, and complete the service. →…
  • Page 673
    P048D, P048E EAS20586 P048D, P048E EAS33066 TROUBLESHOOTING Item • [P048D] EXUP servo motor: open or ground short circuit detected. • [P048E] EXUP servo motor: power short circuit detected. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure If “P048D/P048E”…
  • Page 674
    P048D, P048E • Open circuit check blue–blue Between EXUP servo motor coupler and ECU cou- white/yellow–white/yellow pler black/blue–black/blue P/W P Gy/G Br/W Gy/Y G/W G Gy/B Is resistance 0 Ω? → Go to “Short circuit check”. a. Replace the wire harness. b.
  • Page 675
    P048D, P048E P/W P Gy/G Br/W Gy/Y G/W G Gy/B Is resistance ∞ Ω? → Go to step 4. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT.
  • Page 676
    P0500 (FI), P1500 EAS20674 P0500 (FI), P1500 EAS33303 TROUBLESHOOTING Item • Rear wheel sensor: no normal signals are received from the rear wheel sensor. • Neutral switch: open or short circuit is detected. • Clutch switch: open or short circuit is detected. Fail-safe system •…
  • Page 677
    P0500 (FI), P1500 Is check result OK? → Go to step 21. → Go to step 15. Perform the procedure from step 15 to step 21. 2. Connection of rear wheel sensor coupler. • Check the locking condition of the coupler. •…
  • Page 678
    P0500 (FI), P1500 a. Connect the coupler securely or replace the wire harness. b. Execute the diagnostic mode. (Code D07) c. Rotate the rear wheel by hand and check that the indicated value increases. Is that value increased? → Go to step 21. →…
  • Page 679
    P0500 (FI), P1500 Lines short circuit check “B” black–any other coupler terminal Rear wheel sensor coupler “1” white–any other coupler terminal black–any other coupler terminal ABS ECU coupler white–any other coupler terminal white/blue–any other coupler terminal ECU coupler “3” white/blue–any other coupler terminal Gy/B L Y G R/B B L/W G/O W/L L B W W L/B Gy/B L Y G R/B B L/W…
  • Page 680
    P0500 (FI), P1500 → Go to step 21. → Go to step 7. 7. Malfunction in ABS ECU. • Replace the ABS ECU and go to step 21. 8. Connection of neutral switch coupler. • Check the locking condition of the coupler. •…
  • Page 681
    P0500 (FI), P1500 Between relay unit coupler and neutral switch cou- sky blue–sky blue pler Br/W L R/L L/R L/W R/W L/B L/Y B/Y Sb/W P/W P Gy/G Br/W Gy/Y G/W G Gy/B Is resistance 0 Ω? → Go to “Short circuit check”. a.
  • Page 682
    P0500 (FI), P1500 Br/W L R/L Br/W L R/L L/R L/W R/W L/B L/Y B/Y Sb/W L/R L/W R/W L/B L/Y B/Y Sb/W P/W P Gy/G Br/W Gy/Y G/W G Gy/B Is resistance ∞ Ω? → Go to step 11. a.
  • Page 683
    P0500 (FI), P1500 • Refer to “CHECKING THE SWITCHES” on page 8-40. Is check result OK? → Go to step 13. a. Replace the neutral switch. Refer to “CRANKCASE” on page 5-70. b. Execute the diagnostic mode. (Code D21) When the transmission is in neutral When the transmission is in gear with the clutch lever released Is it correct indication? →…
  • Page 684
    P0500 (FI), P1500 Is the coupler condition normal? → Go to step 17. a. Connect the coupler securely or replace the wire harness. b. Execute the diagnostic mode. (Code D21) When the clutch lever is released with the transmission in gear and when the sidestand is retracted When the clutch lever is squeezed with the transmission in gear and when the sidestand is retracted…
  • Page 685
    P0500 (FI), P1500 Br/W L R/L L/R L/W R/W L/B L/Y B/Y Sb/W P/W P Gy/G Br/W Gy/Y G/W G Gy/B Is resistance 0 Ω? → Go to “Short circuit check”. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Execute the diagnostic mode. (Code D21) When the clutch lever is released with the transmission in gear and when the sidestand is retracted When the clutch lever is squeezed with the transmission in gear and when the…
  • Page 686
    P0500 (FI), P1500 Br/W L R/L Br/W L R/L L/R L/W R/W L/B L/Y B/Y Sb/W L/R L/W R/W L/B L/Y B/Y Sb/W P/W P Gy/G Br/W Gy/Y G/W G Gy/B Is resistance ∞ Ω? → Go to step 19. a.
  • Page 687
    P0500 (FI), P1500 → Go to step 20. 20.Malfunction in ECU. • Replace the ECU, and complete the service. Refer to “REPLACING THE ECU (Engine Control Unit)” on page 8-41. 21.Delete the DTC and check that the MIL goes off. •…
  • Page 688
    P0500 (SCU) EAS20588 P0500 (SCU) EAS33068 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Abnormal rear wheel sensor Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Abnormal rear wheel sensor • Check the item of DTC P0500 for the ECU. Refer to “SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION TABLE (FOR FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM)”…
  • Page 689
    P0560 (FI), P0563 EAS20675 P0560 (FI), P0563 EAS33304 TROUBLESHOOTING Item • [P0560 (FI)] Charging voltage is abnormal. • [P0563] Vehicle system power voltage out of range Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure If more than one DTC is detected at the same time, perform troubleshooting of DTC listed below first. •…
  • Page 690
    P0560 (SCU) EAS20593 P0560 (SCU) EAS33073 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Abnormal SCU power supply voltage Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Malfunction in charging system. • Check the charging system. Refer to “CHARGING SYSTEM” on page 8-12. Is check result OK? →…
  • Page 691
    P0601 EAS20676 P0601 EAS33305 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Internal malfunction in ECU. (When this malfunction is detected in the ECU, the DTC might not appear on the tool display.) Fail-safe system • Unable to start engine • Unable to drive vehicle Procedure 1.
  • Page 692
    P0606 EAS20677 P0606 EAS33306 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Internal malfunction in ECU. (When this malfunction is detected in the ECU, the DTC might not appear on the tool display.) Fail-safe system • Able/Unable to start engine • Able/Unable to drive vehicle Procedure 1.
  • Page 693
    P062F EAS20598 P062F EAS33078 TROUBLESHOOTING Item EEPROM DTC: an error is detected while reading or writing on EEPROM. Fail-safe system • Able/Unable to start engine • Able/Unable to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Locate the malfunction. • Execute the diagnostic mode (Code D60) Go to step 7.
  • Page 694
    P062F 4. “03” is indicated in diagnostic mode (code D60). EEPROM data error for adjustment of CO concen- tration of cylinder #3. • Change the CO concentration of cylinder #3, and rewrite in EEPROM. Refer to “ADJUSTING THE EXHAUST GAS VOLUME” on page 3-12. •…
  • Page 695
    P0638 EAS20599 P0638 EAS33079 TROUBLESHOOTING Item YCC-T drive system: malfunction detected. Fail-safe system • Able/Unable to start engine • Able/Unable to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Connection of throttle servo motor coupler. • Check the locking condition of the coupler. • Disconnect the coupler and check the pins (bent or broken terminals and locking condition of the pins).
  • Page 696
    P0638 a. Replace the electronic throttle valve fuse. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? → Go to step 8, and complete the service. →…
  • Page 697
    P0638 Lines short circuit check “B” yellow/red–any other coupler terminal Throttle servo motor coupler “1” light green/red–any other coupler terminal yellow/red–any other coupler terminal ECU coupler light green/red–any other coupler terminal red/blue–any other coupler terminal Lg/R Y/R Y / R P / W P / B Gy / G…
  • Page 698
    P0638 Is check result OK? → Go to step 7. a. Replace the throttle bodies. Refer to “REPLACING THE THROTTLE BODIES” on page 7-16. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT.
  • Page 699
    P0657 EAS20601 P0657 EAS33081 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Fuel system voltage: incorrect voltage supplied to the fuel injector and fuel pump. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure If more than one DTC is detected at the same time, perform troubleshooting of DTC listed below first. •…
  • Page 700
    P0657 • Disconnect the coupler and check the pins (bent or broken terminals and locking condition of the pins). Is the coupler condition normal? → Go to step 4. a. Connect the coupler securely or replace the wire harness. b. Start the engine and let it idle for approximately 5 seconds. c.
  • Page 701
    P0657 • Short circuit check Disconnect the ECU related connectors before checking. Refer to “PARTS CONNECTED TO THE ECU” on page 9-3. Ground short circuit check “A” brown/white–ground blue/white–ground Between relay unit coupler “2” and ground red/white–ground red/blue–ground Between handlebar switch (right) coupler “4” and red/white–ground ground Lines short circuit check “B”…
  • Page 702
    P0657 Is check result OK? → Go to step 6. a. Replace the relay unit. b. Start the engine and let it idle for approximately 5 seconds. c. Check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered”…
  • Page 703
    P0916, P0917 EAS20611 P0916, P0917 EAS33091 TROUBLESHOOTING Item • [P0916] Gear position sensor: open or ground short circuit detected. • [P0917] Gear position sensor: power short circuit detected. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure 1.
  • Page 704
    P0916, P0917 white–white Between gear position sensor coupler and ECU green–green coupler blue/red–blue/red P/W P L/R G W Gy/G Br/W Gy/Y G/W G Gy/B Is resistance 0 Ω? → Go to “Short circuit check”. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT.
  • Page 705
    P0916, P0917 Is resistance ∞ Ω? → Go to step 4. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? →…
  • Page 706
    P0916, P0917 7. Delete the DTC and check that the MIL goes off. • Confirm that the DTC has a condition of “Recovered” using the YDT, and then delete the DTC. 9-211…
  • Page 707
    P1400 EAS20612 P1400 EAS33092 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Air induction system solenoid: open or short circuit detected. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Connection of air induction system solenoid coupler. • Check the locking condition of the coupler. •…
  • Page 708
    P1400 → Go to step 6, and complete the service. → Start the engine and check the status of the DTC. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? → Go to step 6, and complete the service. → Go to step 3. Check that the start/engine stop switch is turned to “ON”…
  • Page 709
    P1400 • Short circuit check Disconnect the ECU related connectors before checking. Refer to “PARTS CONNECTED TO THE ECU” on page 9-3. Ground short circuit check “A” Between air induction system solenoid coupler “1” brown/red–ground and ground red/white–ground Lines short circuit check “B” brown/red–any other coupler terminal Air induction system solenoid coupler red/white–any other coupler terminal…
  • Page 710
    P1400 Is it in the “Recovered” condition? → Go to step 6, and complete the service. → Start the engine and check the status of the DTC. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? → Go to step 6, and complete the service. →…
  • Page 711
    P1600 EAS20613 P1600 EAS33093 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Lean angle sensor: open or short circuit detected. Fail-safe system • Unable to start engine • Unable to drive vehicle Procedure If more than one DTC is detected at the same time, perform troubleshooting of DTC listed below first. •…
  • Page 712
    P1600 • Open circuit check blue/white–blue/white Between ECU coupler and joint coupler blue/black–blue/black blue/white–blue/white Between joint coupler and IMU coupler blue/black–blue/black Between ECU coupler and IMU coupler black/white–black/white Between ignition fuse holder and IMU coupler red/white–red/white Y / R P / W P / B Gy / G O / G…
  • Page 713
    P1600 Lines short circuit check “B” blue/white–any other coupler terminal ECU coupler black/black–any other coupler terminal blue/white–any other coupler terminal Joint coupler “2” black/black–any other coupler terminal blue/white–any other coupler terminal IMU coupler blue/black–any other coupler terminal red/white–any other coupler terminal P/W P P/W P Gy/G…
  • Page 714
    P1600 → Go to step 5. a. Fix the IMU installation condition. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, then to “OFF”, and back to “ON”. c. Check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered”…
  • Page 715
    P1601 EAS20614 P1601 EAS33094 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Sidestand switch: open or short circuit of the blue/yellow lead of the ECU is detected. Fail-safe system • Unable to start engine • Unable to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Connection of sidestand switch coupler. •…
  • Page 716
    P1601 Is the coupler condition normal? → Go to step 4. a. Connect the coupler securely or replace the wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then extend and retract the sidestand. c. Check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered”…
  • Page 717
    P1601 Lines short circuit check “B” blue/yellow–any other coupler terminal Relay unit coupler blue/black–any other coupler terminal ECU coupler “2” blue/yellow–any other coupler terminal Sidestand switch coupler “3” blue/black–any other coupler terminal Br/W L R/L Br/W L R/L L/R L/W R/W L/B L/Y B/Y Sb/W L/R L/W R/W L/B L/Y B/Y Sb/W…
  • Page 718
    P1601 → Go to step 6. 6. Malfunction in ECU. • Replace the ECU, and complete the service. Refer to “REPLACING THE ECU (Engine Control Unit)” on page 8-41. 7. Delete the DTC and check that the MIL goes off. •…
  • Page 719
    P1602 EAS20615 P1602 EAS33095 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Malfunction in ECU internal circuit (malfunction of ECU power cut-off function). Fail-safe system • Able/Unable to start engine • Able/Unable to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Installed condition of battery leads. • Check the installed condition of the battery and battery leads (loose bolts). Is check result OK? →…
  • Page 720
    P1602 → Go to step 4. a. Connect the coupler securely or replace the wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? →…
  • Page 721
    P1602 → Go to “Short circuit check”. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? →…
  • Page 722
    P1602 → Go to step 6. 6. Malfunction in ECU. • Replace the ECU, and complete the service. Refer to “REPLACING THE ECU (Engine Control Unit)” on page 8-41. 7. Delete the DTC and check that the MIL goes off. •…
  • Page 723
    P1806, P1807 EAS20623 P1806, P1807 EAS33103 TROUBLESHOOTING Item • [P1806] Shift sensor: open or ground short circuit detected. • [P1807] Shift sensor: power short circuit detected. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Connection of shift sensor coupler. •…
  • Page 724
    P1806, P1807 black/blue–black/blue Between shift sensor coupler and ECU coupler violet–violet blue–blue P/W P B/L V L Gy/G Br/W Gy/Y G/W G Gy/B Is resistance 0 Ω? → Go to “Short circuit check”. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT.
  • Page 725
    P1806, P1807 Is resistance ∞ Ω? → Go to step 4. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? →…
  • Page 726
    P1806, P1807 → Go to step 6. 6. Malfunction in ECU. • Replace the ECU, and complete the service. Refer to “REPLACING THE ECU (Engine Control Unit)” on page 8-41. 7. Delete the DTC and check that the MIL goes off. •…
  • Page 727
    P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128, P2138 EAS20632 P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128, P2138 EAS33112 TROUBLESHOOTING Item • [P2122] Accelerator position sensor: open or ground short circuit detected. • [P2123] Accelerator position sensor: power short circuit detected. • [P2127] Accelerator position sensor: open or ground short circuit detected. •…
  • Page 728
    P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128, P2138 → Go to step 3. 3. Wire harness continuity. • Disconnect the accelerator position sensor coupler “1” and ECU coupler “2”. • Open circuit check blue/yellow–blue/yellow white–white Between accelerator position sensor coupler and black/blue–black/blue ECU coupler blue/green–blue/green black–black black/yellow–black/yellow…
  • Page 729
    P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128, P2138 Lines short circuit check “B” blue/yellow–any other coupler terminal white–any other coupler terminal black/blue–any other coupler terminal Accelerator position sensor coupler blue/green–any other coupler terminal black–any other coupler terminal black/yellow–any other coupler terminal blue/yellow–any other coupler terminal white–any other coupler terminal black/blue–any other coupler terminal ECU coupler “2”…
  • Page 730
    P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128, P2138 Is it in the “Recovered” condition? → Go to step 6, and complete the service. → Go to step 5. 5. Malfunction in ECU. • Replace the ECU, and complete the service. Refer to “REPLACING THE ECU (Engine Control Unit)” on page 8-41. 6.
  • Page 731
    P2158 (FI) EAS20633 P2158 (FI) EAS33113 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Front wheel sensor: no normal signals are received from the front wheel sensor. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Locate the malfunction. • Check the ABS warning light. Is the ABS warning light on? →…
  • Page 732
    P2158 (FI) Is the coupler condition normal? → Go to step 5. a. Connect the coupler securely or replace the wire harness. b. Execute the diagnostic mode. (Code D16) c. Rotate the front wheel by hand and check that the indicated value increases. Is that value increased? →…
  • Page 733
    P2158 (FI) a. Replace the wire harness. b. Execute the diagnostic mode. (Code D16) c. Rotate the front wheel by hand and check that the indicated value increases. Is that value increased? → Go to step 10, and complete the service. →…
  • Page 734
    P2158 (FI) → Go to step 7. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Execute the diagnostic mode. (Code D16) c. Rotate the front wheel by hand and check that the indicated value increases. Is that value increased? → Go to step 10, and complete the service. →…
  • Page 735
    P2158 (SCU) EAS20634 P2158 (SCU) EAS33114 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Front wheel sensor: no normal signals are received from the front wheel sensor. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Abnormal front wheel sensor • Check the item of DTC P2158 for the ECU. Refer to “SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION TABLE (FOR FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM)”…
  • Page 736
    P21CF EAS20637 P21CF EAS33117 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Secondary injector #1: malfunction in secondary injector #1. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) • Able to drive vehicle (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) Procedure 1.
  • Page 737
    P21CF → Go to step 4. a. Connect the coupler securely or replace the wire harness. b. Execute the diagnostic mode. (Code D40) Is it hear operating sound? → Go to step 6. → Go to step 4. 4. Wire harness continuity. •…
  • Page 738
    P21CF ECU coupler “2” white/blue–any other coupler terminal Relay unit coupler “3” red/blue–any other coupler terminal W/L R/L W/L R/L Y / R P / W P / B Gy / G O / G Gy / R Lg / R L / R O / B L / B G / B…
  • Page 739
    P21D0 EAS20638 P21D0 EAS33118 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Secondary injector #2: malfunction in secondary injector #2. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) • Able to drive vehicle (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) Procedure 1.
  • Page 740
    P21D0 → Go to step 4. a. Connect the coupler securely or replace the wire harness. b. Execute the diagnostic mode. (Code D41) Is it hear operating sound? → Go to step 6. → Go to step 4. 4. Wire harness continuity. •…
  • Page 741
    P21D0 ECU coupler “2” sky blue/white–any other coupler terminal Relay unit coupler “3” red/blue–any other coupler terminal Sb/WR/L Sb/WR/L Y / R P / W P / B Gy / G O / G Gy / R Lg / R L / R O / B L / B G / B…
  • Page 742
    P21D1 EAS20639 P21D1 EAS33119 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Secondary injector #3: malfunction in secondary injector #3. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) • Able to drive vehicle (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) Procedure 1.
  • Page 743
    P21D1 → Go to step 4. a. Connect the coupler securely or replace the wire harness. b. Execute the diagnostic mode. (Code D42) Is it hear operating sound? → Go to step 6. → Go to step 4. 4. Wire harness continuity. •…
  • Page 744
    P21D1 ECU coupler “2” brown/yellow–any other coupler terminal Relay unit coupler “3” red/blue–any other coupler terminal Br/Y R/L Br/Y R/L Y / R P / W P / B Gy / G O / G Gy / R Lg / R L / R O / B L / B G / B…
  • Page 745
    P21D2 EAS20640 P21D2 EAS33120 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Secondary injector #4: malfunction in secondary injector #4. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) • Able to drive vehicle (depending on the number of faulty cylinders) Procedure 1.
  • Page 746
    P21D2 → Go to step 4. a. Connect the coupler securely or replace the wire harness. b. Execute the diagnostic mode. (Code D43) Is it hear operating sound? → Go to step 6. → Go to step 4. 4. Wire harness continuity. •…
  • Page 747
    P21D2 ECU coupler “2” brown/black–any other coupler terminal Relay unit coupler “3” red/blue–any other coupler terminal Br/B R/L Br/B R/L Y / R P / W P / B Gy / G O / G Gy / R Lg / R L / R O / B L / B G / B…
  • Page 748
    P2228, P2229 EAS20641 P2228, P2229 EAS33121 TROUBLESHOOTING Item • [P2228] Atmospheric pressure sensor: ground short circuit detected. • [P2229] Atmospheric pressure sensor: open or power short circuit detected. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure 1.
  • Page 749
    P2228, P2229 blue–blue Between atmospheric pressure sensor coupler and pink–pink ECU coupler black/blue–black/blue P/W P B/L P L Gy/G Br/W Gy/Y G/W G Gy/B Is resistance 0 Ω? → Go to “Short circuit check”. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT.
  • Page 750
    P2228, P2229 Is resistance ∞ Ω? → Go to step 4. a. Replace the wire harness. b. Turn the main switch to “ON”, and then check the condition of the DTC using the malfunction mode of the YDT. Is it in the “Recovered” condition? →…
  • Page 751
    P2228, P2229 Is it in the “Recovered” condition? → Go to step 7, and complete the service. → Go to step 6. 6. Malfunction in ECU. • Replace the ECU, and complete the service. Refer to “REPLACING THE ECU (Engine Control Unit)” on page 8-41. 7.
  • Page 752
    U0100 EAS20644 U0100 EAS33124 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Abnormal CAN communication (between ECU and SCU) Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Connection of ECU coupler. • Check the locking condition of the coupler. • Disconnect the coupler and check the pins (bent or broken terminals and locking condition of the pins).
  • Page 753
    U0100 Br/W Y/R Gy/G P/L G/B Gy/B Gy/R W/R W/B L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B P/W P Gy/G Br/W Gy/Y G/W G Gy/B L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B *.
  • Page 754
    U0100 Br/W Br/W Y/R Gy/G Y/R Gy/G P/L G/B Gy/B Gy/R P/L G/B Gy/B Gy/R W/R W/B W/R W/B P/W P P/W P Gy/G Br/W Gy/G Br/W Gy/Y G/W G Gy/B Gy/Y G/W G Gy/B L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B *.
  • Page 755
    U0121 EAS20646 U0121 EAS33126 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Abnormal CAN communication (between ABS ECU and SCU) Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Connection of ABS ECU coupler. • Check the locking condition of the coupler. •…
  • Page 756
    U0121 Br/W Y/R Gy/G P/L G/B Gy/B Gy/R W/R W/B Gy/B L Y G R/B B L/W G/O W/L L B W W L/B L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B *.
  • Page 757
    U0121 Br/W Br/W Y/R Gy/G Y/R Gy/G P/L G/B Gy/B Gy/R P/L G/B Gy/B Gy/R W/R W/B W/R W/B Gy/B L Y G R/B B L/W Gy/B L Y G R/B B L/W G/O W/L L B W W L/B G/O W/L L B W W L/B L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W…
  • Page 758
    U0125 (FI) EAS20647 U0125 (FI) EAS33127 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Signals cannot be transmitted between the ECU and the IMU. Fail-safe system • Unable to start engine • Able/Unable to drive vehicle Procedure If more than one DTC is detected at the same time, perform troubleshooting of DTC listed below first. •…
  • Page 759
    U0125 (FI) • Open circuit check blue/white–blue/white Between ECU coupler and joint coupler blue/black–blue/black blue/white–blue/white Between joint coupler and IMU coupler blue/black–blue/black Between IMU coupler and ignition fuse holder red/white–red/white Between IMU coupler and ECU coupler black/white–black/white Y / R P / W P / B Gy / G…
  • Page 760
    U0125 (FI) Lines short circuit check “B” blue/white–any other coupler terminal ECU coupler blue/black–any other coupler terminal blue/white–any other coupler terminal Joint coupler “2” blue/black–any other coupler terminal blue/white–any other coupler terminal IMU coupler blue/black–any other coupler terminal red/white–any other coupler terminal P/W P P/W P Gy/G…
  • Page 761
    U0125 (FI) Is it in the “Recovered” condition? → Go to step 6, and complete the service. → Go to step 5. 5. Malfunction in ECU. • Replace the ECU, and complete the service. Refer to “REPLACING THE ECU (Engine Control Unit)” on page 8-41. 6.
  • Page 762
    U0125 (SCU) EAS20648 U0125 (SCU) EAS33128 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Abnormal CAN communication (between IMU and SCU) Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Connection of IMU coupler. • Check the locking condition of the coupler. •…
  • Page 763
    U0125 (SCU) Br/W Y/R Gy/G P/L G/B Gy/B Gy/R W/R W/B L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B *. Joint coupler for YZF-R1 **.
  • Page 764
    U0125 (SCU) Br/W Br/W Y/R Gy/G Y/R Gy/G P/L G/B Gy/B Gy/R P/L G/B Gy/B Gy/R W/R W/B W/R W/B L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B *.
  • Page 765
    U0155 or Err (FI) EAS20649 U0155 or Err (FI) EAS33129 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Multi-function meter: signals cannot be transmitted between the ECU and the multi-function meter. Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure “Err” is displayed on the clock display of the multi-function meter, but the MIL does not come on. 1.
  • Page 766
    U0155 or Err (FI) blue/white–blue/white Between meter assembly coupler and joint coupler blue/black–blue/black blue/white–blue/white Between joint coupler and ECU coupler blue/black–blue/black B/W R/W Br/W Br/B Dg Ch W/L W/Y Br/Y L/B G/W R/GR/G Sb/W G/L G/Y G G/B W/B W/G G/O Y L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B P/W P…
  • Page 767
    U0155 or Err (FI) blue/white–any other coupler terminal ECU coupler blue/black–any other coupler terminal B/W R/W Br/W Br/B Dg Ch W/L W/Y Br/Y L/B G/W B/W R/W Br/W Br/B Dg Ch W/L W/Y Br/Y L/B G/W R/GR/G Sb/W G/L G/Y G G/B W/B W/G G/O Y R/GR/G Sb/W G/L G/Y…
  • Page 768
    U0155 or Err (FI) 5. Malfunction in ECU. • Replace the ECU, and complete the service. Refer to “REPLACING THE ECU (Engine Control Unit)” on page 8-41. 6. Delete the DTC and check that the MIL goes off. • Confirm that the DTC has a condition of “Recovered” using the YDT, and then delete the DTC. 9-273…
  • Page 769
    U0155 or Err (SCU) EAS20650 U0155 or Err (SCU) EAS33130 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Abnormal CAN communication (between meter assembly and SCU) Fail-safe system • Able to start engine • Able to drive vehicle Procedure 1. Connection of meter assembly coupler. • Check the locking condition of the coupler. •…
  • Page 770
    U0155 or Err (SCU) Br/W Y/R Gy/G B/W R/W Br/W Br/B Dg Ch W/L W/Y Br/Y L/B G/W P/L G/B Gy/B Gy/R R/GR/G Sb/W G/L G/Y G G/B W/B W/G G/O Y W/R W/B L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/W L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B L/B *.
  • Page 771
    U0155 or Err (SCU) Br/W Br/W Y/R Gy/G Y/R Gy/G P/L G/B Gy/B Gy/R P/L G/B Gy/B Gy/R W/R W/B W/R W/B B/W R/W Br/W Br/B Dg Ch W/L W/Y Br/Y L/B G/W B/W R/W Br/W Br/B Dg Ch W/L W/Y Br/Y L/B G/W R/GR/G Sb/W G/L G/Y…
  • Page 772
    51_IMMOBILIZER EAS20680 51_IMMOBILIZER EAS33309 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Code cannot be transmitted between the key and the immobilizer unit. Cause • Radio wave interference caused by objects around the keys and antennas. • Immobilizer unit malfunction. • Key malfunction. Procedure When a system malfunction occurs, the DTC number is indicated in the meter display and the immobi- lizer system indicator light flashes at the same time.
  • Page 773
    52_IMMOBILIZER EAS20679 52_IMMOBILIZER EAS33308 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Codes between the key and immobilizer unit do not match. Cause • Signal received from other transponder (failed to recognize code after ten consecutive attempts). • Signal received from unregistered standard key. Procedure When a system malfunction occurs, the DTC number is indicated in the meter display and the immobi- lizer system indicator light flashes at the same time.
  • Page 774
    53_IMMOBILIZER EAS20681 53_IMMOBILIZER EAS33310 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Codes cannot be transmitted between the ECU and the immobilizer unit. Cause • Noise interference or disconnected lead/cable. • Interference due to radio wave noise. • Disconnected communication harness. • Immobilizer unit malfunction. • ECU malfunction. Procedure When a system malfunction occurs, the DTC number is indicated in the meter display and the immobi- lizer system indicator light flashes at the same time.
  • Page 775
    54_IMMOBILIZER EAS20682 54_IMMOBILIZER EAS33311 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Codes transmitted between the ECU and the immobilizer unit do not match. Cause • Noise interference or disconnected lead/cable. • Interference due to radio wave noise. • Disconnected communication harness. • Immobilizer unit malfunction. •…
  • Page 776
    55_IMMOBILIZER EAS20683 55_IMMOBILIZER EAS33312 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Key code registration malfunction. Cause • Same standard key was attempted to be registered two consecutive times. Procedure When a system malfunction occurs, the DTC number is indicated in the meter display and the immobi- lizer system indicator light flashes at the same time.
  • Page 777
    56_IMMOBILIZER EAS20684 56_IMMOBILIZER EAS33313 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Unidentified code is received. Cause • Noise interference or disconnected lead/cable. Procedure When a system malfunction occurs, the DTC number is indicated in the meter display and the immobi- lizer system indicator light flashes at the same time. The pattern of flashing also shows the DTC. Refer to “HOW TO CHECK DTC”…
  • Page 778
    11_ABS EAS20685 11_ABS EAS33314 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Front wheel sensor (intermittent pulses or no pulses) Procedure If the rear wheel continues to turn for more than 20 seconds after the front wheel has stopped, this will be recorded. 1. Foreign material adhered around the front wheel sensor •…
  • Page 779
    12_ABS EAS20686 12_ABS EAS33315 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Rear wheel sensor (intermittent pulses or no pulses) Procedure 1. Foreign material adhered around the rear wheel sensor • Check the surface of the sensor rotor and wheel sensor for foreign material, such as metal particles. Is check result OK? →…
  • Page 780
    13, 26_ABS EAS20687 13, 26_ABS EAS33316 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Front wheel sensor (abnormal pulse period) Procedure • If the front brake ABS operates continuously for 20 seconds or more, DTC No. 26 will be recorded. If the front brake ABS operates continuously for 36 seconds or more, DTC No. 13 will be recorded. •…
  • Page 781
    14, 27_ABS EAS20688 14, 27_ABS EAS33317 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Rear wheel sensor (abnormal pulse period) Procedure • If the rear brake ABS operates continuously for 20 seconds or more, DTC No. 27 will be recorded. If the rear brake ABS operates continuously for 36 seconds or more, DTC No. 14 will be recorded. •…
  • Page 782
    15_ABS EAS20662 15_ABS EAS33040 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Front wheel sensor (open or short circuit) Procedure 1. Defective coupler between the front wheel sensor and the hydraulic unit assembly • Check the coupler for any pins that may be pulled out. • Check the locking condition of the coupler. Turn the main switch to “OFF”…
  • Page 783
    15_ABS Lines short circuit check “B” white–any other coupler terminal ABS ECU coupler black–any other coupler terminal Gy/B L Y G R/B B L/W Gy/B L Y G R/B B L/W G/O W/L L B W W L/B G/O W/L L B W W L/B Is resistance ∞…
  • Page 784
    16_ABS EAS20663 16_ABS EAS33285 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Rear wheel sensor (open or short circuit) Procedure 1. Defective coupler between the rear wheel sensor and the hydraulic unit assembly • Check the coupler for any pins that may be pulled out. • Check the locking condition of the coupler. Turn the main switch to “OFF”…
  • Page 785
    16_ABS Lines short circuit check “B” white–any other coupler terminal ABS ECU coupler black–any other coupler terminal Gy/B L Y G R/B B L/W Gy/B L Y G R/B B L/W G/O W/L L B W W L/B G/O W/L L B W W L/B Is resistance ∞…
  • Page 786
    21_ABS EAS20690 21_ABS EAS33320 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Hydraulic unit assembly (defective solenoid drive circuit) Procedure 1. Defective hydraulic unit assembly • Replace the hydraulic unit assembly. Refer to “ABS (Anti-lock Brake System)” on page 4-74. 9-291…
  • Page 787
    31_ABS EAS20691 31_ABS EAS33321 TROUBLESHOOTING Hydraulic unit assembly (defective ABS solenoid power circuit) Procedure 1. Blown ABS solenoid fuse • Check the ABS solenoid fuse. Refer to “CHECKING THE FUSES” on page 8-41. Is check result OK? → Go to step 2. →…
  • Page 788
    31_ABS Disconnect the ABS ECU related connectors before checking. Refer to “PARTS CONNECTED TO THE ABS ECU” on page 9-4. Ground short circuit check “A” Between ABS ECU coupler “1” and ground blue/white–ground Lines short circuit check “B” ABS ECU coupler blue/white–any other coupler terminal Gy/B L Y G R/B B L/W Gy/B L Y G R/B B L/W…
  • Page 789
    33_ABS EAS20692 33_ABS EAS33322 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Hydraulic unit assembly (abnormal ABS motor power supply) Procedure 1. Blown ABS motor fuse • Check the ABS motor fuse. Refer to “CHECKING THE FUSES” on page 8-41. Is check result OK? → Go to step 2. →…
  • Page 790
    33_ABS Disconnect the ABS ECU related connectors before checking. Refer to “PARTS CONNECTED TO THE ABS ECU” on page 9-4. Ground short circuit check “A” Between ABS ECU coupler “1” and ground red/white–ground Lines short circuit check “B” ABS ECU coupler red/white–any other coupler terminal Gy/B L Y G R/B B L/W Gy/B L Y G R/B B L/W…
  • Page 791
    34_ABS EAS20693 34_ABS EAS33323 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Hydraulic unit assembly (short circuit in ABS motor power supply circuit) Procedure 1. Defective hydraulic unit assembly • Replace the hydraulic unit assembly. Refer to “ABS (Anti-lock Brake System)” on page 4-74. 9-296…
  • Page 792
    41_ABS EAS20694 41_ABS EAS33331 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Front wheel ABS (intermittent wheel speed pulses or incorrect depressurization) Procedure 1. Incorrect installation of the front wheel sensor • Check the components for looseness, distortion, and bends. Refer to “MAINTENANCE OF THE FRONT WHEEL SENSOR AND SENSOR ROTOR” on page 4-40.
  • Page 793
    42_ABS EAS20695 42_ABS EAS33324 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Rear wheel ABS (intermittent wheel speed pulses or incorrect depressurization) Procedure 1. Incorrect installation of the rear wheel sensor • Check the components for looseness, distortion, and bends. Refer to “MAINTENANCE OF THE REAR WHEEL SENSOR AND SENSOR ROTOR” on page 4-49.
  • Page 794
    43, 45_ABS EAS20696 43, 45_ABS EAS33330 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Front wheel sensor (missing pulses) Procedure After the DTC 45 is recorded, DTC 43 will be recorded if a certain speed and time are exceeded. 1. Foreign material adhered around the front wheel sensor •…
  • Page 795
    44, 46_ABS EAS20697 44, 46_ABS EAS33325 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Rear wheel sensor (missing pulses) Procedure After the DTC 46 is recorded, DTC 44 will be recorded if a certain speed and time are exceeded. 1. Foreign material adhered around the rear wheel sensor •…
  • Page 796
    51_ABS EAS20698 51_ABS EAS33326 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Vehicle system power supply (voltage of ABS ECU power supply is high) Procedure 1. Defective battery • Recharge or replace the battery, and check again. Refer to “CHECKING AND CHARGING THE BATTERY” on page 8-42. 2.
  • Page 797
    53_ABS EAS20699 53_ABS EAS33327 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Vehicle system power supply (voltage of ABS ECU power supply is low) Procedure 1. Defective battery • Recharge or replace the battery, and check again. Refer to “CHECKING AND CHARGING THE BATTERY” on page 8-42. 2.
  • Page 798
    53_ABS Lines short circuit check “B” ABS ECU coupler red/black–any other coupler terminal Gy/B L Y G R/B B L/W Gy/B L Y G R/B B L/W G/O W/L L B W W L/B G/O W/L L B W W L/B Is resistance ∞…
  • Page 799
    55_ABS EAS20700 55_ABS EAS33328 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Hydraulic unit assembly (defective ABS ECU) Procedure 1. Defective hydraulic unit assembly • Replace the hydraulic unit assembly. Refer to “ABS (Anti-lock Brake System)” on page 4-74. 9-304…
  • Page 800
    56_ABS EAS20701 56_ABS EAS33329 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Hydraulic unit assembly (abnormal internal circuit) Procedure 1. Defective hydraulic unit assembly • Replace the hydraulic unit assembly. Refer to “ABS (Anti-lock Brake System)” on page 4-74. 9-305…
  • Page 801
    57_ABS EAS20666 57_ABS EAS33292 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Vehicle CAN communication line or power source of vehicle system Procedure 1. Wire harness continuity. • Disconnect the ECU coupler “1”, joint coupler “2” and ABS ECU coupler “3”. • Open circuit check blue/white–blue/white Between ECU coupler and joint coupler blue/black–blue/black blue/white–blue/white…
  • Page 802
    57_ABS blue/white–ground Between ABS ECU coupler “3” and ground blue/black–ground Lines short circuit check “B” blue/white–any other coupler terminal ECU coupler blue/black–any other coupler terminal blue/white–any other coupler terminal Joint coupler “2” blue/black–any other coupler terminal blue/white–any other coupler terminal ABS ECU coupler blue/black–any other coupler terminal P/W P…
  • Page 803
    57_ABS → Go to step 4. → If there is a malfunction, repair it and connect the coupler securely. 4. Wire harness continuity • Disconnect the ABS ECU fuse “1”, ABS solenoid fuse “2” and ABS ECU coupler “3”. • Open circuit check Between ABS ECU fuse holder and ABS ECU cou- red/black–red/black pler…
  • Page 804
    57_ABS → Go to step 5. → Replace the wire harness. 5. Defective charging system • Check the charging system. Refer to “CHARGING SYSTEM” on page 8-12. Is resistance ∞ Ω? → Replace the hydraulic unit assembly (ABS ECU). → Confirm the cause of the problem and repair it, and check again. 9-309…
  • Page 805
    62_ABS EAS20702 62_ABS EAS33333 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Power supply voltage failure in pressure sensor Procedure 1. Defective hydraulic unit assembly • Replace the hydraulic unit assembly. Refer to “ABS (Anti-lock Brake System)” on page 4-74. 9-310…
  • Page 806
    68_ABS EAS20705 68_ABS EAS33336 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Defective hydraulic unit assembly (defective front pressure sensor) Procedure 1. Defective front brake line • Check the front brake line. Is check result OK? → Go to step 2. → If there is bending or blocking, replace the front brake line. 2.
  • Page 807
    89_ABS EAS20669 89_ABS EAS33299 TROUBLESHOOTING Item CAN communication (between meter assembly and hydraulic unit assembly) Procedure 1. Defective coupler between the meter assembly and the hydraulic unit assembly • Check the coupler for any pins that may be pulled out. •…
  • Page 808
    89_ABS • Short circuit check Disconnect the ABS ECU related connectors before checking. Refer to “PARTS CONNECTED TO THE ABS ECU” on page 9-4. Ground short circuit check “A” blue/white–ground Between meter assembly coupler “1” and ground blue/black–ground blue/white–ground Between ABS ECU coupler “3” and ground blue/black–ground Lines short circuit check “B”…
  • Page 809
    89_ABS 3. Defective meter assembly • Replace the meter assembly, and check again. 4. Defective hydraulic unit assembly • Replace the hydraulic unit assembly. 9-314…
  • Page 810
    90_ABS EAS20670 90_ABS EAS33300 TROUBLESHOOTING Item CAN communication (between ECU and hydraulic unit assembly) Procedure 1. Defective coupler between the ECU and the hydraulic unit assembly • Check the coupler for any pins that may be pulled out. • Check the locking condition of the coupler. Turn the main switch to “OFF”…
  • Page 811
    90_ABS → Replace the wire harness. • Short circuit check Disconnect the ECU and ABS ECU related connectors before checking. Refer to “PARTS CONNECTED TO THE ECU” on page 9-3 and “PARTS CONNECTED TO THE ABS ECU” on page 9-4. Ground short circuit check “A”…
  • Page 812
    90_ABS 3. Defective ECU • Replace the ECU, and check again. 4. Defective hydraulic unit assembly • Replace the hydraulic unit assembly. 9-317…
  • Page 813
    91_ABS EAS20671 91_ABS EAS33301 TROUBLESHOOTING Item CAN communication (between IMU and hydraulic unit assembly) Procedure 1. Defective coupler between the IMU and the hydraulic unit assembly • Check the coupler for any pins that may be pulled out. • Check the locking condition of the coupler. Turn the main switch to “OFF”…
  • Page 814
    91_ABS • Short circuit check Disconnect the ABS ECU related connectors before checking. Refer to “PARTS CONNECTED TO THE ABS ECU” on page 9-4. Ground short circuit check “A” blue/white–ground Between IMU coupler “1” and ground blue/black–ground blue/white–ground Between ABS ECU coupler “3” and ground blue/black–ground Lines short circuit check “B”…
  • Page 815
    91_ABS 4. Defective hydraulic unit assembly • Replace the hydraulic unit assembly. 9-320…
  • Page 816
    112.Sub radiator fan motor (right) EAS20091 57. Primary injector #2 WIRING DIAGRAM 58. Primary injector #3 113.Radiator fan motor (left) 59. Primary injector #4 114.SCU fuse (for YZF-R1M) YZF1000L/YZF1000/YZF1000DL/ 60. Secondary injector #1 115.SCU (Suspension Control YZF1000D 2020 61. Secondary injector #2 Unit) (for YZF-R1M) 1.
  • Page 817
    EAS30613 Yellow/Red COLOR CODE Black Brown Chocolate Dark green Dark blue Green Gray Blue Light green Orange Pink Sky blue Violet White Yellow Black/Green Black/Blue Black/Red Black/White Black/Yellow Br/B Brown/Black Br/L Brown/Blue Br/R Brown/Red Br/W Brown/White Br/Y Brown/Yellow Green/Black Green/Blue Green/Orange Green/Red Green/White…
  • Page 821
    YZF1000L/YZF1000/YZF1000DL/YZF1000D 2020 WIRING DIAGRAM R/L R/L R/L R/L R/W Lg Y/L Lg R/W R/W R/W R/W R/L R/L R/W R/W (Dgy) Lg R/G W W W W W W L/R R/W O R/W Sb/W Br/W Br/L Gy/R Gy/R Gy/R R/W Br/L Gy/G L/R G W…
  • Page 822
    YZF1000L/YZF1000/YZF1000DL/YZF1000D 2020 WIRING DIAGRAM (Dgy) (Dl) (Dl) (Dl) (Gy) (Gy) (Gy) (Gy) (Gy) MODE DOWN 98 99 109 108 (Gy) (Gy) (Gy)

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотоциклов Yamaha YZF-R1.

  • Издательство: Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 2003
  • Страниц: 120
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 3,4 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотоциклов Yamaha YZF-R1.

  • Издательство: Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 2011
  • Страниц: 114
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 4,9 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотоциклов Yamaha YZF-R6.

  • Издательство: Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 2002
  • Страниц: 140
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 3,9 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотоциклов Yamaha YZF-R6.

  • Издательство: Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 2007
  • Страниц: 114
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  • Размер: 2,9 Mb

Сборник руководств на английском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотоциклов Yamaha моделей YZF600 Thundercat и YZF1000 Thunderace различных модификаций.

  • Издательство: Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания:
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  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 43,3 Mb

Сборник руководств на английском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотоциклов Yamaha моделей YZF-R1, YZF-R6 и YZF-R125 различных модификаций.

  • Издательство: Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания:
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  • Размер: 213,3 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту мотоциклов Yamaha FZS600 Fazer и YZF600R Thundercat 1996-2003 годов выпуска.

  • Издательство: Haynes Publishing
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 219
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  • Размер: 12,1 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по ремонту мотоциклов Yamaha YZF600RJ.

  • Издательство: Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 1996
  • Страниц: 373
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 66,3 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту мотоциклов Yamaha YZF750R/YZF750SP 1993-1998 и YZF1000 Thunderace 1996-2000 годов выпуска.

  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания: 2011
  • Страниц: 280
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 195,4 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту мотоциклов Yamaha YZF750R/YZF750SP 1993-1998 и YZF1000 Thunderace 1996-2000 годов выпуска.

  • Издательство: Haynes Publishing
  • Год издания: 2000
  • Страниц: 147
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 45,9 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по ремонту мотоциклов Yamaha моделей YZF1000RJ и YZF1000RJC.

  • Издательство: Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 1996
  • Страниц: 407
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 36,5 Mb

Сборник руководств на английском языке по ремонту мотоциклов Yamaha YZF-R1 различных модификаций 1998-2009 годов выпуска.

  • Издательство: Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 1997-2008
  • Страниц:
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  • Размер: 85,7 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по установке комплекта гоночных запчастей для мотоциклов Yamaha YZF-R1 2009 года выпуска.

  • Издательство:
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 81
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  • Размер: 3,0 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по установке комплекта гоночных запчастей для мотоциклов Yamaha YZF-R6 2004 года выпуска.

  • Издательство:
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 73
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  • Размер: 3,6 Mb

Сборник руководств на английском языке по ремонту мотоциклов Yamaha YZF-R6 различных модификаций 1999-2008 годов выпуска.

  • Издательство: Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 1998-2007
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 108,9 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по ремонту мотоциклов Yamaha YZF-R7.

  • Издательство: Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 1999
  • Страниц: 381
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 15,9 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по ремонту мотоциклов Yamaha YZF-R125.

  • Издательство: MBK Industrie
  • Год издания: 2008
  • Страниц: 356
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 10,4 Mb

Сборник руководств на английском, французском, немецком, испанском и итальянском языках по ремонту мотоциклов Yamaha моделей YZF-R1, YZF-R6 и др.

  • Издательство: Yamaha
  • Год издания:
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  • Формат: ISO
  • Размер: 1,7 Gb

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