Yamaha vk540 руководство по эксплуатации


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Санкт-Петербург, 190005
Email: info@lenmoto.ru
Телефон: +7 (921) 930-81-18
Телефон: +7 (911) 928-08-06

Компания ЛенМото

Запчасти, аксессуары, экипировка, тюнинг для мотоциклов, скутеров, квадроциклов, снегоходов, багги, гидроциклов, катеров и лодочных моторов.

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  • #1

Parts catalogues Yamaha SnowMobiles (для всех)

Каталог запчастей для Яамаха VK540EL 2006года.

  • 1,7 MB
    Просмотры: 14.214

  • #2

Руководство пользователя Yamaha VK540E

По просьбам трудящихся вот Руководство пользователя на Русском языке Yamaha VK540E и BR250

  • 5,8 MB
    Просмотры: 34.874

  • #3

Re: Сервис-мануал для Viking 540

Service Manual

  • 1,4 MB
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  • #4

Re: Сервис-мануал для Viking 540

Parts catalog

  • 1,5 MB
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  • #5

Re: Сервис-мануал для Viking 540

Assembly manual

  • 2,7 MB
    Просмотры: 4.782

  • #6

Re: Сервис-мануал для Viking 540

Руководство пользователя на русском языке

  • 1,4 MB
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  • 1,4 MB
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  • 166,7 KB
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  • #7

  • 2,8 MB
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  • #8

Только такой :whistling:

  • 6,9 MB
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  • #9

  • 1,7 MB
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  • #10

На русском :up:

  • 8,7 MB
    Просмотры: 6.630

  • #11

Всем привет на днях автоматом перевел тексты по ремонту, каталог запчастей и еще чегото правда получилось не совсем корректно но понять можно если раскинуть извилинами потом распечатал анлийский мануал потом распечатал переведенный на русский его разрезал и приклеил на английский текст, а почему так сделал при переводе не сохранились картинки.

  • 50,3 KB
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  • 92,7 KB
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  • 344,8 KB
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  • #12

Re: Сервис-мануал для Viking 540

Фрун написал(а):

Помогите открыть качнуть это: Parts catalog

Parts catalog-VK540.rar [1.49 МБ]
Скачиваний: 875

не пускает, говорит что я, не автаризован(((9

  • #13

Re: Сервис-мануал для Viking 540

Антонио 1 написал(а):

Фрун написал(а):

Помогите открыть качнуть это: Parts catalog

Parts catalog-VK540.rar [1.49 МБ]
Скачиваний: 875

не пускает, говорит что я, не автаризован(((9

Прикольно :blush: ….. Я тоже не авторизован для скачивания своего же файла.

  • #14

Re: Сервис-мануал для Viking 540

Фрун написал(а):

Прикольно :blush: ….. Я тоже не авторизован для скачивания своего же файла.

:lol: докатился

  • #15

Блинн мужики, и как быть(((
Надо найти номера на две деталюшки и заказать.
Викинг 540 Е 2007 года рождения
Нужен номер ремня вариатора и сальника масляного насоса, который качает и смешивает масло с бензом
Номера на передние салазки гусенецы вроде нашел, а вот с остальным проблема(((((
По году выпуска в каталогах 3ех цилиндровый мотор с вод.охлаждением, а по факту стоит 2ух с воздушкой :unsure:
Как правильно идентифицировать ХЗ ((((

  • #16

Антонио 1 написал(а):

Блинн мужики, и как быть(((
Надо найти номера на две деталюшки и заказать.
Викинг 540 Е 2007 года рождения
Нужен номер ремня вариатора и сальника масляного насоса, который качает и смешивает масло с бензом
Номера на передние салазки гусенецы вроде нашел, а вот с остальным проблема(((((

Ваши детали с ценами:
87X-17641-00-00 V-BELT (2.390)
93101-10090-00 OIL SEAL (169)
8AC-47414-10-00 FRAME, SLIDING 4 (15.490)
8AC-47411-10-00 FRAME, SLIDING 1 (15.490)
*в скобках цены

  • #17

Camarat написал(а):

Антонио 1 написал(а):

Блинн мужики, и как быть(((
Надо найти номера на две деталюшки и заказать.
Викинг 540 Е 2007 года рождения
Нужен номер ремня вариатора и сальника масляного насоса, который качает и смешивает масло с бензом
Номера на передние салазки гусенецы вроде нашел, а вот с остальным проблема(((((

Ваши детали с ценами:
87X-17641-00-00 V-BELT (2.390)
93101-10090-00 OIL SEAL (169)
8AC-47414-10-00 FRAME, SLIDING 4 (15.490)
8AC-47411-10-00 FRAME, SLIDING 1 (15.490)
*в скобках цены

На ремень и сальник точно эти номера ?! :eek: (не хочу обидеть!) просто еще раз уточняюсь, что бы не наступить на грабли :dread:
А про салазки ПАРДОН :confised: ошибся, нужна накладка салазки П-образная, номер её вроде 8AC47421-00XX или замена 8AC47421-0000

Снежик VK540E 2007 год
JYE8AC0028A062243 № двс 8AC-061954
Если это поможет.

  • #18

Антонио 1 написал(а):

Camarat написал(а):

Антонио 1 написал(а):

Блинн мужики, и как быть(((
Надо найти номера на две деталюшки и заказать.
Викинг 540 Е 2007 года рождения
Нужен номер ремня вариатора и сальника масляного насоса, который качает и смешивает масло с бензом
Номера на передние салазки гусенецы вроде нашел, а вот с остальным проблема(((((

Ваши детали с ценами:
87X-17641-00-00 V-BELT (2.390)
93101-10090-00 OIL SEAL (169)
8AC-47414-10-00 FRAME, SLIDING 4 (15.490)
8AC-47411-10-00 FRAME, SLIDING 1 (15.490)
*в скобках цены

На ремень и сальник точно эти номера ?! :eek: (не хочу обидеть!) просто еще раз уточняюсь, что бы не наступить на грабли :dread:
А про салазки ПАРДОН :confised: ошибся, нужна накладка салазки П-образная, номер её вроде 8AC47421-00XX или замена 8AC47421-0000

Снежик VK540E 2007 год
JYE8AC0028A062243 № двс 8AC-061954
Если это поможет.

Антон, скачайте каталог, он для вашего вин номера.
Ремень и сальник смело заказывайте под моими номерами.
Накладка на Полоз:
8AC-47421-00-XХ америка (не поставляется)
8AC-47421-00-00 RUNNER, SLIDING 1 европа (1.990)

  • 1,1 MB
    Просмотры: 5.465

  • #19

Camarat написал(а):

Антонио 1 написал(а):

Camarat написал(а):

Антонио 1 написал(а):

Блинн мужики, и как быть(((
Надо найти номера на две деталюшки и заказать.
Викинг 540 Е 2007 года рождения
Нужен номер ремня вариатора и сальника масляного насоса, который качает и смешивает масло с бензом
Номера на передние салазки гусенецы вроде нашел, а вот с остальным проблема(((((

Ваши детали с ценами:
87X-17641-00-00 V-BELT (2.390)
93101-10090-00 OIL SEAL (169)
8AC-47414-10-00 FRAME, SLIDING 4 (15.490)
8AC-47411-10-00 FRAME, SLIDING 1 (15.490)
*в скобках цены

На ремень и сальник точно эти номера ?! :eek: (не хочу обидеть!) просто еще раз уточняюсь, что бы не наступить на грабли :dread:
А про салазки ПАРДОН :confised: ошибся, нужна накладка салазки П-образная, номер её вроде 8AC47421-00XX или замена 8AC47421-0000

Снежик VK540E 2007 год
JYE8AC0028A062243 № двс 8AC-061954
Если это поможет.

Антон, скачайте каталог, он для вашего вин номера.
Ремень и сальник смело заказывайте под моими номерами.
Накладка на Полоз:
8AC-47421-00-XХ америка (не поставляется)
8AC-47421-00-00 RUNNER, SLIDING 1 европа (1.990)

ОГРОМНОЕ СПАСИБО!!!!!!!!! :beer: :y_rules:

  • #21

Тоже не могу скачать мануал по VK-540 — пишет, что не авторизован. Как быть?
Может кто даст другую ссылочку?

  • #22

Сервисмануал VK540 .zip password:

  • 12,4 MB
    Просмотры: 13.716

  • #23

Решил сюда сбросить фото отчёт о ремонте коробки передач VK-540. Сразу оговорюсь, что авторство не моё, автору сказал бы спасибо, но не знаю кто он.

  • 1,6 MB
    Просмотры: 2.236

  • #24

Sven71 написал(а):

Тоже не могу скачать мануал по VK-540 — пишет, что не авторизован. Как быть?
Может кто даст другую ссылочку?

Скачай и установи программу для PDF файлов и будет тебе счастье :D

  • #25

camarat пытаюсь открыть ,а он пароль требует-подскажи как быть?

инструкцияYamaha VK540-V (2019)

Les denne håndboken nøye før du tar kjøretøyet i bruk.

Lue tämä käsikirja huolellisesti ennen moottorikelkan käyttöä.

Läs den här instruktionsboken noga innan snöskotern används.

Leggere attentamente questo manuale prima di utilizzare questo veicolo.

Il convient de lire attentivement ce manuel avant la première utilisation du véhicule.

Read this manual carefully before operating this vehicle.


















1.2×1 CR








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  1. Manuals
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  3. Yamaha Manuals
  4. Offroad Vehicle
  5. VK540EG
  6. Owner’s manual
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Related Manuals for Yamaha VK540EG

Summary of Contents for Yamaha VK540EG

  • Page 1
    SNOWMOBILE OWNER’S MANUAL VK540EG LIT-12628-02-19 8AC-28199-18…
  • Page 3: Machine Identification

    861-011 Record your frame number, engine number (Primary I.D.) and key number in the spaces provided, to assist you in ordering spare parts from your Yamaha dealer. 1 The frame number is the seventeen-digit number 860-002 stamped on the frame of the machine. (See Fig. Å) 2 The engine number is stamped in the location as shown.

  • Page 4
    Should major repairs ever be required, you are advised to consult a nearby Yamaha dealer who has the techniques, tools and parts to ensure your satisfaction. We hope that the information within this booklet will help you enjoy many hours of pleasure with your Yamaha snowmobile.
  • Page 5
    COMPLETELY BEFORE OPERATING THE MACHINE. NOTE: 851-005 • Yamaha continually seeks advancements in product design and quality. Therefore, while this manual con- tains the most current product information available at the time of printing, there may be minor discrepancies between your machine and this manual. If there is any question concerning this manual, please consult your Yamaha dealer.
  • Page 6: Table Of Contents


  • Page 7
  • Page 8: Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.s.a. Snowmobile Limited Warranty

    WARRANTY PERIOD: WARRANTY TRANSFER: To transfer any remain- 1. All Yamaha snowmobiles shall be warranted for a ing warranty from the original purchaser to any subse- term of one (1) year from the date of purchase, plus quent purchaser, it is imperative that the machine be a special early-season extension (if applicable).

  • Page 9
    TENSION specified in the Owner’s Manual? A special warranty extension is available for all new A. No. The warranty on a new Yamaha cannot be Yamaha snowmobiles purchased between June 1 and “voided” or “canceled.” However, if a particular failure December 1.
  • Page 10: Change Of Address

    Mail to: YAMAHA MOTOR CORPORATION, U.S.A. WARRANTY DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 6555 Cypress, California 90630 This will ensure that Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. has an up-to-date registration record in accordance with federal law.

  • Page 11: Yamaha Extended Service (Y.e.s.)

    Limited Warranty period. So visit your autho- • Y.E.S. is designed and administered by rized Yamaha dealer to get all the facts. He can Yamaha Motor Corporation to provide show you how easy it is to protect your invest- maximum owner satisfaction. You get un- ment with Yamaha Extended Service.

  • Page 12: Location Of The Important Labels

    ESU00007 LOCATION OF THE IMPORTANT LABELS Please read the following labels carefully before operating this machine. NOTE: Maintain or replace safety and instruction labels, as neces- sary. WARNING SEVERE INJURY OR DEATH MAY RESULT IF YOU IGNORE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: DRIVE SELECT LEVER •…

  • Page 13: Safety Information

    Before Operating 1. Read the Owner’s Manual and all labels before operat- ing this machine. Become familiar with all of the operat- ing controls and their function. Consult a Yamaha dealer about any control or function you do not under- stand.

  • Page 14
    7. Handle fuel with care; it is highly flammable. • Never add fuel when the engine is running or hot. Allow the engine to cool for several minutes after running. • Use an approved fuel container. • Fill the fuel tank outdoors with extreme care. Never 851-003 remove the fuel cap indoors.
  • Page 15
    Maintenance and Storage 1. Modifications made to the machine not approved by Yamaha, or the removal of original equipment may render your machine unsafe for use and may cause severe personal injury. Modifications may also make your machine illegal to use.
  • Page 16: Description

    ESU00012 DESCRIPTION 1 Windshield 2 Steering handlebar 3 Seat 4 Drive track 5 Slide rail suspension 6 Frame 7 Telescopic strut suspension 8 Steering ski 9 Headlight 0 Front baffle plate A Shroud B Tail/brake light C Flap D Tow hitch E Luggage box F Headlight adjusting knob G Engine stop switch…

  • Page 17: Control Functions

    ESU00013 CONTROL FUNCTIONS ESU00018 MAIN SWITCH The main switch controls the following items. 1 OFF: Ignition circuit is switched off. The key can be removed only in this position. 2 ON: Ignition circuit is switched on. The engine can be started. 3 START: Starting circuit is switched on.

  • Page 18: Throttle Lever

    ESU00022 THROTTLE LEVER Once the engine is running cleanly, squeezing 2 of the throttle lever 1 will increase the engine speed and cause engagement of the drive system. Regulate the speed of the machine by varying the throttle position. Because the throttle is spring-loaded, the machine will decelerate, and 816-001 the engine will return to an idle when the thumb is released…

  • Page 19: Engine Stop Switch

    ESU00031 ENGINE STOP SWITCH The engine stop switch 1 is used to stall the engine in an emergency. Simply push 2 the engine stop switch, and the engine will stop. To start the engine, pull 3 the engine stop switch and see page 7-1 for more details. During the first few rides, you should practice using the switch while 831-008 driving so that you can react quickly in an emergency.

  • Page 20: Parking Brake Button

    ESU00034 PARKING BRAKE BUTTON When parking the machine or starting the engine, apply the parking brake. Squeeze the brake lever 1, then push down 3 the parking brake button 2 while releasing the brake lever. To release the parking brake, just squeeze the brake lever. 818-001 WARNING •…

  • Page 21: Headlight Beam Switch

    ESU00039 HEADLIGHT BEAM SWITCH Push the switch to change the head light beam alternately to high or low. 1 Headlight beam switch 2 Push 831-012 3 High beam 4 Low beam ESU00040 HEADLIGHT ADJUSTING KNOB Use the knob to adjust the headlight vertical position. 1 Up 2 Down 832-018…

  • Page 22: Shroud Latch

    ESU00048 SHROUD LATCH To open the shroud, unhook the latch, then slowly raise the shroud forward until it stops. When closing the shroud, slowly lower it to its home position, then hook the shroud latches. 1 Latch 845-014 2 Shroud CAUTION : Be sure all cables and wires are in place when closing the shroud.

  • Page 23: Engine Room Plates

    ESU00064 ENGINE ROOM PLATES Open the plates to cool down the engine. CAUTION : • Close the plate when the machine is operated in deep snow. • 845-031 Remove the belly pan plates 1 when the ambient temperature is 5°C (41.5°F) or higher. 845-017 ESU00069 LUGGAGE BOX…

  • Page 24: Pre-Operation Checks

    Leaking fuel can catch fire. 800-021 CAUTION : • Oxygenated fuels (“gasohol”) containing max. 5% of ethanol can be used, although richer jetting may be required to prevent engine damage. Consult a Yamaha dealer. Gasohol containing methanol is not recommended.

  • Page 25: Engine Oil

    • Be sure that snow and /or ice does not enter into the fuel tank when refueling. • Do not use alcohol deicers or water absorbing additives with oxygenated fuel. • The tank should be filled with straight gasoline as specified.

  • Page 26: Throttle Override System (T.o.r.s.) Check

    While holding as described above, press the throttle lever 3 gradually. The engine should stop immediately. WARNING If the engine does not stop, stop the engine by turning the main switch to the “OFF” position and consult a Yamaha dealer. 816-040…

  • Page 27: Brake

    ESU00092 BRAKE (See page 8-14 for more details.) Test the brake at slow speed when starting out to make sure it is working properly. If the brake does not provide proper braking performance, inspect the brake for wear. WARNING Do not operate the machine if you find any problem with the brake.

  • Page 28: Drive V-Belt Guard

    ESU00095 DRIVE V-BELT GUARD Check the drive belt guard mounts for damage, and check the tightness of the wing bolt. Make sure the drive belt guard is firmly in place. 805-808 ESU00097 DRIVE TRACK (See page 8-18 ~ 8-20 for more details.) Check the drive track for deflection, wear and damage.

  • Page 29: Ski/Ski Runner

    1. Check the following for excessive free play: 1) Push the handlebar up and down and back and forth. 2) Turn the handlebar slightly to the right and left. 2. If excessive free play is noticed, consult a Yamaha 819-003 dealer. ESU00104 LIGHTS Check the lights.

  • Page 30: Service Tools And Spare Parts

    ESU00111 SERVICE TOOLS AND SPARE PARTS It is a good practice to carry service tools and spare parts with your machine so that minor repairs can be done by yourself. The following should be carried in the luggage box. • Tool kit •…

  • Page 31: Operation

    ESU00112 OPERATION ESU00114 STARTING THE ENGINE WARNING • Be sure to check “SAFETY INFORMATION” care- 818-034 fully before starting the engine. • Be sure the parking brake is applied. NOTE: Be sure the engine stop switch is in the “ON” position. 831-018 1.

  • Page 32: Emergency Engine Starting

    200 km (125 mi), do not put an excessive load on the engine. Avoid prolonged full throttle operation. Also avoid lugging the engine, such as laborious operation in wet snow. If any abnormal condition is noticed, such as excessive vibration or noise, consult a Yamaha dealer.

  • Page 33: Riding Your Snowmobile

    ESU00273 RIDING YOUR SNOWMOBILE GETTING TO KNOW YOUR SNOWMOBILE A snowmobile is a rider active vehicle, and your riding position and your balance are the two basic factors of maneuvering your snowmobile. Riding your snowmobile requires skills acquired through practice over a period of time. Take the time to learn the basic techniques well before attempting more difficult maneuvers.

  • Page 34: To Start Out And Accelerate

    Set the parking brake and follow the instructions on page 7-1 to start the engine. Once it has warmed up, you are ready to begin riding your Snowmobile. TO START OUT AND ACCELERATE 1. With the engine idling, release the parking brake. 2.

  • Page 35: Riding Uphill

    Improper riding procedures such as abrupt throttle changes, excessive braking, incorrect body movements, or too much speed for the sharpness of the turn may cause the snow- mobile to tip. If your snowmobile begins to tip while turning, lean more into the turn to regain balance.

  • Page 36: Riding Downhill

    RIDING DOWNHILL When riding downhill, keep speed to a minimum. It is important to apply just enough throttle to keep the clutch engaged while descending the hill. This will allow you to use engine compression to help slow the machine, and to keep the snowmobile from rolling freely down the hill.

  • Page 37: Ice Or Icy Surface

    ICE OR ICY SURFACE Operating on ice or icy surfaces can be very dangerous. Traction for turning, stopping or starting is much less than that on snow. WARNING When you have to operate on ice or icy surfaces, drive slowly and cautiously. Avoid rapid acceleration, turn- ing or braking.

  • Page 38: Maximizing Drive Track Life

    WARNING Drive track damage and/or failure could result in loss of braking ability and machine control, which could cause an accident. • • • • • Always check the drive track for damage or misadjustment before operating the machine. • • • • • Do not operate the machine if you find damage to the drive track.

  • Page 39: Driving

    Studs may catch on an object and pull out of the track, leaving tears and damage around the already weakened area. To minimize possible damage, consult your stud manufacturer for installation and stud pattern recommendations. Yamaha does not recommend track studding. ESU00131* DRIVING WARNING Be sure to read “SAFETY INFORMATION”…

  • Page 40: Stopping The Engine

    • Be sure to move the shift lever to forward or reverse until it stops completely while the engine is idling. • Low range must not be used for speeds exceeding 50 km/h (30 mph). • Be sure the area behind is clear before reversing. Watch behind.

  • Page 41: Transporting

    ESU00138 TRANSPORTING When transporting your machine on a trailer or in a truck, observe the following recommendations to help protect your machine from damage: • Make sure the fuel level in the fuel tank is lower than the carburetors. Otherwise, the vibration and bumps from the road surface could make it possible for fuel to flow through the carburetor into the crankcase.

  • Page 42: Periodic Maintenance

    Manual starter damage. ✽ Replace if necessary. Check operation Engine stop switch ✽ Repair if necessary. Throttle override Check operation. 5-2, 6-3 system ✽ Repair if necessary. ✽ It is recommended that these items be serviced by a Yamaha dealer.

  • Page 43
    Steering system ✽ Adjust toe-out if necessary. Check operation. 6-6, 8-23 Lights Replace bulbs if necessary. ✽ It is recommended that these items be serviced by a Yamaha dealer. ✽✽ Apply “initial 1 month or 400 km (250 mi, 20 hr)”…
  • Page 44
    Throttle cable end Replace if necessary. Make sure the shroud Shroud latches latches are hooked. Check tightness. Fittings/Fasteners ✽ Repair if necessary. Service tools/Spare Check proper placement. parts ✽ It is recommended that these items be serviced by a Yamaha dealer.
  • Page 45: Tool Kit

    846-006 NOTE: If you do not have a torque wrench available during a service operation requiring one, take your machine to a Yamaha dealer to check the torque settings and adjust them if necessary. ESU00144 SPARK PLUG INSPECTION The spark plug is an important engine component and is easy to inspect.

  • Page 46: Engine Idle Speed Adjustment

    Spark plug torque: 20 Nm (2.0 m·kg, 14 ft·lb) ESU00146 ENGINE IDLE SPEED ADJUSTMENT CAUTION : • • • • • Be sure this adjustment is serviced by a Yamaha dealer. • • • • • Be sure the throttle lever moves smoothly. 804-018 1.

  • Page 47: Throttle Cable Adjustment

    ESU00147 THROTTLE CABLE ADJUSTMENT CAUTION : Be sure the engine idle speed is adjusted first. 1. Loosen the adjuster locknut. 816-017 2. Turn the adjuster in or out until proper throttle lever free play is achieved. Throttle lever free play 1: 1.0 ~ 2.0 mm (0.04 ~ 0.08 in) 2 Locknut 3 Adjuster…

  • Page 48: Carburetor Adjustment

    ESU00152 CARBURETOR ADJUSTMENT CAUTION : • • • • • Be sure this adjustment is serviced by a Yamaha dealer. • • • • • Be sure the carburetor silencer is installed during running to prevent engine damage. Under some operating conditions the carburator setting may have to be changed due to air temperature changes, elevation changes, use of alcohol oxygenated fuels, etc.

  • Page 49
    Main Jet Replacement Replace the main jet according to the setting chart which is available at an authorized Yamaha dealer. WARNING • • • • • Never remove the drain plug or the float chamber while the engine is hot.
  • Page 50: High Altitude Adjustments

    If you plan to operate your snowmobile at an altitude different from the area where you bought your machine, be sure to consult your Yamaha dealer. He can tell you if there are any changes necessary for the altitude where you plan to ride.

  • Page 51: Fan Belt

    (11 lb)} of force at the center of belt. 1 Deflection 2 50 N {5 kg (11 lb)} 805-072 Standard belt deflection: 8 mm (0.31 in)/50 N {5 kg (11 lb)} If the deflection exceeds the specification, consult a Yamaha dealer. 8-10…

  • Page 52: Drive V-Belt Replacement

    The machine may move unexpectedly when the engine is started. • The spacer adjustment of the secondary sheave should be serviced by a Yamaha dealer. Serious injury can occur from sudden release of spring tension during sheave disassembly. 805-030…

  • Page 53
    NOTE: Apply the parking brake before replacement. 1. Remove the drive V-belt guard. 2. Rotate the secondary sliding sheave clockwise 1 and push 2 it so that it separates from the fixed sheave. 805-002 3. Pull 3 the belt up over the secondary fixed sheave. 4.
  • Page 54: Drive Chain Housing

    ESU00167 DRIVE CHAIN HOUSING Oil Replenishing 1. Check the oil level by removing the level bolt and filler cap. Oil flowing from level bolt hole Oil level 807-012 Slight flow CORRECT No flow Insufficient 1 Level bolt 2 Filler cap 2.

  • Page 55: Brake/Parking Brake

    ESU00176 BRAKE/PARKING BRAKE Checking Pad Wear Check pad wear by measuring the thickness of the brake pad. If the pad reaches the wear limit, consult a Yamaha dealer for replacement. 818-028 Wear limit 1: 9.5 mm (0.37 in) Adjustment This machine has a self-adjusting brake caliper. No adjust- ment is necessary under normal conditions.

  • Page 56: Suspension

    WARNING Be sure this adjustment is serviced by a Yamaha dealer. Spring Preload The spring preload can be adjusted by turning the adjuster…

  • Page 57
    Extension Spring Preload Adjust the spring preload by turning the adjuster 1. Adjuster Turn in Turn out Preload Harder Softer Snow condition Soft 820-049 2 Standard length 16 mm (0.63 in) CAUTION : Be sure the left and right spring preload is same. 8-16…
  • Page 58: Full Rate Adjuster

    The total suspension spring rate and damping character- istics can be adjusted by changing the installed position of the shock-absorber assembly. WARNING Be sure this adjustment is made by a Yamaha dealer. Installation position Spring rate and damping Hard Medium…

  • Page 59: Track Adjustment

    ESU000199 TRACK ADJUSTMENT WARNING A broken track, track fittings, or debris thrown by the track could be dangerous to an operator or bystanders. Observe the following precautions: • Do not allow anyone to stand behind the machine when the engine is running. •…

  • Page 60
    35 ~ 45 mm (1.38 ~ 1.77 in)/100 N {10 kg (22 lb)} 820-003 3. If the deflection is incorrect, adjust the track. Track Adjustment WARNING • Be sure this adjustment is made by a Yamaha dealer. • Support the machine securely on a suitable stand before working underneath the machine. •…
  • Page 61: Ski Alignment

    2. Check the following for ski alignment. 1) Ski is facing forward. 2) Ski toe-out (1 – 2) is within specification. Ski toe-out (1 – 2): 0 ~ 15 mm (0 ~ 0.6 in) 819-001 3. If alignment is not correct, consult a Yamaha dealer. 8-20…

  • Page 62: Handlebar Adjustment

    ESU00201 HANDLEBAR ADJUSTMENT 1. Remove the handlebar cover 1. 2. Loosen the handlebar bolts. Move the handlebar assembly up or down to adjust the handlebar height to the desired position. 3. Tighten the handlebar bolts and install the handlebar 845-026 cover.

  • Page 63: Lubrication

    ESU00204 LUBRICATION Lubricate the following points. Lubricant: Low-temperature grease 1 Brake/Throttle cable ends 818-026 2 Front suspension 3 Rear suspension WARNING Apply a dab of grease to the cable end only. Do not grease the brake/throttle cables themselves because they could become frozen, which could cause loss of control.

  • Page 64: Headlight

    ESU00211 HEADLIGHT Bulb Replacement 1. Lift up the shroud. 2. Disconnect the lead coupler. 3. Remove the socket cover and bulb set spring. 832-009 1 Socket cover 4. Remove the bulb. WARNING Keep flammable products or your hands away from the hot bulb until it cools down.

  • Page 65: Battery

    ESU00213 BATTERY Replenishing the battery fluid 1. Check the fluid level. The level should be between the upper and lower level marks. 1 “UPPER LEVEL” 830-002 2 “LOWER LEVEL” 2. Add only distilled water if necessary. CAUTION : Normal tap water contains minerals which are harmful to a battery;…

  • Page 66: Fuse Replacement

    Be sure the main switch is turned off to prevent accidental short circuiting. 1. Lift up the shroud. 2. Replace the blown fuse with one of proper amperage. 835-003 NOTE: If the fuse immediately blows again, consult Yamaha dealer. Fuse type: 10 A 8-25…

  • Page 67: Troubleshooting

    The T.O.R.S. is an important safety fires device; in the case of a malfunction, 1. Faulty spark plug(s) … Replace take the machine to a Yamaha dealer spark plug(s). immediately for repair. 2. Fuel system clogged … See A.1. above.

  • Page 68
    F. Machine does not move 1. Clutch malfunction … Consult dealer. 2. Drive track does not move … foreign object is caught in track, or slide runner has melted to track metal due to lack of lubrication. 3. Drive chain too tight, too loose, or broken …
  • Page 69: Storage

    5. Protection 2. Lubrication Apply a coat of wax, such as Yamaha Lubricate moving parts, suspension link- Silicone Wax, to painted surfaces. Spray age and pivot points. Use the grease or…

  • Page 70
    Periodic Maintenance chart. For peak performance, it is recommended that you have your machine checked and tuned by your Yamaha dealer. He has the experience and training to help you get the maximum performance and use from your Yamaha.
  • Page 71: Specifications

    ESU00228 SPECIFICATIONS ESU00229 DIMENSIONS VK540E Overall length 3120 mm (122.8 in) Overall width 1130 mm ( 44.5 in) Overall height 1350 mm ( 53.1 in) Dry weight 291 kg ( 642 lb) Ski tread 960 mm ( 37.8 in) ESU00230 ENGINE VK540E Type…

  • Page 72: Electric

    VK540E Transmission: Type Automatic centrifugal engagement, infinitely variable 3.8:1 ~ 0.95:1 Sheave distance Approx. 268.5 mm (10.57 in) Sheave offset Approx. 16 mm (0.63 in) ✽ Engagement speed Approx. 2600 r/min ✽ Shift speed Approx. 6700 r/min Drive chain Triple roller chain enclosed in oil bath 39/17 (2.29), Low: (28/22 ×…

  • Page 73: Wiring Diagram

    ESU00233 WIRING DIAGRAM 1 Back buzzer COLOR CODE 2 Speedometer light B ….Black 3 Tachometer light (option) Br ….Brown 4 Tachometer (option) Ch ….. Chocolate 5 Gear position switch G ….Green 6 Thumb warmer L ….Blue 7 Grip warmer O ….

  • Page 74
  • Page 76

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